brokenclaw images

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👋 Friends. I feel really unhappy today. I accidently damaged my dewclaw, and my amazing Uncle Vet had no choice, and he had to remove it... It was very very very painful and bloody experience. Hope it will heal soon, but now I'm feeling so miserable and sad. Please send my way some healing thoughts🙏 ~Falcor 💗 #falcor #puppy #annoyinglittlebrother #redfoxlab #scottishdog #poorlypuppy #brokenclaw #notfeelingwell #loveisthebestmedicine #livingwithloveandjoy #imcuteandiknowit #spreadinghappiness #cutephoto #instagood #talesofalabpuppy #worldoflabs #scottishinstadogs #luvablelabsofinsta #instalabfam #yellowlabsquad #labradorswayoflife #labradorsinfamily #labs_of_insta #instadog #labradorsadventures #labradoroninstagram #nofilter

5/30/2024, 10:37:00 PM

"Ah sh*t, here we go again" #poordoggo #brokenclaw #polishdog #instadog

4/3/2024, 2:36:41 PM

Siwek w więzieniu ciąg dalszy. 🔐😉 Dzisiaj byliśmy na kontroli - przy pazurze nie ma żadnej ropy, ale obrzęk jeszcze trochę jest. W czwartek ostatnia dawka antybiotyku i upragniona wolność. 🌼☀️ Potem pozostaje już tylko obserwacja łapki i reagowanie, gdy coś będzie nie tak. 🐾 Wesprzyj nasze działania i wpłać piątaka na wolno żyjącego kociaka. Link w bio. ⬆️ Zbieramy na karmę 🥫, leki na odrobaczenie 💊 oraz krople na pchły i kleszcze 🕷️, bo te ostatnie szaleją już na całego. Musimy zabezpieczyć Siwka i inne koty, które dadzą sobie podać preparat na kark. 🙏 Z góry dziękujemy! 😽 #kot #koty #kotwolnożyjący #kotywolnożyjące #kastracja #kastracjakotów #kochaszkastruj #kastracjaratujeżycie #ratujemykoty #pomagamykotom #rannykot #pazur #sterylizacja #szczecin #wolontariat #cat #cats #straycat #straycats #neuter #spay #spayandneuter #spayneutersaveslives #spayed #savingcats #savingcatslives #catchneuteredrelease #volunteer #injuredcat #brokenclaw

3/19/2024, 3:48:31 PM

Siwek w więzieniu. 🔐😉 Kocurek mocno złamał/wyrwał sobie pazur przy przedniej łapce i przez to za bardzo na nią nie stawał lub utykał. Od wczoraj jest na antybiotyku i w klatce kennelowej, a znosi to tak sobie - robi bałagan i głośno się żali. 😹 We wtorek kontrola, ale jesteśmy dobrej myśli, że obejdzie się bez konieczności zabiegu. 😸 Wesprzyj nasze działania i wpłać piątaka na wolno żyjącego kociaka. Link w bio. ⬆️ Odbieramy również karmę z dowolnych miejsc w Szczecinie, paczki z Paczkomatów lub wysyłane na adres. 📦 Osoby zainteresowane przekazaniem jakiejkolwiek karmy po swoich niejadkach lub zamówieniem jedzonka dla naszych podopiecznych (w chwili obecnej brakuje nam karmy mokrej np. Rafi Cat w czarnych puszkach, Dolina Noteci, Smilla, Kitty Premium, Maxi Natural itp.) prosimy o kontaktowanie się z nami przez wiadomości prywatne. 📥 #kot #koty #kotwolnożyjący #kotywolnożyjące #kastracja #kastracjakotów #kochaszkastruj #kastracjaratujeżycie #ratujemykoty #pomagamykotom #rannykot #pazur #sterylizacja #szczecin #wolontariat #cat #cats #straycat #straycats #neuter #spay #spayandneuter #spayneutersaveslives #spayed #savingcats #savingcatslives #catchneuteredrelease #volunteer #injuredcat #brokenclaw

3/16/2024, 1:55:28 PM

I have no words for this 😅😅😅. #auggiebluedog #blueheeler #goodishdog #dogsincones #brokenclaw #cattledog #dogsofinstagram

