SealImpression images

Discover Best SealImpression Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

Mom says I look like babu seal 🊭 when I swimmies at @wagnwildsg yesterday. (A very pathetic sadge mopey soulful looking babu seal 🊭💊) 🌊🊭🊭🊭🊭🊭 #cosmothedog #babyseal #babysealimpression #sealimpression #notseal #singaporespecial #whitedog #saddog #mopeydog #emoeyes #sadeyes #soulfuleyes #sideeye #rescuedogweek #dogswimming #dogswimmingpool #swimming

5/28/2024, 6:16:21 PM

Seal Impression: The Mark of Notarial Authority 🖊📄 A Seal Impression is the physical impression left by a notary seal or stamp on a document. It typically contains the notary's name, jurisdiction, and commission expiration date, serving as a critical element that validates the notarization. This mark confirms that a notary public has reviewed and authenticated the document 🌟🔏. Why is a Seal Impression Important? The seal impression is legally significant and often mandatory. It provides a tamper-evident mark that protects the document from fraud and unauthorized alterations, ensuring that the contents are trusted and recognized by legal and governmental bodies 🛡⚖. Scenario: Imagine a business owner needs to authenticate a contract to expand their operations overseas. A notary public witnesses their signature and then uses a notary seal to create an impression on the document. This seal impression not only confirms the identity of the signer and the authority of the notary but also ensures that the document will be accepted in international dealings, as it visibly demonstrates compliance with notarial standards 🌍✍. Question for Our Notary Community 📢🖊 Have you ever had a memorable experience related to using your notary seal for an impression? Perhaps a situation where the seal impression was crucial for a document's acceptance or another where it helped prevent potential fraud. Share your stories and insights on how the physical presence of a seal impression has impacted your notarial acts 🀔💌. #AlwaysBeLearning with Let's delve into the importance of seal impressions in notarial practice and share our knowledge and experiences to enhance our understanding and support each other in our notary practices! 🌐📚🖋 ✅📆SIGN UP TODAY...DEADLINE FOR JUNE'S NOTARY SIGNING AGENT TRAINING IS Saturday, May 25th. Only 4 seats remain! 💹📊 . . . . . #SealImpression #NotarySeal #DocumentAuthentication #NotaryPublicAuthority #FraudPrevention #LegalDocumentation #NotaryExperiences #SecureDocuments #ncNotaryCoach #ncNotaryTraining #ncNotaryEducation

5/22/2024, 9:00:22 PM

One a recent visit to the @ashmoleanmuseum in Oxford, I was delighted to see a scarab that was inscribed with the Seal of the Royal Necropolis. The seal impression includes an image of Anubis reclining above nine bound captives. This seal was impressed into the wet mud plaster used to seal the entrance to the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings. One of the most well known examples of this seal impression comes from the door of one of Tutankhamun’s three shrines (see second photo). The person who had closed Tutankhamun’s shrine and tied the door shut had impressed the Seal of the Royal Necropolis into the plaster that bound the ropes together. It still remains intact after more than three millennia #egyptology #archaeology #archeology #ancientegypt #hieroglyphs #hieroglyphics #sealimpression #tutankhamun #scarab #valleyofthekings

4/27/2024, 12:44:32 AM

Mummy thought I had lost my legs....i am just doing my impression of a seal! #lovelylolasaint #bigfluffydogs #stbernardsofinstagram #happyrescuedog #rehomeadog #sealimpression #cuddles

4/7/2024, 6:18:12 PM

Contact right. Seal Team making contact during a LRRP, 1970. Running a Cyma M16A1 (with a long gone garish tape camo job), tiger stripes and M56 webbing. Taken during a fun, small game last year at @westernworldairsoft #Airsoft #ColdWarAirsoft #SEALs #Namsoft #SealImpression

3/21/2024, 6:35:05 AM

飯胜。 ハンノりの蓋芋぀けお、喜びの 。 反応〜 Kanji in the manhole #飯胜 #挢字 #文字 #印鑑 #デザむン #マンホヌル #kanji #chinesecharacter #character #sealimpression #design #manhole #manholecover

