AndrejaPejic images

Discover Best AndrejaPejic Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #may #tuesday

The other me 2022 . . . . A very bad childhood leads him to a monotonous life. He is then diagnosed with a rare eye disease and about to lose his vision. Living with a person whom he shares only the place and duties, makes his case worse. But at the end, he realizes that being a blind is the first step to live the life he deserves 😔 #englishlearning #movies #the_other_me #jimstrugess #andrejapejic #antoniacampbell #gigaagladze #rhonamitra #orlabrady #jordimolla

4/19/2024, 10:51:08 PM

The other me 2022 . . . . A very bad childhood leads him to a monotonous life. He is then diagnosed with a rare eye disease and about to lose his vision. Living with a person whom he shares only the place and duties, makes his case worse. But at the end, he realizes that being a blind is the first step to live the life he deserves 😔 #englishlearning #movies #the_other_me #jimstrugess #andrejapejic #antoniacampbell #gigaagladze #rhonamitra #orlabrady #jordimolla

4/17/2024, 8:47:29 AM

The other me 2022 . . . . A very bad childhood leads him to a monotonous life. He is then diagnosed with a rare eye disease and about to lose his vision. Living with a person whom he shares only the place and duties, makes his case worse. But at the end, he realizes that being a blind is the first step to live the life he deserves 😔 #englishlearning #movies #the_other_me #jimstrugess #andrejapejic #antoniacampbell #gigaagladze #rhonamitra #orlabrady #jordimolla

4/8/2024, 8:29:58 AM

🌟 Découvrez Andreja Pejić, un véritable symbole de diversité et d'audace dans le monde de la mode ! En tant que mannequin transgenre de renommée mondiale, Andreja brise les stéréotypes avec grâce et élégance. Son parcours inspirant, marqué par sa transition et son succÚs dans l'industrie de la mode, illustre la beauté de l'authenticité et de l'acceptation de soi. Andreja Pejić, une modÚle inspirante pour la communauté LGBT+ et au-delà. 🌈✚ #AndrejaPejic #ModeInclusive #TransIsBeautiful

4/5/2024, 3:44:02 PM

The other me 2022 . . . . A very bad childhood leads him to a monotonous life. He is then diagnosed with a rare eye disease and about to lose his vision. Living with a person whom he shares only the place and duties, makes his case worse. But at the end, he realizes that being a blind is the first step to live the life he deserves 😔 #englishlearning #movies #the_other_me #jimstrugess #andrejapejic #antoniacampbell #gigaagladze #rhonamitra #orlabrady #jordimolla

4/4/2024, 11:15:15 PM

The other me 2022 . . . . A very bad childhood leads him to a monotonous life. He is then diagnosed with a rare eye disease and about to lose his vision. Living with a person whom he shares only the place and duties, makes his case worse. But at the end, he realizes that being a blind is the first step to live the life he deserves 😔 #englishlearning #movies #the_other_me #jimstrugess #andrejapejic #antoniacampbell #gigaagladze #rhonamitra #orlabrady #jordimolla

4/1/2024, 12:11:26 PM

Title: Andreja Pejić Size: 36" x 36"

3/22/2024, 6:16:42 AM

: Serie: EL CUERPO/TRANSGREDIDO. 1) Bryan, 18.12.2014, acrílico sobre tela, 200 x 140 cms. 2) Andreja, 21.04.2016, acrílico sobre tela, 200 x 140 cms. 3) Mick, 23.05.2016, acrílico sobre tela, 200 x 150 cms. 4) Michael Hutchence, 16.04.2016, acrílico sobre tela, 200 x 140 cms. 5) Adrien Lebreton, 2017, acrílico sobre tela, 300 x 140 cms. 2018: El cuerpo trans/gredido. @museocg @_alina_gonzalez_ #placebo #inx #inxtalove @andrejapejic @mickjagger #mickjaggerswagger #micharlhutchence #andrejapejic #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #contemporararyartist #artecontemporanea #artecontemporaneo

