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Masz kartę MultiSport Polska ❓ Pokaż ją przy kasie, dopłać 10 zł. i ciesz się zabawą w naszym Parku rozrywki 🙂 Wbijajcie do nas 🤸‍♂🏃 🟠od poniedziałku do soboty od 🕙10 do 🕙22 ( ostatnie wejście o 🕘21 ) 🟠 a w niedzielę od 🕙10 do 🕗20 ( ostatnie wejście o 🕖19 ) #wycieczka #wycieczka #wycieczki #wycieczkaszkolna #jump #parktrampolinwroc #parktrampolin #wroclaw #tarnogaj #trampoliny # #wrocław #szczepin #sport #jump #urodziny #imprez #latowmiescie #urodziny #urodzinydladzieci #urodzinydlasyna #urodzinydlacórki #multisportcamp

5/21/2024, 2:18:13 PM

𝗘' 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗲 𝗶 𝗯𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗶 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗻𝗼 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁, 𝗺𝗮 𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝘇𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗰𝗲 𝗻𝗼𝗻 𝗲' 𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗹𝘁𝗮 𝗺𝗶𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗿𝗲! Perché lo sport è fondamentale per i più piccoli❓️ ✔️ Sviluppo motorio e cognitivo: Favorisce la crescita ossea, la coordinazione, l'equilibrio e le capacità cognitive. ✔️ Benessere fisico e mentale: Combatte l'obesità, riduce lo stress e migliora la qualità del sonno. ✔️ Socializzazione e valori: Insegna il lavoro di squadra, il rispetto delle regole e la disciplina . Perché la specializzazione precoce non è consigliabile❓️ ✔️ Rischio di infortuni: Può sovraccaricare un singolo distretto corporeo, aumentando il rischio di traumi. ✔️ Stress e perdita di motivazione: Può togliere la gioia di praticare sport e portare al burnout. ✔️ Limitazione dello sviluppo: Può ostacolare la crescita armoniosa di altre abilità e interessi. #CrossFit per bambini: un metodo valido❓️ Il 𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘀𝗙𝗶𝘁 𝗞𝗶𝗱𝘀 è un programma adattato ai più piccoli, che utilizza movimenti funzionali e allenamenti vari per: 👉 Migliorare la forma fisica: Forza, resistenza, coordinazione e agilità. 👉 Sviluppare la disciplina e il lavoro di squadra. 👉 Divertirsi imparando. È importante che il programma sia supervisionato da istruttori qualificati, che sappiano adattare gli esercizi alle capacità e al livello di sviluppo di ogni bambino. Incoraggia il tuo bambino a provare più sport! ‍♀️⚽️🏀🏃‍♂️ #sportbambini #crossfitkids #multisport #multisportcamp #benessereinfanzia #genitoriresponsabili #sviluppo #sport

5/14/2024, 4:55:03 PM

𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿 𝗖𝗮𝗺𝗽 𝗠𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁: 𝘂𝗻'𝗮𝘃𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗮 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗰𝗮 𝗱𝗶 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗼! 𝐂𝐨𝐬'𝐞' 𝐢𝐥 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭? Il Multisport è un'attività fantastica che permette ai bambini di scoprire e praticare diverse discipline sportive, in un ambiente sicuro e divertente. Non si tratta solo di giocare a calcio, basket o pallavolo, ma di esplorare un mondo di possibilità, sviluppando nuove abilità e divertendosi insieme. 𝐋'𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐳𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 L'essenza del multisport sta nel movimento, nella scoperta e nel divertimento. I bambini hanno la possibilità di mettere alla prova sé stessi, di superare i propri limiti e di imparare a collaborare con gli altri. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞' 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭? I benefici del multisport sono tantissimi: • Sviluppo motorio: il multisport aiuta i bambini a sviluppare coordinazione, equilibrio, velocità e forza. • Socializzazione: i bambini imparano a lavorare in squadra, a comunicare e a rispettare gli altri. • Divertimento: il multisport è un'attività ludica e divertente che permette ai bambini di trascorrere del tempo di qualità all'aria aperta. • Benessere: il multisport aiuta a migliorare l'umore, a ridurre lo stress e a favorire un sano stile di vita. Il nostro Multisport Camp è il luogo ideale per far vivere ai vostri figli un'esperienza indimenticabile. Durante il camp, i bambini potranno provare diverse discipline sportive, come calcio, basket, pallavolo, atletica leggera, nuoto e molto altro. Saranno seguiti da istruttori qualificati che li aiuteranno a crescere e a divertirsi in sicurezza. Un'esperienza unica Il Multisport Camp è un'esperienza unica che permetterà ai vostri figli di imparare, crescere e divertirsi. Iscrivili subito al nostro camp e preparati a vederli sorridere! #multisportcamp #sport #sviluppo #Multisportevent

