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ÉNERGIES DE LA SEMAINE DU 17 AU 23 AVRIL Holà les gens, voici venu le temps de te donner de petites indications sur cette nouvelle semaine à venir. Bisous à vous 💕 Aloooooooors, pour cette semaine on essaye de la jouer collectif. Il va falloir penser à coopérer avec les gens qui t’entourent pour faire avancer les choses, tes projets ou autres. N’aies pas peur de t’ouvrir aux gens, ils ne mordent pas tous. Il peut même t’arriver de belles surprises si tu le fais. Il va peut être également être question de faire des choix cette semaine. Tu peux être un peu perdu(e) fasse à une ou plusieurs situations et ne pas trop savoir ou donner de la tête, d’où l’importance de t’appuyer sur les autres pour sortir de tes indécisions. Grosso modo, on a pas peur de s’ouvrir et coopérer avec ton entourage. Il pourra t’aider à y voir plus clair et avancer. Te voilà prevenu(e) 😉 . . . #energiesdelasemaine #tirage #tirages #riderwaite #positivity #tarot #maketarotgreatagain #meteodelasemaine #tiragedecartes

4/17/2023, 9:02:19 AM

LES ÉNERGIES DE LA SEMAINE DU 10 AU 16 AVRIL Et oui les énergies de la semaine sont arrivées avec le très beau et très doux Ethereal Visions tarot. Alors lets go allons y. Du coup pour cette semaine, on a envie de s’amuser, de vivre les choses de manière joyeuses et légères. Ce qui en soit est très cool en soi, mais attention à de pas abuser des bonnes choses car le retour de bâton peut faire mal. On vous invite donc à se faire plaisir, prendre soin de soi, mais à savoir doser pour ne pas tomber dans le too much. En gros, on va avoir une semaine plutôt agréable, ou on est invité à se chouchouter et à se faire un peu plaisir quand même. J’espère que ça vous plaît cette petite météo de la semaine. Bisous à vous et bonne semaine les gens 💕 . . . #tiragedelasemaine #etherealvisionstarot #tarot #tirage #tiragecarte #maketarotgreatagain #energiesdelasemaine #energiedelasemaine #oracle #oracles

4/10/2023, 8:46:05 AM

LES ÉNERGIES DE LA SEMAINE DU 3 AU 9 AVRIL Hello les gens, le petit tirage du lundi pour vous donner la météo de la semaine avec le bien trop sublime tarot de Nicoletta Ceccoli ça vous dit ? On va partir du principe que oui 😬 Alors, cette semaine on se retrousse les manches pour sortir de ses illusions, de ses doutes, de ses idées préconçues, de ses croyances limitantes (bref tu m’as compris) pour essayer d’aller vers plus de douceurs et de compréhension des autres en général. J’ai la sensation que cette nouvelle semaine nous apporte un nouvel élan. Est ce parce que l’on rentre dans le printemps et un nouveau mois ? Bonne question ? Mais l’envie est là en tout cas. On réfléchit à des stratégies pour sortir de ce qui nous bloque et ça c’est génial. Attention tout de même à ne pas trop se précipiter et vouloir sortir de certaines illusions pour s’enfermer dans de nouvelles. Vouloir s’harmoniser aux autres c’est super, mais pas à son propre détriment 😉 Bref on veut avancer et ça c’est toujours positif. Bonne semaine à vous 🙏💕 . . . #tiragedelasemaine #energiesdelasemaine #tarot #nicolettaceccoli #nicolettaceccolitarot #maketarotgreatagain #tarotismagical

