taikwun images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

Snaps from Tai Kwun 📸 📍on the hill coffee bar - actually good coffee! A fun idea where they have turned an old prison cell block into a coffee bar ☕️ Wondered around the prison yard, they were allowed an hour outside a day and then left Darren in a jail cell 🙈 #oldprisonblock #taikwun #onthehillcoffee #prisonyard

4/27/2024, 4:06:04 PM

Tai Kwun , where my friends taught me how to pose 🙈 #taikwun #hongkong #learningtopose

4/27/2024, 3:47:01 PM

Throwback… bars hopping night with a smart girl! 3 bars in a row and they are all in the walking distance. 1. 001 Company inside Tai Kwun. 2. Lockdown on Hollywood Road. 3. The Diplomat Hong Kong on Pottinger Street. They serve different styles of cocktails and I have a total of 5 glasses in one evening. First time since the Pandemic was over!!! 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼🤟🏼 #wchan2024 #willkyo #nightout #3barsinarow #3barsin1night #001company #lockdown #thediplomathongkong #cocktails #cocktailbars #cocktailbar #allcloseby #walkingdistance #taikwun #hollywoodroad #pottingerstreet #central #hongkong

4/27/2024, 2:20:53 PM

거의 20년만에 갔는데도 예전과 비슷한 느낌이 많아서 신기했던 홍콩💛

4/27/2024, 1:47:49 PM

Treasure the moment we meet🎀 Embrace the memory we created 📸 Gazing into futurity. ✨ In future we meet, we trust. 🌸 #hongkong #hongkonger #central #hongkongphotography #hongkongphotographer #hongkongphoto #ootd #ootdfashion #ootdshare #ootdstyle #chubbygirl #chubbyootd #taikwun #friend #friendship #museum #history #historical #香港 #香港好去處 #香港打卡 #大館 #中環 #中環好去處 #打卡 #打卡景點 #打卡好去處 #微胖穿搭 #棉花糖女孩 #穿搭日常

4/27/2024, 1:05:00 PM

Day 2, 4th Stop : เดินเล่นไปเรื่อยแวะ Tai Kwun พิพิธภัณฑ์เกี่ยวกับนักโทษ บรรยากาศดี แวะถ่ายรูปได้ #taikwun #hongkong #hongkongphotography

4/27/2024, 12:18:05 PM

City walk in HK 😇 #hongkong #citywalk #raining #taikwun

4/27/2024, 10:19:57 AM

Looking for fun and free ways to spice up this gloomy weekend? Well you’re in luck, it’s the last weekend of @bensonkoo and @johan_id_ ‘s collaborative exhibition “HUMANHUMAN” at the Cove, come swing by and say hi! 🙋‍♀️👋🙋‍♂️ 🖤 “HUMANHUMAN” | Benson Koo and Maeda Yohei 📍 G/F, 40A Upper Lascar Row, Sheung Wan 📆 April 18th-30th 2024

4/27/2024, 7:35:12 AM

I love Hong Kong🫶🇭🇰 Thank you for always welcoming me so warmly🥰 I enjoyed exploring different parts of Hong Kong✨ I would love to learn more about Hong Kong🙏 私は香港が大好きです🫶🇭🇰 いつも温かく迎えてくださりありがとうございます🥰 香港のさまざまな場所を探索できて楽しかったです✨ 香港についてもっと知りたいです🙏 #hongkong #hongkongjockeyclub #香港 #沙田競馬場 #FWDChampionsDay #FWDQEIICup #FWDChampionsMile #ChairmansSprintPrize #ShatinRacecourse #GoRacingHK #HKRacing #HorseRacing #FWDInsurance #fwdmax #fyp #japanesegirl #japanese #instagood #world #worldtraveler #taikwun #蘭芳園

