50thanniversary images

Discover Best 50thanniversary Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

🏍 ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ い぀かの📞 ◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣◥◣ Owner⇛🔑 @xjr1300.japan ________________________________________ #XJR1300 #50thAnniversary #YAMAHA #YAMAHABIKE #XJR #ダマハ #空冷゚ンゞン #限定車 #空冷四発 #倧型バむク #倧型免蚱 #バむク #ダマハが矎しい #カスタムバむク #バむクが奜きだ #バむクのある颚景 #バむク乗りず繋がりたい #バむク女子 #バむク女子ず繋がりたい #バむク男子 #バむク奜きな人ず繋がりたい #バむクのある人生 #バむクのある生掻 #バむクラむフ #バむク写真郚 #バむク写真 #バむク銬鹿 #バむク最高 #バむク奜き #バむク乗り

4/27/2024, 12:48:06 PM

たたディズニヌワヌルド行けるかなぁ #ディズニヌ #ディズニヌランド #ディズニヌ颚景 #ディズニヌワヌルド #ディズニヌカメラ隊 #ディズニヌ倜景 #disneyworld #wdw #disney #disneygram #disneyphoto #50thanniversary #50 #worldofdisney #disneymagic #disneylove #disneycommunity #disneyphotography #magical

4/27/2024, 11:13:35 AM

ティンクの魔法 #ディズニヌ #ディズニヌワヌルド #ディズニヌカメラ隊 #ディズニヌキャラクタヌ #ディズニヌ写真郚 #グリヌティング #50呚幎 #disneyworld #wdw #50thanniversary #disney #disneyland #disneygram #disneyphoto #worldofdisney #disneymagic #disneylove #disneycommunity #disneyphotography

4/27/2024, 11:08:16 AM

献血しおも䜓調に倉化が無いっおこずは、献血しなかったら䜕かが過剰になっおるっおこずなのでは自分はこの習慣で䜕かが保たれおるなら続けおいないず。次は100回目暙に。 #献血 #blooddonation #成分献血スペシャルサポヌタヌ #献血ルヌムfeel #50thanniversary #献血50回蚘念

4/27/2024, 10:58:34 AM

Tonight - Purple And Bold, proudly presents to you Dubliner Joe Dowlin (aka @joeirish_ ) - MC for the evening will be Wexford's own Blayne Hosey with support from Patser Murray 📅 Saturday 27th April 💻www.wexfordartscentre.ie ☎ 0539123764 Dubliner Joe Dowlin ( AKA Joeirish ) has been performing standup throughout Ireland and the UK for the past ten years. He's a regular at top clubs such as Dublin's Laughter Lounge, Ha'penny Comedy club, Craic Den , and Liverpools Hot Water Comedy Club among others as well festivals Electric Picnic, All Together Now, Edinburgh fringe , Voadfone and Galway Comedy Festivals and Bray comedy festival His mad cap high energy stories are a huge hit with Comedy lovers everywhere every time, #joedowlin #laughterlounge #craicdencomedyclub #standupcomedy #standupshow #buyaticket #wexfordartscentre #wexfordstandup #wexfordartscentre #artsforall #artsforlife #50thanniversary #celebrating50years

4/27/2024, 10:22:08 AM

Cakes & Cupcakes for all Occasions @goldendesignscork 🎂🍰🧁 #50 #50th #50thanniversary #boherbuecomprehensiveschool #happybirthday #celebration #celebrate

4/27/2024, 10:05:19 AM

"Todays the day to celebrate the golden years of life, 50 years of devotion since you became man and wife" Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary . 3 tiers of crisp ivory iced tiers with ribbon and an edible pearl trim, faux flowers and a gorgeous cake topper from @owlandoak_designs Delivered to the @thedevondoorway #goldenwedding #goldenweddingcake #goldenweddinganniversary #anniversary #anniversarycake #celebrationcake #cakemaker #melsamazingcakes #3tiercake #50thanniversary #wirralcakes #heswall #heswallcakes #cakedesigner #northwalescakestudio #northwalescakes #northwalesbusiness #flintshirecakes #deesidecakes

4/27/2024, 9:24:56 AM

Being inspired and bringing in creativity by seeing your work, @meetu_swani , and today, handling your event, is an immense pleasure for us. Thank you for making us a part of your celebration! 🌻 #50thanniversary #champagneandroses #elgincafe #amritsar #sunflowertheme #punjab #yellowandwhite #india #sunflower #eventsofamritsar #sundowner #amritsardiaries #customiseddecor

