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Imposter syndrome isn’t caused by an accomplishment you oopsied your way into. It’s caused by a lagging identity bogged down with limiting beliefs you have about yourself. And those might be extra shittay if you: -- Are part of a marginalized group with fewer role models achieving this kind of success -- Are the first person in your family to achieve this level of success -- Grew up in a family that was super focused on achievement -- Grew up in a family that was overprotective and didn’t empower you to make decisions -- Grew up in a family with lots of conflict and criticism -- Are predisposed to anxiety, depression, or perfectionism To sum things up: Imposter syndrome isn’t a problem of you promoting beyond your capabilities. It’s an identity issue. You just don’t see how stinkin amazing you are…yet. #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #SuccessIdentity #successcoaching #successcoach

5/15/2024, 7:00:30 PM

Lumina Women's Collective is a 6 month group program for women who are determined to unlock their brilliance and create the vibrant soul-aligned life and work they envision for themselves. Having support along the way can make a huge difference. Getting the support and encouragement you're looking for can not only accelerate your results but help you build confidence. Plus, being in the company of other women working towards their dreams is a powerful thing when it comes to success. Lifting each other up, and sharing wins and challenges help to normalize the journey you're on to the future you're creating. It short circuits the inner critic and inspires you to keep going. Lumina is part course, part coaching, part community. You'll learn: 🌟A 4-step repeatable roadmap that taps into your inner wisdom and insight so you can rewire your mindset and expand your capacity to embrace the new level you're aiming for. 🌟Powerful mindset tools and strategies to dissolve self-doubt, fears, inner roadblocks and to overcome imposter thinking so you can get unstuck and back into momentum. 🌟Evidence-based, women-centered, feminine-aligned frameworks for designing actionable, authentic, and practical plans that will move you towards your goal and save you time, energy, and money. If you're ready to release self-doubt and imposter thinking, and elevate your confidence and capacity to step into your fullest potential and uplevel your career and life to do the work you were born to do, Lumina Women's Collective is the place to do it. Visit my b!o to learn more or drop a star emoji below and I'll shoot you a DM with the l!ink. #confidence #mindsetandmomentumreset #stepintoyourbrilliance #imposterthinking #maturestudent #highachievingwomen #careerchange #careerpivot #uplevelyourlife #createtheworkyoulove #nevertoolate #genxwomen #midlife #luminawomenscollective #candiceneveucoaching #careercoach #lifecoachforwomen #womenrising

5/15/2024, 4:30:04 PM

You don't need to have it all figured it out. Really, you don't. That's your brain saying that because you're doing some stretchy stuff and it wants to go back to the old, familiar ways that feel safe. That's the conditioning saying that because you're threatening to step out of your place and raise your head higher than is seemly...for a woman. If you wait till you have it all figured out, you'll never move. Some things you won't be able to plan for until you start taking action. So figure out a few things. It's good to be practical, but then take that next step forward, despite the fear. It's time. Want help navigating the fears and doubts that come up along this path? DM me to start the conversation. #itstime #courageisfearwalking #confidence #imposterthinking #createthelifeyoulove #createtheworkyoulove #mindsetandmomentum #gooutsideyourcomfortzone #highachievingwomen #mid40swomen #genXwomen #careercoaching #navigatechange #itsworthit #youdontneeditallfiguredout #lifecoachforwomen

5/11/2024, 11:01:26 PM

If you assume life is easy, blissful, and there are no challenges for some people… Be sure to ALSO assume that they have it hard, struggle, and get challenged all of the time. Because every single person is human. Every single person is experiencing human things. Even if it’s not the same, they are still having human things come up. Be sure to remember, that no matter who you look at, they are also experiencing being human, just like you. Let me know in the comments if any of these resonate with you. I’d love to hear your thoughts. You are not alone. . . . . . . . #behuman #beinghuman #thehumanexperience #socialmediaisfake #perfectionism #ImposterSyndrome #imposterthinking #PersonalGrowth #personaldevelopment #leadershipdevelopment #LeadershipCoaching #LeadershipSkills #MindsetShift #SuccessMindset #successcoach #ambitiousprofessionals #mindsetmatters #mindsetcoach

3/31/2024, 8:32:28 AM

Imagine what it would be like if you: 💃 Completed that assignment for your class on time without procrastinating or being terrified of submitting it. 💃 Went on that hike with your friends without worrying you weren’t as fit or kitted out as them. 💃 Sent out the “I’m in Business” email to your family and friends without worrying about whether they’d think you’re qualified to start your own business. 💃 Filled out that application to be a TEDx speaker without second guessing who would ever want to hear what you have to say. 💃 Said no to things that overextend your capacity without worrying that it makes you less of a team player. Imagine how you’d use all the time you’d no longer be spending second guessing, comparing, or worrying. Imagine how accomplished and proud you’ll feel when you do the things you know you want to do. That’s what overcoming imposter syndrome can do for you. You get back time, energy, and attention. You build confidence and resilience. You feel more at ease and fulfilled. You create the kind of life you love…one full of opportunities because you’re able to tap into your full potential and go after your dreams. It may seem crazy, but it’s what I’ve experienced in overcoming imposter syndrome. My clients do it too: In completing their first assignments in 10, 20, 30 years. In writing their MBA thesis In doing research In starting businesses In saying yes to contracts and opportunities These are real estate agents, post-secondary professors, corporate leaders and managers, teachers. Let me teach you what I practice and what I share with my clients. Join Overcome Imposter Syndrome & Thrive workshop and start stepping into YOUR brilliance. Visit the link in my bio to sign up. #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #highachievingwomen #createalifeyoulove #womenrising #courageousaction #mid40s #momentum #tapintoyourfullpotential #buildingconfidence #ReclaimYourLife #MidCareerSuccess #getunstuck #mindsetcoachingforwomen #lifelonglearner #genXwomen