3/3/2024, 9:16:21 PM

This guy with out a doubt is a very cool interpretation of a killer panda. Though he's not very agile or flexible, he is definitely a bad@$$ for a figure. Now I just need to get that outfit for him and he will be complete. Anyone know where I can get his monk outfit with hat in the states.??? Pics of out fit at end 🔚➡️🥋🏁 #po #kunfupanda #brokenclaw #memorytoys #d20studios #maestrounion #furytoys #mythiclegions #furayplanet #berserker #valaverse #marvellegends #hasbro #gijoeclassified #gijoe #memories #mcfarlanetoys #neca #toysoldiers #toyhunter #toycollector #toyfights #scorpio1 #zodiacwarrior1 #rudolphohurtadojr #112scale #6inchlegends #actionforcefigures #toyphotography #photography

2/28/2024, 8:04:29 PM

FINALLY.... Just got my .....................................................................................................................................----‐---------------------------..................... #kungfupanda !!! Thank you @memorytoys_official #po #panda #brokenclaw #memorytoys #d20studios #maestrounion #furytoys #mythiclegions #furayplanet #berserker #valaverse #marvellegends #hasbro #gijoeclassified #gijoe #memories #mcfarlanetoys #neca #toysoldiers #toyhunter #toycollector #toyfights #scorpio1 #zodiacwarrior1 #rudolphohurtadojr #6inchlegends #actionforcefigures #toyphotography #photography

2/28/2024, 7:01:14 PM

The latest books I got from @cgccomics / @cgcsignatureseries came in. @adamkubert is one of my favorite artists and I am thrilled to get his signature on these classic covers. That image of Wolverine with the broken claws is embedded in my head from looking at it so much as a kid. So happy to add these books to my collection. . . . . . . . #Comic #Comics #ComicBook #ComicBooks #CGC #Slabbed #Graded #GradedComics #CGCComics #Xmen #Wolverine #Sabretooth #Claws #BrokenClaw #Logan

2/9/2024, 4:52:11 PM

Sorry mum I did try and do a whole month without a trip to the vet ! #epicfail #brokenclaw

1/23/2024, 9:26:40 PM

Damn…tore a nail playing on the ice and now I have to wear this stupid sock outside. And I don’t get to go for a walk or have any frisbee time today. Sucks. ☹️ . #doginjury #torntoenail #brokenclaw #housearrest #rescuedog #fosterdog

1/6/2024, 10:52:36 PM

She has broken her claw…. On her birthday 😝🙄 . . #badluck #borderterrier #borderterriersofinstagram #brokenclaw #dog #dogoftheday #cute

1/5/2024, 6:02:20 PM

⚠️Warning - broken claw picture is picture number 10! ⚠️ Today I had a lovely time at Sizewell Beach, practicing my recall with the long line, and smashing it! Plus getting to play with lots of other dogs who were out and about. Then the day went wrong as I caught my claw again and this time really really hurt it. So, when we got home, mum spoke to a nice lady at First Vet who said she should take me to see my vet as soon as she could. They had an appointment for me straight away, so mum took me there and they had to remove the whole claw! I now have to wear this stoopid thing around my head, and mum said no jumping around, walks, or running for at least a week! The claw could take up to 6 weeks to grow back! Mum mumbled something about only I could have done something like this the week before Christmas/payday but she is giving me lots of extra fuss and cuddles 😊 #cockerspaniel #dogsofinstagram #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #chocolatecocker #chocolatedog #cockersofinstagram #recalltraining #beach #puppyinjury #brokenclaw #feelingsorryformyself #coneofshame #puppieswillbepuppies

12/20/2023, 7:08:47 PM

U P D A T E 🐾 As some of you know I broke a back claw and had to have it removed on Monday as I couldn’t walk as it was very painful. Thankfully I am on the mend and went back for a check up this morning and had my bandage removed. I do have an infection and need to wear a special boot outside and the cone of shame needs to stay another week! Thank you to everyone who checked in on me and to the vets for taking such good care of me 🫶🏻 #update #vets #vettrip #waltonlodgevetspoole #brokenclaw #painful #onthemend #checkup #bandage #bandagedpaw #thankyou #backtonormal #recovered #miniaturedachshund #miniaturedappledachshund #minidappledaxie #minisausagedog #hotdog #weenie #weiner #coneofshame #antibiotics #weinerdogsofinstagram #dorsetdogs #dorsetdachshunds #dorsetlife #goodestboy #happysausage #andyminidappledaxie #andy