4/27/2024, 7:30:42 AM

When the temperature soars, imagine cooling off with a refreshing slushie. Blend the vibrant flavours of ripe passion fruit and juicy pineapple for a delightful treat that's hard to resist. Don't miss out on Be Fizz, the perfect remedy for hot days. 當酷暑難耐,何不來一杯沁人心脾的冰沙,為身體降溫?將香氣四溢的熱情果實與多汁的鳳梨巧妙融合,碰撞出夏日水果的清爽與甜蜜,令人欲罷不能。這杯名為「Be Fizz」的冰沙,是炎炎夏日的不二之選,帶給你味蕾的極致享受。 #JIAGROUP #BetweenLife #BetweenCoffee #TaiKwun #TaiKwunContemporary #Central #betweenhkairport

4/27/2024, 6:30:14 AM

🎄因為人手安排,中環大館門巿今天(星期六4月27日)會提早在下午1時關門,明天及星期一(星期日至一4月28-29日)休息兩天。 歡迎大家到網上商店選購: shop.phoenixsweets.com 🎄Due to manpower arrangements, our Tai Kwun Store in Central is closed early today (Sat, 27 Apr) and tomorrow to Monday (Sun to Mon, 28-29 Apr). Please shop online at shop.phoenixsweets.com. #phoenixsweets #hkfoodie #foodie #hkcake #hkig #taikwun @phoenixsweets.au

4/27/2024, 3:36:22 AM

Hem estrenat "Dormitory Town Hong Kong", la versió en cantonès de "Ciutat dormitori". Entre el viatge de recerca del passat octubre i els assajos d'aquest abril, m'he passat cinc setmanes a Hong Kong, temps suficient per descobrir el ritme intens i la meravella de gent que habita la ciutat. Ens hem fet experts en el sector funerari de la ciutat i hem conegut tots els seus cementiris. Amb @lafilla i @lodelarosato hem rigut, patit i menjat fins a rebentar. Hem estat feliços. Tot plegat ha estat possible gràcies a dos anys de treball, liderats per @friedang a la producció, @lawmiu a la dramatúrgia i @iamyresearching a la recerca. Un equip de somni. Hem estrenat al festival Spotlight, del fantàstic centre d'art @taikwun.hk. De veritat, que bé, tot. 📷 Thomson Ho #CiutatDormitory #DormitoryTown #TaiKwun @lafilla @lodelarosato @claudiarobertm @adriapagesmoliner @lawmiu @friedang @taikwun.hk @teatrelliure @yeung_felix @jordanchengkc @iamyresearching

