TogetherForTheEnvironment images

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Every little thing we do makes a difference. Every choice we make, big or small, affects our planet. Today, we want to share a story with you that shows how important it is for everyone to protect the environment, no matter how old they are or where they live. Imagine a young child who picks up trash around them and encourages their family and friends to do the same. Together, they make their neighborhood clean and welcoming for everyone. This is the power of working together, of small actions that, when combined, create significant change. Taking away plastic bags from our streets, planting trees, walking or biking instead of driving—these things matter. We call this the power of personal commitment. So, today, we challenge you: what can you do right now to help preserve our environment? Every action, no matter how small, adds to building a more sustainable future for all of us. Join us in this journey. Together, we can make a difference. Together, we are stronger. Together, we are the hope for a better world for future generations. #TogetherForTheEnvironment #EveryActionMatters #PersonalCommitment #LetsChangeTheWorld Thibaut L'Activiste Environnementaliste

5/11/2024, 8:25:18 PM

Education is one of the primary objectives of The Coastline Runner initiative. On the day of the run, we always aim to meet up with a school and council to give a talk and discuss ways in which we, as a community, can reduce plastic pollution. In Lowestoft, we met with St Mary's RC Primary School pupils, teachers, and Head Teacher Ewa Parker. The students came up with some great ideas to reduce plastic pollution in their area and were eager to put them into action. Mayor Barker and the council were also there to tell us about their actions and work on implementing them. I heard that they had someone dedicated to cleaning the beach, and raked it weekly. It was looking so good! We also did a quick clean-up on the beach just in front of the school with school pupils and the council, before I headed south to Southwold, running and collecting plastic pollution for the 16 (or so) kms. It’s a beautiful coastline- Sand Martin’s and Avocets and everything! Please support The Coastline Runner initiative by liking, sharing, and commenting on this post to help spread awareness about plastic pollution on our coasts and in our waterways. Your help means a lot to us, and it can make a real difference. Remember, our environment is all of our responsibility, and WE- stop- ARE -stop- RESPONSIBLE! To learn more about our initiative, please visit Thank you for your support! #TheCoastlineRunner #PlasticPollution #EnvironmentalAwareness #ReducePlasticWaste #ProtectOurCoasts #CommunityInitiative #Education #BeachCleanUp #Lowestoft #Southwold #TogetherForTheEnvironment #SpreadAwareness #MakeADifference

5/3/2024, 2:29:19 PM

Heute ist der Internationale Tag des Baumes! 🌳 Wir nutzen diesen besonderen Tag als Anstoß, um uns in den kommenden Wochen intensiv mit dem Thema zu beschäftigen. Angesichts der aktuellen Herausforderungen ist es wichtiger denn je, unsere Wälder zu schützen und wieder aufzuforsten. Wir laden euch ein, gemeinsam mit uns aktiv zu werden und Ideen zu teilen. Lasst uns gemeinsam für eine grünere Zukunft einstehen! 💚 #TagdesBaumes #Wiederaufforstung #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt #melchiortextil Today is Arbor Day! 🌳 We are using this special day as an impetus to focus intensively on the topic in the coming weeks. Given the current challenges, it is more important than ever to protect and reforest our forests. We invite you to become active with us and share ideas. Let's work together for a greener future! 💚 #TagdesBaumes #Reforestation #TogetherForTheEnvironment

4/25/2024, 8:04:06 AM

Did you know that 28% of waste deposited in landfills can be composted❓ We're dedicated to being part of the solution, not only on Earth Day but every day. Our equipment converts waste into reusable products such as compost, contributing to a greener, cleaner planet. 🌎♻️ #togetherfortheenvironment #rotochopper #earthday #waste #organics #compost #recycle

4/22/2024, 11:05:05 PM

Ein riesiges Dankeschön an die 3. Klasse der Volksschule Ramsau für ihre tolle Arbeit bei der jährlichen Müll-Sammel-Aktion! 🌟 Eure Unterstützung und Einsatzbereitschaft machen jedes Jahr einen großen Unterschied. Gemeinsam habt ihr unserer Umwelt etwas Gutes getan und für einen sauberen Lebensraum gesorgt. 💚🌍 Am 27. April 2024 werden wir beim jährlichen Frühjahrsputz die restlichen Spazier- und Wanderwege für die kommende Sommersaison herrichten. (weitere Infos folgen die Tage) Gemeinsam machen wir uns bereit für den Sommer 2024 ☀️ #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt ………………………………………………………… A huge thank you to the 3rd grade of the Ramsau elementary school for their great work during the annual garbage collection campaign! 🌟 Your support and commitment make a big difference every year. Together you have done something good for our environment and ensured a clean living space. 💚🌍 On April 27th, 2024, we will prepare the remaining walking and hiking trails for the coming summer season during the annual spring clean. (more information will follow in the days to come) Together we are getting ready for summer 2024 ☀️ #togetherfortheenvironment . . . 📸©️Loretta Kvitek #danke #volksschuleramsau #müllsammelaktion #sommervorbereitungen #wegerleinsatz

4/9/2024, 12:08:04 PM

¡Unidos en acción en RECO y BICA! con el invaluable respaldo de UMA Alcaldía de Roatán, Serna y el ICF, hemos sembrado 50 árboles de caoba y 50 árboles frutales de mamon en áreas vitales del relleno sanitario 🌱💪 Nuestra colaboración voluntaria marca la diferencia para un mañana más verde y sostenible. #Reforestación #ConservaciónAmbiental #CompromisoComunitario #JuntosPorElMedioAmbiente // United in action at RECO and BICA! with the invaluable support of UMA Alcaldía de Roatán, Serna and ICF, we have planted 50 mahogany trees and 50 mamon fruit trees in vital areas of the landfill 🌱💪 Our volunteer collaboration makes a difference for a greener, more sustainable tomorrow. #Reforestation #EnvironmentalConservation #CommunityCommitment #TogetherForTheEnvironment.

