arrival images

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🔥韓系百搭圓領蝴蝶結印花寬松短袖T恤🔥 編號:53552【 百變甜妹~ 】 誰穿誰好看~ 散髮甜甜氛圍感的蝴蝶結印花T恤 隨意搭配一件下裝都足夠時髦 寬松版型 顯瘦又遮肉 拿捏鬆弛感穿搭 不用費盡心思凹造型 主打一個舒適自在 白色素淨百搭 灰色基礎日常 閉眼衝! 顏色:白色 深煙灰 淺花灰 💰299 #sun女裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 2:39:57 AM

🔥版型超正高彈超柔感棉質圓領T恤花🔥 編號:979【 骨感日常,顯瘦首推 】 誰還沒擁有這件質量超好的純色辣妹T 恤! 短款修身版型 直接拉長身材比例 給人一種隨便穿都很好看的感覺 圓領修飾脖頸線條,日常搭配不費力 純棉優質面料,上身柔軟又舒適 简约纯色设计,穿出酷飒时髦氛围感 時髦精姐妹們快衝 時尚辣妹感狠狠拿捏住了! 嚴選9個顏色 包色衝量必敗❗️ 顏色:淺藍 白色 花灰 淺灰 炭灰 灰杏 軍綠 咖啡 黑色 💰299 #sun女裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 2:28:52 AM

🔥 韓範小眾男友感翻玩刺繡長版襯衫 🔥 編號:8397 【 必入!洋氣時髦 】 完美詮釋下半身失蹤 左胸前logo刺繡 設計感滿滿~ 寬鬆長版可單穿也可以外搭 換季當打底搭配也是yyds!!! 上身有纸片人既视感 遮肉显瘦 不挑身形 誰穿誰好看 搭配靴子簡約又百搭 時髦有范兒~ 顏色:黑色 白色 💰490 #sun女裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 1:43:20 AM

🔥設計感坎肩襯衫+翻玩針織方領扁身吊帶SET🔥 編號:3093 【 洋氣日常 】 兩件套 CP值巨高!超顯骨感! 內裏背心 英字印花拼接 設計感滿滿~針織面料 親膚柔軟 小短款襯衫圓弧設計 視覺拉長身材比例 展露迷人腰線同時 更顯率性俐落 街頭美式又很有隨意感~狠狠愛了! 顏色:藍色 白色 黑色 💰590 #sun女裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 1:37:14 AM

🔥 顯瘦多色美式短款小個子休閒牛仔外套 🔥 編號:80112 【復古舊金山】 春天必備的萬能搭配牛仔外套 落肩短款版型 超級顯瘦遮肉 利落的裁剪從視覺上拉長比例 下擺處微收腰+腰畔裝飾 小個子姐妹直接閉眼衝!!! 細節感滿滿 拿到手你就會知道了 顏色自帶復古風韓系的感覺 搭配小背心或者搭配連身裙也很好看❤️ 顏色:淺藍 復古深藍 復古黑 奶油色 純黑 💰590 #sun女裝 #sun女裝外套 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 1:16:00 AM

🔥森系純欲風甜美碎花吊帶🔥 編號:387【夏日穿搭】 夏日穿搭靈感森 碎花小吊帶美炸了 推薦一款又純又欲的碎花小吊帶背心❤️ 增加ootd的可愛指數啊! V型領口➕胸前小抓皺設計 展現迷人鎖骨線條 性感又不失可愛 質感讓人收穫滿滿的心動同時還非常實穿 肩帶是做可調節的背面拼接蕾絲 彈性大 誰看了不迷糊呀😻 顏色:黃色 綠色 紫色 💰250 #sun女裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 1:04:15 AM

🔥甜辣襯衫+馬甲配裙三件高級感套裝🔥 編號:6005 【 法式小香 女團學院風 】 一秒心動的精緻小姊姊套裝! 皺褶肌理荷葉邊袖口泡泡袖襯衫 搭配黑色針織背心 美到冒泡🫧 整个顯貴氣千金氣質感 胸前交叉黑色小領帶 少女感拿捏了 下身搭配A字高腰版型褲裙 西裝挺版面料 更能修飾腰線及腿型 整體黑白撞色 高級感拉滿 很難不愛啊! 顏色:黑 尺碼:S M 💰690 #sun女裝 #sun套裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 12:48:02 AM