4/3/2023, 9:30:15 AM

Un petit tirage à choix sur ta vie sentimentale avec le sublime oracle « Dis moi que tu m’aimes » ça te tentes ? Alors je te laisse le choix entre l’angelite, l’howlite, et la malachite 😉 CHOIX 1 l’Angelite Ta vie sentimentale est au beau fixe pour toi, ou tu prends les choses comme elles viennent et cela te va divinement bien. En couple, pas de nuages à l’horizon et c’est tout ce que l’on veut. Célibataire, tu sais que c’est en étant heureux/se avec soi même que l’on attire à nous de belles choses. Alors ne change rien CHOIX 2 l’Howlite Toi tu veux du sérieux et ton autre le sait. Si tu t’engages c’est pour une vraie histoire, le badinage, très peu pour toi. En couple, vous construisez quelque chose que tu veux durable, tu veux de l’engagement, de l’amour, être sur la même longueur d’ondes. Célibataire, oui une belle rencontre te ferait vibrer, mais uniquement si c’est pour avoir LA belle histoire, celle qui finit avec la maison, le chien, bref la totale. CHOIX 3 la Malachite Est ce qu’il n’y a pas une vérité à dire ou guérir ici ? Il y a comme un besoin de se recentrer sur toi pour guérir de quelque chose de douloureux. En couple, s’il y a des non dits dans votre histoire, il est tant de crever l’abcès clarifier votre situation et potentiellement repartir sur des bases saines. Célibataire, il faut faire la lumière sur ce qui te bloque ou te fait encore mal pour pouvoir avancer. Ne t’en fais pas, tu t’en sortiras comme un chef ! . . . #dismoiquetumaimesoracle #dismoiquetumaimes #tirageachoix #tarot #oracle #cartomancie #maketarotgreatagain #tiragecarte #tiragesentimental

3/31/2023, 10:26:01 AM

Nouveau bébé (et oui je suis de nouveau la) Il y a de cela quelques temps, on m’a fait un treeeeees beau cadeau. Un MAGNIFIQUE tarot Gustave Doré que j’aime d’amour. Du coup je vous partage ça, que vous puissiez l’admirer et voir avec quoi je tirerai de temps en temps les cartes. J’avoue ne pas encore savoir si je vais vous présenter tous les tarots que je possède (le tour sera vite fait😅) Et mention spéciale pour la carte de l’arcane sans nom, la Mort qui est particulièrement belle à mes yeux. J’espère que vous êtes aussi hypée que moi 💕 . . . #tarotreading #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #labonneaventure #gustavedore #nouveaubébé #maketarotgreatagain #cartomancie #letsreadyourcards

8/23/2022, 7:49:02 AM

Hier soir je me suis posée la question suivante, à quoi nous invite la nouvelle lune en poisson de ce soir en quelques cartes. Cette nouvelle lune pleine d’émotions (coucou les poissons) arrive durant une période très particulière (c’est le moins que l’on puisse dire. Les énergies sont lourdes, le climat est tendu (et les infos ne nous aident pas être plus zen), on se sent prisonnier du destin et de ce qui se déroule heure par heure sous nos yeux impuissants. Comme représenté par ce 8 d’épées. Mais alors que faire ?!? Et bien cette nouvelle lune avec ces amoureux mal aspectés nous invite à laisser tomber les conflits (tiens tiens tiens…) a éviter les situations d’incompréhension avec les autres et ne pas se laisser dominer par nos émotions qui peuvent se comporter en tyran. Mais plutôt de faire preuve d’impartialité avec la justice. D’être capable de peser le pour et le contre dans nos décisions pour que cela convienne au plus grand nombre (re tiens, tiens, tiens…) Soyez capable de prendre et assumer vos décisions tant qu’elles sont justes. Vous ne pourrez pas vous tromper, et personne ne pourra vous en vouloir car vous aurez fait les choses en votre âme et conscience. En gros, on souffle un bon coup, on prend le temps de réfléchir, on fait taire son ego et tout se passera bien. Et vous comment ressentez vous cette nouvelle lune en approche ? . . . #tarotreadersofinstagram #nouvellelune #nouvelleluneenpoisson #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreader #tarotreading #thelovers #justice #maketarotgreatagain #riderwaite

3/2/2022, 8:27:37 AM

Prepping for the weekend. Sparkles ✨ for inspiration! I’m reading Tarot Friday, Saturday, & Sunday from 12 - 5 pm. $20 for 15 min. Book at (link in bio). Thanks to @coyotesupplyco for drawing the sign! 💜💚💙 Watch for it on the sidewalk.🚶‍♂️🚶🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ #tarot #renotarot #equinoxtarot #equinoxempire #tarotisfun #tarotforthewin #tarotsaves #maketarotgreatagain