5/13/2024, 11:53:00 PM

: 𝗦𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗮' 𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗶 𝗯𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗻𝗶: 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗲' 𝗹𝗼 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗲' 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲? ⚽️🤾🏀 Le #abilità motorie nei bambini sono fondamentali per uno sviluppo sano e completo. Pensa a quante cose fanno ogni giorno che richiedono coordinazione, equilibrio, forza e destrezza: camminare, correre, saltare, afferrare oggetti, disegnare... ‍♀️‍♂️ Lo sport è un'attività fantastica per aiutare i bambini a sviluppare queste abilità in modo divertente e coinvolgente. ‍♀️‍♂️ Ecco perché: 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗿𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗮 𝘃𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘁𝗮̀ 𝗱𝗶 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶: correre, saltare, lanciare, calciare, rotolare... ogni sport sollecita diverse abilità motorie. 𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗰𝗼𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗲 𝗹'𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗼: i bambini imparano a muoversi in modo fluido e controllato, acquisendo sicurezza e fiducia in se stessi. 𝗦𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗽𝗽𝗮 𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘇𝗮 𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘇𝗮: lo sport aiuta i bambini a crescere forti e sani, migliorando la loro capacità di affrontare le sfide fisiche. 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗺𝘂𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗹𝗮 𝘀𝗼𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝘇𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗲 𝗶𝗹 𝗹𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗼 𝗱𝗶 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗱𝗿𝗮: gli sport di squadra insegnano ai bambini a collaborare con gli altri, a comunicare e a rispettare le regole. Incoraggia il tuo bambino a praticare uno sport che gli piace! 👉 Scegli un'attività adatta alla sua età e alle sue capacità, e assicurati che si diverta. Oltre ai benefici fisici, lo sport può contribuire a: ✅️ Migliorare il rendimento scolastico: l'attività fisica aumenta il flusso sanguigno al cervello, favorendo la concentrazione e l'apprendimento. ✅️ Riduzione lo stress e l'ansia: lo sport aiuta a rilasciare endorfine, che hanno effetti positivi sull'umore e sul benessere mentale. ✅️ Aumentare l'autostima: il raggiungimento di obiettivi e il miglioramento delle proprie capacità rafforzano l'autostima e la fiducia in se stessi. Lo sport è un regalo prezioso che puoi fare al tuo bambino. Inizia oggi stesso a farglielo scoprire! #sport #bambini #abilitàmotorie #sviluppo #benessere #salute #multisport #multisportcamp

5/12/2024, 12:40:49 PM

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶 𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝘂𝗻'𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗹𝗹'𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗴𝗻𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗹 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗻𝗮?☀️ Arriva il primo Multisport Event dedicato ai più piccoli! Laboratori, giochi, esercizi, sfide, musica e tanto altro ti aspettano per un'esperienza indimenticabile. ‍♀️‍♂️ Resta sintonizzato! Tra pochi giorni sveleremo la prima tappa del nostro #SummerCamp #Multisport, con tante discipline diverse per tutti i gusti. ⚽️🏃‍♂️🎸 𝗜 𝗺𝗶𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗼𝗿𝗶 𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗶 𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗶 𝘃𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗶 𝗳𝗶𝗴𝗹𝗶! Nel nostro 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 troverete solo istruttori ed educatori qualificati con una comprovata esperienza nel lavoro con i bambini. ‍‍ Professionisti dedicati che lavorano tutto l'anno con i più piccoli, per garantire loro un'esperienza sicura, divertente e formativa. 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐞' 𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐢? #Competenza: I nostri istruttori sono esperti di diverse discipline sportive e conoscono le esigenze dei bambini di tutte le età. #Passione: Amano lavorare con i bambini e trasmettere loro la loro passione per lo sport. Sicurezza: La sicurezza dei vostri figli è la nostra priorità. Garantiamo un ambiente sicuro e controllato in cui i bambini possono divertirsi in libertà. #Divertimento: I nostri programmi sono progettati per essere divertenti e coinvolgenti, in modo che i bambini imparino giocando. Non formiamo #campioni in una settimana, ma regaliamo un'esperienza nuova, insegnamo #Valori e regaliamo #Emozioni ai vostri bambini! Non perdere l'occasione di far vivere ai tuoi figli un'estate speciale, ricca di sport, amicizie e divertimento! #MultisportEvent #SummerCamp #Sardegna #Bambini #Sport #Divertimento #multisportcamp #sardegnasport #Seguici per scoprire di più!

