vegetablegarden images

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🫑Capsicum & Chilli harvest🌶 ➡️Seed saving, freezing and cooking ➡️Replacing with cabbage, broccolli, kale & bok choy🥬 🫑Most are Californian Wonder capsicums. They are taking too long to change colour so I have taken them out. Especially since my brassica seedlings are needing to place to go now. Nothing wrong with green capsicums:) One of our favourite way to eat it is a making a stirfry with egg, only need some soy sauce as the capsicum and egg provide all the flavour😋 🌶These spicy chilli plants are from a local Korean grocery store, always super productive, have saved some seeds from the ripe ones for planting next spring. Just squeeze out the seeds (wear gloves!) and air dry for a few weeks until dry then store in airtight container. Extra chillis store well in the freezer for a long time. 🥬To get the @birdiesgardenproductsnz bed ready for the winter crops, I have added extra @Tuigardenandhome compost with sheep pellets and a balanced organic fertiliser, mix in gently with the existing soil. The blackbirds always dig up my new seedlings so we have been putting in some bird netting🤞 🌱The seedlings are grown from seeds 1 month ago, including Cabbage Red Express, Broccoli Tasty Stem, Kale Westerland, Pak Choi Green Ace and Red Totem. (Scroll to last photo) (I am not overwintering these pepper plants as I don't have space for it and these plants were not too healthy due to frost damage last spring. Will plant new seedlings from seed in Spring🫑🌶) #myprideofplace #capsicum #bellpepper #chilli #pepper #cabbage #kale #pakchoi #broccoli #gardening #gardeningnz #homegrown #gardentips #growingfood #garden #organic #organicgardening #fruitsandveges #veges #fruits #backyardgarden #vegetablegarden #kitchengarden #growyourown #urbangarden #auckland #newzealand

4/30/2024, 7:24:27 AM

Doors opening soon, Nektarios and the girls are busy and the veggie garden is coming along nicely. #ithaca #ithaki #homegrown #ithacarestaurants #opening #vegetablegarden #farmtofork #myrtiaithaca

4/30/2024, 7:20:37 AM

Elevate Mom’s Gardening game with Vegepod this Mother’s Day! 🌸 Limited time only! Shop for Vegepod USA at: Shop for Vegepod CA at: #Vegepod #vegepodnorthamerica #GrowYourFood #HomeGrownAndHappy #GardeningGlory #ProudPodFarmer #HarvestTime #VegetableGarden #Vegetables #EdibleGarden #VeggieGarden #BackyardGarden #GrowWhatYouEat #Veggies #MyGarden

4/30/2024, 7:15:45 AM

More seed processing finished and back in stock for the following: Chilli Shishito Chilli Ancho Poblano Chilli Big Jim Capsicum Super Shepherd Zucchini Costata Romanesco plus many other new and favourites up. new Chillies and Capsicum include: Capsicum Ozark Giant Capsicum King Crimson Capsicum Ajvarski (up soon) Capsicum Sweet Paprika Chilli Kalugeritsa Chilli Hungarian Black Chilli Nadapeno (Jalapeno with no heat) Yes I am a Pepper addict! Hope your autumn harvests are in swing. The Broccoli and Cauliflower are in abundance in my garden Dave

4/30/2024, 7:10:16 AM

Another batch for the dehydrator today…slowly pulling up the tomato vines and getting winter bed prep well underway. Fires🔥 are going all day now as night time temperatures head downwards. It’s another month until it’s officially winter but it already feels like it with dull grey days and heavy morning dews. I think I know why bears like to hibernate during this time! But I’ve sown all our crosses to grow out over winter so I can evaluate them for selection next season. Some positives there at least over winter! . . . #winteriscoming #seasonschange #greydays #seasons #heirloomtomatoes #morningtonpeninsula #gardentoplate #vegetablegarden #potager #eattherainbow #mpproduce #preserving #notill #biodiversity #landrace #tomatoes #farmlife #smallscalefarming

4/30/2024, 7:03:36 AM

Wczoraj zobaczyłam jak ładnie skiełkowała moja marchewka i pomyślałam, że warto przypomnieć trochę tipów nt jej uprawy 😀 Jeśli chcecie, by korzenie rosły ładne i proste, nie siejcie marchewki na świeżo nawożonej grządce albo na miejscu po fasoli, grochu czy bobie (wzbogacają glebę o azot). Lepiej wybrać podłoże lekkie, przepuszczalne, ale jeśli takiego nie macie, wystarczy przy siewie do rządka podsypać trochę piasku, dzięki któremu korzonki łatwiej przebiją się wgłąb ziemi. Pilnujcie wilgotności podłoża. Nie siejcie zbyt gęsto, a jak już do tego dojdzie, koniecznie przerywajcie zbyt gęste wschody. Im ciaśniej na grządce, tym więcej drobnych, rozwidlonych marchewek, które trudno obrać 😁 2-3 cm odstępu pomiędzy roślinami to konieczność. I jeszcze jedno - siejcie odmiany wczesne i późne, pierwsze zjadajcie w lecie, a drugie będą lepsze do przechowywania :) Ciekawe czy jest w Polsce jakiś warzywnik, gdzie nie ma marchewki? To chyba warzywo „must have”, nie? Jakie macie doświadczenia z uprawą marchewki? #growyourownfood🌱 #gardeningtips #homegrownfood #urbangardening #warzywnik #ogródwarzywny #warzywazogródka #miejskiogrodnik #zogrodunatalerz #wyhodujizjedz #homegrownveggies #growyourownveggies #growyourownvegetables #veggies #veggiepatch #veggiegarden #vegetables #vegetablepatch #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #backyardgarden #backyardgardening #backyardveggiegarden #backyardveggiepatch #kitchengarden #ediblegaryden

4/30/2024, 6:58:29 AM

Every angle you look at is art in the garden.

