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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

- The story of Moses’ birth and rescue from the Nile river highlights God’s providence and protection over His people. Even in the midst of perilous circumstances, God works through the courage and compassion of individuals to fulfill His purposes. 摩西出生並從尼羅河中被救的故事凸顯了上帝對祂的子民的護佑和眷顧。即使在危險的環境中,上帝也透過人的勇氣和同情來實現祂的旨意。 #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #BibleReading #DailyDevotion #BibleStudy #QuietTime #WordofGod #VerseOfTheDay #SpiritualGrowth #InspirationFromTheWord #BibleLearning #EnglishThroughBible #讀聖經學英文 #BiblicalEnglish #LearnWithScripture #EnglishDevotion #BibleInEnglish #用聖經學英文 #聖經英語閱讀 #英文靈修

4/27/2024, 12:35:00 AM

“Banks don’t care how they get paid” - My mindset after CORPORATE BS during lockdown! #LifeIsPerfect #PrepForTheMetaVerse #DogDad #TheWeekend #EmbraceChange #5YearPlan #CareerPivot 😏…. *I would never post financials if\when I blow up, get bigger money partnerships and begin balling on the hoes. I want my loving family to see some commission for their peace of mind as #ContentCreation is the future and my old QA job will be handled by AI.

4/26/2024, 4:33:23 PM

Circa 2006, the first Think Pink Gala Evening hosted at Bahrain International Circuit(BIC). Platinum sponsors included Royal Golf Club, RCSI Bahrain, Gulf Air, and Gulf Brands International. The event saw 500 people attend a black tie event, MC'd by Ms Nada Swan. Funds that year went directly that year to the National Breast Cacer Mammogram Drive. Synonymous with Think Pink Gala events, the Gulf Air Girls changed their uniform for the first time, and supported every gala evening event till 2017- they became the iconic to @thinkpinkbahrain. After 7 years, we will once again host the Think Pink 20th Anniversary Gala Dinner. Will you attend? Will you sponsor? We are only as good as the companies and people that support us #howfarforpink #nationalbreastcancerguidelines #Bahrain #notjustforoctober #impact #gulfaircabincrew #mumtalakat #galaevening #5yearplan

4/26/2024, 11:53:47 AM

- The opening of Exodus paints a picture of oppression and fear as the Israelites find themselves enslaved in Egypt. Despite their suffering, God’s promise to make them into a great nation remains. This passage reminds us of the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises in the face of adversity. Whatever you are going through now, trust that God is still under control! 出埃及記的開頭描繪了以色列人在埃及被奴役時的壓迫和恐懼。儘管他們受苦,上帝對使他們成為偉大國家的應許仍然存在。這段經文提醒我們,在逆境中,上帝的信實在實現祂的應許方面是堅定不移的。無論你現在正在經歷什麼,請相信上帝仍然掌權! #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #BibleReading #DailyDevotion #BibleStudy #QuietTime #WordofGod #VerseOfTheDay #SpiritualGrowth #InspirationFromTheWord #BibleLearning #EnglishThroughBible #讀聖經學英文 #BiblicalEnglish #LearnWithScripture #EnglishDevotion #BibleInEnglish #用聖經學英文 #聖經英語閱讀 #英文靈修

4/26/2024, 12:07:56 AM

#growthmindset #5yearplan #goals

4/25/2024, 6:44:44 PM

- Jesus calls us to be part of the Great Commission. What can you do this week to fufill this mission? 耶穌呼召我們參與大使命。你這週可以做些什麼來實踐這個使命? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/25/2024, 12:25:00 AM

Throughout this semester, the Triumph Foundation team helped draft a five-year plan for the Triumph Foundation. This non-profit organization helps individuals who are suffering from spinal cord injuries and disabilities. The team recently had the wonderful opportunity to travel to California and present their five-year plan to members of the Triumph Foundation. #triumpfoundation #sibc #benedictinecollege #5yearplan #team #travel #california #non-profit

