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✨🌱🌱🌱✨ « Les petites filles sont des Punks! » @judithgodreche1 Merci à tou•tes les Punks 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 ! Pour les enfan•tes devenu•es Adultes ! Pour les enfan•tes d’Aujourd’hui et de Demain ! Les Papillons 🦋 luttent et se débattent pour se frayer un Chemin…vers la Vérité, la Justice, la Protection ! Les Papillons 🦋 se fortifient dans cette lutte ! Apprécions la beauté des Papillons 🦋… Mais reconnaissons aussi les changements et les luttes qu’iels ont subi•es et vécu•es pour atteindre cette beauté ! Les Papillons 🦋 arrivent en masse… Ça gronde 💥💥💥 #lespetitesfillessontdespunks #noussommesunefoule #jetecroisjeteprotège #moiaussijudith #metooinceste #metoochurch

3/27/2024, 5:47:25 PM

✨🌱🌱🌱✨ #metooinceste #metoochurch #metooamnésie Ecrire Poser les mots Garder une trace Retrouver la petite Laura Lui dire que je suis là maintenant Que ça n’est pas juste Me croire…sans me croire Tellement innommable, inaudible, impossible Et en même temps…tellement possible Comment faire pour se croire? Comment se croire légitime? Comment vivre avec ses traumas? Me sentir robuste d’avoir vécu tout cela Et me sentir si fragile en même temps Avoir peur de m’effondrer Résister, ne pas lâcher Avoir envie de crier Laisser sortir tout ce venin à l’intérieur de moi Vouloir vraiment prendre soin de moi Ne pas savoir comment Respirer, bouger Pour prendre soin de la petite Laura Est ce vrai? Comment me croire? Pourquoi? Pourquoi moi? Pourquoi faire du mal? Pourquoi chercher à dominer? Pourquoi vouloir écraser plus faible que soi? Etre tellement perdue Et « sentir », « savoir » qu’on est sur le bon chemin Le chemin de la vérité Le chemin du dire l’indicible Le chemin pour le nommer Le chemin pour l’entendre Le chemin pour le croire, me croire Le chemin pour le réaliser, le faire Soi Que faire maintenant? Comment sortir du bon de ce que j’ai vécu? Comment me sentir entière? Vouloir me renfermer dans mon cocon… Sentir que la chrysalide va éclore… Sentir l’émergence imminente du papillon en moi… ✨ 🐛…🦋 ✨ Écrire Raconter Parler Parler enfin… #LauKas Ressentir Croire Me croire Me protéger M’apaiser Me réconforter M’aimer Je veux le dire Je veux l’écrire Besoin vital, viscéral Raconter mon histoire Graver mon histoire 21/05/2021 : ouvrir la boîte de Pandore… 04/04/2022 : début de ma levée d’amnésie vers 40 ans… 21/01/2024 : comprendre que je peux enfin me croire… 24/01/2024 : oser dire pour la 1ère fois #metooinceste LauKas 24/01/24 à 2:24 ✨🌱🌱🌱✨

1/24/2024, 2:25:20 AM

👥En route vers l’ @elysee pour parler de mon livre « J’étais un enfant » @flammarionlivres , du maintien de la @ciivise et de la lutte contre 🆚 les violences faites aux enfants, de @mouv_enfants @emmanuelmacron @charlottecaubel @alouisdeputee13 #metooinceste #metoochurch

10/30/2023, 7:44:25 AM

Si ce n'est pas déjà fait je vous encourage à SIGNER la pétition d'appel à la mobilisation contre les violences faites aux enfants et ados. (lien dans notre bio) Ensemble, nous pouvons agir contre les violences et l'indifférence 🔥 il est temps !! #agirpourlesenfants #brisonslesilence #lesenfantsparlent #18novembre #18novembreenfantiste #inceste #incesteparlonsen #metooinceste #metooase✊🤍 #metoochurch #metoochurchabuse #metooanimation #metooeducationnationale #metoosport #violencesfaitesauxenfants #enfantiste #enfantisme #adultisme #infanticide #stopveo (texte pris sur le compte du collectif enfantiste national)