4/26/2024, 7:54:22 PM

《今世未竟,何以忘憂》 「其為人也,發憤忘食,樂以忘憂,不知老之將至云爾。」—《論語·述而》 子路說孔子發憤用功就忘記進食,開心得忘記憂慮,連自己正在衰老都不知道。現代人角度而言,覺得還真是toxic。工作怎麼就讓人忘記憂慮了?工作才是憂慮的來源好嗎! 看過《忘憂之旅》心裡是充滿感動的,繼上次Jerome Bel 說過的小人物故事,這次是在一個immersive 的環境裡體驗的小人物故事。不過看有人說過,就不加贅述了。簡而言之,讓真正的人說真的故事比讓演員來扮演他們的角色更來的有說服力,更能感染人心。 反之,這幾天一直在想的,是「死了怎麼就忘憂了?」不得不提的是作品的詞填得非常幽默,圍繞日常工作種種,聽了不禁失笑,感嘆還真是一針見血,將一眾打工仔的心聲娓娓道來。不是有人會這樣說嗎「死咪解決曬所有問題」,然而活著的人營營役役,除了得解決自己的住屋問題,還得解決祖先的「住屋」問題。土地問題不會因為你死了便消失。死咗其實都仲有好多問題,身後事如何處理、儀式、墳地、春秋二祭,都要處理。縈繞耳邊的關鍵字是「住住先」,透過作品更加了解東華義莊在香港的歷史地位,更加覺得這裡都是「借來的時間,借來的地方」。李怡先生說,香港是很多人的跳板,是中轉站。咦,這不正正和東華義莊有著異曲同工之妙嗎? 還記得早幾年,祖母過世,幫忙打點後事的姑姐告訴我們,抽到了和合石靈灰安置所,可以「揀位」。正好讓英年早逝的爺爺可以和嫲嫲放在一起。那彷彿是喪母之痛中唯一的慰藉,我心裡暗忖:「這莫不是抽中先人版公屋?生的我們不合資格上公屋,先人有處安置都算係咁。」從演出的殯葬業從業員口中得知,原來政府骨灰位都不是永久的,要後人十年八年同政府續期。 大家都係住住先。 難怪電影文學都說,先人不怕死,最怕死後被遺忘,才是真正的死去。繞遠了,回正題(雖然從來都冇正題,在下考中文作文係啱啱合格啲friend嚟)。 人死了,我們說:願死者安息。休息,唞唞,似乎是全人類的最大願望。人死了,我們說:逝者長眠於此。安穩地休息,也不是一輩子、不是永恆。只有變幻才是永恆。租屋不是永恆、公屋不是永恆、龕位也不是永恆。如此看來,人生是漂泊、動盪、不安穩。東華義莊成立的其中一個目的便是幫漂泊於海外的僑民落葉歸根,將大體運回來好好安葬的中轉站,完成僑民們人生的最後一程。華人心中根深蒂固的思想,無家可歸終究是可憐的,落地生根才是人生的終極目標,然後人人都想上樓,私樓、居屋、公屋。反正不能當無殼蝸牛。時至今日,生活模式的改變,殯葬概念的改變,也許已沒有了上一代的堅持或執著。既來之則安之,「我心安處是吾鄉」。家,是一個概念。最終歸處也只有活著的人才會介意,而活著的人也終歸會死。 興許真的是「未知生 焉知死」。活好了,才能「向死而生」。直面死亡,放下執著才得以忘憂。 今夕吾軀歸故土,他朝君體也相同。 觀看場次:4月20日下午三時 寫於4月26日晚10時51分 #忘憂之旅 #dormitorytown #大館 #taikwun #東華義莊

4/26/2024, 4:54:29 PM

日子過得太快了,來不及去整理照片,為什麼那麼快? 因為每天都看著可愛的你們👭 姐姐Rae個性鮮明,活潑可愛,古靈精怪。不開心就大哭,開心就大笑,笑起來還特別迷人😁其實個性還是有點難搞的,但哪個小孩沒有難搞的時候呢~ 有一個這樣的小閨蜜真的很棒!妹妹還小還比較像照顧嬰兒的感覺。姐姐越大越像自己的好姐妹,一起能聊的事情變多了~她也越來越能理解媽媽~ 個性太鮮明的她想拍正常的母女照還不太行。但像這樣出現在媽媽身邊的照片還真可愛☺️ #大館 #中環 #centralhk #taikwun #台灣人在香港 #母女穿搭 #親子穿搭 #育兒日記 #兒童穿搭 #hongkongtravel #香港旅遊

4/26/2024, 3:33:57 PM

樂茶軒 Lockcha Tea house and vegetarian restaurant 大館 Tai Kwun Central Hong Kong Hollywood Road 荷李活道 #Teahouse #vegetarianrestaurant #大館 #TaiKwun #Central #HongKong #HollywoodRoad #荷李活道 #樂茶軒 # Lockcha #ソフビ #Sofubi #SoftVinyl #搪膠 #fatbear #菲比亞 #toytravel #traveltoy #toyphoto #designertoys #arttoy #arttoycuture #instatoy #toystagram #ᴛᴏʏᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʏ

4/26/2024, 2:29:22 PM

Nourish your body and soul with superfoods and delicious tipples 🍸 Our 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐫 is made with goji berries, a powerhouse of health benefits carrying an earthy palette with a light sweet taste. ⁠ ⁠ Walk in now and try our 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐞 cocktails.