4/24/2024, 6:46:07 PM

Dreaming of financial freedom in 5 years? 🌟 Learn how to turn that dream into reality with our expert tips and guidance. 💼💰 #FinancialFreedom #WealthBuilding #MoneyGoals #FinancialPlanning #SmartInvesting #SavingsStrategies #5YearPlan #MoneyManagement #AchieveYourDreams #BuildWealth #SecureYourFuture #FinancialSucces #BeFinanciallyFree Schedule a FREE consultation with our experts today! Click here to book: https://freeconsultation.choiceaccountingpartners.com/

4/24/2024, 4:01:48 PM

The snowball method is a debt repayment strategy where you prioritize paying off your debts from smallest to largest balance, regardless of interest rates. Here are five checklist items for implementing the debt snowball method: 1️⃣ List Your Debts: Write down all your debts, including credit cards, loans, and other obligations, along with their respective balances and minimum monthly payments. 2️⃣ Order Your Debts: Arrange your debts from smallest to largest balance regardless of interest rates. This will help you prioritize which debts to tackle first. 3️⃣ Set a Budget: Create a budget that outlines your monthly income and expenses. Allocate as much money as possible toward paying off your debts while still covering necessary expenses. 4️⃣ Make Extra Payments: Start by paying the minimum required on all debts except the smallest one. Then, allocate any additional funds toward paying off the smallest debt as quickly as possible. 5️⃣ Roll Over Payments: Once the smallest debt is paid off, take the amount you were paying on that debt and apply it to the next smallest debt. Continue this process until all debts are paid off. By following these checklist items, you can effectively implement the debt snowball method and work toward becoming debt-free. Follow Finamily to become better at investing.✨👍 . . . #debtsnowballmenthod #debt #snowball #financialfreedom #journeytofreedom #moneyhabits #investment #sidehustle #emergencyfund #financialsecurity #5yearplan #investing #financialcoach #financialadvice #wealthmanagement #financialadvisor #avinashfinamily #investment #financialplanning #financialliteracy #financialeducation #moneymanagement #financialgoals #finamily #personalfinance #budgeting #financialfreedom #financialindependence #stockmarket #avinash

4/24/2024, 2:30:05 PM

Envisioning your future is the first step to making it a reality. As you think about where you want to be in five years, consider the aspects of life that matter most to you. Whether it's achieving professional success, nurturing personal relationships, or dedicating time to your passions, defining your ideal future helps set the stage for actionable goals. Here's an inspiring quote to fuel your journey: "The best way to predict your future is to create it." —Peter Drucker Set clear objectives for what you want to achieve. Break these down into yearly, monthly, and even daily goals to keep yourself on track. Surround yourself with people who support and inspire you, and remember that flexibility is key; your goals might evolve as you do. Lastly, take a moment regularly to reflect on your progress and adjust your plans as necessary. Your future is in your hands—shape it with intention and enthusiasm. #FutureGoals #CareerPlanning #LifePlanning #PersonalGrowth #ProfessionalSuccess #GoalSetting #VisionBoard #DreamBig #Inspiration #Motivation #SuccessMindset #PersonalDevelopment #5YearPlan #AchieveYourDreams #SettingGoals #SelfImprovement #LifeGoals #CareerGrowth #MindsetShift #PlanningAhead #StrategicThinking #LifeChange #Empowerment #InspirationalQuotes #PeterDrucker #CreateYourFuture #LifeJourney #SelfReflection #Aspiration

4/24/2024, 8:46:17 AM

- This ressurection encapsulates the heart of the Christian faith. It’s a powerful reminder of the fulfillment of God’s promises and the victory over death. Just as Jesus conquered grave, may we find strength and courage to face whatever challenges come our way, knowing that He is alive and with us always. 這個復活體現了基督教信仰的核心。這是上帝應許的信實提醒,也是對死亡的勝利。正如耶穌戰勝墳墓一般,願我們從中汲取力量和勇氣,面對生活中的挑戰,知道祂永遠與我們同在。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/24/2024, 12:21:07 AM