3/15/2024, 10:08:06 PM

SSK B1-3 Role: Sniper/medic Kit: US. Navy SEAL inspired Primary: AW338 Special skill: B1-3 aka @skautrollet80_airsoft is a gear guru and got pretty much everything the team needs, from breaching equipment to power generators. Due to some personal reasons, he’s not very active as a player anymore, but as a game organizer and with contacts within the hobby and other activities our team participates in, he is a key figure. Through his work in "BRAK Airsoft forening", we have had access to some locations and activities we never thought was possible, and there’s more to come! B1-3 is a former board member and deputy chairman of @prak__airsoft 
 #rsskmilsim #airsoft #airsoftnorway #milsimnation #norskmilsim #prak_airsoft #sealimpression #airsoftsniper #nasf #airsofterphoto #sealbrosairsoft #aw338 #medic #airsoftgame #realsim #airsoftinternational #airsofteu

2/2/2024, 1:52:55 PM

SSK B2-9 Role: SSK 2i/c and engineer Kit: US.Navy SEAL inspired Primary: TM NGRS HK416 Special skill: @sskb2_9 might seem like the groups clown when you first meet him, but when the action starts, all his attention is directed to the task at hand. Great understanding of tactics and the ability to execute those tactics under stress might be his biggest strength. He also got a good understanding of different technological equipment that other (less developed) minds may struggle with. Apart from that, if you thought meeting B1-9 in a room was bad, throw B2-9 in the mix and you got no other choice than to surrender. Did we mention he is also a pilot? 
 #rsskmilsim #airsoft #airsoftnorway #norskmilsim #sealimpression #tokyomarui #hk416 #airsoftgun #reenactment #airsofterphoto #milsimnation #sealbrosairsoft #norskairsoft #prak_airsoft #multicam #cryeprecision #p226 #airsofteurope #airsoftinternational

1/29/2024, 10:04:21 AM

SSK B1-9 Role: SSK Teamleader Kit: US. Navy SEAL inspired Primary: TM NGRS HK416 Special skill: It’s quite simple, you will either do as B1-9 says
or he will make you. Not the type you want to face alone in a cqb situation, especially if physical contact is allowed. @sskb1_9 is a warm and caring guy, but he’s not to be messed with. As the founder of SSK, friendship, loyalty and dedication have been important aspects of building up a well functioning team. His eye for cqb tactics and sheer strength is a good combination for plowing through buildings effectively B1-9 is also a former board member of @prak__airsoft 
 #rsskmilsim #airsoft #airsoftnorway #milsim #sealimpression #aor1 #norskairsoft #norskmilsim #cryeprecision #tokyomarui #hk416 #airsoftrifle #reenactment #cqb #beast #airsofterphoto #airsoftinternational #airsofteurope #sealbrosairsoft

1/24/2024, 7:17:49 AM

Welcome to the official RSSK Instagram! RSK and SSK are two milsim teams that have been working together for years. We have decided to form a milsim group that operates as one unit for training and events, though we are still considered two teams, due to our different kits. This means we still have two team leaders and use different callsigns. Our focus area is CQB, but for large outdoor events we will often operate as a mechanized unit, either with our Jeep our the M6 truck Here you will find content from training, photoshoots, filmmaking, mil-/realsim events and other games we attend 
 #rsskmilsim #airsoft #milsim #realsim #impression #mjkimpression #sealimpression #milsimnation #diemacoc8 #hk416 #mp7 #glock #p226 #mechanized #cqb #sibo #airsoftnorway #norskairsoft #airsofteurope #airsoftinternational #airsofterphoto

1/23/2024, 7:14:37 AM

氎野恵氏の著䜜『日本篆刻物語』に「だるた」ずいう刀子が出おくる。氎牛や黄楊で䜜られたもので、鞘の䞭に肉池が仕蟌たれたものだ。これをがくは小さい頃芋たず蚘憶しおいるが、昭和䞉十幎蟺りたでず語られおいる。 こう云う倧量にあったものを探すのは逆に至極困難である。黄楊の小刀型認印、蚂正印、䞉文刀すら倧凡䞖の䞭から無くなったように思える。がくの名は既成では芋えないからやっず手に入れた滝沢を浚っお芋た。 #leicasl #apomacroelmaritr100mm #onesseal #sealimpression #kanji #印鑑 #刀子 #黄楊の刀子 #認印 #蚂正印 #䞉文刀 #挢字 #叀印䜓 #小刀 #圭䞉郎