2/19/2024, 7:00:15 PM

Is this you? 🙋‍♀️ You're a high achiever … but you feel like your work isn't good enough. 🙋‍♀️ You've got amazing ideas …. but you second-guess yourself and just stay quiet. 🙋‍♀️ You've got a list of accomplishments … but you discount them because they were just lucky coincidences. 🙋‍♀️ You're a hard worker … but it’s only because you feel like you’re winging it all the time and just making it up as you go. 🙋‍♀️ You go the extra mile to help out … but you say yes even when you’re overwhelmed and then try to juggle way too many balls. Look, I get it. I’ve been there. That was a regular Tuesday for me. In fact, most people feel like this at some point. It’s totally normal. But feeling like you’re inadequate, or you’ve made it this far by luck or by fluke is a sign that you’re likely experiencing imposter thinking. The good news is that you can learn how to overcome imposter syndrome and start going after your goals with greater confidence and may more ease. Let me show you how. It’s time you step into your full brilliance and redirect all the second-guessing energy into what you actually want. Link's in my bio. #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #impostertypes #highachievingwomen #buildconfidence #itsnotluck #createthelifeyoulove #growthmindset #procrastination #perfecționism

2/16/2024, 11:25:16 PM

Whenever I feel a burst of pride, rationally I know I might deserve it, but unless I am really paying attention, that positive feeling is quickly followed by the little Imposter chap on my shoulder telling me ‘pride comes before a fall’ and to ‘stop showing off’. One of the times that I feel like a ‘proper writer’ is when I send a signed carton of books to a client beforehand to support a training or public speaking event. However, when I take it to the post office, ‘it’ will often come along for the ride and use my queuing time to have a quiet word with me about ‘not getting ideas above my station’ or asking me ‘what if they think it’s rubbish?’ So it is pretty ironic that my last job before I broke up for the Christmas break was to send this box of books to support a virtual session with the leading female leaders at @parkdeanresorts this week, which is on… Imposter Thinking 😅 I was reading the brilliant Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before by @drjulie and you can see it now has top billing on the book stack I have deliberately placed so I see it from my “Zoom Chair” for an inspirational glance when I’m training or coaching! It describes beautifully that whilst we can’t always control a negative or inaccurate thought, but we can come to notice it and ‘re-frame’ what we think so it doesn’t have as much impact on how we feel or cause us to put unnecessary boundaries on what we can achieve. That’s why I love being invited to events to talk about Imposter Thinking. Not because knowing the science means I never have it anymore so I can pass on a ‘cure’! But rather so I can authentically share how it feels to be a ‘Work in Progress’ – and that is a really good psychological place to be! I’d love to know your top tips that help you tame your Imposter so it doesn’t hold you back below. #TopRightThinking #ItsNotBloodyRocketScience #LearningandDevelopment #ImposterThinking

1/26/2023, 6:06:45 PM

Free Friday? I hope you might be free to join me at 11am for a quick cup of tea during my LinkedIn Live. ☕ Myself and Juliett Cattermole will be sharing our experiences and tips for dealing with Imposter Thinking.   Whenever I train leaders over a period of time, ‘it’ generally crops up. I remind people that generally only people who haven’t plateaued and are stretching themselves out of their comfort zones (real or imposed) feel this way.   One of the ways that I combat this practically is by providing programmes where leaders can see the tangible results from their training over time. In helping leaders to evidence their own clear ROI from the practical examples of the results of Top Right Conversations in their real lives, it becomes harder for imposter feelings to hold their ground in the face of such strong evidence to the contrary.   Here is a timely Ebbinghaus nudge to the wonderful leadership team at @spottydogcomms who I have worked with over the past 6 months.   The team evidenced that our work together had been super ‘sticky’. After just 16 hours together (virtual, face-to-face and spaced out to get the maximum ‘stick’), they have had many real-life and tangible stories to share of using the Skill:Will matrix, applying the G.R.O.W model and scoping out SCARF to improve the performance of their teams — as well firmly putting ‘it’ in its place!    The added extra is that my Leaders Who Coach programme which can be completed in just 12 hours, is certified by the Association for Coaching (AC).   It gives ‘it’ an extra run for its money if you have tangible evidence that you are making a difference in business performance and achieve a CV-worthy certificate from a recognised professional body that proves it too!     Do you have any questions for Juliett and I or any good stories about 'it' for us to share? Let me know below.   #ImposterThinking #LinkedInLive #The52Tips #TopRightThinking #Training #LearningandDevelopment #ItsNotBloodyRocketScience #ImposterSyndrome

11/23/2022, 12:54:39 PM

LinkedIn Live Alert. 🚨✨ After enjoying my first ever LinkedIn Live so much, I’ve decided to host another one. This time, I’ll be joined by a special guest, Juliett Cattermole, Group Human Resources Director at David Lloyd Leisure. We’ll be talking all about Imposter Thinking, including our own real-life experience of ‘it’ and our top tips to overcome it. Don’t forget to make a note in your diaries for 11am to grab a cuppa and join us. Head to the #LinkInBio to sign up now. #ImposterThinking #LinkedInLive #The52Tips #TopRightThinking #Training #LearningandDevelopment #ItsNotBloodyRocketScience #ImposterSyndrome

11/22/2022, 1:00:43 PM

Last month, I did a webinar to support the work of @the_female_lead on one of my favourite topics — Imposter Thinking. I like to deliberately call it ‘it’ rather than ‘Imposter Syndrome’ as it is not a permanent medical condition, but an easily explained natural way to respond to having a growth mindset and breaking new ground. Talking to the guests @grow_with_people_untapped, including some of the delegates on their Breakthrough Leadership programme, we covered the science. In summary: ✨’it’ means you haven’t plateaued ✨‘it’ is not an indicator you are about to be found out, it is a normal human response to feeling stretched beyond your comfort zone which is usually great news for your learning and development ✨‘it’ means you are intelligent enough to reflect in a particular way — that cocksure colleague about whom the phrase ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’ springs to mind? They probably don’t have the necessary wiring for ‘it’ to happen. ✨ ‘it’ means you are not a psychopath. And if you experience ‘it’ you are in great company — many successful, innovative and forward-thinking people have experienced it too for all of the reasons above. Come and talk to some of us on my next LinkedIn Live on 25th November. Check out my new YouTube series where I have posted videos on ‘it’ and some of the other topics I get asked to talk about a lot via the #LinkInBio. Please feel free to use these as free resources with your teams. #DulciesDictonary #ImposterThinking #TopRightThinking #Training #LearningandDevelopment #ItsNotBloodyRocketScience