NCT has set out its 23-28 strategy called 'For Every Parent', why not check out the charities' 5-year plan to support parents! https://www.nct.org.uk/about-us/our-strategy #strategy #ForEveryParent #5YearPlan #5yearstrategy #supportingparents

4/23/2024, 2:04:48 PM

- The chief priest and the Pharisees tried really hard to interrupt Jesus’ resurrection. However, we know that God’s plan will never be shaken by mortal efforts. Let’s give our trust to God that His plan and promises for us will remain steadfast forever. 大祭司和法利賽人竭盡所能地想要阻撓耶穌的復活。然而,我們知道,上帝的計劃永遠不會被凡人的努力所動搖。讓我們將信心交給上帝,相信祂對我們的計劃和應許將永遠堅定不移。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/23/2024, 12:15:28 AM

- When Jesus was crucified, the priests, teachers, and rebels all insulted him. However, Jesus didn’t try to defend himself. Jesus knew who he was and his mission on earth. I think Jesus’ response to the mocking sets a good example: knowing that we don’t need to always defend ourselves. We are the child of God with missions that not everyone will understand. 當耶穌被釘十字架時,祭司、教師和強盜都侮辱他。然而,耶穌都沒有試圖為自己辯護。耶穌知道自己是誰,以及他在地上的使命。我認為耶穌對嘲笑的回應為我們樹立了一個良好的榜樣:明白我們不需要總是為自己辯護。我們是上帝的兒女,有著不是每個人都會理解的使命。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/22/2024, 2:52:02 AM

Mentors have changed my life. Here are 4 steps I take through every career change to find mentorships: 4/30 #mentors #career #life #formula #fyp #5yearplan #intro #elevatorpitch #bossbabe #coffeechat #newsletter #followup

4/22/2024, 2:00:03 AM

أكملت تركيب كل القطع اللي ما اتركبت من المصنع 😍 اذا كان الحب متشكلا على هيئة فسيبدو هكذا (أعتقد) #t34 #soviet #5yearplan #revolution

4/22/2024, 12:36:03 AM

Finally a full dry weekend in the NW! Got the chimenea out, put the solar lights up and planted/trained the honeysuckle! #chimenea #solarlights #honeysuckle #arbour #cornerarbour #wildlifegardening #wildlifegarden #garden #gardening #givenatureahome #gardenmakeover #wildlifegardeninguk #gardenhell #gardenplanning #realgardening #5yearplan #therealityofgardening

4/21/2024, 6:59:38 PM

Unlike Peter, Judas also felt remorse, but instead of going to Jesus, he hanged himself. God is not concerned with what we have done wrong, He is more concerned with our relationship with Him. Let us come to Jesus, admit our mistakes, and restore our relationship with Him. 與彼得不同的是,猶大雖然也感到悔恨,但他沒有去找耶穌,而是上吊自殺了。神並不在乎我們做錯了什麼,祂更在乎我們與祂的關係。讓我們來到耶穌面前,承認我們的錯誤行為,重建與祂的關係。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/21/2024, 1:00:00 AM

Little update... I know I have been a bit quiet on my page this week. So, I thought I'd give a little update! Happy Saturday, everyone, and I hope you are all enjoying your weekend! #moneymaker #supersaver #business #womeninbusiness #budgetmums #budgetingtips #5yearplan

4/20/2024, 10:45:59 PM

Peter denied Jesus three times. How sad Jesus was and how regretful Peter was. How would you feel if you put yourself in these two positions? 彼得三次否認耶穌。耶穌是多麼悲傷,彼得是多麼後悔。如果你把自己放在這兩個位置,你會有什麼感覺? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/20/2024, 1:00:00 AM

4/19/2024, 4:29:00 PM

Jesus called the traitor, Judas, a friend. Why? What do you think? 耶穌稱背叛者猶大為朋友。為什麼?你怎麼認為? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/19/2024, 1:00:00 AM

My Lovely Journals! (Starting from the top) A6 Cafe Note housed in my @handstitchedleathert cover is my personal journal. A6 Hobonichi Planner housed in a custom cover from Yvonne’s friend. A5 @Sterlingink 5 Year Journal housed in another HandstitchedleatherT cover. Both in the old Light Tobacco color.

