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Providing support to individuals who have fallen victim to phishing scams or fraudulent schemes involving cryptocurrencies. - - - - - #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #n #health #news #s #photography

4/22/2024, 7:07:57 AM

No outono é sempre igual. Seja na música ou no dia a dia, essa frase define a nova estação. Embora a temporada ainda não apresente períodos de frio intenso, ela segue um padrão caracterizado pelo tempo seco e pela piora da poluição atmosférica, o que pode resultar em aumentos de doenças respiratórias. No início de março, o Ministério da Saúde deu início à campanha nacional de vacinação contra a gripe, antecipando seu calendário habitual. A estimativa é que 75 milhões de pessoas sejam imunizadas, priorizando grupos de maior vulnerabilidade, como idosos, gestantes, puérperas, trabalhadores da saúde, crianças de 6 meses a menores de 6 anos, professores da rede pública de ensino, entre outros. No outono, intensifica-se a presença de vírus como o da Influenza, causador da gripe, e o Rinovírus, responsável pelo resfriado comum. Além disso, não podemos nos esquecer do vírus da Covid-19, que, apesar do fim da pandemia, ainda se mantém presente na sociedade, encontrando um ambiente fértil nesse período. A gripe geralmente causa febre, sensação de cansaço, dores no corpo, tosse seca, secreção nasal e espirros. Por outro lado, os resfriados podem cursar com sintomas como coceira no nariz, garganta irritada, congestão e secreção nasal, espirros horas após a infecção e febre baixa, em alguns casos. Já a Covid-19 apresenta como principais sinais a perda de olfato, tosse, dor de garganta, coriza, dor abdominal e fadiga. Somente na décima semana do ano (4 a 10 de março), antes mesmo da chegada do outono, foram 53,87 mil casos notificados no Brasil, de acordo com Ministério da Saúde. E não é segredo que a infecção respiratória pode gerar complicações graves ao organismo humano. A gripe e a Covid-19 podem ser evitados com a vacinação, o resfriado, por sua vez, atualmente não conta com vacina. Da mesma forma, o período pode exacerbar crises de asma, rinite, bronquite e sinusite. Nessas situações, as bactérias responsáveis podem se aproveitar da imunidade baixa de pessoas que já estão com Influenza ou resfriadas, por exemplo. ☎️Quer agendar uma consulta clique no link na BIO no whatsapp com o número: (31) 9.9543-4062 — Disponíveis em telemedicina. #pneumonia #covid #coronav

4/15/2024, 12:57:09 AM

18 Marzo 2020 ...Io ricordo tutto le mascherine che non avevamo le ore di straordinari il telefono che squillava continuamente in farmacia i pazienti che erano in fila nel panico le barriere i tamponi i vaccini le bombole che mancavano il saturimetro gli studi medici chiusi i protocolli le ambulanze il green pass il lockdown i pianti il cimitero le bare le videochiamate le persone aiutate i guanti con la polvere massimo due alla volta la spesa con la fila la mia famiglia le interviste al cimitero @noidenunceremo i segni sul viso delle mascherine la stanchezza i carri dell' esercito le urne le bare perse i medici e gli infermieri stremati io ricordo mano attraverso il plexiglass..... #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #farmacia #operatoresanitario #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #bergamo #notizie #salute #s #fotografia

3/18/2024, 10:49:54 PM

➡️ O covid 19 é uma doença infecciosa que se espalha facilmente entre as pessoas. • O coronavírus tende a se espalhar pela boca, nariz ou olhos, através de gotículas expelidas por pessoas infectadas através da tosse, espirros, fala ou até mesmo pelo simples ato de respirar. • Um dos principais sintomas dessa doença é a tosse, que podem persistir após a resolução do COVID. ✅ Para esses casos, é necessário que o paciente procure um médico especialista do pulmão, para que possa verificar o caso e indicar o tratamento adequado. ⚠️ SURGIRAM DÚVIDAS? Entrem em contato conosco e agende uma avaliação com nossos profissionais de plantão. ——————————————— Centro de Pneumologia e Alergia do Ceará • Av. Rui Barbosa, 1349 - Aldeota • Telefone: 85 3305.9999 • WhatsApp: 85 98826.3337 #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #n #health #news #s #photography

2/5/2024, 1:23:09 PM

The pandemic's impact transcends borders and time zones, making it an event of global significance. "Pandora's Box" reflects this reality, portraying the pandemic as a shared experience, uniting us all in its challenges and triumphs. It is a testament to our interconnected world, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in overcoming adversity. . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

1/13/2024, 4:01:52 PM

PANDORA'S BOX IS AVAILABLE AS EBOOK ON APPLE APP STORE AND GOOGLE PLAY STORE . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

1/10/2024, 2:02:11 PM

SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of COVID-19, is one of the deadliest global threats encountered by mankind to date. The JN.1 variant is the latest mutation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has been designated as a ""variant of interest"" by the World Health Organisation (WHO), distinct from the parent lineage BA.2.86. To know more click on the following link: #coronavirus #covid #corona #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #coronav #like #follow #india #health #news