4/8/2024, 9:03:04 PM

Every device we recycle carries stories, moments, and memories that have marked our lives 💚 Your old computer, that phone full of important messages... by recycling them, we protect those memories and ensure a cleaner tomorrow for everyone 🌱 Your company has a great opportunity to lead with heart. By recycling, you not only showcase your brand's value but also become a catalyst for positive change ❤️🌍 Your actions make a difference, join the #eRevolution #recyclingwithheart #agreenerfuture #storiesthatliveon #wecareforourplanet #actionsthatinspire #togetherfortheenvironment

4/3/2024, 3:59:18 PM

🌲🌍 The European Union has taken a crucial step against deforestation, but there's still much to be done! 🚫💰 The introduction of the EU Regulation on Deforestation-Free Products was a milestone, but it left a significant loophole: the financing of forest destruction by banks. 💸🌳 Billions of dollars have flowed from EU banks to companies threatening forests. It's time for change! 🛑🌲 🔍📊 The investigation into the EU's 20 largest banks shows alarming results. BNP Paribas alone has granted billions to companies with forest risks. It's high time for the EU to take action! 🌍💼 #BNPParibas #Environment #Sustainability #Finance #ForestProtection #responsibility #TogetherForTheEnvironment #ForestProtection #ChangeIsNow #EU #Deforestation #EnvironmentalProtection #Banks #Financing #ClimateAction

3/21/2024, 10:27:09 PM

🌟🐸 Unsere Goldene Unkenbotschaftlerin Anna Hollerer ist unterwegs mit Elan und Schwung! Letzte Woche wurden die Gemeinden entlang der Linie S2 und um den @ossiacher_see See herum besucht! In Feldkirchen wurde mit Bürgermeister Martin Treffner über schon umgesetzte Projekte in der Gemeinde gesprochen, danach stand ein Besuch bei der FAST Ossiach an. 🌿 Anna-Sophie Pirtscher, Leiterin der FAST, gab Einblicke in das tägliche Geschehen und inspirierte mit dem forstlichen Nachhaltigkeitsgedanken sehr. Zum Abschluss ging es in die Gemeinde Glanegg, wo mit Bürgermeister Arnold Pacher über den Ist- und den Soll(zustand) der Welt beinahe schon philosophiert wurde. #Gemeindebesuch #Nachhaltigkeit #InspirierendeGespräche #GoldeneUnke #Naturschutz #Gemeindebesuch #Innovation #Nachhaltigkeit #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt #ZugUndBus #GUNK #ÖBB #fhkärnten FACHHOCHSCHULE KÄRNTEN ---- 🌟🐸 Our Golden Toad Ambassador Anna Hollerer is on the move with enthusiasm and vigor! Last week, we visited the communities along the S2 line and around Lake Ossiach! In Feldkirchen, discussions with Mayor Martin Treffner revolved around projects already implemented in the municipality, followed by a visit to FAST Ossiach. 🌿 Anna-Sophie Pirtscher, Head of FAST, provided insights into daily activities and profoundly inspired with the forestry sustainability concept. Finally, we concluded our journey in the community of Glanegg, engaging in almost philosophical discussions with Mayor Arnold Pacher about the current and desired state of the world. #CommunityVisit #Sustainability #InspiringConversations #GoldenUnke #NatureConservation #Innovation #TogetherForTheEnvironment #TrainAndBus #GUNK #fhkärnten

3/4/2024, 4:06:32 PM

🌿🌍 Be part of the solution, not part of the pollution! 🌍🌿 #solutionNOTpollution Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental problems of our time. Every year, millions of tons of plastic waste end up in our oceans, threatening wildlife and ecosystems. It’s up to us to make a difference and actively contribute to the solution. 🌊 Instead of looking away, we can act! Reduce your plastic consumption, use reusable containers and bottles, and get involved in cleaning up beaches and waters. Every little deed zählt‼️ 💚 Together we can create a sustainable future where our oceans are free of plastic. Let’s be part of the solution together and stop the pollution! #PlasticFree #EnvironmentalProtection #Sustainability #TogetherForTheEnvironment #plasticwaste #savetheocean #plasticpolution #cleanup #rubbish #fish #future #help #sea #saveourocean #plasticbags

2/29/2024, 8:51:58 AM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Ensemble, nous pouvons faire la différence ! Réduire l'utilisation de produits jetables dans la salle de bains est une chose simple à faire, mais qui a un impact positif considérable sur l'environnement. Adoptons des solutions réutilisables et réduisons la quantité de déchets que nous produisons chaque jour. Taguez quelqu'un qui se soucie également de l'avenir de notre planète ! 🌍♻ #Sustainability #LessDisposable #CleanPlanet #SustainableAttitude #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/28/2024, 6:00:32 PM

Doing good is so easy! 🌱🌳 With our guide to planting climate trees, you can join our planting campaign without any worries. 🍃 The small seedlings we plant will grow into a robust mixed forest over the years. Every single tree counts, making a significant difference to our environment! 💚🌍 Register now for our tree planting event on 17.02.! You can find the registration link in our story and in the story highlight. 🌳✨ #treeplanting #climateprotection #environmentalprotection #sustainability #doinggood #natureprotection #greeninitiative #seedlings #climatetree #plantingforthefuture #togetherfortheenvironment #greenLife #earthLove #greeninitiative #climatechange #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #howto #beyond #initiative #reforest #action #together #treevolution #vision #visionmoves #creativeagency

2/15/2024, 12:34:40 PM

🌟🐸 Unsere Unkenbotschafterin war wieder mit Zug und Bus in Kärnten unterwegs, um mit Gemeinden über die Auszeichnung der Goldenen Unke zu plaudern. 🚂🚌 Die S-Bahnstrecke Kärntens bot den perfekten Rahmen für unser Vorhaben, es wurden die Gemeindeämter Pörtschach, Krumpendorf und Grafenstein besucht. Besonders erfreulich war das Treffen mit Herrn Erich Glantschnig, dem Amtsleiter in der Gemeinde Mallnitz. Dort wurde intensiv über Auszeichnung der Goldenen Unke gesprochen und die Bedeutung dieses Wettbewerbs für die lokale Gemeinschaft diskutiert. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Gemeinden, die sich Zeit genommen haben, um mit der Unkenbotschafterin über den Naturschutz in Kärnten zu reden. 💚🌍 #goldeneunke #naturschutz #gemeindebesuch #innovation #nachhaltigkeit #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt #zugundbus #gunk #fhkärnten ----- 🌟🐸 Our Toad Ambassador was once again on the move in Carinthia, traveling by train and bus to chat with municipalities about the Golden Toad Award. 🚂🚌 Carinthia's S-Bahn route provided the perfect backdrop for our mission, with visits to the municipal offices in Pörtschach, Krumpendorf, and Grafenstein. A particularly delightful encounter was the meeting with Mr. Glantschnig, the administrative head in the municipality of Mallnitz. There, extensive discussions were held about the significance of the Golden Toad Award and its importance for the local community. A heartfelt thank you to all the municipalities that took the time to discuss nature conservation in Carinthia with our Unken Ambassador. 💚🌍 #GoldenUnke #NatureConservation #MunicipalVisit #Innovation #Sustainability #TogetherForTheEnvironment #TrainAndBus #GUNK #fhkärnten

