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me time movie day🤣#美帝崩裂 #無限制軍團 期待無失望❤️👍🤓🎬 #k11 #elements #好多男人都一人睇 #可能我其實都係一個男人 🤣#同行隔離2個男人又係自睇 🎥美帝崩裂 講述 記者親身處境 於戰地/政亂之地 進行拍攝 #記者視覺 #值得一看 @mcl_cinemas 無限制軍團 講述一班不理規矩只為達成目的的喪佬(主角自稱喪😹)進行對抗希特拉行動 由炸船不能變陣拖走隻船🛥⌛️ 好久沒看這類片種,劇情、動作、角色不錯,節奏明快,全院滿座,雖然今天價錢也是一大因素😂看畢才知是真人改編電影,戲後有播出真人相片及個人去向。 @broadway_circuit p.s. 未見過圓方商場咁多人同埋戲院都咁多人😂 散場好似睇演唱會咁多人,入場好耐未試過要排隊入。 #metime #moviemovie #mclcinema #movie #mclcinemask11 #k11musea #brodwaycinema #hkelements #香港戲院 #電影 #西片 #戲迷 #hkmovie

4/21/2024, 3:23:40 PM

🎥 Sabato al Cinemax 2 alle 18 appuntamento con "Un paese ci vuole. Zavattini, Luzzara e il Po", film documentario che intreccia il racconto poetico di Cesare Zavattini, padre del neorealismo italiano - attraverso la narrazione del suo Paese, Luzzara – con quello del fiume Po, oggi ferito e vittima del riscaldamento globale e dell’emergenza ambientale. 🌫🫧💨🌿 💥 Proiezione accompagnata dall'incontro con i registi! #luzzara #cesarezavattini #moviemovie #raicinema #documentario #cinemadocumentario #po #fiumepo #bazzano #multicinemabazzano #francescocoversano #nenegrignaffini #valsamoggia

4/18/2024, 11:51:37 AM

【時尚絮語】《高高低低之間,愛未悄悄變淡》 . 本世紀第一個十年將盡,一個冬夜小聚上,偶見一位穿得雄姿英發的年青人,身擁毛領子灰斑風雪大衣(fur-trimmed parka),彷彿雪中的夜歸人,一看便要叫出周公夢蝶的句子:「讓風雪歸我,寂寞歸我」。往下打量,年青人穿的是稍微過膝的baggy pants,束腳,再往下是一雙有點滄桑的長皮靴。 . 我連忙看他頭上有啥 headgear,會否是那頂亨利八世的 Royal Tudor hat? 幸而他青絲綰髻,未遑戴冠,否則一身便是 John Galliano 2008 秋季天橋走將過來的男孩!一盞茶時分,年青人寬去大衣,骨格精緻,撤去髻子,青髪披臉,往後一甩,卻原來是個花俏女孩! . Galliano 那季做的男裝,自云靈感靈魂來自那張Hans Holbein the younger 畫的亨利八世帝王之像。那張帝王像,真跡隨帝宮燒了,但我們俱在書上網上博物館廊上看過忠實與不忠實的幅幅摹本,聖顏許有微異,唯衣冠絡帶全然相同。 . 獨愛享利八世與拿破崙 . Galliano 今世未有因緣恭繪帝像,可卻會為眾生(those with good disposable income)剪裁帝王衣裳,誰曰不宜?其實除了亨利八世外,他也愛死拿破崙啦,在 Christian Dior 掌舵期間,便做過 Napoleon Bonaparte 系列,秀後謝幕便索性以拿帝裝束示人,腰微弓,謙卑領受front row 平民的掌聲。Joaquin Phoenix 看了,如不倒抽一口涼氣,也要霹靂猛喝一聲精彩! . 我們憑後見之明,當然曉得,拿坡崙風雲過後,放逐 St Helena,而 Galliano 的功業(也幾乎)隨著本世紀的第一個十年而風流雲散,跟拿坡崙一起乖乖守在歷史遺址的那一邊,靜賞逝去的波譎雲詭。 . 2010年及11年間 Galliano 在巴黎酒館屢屢醉酒,謾罵酒客與途人,語涉衣著相貌性別黃皮膚及猶太痛史,給逮着,送將官去,官說 Galliano 的言行不足以證明他是 ‘un theoricien du racisme anti-juif ou anti-jaune’ (大意是「反猶太反亞裔的種族主義理論大師」),但已是 ‘le racisme et l’antisemitisme du quotidien, des parkings et des supermarches’(意謂「在停車塲和超級市場間生活日常的反猶太種族主義」),罪成,罰款(還要緩刑)了事。當然,更大的懲罰是 Christian Dior 立時送上即炒魷魚,旗下 John Galliano 自家品牌也得拱手讓予副手掌舵。Dior 換來了 Raf Simon 的新朝代,那邊廂,Galliano the brand 如殘碑尚存,Galliano the person 卻消失了,今天我們會說:Cancelled!...... . 完整文章: . 撰文:劉偉聰 . ||如果喜歡我們的內容,請把The Culturist專頁選擇為「搶先看」|| 👉🏿 👉🏿Instagram: 👉🏿Website : 👉🏿Email:[email protected] 👉🏿Support us : . #JohnGalliano #ChristianDior #MaisonMargiela #HighandLowJohnGallianob #時尚 #時裝 #時裝設計 #MovieMovie @johngallianoofficial @jgalliano @moviemoviehk

