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🌸 ℝ𝕖𝕫𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 🌸 {Werbung / Bloggerexemplar} Hey ihr #Lesemäuse 🐭📚❤️ Dank meinen zwei Katzen war ich heute früh wach, also habe ich die Zeit genutzt und ein weiteres Buch beendet: ETERNAL TRUST Vol. 2 von Mandy Domke (@gefuhlsfabrik) 🅜🅔🅘🅝🅔 🅜🅔🅘🅝🅤🅝🅖 Die Geschichte rund um Sam und Ty wird nahtlos fortgesetzt und setzt diesmal an Spannung nochmal ordentlich einen drauf! Man kann irgendwann gar nicht mehr zählen, wie viele Twists und Wendungen einem hier entgegengeworfen werden. Die Beziehung zwischen Ty und Sam wird wunderschön weitererzählt und es ist einfach unfassbar niedlich, wie sehr die zwei sich lieben und immer füreinander da sind. Mal ehrlich, wir wünschen uns doch alle genau so eine Beziehung, oder? 🥹❤️ Der zweite Band hat mir sogar noch ein bisschen besser gefallen als der Vorgänger. Dieser wirkte im Nachhinein wie ein Prolog und der eigentliche Shit ging erst in Band 2 richtig los 🤣 Das Ende fand ich sehr passend für unsere zwei Hauptdarsteller und es lässt definitiv Raum für einen eventuellen dritten Band (?) 🤔 Wer weiß, was die Zukunft noch bringt 🤗 Es war auf jeden Fall eine wundervolle Reise und ich danke der Autorin, dass ich für diese tollen Bücher bloggen durfte 😘❤️ #eternaltrust #dystopia #boyslove #germanlightnovel #tobiasyoung #samkoenig #subjects #books #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany #bookblog #blog #bloggerexemplar #bloggergirl #loriisrezis

5/11/2024, 7:38:24 AM

"Ich bin bei dir, rufen seine Auge. Warte auf mich." Und damit sag ich pünktlich zum Release des zweiten Bandes von Eternal Trust, willkommen zu meiner Rezi. Zunächst einmal ein großes Danke an @gefuhlsfabrik , für das Bloggerexemplar und das ich in diese wunderschöne Welt von Ty und Sam reisen durfte. Da der Klappentext Spoiler würde, würde ich ihn an dieser Stelle mal weglassen, ihr findet ihn aber bei der lieben Mandy auf dem Profil.. In Band 2 knüpfen wir nämlich direkt an das Ende von Band 1 an. Wer es gelesen hat, wird wissen was ich meine.. Für die potentiellen Leser kann ich nur sagen, bereitet euch auf viel Herzschmerz und einiges an Drama vor. Den Sam erhält nun einen tieferen Einblick hinter die Kulissen von NOS und steht plötzlich der AUTORITÄT persönlich gegenüber.. Während Ty's Zweifel immer größer werden und ihm schließlich nichts übrig bleibt, als die Einrichtung zu verlassen... Doch niemand rechnet mit den Ereignissen, die darauf folgen. Ich würde sagen, in diesem Buch jagt tatsächlich ein Plottwist den nächsten und es kommen so unheimlich viele Wahrheiten ans Licht, das ich mehr als einmal schockiert mein Kindle angeschaut hab. Aber gerade das hält die Spannung aufrecht... Genauso wie die Charakterentwicklung... Ich glaube das einzige, was sich zu Band 1 bei mir nicht geändert hat, ist mein Hass auf Claire.. Besonders, als dann heraus kommt, was es mit ihr auf sich hat..brrr...sehr unangenehme Person. Dagegen liebe ich Ty und Sam und ich sag es ehrlich...Ich hätte mir kein besseres Ende wünschen können... Ich meine es ist keines dieser typischen Happy Ende, wo Blumen regnen und alles pink und schön und gut ist... Es ist ein Ende, wie es in dieser düsteren Welt sein sollte und was definitiv noch Spekulationen offen lässt.. Gerade das Tagebuch am Ende..dürfte ein Anreiz sein.. Somit kann ich euch diese Reihe definitiv ans Herz legen und ich hoffe, ihr lernt schon bald die Welt von Tobias und Sam kennen.. In diesem Sinne.. "Es ist egal, wohin wir gehen. Solange wir zusammen sind. " #eternaltrust #samkoenig #tobias #ty #animezumlesen #mandydomke #novel #lgbtq🌈 #boysloveboys #bl #dystopie #bookboostde #selfpublishing #bookstagram #blogger