2/15/2024, 11:39:48 AM

🌿🐸 Auf Tour für den Kärntner Naturschutz! 🚆 Mitte dieser Woche haben wir weitere Gemeinden entlang der S1 besucht: Oberdrautal, Dellach, Sachsenburg und Velden! 🏞️ Doch das war nicht alles – auch entlang der S4 und S5 waren wir aktiv und haben Hermagor, Nötsch, Arnoldstein und Finkenstein einen Besuch abgestattet. 💬 Inspirierende Gespräche über Naturschutz und Bauwesen standen auf der Agenda, u.a. mit dem Bürgermeister von Hermagor, Herrn Leopold Astner, sowie dem Bauamtsleiter aus Arnoldstein, Herrn Schaschl, und seinen Kolleginnen Frau Truppe und Zankl. 🏛️ Vielen Dank für den konstruktiven Austausch und eure innovativen Ideen! 🌟 Nutzt die Chance und reicht eure Projekte bei der Auszeichnung der Goldenen Unke ein 💚🐸 #GoldeneUnke #Naturschutz #Gemeindebesuch #Innovation #Nachhaltigkeit #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt #fhkärnten ------ 🌿🐸 On a mission for nature conservation! 🚆 This week, we visited more carinthian municipalities along the S1 rapid transit line: Oberdrautal, Dellach, Sachsenburg, and Velden! 🏞️ But that's not all – we were also active along the S4 and S5, paying a visit to Hermagor, Nötsch, Arnoldstein, and Finkenstein. 💬 Inspiring discussions on nature conservation and construction were on the agenda, including meetings with the Mayor of Hermagor, Mr. Leopold Astner, and the Head of Construction Department from Arnoldstein, Mr. Schaschl, along with his colleagues Ms. Truppe and Ms. Zankl. 🏛️ Many thanks for the constructive exchange and your innovative ideas! 🌟 Seize the opportunity and submit your projects for the Golden Toad Award 💚🐸 #GoldeneUnke #NatureConservation #MunicipalVisit #Innovation #Sustainability #TogetherForTheEnvironment

2/8/2024, 2:08:54 PM

🌿🌎 Sustainability is our goal! Climate neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 since 2020! 🍃 Scope 1 includes all direct emissions from our operating sources such as heating systems, vehicle fleet and air conditioning systems. Scope 2 relates to indirect emissions that arise from external energy sources, such as purchased electricity and thermal energy. The balance sheet was drawn up for the first time in 2020. Since then, we have been able to achieve climate neutrality in Scopes 1 and 2 by developing reduction and compensation measures as part of our climate strategy, thereby making a statement within the fastener industry. Together we are shaping a "greener" future! 💚🌐 Good idea. Let's make it!🌱🔗 #Sustainability #ClimateNeutrality #EnvironmentalProtection #GreenEnergy #SustainableLiving #EmissionFree #EnvironmentallyConscious #ClimateProtection #EnergyEfficiency #Responsibility #TogetherForTheEnvironment #FutureFriendly #BioLink #SustainableDevelopment #GreenCompany #EnvironmentallyFriendly #ClimateAction #SustainableAction #EcoFriendly #ConsciousConsumption #GreenLiving #EnvironmentallyConscious #TogetherForABetterWorld #ClimateAwareness

2/2/2024, 9:01:53 PM

Discover the future of environmental protection on our homepage! 🌿🏡 You can now also find our detailed reduction strategy in the newly designed "Ecological commitment" section. 🎯 Here we focus on transparency and provide insights into our goals and measures to reduce our CO2 emissions. At RAMPA, our targets are clearly defined and aligned with the Science Based Targets Initiative: 📅 By 2025: reduction to a maximum of 20% of 2020 emissions in Scope 1 and 2. 📅 By 2030: reduction to a maximum of 10% of 2020 emissions in Scope 1 and 2. Discover on our website how we plan to reduce unavoidable emissions in the long term and what measures have already been implemented: In 2021, we were able to achieve a 45% reduction in CO2 intensity within one year. By switching our operations to green electricity from renewable energy sources, we were able to reduce CO emissions from Scope 2 to zero and thus successfully reduce the environmental impact for Scope 1 and 2. In the following year 2022, our reduction strategy enabled us to achieve a further 6% reduction in CO2 intensity in scope 1 and 2. Be part of our mission and find out more! Click on the link in the bio to actively participate in our environmentally conscious progress. 💚 #RAMPA #EnvironmentalProtection #ReductionStrategy #ScienceBasedTargets #Sustainability #CO2Reduction #ClimateNeutrality #FORLIANCE #Scope1and2 #Scope3 #SustainableCompany #ClimateProtection #BioLink #TogetherForTheEnvironment

1/31/2024, 9:02:12 PM

Jeder lernt anders. Mit der Hörspielreihe Grummpf und der Ausstellung Klima-Snacks hat das BER-Mitglied Kontaktstelle für Umwelt und Entwicklung (KATE e.V.) gleich zwei neue Bildungsformate für verschiedene Zielgruppen zu den Themen Klimakrise und Ernährung erprobt. Tobias Bach und Rui Montez teilen in diesem Impuls für den BER-Newsletter 1/2024 ihre Erfahrungen in der Erstellung von neuen Angeboten des Globalen Lernens, um mehr Experimente für die entwicklungspolitische Bildungsarbeit anzuregen. Der Text ist über den Linktree in unserer Bio oder unter diesem Link zu finden: #einweltstadtberlin #globalegerechtigkeit #starkezivilgesellschaft #berlinglobalvillage #bernews #Klimawandel #Klimakrise #nachhaltigkeit #umwelt #artenvielfalt #Sustainability #environmentaleducation #SustainableFuture #TogetherForTheEnvironment #Agrarwende #Agrarökologie #Ernährungswende #PlanetaryHealthDie Foto ©KATE

1/31/2024, 8:28:19 AM

RAMPA is on the way to CO2 neutrality! 🌍 We have already achieved significant milestones and are continuously developing measures to achieve our neutral carbon footprint goal. 🌿 For us, climate neutrality means that our business activities do not contribute to an increase in climate-damaging greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. At RAMPA, the focus is on how we can actively contribute to avoiding these gases. 💼 In order to efficiently reduce and offset our operational CO2 emissions, we have our CO2 footprint balanced by our experienced partner FORLIANCE in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol of the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development). 📊 According to the GHG Protocol, an organization's emissions are divided into three areas, known as scopes. To create our corporate carbon footprint, we examine at least Scope 1 and 2, but RAMPA goes one step further and assesses seven additional categories (out of a total of 15) from Scope 3. Join us on our journey to more sustainability! Click on the link in the bio to find out more and get actively involved. 💚 #CO2Neutrality #ClimateProtection #Sustainability #RAMPAMilestones #GreenBusiness #EnvironmentalProtection #TogetherForTheEnvironment

1/19/2024, 9:01:55 PM

🌿 Discover our redesigned world of responsibility at! 🌍 Now with 3 additional subcategories in ecological commitment area. 🍃 🔍 The following topics await you here: RAMPA's Corporate Carbon Footprints, Product Carbon Footprints and RAMPA's Reduction Strategy. In addition to RAMPA's ecological commitment, you can also find on our website our social commitment along with our new certificate page. #Sustainability #Climate protection #Responsibility #RAMPAClimate strategies #CO2Reduction #Future-oriented #TogetherForTheEnvironment

