nationalpalacemuseum images

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青牛:老子,你離開函谷關要去哪裡啊? 老子:我要去故宮南院啊~我5/7在那有展出呢!快走吧! ​ #老子西出函谷關的故事 這幅畫由張路繪製,呈現出老子出關的故事。據說老子感覺到周代的衰亡,決定西出函谷關,當時守關的尹喜發現東方出現一片紫氣💜推測即將要有聖人出現,不久,騎著牛的老子果然出現了!在尹喜的請求之下,老子寫下《道德經》後才緩緩離開,天空左側有一隻蝙蝠,「蝠」同「福」,因此作品也訴說著吉祥寓意。 ​ #老子的坐騎來頭不小 老子所騎乘的青牛可是個厲害的角色🐂據說它是與古代野獸「兕」結合,且具有神力的野獸!!!在《西遊記》的故事中,太上老君的青牛偷走老君的幾件寶貝後下凡,而且還幾度打敗孫悟空呢! (「兕」是青色像牛的獨角獸) ​ #全新展件 即將登場 感謝大家對於神獸展的支持與喜愛❤️前檔期將展至5/1(三),5/7(二)全新文物換展登場!✨歡迎大家來參觀 ​ 文物展期官網查詢 🔍 - ➤➤ 老子騎牛 Laozi Riding an Ox ▹ 年代:明 ▹ 作者:張路 ​ ▌#神獸現形-文物中的奇幻生物 本檔展期113-05-07至113-07-28 ​ #故宮南院 #故宮 #嘉義 #嘉義景點 #嘉義旅遊 #嘉義展覽 #故宮博物院 #museum #nationalpalacemuseum #chiayi

4/28/2024, 3:00:09 PM


4/28/2024, 2:50:00 PM

We definitely didn't miss the jadeite cabbage and the meat-shaped stone, two of the National Palace Museum's most famous pieces! Notice the grasshopper carved into the cabbage! Here are some other beautiful Jade carvings! #DreamVacationsByAnnette #Taiwan #Taipei #nationalpalacemuseum #jadeitecabbage

4/28/2024, 1:58:03 PM

#神獸現形 - 文物中的奇幻生物 Mythical Creatures Revealed in Artifacts 雖然巧遇峰面豪雨無情暴襲南台灣 下身全濕還是要特別路過一下故宮南院看個展:) 本次特展是非常療癒的神獸專題! 先前在網路上就有看到 #甪端香薰 甪(音同陸)端,為傳說中的神獸,有犀角、獅身、龍背、熊爪、魚鱗、牛尾,外型和麒麟接近,但只有單角。相傳甪端一天可走一萬八千里,通曉各國語言,賢明君主在位時出現。甪端不只是祥瑞的象徵,也象徵聰明能辨賢能。因此甪端常常成為宮廷中的陳設,皇帝除了表達自己的賢明外,也說明皇帝通曉四方各國之事,為萬邦來朝的盛世。 甪端常被製成香薰的器物,出現在皇帝的座位或書房,做為香薰之用,甪端獨角,雙眼圓大,身體微胖,張嘴露齒,昂首向上,樣貌可愛。 看完展才發現,其實生活中有許多各種神獸融入我們的日常,從寓意吉祥小擺件到屋簷裝飾再到廟宇的入口石像,大大小小的神獸早已與我們的生活密不可分,像是蟾蜍象徵財富(蟾蜍咬錢),但你知道為什麼嗎?不知道對吧!對吧!大多數的神獸我都叫不出名字或是無法分辨,更對神獸背後的起源故事只有一知半解,透過這次特展認識好多早已看習慣但根本沒聽過的故事,也算是一種實用冷知識的補充。 #日嘗看展 #DailyExhibition #故宮南院 #NationalPalaceMuseum #NPM #嘉義景點 #文物展覽 #神獸傳說 #中國歷史 #DailyStudio #日嘗小室設計工作室

4/28/2024, 7:32:35 AM

希望大家都平安💓 以故宮典藏的國寶級文物 #龍藏經 的裝禎概念進行設計 宛如迷你版《龍藏經》 期望能傳達無限的守護與祝福❣️ 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 Hope everyone is safe💓 Designed with the concept of the casing of the national treasure, the tibetan dragon buddhist canon from the National Palace Museum’s collection, resembling a mini version of the “Tibetan Dragon Buddhist Canon” Hoping to convey infinite protection and blessings❣️ ✈️Worldwide Shipping 【龍藏萬福】宝瓶お守り袋 本商品のデザインは国立故宮博物院所蔵品「清康熙《內府泥金寫本藏文龍藏經」をモチーフとしています。 #20240428 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/28/2024, 6:21:13 AM

The colorful clouds and wave patterns just above the feet, the more stylized lotuses, and the makara motif are commonly found on Ming dynasty works, while the use of enamels with something approaching “Ming pink” shows that the production of Qing imitation pieces during the Qianlong period also involved copying enamel colors and textures. However, the use of wire on Ming objects shows more agility. 這件作品的紋飾、釉色,透露模仿明代掐絲琺瑯的濃厚企圖。諸如地上的彩雲及波濤紋,或簡略的番蓮紋花體結構,乃至盛行於明代的摩竭。另外,類似「明粉紅」的琺瑯,提示乾隆時期掐絲琺瑯「仿古」,兼顧琺瑯色料的層面,摩羯紋飾也是一個經典紋樣。器緣紋飾鎏金的金水呈色吸收了藏傳工藝的技巧代表著帝王對其的要求與講究以及當時文化交流的影響。 清 乾隆 掐絲琺瑯摩竭紋雙喜鉢盂 Cloisonné enamel water pot with makara motif, Qianlong period, Qing dynasty The Mystery of the Jingtai Cloisonné Unveiled 謎樣景泰藍 #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalace #museum #國立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院 #chinesecalligraphywriting #故宮博物院 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #台北故宮博物館シリーズ #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #ceramics #ceramic #pottery #southernbranchofthenationalpalacemuseum #國立故宮博物院南部院區 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院national #chinesefineart #fineart #国立故宮博物院南部院区 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #景泰藍 #謎樣景泰藍 #TheMysteryoftheJingtaiCloisonnéUnveiled #JingtaiCloisonné #cloisonné #cloisonneenamel #掐絲琺瑯 #掐絲琺瑯工藝 #端凝殿左右屋 #duanninghall #端凝殿左右屋掐絲琺瑯

