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#food #travel #sports #news #april #sunday

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) WEDDING THANKSGIVING FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 2:08:31 PM

Get to know about our speaker for the Seerah Classes beginning from May 1st, In shaa Allah! Don't let seerah become an afterthought! Make it a priority! Details: Total Number of Classes: 21 Days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Venue: Google Meet Cost: Free of Cost Language: Urdu & English Speaker: Muhammad Ahmad Zafar FEMALES ONLY! Link in bio to register! #ajourneythroughProphetslife #Seerahcourse #seerahseries #Seerah #prophetlife #Seerahclasses #MuhammadAhmadZafar #niqaabibloggers #NiqaabiBloggersCommunity #NBC #Teenclub

4/28/2024, 2:06:22 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) AS APRIL CELEBRANTS REJOICE- REV. MAYOWA AWOPETU FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 2:04:45 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) GOD SPEAKS THROUGH HIS SERVANT MINISTERING: REV. S. ADE AYOOLA TOPIC: GRACE OF RUNNING THE RACE TEXT: HEBREW 12:1 FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 2:04:26 PM

Episode in Bio Topics: #sherylturner #tornadoes #badday #elijahmcclain #boeing and more #podcast #nbc #associatedpress #abc #cbs #fox

4/28/2024, 2:02:09 PM

🏆🏆勝手に参加、匥栄チャプタヌ🏆🏆 久方ぶりのボヌトで巻き爪酷くなった人は僕です🙋🏟‍♂ 連䌑も始たっお釣り始めは匥栄レンタルボヌト🎣 毎幎2回くらいチャプタヌず被るんですがなんでですかw 今回は40艇も参加されおお倧盛況でしたね❀‍🔥🔥 おこずで勝手に参加した぀もりでやっおきたしたw 結果3匹で300、350、1500くらいですかね🀔 アフタヌの魚だらけで半プリずかマゞで釣れたせんでした😭 回遊のそれなりの魚はなかなか釣れずほがサむト展開🫠 ルアヌパワヌで抌し通すしかないず思い @bottomupfishinggear スクヌパヌフロッグのDS🎣 岞向いおる魚は䞀撃でした🔥🔥 レンタルボヌト難しいシヌズンinする前になるべく釣っおおきたいず思いたす🙋🏟‍♂ 遞手の皆さんお疲れ様でした🏆🏆 #バス釣り #釣り #bassfishing #匥栄ダム #NBC #チャプタヌ #electric #BRGD #waterismystadium #designo

4/28/2024, 1:59:15 PM

NBCチャプタヌ第2戊実質1戊目 むマカツCUP フルリチりムにし、加速するず氎が入っおくる様になっおしたい  ビルゞ䜿っおたけど氎あんた出ないなぁ〜っお思っおたらホヌス詰たっお沈没寞前 😱赀バケツでかき出し䜕を逃れる😅 が、詊合䞭にたさかの萜氎😂 運良くボヌトは岞に圓たっお止たっお20メヌトルくらい泳いで䜕ずかデッキに䞊がる事が出来た😰 バりごずもげたけどサむトマスタヌが無くなっただけで終わり良かったです😅サむフには良くはないけど💞💞💞 䜕事もなく無事家に着いおホッずしたした🙇‍♂ 肝心の魚は  😅 次戊もよろしくお願いしたす。 #バス釣り奜きな人ず繋がりたい #アルミボヌト #BLASTTRAIL #゚クストレむル #アルミボヌトカスタム #広島チャプタヌ #nbc #アヌリヌクラフトV375 #ガヌミン #ラむブスコヌプ #gpsmap1222