11/8/2022, 12:43:29 PM

One of the most important things we can remember - what we answer to is in our power. So let them say what they want, brush it off, because it doesn't matter. It's what you answer to that matters. #impostersyndrome #impostersyndromeisreal #impostorsyndrome #imposterthinking #impostersyndromehelp #impostersyndromesupport #conqueringconfidence

6/15/2022, 8:22:20 PM

Watch our IG Live if you want a fresh approach Imposter Syndrome with lots of practical tips on how to tackle it and control it. @docruw, @alysonjenkinscoach and myself also give you 3 take home messages that will give the tools you need to move forwards. What was your favourite bit? #thecoachingpod #thecoachingpodlive #instalive #instagramlive #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #moving forwards

1/24/2022, 8:52:33 PM

Having feelings and thoughts of being an Impostor isn't an issue. We all have that. It is there to keep us aligned with our values and do well in life. If we let these thoughts escalate and overtake our lives, they may turn into Impostor Syndrome. Which ultimately can lead to constant anxiety, depression, fear, guilt and ultimately burn out! Our aim isn't to not have imposter thoughts or feelings. It is to not have an imposter life! And this is what this workshop was about. How to manage those thoughts and our inner narrative, to keep them all at bay using Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( #NLP). These photos were taken of the training workshops I delivered to a client of @theholistichealthcaregroup last week in London. #impostorsyndrome #workshop #trainingworkshop #trainingworkshops #manageyourthoughts #manageyourthinking #overcome #overcomeimpostersyndrome #nlpwithvanda #imposters #imposter #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #imposterthoughts #imposterfeelings #neurolinguisticprogramming #nlp

11/15/2021, 10:10:32 AM

I used to give my feminism a little bit of room in my mind & heart, and expect it to work miracles. I just couldn’t figure out why I still felt so constrained & afraid of the opinions of other people - including strangers. I’d second guess myself when I’d wear a feminist t-shirt out in public. I’d try to come up with “pleasing” language on my social media posts to convey a milder sentiment than what I really wanted to share. I’d stay quiet in meetings when I wanted to contribute. I’d sit there feeling my heart pounding in my chest & my throat constricting. Often, I’d stay quiet and then write an email later because I felt that I could control the situation better in writing. Want to guess how long it would take me to write that email? TOO LONG!!! I was censoring myself and it was exhausting AF!!! I felt so confused about why I did this and then I discovered that my feminist beliefs were layered in top of my old patriarchal conditioning. I hadn’t actually looked at those old ideas. I didn’t want to look at that conditioning because I felt ashamed of it & me. I now realize that excavating that conditioning and sitting with the feelings of shame, anger, confusion, & discomfort doesn’t magnify those feelings. it does the opposite! They take up less space & energy which gives my feminism wiggle room to expand. I’m still working on this. I get coaching on it which is the most liberating, loving work I can do for myself. I’m growing each day & you can too. I coach womxn who are ready to detox their patriarchal conditioning that fuels second guessing, catastrophizing, people pleasing, & self-censorship so that they can life the life they want to create. DM me to schedule a call to talk about my 12-week individualized coaching program that can help you make room in your life for what matters most. 💛 . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #womxn #coachwomxn #imposterthinking #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenempoweringwomen #reclaimyourpower #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/25/2021, 3:45:41 PM

Imposter Syndrome is real. It the effect of longterm immersion in systemic hetero-patriarchy. We feel like we don’t belong because the systems weren’t designed for us. We feel like we’re not enough because we value different knowledge or lead in ways outside the structure. We catastrophize because we’re afraid of what could happen if we don’t behave or achieve “perfection.” I help my clients unearth the hetero- patriarchal conditioning in their lives (in all our lives) so that they can break through the smallness, fear, & second guessing. Deconstructing that patriarchal foundation frees us to live according to our own lives, to make an impact, & to achieve liberation. DM me if you are ready to dig in and learn about how my 12-week individualized coaching will work for you. 💛 . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womxnlead #reclaimyourpower #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/24/2021, 1:04:26 AM

I spent time this week digging a little deeper than usual into the patriarchal messaging that I soaked up during my earliest years, and I realized that there was one big thought that still influenced me pretty strongly today. The message was to “behave.” Be on your best behavior. Don’t miss behave. You know how to behave. Stay in line. Don’t get too big for your britches. Who do you think you are? The unspoken “or else” was an invisible threat that always hung in the air. Or else…You will get in trouble. You will get punished. You won’t be liked. You won’t fit in. You might gain weight. You will be a bad mother. You won’t get married. You will get bad grades. You might lose your job. You might anger someone. Your family might disown you. You might go to hell. This “behave” message fueled my overwork, perfectionism, & catastrophizing. This message still pops up in my life but now I use it as my roadmap to choosing my own path. Whenever I think to myself that I have to be good, perfect, or appropriate (or else), I ask myself what my aware feminist self wants to do & I follow her lead. I coach womxn who are ready to uncover the patriarchal socialization in their lives that leads to catastrophizing, self-doubt, perfectionism, & overwork so that they can make change in their lives & their communities. DM me to schedule a conversation where we’ll talk about how EXACTLY coaching can help you reach your goals. I bring my experience as a PhD, certified professional coach, global scholar, and most importantly, my conditioning as a womxn. Feminist coaching helped me and I know it can help you too. Let’s start today. 💛 . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womxnlead #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #reclaimyourpower #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/22/2021, 7:40:56 PM

But, now I know that recognizing the impact patriarchal socialization has on my life is the key to my freedom. Want to stop playing small? Uncover the patriarchal beliefs that are still rumbling around under your feminist beliefs. They are your road map. I recently experienced a breakthrough of my own. As a Feminist coach with a PhD in Women’s and Gender studies, I thought I had found just about every conditioned belief that I was taught. But, I found a new one. The constant lesson I was taught was to “behave.” There was never an explicit “or else” but I felt it. Recognizing the impact that one specific thought had on my life, even in recent years, gave me true feminist liberation. I stopped looking for the “rules.” I stopped catastrophizing about the “what if.” I started to trust myself. I looked inward for MY own wisdom. Are you ready to uncover the beliefs that are keeping you small? I coach women to shed fear, perfectionism, & imposter syndrome so that they can live on their own terms. We do this by uncovering patriarchal conditioning. DM me to schedule a 30 minute consultation to learn about how individualized coaching can liberate you like it did for me. . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womxn #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #reclaimyourpower #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/21/2021, 6:58:37 PM