4/27/2024, 9:13:10 AM

27APR2024 50th Anniversary 颚の時代🌞春 From The Beginning 札幌文化芞術劇堎 hitaru (2024.4.26) 1階RB4列端っこにお参戊🙋🏻‍♀ RB 、むむむ 、右のバルコニヌ垭か 😑  なんお思っおたけど〜😛 前埌に垭なし、右の通路はMyミニステヌゞな空間😂 䜿いたい攟題、はみ出したい攟題🎊 そしお、重芁芖界を遮るモノな〜し(≧∇≩)b✹ ✰衣装👔 赀ピンク色的なシャツがよくお䌌合いで ❀(ӊӊ) ✰歓声ずは 🚚 ♪1〜♪4たで、むントロが始たるやいなや、 歓声を通り越しお、悲鳎⚡ ゜レも通り越しおサむレンのごずく、 雄叫びをあげる方が 😅 ♪5からはお疲れになられたのか聞こえおこず 😅 ♪1 始たりず終わりの😎 始カッコよくピックを枚スッず ❀(ӊӊ) 終ベヌスを倖す→次のベヌスをかける→ スタッフ君が背䞭偎のストラップを敎える→ ピックをそっず䞁寧にスタッフ君の手のひらぞ✚ この䞀連の流れが矎しぃ〜(人Ž∀)☆。:*💕 ✰メンバヌ玹介にお 😎腰もグルングルン回っお元気だよ〜😛 ※その回し方よ 😂笑😂 👞🏻←花道から登堎✚油断しおたぁ〜😫 花道暪の皆さんずサササ〜っずハむタッチ🙌🏻 ※サむレンさん瞬間埩掻 😅 ✰昔の人のモノマネ🀓 👞🏻の右手が😎の右肩ぞ、 ぎったりくっ぀いお二人で爆笑🀣🀣🀣 その姿は👞🏻70😎69高校生のようで (*Ž艞*)💕 ✰👞🏻のMCにお 👞🏻アルフィヌに出逢っお、こんなにも日垞を犠牲に するなんお思っおなかっただろ〜😝 客垭爆笑😂🀣😂 ※犠牲っお 😂笑😂 ♪10 難挢字゜ング 疟走感がたたりたせん❀(ӊӊ) 䟋の振り✊は封印されおるのかしら 🥹 ♪12 高〜い音皋が😎💕 今日も「倩の切り裂き」加枛がお芋事〜👏🏻✚✚ 「懺悔😎⚡」もシビレた〜(*Ž艞*)💕 ✰出し物コヌナヌ 倪郎氏🥁の埌ろを3人䞊んで進んでるずき、 👞🏻がマラカスラむト萜ずす拟う 埌ろの🀓に察しお「テヘ (*ω・*)」的な 笑 ※可愛らしぃ〜✚😆✚ ♪16 みんな倧奜き゜ングにお 倧量の銀テを手にしお、 バルコニヌ垭に持っおきたむベントスタッフ君👀 優しさの塊ずいうか、動きが䞍慣れずいうか 😅 「よかったら、お奜きな色䞀本ど〜ぞ〜」的な動きで、 「ど〜ぞ〜」されおる偎も吟味し始め 😅 💗倧阪人なるワタクシの心の声💗 そんなんガッず掎んで、バッず枡しお、 呚蟺の皆さんずテキトヌに分けおくださいな〜、 で、いいやん 曲䞭で遞ばすなやし、遞ぶな〜😂😂😂 そんなこずしおる間にも😎がコチラの花道ぞ💕 あぁ〜、たたセンタヌぞお戻りになられるぅ〜😎  っおいう時間が過ぎおも、ただ遞んでるや〜ん😂 そしお「戻っお来い」の指瀺が出たのか、 銀テ豊䜜状態でスタッフ君は小走りで退散 😂 もったいな〜い😅 ♪17 スチヌルなゞャむアント゜ング 今日もキレッキレの「耳を塞げ〜っ😎⚡」 そしお、ピック投げたぁ〜(*Ž∀*)💕 次回も楜しみ〜(*Ž艞*)💕💕 #50thanniversary #颚の時代春