11/23/2023, 11:14:03 AM

I wanted to make this post to start conversation. It has been a hard month, but I’m remaining present and optimistic and knowing that being a pet paw-rent has its ups and downs and it’s totally ok to admit that. 🤎 Has your dog ever broken a claw? This is the second time for us, last time was easier. And by the size of Rolo’s buster collar, you can tell this wasn’t a normal experience (bigger than his head, because of his intelligence🥹) He had to have the broken claw removed at the vets, having a sedation for this £200+ because his intelligence meant he was making himself more poorly👅 …But the recovery has been harder. Naturally the red surgical dressing had to come off, to aid healing. And the licking began again, which believe me, I try to stop for his own sake firstly, then mine. The sensory overwhelm has been hard as I am autistic and the uncontrollable nature of this injury I want to speak about! #autisticsensoryoverload Hence the sock🥹 and now dog boots for our boy🥹 It will get better ❤️ #DogInjury #DogRecovery #PetParent #PetPawrent #BusterCollar #BrokenClaw #DogBrokenClaw #RemainPositive #AutismAndDogs #dogsensoryoverload

10/8/2023, 10:12:06 AM

El poderoso Broken Claw de Memory Toys. Este Berkserker destruyó al Goblin slayer! #brokenclaw #toys #juguetes #figuras #review #unboxing #marvellegends #memorytoys #bear #oso #berkserker

10/4/2023, 12:36:47 AM

El Berserker despertó desconcertado, sentía frío, su cuerpo le dolía, pero se sentía seguro, no recordaba como habia llegado ahí. Maestro Weng: A tu derecha encontraras agua y comida, come y bebe... recupérate... y si deseas seguir luchando ahí esta también tu arma y armadura... El guerrero Berserker contempló sus muñecas sin los grilletes qué había tenido la mayor parte de su vida, La sensación era agradable. Maestro Weng: Pero si ya no deseas pelear puedo enseñarte como aprovechar tu potencial... El guerrero Berserker bebió y comió no entendía todas las palabras del mamífero fiero, pero sentía una cálida intención por parte de el. Era extraño ni siquiera sentía eso por parte de su amo. Berserker:.. Grrr.... Si... grrrr Maestro Weng: entonces yo seré tu maestro! Y el par de zoantropos comenzaron a entrenar juntos; a lo largo de días y noches el Berserker descubrió nuevas maneras de aprovechar su fuerza y resistencia, aprendió a comunicarse mejor y a pelear de manera más eficaz. El maestro Weng pudo entender por lo poco que el Berserker pudo explicar que toda su vida había sido una especie de cazador para un amo qué el servía con temor debido a que era más fuerte que el, de su familia no recordaba nada. Maestro Weng: Es el momento que busques tu propio camino Garra Rota*, estoy orgulloso de ti. Garra Rota:... Gracias Sifu Weng. Y con un respetuoso saludo marcial cargado de respeto y aprecio maestro y alumno se separaron. *El Berserker había elegido ese nombre para el cuando Weng lo tomo como pupilo, en un acto de humildad por su derrota previa ante su maestro. #furayplanet #maestrounion #maestrounionfigure #wengtheblademaster #memorytoys #brokenclaw #toyphotography

9/15/2023, 7:00:08 AM

El guerrero Berserker seguía el rastro de su objetivo, era un guerrero implacable y su amo le había dado una misión. En las montañas el maestro Weng descansaba después de entrenar cuando de pronto percibió un peligro inminente. Berserker: GROOOOOOOOOOAAARHHH Maestro Weng: Detente no soy tu enemigo! Berserker: GROOOOOOOOAAAAARH El Berserker no comprendía como un mamífero más pequeño que él podía defenderse tan fácilmente, claramente su fuerza era superior, su cerebro estaba confundido. Berserker: GROOOOOOOAAAAARH (*lanzando zarpazos desesperados) El maestro Weng viendo en su oponente una fuerza colosal tomo una decisión... #furayplanet #maestrounion #maestrounionfigure #wengtheblademaster #memorytoys #brokenclaw #toyphotography

9/7/2023, 4:29:08 AM

Pawrents said that I’ve been a brave little girl at the vets. Got so many treats to ease the discomfort. Hopefully, it heals quickly and I can go back out with my mates 😇 #vizslapuppy #vizsla #hungarianvizsla #magyarvizsla #velcrodog #hpr #vizslaoftheday #vizslaofinstagram #vizslasofinstagram #vizslalife #vizslagram #puppylife #vizslalove #brokenclaw