5/6/2024, 8:00:14 AM

🌸 ℝ𝕖𝕫𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟 🌸 Hey ihr #Lesemäuse 🐭📚❤️ Passend zum Start der neuen Woche gibt es heute eine neue Rezension von mir und zwar zu: ETERNAL TRUST Vol. 1 von Mandy Domke (@gefuhlsfabrik) An der Stelle, vielen Dank für das Bloggerexemplar ❤️ 🅜🅔🅘🅝🅔 🅜🅔🅘🅝🅤🅝🅖 Das Buch passt perfekt in die Kategorie "Anime in Schriftform" 😍 Wenn ihr Deadman Wonderland kennt und liebt (besonders das Opening), dann wird dieses Buch in eine sehr ähnliche Kerbe schlagen, meiner Meinung nach 😍❤️ Aufgrund der langen Kapitel habe ich zwar etwas gebraucht für das Buch, aber das heißt nicht, dass ich es nicht gemocht habe. Das Buch war super, besonders die Dynamik zwischen den Figuren und das Worldbuilding. Die Welt von Sam und Ty wird verständlich erklärt und die Regeln innerhalb dieser Welt sind schlüssig. Doch hinter der Fassade verbergen sich Intrigen und Geheimnisse, die es aufzudecken gilt! Es gibt allerdings auch Themen in diesem Buch, die betroffene Menschen triggern könnten, ihr solltet also unbedingt die Triggerwarnung im Buch lesen, da diese Themen auch keineswegs beschönigt werden. Ich selbst hatte Tränen in den Augen, als ich bei *jenem* Kapitel ankam 🥺😭 Absolutes Highlight des Buches sind aber definitiv und ohne Widerworte Sam und Ty ❤️ All diese kleinen Momente, in denen es spürbar zwischen den beiden knistert, bis hin zum magischen Moment, in dem *diese Worte* fallen ... haach, ich habe wie ein kleines Mädchen gequietscht 🤭🥰❤️ Das Ende war absolut ... boom! 🤯 Mein Hirn grübelt und entwickelt durchgehend Theorien, warum, wieso, weshalb und dieser Cliffhanger macht einfach Lust auf mehr. Ich freue mich schon riesig auf Band 2 😍 #eternaltrust #bloggerexemplar #animezumlesen #boyslove #slowburn #slowburnromance #dystopia #tobiasyoung #samkoenig #buchrezension #buchreview #buchblogger #blog #bloggergirl #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany #books #germanblog #loriisrezis

4/30/2024, 6:23:50 AM

Nie hätte Sam sich erträumt, dass sein Leben so eine Wendung nimmt ... ❓️ Kannst du dir vorstellen, als Jugendlicher deine eigene Mutter zu verlieren? ❓️Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass dein eigener Vater vor deinen Augen entführt wird? ❓️Kannst du dir vorstellen, einen totgeglaubten Freund plötzlich wiederzusehen? ❓️Kannst du dir vorstellen, im Auftrag einer Organisation zu töten? Begleite Sams Achterbahnfahrt von tiefgewobenen Geheimnissen und tiefen Gefühlen in #EternalTrust . . . #etcyf #eternaltrustcyf #charaktervorstellung #samkoenig #buchblog #Romance #romantasy #suspense #fantasy #Dystopie #autorenwelt #bookstagtam #Autorin #boylove #bl #selfpublishing #boyslove #dystopisch #germanauthor #autorenaufinstagram #germanbookstagram #germanartist

11/17/2023, 5:19:52 PM

This one took way longer than it probably Looks. Agent Sam Koenig - Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Portrayed by Patton Oswalt @pattonoswalt Materials: Moleskine sketchbook A6, graphite pencils, mechanical pencil (HB), kneeded eraser, electric eraser #noai #traditionalart #graphitedrawing #graphiteportrait #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #pencilart #pencilportrait #drawing #sketchbook #sketchbookpractice #sketchbookpainting #sketchbookdrawing #marvel #agentsofshield #fanart #samkoenig #pattonoswalt #artofinstagram #artoftheday #moleskine #moleskinesketchbook #moleskineart #moleskine_arts #miniportrait