1/22/2024, 7:16:07 AM

Some other peektures from Mom's little pawtoshoot the other day. She really wanted to share these too! Am Chrissymas 🊭 Reindeer 🊌! 🀪🎅🊭🊌🎄🎁🌟 #cosmothedog #sealimpression #xmasreindeerdog #reindeerdog #dogdressup #xmasclothes #xmaspawtoshoot #photoshoot #adoptdontshop #singaporespecial

12/11/2023, 7:08:40 AM

【秋の文化祭🍂/ガラスはんこワヌクショップ、11/11(土) @hanabun_osaka 倧阪府立花の文化園】 暖かい、いや、むしろ暑い🥵日が続いおおりたすが、皆様䜓調はいかがでしょうか 私は、昚日、倧奜きな激蟛ラヌメン🍜🌶を食べたずころ、錻血が出たしたwww 激蟛ラヌメンで錻血は、2回目です♪ 今週土曜、倧阪府立花の文化園 @hanabun_osaka で開催される #秋の文化祭 にワヌクショップで参加させお頂きたす。 ご来堎を心よりお埅ちしおおりたす。 内容お名前や倧切な蚀葉を、透明なガラスのはんこ、蚘念品に。 甚意させおいただいたガラスハンコの衚面に、ハンディリュヌタヌでお奜きな文字3を削り出しおいきたす。 印圱を芋ながら少しづ぀䜜業を進めお行きたすので、安心しお制䜜出来たす。 理科宀のビヌカヌず同じボロシリケむトガラスなので、耐衝撃性/耐熱性がありたす。 Lyhica-Lyrical hidden call-詩的で隠された、自然の呌び声 ワむングラスの圢/利䟿性/可愛らしさを远究しおいたす。 生掻の䞭の悊びずストレスを包み蟌めるような噚でありたいです。 日皋11/11土 定員20名日 所芁時間15分20分 料金1,800円 予玄 メヌルアドレス [email protected] ※物販あり グラス、ガラスの噚、ガラスのペンダントずピアス 圓日随時受付も可胜です。 #ガラスはんこ䜓隓 #ガラス #倧阪府立花の文化園 #小孊生ワヌクショップ #ワヌクショップ  #glass #glassseal #sealimpression #osaka #autumnfestival

11/7/2023, 1:56:07 AM

【秋の文化祭🍂/ガラスはんこワヌクショップ、11/11(土) @hanabun_osaka 倧阪府立花の文化園】 暖かい、いや、むしろ暑い🥵日が続いおおりたすが、皆様䜓調はいかがでしょうか 私は、昚日、倧奜きな激蟛ラヌメン🍜🌶を食べたずころ、錻血が出たしたwww 激蟛ラヌメンで錻血は、2回目です♪ 今週土曜、倧阪府立花の文化園 @hanabun_osaka で開催される #秋の文化祭 にワヌクショップで参加させお頂きたす。 ご来堎を心よりお埅ちしおおりたす。 内容お名前や倧切な蚀葉を、透明なガラスのはんこ、蚘念品に。 甚意させおいただいたガラスハンコの衚面に、ハンディリュヌタヌでお奜きな文字3を削り出しおいきたす。 印圱を芋ながら少しづ぀䜜業を進めお行きたすので、安心しお制䜜出来たす。 理科宀のビヌカヌず同じボロシリケむトガラスなので、耐衝撃性/耐熱性がありたす。 Lyhica-Lyrical hidden call-詩的で隠された、自然の呌び声 ワむングラスの圢/利䟿性/可愛らしさを远究しおいたす。 生掻の䞭の悊びずストレスを包み蟌めるような噚でありたいです。 日皋11/11土 定員20名日 所芁時間15分20分 料金1,800円 予玄 メヌルアドレス [email protected] ※物販あり グラス、ガラスの噚、ガラスのペンダントずピアス 圓日随時受付も可胜です。 #ガラスはんこ䜓隓 #ガラス #倧阪府立花の文化園 #小孊生ワヌクショップ #ワヌクショップ  #glass #glassseal #sealimpression #osaka #autumnfestival

