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Hoy os traemos... 🎲 Rolling Heights 🏙, un juego de mesa editado por @malditogames, de 1 a 4 jugadores 👥, con una duración de 45 a 60 minutos por partida ⏳ y que se puede sacar a mesa a partir de 14 años 🤔💡. En Rolling Heights viajamos a la década de los veinte, donde un joven e inexperto contratista que emprende un viaje hacia el éxito. Con una visión audaz y un espíritu incansable, abrimos las puertas de nuestro primer negocio 💼, embarcándonos en la titánica tarea de erigir las construcciones de magnates inmobiliarios que van a definir el horizonte de una metrópolis en plena expansión… ¡y estas llevarán nuestro sello! 🌇 Un eurogame de peso ligero-medio en el que los jugadores tendremos que gestionar nuestros recursos ⛏ de forma eficiente para levantar primero pequeñas estructuras 🏗, que poco a poco se convertirán en imponentes rascacielos desde los que contemplar el paisaje urbanístico que estamos desarrollando 😍. Para ello, la mecánica principal del juego gira en torno a la acción de lanzar meeples 👋🏻🎲 que harán de trabajadores, ¿o tal vez no? Los jugadores tirarán estos meeples para determinar sus acciones disponibles, y dependiendo de cómo aterricen en la zona de juego podrán o no realizar estas si caen de pie o tumbados respectivamente😏. Así, los resultados de estos lanzamientos influirán directamente en las posibilidades de construcción y la adquisición de recursos necesarios para avanzar en el juego, pudiendo relanzar, asumiendo la pérdida de ciertos recursos, para probar suerte de nuevo 🍀. A medida que construyamos los edificios, deberemos colocar bloques sobre los mismos 🧱, lo que requiere planificación en pos de una mejor optimización y nos otorgará prestigio y más mano de obra para seguir avanzando en la construcción de edificios 💪🏻. La caja además incluye un par de añadidos: la miniexpansión del autor y el simio furioso 🦍💥 y la expansión de propiedades marítimas y exposición universal 🌊. Esto y mucho más en la reseña que hemos publicado en la web, a la que os invito que le echéis un vistazo 📰👀. #juegosdemesa #boardgames #jogosdetabuleiro #jocsdetaula #boardgamesofinstagram #rollingheights

5/21/2024, 8:00:17 PM

ROLLING HEIGHTS 🏗️ Nos situamos en plena década de los años 20, momento de gran auge en el sector de la construcción y tú, como contratista recién iniciado en el mundillo, tendrás que luchar por hacerte un hueco entre tanto rival para conseguir los mejores contratos y mantener motivada a tu plantilla. Cada jugador empezará la partida con una serie de meeples iniciales, que serán el motor del juego. Durante nuestro turno, los haremos rodar y en función de la posición en la que caigan contaremos con más o menos recursos. Nos podremos encontrar con 3 situaciones: ✔️ Que el meeple caiga completamente de pie : se encuentra 100% motivado para trabajar ✔️ Que el meeple caiga inclinado, apoyado sobre uno de sus lados: se encuentra dispuesto para realizar sus tareas ✔️ Que el meeple caiga tumbado: el trabajador está agotado por lo que no aportará nada durante el turno Así, iremos tirando nuestros meeples para obtener materias primas, adquirir planos de construcción, contratar más trabajadores o completar y construir edificios. Iremos sumando puntos a lo largo de toda la partida en función de nuestras losetas de edificios y además, al final de la partida obtendremos puntos extras por objetivos, tanto públicos como privados. 💬 Como opinión personal, nos ha gustado mucho y nos ha parecido muy original la mecánica de tener que tirar los meeples para obtener materiales. Tiene unas reglas sencillas y los turnos son ágiles, lo que lo hace muy agradable de jugar. Su autor ya nos ganó con su juego Cubitos y con este no nos ha defraudado. 👥 1-4 jugadores 🧑‍🧑‍🧒‍🧒 +10 años ⏱️ 60 min #4Cubitos #boardgames #boardgamer #tabletop #tabletopgames #bgg #bggcommunity #boardgamesshots #boardgamephotography #gamenights #giochidatavolo #jeuxdesociete #spiel #brettspiel #brettspiele #jogosdetabuleiro #eurogame #boardgamecollection #boardgamecollection #boardgameaddict #gryplanszowe #boardgamecommunity #juegos #juegosdemesa #eurogames #rollingheights #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgameaddict #games #boardgamegeek #boardgameshelfie

5/20/2024, 9:00:07 PM

Chucking meeples in Rolling Heights is just so damn satisfying 😁 @alderacentertainment #johndclair #rollingheights #boardgames

5/18/2024, 5:04:58 PM

Rolling Heights + Expansiones @malditogames En Rolling Heights, harás «rodar» a los trabajadores que representan tu mano de obra. Aquellos que aterricen de pie te otorgan acciones especiales y materiales de construcción, mientras que los que queden tumbados no te otorgan nada. 💥¡Ya disponible!👀 💻Link en nuestro perfil.📱 #turolgames #juegosdemesa #boardgames #malditogames #RollingHeights #estrategia

5/13/2024, 5:31:06 PM

La metrópolis está en expansión y es la oportunidad perfecta para colocarte entre los mejores contratistas de la ciudad 🏗️ Consigue materiales y acciones especiales lanzando a tus trabajadores y procurando que acaben de pie 👷🏻 Da forma al skyline de la ciudad y diviértete en #rollingheights 🏙️ @aegminions @malditogames #rollingheights #juegosdemesa #colocacióndetrabajadores #obras #edificios #construccion #boardgames #bgg #júpiterjuegos

5/13/2024, 4:41:33 PM

Esto es Rolling Heights, un nuevo juego de mesa en el que lanzarás a tus trabajadores para determinar su productividad. Porque si caen tumbados, parece que se tomarán un descanso... Se ambienta en los años 20. Liderarás tu propia empresa de construcción. #juegos #juegosdemesa #rollingheights Fotos: @malditogames

5/11/2024, 12:46:20 PM

¡Viaja a los glamurosos años 20 y conviértete en un gran constratista en Rolling Heights! En este emocionante juego, liderarás tu propia empresa de construcción en una metrópolis en pleno auge. "Lanza" a tus trabajadores para obtener materiales y acciones especiales, pero cuidado, ¡dependiendo de cómo caigan estarán más o menos dispuestos a trabajar! ¿Querrás relanzar y tentar a la suerte? Incluye la Miniexpansión del autor y el simio furioso y la Exposición Universal. 🏙️✨¡Prepárate para construir y alcanzar los cielos del éxito en este Rolling Heights! 👥1-4 ⏳45-90 🎂+10 #malditogames #juegosdemesa #boardgames #RollingHeights #bggcomunity #jugandoconamigos

5/10/2024, 7:00:23 PM

¡Venimos con las novedades de la semana! 📣 Otra semana con variedad temática. Ampliamos clásicos con el pack de misión La Horda del Ogro para Heroquest 🗡️ o nos convertimos en intrépidos viajeros del desierto en Sand 🏜️ Estas y todas las novedades te esperan ya en tus tiendas #júpiterjuegos 😎 @deviriberia @devirgames @malditogames @fantasyflightgames @aegminions @burodejuegos @arrakisgames @deliciousgamesboard @mandoogames @avalonhillgames @the.test.table @draco_studios @mercuriodistribuciones #sand #elvalledelaeternidad #kiwichowdown #rollingheights #dragonbond #lordsofvaala #heroquest #evacuation #arkahmhorror #skull #guyuguyu #quitateeso #novedades #novedadesdelasemana #juegosdemesa #juegosdecartas #boardgames #bgg #júpiterjuegos