4/30/2024, 6:55:56 AM

Bee初めての挑戦❣️ Beeは今日、初めてのお留守番に挑戦しました。いや、させられましたが正しい... 今まで離れたことがなかったんですが、いざという時のためお留守番できるように挑戦です。 私にベッタリのBeeにお留守番は過酷。 下手したら分離不安症になったりするかもということで、ちょっとずつ慣らしていくことが大事だと教えてもらいました。 不穏症状やかまって合図の悪戯を始めたら声掛けできるようにモニターも設置しました。 Beeを追跡したり、Beeの鳴き声も聞こえたり、こっちから呼びかけもできる優れものです。 映像も明るくハッキリと見えます。 今日はバイバイと言ってから1時間弱⏰ バイバイしたあとすぐは鳴いたけど、すぐに泣き止んで玄関で忠犬ハチ公並みに待機。 途中、cocoがやってきてBeeが追跡してたんで声掛けしました。 Beeに悪気はなくついて歩くだけなのですが、cocoはついてこられたら逃げるんで一言忠告。 私の声にどこどこ?と姿を探してましたが、またまた忠犬ハチ公。 悪戯もせずまずは成功‼️ 今は疲れたのか私の靴下を抱いて気持ちよさそうにリラックスして眠っています。 慣れていくと、私がいなくてもお昼寝したりソファーでくつろいだりできるといいな。 ママも頑張るからBeeも頑張ってね。 モニター見ながら胸が苦しくなって私の方が心折れそうになります。 でも、しっかりと躾や訓練することでお互いに住みやすい環境になり、信頼していい関係で過ごしていけるんだと信じて挑戦していきます。 Bee、今日はご苦労様でした。 一緒にいられる時は思いっきり甘えてきていいよ💕 私もよく辛抱した💦 #ファミリー #家族 #田舎暮らし #わんちゃん #徳島 #畑 #ガーデニング #自然 #チワックス #家庭菜園 #畑時間 #木頭 #ドライフラワー #ネイル #かぎ針編み #vegetablegarden #果樹 #メダカ #熱帯魚 #ベタ #息子

4/30/2024, 6:55:06 AM

Investing in fertile farmland offers long-term growth, food security, and sustainable income. It's a timeless asset with rising demand, providing a stable foundation for a prosperous future. Opportunity awaits in agriculture. #FarmlandInvestment 🌱" #farmland #farm #investor #investors #land #landbuyers #reel #agriculture #farmlife #vegetablegarden #investmentproperty #inovation #investmentproperty #fruitfarming #dairyfarm #sheepfarming #peaceofmind #cowfarming

4/30/2024, 6:51:14 AM

PFLANZENTAUSCH Pack deine Pflanzen, Setzlinge, Saatgut und Ableger ein, beschrifte alles und bring sie mit zur Pflanzentauschbörse! Tausch gegen andere Nutzpflanzen, Blumen Zier- oder Zimmerpflanzen - alles was dich glücklich macht! Hier bekommst du evtl. Tipps von anderen Greenies oder machst einfach einen kleinen Grünschnack. Los geht's am Sonntag den 5. Mai ab 12 Uhr auf dem Neumarkt in Ruhrort. #tauschbörse #pflanzentausch #hafenkräuter #ruhrort #urbangardening #urbanzero #comunitygarden #duisburg #nachbarschaft #erde #nachhaltigkeit #gemüsegarten #hochbeet #umsonstunddraussen #wildkäuter #vegetablegarden #gemeinschaftsgarten #growsomethinggreen #hochbeetliebe #lebensqualität #mikroklima #diversity #pollinators #ruhrortentwicklung #stadtteilentwicklung #neumarkt #stadtteilwandel @kreativquartier_ruhrort @urban_zero_ruhrort Foto: Löwenmäulchen + Natternkopf @marensbuntewelt

4/30/2024, 6:45:05 AM

Finally, it was a beautiful day yesterday! I managed to get all the weeding done, planted out the rest of the veggies, sowed some seeds, planted more nasturtiums, sorted the polytunnel, strimmed and mowed. A job well done! 🙌 👩‍🌾 I did notice that compared to last year, a lot is behind. Seedlings are not growing, and some just haven't appeared at all. It's just been too cold. Fingers crossed all will be ok. 🥶 #Allotment #Suffolk #MyAllotment #SuffolkCoast #AllotmentLife #AllotmentLove #HomeGrown #Gardening #GrowYourOwnFood #AllotmentUk #Growwithgyo #NoDig #AllotmentsOfInstagram #SuffolkAllotment #Allotmenteer #NoDigAllotment #VegetableGarden #AllotmentGarden #SuffolkAllotments

4/30/2024, 6:42:54 AM

. SAVOYKÅL 🥬 Savoykål hører normalt til de lidt grovere kål typer - men den hollandske Bloememdaalsee Gelé er en undtagelse. Det er en savoykål med et lidt spidst hoved og bløde blade, og så er kålen lyseende grønt - virkelig smuk🥬💚. Det gør Bloememdaalsee gelé lidt mere anvendelig i køkkenet, hvor den kan bruges i alt fra salater til kåldolmer. Dyrker du savoykål i din have❓Og hvordan anvender du mon denne lækre kål i køkkenet ❓ . . . . . #kål #savoykål #kålbazaren #kaalbazaren #kålpassion #kåldame #kålkø #bloememdaalseegele #selvforsyning #självhushållning #køkkenhave #køkkenhaven #urtehave #garden #vegetablegarden #økologiskhave #økologisk #hjemmedyrket #vegatablegarden #vegetables #growingvegetables #selbstversorger #nodig #raisedbedgarden #højbed #nyttehave