3/1/2024, 5:05:59 PM


2/29/2024, 3:57:12 PM


2/29/2024, 1:48:15 PM

@andrejapejic , #ballpointpen . #AndrejaPejic #caricature #caricatura

2/25/2024, 2:58:34 PM

Andreja @andrejapejic @damon_baker #damonbakerinspired #AndrejaPejic #DamonBaker

2/23/2024, 10:47:55 PM

. 「りェルカム トゥ ダリ」 監督メアリヌ・ハロン 出挔ベン・キングズレヌ バルバラ・スコノァ  20䞖玀を代衚する倩才芞術家サルバドヌル・ダリの奇想倩倖な人生を描いた䌝蚘映画。1985幎、ダリが火事で重傷を負った事をテレビで知ったゞェヌムス・リントンは、ダリず過ごした奇想倩倖な日々を思い出す。1974幎、ニュヌペヌク。画廊で働くゞェヌムスは憧れのダリず出䌚う。圧倒的なカリスマ性を持぀ダリず、圌に負けないオヌラを攟぀劻ガラに気に入られたゞェヌムスは、ダリのアシスタントを務めるこずになり、ダリが生み出す䞍思議で危うい䞖界ぞず足を螏み入れおいく。  ダリっお割ず最近の画家だったのね。すごい才胜を持っおいたけど、粟神面では劻に䟝存しおいた。この劻がすごい悪劻で、浮気はするし、湯氎のように金を䜿うし、金がなくなるず、ダリに絵を描かせる。でも、倫婊関係は他人には分からない。ダリにずっおらなくおはならない最愛の人で、圌女のお陰で䜜品を生み出せたんだろう。劻圹のスコノァの挔技がすごく良かった。 ☆☆☆ @dalilandfilm #りェルカムトゥダリ #サルバドヌルダリ #゚ズラミラヌ #メアリヌハロン #バルバラスコノァ #ベンキングズレヌ #クリストファヌブラむニヌ #ルパヌトグレむノス #アンドレアペシック #スキりォヌタヌハりス #daliland #maryharron #benkingsley #barbarasukowa #christopherbriney #rupertgraves #alexanderbeyer #andrejapejic #markmcKenna #sukiwaterhouse #ezramiller #salvadordalí #galaeluarddalí

2/19/2024, 4:25:35 PM

Andreja Pejic. I love you with all my heart. You're my favorite transgender model. 🖀❀🖀❀⚘ #andrejapejic #transgender #lgbtq #model

2/4/2024, 9:30:43 PM

Marc by Marc Jacobs S/S 11 Campaign Photography: Juergen Teller Styling: Poppy Kain Model: #AndrejaPejic #JacovandenHoven #model #malemodel #marcjacobs #marcbymarcjacobs

2/4/2024, 12:19:15 AM

枺小的巚人 by Jen 😮‍💚🎞🎬 -劇透慎入- 提起達利的話銖先聯想到的必然是那個溶化的鐘單是它就足以呈珟達利的奇特可想而知《達利慟望之謎》䞍會埈沉悶。倚謝 @areallyhappyfilm_hk 邀請這套戲的笑點蚭蚈埗恰當之逘曎重芁的是讓觀真對這䜍超珟寊䞻矩倧垫倚了點暞解。 達利絊我感芺到他是䞀個自倧卻又自卑的人他喜歡充當掟對䞊的焊點劂皇者䞀暣享受被仰望的時刻䜆他圚劻子加拉面前顯埗埈枺小。即䜿倫劻二人各有其及䞀䜍情人達利還是會像小朋友䌌的向加拉seek attention期求換埗䞁點關泚。 達利的党郚合玄均由加拉處理。他又曟為加拉買䞋䞀座城堡䞍過必須埗到加拉批准才可進內。當男助手告知達利為加拉畫的俏像畫已被加拉賣掉他激動地吊定事寊。有些網媒指達利有時會對加拉斜暎電圱䞭未提及䞍知會䞍會與長幎飜受加拉癜県有關 對達利䟆說加拉䟝然是他的靈感女神。我想加拉幎茕時確寊愛過達利她為達利背叛了本䟆的䞈倫又四處奔波銷售達利的畫䜜可惜達利就只有圚金錢方面滿足到她。留圚達利身邊原因倧抂也䞍過是需芁金錢維持奢䟈的生掻。 達利自倧埗起党因加拉䞀手將他打造成當代頂流畫家他才有資本去打扮誇匵、揮霍無床然而穿埗過仜身光頞靚也可胜是自卑的衚珟。當然加拉也是達利自卑的理由因為對加拉而蚀達利絊予的氞遠郜䞍足倠。 @daliland @magnoliapics @areallyhappyfilm_hk @chrisbriney_ @andrejapejic #filmpuffhk #daliland #達利慟望之迷 #maryharron #benkingsley #barbarasukowa #christopherbriney #rupertgraves #alexanderbeyer #andrejapejic #sukiwaterhouse #ezramiller #film #review #電圱 #圱評

1/15/2024, 11:56:45 AM

A painting is never just a painting 超珟寊䞻矩倧垫圚人生最埌十幎必須面對的珟寊問題倖界說是江郎才盡他揮霍無床入䞍敷支與老䌎爭執頻生真叛芪離老病纏身 䞍勝唏噓。 《達利慟望之謎》 #1月18日 #䞊映 #painter #salvadordalí #maryharron #benkingsley #barbarasukowa #christopherbriney #rupertgraves #alexanderbeyer #andrejapejic #sukiwaterhouse #ezramiller ‚謝謝邀請 @areallyhappyfilm_hk #daliland #達利慟望之謎

1/10/2024, 6:23:56 PM


1/8/2024, 10:13:07 PM

Andreja Pejic. My love and my favorite transgender model. I love you. ❀ 🖀❀🖀 #andrejapejic #transgender #lgbtqia

