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🔒 In the realm of #IoT and emerging technologies, the shadows of #cybersecurity #vulnerabilities loom large. With the rise of AI-driven and phishing attacks, the spotlight turns to the European Union's revamped NIS Directive, set to fortify the digital defenses of critical infrastructures by October 2024. But how will this reshape the IoT landscape? 🛡️ Kirsten Davies, CISO at Unilever and #IOTSWC24 speaker, emphasizes the asymmetric battle between threat actors and defenders, advocating for a united front in risk management and application security. Moreover, the evolving regulatory framework underscores the importance of #compliance and the collective responsibility in safeguarding the digital ecosystem. 🔎 In this intricate cybersecurity landscape, the burden is shared, underscoring the crucial role of education in fostering a culture of security awareness. Read all about this rather complex scenario in our latest article: link in bio 🔗 #AI #Cybersecurity #NISDirective #DigitalDefense #EmergingTechnologies #CyberAttacks #CyberThreats

3/28/2024, 9:30:35 AM

🔒 Cyberbezpieczeństwo poprzez standardy i regulacje! 🛡️ Europa stawia na ochronę danych osobowych i zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa cybernetycznego. Oto kilka kluczowych regulacji i standardów, które warto znać, ale pamiętaj nie jest to ostateczna lista, z czasem postaram się ją rozszerzyć. Teraz przedstawiam ci pięć wybranych: 1️⃣ GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Zapewnia ochronę danych osobowych obywateli UE i narzuca rygorystyczne wymogi dotyczące zbierania, przetwarzania i przechowywania danych. 2️⃣ NIS Directive (Directive on security of network and information systems): Określa minimalne wymogi dotyczące bezpieczeństwa sieci i systemów informatycznych w sektorach kluczowych, takich jak energetyka czy bankowość. 3️⃣ ISO/IEC 27001: Międzynarodowy standard dotyczący zarządzania bezpieczeństwem informacji, który pomaga organizacjom w zapewnieniu odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa danych. 4️⃣ ISO/IEC 22301: Standard dotyczący zarządzania ciągłością działania, który pomaga organizacjom w przygotowaniu się na różne rodzaje zagrożeń i zapewnieniu ciągłości działania w przypadku incydentów. 5️⃣ ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity): Agencja UE wspierająca państwa członkowskie w wzmocnieniu ich zdolności do reagowania na cyberzagrożenia. Znajomość tych regulacji i standardów jest kluczowa dla organizacji i przedsiębiorstw, które chcą zachować zaufanie swoich klientów i zapewnić integralność oraz bezpieczeństwo danych. 💻🔐 #Cyberbezpieczeństwo #GDPR #NISDirective #ENISA #ISO27001 #ISO22301 #BezpieczeństwoDanych #OchronaDanych #CiągłośćDziałania #Europa #Cybersecurity #Cyberedukacja #Cybersecuritytraning #Cyberbezpieczeństwo

3/24/2024, 9:17:50 AM

🚀 Tomorrow, we’ll be publishing a new article on our LinkedIn page! We’ll dive into the NIS2 Directive: what it entails, who’s involved, and how it may affect both public and private enterprises. Stay tuned for valuable insights on navigating this ever-evolving landscape! #cybersecurity #NIS2 #NISDirective #poodleit #trusthepoodle

2/28/2024, 3:57:51 PM

Sind Sie als CEO bereit ? Mit Enginsight führen wir Ihr Unternehmen zur NIS2-Compliance und erfüllt schon heute alle kommenden Anforderungen. Die Gesamtanforderungen der Cybersicherheitskriterien und die Menge an betroffenen Unternehmen ist mit NIS2 stark gestiegen. Unternehmen sind bis Oktober 2024 dazu aufgefordert, die neuen Security-Maßnahmen umzusetzen. Wenn Sie die Anforderungen der NIS2-Richtlinie einfach und nachhaltig umsetzen möchten, sind Sie hier goldrichtig. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt mit uns ein Erstgespräch mit uns als Silvberpartner als Bezugsquelle von Enginsight ihr ansprechpartner in Ihrer Region. Vereinbaren Sie jetzt Ihr Erstgespräch mit uns vor Ort in Ihrer Region als Partner für Enginsight. 😊 ➡️ #nis2 #sicherheit #mittelstand #region #braunschweig #cybersicherheit #itsecurity #datenschutz #mittelstand #sicherheitsstandards #compliance #cybersecurity #itmittelstand #unternehmenssicherheit #cybercrime #nisdirective #itririskn #sicherheitslösungen #mittelstanddigital #datensicherheit #cyberattacken #nis2richtlinie #itinfrastruktur #sicherheitskonzepte #kmu #cyberbedrohungen