5/10/2024, 5:47:24 PM

🔴SORTEO🔴 Con motivo del lanzamiento de Rolling Heights os proponemos un nuevo #sorteomaldito 🎉🎉 Para participar, debéis cumplir los siguientes requisitos: 🔺 Sigue la cuenta @malditogames 🔺 Menciona 3 personas con las que jugarías 🔺 Comparte esta publicación en tu historia, con el hashtag #sorteomaldito y menciónanos en ella con la cuenta de @malditogames. Si tu cuenta es privada, mándanos una captura del post por mensaje privado, ¡para incluirte en el sorteo! La persona ganadora se anunciará el día 15 de mayo en un comentario fijado en el mismo post. ¡Mucha suerte a todo el mundo! 🍀🍀 Sorteo disponible solo para residentes en España. Válida una participación por persona. Las cuentas oficiales de Maldito Games en Instagram son @malditogames y @malditogamespt Cualquier otra cuenta es ajena a nosotros y no somos responsables de sus acciones. Este sorteo no está patrocinado, asociado o administrado por Instagram. Instagram no tiene ninguna responsabilidad respecto a los concursantes o participantes en este sorteo. #sorteo #sorteomaldito #malditogames #juegosdemesa #boardgames #RollingHeights

5/9/2024, 6:00:21 PM

Saludos viajeros. ¡Acercaos y observad algunas de las reliquias que guardaba el dragón en su cámara! 🐉🔥 Para más info, visita: #rollingheights #elvalledelaeternidad #maravillasdelmundo #meeples #malditogames #dragonchamber

5/9/2024, 9:05:33 AM

Wir haben Samstag unseren Neuzugang Rolling Heights gespielt. Es ist ein Spiel von AEG, das zuerst per Kickstarter realisiert wurde, leider noch nicht eingedeutscht. Die englischen Regeln sind aber gut zu verstehen. . In diesem Spiel planen und bauen wir Gebäude in einer Stadt und beauftragen dafür sämtliche Arbeiter und Unterstützer, die dafür nötig sind. Dafür "würfeln" wir die Meeple. Je nachdem, wie sie dann stehen oder liegen, können wir dafür eine Aktion bzw Fähigkeit ausführen. Es beinhaltet auch einen Push your luck Mechanismus, mit dem wir erschöpfe Meeple weiter würfeln können; allerdings mit der Gefahr, unsere aktiven Arbeiter durch einen Streik zu verlieren 😉 . Cooles Spiel, hat uns Spaß gemacht und sehr gefallen 😁 . #spielenineckernförde #spielenimnorden #rollingheights #meeples #brettspiele #boardgames @alderacentertainment #aeggames

5/5/2024, 9:28:06 PM

Década de 1920. Acabas de montar tu empresa. Tendrás que supervisar las construcciones de los magnates inmobiliarios... Espera, ¿esto no te dice nada? ¡No te vayas! ¿Y si te contamos que en Rolling Heights tendrás que hacer rodar a tus trabajadores para que caigan de pie? La cosa mejora. 😉 #rollingheights #juegos #juegosdemesa #novedades #mayo

5/2/2024, 1:46:30 PM

4월의 마지막 부부 보드게임 일기 1. 붑 오랜만에 붑! 뭔가 규칙은 간단한데 이기기는 어려운? 감이 있다.. 많이하면 늘텐데 간간히 해줘야 재밌는것같다 ㅎㅎ 2. 하모니즈 (3회플) 하모니즈 또모니즈 아내의 탑3에 들어가버린 하모니즈 3D캐스캐디아라는 평도 있던데 캐스캐디아는 타일잘못가져온다고 터지지는 않잖아 ㅜㅜ 더 머리를 많이 써야하는 것 같다. 건물과 초원이 뭔가 가져오기 꺼려지는것은 기분탓일까!! 티라노 프로모는 무척 강력하다 나도 아내도 이녀석들로 130점을 넘었다 오우! 3. 카피바라(3회플) 귀여운 카피바라~ 게임이 단조로우면서도 생각할게 좀 있는데 개인목표가 좀 다양했으면 좋겠다. 같은모양 세개씩, 또는 두개씩 이런 목표는 상대가 바로 파악이 가능해서 살짝 아쉬움이 있다. 4. 크로싱 동생이 보드게임을 빌리러 놀러와서 몇가지 소개해주었는데 그간 소개하지 않은 게임을 꺼내봤다. 너무 많이해서 닳고 닳아버린 상자와 보석들이 아쉬운데 이녀석도 눈치게임과 함께 뺏고 뺏기는 웃음이 장난아니다. 또 자주 꺼내줘야겠구만! 그밖에 벼룩서커스, 셀레스티아, 모우 등등을 플레이 5. 아르낙의 잊혀진 유적 구매이후 첫 플레이인데 이전에 배울때가 무척 잘 풀린거였다... 1라운드에 자원만 캐고 탐험을 못하니까 바로 망 ㅜ 교수를 플레이해봤는데 뭔가 유물을 많이 썼는데 점수로 연결은 잘 못했다 아내는 대위를 플레이하며 일꾼을 기반으로 수호자를 많이 물리쳤는데 이게 점수가 크게 되더라 마지막까지 자원 바꿔서 점수를 더 먹으려는 고민이 무척 재밌었던 게임 그러나 72대 87로 파워패배ㅜㅜ 6. 칸반EV 사진은 찍었는데 업로드를 빼먹었다? 몸살감기가 심했는데 칸반이 하고싶다고 해서 꺼내보았으나... 뇌를빼고 게임하면 망한다는걸 아주 잘 보여주고말았다. 첫 턴에 가져온 X 타일두개를 쓰지도 않을거면서 가져와서 계속 자리만 차지하고 산드라가 부품털러가는데 그 직전에 부품을 다 쓰고.. 차를 빼야하는데 디자인타일을 가져오고... 2번째 주간회의 전까지 녹색차 빼야지 하고 업그레이드 4개 해두고 차도 다 밀어뒀는데 빼지를 못했다.. 측은하게 여긴 아내가 녹색차를 마저 빼줘서 가져와서 다행히 어떻게든 복구는 했으나.. 크게 패배쓰 ㅜㅜ 정신차려!! 7. 롤링하이츠 간만에 꺼내본 롤링하이츠! 초반엔 뭐 별거없이 재료만 모으는데 시간이 가면서 미플이 늘어나고 고민거리도 늘어나고 내 건물도 늘어나고 아주 좋다! 미플 굴리면서 울고 웃는 재미는 덤 쌓는걸 좋아하는 아내의 취향에 아주 잘 맞고 끝나고 보는 것도 아주 재미가 좋은데 플레이하다보니 두시간을 후딱 넘어버린것이 단점이랄까... 8. 라이프오브더아마조니아 일주일 출장 전 마지막 게임으로 선택된 아마조니아 오거를 사고 첫 플레이인데 확실히 짱짱한것이 아주 좋다! 이번엔 D로 플레이! 지난번 C는 늘어자면서 점수를 엄청 먹었는데 이번엔 아내가 초반부터 지형과 동물을 엄청 달렸다. 앵무는 식물, 카이만은 동물이였어서 둘이 노선을 나눠 아내는 앵무를 달리고 나는 카이만을 달렸는데 갑자기 점수도 다 못먹을 카이만을 하나 집어가더라... 뀨..? 아내는 또 수달을 달리고 나는 타마린을 달리면서 각자 하고싶은걸 다 했는데 계속 뒤쳐지고 트랙도 밀리다가 하지만 최종점수를 주는 카드를 하나도 구매하지않아 그걸로 역전! 물은 생명인것이여 역시~ 보통 지면 분해하는데 이번엔 차이도 얼마 안나고 자기 하고싶은거 다 했다고 만족해하며 이게 하모니즈보다 재미는 있어... 를 끝으로 게임을 마무리. 이제 4월은 끝...! 5월 파주슈필.. 파워그리드 온마스 기대중.. 어콰이어..살것...메모.. #부부보드게임 #붑 #하모니즈보드게임 #카피바라보드게임 #크로싱보드게임 #아르낙의잊혀진유적 #rollingheights #lifeoftheamazonia #라이프오브더아마조니아