1/6/2024, 6:39:58 PM

Andreja Pejić 🥰 @andrejapejic 💕, our beautiful beloved Transgender Icon 🀩🌟💖 ✚✚✚✚💕💕💕💕✚ #AndrejaPejić #andrejapejic 💖 #transgirlsofinstagram 💕 #ourbelovedAndreja 💝 #transgenderbeauty 💕 #topmodel #beauty 💖 #transgirl #transgirls 💕 #garotatrans #chicatrans 💝

12/31/2023, 5:08:42 PM

Millennium (4) Verschwörung (2018) Der Film, basiert auf den gleichnamigen Roman von David Lagercrantz der die Millennium-Trilogie des Autors Stieg Larsson fortsetzt. Man drehte den Film auf den Leipziger Flughafen, im Schieferpark Lehesten in ThÃŒringen und in Stockholm. #unbezahltewerbung #unbezahltewerbungdamarkennennung *unbezahlte Werbung wegen Markennennung/Markenerkennung* _____________________________________________ #clairefoy #beaugadsdon #sverrirgudnason #lakeithstanfield #sylviahoeks #carlottavonfalkenhayn #stephenmerchant #christopherconvery #claesbang #cameronbritton #synnÞvemacodylund #vickykrieps #andrejapejic #mikaelpersbrandt #thomaswingrich #paulaschramm #volkerbruch #anjakarmamski #saskiarosendahl #christianserritiello #palsverrehagen #leafaßbender #hendrikheutmann #amaliahorn #steffenjung #christianzagia #michaelbornhÃŒtter #sinhamelinagierke

12/28/2023, 4:01:23 AM

Daliland • 1,44 gb • Requested by @hxsibuna Link: #TZQLWiiDUk-DT3auQluDGtEma66V5pHrrERpGyfepxQ Please tag me if you use this, I love seeing what y'all make!

12/19/2023, 6:22:16 PM

Name: Camilla Salander. Movie: The Girl in the Spider's Web (2018). Played by Sylvia Hoeks. Crimes: Organized crime, terrorism, conspiracy, murder, torture, pseudocide, espionage, theft, attempted murder. Goals: Acquire the Firewall program to access the world's nuclear codes, kill her sister Lisbeth as revenge for abandoning her after escaping from their abusive father. Quote: "Why did you help everyone but me? For sixteen years, every day, you chose not to save me" #camillasalander #sylviahoeks #thegirlinthespidersweb #fedealvarez #clairefoy #sverrirgudnason #lakeithstanfeild #stephenmerchant #beaugadsdon #carlottavonfalkenhayn #christopherconvery #claesbang #synnÞvemacodylund #cameronbritton #vickykrieps #andrejapejic #villain #villains #movievillain #movievillains #movie #movies #instavillains #instamovie #instamovies

12/12/2023, 12:04:48 PM

11/2015 Bill with @andrejapejic in Los Angeles, US #billkaulitz #tomkaulitz #georglisting #gustavschÀfer #tokiohotel #andrejapejic

11/18/2023, 3:44:02 PM

Pick up the latest @totalfilm for a chat with acclaimed director Mary Harron (American Psycho) on her many career highlights, plus her latest film, Daliland, out now on DVD and Digital from @ukkaleidoscope 🎚🍿 Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley stars as legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this compelling new drama inspired by a true story! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #totalfilm #filmmakerlife #filmdirector #kaleidoscopehomeentertainment

11/18/2023, 11:48:03 AM

: Serie: EL CUERPO TRANS/GREDIDO Andreja Pejic, 09.06.2015, óleo sobre tela, 121.9 x 91.4 cms. Serie: El cuerpo trans/gredido. @andrejapejic @_alina_gonzalez_ 🏳‍⚧ 2018 : El cuerpo trans/gredido, @museocg #oilpainting #contemporaryart #contemporarypainting #contemporaryartists #transqueer #andrejapejic #androgyne #androgynous #transgirl #transbeautiful @igorpejic #alinagonzalez

11/11/2023, 3:02:06 PM

Candy Magazine, Issue 03, Fall/Winter 2011/12, Featuring: #ChloeSevigny by #TerryRichardson, #BruceWeber, #AndrejaPejic, #DavidArmstrong, #TimWalker, #JackieCollins, #LeaT, Condition: New, Sealed, Price: 199,99€ (shipping excluded), DM if interested

11/8/2023, 10:25:20 PM

Candy Magazine, Issue 02, Fall/Winter 2010/11, Featuring: #JamesFranco by #TerryRichardson, #PeterJohnson by #BruceWeber, #AndrejaPejic, #Divine, Condition: New, Sealed, DM if interested

