santorini images

Discover Best santorini Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #sunday

साहेब कबीर आजा, आत्मा तोहे पुकारती तेरे हाथ मे चाबी सतगुरु, सतलोक द्वार की ! ! . . . #santrampalji #santramplajimaharaj #santorini #satsahib #kabirpanthi #trueguru #is #satlokashram #kabirsahibisrealgod #kabirsahibji #satsaheb #kabirpanth #satgururampaljimaharaj #santrampaljimaharaj #satguru #kabirisgod #supremegodkabir #supremegod #iamkabirpanthi #kabirvani #saintrampalji #satgurusantrampalji #kabirisrealgod #maharaj #ji #rampal #sant #kabirsahib #kabirisallah #satsang

4/28/2024, 5:23:28 AM

#santorini #bvioletjeans #new

4/28/2024, 5:05:34 AM

Like Comment and Share kalau kamu suka promo ini ya.. ❤️ #broklat #penjahitprofesional #tilepayet #santorini #kerajaantextile

4/28/2024, 5:00:21 AM

Raising a toast. For any occasion accompanied by the sun. 🌞 Yamas ! G-Fleece 🥂

4/28/2024, 4:56:35 AM

PLAN NAPOLES - SANTORINI... Descubre la riqueza natural de una región.. Programa un dia (1) todo incluido COSTO: $ 250.000 Incluye: - Transporte ida y regreso, en bus full equipo. Salida de Medellin. - Tour por la zona. - Alimentación: Desayuno + almuerzo. - Pago y pasaporte aventura / ingreso al Parque temático Hacienda Napoles. - Recorrido por la Aldea Santorini. - Póliza de viaje (seguro x participante) - Guia acompañante y coordinación salida agencia Tours Ecológicos por Colombia. - Material fotográfico salida Día de Sol. Salidas segundo y último fin de semana x mes, además puente festivos (sábados y domingos). Grupos de 30 participantes.... 🚍🧳 Reserva tú cupo con anticipación... INFO/RESERVAS: 📲 321-2597240 PRÓXIMAS SALIDAS Mayo 4 y 5, 11 y 12; y 25 y 26 Junio 1 y 2, 8 y 9, 29 y 30 Julio 13 y 14, y 20 y 21. Siguientes salidas durante todo el semestre 2 / 2024. #parquetematiconapoles #antioquianatural #ecoturismo #orienteantioqueño #naturaleza #toursecologicosporcolombia #photography #haciendanapoles #santorini #biodiversity #descansoyturismo #diadesol #acuasaurus #ecoturismoporcolombia #arewaroecoturismo

4/28/2024, 4:23:09 AM

Some faves of my Greece trip + my family + my smalls + my besties + mini blow up doll Carla 🇬🇷 🍷 🏛️ 🛥️ #greece #greekislands #aegean #santorini #athens #capesounio #nafpolio #meteora #oia #fira #thira #mountathos #lbetravelandtours #travelwithlbe #passionpassport

4/28/2024, 4:10:40 AM

Thinking about the sunset in #oia #santorini #greece. In 2021 and when most of the world was still in lockdown, the island was a quiet place to reflect, remember loved ones, savor the calm and beauty, and appreciate life. Thank you for the memories and the experiences, Santorini.

4/28/2024, 3:50:54 AM

. 🇬🇷サントリーニ島でのアクティビティについて🤍 アクティビティの際は基本お天気に恵まれず… 全く映えんのですが笑 記録として載せときます🙃 🩶ロバタクシー🫏(1〜2枚目) サントリーニ島は斜面や細い道が多いため 昔からロバが活躍していたそう💡 ロバは初めて乗りましたが アトラクション的な感覚で楽しかったです😆 この日は雲多めでしたが ロバに乗りながら白い街並みや海を眺められます♡ 🩶火山島クルーズ(3〜7枚目) レッドビーチ等々景色を楽しみつつ 温泉で泳いだりサンセットを眺められる(はずだった)クルーズ🛥️ 天気大荒れでげきさむ&船酔いで死にました😇 ほんときつかったですが今となっては良い思い出です😇 (温泉の水はそんなに温度高くなくほぼ水なので) 寒すぎて当然入らず笑 写真のようにウルトラライトダウン着てますw 髪ボサボサで目も瞑っちゃってますw でも海外の皆さんは平気で水入ってたな…すごすぎ サンセットも天気悪くて見えず、 後半船ゆれゆれで酷く酔いましたwww という全く映えない投稿でした🫠

