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💕🕯️👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻🫶🏻 #beltane #beltaneritual #walpurgisnacht #ritual #witch #witchlife #witchythings #altar #jarspell #tarotcards #rosequarz

4/30/2024, 10:49:24 PM

Golden healer - The Golden Healer crystal, renowned for its vibrant golden hues, is cherished for its powerful healing properties and spiritual significance. This unique quartz variety is imbued with the energy of the sun, radiating warmth, vitality, and abundance. Golden Healer crystals are believed to facilitate deep energetic healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, helping to release blockages, restore balance, and promote inner harmony. Golden Healer crystals are valued for their ability to amplify intention and connection to higher realms, making them potent tools for meditation, manifestation, and spiritual growth. As beacons of light and positivity, these crystals serve as reminders of the innate healing power within each individual, encouraging a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and radiant well-being. - #goldenhealer #the7directions #om #Crystalhealing #crystals #sacredspace #sacredgeometry #totem #meditation #clearquartz #crystalgrid #reiki #altar #buddha #bestill #zodiac #tarotcard #divination #mercuryretrograde #vibrationalhealing #namaste

4/30/2024, 10:46:29 PM

Amanhã dia 01/04 Dia do Trabalhador, continuamos nossa campanha "Joga fora no lixo" 🗑 Com a oração especial para os trabalhadores 🙏 🚨Traga algo que represente seu trabalho para colocar no altar e ungir. . . . #IIGDSBO3 #quartadafamilia #diadotrabalhador #jogaforanolixo #Oração #altar #ungir

4/30/2024, 10:45:32 PM

#кологода #праздники #мистерии #стихии #Бельтайн #Живиндень БЕЛЬТАЙН, Вальпургиева ночь, Праздник огней, Живень день Белтайн отмечается в ночь с 30 на 1 мая. В этот день просыпается стихия Земля. Разбуженная Водой, она раскрывает себя, выпуская силу в мир внешний. Воздух и Вода к моменту пробуждения Земли уже проявили ритм течения времени на весь год: темп со­бытий, скорость возникновения перемен. Теперь время Земли проявить сделанное. Всё задуманное и загаданное должно быть зримо, перестать быть фантазией. Но что­бы это про­изошло, сама Мать-Земля должна дать пространство для воплощения. И она даёт, показывая каждому место возможностей, ареал обитания. В эту ночь, ночь пробуждения Матери, и люди, и маги творили свои ритуальные действа. Люди в обрядовом таинстве почитали силу и волю Матери, поскольку, согласно древней легенде, считалось, что именно в эту ночь богиня выбирает себе мужа. Зажигая майские огни, празднуя и веселясь, как на свадьбе, древние наши пращуры как бы говорили: твой выбор — это святое; мы сердцем примем своим богом того, кого выберешь ты. Считалось, что всё, что происходит в дни Белтайна, имеет мистический смысл и проявляет в той или иной форме волю Матери. На этот день назначались состязания среди людей, в этот день проводили тинги и вече, в этот день будущий правитель проходил испытания, которым его подвергали жрецы. ✅НОЧЬ БЕЛЬТАЙНА Ночь, когда древнее право Матери аннулирует все иные противоестественные законы. Ночь, когда любая женщина могла соединиться с Матерью и вобрать в себя её силу, обрести тем самым право на свободный выбор. Для древних народов в этом не было ничего удивительного: любая женщина и без дополнительных колдовских усилий считалась персонификацией богини Земли. Но в более позднюю эпоху поклонения безликому и безымянному богу-пришельцу для женщины остался только один день в году. Один день, когда она могла взять свою силу и потребовать соблюдения своих прав, воззвать к древнему закону справедливости — праву Матери. #славянский_край #риуалы #ритуальнаямагия #pagan #купитьалтарь #товарыдлямагии #белаямагия #чёрнаямагия #магия #домашнийалтарь #язычники #altar #благояр #старыебогивещают #магическаялавка