4/28/2024, 3:37:56 AM

Our last full day in Taipei started off with some yummy food before a trip to the National Palace Museum. The National Palace Museum was originally founded within the walls of the Beijing Forbidden City in 1925 and eventually moved to Taipei's Shilin District following the Republic of China government relocation in 1949 with an official opening for the public in 1965. Home to the world's largest and arguably finest collection of Chinese art, this vast hoard covers treasures in painting, calligraphy, statuary, bronzes, lacquerware, ceramics, Jade and religious objects. Many artifacts date back to several hundred years, or more BC - before there were even any named Chinese dynasties. Stay tuned for pics from the museum! #DreamVacationsByAnnette #Taiwan #Taipei #nationalpalacemuseum

4/28/2024, 3:13:18 AM

(左下角) 八段錦原來有一招叫 「我不聽」😂 #Taiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #tour #i #dont #want #to #hear #it #台灣 #故宮博物院 #台北 #博物館 #歷史 #八段錦 #逛 #我不聽

4/27/2024, 2:58:08 PM

真的好美😍 #Taiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #tour #tired #art #history #knowledge #so #beautiful #stunning #台灣 #故宮博物院 #台北 #博物館 #歷史 #畫 #逛 #藝術 #國畫 #花鳥畫 #超美

4/27/2024, 2:53:34 PM

逛故宮博物院✨ #Taiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #tour #tired #painting #台灣 #故宮博物院 #台北 #博物館 #歷史 #畫 #逛 #累了

4/27/2024, 2:49:36 PM

Jade Wong Bok and braised bork belly 👀✨ The details on the vase is unbelievably stunning😮 #Taiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #jade #history #knowledge #stunning #beautiful #pretty #honoured #台灣 #故宮博物院 #翠玉白菜 #肉形石 #東坡肉 #玉石 #清朝 #乾隆 #粉彩蟠桃天球瓶 #好美 #歷史

4/27/2024, 2:41:33 PM

*** BOOKED *** Qing Dynasty, Qianlong Period (1736-1795) Dragon Cloud Copper red gilt glaze * NIMCA Private Museum #asianart #rijksmuseum #britishmuseum #tbt #tate #nationalpalacemuseum #sharjahmuseums #foryou

4/27/2024, 6:50:17 AM

下雨天就在家玩 #桌遊 吧💃🏻 #漢宮春曉 桌遊融合歷史文化 帶你深入宮廷權謀的爭奪🕵🏻‍♀️ 皇后最珍貴的首飾突然失蹤,宮廷瞬間陷入混亂! 疑點重重的失竊案背後隱藏著更深的陰謀。 你身為後宮嬪妃之一,必須抽絲剝繭找出事實真相,趕緊來破案🧐 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 On rainy days, let’s play #boardgames at home! 💃🏻 Spring Dawn in the Han Palace board game integrates history and culture, immersing you in the intrigue of the court🕵🏻‍♀️ The queen‘s most precious jewelry suddenly goes missing, throwing the court into chaos! Behind this suspicious theft lies a deeper conspiracy. As one of the palace concubines, you must unravel the truth and quickly solve the case🧐 ✈️Worldwide Shipping ボードゲーム-漢宮春暁 本商品のデザインは国立故宮博物院所蔵の「明仇英画 漢宮春暁図 卷」 #20240427 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/27/2024, 6:03:42 AM

Cloisonné Enamel Ware Stored in Duanning Hall Organization of the Duanning Hall collection started in the Yongzheng period (1723-1735), and the collection remained intact after the Qianlong reign until the end of the Qing dynasty. All artifacts in the Museum beginning with the character lieh in their original registration 端凝殿左右屋楠木匣內的掐絲琺瑯器雍正時期開始組織端凝殿左右屋的典藏;至乾隆之後,該處便保持相同的收藏狀態,直至清末。最常見的番蓮紋母題透過琺瑯色料、掐絲線條的運用,形塑出朝隆朝宮廷的氣質。 清乾隆 掐絲琺瑯番蓮紋腰圓洗 Cloisonné enamel brush washer with lotus motif, Qianlong period, Qing dynasty The Mystery of the Jingtai Cloisonné Unveiled 謎樣景泰藍 #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalace #museum #國立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院 #chinesecalligraphywriting #故宮博物院 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #台北故宮博物館シリーズ #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #ceramics #ceramic #pottery #southernbranchofthenationalpalacemuseum #國立故宮博物院南部院區 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院national #chinesefineart #fineart #国立故宮博物院南部院区 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #景泰藍 #謎樣景泰藍 #TheMysteryoftheJingtaiCloisonnéUnveiled #JingtaiCloisonné #cloisonné #cloisonneenamel #掐絲琺瑯 #掐絲琺瑯工藝 #端凝殿左右屋 #duanninghall #端凝殿左右屋掐絲琺瑯