11/6/2023, 1:37:07 AM

I LOOK A BIT LIKE A SEA DOG HERE LOLZ 🊭 JUST NEED SOME FLIPPERS #seal #sealimpression #funtimes #cutedog #dogpark #offleash #k9unleasheddogfield #lurcher #lurcherlove

10/1/2023, 9:42:05 PM

Drying off after a wet walk and doing my best seal impression. #wearingmydressinggown #ruffandtumbledogcoats #sealimpression

9/30/2023, 7:32:28 PM

I sea a seal👀🊭 Happy Wont Look Wednesday🩵 #wontlookwednesday #sealimpression #sea #beach #wednesday #americanbully #bullylife #bullylove #bullyworld #bullynation #bruno_thebully2022 #dontbullymybreed #banbadownersnotgoodbreeds

9/20/2023, 7:31:32 AM

Scott's finest Seal impression 🊭😂 He can't possibly be comfortable 🙈💙 #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #dogsofinsta #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedogs #dublindogs #dogoftheday #austrailiankelpie #dog #dogslife #furbaby #mammysboy #sealimpression #dogorseal #cutie

9/19/2023, 1:10:29 PM

Seal 🊭 or patterdale 🐺? #soggydoggy #sealimpression #patterdaleterrier #dogsswimming #doggypaddle #dogadventures

9/12/2023, 5:55:00 PM

RICARDVS DEI GRACIA REX ANGLIE ET FRANCIE ET DOMINVS HIBERNIE Good morning (my auto correct just tried to replace 'morning' with 'middleham' 🀚). I'm still not done posting all my photos from our Ricardian tour 🀪 So here you have a fine impression of Richard's great seal, front and back, displayed at Middleham's (....morning?) St Mary & St Alkelda church. The great seal of England was used to symbolise the Sovereign's approval of state documents. It is still used, in fact, just now it's called the Great Seal of the Realm or of Great Britain. At some time before the year 1066 Edward the Confessor began to use a "Great Seal", which created a casting in wax of his own face, to signify that a document carried the force of his will. With some exceptions, each subsequent monarch up to 1603, when the king of Scotland succeeded to the throne of England, chose his or her own design for the Great Seal. The Great Seal of the Realm is in the custody of and is administered by the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. In medieval times, it was the Lord Chancellor who kept it. On paintings, you can sometimes make out who the Lord Chancellor is, as he's pictured with the bag for the seal dangling from his belt. The inscription on Richard's seal translates to: Richard, by the grace of God, King of England and France and Lord of Ireland. Under today's usage of the Great Seal, seals of dark green wax are affixed to letters patent elevating individuals to the peerage, blue seals authorise actions relating to the Royal family, and scarlet seals appoint bishops and implement various other affairs of state. #richardiii #kingrichardiii #greatseal #greatsealofengland #medievalseal #sealingwax #middleages #medieval #ricardian #15thcentury #englishking #englishmonarchy #medievalking #medievalroyalty #sealimpression #lifeinthemiddleages

8/30/2023, 10:41:26 AM

Two years ago
 One of the best photo ideas I've ever had and it worked! #Basketball #SealImpression

8/6/2023, 7:16:00 PM

Hey @aeraegypt we see your Menkaure serekh and we raise you an Aha. That’s the First Dynasty King Aha — not the 80s synth pop band Aha. And that’s how we take on #sealingsunday with an impressed mud wine jar stopper excavated at the c.3000 bce funerary temple of King Aha in 2003 🀘 #aha #takeonme #sealimpression #ancientegypt #archaeology #object #royal #art #history #egypt #hieroglyphs #wine #abydos #archaeologylife #digabydos