4/30/2024, 10:44:58 PM

#алтарь #берегиня #великаямать #земля #предки #вегвизир #компасвикингов Фигуры Берегинь, панки, предки. Используются разнообразнейшим образом, от элемента архаичной культуры в доме - до магических практик с Родом, женскими божествами или женского начала - Великой Матерью. ✅Материал: липа ✅Размер: 10х5 см ✅Изготовление на заказ Берегиня, Великая Мать - в дохристианской культуре, Земля. Богини связанные с землёй и старшие женщины в роду, предки. Все женщины являются проекцией изначальных сил творения - земли и воды, в потенциале конечно же. Фигурки помогают укрепить связь с корнями, с Землёй и Предками, пробиться через эгрегориальные блоки внедрённые в сознание, которые позволяют подтолкнуть человека добровольно обрезать эти связи. Отторгая часть прошлого и достижения своих бабушек и дедушек. Вегвизир - известный как Компас Викингов. Но суть не только в мореходстве, компас помогает найти нужное направление в жизни, принятии важных решений, помощь в дороге, спутник в путешествиях. #славянский_край #риуалы #ритуальнаямагия #pagan #купитьалтарь #товарыдлямагии #белаямагия #чёрнаямагия #магия #домашнийалтарь #язычники #altar #благояр #старыебогивещают #магическаялавка

4/30/2024, 10:39:14 PM

#алтарь #Фрейер #Ванахейм #Фрейя #Ингви #сейд 🔥Фрейер, Ингви🔥 Бог плодородия Фрейр добрый, бесхитростный и простодушный. Он учит понимать свою природу, принимать себя таким, какой ты есть. Он раскрывает в человеке то, что в нём спрятано даже от него самого: знание о канале инкарнации, о психотипе, о биологическом ритме, в какое время суток, время года человек наиболее продуктивен, а в какое нет. Фрейр помогает раскрыть человеку его природную магию. «Ему подвластны дожди и солнечный свет, а значит, и плоды земные, и его хорошо молить об урожае и о мире. От него зависит и достаток людей», — рассказывает Снорри Стурлусон в Младшей Эдде. В скандинавской мифологии Фрейр — бог из числа ванов, олицетворяющий растительность, урожай, богатство и мир. Он сын Ньёрда и Нертус. После войны асов и ванов он попал заложником к асам вместе с Ньёрдом. Фрейр стал мужем богини Герд, согласия которой на брак добивается угрожающими заклинаниями слуга Фрейра — Скирнир с мечом Фрейра в руке. Фрейр — владелец чудесного вепря Гуллинбурсти («золотая щетинка») или Слидругтанни. Именно на нём он скачет на похороны Бальдра. Как и другие сокровища богов Гуллинбурсти изготовили карлики-цверги. Ещё один атрибут Фрейра — чудесный корабль Скидбладнир («сложенный из тонких досочек») всегда имеет попутный ветер, вмещает любое количество воинов и может быть свернут, как платок. ✅Материал: липа ✅Размеры: 14х5 см ✅Изготовление на заказ #славянский_край #риуалы #ритуальнаямагия #pagan #купитьалтарь #товарыдлямагии #белаямагия #чёрнаямагия #магия #домашнийалтарь #язычники #altar #благояр #старыебогивещают #магическаялавка

4/30/2024, 10:31:59 PM

Our Gnostic Mass High Altar at Star of Babalon. I got this photo last Sunday after our celebration of the Gnostic Mass. Coming together in a community where I feel seen, understood, and loved to celebrate a beautiful, spiritually significant ritual is what it is all about. There seems to be such a huge disconnect between how ceremonial magick is online vs in person. It's not uncommon for first time participants to be shocked by how sweet, welcoming, and serious we are about our work and eachother. How wonderful the ceremonial magick community is in person feels like some kind of best kept secret. Though there are times I wish it wasn't such a secret especially when it comes to women who face so many unfortunate barriers to entry already. Even when it comes to me, I put so much more effort into my in person community and taking care of my people than I do with anything online. It's the people who are the heart and soul of it all. Big group rituals like the Gnostic Mass remind me of how truly blessed I am to exist at the space time and in the same space as so many other brilliant stars. 🌞 Note: I do not check direct messages on social media. For commercial offers or collaborations please go through the link in my bio. . . . #thelema #gnosticmass #altar #gnostic #AleisterCrowley #occult #occultism #thelemite #pagan #magick #93 #crowley #oto #ordotempliorientis #esoterica #esoteric #paganism #magic #ceremonialmagick #mysticism #alchemy #magicalcommunity