9/4/2023, 8:49:24 PM

Not a happy boy at all after an early visit to the dogtor this morning. Excuse mummies makeshift dressing, I ripped my claw so the dogtor said I have to have it removed today. They gave me an 💉 for pain now mummy says I am a little spaced out. Please could you send me some positive vibes as Mummy is worried about me having the anaesthetic. Will let you know how I am later. Tiger 🐾❤️🐾🥰🙏🏻 #Tiger #brokenclaw #vet #surgery

8/2/2023, 12:58:44 PM

This dude is amazing. Great sculpt, great articulation for the size he is with the sculpting. A lot of collectors would probably disagree, but all in all I think a must have. Was looking for panda but se la vie... #brokenclaw #berserkertoys #memorytoys #brownbear #grizzly #kodiak #ursamajor #gladiator #d20studios #valaverse #marvellegends #hasbro #gijoeclassified #gijoe #memories #mcfarlanetoys #neca #toysoldiers #toyhunter #toycollector #toyfights #scorpio1 #zodiacwarrior1 #rudolphohurtadojr #112scale #6inchlegends #actionforcefigures #toyphotography #photography

7/31/2023, 3:37:51 AM

This warrior panda by Memory Toys is amazing! #memorytoys #brokenclaw #battlepanda #acba #toyphotography #diorama #diy

7/31/2023, 2:17:46 AM

Got this guy from my brother and I freakin love it, it pretty much dwarfs all the other figures in my collection with the exception of like 2 #memorytoys #memory #brokenclaw #berserker #bear #pandabear #panda

7/28/2023, 8:20:33 AM

Poor old Otto has been in the wars of late - having gotten spooked by a loud noise he jumped during a walk, straight under my full weighted stride and foot 😥😥😥😥 - all very nasty with lots of blood and shock and result being one of his claws had been shattered 🐶☹️☹️☹️😞😞😞 - several vets visits later the diagnosis was a potential operation 😱😱😱😱 - thankfully this never came to pass as the claw became detached completely (lots more blood) - so it’s been lots of rest, cone of shame, a booty from our newborn taped on to stop him licking and no walkies for a couple of weeks - poor thing 😞😞😞😢😢😢 Thankfully he’s on the mend, feeling better (getting appetite back too) and we are doing small on lead walks and his paw is healing up nicely but a horrid time of late 😥😥😥 . #poorly #poorlypooch #getwellsoon #sore #sorepaw #injury #injured #inthewars #coneofshame #brokenclaw #vet #vetvisit #sadtimes #rest #restandrecovery #recovery #dapple_otto #dappledachshund #dachshund #dachshunds #dachshundoftheday #dachshundsofinstagram #dappleotto

7/28/2023, 6:43:48 AM

so I’ve been getting lucky @5ktoys with these variants. crazy part about this is that I really wanted the brown bear lol… I’ll give this one to my daughter. And I’ll get a brown bear eventually. Either way he’s still pretty cool btw the eyes looks so real it’s creepy a bit. #panda #pandawarrior #berserkerpanda #bears #memorytoys #brokenclaw #variant #toyaddict #toycommunity #actionfigurecollectors #actionfigurephotography #actionfigurecollection #5ktoys #luckyiguess #kungfupanda #nj #pandagladiator #one12scale #sculptisonpoint #pandaking #ursamajor #pandakhan 🐼🐻

7/21/2023, 7:04:44 PM

[Memory Toys] Berserker Broken Claw (Panda ver.) // Full Review on my Facebook Page: ISAACWONGTOYS // #MemoryToys #Berserker #BrokenClaw #呪術廻戦 #JujutsuKaisen #Panda #SHF #SHFiguarts #McFarlane #MarvelLegends #IsaacWongToys

6/11/2023, 6:19:34 AM

[Memory Toys] Berserker Broken Claw (Panda ver.) // Full Review on my Facebook Page: ISAACWONGTOYS // #MemoryToys #Berserker #BrokenClaw #呪術廻戦 #JujutsuKaisen #Panda #SHF #SHFiguarts #McFarlane #MarvelLegends #IsaacWongToys

6/11/2023, 4:53:12 AM

[Memory Toys] Berserker Broken Claw (Panda ver.) // Full Review on my Facebook Page: ISAACWONGTOYS // #MemoryToys #Berserker #BrokenClaw #呪術廻戦 #JujutsuKaisen #Panda #SHF #SHFiguarts #McFarlane #MarvelLegends #IsaacWongToys

