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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

Sketch meet at Saraswati Chowk, Solapur at 8:00 AM on Sunday, 28th April 2024. Bring your sketching material. . . . #urbansketcherssolapur #usksolapur #urbansketchers #urbansketchersindia #uskindia #urabnsketching

4/27/2024, 6:18:47 PM

Morning drawing in Hintonburg @bismillahpies #ottawalife #ottawafoodies #ottawaart #hintonburg #urbansketchers

4/27/2024, 6:15:14 PM

Posted @withregram • @barbubavard 🇫🇷 Vieilles pierres et jeunes pousses : après-midi croquis avec @uskparis à la Cité de l’architecture où le Conservatoire de Boulogne proposait des performances musicales et danse. Première partie : les vieilles pierres. Mine de plomb et aquarelle sur carnet moleskine 🇺🇸 Old stones and young shoots: sketching afternoon with @uskparis at the Cité de l’architecture, where the Conservatoire de Boulogne offered musical and dance performances. Part one: old stones. Graphite and watercolor on moleskine notebook #croquis #carnetdecroquis #sketchbook #sketching #sketch #sketchingpractice #croquisaquarelle #aquarelle #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolorsketchbook #watercolorpainting #surlevif #pleinairpainting #surlemotif #onlocation #usk #urbansketchers #urbansketching #urbansketch #uskfrance #uskparis

4/27/2024, 6:04:44 PM

Holland Park Kyoto garden @urbansketcherslondon #urbansketcherslondon #urbansketching #urbansketch #hollandpark #kyotogarden #urbansketchers #london #watercolour

4/27/2024, 6:03:15 PM

🇫🇷 Dessiner le mouvement : après-midi croquis avec @uskparis à la Cité de l’architecture où le Conservatoire de Boulogne proposait des performances musicales et danse. Les performances des jeunes danseuses inspirent et rencontres les performances en miroir des sketchers réunis pour l’occasion. Une première sortie pour moi et une belle expérience. 🇺🇸 Drawing the movement: sketching afternoon with @uskparis at the Cité de l’architecture, where the Conservatoire de Boulogne presented musical and dance performances. The young dancers’ performances inspired and met the mirrored performances of the sketchers gathered for the occasion. A first outing for me and a great experience. #croquis #carnetdecroquis #sketchbook #sketching #sketch #sketchingpractice #croquisaquarelle #aquarelle #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolorsketchbook #watercolorpainting #surlevif #directwatercolor #pleinairpainting #surlemotif #onlocation #usk #urbansketchers #urbansketching #urbansketch #uskfrance #uskparis

4/27/2024, 5:57:22 PM

Familienwochenende im Ostallgäu. Während der Siesta gab's Zeit zum Zeichnen. #uwebarkmann #urbansketchersbodensee #usk #urbansketchers #urbansketching

4/27/2024, 5:54:11 PM

Familienwochenende im Ostallgäu. Während der Siesta gab's Zeit zum Zeichnen. #uwebarkmann #urbansketchersbodensee #usk #urbansketchers #urbansketching

4/27/2024, 5:54:06 PM

Today I joined the Cambridge Urban Sketchers on a rainy Saturday in Milton Country Park. Sitting outside I managed one drawing even though the rain drops landed on my sketch, hence the splodges. Lovely to be with others who don't mind sketching in the cold and rain. #usk #urbansketchers #MiltonCountryPark #Cambridge #sketching #urbansketching #sketchingintherain #lodges #ink #watercolour

4/27/2024, 5:53:28 PM

Quickies and yearly pilgrimage to The 🍋 🧊 👑 #doodles #urbansketchers #sketcbook

4/27/2024, 5:50:14 PM

Próxima reunión Domingo 28 de abril. Domingo de seguir dibujando postales para nuestros amigos de @uskmadrid Ven y dibuja con nosotros. Lleva tu material de dibujo, ganas de dibujar, de convivir y de pasar un buen rato con quienes comparten tu gusto por dibujar. . . . #urbansketchers #urbansketcherstaxco #usk #usktaxco #taxco

4/27/2024, 5:49:13 PM

Sketch from yesterday’s event with @urbansketchers #twincities chapter at @lostfox_lowertown The first sketch took about an hour. The second about 15mins while waiting for my food. (Their spicy fried chicken sando was 💯) No point for guessing what was my order number. @stillmanandbirn Beta Series A4 Portrait sketchbook @winsorandnewton and @danielsmithartistsmaterials watercolors Isabey travel brush no.6 Escoda travel brush no. 10 black velvet Travel brush no. 2 White gelly roll pen #sketch #urbansketcherstwincities #watercolors #watercolours #watercolorart #painting #urbansketchers #urbansketching #minnesotaartist #MN

