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◾Si estuviste (o estas) con pesadillas, o sueños pesados, intensos, raros... O ves "cosas" con el rabillo del ojo... o las oìs y sòlo estas vos...No te asustes, es lo que ocurre en esta època. El velo entre mundos se esta haciendo mas fino, y llega el momento mas intenso en la noche del 30 de Abril al 1ºde Mayo. En el Hemisferio Su se celebra Álfablót / Samhain que es el fin del verano. En el Hemisferio Norte festejan Walpurgisnacht / Beltane, el comienzo del verano. Y en àsatrù marca el final de la Caceria Salvaje (Wild Hunt). En estos dias el velo entre ambos mundos se hace tan fino que desaparece (por eso la celebracion a ancestros y muertos). En estos días vas a tener tu sensibilidad aumentada, asi que relajate. Después del 1° lentamente va a ir en disminución. Recorda que hay temerle a los vivos, no a los muertos. #samhain #samhain2024 #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

5/1/2024, 2:41:56 AM

Trying different finishes on runes today. _______________________________________________________ Hail the gods! _______________________________________________________ 120/365 #odin #thor #aesir #vanir #gods #godesses #oldgods #oldways #mjlnoir #vegvisir #gothi #asatru #rune #runes #magic #viking #vikings #vikingsofinstagram #pagan #pagansofinstagram #pagansim #norsepagan #norsepaganism #norse #norsemythology #heathen #heathensofinstagram #heathenism #skål #oaths

5/1/2024, 2:13:04 AM

⚔️⚔️⚔️ Ne sous estime jamais le pouvoir d’une femme extrêmement blessée. Quand c’est à son tour d’agir les démons s’assoient pour prendre des notes. #v #lva #pagan #volva #witch #heathen #viking #seidr #runes #vikings #norse #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #norsepagan #witchcraft #paganism #asatru #norsewitch #r #norsemythology #odin #sei #shieldmaiden #paganwitch #shamanism #norsegods #magic #heathensofinstagram #vikingsofinstagram #wicca

5/1/2024, 1:53:18 AM

Tonight’s #GamingHavamal from my play through of #DragonAgeOrigins is Stanza 78: “I saw big herds of cattle owned by a rich man’s sons; now they carry a beggars staff. Wealth is like the twinkling of an eye— no friend could be more faithless.” #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #norseheathenslnstagram #norsepagansofinstagram #norsewitchesofinstagram #heathenryforall #asatruforall #heathenslife #heathenthoughts #heathencroaks #heathenscrolls #itsaheathenslifeforme

5/1/2024, 12:24:50 AM

Launching later today on kickstarter!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inluminedarts/raven-rune-deck A runic Oracle deck created by fantasy artist Carol Phillips! #tarotlovers #witchymom #witchythings #norsewitch #norns #weaversoffate #weaversoffateanddestiny #discoveryourdestiny #fantasyart #norseruneset #freya #norserunes #norserunestones #paganmom #heathen #heathensofinstagram #viking #vikingsofinstagram #vikingkin #oracledeck #oracle #kickstartercampaign #kickstarterproject

4/30/2024, 10:08:46 PM

◾Comienza la Cacería Salvaje (Wild Hunt) by Fire Valkyrja © Para quienes seguimos a los dioses nordicos, comienza la época de la Wild Hunt. Si últimamente han escuchado los vientos como ululan por las rendijas de las ventanas, es que las almas de los muertos están llegando (o eso es al menos lo que se creía). Oðinn, como dios del viento, era representado también cabalgando velozmente a través del aire, sobre su corcel de ocho patas, lo cual originó el más antiguo de los acertijos del Norte ("¿Quiénes son los que cabalgan hacia el Thing? Tres ojos tienen entre los dos, diez pies y una cola: así viajan por las tierras"). Se suponía que las almas de los muertos eran arrastradas por las alas de la tormenta. Oðinn los lideraba. En esta condición, se le conocía generalmente como el Cazador Salvaje y cuando la gente oía el rugido del viento se echaba a gritar ruidosamente en su temor supersticioso, creyendo que le habían visto y oído pasar seguido de su séquito, cabalgando todos ellos sobre corceles jadeantes y acompañados de sabuesos que ladraban. Y el paso de la Cacería Salvaje era considerado un presagio de tantos infortunios como la pestilencia de la guerra. Incluso después de la llegada del cristianismo, el folclore nórdico aún temía la llegada de una tormenta, declarando que era la Cacería Salvaje quien surcaba a través de los cielos. Ya que el viento sopla con más fuerza durante el otoño y el invierno, se suponía que Oðinn prefería cazar durante esas estaciones y los campesinos siempre se cuidaban de dejar el último haz de grano en el campo, para que sirviera de alimento a su caballo. Fire Valkyrja © #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #occultistsofinstagram

4/30/2024, 8:17:15 PM

■ Blót de Vetrnætr / Alfablot (ásatrú) Hemisferio Sur por Fire Valkyrja © Limpia el area ritual quemando hierbas (salvia por ejemplo). Arreglá el lugar de celebración con los frutos de estación y dispone de un bol para las ofrendas, tu cuerno y bebida para ofrendar. Hacé una ofrenda a husvættires si lo haces en tu hogar ó a los landvættires si lo haces al aire libre. Ésta puede consistir en algo de comida (que pondras en un bowl destinado a ellos) ó bebida. Como comienza la época invernal, llena de velas o realiza una pequeña fogata. Si lo haces, las ofrendas podes lanzarlas a el mismo. Da gracias a Frey y a los Vættires por la cosecha y ofrendales algo (lanzandolo a las llamas o en un bowl). Ofrendá bebida haciendo un brindis a Frey y a los dioses. También homenajeá a tus ancestros y a tus queridos que han partido, es una celebración especial para tener un recuerdo a ellos.alguien a quien consideres tu héroe y por tus ancestros. La celebración del Alfablot debe hacerlo preferentemente la dueña de casa. Si conocés bien las runas, podes trazarlas algunas y quemarlas en el fuego por un propósito especial. Til árs ok friðar (Por un buen año y en paz) #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/30/2024, 7:52:08 PM