6/11/2023, 3:39:31 AM

Size Comparison Time~ [Memory Toys] Berserker Broken Claw (Panda ver.) // Full Review on my Facebook Page: ISAACWONGTOYS // #MemoryToys #Berserker #BrokenClaw #呪術廻戦 #JujutsuKaisen #Panda #SHF #SHFiguarts #McFarlane #MarvelLegends #IsaacWongToys

6/10/2023, 6:36:51 PM

[Memory Toys] Berserker Broken Claw (Panda ver.) // Full Review on my Facebook Page: ISAACWONGTOYS // #MemoryToys #Berserker #BrokenClaw #呪術廻戦 #JujutsuKaisen #Panda #SHF #SHFiguarts #McFarlane #MarvelLegends #IsaacWongToys

6/10/2023, 4:36:24 PM

[Memory Toys] Berserker Broken Claw (Panda ver.) // Full Review on my Facebook Page: ISAACWONGTOYS // #MemoryToys #Berserker #BrokenClaw #呪術廻戦 #JujutsuKaisen #Panda #SHF #SHFiguarts #McFarlane #MarvelLegends #IsaacWongToys

6/10/2023, 3:54:43 PM

My photo review of Broken Claw from @memorytoys2023 A big bag Grizzly Bear figure that is super heavy but flexible. Knee and elbow are single joints but enough to have cool poses. He also has ankle pivots and toe articulation 😋 He comes with 2 pairs of interchangable hands, 2 slash effects, 2 splattered blood effects and armor set (shackles, shoulder pad, tasset, chest belt). Weapon is a barbarian club 2 modes to play: Grizzly bear monster or Bear soldier #toyphotography #toystagram #toyslagram #toysaremydrug #wheretoysdwell #toysartistry #toysphotography #ursamajor #bearmonster #acba #acbacommunity #acbafam #toys #toyunion #toyplanet #toystagram #toygroup_alliance #toyartistry_and_beyond #toycrewbuddies #actionfigures #actionfigure #toycollector #beyondthetoys #brokenclaw

6/8/2023, 1:50:15 AM

If you put some treats in my cone, I can save it for later! (Frallan's been having some problems with her right front dewclaw/thumb, and once at the vet, the claw showed to be broken and they had to remove it. So now we have to give this poor limping girl a lot of extra attention and snuggling) ❤️🦊💉 #limpinggirl #brokenclaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #corgi #pembrokewelshcorgi #welshcorgipembroke #dogsofinstagram #corgis_of_instagram #dogphoto #corgiphoto #dogoftheday #limping #poorgirl #sweden #coneofshame #dewclaw #brokendewclaw #dog #corgiswithtails #hund #hundfoto

6/2/2023, 11:28:58 PM

Feeling sorry for myself 🥺 #poorme #feelingsorryformyself #brokenclaw #jackrussell #jackrussellterrier #jrt

5/13/2023, 3:18:49 PM

#traveltuesday has me Returning to Victoria and in my Back Yard another Bond location In the John Gardner Novel Brokenclaw James Bond is in Victoria BC Canada.. biased here but hey whispers *thats not a bad idea* Bond plays a couple rounds at the Victoria Golf Club in the suburb of Oak Bay near Uplands home of Victorias Elite and Wealthy and Retired. The Golf Club was Founded in 1893 and is the oldest 18-hole Golf Course in Canada and second oldest in North America. The Clubhouse is Registered as a Canadian Historic Place. The photos are mine and found on the internet.. as VGC is private property i am not permitted to walk the grounds. #jamesbond #007 #johngardner #jamesbondliterature #brokenclaw #vgc #golfing

5/9/2023, 11:10:12 PM

Bea-toe the Frito Burrito wrecked her "pinky" claw. $500 later and she's on the mend. 😭 Just thankful the vet got us in today to help her. 💜 #beatrice #labpitmix #brokenclaw (the high price includes shots and bloodwork done)

2/18/2023, 3:42:41 AM

I broke my claw while on pawtrol so its down to the humans to be on lookout while they look after me! Thank you @goddardvets for taking care of me. #injury #vet #brokenclaw #poorlypaw #cavapoochon #bandage #outofaction #injureddog

2/15/2023, 7:53:59 PM

Výraz taký že.... si mám ten nafukovací límec zobrať a odletieť na ňom niekde do prdele 🤨 #grumpydoggo #brokenclaw #NinkoSlaninko