5/11/2024, 12:06:51 AM

SUMMER TENNIS & MULTI-SPORT CAMPS ☀️🏆 Bookings are now live for both our tennis and multi-sports summer holiday camps. Kicking off from 8th July and running for 6 weeks. Keep your kids active, socialising and improving their sport skills over the summer holidays. Book early to avoid missing out! 🎾⚽️🏏🏓🤾‍♂️🏑⚾️🏃‍♀️🏐🏅 #tenniscamp #multisportcamp #summerholidays #activekids #sports #summer #activefun #healthykids #nw2 #nw6 #nw3 #nw10

5/9/2024, 3:39:01 PM

🌈 Mix it up this summer! Choose from our Movement Discovery Camps or focus on Basketball Camp (or both). Either way, you'll enjoy a week of sports, games, and making new friends! Sessions available throughout July to August. AGES: 6-13 PRICE: $399.99 Registration LInk In Bio!!!! #SummerCamp #YouthSports #calgarycentralsportsplex #ccs #CCSYYC #CalgarySummerCamp #SummerCampYYC #ActiveKids #SummerFun #BasketballCamp #Summer2024 #basketballsummercamp #MultiSportCamp #BasketballCamp #ActiveSummer #KidsCamp

5/8/2024, 6:00:21 PM

Last chance pricing - Take advantage of our May Sale and get $50 off per week of Summer Champ Camp. This sale will end May 20th, so claim your spot to victory! Kids can expect non-stop fun, including soccer, volleyball, team games, and more. Let them develop their skills, make new friends, and wear the crown this Summer. Registration is linked below. 🏆⚽ Register Here: Save $50 off each week of Summer Champ Camp > Full Day May Sale Pricing: $250/week ($300 value) Half Day May Sale Pricing: $175/week ($225 value) *Taxes not included. Sale ends May 20, 2024. . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

5/7/2024, 5:27:40 PM

Last chance pricing - Take advantage of our May Sale and get $50 off per week of Summer Champ Camp. This sale will end May 20th, so claim your spot to victory! Kids can expect non-stop fun, including soccer, volleyball, team games, and more. Let them develop their skills, make new friends, and wear the crown this Summer. Registration is linked below. 🏆⚽ Register Here: Save $50 off each week of Summer Champ Camp > Full Day May Sale Pricing: $250/week ($300 value) Half Day May Sale Pricing: $175/week ($225 value) *Taxes not included. Sale ends May 20, 2024. . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

5/7/2024, 5:27:12 PM

Last chance pricing - Take advantage of our May Sale and get $50 off per week of Summer Champ Camp. This sale will end May 20th, so claim your spot to victory! Kids can expect non-stop fun, including soccer, volleyball, team games, and more. Let them develop their skills, make new friends, and wear the crown this Summer. Registration is linked below. 🏆⚽ Register Here: Save $50 off each week of Summer Champ Camp > Full Day May Sale Pricing: $250/week ($300 value) Half Day May Sale Pricing: $175/week ($225 value) *Taxes not included. Sale ends May 20, 2024. . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

5/7/2024, 5:26:15 PM

Last chance pricing - Take advantage of our May Sale and get $50 off per week of Summer Champ Camp. This sale will end May 20th, so claim your spot to victory! Kids can expect non-stop fun, including soccer, volleyball, team games, and more. Let them develop their skills, make new friends, and wear the crown this Summer. Registration is linked below. 🏆⚽ Register Here: Save $50 off each week of Summer Champ Camp > Full Day May Sale Pricing: $250/week ($300 value) Half Day May Sale Pricing: $175/week ($225 value) *Taxes not included. Sale ends May 20, 2024. . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

5/7/2024, 5:26:15 PM

Masz kartę MultiSport Polska ❓ Pokaż ją przy kasie, dopłać 10 zł. i ciesz się zabawą w naszym Parku rozrywki 🙂 Wbijajcie do nas 🤸‍♂🏃 🟠od poniedziałku do soboty od 🕙10 do 🕙22 ( ostatnie wejście o 🕘21 ) 🟠 a w niedzielę od 🕙10 do 🕗20 ( ostatnie wejście o 🕖19 ) #wycieczka #wycieczka #wycieczki #wycieczkaszkolna #jump #parktrampolinwroc #parktrampolin #wroclaw #tarnogaj #trampoliny # #wrocław #szczepin #sport #jump #urodziny #imprez #latowmiescie #urodziny #urodzinydladzieci #urodzinydlasyna #urodzinydlacórki #multisportcamp