2/12/2024, 9:20:17 AM

Compliance with the NIS/NIS2 regulations is crucial. Gradeon ensures your business's resilience against cyber threats while complying with the NIS/NIS2 directives. #NISDirective #CyberResilience #Gradeon

1/15/2024, 3:18:41 PM

Ayrıcalıklı hesap türleri ve sayılarındaki artış saldırıların da kapsamını genişletiyor. Lider #PAM çözümü WALLIX Group, ayrıcalıklı hesaplar ve kimlik bilgilerini korumak için tasarlanmış kapsamlı çözümler sunar. 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ raporunda liderler arasında yer alan Wallix, #GDPR, #ISO27001 , #NISDirective, #DSS ve #HIPAA gibi uymluluk standartlarını karşılamaktadır. 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant raporu hakkındaki blog yazımız:

1/11/2024, 2:36:04 PM

In this 5th week of the EU and Global Cybersecurity Fundamentals course within the Advanced Master in Privacy, Cybersecurity and Data Management at the European Centre on Privacy and Cybersecurity (ECPC) Paul, Sunil, our special guest speaker Prokopios and myself tackled the Cybersecurity Act at 360 degrees! We looked at the Cybersecurity Act, putting particular focus on the permanent role and expanded tasks of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European cybersecurity certification framework thanks to our special guest speaker, Dr. Prokopios Drogkaris, Cybersecurity Expert - deputy DPO at European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). Many thanks Prokopios for your constant support of our LLM program and our research initiatives, it is so appreciated! Specifically, we looked at the benefits that certification has to offer, including the provision of tangible evidence that the specified goods, services, or processes meet certain requirements. This, in turn, promotes user trust and confidence. ENISA has a key role in setting up and maintaining the European cybersecurity certification framework by preparing the technical ground for specific certification schemes. It will be in charge of informing the public about the certification schemes and the issued certificates through a dedicated website. Moreover, ENISA is mandated to increase operational cooperation at the EU level, helping EU Member States handle their cybersecurity incidents and supporting the coordination of the EU in case of large-scale cross-border cyberattacks and crises. This task builds on ENISA’s role as secretariat of the national Computer Security Incidents Response Teams (CSIRTs) Network, established by the Directive on security of network and information systems (NIS Directive). Thanks to all the speakers today, what a great lecture! #LLM #ENISA #Cybersecurityact #certification #CSIRT #NISdirective

11/30/2023, 6:40:22 PM

Webinar: Implementarea și Impactul Directivelor NIS 1+2 | 10 Octombrie (11.00-12.00) - Online Directiva NIS vizează stabilirea unui nivel comun de securitate pentru rețelele și sistemele informatice esențiale ale operatorilor, având un impact semnificativ asupra economiei și societății. În colaborare cu Microsoft, echipa Unity Solutions vă invită să descoperiți claritatea în acest domeniu în cadrul webinarului nostru. 🔐 Securitatea în Organizație: NIS 1, aplicabilă din 2018, se adresează operatorilor de servicii esențiale din sectoare vitale cum ar fi energia, transportul și sectorul bancar. NIS 2, aplicabilă din 16 ianuarie 2023, extinde sfera de aplicare către organizații mijlocii și mici, adăugând sectoare noi precum administrația publică și serviciile de curierat. 🔄 Impactul Directivelor: NIS 2 accentuează securitatea lanțurilor de aprovizionare și relațiile cu furnizorii, crescând maturitatea în securitatea cibernetică prin conformare obligatorie. Organizațiile certificate ISO 27001/2 vor găsi că multe cerințe NIS 1+2 sunt deja acoperite în practicile lor existente. 📅 Alăturați-vă nouă pe 10 Octombrie: Echipele Unity Solutions și Microsoft vă vor ghida prin cerințele NIS1 și NIS2, prezentând strategii și soluții pentru conformare. Vom explora mijloacele disponibile pentru evaluarea internă, stabilirea strategiei necesare și implementarea efectivă a directivelor. AGENDA: 1. Descrierea NIS 1 și NIS 2 și impactul lor; 2. Identificarea strategiei optime; 3. Prezentarea soluțiilor disponibile și abordarea lor tehnică și financiară. 👉 Vă puteti înscrie aici pentru a rezerva locul dvs. și a vă asigura că sunteți pregătiți pentru conformarea la directivele UE NIS1 și NIS2. Vă așteptăm să descoperiți cum să navigați prin cerințele NIS 1 și NIS 2 și să înțelegeți importanța lor pentru organizația dvs. #Webinar #NISDirective #CyberSecurity #UnitySolutions #Microsoft