4/28/2024, 1:34:19 PM

僕のGW2日目は山䞭湖チャプタヌ第1戊MotorGuideカップに参戊 前日緎習に入りビッグネむティブの可胜性を芋぀ける事は出来たせんでしたが、午埌のタむミングで動いた自分に捕れそうな個䜓を芋぀け圓日に自分の予想した動きをしおくれる事を願い枩存。 それが功を奏しお狙いどうりに早々にキャッチ気持ちが楜になり远加ずビッグの可胜性を求めお党力を尜くしたしたが远加ならず。 21名参加でりェむンが4名ず山䞭湖らしく厳しい詊合になり自分は3䜍 久しぶりに山䞭湖の盟を頂きたした🎵 倧䌚運営の方々、参加者の皆様お疲れ様でした 次戊もよろしくお願いしたすm(_ _)m #山䞭湖 #NBC #チャプタヌ #山䞭湖チャプタヌ #モヌタヌガむドcup #DUEL #デュ゚ル #アヌマヌドFプラス #ハヌドコア #ペヌズリ #HARDCORE

4/28/2024, 1:23:34 PM

本日は、 NBCチャプタヌ兵庫・SWANS cup✹ さした魚ずスクヌル系をサむトで狙いたしたが、 立ち回りも噛み合わず、 バラシ😫 数回あったチャンスを党くものにできずに終わりたした😢 䞊䜍のみなさた、 おめでずうございたす✚ 寒暖差激しく疲れもピヌクに達しおたしたが、 ミヌシャが調子悪く急いで垰宅🚙 たぁミヌシャは倧したこずはなかったのですが、 今床は自分がダりン😵 連䌑でよかった 😅 連䌑は䌑むぞ💚 #東条湖 #兵庫県加東垂 #東条湖ビッグバむト #nbc #チャプタヌ兵庫 #swanscup #ねこ #ネコ #猫 #ロシアンブルヌ #ミヌシャ #䜓調䞍良 #連䌑

4/28/2024, 1:19:45 PM

Happy Sunday @ryaneggold and all his fans around the world ! Throwback Tom Keen and his boat 😏... #ryaneggold #ryaneggoldfan #tomkeen #theblacklist #blacklistredemption #nbc #netflix #ryaneggoldfanpage #boat #sundaymood☀ #throwback #memories #christopherhargrave #christofmanheim #jacobphelps #ryanwithglasses #relax #breathe #enjoy #easy #faithnomore

4/28/2024, 1:19:05 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) CHOIR MINISTRATION – COMBINED CHOIR FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 1:16:52 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) AS WE ASCEND THE THRONE OF MERCY -- REVD. AYO OLANREWAJU FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 1:13:22 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) Bible READING - Dn. Niyi Alamu and Dn. Yinka Adeniji FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 1:13:17 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) HYMN EBH 321 – SONG LEADER 1. More about Jesus would I know, More of His grace to otters show; More of His saving-fulness see, More of His love who died for me. Refrain: More, more about Jesus, More, more about Jesus: More of His saving fullness see, More of His love who died for me. FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 1:09:36 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) PRAISE IN WORSHIP —LEVITICAL VOICES FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 1:09:14 PM

COMBINED WORSHIP SERVICE (APRIL THANKSGIVING SERVICE) CALL TO WORSH¬IP – REVD. AYO OLANREWAJU FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/pbcapete YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3h0TPIp #PBCApete #PBCApeteFamily #GodBlessPBCFamily #GreaterAdvancement #BecomingPeculiarPeople #April282024 #CombinedWorshipService #LastSunday #GraceofRunningtheRace #NBC

4/28/2024, 1:05:21 PM

今日は、山䞭湖チャプタヌに参加しお来たした チャンスはあったものの魚釣れず😣党然ダメのノヌフィッシュ🙅‍♂かろうじお貝が釣れたした(笑) そしお、流石の優勝したTOP50の䜐々さんずのゞャンケン倧䌚でたさかの勝っおしたい優勝商品のモヌタヌガむドのハンドコン゚レキを頂きたした🙌魚釣っお貰いたかったけどコレはコレで嬉しかったです😁 入賞した遞手の皆さんおめでずうございたす。 倧䌚運営遞手の皆さんお疲れ様でした。 もヌ少し魚釣れるように頑匵りたす🥞 #山䞭湖チャプタヌ #nbc #バス釣り #ノヌフィッシュ #釣りで負けおもゞャンケンで勝っちゃう(笑) #魚釣りおぇ〜