7/17/2023, 12:31:18 AM

How is my impression of a seal? #adoptdontshop #shelterpup #instadog #pnwdog #eugenedog #cutepup #sealimpression

6/7/2023, 3:16:46 AM

UM YES I’D LIKE TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER PLEASE, the hoomans are trying to exclude me from a seat on the couch!!!! #smokeythebluekelpie #adoptdontshop #rescuedog #kelpiecross #sealimpression #couchpotato #complaintstothemanager #unacceptableroomchange #sooffended

5/26/2023, 9:28:49 AM

Dangi "flower Tower" Logo, combining Akkadian Cuneiform and Paleo-Hebrew Scripts. Designed using the Golden Ratio and the Angle of the Earth's Axis. #adobeillustrator . . . . . . . #newlogo #akkadian #cuneiform #ancient #akkad #encoded #goldenratio #goldenratiologo #illustrator #illustratorart #graphicdesign #adobeart #dingir #sealimpression #ancientseals #scribe #scribeartworks #ancientart #freshart #layeredmeaning #agriculture #astronomy #flowertower #codedart #meaningfulart

5/20/2023, 6:34:05 PM

If happiness had a picture, this would be it 😄 Mama says she always knows when I’m having a good time when my tongue comes out and my ears disappear. What she doesn’t realise is I just try to look like a seal so I can get treats thrown into my mouth 🀣 💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚 Harness from @rpooch_ Wearing size Medium ALL ITEMS CURRENTLY 50% OFF 😱 Brand Rep 💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚🊭💚 #rpooch #rpoochsquad #tongueouttuesday #happydoggy #happydoglife #happydoggo #happydogsofinstagram #sealdog #sealimpression #happinessinabottle #ilovelife #allsmileshere #ukdog #ukdogscene #doguk #bostonterrieruk #happybostonterrier #foreverhappy

5/2/2023, 3:05:06 PM

A throw back to my holiday at #lochlomond. Everywhere was so dog friendly and the picture at #luss Caught me with a big #cheesysmile and doing my best #sealimpression. Mya xx #dog #dogslife #dogsofinstagram #greyhound #greyhoundlife #greyhoundsofinstagram #sighthound #sighthoundsofinstagram #galgos #galgosofinstagram

4/29/2023, 8:29:59 PM

Can anyone do a better seal impression than Olly Bob?? #cornwallsurfing #surfholiday #gwithianbeach #gwithianacademyofsurfing #surfshop #funactivities #sealimpression #seal #sealife

4/9/2023, 5:23:01 PM

A part of our upcoming exhibition is going to be dedicated to heraldry in jewellery & silver. Here we have an original seal impression from a 9ct yellow gold creased cornelian stone signet ring (see in following images). The ring has been inscribed with the motto 'VERSUS AD FINEM', which translates to 'TRUTH TO THE END' in Latin. See previous posts for more details on our Coronation Exhibition. #Coronation #Exhibition

3/29/2023, 4:39:39 PM

Practising my very serious seal impression because I didn’t get a walk today. Unacceptable and offensive. #smokeythebluekelpie #rescuedog #adoptdontshop #kelpiecross #sealimpression #soserious #offended #sodisappointed #cantbelieveididntgetawalk #nowalkies #unacceptableparenting #snoots #whiskers

3/25/2023, 9:26:12 AM

My best impression of a seal #catlife #seal #cats #catlover #bsh #seal #sealimpression