4/30/2024, 6:41:09 AM

Takiego wejścia do warzywnika oczekuje też w tym sezonie. Fasola tyczna zielona i żółta już wysiana. Wczoraj cały dzień sadziłam, siałam, pikowałam. Nareszcie udalo mi się przesadzić pimidory do większych doniczek. Mają jeszcze trzy tygodnie na zbudowanie pieknych korzeni, choć same są dość dziwne. Gruba łodyga, ale im wyżej, tym gorzej. W ciagu jednego dnia wyciągnęły się jak guma do żucia. Anemia w pełnej krasie. Mam nadzieje, ze wzmocnia sie do momentu wysadzania do szklarni. Wysialam ogorki, dynie, cukinie, melona, arbuza. Fasolki szparagowe. Rzeczona już tyczną oraz karłową. Oczywiście wszystko to w wielodoniczkach. Dzisiaj przesadzac będę do większych doniczek papryki i bakłażany Jak tam u Was, praca wre ? . #odnasionka #wlasnerozsady #wlasnejedzenie #ogrodwarzywny #ogrodkuchenny #uprawiambezchemii #uprawyekologiczne #warzywa #wlasnewarzywa #ogrodmiejski #miejskaogrodniczka #malyogrod #malyogrodwarzywny #bezkopania #uprawiajtocojesz #uprawybezchemii #wyhodujizjedz #uprawiamwlasnejedzenie #swiezewarzywa #warzywaprostozgrzadki #thehappygardeninglife #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #homegrown #organicgardening #warzywazogrodu #ogrodzwarzywami #hodujmyjedzenie

4/30/2024, 6:38:54 AM

किसानों की खुशियां, पैदावार और आमदनी, भूरक्षक खाद के इस्तेमाल से होगी दुगनी || ●100% जैविक खाद ●मिटटी की सरंचना में सुधार करे ●मिटटी की पानी रोकने की क्षमता बढ़ाये ●जिसे मृदा अपरदन हो कम ●सूक्ष्म जीवों की गतिविधियों में वृद्धि करे आज ही ऑर्डर करें👇 📞+91 8271699303 🌍 #agriculture #agricultural #fertilizer #fertilizers #vegetable #vegetablegarden #Organicfertilizer #fertilizerindustry

4/30/2024, 6:30:18 AM

First bell pepper and 10 more jalapeños today.

4/30/2024, 5:38:44 AM

Who can relate?💗 - 📸 Source: @ kia_urbangardener on TikTok (Dm for credit or removal / All rights® are reserved & belong to their respective owners) - 👉𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖙 𝖔𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖒𝖞 𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖊🛍️ - - - - #farmfresh #urbangardening #farmers #urbanfarming #vegetablegarden #gardenlove #instagardenlovers #homesteading #macrogardener #garden_explorers #backyardgarden #gardeninspiration #farmgirl #gardeningday #farmersofinstagram #iamamodernfarmer #homesteadinglife #gardeninggoals #modernfarmer #futurefarmer #urbangardens #communitysupportedagriculture #wintergardens #gardeningtherapy #gardeningislife #gardeningtools

4/30/2024, 5:15:53 AM

Bald geht die wöchentliche Salat Ernte wieder los. Alle 1-2 Wochen wird neuer Salat ausgesät. Folgende Sorten baue ich an: Salat Lollo Rossa Salat Lollo Bionada Salat Attraction Salat Tarengo Salat Saladin Welche Sorten baut ihr an? #garten #gemüsegarten #selbstversorger #hobbygärtner #gärtnern #gärtner #gemüseanbau #selbstversorgergarten #gemüsebeet #meinschönergarten #gartenlust #gemüse #gartensaison2024 #hobby #gartenliebe #portawestfalica #matthiasgemuesegarten #selbstversorgergarten #biogarten #naturgarten #gardening #mygarden #vegetablegarden #veggies #nutzgarten #bauerngarten #salat #salatanbau #pflanzen #beet #lollorosso

4/30/2024, 5:10:09 AM

【 Vegetable garden ③/③ 】 🌱🌱🌱🌱4/30★2024🌱🌱🌱🌱 こんにちは~🖐️😊すみません連投してます! 残念な事があっても😭 良い事もあります!😃 ゴーヤとかぼちゃが発芽してくれました🎉🎵 まだ1つづつだけど、嬉しかったです! 本当だったらもっとテンション上がってるはずですが、、、。トマト苗が、、、。心配で心配で、、、 +ルッコラも収穫 そして モロッコいんげん 昨年の収穫種を芽出ししてみます💪😊 (´Д`)ハァ…心配心配。🍅 もう居ても立っても居られないので、 お昼食べてまた畑にいきます!!! 皆さま良い1日を😊👍 では 沢山見てくれてありがとうございました🙏! これにて失礼します❤️ 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 #vegetablegarden #kitchengarden #homegrownvegetables #homegrown #vegetable #harvest #가정채원 #家庭菜園記録 #家庭菜園 #畑のパトロール #畑のある暮らし #自家製野菜 #野菜 #家庭菜園好きな人と繋がりたい #農作業好きな人と繋がりたい #農業好きな人と繋がりたい #野菜作りが好きな人と繋がりたい #収穫 #癒し #日々の記録