4/28/2024, 3:50:00 AM

Need some inspiration for the perfect summer trip? Swipe through for a glimpse of island hopping in Greece! Imagine waking up to the sparkling blue waters of the Aegean Sea, exploring the picturesque villages of Santorini, and dancing the night away on Mykonos beaches. Each island offers its own unique adventure. As a travel advisor, I’m here to plan a summer escape that lets you experience the diverse beauty and culture of the Greek islands. Here’s a peek of what I can tailor for you: • Santorini (Days 1-3): Start your adventure on the island of Santorini. Experience stunning sunsets, and wander through charming cobblestone streets.   • Mykonos (Days 4-6): Next, the vibrant island of Mykonos. Enjoy its cosmopolitan nightlife, visit iconic windmills, and relax on picture-perfect beaches.   • Crete (Days 7-9): Finish off on the majestic island of Crete. Delve into the rich history or hike through Samaria Gorge. Unwind at the Blue Palace Resort, offering breathtaking views and exquisite accommodations. Ready for an island getaway? Reach out, and let's plan your dream summer in Greece! . . . . #greece #santorini #mykonos #crete #island #islandhopping #summer #bluepalaceresort  #bluepalace #luxury #luxurylife #luxurytravel #travel #travellife #experience #traveltrends  #travelgram #instatravel #traveladvisor #passionpassport #luxurydestinations  #travelexpert #highendtravel

4/28/2024, 3:45:25 AM

【我的希臘印象】 今天來寫寫我希臘自由行14天的心得~ 1.交通: 如之前分享過的,希臘是一個島嶼組成的國家,所以到希臘玩第一件事要先決定到底要去哪幾個島。我跳了3個島:Mykonos米克諾斯、Santorini聖托里尼、Crete克里特島。但我路線順序沒安排好,如果再一次我會這樣安排: 雅典 搭飛機—>米克諾斯 搭船—>聖托里尼 搭船—>克里特島 搭飛機—>雅典。 注意!希臘所有島嶼的國內線都是從雅典出發,無法島與島之間飛,所以如果你要從聖托里尼飛到克里特島,就會需要先飛回雅典再轉機到克里特。 我自己搭船與飛機的心得是,誤點滿嚴重的,船我誤點了快1個半小時,飛機也常常將近1小時,所以大家移動日行程記得排鬆一點。 另外,島上交通除了克里特島一定要租車自駕外,其他地方計程車或Uber都很方便,我都搭Uber趴趴走,不會特別貴,也不用擔心和司機溝通錯誤。 我在聖托里尼碰到一位司機我印象深刻,他說他住在雅典再往北一點的城市,每年旅遊旺季他就會選一個小島去開車,不休息工作半年,旅遊旺季結束後再回自己家,每年都這樣,(哇~等於做半年休半年),我們聊天時我稱讚他英文不錯,他說:「語言就是多練習就會了,我每天都跟客人練習!」 2.治安 剛抵達雅典時,看著窗外景色,我一度懷疑我是到泰國玩,風沙滿大的,所以路邊車子都蓋上一層黃沙,店家鐵門、橋墩到處都是塗鴉,感覺跟西歐景色很不一樣,還一度讓我有不安全感。 但實際走動後我覺得非常舒服,街上沒有什麼流浪漢或者看起來怪怪的人,我覺得只要維持基本警覺即可,和走在巴黎街頭要時時防賊的緊繃情緒很不同。尤其離開雅典到其他小島上時就更不用緊張了,因為島上大概就2種人了:觀光客+服務人員。大家都是為了度假而來的,就盡情度假吧! 3.食物 去年我跑了法國、德國、瑞士,食物不外乎冷的三明治、起司味很濃的食物、炸物...旅行大概第4、第5天我就會亞洲胃爆發,開始想吃熱湯麵,(我永遠記得我在瑞士點了2碗越南河粉+一盤炸春捲花了2000多台幣,超貴!!!) 這次我帶了泡麵來,卻又原封不動帶回台灣,因為根本用不到!希臘食物超級好吃,而且很健康!希臘是「地中海式」料理,喜歡用蔬菜(櫛瓜、番茄、甜椒、綠色蔬菜...)搭配海鮮(大章魚腳、魷魚、蝦、龍蝦、魚...),而且不會過度料理,很多都簡單淋一下橄欖油就上桌了,完全符合我的口味! 4.購物 我覺得必買的應該是希臘的天然保養品,其中有兩家以藥師起家的天然保養品店:Apivita和Korres。不管是植物系列面膜或者保濕乳液、沐浴用品...等等。尤其有一款希臘優格洗面乳,洗完還是很保濕,連男生都很喜歡!雖然扛這些東西回來滿重的,但我扛得不亦樂乎! 另外,他們滿街都是希臘飾品店,店真的超多,尤其希臘特色的桂冠葉、橄欖樹、惡魔之眼藍眼睛...等概念的飾品,從髮飾到項鏈、戒指、耳環、手環,我每次都喊不買了、不逛了,但下一個轉角卻還是很想進去! 對了,購物全程信用卡沒問題,現金很少用到~ 5.景色 至於景色不用我多說了,希臘有古蹟、有無敵海景、美麗沙灘、有希臘式特色建築,大家就是每天服裝展示秀就對了! 總之,我對希臘的印象很好,建議大家可以避開暑假旺季,4月中到5月底應該都會是個很好的出發時機喔! #希臘 #聖托里尼 #米克諾斯 #greece #santorini #mykonos