Application forms are still open for TPPD HarvestFest 2024. https://bit.ly/TPPD2024vendors https://bit.ly/TPPD2024Performances https://bit.ly/TPPD2024Rituals https://bit.ly/TPPD2024Workshops https://bit.ly/TPPD2024Volunteers Share your knowledge, sell your wares, help your community, show your pagan spirit! #TPPDHarvestFest2024 #pagan #torontopagans #toronto #torontowitches #paganvendors #paganpridetoronto #torontoheathens #torontodruids #torontowiccans #torontoevents #allpathswelcome #dufferingrovepark #witchesofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #paganprideday #paganbusiness #paganartist #tppd #ontarioevents #ontariovendors #ontariowitches #ontarioheathens #ontariodruids #ontariowiccans #septemberevents

4/30/2024, 7:30:41 PM

■ Que es Vetrnætr / Alfablot (ásatrú) - Hemisferio Sur por Fire Valkyrja © Vetrnætr significa en nórdico antiguo "vetr", invierno y "nætr" – la forma plural de nátt – que significa noches. Son las tres noches de celebración antes que comienzo la temporada de Invierno. El termino se encuentra en el Fornaldarsögur. En esta fecha se da comienzo también a la Caza salvaje comandada por Odín, periodo que tiene su apogeo en Yule y que termina en Walpurgis. Es un momento para recordar a nuestros antepasados y seres queridos muertos, una fecha semejante en contenido al Samhain Celta. Es la celebración donde tambien se agradece y se hace el sacrificio (blot) a los vættires (el Alfablot) agradeciendo los frutos de la tierra. Vetrnaetr era una ceremonia de abandono salvaje - muy parecida a la temporada de carnavales de los países mediterráneos- y marca el final de la temporada de comercio y viajes y el comienzo de la temporada invernal de caza. Gran cantidad de actividades de tipo oraculares eran realizadas durante Vetrnaetr para predecir la fortuna en el año entrante. Se dice que si uno se sienta en una tumba durante toda una noche de Vetrnaetr, obtendrá completos poderes de adivinación, shamánicos (galdars y seidr) y skáldicos (skaldr). Claro si no te moris de frio en la noche o mo te volves loco. Fire Valkyrja © #samhain #samhain2024 #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/30/2024, 6:34:37 PM

■ Recien empezas y queres festejar? Esto es para VOS by Fire Valkyrja © Queres celebrar Samhain (Hemisferio Sur) / Beltane (Hemisferio Norte)? No sabes cómo empezar o qué hacer? O no podes por un tema de espacio, movilidad, companía, falta de herramientas, etc? Mamá Fire tiene una solución! No hace falta que tengan las mas sofisticadas herramientas! Si tienen algunos sahumerios, algunas velas (aunque sean las de noche o de cumpleaños), un cenicero o algo resistente al fuego... Entonces podes hacer el ritual de Samhain / Beltane. No necesitas toda la parafernalia de herramientas, velas y la armar en coche. IMPORTANTE: Lo ideal es que sea a la medianoche. Justo en el pase del 30 de Abril al 1° de Mayo. Y si no cuando puedas, mientras no sea dentro de 3 semanas. Hagamos el paso por paso. Busquen el ritual que mas les guste. Les paso la url de mi site: • http://wicca-argentina.com.ar/sabbatsamhain_hs.htm • http://wicca-argentina.com.ar/sabbatbeltane_hn.htm Copienlo o imprimanlo. Más que nada por las palabras u oraciones. a) Busquen tacitas de cafe o cuenquitos para poner en uno agua y en otro un poquito (UN POQUITO EH!!) de sal. b) Una copa o vaso para el Caliz. c) Dibujen un pentaculo pequeño en un hoja de papel -bastan 10 cm de diam- o cartón si no tienen uno, para el altar. Usen la creatividad para adornarlo con fibras o lapices de colores segun el sabbat. • La gente de Hemisferio Sur puede ponerle calabazas, esqueletitos, manzanas, hojas secas. Mucho naranja y negro. • La gente de Hemisferio Norte dibuje corazones, motivos amorosos, algunas flores, que predomine el rojo y el verde, d) No tenes Athame o Vara?? No problem!! Con tu dedo indice y mayor podés hacerlo!! Con él cerras y abris el circulo, consagras el agua, el aire, el fuego y bendecis la tierra. Viste? No es DIFICIL. e) Con un poquito de aceite de cocina (si no tenes un aceite de hornito) podes "limpiar" la vela que vas a usar. El colmo de lo genial sería...aceite de oliva!!! Gardner (el creador de la Wicca) usaba aceite de oliva. (sigue en comentarios)

4/30/2024, 6:14:49 PM

■ Ritual de Samhain by Fire Valkyrja © (practicantes medios-avanzados) ◾Herramientas usuales. Caldero. ◾Extras: Un plato o un dibujo de la Rueda estacional y una vela. ◾Papel con las cosas que deseamos que desaparezcan ("mueran" metafóricamente) de nuestras vidas para quemarlo. Comenzaremos arreglando el altar, con manzanas, calabazas y otros frutos otoñales, así como también flores. Cerramos el círculo. Llamamos a los Guardianes. Llamamos a los Dioses. Parados ante el altar, elevando el plato de ofrendas (manzanas y otros frutos) decimos: "En ésta noche de Samhain marco tu pasaje Rey del Sol, a través del crepúsculo hacia la Tierra de la Juventud Tambien marco el pasaje de todos los que se fueron antes, y de todos los que irán despues. Señora, Madre Eterna, Tú que haces nacer a los caídos, enséñame a entender que en los tiempos de mayor oscuridad está la mayor luz." Ponemos el plato en el suelo. Saboreamos los pedacitos de manzana meditando sobre Samhaim. Luego miramos al símbolo de ocho brazos en el plato: el ciclo del año, el ciclo de las estaciones, el fin y el principio de toda la creación. Prendemos una vela, o si tenemos el caldero, hacemos un pequeño fuego dentro del mismo. Miramos las llamas, sentados delante de él, y decimos: "Sabia de la Luna Menguante Diosa de la noche estrellada Creé éste fuego en Tu caldero para transformar aquello que me aqueja. Que las energías se reviertan: De la oscuridad, luz! De lo malo, bueno! De la muerte, vida!" En el fuego de la vela (o el caldero) acercamos el papel y lo encendemos. Podes echarlo dentro del caldero. Honremos con nuestro recuerdo a nuestros muertos, pero no los llamemos. Si tenemos algún sentimiento como dolor o pérdida, los debemos dejar ir en las llamas del caldero o la vela. . Consumimos parte del Festín, dejando una parte como ofrenda a los Dioses. Luego de habernos asentado y centrado, despedimos a los Dioses y a los Guardianes y abrimos el círculo. Fire Valkyrja © #samhain #samhain2024 #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram

4/30/2024, 6:04:37 PM

■ Correspondencias de Samhain por Fire Valkyrja © ◾ Significado: Fin del Verano. La barrera entre mundos desaparece. Se honra a los ancestros. Noche de adivinacion. Se medita sobre todo lo que se ha dejado atrás para despues renacer (en Yule). ◾Hierbas y plantas: Hojas secas, crisantemo, manzanas, peras, avellano, cardo, granadas, todos los granos cosechados, frutas, calabaza, maíz. ◾Incienso: copal, sándalo, mirra. ◾Colores: negro, anaranjado, blanco, dorado y plateado (ver el significado en las correspondencias de colores en http://wicca-argentina.com.ar/las_correspond2.htm ) ◾Bebidas: vinos y sidras calentadas con especias. ◾Piedras: ámbar, ojo de tigre, ojo de gato, ágata amarilla, cuarzo, o cualquier piedra marrón o amarillo oscuro o naranja. Piedras negras como onix, turmalina, obsidiana, cuarzo ahumado. ◾Comida: remolachas, nabos, manzanas, maíz, nueces, calabazas, pan, tarta de calabaza. #samhain #samhain2024 #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/30/2024, 5:57:26 PM

■ Actividades en Samhain (el famoso "que hacemos") por Fire Valkyrja © ◾ La celebración de Samhain es la ultima cosecha, nos aprovisionamos para la parte oscura del año. La tierra se vuelve fria y yerma, asi que los alimentos pasan a guardarse para que no nos falte comida durante el invierno. ◾Sali a caminar por las plazas o los bosques, conectate con la tierra que pronto estará fria, ya que llega la época del invierno. Dale gracias por las delicias del verano y pedile proteccion en la parte Oscura del año. ◾Mirá las hojas secas, patealas, pisalas, sentilas crujir. Tradicionalmente juntamos hojas, semillas y plantas secas. ◾ Podemos ofrendar algunos granos, migas, trocitos de galletitas (si tenes) y darselos a los pajaros, para asegurarnos que el alimento no nos falte. Si no podes salir en estos días, podes dejarlo en el vano de una ventana, el viento hará el resto. Si tenes balcon o jardín, esparcilas en la tierra o prepara un comedero para los pájaros. ◾Como es una noche para festejar y recordar a nuestros familiares y amigos ya fallecidos, busca fotos, escribiles algo. Todo eso lo podes poner en el ritual que hagas. ◾Y por supuesto, es un momento sumamente favorable para la adivinación. No tiras las cartas, ni las runas? Fabricate con un colgante un pendulo. Un papel que diga "SI", "No", "No esta definido" y listo! #samhain #samhain2024 #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/30/2024, 5:53:48 PM

■ Sabbat de Samhain - Hemisferio Sur 30 de Abril a 1º de Mayo por Fire Valkyrja © En el transcurso de la noche del 30 de Abril al 1° de Mayo es el fin del año wiccano. La palabra Samhain -que se pronuncia "sowin"- es el fin del verano. Es el día entre el año viejo y el año nuevo, cuando las fronteras entre el mundo físico y el mundo espiritual se abren, facilitando la comunicación entre esos dos mundos. La Diosa se despide del Dios Astado que deja el mundo físico y vuelve a la oscuridad, para renacer en Yule (el siguiente sabbat). Es un día propicio para practicar adivinaciones de cualquier tipo. Se celebra el fin de la época de cosecha y la finalización de la siega de lo sembrado. Se recopilan los alimentos para la época oscura del año que comienza a partir de esta fecha. Con el invierno se vienen los días duros, oscuros y fríos, donde lo trabajado durante la parte luminosa del año rinde sus frutos. También en este periodo se rinde homenaje a los muertos, recordando a nuestros ancestros, parientes y amigos que fallecieron. También podemos aprovechar para despedirnos de las cosas de las cuales queremos desprendernos (habitos, miedos, etc). Lxs brujxs meditan sobre la muerte en Samhain, pero no como algo que asusta y es sombrío, sino en su aspecto esencial para cualquier ser humano que, quiera purificarse y ser bendecido. Toda muerte es un renacimiento, asi como las plantas dan sus semillas y son nuevamente plantadas en la temporada siguiente. Samhain no es una época de luto porque nosotros, sabemos que las almas que dejan el mundo físico no mueren para siempre; solo ingresan en el mundo espiritual, que es un plano más elevado que el nuestro. La famosa frase "pasó a mejor vida", no solo es una frase, es también una verdad en la que podemos creer. #samhain #samhain2024 #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/30/2024, 5:34:35 PM

Valborg/Walpurgis night april 30: Witches dancing on Brocken peak in the Harz mountains, in Germany; lighting bonfires and waiting for dawn, when the forces of darkness are pushed aside by the forces of light; and dancing around a maypole with colourful ribbons. Sorry, I'm not into it in a religious sense. And I never have. Walpurgia, in its original form means actually nothing to me as a Scandinavian Animist, and an Asatruar. To me this is not really an Ásatrú ritual at all. Christian, Wiccan, Celtic and folklore in Germany, sure. But not Ásatrú/Forn Sed. However, a lot of Ásatrúar's actually celebrate it with their families here in Sweden anyway, and it's a nice, non religious event each year. According to Wikipedia for instance, Norway is not a country that has a history with this event. And that matches what my research has told me over the years. They do list the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Germany, and Sweden as having a history of celebrating Walpurgia. In Norway, and many of the northern countries, May 1st is more like the first day of Spring than Valborg as it is called here in Sweden, and that is how I see it, and how I honor this " May Day" celebration. The origins of the holiday date back to pagan celebrations of fertility rites and the coming of spring. Meaning the Seger-blót in may. After the Scandinavias were "Christianized", the pagan celebration became combined with the legend of St. Walburga, an English-born nun who lived at Heidenheim monastery in Germany and later became the abbess there. Walburga was believed to have cured the illnesses of many local residents. Walburga is traditionally associated with May 1 because of a medieval account of her being canonized upon the translation of her remains from their place of burial to a church ca 870. Although it is likely that the date of her canonization is just "coincidental" to the date of the Ásatrú celebrations of spring, people were able to celebrate both events under church law without fear of reprisal. But it has no historical record of having with Oden, Yggdrasil or Ásatrú to do more than it's close to our Seger-Blót. Njordkraft Community @bjorni_viking