4/27/2024, 3:40:02 AM

Oh summer! It’s gonna be 🥵 #nationalpalacemuseum #taipei

4/27/2024, 3:12:13 AM

What would you add to this trip? 📍 Taipei, Taiwan 👥 Share this with someone you'd come here with! ✨ See the complete itinerary in our bio #eazigo #tripoftheweek #taipei #taiwan #asia #chiangkaishekmemorialhall #nationaltaiwanmuseum #lungshantemple #ximendingnightmarket #elephantmountain #taipeizoo #nationalpalacemuseum #shilinnightmarket

4/26/2024, 9:51:39 PM

The Gardens of the National Palace Museum: Taipei Tranquil, peaceful and wonderful, natural landscape photography capturing the outer bounds of the city which the garden is placed within, it’s a spot which juxtaposes the busy, frantic and noisy nature of the surrounding city Watching life go by Photography of the surrounding showing its change from industrial to more natural and the ever expanding urban landscape can be seen encroaching on its natural neighbour: the countryside. Join me in exploring the tranquil waters and picturesque landscapes. #Photography #PhotoOfTheDay #InstaPhoto #PicOfTheDay #CameraLife #UrbanExploration #StreetsOfTaipei #TaipeiVibes #DiscoverTaipei #TaiwanTravel #CityscapePhotography #TaipeiWanderlust #TaipeiLife #StreetsofAsia #TaipeiArchitecture #TaipeiPhotography #ExploreTaiwan #CityLifeTaipei #nationalpalacemuseum

4/26/2024, 11:05:00 AM

故宮精品氣象預報✨ 受鋒面影響各地降雨機率高,尤其西半部地區有雷雨、局部大雨發生,其中以周五六降雨最顯著。 出門記得帶 #雨具🌧️☔️💧 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 National Palace Museum Shop Weather Forecast ✨ Affected by the cold front, there is a high chance of rainfall in various areas, especially in the western regions, with thunderstorms and locally heavy rain expected, particularly on Friday and Saturday. Don‘t forget to bring your #rain gear when you go out🌧️☔️💧 ✈️Worldwide Shipping #20240426 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/26/2024, 6:07:09 AM

Today’s Itinerary - National Palace Museum . . . #taiwan #taipei #nationalpalacemuseum #taipeimetro

4/26/2024, 4:32:56 AM

Cloisonné Enamel Ware Stored in Duanning Hall Organization of the Duanning Hall collection started in the Yongzheng period (1723-1735), and the collection remained intact after the Qianlong reign until the end of the Qing dynasty. All artifacts in the Museum beginning with the character lieh in their original registration This piece was likely produced during the Qianlong period in imitation of Ming cloisonné enamel ware, which would also explain why, while the quality of the gilding and enamels is less than ideal, it was nevertheless given a Phoebe zhennan wood case and was selected for inclusion in the imperial collection and stored at the Duanning Hall in the Forbidden City. 端凝殿左右屋楠木匣內的掐絲琺瑯器雍正時期開始組織端凝殿左右屋的典藏;至乾隆之後,該處便保持相同的收藏狀態,直至清末。 這件作品應為乾隆時期仿製明代掐絲琺瑯燒造的仿古器。全器鍍金狀況及琺瑯釉品質雖未臻完善,卻得以獲選,配楠木匣,並收入端凝殿左右屋。 清 乾隆 掐絲琺瑯纏枝番蓮紋膽瓶 Cloisonné enamel vase with lotus motif, Qianlong period, Qing dynasty The Mystery of the Jingtai Cloisonné Unveiled 謎樣景泰藍 #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalace #museum #國立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院 #chinesecalligraphywriting #故宮博物院 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #台北故宮博物館シリーズ #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #ceramics #ceramic #pottery #southernbranchofthenationalpalacemuseum #國立故宮博物院南部院區 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院national #chinesefineart #fineart #国立故宮博物院南部院区 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #景泰藍 #謎樣景泰藍 #TheMysteryoftheJingtaiCloisonnéUnveiled #JingtaiCloisonné #cloisonné #cloisonneenamel #掐絲琺瑯 #掐絲琺瑯工藝 #端凝殿左右屋 #duanninghall #端凝殿左右屋掐絲琺瑯

4/26/2024, 2:29:59 AM

One of Taiwan’s most famous landmarks. #TravelDiaries2023 #Taipei #Taiwan #NationalPalaceMuseum

4/25/2024, 2:39:27 PM

museums and temples, I just can’t help myself #nationalpalacemuseum #dalongdongbaoantemple #taipeiconfuciustemple #curiousenthusiasm

4/25/2024, 12:06:23 PM

#最近的台灣人 #這杯水是不是在搖? 這杯子倒了! 地震大家要注意安全⚠️ 迪士尼系列故宮三寶玻璃杯 絕對是顏值擔當💓 揪三五好友 用可愛杯杯喝一杯壓壓驚吧🥰 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 Disney Series - The Three Treasures of the NPM Glass are definitely the visual highlight 💓 Gather a few friends, and enjoy a drink in these adorable cups to relieve stress🥰 ✈️Worldwide Shipping ディズニ シリーズ - 故宮三寶グラス3個入りセット 台湾の古典的なビアグラスのサイズ、絶妙なボックスデザイン、国立故宮博物院の三宝を一度に集めることができ、自分用はもちろん、ギフトとしても最適です。 #20240425 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/25/2024, 6:06:48 AM