5/6/2024, 10:39:56 AM

🏀⚽ Basket Più e F.C. Rezzato di nuovo fianco a fianco per il Camp Multisport 2024! 🎉 Sei settimane di sport e divertimento, dal 10 giugno al 19 luglio, per ragazzi e ragazze nati dal 2017 al 2008 🗣️ Per tutti c'è la possibilità di iscriversi a più di una settimana e cimentarsi in entrambi gli sport, oltre che nelle tante attività fisico-atletiche proposte dallo staff durante le mattinate, seguite come sempre dai pomeriggi di piscina e divertimento a @spiaggia91 🌊⛱️ Per le iscrizioni potete contattare la nostra segreteria allo 0302793613 (nel pomeriggio) oppure scrivere una mail a [email protected] 👨‍💻 👋 Ci vediamo a giugno! ___ #BasketPiù #campmultisport #campestivo #basketballcamp #multisportcamp #multisport #multisportathlete

5/5/2024, 11:00:55 AM

We're delighted to be able to offer a choice of performance sports camps taking place in the summer holidays for children aged 9-15. Offering high quality coaching within our amazing sports centre facilities and grounds, the available sports are: 🏈 Rugby Sevens 🏏 Cricket ⚽️ Football 🏐 Netball 🏓 Tennis 🚣 Rowing 🏑 Hockey 🏊‍♀️ Multi-sports 100% of parents whose children attended our Easter 2024 holiday activities said they would recommend them to other families (based on 50 responses). Find out more via link in bio. #rugbycamp #cricketcamp #footballcamp #netballcamp #tenniscamp #rowingcamp #hockeycamp #multisportcamp

5/4/2024, 7:00:22 PM

Time to step up our training with an energizing second session of the day - an energizing interval run! 🏃‍♂️💨 After a well-deserved rest, we’ll be heading to the mountains for our next adventure. Stay tuned for more excitement and updates! 🌄 #MultiSportCamp #IntervalRun #MountainAdventure #SecondSession

5/2/2024, 11:16:14 PM

🎉 Double the camps, double the fun! Movement Discovery Camp or Basketball Camp? With sessions throughout July and August, there's plenty of time to try one or both! Enroll now for a summer packed with sports and smiles. AGES: 6-13 PRICE: $399.99 LINK IN BIO TO REGISTER! #SummerCamp #YouthSports #calgarycentralsportsplex #ccs #CCSYYC #CalgarySummerCamp #SummerCampYYC #ActiveKids #SummerFun #BasketballCamp #Summer2024 #basketballsummercamp #MultiSportCamp #BasketballCamp

5/2/2024, 6:00:41 PM

Bringing you another exciting day of our multi-sport camp! 🚴‍♂️🏞️ We kick-started the morning with a scenic cycling ride through the beautiful streets of Nuweiba. Get ready for a series of thrilling adventures ahead, and make sure to stay tuned for all the action and excitement to come! 🌟 #MultiSportCamp #DayTwoThrills

5/2/2024, 3:51:54 PM

May half term is approaching! If you need some childcare, we like Fit4Fun. They run multi-sport camps at South Hunsley school, 8.30am-5pm, for ages 5-12 years. Camps are on daily in half term Tuesday to Friday (closed bank holiday Monday). May half term open to book now! Head to @fit4fun_online . #schoolholidaycamps #mayhalfterm #holidaychildcare #multisportcamp #southhunsley

5/1/2024, 9:25:54 PM

There's still time to register your kids for our Multi-Sport Summer Program! 🙌🏻 What kid doesn't want to learn everything from tennis to pickleball, basketball, soccer, cornhole, badminton, and more! 🏸Reserve your spot today by emailing or calling the Club at [email protected] or (860) 659-3731. ✨️ #tennisclinics #juniortennis #juniorpickleball #tennisinconnecticut #cttennis #ctpickleball #pickleballinct #pickleballinconnecticut #indoortennis #racquetclub #glastonburyct #glastonburytennisclub #gtc #summercamp #summerprogram #kidsprogram #summerkids #multisportcamp