4/27/2024, 5:46:52 PM

Bloqueo visual o el señor inquieto porque dibujaba a su pareja. Luego iba él, pero ya no pude. Qué reacción: no me dijo nada, pero adoptó una postura imposible para tapar a la mujer. #alfredougarteurumo #urumo #nulladeiesinelineaurumo #alfredougartegondra #alfredougarte #devueltaconelcuaderno #cuadernitis #cuadernistas #sketching #urbansketchers #urbansketching #usk #uskspain #urbansketchersspain #uskvalencia #uskvalència #Uskvalencia #uskvalenciajodibuixe #uskvalencia_jodibuixe #sangolargo #miscelaneaencuaderno #cuadernomiscelaneo #cuadernomisceláneo #hospitalclinicovalencia

4/27/2024, 5:46:17 PM

Maintenance Building on the Old Croton Aqueduct (Across from the Keeper’s House) I pass this building most days when I am walking my dog. I know it may seem a little distorted in this picture but there are times when it really does look like this (to me anyway), depending on where I am standing. The Leaning Maintenance Building of Dobbs Ferry. . . . . . . . #oldcrotonaqueduct #artistsnetwork #sketchcollector #linedrawing #watercolors #urbansketchers #sketchbook #global_sketcher #fude #travelsketchbook #illustratedjournal #sketchbookart #danielsmithwatercolors #hudsonvalleyart

4/27/2024, 5:45:55 PM

This is the second week of working on techniques to add tiny figures to sketches. These lessons go out by email once a week to subscribers-link in stories and profile . . . #urbansketchers #travelsketch #drawingpeople #sketchbookdrawing #inkandwash #inkandwatercolor #lineandwash

4/27/2024, 5:44:34 PM

三天假期的第一天過得匆忙。凌晨六點從桃園機場趕搭早班飛機,於成田轉Narita Express至新宿,中午在新宿大街用餐順便拍攝滿樹金黃的銀杏,之後搭乘小田急浪漫特快來到箱根湯本。屆時已是傍晚,列車緩緩駛進湯本站時我望著窗外,斜陽遍灑山谷,深秋的楓紅給人帶來暖意。車站外,民宿的主人正駕車等待我們。 Hiroshiさん是個好客的人,在成田與小田原市均註冊Airbnb公寓供人借宿,客房要價便宜但十分雅致,是過夜的完美選擇。我們在列車上與之詢問民宿確切地點,以便泡湯後自行前往,想不到他竟親自前來接待,並簡介了當地的溫泉與特色,此舉實在溫暖人心。 根據資料,整個湯本山區充滿溫泉旅館,由湯本站搭接駁公車可繞行一周,泡湯後沿溪邊步道漫步回車站是不錯的選擇。我們在出發前雖查過湯屋資訊,然而對溫泉現況不甚瞭解,在火車上撥幾通電話後發現有些湯屋只營業到傍晚,讓人大失所望。我們向Hiroshi描述這事,他沉思一會後帶我們到山間小巷裡的迷你湯屋,溫泉水質清澈,沒有觀光客的喧嘩,真是連番趕路後的清幽之地。 露天浴池空間不大,但獨佔時便覺渾身舒暢。在溫泉裡時而浸泡,時而漫步,偶爾望向黑暗天空,澡堂夜燈打在山區原生的柳杉上,耳邊聽見清風拂過林間的颯颯聲,頓時有種山中武士的俠感。十二月的山裡沒有降雪,雖然處在冬季,給人的感覺更像深秋。 在溫泉旅館待了一小時後,Hiroshi來門口接我們回市區。箱根的餐廳歇業很早,泡完湯後只剩兩家開著,我們選了離住處近的迴轉壽司,店裡大排長龍,三十分鐘後才輪到位。 坐下後實在餓了,將螢幕上有的東西大致點了一輪,邊吃邊聊他在箱根的生活以及旅遊建議。然而糟糕的是,隔天天氣預測陰雨,搭船欣賞富士山的願景大致無望,Hiroshi也覺得可惜,但既來之則安之,回到民宿後大家一起討論雨天景點,亦是樂趣所在。 回到民宿洗完澡後,Hiroshi說:我們來排隔天的行程吧!於是我把身上帶著的旅遊書與車站裡蒐集的時刻表們全都拿出來攤在桌上,從背包裡拿出筆記本來抄寫。 我們出發前已經預排過路線與景點,選了幾個比較喜歡的地方,但確切的出發與停留時間得到當地看時刻表才能安排。這回除了碰到雨天,另一個意外是箱根登山纜車因火山活動頻繁而公告停駛,原本想好的逆時針環狀路線無法成行,得另想方法接駁蘆之湖與強羅,也無法前往早雲山。 Hiroshi看了我們帶來的資訊,便建議我們隔日搭他的車往蘆之湖畔,之後沿蘆之湖觀光船、登山巴士、登山火車採順時針路線遊覽箱根,這樣不用凌晨起床趕車,也可以搭乘到所有交通工具(登山列車與蘆之湖海盜船為箱根特色)。我們感謝他的熱心,著實省下一大麻煩。 次日早晨下著細雨,身著羽絨外套仍能感到些許寒意。我們乘車來到蘆之湖畔,往桃源台港的第一班船正要啟航,往遠方望去,一片霧濛濛的景色,山巒隱身在雲霧間無法窺見全貌。 蘆之湖位於神奈川縣足柄下郡箱根町,是箱根山下的火口湖,若逢放晴之日,人們在此可遙望聖山富士。富士絕美的錐狀山型,自包覆湖畔的層層山巒中竄出,地平線處翠綠湖水映著箱根神社的紅色鳥居與楓,堪稱東京近郊的一介美景。 二十四小時前才剛從忙碌的生活中抽離,即使身在日本,精神仍未吸進旅行的愜意感。我們在碼頭邊與Hiroshi先生握手,感謝他前一天的招待。 船緩慢駛離港口,我們走上甲板,蘆之湖的輪廓慢慢變得鮮明,而旅程正要展開。 #urbansketchers #河畔牛頭探險 #travel #japan #latergram