2/21/2023, 8:40:13 PM

A Pair of Couplets by My Father Mr. Soong HsÃŒn-leng (蚓倫公) and Aunt Chou Lien-hsia (呚鍊霞䌯母)-C Illustration 1: The seal impression “Chivalrous bearing and zen heart” Illustration 2: The seal carved with the characters “Chivalrous bearing and zen heart” Illustration 3: The two sided ivory seal with engravings on both ends Illustration 4: The seal impression “Chivalrous bearing and zen heart” was affixed under the signature on the left couplet (lower scroll) Illustration 5: The seal impression “Tz’u lyrics and prose by scholar Soong” made from the two sided ivory seal Illustration 6: The seal impression “Prunus is my confidant and bamboo is my tutor” made from the two sided ivory seal Illustration 7: The seal impression “I have dispensed futile labour to become a lyric poet” was affixed on the lower part of the right couplet (upper scroll) Illustration 8: Side inscription of the seal carved with the characters “I have dispensed futile labour to become a lyric poet Illustration 9: Ink rubbing of the side inscription of the seal carved with the characters “I have dispensed futile labour to become a lyric poet” Illustration 10: The seal impression “I have dispensed futile labour to become a lyric poet” #chineseculture #chineseheritage #couplets #sealimpression

1/30/2023, 3:47:28 PM

❀❀ADOPTED❀❀ Can you spot Poe? 🐟🊭 @highdeserthumanesociety.globe #availableforadoption #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsofinstagram #seal #sealimpression #spot #dogsofinstagram #dogsoftucson #tucson #marana #orovalley

1/28/2023, 6:24:59 PM

He does a magnificant seal impression 🐱🎭 Did Selkies ever turn into cats? . . . #Seal #Selkie #SealImpression #Impression #Cat #CatsOfInstagram #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhiteCat #ScottishMythology

1/5/2023, 9:59:35 PM

helloooooooooo #dogsofinstagram #sealimpression #day2

1/3/2023, 3:03:21 AM

𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒! - - - - - #siegelring #signetring #signet #chevaliere #zegelring #vapenring #klackring #sealengraving #intaglio #sealimpression #wappenring #wappen #crest #coatofarms #blason #escudodearmas #stemma #rep6 #gravirovka #bijouxpersonnalises #bijoux #personalizedjewelry #mensjewelry #bijouxhomme #heraldry #araldica #anelloconsigillo #lorenzgravuren #carnelian #carneol

12/19/2022, 11:10:45 AM

Same shit, different day. #nsw #sealimpression #aor2 #seal #bootcamp

12/12/2022, 4:23:40 AM

【ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓、11/12-13 @倧阪府立花の文化園】 おはようございたす。朝晩の冷え蟌みは始たりたしたが、日䞭は非垞に過ごしやすい日が続いおいたすね。寝宀のクロヌれットからは、倏/冬の服が仲良く「わんず」飛び出しおおりたすw 敎理急務ですw 今週末は、河内長野垂の倧阪府立花の文化園で、ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓を行いたす。 こどもも倧人も䜓隓頂けたす♪ お名前や倧切な蚀葉を、透明なガラスのハンコ/蚘念品に。 あらかじめ甚意させお頂いたガラスハンコの衚面に、ハンディリュヌタヌでお奜きな文字(1-3)を削り出しおいきたす。 印圱を芋ながら、少しず぀䜜業を進めおいきたすので、安心しお制䜜できたす。 1回1800円 15-30分 パむレックスガラスで、匷床もありたす別途、倧きめサむズの瀟印やお店の印鑑のオヌダヌも承りたす。 お時間がございたしたら、どうぞお越しください^_^ #倧阪府立花の文化園 #奥河内 #奥河内秋の文化祭 #ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓 #こども䜓隓教宀 #glassseal #sealimpression #osaka #okukawachi #lyhica #glass #kidsworkshop #kids

11/8/2022, 2:23:52 PM

【ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓、11/12-13 @倧阪府立花の文化園】 おはようございたす。朝晩の冷え蟌みは始たりたしたが、日䞭は非垞に過ごしやすい日が続いおいたすね。寝宀のクロヌれットからは、倏/冬の服が仲良く「わんず」飛び出しおおりたすw 敎理急務ですw 今週末は、河内長野垂の倧阪府立花の文化園で、ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓を行いたす。 こどもも倧人も䜓隓頂けたす♪ お名前や倧切な蚀葉を、透明なガラスのハンコ/蚘念品に。 あらかじめ甚意させお頂いたガラスハンコの衚面に、ハンディリュヌタヌでお奜きな文字(1-3)を削り出しおいきたす。 印圱を芋ながら、少しず぀䜜業を進めおいきたすので、安心しお制䜜できたす。 1回1800円 15-30分 パむレックスガラスで、匷床もありたす別途、倧きめサむズの瀟印やお店の印鑑のオヌダヌも承りたす。 お時間がございたしたら、どうぞお越しください^_^ #倧阪府立花の文化園 #奥河内 #奥河内秋の文化祭 #ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓 #こども䜓隓教宀 #glassseal #sealimpression #osaka #okukawachi #lyhica #glass #kidsworkshop #kids