🔥 褶皺收腰簍空系繩碎花連衣裙 🔥 編號:4069 【 茶歇法式|帶胸墊 】 一眼心動的包臀碎花洋 藏藍色的碎花洋太顯白太好看! 內裡罩杯胸口下心機小開口若隱若現的 尊督愛了😍 收腰配上側抓皺 遮肉顯瘦絕絕子! 完美顯露身材曲線 好身材拿捏了! 長度適中小個子的女生也很🉑️ 真的狠狠給我美住了❤️ 顏色:琥珀 夜藍 尺碼:S M 💰650 #sun女裝 #sun套裝 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 12:37:46 AM

🔥高腰提臀純凈奶油🧁白色系喇叭牛仔褲🔥 編號:9756【腿精必備】 vocal!真的好愛超模漫畫神仙褲! 穿出漫畫感顯瘦版型 藏肉顯高高腰設計 收腰提臀 完美隱藏胖的地方 拉長腿部線條 看著更加纖細修長 雙腿看起來更加筆直纖細 瘦到底的效果一覽無余! 面料是微彈牛仔真的是我的夢中情褲 簡直太絕啦!氣質嘎嘎提升! 尺寸表 S 腰圍60 臀圍80褲長103 M 腰圍64 臀圍84 褲長104 L 腰圍68 臀圍88 褲長105 XL 腰圍72 臀圍92 褲長106 顏色:白色 尺碼:S M L XL 💰599 #sun女裝 #sun女褲 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 12:19:26 AM

🔥奶油基底,菱格纹編織顯瘦直筒闊腿牛仔褲🔥 編號:9757【 輕夏小香風 】 誰懂啊!!!這條褲子真的都必須試試 提花菱格小香風闊腿牛仔褲! 奶油白色真的好特别好好看!特別顯白襯膚 面料敲透气,提花设计小众独特 嘎嘎美! 直筒版型显瘦遮胯很修饰腿型! 任何身形的姐妹都能駕馭 真的誰穿誰好看 上身搭配短踢或是吊帶上衣都好好看~ 上身显得温柔又气质~韩韩的感觉~ 太精致了~勸敗高級單品!!搭啥都是一套賣!!! 尺寸表: S 腰圍64 臀圍94褲長103 M 腰圍68 臀圍93 褲長104 L 腰圍72 臀圍102 褲長105 XL 腰圍76 臀圍106 褲長106 顏色:白色 尺碼:S M L XL 💰599 #sun女裝 #sun女褲 #ootd #outfit #ootdgirl #outfitoftheday #sereetstyle #awag #fashionist #style #arrival #週週新款 #韓國 #日常穿搭 #搭配 #多層次搭配 #潮流 #潮流穿搭 #女裝 #套裝 #個性女孩 #實品拍攝 #情侶日常 #大學T #韓系穿搭 #情侶上衣

5/2/2024, 12:06:52 AM

This genre is what movies are all about. It’s no surprise that about half of my top-10 movies are science fiction. This genre is so rich in themes, world-building, characters, and conflicts that it’s got something for everyone. I used the term genre a lot (even in this description) but I do feel science fiction is more a medium to tell any type of story, rather than a scientific genre with similar traits. Sure most of these films are similar in a broader sense, but again, any type of story can be told within this medium. Science fiction is just the backdrop to help better tell the story and convey the themes. Let me know what you think of science fiction as a whole and the films I chose in the comments below.

5/1/2024, 11:51:53 PM

Low and slow, on approach. A visiting Lightning from Luke recovering to Kingsley after some drills with the local Eagles. I will always love the F-15s but the F-35 did grow on me a bit more, watching them rip up the skies over Klamath Falls. Will have to make another trip when they're in town again! ======================== 15-5120 United States Air Force, 944th Fighter Wing Lockheed F-35A Lightning II LMT - LMT 10 April 2024 ======================== @944th_fw #usairforce #usaf #lockheed #lockheedmartin #f35 #f35a #f35lightningii #military #militaryaviation #fighterjet #stealthfighter #klamathfalls #kingsleyfield #landofnoslack #instagramaviation #instaaviation #planespotting #aviation #aviationlovers #aviationdaily #aviationlife #aviationphotography #airplane #plane #fly #155120 #landing #arrival