4/28/2024, 2:51:35 AM

아테네를 마지막으로 3년만에 간 41일 유럽신혼여행 끝!!!🇬🇷💙 눈으로 직접 보고 싶었던 파르테논 신전도 가보고 첫 올림픽이 열렸던 스타디움도 방문! 계획이 없으면 못돌아다니는 파워 J들이라 매일매일 계획대로 열씸히 돌아다녔다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 당시엔 돌아다니는게 너무 지쳤는데 사진들 보니 많이 뿌듯하군👍 . . #제니트래블 #제니의유럽여행 #유럽여행40-41일차 #신혼여행 #travel #greece #santorini #그리스 #athens #🇬🇷 #아테네

4/28/2024, 2:51:27 AM

Postcard views 🤩

4/28/2024, 2:42:57 AM

Majestic Views with a Pawsitive Spin: Discovering the Wonders of Greece Unleash Adventure: Join the Journey to Discover the Hidden Treasures of Greece! #santorini #santorinigreece #NFTART #HOMELANDAI #mastiff #AIART #sunsets #photoshopped #petlove #TRAVEL #trips #GREEK #catchflightsnotfeelings

4/28/2024, 2:37:46 AM

#을밀대일산점 #을밀대 #평양냉면 #물냉면 #수육 #녹두전 #육수 #거냉 #일산 #고양시 #고양 #산토리니 #santorini #그리스 #greece #모냉이 #monya #cat #kitty #mydaughter #내딸 #개냥이 #뚱냥이 #neko #냥스타그램 #bulgaria #targovishte #불가리아 #터르고비쉬테 #발우공양 일산에 볼 일이 있어 왔는데 여기서 국수를 먹는다하면 일산칼국수를 먹어야 하지만 어제 날씨가 갑자기 더워서 마침 근처에 있던 을밀대 냉면을 먹으러 갔다. 을밀대는 지점마다 맛이 차이가 많이 난다고들 하던데 여기 일산점은 마포에 있는 본점보다 맛있다는 말도 있다고 한다. 냉면은 감칠맛 도는 육향과 간이 잘되어 있는 냉면국물, 게다가 정인면옥하고 다르게 국수에 국물이 잘 배어있어서 맛있었다. 우래옥 다음으로 최고로 꼽고 싶다. 그냥 물냉면 시키면 살얼음 떠있는 냉면을 주는데 보통 살얼음이 없는 거냉이 육향을 느끼기도 좋고 더 맛이 좋다고 해서 거냉을 시켰다. 지금 너무 생각난다. 어제 두그릇 먹을걸 그랬다. 수육과 따뜻한 육수는 둘 다 슴슴한 덜 짭짤한 간이지만 수육 한점하고 따뜻한 육수를 마시면 조합이 좋다. 일산에 무슨 그리스식 건물같은 걸 봤는데 저건 뭐지? 처음본다.

4/28/2024, 2:10:12 AM

Santorini’s blue-domed churches – a symbol of timeless beauty. ⛪💙 . . . . #santorini #travelphotography #travelgram #instagood #greece #photogram #bluedomes #instadaily

4/28/2024, 1:45:27 AM

"I know a place." Join me? #santorini #nowjourney

4/28/2024, 1:44:31 AM

MADAME EXCLUSIVE BEAUTY CENTER | MADELION EXCLUSIVE FITNESS CENTER |MADARA BOUTIQUE IN MADAME #nikosioakimidispt #madelion #madame #fitness #body #nails #mykonos #nailsofinstagram #model #athens #brown #onlinecoaching #lady #private #Santorini #nikos_ioakimidis_pt #madamecoco #instagram #pedicure #ladies #hips #NikosIoakimidis #ioakimidis_pt #wwwnikosioakimidisptgr #thessaloniki #euosmos #kalamaria #panorama #oraiokastro #ampelokipoi YouTube Chanel: Nikos Ioakimidis pt nikos.ioakimidis.official 🧸 Εγγραφείτε στο κανάλι μου