4/29/2024, 2:38:02 AM

🇳🇱 𝗥𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗲𝘄 Rolling Heights 🏗️ van @whitegoblingames (🇬🇧 in comments) 👥 1-4 p. ⏱️ 60 min. 🧒 14+ 👷🏻 Rol meeples en bouw de beste stad! Rolling Heights is een push-your-luck spel waarin je een stad opbouwt met de hulp van je werkers. Elke ronde gooi je je werkers, harde werkers staan rechtop en werken op volle kracht, werkers die op hun zij liggen werken op halve kracht en plat liggende werkers zijn uitgeput. Je kunt je werkers een duwtje in de rug geven en nog eens rollen maar als je ze te zeer pusht en ze allemaal uitgeput zijn dan trigger je een staking en verlies je ook de inzet van een aantal van je volle/halve kracht werkers. 🏙️ Zodra je tevreden bent met je werkers of een staking hebt getriggerd krijg je grondstoffen voor de volle en halve kracht werkers of 1 jokerfiche als troost voor een staking. Met deze grondstoffen ga je nieuwe bouwplannen kopen en plaatsen. De gebouwen ga je realiseren door de juiste grondstoffen op het bouwplan te plaatsen. Zodra je het gebouw afgerond hebt scoor je de overwinningspunten die op de bouwplantegel staan en eventueel nieuwe arbeiders als deze zijn afgebeeld. Ten slotte leg je alle ongebruikte resources voor deze ronde af, vul je de bouwplannen aan en kies je weer maximaal 10 arbeiders voor de volgende ronde. 🌇 Rolling Heights vind ik een heerlijk bouwspelletje met een fris dobbelmechanisme met de meeples. Je moet wat geluk hebben met dobbelen want werkers die rechtop landen en dus op volle kracht werken leveren meer grondstoffen op dan werkers op halve kracht. Je wilt niet te ver gaan in het push-your-luck principe maar vooral in het begin als je nog niet veel werkers hebt kun je prima een staking veroorzaken en jokers nemen. Het is een fijne mix van vooruit plannen met bouwtegels en het geluk tarten met dobbelen. Enige minpuntjes aan het spel zijn dat de speeltijd wat hoger uitvalt dan op de doos aangegeven staat en dat de grijze werkertjes eerder paars dan grijs zijn van kleur maar als je dat eenmaal weet stoort het verder niet. Fans van Cubitos (zelfde designer) die op [Gekregen review exemplaar] #rollingheights #whitegoblingames #bgg

4/17/2024, 7:06:08 PM

✨️NEW✨️NEW✨️ 🛕Rolling Heights [NL] In Rolling Heights rollen spelers arbeiders in de vorm van meeples. Staande meeples werken die dag hard en leveren speciale acties en bouwmaterialen, terwijl liggende meeples niets opleveren. Je kunt altijd je geluk op de proef stellen voor betere worpen, maar je kunt daarmee ook waardevolle materialen verliezen die je nodig hebt om nieuwe gebouwen te bouwen. 🐺Schnitzeljacht [NL] In Schnitzeljacht is het eten of gegeten worden. De grote roofdieren winnen van de kleinere roofdieren, maar de kleinere roofdieren leveren aan het einde van een ronde meer punten op. Gebruik je dierlijke instincten om de andere spelers te slim af te zijn en bepaal op basis daarvan wie je op jacht stuurt. De speler die als eerste 5 voedselfiches weet te veroveren, wint het spel. 👹Cabanga [NL] Probeer handig en het liefst zonder leegtes kaarten af te leggen om zo snel mogelijk van je kaarten af te komen, want die leveren aan het einde van het spel minpunten op. Dat zou eenvoudiger zijn als je geen tegenstanders had. Verschijnt er namelijk een leegte, dan klinkt van alle kanten “Cabanga!” en krijg je direct weer kaarten toegeschoven. Lukt het jou om na meerdere ronden de minste minpunten te incasseren en met een laatste “Cabanga!” te winnen? #999games #999gamesfan #whitegoblingames #rollingheights #rollingheightsgame #schnitzeljacht #cabanga #boardgameday #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgaming #boardgames #boardgamer #bordspel #bordspelmania #bordspellen #gezelschapsspel #gezelschapsspellen #gezelschapsspelen #samenspelen #samenzijn

4/17/2024, 1:07:23 PM

🌆 Rolling Heights - Rolling Meeples, Raising Landmarks 🌆 🏗️ Step into the bustling 1920s as an ambitious contractor in Rolling Heights, a board game where your goal is to build the city’s next iconic skyscrapers. Starting with just four workers, you’ll strategically roll meeples—your tiny but mighty workforce—to manage your construction empire. 🎲 Each roll determines your workers’ effectiveness: upright meeples work hard, sideways ones steady on, and those on their backs are too tired, stalling your progress. Roll wisely as pushing your luck too far can lead to a workforce strike, halving your active meeples! 🌆 Utilize your workers to erect buildings, buy plans, or trade. This is where the meeple colors come into play. Each color either yields resources or provides strategic benefits like strike prevention. This setup invites you to manage resources and plan your next big move tactically. 🏙️ The game ends when all resource cubes of one color are placed, leading to a final tally where public and personal goals boost your score. Will you become the most renowned contractor in Rolling Heights? 🎨 Designed by John D. Clair, Rolling Heights is for 1-4 players, suitable for ages 10 and up, and takes about an hour to play. Inside the box, you’ll discover an array of components including 90 robust plastic meeples, six double-sided neighborhood boards, a scoreboard, and 78 building plan tiles, among many others, all beautifully illustrated by Kwanchai Moriya. 🌟 Our thoughts? Rolling Heights offers a fresh twist with its meeple-rolling mechanism, blending strategy and luck in an engaging push-your-luck format. It’s a compelling pick for those who love a mix of careful planning and the thrill of chance. 🔗 Full review on our website (link in bio). 📝 Disclaimer: We received a review copy of this game from @whitegoblingames. . . . . . #Tabletopping #BoardGames #RollingHeights #WhiteGoblinGames #FamilyGames #BoardGame #StrategyGames #JohnDClair #KwanchaiMoriya #PushYourLuck #PushYourLuckGames #GameNight #BoardGameGeek #BoardGameAddict #TabletopGames #StrategyBoardGames #GameReview #1920s #CityBuildingGames #DiceGames #MeepleLove #TabletopGaming

4/16/2024, 4:39:48 PM

🇳🇱/🇬🇧⬇️ Afgelopen weekend gespeeld 🎲 Op vrijdagavond werd het weekend ingeluid met een spellenavondje met vrienden. We speelden Coàtl 🐲 en Sheepy Time 🐑 Zaterdag avond was het tijd voor Rolling Heights 🏙 en de eerste zaak van Suspects 1 🕵🏻‍♀️ Als laatste sloot ik de zondag af met Side Quest Nemesis 👩🏻‍🚀 Een escape room spel dus ook zondag mocht ik weer puzzelen. Al met al een zeer geslaagd weekend dus! 🇬🇧 Boardgame weekend round-up 🎲 On Friday night, I kicked off the weekend with a game night with friends. We played Coàtl 🐲 and Sheepy Time 🐑 Saturday evening it was time for Rolling Heights 🏙 and the first case of Suspects 1 🕵🏻‍♀️ Finally, I closed off on Sunday with Side Quest Nemesis 👩🏻‍🚀 An escape room game so I got to test my puzzle solving skills again. So all in all, a very successful weekend! #zondagspelletjesdag #spellenweekend #afgelopenweekendgespeeld #boardgameweekend #coatl #coatlgame #asmodeenl #unboxnownl #jeuxsynapses #sheepytime #aeg #aeggames #rollingheights #whitegoblingames #suspectsgame #geronimogames #sidequestnemesis #boardanddice #bgg #boardgamer #boardgamegeek #bggcommunity #boardgameinstagrams #boardgamecommunity #boardgamenight #boardgameday #bordspel #bordspellen