9/25/2023, 1:53:44 PM

Die #NIS2-Richtlinie ist beschlossene Sache und wird viele Unternehmen bereits im kommenden Jahr unmittelbar betreffen. Wer fällt tatsächlich in den Geltungsbereich der Richtlinie? Welche Maßnahmen sind erforderlich und mit welchen Sanktionen ist zu rechnen? Wir haben NIS2 übersichtlich zusammengefasst. 👉 in Bio über Linktree erreichbar! #NISdirective #NISrichtlinie #Netzsicherheit #Informationssicherheit #Risikomanagement #cybersecurity #cyberdefense #DORA

9/5/2023, 10:44:11 AM

𝐀 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐓 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐲: 𝐍𝐈𝐒𝟐 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the finance industry stands at the crossroads of innovation and security challenges. The financial sector plays a pivotal role in our global economy, making it a prime target for cyber threats. That's why understanding and implementing the right security measures is paramount. In this blog post, we dive into the world of NIS2 (Network and Information Systems Directive 2) and its tailored relevance to the finance sector. Whether you're a cybersecurity enthusiast, a finance professional, or simply interested in the digital resilience of financial systems, this blog post offers valuable insights that you won't want to miss. 🔗 Read the full article here: #Cybersecurity #FinanceIndustry #NIS2 #DataProtection #CyberDefence #TechInFinance #CyberRisk #Fintech #DataPrivacy #InfoSec #FinancialInnovation #CyberAwareness #SecureFinance #RegulatoryCompliance #DigitalTransformation #CyberThreats #FinancialTechnology #NISDirective #FinanceInsights #CyberReadiness #ITSecurity #EnterpriseDefence #CyberRiskExperts

8/30/2023, 11:50:03 AM

#NIS2 Beratung und Implementierung by asvin. Informieren Sie sich über asvin´s #Cybersecurity #Management Lösung für #Software #Lieferketten. Besuchen Sie uns vom 17-21 April auf der #HM23📍 Halle 15 Stand A06 👍 @hannover_messe #cybersicherheit #NISDirective #NIS #IIoT #IoTSecurity #IoT #supplychain @dehubinitiative @thelaend @wirtschaftsministerium_bw @bock_auf_fels @mirko.t.ross

3/20/2023, 5:40:07 PM

Bereiten Sie Ihr Unternehmen jetzt auf die neue EU #NIS2 Regulierung vor. Mit unserem kostenlosen QuickCheck erfahren Sie in wenigen Minuten ob Sie von #NISDirective betroffen sind! Jetzt starten! 👍 #industrie40 #industry40 #NIS #Wirtschaft #maschinenbau #kritischeinfrastrukturen @wirtschaftsministerium_bw @heiseonline @mirko.t.ross

3/9/2023, 10:24:10 AM

#NIS2 - Die EU Regulierung zur EU-weiten #Cybersicherheit ist die neue Herausforderung für #Industrie40 und #Wirtschaft. Jetzt QuickCheck starten und herausfinden ob Sie betroffen sind! 📌 #cybersecurity #NISDirective #NIS #Industrie #industry40 #Maschinenbau #kritis @mirko.t.ross @startupautobahn @heiseonline