The form, decoration, and style of this vessel are extremely extravagant, and several similar cloisonné enamels can be found in the Qing court collection. What makes this piece stand out is that it was stored in the Duanning Hall, inside a specially made case. 此器器形、紋樣,風格盡顯誇張矯飾。同樣的掐絲琺瑯器,在清宮不只一件,惟此件配匣儲於端凝殿。 清 乾隆 掐絲琺瑯蕉葉紋觚(附楠木匣) Cloisonné enamel gu vessel with blade-shaped lappets (stored in Phoebe zhennan wood case), Qianlong period, Qing dynasty The Mystery of the Jingtai Cloisonné Unveiled 謎樣景泰藍 #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalace #museum #國立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院 #chinesecalligraphywriting #故宮博物院 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #台北故宮博物館シリーズ #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #ceramics #ceramic #pottery #southernbranchofthenationalpalacemuseum #國立故宮博物院南部院區 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院national #chinesefineart #fineart #国立故宮博物院南部院区 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #景泰藍 #謎樣景泰藍 #TheMysteryoftheJingtaiCloisonnéUnveiled #JingtaiCloisonné #cloisonné #cloisonneenamel #掐絲琺瑯 #掐絲琺瑯工藝 #端凝殿左右屋 #duanninghall #端凝殿左右屋掐絲琺瑯

4/25/2024, 2:33:32 AM


4/24/2024, 5:32:57 PM

|觀止| 十幾年前來故宮是帶著國外學者來參觀,什麼都不懂。在外面待了將近十年,才發現這裡文化底蘊如此深厚且在各領域皆有質跟量的瑰寶 。隨著導覽員的引導,從商周到近代,歷史的更迭與際遇深深影響作品的調性,細微末節的變化體現地恰如其分。看來還要安排一下下一次的參觀了😅

4/24/2024, 11:00:59 AM

A visit to the Emperor #beijing #nationalpalacemuseum #forbiddencity #china

4/24/2024, 7:26:13 AM

#皇后同款 重現古代皇后之美❣️ DIY木質耳飾盒參照皇后配戴的耳飾進行木片雷切 可根據個人品味,搭配喜愛的耳環形式 典雅時尚✨ 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 #QueenStyle Revive the beauty of ancient empresses❣️ Create your own wooden earring box inspired by the empress‘s earrings, with laser-cut wood pieces resembling those worn by the queen. You can customize earrings according to your personal taste, adding an element of elegance and fashion✨ ✈️Worldwide Shipping 明代の皇后 | 手作り体験ボックス 絵画に描かれた皇后の耳飾りを参考にし、木片をレーザーカットして小さな木のブロックを取り外し、それを組み立てて耳飾りを再現しています。この革新的なアプローチにより、皇后が身に着けていた歴史的な耳飾りが現代的に再解釈され、古代の工芸品をベースにしたユニークな作品となっています。さらに、異なる木のブロックの組み合わせを使用して、さまざまなスタイルの耳飾りを制作することも可能です。 #20240424 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/24/2024, 6:56:22 AM

端凝殿左右屋收存乾隆時期產造之掐絲琺瑯兼畫琺瑯器共八件,突顯此類風格作品在乾隆皇帝心中舉足輕重的地位。 A total of eight Qianlong period cloisonné pieces with painted enamels were found in the Duanning Hall collection, indicating the emperor‘s penchant for this type of work. 清乾隆 掐絲琺瑯兼畫琺瑯花卉紋蓋罐 Cloisonné enamel lidded jar with floral design, Qianlong period, Qing dynasty The Mystery of the Jingtai Cloisonné Unveiled 謎樣景泰藍 #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalace #museum #國立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院 #chinesecalligraphywriting #故宮博物院 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #台北故宮博物館シリーズ #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #ceramics #ceramic #pottery #southernbranchofthenationalpalacemuseum #國立故宮博物院南部院區 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院national #chinesefineart #fineart #国立故宮博物院南部院区 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #景泰藍 #謎樣景泰藍 #TheMysteryoftheJingtaiCloisonnéUnveiled #JingtaiCloisonné #cloisonné #cloisonneenamel #掐絲琺瑯 #掐絲琺瑯工藝 #端凝殿左右屋 #duanninghall #端凝殿左右屋掐絲琺瑯

4/24/2024, 3:09:52 AM

#nationalpalacemuseum #国立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #台北 #台湾 #taipei #taiwan

4/24/2024, 2:21:36 AM

この博物館は凄かった。そして難しかった… 台湾の歴史が見れる博物館でした。 もっと勉強してから来たら、違った見え方があると思う🤔🤔 #台北 #台湾 #故宮博物院 #国立故宮博物院 #taipei #taiwan #museum #nationalpalacemuseum

4/24/2024, 2:17:44 AM

Taiwan diamond and dragons in Taipei, dragon ceramics at the National Palace Museum 🇹🇼🐉 #trollbeads #trollbeadsbangle #taiwandiamond #travel #taiwan #taipei #nationalpalacemuseum #twistedbangle #trollbeadsuniques #luckydragon #dragons #longevity #leatherbracelet

4/23/2024, 1:58:51 PM

【明代帝后半身像(二)冊 孝安皇后;孝定皇后】 🔍明 💡64.6x50.8公分 明代首飾集歷代之大成 不僅類型多樣、造型豐富,更兼工藝精湛 在中國古代可謂登峰造極✨ 畫中兩后均作正面半身像,頭戴龍鳳花釵冠,身穿翬衣、霞披,上面繡有龍紋及搖雉圖案🥰 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 【Half Portraits of Xiao’an Empress and Xiaoding Empress / Empress Xiaoding】 🔍Ming Dynasty 💡64.6x50.8cm The jewelry of the Ming Dynasty represents the culmination of previous dynasties. With a wide variety of types and rich designs, as well as exquisite craftsmanship, reaching the pinnacle of ancient Chinese artistry✨ In the painting, both empresses are depicted in frontal bust portraits, wearing phoenix coronets, adorned with dragon and phoenix patterns, and draped in flowing robes with embroidered dragon motifs and pheasant patterns🥰 ✈️Worldwide Shipping #20240423 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/23/2024, 6:01:25 AM