4/30/2024, 4:56:38 AM

【 Vegetable garden ②/③ 】 🌱🌱🌱🌱4/30★2024🌱🌱🌱🌱 こんにちは~☔🌧☁🌂連投です。 ①②③④⑤今日のスナップエンドウ ①枚目は60個(へなちょこのも収穫😂) その後また5個収穫しました🎵 ぷっくらして歯ごたえも抜群! 本当に美味しいですw(自画自賛 w) ⑥⑦キャベツ 最後のキャベツ収穫 もう少し大きくしたかったけど、緑色の虫のフンがた~くさんあったので収穫しちゃいました! ⑧⑨葱 5本植え替えました!その他は食べる用! ⑩きゅうり苗🥒 フォロワーさんに教えていただき ネットの張り方変更🎵(ありがとうございます😊) 不織布にしてしまったけど、大丈夫かな!? しかも張り方下手くそ😂💦 とにかく苗は無事でよかったです! 今日はもう1回連投します。 すみません。🙏 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 #vegetablegarden #kitchengarden #homegrownvegetables #homegrown #vegetable #harvest #가정채원 #家庭菜園記録 #家庭菜園 #畑のパトロール #畑のある暮らし #自家製野菜 #野菜 #家庭菜園好きな人と繋がりたい #農作業好きな人と繋がりたい #農業好きな人と繋がりたい #野菜作りが好きな人と繋がりたい #収穫 #癒し #日々の記録

4/30/2024, 4:45:13 AM

こんにちは。今日は小雨が降っています。 気温は20℃です。 ①イチゴ🍓の収穫が始まりました。上がカレンベリーで、下が桃薫です。6月中旬までが収穫期です。完熟なので、香りも甘さも最高です。 ②エンドウ豆の収穫もしました。 ③のらぼう菜(菜花)の収穫もしました。 ④グラウンドペチカ(デストロイヤー)の花が咲きました。 ⑤メロンパンナ🍈を植え付けました。 1本仕立てで、プランター栽培です。 温室に入れてます。いつも失敗ばかりです。 ⑥イエローズッキーニの雌花ができてきました。 ⑦小玉スイカ🍉の摘芯をしました。 #家庭菜園#野菜#イチゴ#桃薫#カレンベリー#グラウンドペチカ#デストロイヤー#ジャガイモ#メロンパンナ#メロン#メロン栽培#イエローズッキーニ#小玉スイカ #yellowzucchini #strawberries #potatoes #watermelon #melon #vegetablegarden #vegetables#自家製野菜

4/30/2024, 4:38:56 AM

Autumn Giant Leek - An autumn to early winter variety with dark green leaves and the longest, super straight, white stems. This is ideal for growing closely packed as a mini leek, or left to reach full size. #vegetablegarden #gardening #growyourownfood #garden #growyourown #vegetables #homegrown #organicgardening #kitchengarden #gardenlife #ediblegarden #organic #veggiegarden #urbangarden #backyardgarden #vegetablegardening #allotment #gardener #gardenersofinstagram #urbangardening #greenthumb #growwhatyoueat #nature #veggies #plants #zone #allotmentlife #mygarden #harvest #organicgarden

4/30/2024, 4:35:19 AM

うちの子たちのおやつ生産。 レモングラント🍋 昨年は🦋に食べ尽くされ収穫0、今年もいるねえ😅しばらくしたら柚子に移住していただこう。 アジサイ ニンジン 薔薇 しっとり雨の庭を眺めながら軒下の作業も楽しい。 幸せ💕 #家庭菜園 #文鳥のおやつ #文鳥専科 #文鳥 #vegetablegarden

4/30/2024, 4:32:39 AM

【 Vegetable garden ①/③ 】 🌱🌱🌱🌱4/30★2024🌱🌱🌱🌱 こんにちは~☔🌧☁🌂 いきなりですが 大大大ショックです😭❗もう立ち直れない。。。 種からチームのトマト苗達が みんなしおれてしまいました😭😭😭⤵ はぁ〜(´Д`)ハァ…ショック❗ そうよね 私だってこの寒暖差や天候の良し悪しでぐったりする時あるんだもの。 苗だってそうなるよね。 新しく芽が出てきてくれたけど、 新しい芽は計3つ🌱🌱🌱 ホームセンターでトマト苗買うか迷います。 調べたら「まだ諦めないで」とか書いてあったけど 今はまだ途方に暮れています😭 ①②③④⑤種からトマトの苗チーム🍅🌱😭 ⑥小玉スイカ🍉😭これまたショック❗(´Д`)ハァ… ⑦⑧サニーレタス🥬ダンゴムシに木酢かけまくってやった👊 ⑨サラダ春菊のお花💛 ⑩菜園仲間から頂いたお花💜 ②/③に続く・・・・・ 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 #vegetablegarden #kitchengarden #homegrownvegetables #homegrown #vegetable #harvest #가정채원 #家庭菜園記録 #家庭菜園 #畑のパトロール #畑のある暮らし #自家製野菜 #野菜 #家庭菜園好きな人と繋がりたい #農作業好きな人と繋がりたい #農業好きな人と繋がりたい #野菜作りが好きな人と繋がりたい #収穫 #癒し #日々の記録