I see you. I hear you. I am you. 💛 And, it doesn’t have to be this way. We’ve internalized hetero-patriarchal, white supremacy culture messages since day 1 on this planet. Those beliefs form a foundation that our brains & bodies hang onto it even after we’ve chosen our feminism. When we don’t process the unconscious patriarchal conditioning, we layer our feminism on top of it. It’s like trying to clean up a toxic waste site with a plastic spoon. We end up covered in patriarchal waste. I have been there. I felt like I wasn’t feminist enough. I played small while I encouraged others to play big. I felt like a hypocrite. I didn’t realize that all of this was my patriarchal conditioning and that it wasn’t my fault. I was simply mixing what I learned unconsciously about gender with my feminist identity & they were incompatible. My beloved feminism became one more patriarchal example of my failure. It was painful & confusing. I’d set a goal and then settle for a smaller version. I’d dream of a life that I wanted & allow myself a small taste so that I could prove that I was feminist enough to pursue the dream while also performing my gender appropriately enough to match my social conditioning. It was not a feminist liberatory practice… Feminist coaching helped me recognize the deep patriarchal conditioning in my life & process it so that I could also embrace my feminism. The old conditioning is still there, but it takes up less space. My feminist curiosity loves the extra wiggle room. 💛 Today I coach womxn to uncover their own conditioning so that they can shed fear, second-guessing, & imposter syndrome.. When that happens, they make revolutionary change in their own lives & in their communities. They are unstoppable. My 12-week one on one coaching program offers reusable tools & high level coaching to build your own resourcefulness and self trust while disrupting patriarchal conditioning that keeps you small. DM me to request your free consultation. . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/20/2021, 4:19:27 PM

I hated “failing.” I would do just about anything to avoid the gut punch feeling in my stomach & the tightness in my throat. You know the feeling. Often constructive criticism felt like a value judgement on me as a person. When I made a “mistake,” which was often simply work that could be improved, I would feel like I did something wrong, like I wasn’t worthy of my paycheck, like I wanted to hide my flaw from others by overworking to “fix” the problem ASAP. No fixing can create perfection, but that is what I expected of myself. My patriarchal conditioning taught me that anything less than perfection meant doom (catastrophizing anyone?). I kept myself in familiar surroundings so that I could navigate expertly rather than risk discovering my zone of genius. Here’s what else staying small looked like: Spending 30 minutes perfecting an email response so that I could try to control the outcome. Catastrophizing about any performance evaluation. Researching for others ideas instead of cultivating my own. Assuming that I didn’t have the “right” answer & that others did. Moving on from successes without giving myself credit because I was already worried about the next task that I could fail. Replaying conversations over in my mind & noticing what I should’ve done differently. I now look at that hardworking version of myself with compassion because I know that she was trying to follow her goals & stay “safe.” She tried to fit herself into the patriarchy’s expectations by policing herself. She thought she had high standards These days I ask myself what I would do if I couldn’t fail. I ask myself what I already know. I notice my nervous system response to failing ahead of time. I know that feeling afraid of failure is expected when we’re smashing patriarchal limitations. Are you ready to stop playing small and lean into what else is possible? I can help. DM me to schedule a consultation call to talk about coaching together. If I can do it, you can too. . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coach #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/19/2021, 4:58:11 PM

A rogue Morning Glory joined my tomato family. Here’s to doing your own thing snd being your own shade of YOU today. 💛🍅🌸🪴🌱 . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/18/2021, 4:36:16 PM

If you could do anything, what would it be? If you didn’t need anyone’s permission, what would you explore? If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would you do? If you could feel any emotion more regularly, what would it be? If you felt freedom & ease, what would your day look like? If you asked yourself what you really want, what would you include in that list? Five years ago, I couldn’t answer these questions easily because I lived within accepted, patriarchally conditioned roles. I was definitely working hard at life, but I wasn’t LIVING the way I do today. Expectations & responsibility drove me. Fear & scarcity pushed me. I learned so much from those years and today I’m in life, living deeply in all of it. Today I choose. Today I dream. Today I stretch. Today I help my clients LIVE their lives too. This is the revolution that we’re all on this planet to foment in our own lives & in our communities. My clients know that their personal liberation makes the world a more just place. That’s why we use a feminist lens to break down the structures of patriarchy and white supremacy culture that have caged us for so long. Are you ready? I can help. DM me or click the link in my bio to schedule a call to join my individual 12-week coaching program. . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/17/2021, 3:04:07 PM

We sat inside and we’re covered by Van Gogh today. I wondered about link between the artist, the process, & the art. What would an immersive experience in my life look like? What scenes from my life demonstrate my passion, dreams, commitments, challenges, & joys? I’m sitting go with that. I do think there would be some yellow, a few cabbages, some Croatia, my human loves, laughter, & a whole lot of feminist revolution. . . . . #vangogh #vangoghimmersiveexperience #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #womxn #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/15/2021, 10:22:01 PM

Change happens in internally & then the external evidence becomes inevitable. That’s why “fixing” myself with a list (usually a long list) of activities never worked. My brain & soul weren’t on board. My brain would use that “failure” as evidence that I just needed to try harder, so I’d make an even longer list. In other words, I was hustling to convince myself of my own worth. And, I was being really mean to myself along the way. That’s what patriarchy looks like and imposter syndrome is just one more manifestation of the patriarchy taking up space in our brains, spirits, & bodies. I used to be the queen of hustle at home & the workplace. I was often rewarded for it with more work and more expectation that I should take more emotional, unpaid, & underpaid responsibility. Does that sound familiar? I get it. I operated that way for most of my life starting at a young age. That WAS me. Now I catch myself when I have the urge to hustle and worry my way to a goal. I’ve learned how to love that version of myself who did her best with the old way. And, I use new tools to set & reach goals, tools that start with my own health, passions, & dreams. It feels so much better to take care of me & smash the patriarchy at the same time. Are you ready to stop hustling and move beyond imposter syndrome? I can help. Feminist coaching taught me how to shift my life and it can help you too. I teach those same reusable tools to my clients in an individualized 12 week coaching program. DM me to set up a call so we can talk about how coaching can help you move beyond imposter syndrome and live life on your terms. Let’s start today. . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womxn #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/15/2021, 2:11:45 PM