4/28/2024, 1:04:04 PM

日間、本圓にお疲れさたでした この日間は悔しいこずもありたしたが、ずおも熱く楜しいバスケができたず思いたす🔥 3幎生は䞭䜓連たで埌少しです。 今回の倧䌚で分かった課題を改善し、長所は䌞ばしお少しでも勝ち䞊がっおいきたいず思いたす い぀も保護者の皆さたにはご協力ず応揎いただき、誠にありがずうございたす🙇‍♂ 今埌も子䟛たちは頑匵っおいきたすので、匕き続きよろしくお願いいたしたす。 #女子バスケ #䞭孊生女子 #女バス #春季倧䌚🏀 #緎習詊合  #パス緎習 #バスケ #郚掻 #なか䞭 #バスケットボヌル #䞭孊バスケ #䞭島䞭孊校 #ボトムアップ #NBC

4/28/2024, 12:45:33 PM

Breaking New Grounds Through Thanksgiving ✚🔥 #bowenchapel #bowenuniversity #nbc #iwo #sunday #sundayservice #thanksgiving

4/28/2024, 12:00:20 PM

Exciting news! We’re delighted to announce that due to popular demand, we’re adding more weekly rebroadcasts of Trustco’s Winna Mariba powered by NBC! With multiple viewing options available, you can now catch all the excitement at a time that suits you best, or on demand on social media! Don’t miss a moment of the action – tune in and join the fun! #WinnaMariba #Trustco #NBC

4/28/2024, 11:45:39 AM

CARTOLERIA鹿児島店オリゞナルむンク発売䞭✚ 名前は『Sakurajima ash』 鹿児島のシンボルである桜島⛰ 噎火する桜島の火山灰をむメヌゞしたした。 #NBC #オリゞナルむンク #桜島 #火山灰 #むンク沌

4/28/2024, 11:36:56 AM

It's Sunday! #bowenchapel #bowenuniversity #students #nbc #iwo

4/28/2024, 11:02:13 AM

🎂🎈🎂🎈🎂 Happy Birthday To The Legendary #JayLeno! He Is 74 Today! #NBC #TheTonightShow

4/28/2024, 11:00:40 AM

💡新商品情報 NBCオリゞナル『スマッシュ』が入荷✚ ネむビヌ×シルバヌの組み合わせはスマッシュ初の限定色ずなりたす👀 「先金(さきがね)」ず呌ばれるペン郚分はグリップ郚分ず䞀䜓型で、筆蚘時のペン先の緩みを無くし、ブレない曞き心地が特城のシャヌプペンシルです✍ #新商品情報 #スマッシュ #smash #ぺんおる #nbc #゚ヌ・ビヌ・シヌ #シャヌペン #シャヌプペンシル #補図 #文具 #文房具 #CARTOLERIA #カルトレリア #カルトレリア沖瞄店

4/28/2024, 10:28:02 AM

ラゞオ出挔情報 ⁡ 毎週朚曜21:30よりNBCラゞオにお攟送䞭 『Happy Go Lucky』にファゎット池田祐垌が出挔したす♫✚ ⁡ 先日収録があり、 シヌハットおおむら・長岡通長ず橘さんず倧盛り䞊がりしたそうです😊🙌 ⁡ 定期挔奏䌚やファゎットのこず、他にもいろんなこずをお話ししおいたす 攟送日は5/9(朚)21:30からぜひお聎きください☺ ⁡ #長厎OMURA宀内合奏団 #NOCE #オヌケストラ #アンサンブル #音楜 #コンサヌト #長厎 #Nagasaki #NBCラゞオ #ハッピヌゎヌラッキヌ #ラゞオ #NBC #HappyGoLucky! #毎週朚曜21時30分 #シヌハットおおむら #通長 #甲斐バンド #ベヌシスト #長岡和匘 #橘穂奈矎 #定期挔奏䌚 #モヌツァルトに恋しお #PR #ファゎット #池田祐垌 #2024幎4月

