preservenature images

Discover Best preservenature Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

Marveling at the play of light and shadow in Upper Antelope Canyon, a breathtaking journey through nature’s sandstone sculptures. #antelopecanyon #upperantelopecanyon #wanderlust #marcoandzoe #roadtrip #preservenature #canyonsofusa #sandstonesculpture #travelmoreworryless #respectsacredland #nevadaarizonautahcalifornia

4/30/2024, 8:00:52 AM

🌼🍃 Polite Notice: Damage in the Gardens 🍃🌼 We're reaching out today with a heartfelt message. Our dedicated garden team continuously pour their hearts and expertise into nurturing Scampston's gardens, and it is with heavy hearts that we must address some recent damage to our beloved gardens. The area affected is the serpentine garden, a room with impressive yew hedges that take an awful lot of time and care to look as tidy and correct as they do - or as they did. It is hugely disheartening to see those efforts compromised, the team are back out there again today to repair what they can. The last photo shows how stunning and accurate these hedges are kept by such a small team. We kindly urge all visitors to respect the gardens as a shared space of beauty and tranquility. Please don't hide in the hedges, please don't charge into them and please don't pick any plants. Let's work together to ensure that every visitor, family member and staff member can continue to enjoy this wonderful garden. We know we are speaking to a minority here and we thank you for your continued understanding and support. #RespectOurGardens #PreserveNature #EnjoyTheBeauty #scampstonwalledgarden #gardenstovisit #pleasetakecare

4/29/2024, 8:30:13 PM

💧 Doğayla Bütünleşen Şeffaf Çözüm: Biyolojik Gölet. 💧 - Eğer siz de doğal güzellikleri korumayı ve sürdürülebilir yaşam alanlarının önemini vurgulamayı seviyorsanız, biyolojik göletlerin harika bir seçenek olduğunu unutmayın. Birlikte daha yeşil bir dünyanın inşasına katkıda bulunalım! 💧🌍💚 Ayrıntılı bilgi için; 📞 +90538 978 93 98 🖥️ #biyolojikgölet #koi #koipond #peyzajmimarligi #peyzajtasarım #peyzaj #tasarım #design #ekolojik #sürdürülebilirlik #karbonayakizi #doğayıkoru #pond #pool #biologicalpond #landscapedesign #landscapearchitecture #system #design #ecological #sustainability #preservenature #pond #artificalpond #biopond #gölet #biogölet #peyzaj #artsayinsaat #artsay

4/29/2024, 6:00:44 PM

"Preserving the beauty of this place is the duty of us all. Let's respect and preserve nature for future generations. 🌿 #ProtectOurEarth #PreserveNature"

4/29/2024, 5:15:59 PM

Today in my morning sprint 🐢 #spring #mississippi #turtoise #turtle #turtle🐢 #preservenature

4/29/2024, 4:40:39 PM

Deforestation in Yobe State is more than just trees disappearing; it's about losing vital ecosystems that sustain life. From disrupted water cycles to loss of biodiversity, the impact is profound. As trees vanish, soil erosion becomes rampant, affecting agriculture and local communities. Let's raise awareness and take action to preserve Plateau's natural heritage before it's too late. Together, we can make a difference and protect our environment for generations. 🌳💧 #saveyobe #SaveArewa #SaveNigeria #StopDeforestation #preservenature.

4/29/2024, 7:29:31 AM

🌿 Help Us Protect Our Environment! 🌿 At Parijat, we are dedicated to preserving our environment by planting trees and reducing the use of plastics and non sustainable things that pose harm to our mother earth.🌎🤍 By donating to our cause, you will also join the team of creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly world. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and ensure that our beautiful mother earth remains vibrant and healthy for years to come. Join us in our mission to protect our environment and make it more sustainable.🌿 Together, we can make a difference!💫 . #protectenvironment #preservenature #sustainability #sustainablefuture #motherearth #ecofriendly #donation #togetherness #support #parijat #ngo #agra #agracity

4/29/2024, 6:36:59 AM

🙏World Peace🕊️ Upper Mustang, Himalayas #preservenature #preserveculture #himalayanelites

4/29/2024, 6:09:52 AM

Burung Kasuari merupakan burung yang berasal dari papua dan dilindungi keberadaannya karena tergolong kedalam hewan yang hampir punah. Hewan ini diburu untuk mendapatkan bulunya yang cantik dan indah yang akan diolah sebagai aksesoris dan dijual dengan harga yang tinggi. Bahkan karena sering terjadinya perburuan pada burung ini, BBKSDA papua sudah membuat larangan untuk tidak memburu dan menggunakan bagian burung kasuari sebagai cinderamata atau aksesoris lainnya untuk melindungi keberadaan burung tersebut. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:29:59 PM