10/3/2023, 11:43:10 PM

Contre les violences faites aux enfants et ados, je signe la pétition d'appel à la mobilisation du 18 novembre ! 👉 (lien dans notre bio) Ensemble, nous pouvons agir contre les violences et l'indifférence 💪 il est temps !! #agirpourlesenfants #brisonslesilence #lesenfantsparlent #18novembre #18novembreEnfantiste #inceste #metooinceste #MetooAse🤍✊ #metoochurch #metooanimation #MetooEducationNationale #metoosport #violencesfaitesauxenfants #enfantiste #enfantisme #adultisme #infanticide #stopveo

9/16/2023, 5:08:59 PM

This is the good news! Queer youth are created in the image of God and we exist to spread that message. It’s also no secret that one of the largest (if not THE largest) youth para-church organizations in the world (ahem! young life!) is NOT affirming. Some folks have felt called over the last few years to spend an admirable amount of effort trying to help Young Life do better and change its official stance on queer people. Unfortunately Young Life released a clarity document last year doubling down on its homophobic policies and theology. While it is important and valid to call out homophobic institutions, its also important and valid to create the types of community and safe spaces that we want to see in the world. The reason Affirming Youth Ministries was started was because a core group of people saw a need decided to be the change they wanted to see. We have a vision that someday Affirming Youth Ministries would have the same time of global presence that Young Life has. As we invite you on this journey with us we want to distinguish ourselves from Young Life in two ways: ONE: we are fully affirming of LGBTQIA+ folks and center them, their needs, their voices, and their prophetic theology. TWO: we don’t minister to CONVERT. Part of what it means for us to provide safe, healing, affirming spaces for queer youth and allies is that we don’t have a hidden agenda. If people don’t find Christianity or The Bible compelling that’s okay. People have space to work that out on their own and we celebrate anybody involved in our community who is able to cultivate spirituality, worldviews, and community that work for them. Our only agenda is to love and give students an opportunity to explore their faith in ways that work for them. Are you looking for an online community and are between the ages of 14-25? We meet every Monday and Thursday over zoom and are accessible to anybody anywhere in the world as long as you have a device that can connect to zoom! Send us a DM or click the link tree today if you’re interested in joining one of our affirming communities!

8/31/2023, 2:14:44 AM

A Givors, des victimes d’un prêtre pédocriminel manifestent pour faire retirer ses vitraux, utilisés pour agresser des enfants. Alors que le maire refuse de les faire retirer en invoquant la fameuse dissociation "de l'homme et de l'artiste", aucune décision n'a été prise par l'Eglise ou par l'Etat. En plus de n'avoir aucun sens, l'argument de la séparation de l'homme et de "l'artiste" est ici tout particulièrement honteux, quand on sait que ses œuvres sont inspirées et ont permis ses crimes. Utilisé pour protéger les hommes célèbres ou bénéficiant d'un certain statut, cet argument incohérent appelle à une exception devant la loi et la morale pour une catégorie d'hommes qui utilisent justement leur statut d'artiste pour agresser en tout impunité. La glorification des agresseurs au nom de leurs oeuvres doit cesser ! Pour les soutenir, signez la pétition : Soutien aux victimes. . . . @arnaud_gallais @bebravefrance @mesopinions #justice #solidarite #retirezlesvitraux #stopviolence #pédocriminalité #église #protectionenfance #rhône #enfant #petition #soutien #louisribes #violencefaitesauxenfants #enfanceendanger #feminisme #patriarcat #omerta #metoochurch #metooart #metoo #cultureduviol #givors

5/17/2023, 12:05:32 PM

Mes larmes n’iront pas au #Pape #BenediktXVI mais à tous-tes les victimes violées pendant son sacre, qu’il a ignoré. #GoToHellBenedikt16 benedikt16 #benoit16 #metooincest #metoochurch