4/28/2024, 10:26:23 AM

Exciting news! We're delighted to announce that due to popular demand, we're adding more weekly rebroadcasts of Trustco's Winna Mariba powered by NBC! With multiple viewing options available, you can now catch all the excitement at a time that suits you best, or on demand on social media! Don't miss a moment of the action – tune in and join the fun! #WinnaMariba #Trustco #NBC

4/28/2024, 10:00:14 AM

Customers have seen noticeable improvements in their skin texture, tone, and hair health after using our products consistently. You can expect to experience visible results that boost your confidence and overall well-being. CLICK LINK IN BIO to place an order with us #skincareinabuja #skincareabuja #facialsabuja #spainabuja #hairabuja #hairinabuja #pinklipsabuja #amrahfacials #arewaweddings #abujaweddings #skincareinkano #nbc #kanoweddings #hausaweddings #nileuniversity #bazeuniversity #abujaweddings #bazeuniversity #abujaweddings #acne #sunburn #darkknuckles #fands22 #hammadswifey #arewaweddings

4/28/2024, 9:49:53 AM

✚Hommage🙏 à un grand homme, Dabbs Greer. Il interprÚte l'honorable Révérend Alden, notre cœur du village de Walnut Grove✚ **Dabbs est né le 2.05.1917 à Fairview et décédé le 28.04.2007 à Pasadena. 🇬🇧✚Tribute🙏 to a great man, Dabbs Greer. He plays the honorable Reverend Alden, our heart of the village of Walnut Grove✚ **Dabbs was born on 05/2/1917 in Fairview and died on 04/28/2007 in Pasadena. 💚🌺💚🌺💚🌺 #dabbsgreer #lapetitemaisondanslaprairie #littlehouseontheprairie #lhotp #charlesingalls #michaellandon #reverendalden #lauraingallswilder #Carolineingalls #hommage #tribute #seriedenotreenfance #serietv #series #generation80 #70s #80s #photography #smile #love #nbc #abc #m6officiel #6ter #teva #foryou #instagood #melissagilbert #karengrassle #alisonarngrim @officialdeanbutler @melissagilbertofficial @alisonarngrim @karen_grassle @jenniferdonatiasbabyrose @wendiloulee @mr.osmercantile

4/28/2024, 9:18:15 AM

✚Trop mignons nos amoureux✚ 🇬🇧✚Our lovers are so cute✚ 🧡🌷🧡🌷🧡🌷 #reverendalden #dabbsgreer #lapetitemaisondanslaprairie #littlehouseontheprairie #lhotp #seriedenotreenfance #seriestv #seriedrama #series #actor #tv #america #nbc #abc #michaellandon #lauraingallswilder #charlesingalls #m6officiel #6ter #teva #smile #love #amoureux #weeding #photography #foryou #instagood #70s #80s #90s

4/28/2024, 8:57:47 AM

Good morning my dear ☕💛 #morningmotivation #asmrfood #ashgabat #coffee #bellamaison #MC #i #NBC t CD r za tut G’s u

4/28/2024, 8:21:42 AM

• RHONJ • The countdown to the new season is almost over. 💙💜 SEASON 14 of the Real Housewives of New Jersey is on its way. Will the group dynamic get to a point of namaste or is it destined to be nama-strained? 🀭👀 Don’t miss the season premiere episode airing NEXT SUNDAY (May 5) at 8:00pm E.T. only on Bravo! ✹ #RHONJ #season14 #bravotv #nbc #s14 #nbcuniversal #bravoandy #bravowwhl #realitytvshow #peacocktv #rhugt #therealhousewives #newseason #comingsoon #gardenstate #thejerseyshore #nj #realhousewives #therealhousewivesofnewjersey #bravocon #jerseygirls #teresagiudice #melissagorga #dolorescatania #margaretjosephs #jenniferaydin #daniellecabral #rachelfuda #jackiegoldschneider #jennfessler @teresagiudice @jackiegoldschneider @dolorescatania @jenniferaydin

4/28/2024, 7:16:14 AM

For Weekend Update, I’m Dan About Town subbing in for Colin Jost and Michael Che
 #nbc #snl #whcd {📞: @lj0hnson}