1/10/2024, 9:29:18 AM

YOU CAN READ MY MEDIUM ARTICLES ON: MEDIUM.COM/@GEOFFNEWTON312 . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

1/8/2024, 4:01:56 PM

In the solitude of lockdowns and isolation, "Pandora's Box" took shape. The pandemic imposed physical barriers, but it couldn't restrict the boundless creativity that flourished during those challenging times. Writing became a beacon of hope, a means to express, and a way to make sense of the chaos. My journey in isolation was marked by resilience, determination, and an unyielding commitment to bring this story to life. . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

1/5/2024, 3:01:57 PM

Damages of corona vaccine on human body کرونا ویکسین کی انسانی جسم پر تباہ کاریاں #coronavirus #covid #corona #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #health #news #s #photography ___________________________________________________________________________ مزید معلومات جاننے کے لیے ہمارے دیے گئے چینل کو سبسکرائب کریں ساتھ لگے بل کو پریس کریں تاکہ آنے والی ہر انفارمیٹو ویڈیو آپ تک بآسانی طریقے سے پہنچ سکے۔ Follow like and share the page's 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 | Facebook Page Name | Mehravi Tv | Twitter Account Name | @mehravitv | Instagram Account Name | Mehravitv786

1/2/2024, 4:03:17 PM

#onthisday in 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) first learned about the COVID-19 virus. The COVID-19 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. The first cases were linked to a seafood market in the city, suggesting a zoonotic origin, possibly transmitted from animals to humans. The virus causing the illness was later identified as a novel coronavirus, named SARS-CoV-2. The initial cases primarily involved individuals who had visited the seafood market, but human-to-human transmission soon became evident. The rapid spread of the virus raised global concerns, triggering efforts to understand and contain the outbreak. WHO was officially informed about a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan on December 31, 2019. Chinese authorities initially reported the cases to the WHO, marking the beginning of international awareness and response. In the following weeks, the virus spread to other parts of China and eventually reached multiple countries, leading the WHO to declare the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 30, 2020. The global community intensified efforts to understand the virus, develop diagnostic tools, and establish measures to contain its spread. The COVID-19 outbreak evolved into a full-fledged global pandemic, with widespread implications on health, economies, and societies. Hysteria and fear gripped populations worldwide as the virus spread rapidly, leading to unprecedented lockdowns, travel restrictions, and changes in daily life. The pandemic also sparked political division and controversy, with varying responses from different governments and leaders. Debates over the handling of the crisis, the effectiveness of public health measures, and vaccine distribution contributed to heightened tensions, many of which remain today. . #otd #covid19 #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #quedateencasa #coronav #covid #china

1/1/2024, 12:50:05 AM Delhi AIIMS issues Covid guidelines as city registers first JN.1 variant case The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi issued guidelines on Wednesday for handling suspected or positive Covid patients arriving at hospitals, as the city recorded the first case of the JN.1 coronavirus variant. #bawaal #covidvariant #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #instagram #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #health #news  #photography

12/28/2023, 6:24:14 AM

A new stain of covid- 19 JN 1varient has been detected in INDIA. Homeopathy uses customized natural treatments to help your body fight the illness and feel the better Book your appointment with Dr. Arshee homeopathy (Cardiologist, Nephrologist, Hemato-Omcologist) specialist Call to book your appointment at 98993 63969 #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #homeopathydoctor #pandemic #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #india #n #health #news #s #photography #jn1varient #varient #pharmacy #ayurveda #drarshee #healthcare

12/23/2023, 10:18:41 AM

Vamos a mantenernos juntos durante éstos días de cuarentena #a #bhfyp #china #corona #coronav #coronavir #coronavirus #covid #cuarentena #d #health #iorestoacasa #italia #like #love #meme #memes #n #o #pandemia #pandemic #quarantine #quedateencasa #rus #s #socialdistancing #stayhome #staysafe #virus #yomequedoencasa Mrtecshop

12/23/2023, 6:02:16 AM

पटना में मिले 2 कोरोना पॉजिटिव मरीज स्वास्थ विभाग ने मास्क और सेनिटाइज़र इस्तेमाल करने को कहा #patna #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #coronav #like #follow #india #n #health #news #s #photography

12/22/2023, 7:56:21 AM 21 Cases Of New Covid Variant JN.1 In India Confirmed In Lab Tests New Delhi:  India has so far reported 21 cases of the new coronavirus variant JN.1 from across the country, the government think tank NITI Aayog member (Health) VK Paul said today. Goa has reported 19 cases of the JN.1 variant, and Maharashtra and Kerala one each, sources said. #bawaal #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #instagram #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #health #news #photography

12/21/2023, 6:51:19 AM

@haryanaupdates हमारी वेबसाइट पर पूरी खबर पढ़ने के लिए स्टोरी में दिए लिंक या bio लिंक पर क्लिक करे coronavirus news india India covid-19 active cases statewise corona virus news delhi ncr national health minister Mansukh L. Mandaviya meeting for covid new jh.1 Varient chandigrah corona Jh.1 varient news today #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #n #health #news #s #photography