4/26/2024, 12:42:14 PM

好有風味嘅coffee shop, 第一次喺監獄入面嘆咖啡😂 咖啡滲左淡淡酒香,勁特別!! #OnTheHillCoffeeBar @onthehill_coffeebar @taikwun.hk 地址:中環荷李活道10號大館5座E倉地舖 #foodshot #instafoodie #foodie #foodiehk #foodblog #foodlovers #lovefood #instafood #hkfoodie #相機食先 #yummy #Sharefood #foodblogger #hongkongfood #foodstagram #fooddiary #foodphotography #香港美食 #中環美食 #大館 #TaiKwun #coffee

4/26/2024, 11:48:01 AM

*【Reserve your place NOW 】8 May 2024 | 001 Bar, Tai Kwun* Young Generation: Chinese Wine Tasting | Hong Kong Station is ON The International Wine & Spirits Fair in China Greater Bay Area held by Wine to Asia returns. Delighted Hong Kong has a chance to showcase these up and rising stars putting diversity and vitality to the wine world. Come to meet the young and passionate winemakers to share the delicacy and vibrancy in glass. *Highlights:* 13 New generation wineries 65 Wine labels 250+ wine to taste Event Details: *[Trade Session]* Date: 8 May 2024 Time: 14:30 - 16:30 Venue: 001 Bar | Shop 10 & 13, 1/F, Tai Kwun, Hollywood Rd, Central By Invitation *[Wine Lover Session]* Date: 8 May 2024 Time: 17:00 - 19:30 Venue: 001 Bar | Shop 10 & 13, 1/F,Tai Kwun, Hollywood Rd,Central $200 Admission *Reserve you ticket HERE* Winery: 1. 小屋发酵所 2. 小圃 3. 首芳 4. 橙照葵然 5. 乐为 6. 四姑娘山酒业 7. 田园酿造 8. 一山一水 9. 兰酒荟 10. Devo 11. 大地茶场Tezate 12. 远山 13. 夏木 Not enough sips? Extend your excitement to the dynamic week of wine-related events, connecting businesses, wine enthusiasts, and professionals across the Greater Bay Area to visit the wine fair in Shenzhen from May 9-22, 2024. Stay tuned: http://www.wine2asia.net/EN/ #winetoAsia2024 #shenzhen #china #wine #spirits #winetasting #wineindustry #drinkol #taikwun #younggeneration

4/26/2024, 6:10:31 AM

樂茶軒 Lockcha Tea house and vegetarian restaurant 大館 Tai Kwun Central Hong Kong Hollywood Road 荷李活道 #Teahouse #vegetarianrestaurant #大館 #TaiKwun #Central #HongKong #HollywoodRoad #荷李活道 #樂茶軒 # Lockcha #ソフビ #Sofubi #SoftVinyl #搪膠 #fatbear #菲比亞 #toytravel #traveltoy #toyphoto #designertoys #arttoy #arttoycuture #instatoy #toystagram #ᴛᴏʏᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʏ

4/25/2024, 5:35:22 PM

🇭🇰中環大館高質慶生飯🎂依度嘅食物、環境、服務都好好,值得推薦👍🏻而且慶生會有埋寫碟、影相、生日卡嫁🥳除咗適合嚟慶祝之外,有好幾款食物都有用開心果,我地食咗三款即係aka開心果大餐,開心果控唔好錯過呀😆 Dinnie Menu: 2 COURSES HK$428 PER PERSON 3 COURSES HK$488 PER PERSON 4 COURSES HK$588 PER PERSON 另外仲有個openrice dinner menu, 4 COURSES HK$498 PER PERSON,不過食物選項就會少啲💁🏻‍♀️ Starter: 綜合咗網上review, 撇除咗有人唔推薦嘅option之後,就揀咗以下兩款,的確幾好食幾推🤤 🦐薄切西西里紅蝦配黑魚子及開心果 SICILIAN RED PRAWN CARPACCIO WITH LEMON, BRONTE PISTACHIO AND POMEGRANATE JELLY 🥩意式生牛肉片配辣根醬,磨菇及巴臣芝士 BEEF CARPACCIO WITH HORSERADISH DRESSING, MUSHROOMS AND PARMESAN CHEESE Risotto : 🍛西西里紅蝦、奶酪和開心果意式燉飯 SICILIAN RED PRAWN RISOTTO WITH STRACCIATELLA AND BRONTE PISTACHIO 食材配搭有啲似starter嗰款,所以整體味道都算唔錯嘅,落埋芝士有加分🧀不過可能實在同starter太似,相較下味道上依款就冇太多驚喜,同埋覺得依道嘅紅蝦味冇starter咁出,所以要二選一我會推薦揀starter"薄切西西里紅蝦配黑魚子及開心果"😉 Main: 🥩 澳洲和牛肉眼扒-300克 (+$188) GRILLED AUSTRALIAN WAGYU RIB-EYE - 300G 推薦呀必叫‼️和牛肉眼扒好好食😍肉質軟腍半肥瘦,有肉汁又有牛味😋 Sides: 🥔迷迭香烤豬油炸薯仔 $58 PORK FAT ROASTED POTATOES WITH ROSEMARY Dessert: 🍮 TABLESIDE TIRAMISU ($38) CLASSIC / HAZELNUT / BRONTE PISTACHIO 依個甜品係highlights, 因為侍應係會推trolley過嚟喺你面前即席製作嫁👨🏻‍🍳味道我哋揀咗開心果🤭不過味覺就冇視覺效果咁滿足🙈咖啡味幾出但冇乜酒味,同埋只浸咗lady finger嘅一半,有好有唔好,而mascarpone cheese 係有開心果味但偏甜,會好快膩~ _____________________________ Cantina 📍中環荷李活道10號大館1座1樓 1/F, Block 1, Tai Kwun, 10 Hollywood Road, Central (8-min walk from Exit C, Hong Kong MTR Station) ============================= 。 。 。 。 。 #中環美食 #中環好去處 #中環 #開心果 #慶生餐廳 #生日飯 #大館 #taikwun #pistachiocake #centralhk #牛扒 #提拉米蘇 #wagyubeef #wagyuribeye

4/25/2024, 5:04:15 PM

Excited to be in #hongkong #cats #taikwun

4/25/2024, 3:29:32 PM

#BOOKED: 現正接受申請!】 【 #BOOKED: Apply now! 】 全港最大型藝術書展即將回歸!大館當代美術館第六屆「BOOKED: 香港藝術書展」將於2024年8月30日至9月1日舉行。藝術書展現正接受當代藝術家、藝術出版商、書籍製作者和藝術組織參展,請於2024年5月17日前遞交申請,我們十分期待再次在書展與你交流! 是次「BOOKED:」將可容納超過100個參展單位,展出藝術類書籍及藝術家自製的書籍、攝影書、評論和實驗書寫、藝術雜誌、小誌及只為本次活動特製的藝術作品,還會舉行一系列公眾節目,如講座、表演、展示、工作坊和特備項目。 立即點擊首頁頂連結報名! Hong Kong’s largest Art Book Fair is back! BOOKED: returns to Tai Kwun for the sixth time this autumn, running from 30 August to 1 September 2024. BOOKED: is now accepting applications from contemporary artists, art publishers, art bookmakers, and art organisations – send yours in before 17 May 2024 to secure a spot. We can’t wait to see you all at the book fair! BOOKED: will be hosting over 100 exhibitors in the upcoming edition, and will be featuring art and artists’ books, photobooks, critical and experimental writing, art magazines, zines, related ephemera and more, as well as a series of public programmes such as talks, performances, displays, workshops and special projects. Follow the link in bio to submit your application! #TaiKwun #TaiKwunInspiration #TaiKwunContemporary #ContemporaryArt #HKart #BOOKED #BOOKEDHK #BOOKED2024 #HongKong #ArtistsBookLibrary #LoveBooksByArtists #ArtistsBooks #ArtBook #ArtBookFair #BookFair #大館當代美術館 #大館 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #香港藝術書展 #藝術書 #藝術家書籍 #藝術家書籍圖書館 #出版

4/25/2024, 12:05:58 PM

貓在凝視你 大館不時會各式藝術展覽,閒時到那裏逛一逛是不錯的休閑選擇 2024/04/19 📍10 Hollywood Rd, Central 📷 SONY A7cii SEL PZ 16-35 F4 G #香港 #中環 #大館 #貓 #hk #taikwun #art #cat