4/30/2024, 2:17:17 PM

A blessed Beltane and beginning of the “Light Half” of the year!! For many of our ancestors who lived in intimacy and interdependence with the land and seasons, this fertility and fire festival was of utmost importance, and arrived with raucous ritual. Young women would awake at dawn and bathe their faces and skin with the dew of hawthorn blossoms. There would be dancing, jumping bonfires, driving the livestock between fires, sympathetic magic, and fertility rites asking the land and spirits to produce a bountiful season 🌸🌾🔥 #beltane #bealtaine #mayday #walpurgisnacht #hexennacht #heathensofinstagram #druidsofinstagram

4/30/2024, 2:13:23 PM

Tyr Tuesday - was a more than just a brave warrior—he was also a reliable source of wisdom and a champion of justice. These descriptions, admittedly, relied on brief mentions of the god in the Norse epics. The most detailed description of the god was derived from the Gylfaginning, a book of the Prose Edda by the thirteenth-century Icelandic scholar Snorri Sturluson. It read: Yet remains that one of the Æsir who is called Týr: he is most daring, and best in stoutness of heart, and he has much authority over victory in battle; it is good for men of valor to invoke him. It is a proverb, that he is Týr-valiant, who surpasses other men and does not waver. He is wise, so that it is also said, that he that is wisest is Týr-prudent. Tyr’s most notable attribute was his missing right hand (or arm), generally depicted as being severed at the wrist or forearm. This missing limb had been devoured by Fenrir, the ravenous giant wolf sired by Loki and the jötunn Angrboda. Fenrir would later play a central role in Ragnarök. Family- Tyr was either the son of Odin, the “All Father” and king of gods, or Hymir, a giant from an obscure section of the Poetic Edda called the Hymiskviða (the “Lay of Hymir”). While the latter text omitted mention of Tyr’s mother, it identified his grandmother as a woman with nine hundred heads. Most scholars have come to the consensus that Odin was Tyr’s true father. As Sturluson wrote in the Skáldskaparmál: “‘How should one periphrase Týr? By calling him the One-handed God, and Fosterer of the Wolf, God of Battles, Son of Odin.’” By virtue of being Odin’s son, Tyr was a half-sibling to the chief members of the Aesir tribe. Tyr’s half-siblings consisted of some of the most prominent figures in Norse mythology, including Thor, Baldur, Váli, and Vidarr, as well as Heimdall, Hermod, Bragi, and Hodr. Artist 👩🏻‍🎨- Elizabeth Montrose #norsepagan #norse #viking #tyr #fenrir #norsewitch #völva #witchesofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #vikingsofinstagram #paganism #norsegods #odin #thor #loki #vallhalla #vikings #pagan #norsepagansofinstagram

4/30/2024, 2:04:55 PM

Card of the Day - 4/30/24 Sometimes we only get one shot at a decision and so it is becomes all the more important to know oneself. Both in one’s strengths and otherwise. Are there old burdens and defences that can impede one’s progress? Does the memory of old wounds create fear of new ones? It is important to recognize when our defences cease to be protective and instead become prohibitive. So one must take a hard look in the mirror and determine if the person looking back is ready to take the next steps. If not, what needs to change? It is only by knowing and really recognizing oneself that one can be prepared to take the right course of action when the time to decide arrives. If left unchecked, then old habits or other burdens can sway one’s internal compass and send one off course. When that happens where one ends up may not be where they thought they were headed. ————————— #norse #nordicmythology #heathen #heathensofinstagram #animism #animist #yggdrasil #oracledeck #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #cardoftheday #cabot #cabotwitch #cabotpriest #cabottradition #hermeticism #psychicwitch #witchesofinstagram #instawitch

4/30/2024, 1:25:52 PM

Good Tyr's Day! Todays rune is Thurisaz. Once again, it connects dots to the last few days. With chaos and mystery comes the need to protect ourselves against future energies pertaining to the same issue. To ensure we remain strong in the face of these adversities. We are all protectors in a way. Sometimes, we have to focus on ourselves. THURISAZ PRONUNCIATION: thoo-ree-sahz Struggle/Conflict, protection, contemplation, decisions, luck. The rune is associated with struggle and the dangers involved in completing a challenge. It is concerned with aspects of protection and resistance to danger. It symbolizes a thorn. Runic Inspiration: You must take risks to win, and since that outcome is not clear until the end, you must accept this truth and banish fear. It's time to face your wild side. Thurisaz advises you to be mindful of your motives. Remember, what goes around comes around. The power of the rune: The rune instills courage and clarity of thought each time we face risk and potential danger. It gives the wisdom of taking a protective stance rather than rushing to attack an adversary. It can aid in defensive magic, protection, decision-making, and good luck. Magical uses: defensive magic, protection, help with decisions, good luck. #runes #dailyrune #Thurisaz #inspiration #runic #norse #Norsepagan #heathen #heathensagainsthate #awakenthenorth #pagan #pagansofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #goodvibes #runereading #declarationofdeeds #runicwisdom #runemagick

4/30/2024, 11:59:10 AM

Good Tyr's Day! Todays rune is Thurisaz. Once again, it connects dots to the last few days. With chaos and mystery comes the need to protect ourselves against future energies pertaining to the same issue. To ensure we remain strong in the face of these adversities. We are all protectors in a way. Sometimes, we have to focus on ourselves. THURISAZ PRONUNCIATION: thoo-ree-sahz Struggle/Conflict, protection, contemplation, decisions, luck. The rune is associated with struggle and the dangers involved in completing a challenge. It is concerned with aspects of protection and resistance to danger. It symbolizes a thorn. Runic Inspiration: You must take risks to win, and since that outcome is not clear until the end, you must accept this truth and banish fear. It's time to face your wild side. Thurisaz advises you to be mindful of your motives. Remember, what goes around comes around. The power of the rune: The rune instills courage and clarity of thought each time we face risk and potential danger. It gives the wisdom of taking a protective stance rather than rushing to attack an adversary. It can aid in defensive magic, protection, decision-making, and good luck. Magical uses: defensive magic, protection, help with decisions, good luck. #runes #dailyrune #Thurisaz #inspiration #runic #norse #Norsepagan #heathen #heathensagainsthate #awakenthenorth #pagan #pagansofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #goodvibes #runereading #declarationofdeeds #runicwisdom #runemagick