4/16/2024, 7:00:16 AM

Kids are practicing rhetoric in writing. The funny part is, I'm an introvert. 😅🤣😂I have more, but these are funny. #rhetoric #teachersofinstagram #writing #introvertedteacher #extrovert #teachertired #writing #ethospathoslogos #wordplay #studentincentives #8thgrade #unorthodoxteacher #moviemovie #visuallearning #kidsaretiredoftesting #kidshavestresstoo Assignment: Writing Rhetorically Free

4/11/2024, 5:43:40 AM

Un film manifesto contro la bestialità e l' insensatezza della guerra "L'Arpa Birmana" capolavoro del cinema giapponese del 1956 firmato da Kon Ichikawa, ritorna nelle sale grazie al restauro della Cineteca di Bologna. Assolutamente da vedere o rivedere . #ilcinemaritrovato #cinetecadibologna #capolavorirestaurati #storiadelcinema #cinemagiapponese #moviemovie #movieaddict #movielines #cinemaprimoamore #festivaldelcinemadivenezia #cinemacontrolaguerra #nikkatsu #cinemadelsollevante

4/10/2024, 9:56:44 PM

【 電笠 Intuition / 坂本龍一學堂 Sakamotology 】 坂本龍一傾盡所有,以音樂向世界呈現藝術的生命。坂本龍一的思想、音樂、美學與人生,我們花盡一生的時間也學不完。坂本龍一以有限創作無限,音樂種子散落滿地,在時代裡默默滋長。 曾獲奧斯卡、金球獎、格林美獎等國際殿堂獎項肯定的音樂大師,為不少電影作品刻劃經典。不論是《末代皇帝》、《俘虜》、《怪物》,甚至以張愛玲的小說改編作品《第一爐香》等,配樂均出自坂本龍一之手。他從不受限於旋律與樂器,總能為電影譜寫一首又一首動人樂章。 ▍祝福的曲調《Aqua》 《怪物》是坂本龍一的電影配樂遺作。當是枝裕和在《怪物》開拍初期,看見深夜的山、湖泊、旁邊住宅燈光閃爍,只有想起坂本龍一的音樂。由於坂本龍一當時已病重,故只為電影譜寫兩首新作,舊作《Aqua》成為電影主題曲。《怪物》以四個角度,不同敘事者的視角呈現,恰如坂本龍一的音樂世界,沒有二元,沒有對立。 電影終幕,麥野湊與星川依里兩個小孩在山上自在、幸福地奔跑,那種與自然融合的真摯,與坂本龍一最初譜寫《Aqua》時,給疫情期間的孩子一段鼓勵話相近:「盡情做好玩的事吧。用這些時間,去讀很多書,聽很多音樂。畫畫,寫詩,彈奏樂器,看電影也是不錯的選擇。努力渡過難關吧。」《Aqua》的鋼琴聲,總包含着希望與祝福。 ▍舊作意外與電影步伐一致 坂本龍一專輯《12》是他的「日記」選輯,記錄 2021 年至 2022 年間的自己,承載着他身心的改變、感受與思索。《12》的其中兩首曲目同樣成為《怪物》配樂。是枝裕和曾言歌曲與畫面格外配合,特別是孩子們走過山林,前往秘密基地的一幕,像是看着畫面而彈奏般步伐一致。 用音樂寫日記,也許是最真實、最能牽引情感波動的媒介。赤裸私密的語言,卻串連起不同故事。「生命因藝術而恆久長存」,坂本龍一的音樂不是終章,是我們的序曲。 MOViE MOViE Life is Art Academy X 黃志淙博士(資深電台DJ/樂評人/策展人) 坂本龍一學堂 Sakamotology 日期:2024 年 4 月 12 日或 4 月 21 日(星期五 或 星期日) 時間:上午 10 時 45 分至下午 5 時 45 分 地點:太古城中心 MOViE MOViE Cityplaza – MM MOMENTS 票價:HK$850(正價)/HK$680(會員/學生/小童/長者)* 名額:每場 14 位 策劃及主講:黃志淙博士(資深電台DJ/樂評人/策展人) 語言:廣東話 活動包括電影放映: 12/4(五):《坂本龍一:CODA》 21/4(日):《坂本龍一:async AT THE PARK AVENUE ARMORY》 _____________________ ▍聆聽當代的聲音 Voice of Contemporary _____. ▍Facebook 同步更新 (link in bio) 「電笠」手機應用程式,立即下載。 IOS 版本 Android 版本 #電笠 #電笠VOC #VoiceofContemporary #電笠Intuition #坂本龍一學堂Sakamotology #MOViEMOViE #特約內容 @moviemoviehk @ccchoice _

4/10/2024, 1:00:20 PM

சுட்டி பையனாக மாறிய நடிகர் விஜய் | THE GOAT | Actor Vijay #actorvijay #thegoat # #actorvijay #thegoat # #moviemovie

4/10/2024, 9:28:53 AM

🗓️ Giovedì 11 aprile - ore 21.00 🎬 Un paese ci vuole - Zavattini, Luzzara e il Po Regia di Francesco Conversano e Nene Grignaffini Documentario - Italia Durata: 70 minuti 🎞️ Il film è prima di tutto un reading di poesie di Cesare Zavattini, dedicate a Luzzara, suo paese natale, e al fiume Po. Grazie alle voci di alcuni abitanti di Luzzara, le parole e il mondo di Zavattini rivivono insieme alla “mitologia” nata intorno a Luzzara, divenuto Il Paese, una sorta di paradigma, dopo che nel 1953 Paul Strand lo fotografò insieme alla sua comunità lungo le rive del Fiume Po. 💫 Un paese ci vuole - Zavattini, Luzzara e il Po racconta, oggi più che mai, la necessità di riscoprire il valore della comunità, dello stare insieme e della condivisione. Dall’altra parte il film è la testimonianza di un’emergenza ambientale, delle ferite e della fragilità del Fiume Po che il riscaldamento globale e la siccità stanno inesorabilmente trasformando. 📽️ Ricordiamo che in sala saranno presenti per dialogare con il pubblico i registi Francesco Conversano e Nene Grignaffini! 🪪 Vi ricordiamo che per accedere alle nostre proiezioni è necessario avere la nostra tessera soci, al costo di soli 3€ e valida per tutto il 2024! Per maggiori informazioni, venite sul nostro sito (link in bio). Vi aspettiamo! 📽️💫 #unpaesecivuole #cesarezavattini👏🎥 #raicinema #moviemovie #teatrodelfiumeboretto #cineclubclaudiozambelli