4/18/2024, 8:18:34 PM

It’s my 5 year anniversary working (again) at BBC Sport! Madness. Truly scary where the 🕰️ has gone, although 2.5 years of that was through the surreal era. I started out working in the teams behind the scenes here back 19 years ago!!! It was one of my first jobs in the industry, alongside running for Ant and Dec and doing my postgrad. Becoming a TV presenter or senior journalist (to give it the proper terminology!) is a long road with plenty of setbacks. But like anything in life, plugging away as they say, consistency and trying to be a good person on the path are key to hopefully getting there. A joy and privilege to have met and interviewed some of the biggest names from the world of sport over time. If you’re on a path to building something, or a goal or change of scene, whatever it might be, keep the faith and don’t get distracted from the vision. #presenter #anniversary #5yearplan #studioshot #bbc #career #goals #throwback

4/18/2024, 7:12:35 PM

(Sophisticated RachetNess) Definition: is a hybrid between A brother/sister that understands and can maneuver through the corporate world and also understands the streets. we are on a mission to do it differently we’re not fitting into nobody else’s world we’re creating our own and we’re done asking we are creating. being disadvantaged is our advantage because were hybrids. we are on a mission to change the narrative and to no longer be in last place. our time is now‼️‼️‼️ 100ms #alphapack #100ms #5yearplan #alphapack #blackentrepreneurs #blacklivesmatter #blackownedbusiness #blackexcellence #palktalk #alphasoft coming soon

4/18/2024, 5:22:25 PM

don’t you worry child played in my head as i penned this down xD • @thecaffeinatedblood #poets #poetry #poetrycommunity #thecaffeinatedblood #poems #5yearplan #happy

4/18/2024, 2:56:26 PM

Even Jesus, the Son of God, prayed three times when he was sad. What about us? Do we pray when we feel depressed? 連神的兒子耶穌,在悲傷的時候也曾三次禱告。那我們呢?當我們感到沮喪時,我們會禱告嗎? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/18/2024, 2:26:19 AM

It’s been a wild one already! Accepting all thoughts, prayers, vibes etc and sending them all your way as well #clinicaltrials #clinicalresearch #researchlife #cra #crc #clinicalresearchassociate #clinicalresearchcoordinator #clinicalresearchmemes #researcher #5yearplan #survive #daybyday #onefootinfrontoftheother #keepswimming #believe

4/17/2024, 11:55:23 AM

Do you know what bread and wine mean? They represent the body and blood of Jesus. They remind us of all that Jesus has done for you and me. Take some time to meditate. 你知道麵包和酒意味著什麼嗎?它們代表耶穌的身體和寶血。它們提醒我們耶穌為你我所做的一切。花一些時間默想一下。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/17/2024, 1:00:00 AM

We’re back #5yearplan

4/16/2024, 3:30:00 PM

Everyone that sees this will touch Millions in the next 5 years 🗣🙏🏾💵 #5YearPlan

4/16/2024, 2:19:39 PM

We often use the price to measure the value of something, but forget that the real value is how God sees it and whether it will last forever. 我們常常用價格來衡量某樣東西的價值,卻忘了真正的價值是神如何看待它,以及它是否能永遠存在。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/16/2024, 1:00:00 AM

I’ve been digging this section of the garden over the weekend to give us 2 fruit / veg / herb borders along either side of the path. We are still really struggling with water logging but turning it over does help somewhat. May dig in some sand and compost before sectioning it off to further aid drainage - please send me any other tips you have because today’s weather has been crazy! All the seasons in one - and more heavy rain 😓 #digging #gardendigging #gardenboarders #waterlogged #englishweather #rainraingoaway #gardenborder #britishweather #wildlifegardening #wildlifegarden #garden #gardening #givenatureahome #gardenmakeover #wildlifegardeninguk #gardenhell #gardenplanning #realgardening #5yearplan #therealityofgardening #vegetablepatch #fruitandveg