4/2/2021, 5:44:06 PM

I found a tarot deck at the Airbnb we stayed at, so of course I had to do a reading. Have you ever used a random deck before? I drew the Nine of Pentacles — absorbing the abundance and material wealth coming from this one. That day was filled with incredible vibes from the town and nature we explored. #nineofpentacles #brattleboro #vermont #brattleborovermont #vt #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic

10/20/2019, 12:54:18 AM

So much fulfillment from Vermont! Drew the Ace of Pentacles — new beginnings, material abundance. Felt so much abundance, looking to amplify this feeling of prosperity. Thanks Vermont for giving me the chance to self reflect, now I would like to manifest my goals, and desires. If they’re simple and attainable, do you see yourself with it/in it/having it? I do! #aceofpentacles #brattleboro #vermont #brattleborovermont #vt #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity

10/20/2019, 12:48:29 AM

Salem 🖤 all day today! So much fulfillment! The World 🌎 — I drew this exact card a couple days ago, and this is the third time I drew it with my newest deck. Perhaps you can do a reading for me? Comment below or message me if you’d like to help me decipher this one! Thanks in advance! #theworld #theworldtarot #salem #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

10/10/2019, 6:53:46 AM

Three of Swords ⚔️ — since I’m traveling, I’m attributing this card as the turmoil of an overnight flights - ‘twas brutal. But lessons learned provide better a prospective and helps with the bigger picture. #threeofswords #3ofswords #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

10/9/2019, 2:55:44 PM

Ten of Swords ⚔️ — never a happy card. Take a moment and find a way to be positive. If everything is really shitty for me, I try to find at least three things that I’m grateful for: 1.) I’m thankful for fall, the weather change is beautiful 🍂 2.) I’m thankful for good health 3.) I’m thankful for hot chocolate, nothing soothes my mind and body more ☕️ — suddenly my vibe changes and I can move on. #tenofswords #otherkintarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

10/7/2019, 6:46:39 AM

Knave of Swords ⚔️ — supposed to represent new ideas or new ways of communication. I don’t know if I can really do a general daily reading with this deck! Too distracting... but oh la la! #pageofswords #decamerontarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

10/5/2019, 9:52:15 PM

9 of Swords ⚔️ — this is the card reminding you to face your fears. There’s as much cruelty in this world as there is kindness. Some of us have nothing, some of us have it all. Things can always be better, things can always get worst. Build the resilience you need. #9ofswords #romantictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

10/5/2019, 6:54:16 AM

Knight of Wands — This gallant rider is saying “the time is now!”, so whatever plans or intentions you have, just charge ahead with high energy and good vibes. Help will arrive when it is needed. Do away with fears and unproductive feeling and make way to fulfill your dreams. This card is your sign to go for it! #knightofwands #romantictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/30/2019, 3:14:13 AM

5 of Pumpkins 🎃 (Pentacles) — a turning point. This card represents financial loss and worry. Here’s the deal, redirect any and all of your attention to what you have now and what you want in the future. Let go of fear, everything will pass. In other words, shit happens and try to be as smart as you can with money but don’t stress, try to tap into the universe’s bank and the money will find its way to you! #fiveofpentacles #5ofpentacles #halloweentarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/26/2019, 6:18:28 AM

7 of Cups — seeing a lot of different possibilities and confronted with many choices? I’m stuck in wishful thinking too. What do you do to finally make a choice on something? Tips are welcome! My mother used to tell me to make a pros and cons list — perhaps I would do well to apply her suggestions. #7ofcups #newmythictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/21/2019, 11:19:01 PM

7 of Coins (Pentacles) — a step forward. Doing what you can with what you have will pay off! I was under the weather since my last post...caught a yucky cold from the fair! Hope y’all didn’t miss me too much 😉 — are you about ready for autumn? #7ofpentacles #renaissancetarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/19/2019, 3:22:42 AM