4/28/2024, 1:42:02 AM

Santorini is on everyone’s bucket list, but I’m always really torn when people ask me about it. Yes, it’s stunningly beautiful, those bright whites against bluer-than-blue sky and sea. But apart from that, I didn’t love it. I didn’t dislike it either. We enjoyed watching the sunset from Oia but didn’t like the crowds. We liked the food but found it expensive. We liked exploring the towns - but didn’t fine anything that really grabbed us. To be fair, it’s eight years since I visited, so things may have changed a little since then. My recommendation though is to go to Santorini, to see it for yourself, but one or two nights is enough before moving on to a more interesting Greek Island. What do you think about Santorini? #Santorini #Greece #VisitGreece #GreekIslands #SantoriniSunset #OiaSantorini #CycladesIslands #BlueDomes #TravelGreece #IslandLife #MediterraneanSea #Whitewashed #AegeanSea #GreekParadise #SantoriniViews #DiscoverGreece #TravelEurope #ParadiseFound #IslandHopping #LuxuryTravel #SunsetViews #GreekVacation #ExploreGreece #VillageLife #ThiraSantorini #SantoriniDreaming

4/28/2024, 1:37:22 AM

Не можу не залишити їх тут🤍 #santorini Чи це справді настільки унікальна архітектура , чи це так мені просто бачиться цей світ . У будь - якому випадку, острів неймовірний і однозначно вартий, щоб його відвідати … в ідеалі на своїй власній яхті 🤍🩵

4/28/2024, 1:23:04 AM

Capturing centuries of history and beauty, Santorini’s iconic white-washed buildings against the azure Aegean Sea remain a timeless marvel. #Santorini #Greece #History #AegeanSea #Travel #IconicBeauty #bbctravel

4/28/2024, 1:08:26 AM

Dreaming of a Greek island hopping adventure? 🇬🇷⛵ How about an Aegean Odyssey package that lets you explore the crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and rich history of the Greek Islands? From the sunsets of Santorini to the windmills of Mykonos, each island offers a unique slice of paradise. Who's your Greek Odyssey companion? Tag them here and let's turn this dream into a plan!

4/28/2024, 1:00:12 AM

Need some inspiration for the perfect summer trip? Swipe through for a glimpse of island hopping in Greece! Imagine waking up to the sparkling blue waters of the Aegean Sea, exploring the picturesque villages of Santorini, and dancing the night away on Mykonos beaches. Each island offers its own unique adventure. As a travel advisor, I’m here to plan a summer escape that lets you experience the diverse beauty and culture of the Greek islands. Here’s a peek of what I can tailor for you: • Santorini (Days 1-3): Start your adventure on the island of Santorini. Experience stunning sunsets, taste world-renowned wines, and wander through charming cobblestone streets. • Mykonos (Days 4-6): Next, the vibrant island of Mykonos. Enjoy its cosmopolitan nightlife, visit iconic windmills, and relax on picture-perfect beaches. • Crete (Days 7-9): Finish off on the majestic island of Crete. Delve into the rich history or hike through Samaria Gorge. Unwind at the Blue Palace Resort, offering breathtaking views and exquisite accommodations. Ready for an island getaway? Reach out, and let's plan your dream summer in Greece! #travelwrightwithbarb . . . . #greece #santorini #mykonos #crete #island #islandhopping #summer #luxury #luxurylife #luxurytravel #travel #travellife #experience #traveltrends #travelgram #instatravel #traveladvisor #passionpassport #luxurydestinations #travelexpert #highendtravel

4/28/2024, 12:54:12 AM

🌅❤️🌞🧡😇🎼.. Δες απ' τα μάτια μου, να δεις τι βλέπω.. Ηλιοβασίλεμα.. 🎶✨️🌊😘❤💋 😇❤️ Bonne nuit και καληνύχτα ομορφιές μου, mes amis et followers de ma vie..!! Love.. Peace.. Bisous mon amour..!! 😘💋💕 #greekislands #greece #sunset #sun #soleil #coucherdesoleil #sunkissed #sea #beach #santorini #sacrecoeur #montmartre #montpellier #marseille #nantes #aixenprovence #czechrepublic #czech #prague #czechgirl #bonsoir #bonnesoirée #buonanotte #gutenacht #buenasnoches #boanoite #gn #bonnenuit 🌙 #nuit #beauxrêves 💋