4/15/2024, 6:15:14 PM

ROLLING HEIGHTS 🏙️ (1-4 players) 🇬🇧⤵️ Our rating: 9🥇 @whitegoblingames @alderaceg 📝 Speluitleg: In Rolling Heights probeer je de meest succesvolle metropool te bouwen. Afhankelijk van het aantal spelers worden een aantal speelborden neergelegd (A of B zijde). Elke speler start met 2 soorten arbeiders: timmermannen (bruin) en 2 bouwvakkers (grijs). Een beurt heeft 4 fasen: voorbereiding, riskeer, actie en afronden. Bij de voorbereiding kies je maximaal 10 arbeiders. In fase 2 gooi je de gekozen meeples in je dobbelbak. Hoe de meeples terechtkomen bepaalt hoeveel voordeel ze je geven, waarbij een rechtopstaande meeple het meeste voordeel geeft en een liggende geen (die is uitgeput). Je kunt door gooien tot je wil stoppen of tot alle arbeiders die je gooide uitgeput zijn. Dan moet je de helft van je werkende arbeiders niet meetellen die ronde (staking). Je krijgt dan wel een jokerfiche. In fase 3 (actie) mag je arbeiders activeren, 1 nieuwe bouwplantegel kopen en plaatsen, jokerfiches gebruiken, grondstofblokjes verhandelen, gebouwen bouwen of voltooien. Om een tegel te kopen, moet je grondstofblokjes betalen. Niveau 1 tegels zijn duurder om te kopen en zijn moeilijker te voltooien, maar leveren ook meer voordeel op. Een gebouw bouw je door gedurende het spel de benodigde grondstofblokjes erop te leggen. Als je een tegel voltooit, krijg je de bonus die erop staat (zoals bijvoorbeeld een arbeider in een bepaalde kleur of OP). Als 1 soort grondstofblokjes op is, stopt het spel. Degene met de meeste punten wint! ⭐ Onze review: Rolling Heights heeft ons enorm positief verrast. Het heeft een hoge herspeelbaarheid door de vele tegels, persoonlijke doelen en de speelborden die telkens anders liggen. Dat je meeples in een dobbelbak moet gooien, is echt heel grappig bedacht. Ze zeggen dat fase 1 simultaan gedaan kan worden, maar wij merkten dat je dan veel alleen met jezelf bezig bent. Het push your luck element vinden wij leuk, maar de straf als je staking hebt, vinden we erg streng. (Gekregen review exemplaar) #rollingheights #whitegoblingames #alderaceg #meeples #pushyourluck #tileplacement #metropolis #boardgamesarefun #boardgamesofinstagram #deaffriendly

4/9/2024, 5:33:33 PM

Yesterday I enjoyed Rolling Heights @amsterdice_boardgameclub! Here are my initial thoughts..☀️ ⭐️ ROLLING HEIGHTS (2023) ⭐️ Keywords: #citybuilding #areamajoritygame #pushyourluck #meeplerolling 🤸 14+ 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 1-4 players ⏳ 45-60 minutes 🏠In Rolling Heights you build up a city together! 🏙️Players take turns rolling meeples, of which the standing meeples gain 2 resources as an income, half standing only 1. Later in the game you’ll unlock meeples with special abilities, gaining you all sorts of benefits, such as points or wildcards! 🏥After collecting the income from the meeples, players get to buy a buildingtile from the market, after which it will be build next to another tile built earlier. Sometimes bonusses apply after paying some resourse(s). If the active player still has resources available, they can build on there buildings. 🏢Whenever a building has all the resources it needs, it is finished, gaining the active player some points indicated and sometimes extra bonusses such as a new meeple to add to their pool! 🏭When one of the resources is depleted, all players get their final turn and the player with most points wins the game! ⭐️ THOUGHTS ⭐️ 🌳I really enjoy Rolling Heights. When players prepare their turn by already throwing and collecting their meeples, turns are rather quick and feel rewarding, since there are many points to collect in-game and, how fun, you get to see your buildings rise up!! 🏣The only thing I noticed which I didn’t really appreciate, was the fact that I soon figured out a way to throw the meeples in such a way they stand up, which I think is not really the idea behind the mechanic of throwing the meeples. Still I really like the thought of it, I need to get more games in before making up my mind on this. 👌 I love the 3D city building aspect of the game 👌 The game is not too difficult to learn and rules are solid 👌 There are a lot of ways to score points and it’s fun to try out different strategies ➖ there seems to be some skill involved in how to throw the meeples 💜 Lotte Speelt Gifted copy 🙏 #rollingheights #bgg #amsterdice #boardgames #whitegoblingames

4/8/2024, 2:46:52 PM

A game of #RollingHeights from the other day. Havent played this one for quite a while, but always enjoyed rolling the meeples and building up the towers. #AlderacEntertainmentGroup #AEG #BoardGame #BoardGames #BoardGamesofInstagram #BoardGamePhotography #BoardGamesAreForEverybody #BGAFE #BoardGameGeek #BGG

4/7/2024, 9:35:41 PM

I was a terrible city builder but still enjoyed playing Rolling Heights #whosyercon2024 #rollingheights

3/30/2024, 11:22:30 PM

Zondag 7 April hebben wij Rolling Heights in de Play & Win. In dit bijzondere spel moet je met meeples gooien om gebouwen te bouwen in de stad. Ben jij er ook volgende week zondag? Aanmelden kan via de link in bio👆 @whitegoblingames #whitegoblingames #alderacentertainmentgroup #rollingheights #giveaway #play #win #boardgame

3/29/2024, 4:43:43 PM

Rolling Heights es un juego modular de construcción de ciudades en el que harás «rodar» a los trabajadores que representan tu mano de obra. Aquellos que aterricen de pie te otorgan acciones especiales y materiales de construcción, mientras que los que queden tumbados no te otorgan nada. #rollingheights #tablerum #juegosdemesa

3/26/2024, 6:37:36 PM

🌵 Многие из моих зрителей знают, как сильно я люблю созидательные игры. Мне очень нравится это ощущение, когда ты видишь, как у тебя на глазах создаётся что-то красивое или атмосферное). И поэтому мой интерес к игре Великие высоты (Rolling Heights) не заставил себя долго ждать. Уже даже обзор есть!). И он, как всегда, доступен по ссылке в шапке профиля 👆 #великиевысоты #rollingheights

3/21/2024, 3:34:39 PM

Played some games this weekend with the family. Introduced Steam Up and Rolling Hieghts to the kids. The both seemed to enjoy both games so that’s a win! . . . . #boardgame #boardgames #boardgameaddict #boardgamesofinstagram #bgg #boardgamegeek #tabletop #tabletopgames #bjjgamer #gamer #games #steamup #dimsum #alderacentertainmentgroup #rollingheights #johndclair

3/18/2024, 9:21:09 PM

🇧🇪🇳🇱 Vanmiddag had ik een hele gezellige tijd als VIP bij @whitegoblingames . We speelden Stapel Stad (Sunrise Lane) en Rolling Heights. In beide spellen ga je de hoogte in en daar houd de vergelijking ook op. Oh ja... beiden spellen zijn ook erg leuk om te spelen. Achteraf kregen we ook nog een goodiebag met beide spellen, Gobbi, Speed en het nieuwe Alles of Nixx! Bedankt WGG voor de gezellige tijd! #StapelStad #RollingHeights #AllesOfNixx #WhiteGoblinGames