4 of Ghosts 👻 (Cups) — feeling apathetic lately? Have you received a message “not now but maybe later”? Take a moment to contemplate before committing to anything, be sure you know what you want! #4ofcups #halloweentarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/13/2019, 4:39:30 AM

The magician 🎩 — Creative power, control, mastery and ambition. Get clarity on your ‘what’ and your ‘why’. Set your intentions and concentrate to attain your mission. What is magic for me and how do I use it? #themagician #themagiciantarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/5/2019, 6:23:28 AM

👑 King of Swords ⚔️ — ruling from a place of authority and respect. He’s signifying logic and reason, integrity, ethics and morals. Be methodical, use your head, take the mind over matter approach. Sometimes head over heart, ya know? #kingofswords #romantictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

9/4/2019, 1:57:59 AM

10 of Bats 🦇 (Swords) — mental agony, despair. Ruin. Escape from pain. Emotional detachment. At least no more pain will come from whatever source was deemed the final ordeal. Draw wisdom from defeat. If you feel more like an observer, like the cat, recognize that you can learn a lot from the result of someone else’s betrayals or deceit and how you’d react in that scary scenario. #10ofswords #tenofswords #halloweentarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/24/2019, 12:02:12 AM

Literally me today ☔️ — I absolutely love rainy Seattle. All the potential for new beginnings. Honestly, I needed this card to remind myself to release the self-doubt and worry. I’ve been waiting to hear back from an interview—I’m trying to remain upbeat. We’ll see what happens. I don’t need any job to fulfill me but I’m yearning to elevate my career—send me all your best vibes, I’ll reciprocate! Thank you. #thefool #thefooltarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/22/2019, 2:12:45 AM

The Star 💫 — a card of faith, courage and transformation. Magick is flowing all around and anything is possible. Allow yourself to dream, aspire and elevate. The universe is ready to bless you, are you ready to receive? Reach for the stars, the galaxies and the universes ✨ 🌟 #thestar #thestartarot #sinkingwastelandtarot ⭐️ #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/20/2019, 8:08:39 PM

What are the chances of getting the Moon yesterday and today getting the Sun?! Admittedly, I drew the Ace of Swords early AM today but I found a loose card from this deck and felt that I needed to draw from the full deck. Have you ever done that? The Sun 🌞 — the hour of truth. Clarity. Burst in the energy of strength, abundance, and warmth provided by the Sun. Given that I did draw the Ace of Swords earlier, I’m really seeing this as an encouragement to expand the mind. With that mindset, radiate yourself and your goals, and express your power to believe in yourself. And others! The sun shines on us all. #thesun #thesuntarot #aceofswords #romantictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic

8/20/2019, 6:07:42 AM

The Moon 🌝 — hidden dangers, deception, mystery. Things are not as they seem. Intuition, instinct, the subconscious, wildness. A struggle for sanity. How can I connect with my subconscious and release the anxious/fearful energy that is blocking me from going forward? Listen to intuition and feel the situations instead of thinking about what they mean. Ditch the negative self talk and replace it with the outcome and the goal you desire. Love the #halloweentarot deck, I had to get one for myself! #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/19/2019, 6:30:20 AM

The Lovers — who do you want to be in this lifetime, how will you connect with others and on what level, & what will you and won’t you stand for? Bring together two opposing forces with open communication, raw honesty, unanimity and harmony. #thelovers #theloverstarot #wonderlandtarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #newage #witchcraft #pagan #witchythings #malewitch #malewitchofinstagram #witchessociety #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/17/2019, 11:14:47 PM

5 of Cups, rx. Self forgiveness, moving on. The disappointment is behind you or you have understood that loss, grief or failure are part of the journey and have me in your peace with that. We can’t undo what’s done. Time to let go of what no longer serves us emotionally. Rediscover how to be open and taking risks, especially to align with your purpose. #5ofcups #fiveofcups #otherkintarot (hard for me to photograph!) #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw #grateful #appreciation