12/31/2022, 2:08:55 PM

Action devant le sénat du 14 décembre 2022. Les activistes du collectif enfantiste ont réclamé au sénat une délégation aux droits des enfants pour une meilleure prise en charge des droits de l'enfant en France. Car rappelons-le, le défenseur des droits a rapporté en 2020 que les politiques publiques ne protégeaient pas assez les enfants en France et l'ONU a déjà condamné plusieurs fois la France pour manquements aux droits de l'enfant. Nous avons eu l'honneur d'avoir le soutien d'Agathe Hamel, présidente de la délégation aux droits des femmes et égalité @cese_officiel . 🙏♥️ #enfantiste #enfantisme #sénat #france🇫🇷 #Paris #activiste #droitsdesenfants #militante #militant #protectiondesenfants #metoo #metooinceste #metooase #metooanimation #metoochurch #metoosport #metooéducationnationale #enfants #délégation

12/16/2022, 7:37:36 PM

Le collectif enfantiste était invité chez @camaieu_de_femmes par @la_veronica_antonelli Nous avons pu parler de notre combat et dénoncer l'état de notre société quant à la protection des enfants en France. Nous sommes conscientes que ce que nous déclarons est extrêmement grave et peu heurter la sensibilité des personnes mais nous sommes également conscientes que nous ne pouvons plus fermer les yeux sur ce qui est. Nous remercions les médias qui visibilisent cette cause, nous remercions les journalistes qui s'emparent du sujet, nous remercions toustes les activistes qui prennent de leur temps pour faire avancer la société. Les enfants ont besoin d'être protégé et de vivre dans la bienveillance. Nous étions 2 activistes sur ce plateau @guerriere_parmi_les_autres et @militenfantiste Continuons le combat ✊💪 #enfantiste #enfantisme #violencesfaitesauxenfants #metooenfance #metooanimation #MetooAse🤍✊ #metoochurch #metoosport #sapepasmaparole #inceste #maltraitanceinfantile #maltraitancesinfantiles #infanticide #violencesvicariantes #violencevicariante #violencesconjugales #feminisme #feministe

12/9/2022, 12:25:07 AM

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur l'enfantisme et le collectif enfantiste ? Venez nous rencontrer en visio jeudi 15 décembre 2022 à 20h ! Via le lien qui se trouve dans notre bio, inscrivez-vous pour recevoir le lien de connexion. Au programme, nous parlerons du continuum des violences chez les enfants, l'intersectionnalité de ces violences, de l'adultisme, et de l'état actuel de la protection des enfants et des institutions en charge de cette protection. Dans un second temps, nous vous présenterons le collectif #enfantiste, ses objectifs et ses actions. A très vite ! #enfantiste #enfantisme #violencesfaitesauxenfants #adultisme #veo #inceste #infanticide #metooenfance #metooinceste #metooanimation #metoochurch #metooase #protegeznosenfants #sapepasmaparole

12/6/2022, 12:03:55 PM

Sincerely a former @younglife student and work crew member, [Image Description: White slide with black text saying, " Young Life is an incredible organization that has touched so many hearts. However, I stopped supporting Young Life, along with members of my family because we believe Young Life does not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. He welcomed everyone to a life alongside Him with no boundaries or criteria to enter. I am on my knees praying people of God are not shunned or uninvited by this organization any longer."] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobetter #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

10/26/2022, 1:15:01 AM

[👥] Merci🙏🙏🏼🙏🏾 Veronique Margron pour votre accueil et votre écoute L’occasion de revenir sur le rapport Sauvé - 330 000 victimes de #pedocriminalite dans l’Eglise - des crimes de masse et systémiques - la reconnaissance et les réparations… DeterminéEs nous sommes! #metoochurch

10/18/2022, 9:43:52 PM

Sincerely, a former @younglife volunteer leader and staff, [Image Description: White slide with black text reading: "While on assignment during my time on staff, I was sent home from camp early because of my severe anxiety and a phobia I had. The camp director and my work crew coordinator said going home was “the best way for me to heal”. However, this was a diagnosed mental illness they were just not willing to work with."] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobetter #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

9/2/2022, 7:50:01 PM

8/11/2022, 6:33:25 PM

Sincerely @gobrien84, a former @younglife Student, Volunteer leader, Staff, Committee, + Summer staff I was on camp staff years ago when an intern was asked to leave after admitting he was gay to his intern community. I still regret not saying anything or speaking up on his behalf or at least starting a conversation with the staff about it. From what I remember, it was all handled very quickly and mysteriously and never talked about again after we found why he had to leave. If all "sins" are the same, then why is THIS ONE the only thing that will get you kicked out of an organization that claims to love and accept everyone. I now attend a church that welcomes LGBTQ people and they even serve on the staff and point others to Jesus with their gifts and talents. There is plenty of room at the table and I hope and pray that YL can lead the way in love and acceptance! . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobetter #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