4/30/2024, 10:27:57 PM

Nadie que baje de un altar y de su mejor predicación hasta con revelación …Será respaldado por Dios ,cuando luego de estar en el altar,baja para criticar y hablar mal de otros ministros que sirven a Dios,porque sin ellos llevan juicio al tocar a otros ungidos!Dios no respalda a los hipócritas!No es la unción lo que te respaldará ni tus dones,ES TU INTEGRIDAD! RECUERDA! DIOS sabe lo que haces y hablas cuando bajas del altar ,DIOS NO ES TONTO!y nadie puede engañarlo! El que hace tal cosa,Desagrada a Dios y El si escucha!🔥🔥🔥 #marcelaacosta🔥🔥 #jesús #altar #verdad #integridad

4/30/2024, 10:17:14 PM

😊🫠 Le prestas atención al humo de tus inciensos y sahumerios??? . . . . . . . . #espiritualidad #limpiezaenergetica #holistic #esoterismo #altar #sahumerios #cuarzos #tarot #brujasmodernas

4/30/2024, 10:11:14 PM

One of my most favourite tarot decks of all time 🐉

4/30/2024, 10:10:18 PM

Hogar del helenismo: Hekate en la tradición griega Hécate es una diosa profundamente importante en la tradición griega y en otros caminos que la honran. He traducido la entrada sobre Hécate de la rara colección griega del siglo XIX titulada "Ogigia o Arqueología". 📷 de El Consejo Superior Nacional de los Helenos #Monteargeado #monteargéado #altair #altar #Hekate #Hékate #Hecate #Hécate #diosesgriegos #hellenism #hellenismo #helenismo #mitologia #figura #religion #relatosdelolimpo

4/30/2024, 10:03:24 PM

🧙🏻‍♀️🔮 A•L•T•A•R•E•S DE AMOR Si sientes que tu MAGÍA no tiene el suficiente PODER que quisieras , aquí👇🏻 te dejo unos consejos para que intensifiques LA ENERGÍA SOBRE TU ALTAR♟️🔝 ___________ ♟️🪄 tener un ALTAR bien dotado y en el lugar correcto 👌🏻 . Te permitirá crear un vínculo entre lo que es tu DESEO y la materialización de este ♟️🪄 el #altar nos permitirá desarrollar una conexión más RÁPIDA, DURADERA Y FUERTE con nuestro deseo o petición, gracias a los componentes particulares que no pueden faltar . Sin olvidar que cada persona podrá incluir Cuántos elementos desee💥♣️ EMPECEMOS ✨️✨️ • FLORES 💐🌾 se cree que su AROMA y su COLOR tienen la capacidad de intervenir el "cuerpo físico" y "etérico" de la persona que se desea atraer, en este caso particular de ALTARES de AMOR te recomiendo :) 🪄 las #rosasrojas 🪄El #ciano 🪄La #artemisa 🪄La #canela 🪄La #lavanda _______ •VELADORAS 🕯🪔 las #veladoras son muy importantes pues simbolizan LA LUZ que dirige a los Espíritus que invocaste para realizar tu petición. Igualmente representan la confianza en que tu DESEO "YA ESTÁ CONCEDIDO " En el caso de los ALTARES de AMOR las velas deben ser de color ROJO o ROSA y debes ungirlas con #aceitesesenciales Recuerda que el #perfumedelamor contiene 31 aceites esenciales , Así que mi recomendación es colocar unas cuantas gotas sobre cada vela En los comentarios te dejo la description de los 2 elementos faltantes Info y pedidos al DM 📬 o al ☎️📣 3194715493 Valor $111.000cop 🇨🇴 #infinitelove_lachicaquehabladeamor🎀 #altares #rituales #magia #whitewitch #witchlife #witchofinstagram