5/1/2024, 11:45:36 PM

Blade Runner 2049 by @lemonsinthesky7 _________________________________________________ Tag friends and follow @lemonsinthesky7 and @nolan_villeneuve_art_gallery for more 😀 _________________________________________________ 3 pics 🏙 👉🏻 Swipe to discover 😀 _________________________________________________ #cinemaposter #movieposter #posterart #movieart #filmart #posterdesign #filmposter #carteldecine #bladerunner #bladerunner2049 #ryangosling #jaredleto #anadearmas #sylviahoeks #denisvilleneuve #mackenziedavis #cyberpunk #cyberpunkart #harrisonford #scifimovies #philipkdick #rickdeckard #officerk #tearsintherain #arrival #arrivalmovie #sicario #dune #dunemovie #ブレードランナー2049

5/1/2024, 11:12:21 PM

🎞️ “Se você pudesse ver toda a sua vida 😌 do início ao fim 🔚... mudaria alguma coisa? … Apesar de conhecer toda a jornada 🛣️ ... E onde ela me levará 🌎... eu a aceito e acolho cada momento dela 👶🏻” #BluRay #DVD #Colecionador #Colecionáveis #EdiçãoEspecial #DenisVilleneuve #AmyAdams #JeremyRenner #ForestWhitaker #Arrival #AChegada #FicçãoCientífica #Extraterrestres #Linguagem #Comunicação #Mistério #Alienígenas #Feriado #Cinema #movies #villeneuve #foryou #foruoupage #instagood #photooftheday #feriaso #lucasdorioverde

5/1/2024, 11:08:34 PM

Enjoy this beautiful photo from the 'Shine' sessions, magnificently restored in high quality by @miss_perfection_lyngstad ❤️ #abba #abbafans #abbavoyage #sweden #agnethafältskog #agnetha #annifridlyngstad #lyngstad #annifrid #bennyandersson #benny #björnulvaus #björn #fridnetha #arrival #Waterloo #dancingqueen #gimme #thankyouforthemusic #memories #fans #soulful #instamoments #abbaforever

5/1/2024, 10:27:31 PM

أكبر تشكيلة ادوات منزلية مميزة والوان عديدة💣🧨مزيج من #الأناقة و التميّز 👈من #momaz 🧨🤗 ❇️#اسعار_مدروسة 🥰💣 #بجودة عالية و نوعية مميّزة 🧚‍♀️ لأننا نهتم بتفاصيل ضيافتكـ ... خدمة التوصيـ🚗ـل متوفرة إلى كافة المناطق للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل على الرقم التالي : 76/840092 📲 #younes_household #hospitalitydesign #newcollection24 #arrival #ضيافة #serving #whiteporcelain #رمضان2024

5/1/2024, 10:24:18 PM

أكبر تشكيلة ادوات منزلية مميزة والوان عديدة💣🧨مزيج من #الأناقة و التميّز 👈من #momaz 🧨🤗 ❇️#اسعار_مدروسة 🥰💣 #بجودة عالية و نوعية مميّزة 🧚‍♀️ لأننا نهتم بتفاصيل ضيافتكـ ... خدمة التوصيـ🚗ـل متوفرة إلى كافة المناطق للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل على الرقم التالي : 76/840092 📲 #younes_household #hospitalitydesign #newcollection24 #arrival #ضيافة #serving #whiteporcelain #رمضان2024

5/1/2024, 10:23:55 PM

أكبر تشكيلة ادوات منزلية مميزة والوان عديدة💣🧨مزيج من #الأناقة و التميّز 👈من #momaz 🧨🤗 ❇️#اسعار_مدروسة 🥰💣 #بجودة عالية و نوعية مميّزة 🧚‍♀️ لأننا نهتم بتفاصيل ضيافتكـ ... خدمة التوصيـ🚗ـل متوفرة إلى كافة المناطق للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل على الرقم التالي : 76/840092 📲 #younes_household #hospitalitydesign #newcollection24 #arrival #ضيافة #serving #whiteporcelain #رمضان2024