1/18/2024, 7:45:50 AM

As an illustrator, I create with passion for Greenpeace. From the smallest to the wisest: your help counts! Join the Greenpeace team, whether you're young, youthful or experienced - together we'll shape a greener future. _ #togetherfortheenvironment #greenpeaceart #illustrateforchange #umweltschutzIllustrationen #grünezukunft #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt #greenpeace #visualart #visualartist #illustrator #illustration #illustrationart #drawing #character #greenwave #participate #mitmachen

1/6/2024, 9:04:57 AM

As an illustrator, I create with passion for Greenpeace. From the smallest to the wisest: your help counts! Join the Greenpeace team, whether you're young, youthful or experienced - together we'll shape a greener future. _ #togetherfortheenvironment #greenpeaceart #illustrateforchange #umweltschutzIllustrationen #grünezukunft #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt #greenpeace #visualart #visualartist #illustrator #illustration #illustrationart #drawing #character #greenwave #participate #mitmachen

1/5/2024, 8:46:59 PM

As an illustrator, I create with passion for Greenpeace. From the smallest to the wisest: your help counts! Join the Greenpeace team, whether you're young, youthful or experienced - together we'll shape a greener future. _ #togetherfortheenvironment #greenpeaceart #illustrateforchange #umweltschutzIllustrationen #grünezukunft #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt #greenpeace #visualart #visualartist #illustrator #illustration #illustrationart #drawing #character #greenwave #participate #mitmachen

1/5/2024, 6:06:52 PM

🎉🌿 Neues Jahr, neue Vorsätze! Unsere beiden Pandas setzen sich für 2024 nachhaltige Ziele, um ihren Alltag grüner zu gestalten. 💪🌱 ⁣ Von weniger Plastik bis hin zu bewusstem Konsum – sie inspirieren uns dazu, kleine Schritte für einen großen Wandel zu gehen. Lass uns gemeinsam das Jahr der Nachhaltigkeit gestalten! 🐼💚 #pandoo #NachhaltigeVorsätze #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt #PandooEcoComic #Nachhaltiges2024 . . . 🎉🌿 New year, new resolutions! Our two pandas are setting sustainable goals for 2024 to make their everyday lives greener. 💪🌱 From less plastic to conscious consumption - they inspire us to take small steps towards big change. Let’s shape the year of sustainability together! 🐼💚 #pandoo #SustainableResolutions #TogetherForTheEnvironment #PandooEcoComic #Sustainable2024

12/31/2023, 9:48:36 AM

Another Blog article! 👉 What’s the SUPERNOVA Forest all about? We can do a lot to minimize our carbon footprint, but that alone is not enough. That’s why we’re going all-in with a reforestation project! 🌳💚 Reforestation is a crucial part of the global solution to climate change and its consequences! Together with the Bosque Azul association, we aim to create a rainforest corridor in Costa Rica, restore biodiversity, and support the local community. 🌱🤝 Stay tuned and join us on this visionary journey! In our BLOG (link in bio), you’ll find out all the details about our endeavor! Together, we make a difference. 💪💚 #BosqueAzul #Reforestation #EnvironmentalProtection #ClimateChange #Sustainability #TogetherForTheEnvironment #BosqueAzul #Aufforstung #Umweltschutz #Klimawandel #Nachhaltigkeit #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt

12/26/2023, 10:00:00 AM

RecyPac startet – Wipf ist dabei! Die Wipf AG ist Gründungsmitglied des neuen Vereins "RecyPac – Kreislauf Plastik und Getränkekartons" zur Etablierung eines nachhaltigen landesweiten Kreislaufwirtschaftssystems für Kunststoffverpackungen und Getränkekartons. Die Branchenlösung auf freiwilliger Basis wurde zusammen mit Swiss Recycle, der Dachorganisation der Schweizer Recyclingsysteme, vorbereitet. Der Schwerpunkt ist die Koordination einer schweizweit harmonisierten Sammlung, welche bis 2030 effiziente Recyclingquoten von 55 % für Kunststoffe und 70 % für Getränkekartons ermöglichen soll. Die Wipf AG wird ihren Teil dazu beitragen. Mehr Infos gibt es unter #wipfag #recypac #nachhaltigkeit #recycling #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt #Kreislauf ---- RecyPac starts - Wipf is part of it! Wipf AG is a founding member of the new association "RecyPac - plastic and beverage cartons cycle" to establish a sustainable nationwide recycling management system for plastic packaging and beverage cartons. The industry solution on a voluntary basis was prepared together with Swiss Recycle, the umbrella organisation of Swiss recycling systems. The focus is on coordinating harmonised collection throughout Switzerland, which should enable efficient recycling rates of 55 % for plastics and 70 % for beverage cartons by 2030. Wipf AG will play its part in this. More information can be found at #wipfag #recypac #sustainability #recycling #togetherfortheenvironment #cycle

12/22/2023, 2:36:19 PM

We are pleased to present you our latest video: "The Path to Sustainable Protein" 🎥🌿 Together with experts from ProVeg International @proveg.inter , GFI Europe @thegoodfoodinstitute , World Resources Institute @worldresources , Poseidona, London School of Hygiene @lshtm and Tropical Medicine as well as our moderator Shireen Kassam from @plantbasedhealthprofessionals Plant-Based Health Professionals UK we held an exciting panel discussion to explore the journey towards sustainable protein. 🤝💡 📺 Watch the video at the link in bio. 📺 🤔 Have you ever wondered how we can meet the world's growing demand for protein without harming the environment? 🌐💬 This discussion provides insights into innovative approaches, technologies and solutions that show a variety of sustainable ways to produce protein. 🔄✨ Key takeaways from the discussion were that the current food system is broken, impacting both human and planetary health. However: Solutions exist, requiring support from dietary guidelines, governments, policymakers, and incentivized consumers for behavioral change. Shifting to a plant-rich diet, improving agriculture, and scaling alternate proteins are key levers. Additionally behavioral science in the public sector can reshape perspectives. Technologies like concentrated algal protein and cultivated meat offer hope, but challenges in taste, nutrition, and scalability must be addressed swiftly to combat the current nature and climate crisis. Despite obstacles, the speakers leave us hopeful for positive change. 💚 Support the shift to a sustainable diet by sharing the video and sharing your thoughts in the comments! 💬🌱 Together we can make a positive contribution to the future. 🌏🤝 #Sustainability #Protein transition #Environmental protection #Panel discussion #SustainableFuture #TogetherForTheEnvironment

12/20/2023, 12:01:45 PM

Recycling activities promote the reduction, reuse and recycling of all kinds of materials. Recycling is essential to save energy, avoiding pollution and water wastage. #VepicaGreen #ReduceReuseRecycle #TogetherForTheEnvironment #EcologicalLiving #Ecofriendly