4/8/2024, 6:00:00 PM

Safe flight ✈️ 好好享受USA空氣 & 舞台✨ @keung_show @stanleysc_ 十二怪盜謝票場 #moviemovie #01042024 #姜濤 #keung_show #keungto #keungto姜濤 #mirrorweare

4/3/2024, 5:58:22 AM

Bye Bye 姜 Movie Movie 🎥 @keung_show 十二怪盜謝票場 #moviemovie #01042024 #姜濤 #keung_show #keungto #keungto姜濤 #mirrorweare

4/1/2024, 11:48:25 AM

Hi Hi 姜 Movie Movie 🎥 @keung_show 十二怪盜謝票場 #moviemovie #01042024 #姜濤 #keung_show #keungto #keungto姜濤 #mirrorweare

4/1/2024, 11:07:42 AM

記錄下 29 & 30 Mar 2024 12怪盜謝票場 #langhamplace #cinemacity #pacificplace #moviemovie #edanlui #altonwong #ansonkong #stanleyyau

3/30/2024, 4:28:20 PM

追⭐️帶來好心情🥰 Date: 28 March 2024 17:35-19:22 Venue: #MovieMovie #PacificPlace Event: #12怪盜 #謝票場 #rowG Artist: @iancychan #陳卓賢 @llokmann #楊樂文 🕺🏻🐨 好sweet啊 點樣偷你個心? 俾我啦 🥰

3/29/2024, 4:36:13 PM

Movie Movie (1978) 🇺🇸 Stanley Donen

3/28/2024, 8:31:14 PM

追⭐️帶來好心情🥰 Date: 28 March 2024 17:35-19:22 Venue: #MovieMovie #PacificPlace Event: #12怪盜 #謝票場 #rowG Artist: @iancychan #陳卓賢 @llokmann #楊樂文 🕺🏻🐨 好sweet啊 點樣偷你個心? 俾我啦 🥰

3/28/2024, 5:19:38 PM

Aquí va la manada... #Garfield: Fuera de Casa próximamente sólo en cines 🎞🐱 #GarfielFueradeCasa #EstrenodeCine #Moviemovie

3/27/2024, 7:42:23 PM

👩‍⚖️ #anatomyofafall #metime #moviemovie #墮下的對證

3/20/2024, 8:36:21 AM

現實。夢想 #填詞l #thelyricistwannabe #metime #moviemovie #支持香港電影

3/19/2024, 9:53:31 AM

Ahora no salgo del mall sin que me pidan foto 📸🤳 Invitado por la Escuela María Trinidad Sánchez, foto con una de las maestra de la escuela 😍 #actingtheatre #labdelactor #actorsanto #actorjosecruzf #cinerd #teatrord #cinelatino #cineindependente #moviemovie #talleristas

3/12/2024, 4:33:07 PM

落雨☔️天都係室內活動#睇戲 #沙丘2 我記得同爹地有睇過 #皮卡丘先生 對#沙蟲 印象深刻 最近#拉鍊立領衛衣 又火啦 #時尚是一個圈 我套 #18y+ 黑色立領衛衣 +喇叭長褲 同今兩年相同 我一直唔舍得揼(扔)等幾時流行返再著 好彩都可以著得到😅😅 #針織頸巾 低温天幾保暖 #沙丘瀚戰 #戲院 #电影 #MOViEMOViE #太古

3/11/2024, 1:15:12 PM

落雨☔️天都係室內活動#睇戲 #沙丘2 我記得同爹地有睇過 #皮卡丘先生 對#沙蟲 印象深刻 最近#拉鍊立領衛衣 又火啦 #時尚是一個圈 我套 #18y+ 黑色立領衛衣 +喇叭長褲 同今兩年相同 我一直唔舍得揼(扔)等幾時流行返再著 好彩都可以著得到🤣 #針織頸巾 低温天幾保暖 #沙丘瀚戰 #戲院 #电影 #MOViEMOViE #太古

3/11/2024, 1:13:49 PM

👁️鬼爸 #鬼太郎誕生ゲゲゲの謎 #鬼太郎誕生咯咯咯之謎 #thebirthofkitarothemysteryofgegege #metime #moviemovie

3/11/2024, 8:03:23 AM

OORU PERU BHAIRAVAKONA (Telugu) - Concept, performances and VFX were good! Rest all was not that great, the screenplay was not consistent and the constant back and forth felt tiring and a bit boring too! Varsha bollamma and Sandeep kishan scores well with their performances! Comedy was ok here and there! At some point it completely derails and goes in a different direction, people/ghosts/snakemen/zombies appear in bad make up effects which were not at all appealing for the eyes or the ears! Overall a very average fantasy thriller! 👍⭐⭐1/2 @varshabollamma @kavyathapar20 @vennelakish @harshachemudu @vi_anand Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #ooruperubhairavakona #sandeepkishan #varshabollamma #vianand #kavyathapar #telugumovie #tollywood #telugumoviereview #telugu #entertainer #movie #fantasy #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #instadaily #moviereviews #movieman247 #amazonprime #moviemovie #moviemanreview #instagram #vennelakishore #thriller #moviesforever #telugucinema #action