4/15/2024, 8:23:00 PM

well, that’s it thanks for coming 🥹✌🏻💜 #5yearplan

4/15/2024, 1:56:36 AM

Who is the “”least of the brothers and sisters“” to you? What can you do for them this week? 對你來說,誰是那個「最小的弟兄姊妹」?這週你能為他們做些什麼? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/15/2024, 1:00:00 AM

- Why did the man that received one bag of gold hide the gold under ground? Do you think that's a wise decision? 為什麼拿6000的僕人只把錢埋起來而不做任何事呢?你覺得這樣做是明智的嗎? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/14/2024, 1:00:35 AM

- Would you be willing to be the virgins who always took oil in jars along with their lamps? How would you keep bringing them with you? 你願意當隨時預備好油燈的童女嗎?你會如何做到呢? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/13/2024, 1:00:23 AM

Big changes are happening. There's something in the air, for rebirth, opportunity, growth, and fulfilling your dreams. I'm making moves and making a 5 year plan to make my dreams a reality. I wanted to start fresh, gave myself a new look and started a new style of hair. Dyed my hair a deep violet color. Next is to drop more weight and be more comfortable in my body. I have the confidence to make my dreams come true, they already are happening and I'm just catching up. ✌🏽 #dreams #newhairnewme #violet #bar #chaseyourdreams #goddamnitimfeelinmyself #newcut #itwillhappen #itsalreadyhappening #ruleofthree #blessme #5yearplan

4/12/2024, 1:15:38 AM

- Sometimes God's plan might not make sense in the moment He told you to do it. But have faith in Him because his way is higher than ours, and His plans are always good. 有時候神的計畫在當下看起來並不一定合理,但是你可以仍然對祂保有信心。因為祂的道路高過我們的道路,祂的計畫總是完美的。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/12/2024, 1:00:25 AM

Guess what, you’re not that odd. 🥰 If you enjoy these theme posts like them cause at this point I can’t tell if Instagram hates me or people find them boring. 🤣

4/11/2024, 6:22:30 PM

A #hardhitting #quote by #matthewdicks in his book #somedayistoday #selfimprovement @matthewdicks @storyworthymd #planning #5yearplan

4/11/2024, 12:38:05 PM

#FinancialFreedomJourney #WealthBuildingGoals #5YearPlan #MoneyMastery #FinancialIndependence https://sashares.co.za/cm-trading-review/

4/11/2024, 7:00:13 AM

- Have hope in Christ. Because He will come back again, and usher in a new kingdom. Also, be aware! Listen carefully to God's voice. 對神有信心,因為祂會再次回來並建立一個新的國度。同時也保持警醒! 仔細聽從神的聲音 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/11/2024, 1:50:24 AM

When I was in school it was my dream to become an artist when I was older. Then, it was my dream to one day open an online shop and earn a little pocket money from selling my art. Fast forward to 2015 and it became my dream to quit my job and run my business full time. In 2020, it became my dream to keep the house I’m living in after a bad breakup and a STRESSFUL time with the mortgage companies (IYKYK). But I got there 💖 it took a lot of blood, sweat and tears (probably literally 🤣), but I got there 🥳 What are some of the things you’ve dreamt of, or currently dreaming of in your small biz (or personal) life? My next dream? I’m not sure 🤔 maybe to get some help in the studio, maybe one day have a larger studio space… I’m unsure but I’m excited to see what the future brings! #smallbusinessbigdreams #smallbusiness #smallbiz #smallbusinesssupport #smallbusinessuk #smallbizowner #smallbizlife #smallbiztips #totebag #shopsmall #shoplocalwales #shoplocal #etsy #etsyshop #etsyuk #etsyseller #artistsoninstagram #artwork #artist #illustrator #graphicart #vectorart #smallbusinessowners #bigdreams #goals #dreaming #5yearplan #plannercommunityuk #futureplans #illustration