We are all affected by the toxicity hetero-patriarchy & white supremacy culture. Here’s how I’ve experienced these systems in my own personal life. I was raised to think that I could never be the “head of the household” and that I should see that as an opportunity to practice self-discipline & humility. I was taught that women’s bodies are a temptation meaning that I was inherently evil & was responsible for the ideas & actions of others. (Hello, rape culture) Birth control was not covered by my employer. Internet trolls doxxed me because they didn’t like my feminism. One in particular threatened my with assault and death. People have called me all the names in an effort to police my femininity. I mean, why else do we call womxn the names that we do? It’s not to encourage our behavior. I remember men (usually older men) telling me to smile. I’ve worked at institutions with only one female administrator snd no BIPOC administrators. I worked at a domestic violence shelter and have seen what gender based violence looks like. There’s more, obviously. The point is that the patriarchy is like the air we breathe. It’s there and we often don’t realize that we’re internalizing it’s messages about our worth. It’s not your fault. It’s a system that translates into privilege and oppression in individual’s lives. This is where imposter syndrome comes into the picture. It’s why we try to be perfect in all the ways. It’s why we minimize our successes. It’s why we lose track of our values & goals. It’s why we feel depleted. Do you work hard but still feel like you’re not enough? Do you accept that overwork is the only way to succeed? Do you hustle until you run out of energy? I’ve been in that cycle & can help you break it. Click the link in my bio to schedule a call for 12 weeks of individualized coaching. You can DM me too. You’ve got a life to live. Let’s spend time on that! 💛 . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womxn #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy

7/13/2021, 6:11:22 PM

This is my favorite topic. Ask anyone who knows me. I’m a feminist coach w/ a PhD in gender studies and feminism has helped me make sense of my life for so many years. It’s about love, human rights, equity & liberation. It’s my approach to coaching, teaching, & research. I love to talk with people about their questions and perspectives. In that spirit, let’s talk. 💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/10/2021, 9:34:47 PM

It’s possible & feminist coaching can help you get there sooner than you think. DM me and we’ll start today. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

7/6/2021, 9:29:56 PM

I just watched 18 year old Emma Raducanu talk about advancing to the second week of Wimbledon. She entered the tournament ranked 338. 338 She was asked about managing her nerves throughout the match and I was reminded that if our goal is to illuminate worry or fear or stress before we take action, we will never take action. Raducanu shared the story that when she packed her clothes to go to the Wimbledon bubble, her parents asked lovingly if she packed too many sets of her kit. She was not expected to advance. She was ranked 338. She’s the youngest Brit ever to get this far in Wimbledon. So, she unpacked a few sets of her kit before leaving for Wimbledon. Raducanu joked that she will be doing laundry at the hotel. I learn so much from tennis. Tennis and gardening are two of my biggest teachers during the summer. I have fond memories of watching Wimbledon with my mother when I was growing up. But, now I watch these players and I think about all the self coaching they do while they are on the court. They have coaches who help them prepare. But, during the match they are the only one in their brain on that court. What do we allow, feel, and experience that reveals the most vibrant version of ourselves in each moment? One lesson: f the ranking, label, & outside expectations. F that. . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy #tennislover #wimbledon @michellemorkertcoaching

7/3/2021, 4:25:01 PM

I’ve got purple beans!!! Like life, my garden always surprises me. I plan it. I plant it. I nurture it. And, I always watch. I look for evidence of the harvest. Each year I’m surprised. Sometimes it’s by the hidden zucchini or a big ripe tomato that’s at the bottom of the plant wayyyy in the back. This year my purple beans surprised me. I always love those surprises and I often wonder how I missed it because I’m so vigilant. My garden teaches me something new each year. I learn about life I learn about myself. Food is an important metaphor for me. Engaging with food and all sorts of ways is one of my greatest joys. My garden teaches me that no matter how hard I plan and stay the course, growth can happen in surprising ways. It teaches me to be open to newness. Sometimes I miss the miraculous that’s right in front of me because I’m not looking for it. Today it was purple beans. Who knows what it will be tomorrow. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy #gardening #feministgardening @michellemorkertcoaching

7/3/2021, 3:58:46 PM

I feel like a faucet. I’m full of my own knowledge, experiences & wisdom. I’ve spent life looking for the “right” answers to live within the expectations (I mean rigid AF expectations) of others & of myself. And, now I feel free to turn on that faucet and learn from my own wisdom. I am a PhD in so much more than gender studies. I’m an expert at my own knowing. We could all try to make life after covid a replica of “before.” We could recreate those structures. But, do we want to? What else is possible now? You get to choose. I’m turning on my faucet of knowledge and letting it flow to inform my life. DM me if you’re ready to do the same in your own life with feminist coaching. 💛 Happy Saturday! . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/26/2021, 2:35:54 PM

It is easy for me to tell myself that I am simply gathering data about all possible scenarios. I convince myself that I’m just using my logic. I insist that this is just the way my brain works, as if I have no control over my thoughts. Planning does not cede control of my thoughts to doom. Catastrophizing activates the nervous system. Planning does not. Catastrophizing focuses exclusively on the “negative.” Planning does not. I am the queen of disrupting my catastrophizing these days. Want to join me? Want to learn how feminist coaching can help you shed this fear and invite ease into your life? DM me and we’ll plan a time to chat. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/24/2021, 4:40:18 PM

…because our brain tries to convince us that: 1. I’m just planning for all options. 2. I’d rather avoid the pain later by preparing for it now. 3. I’m just being cautious. I was the queen of this kind of thinking. The thing is that I was feeling the pain that I wanted to avoid. I felt the experience of a disaster that hadn’t happened and didn’t happen. We expend so much time & energy on this “what if” thinking and it’s exhausting! Exhaustion can’t lead to the expansive action-taking of your goals & dreams. Catastrophizing is a fear-based way of thinking and acting. It constricts and operates in second guessing. It activated the nervous system over and over and over… I’ve been a lifelong catastrophizer and I’ve learned that there are other ways of living. It’s the best news! You’re not doomed. You’re badass. You’re deserving. And, you’re not stuck. I can help. 💛 DM if you’re ready to shed fear, catastrophizing, & second guessing. If I can do it, you can too. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/22/2021, 5:01:34 PM