4/27/2024, 8:36:05 AM

隆重介玹 Hello Kitty 50 週幎玀念商品小抜繩包盲盒 👍✚䞀共12皮類。所有角色郜戎Hello Kitty垜子😍 4582364525451-Sanrio角色束口小袋盲盒-15元 ※各門垂商品庫存狀況䞍盡盞同請以門垂珟堎存貚為䞻。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAISO 100元mCoin 賌物犮刞䞊線啊. 150mCoin 加89.5元就可以換到100元. 限時優惠倧家快些搶賌啊. 門店還有倚項優惠掻動同時進行䞭. 倧家唔奜錯過啊. 1. 指定陀濕防朮商品. 原價15元. 掻動優惠價10元. 2. 足球小將系列, 可口可暂商品系列, 3月29至4月30日, å…šç·š7折, 30% OFF, 3. 自由疊塑膠收玍盒 4984355715924- 原價20元, 珟優惠價10元. 4. DAISO 呚末北區消費倧奬賞 : 3月30至8月4日. * 信達廣堎分店 * 東方明珠分店 * 玅街垂分店 已參與呚末北區消費倧奬賞, ------------------------------------- mColin 賌物犮刞䜿甚條欟. 1.本優惠刞自領取之日起,須斌有效期內䜿甚 2.本優惠刞圚週六和呚日有效適甚斌公共假期 3.歀優惠刞䞍可折珟及退回珟金歀刞䞍適甚斌賌買日本倧創癟貚賌物犮刞. 消費滿MOP100方可䜿甚 4.每次消費只胜䜿甚䞀匵䞍可與其他店鋪掻動同享 5.柳門MPASS敞䜍化生掻服務䞀人有限公叞保留隚時曎改條欟及现則之權利恕䞍及行通知 6.日本倧創癟貚保留最終解釋權 . -------------------------------------- 限時激枛。盞關系列產品党郚7折。 掻動日期2024/3/29-2024/4/30 *僅限足球小將系列可口可暂系列產品盞關係列產分類以電腊小祚為準 *敞量有限售完即止 *䞍胜同其他優惠商品同時䜿甚。 *日本倧創癟貚保留最終解釋權。 #daisojapanmo #daisojapan #daisojapanmacau #柳門日本倧創癟貚 #macau #macaushop #零食 #零食掚薊 #北區消費倧奬賞 #Daiso #足球小將翌 #可口可暂 #限時優惠 #mCoin #100元珟金刞 #mCoin優惠 #sanrio #hellokitty #50thanniversary #䞉麗鷗 #hellokitty50thanniversary

4/27/2024, 8:04:09 AM

The National President of GCLOBA Rear Admiral Leye Jaiyeola (rtd), mni in company GCLOBA past Presidents, Bayo Ayo, the Immediate Past President Anthony Akinajo, in his capacity as Chairman Development Committee, and the Chairman 50th Anniversary Celebration Committee, Alhaji Deji Lawal was received by the Governor of Lagos State on Wednesday, 24 April 2024 at the Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja. Also in attendance were the Deputy Governor, Dr Obafemi Hamzat, the Commissioner of Education, Hon Jamiu Ali-Balogun, Tunde Onigbanjo, the Chief of Protocol and other top government officials. The visit afforded the GCLOBA team an opportunity to brief Mr. Governor on the activities of the old boys' Association as regards the Redevelopment Projects in the School and activities earmarked for the 50th Anniversary of the School. Up School!!! #lagosstate #school #50thanniversary

4/27/2024, 8:00:58 AM

🀘⚡🀘 1993 CBS/Albert's Australian reissue, silver on black disc. The inside cover is signed by Phil Rudd 🥁 @acdc #acdc #dirtydeedsdonedirtcheap #albertproductions #greatestrocknrollbandintheworld #youngyoungscottevansrudd #50thanniversary #50yearsofrocknroll #ozrock #rocknroll 🀘⚡🀘

4/27/2024, 7:58:12 AM

🀘⚡🀘 Recent additions to the collection, 1993 CBS/Albert's Australian reissues, silver on black discs. @acdc #acdc #highvoltage #dirtydeedsdonedirtcheap #ifyouwantbloodyouvegotit #albertproductions #greatestrocknrollbandintheworld #youngyoungscottevansrudd #youngyoungscottwilliamsrudd #50thanniversary #50yearsofrocknroll #ozrock #rocknroll 🀘⚡🀘

4/27/2024, 7:56:41 AM

Photo essentials for the Celebration of a beautiful couple for their 50th anniversary...also taking care of other guests wo are envisioning their 25th, 50th anniversary very soon, a young couple and kids. Photo essential for each and everyone attending the celebration. God bless all these love birds ✚✚♥♥♥✚✚✚🌷🌷 #handmadewithlove #love #oldlove #celebration #anniversary #50thanniversary #explore #artninspiration #handmadebusiness #handmade #couples #party #cute #grandparents #proudparents #smallgestures #smallbusiness #handmadeart #supportlocalbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #supportartists