12/13/2023, 2:01:14 PM

🌱 Haeger & Schmidt Logistics GmbH: Together for a greener Duisburg - tree planting campaign round 3! 🌱 Our tree planting campaign in cooperation with the Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald e.V. is now entering its third round! 🌿 This year, we are continuing our commitment to the environment by planting around 800 trees in Duisburg. Our selection includes sessile oaks, sweet chestnuts, Douglas firs and the impressive evergreen sequoias. 🌳🌲 These trees will not only produce vital oxygen, but will also actively contribute to cooling the city by lowering the temperature in the urban area by up to two degrees. The sequoia tree in particular, with an annual growth of 1.5 metres, is a symbol of the forest's ability to adapt to climate change. 🍃 Our commitment to regional projects, especially in our home city of Duisburg, is an important part of our company philosophy. We are proud to continue supporting the city with which we have been closely associated throughout our company's history. 🏙️ #HaegerSchmidtLogistics #TreePlantingCampaign #GreenDuisburg #Sustainability #TogetherForTheEnvironment #Duisburg #ClimateProtection

12/7/2023, 3:42:25 PM

🌍 Join us for our inspiring climate symposium! The voices of youth are crucial in deepening awareness about climate change and promoting urgent climate action. 🌏 We are delighted to deliver this side-event at the COP28 to provide diverse insights into climate activism. Learn more about the challenges faced by young activists in climate politics and discover the Youth Climate Check, a tool for more intersectionality and inclusion in strategic planning to promote climate justice. Our speakers hail from the Philippines, South Africa, Pakistan, and Germany, sharing their unique perspectives. 📅 Date: December 10, 2023 🕒 Time: 3:30 PM GMT, 6:30 GST For more information scan the QR code or click here: Stay tuned! We can't wait to see all of you and make a difference together! 💪💚 #COP28 #ClimateFaces #YouthForClimate #YouthClimateCheck #ClimateActivism #TogetherForTheEnvironment #GenderCC #kindernothilfe #GenderCCatCOP28

11/30/2023, 5:14:06 PM

🌊🌍 Ein süßer Comic, der eine wichtige Botschaft trägt: Unsere Ozeane sind voll von Plastik, und wir alle tragen eine Verantwortung, etwas dagegen zu unternehmen. 🐠💚⁣ Der Comic zeigt, wie Tiere im Meer unter dem Plastikmüll leiden, und ruft dazu auf, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Die Botschaft ist klar: Lasst uns gemeinsam Plastikverbrauch reduzieren und unsere Ozeane schützen. Ob durch Recycling, Vermeidung von Einwegplastik oder Teilnahme an Strandreinigungen - jeder von uns kann einen Beitrag leisten, um die Meere sauberer und sicherer für die wunderbaren Lebewesen darin zu machen. Lass dich von diesem Comic inspirieren und teile deine Ideen, wie du gegen Plastikverschmutzung vorgehst. Gemeinsam können wir die Weltmeere schützen und für kommende Generationen bewahren. 🌎🐢 #pandoo #Plastikfrei #Meereschutz #Umweltschutz #PandooVersprechen #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt . . . 🌊🌍 A sweet comic that carries an important message: Our oceans are filled with plastic, and we all have a responsibility to take action. 🐠💚 The comic illustrates how marine animals suffer from plastic waste and calls for action. The message is clear: Let's reduce plastic consumption and protect our oceans together. Whether through recycling, avoiding single-use plastics, or participating in beach clean-ups - each of us can make a contribution to make the seas cleaner and safer for the wonderful creatures that inhabit them. Be inspired by this comic and share your ideas on how you're tackling plastic pollution. Together, we can protect the world's oceans and preserve them for future generations. 🌎🐢 #PlasticFree #OceanConservation #EnvironmentalProtection #PandooPromise #TogetherForTheEnvironment

11/23/2023, 11:13:33 AM

Let's turn off the lights💡together and strengthen our connection to nature, today. Every little action counts to protect our planet. Not only in hospitality and tourism sector but everywhere. Because everyone can have an impact today and tomorrow. 🤩 #EarthHour #ClimateProtection #TogetherForTheEnvironment 🌍🕯️

11/18/2023, 2:59:04 PM

🌳 Dank der großartigen Spenden unserer Mitarbeiter konnten wir 107 Bäume pflanzen! 💚💪 Dafür ein riesiges Dankeschön! Diese Bäume sind ein Zeichen für unser Umweltengagement. Besucht "unsere" Bäume am Standort Forstamt Königsstein im Taunus 🌍😊 #Umweltschutz #Nachhaltigkeit #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt ---------------------------------- 🌳 Thanks to the great donations from our employees, we were able to plant 107 trees! 💚💪 A huge thank you for this! These trees are a sign of our commitment to the environment. Visit "our" trees at the Königsstein forestry office in the Taunus 🌍😊 #EnvironmentalProtection #Sustainability #TogetherForTheEnvironment

11/8/2023, 6:00:30 PM

🌿💧✨ Forest Bathing for Conscious Connection with Nature! ✨💧🌿 Today, I want to talk about the wonderful connection between forest bathing and environmental consciousness. 🌳💚 When we consciously immerse ourselves in the forest, we not only sharpen our senses and reduce stress, but also deepen our bond with nature and strengthen our commitment to protecting our environment. 🌍💫 During forest bathing, we take the time to enjoy the healing atmosphere of the forest and draw inspiration from its beauty. We feel the wind on our skin, listen to the birds' chirping, and breathe in the scent of trees. This experience reminds us of the importance of preserving our natural resources and making sustainable choices. 🍃🙏 By mindfully interacting with nature during forest bathing, we can also find creative ways to express our connection with the environment. For example, we can use land art to create artwork using natural materials without harming nature. This allows us to unleash our creativity while expressing our respect for the environment. 🎨🌿 Let's seize this opportunity to reflect on how we can strengthen our environmental consciousness in our daily lives. Whether it's reducing plastic waste, choosing sustainable products, or advocating for forest conservation - every small step makes a difference! 💚🌱 Together, let's embrace forest bathing as a way to deepen our connection with nature and amplify our commitment to environmental protection. Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments below! 🌲💬 Follow me on this journey of conscious connection with nature and be inspired by my experiences and insights on forest bathing. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment! 🌿💧✨ #ForestBathingForConsciousConnection #MindfulConnectionWithNature #LandArtAndEnvironmentalConsciousness #ProtectingOurEnvironment #SustainableLiving #CreativeWaysForNature #TogetherForTheEnvironment

11/2/2023, 12:09:36 AM

🌊 Did you know? Three-quarters of the waste in the ocean is plastic. Every year, between 4.8 - 12.7 million tons of plastic end up in the seas. 😔💔 🌍 Now, the big question: What can WE do? 🤔 Active environmental protection starts with us! 🌿 Simple tip: Don't litter! Every small action counts and contributes to protecting our oceans. 💪 Be an environmental hero in your daily life! Use reusable bags, bottles, and containers. Cut down on your plastic consumption and recycle consciously. Together, we can make a difference! #PlasticFree #EnvironmentalProtection #OceanPollution #Sustainability #togetherfortheenvironment