4/30/2024, 4:17:19 AM

The light outside was beautiful this evening before sunset. I think we got at least two inches of rain. Maybe I need to get out more, but I'm absolutely fascinated by the garden this spring. It is amazing to cut salad greens, and days later, there is complete regrowth. Black Seeded Simpson and Merveille de Quatre Saisons are delicious and easy to grow leaf lettuces! Parris Island Cos is a romaine variety I'm growing. The leaves are crisp and flavorful. Lots of kale now, and baby collards. Sage, chives, mint, and catnip are ready, as well. Cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli, and kohlrabi aren't far behind! Rosie (aka Mama Cat) on her way to check the catnip patch. Thankful for this garden, for the joy and nourishment it provides. #vegetablegarden #springgarden #raisedbedgarden #smallspacegarden #squarefootgarden #countrygarden #homesteadgarden #kitchengarden #freshsaladgreens #heirloomlettuce #heirloomvegetables #herbgarden #countryliving

4/30/2024, 4:13:10 AM

#비빔국수,#새싹비빔국수,#혼밥,#삶은계란,#봄,#홈쿡,#건강스타그램,#텃밭,#채소,#솎아주기,#맛있다그램,#맛스타그램,#먹스타그램, #foodie, #foodstagram, #spicynoodles, #sprout, #vegetablegarden, #vegetables, #healthfood, #yummyfood, #koreanfood, #photooftheday, #happytuesday, #cheerup, #korea,#감사,#행복,#힘내자대한민국,#자아도취 초록초록 꿀모닝😚🥰😋 상추, 아욱, 얼갈이, 쑥갓, 샐러리, 열무, 깻잎씨 파종 43일차 촘촘히 씨를 뿌려준 텃밭 4년차 왕초보 도심농부는 매일매일 넘넘 귀욤 사랑스러운 아가새싹들을 사알살 곱게곱게 솎아내 주는 중😆😝😁 그래야 남은 새싹들이 더 쑥쑥 잘 큰다 덕분에 귀하고 꿀맛나는 어린잎 새싹모듬을 요기조기 쏘오옥 쏘옥 넣어 감사히 얌냠냠🧡 앤드 이쁜 친구들과 나누어 얌냠냠❤ 아오옹!!!😆😋😚 행복행""🥬🫑🥕🌶🥒🥦🌱💚 자칭 이쁜 내가 만들어 나가는 소중하고 감사한 매일매일의 오늘은 완전 감사 무한대 꿀행복 뿜뿜뽕이다!^^🏵🌼🌸💗💛💌

4/30/2024, 4:01:41 AM

Deixe seu like💚 e Não esqueça de compartilhar com algum amigo😘 Siga a página @horta_organica._ 👈 E se você gostou do post e quer aprender a cultivar qualquer planta em casa, recomendamos o curso "Horta orgânica em casa". Tenha um passo a passo Completo, Simples e Eficaz para você começar a cultivar na sua propria casa, mesmo que você não tenha muito espaço disponível. . Para mais informações acesse o link do nosso perfil @horta_organica._ 👈 . . . . #alimentossaudaveis #organicos #jardim #hortadoméstica #horta #hortavertical #composteira #hortaemgarrafapet #compostagem #hortaurbana #adubo #vegetablegarden #plantaremcasa

4/30/2024, 3:55:01 AM

Deixe seu like se gostou e também comente para continuar recebendo mais conteúdo. Não esqueça de compartilhar com algum amigo😘 Siga a página @horta.caseira_ 👈 E se você gostou do post e quer aprender a cultivar qualquer planta em casa, recomendamos o curso "Horta orgânica em casa". Tenha um passo a passo Completo, Simples e Eficaz para você começar a cultivar na sua propria casa, mesmo que você não tenha muito espaço disponível. . Para mais informações acesse o link do nosso perfil @horta.caseira_ 👈 . . . #alimentossaudaveis #organicos #jardim #hortadoméstica #horta #hortavertical #composteira #hortaemgarrafapet #compostagem #hortaurbana #adubo #vegetablegarden #plantaremcasa

4/30/2024, 3:55:01 AM

Added marigolds I grew from seed today! If there’s one flower to add to your gardens it’s marigolds. Nature’s best pest control! 🌼 = 🦋🐝 & 🚫🐌🪲🦟 Not only do they add visual appeal, but their strong scent helps mask the smell of veggies to keep crop loving pests away. They also deter mosquitoes, which is a HUGE bonus. On top of all that they attract beneficial pollinators. Good pollination is a must for max crop yield!

4/30/2024, 3:31:26 AM

I know that violas are not much of a benefit to pollinators (low pollen/nectar yield), but I still let them pop up in my garden wherever they want. They are an edible flower, and how can you can you say no to a face like that?

4/30/2024, 3:29:01 AM

2024.04.29 野菜の苗植え完了 🍆🍅🥒 #野菜栽培#家庭菜園#野菜 #vegetables #vegetablegarden#야채 #夏野菜

4/30/2024, 3:24:46 AM

When living on a mountain, gardening involves removing TONS of rocks! ⛰️ #garden #gardening #soapstone #homesteadinglife #homesteading #vegetablegarden #gardenplanning #buildingagarden #blueridgrmountains #mountainlife #veggarden

4/30/2024, 3:16:09 AM

Instructions for living a life : Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. - Mary Oliver.⁣ .⁣ Folks are often surprised to read our weekly fresh sheet and discover that although we are farmers, selling meat and eggs, I more often write about the state of the world and our role in it, how we can both love what is and joyfully rebel towards something better.⁣ .⁣ My background isn't in farming. My formal education is in the arts - Visual Art and English. And, I think, that my role as a painter, writer and lover of great lit has made me a better farmer. If I'd gone to agricultural school, I would have left with a specific perspective, a window through which to see the world, one that does not make space for beauty or poetry within the production of food. However, I have learned more from Mary Oliver and Wendell Berry about what it means to be a steward of the land than I would have in a thousand agricultural degrees.⁣ .⁣ Wonder, astonishment, attention and grace are the missing keys in our modern food system. And also love. Love for the place, the people who work it and love for ourselves. Knowing that we all deserve a world of beauty and grace and if we take the time to slow down, to notice - we may find we have more reason than we know to give thanks.⁣ .⁣ And so, with Oliver's commandment I go out into the world with my eyes open and my notebook in hand. This is my good and worthy life's work.⁣ .⁣ #maryoliver #maryoliverpoetry #maryoliverquotes #thegoodlife #lovewhatyoudo #womenwhofarm #intentionalliving #writerswrite#dowhatyoulove #organicgarden #livefullyalive #bedeeplyrooted #vegetablegarden #growsomethinggreen #lifelivedbeautifully