2/21/2023, 4:50:08 PM

𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐍𝐈𝐒𝟐 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐬? With 77% of retailers suffering a ransomware attack, the question is not if but when your retail company will become a victim. Preparation is key to de-risking a retail organisation and hardening its defences against a cyber-attack. To ensure that retail (and other sectors) are fully-prepared for cyberattacks, the regulators have recently added retail to NIS2; this update reflects the new breed of cyber-attacks that focus on critical functions such as retail and its supply chain. Get all your questions answered in our new blog! Read our blog here: #nis2 #NIS #retailers #retailindustry #EU #europeancommission #networkandinformationsecurity #nisdirective #cybersecurity #ransomware #cyberattacks #cyberriskexperts #enterprisedefence

10/20/2022, 11:39:05 AM

Big SHOUT OUT to all the IT teams and network admins who support functioning IT for all of us. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻⁣ It sometimes feels like hell!! ⁣ Technology is developing faster than ever, leaving proper legislation lacking behind to regulate problems related to technology eg criminals operating across borders. ⁣ ⁣ EU has put in place different legislations to increase cybersecurity. For Europeans, expect the term NIS2 to show in your feeds !! ⁣ ⁣ Get short version here.⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ #hell #portofhell #devil #network #networkadmin #networkadministrator #networkengineer #networkadministration #roaming #infosec #infosecurity #nisdirective #nis2 #eu #cybersecurity #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecurityawareness #dkmemes #farvittighed #dadjokes #memes #meme #farjokes #dataprivacy #dataprotection #womenincybersecurity #informationssikkerhed ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

8/1/2022, 8:17:05 AM

Learn all about the Network & Information Security (NIS) and NIS II Directive in this week’s Lydian Data Series video 💾 The Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of 6 July 2016 concerns measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems across the Union. The European data strategy aims to make the EU a leader in a data-driven society. Creating a single market for data will allow it to flow freely within the EU and across sectors for the benefit of businesses, researchers and public administrations. The Lydian Data Series is a series of short movies aimed at introducing the main EU legal instruments in the area of data regulation. Both current and upcoming (draft) regulation is discussed. The series is not limited to personal data. Watch the video to learn more! Sign up for future videos via the link in bio. #Data #DataProtection #Webseries #NIS #NISII #NISDirective #NISIIDirective #PersonalData #NetworkInformationSecurity #Regulations #Cyber #Security #Digital #Lydian

6/2/2022, 12:00:10 PM

Water operators recognise the need to strengthen cyber security so that we can all benefit from digitalisation. European rules should be proportionate to the risks, take account of the size of operators and recognise national requirements. #NISDirective

6/25/2021, 10:00:47 AM

🔔Comisia a lansat o consultare publică privind revizuirea Directivei privind securitatea rețelelor și a sistemelor informatice (Directiva NIS). De la intrarea în vigoare a directivei actuale în 2016, peisajul amenințărilor cibernetice a evoluat rapid. În prezent, Comisia intenționează să demareze procedura de revizuire a Directivei NIS, începând cu o consultare publică al cărei scop este să colecteze opinii cu privire la punerea în aplicare a acesteia și la impactul eventualelor schimbări viitoare. 💻🔒 👉Poți participa accesând acest link scurt: . . . Consultarea este deschisă tuturor: cetățeni, organizații publice și private, asociații profesionale și mediul academic. . Chestionarul este împărțit în 3 secțiuni: 🔹Secțiunea 1 – întrebări generale referitoare la Directiva NIS care sunt accesibile tuturor părților interesate. 🔹Secțiunea 2 – întrebări tehnice legate de funcționarea Directivei NIS. Această secțiune este destinată persoanelor, organizațiilor și autorităților care sunt familiare cu Directiva NIS și politicile de securitate cibernetică. 🔹Secțiunea 3 – caută să adune opinii legate de abordări ale securității cibernetice în context european, care nu sunt în prezent incluse în Directiva NIS. Această secțiune este destinată preponderent persoanelor, organizațiilor și autorităților care sunt familiare cu Directiva NIS și politicile de securitate cibernetică. #EUHaveYourSay #Digital #NISDirective #EuropeanUnion #PublicConsultation