4/27/2024, 5:29:25 PM

🇫🇷 Vieilles pierres et jeunes pousses : après-midi croquis avec @uskparis à la Cité de l’architecture où le Conservatoire de Boulogne proposait des performances musicales et danse. Première partie : les vieilles pierres. Mine de plomb et aquarelle sur carnet moleskine 🇺🇸 Old stones and young shoots: sketching afternoon with @uskparis at the Cité de l’architecture, where the Conservatoire de Boulogne offered musical and dance performances. Part one: old stones. Graphite and watercolor on moleskine notebook #croquis #carnetdecroquis #sketchbook #sketching #sketch #sketchingpractice #croquisaquarelle #aquarelle #watercolor #watercolorsketch #watercolorsketchbook #watercolorpainting #surlevif #pleinairpainting #surlemotif #onlocation #usk #urbansketchers #urbansketching #urbansketch #uskfrance #uskparis

4/27/2024, 5:25:13 PM

Sketchwalk Volume 76 USK Medan MEI 2024 MAYDAY SKETCHWALK . Salam sketsa, Mengawali bulan Mei ini yuk kita piknik sketsa di salah satu taman yang bersanding dengan danau cantik di kota Medan yaitu taman Candika Pramuka yang terletak di Medan Johor . Acara sketchwalk ini gratis dan terbuka untuk semua usia dan kalangan. Silahkan membawa alat sketsa masing-masing. . Jangan lupa untuk membawa payung atau topi ya karena cuaca kota Medan belakangan ini yang panas dan terik serta bisa tiba-tiba hujan deras. . Lokasi sketsa: Taman Candika Pramuka Alamat: Taman Cadika Pramuka, Jl. Karya Wisata, Pangkalan Masyhur, Medan Johor, Medan (Pandawa Cafe) GMap: https://maps.app.goo.gl/VCucqxqLf3Y17v8p9 Hari: Rabu, 01 Mei 2024 Jam: 14.00 - 17:00 . Gunakan hashtag agar sketsa teman-teman bisa direpost #urbansketchers #usk #urbansketchersmedan #uskmedan . jangan lupa tag Urbansketchers dan USk.medan ya di IG atau FB . #tamancandika #tamancandikamedanjohor #tamancandikapramuka #maydaysketch #mayday #sketchwalkmedan #medan #medansketchwalk