7/27/2022, 8:43:48 PM

Sincerely a former @younglife Student, Volunteer leader, Work crew, and Summer Staff [Image Description: Slide 1: purple slide with stripes - Text - "Young Life boasts a theology that is overtly isolating, discriminatory, and downright hateful towards queer people." Slide 2-7 text - "Young Life was a part of my life for close to ten years. I went to club, campaigners, and camp all four years in high school. I was a volunteer leader throughout college. I did work crew, summer staff, and worked as a wrangler at nearby camps on weekends. The relationships I formed with leaders and other students through Young Life were instrumental in my coming to know Christ. While at summer camp after my senior year of high school, I had a conversation with a good friend that still sticks with me. After cardboard testimonies, I realized that my friend was in tears. He asked if he could talk to me outside, where he started explaining that no matter what he did, he felt like he wasn’t good enough and that he struggled to feel as though he was living up to people’s expectations. ID continued in comments…. . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

7/23/2022, 6:56:34 PM

Sincerely a former @younglife Volunteer leader and Staff, [Image Description: Slides 1-2, white slide with black text - "I was a woman on Young Life staff for two years. One year at a donor training on how to fundraise my salary, a statement was said by a fellow fundraising coach that will forever stay In my brain. The coach, in front of at least 100 staff members, said “the reality is for women it will be harder for you to raise funds because some people don’t believe women belong in leadership.” I was taken aback. Shocked at the blunt comment. Rather than acknowledging that was bad and trying to change it, they just continued on like it was never said. Well I later quit staff because of my experience of a woman on staff and the neglect, emotional trauma and jokes made about me being a woman in ministry. I do not speak for the ministry of young life as a whole, but I do know that this ministry is human made and therefore will not be perfect. however silence on these topics is simply no longer acceptable. This needs to stop because if we say we truly love all, we cannot and will not treat others this way - from a leader struggling with being a part of a discriminatory organization."] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

7/10/2022, 11:20:55 PM

Sincerely, a former @younglife student, [Image Description: Slide 1: Green slide with stripes - Text - "I know now that these ideas are all incredibly wrong and extremely toxic and I can only hope they will truly hear us." Slides 2-3 - text- "When I first found Younglife, I was overjoyed to have found a community that I thought was accepting of me. I found YoungLife during a very rough period in my life and it helped me to cope with that. It gave me a place to feel safe. However, as I continued attending YoungLife I found more and more things that concerned me. One example would be one of my friends, who wanted so badly to be a leader to share his faith with everyone, but was turned away because of his orientation.It broke my heart to see someone I loved so much, so broken over not being accepted by the people who preach “acceptance for all.” I was so afraid that I’d lose the community that I had, that I tried to ignore my own identity. But as time went on, ignoring it only made me feel worse. I can remember having panic attacks because I was so afraid of what my family and peers would say if I ever came out to them because to YoungLife, this is a sin. To them this is something that is taught to others, not something you are born as. I know now that these ideas are all incredibly wrong and extremely toxic and I can only hope they will truly hear us."]

6/23/2022, 10:52:20 PM

Sincerely, Olivia, a former @younglife student and volunteer leader, [Image description: text: "I was a volunteer wyldlife leader in high school and a high school student who participated in campaigners, club, and camp. I did not come out as queer until my mid twenties, but I can remember the homophobic things I heard from multiple leaders and this certainly contributed to the internalized homophobia I experienced for so long"] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

6/22/2022, 9:42:30 PM

Sincerely, a former @younglife student, [Image Description: White slide with black text - My junior year at summer camp, I left the nightly cabin talk because the topic turned towards the LGBTQ+ Community and how God loves them. I walked out crying and the leader of another grade came and prayed for the devil to leave me. I didn’t speak to anyone in my cabin the rest of the week. I never stepped foot back in a Younglife event and ended up transferring schools because of the damage Younglife brought into my life. The blatant homophobia that is threaded throughout the organization is hurting students.] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