3/8/2024, 6:02:45 PM

RUSTIN (English) - Well, it's just an average biopic movie with a terrific Colman Domingo! He lived the character of Rustin and he performed his best! Loved every bit of his screen presence! Though the drama was not that effective, I moved into tears seeing Domingo cry when King calls him a friend and the right leader for the freedom March in Washington dc on national television! Watched it because he got nominated for Best actor at the Oscars and it was worth it! I enjoyed all the cameos by other actors! Chris Rock delivered a decent performance too! 👍⭐⭐⭐ @kingofbingo @chrisrock @jfreewright @davinejoy Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #rustin #colmandomingo #jeffreywright #chrisrock #english #hollywood #georgecwolfe #netflix #movie #oscars #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #instagood #movielovers #moviestar #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviescenes #film #instalike #instadaily #filmreview #biopic

3/8/2024, 6:23:08 AM

ADI (Malayalam) - It tries to be a strong movie on masculinity and feminism, but ends up being a mish mash of forced scenes to support the plot! I enjoyed parts of it, the climax also was ok, only because it was tried in a different way, it did not look real enough for the narrative! Overall it's an average one time watch for the performances from Tom shine chakko and Ahanaa! 👍⭐⭐1/2 @shinetomchacko_official @ahaana_krishna @dqsalmaan Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #adi #shinetomchacko #ahaanakrishna #drama #thriller #malayalammovie #kollywood #malayalammoviereview #masculinity #malayalam #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #feminism #moviesforever #fight #malayalamcinema #satire #madness

3/7/2024, 6:04:18 PM

"Movie Movie" (1978) dirigida por el maestro Stanley Donen (Singing in the Rain) es un homenaje a ese cine de doble tanda muy en boga en Estados Unidos durante los años 30s a 50s del siglo pasado, que consistía en ver dos películas por el precio de una. En este caso son dos historias con los mismos actores: una sobre un boxeador honesto (Dinamite Hands), en blanco y negro; y la otra sobre la producción de un musical de Broadway (Baxter's Beauties 1933) . También aparece un trailer falso de una supuesta película sobre la primera guerra mundial (Zero Hour). Aún cuando hay elementos de parodia y sátira ambas historias, y el trailer, están muy bien desarrolladas con todos los elementos de estos géneros, lo cual permite que uno disfrute no solo las historias sino la manera como están realizadas. Actuaciones de alto nivel de George C Scott, Eli Wallach , Red Buttons, Art Carney, Trish Van Devere, Harry Hamlin entre otros, hacen de esta película una rara obra tal vez subestimada y poco difundida. Muy recomendable . . #moviemovie #stanleydonnen #georgecscott #eliwallach #redbuttons #artcarney #tishvandevere #barrybostwick #harryhamlin

3/7/2024, 4:04:06 PM

KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON (English) - Martin Scorsese is a master and nobody can beat him in storytelling! So moved and devastated seeing this one! It's sad to see such terrifying exploitation! The performances, camera work, costumes, screenplay, everything is so damn good! I enjoyed every frame of it and the length of the movie was not at all an issue, I would have endured another hour of it! Lily Gladstone became my personal favorite and is a very strong Oscar contender! Robert de niro was never so scary with such a subtle portrayal of a very real villain and criminal! Leonardo Dicaprio was really good too! I loved the haunting American indo-western background score in many scenes! With this I close the viewing of all the movies under the best picture category! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2 @martinscorsese_ @lilygladstone @leonardodicaprio Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #killersoftheflowermoon #martinscorsese #lilygladstone #leonardodicaprio #english #hollywood #robertdeniro #drama #movie #oscars #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #instagood #movielovers #moviestar #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviescenes #film #instalike #instadaily #filmreview #novel

3/7/2024, 2:52:26 PM

MAESTRO (English) - I somehow did not get as emotional as I am supposed to be! The performances, the 3-4 min long shots and the drama worked for me! Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan were brilliant in their roles, but somehow the movie fell flat with the screenplay and the emotion! This has been shouldered solely by the performances and beautiful cinematography! I liked the transitions too from one time to another and loved the Black and white episode! I just wanted to see this for Bradley Cooper and he turned out to be a better actor than a director as always! An above average biopic of Maestro Leonard Bernstein and Felicia Montealegre! 👍⭐⭐⭐ @iamthebradleycooper @careymulliganofficial @maya_hawke Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #maestro #bradleycooper #careymulligan #mayahawke #english #hollywood #stevenspielberg #drama #movie #oscars #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviestar #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviescenes #film #comedy #music #filmreview #biopic

3/5/2024, 12:15:21 PM

THE WONDERFUL STORY OF HENRY SUGAR (English) - I liked the narrative style and all the colors and magic of Wes Anderson! I need to see the other shorts in this series of Roald Dahl's adaptations! Benedict Cumberbatch, Ben Kingsley & Dev Patel were brilliant in their roles! Loved the transitions between each scene, it was somewhere in between a stage play and a movie with beautiful production design! I felt the narrative to be extra long and more talky and I personally got slightly bored midway but it was worth my time! 👍⭐⭐⭐1/2 @accidentallywesanderson Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #thewonderfulstoryofhenrysugar #benedictcumberbatch #devpatel #benkingsley #english #hollywood #wesanderson #roalddahl #movie #oscars #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviestar #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviescenes #film #comedy #netflix #filmreview #surreal