Satwa liar memang banyak sekali jenisnya dan tersebar di setiap daerah-daerah di Indonesia, akan tetapi sangat disayangkan tidak sedikit dari satwa liar yang mengalami kepunahan. Beberapa faktor yang melatar belakangi mengapa banyak satwa liar yang mengalami kepunahan, salah satunya adalah kegiatan perdagangan hewan ilegal, kegiatan ini sangat merugikan bagi satwa satwa yang dijual belikan dan berdampak besar pada ekosistem secara keseluruhan. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:28:08 PM

440 spesies flora fauna yang masuk dalam daftar merah International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) ditemukan oleh Otorita Ibu Kota Nusantara (OIKN). 34 Spesies dalam kondisi terancam punah, 105 spesies lainnya dalam kondisi terancam bahaya, dan 301 spesies lainnya dalam kondisi rentan. Jumlah ini menunjukkan bahwa 440 spesie tersebut membutuhkan upaya konservasi. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:25:07 PM

Saat ini, pemerintah tengah merancang peraturan pemerintah terkait zat adiktif (RPP Kesehatan) Nomor 17 tahun 2023 tentang kesehatan, perwakilan Asosiasi Petani Tembakau Indonesia (APTI) Agus Parmuji menganggap RPP sebagai gelombang besar yang akan mematikan petani tembakau. Mewakili APTI, agus berharap pasal-pasal RPP seputar tembakau ditiadakan. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:23:22 PM

Rusa merupakan mamalia yang termasuk kedalam famili Cervidae. Ciri-ciri rusa memiliki rangga yang jelas berbeda dengan tanduk. Rangga merupakan tulang yang bertumbuh dan berkembang setiap tahun pada musim panas, rangga ini berkembang pada rusa jantan. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:20:50 PM

Harimau jawa merupakan salah satu dari tiga subspesies harimau yang ada di Indonesia. Tiga subspesies itu terdiri dari harimau jawa, harimau sumatra dan harimau bali yang masih hidup liat di wilayah konservasi. Sejak 2008 harimau jawa telah tercatat dalam hewan yang telah punah di Daftar Merah IUCN. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:18:40 PM

Today is celebrated, the International Day of Amphibians, my favorite animals! Amphibians are divided into 3 orders: 1) Anura (Frogs and Toads) with 7693 species. 2) Caudata (Salamanders) with 823 species. 3) Gymnophiona (Caecilians) with 222 species. About 41% of them are endangered according to the Red List. This day was established to raise awareness about the importance of conserving these unique and diverse creatures and to highlight the threats they face, such as habitat loss, pollution, climate change, and diseases like Chytridiomycosis (fungus). It's an opportunity to educate people about the importance of protecting amphibians and their crucial role in ecosystems. Many organizations around the world organize events and activities to commemorate this day and promote amphibian conservation. My team, Sierpe Frogs, will continue to share information and photos about these animals to increase awareness and will keep working on scientific publications. "The more we know, the more we protect." #sierpefrogsteam #costarica🇨🇷 #naturephotography #science #amphibians #frogsofinstagram #salamandersofinstagram #caecilians #protectnature #conservation #preserve #preservenature #amphibianawareness

4/28/2024, 6:15:15 PM

Memiliki nama lain Bumphead wrasse ikan napoleon merupakan sejenis ikan karang yang berukuran sangat besar dan dapat dijumpai di perairan Indonesia. Ikan napoleon identik dengan warna biru kehijauan dan bibir tebal serta panjang tubuhnya bisa mencapai dua meter, tidak heran jika ikan napoleon disebut sebagai salah satu ikan karang terbesar di dunia. Ikan napoleon memiliki benjolan pada dahinya yang diperkirakan sebagai daya tarik dari ikan napoleon itu sendiri. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:11:44 PM

Macan kumbang atau yang sering dikenal sebagai black panther, adalah istilah yang sering digunakan untuk ragam melanisme atau jenis rambut yang ditemukan pada kucing besar seperti jenis macan tutul atau jaguar. Sering ditemukan di daerah hutan tropis, di semenanjum malaka dan pulau jawa. Dengan populasi yang diperkirakan hanya berjumlah 188-157 individu, dengan mean 319 individu yang tersisa. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:09:39 PM