4/30/2024, 9:52:27 PM

Estoy de vuelta, después de casi 3 meses, con las fotos del altar de Ostara, del mes de marzo. Intentaré publicar más seguido, aunque no tendrán mucho que ver con altares y brujería la mayor parte de las veces, porque como lo ve muy poca gente no va a ser un perfil tan concreto. Esta semana pondré fotos de Beltane y seguramente en mayo fotografías de flores. Sobre el altar: no pude conseguir flores frescas porque estaba lloviendo a mares, así que incluí mi jarrón con flores de plástico, y para cambiar un poco con respecto a los otros altares, pintamos unos huevos cocidos. English: I am back, after almost 3 months, with the photos of the Ostara altar, from the month of March. I will try to post more often, although the posts will not have much to do with altars and witchcraft most of the time, because, since very few people see it, it will not be such a specific profile. This week I will post photos of Beltane and probably in May photographs of flowers. About the altar: I couldn't get fresh flowers because it was raining heavily, so I included my vase with plastic flowers, and to change it up a bit from the other altars, we painted some boiled eggs. #altar #ostara #witch #bruja #pagan #neopagan #pagano

4/30/2024, 9:51:02 PM

Projeto Centro de Recuperação. Comemoração do Aniversariante do Mês de abril no Centro de Recuperação IMNPC em Itaguaí. 27/04/2024 #vidas #almas #altar #salvação #cuidado #amor #identidadevisualpersonalizada

4/30/2024, 9:47:50 PM

Projeto Centro de Recuperação. Comemoração do Aniversariante do Mês de abril no Centro de Recuperação IMNPC em Itaguaí. 27/04/2024 #vidas #almas #altar #salvação #cuidado #amor #identidadevisualpersonalizada

4/30/2024, 9:46:15 PM

Si no agradeces no eres feliz así de fácil y sencillo. . . . . . Desde que vengo a mi altar todo se ha acomodado en mi camino gracias por este paso a paso . . . . . #agradecer #thankful #greatness #altar #universo #emprendedores #emprededor #entrepreneur

4/30/2024, 9:45:55 PM

No olvides realizar tu #Altar esta semana. #Renueva #Altares #PDB

4/30/2024, 9:41:33 PM

Einladung zur gemeinsamen Vernissage am Freitag, 3. Mai 2024 Die Ausstellung «Kloster Sankt Georgen im Strudel der Reformation» sowie die Installation des belgischen Künstlers Kris Martin "Altar" werden am Freitag gemeinsam mit dem Kulturhaus Obere Stube eingeweiht. Die beiden Ausstellungen sind Teil der Kooperation «1524 – Stürmische Zeiten» @1524_stuermische_zeiten zum Reformationsjahr mit insgesamt sechs Projekten in drei Kantonen. 17.30 Uhr Einweihung Kris Martin – Altar Ort: Stadtwiese neben der Espibadi Stein am Rhein Begrüssung: Martin Batzer, Stiftungsratspräsident der Jakob und Emma Windler-Stiftung Einführung: Helga Sandl Der Künstler ist anwesend. 18.30 Uhr Vernissage der Ausstellung «Kloster Sankt Georgen im Strudel der Reformation» im Museum Kloster Sankt Georgen Begrüssung: Carine Bachmann, Direktorin Bundesamt für Kultur Einführung: Andreas Münch Anschliessend Apéro Mehr Informationen siehe: Fotos: Kris Martin @krismartinofficial Courtesy of the artist and Guy Pieters Gallery; Andrea Helbling Arazebra Gestaltung & Szenographie der Ausstellung im Kloster: Barbieri Bucher Gestaltung @barbieribucher #klostersanktgeorgen #klosterstgeorgen #museumklostersanktgeorgen #steinamrhein #kantonschaffhausen #schaffhausen #schweiz #switzerland #suisse #svizzera #svizra #switzerland #schaffhausen #bodensee #bodenseepage #rhein #kloster #renaissance #cloister #monastery #benediktiner #1524 #reformation #altar

4/30/2024, 9:38:30 PM

🕯️🌸💜 “When we create peace and harmony and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.” ~Louise L. Hay 💜🌸🕯️ #mayday #beltane #crystals #altar #witchy #candlemagic #magick #beltaneritual #beltane2024 #witchy #witchaesthetic #witchvibes