Happy Monday. Here’s a scene from my house from my makeshift kitchen office. 😂 Sometimes we’ve just gotta get to what’s under it all. We can try to cover it & pretend that the gunk isn’t there, but it will become visible eventually. What we resist persists. Here’s to scraping some inner gunk this Monday, not to purge it but learn from it. 🌈💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/21/2021, 5:02:18 PM

Me allowing myself to just feel all the things, notice that I’m not catastrophizing, & and marking the moment. 💛 Happy Friday! . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy #catastrophizing #@michellemorkertcoaching

6/18/2021, 2:34:49 PM

Freedom! When I know that I’m not for everyone, I stop trying to be anything but myself. People who are my people stick around. Isn’t that what we want? True relationships. Meaningful conversations. Expansive thinking. Fearless experiences. Bold living. Comfort in our own skin. I’m not for everyone snd that’s the best news. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/11/2021, 1:43:40 PM

How many times have you said, “ I deserve this” and then second guessed yourself? Have you felt guilty after taking a day off and then worked twice as hard the next day to “make up” for it? What does it mean to be deserving? How do we measure whether or not we deserve something? “Imposter Syndrome” keeps us hustling and working to earn our value as human beings. It encourages us to withhold experiences and desires from ourselves until we’ve earned it through work. What if wanting some thing is the only reason you need to do it? What if you deserve it simply because you’re alive? What if you could trust your decisions and your values? What if you didn’t need anyone else’s permission or another completed “to do” list to justify your decision? I get it. I was spent decades trying to deserve things and then feeling guilty and ashamed. This is an individual experience and also a collective one. Anyone raised in a patriarchal culture has experienced this to some degree. Womxn experience withholding as policing throughout our lives and then do it to ourselves. You are worthy as you are. No amount of work or external permission can grant you permission to live vibrantly. DM me if you’re ready to learn how coaching can help you live the life you want starting today. This is your revolution and I’m here to help. 💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/9/2021, 7:42:56 PM

This is the Sea Organ in Zadar, Croatia. I’ve lost count if how many hours I’ve spent at this spot watching the waves and listening to the sounds. There’s always music because the water never stops moving. It’s like our brain - always moving and managing the ebb & flow. What if we allowed ourselves to feel the emotions. The rough ones. The choppy ones. The slight ones. All of them. What if we noticed the music instead if trying to disrupt feeling? #i thought a lot about coaching and my clients today when I visited this foot again for the first time in about 18 months. I thought about how we each make our own music out if the waves of life. It’s not a mental or emotional mess. It’s a 1 in 7 billion masterpiece. 💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/4/2021, 11:44:07 PM

It’s about perspective, isn’t it? Mindset Emotions Courage What happens when we allow ourselves to feel uncomfortable emotions? What do we learn about ourselves when we take risks even when we feel afraid? What happens when we look at life from a different perspective? What if we shed a couple layers of patriarchy’s expectations? So much is possible for us in this life. Are you ready to find out what life holds in store for you? Feminist coaching can help you figure out what you want and make a plan to get you there. DM and we’ll get started together. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

6/3/2021, 12:49:28 PM

I was raised to be an “effort person.” Work hard make an honest living. Work hard to prove your value. Work hard to show you care. Work hard to make a difference. Work hard to earn a living. Work hard to reach your dreams. Work hard first and focus on yourself second (or third, fourth...). The thing is that the message translated as work harder. And, hard work often meant perfectionism. Hard work also meant that I worked a lot which means that I started to worry when I wasn’t working. You can imagine that my “free time” wasn’t so free. Those are the politics of exhaustion that fuel “imposter syndrome.” Are you ready to shed fear, exhaustion & second guessing? Join me for my 12 week “Beyond Imposter Syndrome” individualized coaching process. DM for information and we’ll move forward together. . . . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy #beyondimpostersyndrome @michellemorkertcoaching

5/26/2021, 3:49:41 PM

Who can relate?!?! It’s been a day and that’s ok. Showing myself some compassion when I’m feeling crappy. Coaches have days. Everyone has days. We can’t prevent them. It’s how we show up for ourselves during them. Sending love to whoever needed to hear this today. 💛💛💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/25/2021, 8:19:32 PM

We all feel fear and that’s ok. It’s a basic human emotion generated by a thought. It’s a feeling that activates our nervous systems to take action. What if you used that nervous system fight/flight energy to take steps toward your goal? What if feeling fear didn’t paralyze your? What if fear was a physical sensation that you could use however you want? It’s all possible. You can feel fear AND take action toward your goals. You can feel fear AND speak up. You can feel fear AND still be a feminist. You can feel fear AND still be your confident badass self. I can help. DM me to set up a feee conversation about how coaching can help you shed fear and second guessing. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/24/2021, 4:26:24 PM

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I’ve decided that I do not want to take fear-based action in my life (unless we’re talking about a dog chasing me or something that requires me to feel scared). I commit to slowing down to investigate my thoughts and check in with the my body’s information. I can take action when I’m scared but I’m working on catching my desire to take action FROM fear. Those are two different mindsets. Happy Friday! . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/21/2021, 5:06:47 PM

I’ve been thinking about fear lately & how so many women feel ashamed of their fear. That includes me. We’re taught to limit ourselves to fit into patriarchy’s standards. Many of us shatter those expectations and live our truths. And, we feel scared as we rise. We feel afraid of what will happen. We fear the potential failure. I know that I do. That just leads to shame on the top of fear. None of that leads to true freedom. I talk about my fear based in socialization, trauma, & and patriarchy’s continued reach because I want you to know that you’re not alone. Nothing has gone wrong. You have a brain that looks for risks so that you can stay safe. Living as independent, fierce humans conditioned as girls & women in this society invokes a shit ton of risk. It doesn’t have to stop us though. We can allow ourselves to feel whatever fear is there AND still take action toward our goals. Invite hope. We can allow the fear to exist AND feel confident. We can understand the fear AND know that the process is a revolution. Invite hope. Each time we persist, we crack those glass ceilings a bit more. Invite hope. Each time we’re kind to ourselves, we smash the patriarchy. Invite hope. Each time we allow fear and step into our purpose, we become the revolution. Invite hope. I coach high achieving women to shed fear & imposter syndrome so that we can life full, confident, impact-making lives. DM me to talk about how my individualized coaching process can work for you. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/20/2021, 5:13:25 PM