5/1/2024, 10:21:18 PM

أكبر تشكيلة ادوات منزلية مميزة والوان عديدة💣🧨مزيج من #الأناقة و التميّز 👈من #momaz 🧨🤗 ❇️#اسعار_مدروسة 🥰💣 #بجودة عالية و نوعية مميّزة 🧚‍♀️ لأننا نهتم بتفاصيل ضيافتكـ ... خدمة التوصيـ🚗ـل متوفرة إلى كافة المناطق للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى التواصل على الرقم التالي : 76/840092 📲 #younes_household #hospitalitydesign #newcollection24 #arrival #ضيافة #serving #whiteporcelain #رمضان2024

5/1/2024, 10:21:01 PM

Misma falda, varias opciones. Aquí les dejo un pequeño ejemplo de que una prenda la podemos combinar con varios estilos y usarla para varias ocasiones. Viste diferente, viste Yeii 🫶 Visítanos! Te esperamos 📍Vicente Guerrero 5428📍 ✨HORARIO✨ ⏰ Lunes a Sábado⏰ Horario corrido 11am a 7pm 💳Aceptamos tarjeta de débito y crédito #moda #style #ropa #yeiicloset #yeiiclosetciudadjuarez #outfits #tiendaderopa #ropamujeres #ciudadjuarez #fashion #somosyeiicloset #selflove #newcollection #jrz #cuu #yeii #new #arrival #newarrivals #memes #newcollection #ootd #beachlife #goodvibes #summervibes #skirt #mothersday #ootd

5/1/2024, 10:14:10 PM

01.05.2024 | On our way to Crete! ✈️🇬🇷 Photo 1: Goodmorning! It’s 4.30 a.m. We’re heading to Eindhoven Airport. Our flight departs at 7.55 a.m. Photo 2: Made it to the airport! Our suitcase was overweight, so we had to pay 15 euros extra. What did we learn from this? Always weigh your luggage before departure! We forgot and besides that we don’t even have a luggage scale, oops 🫣 Photo 3: Feeling a bit tired but ready to board! ✈️ Photo 4: I really love this photo. Photo 5: Amazing views from the plane - check out those mountains! 🏔️ Photo 6: We rented a car, because our accommodation is around an hour from the airport. First we wanted to take a taxi, but the price of the taxi was around 140 euros. However. Renting a car was cheaper! It was only 90 euros for the whole week. Just a little story time… If you’re going to rent a car you need a credit card for the deposit. But with less sleep and not that much focus I filled up the wrong PIN code three times in a row. I stressed out. Luckily we could use the credit card of Larissa! Video 7: I absolutely love this room. It is really spacious, modern and the balcony has their own jacuzzi! 😍🥹 I won’t complain! Also, we booked all inclusive. Photo 8: This view 🌊 Photo 9: All inclusive perks: unlimited cocktails… 👌🏼🍹 Photo 10: Another one! Cheers!🍹 #travelwithme #travelwithelise #crete #agiosnikolaos #allinclusive #resort #visitgreece #greece #visitcrete #eindhovenairport #transavia #fly #departure #arrival

5/1/2024, 8:45:02 PM

Blessing your feed today with this badass babe Rockin cowboy killer • Use her code Katie33 to save! • #new #arrival #western #western #necklace #new #handmade #fyp #foryou #jewelry #western #style #westernfashion #westerninfluencer #smallbusiness #westernoutfitinspo #amethystacres #ordernow #smallbusinesssupport #like #comment #follow

5/1/2024, 8:36:23 PM

New arrivals 🛬🛬 up to 50 % off 📴🔥❤️ Website link 🖇️ . . . #shoesbooties #shoes #arrival

5/1/2024, 8:23:27 PM

Finally after a long wait "jewelries are here✨" . . . . post credits: @neo.digital_at . . . #_findeverything.online_ #jewelry #arrival #newarrivals #shopping #shopnow #prettyjewellery #style #Fashion #LikeFollowShare #ordernow #deliveryavailableinkarachi

5/1/2024, 8:09:31 PM

Coming Soon to! Ideal for the summer season, this Midi Dress with Floral Print and Cut Out details is a must-have. With a round neckline, sleeveless design, back self-tie, ruffle hem, and elasticized waist, it offers both style and comfort. Made of 82% rayon, 18% nylon, and lined with 100% polyester. #new #arrival #newarrival #dress #womensdresses #summer #summerdress #summertime #keweenawklass #boutique #boutiquefashion