4/30/2024, 3:10:10 AM

Innovation is at the heart of Westar Seeds. This is why, as pioneers in seed technology, we are embracing cutting-edge research to develop varieties that thrive in diverse climates and conditions every day. Soon, we will launch a whole new range of varieties, including anchos, serranos, jalapeños and Anaheim hot peppers. Ask us for more information via DM if you are interested! Contact us via: 📲 DM, 📞 (760) 353-7333 or 📧 [email protected] #grownfromseed #vegetablegarden #seedlings #gardenlove #vegepatch #veggiepatch #homegarden #veggiegarden #vegetablegardening #farm #farming #farmlife #farmers #agtech #agriculture #agriculturelife #agriculturafamiliar #seeds #harvest #agriculture_global #agricultureworldwide #westarseeds #communitygarden #smallfarm #freshveggies

4/30/2024, 3:02:12 AM

At Westar Seeds, we believe that behind every seed, there is a story and behind every farm, there is a family. That's why our customer service goes above and beyond to ensure that every interaction with us is as enriching and productive as the seeds we deliver. We want our clients to feel valued, heard and supported during every interaction with us, building together a relationship that will last for years to come. We want you to join our growing family! Contact us via: 📲 DM, 📞 (760) 353-7333 or 📧 [email protected] #grownfromseed #vegetablegarden #seedlings #gardenlove #vegepatch #veggiepatch #homegarden #veggiegarden #vegetablegardening #farm #farming #farmlife #farmers #agtech #agriculture #agriculturelife #agriculturafamiliar #seeds #harvest #agriculture_global #agricultureworldwide #westarseeds #communitygarden #smallfarm #freshveggies

4/30/2024, 3:01:10 AM

At Westar Seeds, we're pioneers in seed development, dedicated to finding and breeding varieties perfectly adapted to your local conditions. Our innovative breeding techniques ensure that each of our melon varieties boasts superior quality, resilience, and flavor. We focus on delivering seeds that promise high yield and exceptional taste while looking great, like this perfectly round PERLA VERDE (WS-9248) melon. 🍈 Contact us via: 📲 DM, 📞 (760) 353-7333 or 📧 [email protected] #grownfromseed #vegetablegarden #seedlings #gardenlove #vegepatch #veggiepatch #homegarden #veggiegarden #vegetablegardening #farm #farming #farmlife #farmers #agtech #agriculture #agriculturelife #agriculturafamiliar #seeds #harvest #agriculture_global #agricultureworldwide #westarseeds #communitygarden #smallfarm #freshveggies #melon

4/30/2024, 3:00:20 AM

Potting up some of my turmeric 😍

4/30/2024, 2:56:07 AM

2024年4月30日火曜日 曇りのち晴れ 25℃ 17℃ ダイソーで買ったスターチースがもりっもりの花束になったのでドライフラワーにしてます🤗 わーい🙌🏻 去年の8月31日に種まきしました 9月として…8ヶ月… お疲れ様でした(>▽<)!! 来年はチューリップやるかスターチースやるかどうしよっかなー☺️💖 #家庭菜園 #家庭菜園プランター #家庭菜園好きな人と繋がりたい #プランター #プランター栽培 #プランター菜園 #種から育てる #野菜の種 #種 #ベランダ菜園 #ベランダガーデニング #ベランダ菜園初心者 #Kitchengarden #Plantercultivation #Planter #vegetablegarden #balcony #balconygarden #balconyplants #balconygardening #balconylife #夏野菜 #夏野菜栽培 #種 #ダイソー #DAISO #スターチース #ダイソーの種

4/30/2024, 2:47:59 AM

First time remembering to put up the bird netting so first time having a decent strawberry harvest 😍 🍓

4/30/2024, 2:28:53 AM

⁡ 🍅ミニトマトの植え付け ⁡ 昨今ミニトマト界隈がスゴいです どんどん新しい品種が出て 選ぶの悩みます ⁡ その中でも私の大定番! 『シュガープラム』甘くて美味しい✨ ⁡ 今年は娘家に行ってる間に 販売されてたみたいで 既に良い苗は残ってない💦 ⁡ 結局隣の県で綺麗なの見つけたわ ウチから隣県までは遠くないから ドライブがてらよく行くケド 野菜苗の品種が多い上に 地元県より遥かに安くてショック🥲 ⁡ 薄皮トマトの『プチぷよ』は 娘からのリクエスト ⁡ 気付いたら🍅ばかりで 🥜予定地に植える羽目に😐 ⁡ オクラは行きつけの種苗屋さんで購入 丸オクラと悩んでこっちに ⁡ #ミニトマト #トマト #シュガープラム #プチぷよ #シシリアンルージュ #オクラ #植え付け #野菜 #畑 #畑仕事 #市民農園 #家庭菜園 #無農薬栽培 #growfood #vegetables #vegetablegarden