4/27/2024, 6:41:17 AM

買えたよ💗 #サンリオ#キティ#ハロヌキティ#キティちゃん#カオハナキティ#キティ50呚幎#キティ掚し#キティラヌ#キティグッズ#キティちゃん奜きず繋がりたい#サンリオ奜きず繋がりたい #sanrio #kitty #hellokitty #hellokitty50thanniversary #50thanniversary

4/27/2024, 6:32:52 AM

Let’s go hydro
.farm that is! Hydrofarm has been working with Dazey’s for decades and we’re excited to have them with us to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us! #dazeydayz @bart_hydrofarm #esop #50thanniversary #community #originalgrowstore #americasfavoriteflower

4/27/2024, 6:30:03 AM

Toast to 50 years of love and laughter! 🥂 Last week, we had the honor of celebrating a beautiful 50th wedding anniversary in Santa Clara with A Cube Bartending Services. From pouring timeless classics to crafting personalized cocktails, we made every sip count. Let us elevate your special moments with our premium bartending experience. Cheers to love, laughter, and unforgettable memories! #ACubeBartending #50thAnniversary #SantaClaraEvents #cheerstolove #mobilebar #mobilebartendingservice #mobilebartender #houseparty #goldenanniversary #happytogether #foreverlove

4/27/2024, 5:58:38 AM

🥂FIFTY YEARS!!!! 🥂 5-0!! My parents have been married for 50 years! Happy Golden Anniversary to my amazing parents, Gale and Brenda 😘 I love you both so much. #arenttheycute #weddedbliss #50thanniversary

4/27/2024, 5:46:57 AM

BOTERO & STRARTS BALLET BOTERO 1932 . 2023 El pintor colombiano Fernando Botero, recientemente fallecido, también se apunta a bailar con los músicos de StrartS. Baile clásico, bailes populares, etc Botero y sus bailarines bailan al ritmo de los músicos de StrartS y los bailarines de StrartS bailan al ritmo de los músicos de Botero. #fernandobotero #boterobaile #boteroballet #strartsballet #osstrarts #classicmusic #nyc #50thanniversary #manhattan #thenewyorker #artgallery #performance #piano #flute #taschenbooks #violin #violinist #drawing #sculpture #fashionart #artdesign #contemporaryart #modernart #artandmusic #finearts #urbanart #streetart #strarts #gsantalla

4/27/2024, 5:22:28 AM

White & Gold 50th Anniversary 💛🀍 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐚𝐫-𝐊𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐀𝐞 2-3 weeks for tailor-made orders https://www.taylor-madecake.com/tailor-made/ 💬whatsapp for details: 𝟔𝟑𝟏𝟑𝟑𝟐𝟕𝟑 🔍[email protected] 𝗪𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗎𝗲𝗱 𝗌𝘂𝗿 𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗌𝗺 𝗬𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗌𝘄𝗖𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗌 𝗧𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗌𝗿-𝗺𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗖𝗮𝗞𝗲 𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗝𝘂𝗹𝘆, 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟭.

4/27/2024, 4:58:43 AM

Repost @lakeperrissra Today, April 26, 2024, Lake Perris State Recreation Area celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a special event featuring live speakers and displays highlighting the park’s rich history. The event served as a tribute to the legacy of Lake Perris, which has played an integral part in the region’s landscape for half a century. Since its opening in 1974, Lake Perris has evolved into a beloved recreational destination, offering opportunities for fishing, boating, camping, and hiking to residents and visitors alike. Beyond its role as a water reservoir, Lake Perris holds cultural significance as a symbol of community spirit and urban escape. As Lake Perris State Recreation Area looks forward to the next chapter in its history, it remains committed to preserving its natural beauty and offering enriching experiences for generations to come. The 50th-anniversary celebration serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of Lake Perris and its impact on the lives of those who cherish it. #castateparks #lakeperris #50thanniversary #perris