5/1/2024, 4:02:53 PM

LAST DAY OF EARLY BIRD PRICING! 🏀🏒 Can't decide between basketball and a mix of sports? Why not do both! With camps running throughout the summer, choose what excites you most or try both to double the fun! EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION ON NOW! Use promo code GETSTHEWORM for 10% off until Apr 30, 2024 AGES: 6-13 PRICE: $399.99 REGISTRATION LINK IN BIO! #SummerCamp #YouthSports #calgarycentralsportsplex #ccs #CCSYYC #CalgarySummerCamp #SummerCampYYC #ActiveKids #SummerFun #BasketballCamp #Summer2024 #basketballsummercamp #MultiSportCamp #BasketballCamp

4/30/2024, 6:00:24 PM

Indoor or Outdoor? We have plenty of options to keep body and mind active this May Half Term with a full sport option with Active Kids Camp or for those that want a little less sport and a few more board games we have Active Kids Camp - The Den where we have a range of indoor based activities that focus on keeping the mind active. Bookings for Active Kids Camp, The Den, Soccer Schools, Girls Football, Tennis and Cricket Camps all close on the 22nd May, so book now to ensure your space #holidaycamps #mayhalfterm #bookingsnowopen #booknow #activekidscamp #theden #activeminds #multisportcamp #wraparound #holidaycamps #holidaychildcare #osftedregistered #childcarevouchersaccepted #activetrowbridge #trowbridgetowncouncil

4/30/2024, 12:59:06 PM

Our Multi- Sport Camp is back! From June 10-12, sign your kids up to learn, play and compete in a variety of different sports. Scan the QR code for more information! #ICSUDathletics #ICSUD #multisportcamp #summer

4/25/2024, 3:55:00 AM

Hey grownups! What's your passion - what ignites your flame? Not idea? Then go play! No time? Make some...spending time with passion resets and recharges. We all need a boost from time to time. Well wishes to all from Verote!🔥👊 #kidscamp #summercamp #sportscamp #multisportcamp #summercampnewmarket #summercampbradford #summercampaurora #summercampeastgwillimbury

4/25/2024, 3:16:37 AM

Day 3 #multisportcamp #sherborneqatar

4/18/2024, 12:20:37 PM

Stack the discounts for Summer Champ Camp until May 6! Sign up for multiple weeks and save more with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 13, to participate in co-ed sports, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. Register while spots still remain! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: Full Day Tiered Pricing (Non-Sale Price $300): Week 1: $275 ($25 off, Save $25 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $250 ($50 off, Save $75 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3: $225 ($75 off, Save $150 on total purchase of 3 weeks) Week 4: $200 ($100 off, Save $250+ on total purchase of 4+ weeks) Half Day Savings (Non-Sale Price $225): Week 1: $195 ($30 off, Save $30 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $175 ($50 off, Save $80 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3: $150 ($75 off, Save $155 on total purchase of 3 weeks) Week 4: $125 ($100 off, Save $255+ on total purchase of 4+ weeks) Don't miss out! . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

4/17/2024, 9:31:14 PM

Stack the discounts for Summer Champ Camp until May 6! Sign up for multiple weeks and save more with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 13, to participate in co-ed sports, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. Register while spots still remain! ☀️🏆⚽ Week 4: $200 ($75 off, Save $130+ on total purchase of 3+ weeks) Register Here: Full Day Tiered Pricing (Non-Sale Price $300): Week 1: $275 ($25 off, Save $25 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $250 ($50 off, Save $75 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3: $225 ($75 off, Save $150 on total purchase of 3 weeks) Week 4: $200 ($100 off, Save $250+ on total purchase of 4+ weeks) Half Day Savings (Non-Sale Price $225): Week 1: $195 ($30 off, Save $30 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $175 ($50 off, Save $80 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3: $150 ($75 off, Save $155 on total purchase of 3 weeks) Week 4: $125 ($100 off, Save $255+ on total purchase of 4+ weeks) Don't miss out! . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

4/17/2024, 9:30:29 PM

Stack the discounts for Summer Champ Camp until May 6! Sign up for multiple weeks and save more with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 13, to participate in co-ed sports, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. Register while spots still remain! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: Full Day Tiered Pricing (Non-Sale Price $300): Week 1: $275 ($25 off, Save $25 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $250 ($50 off, Save $75 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3+: $250 ($50 off, Save $125+ on total purchase of 3+ weeks) Half Day Savings (Non-Sale Price $225): Week 1: $195 ($30 off, Save $30 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $175 ($50 off, Save $80 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3+: $250 ($50 off, Save $130+ on total purchase of 3+ weeks) Don't miss out! . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