3/4/2024, 12:29:16 PM

POOR THINGS (English) - Yorgos Lanthimos is a strong voice and a pure artist when it comes to direction! I loved all his movies and this is no exception! A beautifully made absurdist comedy backed by powerful performances and writing! Emma Stone as Bella Baxter was surreal, flawless and mesmerizing! William Dafoe, Mark Ruffalo and Ramy yousuff were perfect for their roles! The plot and the initial 20 mins seemed disgusting but very interesting! Once I bought into the world, the experience was immersive! Loved every dialog and conversation! It is a satire on the societal norms, gender politics and power! The journey of Bella knowing herself and exploring the world was picturised to perfection! Hope it fares well at the Oscars! 👍🔥⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ @officiallyemmastone @markruffalo @ramy Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #poorthings #emmastone #markruffalo #ramyyoussef #english #hollywood #yorgoslanthimos #absurd #movie #oscars #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviestar #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviescenes #film #comedy #hulu #filmreview #surreal

3/4/2024, 4:15:11 AM

THE HOLDOVERS (English) - A heart touching comedy drama with terrific performances and top notch writing! Loved every bit of it! Paul Giamatti was flawless, normally he overacts a bit which I don't like much, but in this one he just loved the character and I loved watching him perform! Dominic Sessa and Davine joy Randolph were perfect for their roles and performed brilliantly! Some brilliant shots, the similarities drawn between Angus and Paul & the touching climax made it a fantastic watch! This year it's gonna be tough at the Oscars! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2 @davinejoy @dominic.sessa Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #theholdovers #paulgiamatti #davinejoyrandolph #dominicsessa #english #hollywood #alexanderpayne #emotional #movie #oscars #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviestar #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviescenes #film #comedy #mubi #filmreview #drama

3/3/2024, 3:09:24 PM

🧠 #poorthings #metime #moviemovie #百老匯電影中心

3/3/2024, 9:01:30 AM

THE ZONE OF INTEREST (German) - This is horrifying and very disturbing! It was so simple and damn effective! Jonathan Glazer just shows us the mundane everyday life of Rudolf hoss and his family going about their life in their house near the Auschwitz concentration camp! The shots were mostly wide depicting the normalcy of a family in an abnormal and humanely horrifying setting which was constantly unsettling throughout the movie! I was disturbed seeing the last shot and it is still not leaving my mind! Deeply disturbing and beautifully made! This shook me more than Oppenheimer and this is the best holocaust movie since Schindler's list! Hope it gets its due at the Oscars! 👍❤️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #thezoneofinterest #jonathanglazer #sandrahüller #oscars #german #hollywood #polish #eliroth #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #horrormovies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #moviestar #hitler #moviescenes #film #holocaust #auschwitz #filmreview #dark

3/3/2024, 1:28:18 AM

BLUE STAR (Tamil) - Enjoyed this one for the matches, performances and the primary conflict! Nice screenplay and it was very consistent with enough interesting elements like team unity & their dynamics, the hero's love interest and the conflict during the interval! At times it felt a bit long but was never boring! Ashok Selvan and Shanthanu Backiaraj were fantastic as the lead cast! Keerthi pandian did her part well as Ashok's love interest and a fellow cricket fan! But the first marks goes to Bagavathi who surprised me with yet another performance with his natural and gritty performance as Blue Star's coach and leading force! Fantastic music and cinematography! Watch it on prime! 👍⭐⭐⭐1/2 @ashokselvan @keerthipandian Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #bluestar #ashokselvan #shanthanu #keerthipandian #paranjith #govindvasantha #tamilmovie #tamilcinema #tamilmoviereview #tamil #inspiring #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #amazonprime #cricket #moviesforever #cinema #sjayakumar

3/2/2024, 3:38:26 AM

EAGLE (Telugu) - First things first, I enjoyed watching Raviteja in that beard getup! He looked and performed really well! The innovation in using the guns as shields was commendable! Massive action set pieces designed using weapons were brilliantly executed by Karthik Gattamaneni! The screenplay was a bit inconsistent though racy! The build up for the hero's character became tiring after a while! The dialog was really good and in some scenes it was very cinematic and poetic which was a bit awkward! But all said and done this is a decent watch for any Raviteja fan and action thriller fanatic! 👍⭐⭐⭐ @raviteja_2628 @anupamaparameswaran96 @kavyathapar20 @karthik.gattamneni @pnavdeep Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #eagle #raviteja #massmaharaja #anupamaparameswaran #kavyathapar #telugumovie #tollywood #telugumoviereview #telugu #entertainer #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #karthikgattamaneni #thriller #moviesforever #telugucinema #action

3/1/2024, 5:42:57 PM

MALAIKOTTAI VAALIBAN (Malayalam) - I watched it twice now! Lijo Jose Pellissery is a master in storytelling and a brilliant director! I am a big fan and expected way too much from this one! My first viewing was a good one because I enjoyed all his references to sholay, Kurosawa, samurai and Shaolin movies etc., loved the cinematography and all the wide shots in a spaghetti western style, the music and the sudden narrative direction he took after Valiban's big face off with the Portugese army! But it felt incomplete for me as the full potential of Valiban was not unveiled yet! On the second viewing I enjoyed it better and was not bored! All the performances were flawless, especially Mohanlal and Danish Sait! I really wish I could have seen it in theatre and I thought the action episodes could have been choreographed better! Lijo still is one of my favorite directors and he really was very detailed with this one too! 👍⭐⭐⭐1/2 @mohanlal @lijo_lebowski Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #malaikottaivaaliban #mohanlal #lijojosepellissery #drama #action #malayalammovie #mollywood #malayalammoviereview #kurosawa #malayalam #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #fantasy #moviesforever #sholay #malayalamcinema #danishsait #epic