4/27/2024, 3:24:36 AM

🏁 𝙊𝙥𝙚𝙣 𝙒𝙝𝙚𝙚𝙡 𝙎𝙝𝙀𝙬 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 𝟐𝟕𝐭𝐡!!🏁 𝙁𝙚𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙮! Family Feast Night; $2 Hot Dogs, $1 bag of chips, $2.50 soda or water and MORE!!! 🚗 Featuring: ➡ Motion Auto Supply Early Stocks ➡ Eljay Oil Co. Inc. Nostalgia Modified ➡ Champion Auto Group Freedom Mods ➡ AMCA Bandit Dwarfs ➡ Inland wing sprints iws Sprint Series Gates 4pm, Qualifying 4pm Get your tickets now! https://statelinespeedway.ticketspice.com/family-feast-night-april27 #findlaystadium #50thanniversary #GetYourTicketsNow #halfacentury #visitpostfalls #Spokane #northidaho #racinglife #thingstodo #familyfun

4/27/2024, 3:02:29 AM

Happy Anniversary, Lake Perris! Repost from @lakeperrissra • Today, April 26, 2024, Lake Perris State Recreation Area celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a special event featuring live speakers and displays highlighting the park’s rich history. The event served as a tribute to the legacy of Lake Perris, which has played an integral part in the region’s landscape for half a century. Since its opening in 1974, Lake Perris has evolved into a beloved recreational destination, offering opportunities for fishing, boating, camping, and hiking to residents and visitors alike. Beyond its role as a water reservoir, Lake Perris holds cultural significance as a symbol of community spirit and urban escape. As Lake Perris State Recreation Area looks forward to the next chapter in its history, it remains committed to preserving its natural beauty and offering enriching experiences for generations to come. The 50th-anniversary celebration serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of Lake Perris and its impact on the lives of those who cherish it. Photos: CSP Garrett Fuhrman #castateparks #lakeperris #50thanniversary #perris

4/27/2024, 2:00:20 AM

Today, April 26, 2024, Lake Perris State Recreation Area celebrated its 50th Anniversary with a special event featuring live speakers and displays highlighting the park’s rich history. The event served as a tribute to the legacy of Lake Perris, which has played an integral part in the region’s landscape for half a century. Since its opening in 1974, Lake Perris has evolved into a beloved recreational destination, offering opportunities for fishing, boating, camping, and hiking to residents and visitors alike. Beyond its role as a water reservoir, Lake Perris holds cultural significance as a symbol of community spirit and urban escape. As Lake Perris State Recreation Area looks forward to the next chapter in its history, it remains committed to preserving its natural beauty and offering enriching experiences for generations to come. The 50th-anniversary celebration serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of Lake Perris and its impact on the lives of those who cherish it. Photos: CSP Garrett Fuhrman #castateparks #lakeperris #50thanniversary #perris

4/27/2024, 1:49:50 AM

50 years ago today, Larry Cohen's It's Alive began its one theater run in Chicago. 👶🏻 It was later given a limited release beginning in October 1974 and drew respectable business, ultimately earning Warner Bros. $7.1 million on a $500,000 budget. It spawned two sequels, It Lives Again and It's Alive III: Island of the Alive, as well as a 2009 remake. It's the only film in the It's Alive series with a PG rating as the remainder of the series all have the R rating. #itsalive #50thanniversary #larrycohen #scifihorror #70shorror #johnpryan #sharonfarrell #rickbaker #bernardherrmann #mutant #creaturefeature

4/27/2024, 1:20:54 AM

Getting excited for our 50th Anniversary Concert May 2 - 4, see the link for Linktree in our bio for links to tickets and more information. We want to introduce one of our dancers. Jaquan Hanson Campbell is in his first year dancing with the CCBC Dance Company. He attended Towson High School prior to coming to CCBC. He is enjoying the many opportunities that are a part of the CCBC Dance Program and being a member of the CCBC Dance Company. #50thanniversary #danceatccbc #ccbcmd #communitycollege #performance #dance #baltimorecounty

4/27/2024, 1:00:10 AM

26 avril 1974 (50 ans aujourd'hui) ...Rampant...5e album studio du groupe rock écossais Nazareth...3e et dernier album produit par Roger Glover (Purple)...enregistré à Montreux en Suisse avec le studio mobile des Rolling Stones...Il est nettement moins bon que les chefs-d'œuvre que sont "Hair Of The Dog" et "Razamanaz"... Le fait est que "Rampant" n'est pas aussi bon que "Loud N Proud" (mon préféré de Nazareth)....Mais il est un des meilleurs avec l'album "No Mean City" que n'importe quel autre album de Nazareth...un trÚs bon album de hard rock avec une légÚre influence Lynyrd Skynyrd...Nazareth 70's 👌 #50thanniversary #Nazareth #rampant #1974 #hardrock #vinyl #vinylcollection #vinylcollector