9/3/2023, 12:25:27 AM

This week on #evildonebadly we’re talking about #israelkeyes and his string of murders and other evil doings. It’s on Apple, Amazon, Spotify and Google Podcasts. #israelkeyesmurders #samanthakoenig #samkoenig #truecrime #truecrimecommunity #truecrimepodcast #evildonebadlypodcast #podcast #serialkiller #serialkillers #murder #murderer

8/27/2023, 7:18:55 PM

I’m gonna be completely honest, I can’t remember which koenig this is as this scenepack was from november so I’m sorry 🤣 • mega: #c9v7adbIirHF7uuDPOITkPFahzuJSqsPz2GqY7O8VyE • REMEMBER: to give credits (tag me in ur posts & i’ll repost them on all my accounts!) • please do not share my links, thank you! • #daisyjohnson #daisyjohnsonedit #daisyjohnsonscenepack #daisyjohnsonscenes #aosedit #aosscenepack #agentsofshieldedit #agentsofshield #agentsofshieldscenepack #chloebennet #chloebennetedit #chloebennetscenepack #billykoenig #ltkoenig #erickoenig #samkoenig #thurstonkoenig #ernestkoenig #koenigscenepack #koenigedit

12/26/2022, 9:36:34 PM

A Koenig-themed post today bc I love them

8/6/2022, 7:04:13 PM

Daisy + Superhero • - • 4.12||1.01 • - • Q: do you like Season 4 Daisy? (Quake) • A: yes. It was nice to see her in a different environment. I also think Chloe improved as an actress in the later seasons, and although she was in pain and grieving, season four Daisy was amazing. • - • - • - • - • - #aosedit #agentsofshield #agentsofshieldedit #aos #marvel #mcu #maos #skye #daisyjohnson #daisyjohnsonedit #mikepeterson #mikepetersonedit #samkoenig #koenig #agentkoenig #skyeedit #superhero #mcuedit #fangirling #marvelsuperheroes

11/5/2020, 11:03:28 PM

Today's #SickPick is for the #LastPodcastOnTheLeft fans. I give you #WhyteTyson - The man accused of the kidnapping of #SamKoenig before it was discovered she was one of #IsraelKeyes' victims.

5/13/2019, 4:12:46 PM

— 1x19 - Do you ever get sad because season 6 should have been airing right around now but it’s not because they’re trying to kill us - - - - [ #marvelsagentsofshield #agentsofshield #marvel #aos #maos #daisyjohnsongrp #sciencebiatchgrp #koenig #samkoenig #billykoenig #grantward #ward #grant #natromanoff #nat #natasharomanoff #blackwidow #brettdalton #pattonoswalt #scarlettjohansson #sceneedit #edit]

10/13/2018, 2:25:24 PM

2x20 I really miss the Koenig’s. They were great! Did you like them? #billykoenig #samkoenig #pattonoswalt #leofitz #iaindecaestecker #lancehunter #nickblood #philcoulson #clarkgregg #agentsofshield

6/5/2018, 9:11:43 PM

2x10 I almost cried while making the last slide, I wasn’t as attached to Tripp as I am Fitzsimmons, but I really did like him. #antoinetriplett #bjbritt #samkoenig #pattonoswalt #lancehunter #nickblood #bobbimorse #adriannepalicki #agentsofshield

5/26/2018, 6:13:21 PM

2x09 The Koenig’s were the best. With them always confusing people about who was who,,,and whether they were real humans or not. 😂 I miss them. #mack #henrysimmons #leofitz #iaindecaestecker #jemmasimmons #elizabethhenstridge #antoinetriplett #bjbritt #philcoulson #clarkgregg #samkoenig #billykoenig #pattonoswalt #lancehunter #nickblood #grantward #brettdalton #agentsofshield

5/25/2018, 9:20:35 PM

2x01 This episode was so crazy for me when it first came out, between all of the things going on with the Obelisk, the fact that Whitehall/Reinhardt is still alive, and the fact that Jemma was gone and Fitz had Hypoxia was all a bit much for me to take in in one episode. Did any of y’all have a rough time with this episode when it first came out? Or was I the only one. #howlingcommandos #leofitz #iaindecaestecker #jemmasimmons #elizabethhenstridge #philcoulson #clarkgregg #glenntalbot #adrianpasdar #samkoenig #pattonoswalt #agentsofshield