3/1/2024, 11:05:10 AM

BOOTCUT BALARAJU - A very underwhelming film from bigg boss fame Sohel!! I am unable to say anything positive about this one as I got severely bored seeing it! Megha Lekha is the only plus point and she also did not get enough scope to perform with the routine storyline and boring screenplay! I hope to see better movies for her and Sohel! 👎1/2 @meghalekha.k Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #bootcutbalaraju #sohel #meghalekha #sirihanmanth #sunil #telugumovie #tollywood #telugumoviereview #telugu #entertainer #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #routine #boring #moviesforever #telugucinema #comedy

3/1/2024, 10:53:57 AM

GONE GIRL (English) - A near perfect psychological thriller! David Fincher at his usual best! Gillian Flynn's writing was perfect and on point! But the first spot goes to Rosamund Pike for her terrifyingly flawless portrayal of the psychotic Amy! I get chills with a few of her expressions every time I see this movie! Ben Affleck was good and so was the entire cast! Watched this one 3 times in the theatre just for the writing and Rosamund Pike ❤️! Watched it again today and still loved it so so much!! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2 @mspike Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #gonegirl #benaffleck #rosamundpike #davidfincher #english #hollywood #gillianflynn #adaptation #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #novel #moviesforever #film #thriller #netflix #filmreview #dark

3/1/2024, 10:38:21 AM

INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (English) - This is probably the best of all Tarantino movies for every single film making aspect! But since Pulp Fiction introduced me to the magic of Non-linear screenplay and powerful storytelling through dialog and characters, that one stands to be my first favorite! Watched this one countless times and it has by far the best opening scenes of all time! Christoph waltz was a treat to watch and I repeatedly watch his scenes whenever I get time! The tension and word play in each scene is fantastic and the pay off at the end was worth it! This is a masterclass in every aspect of film making! That's a BINGO! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤️ Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #inglouriousbasterds #quentintarantino #bradpitt #christophwaltz #english #hollywood #dianekruger #eliroth #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #hitler #moviesforever #film #epic #amazonprime #filmreview #dark

2/29/2024, 12:54:10 PM

🏴‍☠️ #thezoneofinterest #a24 #metime #moviemovie #特權樂園 #百老匯電影中心

2/25/2024, 12:29:33 PM

ANTLERS (English) - The creature design and the basic plot is really good! It was interesting for the first forty five minutes, but it became predictable and routine after that! The writing was not good as it struggled to weave the abuse theme effectively into the narrative! The wendigo myth looked like a very vague thing that's kept just to justify the creature! The performances were good and the climax kinda worked! It would have been a good movie with better writing! 👍⭐⭐1/2 Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #antlers #kerryrussell #jesseplemmons #scottcooper #english #hollywood #jenniferkent #creature #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #monster #horror #film #slow #disturbing #filmreview #dark

2/24/2024, 3:55:09 PM

BRAMAYUGAM (Malayalam) - The shots and visuals are still not leaving my head! What a theatrical experience! I was intrigued from the time the first look poster came out and it exceeded my expectations! It was giving Robert Eggers LIGHTHOUSE vibes when the trailer came out, and I am relieved that it's not a copy in any way! The production design, music and cinematography get top marks! Mammootty lived in his character and he was pure EVIL, gave me chills! The twists were predictable for me, but the plot was interesting! I even thought of it as a metaphorical representation of power and oppression! Arjun Asokan and Siddarth were also flawless! It's often spooky/creepy rather than scary! A very well made atmospheric folklore horror! Rahul Sadasivan is a strong voice to look out for! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2 @mammootty @rahul_madking @arjun_ashokan @sidharthbharathan Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #bramayugam #mammootty #blackandwhite #drama #thriller #malayalammovie #kollywood #malayalammoviereview #sidharthbharathan #malayalam #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #horror #moviesforever #arjunasokan #malayalamcinema #satan #madness

2/24/2024, 6:36:23 AM

SOODHU KAVVUM (Tamil) - One of the best crime/dark comedies in Tamil cinema! I still watch it whenever I am down and suggest it when someone asks me for good tamil comedies! Performances of every cast member and the very intelligent screenplay by Nalan kumaraswamy keeps us captivated! The twists and turns work, so does the rib-tickling comedy! Music is one of the biggest assets for this! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐ @actorvijaysethupathi @ashokselvan @isanchitaa @musicsanthosh Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #soodhukavvum #vijaysethupathi #bobbysimha #ashokselvan #nalankumarasamy #sana #tamilmovie #tamilcinema #tamilmoviereview #tamil #comedy #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #zee5 #comedy #moviesforever #cinema #dark

2/22/2024, 3:31:31 PM

BHAAMAKALAAPAM 2 (Telugu) - An average heist comedy with very less logic! The films of this budget should work either on emotion or on logic! It doesn't work on both and it's not even as comic as it's predecessor! It gets boring and predictable very soon and second half drags to a very predictable climax! Priyamani and Sharanya score again, but the screenplay falters their effort! Overall a very average fare! 👍⭐⭐1/2 @pillumani @iam_sharanyapradeep Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #bhaamakalaapam #priyamani #cooking #murder #sharanyapradeep #telugumovie #tollywood #telugumoviereview #telugu #entertainer #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #thriller #dark #moviesforever #telugucinema #comedy