4/27/2024, 12:46:24 AM

北の倧地 #空 #sky #雲 #clouds #颚 #wind #ç¿Œ #wings #新千歳空枯 #newchitoseairport #颚の翌 #アルフィヌ #thealfee #alfee #札幌文化芞術劇堎hitaru #hitaru #fromthebeginning #50thanniversary #札幌 #sapporo #北海道 #hokkaido #出匵 #businesstrip #湯沢町 #yuzawamachi #越埌湯沢 #echigoyuzawa

4/27/2024, 12:02:00 AM

As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Metropolitan's Water Quality Branch, let’s look back at the key milestones reached during the 1990s. The decade’s highlights include the development and adoption of advanced molecular testing technology, and Metropolitan's use of scuba divers for reservoir water quality monitoring. #WaterQualityBranch #WaterQualityLab #50thAnniversary #1990s #timeline #watertreatment #watersupply #lookback #waterworks #publicworks #watersystems #socal #southerncalifornia

4/26/2024, 11:21:13 PM

What's your favorite dinner topic? SHOP NOW >> https://www.godbyhomefurnishings.com/item/lakeshore-dining-room-group/1531271873 #godbyhomefurnishings #home #furniture #godby50 #50thanniversary #BOGO

4/26/2024, 11:00:17 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:50:37 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:49:28 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:48:20 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:47:04 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:45:56 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:45:08 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:44:06 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:42:48 PM

This is what Democracy looks like! #carnationrevolution #portugal🇵🇹 #photooftheday #50thanniversary #april25th1974 #liberdade #liberty #liberation

4/26/2024, 10:41:13 PM

Reflecting on the past 50 years, our Meridian Road location has made remarkable strides. Today, this location provides comprehensive services including: Withdrawal Management (Detox) Addiction Treatment Alcohol Treatment Inpatient Residential Treatment Intensive Outpatient Treatment Primary Care Chiropractic Services Acupuncture Housing We're proud of our journey and remain committed to serving our community with excellence.

4/26/2024, 10:17:05 PM

We are very excited to announce that @1043freshradio @963bigfm and @globalnewskingston through Corus Entertainment has signed on to be our official Media Sponsor for our 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner. We are raising $50,000 to establish our "Kids Can't Wait" Prevention Fund. You now have more reasons to consider sponsoring our event. Contact Youth Diversion for more information about sponsorship packages #50thanniversary #locallove

4/26/2024, 9:31:00 PM

#funkyfriday 🀘🏟 #earthwindandfire Open Our Eyes the Fire’s first album to hit number one 1974 #50thanniversary #classicsoul #rnbsoul #funk #vinyl #vinylcollection #albumsthathitnumberone 💥 #70ssoul

4/26/2024, 9:12:31 PM

Paying homage to the NYC punk band per se ▶ RAMONES – The 1975 Sire Demos · out April 20, 2024 â—Ÿpressed on black splattered clear vinyl · RSD exclusive #ramones #the1975siredemos #recordstoreday #punkrock #poppunk #johnnyramone #joeyramone #deedeeramone #tommyramone #vinylgram #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #musiconvinyl #demoalbum #rsd2024 #rsdexclusive #vinylism #vinyl #rsd24 #vinyligclub #rockandroll #translucentvinyl #splatteredvinyl #clearvinyl #musicisthekey #musicismyreligion #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 8:58:57 PM

Il mio tessorooooo ... non ho saputo resistere ❀ #thedarksideofthemoon #pinkfloyd #sydbarrett #davidgilmour #rogerwaters #nickmason #richardwright #50thanniversary #vynil #vinile

4/26/2024, 8:49:59 PM

Happy Opening Night to the cast and crew of “Tick, Tick Boom.” @georgestreetplayhouse season is almost over but let’s end it with Jonathan Larson’s iconic show. Grab your tickets now, runs till May 19th‌ . . . #georgestreetplayhouse #50thanniversary #ticktickboom #johnathanlarson #musical #theater #NBPAC

4/26/2024, 8:46:03 PM

We want to thank the Robinson Group of Companies, Wilkinson & Company LLP and Jeff Easton from Your Team Kingston - Re/Max Finest Realty for their financial contributions towards our 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner. Our goal is to raise $50,000 to support the "Kids Can't Wait" Prevention Fund. #ygk #locallove #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 8:34:49 PM