5/1/2024, 8:01:01 PM

NEW NEW NEW 🫢🤩. … Mercedes-Benz Vito 116CDI LICHTE VRACHT - 04/2024 - 323 (!) Km - Automaat - € 43 000,- + BTW. … 🌐LM-MOTORS.BE 💻 Facebookpagina @lmmotorsizegem ☎️+32 (0) 497 11 74 65 📍Zuidkaai 40 / 5 8870 Izegem … new #arrival #cars #new #clients #newcustomers# #carsofinstagram #luxurycars #lmmotors #izegem #mercedes #benz #vito #vans #amgpack

5/1/2024, 7:57:10 PM

A customer fave has made her arrival in ❣️RED❣️ Say hello to our Plus Ruffle Tiered Midi Dress😍 🏷️ XL-2X 💵 $65 . . . #new #her #arrival #red #dress #midi #plus #needit #addtocloset #shop1024 #shopnow #comesee #clevelandms

5/1/2024, 7:39:53 PM

<3 Todas las prendas fueron hechas handmade y con mucho cariño <3 YA DISPONIBLE, me las pueden pedir por dm Soon web activa #reciclado #amor #fashionrecycle #modasustentable #handmade #fashion #modaconsciente #slowfashion #newarrivals #stock #grwm #outfits #summer #2000 #ropa #style #arrival #stock #grwm #newarrivals

5/1/2024, 6:47:09 PM

Singapore Airlines Airbus A350-941ULR 9V-SGD seconds from touchdown on Runway 22L at JFK Airport after its 18 hour flight from Singapore (SIN) operating as SQ24. Photo date: September 16, 2023 #airline #aircraft #airport #avgeek #megaplane #aviation #jfk #kjfk #newyork #nyc #JFKairport #spotting #plane #planespotting #aviation #aviationdaily #singaporeairlines #flysingapore #singaporeairlinesa350ulr #a350 #a350ulr #9vsgd #airbus #airbuslovers #departure #arrival #2024

5/1/2024, 6:08:31 PM

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Airline: TUIfly Aircraft: Boeing 737 86J Route: Kos > Frankfurt Country: Germany Headquarter: Langenhagen Homebase: Hannover (HAJ) IATA-Code: X3 ICAO-Code: TUI --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partner: @fra.spotter_lht @aviation_erfurt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #tuifly #tuijet #boeing #boeing737 #boeing73786j #flughafenfrankfurt #frankfurtairport #fra #frankfurtammain #frankfurt #deutschland #germany #ferienflieger #ankunft #arrival #landung #landing #landeanflug #spotterstogether #flugzeuge #planespotting #planespotter #planes #aviation #tui #tuideutschland #tuiflydeutschland #robinson #robinsonclub

5/1/2024, 6:01:47 PM

That's awesome to hear! Feeling confident and comfortable in a swimsuit is so important. Shop now 🛍️🛒 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘 👉🏾𝑳𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑰𝒏 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒐👆🏾 Kindly visit 𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 𝑼𝒔👉🏾 @thicknthinswimwear #swimwear #swimsuit #bathingsuit #swimfashion #beachwear #sunday #happysunday #vacationvibes #vacationmode #travel #swim #swimwearmodels #follow #explore #IG #arrival #SwimwearDreams #swimstyle

5/1/2024, 5:54:39 PM

What’s up Instagram ! Still alive and happy to share you some new work. I do something for a movie that i really like, Arrival ! . . #denisvilleneuve #arrival #arrivalmovie #alien #movieposter #digitalart #photoshop #scifimovies #scifiart #posterdesign #posterart #lodgiko #whyaretheyhere #mystery #amyadams #jeremyrenner #forestwhitaker #alternativemovieposters

5/1/2024, 5:53:56 PM

Marijuana being shipped out to London in a small package manifested as “Men’s cotton jogging bottoms.” This was one of our recent seizures by the Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team along with CBP Task Force Officers assigned to Homeland Security Investigations. While recent trends of hundreds of pounds of marijuana being smuggled out at a time can make this “smaller” type of seizure seem insignificant in comparison, it often provides our investigative counterparts with enough information to slowly build big cases and score even harder narcotics. As the saying goes, every grain of sand makes the mountain, and every small clue leads to the big catch! . . . #cbp #newyork #newark #newarkairport #customsandborderprotection #ofo #nyfo #usa #bordersecurity #flights #internationalarrivals #arrival #cbpnewark #port #ny #nj #ewr #nlia #lawenforcement #integrity #service #vigilance #savinglives #protecting