2/22/2024, 3:22:33 PM

BHAAMAA KALAAPAM (Telugu) - A good crime comedy thriller with a considerably good screenplay and performances! Priyamani and Sharanya performed really well! The entire episode of hiding the body was hilarious and played really well! The second half falters a bit and gets a bit boring towards the end! But overall a good one time watch! 👍⭐⭐⭐ @pillumani @iam_sharanyapradeep Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #bhaamakalaapam #priyamani #cooking #murder #sharanyapradeep #telugumovie #tollywood #telugumoviereview #telugu #entertainer #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #thriller #dark #moviesforever #telugucinema #comedy

2/22/2024, 3:15:52 PM

FARGO (English) - This is one of the very first Coen Brothers films for me and an introduction to dark comedy! I still remember being shocked and laughing a lot when the kills happen! I just loved the way it was written and the originality of it! Joel Coen did a fantastic job at directing this one! Frances McDormand, Steve Buscemi and William H Macy were brilliant with their performances! The background score and cinematography were really good! The scenes between Marge and Norm are so subtle and one of the best love stories ever! The screenplay and dialog balance the violence and comedy in equal proportions making comedy work even better! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #fargo #francesmcdormand #williamhmacy #stevebuscemi #english #hollywood #coenbrothers #joelcoen #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #ethancoen #moviesforever #amazonprime #crime #comedy #filmreview #dark

2/21/2024, 5:19:07 PM

THE NIGHTINGALE (English) - Disturbing, brutal and beautifully executed! Loved the cinematography and the performances! The screenplay was apt and slow paced! After the initial shocking 30 mins, I thought it was going to be a bit boring as Clare embarks on her revenge journey, but the writing kept me engaged right till the end! Aisling Franciosi, Sam Caflin & Baykali Ganambarr were brilliant in their roles! It's a slowburn drama-horror-survival-thriller, prepare yourself for very disturbing scenes and you are good to go! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐ Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #thenightingale #aislingfranciosi #samcaflin #baykaliganambarr #english #hollywood #jenniferkent #revenge #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #monster #moviesforever #film #brutal #disturbing #filmreview #dark

2/21/2024, 11:38:51 AM

GODZILLA VS KONG (English) - Thoroughly enjoyed each and every action episode in the movie! This is way better than the previous movies for me! As a big monsterverse fan, I wanted more clash scenes between the titans and this one delivered that exactly! I watched it multiple times and waiting for March 29th for the ultimate faceoff! Not commenting on any other aspect of the film as I solely watch this for Kong and Zilla! 👍⭐⭐⭐1/2 Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #godzillavskong #godzilla #kingkong #monsterverse #english #hollywood #monarch #mechagodzilla #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #monster #moviesforever #film #kaiju #creature #filmreview #amazonprime

2/21/2024, 11:19:45 AM

THE AFTER (English) - A heartbreaking portrayal of grief! The first five min shocked me and David Oyelowo performed really well! The final shot seemed like it rounded off in a proper way and it was satisfying! This one got me teary all the way! Have to see other Live action Oscar nominations! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐ Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #theafter #davidoyelowo #guilt #grief #english #hollywood #disturbing #inspiring #movie #netflix #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #journey #moviesforever #film #motivation #life #filmreview #oscars

2/20/2024, 2:02:27 PM

KADAISI VIVASAYI (Tamil) - One of the best Tamil movies ever made and the best movie on farming ever! I re-watched it again today and it still moved me so much! Vijay Sethupathi and Manikandan should be appreciated for such a heartwarming masterpiece! There is not a single dull moment in the entire movie and the protagonist, Nallandi, delivered a terrific performance as the farmer Maayandi! Each and every cast member was natural and believable! The screenplay and dialog were perfect for the narrative! Cinematography and shots were fantastic! Watch it if you dint! It's on Sony Liv! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❤️ @actorvijaysethupathi Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #kadaisivivasaayi #vijaysethupathi #manikandan #farming #farmer #sana #tamilmovie #tamilcinema #tamilmoviereview #tamil #comedy #movie #moviemonsters #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #sonyliv #hearttouching #moviesforever #cinema #drama

2/20/2024, 1:35:39 PM

BEAU IS AFRAID (English) - Ari Aster is my personal favorite in recent times! I watched this expecting to experience something new and man did it blow my mind!! It's a bit in the Kaufman zone, I was reminded of Synecdoche in some sequences and the overall theme! It gave me Truman show vibes with the parts where Elaine gives him the photo and the mom faking her death! Joaquin phoenix was terrific and disturbingly convincing as Beau! Patti Lupone was fantastic as his mother Mona! I still am struggling to grapple with the real meaning behind each scene and was able to mostly get the symbolic representation of 60-70% of it! It burns down to the parent children relationship, especially that of a mom and a child! And also the Guilt trip of the protagonist because of his troubled relationship with his powerful and overbearing mother! I really would love to dissect this 3 hour nightmare of Beau! Will do it after some more viewings! it's not for the fainthearted and the ones who get easily bored and disturbed! P.S. Beware of the disgusting Penis monster💀! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐ @ari.aster @joaquinphoenixofflcial @pattilupone Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #beauisafraid #joaquinphoenix #ariaster #dark #english #hollywood #disturbing #inspiring #movie #amazonprime #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #journey #moviesforever #film #motivation #life #filmreview #pattilupone

2/20/2024, 11:09:11 AM

#ホテル#ラブホテル#ムービームービー #MOVIEMOVIE#岐阜県#岐阜県岐阜市#岐阜市#ラブホテルアンバサダー目指してます 2月5日。期せず205。 安定のお値段。