4/27/2024, 5:24:57 PM

Sonnig, windig, kalt und warm. Bestes Wetter zum Urban Sketchen. 🩵 #urbansketching #urbansketchersswitzerland #urbansketchers #zürisee #alpenpanoramaweg

4/27/2024, 5:23:15 PM

I originally wanted to post this one on our birthday but then I got sick (classic Lae moment) so instead of on OUR birthday, I'm posting it today, on the king's birthday. Happy Birthday, King 🧡 (i am now referring to 👑Colin👑 and not our official king) will post less orange version(s?) later. #waarneming #koningsdag #kingsday #king #koning #sliceoflife #urbansketchers #digitalcolor #pendrawing #art #illustration #겄미남 #멋있다

4/27/2024, 5:21:48 PM

12/30 #wip 本日は未完成。。でも載せます😭 別の絵に時間を使いすぎてこちらは時間切れ。。 오늘은 타임아웃, 미완성🥲 아니 오늘 진짜 다른 그림에 시간을 넘 마니 씀.. #onedrawingaday #30dayschallenge #workinprogress #dailydrawing #urbansketches #urbansketchers #europe #drawing #pendrawing #doodle #1日1枚 #30日チャレンジ #アーバンスケッチ #風景画 #하루한장 #30일챌린지 #미완성 #과정 #어반스케치 #풍경화 #펜드로잉 #손그림

4/27/2024, 5:15:52 PM

#urbansketching with @josephtravisart enjoying the sunshine and some #elmer statues #urbansketchers #lineandwashwatercolor #blackpoolarts #blackpoolartist #elmertheelephant #elmertheelephantsbigparade

4/27/2024, 5:15:13 PM

Urlaub 🥳. Mit der Aida blu unterwegs. Heute nach Korfu geflogen und ein erstes Bild vom Balkon mit dem Blick auf die Altstadt bei 21 Grad und strahlendem Sonnenschein. Was kann es schöneres geben 🙏. @aida_cruises #aidablu #korfu #corfusketch #corfu @visitcorfu_gr #aquarell #sketching #sketch #global_sketchers #urbansketching #usk #watercolor #watercolour #globalsketchers #watercolorsketch #urbansketchers #zeichnen #zeichnung #tinte #uskbremen #uskgermany #urbansketchinggermany #schminckefan #urbansketchersbremen #drawingonlocation #urbansketchingbremen #urbansketchersbremen #drawingonlocation

4/27/2024, 5:13:48 PM

20240427 台中一中校慶園遊會 #drawing #urbansketcher #digitalart #procreateart #sketch_daily #urbansketchers #sketchonlocation #sketch_plus #urbanandstreet #台中 #台中一中

4/27/2024, 5:08:51 PM

남양주어반 4월 정모는.. 다산 정약용 생가와 다산 생태공원에서 열렸다. 꽃가루가 날리는 뿌연 날씨였지만, 햇볕은 뜨거워서 그늘을 찾게되는 그런 날~ 그림 그릴땐 식당에 가서 점심 먹는 호사를 부려서는 안된다. 샌드위치나 김밥으로 간단히 먹어야 2장이상 그릴텐데..ㅋ 오늘은 운영진 회의를 점심시간에 식당에 모여 하느라~ 그림을 한장 밖에 못그렸다면 핑계겠지?^^;;; #urbansketchers #usknamyangju #어반스케처스남양주 #다산정약용생가 #다산생태공원🌳

4/27/2024, 5:08:26 PM

South Shulin station, Taiwan ✍️ 🇹🇼. . . . . #usk #trainstation #urbansketchers #sketch_daily #eugenebond #Taiwan #sketching #sailorfountainpen #lineart #watercolorsketch #archisketch #architecture #pleinairsketching #evgenybondarenko #city_sketch #林仁亞 #евгенийбондаренко

4/27/2024, 5:06:28 PM

Another interior, sketched in Civita de Bagnoregio ITALY. I loved staying in this tiny apartment, surrounded by garden on 3 sides, while teaching my annual workshop in this amazing village. The beams holding up the ceiling are from chestnut trees in the valley below. Tip: notice how I used a cool cobalt blue in the doorways to make those spaces recede.