5/17/2018, 8:11:56 PM

—Swipe for more BTS vs. Actual scenes! - THE 100th EPISODE IS ON TODAY! I got caught up on season 5 just in time and I’m really proud of myself! So in honor of the 100th episode premiering here is this edit! - [ #agentsofshield #marvelsagentsofshield #aos #marvel #aos100 #agentsofshield100 #daisyjohnson #skye #koenig #samkoenig #billykoenig #lincolncampbell #hive #grantward #philcoulson #robbiereyes #ghostrider #johngarrett #nickfury #jemmasimmons #stanlee #chloebennet #pattonoswalt #lukemitchell #brettdalton #clarkgregg #gabrielluna #billpaxton #samuelljackson #elizabethhenstridge]

3/9/2018, 12:31:32 PM

#shield100 1 more day to go until 💯 #AgentsofShield Here’s a few artworks done during Season 4 during the #LMD pod. Robot @mingna_wen looking cold as...! Swipe to see more favs including the brilliant @mallory_jansen as #aida (if you look in her eye you’ll see someone familiar!) and a double helping of @balvenieboy as #BillyKoenig & #SamKoenig Oh and of course the main man @clarkgregg #agentcoulson #lifemodeldecoys #digitalart #digitalsketch #sketchesoftheday #sketchaprint

3/8/2018, 3:21:41 PM

The Koenigs are amazing. Just saying - I’m so emotional over my season one babies. Don’t touch me - [ #aos #agentsofshield #marvelsagentsofshield #agentsofshieldedit #daisyjohnson #skye #chloebennet #koenig #samkoenig #billykoenig #aosedit]

2/5/2018, 2:37:13 PM

Part 1, because I can't fit all of them on here. Not attacking ships here #voltron #voltronlegendarydefender #vld #keith #voltronkeith #agentsofshield #koenigs #samkoenig #daisyjohnson #quake

1/20/2018, 11:09:25 PM

I wondered about this when I watched those scenes..... Can anyone tell me what episode this is?? #voltron #voltronlegendarydefender #vld #keith #voltronkeith #lance #voltronlance #agentsofshield #koenigs #ltkoenig #samkoenig

1/20/2018, 10:45:35 PM


2/3/2017, 4:31:25 PM

Can't wait to see "The Koenigs" back in #agentsofshield How many Koenigs does it take to change a lightbulb? Who knows? They've made it disappear 😉 #pattonoswalt #wearefamily #samkoenig #billykoenig #familyhistory #aosedit #koenig @balvenieboy @clarkgregg @ann.foley @mingna_wen @yosoycordova #sketchoftheday #digitalsketch #digitalart

1/31/2017, 2:34:23 AM

Good first look photo of Patton Oswalt's return to Agents of Shield that Entertainment Weekly posted with the news of his return to the show. #agentsofshield #samkoenig #billykoenig #pattonoswalt

1/13/2017, 9:12:37 PM

Good news that actor/comedian Patton Oswalt will be returning to the show Agents of Shield reprising his role as Koenig brothers Sam & Billy in an upcoming episode that Entertainment Weekly first reported! The brothers will finally reveal their family secret in the episode. Happy Patton Oswalt is returning to the show. Can't wait to watch the episode he is in later this month! #agentsofshield #marvel #samkoenig #billykoenig #pattonoswalt

1/13/2017, 9:09:03 PM

BOOYAH & a HELL YES!!!! So excited for @balvenieboy #pattonoswalt return as the #keonigbrothers on #agentsofshield JANUARY 31st episode titled "Hot potato soup." 🌟The link is in my bio for the @entertainmentweekly exclusive !!! 🌟 #erickoenig #samkoenig #billykoenig #marvel #sodamngood #clarkgregg #coulson #agentcoulson #philcoulson

1/13/2017, 8:25:08 PM

Why is she saying it with such a sad face? Were the Koenig brothers killed? Or not SHIELD agents anymore because Director Mace didn't want them? Did they retire? Did they resign? Or are they just simply not present at the moment and still SHIELD agents? What do you think? Do you think we'll see them soon? Or not? @marvel @agentsofshield @abcnetwork @lil_henstridge @chloebennet @agents.of.shield @marvelsagentsofshield @aoscenes @agentsof_s.h.i.e.l.d @marvels.agents.of.feels @aoskingdom @rosewoodsliesx @failhydra @the.inhuman #Marvel #MCU #ABC #ABCTV #MarvelsAgentsofShield #AgentsOfShield #agentsofshieldseason4 #pattonoswald #samkoenig #billykoenig #agentkoenig #koenigbrothers #chloebennet #daisyjohnson #elizabethhenstridge #jemmasimmons