2/14/2023, 1:00:24 PM

⭐️<𝙐𝙍𝙂𝙀𝙉𝙏 - 𝙇𝙤𝙬 𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙂𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚> [𝗣𝗿𝗲-𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿] Memory Toys 1/12 Scale Action Figure - Broken Claw ⭐️ ____________ - 𝙇𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙨, 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙨 𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙩 - 𝙇𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙡𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙡 (𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙚) 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝 𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚 ____________ 🔷 Origin Ver. 🔷 Black Ver. ____________ 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗲: USD 72 / CAD 93 / £ 59 / € 70 / RM 314 / ₱ 3920 / Rp 1048.6k / AUD 100 / SGD 98 each ____________ * S$ 20 deposit * Currency option on top left corner of website * Price excludes shipping from Singapore ____________ ETA: Apr'23 ____________ #ohmyprimus #dewtoystore #sgtoys #singaporetoys #singapore #toystore #toycollector #toyphotography #toydisplay #actionfigure #actionfigures #6inch #onetwelfth #onetwelfthscale #onetwelfthfigure #shf #neca #dragonhorse #memorytoys #brokenclaw

2/10/2023, 7:00:04 AM

Snowday! If you’re squeamish, don’t swipe! This morning when we woke up we had a nice layer of about 6” of snow outside so we decided to head out into the snow to play! Unfortunately 10 minutes in Orion got his paw caught in something and broke his claw 🫠 He is fine but deeply offended over having to wear his boot indoors for a few days. This is why we can’t have nice things 😂 #tamburengasfairandsquare #JSDKatieGun #australianshepherd #australianshepherds #aussie #aussiepuppy #aussiesdoingthings #australianshepherd_feature #australianshepherdsofinstagram #australianshepherdsofig #australianshepherdworld #redtri #redmerle #bestpup #aussiepuppy #aussiepup #dog #dogsofinsta #dogsofIG #aussiesdoingthings #snowday #brokenclaw #clawbreak

2/3/2023, 4:17:44 PM

【Pre-order】Memory Toys Broken Claw Black Beer Warrior Get It Here: #MemoryToys #BrokenClaw #actionfigure #beer

1/30/2023, 9:52:33 AM

【Pre-order】Memory Toys Broken Claw Origin Ver. Get It Here: #MemoryToys #BrokenClaw #actionfigure #beer

1/30/2023, 9:49:29 AM

I was a brave doggo today 💪 Well ok, first I chased a 🐈, which I was not allowed 🚫 On that wild chase I cracked one of my claws. Good thing mom had been on a seminar about 🆘 dog treatments just last Sunday. There she learnt how to make a proper paw bandage. She did very well and me too of course, while the male pawrent was assisting us. We are a fantastic team 🙌☺️🐶 Luckily it’s not too bad. I was already running around a bit again, but I will have to take things a bit slower for the next few days, I guess 🙈 #injuredpaw #brokenclaw #crackedclaw #pawbandage #dogbandage #bravedog #injureddog #perrodeaguaespañol #spanishwaterdog #spanischerwasserhund #pdae #rastadog

1/29/2023, 2:58:48 PM

After taking a year off, I’m back in the James Bond world, looking to finish off the last of the 80's/90's entries. First up, is BROKENCLAW by John Gardner. 📖 📖 SYNOPSIS from Goodreads: Bond was feeling bored and resentful. Bored with sitting behind a desk, shuffling bits of paper around. Resentful that M seemed to have left him to rot. But with a threat of resignation, M send Bond away on holiday. But it is on holiday on Vancouver Island that life begins to look up. Brokenclaw Lee, a half-Chinese, half-Crow Indian, catches Bond's attention. A huge man who exudes power and ruthlessness. Then, summoned to San Francisco, Bond learns more about the mysterious Mr. Lee and his underworld empire. Learns about the five missing scientists and their ultra-secret work. Bond then meets Brokenclaw's new and beautiful business partner, Chi-Chi. Suddenly life was interesting again. And very, very dangerous. 📖 📖 One thing you can say about James Bond stories, whether in book or movie form, is that they are a product of their times. This one is no exception. Originally released in 1990, it’s not quite politically correct at times. That being said, the story is pretty good. This is Gardner’s 10th Bond book, and he is one of the better Bond authors. If you like Bond, this one is worth checking out. 📖 #Brokenclaw #JohnGardner #JamesBond #007 #IanFleming #spy #fiction #thriller #espionage #action #mystery #adventure #ConstantReader #bookstagram #amreading

1/22/2023, 3:05:31 AM