4/25/2024, 11:16:13 AM

Don’t miss out on the thrilling Battle of the Bards 2024 💫 Book your seats now by scanning the QR code! You may register for more than one session to enjoy ALL THE BATTLES! Finalists from the monologue, duologue and ensemble categories will go head-to-head on stage at a FREE EVENT in @taikwun.hk . Who will be the crowned winner? 🏆 📍Venue: Laundry Steps, Tai Kwun 📅 Date: Sunday, 12th May Session 1 - Monologue 8-10 Years Old & Duologue , 2:30 - 3:45 PM Session 2 - Monologue 11-14 Years Old & Ensemble , 4:15 - 5:25 PM Session 3 - Monologue 15-18 Years Old & Prize Ceremony , 5:55 - 6:45 PM 

萬勿錯過刺激連場嘅詩人遊戰2024💫 而家就掃描二維碼登記,預留你嘅座位啦! 你可以同時登記一節或以上場次,欣賞觀看所有組別嘅對決! 單人獨白、雙人對白和組別賽事嘅決賽入圍者將會喺大館舞台進行對決。活動費用全免。邊位參賽者可以奪冠稱王呢?🏆 📍地點:大館,洗衣場石階 📅 日期:5月12日 ,星期日 第一場 - 8至10歲 單人獨白及雙人對話 ,下午2:30至3:45 第二場 - 11至14歲 單人獨白及團體組別賽事 ,下午4:15至5:25 第三場 - 15至18歲單人獨白及頒獎典禮 ,下午5:55至6:45 #shakespeare4all #BattleOfTheBards #ShakespeareanShowdown #TaiKwun #battleoftheyear #battle2024 #williamshakespeare #competition #hkkids #hktheatre #hkfamily

4/25/2024, 10:55:55 AM

“I’m watching you!” #leicaq3 #Taikwun #streetphotography #catseyes

4/25/2024, 9:17:52 AM

🎭 Join S4A at @taikwun.hk for Battle of the Bards 2024! 🌟 Finalists in monologue, duologue, and ensemble categories will compete for the crown on the Laundry Steps, Tai Kwun. Don’t miss this epic showdown of Shakespearean talent! 🏆🎬 📍 Venue: Laundry Steps, Tai Kwun 📅 Date: Sunday, 12th May 🕑 Time: 2:30pm - 6:45pm 一齊嚟參加小莎翁喺大館舉行嘅詩人遊戰2024啦!🌟 單人獨白、雙人對白和組別賽事嘅決賽入圍者將於大館嘅洗衣場石階爭奪冠軍之位。千祈唔好錯過呢場展示莎士比亞式才能嘅史詩式對決啦!🏆🎬 📍 地點:大館,洗衣場石階 📅 日期:5月12日,星期日 🕑 時間:下午2:30 - 晚上6:45 #shakespeare4all #BattleOfTheBards #ShakespeareanShowdown #TaiKwun #battleoftheyear #battle2024 #williamshakespeare #competitionhk #hktheatre #liveperformance #hkkids

4/25/2024, 8:07:09 AM

The marriage of seaweed and seafood unfolds in a passionate fusion of umami flavours. Dive into this irresistible combination and immerse yourself in the briny allure that elevates every bite. 昆布與海鮮的結合,讓鮮味熱情濃烈地綻放。海的味道,令每一口都得以昇華,讓人無法抗拒。 #SushiZo #taikwun #centralhk #centraleats #centralfood #japanesefood #hongkongfoodie #hkjapanesefood #hkrestaurant #sushi #sushihk #omakase #omakasehk #hkjapanese #hkseafood #seaweed #hkdining #hongkongrestaurant #hksushi #hkomakase #hkfoodie #hkfood #hongkongfood