3/15/2024, 8:12:22 PM

#보드게임#롤링하이츠#레이어퍼즐#아그리콜라#기즈모#생일 #boardgames #rollingheights #layerpuzzle #agricola #gizumo #birthday #hbd 바리바리 싸들고 찾아간 프리스콜레... 이젠 너무 자주 가나 싶을 정도다?! 우짜다보니, 그렇게 되어버렸다. 같이 게임하고 맛난 걸 같이 드셔줄 분들만 있다면 그걸로 된거니 음식, 케이크 다 포장해 습격! 요즘, MZ들은 초를 구부려서 촛불 붙인다고 누군가 카더라?! [롤링하이츠] 루시님은 견제를 좋아하시는 분이란 걸, 단번에 파악한 게임! 나 또한 진지하게 게임에 임하게 되었다. 미플을 굴려, 자원이나 점수, 능력을 얻어 경쟁업체보다 보다 더 많이 보다 더 높게 건물을 지어보자!!! 게임이 끝나면 보는 맛이 좋은 게임! 보통아빠님, 루시님, 나 요렇게 3인플 진행! 개인 목표는 이미 하늘 저 너머로 가버려서 도저히 이길 수가 없었다 ㅠ 루시님: 111점 보통아빠님: 94점 준벅: 85점 [레이어 퍼즐] 보통아빠님과 함께 2인플! 첫플 -10 두번째 -12 이번이 세번째 -15 (결과는 졌다!) 이미 내 머리는 기억력따위 포기해버렸다 ㅠㅠ [아그리콜라] 요즘 세상에 누가 이 게임을 하겠는가? 라고 하지만 나는 여전히 최애 게임 중 하나인 게임! 카드 확장은 전부 구매하고 있다. 흑사병 시기, 하루를 버티기도 힘든 농경 생활을 배경으로 한 게임! (일명, 밥먹이기 게임!) 일꾼 놓기 게임! 본인의 농장(개인판)을 집, 밭, 울타리, 외양간, 가축들로 (가능하다면) 풍요롭게 만들면 된다! 보통아빠님과 루시님이 첫플이라 직업과 보조설비 카드를 3장씩 들고 시작! ㅎㅅㅎ 미플 스티커를 붙이고나서 꼭 해보고 싶었었다! 준벅: 27점 보통아빠님: 26점 루시님: 17점 루시님이 다음에는 7장씩 받고 해보고 싶다고 하셔서 기분이 좋았다! (영업 성공?!) [기즈모] 이번엔 블루송님도 합류! 첨에는 많이 헤매다가 엔진 빌딩류 게임인데 게임 종료는 카드를 총 16장 모으거나 3단계 카드 4장(?)을 모으면 끝난다고 한다. 나중에는 누군가의 카드 장수를 카운트하고 있는 내 자신... 보통아빠님: 25점 블루송님: 24점 루시님, 준벅: 23점 하고 싶은 게임도 돌리고 알찬 생일이었다! (카르카손까지 했다면 더 좋았겠지만... ㅎㅎㅎ)

3/12/2024, 4:47:53 PM

And that’s a wrap on #DiceTowerWest in #LasVegas. I had a satisfying trip, within the gaming convention and outside. All the games I wanted to play were played. Mission accomplished, I’d say! . #RollingHeights was first on my list to try. We didn’t have time to finish a game on Friday, and then the copy was checked out of the library for the entire Saturday. Glad we got to complete a game Sunday 5 minutes before the convention library closed. Rolling meeples as a mechanic shouldn’t work, but it does! . Tried out #Aqua at the demo hall, and it reminded me somewhat of Acropolis under water. Reliably pretty (if a little saturated) art by #VincentDutrait. I don’t know if I need another tile-laying game, but this one was thoroughly enjoyable. 🥇 . Continuing on the #JohnDClair train with a play of #Cubitos. Much like Rolling Heights, it’s also a push-your-luck game, but make it focused on a race. I’ve been trying to determine whether this or RH is better, but I feel like both have their merits. 🥇 . Also played the overproduced #CleopatraAndTheSocietyOfArchitects. Such a simple game in a New-York-sized-apartment of a box that takes a while to pack away afterward. Perfect for a convention setting, definitely not necessary to own.🥇 (tied) . . . #boardgames #boardgame #boardgaming #tabletop #tabletopgame #tabletopgames #tabletopgaming #boardgamegeek #boardgamegeeks #bgg #canadiangamer #gamenight #brunocathala #aeggames

3/11/2024, 1:59:54 AM

#롤링하이츠 #RollingHeights #영향력 #풀빌딩 #다이스롤링 #푸시유어럭 #타일놓기 #JohnDClair #Boardgame #Juegodemesa #Jogodetableiro '롤링 하이츠'는 상당히 특이한 게임이었다. 재미있기도 하고 하면 절로, 자꾸만 기도(?)하게 되는 그런 게임🤣 이 게임은 미플을 굴려서(?!) 자원을 얻은 후, 그 자원으로 타일을 사서 놓고 그 위에 건물을 쌓으며 도시를 만들어가는 게임이다. 이 게임은 여러 색깔의 미플들을 잘 얻어서 잘 굴려야 한다. 여러 색깔은 왜 필요하냐고? 그건 어떤 자원을 얻을 수 있는지 그 색이 결정해주기 때문이다. 예를 들어 갈색 미플은 목재를, 투명한 미플은 유리를 준다. 그런데...... 아까부터 자꾸 굴린다고 하는데.... 그게 뭐냐고? 말 그대로다! 미플들을 굴리는 거다. 미플들은 굴려진 후, 세 가지 일꾼으로 나뉜다. 1.똑바로 서있는 아해 2. 옆으로 비스듬히 눕거나 나이키(비보이 춤) 같은 자세를 취한 아해 3. 아예 누운 아해 아예 누운 아해들은 말하자면 파업을 선언한 거다. 똑바로 선 아해들은 일을 제대로 하는 아이들이라 나에게 그에 해당하는 재료를 2개 수급해 주고 비스듬한 아이들은 재료를 1개 수급해 준다. 그래서 자꾸 미플들을 굴리면서 기도하게 되더라고🙏😂 제발 서라..... 제발! 하지만 이 게임의 묘미는 자신이 가진 미플 수의 반이 반듯하게 서거나 비스듬히 설 때부터 시작된다. 예를 들어 내가 가진 미플은 8개인데 4개는 반듯하게 또는 비스듬히 섰다? 그럼 나머지 4개를 가지고 도박(?)을 할 수 있는 마지막 기회가 있다. 4개를 한꺼번에 굴려서 선 모든 애들을 다 가져와 보탤 수 있기 때문. 다만....... 그 마지막 굴림에 4개가 다 눕는다면 완전 파업에 돌입한 걸로 보고 내가 굴려놓았던 미플들의 반을 다시 돌려놔야 한다😭 아니, 이런 잔인한!! 그래서 사실 더욱 더 재미있었다. 이 게임에 대한 내 개인적인 평점은 7.82점이다. 나는 그래서 좋았지만 미플 굴리는 게 너무 운요소가 강하긴 해서😂 호불호가 꽤 있지 않을까 생각한다. 그리고 항상 좋은 게임을 맛깔나고 야무진 설명과 함께 소개해 주시는 @sweine.boardgame 님께 감사드린다! 덧) 이 게임의 작가는 John D. Clair로, '큐비토스' '미스틱 베일' '레디셋벳' 등을 만든 작가이다! 셋 다 해봤는데 '미스틱 베일' 빼고는 그닥 좋아하진 않지만 아이디어가 참 특이하고 좋은 작가인 듯.

3/11/2024, 1:43:42 AM

As huge fans of Cubitos, of course I’m interested in another luck-pushing, John D. Clair-designed game. We saw Rolling Heights on sale this weekend and decided that it was a sign to add it to the collection. In this game you collect workers (meeples) and roll them to gather resources in order to complete buildings. How the workers land determines how productive they will be. As the game progresses your worker pool will get stronger and more diverse while the city comes to life before your eyes. Tim said that he heard it was a “Cubitos killer” but after our first play neither of us see that. Cubitos is a race game, and Rolling Heights is about construction. I think Cubitos has a lot more tension built in to the luck-pushing, and I enjoy how the dice powers can be mixed-and-matched to create new experiences each game. On the other hand, Rolling Heights’s meeple-rolling mechanic is unique, and I enjoy games that let me build something tangible. I like them both for different reasons and don’t see them competing for the same space on my shelf. Have you tried Rolling Heights? How about Cubitos? Rolling Heights from @alderaceg #rollingheights #pushyourluck #alderacentertainmentgroup #johndclair #citybuilding #wemakefun

3/4/2024, 5:22:01 PM

Grab some seat, we’re activating the hyperdrive to a galaxy far far away to discuss Jedi Survivor. This episode is packed with video games due to seasonal illnesses keeping our tables clear. We talk about some JRPGs, Xbox's shifting stance on exclusivity and more! 📰 Changes to Xbox exclusivity ♟️ Rolling Heights 🎮 Persona 3 Reload, Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon, Xenoblade Chronicles, Aliens: Dark Descent 🎲 Dungeons & Dragons #omnigamersclubpodcast #omnigaming #boardgames #videogames #ttrpg #podcast #rpg #jrpg #xbox #jedisurvivor #starwars #persona #xenobladechronicles #aliensdarkdescent #rollingheights