10/30/2023, 5:12:34 PM

Going green has never looked so good! ♻️🌿 Join me in the #TogetherForTheEnvironment movement with these organic, 100% compostable, and recyclable goodies. Let's reduce our carbon footprint with style! 💚🌎 #EcoWarriorsUnite . ▶️ Follow @organio_ecogem for more updates!! . ▶️ Call us for more updates!! 📞 +91 8511885505 . #eco #ecofriendly #green #nature #ecofriendlyliving #ecofriendlyliving #nontoxic

10/23/2023, 4:01:20 PM

Wir haben starke Impulse gesetzt: Neue Bäume an der Wandse gepflanzt! Diese Bäume - gesponsort von der Fielmann AG, der wir von ganzem Herzen danken - stehen jetzt im Uferbereich des Flusses und sind ein weiterer Beitrag zum Klimaschutz! Bäume sind seit jeher ein fester Bestandteil der menschlichen Geschichte. Der Stammbaum, ein Begriff, der in vielen Kulturen verwendet wird, dient dazu, die Verbindung zwischen den Generationen darzustellen und die Geschichte einer Familie oder Gemeinschaft zu bewahren. In diesem Sinne repräsentieren Bäume die Kontinuität des Lebens und der Identität. Ein weiteres Symbol, das oft in religiösen Kontexten auftaucht, ist der "Lebensbaum". Dieser symbolische Baum verkörpert das Leben, die Fruchtbarkeit und die Verbindung zwischen Himmel und Erde. In vielen Religionen wird der Lebensbaum deshalb als heilig angesehen, da er das Leben selbst repräsentiert und in der Lage ist Generationen zu überdauern. Insgesamt sind Bäume ein bedeutsames spirituelles Kulturgut, das tiefe Wurzeln in unserer menschlichen Geschichte hat. Sie sind nicht nur ein wichtiger Teil unseres Ökosystems, sondern auch Symbole der Kontinuität und des Lebens. Die Mythen und Symbole von Bäumen in verschiedenen Kulturen und Religionen zeigen, wie eng sie mit dem menschlichen Leben verwoben sind und wie vielfältig sie uns dienen. Vielen Dank an alle, die heute mit großem Einsatz und hochmotiviert geholfen und damit einen bedeutungsvollen Beitrag geleistet haben! Die Freude von Euch ist auf den folgenden Fotos so deutlich zu sehen und macht einen Tag wie diesen zu einem Feiertag! Herzliche Grüße Euer Live To Love Team #LoveIsAction #LiveToLove #TreePlanting #ClimateProtection #Hamburg #Wandsbek #TogetherForTheEnvironment #Sustainability #Gratitude

10/22/2023, 8:39:22 PM

GEMEINSAM FÜR UNSERE WELT Liebe Freunde des Klimaschutzes, wir freuen uns, euch zu einer ganz besonderen Aktion einzuladen: Eine Baumpflanzung, die unsere Stadt wieder ein Stück grüner und lebenswerter machen wird - und natürlich eine der effektivsten Maßnahmen ist, die Umwelt zu schützen und die Erderwärmung zu verlangsamen! Am Sonntag, den 22.10., um 13 Uhr werden wir an der wunderschönen Wandse 2 Flatterulmen und 3 Birken in die Erde bringen. Ein großes Dankeschön geht an das Bezirksamt Wandsbek mit dem Amt für Wasserwirtschaft, die uns diese wunderbare Fläche entlang der Wandse zur Verfügung stellen. Auch gilt unser immerwährender Dank der Fielmann AG, die uns bereits seit Langem vertraut und die Bäume für diese Aktion gesponsert hat. Lasst uns gemeinsam einen Beitrag für die Gesundheit von Mutter Erde leisten. Wenn Du dabei sein willst, melde Dich bei unserem Teamlead Sabine: [email protected] Jeder gepflanzte Baum zählt! Gemeinsam schaffen wir eine grünere und gesündere Zukunft. Euer Live To Love Team #LoveIsAction #LiveToLove #TreePlanting #ClimateProtection #TogetherForTheEnvironment #Sustainability #Gratitude

10/20/2023, 12:23:30 PM

🌊⛵ Sailing into a Greener Future ⛵🌿 We're thrilled to team up with @sailgpesp, a passionate advocate for sustainable sailing practices! At Ecoworks Marine, we're all about protecting the oceans and the environment. Together, we can make a real difference. 🌍💙 🌱 Ecoworks Marine - Eco-Friendly Solutions for Boaters 🌎 @sailgpesp - Promoting Sustainable Sailing Join us in our mission to keep our oceans clean and beautiful for generations to come. Stay tuned for exciting eco-friendly sailing tips, product highlights, and adventures with #SailGPESP! 🌊🌞 #EcoworksMarine #SailGPESP #SustainabilityAtSea #CleanOceans #SailGreen #TogetherForTheEnvironment

10/17/2023, 2:47:38 PM

♻️ 🌏 یکی از ساده ترین کارهایی که میتونیم برای محیط زیست انجام بدیم تفکیک زباله های خشک از تر هست. این تفکیک شاید زمان بر بنظر برسه، اما شما فقط به دوتا کیسه زباله احتیاج دارین که زباله هارو از هم تفکیک کنید، کار بسیار آسونیه. این فرهنگ رو تو خونه و خانوادت جا بنداز ما لایق بهتریناییم و بهترین عملکرد رو از خودمون نشون میدیم🤌💚 … 🇮🇷 🌎 کیمیاور ‎تولید کننده انواع کیسه فریزر و کیسه زباله ‎با ‎بیش از ۳۰ سال سابقه Plastic Bag & Garbage Bag Manufacturer 30+ Years In Experience … 🌐| 📧| [email protected] ☎️| +98 26 37 36 1960 📞| +98 910 240 2218 … #تفکیک_زباله #بازیافت #کیسه_زباله #کیمیاور #پلاستیک #garbegbag #wastemanagement #Recycle #TogetherForTheEnvironment

9/30/2023, 9:26:51 AM

🌱💚 TOGETHER FOR A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT! 🌱💚 Last Saturday, we teamed up and took action for our environment on Together we collected a lot of trash in and around the English Garden and made a small contribution to improving our environment. Nature has so much to offer us and it is our responsibility to protect and preserve it. Every trash bag we filled reminds us that small acts can make big changes. It was great to see so many of you join us in this important cause. A heartfelt thank you to all the participants who joined us in our commitment to a cleaner environment. 💪🌍 #MBS #businessschool #innovative #responsible #globallyminded #bachelor #environmentalcare #worldcleanupday #togetherfortheenvironment #sustainability #englishgarden