2/19/2024, 4:40:26 PM

NYAD (English) - Loved it so much for the performances and the screenplay! Annette Benning and Jodie foster gave their career best performances! The inspiring tale of Diane Nyad was picturised really well with honesty and conviction! They stayed true to the story and executed it brilliantly! Loved every cast member and the cinematography was great too! It's a bit slow but did not affect the experience! Watch it on Netflix! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐ @jodiefosterofficial @jimmychin Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #nyad #annettebenning #jodiefoster #jimmychin #english #hollywood #biopic #inspiring #movie #netflix #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #swim #moviesforever #film #motivation #life #filmreview #elizabethchaivasarhely

2/19/2024, 3:19:27 PM

CAPE FEAR (English) - A fantastic and underrated horror thriller of Martin Scorsese! Robert de niro was impeccable and terrifying as the Psychopathic Max cady! The other performances seemed a bit cheesy and over the top now, but the dialog and the shots were really beautiful! This movie is a commercial one and still Scorsese plays around with the screenplay really well and instills enough fear in the audience with each scene! The climax shot with De niro's gaze from the stream still haunts me! Watched it only the second time and it was worth my time! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐ @martinscorsese_ @officialnicknolte Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #capefear #robertdeniro #martinscorsese #nicknolte #english #hollywood #original #psycho #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #psychopath #moviesforever #film #remake #dark #filmreview #violent

2/19/2024, 3:13:09 PM

Happy 68th birthday to 1980s TV favourite Kathleen Beller (born February 19, 1956; and here with John James as Jeff Colby), who began her career with a small bit in “The Godfather Part II” (1974), portraying an actress in a play that the young Vito Corleone and Genco Abbandando attended. • Five years later, she won a Golden Globe Award nomination for Best Motion Picture Actress in a Supporting Role for her role in “Promises in the Dark” (1979), starring Marsha Mason, Ned Beatty, and Susan Clark. • For a generation she’ll be best remembered as Kirby Anders Colby on the prime-time soap opera, “Dynasty”, between 1982-84 (she reprised her role for “Dynasty: The Reunion”, in 1991). • Born in Queens, she was raised in Croton-on-Hudson, Westchester County, New York; her mother was a psychiatric social worker, her father a high school math teacher. In her early teens, she settled in England, and studied drama in Bristol, England. • On her return to the U.S., she took over the role of Liza Walton Sentell in the daytime soap opera “Search for Tomorrow”, which was originated by Denise Nickerson, acting in more than 620 episodes between 1971-74. A spate of TV guest spots followed, until she landed a supporting role in “The Betsy” (1978), from the book by Harold Robbins, with an all-star cast including Laurence Olivier, Robert Duvall, and Katherine Ross. • She followed this with featured roles in “Movie Movie” (1978), as Angie Popchik; “Fort Apache the Bronx” (1981), with Paul Newman; the children’s fantasy adventure “The Sword and the Sorcerer” (both 1982), with Lee Horsley; and as the female lead in “Touched” (1983), with Robert Hays, about two patients in a mental institution who plan an escape to lead normal lives. • When her stint on “Dynasty” came to an end (she maintained that the writers had lost interest in her character), she played Mary Caitlin Callahan in the short-lived TV drama series “The Bronx Zoo” (1987-88), with Edward Asner. Kathleen continued to act until the late 1990s, then retired, before a brief comeback in 2016. • She married actor Thomas Dolby in 1988, by whom she has three children, Harper (formerly Lily before trans-gendering), Talia and Graham.

2/18/2024, 6:57:20 PM

MISERY (English) - Re Watched it after many years just for Kathy Bates! She still generated chills in my spine with her terrifying and convincing performance! I am still really scared of her dead stares in this movie! Beautiful dialog and power packed performances by Kathy Bates and James Caan! A perfect masterclass in acting, character development and screenwriting! Loved every bit of it! Rob Reiner was brilliant with his shot execution! 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐1/2 Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #misery #jamescaan #kathybates #robreiner #english #hollywood #original #fan #movie #screenplay #moviesarelife #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #entertainment #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #movielife #dream #moviesforever #film #stephenking #dark #filmreview #violent

2/17/2024, 3:55:18 PM

Sorry。多謝 #臨時劫案 #robnroll #metime #moviemovie #支持香港電影

2/17/2024, 10:26:37 AM

DUNKI (Hindi) - Fortunate to have missed it in the theatres! From the time I saw the trailer, I did not feel like watching it! For Rajkumar Hirani I watched it today and it turned out to be an average fare! It's easily one of the least impactful movies of him! The overdose of comedy and the inconsistent screenplay spoiled the right emotion behind the immigration and the protagonist's love story! It was good in bits and parts & easily forgettable! Performances and music were ok! I personally did not like the cinematography and the makeup! Hope SRK and Rajkumar Hirani learn a lot from this and make better movies! 👍⭐⭐⭐ Follow me on Letterboxd for more reviews: #dunki #srk #tapseepannu #vickykaushal #rajkumarhirani #hindimovie #bollywood #hindimoviereview #hindi #entertainer #movie #moviemonsters #cinema #moviemaniacs #movies #movielove #movielovers #moviereviews #movieman247 #movietheatre #moviemovie #moviemanreview #moviesforlife #immigrants #entertainment #moviesforever #london #hindicinema #netflix

2/16/2024, 11:42:46 AM

Just a perfect day☀️ #perfectdays #新活日常 #metime #moviemovie #百老滙電影中心

2/14/2024, 9:57:58 AM