4/30/2024, 2:25:48 AM

After several days of unseasonably cold weather, yesterday and today we switched to unseasonably hot temperatures -- almost 90F/32C today. Once the temperatures cooled down a little late afternoon, I worked on getting my @vego_garden raised beds ready for me to transplant the vegetable (tomato, eggplant, pepper, etc.) seedlings I started from seed indoors this winter in the coming days. Before that, I harvested the final batch of over-wintered vegetables (carrots, kale) that were still in two of those beds. Also this afternoon, Jose and I moved three of our tropical plants outdoors onto our front porch -- our calamansi (calamondin orange), another small citrus plant, and one of our Queen of the Night plants. #gardenprep #vegogarden #vegetablegarden #gaygardener

4/30/2024, 2:16:42 AM

Let’s Talk Succession Planting- 🍅 This planting season I did 3 tomato plants 3 weeks apart each to try and have a more sustainable stream of harvest time as opposed to one 3-5 week period of more tomatoes than I know what to do with! 🍅 Example: Plant one tomato plant, wait 3 weeks, plant, wait 3 weeks, plant. 🍅 Have you ever given this a try? Curious to see if it has positively impacted your pollination and yield? #harvest #tomatoes #vegetablegarden #gardens

4/30/2024, 2:16:18 AM

Early buying for BBG members: Friday May 10, 9-11 a.m. Not yet a member? Join now! Visit Hours for the general public: Friday May 10, 11-5 p.m., Saturday May 11, 9-4 p.m. Our 47th Annual Plants-and-Answers Plant Sale will be held on May 10 and 11. Curated by BBG’s horticulture staff, this year’s Plant Sale features hundreds of perennials, annuals and vegetables with a focus on diversity and nature-based landscaping, a trend toward gardens that are exuberant and alive, out of the uniform and into something comfortable, and welcoming to birds, bees and butterflies. As always, the popular “Ask Me” staff and volunteers will be on hand to provide expert advice. All proceeds from the Plant Sale support the Garden’s horticulture and education programs. This year’s sale carries on the tradition of supplying the very best robust plants for landscape and container gardens, along with a wide selection of organic vegetable and herb plants. Featured are a selection of plants that attract bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, moths, and other pollinators. Thank you to the following businesses who have donated to our Plant Sale: Andrews Greenhouse Broken Arrow Callanders Nursery & Landscape Campo de Fiori Garden Magic d/b/a Country Caretaker Glendale Monrovia The Plant Group Randall’s Farm Sixteen Acres Garden Center Ward’s Whalen Nursery Zema’s Nursery #visittheberkshires #gardeners #westernmass #botanicalbeauty #berkshiresma #VisittheBerkshires #berkshires #theberkshires #mothernature #hudsonvalley #stockbridgema #visitma #intheberkshires #greatbarringtonma #gardening #VisitStockbridgeMA #vegetablegarden #mothersday #spring #ecology #botanist #nativeplants #botany #conservation #plants #horticulture #mastergardener #flowers #beeconnection #floral

4/30/2024, 2:00:11 AM

I decided to net the #Mortmorencycherrytree by myself today and it was way harder than I thought it would be. 😂 I'll need ro adjust it a little better but I ran out of time to keep messing around with it today. A hummingbird was not happy with me doing this. #raisedbeds #vegetablegarden #cherrytree #cherries #fruittree #organic #powder #growfoodnotlawns #rosemary #lemonbalm

4/30/2024, 1:59:22 AM

W. O. W.

4/30/2024, 1:58:21 AM

Or to our website…

4/30/2024, 1:56:41 AM

Deixe seu like se gostou e também comente para continuar recebendo mais conteúdo. Não esqueça de compartilhar com algum amigo😘 Siga a página @horta.caseira_ 👈 E se você gostou do post e quer aprender a cultivar qualquer planta em casa, recomendamos o curso "Horta orgânica em casa". Tenha um passo a passo Completo, Simples e Eficaz para você começar a cultivar na sua propria casa, mesmo que você não tenha muito espaço disponível. . Para mais informações acesse o link do nosso perfil @horta.caseira_ 👈 . . . #alimentossaudaveis #organicos #jardim #hortadoméstica #horta #hortavertical #composteira #hortaemgarrafapet #compostagem #hortaurbana #adubo #vegetablegarden #plantaremcasa

4/30/2024, 1:55:04 AM

Deixe seu like💚 e Não esqueça de compartilhar com algum amigo😘 Siga a página @horta_organica._ 👈 E se você gostou do post e quer aprender a cultivar qualquer planta em casa, recomendamos o curso "Horta orgânica em casa". Tenha um passo a passo Completo, Simples e Eficaz para você começar a cultivar na sua propria casa, mesmo que você não tenha muito espaço disponível. . Para mais informações acesse o link do nosso perfil @horta_organica._ 👈 . . . . #alimentossaudaveis #organicos #jardim #hortadoméstica #horta #hortavertical #composteira #hortaemgarrafapet #compostagem #hortaurbana #adubo #vegetablegarden #plantaremcasa

4/30/2024, 1:55:04 AM

What’s everyone been planting!? What are you most excited to see taking shape in your gardens? 🌱 •Garden planner by @littlehomeschoolontheprairies for those looking to upgrade their garden organization•