4/17/2024, 9:12:15 PM

Stack the discounts for Summer Champ Camp until May 6! Sign up for multiple weeks and save more with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 13, to participate in co-ed sports, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. Register while spots still remain! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: Full Day Tiered Pricing (Non-Sale Price $300): Week 1: $275 ($25 off, Save $25 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $250 ($50 off, Save $75 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3+: $250 ($50 off, Save $125+ on total purchase of 3+ weeks) Half Day Savings (Non-Sale Price $225): Week 1: $195 ($30 off, Save $30 on total purchase of 1 week) Week 2: $175 ($50 off, Save $80 on total purchase of 2 weeks) Week 3+: $250 ($50 off, Save $130+ on total purchase of 3+ weeks) Don't miss out! . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

4/17/2024, 9:12:10 PM

2 of our favourites Capture the Flag and Dodgeball, on the surface they look straight forward but both are games of strategy to avoid getting caught! Luke and Bill gave it their best shot but our Active Kids Campers are fast! EYFS enjoyed getting outside on the courts too, developing their skills with dribbling footballs and basketballs. Don't forget its our theme day tomorrow #superheroday (costumes are option for camp attendees but not coaches!) #activekidscamp #easterholidays #schoolholidays #holidayactivities #capturetheflag #dodgeball #eyfs #football #basketball #holidaycamps #multisportcamp #activeinourcommunity #activetrowbridge #trowbridgetowncouncil

4/11/2024, 4:55:12 PM

Coach Morgan is the quintessential multi-sport director. Lovingly known as ‘Cheeseburger’ by the campers, Morgan brings an unmatched energy and passion for making the most memorable summers for our multi-sporters. #multisportcamp #futurestars #ourstaffis🔥

4/9/2024, 12:40:08 AM

😎 Take a break inside from the summer sun, heat, and rain with GTC's Multi-Sport Summer Program! 🎾 Open to youth, ages 6 to 11 ⏰ 9 AM to 12 PM, 8:30 AM Drop Off 📅 Sessions run Monday thru Thursday 💰 $275 per session; 10% sibling discount 🧠 Trivia during snack break. ❤️ CPR-Certified Staff 🏸 Games Include: Tennis, Pickleball, Wiffleball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Kickball, Dodgeball, Frisbee Golf, Indoor Soccer, Cornhole, Badminton, Ladder ball, and More! To Register: 📧 Email Club Director, Quin Howe, at [email protected] ☎️ Call GTC: (860) 659-3731 #tennisclinics #juniortennis #juniorpickleball #tennisinconnecticut #cttennis #ctpickleball #pickleballinct #pickleballinconnecticut #indoortennis #racquetclub #glastonburyct #glastonburytennisclub #gtc #summercamp #summerprogram #kidsprogram #summerkids #multisportcamp

4/8/2024, 4:35:13 PM

Nu har vi fått bilderna från UF-företaget som var och fotade sportlovets Multi Sport Camp! Multi Sport Camp är lägret för dig som vill träna 12 olika sporter under en lägervecka. Lägret hålls i sommar på GIH, Östermalm. Välj mellan vecka 25, 26, 27, 32 och 33. Läs mer på #stockholmsportacademy #multisportcamp

4/6/2024, 9:36:38 AM

EYFS enjoyed some indoor playground games waking our gentle giant Jack, having stolen all his treasure and burning off some energy under the sea with a game of sharks and fishes and avoid capture from Jake the shark! Group 2 and 3 were outside playing an adapted form of Kabaddi. The traditional Indian version of the game is a contact sport we kept ours just to tag. Advance booking for week 2 of Active Kids Camp are now closed but on the day spaces will be available at £24 all week. #activekidscamp #dontwakethegiant #sharksandfishes #kabaddi #holidayactivities #holidaycamps #multisportcamp #eyfs #week1 #easterholidays #activetrowbridge #torbwirdgetowncouncil #discovertrowbridge

4/4/2024, 2:00:33 PM

𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗠𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗜-𝗦𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗧 𝗖𝗔𝗠𝗣𝗦 🐣🏏🏀🏉 On Tuesday we had a full house for our energetic multi-sport camps at Canolfan Hamdden Plascrug Leisure Centre 🙌🏻 We had a huge variety of games / sports inc Royal Rugby, Swedish Long Ball, Dodgeball, Crash Mat racing, Basketball, pinball, and much more 🤩 Da iawn Peter, Lili, Zach, Oscar L & Kitty for winning players of the day! 💯 #multisportcamp #sportcamp #funforall