I’ve been thinking a lot about fear lately. It’s something I feel often. Sometimes I wake up with it vibrating in my body. It’s been there for a long time. And, that’s ok. It’s what I’ve carried in my body. Sometimes I get stuck in it and fear taking action because I fear future fear. See how the cycle can go? Coaching (& feminist coaches in my life) taught me that NOT taking steps toward my dream already puts me in the result I’m trying to avoid. In other words, I’m already feeling the negative emotions. Clearly, that’s not a great option. Coaching taught me that I can notice the thoughts that loop when I feel fear and truly decide if I want to keep thinking them. Feminist coaching taught me to look at the evidence I have that things are working out & that I’m moving toward my goals. I’m lying to myself if I think fearful thoughts the majority of the time. It’s total BS. I also know that I can feel scared or nervous while still taking actions toward my goals. My hope can drive me. I can lean into possibility. I can show up for myself. DM me if this resonates with you and if you’re ready to learn how coaching can help you shift from fear-based thinking. If I can do it, you can too. I coach high achieving women with an individualized process to help them shed the fear and imposter syndrome for good. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/19/2021, 4:04:41 PM

Adorable, right?! 💛🥬 I value pleasure, playfulness, process, ease & feminist revolution everywhere I see it, including my garden. What’s playful in your life right now? What does your feminist revolution look like today? I want to hear from YOU. Share yours in the comments below. 👇👇👇👇👇 Here are some of mine from my morning so far. -I laughed on a video chat with my friend. -I took a photo of two ducks watching geese play. It looked like they were in a date at a drive in movie. - I sat outside for 15 minutes drinking coffee & scrolling ig. -I took a walk with my partner. -And, I thought about all the ways that feminist coaching changes lives FOREVER. When we work with coaches, we walk away with reusable tools that impact our lives long after the coaching sessions end. Coaching is a 1:1 individualized process for your own revolution. Are you my people? Ready to cut hustle culture, burnout, & imposter syndrome from your life to make more room for playfulness, ease & focus? Want to advocate for yourself like you do for others? Want to be in the fight for equity without feeling like you just got knocked out? DM me and we’ll get started. . . . . . . . . . #cabbage #feministgardner #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/18/2021, 2:52:53 PM

Good morning spaghetti squash! There’s so much growth below the surface that happens before the plant unwinds itself and grows. It’s reaching to become the vine, blossoms, fruit and seeds inside of itself. I’m always amazed and sometimes profoundly, nerdishly moved to slow down and see the radical transformation right in front of me. Little growth is a revolution. I’m a revolution. So are you. 💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/17/2021, 2:27:43 PM

All about zucchini today! Not pictured: zucchini patty w/ carrots, onions, potato & garlic. .’. . . . . . . #zucchini zucchinibread #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #feministaf #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #selfcare #smashthepatriarchy @michellemorkertcoaching

5/15/2021, 6:56:10 PM

Got everything I needed for my soul today. *Not pictured: a great coaching call and my human who gave me flowers. . . . . . . . . #cabbage #friedcabbage #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/13/2021, 10:01:35 PM

It just means that you have a human brain. Our brains are wired to spot danger in all sorts of situations. Sometimes we feel uncertain because our brains are trying to determine the safest path. Nothing has gone wrong. #DM me if you’re ready to live beyond imposter syndrome labels to shed second guessing & fear so that you can shatter that glass ceiling. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/13/2021, 3:57:28 PM

Join me for “Beyond Imposter Syndrome” 1:1 individualized coaching to DISRUPT all of it. DM me if you’re ready to shed second guessing and fear so that you can achieve your goals with calm, humor and feminist AF energy. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/12/2021, 11:21:10 PM

Feminist coaching helps me learn, follow & and celebrate my dreams. So often we look outside ourselves for examples of courage. I suggest that we look inside ourselves too. We can be our own role models. I used to half heartedly follow my dreams. I’d figure out a few and then pursue them while telling myself that I should do something else instead, that it was selfish of me to prioritize my dreams, that something might go wrong if I pursued my goals, and a lot of other limiting nonsense. I used to go through the motions without celebrating myself which increased my fear instead of self-trust. Feminist coaching helped me honor and tend to those critical thoughts while still taking steps toward my dreams. I gave myself permission to imagine and to enjoy those aspects of my life that reflect my wildest dreams. Feminist coaching helped me turn down the volume on doubt & second guessing (hello, imposter syndrome) and turn up the volume on creativity and possibility. Feminist coaching taught me about courage. It showed me that I was engaging in critical self talk while pursuing my goals. No wonder I couldn’t figure out why I felt so awful when it seemed like I should have been celebrating. I booked a trip and last week and my brain ran right to the worry habit and then I caught it. I calmed it down and moved on. We’re all still learning. That’s what we do in this life. Learn. Grow. Love. And, feel all of it. That’s what feminist coaching can do. I teach you reusable, practical skills that work in my life & the lives of my clients. Are you ready to shed fear & second guessing? Want to feel good while you do the hard work of making this world a better place? Ready to advocate for yourself like you do for others? DM me and we’ll talk about coaching. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/11/2021, 3:26:01 PM

Feminist coaching helps me acknowledge, honor and confront my fears. Feminist coaching is fierce and gentle. I’ve been afraid of dentists since I was 8 years old. The old saying that whatever thoughts we focus on grow is true. Not processing fear simply magnified it. Coaching in those fears honors where they come from and where you want to go. Which fears are holding you back from your goals? Which are keeping you feeling worried or stuck? Which frustrate or embarrass you? It’s ok. You’re not alone. Feminist coaching didn’t eliminate my fear, but it put me (& my prefrontal cortex) in the driver’s seat. DM to ask about how you can get started with coaching. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/10/2021, 10:40:23 PM