4/30/2024, 11:57:24 AM

• So... These are driftwood Futhorc. Anglo Saxon runes. Simply cut from one branch of driftwood collected on my local Severn Sea shoreline, hand engraved with the Futhorc, licked by a flame and burnished with beeswax. The drawstring sack is now a homemade affair of heavy canvas, super soft rope, gunmetal eye thingy m' bobs.. and a closure bead of the same driftwood as the runes. And that's the intention behind these really or all of my rune sets - just to keep em as raw and natural as possible.. yet still be the most beautiful, fully handcrafted bits of nature that adequately outline the fundamentals of nature and natural law, which you may just wish to purchase and take on your journey to help inform your footsteps. (the text on the photos is for Etsy... as they're effectively burying items descriptions making it hard for potential buyers to find, so I've decided to include as much info and direction on the actual photos... it's sad the way we're being pushed... ten years or more ago I was horrified by a young man on work experience in my kitchen who had no concept of how to peel a carrot. Worse than this was that his hands had no concept of how to work with his brain to use hand tools to achieve a suitable outcome. This was not by any means an individual case, not by a long depressing stretch. If skills are not practised and honed... they are lost. Once lost they are damned hard to be recovered. We've got zero idea how we built pyramids. lost. You may not consider your attention span a skill.. that's coz your here.. 🙏

4/30/2024, 11:55:26 AM

Draugr awakened. _______________________________________________________ Hail the gods! _______________________________________________________ 119/365 #odin #thor #aesir #vanir #gods #godesses #oldgods #oldways #mjlnoir #vegvisir #gothi #asatru #viking #vikings #vikingsofinstagram #pagan #pagansofinstagram #pagansim #heathen #heathensofinstagram #heathenism #rune #runes #magic #norse #norsepaganism #norsepagan #norsemythology #skål #oaths

4/30/2024, 2:32:58 AM

The #GamingHavamal for tonight from my play through of #DragonAgeOrigins is Stanza 77: “Cows die, family die, you will die the same way. I know only one thing that never dies: the reputation of the one who’s dead” #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #norseheathenslnstagram #norsepagansofinstagram #norsewitchesofinstagram #heathenryforall #asatruforall #heathenslife #heathenthoughts #heathencroaks #heathenscrolls #itsaheathenslifeforme

4/30/2024, 1:15:17 AM

◾ "Corn has been shucked, grain has been threshed, herbs have been hung to dry. Grapes have been pressed, potatoes have been dug, beans have been shelled and canned. It is the harvest season, and food is ready for winter. We will eat, and we will live, and we will be grateful." ◾ "Se ha desgranado el maíz, se ha trillado el grano, se han colgado las hierbas para que se sequen. Las uvas se han prensado, las papas se han desenterrado, los porotos se han desgranado y enlatado. Es la época de la cosecha y la comida está lista para el invierno. Comeremos, viviremos y estaremos agradecidos". #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #samhain #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/29/2024, 11:25:21 PM

#BeltaneisComing! Register by May 1 to take part in some or all of our 2024 #BeltaneFestival next weekend, May 3-5: circlesanctuary.org/Beltane My #LandSpiritsRituals will be live-streamed on Saturday May 4 at 1:30pm CDT. Register by May 1 to attend virtually. #NatureSpirituality #Pagan #PagansofInstagram #Druidry #WiccansofInstagram #WitchesofIG #Heathensofinstagram #GermanPagan #EnglishPagan #Beltaine

4/29/2024, 6:57:29 PM

Bring your tarot deck(s) and join us for a workshop on learning the basics! We will cover the Rider Waite Smith definitions and delve into intuitive reading, so you can gain a solid foundation in understanding most decks. Come prepared with your deck and an open mind! #tarot #pagansofinstagram #nature #heathensofinstagram #pagan #witchesofinstagram #oakspiritsanctuary #pagancamping #paganfestival #witchtok #paganartist #tarotastrology #beltane2024 #beltane24 #beltanefires

4/29/2024, 4:29:27 PM

Good morning everyone! I’m gonna be at @mysticdragonslair today in Medina NY from 10 am-2pm doing rune and bone readings!☠️ 💥Rune readings are $50 💥Bone readings are $50 To schedule yours message me here, call the store, or we take walk ins. Runes: The runes are Nordic symbols that each speak about different aspects of life. Through these symbols I can speak with the dead, speak with the gods, and get information on your life situation. The runes are spirits in and of themselves as well, they have their own advice to give. The runes can guide us on our path and bring us messages that we need from spirits of the other world. Let’s see what your strands of fate have to say. Bones: The bones refers to different animal bones and curios which symbolize different aspects of life as well. They are thrown on the table and by the patterns they fall and my own connection to the ancestors, I can answer your questions or get information on your life’s situation, this includes advice from the ancestors. The ancestors are emphasized here, your ancestors will come through and speak. This is directly connecting to them. Let’s see what advice the dead has to offer. I can’t wait to work with you today! 😁 Hail kin! 🔮🐺🔥🕯 |>|>|>

4/29/2024, 3:03:39 PM

Some artwork I've been working on in my spare time. A outward reflection on my changes, my growth, and my mindset moving forward in business and life. The black hammer, the beserker beast, nodic Nightmare, etc Whatever is chapter, Era. Or arc the force is the same fight, conquer, endure, evolve Raid on, fight on, and Skål (Artwork Inspired by Kentaro Miura's artwork in Berserk animes and manga) #manga #art #ink #berserk #björnheathen #heathen_beast #heathen #heathensofinstagram #heathensofIG #skål #madviking #madnorseman #heathenbynature999 #heathenheart #Thor #motivation #norse #thebeardstruggle #raiseyourhorns #valhalla #tyr #madbear #warrior #Freya #Grimfrost #odin #norsesoul #nordicsisterhood #warrior ᚺᛖᚨᚦ︍ᛖᚾ

4/29/2024, 3:02:57 PM

◾ Lunes, Dia de la Luna y de Dioses y Diosas relacionados con la Luna. ◾Lunes, Dia de Máni, Dios nórdico de la Luna ◾Mani => Moon Day => Monday /// Dies Lunis => Lunae => Día de la Luna => Lunes #moonday #moon #diadelaluna #montag #moongoddess #moongod #asatru #odinism #ásatrú #odinismo #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #asatruargentina #asatruhemisferiosur #wicca #wiccaargentina

4/29/2024, 3:00:16 PM

The Runes release us from worldly delusions, they do not reinforce them. Fascism is delusional. Period. . . . . . . . #runes #elderfuthark #futhark #runemagic #runereading #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram

4/29/2024, 1:47:42 PM

• It would appear I've now ventured into pouch production... I've never liked sewing.. especially on a machine. There's no teaching it... it's nonsensical, un-intuitive with more variables to make wrongness occur than one can shake a stick at. it's simply practice practice practice until it makes sense... and that's unlikely. Anyway.. fast-forward past the tears of despair and.. Show me an old dog... I'll have it jumping through hoops before dark... even if it takes harsh words and a size nine.