4/28/2024, 12:50:18 AM

Would you wander with me? where would we go next? ✈️🚆🚙 #travel #explore #greece #santorini #city #beautiful #travelgram #travelphotography #traveler #travelling #california #girl #europe #island #islandhopping

4/28/2024, 12:21:32 AM

Love is in the air. #santorini #sunset #xf23mmf2 #xpro1

4/28/2024, 12:18:01 AM

#santorini #santorinigreece

4/28/2024, 12:17:52 AM

Golden hour in Santorini, Greece never gets old! #santorini #goldenhour #greece #visitgreece #sweetcarolinetravel

4/28/2024, 12:01:18 AM

Disfruta del verano en la impresionante isla de Santorini, donde las casas blancas contrastan con el azul del mar Egeo. Con sus impresionantes vistas, playas de arena negra y deliciosa gastronomía mediterránea, esta isla griega es el destino perfecto para unas vacaciones de ensueño. ¡Tu concierge de Travelife club organiza tu viaje para que vivas momentos inolvidables en Santorini! Reserva ahora y descubre la belleza de Grecia. #TravelifeClub #Santorini #Love #Vacaciones #Viajes #Travel #Familia #Ahorro #Amigos #AgenciaDeViajes #Viajar #TravelCouple #Traveling #Mexico #ViajerosPorElMundo #ILoveTravel #Turismo #Mar #TravelCouple #Verano #Summer

4/28/2024, 12:00:22 AM

I Love It Here… It's Beautiful To Be In The Presence Of The Lord. 💕 This Next Chapter Is Called “Everything I Prayed For And More.” . #travel #honeymoondestination #santorini #honeymooners #blacklove #beauty #blackbrides #atl #atlanta #travelblogger #itravelbecause #lovegoals #godsgift

4/27/2024, 11:59:15 PM

Breathtaking view 💜 #Santorini #greece

4/27/2024, 11:58:11 PM

Can’t wait to go back to the gorgeous #santorini #andromedasuites

4/27/2024, 11:56:11 PM

Words can’t even describe how insane this suite is🥰 📍Santorini Secret Hotel #santorini #globehotels #beautifulhotels #hotelsandresorts #luxuryvacations #best_worldplaces #luxuryworldtraveler #vacations #travelandleisure #wonderful_places #uniquehotels #tasteinhotels #living_hotels #discover_hotels #topworldhotel #luxuryresorts #beachesnresorts

4/27/2024, 11:55:44 PM

Embarque em uma jornada épica com o Grupo Maravilhas da Grécia e suas Ilhas! 🏛️🏝️ Exploraremos locais históricos como Delfos e Corinto, antes de nos deliciarmos com o esplendor de Santorini e Mykonos. E para uma experiência ainda mais inesquecível, desfrute de um cruzeiro 🛳 de 4 dias pelas ilhas, com tudo incluído (exceto bebidas alcoólicas). 🗓15 de setembro de 2024 Reserve seu lugar agora! 🌐Acesse o link da Bio e saiba mais! ❤️ | Curta ✍️ | Comente 📱 | Compartilhe #Viagemdossonhos #Grécia #Ilhasgregas #cruzeiro #viageminternacional #viagem2024 #2024 #realizandosonhos #sonhorealizado #Santorini #mykonos #Atenas

4/27/2024, 11:55:30 PM

This is one of many world famous blue dome churches of Oia Santorini, they are equally majestic at night if not more. Did you notice the stars in the sky, feeling a bit proud of myself for capturing this. #oia #santorini #greece #church

4/27/2024, 11:53:46 PM

This is one of many world famous blue dome churches of Oia Santorini, they are equally majestic at night if not more. Did you notice the stars in the sky, feeling a bit proud of myself for capturing this. #oia #santorini #greece #church

4/27/2024, 11:53:39 PM

Greece is of the best Summer destination 🤩 Join our best spoke Greece Trips and enjoy the adventure with us. . . . . . #greece #mykonos #santorini #athens #thessaloniki