4/27/2024, 5:02:14 PM

20240427 台中一中校慶園遊會 #drawing #urbansketcher #sketch_daily #urbansketchers #sketchonlocation #sketch_plus #urbanandstreet #台中 #台中一中 #台中一中校慶園遊會

4/27/2024, 5:00:17 PM

#해방촌 골목길 #해가 질 무렵엔 어김없이 저녁 먹으라는 엄마의 목소리로 아쉽게도 그날 하루를 마감했던 기억이 난다. 그 목소리가 참 그립다... #urbansketchers #pendrawing #watercolor #illustration #artjournaling #dailydrawing #어반스케치#펜드로잉#일러스트 #어반스케쳐스#여행드로잉#골목드로잉 #일상드로잉#수채#요민,수지

4/27/2024, 4:57:22 PM

A dome un Laubova street (Prague). Fineliner sketch. Unipin 03 fineliner by @uniball_cz on a sketchbook by @bobo.blok @urbansketchersprague #urbansketching #urbansketch #urbansketchers #penandink #penandinksketch #penandinkdrawing #finelinersketch #finelinerdrawing #markersketch #sketchingonlocation #drawingonlocation #prague

4/27/2024, 4:55:44 PM

The Neighborhood Series: Les and Dee’s House This house was being renovated when we first moved to Orrville. Truthfully I don’t even remember the “before,” but my husband does. If it looks crooked… so is the house 😁 But I love the work and love they’ve put into the outside of this home so much, I just had to paint it. Last night as I knocked on their door, Les and Dee stepped out to say “oh! We thought you wanted to buy the place! Want to come in and see it?” 😱😱😱 I had my whole family with me, but they welcomed us right in and showed us everything! Let me tell you, it’s just as beautiful inside as out. I paid special attention to the staircase, since that’s our next renovation project 😉, but the whole place was just a labor of love and old charm. This was such a lovely experience, and if you’re in the mood to move to small-town Amish country Ohio, I know of a really great place going on the market soon, in a pretty sweet neighborhood 🥰 4x6 watercolor and ink on 140lb postcard #art #newartist #beginnerartist #watercolor #watercolorartist #beginnerwatercolor #learnnewthings #practice #justpaint #artistsoninstagram #painteveryday #littlebylittle #urbansketchers #urbansketch #theneighborhoodseries #houseportrait #architecture #oldhouselove #oldhouseportrait #architecturalpotrait

4/27/2024, 4:55:20 PM

Tinta negra y guache blanco sobre papel Kraft. Magnífico diseño de @jeffs_urbanart. . . . . . . #sketch #sketching #sketchbook #architecturesketch #citysketch #urbansketch #urbansketching #drawing #travelsketch #urbansketchers #sketch_architecture #inkdrawings #inkandwatercolor

4/27/2024, 4:53:22 PM

🇫🇷 Holaa !✨ Je vous partage ici l’illustration de Madrid que j’ai réalisé hier ^^ J’ai du passer au moins 5h dessus mais je suis assez contente du résultat… et vous, vous en pensez quoi ? 😄 🇪🇸 ¡Holaa! ✨ Os comparto aquí la ilustración de Madrid que hice ayer ^^ Tuvo que pasar al menos 5 horas en ella pero estoy bastante contenta con el resultado... y vosotros, ¿qué opinais? 😄 #madridespaña #artemadrid #ilustrationart #ilustracion #illustration #watercolors #acuarelaarte #aquarelleart #urbansketching #urbansketchers #frenchillustrator #artistefrancaise #sennelieraquarelle #micronpenart #drawingsketch

4/27/2024, 4:52:09 PM

Trying out liquid charcoal from schmincke_official along with the usual tools. Thanks clyde.steadman for the loan of the Fabriano paper. #drawing #sketchbook #paulheaston #urbansketchers #perspective

4/27/2024, 4:49:26 PM

The weather was very nice in Geneva today! 😊 I went to the USK Geneva's meetup. @uskgeneva #watercolor #urbansketchers #geneva #switzerland

4/27/2024, 4:48:15 PM

Ésta mañana he participado en una actividad organizada por @arquitectesctac y @c.labatelier : "Un paseo de dibujo" para ver con otros ojos la vida de la ciudad. Los dibujos resultantes, realizados en formato A2 y con ceras @manley_colors servirán para la instalación efímera que representará a los arquitectos en @lanitdelart . Allí hemos estado algunos dibujantes urbanos @uskcastello 💪🖍️ ¡Esperando con ilusión y emoción el resultado! Han salido unos dibujos maravillosos, gracias por organizarlo. Todos nos lo hemos pasado genial. Hasta la próxima! 😄😄 - - - @uskcastello #urbansketchers #usk #uskspain #uskcastello #uskcastelló #uskcastellón #uskcastellon #uskcvalenciana