4/28/2024, 6:55:37 AM

完成したんだな〜   #twistedwonderland #nbc #ノヌブルベルカレッゞ #ロロフランム #副䌚長 #補䜐 #ツむステ #コスプレ #衣装補䜜 #sewing #裁瞫 #cosplay

4/28/2024, 6:33:41 AM

A few red carpet pics before the Big Screen premiere of Move Me No Mountain at the Nevada Indy Film Festival. www.imdb.me/sophiabattinus #childactor #movemenomountain #hulu #nickelodeon #dancemoms #NBC #Lifetime #hbomax # Disney #Netflix #lasvegas

4/28/2024, 6:29:01 AM

Ini dia Nevies,4 tips dari Nevy untuk kamu mendapatkan kulit glowing 🥰 1. minum air putih yang cukup 2. Selalu gunakan moisturizer pada pagi dan malam hari 3. Exfoliasi setiap minggu atau sesuai kondisi kulit Jangan lupa untuk rutin melakukan treatment di Nevy Beauty Clinic Yuk,buat appointment-nya dengan DM atau WA ke 📲 0812 8339 5588 sekarang juga! Sampai bertemu di Nevy ya teman-teman 🥰 #RadianceOfYourBeauty #nevybeautyclinic #nbc #beautyclinic #klinikkecantikantangerang #product #treatmentkecantikan #glowingskin #microneedling #skinbooster #mesobody #gs #gadingserpong #bsd #alamsutera #tangerang #tangeranghits #tangerangcity #tangerangselatan #tangerangkota #fillerjakarta #tarikbenangwajah #tarikbenangjakarta #tarikbenangserpong #fillertangerang #botoxwajah #botoxjakarta #botoxtangerang #infuswhiteningjakarta #infuswhiteningtangerang

4/28/2024, 5:49:39 AM

Had a great time speaking to Emmy Award-winning @laurenscala about how The Mark gets ready for Met Gala. The episode of New York Live will air May 6 on NBC. @nbc #themark #nbc #newyork #newyorkcity #uppereastside

4/28/2024, 5:18:52 AM

I realized I never shared my favourite Hannibal quotes from seasons 1 and 2 of the series.... so here they. Happy Hannibal Reunion y'all! #dramaquotes #hannibal #hannigram #willgraham #drsutcliffe #bedeliadumaurier #madsmikkelsen #hughdancy #bryanfuller #gilliananderson #johnbenjaminhickey #nbc #hannibalreunion

4/28/2024, 5:18:12 AM

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐇𝐘𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐯𝐬 𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀𝐈 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 😍😘 🏏 Can't make it to the stadium? No worries! Join us as we bring the live cricket experience to your screens. Sit back, relax, and enjoy every moment of the game from the comfort of your home. 🎥🔥 👉 Click on the Link! k9npr .com 👉 Follow for more Updates" WhatsApp: +919043505290 Telegram: https://t.me/K9nplcs Live Chat: K9npr.com #k9winnpr #k9Win #cricketk9winnpr #betting #bettingtips #fantasyart #bet #cricketlovers #gambling #cricketfans #soccer #cricketer #nbc #cricketlover #sport #cricketfever #win #cricketmerijaan #mlb #fantasybooks #poker #indiancricket #bhfyp

4/28/2024, 5:14:52 AM

So very proud of our friend Kelly O’Donnell! She did an incredible job tonight as President of The White House Correspondents Association. #NBC #NBCNews

4/28/2024, 5:07:07 AM

Stop. Drop. & roll ! Ready for my spot as an extra @chicagofire_nbc #chicagofire51 #chicago #fire #nbc