4/25/2024, 8:01:41 AM

2024.4.24 Dinner @cantinahongkong @ymc_anna ずっと行ってみたかったお店🎵 おしゃれで全部美味しかった〜 いいものを食べてゆっくり喋っててナイス❤️この年になると人生をもっと楽しむべき(○´∀`○) #nightofpistachio #pistachio #pistachiotiramisu #scilianredprawns #redprawns #paccheri #seafoodpaccheri #cantina #cannolipastry #central #taikwunhongkong #taikwun #cocktail #thedispensary #girlsnightout #girlstalk打卡 #開心果 #開心果控 #大館 #中環美食 #中環好去處 #享受生活 #italianfood #イタリアン #ピスタチオ  #treatyoubetter #去食好西

4/25/2024, 6:30:39 AM

An exhibition of qipaos worn in movies, a new company that stores and retrieves your memories, and a concert of French Impressionist music. Visit https://bit.ly/3TSnXu4, or click on the link on our IG story for our weekly look into arts and culture-related events around town. . . . 📷: HK Film Archive, Tai Kwun, Impressions Syphoniques @hkfilmarchive @hk_pop_culture_festival @taikwun.hk #hongkong #qipao #cheongsam #taikwun #labyss #philippefournier #rthk

4/25/2024, 6:30:00 AM

【探索「布魯斯・瑙曼」的藝術世界:門票現已公開發售】 [Buy a ticket now to explore the world of #BruceNauman] 任何事物都能成為藝術創作的媒介:以其身體作為表演的主體和工具,當今深具影響力的藝術家布魯斯.瑙曼完成了一系列錄像,拍下了一些看似脫離任何語境的重複動作,展示日常生活中荒誕而平凡的一面。 Anything and everything can be employed as a medium for artmaking: using his body as a subject and tool for performance, Bruce Nauman—one of the most influential artists today—completed a series of works, with repetitive actions seemingly divorced from any context, rendering the absurd and mundane aspects of everyday life. 展覽「布魯斯.瑙曼」 𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 📆 15.05–18.08.2024 📍 賽馬會藝方 JC Contemporary 🎟 網上Online / 現場 on-site: $120 (成人 General) / $60 (優惠 Concession*) 門票現於Klook發售 Tickets are now available at Klook: qrs.ly/p1fpqqh 請即點擊首頁頂連結了解更多關於「布魯斯.瑙曼」,擇日觀展。 Click the link in bio to learn more about the exhibition 𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 and plan your visit now! #TaiKwun #TaiKwunInspiration #TaiKwunContemporary #ContemporaryArt #HKart #BruceNauman #conceptualart #drawing #sculpture #installation #language #performance #body #Contrapposto #neon #大館當代美術館 #大館 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #布魯斯瑙曼

4/25/2024, 6:00:30 AM

🕊️🥚💜 - - #taikwun #bakehouse #eggtart #hongkong

4/25/2024, 5:58:33 AM

🫧Bubbles Welcome to the HKU MACC GALA event at Hongkong Taikwun on May 4th #hku #taikwun #macc #dreamofbutterfly

4/24/2024, 7:11:27 PM

Bubbles In Dream of Butterfly Welcome to the HKU MACC GALA event at Hongkong Taikwun on May 4th #hku #taikwun #macc #dreamofbutterfly

4/24/2024, 7:08:14 PM

樂茶軒 Lockcha Tea house and vegetarian restaurant 大館 Tai Kwun Central Hong Kong Hollywood Road 荷李活道 #Teahouse #vegetarianrestaurant #大館 #TaiKwun #Central #HongKong #HollywoodRoad #荷李活道 #樂茶軒 # Lockcha #ソフビ #Sofubi #SoftVinyl #搪膠 #fatbear #菲比亞 #toytravel #traveltoy #toyphoto #designertoys #arttoy #arttoycuture #instatoy #toystagram #ᴛᴏʏᴘʜᴏᴛᴏɢʀᴀᴘʏ