11/8/2023, 10:21:33 PM

One week to go! Daliland arrives on DVD and Digital from 13th November. Pre-order now! Don't miss Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley as legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this new, highly acclaimed film from the director of American Psycho! Amongst the decadence of 1970s New York, the great surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, enjoys the latter stage of his career with a lifestyle filled with luxury and extravagant parties. Surrounded by his own decadence, and his band of eccentric followers who worship his charismatic persona, he is content with avoiding a fast-approaching art show and the demands of his formidable wife, Gala. This story is told through the eyes of James Linton, a young gallery assistant, keen to make his name in the art world. After quickly becoming enraptured by the provocative world of Dali, the façade begins to fade when he uncovers that behind the glitz and glamour lies a fragile genius, haunted by the past and unprepared for the changing tide of the world around him. From Mary Harron, director of American Psycho, the Daliland also stars Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash) and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #dvdcollector #digitaldownload #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

11/6/2023, 4:15:18 PM

#daliland Meraviglioso film. Dalì (riguardo a Gala): Ho bisogno di lei...per spronarmi. Dali: La morte, non c'Ú cosa che mi terrorizzi di più...ed Ú questa la base della mia ispirazione. Dalì: Talvolta non Ú facile essere Dalì. #salvadordali #filmbiography #surrealism #benkingsley #barbarasukowa #andrejapejic #maryharron #filmbelli #artemoderna #storia #artistlife #dali

10/26/2023, 12:29:08 PM

Daliland arrives on DVD and Digital from 13th November! Pre-order now! Don't miss Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley as legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this new, highly acclaimed film from the director of American Psycho Amongst the decadence of 1970s New York, the great surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, enjoys the latter stage of his career with a lifestyle filled with luxury and extravagant parties. Surrounded by his own decadence, and his band of eccentric followers who worship his charismatic persona, he is content with avoiding a fast-approaching art show and the demands of his formidable wife, Gala. Our story is told through the eyes of James Linton, a young gallery assistant, keen to make his name in the art world. After quickly becoming enraptured by the provocative world of Dali, the façade begins to fade when he uncovers that behind the glitz and glamour lies a fragile genius, haunted by the past and unprepared for the changing tide of the world around him. From Mary Harron, director of American Psycho, the Daliland also stars Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash) and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #dvdcollector #digitaldownload #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/25/2023, 4:30:23 PM

. #2023幎200本目 #りェルカムトゥダリ #daliland #メアリヌハロン #maryharron #ベンキングズレヌ #benkingsley #バルバラスコバ #barbarasukowa #クリストファヌブラむニヌ #christopherbriney #ルパヌトグレむブス #rupertgraves #アレクサンダヌベむダヌ #alexanderbeyer #アンドレアペゞック #andrejapejic #マヌクマッケンナ #markmckenna #スキりォヌタヌハりス #sukiwaterhouse #゚ズラミラヌ #ezramiller #映画 #映画鑑賞 #映画鑑賞蚘録 #映画奜きな人ず繋がりたい #movie #aya62cinema #cinema🎬

10/24/2023, 2:27:55 PM

Chris Briney as " James linton" in daliland 📷 ukkaleidoscope on instagram " This weekend, take a trip into a wild world of excess in Daliland, from the director of American Psycho, now showing in UK cinemas! This unforgettable biopic stars Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley (Schindler's List, Gandhi) in a top-tier performance as legendary artist Salvador Dalí, alongside a great supporting call including Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash) and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #cinematrip #nowshowing #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment " - @chrisbriney_ • #christopherbriney #chrisbriney #daliland #jameslinton #thebrineyhub

10/20/2023, 8:19:50 PM

This weekend, take a trip into a wild world of excess in Daliland, from the director of American Psycho, now showing in UK cinemas! This unforgettable biopic stars Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley (Schindler's List, Gandhi) in a top-tier performance as legendary artist Salvador Dalí, alongside a great supporting call including Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash) and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #cinematrip #nowshowing #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/20/2023, 1:00:57 PM

Chris Briney as " James linton " in daliland 📷 warrioragency on instagram " Critically acclaimed director Mary Harron (American Psycho) spoke to City AM about her new film, Daliland, out now in selected UK cinemas from @ukkaleidoscope 🎚🍿 Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley stars as legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this compelling new film inspired by a true story! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment " - @chrisbriney_ • #christopherbriney #chrisbriney #daliland #jameslinton #thebrineyhub

10/19/2023, 10:01:22 PM

Critically acclaimed director Mary Harron (American Psycho) spoke to City AM about her new film, Daliland, out now in selected UK cinemas from @ukkaleidoscope 🎚🍿 Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley stars as legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this compelling new film inspired by a true story! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/19/2023, 6:33:53 PM

Now showing in UK cinemas, Daliland is "entertaining and revealing" ★★★★★ says Sorted. Don't miss screen icon and Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley commanding the screen like never before as surrealist art icon, Salvador Dalí. From the director of American Psycho and featuring an all-star cast, this is a biopic not to be missed! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowshowing #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/19/2023, 1:00:45 PM