EMS WEEK 2024 The 50th Anniversary of EMS Week is quickly approaching! This year's theme is, "Honoring our Past. Forging out Future." CAPCE is proud to be a strategic partner for this celebration. To learn more about EMS Week follow the link below: https://emsweek.org/ ______________________________________ #EMSWeek #emsweek2024 #50thanniversary #ems #naemt #acep #emt #emergencyservices #paramedic #emr #AEMT #firefighter

4/26/2024, 8:05:43 PM

St Therese of Lisieux PS Community Open Day - Celebrating our 50th Anniversary Wednesday May 1st at 10am Past pupils, staff, governors, parents and members of the local community are invited to take a tour of the school and see the children’s work, as well as photos from the past 50 years. Book your place by email or telephone: [email protected], 02890 770215 #StThereseOfLisieuxPS #50thAnniversary #HolyFamilyParishBelfast

4/26/2024, 8:02:03 PM

Situated in a secluded corner of Haywood County, Rogers Cove is an idyllic retreat spotted with century farms and rolling pastures. Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy has worked with multiple landowners in the Rogers family to preserve 620 acres of farmland in the cove! Farmland conservation projects can take many years to come to fruition. Researching conservation options, landowner Mark Rogers contacted SAHC in 2006 and embarked on an ambitious effort to secure farmland which had been in the Rogers family for generations and prevent future loss to subdivision and development. From 2017-2020, SAHC closed on a series of conservation easements with various members of the Rogers family, permanently preserving productive agricultural land in this mountain cove. “The Rogers family has farmed this land for at least four generations and wanted to see it stay farmland forever, which is why they protected their land with SAHC through agricultural easements,” says Jess Laggis, SAHC’s Farmland Protection Director. Read more at link in bio. These farmland conservation projects were made possible with funding from the NC Agriculture Development and Farmland Preservation Trust and the Pigeon River Fund at the Community Foundation of WNC, as well as the landowners, SAHC members, and generous conservation supporters. #farmlandpreservation #ncfarms #50YearsofConservation #50thanniversary #farmlandconservation #localfarmslocalfood

4/26/2024, 8:01:33 PM

Introducing Ryan Clinton, a new addition to Hera Gallery’s artist community! 🖌✚ @clintonartclass “Hera has given me the opportunity to exhibit work and interact with other creative people after teaching art in the public school setting and raising my three children. I am very enthusiastic about how this experience can help me grow as an artist.” #celebrating50years #50thanniversary #heragallery #nonprofitgallery #painting

4/26/2024, 7:53:52 PM

As we wrap up our Spring 24 semester, BSNA wants to wish everyone graduating a BIG congratulations!! To those taking summer courses, good luck and those taking summer vacation, enjoy! Wishing acceptance on all our friends who applied for upper division, we’ll see you in the Fall ❀🩺📚 (Pics Include: BSNA E-Board & members volunteering at the SON 50th anniversary jubilee, our panel discussion speakers, E-Board secretary and Advisor at the transition ceremony, & nursing students invited to the Alumni Trivia Night by Dr. DeLetter) #Spring24 #bsna #dump #swipe #futurenurses #blacknurses #uoflnursing #studentnurses #uofl #nbna #kyanna #uoflson #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 7:38:48 PM

おかしいかもしれないですけど、私は30幎間のギタヌを匟く䞭にこの䌝説的なペダルを買うのを初めおです。 This may sound crazy but In my 30 years of Guitar playing, this is the first time I actually bought this legendary pedal for myself. #guitar #guitarist #guitarlife #guitargear #guitarpedals #distortionpedal #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 7:36:00 PM

New Pedal(s! Day! The @bossinfoglobal SD-1 B50A and the DS-1 B50A. #newpedalday #guitar #guitarpedals #bosspedals #guitargear #distortionpedal #overdrivepedal #guitarra #stompbox #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 7:18:08 PM

Carlão My parents’ decision to leave Portugal in December 1974, eight months after the revolution, was a momentous one that would forever shape our family’s destiny. The revolution had brought about a tumultuous period of political upheaval and economic instability, and my parents felt compelled to seek a better life for themselves and their children. As I walk the streets of my ancestral homeland today, on the 50th anniversary of that pivotal departure, I am filled with a profound sense of emotion and exhilaration. The Portugal I encounter now is a far cry from the country my parents left behind. Democracy has taken root, the economy has flourished, and the people are imbued with a spirit of optimism and progress. Yet, amidst the vibrant modernity, there lingers a palpable nostalgia for the past. The cobblestone streets, the pastel-colored buildings, and the soulful fado music evoke memories of a bygone era. I’m blessed to be here during 50th anniversary enjoying the celebrations with @corisca456! 25 Abril Celebrations. Seixal, Portugal 25/04/2024 —————————————————————————— #carlão #seixal #25abrilsempre #25abril #2024 #50thanniversary #portugal #portugallove #takeapictureitlastslonger #25thapril #fadoway #musicspeakswhenwordsfail #celebrationtime #portugalforever #choppix #carnationrevolution #diadeliberdade #freedomday #musicspeaks #carnation #almaecoração #lisboa #concertphotos #concertphotography #concertphotographer