9/19/2023, 2:02:35 PM

🌿 We'll let you decide! 🌿 Our #sustainable values are our driving force, and we want to ensure that our products meet your expectations. That's why we need your opinion! We have two possible designs for our sustainability seals. Which design do you find more appealing and representative of our company? ➡️ Option A: the first option is based on the shape of a hexagon and reminds of a beehive. ➡️ Option B: with a strong visual character, this design makes it easier to identify the certification. Let us know your choice! Simply comment with "A" or "B" and help us shape the future of our sustainability seal. Your opinion matters! 💚 Design: @cotadesignestrategico #sustainability #sustainabilityseal #youropinion #environmentallyconscious #togetherfortheenvironment #sustainablechoice

9/15/2023, 4:12:39 PM

🌍✨ Verantwortung übernehmen, für heute und morgen! Heute möchte ich über ein Thema sprechen, das uns alle betrifft: Nachhaltigkeit und der Schutz unserer wunderbaren Erde. ♻️ Jeder von uns hat die Chance, einen positiven Einfluss zu hinterlassen, indem wir bewusste Entscheidungen treffen. Upcycling ist dabei ein wertvoller Weg, unseren Beitrag zu leisten. Aus scheinbar Unbrauchbarem entstehen einzigartige Schätze - eine alte Kiste wird zum trendigen Regal, ein Stoffrest wird zur stylischen Tasche. Durch Upcycling zeigen wir, dass Ressourcen nicht endlos sind und dass Kreativität Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft bereithält. Wir leben Nachhaltigkeit nicht nur mit unserem Label, sondern auch darüber hinaus. Denn kommende Generationen möchten auch auf diesem schönen Planeten leben.💚 Somit sind wir heute auf dem Weg zur Fridays for Future Demo in Berlin! Bist du auch dabei? Gemeinsam können wir die Zukunft gestalten und für eine nachhaltigere Welt eintreten. 💪 #FridaysForFuture #Klimaschutz #GemeinsamFürDieZukunft #BerlinDemo #EndeVonFossilenBrennstoffen #Nachhaltigkeit #Emissionsfrei #LokaleProduktion #Umweltschutz #BewussterKonsum #NachhaltigeMode #Wandel #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt #Climate Protection #TogetherForTheFuture #BerlinDemo #EndOfFossilFuels #Sustainability #Emission-free #Local Production #Environmental Protection #ConsciousConsumption #SustainableFashion #Change #TogetherForTheEnvironment #UpcyclingBedsheets

9/15/2023, 10:12:07 AM

Der Klimawandel ist real, und wir alle können dazu beitragen, ihn zu bekämpfen! Heute haben wir für euch einige einfache Schritte gesammelt, wie du deinen ökologischen Fußabdruck im Alltag reduzieren kannst. ☀️ Dein kleiner Beitrag kann einen großen Unterschied machen! 💚 Welche dieser Schritte setzt du bereits um, und welche möchtest du in deinem Leben einführen? Teile deine Gedanken und Erfahrungen in den Kommentaren! Zusammen können wir die Welt ein Stückchen grüner machen. 🌿🌎 #Nachhaltigkeit #ÖkologischerFußabdruck #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt - Climate change is real, and we can all help fight it! Today, we've collected some simple steps for you to take to reduce your environmental footprint in your everyday life.☀️ Your small contribution can make a big difference! 💚 Which of these steps are you already implementing, and which ones would you like to introduce into your life? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments! Together, we can make the world a little bit greener. 🌿🌎 #Sustainability #EcologicalFootprint #TogetherForTheEnvironment

9/13/2023, 11:01:43 AM

Dear Centrale Végétale Family! 🌱 Our "Good Market" vegetable rescue project has made it to the next round of the ClimaNow Spotlight competition! 🚀 Now, we need your support to make it to the finals. 🏆 Until September 15th, the Public Voting is underway, where the top 7 ideas with the most votes have the chance to present their idea to the jury. Let's come together to create the most fantastic vegetable rescue platform and, at the same time, celebrate nature and the hard work of our local farmers. 🌍💚 Thank you for being a part of our mission! 👉 Click the link in our bio and cast your vote for "Good Market“. Feel free to share the link with your friends who would like to support our idea. Together, we can achieve greatness! 💪 #goodmarket #vegetablerescue #climanowspotlight #reducefoodprint #togetherfortheenvironment

9/12/2023, 11:47:39 AM

Vergangenen Samstag haben unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen am großen Aktionstag #rhinecleanup 2023 teilgenommen. Mit vereinten Kräften haben sie in Mannheim auf der Friesenheimer Insel das Flussufer von Müll befreit. 🌿🌍 Wir sind stolz auf unser RKW-Team und danken jedem, der sich am Wochenende die Zeit genommen hat, an dieser tollen Initiative teilzunehmen. 👏 — Last Saturday, our colleagues took part in the action day #rhinecleanup 2023. They joined forces in Mannheim to clean up the riverbank from litter. 🌿🌍 We are proud of our RKW team and thank everyone who took the time to participate in this great initiative over the weekend. 👏 #rkw #whenexcellencematters #cleanup #umweltschutz #nachhaltigkeit #teamwork #gemeinsamfürdieumwelt #surfriderfoundationbadenpfalz #environmentalprotection #sustainability #togetherfortheenvironment

9/11/2023, 1:27:53 PM

Normally, I only share joyful insights from my travels, filled with happiness, enjoyment, and relaxation. But on my recent journeys, I've been haunted by some thoughts.. A walk along the stunning beaches should be a source of pure delight. Unfortunately, this beauty is often marred by a somber sight. The glistening water that welcomes us also reveals how irresponsibly we treat our planet – plastic and trash floating in the water serve as a reminder of the urgent need to protect our environment. It breaks my heart everytime I witness our precious marine ecosystems suffering under the weight of plastic pollution. The bays that have been a refuge for generations are now contaminated with plastic bags and bottles. Coral reefs are slowly dying, leaving behind only melancholic, colorless surfaces. The demise of coral reefs has various causes, but undoubtedly, the most significant factor is global warming. Rising sea temperatures lead to coral bleaching, where delicate coral polyps expel their colorful algae partners, depriving them of their vital source of nutrition. These bleached and weakened corals become susceptible to diseases and ultimately perish. Every plastic bag that finds its way into the ocean endangers the lives of our marine inhabitants. We must all strive to change our habits, reduce plastic use, and actively advocate for clean beaches and waters. Let's preserve the beauty of Cyprus and other coastal paradises so that future generations can experience them just as we have. 🌊 #PlasticPollution #OceanTrash #EnvironmentalProtection #Cyprus #TogetherForTheEnvironment

9/8/2023, 5:35:00 PM

Wusstest du schon...? Dass jedes Jahr fast 7 Millionen Tonnen Plastikmüll im Meer landen? Das entspricht dem Gewicht von rund 100 Kreuzfahrtschiffen! 😳 Unglaublich, oder? 🙈 Nachhaltigkeit wird immer wichtiger in unserer Zeit 🌱 Deshalb ist es entscheidend, Plastik wiederzuverwenden und weniger davon zu produzieren. #Nachhaltigkeit #Umweltschutz #Meeresverschmutzung #Recycling #GemeinsamFürDieUmwelt 🌍 _____ Did you know...? That nearly 7 million tons of plastic waste end up in the ocean each year? That's equivalent to the weight of around 100 cruise ships! 😳 Incredible, isn't it? 🙈 Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in our time 🌱 That's why it's crucial to reuse plastic and produce less of it. #Sustainability #EnvironmentalProtection #MarinePollution #Recycling #TogetherForTheEnvironment 🌍