Burung madu kelapa (Cinnyris jugularis), juga dikenal sebagai burung madu Gili-Gili, adalah spesies burung pengicau kecil yang menakjubkan. Ditemukan di kawasan Asia Tenggara, burung ini memiliki ciri khas yang mencolok termasuk memiliki ukuran kecil hingga sedang dengan panjang tubuh sekitar 10 hingga 15 sentimeter. Bulu-bulunya yang berwarna cerah, terutama pada burung jantan, sering kali menjadi daya tarik utama. Jantan biasanya memiliki warna bulu yang lebih mencolok, dengan kombinasi warna hijau metalik, ungu, dan orange pada bagian tenggorokan dan dada. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:07:54 PM

2 April 2024 merupakan 54 tahun Hari Bumi. Hari Bumi pertama kali dipengaringati pada tahun 1970 dan dicetuskan oleh Gaylord Nelson. Perayaan Hari Bumi ini dilakukan untuk merayakan pencapaian gerakan lingkungan dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya melindungi sumber daya alam untuk generasi sekarang dan generasi yang akan datang. Hari Bumi didedikasikan unruk planet yang kita tinggali. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:05:34 PM

Bunga lily adalah anggota dari keluarga Liliaceae yang dikenal karena keindahan dan keharumannya. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 6:00:10 PM

Kantong semar adalah tumbuhan yang hidup di Kawasan tropis, terdiri dari 130 yang tidak termasuk kedalam jenis hibrida alami. Merupakan tumbuhan karnivora yang hidup di bagian selatan tiongkok yang berhabitat dengan spesies terbanyak di pulau Kalimantan dan sumatera. Memiliki penyebaran yang sangat luas, tumbuhan ini dapat mecapai tinggi 15-20 cm. kantong semar dapat menyebar dari pinggir hingga daratan tinggi. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 5:51:46 PM

Musim kemarau yang melanda Merauke mengubah lanskap rawa secara dramatis. Di tengah panas yang menyengat, ekosistem rawa yang sebelumnya subur dan tergenang air kini mengalami perubahan yang mencolok. Air yang biasanya memenuhi rawa perlahan-lahan surut, meninggalkan jejak-jejak retakan tanah yang mengering dan memunculkan lahan-lahan padang savana yang luas. Pemandangan yang sebelumnya didominasi oleh biru luas air kini berubah menjadi gurun-gurun coklat dan rumput kering yang berguguran, menciptakan gambaran baru yang memikat dan penuh misteri. Baca selengkapnya terkait konservasi di link on bio #conservation #PreserveNature #OneWorldOneLove

4/28/2024, 5:48:22 PM

🚨PLEASE SHARE🚨 🌞 ✈️As we gear up for family summer adventures and travels, it's important to remember the impact of our actions. While taking photos with exotic animals may seem enticing, it's vital to recognize the potential harm it can cause. In many countries, such as those in South America and Asia, the practice of having tourists pose with animals is a means of livelihood. 💵💵Unfortunately, this often involves the constant handling and movement of these creatures to cater to as many people as possible, leading to significant trauma and distress for the animals. Many of these animals, including baby chimpanzees, sloths, and tigers, are eventually rescued due to the poor conditions they are kept in. It's a stark reminder that our actions can directly contribute to animal cruelty, even if unintentional. Let's make a conscious choice to appreciate and respect these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat. Resist the temptation to take photos with animals that belong in the wild, and be a part of ensuring their well-being. 🌿 #RespectWildlife #saynotoanimalcruelty @janegoodallinst @animalplanet #familyvacation #dontbeatourist #nophotos #ProtectWildlife #ConservationMatters #SaveOurSpecies #PreserveNature #WildlifeWarriors #NatureGuardians #EndExtinction #WildlifeRevival #EarthGuardians #SustainableNature

4/28/2024, 4:21:39 PM

Commonly called Windflower due to its tremble in the breeze. After blooming it disappears which drops it in the category of a spring ephemeral. Another way it disappears: foragers. Hike the preserves. Take photos. Bring binoculars for bird watching. Have a picnic or fly a kite. Leave your grocery bags in the car. Trail Watch is a volunteer program of @fpdcc and encourages folks to call in when folks are hauling out plants, edible or ornamental. Leave your grocery bags at home. The key word in Forest Preserve is PRESERVE. ⭐️ There are places in IL where you can remove plant material such as private land, State Parks and DNR properties. Look up your local regulations to stay in compliance.