2/22/2024, 5:37:21 PM

This year's Blind Date with a Board Game (from @raincitygamesyvr ) was of course Rolling Heights from John D Clair and @alderaceg. It was love at first sight (especially with that Kwanchai Moriya artwork) so it didn't take long to get this one home and unboxed. There's a lot of fiddliness to the game, both good and bad. But you can't deny the final table presence is stunning to behold, with neighborhoods forming organically by means of several small incentives. The gimmick of rolling a handful of meeples, in a cornucopia of candy colors no less is endlessly entertaining and developed into various debates about the most effective way to keep our workforce motivated. It did run much longer than I would have liked for this weight of game. Even with people prepping their turns in advance, it takes significant time to physically manipulate everything l, and left little downtime to chat or pay attention to whose turn it was. I'm keen to revisit this to see if it flows better with less players and more experience. #boardgames #rollingheights

2/15/2024, 5:56:45 PM

24 likely heroes came together on a wet wind swept evening, with some new faces welcomed the only way the GBG know how. With games of course! ☆ Rolling Heights ☆ Brass ☆ Ultimate Railroads ☆ 7 Wonders ☆ Meadow ☆ Import Export ☆ Lucky Numbers ☆ Scout ☆ Crokinole #gbg #gloucesterboardgamesgroup #gloucesterboardgamesnight #gloucesterboardgames #gloucester #boardgames #rollingheights #brassbirmingham #ultimaterailroads #7wonders #meadow #importexport #luckynumbers #scout #crokinole

2/7/2024, 1:21:09 AM

< 롤링 하이츠 > 일꾼을 던져서 어떤 모양인지에 따라 자원을 받는 신박한 피지컬(?)전략 게임... 뭔가 미묘한 느낌이라 호불호가 강할거 같다. 내가 얼마나 자원을 받는지가 운에 의해 결정되다보니 전략적인 설계를 할수가 없지만 그렇다고 무지성 운빨로만 겜할순 없고 큰 그림은 그려나가야하니 전략적 요소가 없지는 않다. 개인적으로 이런 류는 장르적으로 특이해사 호이긴 한데.. 라이트 포지션인데 플레이타임이 좀 긴거는 좀 아쉬움

2/4/2024, 2:26:03 PM

It never fails... I'm pretty far ahead of the pack during the game... then they slowly creep closer... then that end-of-game scoring kicks in and catapults everyone else way ahead, while I end up left in the dust 🤣 Oh well... it's still a winning night in my mind whenever the kids come over to have dinner and play a game 😍 #RollingHeights

2/1/2024, 3:28:33 AM

A scheduling of some epic games meant that things got off to a flying start for 25 gamers. Again, a large contingient of Bloodbowlers provided the backdrop with their a woopin' and a hollerin'. ☆ Blood On The Clocktower ☆ Battlestar Galactica ☆ Challengers Giga Tournament (12 players) ☆ Import Export Were the main events, supported by ☆ Nucleum ☆ Rolling Heights ☆ Sea Salt & Paper #gbg #gloucesterboardgamesgroup #gloucesterboardgamesnight #gloucesterboardgames #gloucester #boardgames #bloodontheclocktower #battlestargalactica #challengers #importexport #nucleum #rollingheights #seasaltpaper

1/31/2024, 9:05:14 AM

#작년#보드라이브#연말#주주총회#보드게임#카르카손수렵과채집#피자#치킨#스크램#챌린저스비치컵#롤링하이츠#버기후기 #boardlive #carcassonnehuntersandgatherers #scram #challengersbeachcup #rollingheights 작년에 우연찮은 기회로 보드라이브 스튜디오에 다녀왔습니다. 이제서야 후기를 남깁니다?! 사실, 반차를 쓰고 간 곳이라 시간이 너무 많이 남아 파일함님과 [카르카손 수렵과 채집]을 했습니다. 이 게임은 카르카손 스핀오프 버전으로 선돌 타일이 있는 숲을 누가 완성시킨다면 그 플레이어가 선돌 타일을 뽑아 일종의 추가 보너스 액션을 할 수 있습니다. 그리고, 게임 종료할 때 물고기 몇마리있는지에 따라 점수를 받고, 낚시꾼은 기존 도로에 놓는 거보다 효율이 좋습니다. 물고기 마리 수+물줄기 타일 갯수=점수. 다만, 이 게임은 농부 규칙을 뺄 수가 없어요 ㅠ 룰마의 덕목을 지키지 못한 게임이었지만 다행히도 파일함님은 재밌게(?)하셨습니다. 스튜디오에서 생방송으로 보드라이브 방송(?)을 보고 선물 교환식과 저녁을 먹은 뒤 저는 게임 마스터가 되어서 인프피디님, 메로로님, 히포포님과 게임을 하게 되었습니다. 첫번째 게임은 [스크램!] 사실, 이 때가 구매하고 나서 첫플이라 실수로 한종류를 전부 빼고 하지 않은 에러플도 있고 몇가지 몰랐던 점도 있었지만 결론적으론 재밌게 했습니다. 특히, 인프피디님이 이 게임을 엄청 맘에 들어 하셨습니다. 왜냐면, 이겼으니 말이죠?! 히포포님과 인프피디님의 승리! 두번째 게임은 [챌린저스 비치컵] 한글화를 마친 게임! 결승전에선 메로로님과 히포포님이 맞붙었습니다! 엣헴... 마지막 게임은 [롤링 하이츠] 인프피디님, 챙챙님, 눈조각님과 함께 했습니다. 미플을 굴려 자원, 능력, 점수를 획득해 사용할 수 있는 미플은 늘어나고 큐비토스의 작가답게 굴릴 수 있는 미플의 총 갯수는 10개! 중앙판에 건물을 올리고, 점수를 얻고~ 한 종류의 건축 자원이 다 사라지면 마지막 라운드를 진행한다. 게임이 끝날 때 중앙판이 이뻐서 개인적으로 좋아하는 게임이다. 최후의 승자는 챙챙님!

1/29/2024, 4:03:15 PM

Another great night with a bunch of great hobbyists. 25 tonight with the following slaming the tables: ☆ Dominant Species: Marine ☆ Catan ☆ Rolling Heights ☆ Wingspan ☆ Silver ☆ 6 Nimmt! ☆ Challengers ☆ Tapestry ☆ Trekking Through History ☆ QE ☆ Tsuro ☆ Ticket To Ride: Berlin ☆ Crokinole ☆ Company (a homebrewed prototype) #gbg #gloucesterboardgamesgroup #gloucesterboardgamesnight #gloucesterboardgames #gloucester #boardgames #dominantspeciesmarine #catan #rollingheights #wingspan #silver #6nimmt #challengers #tapestry #trekkingthroughhistory #qe #tsuro #tickettorideberlin #crokinole #company

1/24/2024, 1:22:14 AM

Ok, rolling meeples instead of dice is pretty fun! 👷🏻‍♂️ In Rolling Heights you’re rolling different colored worker meeples to acquire various resources. These allow you to buy and place Building Plans in your city. You then construct towers to complete those buildings, unlocking more meeples and abilities. 🏙️ It is super satisfying to take your buildings higher and higher, and it’s great fun to see the full city coming together with all its skyscrapers. 🌆 It gives nostalgic Sim City Vibes and plays like a more advanced, older brother of a game like Cubitos, where you’re rolling, pushing your luck, acquiring, and using-or-losing what you get each round. We thoroughly enjoyed this game and will definitely be playing again soon! 👌🏻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #bgg #bggcommunity #boardgamegeek #rollingheights #simcity #nostalgia #rollandbuild #pushyourluck #pressyourluck #gamenight #screenfreedatenight #doubledate #screenfreesaturday #gamegroup #alderacentertainmentgroup #aeggames #bendoregon #inbend #bendmom #snowedin

