citruses images

Discover Best citruses Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

عطر فيضة عطر مركز وأنيق من زهور الياسمين والحمضيات والتوابل والنباتات الخضراء الطبيعية --- استمتعي بخدمة الطلب و التوصيل لدى #طيب#الفارس عن طريق الواتساب على الأرقام التالية 🌷: الكويت :. 00965 97370139 00965 97580541 و سيصل طلبك في اقرب وقت ♥️ #alfaresfragrance #Kuwait  #by #طيب_الفارس #طيب#الفارس #عطور #بخور #مرشات #دهن_عود #perfume #fragrance #fyd'h #elegant smell #combinations #of #jasmine #flowers #citruses #spices #natural #green #botanical #beautiful #gift #all #moments #l4l #avenuesmall #alfaresjewellery

4/17/2024, 8:15:03 AM

Unconventional use of lemon #Citruses #Fruit #Lemon #Lemonpeel

4/15/2024, 2:22:06 AM

LOVE STORY Chloé (2014) Sometimes you just need a lovely shimmering inoffensive citrusy floral musk for a comfort wear. Nothing more or nothing less. Maybe targeted towards young romantic women but do you know how little I actually care? Sometimes one has to do what feels right. Period. #chloeperfume #chloé #chloeparfum #chloe #chloelovestory #lovestory #chloefragrance #chloeperfumes #floralperfume #citruses #florals #perfumeforwomen #floralfresh #designerperfume #profumodidonna #love #loveislove #perfume #fragranze #parfum #designer #perfumecollector #fraghead @chloe

4/11/2024, 8:58:36 PM

AITHRIA #newperfume Το καλοκαίρι μας κλείνει το μάτι από μακριά…και δεν υπάρχει καλύτερος τρόπος να το υποδεχτείς από ένα άρωμα που αιχμαλωτίζει μέσα του την απόλυτη φρεσκάδα,τα λουλούδια της εποχής με τα εσπεριδοειδή σε συνδυασμό με την θαλασσινή αύρα και το θαλασσινό αλάτι! Ήρθε η ώρα να βάλεις στο ντουλάπι το άρωμα που φόραγες όλο τον χειμώνα και να δοκιμάσεις το ολοκαίνουριο άρωμα AITHRIA! 🌴🍋‍🟩🥥🏖️🌊 SHOP IT NOW: #aithria #newfragrance #springsummer #springsummer2024 #eaudeparfum #summerperfume #superfresh #fresh #smellsummer #sea #seasalt #coconut #whiteflowers #citruses #nicheperfume #instaperfume #perfumelovers #thegreekperfumer #newpost #sotd #fragranceoftheday #perfumeoftheday #athens

4/8/2024, 12:25:34 PM

AITHRIA #newperfume Το καλοκαίρι μας κλείνει το μάτι από μακριά…και δεν υπάρχει καλύτερος τρόπος να το υποδεχτείς από ένα άρωμα που αιχμαλωτίζει μέσα του την απόλυτη φρεσκάδα,τα λουλούδια της εποχής με τα εσπεριδοειδή σε συνδυασμό με την θαλασσινή αύρα και το θαλασσινό αλάτι! Ήρθε η ώρα να βάλεις στο ντουλάπι το άρωμα που φόραγες όλο τον χειμώνα και να δοκιμάσεις το ολοκαίνουριο άρωμα AITHRIA! 🌴🍋‍🟩🥥🏖️🌊 SHOP IT NOW: #aithria #newfragrance #springsummer #springsummer2024 #eaudeparfum #summerperfume #superfresh #fresh #smellsummer #sea #seasalt #coconut #whiteflowers #citruses #nicheperfume #instaperfume #perfumelovers #thegreekperfumer #newpost #sotd #fragranceoftheday #perfumeoftheday #athens

4/8/2024, 12:13:20 PM

#freshieweek the cheapies bundle.. Five fragrances that deliver so much more than what you pay for them! D&G Light Blue: pictured is Sun, but any of the line will do…light, fresh, versatile Malizia Uomo Vetiver: very fresh, clean, soapy, costs pennies…no brainer CK Eternity Now: the original dna with added coconut…what could possibly go wrong? Jimmy Choo Man Ice: icy fresh like a lemonade in summer…classic. Nikos Sculpture: fresh (of course) but with more substance than your usual summer fragrance…beautiful ❤️ #summervibes #fragrancecollection #cheapie #fragrancelover #smellssogood #fragranceaddict #scentobsessed #summerfragrance #citruses #coconut #fragrancearmy

3/29/2024, 8:29:30 AM

#freshieweek no.2…Lorenzo Villoresi Aura Maris…Fresh sea breeze through a pine forest is my best way to describe it. Lovely ❤️ #lorenzovilloresi #fragrancecollection #freshfragrance #smellssogood #fragrancelover #marine #fragcomm #citruses #fragrancearmy #scentobsessed #fraghead