4/29/2024, 1:26:26 PM

Good Máni's Day! Todays rune is Perthro. Here, we have the mystery that ties into yesterday's chaos. Figure out what, why, where, when, who, and when. And how that affects the outcome of what our plans were before this chaos. As well as where to go from here. It's like a fork in the road. We've got to decide which path to take. I find this quite interesting in how it relates to me personally right now. PERTHRO PRONUNCIATION: Per-throw Mystery, secret, chance, initiation, something hidden. Rune of fate and the unmanifest. Rune of probability and the role of luck in the evolutionary process of all things. Universe at play. Of all the runes, this one is the most mysterious, perhaps next to Eihwaz before it, because Perthro deals with the mysteries within the runes themselves and the birth of the universe. On one hand, this allows you to intuit original knowledge about the runes that may have been suppressed, destroyed, or incompletely passed on over the centuries. On the other hand, the ‘how to’ techniques are less defined than with other runes, for we are dealing with fundamental mysteries of the universe. Orlog plays out as the consequences of the cosmic and primal laws themselves unfold from the beginning of the universe until the end. All patterns are interdependent and interwoven throughout all existence. Magical uses: divination, health and healing, and spiritual clarity. #runes #dailyrune #Perthro #inspiration #runic #norse #Norsepagan #heathen #heathensagainsthate #awakenthenorth #pagan #pagansofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #goodvibes #runereading #declarationofdeeds #runicwisdom #runemagick

4/29/2024, 10:56:18 AM

Good Máni's Day! Todays rune is Perthro. Here, we have the mystery that ties into yesterday's chaos. Figure out what, why, where, when, who, and when. And how that affects the outcome of what our plans were before this chaos. As well as where to go from here. It's like a fork in the road. We've got to decide which path to take. I find this quite interesting in how it relates to me personally right now. PERTHRO PRONUNCIATION: Per-throw Mystery, secret, chance, initiation, something hidden. Rune of fate and the unmanifest. Rune of probability and the role of luck in the evolutionary process of all things. Universe at play. Of all the runes, this one is the most mysterious, perhaps next to Eihwaz before it, because Perthro deals with the mysteries within the runes themselves and the birth of the universe. On one hand, this allows you to intuit original knowledge about the runes that may have been suppressed, destroyed, or incompletely passed on over the centuries. On the other hand, the ‘how to’ techniques are less defined than with other runes, for we are dealing with fundamental mysteries of the universe. Orlog plays out as the consequences of the cosmic and primal laws themselves unfold from the beginning of the universe until the end. All patterns are interdependent and interwoven throughout all existence. Magical uses: divination, health and healing, and spiritual clarity. #runes #dailyrune #Perthro #inspiration #runic #norse #Norsepagan #heathen #heathensagainsthate #awakenthenorth #pagan #pagansofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #goodvibes #runereading #declarationofdeeds #runicwisdom #runemagick

4/29/2024, 10:54:52 AM

The #GamingHavamal tonight from my #DragonAgeOrigins play through is stanza 76 tonight! “Cows die, family die, you will die the same way. But a good reputation never dies for the one who earns it well.” #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #norseheathenslnstagram #norsepagansofinstagram #norsewitchesofinstagram #heathenryforall #asatruforall #heathenslife #heathenthoughts #heathencroaks #heathenscrolls #itsaheathenslifeforme

4/29/2024, 4:03:43 AM

Heathen... I am a heathen yet I believe in no god or gods. It is not a religion. I simply believe in the processes of nature, its power, its duality as life-giver and life-taker; its ability to shape the landscape, to wear down stone, to raise the waters, to bend the mighty oaks. For me, nature and heathenism are inseparable. I don't need there to be some grand orchestrator of the cosmos. I don't need to seek the greater mysteries of life. I simply aim to exist, to be a part of the cycle of life, a caretaker of nature. It is my obligation to live a good life without bringing undo harm to my surroundings. I welcome the mud between my toes. I stand in the rain so I can soak it all in. I listen to the wind, to the birds, to the sounds of the forest for they tell me what I need to know. I crawl in the dirt. I lay in field. I watch the creatures of the forest, still fascinated as ever at how they persevere. We alone are in control of our destiny, our path, and no amount of rituals or superstitious beliefs, prayers, and placations to human-made gods will ever compare to sheer will, grit, and determination for the heathen mind thrives in adversity, in challenge, in hardship. I have no need to paint my face, to put on costumes, to role play the life my ancestors once lived. Heathenism is a mindset, a lifestyle, not a farce, not a costume party. It is a singular path and each individual will have a different take, different beliefs and that's okay. Never forget we are a part of nature, even as we separate ourselves ever further from that notion, I think it'll never escape us. Take the time to breathe in the air, to appreciate the cycle of nature, and understand how amazing it is to be alive. Now go forth and Seize the Day! Workout **Sandbag suplex: 2×7@200 Circuit 1: 2rds **Zercher box squat: 2×10@215 **Wall Crawls: 5/4 **Towel pull ups: 2×10 **Weighted Ring push ups: 2×13 Circuit 2: 2rds **Sandbag clean and press: 2×8/9@105 **Sandbag bearhug carry: 2@50ft with 165 **Reverse overhead toss: 2×6@90 **Pistol squat: 2×8