Cloisonné Enamel Ware Stored in Duanning Hall Organization of the Duanning Hall collection started in the Yongzheng period, and the collection remained intact after the Qianlong reign until the end of the Qing dynasty. All artifacts in the Museum beginning with the character lieh in their original registration 端凝殿左右屋楠木匣內的掐絲琺瑯器雍正時期開始組織端凝殿左右屋的典藏;至乾隆之後,該處便保持相同的收藏狀態,直至清末。 The Mystery of the Jingtai Cloisonné Unveiled 謎樣景泰藍 #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalace #museum #國立故宮博物院 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院 #chinesecalligraphywriting #故宮博物院 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #台北故宮博物館シリーズ #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #ceramics #ceramic #pottery #southernbranchofthenationalpalacemuseum #國立故宮博物院南部院區 #故宮博物院 #國立故宮博物院national #chinesefineart #fineart #国立故宮博物院南部院区 #国立故宮ミュージアム #ミュージアム #景泰藍 #謎樣景泰藍 #TheMysteryoftheJingtaiCloisonnéUnveiled #JingtaiCloisonné #cloisonné #cloisonneenamel #掐絲琺瑯 #掐絲琺瑯工藝 #端凝殿左右屋 #duanninghall #端凝殿左右屋掐絲琺瑯

4/23/2024, 2:48:45 AM

#多一塑不如少一塑 #世界地球日🌎 就從減少使用塑膠袋做起吧💚 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 #WorldEarthDay🌎 Let‘s start by reducing the use of plastic bags💚 ✈️Worldwide Shipping #20240422 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/22/2024, 6:26:07 AM

How do I pick 10 images to share with you? We spent the whole day at the National Palace Museum. And when the Museum closed at 5pm we still had so much to see. Fortunately we can go back tomorrow. For anyone planning to visit Taipei who has an interest in decorative arts and their history, plan to get to the Museum when it opens at 9am and be prepared to spend the whole day there with a contingency plan to return. More images tomorrow #nationalpalacemuseum #taiwantreasures

4/21/2024, 4:52:09 PM

你的茶杯裡有玉鴨嗎 你的茶杯裡有翠玉白菜嗎 假日來場療癒搞怪teatime 吧🥰 越來越多的創意表現 #茶包上 讓泡茶也能多幾分趣味😝 以故宮文物造型為靈感製作出可愛有趣的造型茶包 在品茶的過程可享受美味的茶香又可以認識故宮文物✨ 🛒立即加入購物車 Do you have a jade duck in your teacup? Do you have a jadeite cabbage in your teacup? Let‘s have a healing and whimsical teatime on weekends🥰 More and more creative expressions on #teabags, adding extra fun to tea brewing😝 Inspired by the treasures of the National Palace Museum, adorable and interesting tea bags are created, allowing you to enjoy the delicious tea aroma while learning about the treasures of the National Palace Museum✨ 故宮文物造形ティーバッグ 本商品のデザインは国立故宮博物院所蔵の「宋~元 玉鴨」と「清 翠玉白菜」をモチーフとしています。宜蘭産の茶葉と組み合わせて、文物造形のティーバッグを作りました。 #20240421 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/21/2024, 6:35:06 AM

English Captions are below the Hindi one ताइवान के नेशनल पैलेस संग्रहालय में बहुत सारा संग्रह वो है जो कि Chiang Kai Sheik के साथ आया ।इस संग्रहालय में तमाम चीजें हैं मिट्टी के बने हुए सामान , मूर्तियां , पेंटिंग्स , जेड का बना हुआ सामान और ग्रंथ। यहां पर जो सबसे ज्यादा प्रसिद्ध आइटम है वो दो जेड ( Jade) की बनी हुई चीजें हैं । एक गोभी है जिस पर एक टिड्डा बैठा हुआ है और दूसरा जेड का बना हुआ मांस का टुकड़ा है। ये गोभी जो Qing Dynasty के राजमहल की सजावट का हिस्सा थी।Museum में मेरे लिए जो interesting चीजें थी वो थी pottery और jade की बनी हुई चीजें। Pic 2. Jadeite Cabbage Pic 3 Jadeite Pork piece Pic 4-5 National Palace Museum Pic 6 Jadeite Screen Pic 7 Lapis Lazuli/ लाजवर्द carving The National Palace Museum of Taiwan contains most of the items that came from China with Chiang Kai Sheik . It consists of Pottery , Jade , painting , sculptures and scriptures. Two domain I found interesting were Jadeite items and potter. Two Jadeite items here are very popular one is the Cabbage 🥬 that was decorative piece in Qing palace another is a Jadeite pork piece. #nationalpalacemuseum #taipei #taiwandiaries #taiwaninindia @taiwan_in_india

4/20/2024, 3:19:00 PM

有人也跟小編一樣 吃甜食會有幸福的感覺嗎🥰 70%黑巧克力上 蘊含滿心的祝福 平安、順心、百財、如意 讓你越吃越開心❣️ 🛒立即加入購物車 Does anyone else feel as happy as I do when they eat sweets🥰 On this 70% fortunate dark chocolate, there‘s a heartful of blessings. For peace, smooth sailing, prosperity, and good fortune, making you happier with every bite❣️ 縁起のいい言葉70% ダークチョコレート 本商品のデザインは国立故宮博物院所蔵の「晉王羲之平安何如奉橘三帖 卷」、「宋蘇軾書帰去來辞卷」、「清康熙避暑山莊法帖」(部分)及び「明 仇英 漢宮春暁図 卷」をモチーフとしています。チョコレートに「平安」、「順心」、「百財」、「如意」などの文字はすべて祝福の気持ちを含まれています。 #20240420 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/20/2024, 6:38:32 AM

타이완 여행 3일차🏯 #국립고궁박물관 #박물관 #타이페이 #대만 #대만여행 #가족여행 #여행 #기록 #먹스타 #맛스타그램 #음식스타그램 #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #nationaltreasure #taipei #taiwan #taiwanesefood #food #foodstagram #familytrip #travelgram