Daliland is now showing in UK cinemas and it's "genuinely eye-opening" says The Hollywood Reporter! Experience the wild excess of the 1970s New York art scene, with an all-star cast including Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty) and Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six) opposite Sir Ben Kingsley (Schindler’s List, Gandhi) as surrealist art icon, Salvador Dalí. @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #cinematrip #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/17/2023, 1:00:52 PM

Get your coat! Daliland is now playing in selected UK cinemas and is a unique biopic not to be missed! From the director of American Psycho, see one of the greatest actors of his generation, Sir Ben Kingsley, giving one of his best performances yet as the incomparable Salvador Dalí! Check local showtimes! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowshowing #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/15/2023, 1:00:44 PM

Daliland "captures the madness, comedy and tragedy of the surrealist legend" says Variety! See the iconic Sir Ben Kingsley turn in another unforgettable performance as world-famous artist, Salvador Dalí, from the director of American Psycho. Now showing in selected UK cinemas! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #cinematrip #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/14/2023, 1:00:49 PM

Here is where you can see Daliland in selected UK cinemas! Don't miss Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley in one of his greatest performances yet! "Ben Kingsley is pitch perfect" The Guardian "Captures the madness, comedy and tragedy" Variety "A towering performance" ★★★★★ Sorted From Mary Harron, the acclaimed director of American Psycho, delve into a crucial period during the later years of legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this compelling drama inspired by a true story. Amongst the decadence of 1970s New York, the great surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, enjoys the latter stage of his career with a lifestyle filled with luxury and extravagant parties. Surrounded by his own decadence, and his band of eccentric followers who worship his charismatic persona, he is content with avoiding a fast-approaching art show and the demands of his formidable wife, Gala. The story is told through the eyes of James Linton, a young gallery assistant, keen to make his name in the art world. After quickly becoming enraptured by the provocative world of Dali, the façade begins to fade when he uncovers that behind the glitz and glamour lies a fragile genius, haunted by the past and unprepared for the changing tide of the world around him. Co-starring Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash), and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty), it's a film not to be missed. @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #cinematrip #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/12/2023, 12:02:04 PM

Here is where you can see Daliland in selected UK cinemas! Don't miss Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley in one of his greatest performances yet! Follow @ukkaleidoscope for updates on the cinema release, and don't miss this on the big screen 🍿 "Ben Kingsley is pitch perfect" The Guardian "Captures the madness, comedy and tragedy" Variety "A towering performance" ★★★★★ Sorted From Mary Harron, the acclaimed director of American Psycho, delve into a crucial period during the later years of legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this compelling drama inspired by a true story. Amongst the decadence of 1970s New York, the great surrealist artist, Salvador Dali, enjoys the latter stage of his career with a lifestyle filled with luxury and extravagant parties. Surrounded by his own decadence, and his band of eccentric followers who worship his charismatic persona, he is content with avoiding a fast-approaching art show and the demands of his formidable wife, Gala. The story is told through the eyes of James Linton, a young gallery assistant, keen to make his name in the art world. After quickly becoming enraptured by the provocative world of Dali, the façade begins to fade when he uncovers that behind the glitz and glamour lies a fragile genius, haunted by the past and unprepared for the changing tide of the world around him. Co-starring Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash), and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty), it's a film not to be missed. @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #cinematrip #whatson #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/12/2023, 12:02:01 PM

Andreja Pejić, 1991 Andreja kam in Tuzla im ehemaligen Jugoslawien zur Welt. Hier wurde ihr bei Geburt das mÀnnliche Geschlecht zugewiesen. Mit Mutter, Oma und Bruder wanderte sie 2000 nach Melbourne, Australien aus. Sie spielte lange den "Jungen", bevor sie mit 13 in einer Bibliothek erstmalig von "transgender" las. Nun ließ sie ihre weibliche IdentitÀt öffentlich zu. Ab 2008 begann Andreja als Model sowohl Frauen- als auch MÀnnerkleidung zu prÀsentieren. Entdeckt wurde sie in einem Fastfood-Laden, in dem sie arbeitete. 2010 wurde sie fÃŒr die Vogue fotografiert und prÀsentierte ein Jahr spÀter ein Hochzeitskleid von Gaultier bei den Paris Fashion Weeks. Die androgyne Andreja war als einziges Model gleichzeitig in der Top-Liste der besten mÀnnlichen wie der besten weiblichen Models aufgefÃŒhrt. 2014 ließ sie geschlechtsangleichende Maßnahmen durchfÃŒhren. #lgbtq #lgbtq🌈 #lgbtqia #homohero #homoheroes #schwul #lesbisch #bi #trans #transgender #nonbinary #queer #pride #andreja #andrejapejic #pejic #tuzla #jugoslawien #melbourne #australien #androgyn #model #vogue #gaultier #jeanpaulgaultier #parisfashionweek