1/16/2024, 6:55:53 PM

Last night we took out Rolling Heights from @alderaceg for a much needed play. This is one of the games we added to our 10x10 for the year and we’re excited to get it back to the table. This is also our first year doing a 10x10 so we’re excited to try that out! This is one of the games we love utilizing our Gamey Susan from @modernmeeple because it holds so many components! Which games are you hoping to get to the table more this year? Do you have a board game goal for the year? #boardgame #boardgames #aeg #rollingheights #boardgamechallenge #10x10 #10x10challenge #boardgamelife #boardgameaddict #boardgaming #boardgamegoals

1/16/2024, 6:03:54 PM

We played Rolling Heights last night and had a great time! It was my first time playing and I really loved how the board was built up over time and how it all looked at the end. I found the core mechanics of pushing your luck to collect resources that you use to build up your districts. Unfortunately I think I focused too much on getting more meeples and ended up missing points in the process. I can’t wait to play it again #boardgame #boardgames #tabletopgame #tabletopgaming #bgg #boardgamegeek #gamenight #boardgamesofinstagram #boardgamenerd #meeplepunk #rollingheights #rollingheightsboardgame #aeg

1/15/2024, 4:25:04 PM

A beautiful sunny day for building. #rollingheights @aegminions

1/14/2024, 4:34:14 PM

Counting down to 2024 with a rousing game of Rolling Heights from @aegminions! I just love how this looks on the table and think rolling meeples is such a clever element of the game. Happy New Year, everyone! I hope your upcoming year holds any needed changes, peace, laughter, and of course lots of good board games! #ObsessedWithBoardGames #BoardGame #BoardGames #BoardGameGeek #BoardGameAddict #BoardGameCouple #BoardGameFamily #BoardGamesOfInstagram #TableTopGames #BoardGameLife #BoardGameCommunity #Games #GameNight #GamerLife #brettspiele #spiele #jeudeplateau #juegodemesa #graplanszowa #boardgameoftheday #棋盘游戏 #ボードゲーム #RollingHeights

1/1/2024, 5:24:33 AM

Ringing in the New Year building little castles #RollingHeights #boardgames

1/1/2024, 1:32:27 AM

✨ January marked the retail release of Rolling Heights, and we can't help but reminisce about the excitement it brought. 🏙 Let's relive the magic, watching the game's stunning components and cover. #tabletopgames #boardgames #wemakefun #RollingHeights

12/26/2023, 6:30:09 PM

Booth available for rent , looking for the right artist to join the shop ! #tattooartist #losangeles #lahabra #haciendaheights #brea #lamirada #whittier #lapalma #norwalk #santafesprings #picorivera #downey #covina #rollingheights

12/22/2023, 12:42:34 AM

Crimbo season has begun in the Berry household. Kicking off with a new game #RollingHeights

12/17/2023, 6:41:58 PM

Enjoy longer games? Rolling heights is a fantastic little city building game where you actually roll your meeples! In Rolling Heights, players roll workers in the form of meeples. Standing meeples work hard that day and provide special actions and building materials, while face-down meeples provide nothing. You can always push your luck for better rolls, but you might lose valuable materials you need to construct new buildings. Completing buildings gains you prestige, as well as new workers to help you construct even larger buildings, including skyscrapers. #rollingheights #aeg #meeples #boardgamesnight #peterboroughuk #boardgamecafe #boardgame #peterborough #gaming #cambridgeshire #gaming #boardgamecollection #boardgamesrock #miniaturegames #tabletopgames #tabletopgames

12/7/2023, 8:00:24 AM

Thank you @nerdygirlgaming for selecting the beautiful theme of purple for today’s #MysteryMonday🎲 , a community hashtag hosted by the wonderful @justthreemeeple. Every week participants post a photo of a game matching the theme and everyone tries to guess what game it is! Can anyone guess what today’s mystery game is?! Last week’s game for the theme “water/oceans” is revealed in the second photo - Rolling Heights by @aegminions ! This is such a fun game where rolling meeples determines your possible actions for the rounds and you construct buildings with little game pieces! 😍 Join in the fun by sharing your guess for this week’s game in the comments and exploring other posts within the hashtag! #ObsessedWithBoardGames #BoardGame #BoardGames #BoardGameGeek #BoardGameAddict #BoardGameCouple #BoardGameFamily #BoardGamesOfInstagram #TableTopGames #BoardGameLife #BoardGameCommunity #Games #GameNight #GamerLife #brettspiele #spiele #jeudeplateau #juegodemesa #graplanszowa #boardgameoftheday #棋盘游戏 #ボードゲーム #RollingHeights #AEG

12/5/2023, 12:07:21 AM

«Нові висоти». Майбутня локалізація від видавництва . Розкоробчення вже на каналі! #настільніігриукраїна #настільніігри #boardgames #rollingheights

12/2/2023, 9:10:59 PM

💥Flashback on the First💥 Did someone say November’s over? Time flew by and we got quite busy with friends and family, work and school, but nonetheless, we were able to get to the table 21 times, playing 11 different games (many of which were new to us)! November was busy and Dunc got to dip his toe into speed puzzling, which is quite anxiety-inducing. He’s pretty good but doesn’t come close to our friend Rachel who’s an absolute puzzle beast! 🧩 Back to games though, we were able to get some goodies to the table, so let’s review: 📝We backed #ScholarsoftheSouthTigris a year ago, and it was worth the wait! Of the @garphillgames to date, this one might be Creene’s favourite theme so far. The dice mamipulation was clever and unlike anything we’ve ever seen before! 🐳 #surviveescapefromatlantis hasn’t seen the light of day in about 3 years, but with some rule tweaks it was as fun as we remembered! 🐎 #LongShotTheDiceGame was fast and exciting; we want to play this with a bigger group when we find time! 🩸 #Awkwardguests turned out to be better than expected! We waited a long time to get a copy but we think our friends will really enjoy this game. 🏙️ #Rollingheights has the best gimmick of any game; who wouldn’t want to roll meeples?! We were shocked by the depth that’s underneath the surface of this one! 🫎 Creene finally got to try #Cascadia and after a few plays, the relaxing puzzle was really nice, so we might have to buy a copy of our own. 💎 #ImperialMiners might be a competitor for one of our favourite little engine building, tableau games. 🚂 But in the end, #TTRLegendsoftheWest won our hearts! The presentation is amazing and the content has been incredible so far. This is the most fun we’ve ever had playing a Ticket to Ride game, and we wish it didn’t have to end. And that was our November! December will probably be another small month for gaming since we decided that this year we’re skipping Christmas 😉 Maybe we’ll have time for some games on the plane ✈️ Happy gaming, and for those who celebrate, Merry Christmas!🎄 -🐲&🐙

12/1/2023, 1:59:53 PM

Send ALL your Rolling Heights strategies!! 🏡🌲🏢🌲🏛️🌲🏙️🌲👷‍♀️ Someone’s got to beat Nick!! 😎 #RollingHeights #RollingHeightsBoardGame #notyourmomsboardgames

11/21/2023, 3:24:29 PM

on 20231114 @ Wan Chai 一場不能缺席的聚會 不得不說,我真係好掛住你地呀😭! 從音樂走到桌遊,再從桌遊開始,變成交心的朋友,實在太難能可貴。 沒見兩年多,我們終於再聚。 也許香港有很大轉變,大家的經歷亦有所不同,但最沒有變的是大家的友誼。 很享受那種一邊努力玩遊戲,但同時閒話家常,訴說近況,又會談及大家的觀察、看法、思想和感受的片刻,時間彷彿停頓了,回到兩年多三年前大家每周聚會的氛圍。 沒有一刻想看鐘,連拍照也幾乎忘記了,因為實在太享受在一起的感覺。 希望可以在你們還在香港的時候,再玩多次喇🥺,實在太多遊戲想要跟你們分享,太多話想要跟你們說。 今天玩了 #MicroMacroCrimeCity #DraftAndWriteRecords #RollingHeights ,我幾乎都忘記要拍照。 #boardgame家族 #boardgame