7/23/2020, 1:22:41 PM

Committed lawyers in #european #internetsociety meeting virtually to deal with #topofmind #legal and #policy challenges in reality💪🏻 Legal and Regulatory Workshop in #centr (Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries)👀 at #EU and the upcoming #digitalservicesact #nisdirective review #consumerprotection regulation and #gdpr Lawyers from all European countries in strong #cooperation and #togetherness working for prosperity, possibilities and privacy for people on the internet👍🏻 #safeinternet

5/27/2020, 5:42:27 PM

Our telecommunications evangelist and subject matter expert Mike Hewitt, the head of our Optical Networks division, was amongst Rail industry's leading #Technology & #CyberSecurity and #Connectivity specialists at the 5th annual Rail Cyber Security Summit this week. Mike was on two panels and covered: #NISDirective/GDPR and #InformationSharing: The journey for the #Digital #Rail #Sector and #Information Sharing. And, Developing Trust and Sharing Threat #Intelligence topics. Mike also delivered a presentation on the same day @TechUK to the Policy Spectrum Forum, covering Spectrum demand from transport and logistics – with talking points such as; National Infrastructure Commission, Rail Connectivity Challenges and even the future of Spectrum itself. There was a selection of presentations across connected cars, benefits of enhanced technology for logistics and tracking, new applications to help reduce carbon emissions, safety of life and what benefits 5G will deliver to seaports. “Continuing the theme that connectivity enables innovation and Cyber Security is essential for delivering resilient and secure national infrastructure - the rail supply chain as a wealth of knowledge, we just need to break down the firewalls between organisations to improve collaboration, information sharing and best practice across the rail sector and also look at the lessons from other infrastructure operators!” – Mike Hewitt, Head of Optical Networks.

2/19/2020, 5:05:08 PM

En stark trend vi ser är att organisationer etablerar en egen🚦”Baseline Security/Privacy Policy”🚦. Detta är ett svar på det större fokus på IT-säkerhet från lagstiftare med en strid ström av nya lagar att hålla koll på och följa: ✅GDPR har varit lag i snart 1 år ✅NIS sedan augusti 2018 ✅US Cloud Act Mars 2018 ✅EU:s Cyber Security Act 2019 ✅Säkerhetsskyddslag April 2019 En Baseline policy blir vägledning för organisationen om vilken kravställning är relevant för interna och externa aktiviteter. Genom att arbeta in säkerhets/privacy element i daglig verksamhet får verksamheten verktyg att snabbt ta beslut, utan att göra legal/policy till flaskhals. 👍Följ oss för mer information och uppdateringar om IT-säkerhetsjuridik.

5/10/2019, 11:37:44 AM

I enjoyed presenting the difference between #US #NIST #framework for #cybersecurity of #criticalnationalinfrastructure ( #CNI) with #EU #NISdirective in an international #Conference at #Amsterdam. The representatives from #smartcity #blockchain #ITsecurity #OT #security and #IoT #cyberrisk management hopefully enjoyed the #panel discussion as well.

3/27/2019, 11:43:37 AM

I am happy to be invited to present at the #international #Cybersenate #conference at Amsterdam on Cyber security for #CriticalNationalInfrastructure #CNI. It is a wonderful opportunity to discuss with the impressive lineup of #speakers at #cybersecurity #cybercrime #NIS #smartcity #iot #nisdirective #nist #cyberattack #police #digital

2/25/2019, 12:19:38 PM

4th #Rail #CyberSecurity Summit with a panel discussion on #NIS accountability tacked the difficult questions. Thanks to #cybersenate for organising it across #EU countries and inviting me on the panel. #cybersecurity #cybercrime #digital #digitalrailways #IoT #nisdirective #smartrailway

2/20/2019, 11:19:23 PM

Looks like Seb's got his head in the cloud(s) today, but how safe is it up there? Check out the new edition of our bestselling Data Protection and the Cloud - Are you really managing the risks? . #elf #elfontheshelf #dataprotection #GDPR #thecloud #nisdirective #cloud . . . #bookstagram #instabook #bookworm #reading #igreads #literature #booklove #bookphotography #compliance #cybersecurity #itil4 #prince2 #pm #projectmanagement #business #breach #successprinciples #development #risk #toolkit #toolkits #governance #it