10/12/2023, 9:46:47 AM

In selected cinemas from Friday, see Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley as legendary artist, Salvador Dalí in the critically acclaimed Daliland! "Ben Kingsley is pitch perfect" The Guardian "Captures the madness, comedy and tragedy" Variety "A towering performance" ★★★★★ Sorted From Mary Harron, the director of American Psycho, the film also stars Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash), and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/11/2023, 1:00:56 PM

Last chance to stream the star-studded biopic, Daliland, now showing on @iconfilm! This acclaimed film stars Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley as legendary artist Salvador Dalí! See it in selected cinemas from Friday. Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/10/2023, 1:00:55 PM

Critically acclaimed biopic, Daliland, is full of "striking performances" (says Film Review Daily). Among them is Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys) who stars opposite Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley in this must-see portrait of the legendary Salvador Dalí. Daliland is now streaming exclusively on @iconfilm and in selected cinemas from 13th October! Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel: @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/5/2023, 1:01:22 PM

In Daliland, screen icon and Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley gives "a towering performance" ★★★★★ says Sorted. See him like never before as surrealist art icon Salvador Dalí. Now streaming exclusively on @iconfilm and in selected cinemas from 13th October! Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

10/2/2023, 1:01:18 PM

色鉛筆画「魅力的な人」461 Andreja Pejicアンドレア・ペゞック Andreja Pejicborn August 28, 1991is an Australian model. ・出生時は男性ずしお、その埌ナニセックスモデルの先駆けずしお掻動し、2014幎早期に性別適合手術を受け女性ずなったトランスゞェンダヌである。 2011幎1月、パリコレでゞャン=ポヌル・ゎルチェの『マヌク・ゞェむコブス』Mens及びレディヌスショヌに出挔。 2011幎「男性トップモデル50」の18䜍に遞ばれる。 曎に雑誌「アりト」による最も魅力的な人物100の1人に遞出された。 2013幎、デノィッド・ボりむのシングル「ザ・スタヌズ」のミュヌゞックビデオに出挔。  2015幎5月号の「ノォヌグ」に登堎。 トランスゞェンダヌである事を公にする。 身長は188cm、瞳の色はグリヌン。金髪である。 この方はメンズ、レディヌスモデルどちらずしおも掻動されおいおファッションやメむクで様々な人物に豹倉したす。 性別ず蚀う壁はむしろこの方には存圚しないかのような神々しささえ感じられたす。 暪顔のノヌメむクに近い矎しいアンドレアさんを色鉛筆の重ね塗りで描きたした。 魅力が䌝わりたしたら嬉しいです。 次回の絵の投皿は5日(朚)を予定しおおりたす。宜しければ芋おくださいね。🙏 #色鉛筆画 #色鉛筆画が奜き #鉛筆画 #鉛筆画が奜き #人物画 #人物画が奜き #雰囲気画 #トランスゞェンダヌモデル #アンドレアペゞック #andrejapejic #pencildrawings #pencilsketchings #colerpencildrawing #portraitdrawings

10/1/2023, 6:04:19 AM

Leslie Keeさんの写真展 1枚のポヌトレヌトがこんなに迫力があっお矎しいのは感動する ギャラリヌ50呚幎蚘念展らしい 芋お来およかったヌ 照明が反射しお䞊の方がよく芋えなかったのが凄く残念だけど、自分の背が䜎いからかなあ #lesliekee #lesliekeelife #andrejapejic #lukeevans #jeanpaulgaultier

9/30/2023, 10:53:37 AM

映画  りェルカム トゥ ダリ  ベン・キングズレヌがダリにそっくりで驚きたした。 倩才ゆえの奇才ぶりを熱挔しおいたす。 私的には、こんなにも䞀途に愛されおいるガラが矚たしかったです😆 #映画 #映画倧奜き #りェルカムトりダリ #ダリランド #ベンキングズレヌ #バルバラスコノァ #クリストファヌブラむニヌ #アンドレアぺゞック #ルパヌトグレむノス #スキりォヌタヌハりス #゚ズラミラヌ #movie #cinema #film #ilovemovies #daliland #benkingsley #barbarasukowa #christopherbriney #andrejapejic #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #ezramiller #🎬

9/28/2023, 1:51:02 PM

British screen legend and Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley is "pitch perfect" says The Guardian! See him as never before, portraying surrealist art icon Salvador Dalí in Daliland. Now streaming exclusively on @iconfilm and in selected UK cinemas from 13th October! Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel. @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/28/2023, 1:01:18 PM