4/27/2024, 11:52:40 PM

Remóntate a la antigua civilización griega y sumérgete en la riqueza monumental de Atenas mientras te maravillas ante su majestuosa Acrópolis. Navega por el mar Egeo y descubre las románticas islas de Miconos y Santorini. Pasea por sus pintorescas callejuelas empedradas con casas encaladas, disfruta de sus idílicas playas y contempla sus míticas puestas de sol, las más bellas del mundo. -10 días • 9 noches en destino- •Saliendo de las principales ciudades de México •Vuelo internacional: México - Atenas - México • 8 desayunos •8 noches en hoteles categoría encanto •Todos los traslados •Traslado en ferry : El Pireo (Atenas) - Miconos - Santorini - El Pireo (Atenas) #Grecia #grecia #santorini #santorinigreece #santorini #Atenas #atenas #viajeinternacional #viajeinternacionales #ViajeInternacional2024 #viaje #viajes #viajeros #viajesseguros #viajesengrupo #viajando #viajante #viaja #viajar #luxury #agenciadeviajes #AgenciadeViajesSegura #mayaritravel #mayaritravelagenciadeviajes

4/27/2024, 11:48:43 PM

Had to serve a little J-lo moment in Santorini 💚 #jlodress #santorini #greece #greecetravel

4/27/2024, 11:48:41 PM

ATV our way from Oia to Fira 💗 #santorini #oia #fira #greece #travelgreece

4/27/2024, 11:40:33 PM

Chasing the most famous sunset in the world… . . . . #santorini #greece #sunset #europe #travel #island #greekislands

4/27/2024, 11:35:41 PM

📍 Santorini, Greece This was my first trip to Europe and one place I will never forget! I usually don’t like to go to the same place twice because I want to see it all, but I would love to visit Greece again. What’s the most memorable place you have traveled to? #travel #travelwithme #traveltheworld #explore #exploretheworld #travelgreece #visitgreece #greece #greece🇬🇷 #santorini #santorinigreece #igtravel

4/27/2024, 11:31:52 PM

. «Ν’ αγαπας τα βουνά και τα πέλαγα τους γνωστούς και τους άγνωρους τόπους…» [ Στίχοι από το τραγούδι “Ν’ αγαπάς” του Παντελή Θαλασσινού ] #paradiseisland #santorini #island #cyclades #aegeansea #greece #islandlife #mediterranean #aesthetic #travel #blue #viewpoint #horizon #greekislands #ig_greece #wu_greece #lessismore #flaneurskaleidoscopichorizons #minimal #seascape #beautifulview #visitgreece #postcardsfromtheworld #travelphotography #landscape #landscapephotography #bucketlist #paradise #scenery #traveldiaries #visitgreece

4/27/2024, 6:49:07 PM

#greece #santorini #skarosrock

4/27/2024, 6:02:42 PM

𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚡 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚜 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚌𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚐𝚞𝚢𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚎𝚍 🤷🏻‍♀️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Peru 🇵🇪 #Lima #Peruana #Latina #Woman #Mujer #Brunette #BeautifulGirl #WomanStyle #Paris #Toulon #Marseille #Toulouse #Bordeaux #SouthOfFrance #Monaco #Roma #Milano #Berlin #Madrid #Mallorca #Mykonos #Santorini #Model #Portrait #Portraiture #Photographie #Fotografia #Fotografie #BlackAndWhite

1/26/2024, 6:10:17 PM

«𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕, 𝚢𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝚊 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚠𝚗-𝚎𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚢» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Peru 🇵🇪 #Lima #Peruana #Latina #Woman #Mujer #Brunette #BeautifulGirl #WomanStyle #Paris #Toulon #Marseille #Toulouse #Bordeaux #SouthOfFrance #Monaco #Roma #Milano #Berlin #Madrid #Mallorca #Mykonos #Santorini #Model #Portrait #Portraiture #Photographie #Fotografia #Fotografie #BlackAndWhite

1/2/2024, 8:44:35 PM

𝙸'𝚟𝚎 𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚊 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Peru 🇵🇪 #Lima #Peruana #Latina #Woman #Mujer #Brunette #Paris #Toulon #Marseille #Toulouse #Bordeaux #Roma #Milano #Berlin #Madrid #Mallorca #Santorini #Model #Portrait #Portraiture #Photographie #Fotografia #Fotografie #BlackAndWhite #BNW #BnwPhotography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrome #PortraitPhotography

11/30/2023, 7:40:10 PM

Going to miss these Santorini sunsets but we will see you tomorrow Naples for some pizza and wine 🇬🇷🌞🇮🇹🍕🍷 #sunset #greece #santorini

10/23/2023, 8:06:42 PM

Recovery day from the wine tour #views #sunset #santorini

10/22/2023, 9:00:46 PM


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