12/13/2018, 9:41:15 AM

Seb has discovered that all of our books are available as e-books and he's trying to choose which of our latest titles to read first. Browse our full range of books and e-books at Don't forget to use discount code ELF15 to save 15% on all orders by 25 December. #elf, #elfontheshelf #e-book #e-books #informationsecurity #nisdirective . . . . #bookstagram #instabook #bookworm #reading #igreads #literature #booklove #bookphotography #compliance #cybersecurity #itil4 #prince2 #pm #projectmanagement #textbook #business #breachready #breach #successprinciples #development #risk #toolkit #toolkits #governance

12/5/2018, 9:20:18 AM

SynchWakeup GDPR - and now what? with ⭐️ Paulina ⭐️. We all know about the GDPR but have you heard of NIS directive and ePrivacy Regulation? Paulina guided us through the Jungle 🖥💡✔️ . . . . . #lifeatsynch #peopleatsynch #gdpr #nisdirective #eprivacy #legaltech #legalai #wedaretobedifferent

10/30/2018, 9:49:12 AM

Visit the ICS lab at the 5th international CS3sthlm Summit 24-25 Oct and at the extra pre-summit Expo day on the 23rd. Found out more at: #cs3sthlm #ICS #lab #criticalinfrastructure

10/15/2018, 9:11:11 PM

#Repost @digitalstrategy_mydpo • • • • • Cyber Security Day. Internet festival. Presenti! #internetfestival #cybersecurity #day #pisa #gdpr #dataprotection #privacy #nisdirective #iit #formazione #mydpo #bigdata #research #followus

10/13/2018, 9:40:04 PM

New for 2018 - a free fair on the 23rd of October! Do not miss this year's news - a pre-summit fair we call the EXPO-day (23/10). At the CS3 Sthlm EXPO 2018, the premier ICS Cyber Security Expo in Stockholm, you get an overview of threats and latest cyber security solutions and services that's available on the market. Here you will meet both researchers, vendors and experts who share their experiences of best practice and trends in IT security for critical parts of society. We have a full lineup of speakers during the EXPO-day which is open on Tuesday, October 23, 2018, between 13:00 – 22:00 at our venue Nalen. Get the latest updated information about the EXPO-day here: Please note that the CS3sthlm EXPO-day (23/10) is complementary (free of charge), but entrance require registration - enroll here:

9/21/2018, 7:45:28 AM

Number of seats are limited and they run out quickly. Register now if you want to participate in one of the six CS3sthlm tutorials/trainings in Stockholm, Sweden. For instance, read more about the 2-day Network ForensICS Training given by Erik Hjelmvik. ~ #ICS #SCADA #PCAP #Forensic #CS3sthlm #training #security

9/19/2018, 11:39:30 AM

Welcome to CS3sthlm, the Premier Cyber Security Conference for ICS/SCADA and Critical Infrastructure, 24-25 Oct. #cs3sthlm #summit

9/14/2018, 3:41:05 PM

The good, the bad and the segmented ~ “Network Segmentation” is a simple concept of 20 characters (space included). Doing it in practice and doing it right is much more difficult. Proper segmentation is much, much more than just adding a firewall. ~ Listen to this talk by Erwin Kooi and Rik van Hees (Alliander), more info here: ~ #Networksegmentation #OT #ICS #SegmentAllthings

9/7/2018, 5:36:49 PM

We are also super thrilled that Jonathan Homer, Chief of the Industrial Control System Group at NCCIC Hunt and Incident Response Team. He will give a presentation titled ”Recent APT Campaign targeting Energy Sector Assets”! ~ Details are here: ~ #APTCampaign #EnergySector #NCCIC #CS3sthlm

9/7/2018, 9:13:37 AM

We are super thrilled to announce Mark Bristow, Director at the NCCIC Hunt and Incident Response Team (HIRT) of DHS, as a presenter! ~ He will present ”ICS Incident Response: Lessons and mitigations from the field” ~ Find details here: ~ #NCCIC #USDHS