4/28/2024, 11:12:12 PM

Consultation before work. This is probably the most important step when doing spiritual work for someone. Without it you’d be going into the situation blind. One of the first things a new Völvas, Vitki, Seiðberendi, or any spirit worker for that matter, should learn aside from cleansing and protection, is divination. You need a way to contact and speak with the gods. The witch is first, a priest of nature and the powers that govern it, therefore you need access to their guidance. Being a sorcerer without any form of divination is like being blind and driving a car. Reading will give you a deeper look into the situation, and will also give you the best direction to take in helping the client. Sometimes clients don’t tell the full story either, and can give you insight on that, people like to play victim and sometimes that is the case unfortunately. The gods and spirits at times will tell you no when asking if you can or should help someone. There is always a reason for this, at times people are supposed to be in the situation they find themselves in, and at times Völvas and Vitkis are able to alter the strands of fate for a person. However, that can be tricky, fate can be tricky, which is why a reading must be done to see if working a person’s Wyrd will help or destroy. When altering someone’s fate, it affects their whole life and soul. If your spirits are telling you no, it’s in your best interest to listen. If you’re asking a Seiðberendi, Völva, Vitki, etc. for work and they don’t do a reading first or some type of consultation, that’s a huge red flag that either this person is a scammer or they aren’t as experienced as they’re claiming to be. Be careful out there on these spiritual streets my kin, some people take pride in being predators unfortunately. Hail kin!!🕯️🌕🔮💀🐺 |>|>|> Picture: Odin and the Völva (1895) by Lorenz Frølich

4/28/2024, 8:59:29 PM

ᛋᛋᛋ᛬ Sòl / Sunna ᛬ᛋᛋᛋ᛬ ■ Domingo, Dia de Sol, de Sunna, fuerza de la vida, la energía del Sol. ☀️ Sunday, Day off, Saule / Sunna's Day ■ Día de Dioses/as solares ■ Sol, Sunna => Sun Day => Sunday /// Dies solis => Día del Sol => Domingo /// Díes Domínĭcus => Día del Señor => Domingo #sunday #solday #diadelsol #sunna #saule #domingo #asatru #odinism #ásatrú #nordicpaganism #fenordica #paganismonordico #odinismo #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #asatruargentina #wiccaargentina

4/28/2024, 7:11:57 PM

Let show your inner power and let your true self shine by dressing up with masks, face paint, and henna that represent your inner divine spark at main ritual! If you don’t have a mask or paint no worries we will have some on hand Friday and Saturday for you to decorate and create prior to ritual! #pagansofinstagram #nature #heathensofinstagram #pagan #witchesofinstagram #oakspiritsanctuary #beltane2024 #beltanefestival #beltanefire #divinespark

4/28/2024, 5:47:09 PM

WHY ADDING AN EIR TO YOUR HOME WILL TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE 🌿⬇️ 🌿Eir wards off negative energies and promotes a harmonious environment, adding a sense of safety and security to your space 🌿Invite Eir’s nurturing energy into your home for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing 🌿Let Eir’s statue serve as a focal point for meditation and prayer, connecting you with her wisdom and blessings Find Eir statue on my site in Norse gods category

4/28/2024, 4:03:54 PM

Handpainted Othala with sunbeams ready to travel to its new owner. Tack Embla @e_skoldare för förtoendet! ✨️ . . . . . . . . . #runes #rune #odal #othala #futhark #paganartist #paganart #jugendart #heathenart #heidnisch #germanicpagan #heathensofinstagram #watercolor #nordicpagan #pagansymbols #aquarelle #heathenism #futharkrunes #paintwork #artist

4/28/2024, 3:30:12 PM

Awesome @blackthorn.ritualisticfolk Beltane celebration at @lynedownorganics yesterday! Hugest thanks to all involved, I'm very proud to be part of such an incredible bunch of talanted, creative misfits! 🖤💙🖤 . Photo by @wodensown . #beltane #blackthornritualisticfolk #Blackthorn #morrisdancing #blackthornbordermorris #morris #bordermorris #darkmorris #gathering #givingthanks #celebration #spirituallyuplifting #ritual #blackthorn #heathen #heathensofinstagram #heathenways #pagan #pagansofinstagram #ancestors #honouringancestors #theoldgods #theoldways #allpathsleadtoodin #lynedowncider #lynedownorganics

4/28/2024, 12:56:14 PM

i'm back!! this may, i'll be with our friends @sundaysocialmarket from 11–12 may, 4pm–9pm offering tarot readings. if you're feeling a little lost in life, come by palawan beach for the answer you've been searching for 🐚 🗝️┊tags. #tarot #tarotreading #supportlocalsg #smallbusiness #sgwitchescommunity #tarotreadersg #fleamarketsg #popupsg #messagesfromtheuniverse #messagesfromspirit #witch #divinationwitch #occultist #heathensofinstagram

4/28/2024, 12:00:22 PM

It's not harder than this! And still, we who try to help people to find their own path are called gatekeepers and being insulted when we don't like the Cultural appropiation when people ridicule our whole Scandinavian history, culture, folklore, allmoge, mythology and way of life we have lived in thousands of years nowadays. Njordkraft Community @bjorni_viking

4/28/2024, 11:10:19 AM

Good Sunna's Day! Todays rune is Hagalaz. I see a bit of chaos here. I try to look at the opposite end of growing from the storm or the transformation it brings. But here, it's just chaotic, although it doesn't feel harmful. Sometimes, we need a wrench thrown into things that we can not see so that we can readjust ourselves to the proper path. HAGALAZ PRONUNCIATION: hah-ga-lahz Hailstorms and aggression signify wind and weather are connected to dangerous and destructive forces and times of crisis. Hail is a temporary phenomenon, starting and ending with water reminding us of transformation. Hagalaz also reminds us of the chaos of natural forces, things that cannot be controlled, in other words, "resistance is futile" You may be reminded that taking a new course or new approach to something will bring the purpose for change and chaos into focus. Think of it as a temporary disruption and not as an end-all. Magical uses: protection, luck, success in navigating difficult situations, breaking unhealthy patterns. #runes #dailyrune #Hagalaz #inspiration #runic #norse #Norsepagan #heathen #heathensagainsthate #awakenthenorth #pagan #pagansofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #goodvibes #runereading #declarationofdeeds #runicwisdom #runemagick