11/14/2023, 7:56:22 PM

#rollingheights — миплокидательная игра, в которой мы строим здания в городе. И делаем это не просто тайлами, а выстраиваем здания буквально вверх. При этом атмосфера игры очень похожа на Пригород - рядом с заводами не строй, рядом с лесами строй дома, рядом с домами строй офисы. И всё это в режиме миплы "гады, все легли". Этот момент, кстати, самый весёлый и интересный и... из-за этого же игра может затянуться чуть (а может и не чуть) дольше, чем ей бы того стоило. Короче, надо ещё играть. #boardgames #настолки #настольныеигры

11/9/2023, 5:45:59 PM

Had a blast rolling meeples around for a run through #rollingheights by John D. Clair and published by @aegminions Have you played this one? . . #hpgamingau #hpgaming #boardgames #boardgamesofinstagram #tabletop #aeg #meeples #meeple #playfun

11/7/2023, 10:04:13 AM

#보드게임#모임#더벙커보드게임카페#아아#핏츠#롤링하이츠 #boardgames #group #pit #rollingheights 지난 여름, 보드라이브 MT가 끝난 뒤 뒷풀이 겸 MT를 다녀온 여러 사람들이 모였다. (벌써 2주 전 이야기를 이제서야) 모임 장소는 실랭이님이 운영하고 있는 보드게임 카페 더 벙커! 이 집, 커피 맛집이다! 웬만한 카페보다 커피가 맛있다~ 그리고, 애플 페이가 된다! (물론, 삼성 페이 쓰는 나랑은 상관없다 ㅎㅎ) 모임인원이 10명이나 되다보니 지각자는 발생하기 마련! 기다리는 동안 [핏츠]를 해보았다! 보린이라 처음 해보는 게임 설명은 들었는데 이게 무슨 말일까? 하는데 시작하자마자 정신이 없다! 아... 이런 게임이군 이란 걸 단박에 파악! 9장 같은 종류의 카드를 모아 핏츠를 외쳐 종을 치면 승리! (조커를 섞어서 9장 만들어도 됨!) 같은 종류를 한꺼번에 다른 사람과 비공개로 교환해야 하는데 조커는 섞어서 교환 가능. 그래서, 실시간 교환이다보니 정신없이 카드가 이리저리 어디로 간다. (코팅이 되어있는 이유가 있었어;;) 2 라운드만 했을 뿐인데 우리의 목은 노래방을 다녀온 듯이 아팠다;; 인원이 전부 모인 뒤, 3명의 게임 대장 [리오님], [좀비눈깔님], [준벅]이 고른 게임으로 무작위 추첨으로 게임 진행! 내가 준비한 게임은 [롤링 하이츠], [밀레 피오리], [에버 그린] 총 3개! 줄리님과 블루송님과 [롤링 하이츠]를 하였다. 후, 에러플 방지를 위해 아침에 미리 룰북을 나름 꼼꼼하게 읽었다. 게임은 미플을 굴려 자원과 능력, 점수를 획득해 건축물을 쌓아서 높은 점수를 획득한 사람이 승리한다. 24점의 고층 건물을 완성했건만, 블루송님의 뒷심으로 블루송님의 승리! 다행히 다들 좋아해주셔서 가져온 보람이 있었다! To be continued...

11/4/2023, 7:56:45 AM

#롤링하이츠 #rollingheights #오늘의게임2023-118 •좋은 기회로 플레이해본 롤링하이츠.큐비토스 작가의 게임이라 예전부터 리뷰볼때마다 궁금했는데 딱 해볼수있어서 얼마나 신났던지! •내 차례에는 미플 여러개를 우르르 굴려서 서있거나 옆돌기하고있는 미플색에 맞는 건축자재를 얻는다. 그 뒤 자재로 부지를 구입하거나 건물을 올리면 되는 간단한규칙! •게임자체는 무척 시원시원 재밌지만 시작할때 알고시작해야하는 목표, 부지와 타일에 적힌 정보들이 좀 있어서 룰마스터가 짚어줘야할 것들이 있다. 생각해보니 큐비토스도 약간그랬지ㅎㅎㅎ •완성한 뒤 사진이나 영상을 찍는 맛이 성취감을 주면서 한번 더 해보고싶다 라는 동기를 부여해준다ㅎㅎㅎ #게임일기 #보드게임일기 #게임픽커 #오늘의게임일기2023 #오늘의게임 #boardgame #게임 #일기 #boardgamegeek #bgg #보드게임추천 #보드게임 #brettspiel #tabletop #tabletopgame #tts #boardgamearena #juegosdemesa #ボードゲーム

11/2/2023, 3:56:03 AM

Ciao! Oggi vi parliamo di alcuni giochi provati a settembre e che continueremo sicuramente a giocare, se li avete provati anche voi fateci sapere il vostro parere!!! #lafamiglia #bruxelles1893 #forestsofpangaia #councilofshadows #rollingheights #lagranja

10/30/2023, 4:49:19 PM

#rollingheights Un altro gioco di cui vi parleremo nel video di fine mese!

10/27/2023, 7:29:24 PM

We had a great gaming weekend in September where some heavier games were played. Our kids LOVE @micromacro_game and they cannot stop playing it. Ok.. now that we finished them all... we had to stop playing it :) LOTR campaign is going strong! #mtlsleeves #thecrew #lotrjourneysinmiddleearth #micromacrocrimecity #lorcana #dungeonanddragons #unlock #deepdive #rollingheights #raidersofthenorthsea

10/26/2023, 11:00:35 AM

Друга частина новинок жовтня, поїхали! My city. Зіграв, щоправда тільки на БГА, у поліміно-легасі про побудову власного містечка. Дві ці механіки - не самі мої улюблені, я вже багато разів пробував механіку поліміно і вона майже ніколиі не заходять (окрім поліміно у роленрайтах). Механіка в грі доволі проста: є карти з будівлями 3 кольорів, виходить карта - ви приставляєте її до свого поселення. Заборонено будувати будівлю так, щоб вона була на обидвох берегах річки. Потрібно залишати вільними комірки з лісами (вони дадуть ПО) і закривати комірки з каменями (вони віднімуть ПО, якщо не закрити). Це власно все. Слід зазначити, що ви граєте 8 конвертів, у кожному по 3 місії. Тобто за повну кампанію ви зіграєте 24 місії і кожні 3 завдання будуть суттєво змінюватись. Перший гравець наприкинці місії отримує камень і наклеює його на власне поле, тобто йому будувати стає складніше, а останній - ліс. З часом будуть виходити додаткові завдання, але про них я казати не буду, щоб не поламати "вау-ефект". Загалом гра не дуже сподобалась. Все ж таки це не мої механіки, не розумію як грати (точніше мені здається, що розумію, але з 6 партій 5 я закінчив останнім) Rolling heights. Ще одна містобудівна гра. Але цього разу досить незвична. Ми будемо кидати наших робітників у спеціальну коробку (будівний майданчик). Якщо міпл після кидка лежить, то нічого не приносить, став боком - працює, а якщо на ноги, то працює подвійну зміну. Можна перекидувати "пусті значення" допоки у вас не буде половина і більше готових робітників, після цього, якщо у наступному кидку всі робітники впадуть то буде страйк і половина готових робітників піде на нього. Частіше за все різні робітники принесуть якийсь матеріал (дерево, каміння, скло або метал), але будуть і ті, що піднімуть на роботу інших, просто дадуть ПО, або дозволять купити додатковий макет будівлі з ринку (за звичайних умов ви купуєте один такий макет у хід і розміщуєте рядом з вашими будівлями). Ще є завдання, які будуть рахуватись окремо за кожну з шести частин міста, а також у кожного гравця є 2 завдання, а наприкінці гри він заскорить одне з них. Виходить крута і цікава гра, мені зайшло, з радістю зіграю ще. Продовження у коментарях

10/24/2023, 2:36:03 PM

Things have finally slowed down for us a bit around here and we’re hoping to get these lovelies to the table this week. What are you hoping to get to your table? 🥰 Paint the Roses from @northstargames Rolling Heights from @aegminions Barcelona from @boardanddice #painttherosesboardgame #northstargames #rollingheights #aeg #barcelonagame #boardanddice #tabletopgames #boardgames

10/22/2023, 2:06:49 PM