12/12/2016, 10:48:38 AM

We didn't even see them back in Season 3. We miss them! Do you think we'll see them this season? I hope so! Let's hear your thoughts! #throwback #Marvel #MCU #MarvelsAgentsofShield #agentsofshield #agentsofshieldseason3 #agentsofshieldseason4 #pattonoswalt #samkoenig #billykoenig #koenigbrothers

11/1/2016, 12:25:44 PM

Soooo happy for #pattonoswalt! His #emmywin is sooooo deserving! Congrats!!! Hope to see you again in #agentsofshield season 4! We need #agentkoenig #erickoenig #billykoenig #samkoenig #agentofshield #marvel

9/19/2016, 4:30:35 AM

So sad. Thoughts & prayers go out to Patton Oswalt, his family & all who loved his wife Michelle McNamara. I've seen pictures of them & their little daughter Alice on Twitter & Instagram for years now & they are such a beautiful family. Sending thoughts & prayers to all who loved her. The link is in my bio. Reports say she died in her sleep. #pattonoswalt #michellemcnamara #koenigbrothers #erickoenig #billykoenig #samkoenig #agentsofshield

4/23/2016, 4:43:36 PM

Who is Eric, Sam & Billy's SISTER??? Have we met her yet??? Episode 2x20 "Scars" opens with SAM in bed, waking up (Star Wars sheets & all) getting a call from Billy. As he is getting ready for work he looks in the mirror & pulls down a Post-it note with the words "CALL YOUR SISTER!!!" written on it. It's easily missed - it happens so quickly BUT this is clearly one of those little Easter Eggs they leave for crazies like me to excitedly find! Ok, @motancharoen & @misterkarate I missed it the 1st few times I watched this ep but I spotted it now! "Everybody is Somebody." "This is has to mean something." Ka-mon, what's your play?" #maurissatancharoen #jedwhedon #agentsofshield #pattonoswalt #koenigtriplets #samkoenig #billykoenig #erickoenig #sodamngood

10/23/2015, 5:14:33 PM

If this pic of PATTON OSWALT with his adorable daughter doesn't make u smile we need 2 check u for a pulse!!!! This is just fan-tastic! Omg!!! My parents never did cool stuff like this!!! No fair!!! #pattonoswalt #koenigtriplets #erickoenig #billykoenig #samkoenig #agentsofshield #marvel #sodamngood

9/14/2015, 8:46:49 PM

Thank you so much @geoffreycolo for sharing this behind the scenes pic with us!!! It's MARVEL-OUS!!! 😎😎😎Hey, did u guys know that #teamshield is at $20, 542 to #teamcarter $13,614?!?!?! BOOYAH!!! Every dollar donated counts as one entry to win the grand prize of lunch with #clarkgregg #chloebennet #hayleyatwell & #jamesdarcy and all of this fan-freakin-tactic entertainment is benefiting #stjudeschildrensresearchhospital & #stompoutbullying! It's a big WIN/WIN!!! What an Ah-MAY-zing group of big hearted people! #coulson #peggycarter #skye #yeswerestillcallingherskye #daisyjohnson #jarvis #edwinjarvis #pattonoswalt #koenigtriplets #erickoenig #samkoenig #billykoenig #adriannepalicki #mockingbird #bobbimorse #agentsofshield #agentcarter #marvel #sodamngood #geoffreycolo

9/12/2015, 5:38:25 AM

#agentmay is the #agentsofshield wrecking ball!!! You don't believe me, ask Ward! @imbrettdalton would say @mingna_wen "nailed" that role! 😂‼️ DID U GUYS SEE THE NEW #teamshield video for #dubsmashcivilwar?!?! It really is a ball of happiness! The link is in my bio & I have it posted!!! #melindamay #grantward #marvel #sodamngood #clarkgregg #chloebennet #coulson #skye #yeswerestillcallingherskye #koenigtriplets #adriannepalicki #bobbimorse #mockingbird #erickoenig #samkoenig #billykoenig #wreckingball

9/10/2015, 2:48:17 AM

IF U GUYS HAVENT SEEN THE NEW DUBSMASH CIVIL WAR VID FROM #teamshield you are really missing out!!! The vid is listed in my bio & I also have it posted too! It's a ball of riotous laughter!!! U gotta see it!!!