4/3/2024, 11:38:55 PM

Lo sport unisce, lo sport diverte, lo sport insegna! Perchè non farlo anche d’estate? Il nostro Centro Estivo multisport Camp @gimmy__gym offre un’ampia gamma di attività sportive coinvolgenti per bambini e ragazzi ⚽️🤺🎾🏓🤾🏻‍♀️🏐🥏 Le iscrizioni apriranno prestissimo 🔜 Pronti per un’estate indimenticabile piena di divertimento e soprattutto piena di sport? Noi siiii 😎 #HiLifeSportFitness : tutto lo sport che vuoi.

4/3/2024, 9:30:34 AM

Multi-Week Price Special - Sign up for multiple weeks for a bigger discount with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 14, to participate in co-ed sports designed to shape their skills, athleticism, and teamwork. Every player can shine whether it's in soccer, volleyball, basketball, or more. Register Now! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: 1 Week: $275/week (Full Day) - $195/week (Half Day) 2nd Week: $265/week (Full Day) - $185/week (Half Day) 3rd Week +: $250/week (Full Day) - $175/week (Half Day) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Sale ends May 31, 2024. . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

4/2/2024, 10:33:56 PM

Multi-Week Price Special - Sign up for multiple weeks for a bigger discount with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 14, to participate in co-ed sports designed to shape their skills, athleticism, and teamwork. Every player can shine whether it's in soccer, volleyball, basketball, or more. Register Now! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: 1 Week: $275/week (Full Day) - $195/week (Half Day) 2nd Week: $265/week (Full Day) - $185/week (Half Day) 3rd Week +: $250/week (Full Day) - $175/week (Half Day) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Sale ends May 31, 2024. . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

4/2/2024, 10:32:45 PM

Multi-Week Price Special - Sign up for multiple weeks for a bigger discount with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 14, to participate in co-ed sports designed to shape their skills, athleticism, and teamwork. Every player can shine whether it's in soccer, volleyball, basketball, or more. Register Now! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: 1 Week: $275/week (Full Day) - $195/week (Half Day) 2nd Week: $265/week (Full Day) - $185/week (Half Day) 3rd Week +: $250/week (Full Day) - $175/week (Half Day) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Sale ends May 31, 2024. . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

4/2/2024, 10:30:32 PM

Multi-Week Price Special - Sign up for multiple weeks for a bigger discount with our tiered pricing! We welcome kids, ages 4 - 14, to participate in co-ed sports designed to shape their skills, athleticism, and teamwork. Every player can shine whether it's in soccer, volleyball, basketball, or more. Register Now! ☀️🏆⚽ Register Here: 1 Week: $275/week (Full Day) - $195/week (Half Day) 2nd Week: $265/week (Full Day) - $185/week (Half Day) 3rd Week +: $250/week (Full Day) - $175/week (Half Day) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Sale ends May 31, 2024. . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

4/2/2024, 10:30:31 PM

HAPPY EASTER 🐣 Wishing all of our kids, parents, schools and staff a very Happy and Egg-Filled Easter! 🐰 There’s still time to book onto our #EasterHolidayCamp 👉🏼 #easter #happyeaster #easter2024 #activitiesforkids #fun #sport #kidsclub #multisport #multisportcamp #schoolholidays

3/31/2024, 9:00:00 AM

🚨SPRING BREAK CAMP ANNOUNCEMENT🚨 Edge Multi-Sport Training is launching its first lacrosse and soccer camp from Monday, April 22 - Thursday, April 25 Gain your edge with this incredible opportunity to train both sports in an environment designed for growth! Learn more and register at link in bio. ⚡️↔️💪

3/26/2024, 5:14:54 PM

Just a 1 day to go! Advance bookings for Week 1 of the Easter holidays close tomorrow for Active Kids Camp & Soccer Schools. Week 1 bookings close 27th March, with Easter being so early this year make sure you don't miss out! Book via the website, link is in the bio #activekidscamp #1daytogo #booknow #multisportcamp #holidayactivities #holidaycamps #easterholidays #schoolholidays #multisports #thingstodointrowbridge #ofstedregistered #activetrowbridge #trowbridgetowncouncil