8/17/2019, 1:48:07 AM

9 of cups — the “wish come true” card! Happiness, satisfaction, harmony, accomplishment. It’s like getting a permission slip to just enjoy life’s pleasures. I couldn’t be more satisfied, I am so appreciative that this card came today. It’s one of the moments in a reading where I just feel content, grateful for what I have and where I’m at. It’s also a time where I am cherishing the fulfillment I get from the guidance of tarot. #9ofcups #nineofcups #etherealvisionstarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw #grateful #appreciation

8/13/2019, 7:24:15 PM

Thank you, Wheel of Fortune! Signifying luck, change, karma and destiny. Showing us that opportunity is abundant. All things have a cycle, the good and the bad. Both make you appreciate the other each can offer new options to the situations faced. Sage 🌿 amethyst, selenite, citrine and green calcite. #wheeloffortune #wheeloffortunetarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/12/2019, 7:18:57 AM

10 of Chalices (Cups) - happiness! Trust that your hard work has and is paying off, your intuition is leading you to the opportunities aligned with your highest good and harmony. There’s magic weaving in your life, you just have to look. Now expand your heart, and send out good vibes to elevate anyone you can! #10ofcups #tenofcups #romantictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/10/2019, 10:19:01 PM

6 of Swords ⚔️ — this the rite of passage. It’s time to move to the next chapter, change your beliefs about yourself. Make you life a series of upgrades, I know that’s my goal! #6ofswords #sixofswords #romantictarot 🥀 #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/9/2019, 8:51:19 PM

How do you react when you get the same card that you recently drew? At first I’m a little disappointed but then I truly try to digest and understand the card in a different way. 8 of Pentacles — I see this as a positive sign and encouragement that all the hard work is going to pay off. I love the two characters’ joyous faces; he’s laboring to walk through water holding her on his back but he’s doing it with a smile (you know walking through a stream/river is no easy task to begin slip and 💦) meanwhile, she’s letting go of control, closing her eyes and hoping for the best. Keep trekking through, hopefully we make it but hey if we slip, we can dry off later. It’ll be worth while soon! #8ofpentacles #eightofpentacles #romantictarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/8/2019, 2:40:41 AM

Justice! Again? 🤔 Are we being fair to ourselves and to others? We might be waiting for a decision or in search for the truth—once the truth is revealed or the decision is made, it needs to be accepted and we move onward. Ps. We call this the disco elevator #justice #justicetarot #sinkingwastelandtarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/6/2019, 11:55:26 PM

Today my 3.5yr old daughter picked out her first Tarot deck—the Halloween Tarot 🎃 We went to the garden patch, she threw them on the ground and made piles to get them nice and shuffled. It was so cute to watch her select her deck and shuffle on her terms (swipe to see!) To my surprise, she drew The Fool. Earlier today, I drew The Fool reversed, in the Wonderland Tarot. So today is both upright and reversed. I see this as new beginnings but through a more exploratory aspect first—not completely committed but still ready. In her deck, a clown juggles happily, oblivious to the precipice before him. Playful, childlike innocence. Pure potential. Freedom from pre-conception. Gaining wisdom through experience. In wonderland, the Fool rx represents no decision at all or not caring if a decision is reached. Faltering in a quest. #firsttarot #halloweentarot #wonderlandtarot #witchintraining #girlsfirsttarot #daddydaughtertime #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw #flowergirl

8/3/2019, 3:01:53 AM

Our return flight to Seattle was a red eye. Felt like a long return but happy to be back home—sad I can’t live in Kauai, I so would. 9 of swords ⚔️ — are you letting fear or anxiety get in the way? Face your fears. #9ofswords #nineofswords #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/2/2019, 7:02:45 AM

Today I got the Oracle of the Mermaids 🧜‍♀️ at Kauai’s only metaphysical store. Both Kauai and Seattle are water cities, so mermaids resonate and align with the vibe. Plus, my daughter is drawn to them, and so am I. Today’s 🧜‍♀️ is Freedom, and the message is independence and self-determination. #kauai #hawaii #mermaids #mermaidoracle #oracle #oraclecards #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

8/1/2019, 9:10:19 AM

It’s time to get over any disappointments and life’s shortcomings. Be open to the bright side of things, and all the disguised blessings. New possibilities are waiting, be ready. #5ofcups #kauai #hawaii #kekaha #beach #palmtrees #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/25/2019, 11:51:24 PM