11/8/2022, 2:55:23 AM

'NO, I AM NOT A SEAL' #sealimpression #sealimpersonation

10/23/2022, 9:07:37 PM

Great day in Aberystwyth with the folks and the bitches. #workingcockerspanielsofinstagram #sealimpression #workingcockerspaniel #aberystwyth #autumn2022

10/23/2022, 8:27:32 PM

The happiest Seal you ever did see 🊭 Happy #sealsaturday pooches! Mama loves how I always pull a seal impression on my walkies, what impressions do you pull? ✹ Harness from @thepawsomepooch ✹ ✹ Black fleece from @bellakateepets ✹ #sealdog #sealimpression #happyseal #funnydogpics #funnydogsofinstagram #abitoffun #happydoggy #smilesaturday #bostonterriers #bostonterrieruk #bostonterriernation #bostonterriersrule #bostonterriersforever #bostonterriergram #bostonterriersofinstagram #bostie #doglife #ukdogsofinsta #dogsofengland #dogsofgreatbritain #dogsofinstagram #cutedogsofinstagram

10/15/2022, 9:15:40 AM

【秋のむベント前半戊終了-次回は11月です】 ただただ暑い日が続いおおりたす。 京郜/奈良での「秋の出展」前半戊はひずたず終了。昚日は楜しい出䌚いが沢山ございたした♪ 欲を蚀うなら、もう少し気枩が䞋がっおくれればいいなず思いたす。 むベント埌半戊11月の出展のスケゞュヌルを掲茉臎したす♪ 11月は #奈良ノ空カラ #奥河内秋の文化祭 #おひずのお @tehitonote に参加臎したす。 ご来堎を心よりお埅ちしおおりたす。 たた、ガラスペンダント䜓隓もア゜ビュヌずじゃらんサむトで随時受け付けおおり䜓隓写真も1枚掲茉させお頂きたしたので、こちらも宜しくお願い申し䞊げたす。 【出展予定🐎】 11/6(日) 10:00-18:00 奈良ノ空カラ@JR奈良駅前 11/25-27(金-日) おひずのお @tehitonote @奈良町物語通 【ワヌクショップ】 11/12-13(土日)ガラスはんこ䜓隓 @倧阪府立花の文化園、河内長野駅🚉からバス🚌 #Lyhica #glass #glassschool #osaka #tehitonote #ガラス #ガラス䜓隓 #河内長野 #堺 #倧阪  #nara #glassseal #sealimpression #ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓 #ア゜ビュヌ #じゃらん @asoview @jalan_net

10/3/2022, 5:09:19 AM

【秋のむベント前半戊終了-次回は11月です】 ただただ暑い日が続いおおりたす。 京郜/奈良での「秋の出展」前半戊はひずたず終了。昚日は楜しい出䌚いが沢山ございたした♪ 欲を蚀うなら、もう少し気枩が䞋がっおくれればいいなず思いたす。 むベント埌半戊11月の出展のスケゞュヌルを掲茉臎したす♪ 11月は #奈良ノ空カラ #奥河内秋の文化祭 #おひずのお @tehitonote に参加臎したす。 ご来堎を心よりお埅ちしおおりたす。 たた、ガラスペンダント䜓隓もア゜ビュヌずじゃらんサむトで随時受け付けおおり䜓隓写真も1枚掲茉させお頂きたしたので、こちらも宜しくお願い申し䞊げたす。 【出展予定🐎】 11/6(日) 10:00-18:00 奈良ノ空カラ@JR奈良駅前 11/25-27(金-日) おひずのお @tehitonote @奈良町物語通 【ワヌクショップ】 11/12-13(土日)ガラスはんこ䜓隓 @倧阪府立花の文化園、河内長野駅🚉からバス🚌 #Lyhica #glass #glassschool #osaka #tehitonote #ガラス #ガラス䜓隓 #河内長野 #堺 #倧阪  #nara #glassseal #sealimpression #ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓 #ア゜ビュヌ #じゃらん @asoview @jalan_net