5/1/2024, 5:49:38 PM

Arrival (2016) IMDb: 7.9/10 ❤️ . . . #arrival #amyadams #lovequotes #lovelines #love

5/1/2024, 5:35:03 PM

CSA 😁 ___________________________________________✈: A320-214 🔎: OK-HEU 🔊: TVS7XY ℹ: @czechairlines 🛫: Hurghada (HRG) 🛬: Brno (BRQ) 📸: Sony ✈⏱: 3:58 📍: Futurm (Brno) _________________________________________ #planespotter #planespotting #czechairlines #a320 #airbus #brnoairport #landing #aviation #arrival #avgeek

5/1/2024, 5:22:44 PM

✨️ like the first time ✨️ Il y a des films qu'on aimerait revoir comme si c'était la première fois tellement ils ont été marquants et uniques 🫰🏻 Voici ma sélection personnelle, j'attends les vôtres en commentaires 👀 #arrival #interstellar #abouttime #manchesterbythesea #theimpossible #infinitywar #narnia #themauritanian

5/1/2024, 5:01:36 PM

I was doing some demonstrations for my new lens, and the results turned out to be pretty good 😁 Airline/Operator: @flyairasia (AK/AXM) Aircraft type: @airbus A320-216 (A320/320) Engines: 2x CFMI CFM56-5B6/3 Registration: 9M-AGC Country of reg: Malaysia 🇲🇾 Callsign: AK1502/AXM1502 Route: Penang Bayan Lepas int'l airport [PEN/WMKP] ---> Tan Son Nhat int'l airport [SGN/VVTS] Date taken: May 1st, 2024. --------------------------------------------- #avgeek #avgeekphotography #aviation #airplanephotography #planespotting #aviationlovers #malaysia #laboursday #redcap #airbusa320200 #airbus #a320lovers #airasia #noweveryonecanfly #9magc #penang #tansonnhatairport #arrival #landing #instaaviation #instaaviationphotography

5/1/2024, 4:52:21 PM

][ BRIDGE ][ Are you departing or arriving? #bridge #airport #sacramento #departure #arrival #departure #building #photography #structure #airportlife #instadaily

5/1/2024, 4:49:49 PM

Done ✅💞 Dm for more details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @art_wi_th_bea_ds . . . . . . . . . . . . #clrfull #beaded #bracelets #new #arrival #🤍🤍💙💜 #fyppppppppppppppppp #supportsmallbusiness #karachi #followforfollowback

5/1/2024, 4:38:10 PM

Estas son algunas películas del espacio que tratan temas complejos y profundos como la evolución del ser humano, la naturaleza del tiempo, el poder de la memoria, la identidad personal o el lenguaje como herramienta/arma entre otros. PD.: Sé que “Arrival” no transcurre en el espacio pero por su temática, su evidente relación con el cosmos y que además es una película que me encanta 😬 Fe de erratas: Me comí la "h" de C(h)ristopher Nolan 😅 #cine #peliculas #cinema #movie #film #space #cienciaficcion #espacio #scifi #interstellar #2001aspaceodyssey #arrival #solaris #movies

5/1/2024, 4:29:12 PM

Airline : Korean Air Date : 2024.04.07 Location : Gimpo Int'l airport RWY 14R Reg : HL8556 Age : Brand new Airbus A321-272NX S/N : 11444 Country of Reg : South Korea From : Jeju(CJU) . #canon #5dmark3 #avgeek #airport #takeoff #landing #aviationphoto #arrival #departure #korea #seoul #runway #jejuairport #gimpoairport #airbus #a321neo #koreanair #hl8556 #대한항공

5/1/2024, 4:21:21 PM

💌 April Watches 💌 A fairly good month for watches. My favourites were Kill Bill Vol 1, Monkey Man, and Baby Reindeer! I hope you enjoy and comment your favourite watches in April! 💖

5/1/2024, 4:10:16 PM

Guess true white Iridescent Triangle logo tee #newcollection #arrival #fashion #trending #latestfashion #branzmark

5/1/2024, 4:04:12 PM