6/14/2022, 12:22:25 AM

Demain, vendredi 10 juin, le collectif enfantiste sera sur le parvis de l'hôtel de ville à 18h pour sa première action. Vous n'êtes pas sur Paris ou vous ne pouvez pas vous déplacer ? Pas de soucis, l'action sera rentransmis en live sur Instagram! #enfantiste #enfantisle #jesuisenfantiste #violencesfaitesauxenfants #inceste #metooinceste #maltraitancesinfantiles #metooase #metoochurch #metooamnesie

6/9/2022, 5:09:48 PM

Rendez-vous vendredi à la maison des réfugiés . 50 boulevard Jourdan. 75014 Paris. @bebravefrance organise une journée de tables rondes autour des violences faites aux enfants. Nous serons plusieurs intervenant.e.s dont @muriel.salmona @miekohiyama @arnaud_gallais @sarah.abitbol1975 #FrançoisDevaux ... C'est à partir de 9h du matin, venez nombreuses et nombreux pour échanger, penser des solutions concernant #metooinceste #metooamnesie #metoochurch #metoosport pour les 165000 victimes de viol par an au cours de l'enfance. Lien d'inscription dans ma bio. C'est gratuit.

6/8/2022, 9:46:28 AM

Sincerely, a concerned family member, [Image Description: Slide 1: Orange background with white stripe detailing, Text saying “'We love and support you, BUT” not love and support." Slides 2-5, Text - I am writing about my beautiful & amazing wife, Jessica. We have been married for almost three years and we have a perfect one year old daughter. Jessica dedicated most of her young adult life to Young Life. She was involved with Young Life for years prior to being a leader for TEN. She touched countless young people’s lives and dedicated hours upon hours to this organization. She put her whole heart into the kids she led. She also put the rest of her life on hold to serve in this way and she did it with love and pride.I can honestly say there are and have been very few who are as loving, patient and giving as my wife. When Jessica and I first got together, she was absolutely ravaged with guilt for what loving me would mean for her relationship with Young Life. And sure enough, once she told her leaders about her feelings for me she was politely asked to step down. “we love and support you, BUT...” It took many years and countless tears and hours of therapy for her to love herself again. I believe this is an absolute travesty. That any person, especially one who has given their entire heart to your organization, would be made to feel lesser, would be made to feel unworthy and unloved, it’s appalling. This exclusion YL creates causes kids to devalue and stop loving themselves! YL causes them to feel unworthy of God’s love but also of other people’s love! I believe this goes against YL's very mission and values. It’s time for Young Life to step up and do better. (In fact, it is way past time!) “We love and support you, BUT” not love and support. #dobetteryounglife] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

6/5/2022, 9:55:56 PM

Sincerely, @lavaaalampppp a former student, work crew, and volunteer leader @youglife "Image Description: Text - My leader tried to “pray the gay away.” I was also kicked off of the senior leader team because i came out. :( I loved younglife so much... they made me feel like i couldn’t be gay and a Christian.". . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

5/25/2022, 1:55:12 AM

Sincerely, Jessica, a former @younglife student, volunteer leader, and summer staff, [Image Description: Slide 1: Red slide with white stripe detailing, Text saying "I faded from the old version of myself, scared to let new people in and fearing rejection from everyone." Slides 2-3: text - When I came out and told my team that I was developing feelings for a female coworker, it felt like a soft landing at first. Lots of understanding statements and surface level support but also a clear message that I would need to step down from leading. I felt such shame. I was being told we support you privately but publicly we can’t due to YL’s discriminatory policies on LGBTQ folks. That made me withdraw from lots of Christians because I couldn’t handle the duality of it. I didn’t want to face people and experience their hesitation as they wrestled to accept me. The hurt went on for a long time and I faded from the old version of myself, scared to let new people in and fearing rejection from everyone. I didn’t know until now how many more people faced similar hurt, rejection and abandonment from a community that preached LOVE EVERY KID! Younglife, it's time to do better!] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