4/30/2024, 9:19:14 PM

Scabiosa & Ranunculus Flowers from a very small woman owned flower shop. I absolutely love them 💕 Scabiosa Flowers look like they have sprinkles on them & smell so beautiful. They are good for positive energy, a spiritual environment, and more. Ranunculus Flowers are so wonderfully striped. They are great for love and attraction or wealth and prosperity. I offered these to my deities. A God & Goddess as I am a Celtic Pagan. I love placing different kinds of flowers on their altars. #paganism #altar #offerings #floweraddict #gardeninglife #smallbusiness #flowershop #ranunculus #scabiosa #rarebeauty #simplelife #beauty

4/30/2024, 9:08:59 PM

Embark on a journey of spiritual growth with us in the 40 Days of the Spirit and the Altar! Dive into encounters with the Holy Spirit's power, deepen your understanding of His role in your life, and learn to walk daily guided by His leading. 🙏 #40DaysOfTheSpirit #HolySpiritJourney #eswatini🇸🇿 #Mbabane #worldchangers #prayer #discipleship #altar #foundations #Joel228

4/30/2024, 9:00:10 PM

Hekate Hekate Hekate Atalos - Tender hearted Paionios - Healer Melinoe - Soothing one Pasimedeonsa - All protecting Kourotrophos - Childs nurse and nurse of youth . . Figure by @jeffcullenartistry . . . . #CoH #hecate #hekate #hekatean #hekatedevotee #devotee #hekateandevotee #hekatestatue #hekateanwitchcraft #witch #witchcraft #witchybook #witchybooks #malewitch #allwitcheswelcome #sigil #sigils #sigilmagick #esoteric #esotericism #esotericknowledge #triplegoddess #goddess #thegoddesshekate #altar #animist #animism #animistsofinstagram #darkgoddess #cosmic

4/30/2024, 8:56:21 PM

🦋 Malandros 🦋 🦋 Trabalhamos com imagens SOB ENCOMENDA, personalize a cor da roupa, pele, e incremente com símbolos específicos da sua entidade 🦋 #umbanda #candomblé #entidade #imagens #exu #caboclo #orixa #altar #cigano #cigana #axe

4/30/2024, 8:49:21 PM

“Quanto ao mais, irmãos, tudo o que é verdadeiro, tudo o que é honesto, tudo o que é justo, tudo o que é puro, tudo o que é amável, tudo o que é de boa fama, se há alguma virtude, e se há algum louvor, nisso pensai.” ‭‭Filipenses‬ ‭4‬:‭8‬ ‭ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #iurd #igrejauniversal #iurdbrasil #ftu #nadaaperder2 #terapiadoamor #uckg #godllywood #intellimen #namoroblindado #obreirosemfoco #evg #terapiadoamor #godllywood &* #evgbrasil #iurdianos #bomdia #amor #fé #Deus #Altar #tbt

4/30/2024, 8:41:04 PM

What a beautiful way to do grid work, or just a simple display of your favorite pieces. This gorgeous light stand is made of wood with white lighting. And just $22 (Crystaks not included). 🌙🌙🌙 Comment and DM to claim - Payment due within 24 hours of claim through Venmo or Cash App or Apple Pay Failure to pay can result in being blocked. - Ship to USA only, via USPS #goddess #ravenfeathercrystals #crystaldisplay #crystalsforsale #livecrystalsale #crystalhealing #witchesofinstagram #witchtok #crystalsofinstagram #positivemind #crystals #wiccansofinstagram #altar #lightstand #selfcare #selfhealing #spiritualawakening #yoga #meditation #mentalhealth #positivevibes #crystalcollection #obsidian #runes #mysterybox #selenite #moonstone #manifest #goals #flourite

4/30/2024, 8:16:14 PM

✨ Pack corazones 💕 día de la mamá ✨ Valor $ 10.000 ✨ Pintados a mano y sellado en recina Cariños 🌸 La Pri Entregas sin costo adicional en San Felipe, Los Andes y putaendo Envíos a regiones por pagar #altar #armonizatusespacios #energiapositiva #vibraalto #pintadoamano #figurasdeyeso #enviosaregiones #entregasadomicilio #emprendedora #deco #fengshui #buda #valledelaconcagua #sanfelipechile #losandes #putaendo #valparaiso #quintaregion #chile #holistico #talleres #amoenseñar #hechoamano #valledelaconcagua #pintadoamano #figurasdeyeso #enviosaregiones #corazones