4/19/2024, 3:43:15 PM

Embark on a Cultural Journey with Us! 🚗 Join our exclusive visit to The National Palace Museum in Taipei on July 6th! Prepare to be mesmerized by the sheer beauty and richness of Chinese heritage as we explore the museum's remarkable collection of nearly 700,000 artifacts and artworks. From ancient treasures to priceless masterpieces, each piece holds a story waiting to be discovered. Don't miss your chance to witness history in person and create unforgettable memories with us. ❤️‍🔥 #soochowuniversity #nationalpalacemuseum #taipeitravel #studyabroad

4/19/2024, 10:54:49 AM

說到 #文青 你會想到什麼🧐 不可否認的,#帆布袋 絕對會是其中一個公認的必備單品🔥 懷素狂草藝術之精髓 #自敘帖 帆布袋 展現你的非凡品味🥰 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 When it comes to #aesthetic aficionados, what comes to mind? 🧐 Undeniably, #canvas bags would definitely be one of the universally recognized must-have items. 🔥 The essence of Huai Su’s cursive art, Canvas Bag- Autobiography, showcase your extraordinary taste🥰 ✈️Worldwide Shipping キャンバスバッグ-自敘帖 #20240419 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/19/2024, 6:29:43 AM

【自敘帖】 🔍唐 西元618-907 💡縱:28.3公分 橫:755公分 👨🏻‍🎨懷素 中國 #書法 藝術的浪漫美學代表❣️ 本卷用細筆勁毫寫逸,如曲折盤繞的鋼索,收筆出鋒,銳利如鉤斫,所謂「鐵畫銀鉤」也。 全卷強調連綿草勢,運筆上下翻轉,忽左忽右,起伏擺蕩,其中有疾有速,有輕有重,像是節奏分明的音樂旋律,極富動感💃🏻✨ 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 【Autobiography】 🔍Tang dynasty AD618-907 💡 Handscroll, ink on paper, 28.3 x 755 cm 👨🏻‍🎨 Huai-su (fl. ca. 730s-770s) The romantic aesthetic representative of Chinese #calligraphy art❣️ This scroll is written with a fine brush, its strokes flowing freely like winding steel cables. With a sharp finish, the strokes are as sharp as hooks, embodying the concept of “iron painting and silver hook”. The entire scroll emphasizes continuous and undulating grass movements, with the brush moving up and down, left and right, creating a rhythmic melody akin to music, full of dynamism. 💃🏻✨ ✈️Worldwide Shipping #20240418 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/18/2024, 6:02:31 AM

什麼...船紋學姐的姐妹現身故宮南院‼️ ​ #重要的船紋禮儀織物⛵️ 這件船紋禮儀掛飾來自印尼蘇門答臘島南端的楠榜地區,自古海上貿易興盛,在當地傳統文化中,船舶不僅是交通工具,也象徵著過渡與轉換,在婚喪喜慶等重大場合中,常見以船為主紋飾的織品,藉此守護與凝聚社群成員。 ​ #呈現海洋奇緣的美麗文化🌊 這類船紋織物是以手捻棉線織成,並運用加緯技法創造出美麗圖案,仔細看這猶如宮殿的大船上,有許多人物與動物,四周還有小船、海鳥、海浪等元素,呈現蘇門答臘島楠榜地區豐饒的海洋文化意象。 ​ #曾經展出的船紋禮儀掛飾💝 故宮南院典藏有不少來自楠榜地區的船紋禮儀掛飾,比一般船紋織品的尺寸還要大,多數是當地望族在禮儀活動中使用,可視為地位與財富的象徵。 ​ 南編把曾展出的船紋掛飾整理在最後一張 大家快來看看你最喜歡哪一件?👀 下方投票讓南編知道吧~ - ➤➤ 船紋禮儀掛飾 Ceremonial hanging (Palepai) with ship motif ▹ 年代:19世紀 ▹ 區域:印尼 ▹ 尺寸:221x64 ​ ▌#亞洲織品展 本檔展期113-03-23至113-06-16 #故宮南院 #故宮 #嘉義 #嘉義景點 #嘉義旅遊 #嘉義展覽 #故宮博物院 #museum #nationalpalacemuseum #chiayi

4/17/2024, 3:42:35 PM

You need at least 4 hours to visit this place - expansive and mesmerizing. #taiwan #traveltaiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #travel #moments #now #igers #frankiesoneworld

4/17/2024, 6:25:56 AM

美味,看得見👀❣️ 下班煮菜不匆忙😎 30分鐘上菜調味就靠 故宮博物院聯名毓秀私房醬禮盒✨ 1️⃣蔥蔥醬:用在地宜蘭三星蔥、紅蔥頭、洋蔥,熬出正宗台式調味醬 2️⃣麻辣雙椒:特選大紅袍的香與青花椒的麻,適合種口味熱炒 3️⃣堅果麵包抹醬::特選5種堅果,搭配多種義式香草與冷壓初榨橄欖油炒製 🛒立即加入購物車 Deliciousness you can see with your own eyes! 👀❣️ No rush cooking after work😎 With just 30 minutes, your dish will be seasoned perfectly. National Palace Museum co-branded YUHSIU Sauce gift box✨ 1️⃣Scallion Sauce: Use local Yilan green onions, shallots, and onions to create an authentic Taiwanese sauce 2️⃣Spicy Double Chili Peppers: Specially selected Dahongpao fragrant and green peppercorns, suitable for hot stir-frying. 3️⃣Nut Bread Spread: Specially selected 5 types of nuts, fried with a variety of Italian herbs and cold-pressed virgin olive oil. 国立故宮博物院との共同ブランド YUHSIU ソース ギフトボックス 1️⃣ネギソース:地元の宜蘭ネギ、エシャロット、タマネギを使用して本格的な台湾ソースを作ります 2️⃣スパイシーダブルチリペッパー:香り豊かな特選大紅包と青椒を使用し、熱々の炒め物に最適です。 3️⃣ナッツブレッドスプレッド:: 厳選した5種類のナッツを数種類のイタリアンハーブとコールドプレスバージンオリーブオイルで揚げました。 #20240417 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/17/2024, 6:07:43 AM

consuming art, consuming cities 🖼️ over twenty thousand steps to overload the heart (figuratively speaking), from xiangshan to shilin to ximenting and more 🌄🏰🛍️ v v v thankful for this last-minute trip #taipei #nationalpalacemuseum #hiking #travel #shopping ps wearing @penshoppe and vintage @ashleyby26 because slow fashion and love local !!