4/24/2024, 5:48:22 PM

任何事物都能成為藝術創作的媒介:以其身體作為表演的主體和工具,布魯斯.瑙曼完成了一系列錄像,拍下了一些看似脫離任何語境的重複動作,展示日常生活中荒誕而平凡的一面。 Anything and everything can be employed as a medium for artmaking: using his body as a subject and tool for performance, Bruce Nauman completed a series of works—with repetitive actions seemingly divorced from any context, rendering the absurd and mundane aspects of everyday life. 展覽「布魯斯.瑙曼」 𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 📆 15.05–18.08.2024 📍 賽馬會藝方 JC Contemporary 🎟 網上Online / 現場 on-site: $120 (成人 General) / $60 (優惠 Concession*) 門票現於Klook發售 Tickets are now available at Klook: https://www.klook.com/activity/111130-tai-kwun-bruce-nauman/ 請即點擊首頁頂連結了解更多關於「布魯斯.瑙曼」,擇日觀展。 Click the link in bio to learn more about the exhibition 𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘤𝘦 𝘕𝘢𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯 and plan your visit now! ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ #TaiKwunContemporary #TaiKwun #ContemporaryArt #HongKong #HKexhibition #artexhibition #art #HKartist #HKart #BruceNauman #conceptualart #drawing #sculpture #installation #language #performance #body #Contrapposto #neon #大館當代美術館 #大館 #香港展覽 #當代藝術 #布魯斯瑙曼

4/24/2024, 2:00:22 PM

在一個讓人身心放鬆的空間,毫不費力地享受午後時光。 Take a relaxing afternoon stroll at Tai Kwun. 📸 攝影 Photo by @chianmi.tw 📍 大館D倉 D Hall -------------------------- 立即 tag #FeelYourHeartBeat 分享你在大館的心動時刻,展示你獨特的攝影創作📸✨Use the hashtag #FeelYourHeartBeat to share photos of your favourite moments at Tai Kwun! #TaiKwunChill #VibrantHeartTaiKwun #FeelYourHeartBeat #TaiKwun #大館 #心跳日與夜

4/24/2024, 12:00:10 PM

Over a year since @blacksheeprestaurants brought the historic Central Magistracy back to life after four decades of lying dormant, @magistracydiningroom is proud to announce the arrival of new British Executive Chef @williams.alyn, presenting a new menu of British classics that celebrate the Chef’s own born-and-raised East London heritage. This exciting culinary evolution presents a revamped a la carte menu and the “Midday Curated Lunch” experience, inviting guests to embark on a gastronomic journey like never before at both Magistracy Dining Room and the adjoining Botanical Garden. Read more at below, or swipe right for more photos: theforksandspoons.com.hk/newsroom/ #MagistracyDiningRoom #HongKong #AlynWilliams #BritishCuisine #HK #foodphotography #michelinguide #mystorywithmichelin #foodstagram #foodie #foodlover #香港美食 #香港旅遊 #TaiKwun #timelesselegance

4/24/2024, 11:05:43 AM

BTS of Benson the King of Cheung Chau and Maeda the Prince of Japan cooking up a storm for their collaborative exhibition “HUMANHUMAN”. Come give it a gander at “The Cove” until April 30th 💀🖤☠️ 🖤 “HUMANHUMAN” | Benson Koo and Maeda Yohei 📍 G/F, 40A Upper Lascar Row, Sheung Wan 📆 April 18th-30th 2024

4/24/2024, 7:40:17 AM

舊時美好的 #minoltax300 #xtra400 #dcphotosblog #filmphotography #taikwun #film

4/24/2024, 4:46:30 AM

@baaak3 has a keen interest in observing the nuances of everyday life. She excels in conveying her observations and imagination through motion graphics. Rather than opting for surrealistic aesthetics, baaak3 focuses on highlighting the playful aspects within objects, drawing attention to often overlooked details. She has participated in numerous large-scale multimedia projects, which include creating projection mapping animations for the Tai Kwun architecture in both 2021 and 2022, as well as designing expansive screen works for corporate events, concerts, and conferences.

4/21/2024, 10:49:40 AM

마천루가득빽빽한#홍콩 ❤️

4/14/2024, 4:04:25 PM

2023.10.04 Photos in July~ #hk #大館 #taikwun #xperia #sonyxperia #hktravel

10/4/2023, 2:26:13 PM