4/28/2024, 4:59:07 AM

The Apprentice 2 (💌) PPE Scores [Performance Pre Episode]! Do you agree with these placements? Discuss everything about the weeks in the comments!! ~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 💌POINT SYSTEM: 6⃣ = WIN (Winning Team Project Manger) 5⃣ = WIN (Was on the Winning Team) 4⃣ = SAFE (Was safe from the boardroom) 3⃣ = ROOM (Was join in the boardroom) 2⃣ = LOSE (Losing Team Project Manger and was in automatic in the boardroom) 1⃣ = FIRED (Was Fired in the boardroom) 0⃣ = FIRED (Was Fired Project Manager in the boardroom) 💌💌💌 —————— • • • Follow @realitycomp for more! ✅ • • • 🏷: #TheApprentice #TheApprenticeSeason2 #Candidates #NBC #theapprenticefranchise #season2 #TheApprentice2 #TheCelebrityApprentice

4/28/2024, 3:43:32 AM

🩵🎃 The Pumpkin Queen 🎃🩵 It's Day 5 of #bookwormbounds hosted by @domdivadoesit & @thedisneybound in support of @reedalittlemore Little Library. The prompt is "Favorite Disney Book" and this was quite a tough one for me because I have so many lol. I chose to do a throwback of my Sally Bound I did on the Farm last Fall. Sally is one character whom I can relate to and I truly adore her! To donate to the Little Library, check out @reedalittlemore page, which has the link for the Amazon Wishlist as well as the Venmo Info. #disney #nightmarebeforechristmas # #nightmarebeforechristmascosplay #nbc #thepumpkinqueen #pumpkinqueen #sally #ragdoll #photoshoot #photooftheday #disneybooks #disneybounding #disneyboundchallenge #disneybound #disneystyle #disneystylearoundtheworld #disneystylecommunity #disneycreator #disneyaapi #disneyprincesses #disneycollectibles #disneyoutfit #disneyootd #disneyoutfitoftheday #outfitoftheday #ootd #outfitstyle #bookish #bookstagram

4/28/2024, 2:59:34 AM

The Biggest Loser US S1 (🏋) PPE Scores [Performance Pre Episode] & Power Rankings! Do you agree with these placements? Discuss everything about the weeks in the comments!! ~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 🏋POINT SYSTEM: 4⃣ = WIN (Won Safety/Immunity) 3⃣ = SAFE (Safe at Elimination) 2⃣ = VOTE (Received Votes) 1⃣ = OUT (Voted Out at Elimination) 🏋🏋🏋 ~•~•~•~ Power Rankings are ranked based on their average score! After a new episode the past eliminated contestants will be ranked base of their average not their sum total value of points! 🏋🏋🏋 • • • Follow @realitycomp for more! ✅ • • • 🏷: #TheBiggestLoser #TheBiggestLoserSeason1 #NBC #thebiggestloserfranchise #season1 #TheBiggestLoser1 #CarolineRhea #BobHarper #JillianMichaels

4/28/2024, 2:42:31 AM

Not only did we host our first bride today, but @marythaier227 from @showmestlouis @ksdknews stopped by! Mark your calendars for May 9th at 10 am to see Studio Magnolia on The Morning Show! Mary heard about all the exciting things we are doing here at the studio, and came to see our bridal suite in action! It was so fun getting to know one another and filming for her show! She is the absolute best:) Today was a dream come true, and I still really can’t believe it! Pardon me while I float around in the clouds for a bit ☁ Our little studio truly is full of BIG dreams! My hair: @meggan.decker My makeup: @madisonproffer.stlmakeup Thank you for making me feel my best 🥰 #dreambig #ksdk #morningshow #themorningshow #dreams #clouds #float #joy #bride #bridestl #stlouis #stlouisbride #local #suppprtlocal #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #woman #womanownedbusiness #itwasalladream #nbc #stlouis #stl #southcity #thehill

4/28/2024, 2:31:39 AM

I have made New York a Home. My twitter: @JamesNumbersAll My youtube Channel: @FundMeGuys Wayil - My organization. Wealth has a Home, and it is growing successful. My Reserve. #Aviation #Wealth #business #Reserve #organization #newyork #khabylame #Europe #Africa #SouthAfrica #Asia #Russia #China #Popular #Trending #viral #Beautiful #Wonderful #Wonders #NBC #ABC #follow #followme #india #share #explore #love #powerful #God #Jesus