5/23/2022, 1:09:50 AM

Sincerely a former @younglife student [Image Description: Text - "Growing up a closeted guy in southeastern NC, I experienced lots of the same subconscious suppression of being my real self when trying to join in a local YL family. Constantly torn between being my authentic self or overly masculine to seek acceptance within the organization. I turned down many YL opportunities (camps, big events, etc) that could’ve been so fun for fear of rejection or contradicting views against me. It’s a shame there has been little to no movement towards a more accepting organization."] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

5/17/2022, 12:39:31 AM

Sincerely @joshuatruitt, a former Summer Staff, Volunteer Leader, and Staff member with @young life [Image Description: Text - When I wanted to share my story with campers about how God was still for me even though I was gay, I was treated like a pedophile. Not only was I condemned for wanting to share my own story of redemption, but they also said they didn’t know if it was okay for me to sleep in the cabin with my campers. Simply put, because I was gay, I was a predator. They lost a damn good Young Life leader that day. Our stories of queerness have the power to set young LGBTQ+ youth free. When Young Life accepts that, maybe it’ll finally be true that “we’re made for this.”] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

4/27/2022, 7:53:41 PM

Sincerely, Arianna a former Student, Work Crew, and Volunteer Leader with @younglife [Image Description: Text - When I was a junior leader leading wyldlife, I was having a club planning meeting with my team and our area director who was the mother of 2 leaders on my team. This was the day that lgbtq+ marriage was legalized & our area director said that it was embarrassing and disgusting that our country would legalize these sinners getting married. All of the leaders in my team agreed with her and she told me that if a Wyldlife kid ever came out to me, I needed to report them right away to her and separate them from the same gendered kids... I lost all my faith in younglife & who I had known God to be. A few years later, this same area director shunned a leader who had been leading with her for at least 4 years when he came out to her. She told him he was now seen as a female and if any of the other males shared an apartment with him, they would no longer be allowed to lead. It was disgusting behavior.] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

4/19/2022, 12:10:06 AM

Sincerely, a former @younglife Student and Work Crew member [Image Description: Text - I have been going to young life for almost 7 years. I used to love to go until I realized that if I came out that I wouldn’t be accepted at young life anymore. I want to be able to come out but because of young life I have spent years hating myself and god for being gay because of how young life views the LGBTQ+ community. Young life has ruined my relationship with God and made me hate myself for something that I cannot change.] . . . . . . #dobetteryounglife #dobettee #dobettertheology #youthministry #metoo #metoochurch #affirmingyouthministries #affirming #toxicchristianity #exevangelical #younglife #dobetteryl #lgbtq #queerchristian #gaychristian #transchristian #dobetterchurch #affirmingtheology #queertheology

4/17/2022, 12:12:47 AM

@lisbethnewsletter merci pour ton super article sur ISHA ! Allez vous abonnez a son compte et sa suuuper newsletter 🥰 @isha_feministe_catholique @payetacatho #metoochurch #ciase #changetoneglise #feminisme #feminism

10/27/2021, 8:20:17 PM

🙏🏼PRIONS ! ( prière pour les prêtres violeurs) Notre père qui êtes aux cieux, que chacun de leurs noms soient affichés. Pour que les viols cessent, que ta vengeance soit intraitable, de la confession à l’autel comme au ciel. Rend-leur le centuple de leurs exactions et condamnent-les à brûler en enfer, aujourd’hui et pour l’éternité. Ne pardonne jamais ni leurs viols, ni leurs tortures, ni tout le mal commis en ton nom. Et fais que tous ceux et celles qui ont été offensé-e-s et agressé-e-s, non plus. Père ne laisse aucun pape, aucun pontife, aucun curé trouver des excuses pour justifier la pédocriminalité abjecte et rampante qui se dissimule sous chacune de ces soutanes. Enfin délivre-nous de l’église, des religions et de la culture du secret qui est le terreau de la culture du viol. Que l’impunité cesse ! Soumettez-les aux lois de la république et au feu divin de votre colère. Pulvérisez-les du plus haut des cieux (et de votre dégoût) pour les siècles et les siècles. Amen ! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Demain c’est cantique ;-))) #ChurchMeToo