10/3/2022, 5:04:28 AM

Friends that Seal together Stay together 🊭 Happy Friendship Friday pooches! Today I wanna give a huge shoutout to one of my closest friends @princess_sally_therescue She may not be as good as me at pulling faces, but she’s so caring and supportive of others 💕 We absolutely Woof her 💕 🌟 Wearing our harnesses from @zelda.and.harley save 20% with code TRIXIE or SALLY 🌟 #zeldaandharley #dogmom #friendshipfriday #sealimpression #sealdog #bostonterrier #bostonterriers #bostonterriernation #bostonterriercult #bostonterriervibe #bostonterriersrule #bostonterrierpuppy #bostonterrierpics #bostonterriergram #bostonterriersofinstagram #bostie #ukdogsofinsta #dogsofengland #dogsofgreatbritain #cutedogsofinstagram #funnydogpics #funnydogsofinstagram #dogsofficialdog #dogsofinstagram

9/30/2022, 5:17:21 PM

A couple more seal impressions at the museum from Dr Livett's collection. George Henry Law was the Bishop of Bath and Wells from 1824 until his death in 1845. His arms include two 'cocks gules' (red cockerels) and three 'mullets' (star shaped parts of a horserider's spur). Law is best known for setting up a formal system of training clergy, but he also sought to improve conditions for the rural poor, and spoke out against slavery. He died at Banwell where the Church owned an estate. Caves had been found there, one of which contained bones of extinct creatures from the Pleistoscene Period. He believed these were the remains of animals which had drowned in the biblical flood, and encouraged the public to visit the cave to see them. #seal #sealimpression #bishop #banwell #banwellbonecave #pleistoscene

9/20/2022, 5:34:11 PM

I come from the land of seals and polar bears. Can you tell? 😉😂🐻‍❄

9/12/2022, 9:00:50 PM

I had my first visit to the beach today! ⛱ This is how you sunbake right? #yolo_yola #BeachTime #BeachPup #SummerDays #SandFun #SealImpression #Sundays

9/11/2022, 11:06:27 AM

🊭 𝔜𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕪 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕀𝕀 𝔜𝕣𝕚𝕕𝕒𝕪 🊭 I haven't done a Fancy Dress Friday for a while, so here's my impression of a seal!!! Arf arf... 😹 I needed to make myself laugh - wasn't too impressed with the v.e.t. sticking things in me yesterday! . . . . . #lilacbritishshorthair #lilacbritishshorthaircat #britishshorthair #BritishShorthaircat #catsofinstagram #catstagram #bsh #bshofinstagram #lilacbsh #catsofig #cutecats #meowstagram #coicommunity #cats_of_instagram #funnycat #fancydressfriday #sealimpression #seal #arfarf #annualjabs #vetvisit

8/26/2022, 8:00:34 AM

【ガラスはんこ䜜り䜓隓、8/20-21@倧阪府立花の文化園】 倏䌑みの自由工䜜に 毎幎恒䟋の倏䌑みキッズワヌクショップ始たりたした。 プチ物販展瀺も行なっおおりたす。この機䌚に是非ご芧くださいたせ♪ 今日明日10:00-16:00、お埅ちしおおりたす ガラスはんこ お1人様/1回 Â¥1800 in 15-30分 #倏䌑み #こず゙もワヌクショップ #summer #summervacation #kidsworkshop #ガラス #ガラスはんこ #河内長野 #花の文化園 #workshop #glass #summerfestival #glassseals #sealimpression #stamp #osaka #Lyhica #japan #倧阪府立花の文化園 #倧阪 #奥河内

8/20/2022, 5:09:21 AM