4/30/2024, 1:51:42 AM

👉Antes de plantar nuevas semillas o trasplantar plántulas, puedes mezclar GUANO DE CABALLO 🐴con el suelo de la zona de plantación. Incorpora el guano de caballo en la capa superior del suelo y mezcla bien para asegurarte de que esté distribuido de manera uniforme. 🪴Para plantas que ya están establecidas en el jardín, puedes aplicar guano de caballo alrededor de la base de las plantas y luego cubrirlo ligeramente con una capa delgada de mulch orgánico para retener la humedad y evitar la evaporación de los nutrientes. 🙋También puedes hacer un té de compost con GUANO DE CABALLO y usarlo como fertilizante líquido para regar las plantas. 👇 🤓Para ello, coloca una cantidad adecuada de guano de caballo en un recipiente grande, llénalo de agua y deja reposar durante varios días 📅hasta que el agua se haya enriquecido con los nutrientes del guano. Luego, diluye el té de compost con agua y úsalo para regar las plantas. 🙋Encuentra guano de caballo en Humus Dorrego!! 🐴 . . . . . . . #insecticidanatural #humusdelombríz #insecticidasnaturales #huertaorganica #huertaencasa #huertourbano #huertas #jardinerosenmendoza #fertilizantenatural #fertilizantesnaturales #fertilizantesorganicos #growshop #canabis #growshopenmendoza #huertaenmaceta #huertaenmibalcon #hidroponia #hidroponiaenmendoza #limonerosenmendoza #limonerocuatroestaciones #cactusysuculentas #sustratoorganico #guanodecaballo #vegetablegarden #garden #organicgarden #naturalfertilizers #naturalinsecticides

4/30/2024, 1:49:13 AM

This is gonna be the last lettuce for a while! But it sure is pretty! Is your lettuce growing season coming to an end as well? #lettuce #neverstopgrowing #backyardgrocerystore #homegrown #growyourownfood #vegetablegarden #backyardgarden #organicgarden #homestead #sustainableliving

4/30/2024, 1:44:40 AM

Veggie Garden Spring 2024 Grew everything see from seeds except peppers. Every seed came up so we are plentiful! Cherokee purple, Pink Brandywine, Black Krim, Glacier Bush and Sun Sugars are the tomatoes this year. I started my Napa Cabbage, Russian Red Kale, Dinosaur Kale, and Leeks by seeds in January & February. Tomatoes started blooming this week. My Black Beauty and Japanese eggplant should be seen soon. @alaclay has Rose salad, French Breakfast, and Watermelon Radishes; Detroit & Guardsmark Chioggia Beets; carrots, and Turnips! All of the plants planted in OG cinder blocks came back! Blooming already! I switched the tomatoes spot from last year and they are really thriving! The oregano, lavender, rosemary, chives, basil, thyme, spearmint, parsley and dill are going strong! We bought the peppers but we wanted a bunch of different ones so they are already starting to bloom! Bone meal and blood meal are like my besties now😆 #veggiegarden #irondalegeowers #vegetablegarden #birminghamgarden #alabamagarden #tomatoes #cabbage #joesgardenbhm

4/30/2024, 1:29:53 AM

家を建てる前は「葭(ヨシ)」の保管庫。 家が完成したあとは、ヤギと鶏の家になる予定だった小屋。 夏場の暑さを抑制する目的で、ルーフトップガーデン用にモルタルも敷いてたけど、壊すことにしました。 なぜか? 強度計算不足でした。 早く解体して、庭をスッキリさせなきゃ。 現在、絶賛解体中。 ---------------------------------------- #小屋 #ルーフトップガーデン #ヤギ小屋 #鶏小屋 #土に還る家 #朽ちる野菜と腐る野菜 #土に触れる暮らし #農ある暮らし #持続可能な暮らし #レイズドベッド #キッチンガーデン #エディブルガーデン #食べられる庭 #百姓 #agriculture #sastinable #kitchengarden #ediblegarden #vegetablegarden #vegetable #zerowaste #ethical #reisedbed #natural #diversity #potagergarden

4/30/2024, 1:11:45 AM

新たな命の 準備が はじまる You can smell a refreshing good scent. #夏みかん #家庭菜園 #卯月 #japanesesummerorange #vegetablegarden #April

4/30/2024, 1:10:42 AM

I love chokoes! When I found a white choko, I was at a ridiculous level of excitement, but look at that pearly skin. And they look like fairy lights on the vine!! Now, some will tell you they’re tasteless, but I will forever disagree. I love them roasted. Also good lightly fried in butter with salt and pepper or in a good chilli. They can do almost anything, really, and are the surprising secret of many a great grandma’s best apple pie! #choko #growyourfood #growyourownfood #vegetablepatch #ilovevegetables #vegetablegarden #kitchengarden

4/30/2024, 1:05:46 AM

4月27日土曜日 曇りのち晴れ 23℃ 17℃ スイカとピーマンと種から育てたシリーズの植え付けをしました🤗 種から育てたトマトが植える場所なくて3個刻んで堆肥にして、残りは明日植えつけます🍅 それと支柱も設置しないとね そろそろイチゴ食べれるんじゃないかな🍓 それにしても秋冬野菜の集大成と、春野菜の収穫と夏野菜の準備の時期が重なるね〜😓 #家庭菜園 #家庭菜園プランター #家庭菜園好きな人と繋がりたい #プランター #プランター栽培 #プランター菜園 #種から育てる #野菜の種 #種 #ベランダ菜園 #ベランダガーデニング #ベランダ菜園初心者 #Kitchengarden #Plantercultivation #Planter #vegetablegarden #balcony #balconygarden #balconyplants #balconygardening #balconylife #夏野菜 #夏野菜栽培 #種 #いちご #いちご好き #いちご栽培 #ブルーベリー #ブルーベリー栽培 #春じゃがいも #シャドークイーン

4/27/2024, 4:01:13 PM