9/5/2023, 2:14:25 PM

🌳💚 Together Strong for Our Earth! 🌍🌱 3 Steps to a Greener Future: Plant a Tree: Make a statement for nature! Visit and join our tree planting initiative. 🌳🌱 #TreePlanting #Sustainability #makeadifference Protect the Environment: Your tree grows, creating habitat. With each tree, you support our ecosystems and contribute to climate protection. 🍃🌿 #EcoFriendly #ClimateAction #GreenLiving Feel Good: Taking action brings happiness! The positive feeling of having done something good for our planet accompanies you on your journey to sustainability. 💚✨ Join in and become part of the Rotarywald movement! Click the link in our bio to get directly involved in tree planting. 🌱🌍 #RotaryWald #TreePlanting #EnvironmentalProtection #TogetherForTheEnvironment ' (source Julian Paolo-Dayag, unsplash)

8/7/2023, 9:43:05 AM

🌳🌍 Protecting our trees is protecting life on Earth. By caring for our forests and adopting sustainable practices, we can contribute to the resilience of our ecosystems and ensure a green future for generations to come. 💚🌍 #ProtectOurForests #TakeCareOfNature #TogetherForTheEnvironment

8/4/2023, 6:01:34 PM

Guess what? We're totally rocking it with our ISO 14001 certification - the big-time global nod for our environmental management systems. At the heart of our business, we're all about keeping our planet safe and sound. With ISO14001, we've got the superhero powers to cut waste, save precious resources and shrink our carbon footprint! Right now, we've got a bunch of cool projects on the go that push us further towards our eco-goals: ♻️ We're on a mission to boost recycling rates and save the day by eliminating waste going to landfill. Zero waste? Heck yeah! 👣 We're putting our foot down on single-use plastics and embracing eco-friendly alternatives like paper-based materials. Say goodbye to plastic, and hello to sustainability! ⚡️ Our energy game is going through the roof! We're going all-in on 100% renewable energy to power our operations. It's like magic - clean and green! 🌱 We're working on a fancy carbon footprint tool that helps us track and manage carbon emissions from each print job. It's like having a carbon detective in our #squad! We've got an A-team of passionate peeps dedicated to making the world a greener and cleaner place! 🌿 But hey, we can't do this alone! By supporting businesses with ISO 14001 certification, you become an eco-warrior too and help us leave this planet better than we found it! #ISO14001 #EnvironmentalResponsibility #Sustainability #GreenFuture #EcoFriendly #ProtectOurPlanet #GoGreen #TogetherForTheEnvironment

8/4/2023, 12:10:09 PM

🌿💼 Looking for an employer with a clear environmental focus? Siqens is the answer! 💼🌿 At Siqens, sustainability and climate protection are at the core of our motivation and mission! 🌍💚 Our electrochemical technology for hydrogen separation (EHS) is the key to making a positive impact on the environment and creating a greener world. 🌱 This is just one of the many ways we reduce our environmental footprint! 🍃 If you're eager to be part of our team dedicated to make a positive contribution to our planet, come and check us out! 👉🏽👉🏽 #Siqens #ClimateProtection #Sustainability #GreenFuture #EnvironmentalProtection #EHS #hydrogen #Electrochemistry #TogetherForTheEnvironment #JobOpportunity

8/4/2023, 11:19:12 AM

#𝐈𝐍𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐎𝐒 🌳🌱🌍 𝐇𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝! 🌿🌞 In honor of World Rangers Day, 54 passionate participants joined hands on August 1, to embark on a tree-planting journey at the Forest Corridor in Barangay Cabayugan. Together, they nurtured the land with 200 holes filled with dreams of a thriving ecosystem, having planted 200 assorted premium hardwood species. With the sun just rising, the extraordinary Park Rangers of PPSRNP, personnel from Best Western Plus: The Ivywall Hotel, and the noble US Marine Corps participants of BALIKATAN Exercise stood side by side, forming an unstoppable force for conservation. But our efforts didn't stop there! They also extended their care to Saint Paul Bay, conducting a Beach Clean-up initiative to ensure a safe and clean home for our marine life, removing every piece of debris collected. This tree-planting activity was more than just an event; it was a collective call to action for a sustainable future. Together, they have made World Rangers Day 2023 truly remarkable, leaving a lasting legacy of care and responsibility for Mother Nature.🌎🤝 #OurPPUR #ExperienceTheWonder #PuertoPrincesaUndergroundRiver #PuertoPrincesaSubterraneanRiverNationalPark #WorldRangersDay2023 #HopePlanted #TreePlanting #ForestConservation #BeachCleanup #SustainableFuture #TogetherForTheEnvironment

8/1/2023, 2:05:04 PM

🏠 Welcome to Household-X: Your Eco-Friendly Home! Embrace Sustainable Coliving! 🌏🌱 Discover the perfect blend of comfort and eco-consciousness at Household-X! 🌿🏡 We are proud to be a coliving real estate in Coliving, committed to making a 500% positive impact on the environment! 🌍💪 Join our community of like-minded individuals, dedicated to reducing our carbon footprint and living harmoniously with nature! 🌳✨ Together, we can create a greener, brighter future for generations to come. 🌱🏠 #HouseholdX #EcoFriendlyLiving #SustainableColiving #GreenLiving #TogetherForTheEnvironment 🌿🏡💚 👉

7/27/2023, 8:01:58 PM

Join us for an informative Community Town Hall meeting discussing Carbon Capture and Storage, Co-hosted by Stockton Vice Mayor @kimberly.warmsley, Stockton Council Member @brando__villapudua_ and California Resources Corporation. July 27th, 6 pm at the Van Buskirk Community Center in Stockton.

7/25/2023, 5:08:06 PM

♻️Agora completando nosso mosaico, já com o tipos de plástico definido e cores separadas, prontinhas para a trituração! 👦🏽👦🏻Já leu nosso último post sobre o processo envolvente que conduzimos com as crianças? 🤔Ainda não? Então corre lá para não perder nenhuma informação! ;) #ReverseLab #reciclagemcomascriancas #sustentabilidadecriativa #conscientizaçãoambiental #juntospelomeioambiente #recyclingwithchildren #sustainabilityeducation #environmentalawareness #togetherfortheenvironment ♻️Completing our mosaic, already with the defined plastic type and separated colours, ready for shredding! 👦🏽👦🏻Have you read our latest post about the engaging process we conduct with the children? 🤔Not yet? Hurry up and check it out so you don't miss any information! ;)

7/17/2023, 5:06:10 PM