9/9/2015, 9:14:29 PM

GOTTA LOVE PATTON OSWALT!!!!! Soooo hoping we are going to be seeing a lot of him in season 3 of #agentsofshield! LOOKS LIKE HE'S READY for #dubsmashcivilwar @clarkgregg & @chloebennet I would take this as an audition vid to join the war with #teamcarter! I'm sure the gloves would be off adding #pattonoswalt to #teamshield! Yup! Watch out #agentcarter cause we've got big guns! We don't have the big guns! We are the big guns!!! 😂😂😂‼️

9/8/2015, 4:39:36 PM

⭐️Theta Protocol! We have heard this before even though May & Simmons haven't! Koenig is the one helping Coulson implement Theta Protocol! #BillyKoenig & #SamKoenig HAVE NOT BEEN SEEN IN AN EP SINCE! That was episode 10: THE MIDSEASON FINALLE! So what exactly have Billy & Sam been up 2 FOR COULSON & is that where #mikepeterson received his super powered backup "upgrades?" LOVE THIS!!! #pattonoswalt has been missing in action for 7 episodes & he does not appear in the official guest cast list of ep #18, 19 or 20!!!! What do you guys think????? ⭐️😱

4/18/2015, 9:30:06 PM

(V thanks to @lexak27 's lil bro #samkoenig for this sweet edit) #everymorning #wheniwakeup #theresahalohanging #fromthecorner #ofmygirlfriendsfourpostbed

1/4/2015, 6:46:09 AM

😝Had to do it! Mwaaah!😝 It was keeping my mind busy while I anxiously wait for tonight's mid-season finale!!! Eeeee!!! #gottalovethosekoenigs #marvel #pattonoswalt #erickoenig #grantward #brettdalton #billykoenig #samkoenig #agentsofshield #hydra #whoisgrantward

12/9/2014, 11:33:46 PM

Marvel is THE BEST at moments like these!!! Nobody even comes close!!! Love! Just love! #agentsofshield #pattonoswalt #agentkoenig #billykoenig #samkoenig #nickblood #lancehunter #chloebennet #skye #gottalovethosekoenigs

12/9/2014, 7:10:24 PM

Also double Patton Oswalt is unbeatable #BillyKoenig #SamKoenig #marvel #hailhydra #agentsofshield

12/9/2014, 1:25:33 PM

This is an except from a Forbes review of the mid-season finale of #agentsofshield & to tell u honestly...the more I read the more anxious I become! ⭐️The link to the full article is listed in my bio! ⭐️It is spoiler free but does do some hinting. "What They Become" sounds like it is going to have all of us talking for many months to come! Eeeee!!! That's me holding out my hand cause I'm gonna need emotional support I am sure!!! This show is gonna be the death of me!!! #agentsofshield #marvel #forbes

12/9/2014, 6:40:05 AM

Is this Billy or Sam? #aos #agentsofshield #koenig #billykoenig #samkoenig

11/27/2014, 6:10:50 PM

Hey, Seinfeld fans! Do u remember Seinfeld the ep when Poppy made a pee puddle on Jerry's couch? It's the one where George can't get a copy of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" at the video store from the clerk (Patton Oswalt) so he watched it with a stranger & his daughter. #agentsofshield #agentkoenig #erickoenig #billykoenig #samkoenig #marvel SEASON 2 come quickly!!!

8/31/2014, 3:55:30 AM

#pattonoswalt (as #billykoenig ) 1st mentioned #BobbiMorse a.k.a. #Mockingbird during his video at San Diego Comic Con. It's official! @adriannepalicki @adrianne_palicki was cast in the role & will be seen in episode 5 of season 2 & will possibly appear in more episodes! She has appeared in Friday Night Lights & GI Joe: Retaliation. The link to read more about it is in my bio! Can't wait for season 2 of #agentsofshield to premier!!! BOOYAH!

8/19/2014, 10:52:13 PM

⭐️You gotta check this out! OMG! Another link is in my bio so I'm posting the link here! Sooo much fan-tastic info coming outof San Diego Comic Con! BOOYAH!

7/26/2014, 5:00:11 AM