4/27/2024, 4:45:25 PM

Aquest matí, uns quants dibuixants de #dibuixemmaresme hem desafiat les prediccions meteorològiques que anunciaven pluges i hem anat a la vall de Rials d’Alella per dibuixar els camps de vinyes. Després de la pausa hivernal i dels primers ruixats primaverals, els ceps llueixen amb les primeres fulles de color verd-groguenc intens que es barregen amb els grocs, blancs, malves i vermells de les flors silvestres. El cel era completament gris i boirós i el vent bufava fort a estones, però això no és suficient per fer-nos desistir. Ha aguantat sense ploure i hem gaudit de la trobada en plena natura. 🤗 🫶Agraïments a la Montse per la crònica de la trobada així com la iniciativa, gestió i el seu lideratge🙌🙌 📸Moltes gràcies per les fotos dels col.laboradors i participants, han fet possible aquest reportatge gràfic 🙌🙌 #maresme #bosquetalella #ruralsketching #gaudeixcatalunya #alella #gaudeix_catalunya #poblesdecatalunya #vinyes #sketching #sketch #sketchbook #travelsketching #travelsketchers #travelsketchbook #usk #artbook #urbansketching #urbansketch #UrbanSketchers #travelart #quaderndeviatge #carnetdevoyage #travelogue #Catalunya #Catalonia #patrimoni #urbansketchersbarcelona #uskbarcelona #uskCatalunya @uskcatalunya @urbansketchers @uskbarcelona @turisme_catalunya @gaudeix_cat @patrimonigencat @ajalella @revista.alella

4/27/2024, 4:44:21 PM

Immer noch Schnee: oberhalb von Furtwangen (altes Gebäude bei der Bregquelle sowie Martinskapelle) #skizzen #skizzenbuch #sketches #sketchbook #sketchbookdrawing #workonpaper #urbansketchers #urbansketching #bregquelle #hochmariele #martinskapelle #furtwangen

4/27/2024, 4:43:14 PM

Posted @withregram • @felicianogomezcorisco 27/04/24 Hoy los uskmadrid hemos dibujado en la Puerta del Sol, convocados por @JoaquínGonzálezDorao para el intercambio de postales con Taxco (México). . #urbansketchers #urbansketchersmadrid #uskmadrid #urbansketchersspain #uskspain #urbansketching #urbansketch #sketch #sketchbook #sketching #castejaodibujando @uskmadrid

4/27/2024, 4:39:05 PM

Sitting in the cafe in Regents Park London, by the Rose garden, a drawable tree is all the excuse you need to have a coffee and a sketch. Indigraph with waterproof ink (rotring ink) , parallel pen with a 6mm nib to block in the black (barrel filled with rotring) , Derwent inktense for the colour. #indigraph #indigraphpen #pilotparallelpen #derwentinktense #regentspark #regentsbarandkitchen #urbansketchers #usk #usklondon

4/27/2024, 4:38:10 PM

Posted @withregram • @victorianodelerma Intercambio de postales con los #urbansketchers de Taxco - México #urbansketchersmadrid #inkandwatercolour #sketchink #madridsketchbook #paseandopormadrid #madrid

4/27/2024, 4:36:59 PM

27/04/24 Hoy los uskmadrid hemos dibujado en la Puerta del Sol, convocados por @JoaquínGonzálezDorao para el intercambio de postales con #Urbansketcherstaxco (México). . #urbansketchers #urbansketchersmadrid #uskmadrid #urbansketchersspain #uskspain #urbansketching #urbansketch #sketch #sketchbook #sketching #castejaodibujando @uskmadrid.