4/30/2024, 8:07:15 PM

In deep gratitude and honor to be a witness to her journey… I hold the space and get to witness you as you unfold and blossom into a new version of yourself, one you may or may not have known was always possible— only if and when you allow yourself to be truly wild and free… 🤲🏽 I welcome you to answer the call back home to yourself 🌹 In sacred company of someone who’s chosen the journey and continuously in the work 🕯️ + is continuing to unfold with it in community, through prayer aligning with the souls who are ready to embark on their own transformative healing journey. Are you ready to put down the wild card for yourself? Take the ride and learn more about yourself? Reconnect to our natural world and how exactly you’re equipped to help elevate the collective? 🐲 all on board, this is your call, love! See you inside ❤️‍🔥 #healingjourney #healingoffering #healincommunity #transformativejourney #rebirthing #rebirth #altar #lunarwisdom

4/30/2024, 8:01:00 PM

Linda figura del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Pieza hecha a mano #sagradocorazon #JesusTeAma #catolicos #fe #altar #decoracionhogar #iglesiacatolica

4/30/2024, 8:00:28 PM

My Grandmothers rings. My maternal grandmother, known to me as Mummy Phyllis gave me the silver ring on top when I was quite young, maybe 10. It was given to her as a 16th birthday present I think. The stylised initial is an H which stands for her middle name but I loved the fact that it also looked like a K. I wore this on my wedding finger solidly from around the age of 15 until i got married in my mid twenties. The gold wedding band belonged to my paternal grandmother, Nana. This was given to me by my Dad after my Nana's funeral. I wore this ring for about a month after that, it made me feel very close to her, and that too fitted my wedding finger perfectly. Both rings only fit that finger, both of my grandmothers were quite small women in height but both enormous in character. I was much taller than both of them and Mummy Phyllis especially had small hands, but here they are, my Grandmothers rings fitting me perfectly. They normally live in a small, fancy porcelain dish with a lid. It's old fashioned and would have cost a bomb in it's day. It's sit on my altar and represents my roots, my ancestors and reminds me to give thanks to them, to learn from them, and to always work to be the best version me that I can be. The rock is one that I found in a sea of grey ones after a profound tarot reading from an Irish lady who had been a reader from childhood. As we finished the reading she told me to go to the beach and find a 'special stone' I went and this red stone with the image of a tree was in front of my first step on to the shingle beach. My tree of life, my connection to my ancestors, that was in 2019. As I pack up, my precious things need special care until I create a new space to honor them. ❤🌟🌲💛 #grandmother #ancestors #altar

4/30/2024, 7:55:03 PM

Venus has entered Taurus ✨🦢✨

4/30/2024, 7:44:13 PM

Ide... . . . #pregação #altar #trazvida #falardejesus

4/30/2024, 7:28:30 PM

Blessed Beltane! #beltane #altar #happybeltane #mayday

4/30/2024, 7:17:27 PM

El Altar Es el espacio sagrado que nos conecta con aquello que consideramos Superior para nosotros. Es el puente de unión con la Divinidad, sea cual sea nuestra cosmovisión. Cada elemento que lo compone tiene un sentido profundo. Simboliza e invita a las energías que deseamos que nos acompañen. Este hermoso Altar lo preparamos junto a los novios, en la Ceremonia de Unión de Almas que realizamos hace unos meses. Es poderoso, porque además contiene elementos significativos para ellos. 👰‍♀️🤵 ¿Te gustaría realizar alguna ceremonia?, o ¿quieres crear un altar en tu hogar?, si es así, escríbeme y te puedo orientar. 📸 @aleecomz #altar #sagrado #ceremoniaholistica #matrimonio #rituales

4/30/2024, 7:01:35 PM

I have added some job lots to the website today for pendants and enamel badges, 10 for £10 so grab them while you can as I have a little clear out. More to come! #magicalthings #magicalvibes #witchythings #witchyvibes #witch #pagan #crystalmagic #paganways #paganthings #witchyshop #crystalshop #paganwitch #magicalthings #magicalitems #altaritem #altar #woodenspoon #herbspoon #apothecary #witchesapothecary #magicaltools #herbmagic #pendulum #pendants #enamelbadge #spellsandpotions