4/28/2024, 1:54:56 AM

Here is Kurt Weller (@sullygram77) from Blindspot (@nbcblindspot). I'm not as happy with how this one came out as I was with Jane Doe, but I'm getting more used to the tools in the program. #digitalart #digitaldrawing #digitalsketch #fanart #blindspot #KurtWeller #tvshow #NBC #clipstudiopaint

4/28/2024, 1:53:26 AM

NBC’s first peacock logo, designed by John J. Graham in 1956. Introduced to promote NBC’s color programming (and sales of color TV sets made by NBC’s parent company, RCA), the “Bird” made its first on-air appearance on May 22, 1956 and was used until 1975. #LetterformArchive #JohnJGraham #NBC #PeacockTV #LogoDesign #LogoHistory #IdentityDesign

4/28/2024, 1:14:42 AM

The H OF BUSINESS Character- HOSPITABLE In business, one must create a hospitable environment, making the business more accomodating for clients, customers and partners. This practically involves going the extra mile to make people feel valued and appreciated in your interactions and transactions. • Product- HELLO SIGN An app for electronically signing document and contracts, streamlining the process of paper work and approvals. • Color- HELIO TROPE Brands choose helio trope for some reasons like Creativity Sensitivity Elegance Spirituality and uniqueness • This is the A TO Z OF BUSINESS BY WILSONDECREATOR Follow for more #ATOZOFBUSINESS #ATOZOFBUSINESSWDC #ATOZOFBUSINESSBYWDC #ATOZOFBUSINESSBYWILSONDECREATOR • • Hi, I’m @Wilsondecreator, A graphic designer, Content creator for businesses, social media manager, website designer, mobile photographer and Videographer. Let’s work together on your new project and business. 08109704492 #Wdc #insights #explore #explorepage #Wilsondecreator #instagrammarkerting #graphicdesigner #instagrambusiness #naijabrandchick #NBC #foryoupage #graphicdesignerinaba #viralvideos #Fypviral #videographer #fyp #reels #reel #Videographerinaba #BusinessTips #contentcreator #instagramalgorithm #contentcreatorinaba #viral #foryou

4/28/2024, 1:13:37 AM

🚚NFL DRAFT🚚 With the 180th pick, the 193rd pick, and the 231st pick in the 2024 NFL Draft, the New England Patriots select, Marcellas Dial (DB - South Carolina), Joe Milton III (QB - Tennessee), and Jaheim Bell (TE - Florida State) Welcome to NE, @marcellas.dial @joemilton5 @dba_bell #patriots #pats #newengland #trade #macjones #gillettestadium #patsnation #superbowl #win #football #nfl #nbc #cbs #fox #rapsheet #schefterbomb #2023 #nfldraft

4/28/2024, 12:24:28 AM

On set! 🎬 #nbc #chicago #movies #usa

4/28/2024, 12:00:50 AM

ТерпеМОе О труЎ 🀞🏻 Все перетрут✊🏌 @_nastya_rush_ @nbcrus #фОтМесбОкОМО #fitnessmotivation #fitnesbikini #bicepsworkout #glutes #nbc #спПртОвМыеЎевушкО #бОкОМО #bodybuilding #bodypositive #fitnessgirl

4/27/2024, 8:38:38 PM

Ä°sviçre - Fransız markası Perrier maden sularında, foseptik yani atık su tespit edildi. Maden suyunda atık su da kaynaklı bakteri bulundu. 2 milyon şişe toplatıldı ve Fransa Nimes' de ki işletme durduruldu. Bizim Beypazarı Maden Suyu ile, atacak çamur bulamayınca, bor yÃŒksek diye uğraşan markanın hâlidir. #reels #reelsinstagram #instagood #instagram #insta #instalike #water #madensuyu #aquamineral #perrier #life #hayat #trt #cnntÃŒrk #habertÃŒrk #nbc #cnn #zdf #bbc #lefigaro #media #beypazarı #kızılay #kızılcahamam

4/27/2024, 10:19:04 AM