4/28/2024, 3:18:26 PM

“Preserving the precious moments of Vermala’s beauty in resin, a timeless embrace of nature’s soul. 💖✨ #NatureEternal #ResinMagic #vermalapreserved #love #forever #memories #VermalaArt #ResinMagic #NatureInResin #PreserveNature #ArtisticPreservation #ResinKeepsake #EcoResinArt #TimelessBeauty #NatureInspiredArt #VermalaMemories #artistfrompune

4/28/2024, 6:07:20 AM

Greetings everyone on this beautiful Saturday! While Earth Day has come and gone, we’re still eager to spread awareness with a significant article from NOAA, highlighting ways we can enhance conservation efforts and restore our precious planet. It also talks about Happywhales contribution to conservation science. Find the link below! What eco-friendly practices do you implement to support our environment? Share your thoughts in the comments, and we’ll feature your responses in our stories! . . . #happywhaleofficial #happywhale #whalelover #noaa #earthday #savetheplanet #preservenature #naturelovers #earthday2024 #noaafisheries #preserveourplanet #helpouroceans #oceanlife #happywhalesubmissions

4/28/2024, 12:12:00 AM

🇮🇹 Gozo è un vero paradiso naturale: non solo pe le spiagge incontaminate, le scogliere mozzafiato e la ricca vegetazione, Gozo è un luogo dove la natura regna sovrana. Gozo è un luogo dove la natura è ancora intatta, incontamenata e per chia ama la natura, Gozo è sicuramente il posto giusto da visitare. 🇬🇧 Gozo is a true natural paradise: not only for the pristine beaches, the breathtaking cliffs and the rich vegetation, Gozo is a place where nature reigns supreme. Gozo is a place where nature is still intact, uncontaminated and for those who love nature, Gozo is definitely the right place to visit. . . . . . #GozoParadise #NaturalBeauty #UntouchedNature #PristineBeaches #BreathtakingCliffs #RichVegetation #NatureLovers #VisitGozo #IntactNature #Uncontaminated #NatureParadise #GozoIsland #TravelInspiration #ExploreNature #LoveGozo #PreserveNature #NaturePhotography #OutdoorAdventure

4/27/2024, 7:38:23 PM

Did you know about this? Share your thoughts below! . . . #exodusinfotech #LightPollution #NightSky #PreserveNature #DidYouKnow #Insights #facts #phenomenonfacts #pollution #nature #Avindustry

4/27/2024, 3:25:23 PM

"Into the weirdness - #2" - heartbreak. Die Fortsetzung meiner Reihe der Seltsamkeit. Wissenschaftliche Zeichnungen im leeren Raum, die die wilden Schwurbler-Theorien symbolisieren die mittlerweile immer weiter gesellschaftlichen Anklang finden und den Fortschritt im Umweltschutz hemmen. Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft und Glaube in die Kunst haben mich zu den Werken inspiriert. Was sagt ihr? . . . . . #art #illustration #comic #cartoon #weirdness #artist #sculptor #ruhrgebiet #pottliebe #bottrop #klima #climatechange #preservenature #science #scientist Umweltschutz Klima Politik Gallerie Gesellschaft

4/27/2024, 11:36:17 AM

💧 Biyolojik Gölet Sistemleri 💧 🌿Biyolojik gölet sistemlerinde, çeşitli su bitkileri ve mikroorganizmalar suyun temizlenmesine katkı sağlar, filtreleme ve dengelenme süreçleri doğal olarak gerçekleşir. Ayrıca, yapay şelale motorları kullanılarak su dolaşımı artırılarak oksijen seviyesi yükseltilir, böylece suyun canlı yaşamı için daha sağlıklı bir ortam oluşturulur. Yüksek basınçlı su temizleme motorları ise gölette biriken tortu ve kirlerin temizlenmesine yardımcı olur, böylece göletin temizliği ve hijyen seviyesi korunur. Bu yöntemler bir araya geldiğinde, biyolojik göletler sürdürülebilir su yönetimi için etkili bir çözüm sunar, çevresel etkileri azaltır ve doğal yaşamı destekler. - Eğer siz de doğal güzellikleri korumayı ve sürdürülebilir yaşam alanlarının önemini vurgulamayı seviyorsanız, biyolojik göletlerin harika bir seçenek olduğunu unutmayın. Birlikte daha yeşil bir dünyanın inşasına katkıda bulunalım! 💧🌍💚 Ayrıntılı bilgi için; 📞 +90538 978 93 98 🖥️ #biyolojikgölet #koi #koipond #peyzajmimarligi #peyzajtasarım #peyzaj #tasarım #design #ekolojik #sürdürülebilirlik #karbonayakizi #doğayıkoru #pond #pool #biologicalpond #landscapedesign #landscapearchitecture #system #design #ecological #sustainability #preservenature #pond #artificalpond #biopond #gölet #biogölet #peyzaj #artsayinsaat #artsay