12/21/2023, 6:37:05 AM

New Variant of COVID-19 . . . #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #n #health #news #s #photography

12/20/2023, 5:57:44 PM

Pandora's Box is Available as Hardcover / Paperback and as eBook . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

12/20/2023, 4:01:59 PM

All the information you require about the most recent Covid variation नवीनतम कोविड संस्करण के बारे में आपको आवश्यक सभी जानकारी New Delhi: The virus has returned to India two years after the Omicron form of COVID-19 first appeared thanks to its offshoot, the BA 2.86 (Pirola) sub-lineage, JN.1. Kerala became the first state in the nation to record a case involving a 78-year-old woman. The patient has since recovered from the virus despite only exhibiting minor symptoms. नई दिल्ली: सीओवीआईडी ​​​​-19 के ओमिक्रॉन रूप के पहली बार सामने आने के दो साल बाद यह वायरस भारत में लौट आया है, इसकी शाखा बीए 2.86 (पिरोला) उप-वंश, जेएन.1 के कारण। केरल 78 वर्षीय महिला से जुड़ा मामला दर्ज करने वाला देश का पहला राज्य बन गया। केवल मामूली लक्षण प्रदर्शित होने के बावजूद मरीज वायरस से उबर चुका है। विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन के अनुसार, जेएन.1 को प्रतिरक्षा प्रतिक्रियाओं से बचने की बढ़ती क्षमता के कारण 'रुचि के प्रकार' के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया है। इसकी उपस्थिति सर्दियों के साथ मेल खाने का समय है, जब श्वसन संबंधी स्थितियां अधिक सामान्य हो जाती हैं, खासकर शहरी क्षेत्रों में जहां AQI का स्तर खराब रहता है। मिंट नए वायरस, उसके लक्षण और टीकाकरण की प्रभावशीलता का वर्णन करता है: NewsInfrom2- Follow News, Social media News, All Types News Infrom, News Information. Follow 👉 @NewsInform2 for News Breaking 📰 Tranding Finance, Market News, Brand News. . _____ Turn on post Notification 📩 Follow us 👉@NewsInform2 👉@NewsInform2 And For Business 📰News, social Media, Stock market📈, Trading News, Business Growth News, for Follow us 👉@BusinessInform1 👉@BusinessInform1 New Disclaimer - All information on this page is for educational purpose only News . #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #health #news #Newsinform2 #kelra #newdelhi

12/20/2023, 7:39:31 AM

Escapada Anti plandemia 2021 🌲🌲🌲 En tiempo de crisis, unos lloran y otros compran pañuelos... #ellobodewallstreet #pandemia #covid #coronavirus #o #a #cuarentena #quedateencasa #quarentena #n #brasil #virus #salud #venezuela #fiqueemcasa #rus #pandemic #amor #coronav #argentina #saude #instagram #yomequedoencasa #love #s #repost #corona #noticias

12/19/2023, 9:16:01 PM

YOU CAN READ MY MEDIUM ARTICLES ON: MEDIUM.COM/@GEOFFNEWTON312 . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

12/18/2023, 3:02:27 PM

There's magic in every chapter. 'Tackle a good book' and lose yourself in its enchantment. 📚✨ . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

12/15/2023, 2:30:46 PM

🦠🌎 During the early days of the pandemic, a spark of inspiration ignited within me. The chaos and uncertainty surrounding SARS-CoV-2 triggered my passion to write "Pandora's Box." This book is a culmination of that moment, a testament to the power of adversity and the human spirit to create. 🦠🌎 . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #OurSharedJourney

12/13/2023, 2:30:51 PM

Vamos a mantenernos juntos durante éstos días de cuarentena #a #bhfyp #china #corona #coronav #coronavir #coronavirus #covid #cuarentena #d #health #iorestoacasa #italia #like #love #meme #memes #n #o #pandemia #pandemic #quarantine #quedateencasa #rus #s #socialdistancing #stayhome #staysafe #virus #yomequedoencasa Mrtecshop

12/12/2023, 3:46:16 AM

EXPLOZIV: Peste 20% din vaccinații din Noua Zeelandă decedați – date oficiale cutremurătoare #coronavirus #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #love #pandemic #socialdistancing #o #virus #instagram #a #stayathome #pandemia #cuarentena #memes #quedateencasa #rus #instagood #coronav #like #follow #india #n #health #news #s #photography

12/8/2023, 9:27:01 AM

This book is a timely search into the nature of viruses and how they will affect us going forward, and what measures we can take to protect ourselves and mitigate the dangers from future outbreaks by integrating our industrial society into an ecological friendly setting, thereby accommodating these viruses. . 💡 VISIT MY WEBSITE OR VISIT THE AMAZON STORE TO GET YOUR COPY OF PANDORA'S BOX 💡 . . . #VirusSurvival #ReadingTime #covid #corona #stayhome #quarantine #lockdown #staysafe #pandemic #socialdistancing #virus #stayathome #pandemia #coronav #healthnews #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #authorlife #pandorasbox #amazonmademebuyit #InspirationFound #VirusAwareness #Sustainability #oursharedjourney

12/6/2023, 2:01:54 PM