4/10/2024, 8:30:00 PM

When this arrived in the mail you know shit got real. Here goes nothing. #backtoschool #goals #5yearplan

4/10/2024, 8:28:37 PM

Today in class, 5 community volunteers came to class (Mike Sepe, Lucas Beals, Anthony Basdassano, Dave Johnson, and Gary Tomal), all five of them having significant experience with financials. During class, they discussed each group's 5 year projections to prepare for a financial presentation Friday! Thank you volunteers! #finance #hardwork #5yearplan

4/10/2024, 7:56:56 PM

- Strengthen your faith! When the enemy comes and attacks you, you won’t be shaken. 堅固你的信心! 當仇敵來攻擊你的時候,你不會動搖。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/10/2024, 1:00:00 AM

Took a break from building my raised beds and getting the garden started to check out the #2024eclipse here in #nwarkansas. I definitely felt a rush of energy come over me when it started, I had to sit down and invite it in. I feel it's a time of new beginnings and going after my goals in full force! I'm so full of creative energy ready to be released, so no more holding back, waiting for the "right time" no better time then right now! To start working towards my ultimate goals! #creativeenergy #5yearplan

4/9/2024, 2:58:40 PM

- “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.” 1 Samuel 15:22~23 撒母耳說: “耶和華喜悅燔祭和平安祭, 豈像喜悅人聽從耶和華的話呢? 聽從勝過獻祭, 聽命勝過公羊的脂油。 因為悖逆與行邪術的罪相同, 頑梗與拜虛無偶像一樣, 因為你棄絕了耶和華的話, 耶和華也棄絕了你作王。” 撒母耳記上 15:22~23 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/9/2024, 1:00:00 AM

I love a good rug pull #5yearplan #godsarmy #144000 #sealed

4/8/2024, 4:05:23 PM

So Grateful to have spent the last 7 months as a member @thespaatsalt Sending much gratitude to Tamika, Leesa, Lola and Nadia. You have all been so kind and I will be back for one more visit fingers crossed before I set sail on my next adventure. My wellness and inner calm has benefitted so much from my regular visits. I challenged myself and slipped into the cold plunge bath today. Breath work helped. Ciao for now. Glenn. @glennstoreystudio 💪🏾🩵🙏🏽 Leesa I’ll let you know when I get my land , goats and chooks. Dream/Believe/ Achieve #5yearplan #offgrid #goat #chooks #sustainability #goals #letsdothis

4/8/2024, 8:53:47 AM

- It’s easier to say something than to take action. Your actions usually reflect what you believe. 說的總是比付出行動容易,你的行為經常能反映出你所相信的。 #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/8/2024, 1:00:00 AM

Dreams to Reality. Begin with a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Map out a detailed plan outlining the steps to take, then commit to consistent action and perseverance until you turn those dreams into a fulfilling reality. ~ Life Coach Preeti #dreamstoreality #life #mindset #lifecoach #visionboard #coachingformen #believe #plan #act #coachingforsuccess #goals #bigpicture #lifestylecoach #coachingforwomen #5yearplan #relationshipcoach #achievement #evolveandempowerme #jaiguruji #shukrana

4/7/2024, 2:38:18 PM

- How can you obey the two greatest commandments today? This week? 你今天如何遵守這兩個最重要誡命呢?這個禮拜呢? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/7/2024, 12:45:00 AM

So we made a start on our first border - swipe left for before. We’ve had to put the border fencing up to stop the ducks gravitating to the wildlife pond (as they have their own pool). It’s felt impossible gardening this spring with how wet and boggy it’s been. Trying to not feel too disheartened by it - at least it’s a start and something I can add to! So many plants to put in and want to start another border this weekend if the weather isn’t going to be as bad as the weather warnings suggest 🤞I’m currently sitting in the garden with my morning tea and it feels so warm but we are expecting high winds and rain later 😩 #gardenborder #britishweather #wildlifepond #butlersink #butlersinkpond #wildlifegardening #wildlifegarden #garden #gardening #givenatureahome #gardenmakeover #wildlifegardeninguk #gardenhell #gardenplanning #realgardening #5yearplan #therealityofgardening