4/30/2024, 6:30:17 PM

Deus está lhe chamando! 🔥 Hoje live: discípulos do Altar, não perca! #ftuparana #ftubrasil #discipulos #altar

4/30/2024, 5:53:30 PM

Sinta o axé, poder e o equilíbrio. Foto Altar do @jair_bruno na sinergia das alquimias de Iemanjá da Solar. Gratidão pela partilha. Ogunhê ! Odoyá ! . #orixás #altar #axé #iemanja #ogum #espiritualidade

4/30/2024, 5:50:26 PM

🔥 Sahumerios de Palo Santo con Aromas🌿 . Disponibles en 🪷🌊 . . #altar #altaresoterico #sahumerios #sahumeriospalosanto #sagradamadre #sahumeriossagradamadre #tiendaesoterica #tiendavirtual

4/30/2024, 5:39:38 PM

El fuego del altar debe mantenerse encendido; no debe apagarse. Cada mañana el sacerdote echará leña, colocará el holocausto en el fuego y quemará sobre él la grasa de las ofrendas de paz. Levítico 6:12 Nosotros, como sacerdotes, estamos llamados a administrar el fuego del altar del Señor. A medida que el fuego del espíritu santo cae sobre los altares de nuestros corazones, somos llamados a cuidar diariamente de ese fuego. Tal como hablaban los discípulo en Lucas, nuestros corazones arden cuando diariamente tenemos comunión con ÉL. The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning the priest is to add firewood and arrange the burnt offering on the fire and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it. Leviticus 6:12 We as priest are called to steward the fire of the altar of the Lord. As the fire of the holy spirit falls on the altars of our hearts we are called to daily care to that fire. Just like the disciple stated in luke our hearts burn when we daily commune with HIM. #altar #intercession #worship #spiritofrevelation #holy

4/30/2024, 5:38:24 PM

Added to the website today are these lovely black and white, double sided pendants with Spells and Potions. The pendant comes with a cord necklace. #magicalthings #magicalvibes #witchythings #witchyvibes #witch #pagan #crystalmagic #paganways #paganthings #witchyshop #crystalshop #paganwitch #magicalthings #magicalitems #altaritem #altar #woodenspoon #herbspoon #apothecary #witchesapothecary #magicaltools #herbmagic #pendulum #pendants #enamelbadge #spellsandpotions

4/30/2024, 5:30:10 PM

#100daysofmary I have a strong love for celestial and star ceilings, and whenever you find Mary one is usually around her or nearby. The deep sapphire and cobalt blues tones and gold stars are so beautiful and definitely fan my inner flame. Weaving stars through the sky with @sahra_henlin @mysterium_of_mary @bhaktyma @kingmurphysstones @marget.inglis_witchcraft @dollsofthemysticalrose @shebearer @die_freifliegende_bardin @brookeprudhomme_midwife @south_philly_lilly @themothersutra @child_of_the_mother @sorrowfulvamp @lunadolcecreations_

4/30/2024, 5:16:33 PM

Quando O invocamos com quebrantamento e humildade, Ele nos atende e nos concede o que desejamos. Esse é um dos privilégios que estão à inteira disposição daqueles que ouvem e obedecem à Sua Palavra. Então me invocareis, e ireis, e orareis a mim, e eu vos ouvirei. Jeremias 29:12 #deusnocomando #deusnocomandosempre #deuséfiel #deus #deusnocontrole #deusébomotempotodo #deusacimadetudo #propósito #fidelidadesempre #altar

4/30/2024, 5:15:13 PM

Descubre la magia de tu espacio sagrado con nuestra colección de portavelas, portainciensos y malas 📿 Encuentra la armonía y la serenidad que necesitas para tu práctica diaria. ✨🕯️ Y si buscas respuestas, ¡añade un péndulo para encontrar la claridad que necesitas! 🔮🙏 📌 Encuentra todos los productos en o en el link de nuestro perfil 💫 . . . #espaciosagrado #nilah #meditacion #aprendeameditar #tipsparameditar #mindfulness #yogachile #esoterica #nuevoshabitos #altar #conexióninterior

4/30/2024, 5:00:18 PM

🦋 Trabalhamos com imagens SOB ENCOMENDA, personalize a cor da roupa, pele, e incremente com símbolos específicos da sua entidade 🦋 #umbanda #candomblé #entidade #imagens #exu #caboclo #orixa #altar #cigano #cigana #axe