4/16/2024, 4:15:23 PM

享受寧靜雅緻的薰香時光☺️ 薰香作為一種傳統的放鬆方式 淨化空氣、舒緩壓力、提升心境💓 嚴選越南廣平黑土沉香 獨特清新沁涼的果酸花香 有如夏荷晚風,清爽宜人✨ 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 Enjoying serene and elegant moments of incense ☺️ Incense, as a traditional relaxation method, purifies the air, relieves stress, and uplifts the mood💓 Carefully selected Vietnamese Guang Ping black soil agarwood, with its unique fresh and cool fruity-floral scent, reminiscent of the evening breeze by a lotus pond, refreshing and delightful✨ ✈️Worldwide Shipping 琴を弾く線香 本商品のデザインは、国立故宮博物院所蔵品「明 陳洪綬 撫琴図 軸」をモチーフとしています。 #20240416 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/16/2024, 6:06:49 AM

Got a quick private tour from my good friend at the Taipei National Palace Museum 🥰 Did not get to see the 690,000 pieces of priceless works of art and antiques 😱😳 but just these few were so worth the trip 🤩💗 #taipei #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #art #故宮博物院🏯 #故宮 #博物 #travelphotography #travelasia #taiwan

4/15/2024, 10:43:06 PM

Join us in celebrating #WorldArtDay as we highlight four exceptional art museums worldwide, home to some of the most famous pieces across the globe! 1. National Palace Museum, Taiwan: This museum houses the largest collection of Chinese art anywhere in the world, spanning over 8,000 years of history, including calligraphy, paintings, jade, bronze, ceramics, and more. 2. Louvre Museum, France: Originally built as a fortress in 1190 by King Philip II, the building briefly acted as a palace before being established as a museum during the French Revolution in 1793. In the basement, you can still see remnants of the medieval foundation supporting the world’s largest art museum. 3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York: Affectionately referred to as The Met by travelers and locals alike, this museum features a rooftop garden with unparalleled views of Central Park and the Manhattan skyline with seasonal sculptures to accent the year-round blooms. 4. São Paulo Museum of Art, Brazil: The suspended design of this museum allows for a constant stream of bright, natural light that illuminates works of art from artists such as Rembrandt, Van Gogh, and Picasso. Which of these museums is your favorite? #Louvre #TheMet #NationalPalaceMuseum #SaoPaulo

4/15/2024, 7:26:17 PM

Appreciating art is an art form itself 📍故宮博物院南部地區 #taiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #chiayi #travel #travelphotography

4/15/2024, 5:18:06 PM

你知道烏龜怕鐵鎚🔨蟑螂怕拖鞋🩴 那你知道巨蛇怕什麼嗎❓ ​ 公布答案 𝑨𝒏𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒓 是✨金翅鳥✨ ​ #那些關於金翅鳥的事 孵化了500年破殼而出的金翅鳥又叫「迦樓羅」,是古代印度神話中迦葉仙人與毘那多的兒子,外型巨大、強悍威猛💪。後來遇到印度教三大神之一的毗濕奴,被馴服後成為祂的坐騎。 ​ #五隻不同顏色的金翅鳥🪶 根據藏傳密教的思想而繪製,金翅鳥成為天龍八部,佛陀感召的八類護法之一。五隻金翅鳥共同點為右手拿著不同法器、雙腳踩著一條巨蛇🐍、左手拉扯著蛇身、蛇頭被鳥嘴吞噬,反映出古代印度神話中,金翅鳥與巨蛇是宿敵的關係。 ​ 一起由左至右看金翅鳥👇 💛珍寶金翅鳥(黃色): 手持寶珠,象徵南方及珍寶部 💙金剛金翅鳥(藍色): 手持金剛杵,象徵東方及金剛部 🤍佛陀金翅鳥(白色): 手持法輪,象徵中央及佛部 ❤️蓮花金翅鳥(紅色): 手持蓮花,象徵西方及蓮花部 💚事業金翅鳥(綠色): 手持劍,象徵北方及事業部 ​ 讓我們一同探索古老傳說中的奧秘! - ➤➤ 藏文《龍藏經》經板插圖:五部金翅鳥 Illustration of Tibetan Kangxi Kangyur: Five Garuḍas ▹ 年代:清康熙8年 ▹ 內府泥金寫本 ​ ▌#神獸現形-文物中的奇幻生物 本檔展期113-02-06至113-05-01 ​ #故宮南院 #故宮 #嘉義 #嘉義景點 #嘉義旅遊 #嘉義展覽 #故宮博物院 #museum #nationalpalacemuseum #chiayi

4/15/2024, 3:00:38 PM

중국 본토 학생들이 찰칵-! #대만고궁박물관 #3대보물 #3greats #taiwanpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseum @national_palace_museum

4/15/2024, 7:49:53 AM

National Palace Museum Taiwan #Taiwan #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #taiwantrip