I din’t know who needs to hear this today, but here it goes. White supremacy culture and hetero-patriarchy created systems based on their systems power. They designed them to keep a select few in and a whole lot out. It’s time to stop stigmatizing folks who don’t fit into the narrow parameters. After all, the systems are working as they are designed. It’s time to DISRUPT the systems. There’s nothing wrong with you! 💛 . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/6/2021, 7:46:26 PM

“Normal” always leaves us scrambling to be someone we’re not. That standard pushes us into boxes and gender roles that don’t fit. “Normal” is where the imposter syndrome lie was created. We feel like we’re not enough because we can’t fit into the systems of patriarchy and white supremacy culture. They weren’t designed for amazing, creative, vocal, smart, feminist, vibrant, extraordinary women. “Normal” encourages us to vanish little by little until we’re a shadow of ourselves. Society pushes this expectation on us starting at birth (or before) and it makes sense that these messages play in a loop in our brains. But, you’re not stuck and you’re not alone. You can DISRUPT these limiting thoughts and I can help you. DM me and we’ll talk about how feminist coaching can help a glass shattering, patriarchy smashing, impact-maker like YOU. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/5/2021, 3:09:05 PM

So many of us were raised to hustle and to be “productive.” However, what was productive was more often about making ourselves busy to gain some kind of value. What does it mean to be productive? Sitting with our thoughts and feelings is productive. Following our dreams is productive. Resting is productive. Finding what gives us pleasure is productive. Saying ‘no’ is productive. Feminist coaching helped me to stop hustling so that I could start living. Hustling keeps us busy. Being busy is no longer one of my goals. DM me if you’re ready to DISRUPT the hustle in your life so that you can start enjoying life today. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/4/2021, 7:47:56 PM

Imposter Syndrome. Seems like everyone’s talking about it. The thing is that we don’t have a “syndrome.” It’s part of the lie. The system was designed for certain people to thrive and then we try to fit in. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get the job or trying to find stability. In fact, that’s a beautiful desire! The challenge is when we try to fit in, we often feel like we can’t bring all of ourselves. We feel like we need to shrink or hide based on gender roles. I’m calling out the lie of imposter syndrome all week so that we can bust through it and get unstuck. Patriarchy created it and I can help you DISRUPT it. DM me and we’ll talk about coaching can help you shed fear and second guessing. Let’s move forward together. . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/3/2021, 5:14:22 PM

On the winding path with my people. Thanks to all the people who show up on my life with all your love! You fabulous humans know who you are. 💛🌻🥰 . . . . . . . . @teacher_chris #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

5/1/2021, 8:41:34 PM

You know the drill. Replay if you moments over and over in your brain - moments when you think that you should have done something differently, said some thing else, made a different decision, blah, blah, blah. These are the moments when we focus on what we think is the “negative”which also kind of erases the “positive.” It gives our brains the evidence that we messed up when that’s not the whole story. That used to be my superpower. It was awful and it often increased after I’d experienced a success. I could remember “mistakes” from 5, 10, 20, 30 years ago. Seriously! Feminist coaching helped me retrain my brain and it can help you too. Are you ready to disrupt imposter syndrome thinking for good? DM me and we’ll schedule a free 30 minute conversation about how coaching can help you reach that goal. Imposter syndrome just keeps on lying. The good news is that we can disrupt it! . . . . . . . . #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #womenhelpingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #mentalhealth #reclaimyourpower #thoughtwork #burnoutcoach #selfcare @michellemorkertcoaching

4/29/2021, 7:04:23 PM

Working harder in order to... Achieve so that... Feel better so that... Prove something so that... What if working harder wasn’t the answer? (hint: it’s not) What if this “work harder” business was an old lesson designed to keep people working so hard that they don’t have time to think about what they really want to do in life? What if it wasn’t in your best interest to “work harder?” Harder than what? What if you got to decide how, when, where and for how long you work? (hint: you do!) What would be different? Let’s find out. I coach women who want to shed fear, second guessing and fatigue. They advocate for others and now they’re ready to advocate for themselves. Are you my people? DM me and we’ll set up a short call to answer all your questions a d talk about how to stop hustling. #feminist #feminism #feministcoaching #feministcoach #impostersyndrome #imposterthinking #coachwomen #coach #womenlead #womenleadership #girlslead #girlsleadership #selflove #selfcare #mentalhealth #burnoutcoach #politjcalactivism #activismburnout #womenempoweringwomen #womenhelpingwomen @michellemorkertcoaching

4/27/2021, 4:49:08 PM

[SWIPE] There has been a lot of talk about imposture syndrome. Does it exist? What really is it? How can I combat it? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Repeat after me: you can do anything that you can put your mind to ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Send this to someone to help them conquer their imposture syndrome. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #impostorsyndrome #imposturesyndrome #innercritic #recoveringperfectionist #mentalhealthblogger #mentalhealthmatters #mindfulness #selfdevelopmentjourney #impostersyndrome #selfdoubt #impostor #imposture #imposter #selfacceptance #embraceyourself #youbelong #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthtips #mindsetmatters #mindsetshift #impostersyndromeisreal #comparisonkills #selfcompassionjourney #emotionalhealth #selfbelief #believeinyou #imposterthinking #innerimposter #typeapersonality #anxietyawareness

4/21/2021, 11:30:31 PM

Raise your hand if you've felt like an impostor.🖐 Impostor is defined as pretending to be something you are not in order to decive another. Many times when I step into something new I can question if I'm qualified to do the job or meet the expectation. It's not about if I'm qualified❗ The bigger question is more about if I will take the position and risk the chance of having others find out about my weakness. Saying yes to the position is all that is needed to show He's qualified to take you to the next level. We don't need to pretend anymore. If He chose you, your are more than qualified. 👑 He has interviewed many but intentionally selected YOU. Know your value. Own your value. Share your value. #empowermom #imposterthinking #mindset #freetobe #simplyme #qualified #powerfulmind #lifecoach #Coachingforwomen #liveinthepresent #ownit #truth #renewedmind #growthmindset #simplyfab

2/20/2021, 5:33:10 PM