❤️ my sister’s 🌹 wall! Feeling encouraged seeing the 8 of Pentacles for today’s tarot. A nice reminder to keep doing what you’re doing, and just go with it! We’ll all look back and poke fun at the trials and error we endured to develop the lives we wanted to have. #8ofpentacles #eightofpentacles #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/22/2019, 5:18:23 AM

Feeling the vibe of today, and today’s tarot card! 6 of Swords ⚔️ — in a transitional period. It’s bittersweet leaving the known and having familiarity but it will be worth it. The fight was certainly worth it. Cherish and reflect on the battle to get here but let the past go. The future is going to be better to evolve, grow and prosper! #6ofswords #sixofswords #sinkingwastelandtarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/21/2019, 12:46:48 AM

Starting from scratch? Today’s tarot card, Death. This is opening the possibility of something far more valuable and essential. I welcome this card and its signal of significant change. So much to live for. #death #deathtarot. #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/20/2019, 4:02:00 AM

Oops! This was supposed to be reversed. Maybe it’s both today. You may have completed or achieved a goal or are about to complete it — or you might be getting a delay in completing it... let’s focus on the ultimate fact: it will be achieved. Feel the fulfillment now, despite the status. #theworld #wonderlandtarot #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/17/2019, 10:35:47 PM

Feeling Devine love or harmony today? I am! The 10 of Cups emerged for today’s daily tarot. Follow your ❤️ and intuition to lead you to the opportunities aligned with your Highest Good. #10ofcups #tenofcups #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/16/2019, 7:39:15 PM

Are you feeling sneaky today? 7 of Swords ⚔️ reminds us that that deception takes a toll. There’s a risk in getting caught. Or perhaps someone is working against you *gasp* #7ofswords #sevenofswords #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/16/2019, 2:29:49 AM

Oh la la, this has several different meanings. Isn’t this interesting? Comment and tell me what is echoing from this reading for you. I’m seeing some naughtiness 😈 followed by a bit of modesty 😇 #thedevil #thedevilreversed #temperance #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/15/2019, 5:11:17 AM

Having a good weekend? Today’s cards are uplifting. The Queen of Pentacles 👸🏼 bringing a balance and a down to earth mood. Very maternal. I love seeing this card in a reading. The 6 of Wands appearing today, suggesting self confidence. Be proud of what has been accomplished so far and the progress towards the future. #queenofpentacles #6ofwands #sixpfwands #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/14/2019, 1:08:39 AM

Did anyone feel that earthquake in the Seattle area? Today the 3 of Swords and the King of Pentacles is giving me the best insight, I feel really good about it! The 3 of Swords is showing there was a duel 🤺 resulting in a loss. Today I see this as a bittersweet ending to an emotional battle. Time to accept all that has happened and ascend from it. The King of Pentacles accompanying the strife shows that what has been sought after is going to materialize. It’s all coming! Security, abundance and final fulfillment is coming with the methodology learned through trial and error. #3ofswords #threeofswords #kingofpentacles #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/12/2019, 8:36:24 PM

I feel silly taking these photos in public but the reality is, there’s no audience and nobody cares. I’m trying not be shy ☺️ • • Page of Pentacles, reversed. The #sinkingwastelandtarot deck says that you are having difficulty getting a new project going. Might be spending too much time daydreaming, or you could need to circle back and reconsider constraints that you don’t thought of before. You might be thinking g too short-term when you need to focus on the long-term. Return to your goal and consider whether you still want to achieve it or not. • • Perhaps this is a lesson to learn from my mistakes. Thoughts?? • • #pageofwands #pageofwandsreversed • • #tarot #seattletarot #divination #tarotonline #spiritualawakening #enlightenment #intuition #lawofattraction #occult #ritual #magick #tarotreadersofinstagram #lightworker #seattlewitch #witchesofinstagram #maketarotgreatagain #tarotforkids #tarotcommunity #psychic #seattle #pnw

7/12/2019, 2:12:06 AM