4/15/2024, 6:44:00 AM

📣14/04/2024 終於來參觀故宮南院了🎉🎉🎉 身為嘉義人的我到現在才來…😂😂 裡面存放著許多中國古代時期的藝術品👀✨💕 很值得來參觀一下😉👍 Finally came to visit Southern Branch of The National Palace Museum🎉🎉🎉 As a Chiayier, this is my first time to be here after its opening for several years😂😂 There are many Chinese ancient artworks keeping inside👀✨💕 It's worthy to visit for a while😉👍 . . . #quintuslifediary #nationalpalacemuseum #southernbranch #museum #attraction #故宮南院 #故宮博物院 #嘉義景點 #網紅景點 #ilovetaiwan #instagood #instadaily #instamood #instapic #instalike #like4likes #goodvibes #visittaiwan #taibao #太保 #chiayi #嘉義 #taiwan #台灣 #🇹🇼

4/15/2024, 6:40:30 AM

【撫琴圖 軸】 🔍明 💡107.7x52.3公分 👨🏻‍🎨陳洪綬  明代的香事日常❣️ 舉凡文會雅集、鼓琴對弈 陣陣醺醉著有風華絕世的文人雅士 都離不開這如夢的氣味☺️ 本幅畫士人巾服坐磐石撫琴,仕女六人環侍,由前至後,一捧盤,一執紅拂,一捧香爐,一捧古瓶,內插珊瑚,一抱阮,一持白羽扇。 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 【Strumming the Ch‘in】 🔍Ming dynasty 💡107.7x52.3cm 👨🏻‍🎨Ch’en Hung-shou  The daily fragrance rituals of the Ming Dynasty❣️ From elegant gatherings to qin playing and chess matches, the literati and scholars, intoxicated by the ambience, never stray far from this dreamlike scent☺️ In this painting, a scholar sits on a rocky outcrop playing the qin, surrounded by six women attending to him. From front to back, one holds a tray, one wields a red feather duster, one carries an incense burner, one holds an antique vase adorned with coral, one embraces a guqin, and one holds a white feather fan. ✈️Worldwide Shipping #20240415 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/15/2024, 6:05:43 AM

🏫NATIONAL PALACE MUSEUM🏫 If someone was to search up “what to do in Taipei”, I honestly believe we have marked off all of the top 10! Thus, of course we had to go to The Palace Museum… including over 700,000 pieces of Chinese history from the island, in addition to many artefacts from mainland the forbidden city! Thus, if you love a good history museum, I really recommend going to this museum! I’m a real big sucker for some great architecture… old or new. Thus, when we arrived at the National Palace Museum, I was a very happy boi 😃 To be honest, it is a bit of a trek to get there… bus and train… but I do recommend it because the path to the museum passes some parts of old Taipei, and we got to see some more traditional housing in this mega city! Cool vibes 😎 Pics in the post: 1-3 = The architecture of the Palace museum, including the historic blueprints for the building! 4-8 = Some of the cool displays they had in the museum, including the really cool scroll, a map of old China, the comb with eyes 👀, an old dragon plate, and one of the oldest coins in China (YAMA). Sometimes, there is a rock that looks like bok choy and pork… unfortunately we didn’t get to see it🥺 9 = A great feed after the museum… Maccas hehe. Tell me why Maccas fried chicken is so good in Asia lol😝 10 = A historic lil village you walk past to get to the museum… Venice of Taipei hehe🤷‍♂️ . . . . #taipei #taiwan #taipeitaiwan #taiwantravel #taipeitravel #museum #history #historymuseum #nationalpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #historical #architecture #temple #historictaipei

4/15/2024, 12:48:42 AM

#대만고궁박물관 #3대보물 #옥으로만든 #배추랑귀뚜라미 #취옥백채 #귀요미💕 #동파육 #육형석 #서주왕과모공 #청동기 #역사기록 #모공정 #3greats #taiwanpalacemuseum #nationalpalacemuseum @national_palace_museum

4/14/2024, 9:00:38 AM

假日出遊簡單為穿搭加分✨ 國寶上腳你就是主角😎 3D科技機能襪以獨家技術製作 讓襪子的顏色、圖形繽紛且更有特色💚 🛒立即加入購物車 ✈️全球配送 Simple way to elevate your outfit for a holiday outing✨ When you wear national treasures on your feet, you‘re the star of the show😎 Our 3D technology functional socks are made with exclusive techniques, making the colors and patterns vibrant and unique. 💚 ✈️Worldwide Shipping 翠玉白菜の靴下 本商品のデザインは国立故宮博物院の所蔵品「清 翠玉白菜」をモチーフとしています。宜蘭の古地図及び水の波紋と組み合わせ、翠玉白菜を融合しています。 #20240414 #instagood #tagsforlikes #fashion #giftshop #gift #accessory #stationery #artifacts #craft #art #artist #craftman #design #designer #collection #chinese #asian #oriental #nationalpalacemuseum #museum #museumshop #故宮精品 #故宮 #國立故宮博物院

4/14/2024, 5:57:21 AM

One final batch from the grounds of the National Palace Museum in Taipei! #taipei #taiwan #asia #nationalpalacemuseumtaipei #nationalpalacemuseum #wanderlust #seetheworld

4/14/2024, 5:31:38 AM

Lady in Tang dynasty. 仕女俑。 時髦的唐朝女人。 前幾分鐘一個韓國團的領隊在介紹唐代女子時,不僅口述還模仿起當時女人走路的婀娜多姿樣,逗得團員笑呵呵,然後就被舉牌“肅靜”。有趣🤣 #beautifulthings #nationalpalacemuseum

4/13/2024, 6:12:52 PM

又是一日觀光客🍵 - #故宮 #故宮博物院 #nationalpalacemuseum

1/11/2024, 8:17:46 AM