4/27/2024, 4:35:02 PM

Intercambio de postales con los #urbansketchers de Taxco - México #urbansketchersmadrid #inkandwatercolour #sketchink #madridsketchbook #paseandopormadrid #madrid

4/27/2024, 4:32:44 PM

오늘은 가까운 헤이리마을 가든너스에서 프리마켓을 스케치하고 화실언니 버스킹공연을 담아봤어요 한팀당 3곡씩 부르니 스케치도 겨우 할정도 30분씩은 해야 좀 느낌이 나오는데 그래도 신나는 노래와 펜선이 춤을 추니 즐겁게 스케치했어요 다행히 재밌어하시고 좋아해 주셔서 감사했어요 공연이 끝나고 못난이 유원지에서 스탬프도 찍고 시원한 바람쐬며 미션도 하고 가족 모임도 하고 오늘도 바쁜하루로 해피하루 #헤이리예술마을 #가든너스 #헤이리프리마켓 #버스킹공연 #헤이리갈대광장 #문화와자연,그리고음악 #낭만기타앙상블 #데디보이 #rabbit #지챌시즌5 #그림쟁이지니 #스탬프투어 #못난이유원지 #못난이빵 #urbansketchers #urbanskech #바람불어좋은날 #즐건주말 #야외스케치 #이오이오아트스케치북

4/27/2024, 4:29:07 PM

Another short cut for latest art challenge by @lisa.kawa.sketch @ndaa_intan #drawspringndaalisa 💕 Painted this sweet apartments a few years ago 💕 @megansbrushstrokes is right! Pretty shopfronts will pop up every now and then for art challenges cos they are just too cute to not draw! #dtiys #cinqueterre #prettyshop #shopfront #shopfrontillustration #shopsofinstagram #dtiys #urbansketchers #illustration #facadelovers #architecture_hunter #prettyinpink #virtualsketch #virtualsketching #virtualtravelsketch #dtiysplayground #artplayground

4/27/2024, 4:28:14 PM

#강화도 소트리팜 . . #어반스케치#어반스케쳐스#일러스트 #여행드로잉#기록#펜드로잉 #소소한일상드로잉 #풍경스케치 #일상스케치 #sketch #urbansketchers #pendrawing #watercolor#윤코랑하루한장

4/27/2024, 4:28:13 PM

Sketchmeet 67 📍Central Bank of India, Hazratganj 🗓️Sunday, 28th April 2024 ⏰7:00 am- 9:00 am Meeting coordinators- Ar. Sharmishtha Saraogi @mishtified_ Ar. Tauheed Haider @tauheed.haider Urban Sketchers Lucknow is open to all. No registration required. Architects, Artists, Designers, Students, Teachers or anybody who enjoys live sketching can join us this Sunday. Age no bar. Come and explore Lucknow with us, one sketch at a time. See you Lucknow! Don't forget to carry your sketchbooks ,mediums and a water bottle to beat the heat. . . . #lucknow #urbansketcherslucknow #usklucknow #usklko #urbansketcherslucknowsketchmeet #sketchmeet #lucknowevents #eventsinlucknow #art #lucknowcity #lucknowgram #lucknownow #lucknowart #lucknowvibes #urbansketchers #lucknowurbansketchers #lucknowdiaries #lucknow_igers #usk #sketchmeet #nowlucknow #lucknowurbansketchers #lucknowarchitects #lucknowartists #knocksenselucknow #usk #lucknowtimes #lucknowinfluencers ( lucknow, lucknow events, history, art, architecture)

4/27/2024, 4:27:30 PM

ㆍ ㆍ 오늘할일은내일로미루고. #어쩌면아름다운날들 @podomuseum 개관3주년기념무료관람 #애월연어 @wiee.jeju 이동네드문카페찾아들어간곳은 와인전문바인것같은데 커피맛집일세ㅡ 따뜻한커피한잔시켰는데 예쁜아이스볼잔까지,,인상적. 그리고 올만에귀에피났음 그녀들의달콤한음성 #urban #urbansketch #urbansketchers #어반스케치 #USKjejuisland #uskjeju #jeju_island #landscape #watercolor @sinhancorp #stillmanandbirn #winsorandnewton #platinumpen #sharpie #마스프 #마이스케치북프로젝트

4/27/2024, 4:23:22 PM

4/27/2024, 4:20:05 PM

From the @uskparis meetup a week ago, Place Octave Chanute. A lot of fun, a lot of cold too. :) #urbansketchers #urbansketching #urbansketch #parisdessiné #uskparis

4/27/2024, 12:26:11 PM

4/27/2024, 8:48:22 AM

4/27/2024, 8:45:15 AM

I’ve spent the week spring sketching in Santa Fe with @marugodas and @suhitasketch. So fun! The weather was gorgeous and I’ll be going home with a full sketchbook and lots of ideas to digest in the coming weeks. #urbansketchers

4/27/2024, 12:42:40 AM