4/6/2024, 9:36:25 AM

What are your plans this weekend? Planning my 45th Birthday 😂 hbu? #Capricorn #capricornthings #5yearplan #goalz

4/5/2024, 5:50:39 PM

I’m not saying Cali ISNT the move lol #5yearplan #visionboard #manifesting

4/5/2024, 4:34:14 PM

📜 Council launched Future Croydon: Transformation Plan @yourcroydon has set out its ambition to radically change over the next five years to be more effective and efficient, so that it provides better customer care and value for every penny spent. A major way of achieving this is through improving the council’s use of technology, ensuring seamless interactions with customers. They will also explore new ways to empower residents and partners, through technology, to play an active role in their communities. 🔗Link in Bio to read more #croydon #croydoncouncil #croydonresidents #council #communication #technology #progress #digitalfuture #futureplans #strategicplan #priority #effectivecommunication #5yearplan #planning #opportunity

4/5/2024, 2:51:13 PM

It’s the little things right? An even path, with an appropriate height step - clean, straight, fabulous. How marrrrrrvelous does it look compared to the wonky brick and the broken concrete paths (swipe)? 🥰🥰 #newpath #exposedaggregate #b&dconcrete #localbusiness #gardenpath #californianbungalow #restoration #5yearplan #downsizing

4/5/2024, 8:49:10 AM

As your coach, I meet you where you are and help you to move forward, addressing anything from your past that blocks you from doing so.⁠ ⁠ I walk your path with you, connecting dots, illuminating new possibilities and clearing up outdated ways of thinking and being that no longer serve you.⁠ ⁠ I believe that we all have the answers we are seeking, they are just buried underneath things like limiting beliefs or they simply haven’t been brought to our awareness yet. ⁠ ⁠ As your coach it is my job to shine a light on the truths that live inside of you so that you can fully activate your authenticity and find the clarity you crave.⁠ ⁠ If this is speaking to you I invite you to apply for a complimentary consultation.⁠ ⁠ 🌎️ You can live anywhere and coach with me⁠ ✉️ [email protected]⁠ 📲 Call or text 214-216-2625

4/5/2024, 3:00:19 AM

- The man who was not wearing wedding clothes was thrown into the darkess. Here, the wedding clothes symbolizes evidence of righteous works. What does that mean to us? 那個沒有穿婚筵禮服的人被丟到黑暗裡。這裡婚筵的禮服象徵著我們的行義的證據。這對我們來說是什麼意思? #readingBible #learningEnglish #5yearplan #5年讀經計劃 #讀聖經學英文

4/5/2024, 2:43:44 AM

Last day of leave for me, how on earth have I had 8 days off 😭 it’s gone way too fast! However I’ve spent it wisely, decluttering, deep cleaning, side hustle bar shifts and I got my tyre replaced before doing the 180mile round trip for the funeral (I figured 6 months of nursing a puncture had already pushed my luck) I’ve simplified a lot of aspects in my home and budget recently and as a result my mind feels clearer… it feels like I have that mental break from thinking of every single penny and I’m loving it! #simplelivinguk #cosycottagelife #frugaluk #frugallife #frugallivinguk #budgeting #digitalbudgeting #preparingtomove #5yearplan #makedoandmend #usewhatyouhave #myhippiehomestead

4/3/2024, 7:30:00 AM

Dug up this boxwood from my backyard ...its been here for as long a I remember! It was SUCH an easy dig, all the large roots had died 2-3 years ago, and it has a CRAZY amount of new roots bursting everywhere, But now I'm itching to plan the styling... Maby cut off a large branch or 2? Which styling is your favorite?? #bonsai #yamadori #urbandori #airlayeringpropagation #advice #5yearplan

4/2/2024, 6:44:56 PM

Until next time ❤️🌞✈️!!!! #vacation #florida #kiddos #family #love #takemeback #5yearplan #photodump

4/2/2024, 11:18:04 AM