9/7/2018, 8:52:42 AM

Cyber security for the energy sector ~ an introduction to ISO/IEC 27019 and the BDEW/OE Whitepaper ~ Generation, storage, transport and distribution of electricity and gas are the most critical of all critical infrastructure processes supporting our daily life. As in every modern industry domain, energy supply is heavily dependent on industrial control systems (ICS) and the security of these systems. While many energy utilities implement an information security management system (ISMS) based on the ISO/IEC 27000 standard family, they often struggle with the inclusion of the ICS and OT domain, when they try to harmonize security management over their entire business scope. To fill this gap ISO/IEC 27019 Information security controls for the energy utility industry was developed. ISO/IEC 27019 is a sector specific control set for the process control system domain of the energy sector which is based on ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 27002. ~ ~ #ISMS #ISOIEC27001 #ISOIEC27002 #ISOIEC27019 #OTdomain #27001 #27002 #270019 #energy

9/7/2018, 8:30:23 AM

Introduction to Threat Hunting in ICS ~ This one day class is an introduction to threat hunting and incident response for ICS environments. We will overview the business and security use cases of when and why threat hunting is valuable to organizations. We will progress by applying these concepts to corporate environments and industrial environments such as transmission or distribution control facilities, or plant distributed control systems (DCS). ~ ~ #Training #Threat #Threathunting #ICS #DCS #Dragosinc

9/7/2018, 8:23:24 AM

ICS Strategic Planning and War Gaming ~ Network defense is informed by knowing the network, and knowing the adversary – but few practitioners have the fortune of possessing this knowledge before a major breach. Industrial Control System (ICS) networks provide particular challenges due to limitations on operational testing and traditional red team exercises. To address the need for critical assessment of ICS-related networks for developing defensive strategy, this training provides attendees with a comprehensive exercise to identify critical network assets within a theoretical IT and ICS environment, driven by threat intelligence and threat actor profiles. ~ ~ #Training #Defense #ICS #Dragos #industrialcontrolsystem #assessment #network

9/7/2018, 8:14:51 AM

Pentesting Industrial Control Systems @cs3sthlm ~ On this intense 2-days training, you will learn everything you need to start pentesting Industrial Control Networks. ~ We will cover the basics to help you understand what are the most common ICS vulnerabilities. ~ ~ #pentesting #ICS #PLC #industrialcontrolsystems

9/7/2018, 8:03:04 AM

Network Forensics Training at @Cs3Sthlm in October! There are still a few seats left. ~ ~ #ICS #SCADA #PCAP #DFIR #CS3Sthlm

9/7/2018, 7:53:50 AM

We would like to introduce ‪Waterfall Security Solutions‬ as our partner at this years conference! Waterfall will display their ICS security solutions at the expo on the 23rd October!

9/6/2018, 10:18:17 PM

We would like to introduce ‪@recordedfuture‬ as our partner at this years conference! They will display their ICS threat intelligence solutions at the CS3sthlm EXPO on the 23rd!

9/6/2018, 2:13:47 PM

We would like to introduce @kasperskylab as one of our partners at this years conference! Kaspersky Lab will display several ICS security solutions at the expo on the 23rd and in the ICS lab during the summit (24-25/10)!

9/6/2018, 12:32:52 AM

Between 22rd and 23th of October, the days before the CS3sthlm summit, we will provide different full-day tutorials and training with world-renowned experts. The tutorials ranging from theoretical overviews via hands-on practical to highly technical classes. Take a look at the program: #cs3sthlm #trainings #summit #industrialcontrolsystems

9/2/2018, 11:53:12 PM

We would like to introduce @Advenica as our partner at this years conference! Advenica will display their ICS security solutions at the expo on the 23rd and will be present during the summit on 24-25th of October! ~ #CS3sthlm

9/2/2018, 11:22:59 PM

We are happy to welcome back @FIRSTdotOrg - the Forum of Incident Response Teams - as a community partner for this years conference! #cs3sthlm

8/31/2018, 1:14:38 AM

We are happy to welcome back Norwegian @KraftCERT as a community partner for this years conference!

8/31/2018, 12:52:28 AM

We would like to introduce @MSBse as our governmental partner at this years conference! ~ MSB will be hosting several industry and academic research presentations during both the expo and the conference! ~ #CS3sthlm

8/31/2018, 12:44:33 AM

Danielle Kriz of Palo Alto Networks gives keynote at #idcsecurity16. #gdpr #nisdirective #privacy #dataprotection

9/22/2016, 2:15:31 PM