4/27/2024, 11:00:13 AM

🌳🌟 Celebrate Freedom Day with Us! 🌟🌳 On this special day, let's honour the spirit of freedom and responsibility towards our planet. At Brands Tree Felling, we believe in not only celebrating the freedoms we cherish but also in preserving the beauty of our natural world. This Freedom Day, join us in our commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. Instead of tree felling, let's plant the seeds of change together! 🌱 Let's pledge to protect our forests and green spaces for generations to come. Together, we can make a difference. Happy Freedom Day! #FreedomDay #Sustainability #EnvironmentalConservation #PlantTrees #PreserveNature #CelebrateFreedom #BrandName 🌳

4/27/2024, 8:00:12 AM

Explore the uncharted territories of Singalila, West Bengal with Just Nature Expeditions! Our Red Panda Expeditions offer a chance to connect with nature like never before. Follow us for updates on this exciting wilderness and to book your spot on the next edition. #RedPandaExpedition #PreserveNature #ExploreAndPreserve #WildlifeAdventure #AdventureIntoTheWild #WondersOfNature #ConservationAdventure #DiscoverTheWild #NatureEnthusiasts #PreserveWildlifeHabitat #EndangeredWildlife #NatureEncounters #WildlifeProtectionMission #WildlifeWonder #NatureAdventure #ConnectWithNature

4/27/2024, 6:30:12 AM

Imagine wanting to build a highway over this beautiful place 🤯 #riobosquewetlands #saveriobosque #preservenature #protectriobosque

4/27/2024, 5:55:50 AM

Black Belt Candidates did a successful fundraising for the Umstead Coalition for the amount of $2025 plus about $500 in merchandise sales. This check was proudly given to Dr Jean for everything that this nonprofit does. Thank you Elite Fire Taekwondo students, parents and friends for your help with this successful fundraising! #elitefiretaekwondo #taekwondo #umsteadpark #umsteadcoalition #fundraising #nature #preservenature #raleighnc

4/27/2024, 4:29:26 AM

Happiness personified…. Or should we say dogified. 🐶 😍 But yes…! The Bluebells are in full bloom now in our beautiful ancient woodland. 😌 Join us for a walk next time you book into the spa, make a day of it and treat yourself to relaxation and immersion in nature. GreenFarm #GreenFarmKent #GreenFarmSpa #WoodlandWalk #WoodlandWalks #Woodlands #WoodlandFlowers #WoodlandPlants #WoodlandManagement #ExploreNature #AncientWoodland #ProtectWoodlands #PreserveNature #PreserveWildlife #PreserveWoodlands #UKWoodlands #Bluebell #BluebellWoods #BluebellSeason #Bluebells #BluebellWood #BluebellWalks #AncientWoodland #AncientWoodlandUK #LabradorLovers #LabradorLife #LabradorsOfInstagram

4/26/2024, 7:01:57 PM

Did you know that the East Bay Regional Park District is home to more than 4,000 species of wildlife? When it comes to wildlife, Tri-Valley is a natural haven. From majestic golden eagles to elusive bobcats, our region is teeming with biodiversity. 🦅 #trivalley #goldeneagles #bobcats #biodiversityhotspot #conservationefforts #naturalhabitat #wildlifepreservation #natureconservation #majesticwildlife #preservenature

4/26/2024, 7:00:14 PM

These flying squirrel triplets were found in the hollow of a tree after it was cut down. Unfortunately, the mother was either killed in the tree fall or too traumatized to retrieve her babies. So they will be raised with us and released once they are self sufficient. Baby season is in full swing and arrived with a bang this year! We even have baby songbirds already!🌳 💕Much appreciated donations to help us care for our precious patients can be made at: link in bio