4/30/2024, 5:00:16 PM

#lakshmi #narayana #krishna #shaligram #guru #satguru #altar #puja #energyoflove #justlove #darshan ❤️ To be a human being, we have to radiate what we have inside of us, and that is the Love of God. ❤️ @paramahamsa_vishwananda

4/30/2024, 4:58:36 PM

My first reading for the month of May or Happy Beltane. Knight of Swords means bravery with resistance. 3 of Cups means happiness and victory. 3 of Pentacles means nobility and glory. #wiccan #tarrotcards #beltane #witchy #witchcraft #irish #fire #calm #ritual #altar

4/30/2024, 4:58:27 PM

Have you thanked your eegun (immediate ancestors) today? 🤔♥️🖤💚 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Love this message from @afri_bohemian_snob. Every single day since I’ve put up my ancestral altar, I sit by it in the morning and at night and just sit in reverence and reflection with my immediate family. My mother, father, maternal grandparents, older brother, and an Uncle are on mine. Once I find pics of my paternal grandparents, they’ll be on there as well. Those that I loved in life, and continue to love in their deaths are with me always, even before the birth of my altar. #ancestoraltar #ancestors #altar #altarspace #ancestralveneration #mifamilia #thehittertotheleftofme #migente #bruja #bujasofinstagram #witch #witchcraft #rootwork #hoodoo #ancestorworship

4/30/2024, 4:47:54 PM

Conferência level up! ⬆️❤‍🔥❤‍🔥❤‍🔥 . . . . . #conferência #igreja #cristã #jesus #deus #levelup #louvor #biblia #altar #eusoudoaltar

4/30/2024, 4:43:19 PM

Look at all these beautiful carved figures at the base of the altar of Vienna's Michaelerkirche! Such fine work. #1000_holy_places #altar #michaelerkirche #vienna #kirche #wien #churchesoftheworld #church_masters #takemetochurch_ig #welcometochurches #churchesofinstagram

4/30/2024, 4:33:39 PM

Added to the website today are these lovely enamel pin badges, one with the moon phases on and the other with Witch, both are £1.50 each and we only have a small number available. #magicalthings #magicalvibes #witchythings #witchyvibes #witch #pagan #crystalmagic #paganways #paganthings #witchyshop #crystalshop #paganwitch #magicalthings #magicalitems #altaritem #altar #woodenspoon #herbspoon #apothecary #witchesapothecary #magicaltools #herbmagic #pendulum #pendants #enamelbadge

4/30/2024, 4:30:14 PM

SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR YOUR MAGICKAL FREE GIFT! ✨ Free Enchanted Key Keyring for all May Subscribers 🗝️🎁✨ All May subscribers will receive a special free gift in their Caskets! 🙈🖤 We’re always trying to find more ways to show our love and appreciation for you all, so we hope you love this beautiful gift which we designed especially for you! �As a small, mother & daughter owned business, we really can’t tell you how much we value your support, so we wanted to show you! 💗 This magickal gift is extra, and in addition to, all the other bewitching items you've come to expect from our Caskets - which include many Witch Casket Exclusives (available nowhere else in the world!), and your monthly Enchanting Extras (magickal digital downloads) Keys have long been believed to offer protection, so add your keys to this enchanted amulet to keep them safe, and to shield you, as you open the doors of opportunity! 🗝️ *Free gift will be included with ALL May Caskets, this offer is for new and existing subscribers alike 🙌💗 If you already have an active subscription with us, you don't need to do anything Love & Blessings, Deb & Ella 🌸🌿

4/30/2024, 4:25:49 PM

My little altar with trinkets important to me with good vibes and energy from all the corners of love received. #ytt #altar #goodvibes #firstyogaclass #healing #gothyasa #flow #vinyasa #energy #appreciation

4/27/2024, 5:00:08 AM

Filtered Photo, focusing On The Scarlet Section Of The Painting #love #spiritualmoon #esoteric #amor #goddess #photography #altar #selflove #ghost #divination #ritualmagic #energy #shaman #instagood #blackmetal

1/21/2023, 1:28:36 AM