3⃣8⃣りェルカムトゥダリ 晩幎ダリが過ごした70幎代のニュヌペヌク アヌトにファッション最高過ぎた🥰 この時代の音楜も魅力的✚ 誰もが知る画家 サルバドヌル・ダリ 独特な感性を持ち圌にしか衚珟出来ない芞術性は 床芋たら忘れられない 圌の䜜品、圌自身の魅力に觊れた人たちは皆 圌の信奉者になっおしたう 斯く蚀う私もダリずいう人物、䜜品に惹かれる 人な蚳です 芞術の神ず厇められ(自身も神ず名乗り) 垞に纏う 華やかさの裏偎に抱えるものは 䜕ずも蚀い難い孀独  ダリの最愛の劻であり垞に制䜜に刺激を䞎える ミュヌズ、ガラ。 圌女なしではダリは子䟛の様に駄々を捏ね 本圓に䜕も出来たせん😅 しかし、ガラは若く矎しいアヌティストが倧奜きで 圌らに貢ぐお金の為にダリにひたすら絵を描き続けさせる  ガラはダリの才胜に嫉劬し、 ダリはガラが貢ぐアヌティスト達に嫉劬する。 ずおも歪んだ耇雑な倫婊関係に思えたすが ふずした瞬間に人にしか分からないであろう 互いぞの愛を感じるず同時に そんな関係でしか䞀緒にいられない 人の思いに狂気を感じる 原題:ダリランド どんなに狂った䞖界なの ず思ったらなんずも玠敵な映画でした 以䞋ずおも長い䜙談↓🀭 ディズニヌに興味ない方は飛ばしおくださいね 劇䞭でガラがねずみを曞く挫画家から オファヌがあったず蚀っおおり、お察しのずおり この挫画家ずはりォルト・ディズニヌな蚳ですが 調べたら本圓にこの人の共䜜が😲 実際には圓時のディズニヌが戊争などで 経営が䞍振だったこずもあり途䞭で頓挫 人の死埌、2003幎にコラボレヌション䜜品が 完成しおたした デスティヌノずいう短線䜜品 しかもDisney+で芳れたすので気になる方は是非 BGM : Tumbling DownSteve Harley And Cockney Rebel  #映画 #アメリカ #キノフィルムズ #りェルカムトゥダリ #メアリヌハロン #ダリ #サルバドヌルダリ #70幎代ニュヌペヌク #ベンキングスレヌ #クリストファヌブラむニヌ #バラバラコスバ #アンドレアペゞック #゚ズラミラヌ 出おた🀭 #映画奜きな人ず繋がりたい #movie #america #magnoliapictures #daliland #maryharron #70snewyork #salvadordali #benkingsley #christopherbriney #barbarasukowa #andrejapejic #ezramiller #lovemovies

9/27/2023, 1:41:52 PM

Now streaming on @iconfilm, see British screen legend and Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley as legendary artist Salvador Dalí in the critically acclaimed biopic, Daliland, from the director of American Psycho! Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel. @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/26/2023, 1:01:21 PM

Get ready for a "timeless" (The Wrap) tale of one of the world's most iconic artists. Daliland is now streaming exclusively in the UK on @iconfilm Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta) joins the all-star cast, with Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley delivering one of his most commanding performances as Salvador Dalí. Don't miss this acclaimed new film from Mary Harron, the director of American Psycho! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/20/2023, 1:01:10 PM

#りェルカムトゥダリ  #DaliLand  晩幎の #サルバドヌルダリ  #SalvadorDali さんを描いた䜜品なのでありたす。 今や矎術史にのるダリさんが、 晩幎、アメリカで倧埡所の画家でなくポップカルチャヌの担い手扱いされおいたずは党く知りたせんでした。 しかし、この #映画 から埗たものは、それくらいしかなかったのでありたす。 ダリのアシスタントをしおいた男性の目線で物語が進むため #ベンキングズレヌ #BenKingsley さんの熱挔にも関わらず本圓にダリにしか芋えない。この人があのガンゞヌずは䜕ずも薄っぺらいずいうか、衚面䞊しか捉えおいないのでありたす。 うヌむ  期埅し過ぎたかっ。残念     #メアリヌハロン 監督  #MaryHarron  #バルバラスコバ  #BarbaraSukowa  #クリストファヌブラむニヌ  #ChristopherBriney  アンドレアペゞック  #AndrejaPejic  #゚ズラミラヌ  #EzraMiller  #映画むラスト ず曞き぀぀ #むラスト 未満の #萜曞き #映画レビュヌ

9/18/2023, 5:10:26 PM

Daliland is now streaming exclusively in the UK on @iconfilm and it's "sinfully fun" says The Mercury News. Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch) joins the amazing all-star cast, headlined by Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley as Salvador Dalí, in a new film from the director of American Psycho. @sukiwaterhouse @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/18/2023, 1:01:20 PM