4/28/2024, 10:52:39 AM

Good Sunna's Day! Todays rune is Hagalaz. I see a bit of chaos here. I try to look at the opposite end of growing from the storm or the transformation it brings. But here, it's just chaotic, although it doesn't feel harmful. Sometimes, we need a wrench thrown into things that we can not see so that we can readjust ourselves to the proper path. HAGALAZ PRONUNCIATION: hah-ga-lahz Hailstorms and aggression signify wind and weather are connected to dangerous and destructive forces and times of crisis. Hail is a temporary phenomenon, starting and ending with water reminding us of transformation. Hagalaz also reminds us of the chaos of natural forces, things that cannot be controlled, in other words, "resistance is futile" You may be reminded that taking a new course or new approach to something will bring the purpose for change and chaos into focus. Think of it as a temporary disruption and not as an end-all. Magical uses: protection, luck, success in navigating difficult situations, breaking unhealthy patterns. #runes #dailyrune #Hagalaz #inspiration #runic #norse #Norsepagan #heathen #heathensagainsthate #awakenthenorth #pagan #pagansofinstagram #heathensofinstagram #goodvibes #runereading #declarationofdeeds #runicwisdom #runemagick

4/28/2024, 10:51:27 AM

Hail to you Hel/Hulda, lady of the dead. I honor you and thank you for your guidance and protection, I pray you bring prosperity and abundance to this household, and allow no one to pass before their natural time. HAIL HULDA It is Hel’s night! Hail kin🖤🕯️🌕🐺💀 |>|>|>

4/28/2024, 8:01:44 AM

A long day but I didn’t forget the #GamingHavamal from my play through of #DragonAgeOrigins Stanza 75: “The ignorant man does not know how little he knows. You become foolish listening to fools. One man is rich, another man is poor, neither has the other to blame. #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #norseheathenslnstagram #norsepagansofinstagram #norsewitchesofinstagram #heathenryforall #asatruforall #heathenslife #heathenthoughts #heathencroaks #heathenscrolls #itsaheathenslifeforme

4/28/2024, 5:17:32 AM

◾Se empieza a acercar la fecha de la celebración /sacrificio de la ultima cosecha. Vetrnaetr / Alfablot en el calendario nórdico, Samhain para el calendario celta. Los que rendimos culto a los dioses nordicos hacemos el Alfablot, llevado a cabo por las hausfrau. Tambien estamos sintiendo como el muro entre mundos se va haciendo más y más delgado. También nos vamos despidiendo de los largos días de verano y del fuerte sol que lo acompaña. Cada dia tenemos un poquito menos de luz solar y ya empezamos a patear los montones de hojas que se acumulan en el suelo. Los vientos cada vez se van haciendo mas frecuentes y mas fríos, lo cual inaugura la época de la Caza Salvaje. Estan listos para el invierno?? #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #samhain #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/28/2024, 3:55:46 AM

◾A acumular alimentos y recursos para el Invierno que se avecina! (the Winter is coming!) Por aqui el paisaje finalmente se esta tiñendo de dorado. Til árs ok friðar, #alfablot #wildhunt #vetrnaetr #caceriasalvaje #harvest #samhain #asatru #odinism #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchesofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #witchstagram #wiccansofinstagram #occultistsofinstagram #wiccaargentina #wicca

4/28/2024, 3:08:25 AM

Parenting done right. _______________________________________________________ Hail the gods! _______________________________________________________ 117/365 #odin #thor #aesir #vanir #gods #godesses #oldgods #oldways #mjlnoir #vegvisir #gothi #asatru #meme #memes #funny #vikingmeme #funnymeme #funnymemes #viking #vikings #vikingsofinstagram #pagan #pagansofinstagram #pagansim #runes #rune #heathen #heathensofinstagram #heathenism #norse

4/28/2024, 2:49:54 AM

■ El inframundo nòrdico, Helheimr by Fire Valkyrja © Niflheim (en nórdico antiguo Niflheimr, "Hogar de la niebla"), en la mitología nórdica, es el reino de la oscuridad y de las tinieblas, envuelto por una niebla perpetua. En él habita el dragón Níðhöggr que roe sin cesar las raíces del fresno del mundo Yggdrasil. Después del Ragnarök el dragón se dedicará a atormentar las almas que queden en el mundo. Bajo el enorme, oscuro y gélido Niflheim está el reino de los muertos, Helheim. Helheim es el inframundo nórdico, donde todo era frío y oscuro. Algunos creen que era parte del reino llamado Niflheim. Se tardaba 9 días y 9 noches para llegar hasta él. Helheim estaba rodeada de altos muros y había un río cerca. Lo suficientemente aterrador es que el río emitía sonidos metálicos mientras fluía. Hel no sólo estaba ubicada en el norte, sino que también estaba ubicada en la base del árbol Yggdrasil. En el reinaba la giganta/diosa Hel , y el nombre del lugar también se llamaba Hel. Hel era una de las hijos de Loki (el trickster de la mitología nórdica), y tenía una posición poderosa. El nombre Hel proviene del nórdico antiguo que significa "oculto" y se llama tanto Hel como Helheim. Helheim significa "lugar escondido" o "lugar de Hel". Helheim era el inframundo para la mayoría de la gente, pero había otros en la religión nórdica. Pero al igual que otras religiones, había diferentes lugares para las almas muertas, y dependía de cómo moría cada uno . Estaba el Valhalla , que era el lugar exaltado para aquellos que morían valientemente en la batalla. También estaba el nombre de campo de Freya, Folkvangr, para estas mismas almas. No está claro, pero es posible que estos inframundos se hayan agregado más adelante en la historia a medida que pasó el tiempo. #helheim #helheimr #deathgoddess #heathensofinstagram #pagansofinstagram #asatru #odinism #ásatrú #odinismo #asatruargentina #asatruhemisferiosur

4/28/2024, 2:38:56 AM

We started off our season today with a small event at The Great South Bay Brewery. Cannot wait to see everyone next week at The Night of 1000s Stevies at Irving Plaza. Come see us and @heljardottir for rune readings, and all sorts of handmade items and enjoy a fantastic show ! #thefeinicsgatepodcast #heathensofinstagram #haethsaer #volurlife # #freya #norseheathenry #norsepagan #travelingvolur #higherconsciousness #witchlife #nightof1000stevies #homemadecandles #bakedgoods #smallbusiness #podcastersofinstagram #podcastshow #jadesneverendingadventures #Press #feinicsnation #feinicsfamily #cosplayersofinstagram

4/27/2024, 6:31:31 PM