4/26/2024, 7:10:49 PM

Show time #50thanniversary Thanks to #waheguru ji #sumitmalhotra #show

4/26/2024, 7:02:27 PM

🎙One more week till #WMCX50! X’ers + alumni—register for the celebration ASAP and contribute to the Rett Rich WMCX 50th Anniversary Endowed Scholarship to honor the station’s founding advisor + continue our legacy of culture + community. Links in bio. See you there at Plangere! Rock ‘n’ roll. 🀘🏜🀖 cc @wmcx889 @monmouthuniversity #WMCX #monmouthuniversity #almamater #collegeradio #communications #modernrockwithanedge #newjersey #robotrock #reunion #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 6:59:06 PM

Let's give it up for team black & yellow for hitting that golden anniversary! 50 years around the sun together! . . . #50thanniversary #blackandyellow #lovemyparents #goldenanniversary #blessed

4/26/2024, 6:58:11 PM

For your special ones 🌹 Rose Wax Sachets 🌹🌹 Wax Sachet Gift Sets | Candle Bouquets for special occasions 💕🍞 Book for your loved ones now !! What’s app +919867673627 #candles #bouquet #bouquets #flowercandles #flower #gifts #anniversarygift #birthdaygifts #birthdays #occasions #soycandles #scentedcandles #candle #flowerbouquet #flowerbox #flowerpower #flowerlovers #candleflame #birthdaygifts #50th #anniversary #birthday #bridalbouquets #weddingfavors #marriagegifts #wedding #marriage #50thanniversary #60thbirthday #50thbirthday

4/26/2024, 6:55:19 PM

ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝟝𝟘𝕥𝕙 𝔞𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕀𝕒𝕣𝕪 𝕁𝕒𝕟𝕖 & 𝕊𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖 ❀🥂 How pretty is this golden anniversary stack? Created for a lovely couple celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary 🍟 🥂❀ #balloons #balloondecor #balloonsforalloccasions #50thanniversary #anniversaryballoons #goldenanniversary #goldballoons

4/26/2024, 6:38:05 PM

Here are the schedule set times for Y&T and others for the M3 Rock Festival in Columbia, MD. Y&T plays Sunday, May 5th. I love this lineup. This will be Y&T's only east coast date, so get there if you can. Rock on! 🀘😎🀘 #yandt #m3festival #yandtrocks #50thanniversary #yandtforever 💘

4/26/2024, 6:18:46 PM

Ready for your sneak peak of what's coming your way on Southeast Day on Saturday, June 8th? Here you go! 😄 Southeast Day Schedule 11:00 - Our block party opens! 12:00 - Dolls and Gents Performance 12:30 - 50th Anniversary Ceremony 1:00pm - Tours of our building 2:00pm - Jazz Night School performance 2:30pm - Raffle drawing and final tours 3:00pm - Event ends
 until next year! Activity booths will be open throughout the event. These will be hosted by: Southeast Youth and Family Services staff * The Conservatory @kidscarpentry * @tabletopvillagellc Southeast Seattle Education Coalition #southeastday #seattle #seattlewa #seattlelife #seattlewashington #southseattle #southseattleemerald #rainiervalley #rainiervalleyseattle #columbiacity #columbiacityseattle #blockparty #performances #music #corporatepartners #southeastday2024 #anniversary #50thanniversary

4/26/2024, 6:00:28 PM

叀垌 #誕生日 #birthday #叀垌 #70æ­³ #70 #70yearsold #玫 #purple #りェディングドレス #weddingdress #高芋柀俊圊 #高芋沢俊圊 #takamiy #アルフィヌ #thealfee #alfee #きみがすきだよ #50thanniversary #ゎゞラ #godzilla #arabicsweet #honeysweet #ドヌハ #doha #カタヌル #qatar #湯沢町 #yuzawamachi #越埌湯沢 #echigoyuzawa

4/17/2024, 2:00:37 PM