#りェルカムトゥダリ 1985幎、サルバドヌル・ダリが火事で重傷を負ったニュヌスが流れる。ゞェヌムス・リントンは、ダリず過ごした奇想倩倖な日々を思い出す。1974幎、ニュヌペヌク。ゞェヌムスは、憧れの芞術家ダリず出䌚う。カリスマ性を持぀ダリず劻ガラに気に入られたゞェヌムスは、ダリのアシスタントになり䞍思議で危うい䞖界ぞず足を螏み入れおいく  . シュルレアリスムの倩才芞術家サルバドヌル・ダリず劻ガラの晩幎を描いお、その䞇人には理解出来ない愛の物語でした。映画的にはゞェヌムスずいう青幎を通したダリの䞖界で、しかもダリそのものずいうよりは劻ガラの存圚が倧きくお、ダリは圌女に生かされおいるように感じられたした。ですから、面癜いずいうよりはダリのガラぞの䟝存、クィア的な愛情の物語でした。 . ダリを挔じるのはベン・キングズレヌさんで、その挔技は個性的で「ガンゞヌ」から「シャン・チヌ/テン・リングスの䌝説」たでず幅広いです。若い頃ぱズラ・ミラヌさんでした。劻ガラにはバルバラ・スコノァさん、個性的な女優さんで「ふた぀の郚屋、ふたりの暮らし」など䜜品もちょっず個性的で良い䜜品が倚いです。監督はメアリヌ・ハロン監督です。 . ダリの䜜品そのものが登堎するこずがほずんど無いのは残念でしたが、登堎人物ずの関係性を少し知っおおいた方が興味深いず思われたす。特にアマンダ・リアやアリス・クヌパヌをWikiしおおくず良いですよ。 #映画 #BenKingsley #BarbaraSukowa #ChristopherBriney #RupertGraves #AndrejaPejic #SukiWaterhouse #EzraMiller #MarkMcKenna #AlexanderBeyer #MaryHarron Director #Daliland

9/18/2023, 1:49:07 AM

This weekend, see the "truly exciting" biopic (says The Wrap) Daliland, starring Sir Ben Kingsley as surrealist art legend, Salvador Dalí. Now streaming exclusively on @iconfilm and based on an unbelievable true story, this critically acclaimed new film is helmed by Mary Harron, the director of American Psycho, and boasts an all-star cast. Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/15/2023, 1:01:34 PM

Now streaming on @iconfilm, see British screen legend and Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley take on his most demanding role yet in the critically acclaimed biopic, Daliland. Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! From Mary Harron, director of American Psycho, delve into a crucial period in the life of legendary artist Salvador Dalí in this star-studded drama, co-starring Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash), and rising star Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @chrisbriney_ @sukiwaterhouse @andrejapejic @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #nowstreaming #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/13/2023, 1:01:11 PM

From cinema screens and film festivals all over the world, @dalilandfilm is now available to watch in the UK on @iconfilm & @amazonprime and will soon be on cinema screens across the country. I have so many treasured memories from working on this film, I hope you all love it. Thank you @therealmaryharron for the most incredible opportunity ~x~ #daliland #featurefilm #independentfilm #salvadordali #dali #artist #maryharron #benkingsley #christopherbriney #rupertgraves #andrejapejic #actress #model #performer #art #film #filmstill

9/11/2023, 10:57:57 AM

From Monday, see Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, Schindler's List) turn in another unforgettable performance as world-famous artist, Salvador Dalí, in the critically acclaimed Daliland, from the director of American Psycho. Streaming exclusively on @iconfilm and based on a true story, this must-see biopic “captures the madness, comedy and tragedy of the surrealist legend” says Variety. Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #biopic #biopicmovie #criticallyacclaimed #comingsoon #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/8/2023, 1:00:59 PM

Unsere Aki hat sich als großer #Biopic-Fan und Sammler, wie sie es so schön nennt, #Daliland mit #BenKingsley in der Hauptrolle angeschaut. Wie ihr der Film gefallen hat, lest ihr in ihrer FilmKritik! //Link in der Bio// #serieasten #cineasten #Cineastentv #filmtipp #filmkritik #movie #cinema #salvadordali #kunst #art #christopherbriney #andrejapejic #avitalvova #ezramiller #maryharron #barbarasukowa #kino

9/7/2023, 7:47:25 PM

Take a ride into a wild world of excess in Daliland, streaming next week exclusively on @iconfilm Sign up for a free trial at and download the app. Or watch via the Icon Film Amazon Prime Video channel! From American Psycho director, Mary Harron, see Oscar winner Sir Ben Kingsley deliver a commanding performance as legendary artist Salvador Dalí, alongside a top supporting call including Barbara Sukowa (Hannah Arendt, Twelve Monkeys, Two of Us), Rupert Graves (Emma, Sherlock, V for Vendetta), Suki Waterhouse (Daisy Jones & The Six, Assassination Nation, The Bad Batch), Andreja Pejic (The Girl in the Spider's Web), Ezra Miller (The Flash), and newcomer Christopher Briney (The Summer I Turned Pretty). @dalilandfilm #daliland #salvadordali #salvadordalí #benkingsley #sirbenkingsley #barbarasukowa #rupertgraves #sukiwaterhouse #andrejapejic #christopherbriney #maryharron #biopic #biopicmovie #criticallyacclaimed #comingsoon #iconfilm #kaleidoscopeentertainment

9/7/2023, 1:01:15 PM