3/26/2024, 3:22:11 PM

Brace yourselves, just 7 days until Nerf Wars! 🔫 Let the battles begin, friendships tested, and victories celebrated... 🔫 Basildon - 2nd April 🔫 Dagenham - 3rd April & 10th April 🔫 Wickford - 9th April Secure your space and let battles begin! 👉🏼 #nerfwars #battle #squad #kidscamp #multisport #multisportcamp #easter #easterholidays #schoolholidays #schoolholidayactivities #activitiesforkids #thingstodo #thingstodoforkids #activekids #fun

3/26/2024, 8:30:00 AM

8 days to go… our kids camps are BACK on 2nd April 🙌🏼 We will be in Dagenham, Basildon and Wickford! Book your space now at #kidscamp #easter #easterholidays #easterholidayactivities #fun #activitiesforkids #thingstodoforkids #schoolholidays #schoolholidayfun #funforkids #kidsplay #sport #multisport #multisportcamp #camplife

3/25/2024, 8:30:00 AM

Early Bird ends April 1 - so book your spot for Summer Champ Camp today! ☀️🏆 Kids, ages 4-14, will participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. We cheer them on every step of the way- setting goals and leading them to victory. At the end of the day it's all fun and games- so let's kick it! ⚽ Register Here: Full Day Camp: $250/week ($290 value) Half Day Camp: $175/week ($210 value) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Early Bird Sale ends April 1, 2024 . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

3/21/2024, 9:46:42 PM

Early Bird ends April 1 - so book your spot for Summer Champ Camp today! ☀️🏆 Kids, ages 4-14, will participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. We cheer them on every step of the way- setting goals and leading them to victory. At the end of the day it's all fun and games- so let's kick it! ⚽ Register Here: Full Day Camp: $250/week ($290 value) Half Day Camp: $175/week ($210 value) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Early Bird Sale ends April 1, 2024 . . #woodbridgesportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #woodbridgeontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #woodbridgedaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball #kidsbasketball

3/21/2024, 9:44:57 PM

Early Bird ends April 1 - so book your spot for Summer Champ Camp today! ☀️🏆 Kids, ages 4-14, will participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. We cheer them on every step of the way- setting goals and leading them to victory. At the end of the day it's all fun and games- so let's kick it! ⚽ Register Here: Full Day Camp: $250/week ($290 value) Half Day Camp: $175/week ($210 value) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Early Bird Sale ends April 1, 2024 . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

3/21/2024, 9:37:40 PM

Early Bird ends April 1 - so book your spot for Summer Champ Camp today! ☀️🏆 Kids, ages 4-14, will participate in soccer, volleyball, basketball, and more. We cheer them on every step of the way- setting goals and leading them to victory. At the end of the day it's all fun and games- so let's kick it! ⚽ Register Here: Full Day Camp: $250/week ($290 value) Half Day Camp: $175/week ($210 value) *Sale price will apply at checkout. Taxes not included. Early Bird Sale ends April 1, 2024 . . #markhamsportsdome #champcamp #kidchampions #champions #wearethechampions #multisportcamp #kidscamp #summercamp #multisport #markhamontario #vaughanontario #kidssports #sportsdome #kids #fun #soccerskills #kidssoccer #kidsactivities #kidsrecreation #childdevelopment #daycare #markhamdaycare #summerbreak #soccer #coedsports #vaughanmoms #vaughanon #sportscamp #kidsvolleyball

3/21/2024, 9:37:33 PM

Just a week to go! Advance bookings for Week 1 of the Easter holidays close a week today for Active Kids Camp & Soccer Schools. Week 1 bookings close 27th March, with Easter being so early this year make sure you don't miss out. Book via the website and don't forget you can pay with childcare vouchers #activekidscamp #holidayactivities #holidaycamps #schoolholidays #easterholidays #aprilschoolholidays #multisportcamp #multisport #ofstedregistered #oneweek #activetrowbridge #trowbridgetowncouncil

3/20/2024, 1:45:11 PM

Happy St Patricks day from the Clutch team! 🇮🇪 Last week of winter term this week! Looking forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday! ☘️ ⚽️ 🏀 🏈 🎾 #basketball #legend #multisportcamp #camp #hero #sports #swish #covidsafety #irishsport #basketball #afterschoolactivities #clutchafterschool #readysetplay #have #fun #grow #confidence #maximiseyourfullpotential #clutchfam

3/17/2024, 1:55:46 PM