10/10/2021, 10:33:58 PM

Last year I created a 6 week Bible Study on Social Justice and Faith. We explored everything from immigration to the meaning of justice and had some really profound conversations. Inspired by that experience, and my preparation for seminary this fall, I am doing another social justice faith study with my dear friend Megan Wooding this month. PM me for the Zoom link! We hope to see you there. [New Social Justice Bible Study w/ Dr. Laura McGuire and Megan Wooding! Sex and Religion; Exploring the Unmentionable. Understanding a Gender-neutral vs GenderFULL God (Laura) Purity Culture (Megan) Gender Expansive Spiritual Leaders Then and Now (Laura) Excluded Voices & Implications (Megan) LGBTQ Inclusion in Christianity (Laura) Complementarianism vs Egalitarianism (Megan) Join us Mondays at 7 pm EST Zoom Link by Request.] @mwooding #BibleStudy #SocialJustice #faith #ProgressiveChristianity #deconstructing #gender #LGBTQchristian #PurityCulture #MeTooChurch #lgbtq #ReligiousSocietyOfFriends

5/7/2021, 9:00:33 PM


3/7/2021, 5:35:46 AM

This weekend we had the honor of sharing Kinder’s baptism story with our RDU campuses. If you missed it check it out now on IGTV or share it with a friend 👆 #metoochurch #raisedtolife

8/13/2019, 2:26:00 AM

Click on the link in our bio and listen to our current episode now • This podcast is available on @iheartradio @itunes podcasts @stitcherradio @breakeraudio @castbox_fm OverCast @googleplaymusic and Pocket Casts. Don't forget to share this episode with your family and friends • #MeToo #MeTooChurch #EndRapeCulture #SayNoToRape #SpeakUp #AfricaUnite #Nigeria #Gambia #BeautyQueen #Africa #ProudlyAfrican #TGIF #FridayFun #Podcast #PodcastLife #Podcasting #NYC #USA

7/18/2019, 9:45:09 PM

It's time to END RAPE CULTURE! Click on the link in our bio and listen now • This podcast is available on @iheartradio @itunes podcasts @stitcherradio @breakeraudio @castbox_fm OverCast @googleplaymusic and Pocket Casts. Don't forget to share this episode with your family and friends • #MeToo #MeTooChurch #EndRapeCulture #SayNoToRape #SpeakUp #AfricaUnite #Nigeria #Gambia #BeautyQueen #Africa #ProudlyAfrican #TGIF #FridayFun #Podcast #PodcastLife #Podcasting #NYC #USA

7/18/2019, 1:37:04 AM

Haven't listened to this episode yet? Click on the link in our bio and listen now • This podcast is available on @iheartradio @itunes podcasts @stitcherradio @breakeraudio @castbox_fm OverCast @googleplaymusic and Pocket Casts. Don't forget to share this episode with your family and friends • #MeToo #MeTooChurch #EndRapeCulture #SayNoToRape #SpeakUp #AfricaUnite #Nigeria #Gambia #BeautyQueen #Africa #ProudlyAfrican #TGIF #FridayFun #Podcast #PodcastLife #Podcasting #NYC #USA

7/18/2019, 1:18:27 AM

(LINK IN BIO) In this episode I talk about a long-awaited movement, that has begun in my country Nigeria and the whole of Africa. #MeTooAfrica For many years, RAPE CULTURE has been overlooked in Africa but not anymore. Our people are finally beginning to see the importance of speaking up. Hopefully, we will also begin to severely punish these rapists for their crimes, regardless of their gender, educational background, and status in society • #MeToo #MeTooChurch #EndRapeCulture #SayNoToRape #SpeakUp #AfricaUnite #Nigeria #Gambia #BeautyQueen #Africa #ProudlyAfrican #TGIF #FridayFun #Podcast #PodcastLife #Podcasting #NYC #USA

7/12/2019, 1:32:07 PM Enroll to Serve @ a Higher Level #genderequality #metoochurch

7/7/2019, 2:42:15 AM

“I’m no longer a member of COZA, Pastor Biodun is a rapist, there is a syndicate around him that protects him” - Vlogger & Actor Akah Nnani #COZA #BiodunFatoyinbo #Fatoyinbo #BusolaDakolo #StepDown #MeToo #MeTooChurch #MeTooMovement #SayNoToRape #NoToRape #Rape #Naija #Dakolo

6/30/2019, 11:41:14 PM