4/26/2024, 4:22:15 PM

🦜 Happy National Audubon Day! 🌿 Today, we celebrate the legacy of John James Audubon, a pioneer in American ornithology and conservation. Let's honor his contributions by embracing the beauty of birds, protecting their habitats, and promoting environmental stewardship. Whether you're birdwatching, supporting conservation efforts, or simply appreciating nature's wonders, let's come together to safeguard our feathered friends and the ecosystems they inhabit. 🐦💚 #NationalAudubonDay #Audubon #Birdwatching #Conservation #NatureLovers #Ornithology #JohnJamesAudubon #EnvironmentalStewardship #ProtectWildlife #BirdConservation #WildlifeHabitat #Birding #Birders #NaturePhotography #BirdWatching #AvianEcology #LoveForBirds #SustainableLiving #PreserveNature #ProtectTheEnvironment #AudubonSociety #FeatheredFriends #CelebrateNature

4/26/2024, 2:38:13 PM

Happy Arbor Day! 🌳 Let's celebrate the beauty of trees and the vital role they play in our ecosystem. At Upstate Pest & Wildlife Control, we're committed to protecting these natural treasures, ensuring they thrive for generations to come. 🍃 . . . #ArborDay #TreeCare #PestControl #NatureLovers #TreeAppreciation #EnvironmentalProtection #SustainableLiving #GreenLiving #TreeHealth #Arboriculture #UrbanForestry #ProtectOurTrees #HealthyEcosystem #PestPrevention #PestManagement #IntegratedPestManagement #ConservationEfforts #LoveTrees #TreeHuggers #PreserveNature #Biodiversity #EarthDayEveryDay #SaveOurForests #WildlifeHabitat #GreenSpaces

4/26/2024, 2:30:06 PM

Happy Arbor Day from DuraServ! Today, let's celebrate the beauty of trees and commit to preserving our planet's natural resources. Plant a tree, make a difference! 🌳🌍 Learn more about Arbor Day here!: #ArborDay #PlantATree #PreserveNature #DuraServ #FirstAndBest #CommercialDoors #LoadingDocks

4/26/2024, 2:05:25 PM

Happy Arbor Day! 🌳 Arbor Day is more than just a date on the calendar—it's a rallying cry for planting and preserving trees, and that's precisely what drives us at Lebanon Reforestation Initiative. Join us in our mission to cultivate and safeguard Lebanon's green legacy, one tree at a time. Together, let's make every day Arbor Day, let's be dedicated to nurture and cherish Lebanon's diverse arboreal heritage! 🌿  #ArborDay #PlantTrees #PreserveNature #LRI #GrowForestsChangeLives #Reforestation #ReforestLebanon #TreeDay

4/26/2024, 10:51:28 AM

One Day - Two events Went for this amazing intimate panel discussion yesterday @clubjolies moderated by @abhanjdeo for @startindia @givingpi at Jolies with some really talented women who are constantly trying to preserve nature even though work or art initiatives whilst helping the society . Event no. 2: Spent my evening team @elleindia Sustainability Awards 2024 Super shooked after listening to @rahulbose7 and a lovely panel discussion by @vaishalishadangule @kalambemalhar @aakashranison and Angelique Dhama . It was all about how you can not waste your resources, stop using plastic, help educate people around you to understand the importance of climate change. Its not about buying clothes that are sustainable but preserving forests, for the future generations #sustainability #preservenature #ellesustainabilityawards2024 #startindia

4/26/2024, 6:21:14 AM

In the heart of the wild, every sunrise is a reminder: our targets define us. Let’s choose a legacy of care over conquest. 🌍🦒 #LegacyOfCare #EndTheHunt #NoMoreTargets #WildlifeConservation #EcoFriendly #FutureGenerations #StopTrophyHunting #AnimalRights #PreserveNature #EcoWarriors

4/26/2024, 6:00:00 AM

Just a few shots from today, first 2 show some of what’s been done, last one is what awaits me tomorrow😳 Is it doable? Well, being that the first acre is almost in the can the answer is yes. But I must confess I was hearing Richard Dreyfus’s line from Jaws in my head a few times today. 😉 #omegaenvironmental #forestry #groundwork #bobcatt86 #prinoth #conservation #selectiveclearing #renewable #lifecycle #fieldcraft #maximumutilization #preservenature #landpride #propertydevelopment #newhomeconstruction #cowetacounty #newnanga #cuva #exclusive #naturallife

4/26/2024, 5:45:50 AM

Sunrise and drone flys in Castle Valley. #moab #castlevalley #castletontower

4/26/2024, 1:42:56 AM

Surrounded by a sea of blossoms, I’m reminded of nature’s delicate balance. Let’s nurture and protect our floral friends. 🌸 #natureawareness #preservenature #natureisbeautiful

4/22/2024, 7:11:55 AM