3/26/2024, 4:27:41 PM

【「柑橘」辨析】 因為我快被這些詞彙搞瘋了,所以決定來仔細深究一番,不然每次跟外國人溝通都不確定是不是真的指稱到我想講的東西⋯⋯。 以下是「柑橘屬(Citrus)」中常見的物種: (建議搭配文章圖片閱讀) (如果懶得分辨的話說citrus準沒錯) ▍橘子/mandarin(C. reticulata) 中國、日本、越南地區被馴化已久的原生種。從種名應該就看得出來,就是你平常撥開後會有一堆網狀白絲的橘子。 ▍柚子/文旦/pomelo(C. maxima) 也是亞洲地區(尤其東南亞)的原生種,西元前的中國就有在種植,就是我們中秋節吃的柚子,種名表示它是柑橘屬中最大顆的物種。 ▍柳橙/甜橙/orange(C. x sinensis) 橘子和柚子的混種,在中國被種植了數千年,種名就是中華的意思。有些文獻會特別強調他是「甜」橙,英文寫sweet orange。 ▍香橙/日本柚/yuzu(C. x junos) 日文的ゆず(yuzu)完全不是我們中秋節的柚子,而是香橙(韓文유자也是),他是橘子和「宜昌橙」的雜交種,這種橙不常聽到我就不介紹了。 ▍柑/tangerine(C. x tangerina) 雖然也是橘和柚的雜交種,但往往不是指一個特定物種,基本上顏色和橘子差不多卻不是橘子的都可以說是「柑」,也因為和柚子混種所以通常比橘子大。我們常吃到的「椪柑/ponkan(C. x poonensis)」就是一種,但他其實是幾百年前由印度的Poona傳入華南地區,閩南語才有了「椪柑」一詞。不過原生種「橘子」也常被包含在這個詞中,畢竟一般人也不會去注意原生與雜種的差別。 而日本的那些超甜的「蜜柑」也屬此類,更精確來說是「溫州蜜柑(C. x unshiu)」,雖然是源於浙江溫州的橘柚雜交種,但在明代被日本的各種改良發揚光大(種名就是溫州的日語發音うんしゅう),現在可以看到超多種日本不同地區的蜜柑,這些一律可稱為tangerine。 ▍葡萄柚/grapefruit(C. x paradisi) 加勒比海的島國巴貝多從亞洲引進柳橙與柚雜交出的新品種,被美國拿去大量栽種後又傳回亞洲,它長在樹上聚在一起的模樣和葡萄很像,因此英文稱之grapefruit而中文也照翻。 ▍苦橙/bitter orange(C. x aurantium) 來自東南亞並傳入歐洲的雜交種,通常不像柳橙會直接食用,酸味重而且帶有苦澀感,但香氣濃郁常用於調味、製酒(例如君度橙酒就用苦橙和柳橙的皮來蒸餾)、還有香水! 「橙花(orange blossom)」就是指苦橙的花,而且通常是一個叫Amara的變種,萃取出的精油就是「橙花油(neroli)」。但這東西通常成本高,有便宜版的橙花油是從苦橙的枝葉去萃取,稱為「苦橙葉精油(petitgrain)」,如果有在接觸香水的人應該知道這段在說什麼XD。 ▍枸櫞/香水檸檬/citron(C. medica) 起源自南亞靠中國一帶的相當古老的原生種,到美索不達米亞都有發現(猶太教的習俗和這水果也有關),在印度的傳統醫學(阿育吠陀)常被使用,也影響到中醫,所以種名和醫療有關。他也是香水界常用的「檸檬」,但其實不是檸檬。我們更熟悉的應該是他的一個心皮裂開變成好幾根手指狀的變種,稱為「佛手柑(Buddha’s hand)」,但如果你想到的是平常喝的伯爵茶或柑橘調香水的bergamot,那可是大錯特錯(請見後面的香檸檬)! ▍檸檬/lemon(C. x limon) 起源不明但應該也是從亞洲出現,基因研究顯示是枸櫞和苦橙的雜交種,歷史上是從中東開始往西引進到地中海一帶。其下也有許多變種,平常在超市最容易買到的檸檬是一年四季都開花結果的Eureka檸檬,又被稱「四季檸檬」,隨著熟度不同可能是綠或黃色。 ▍萊姆/青檸/lime(C. ?) 這東西的英文本身就有問題,無法確定lime指的是哪個物種,畢竟基因檢測的技術很新,而外型符合lime的特徵的物種很多,所以嚴格來說是個統稱。不過在台灣最常見的物種是波斯萊姆/Persian lime(C. x latifolia),他是檸檬和其他種萊姆的雜交種,和檸檬一樣熟了會由綠轉黃,最明顯的差距在於這萊姆無籽。 再舉一個例子,泰國萊姆/馬蜂橙/makrut lime(C. x hystrix),泰式咖喱有時候會咬到的有香氣的硬葉子就它的。 ▍香檸檬/bergamot(C. x bergamia) Bergamot這個詞常被錯誤翻譯成佛手柑(不知道從何時開始),但他其實是「香檸檬」,是苦橙和某種萊姆的雜交種,起源自義大利,且因為味道非常濃烈不會拿來直接吃,而是拿來泡伯爵茶或製成香水。話說如果去搜尋他的圖片,很有可能會看到一堆馬蜂橙,因為很多人也把它稱為泰國bergamot造成混淆,明明香檸檬的表皮是光滑的,而且大小和橘子差不多(馬蜂橙只有不到掌心大)! ▍枳/hardy orange(C. trifoliata) 中國偏北方的原生種,又苦又難吃,通常被當作中藥在使用,枳實就是他還沒成熟時的果實,種名表示他的複葉有三片。 由於超過字數太多我懶得刪字了,也不想發第二篇,剩下一點放留言置頂⋯⋯(煩餒 #citruses

3/26/2024, 2:09:10 PM

It is the final week of Mikael Lo Presti’s solo show “Home as a Silhouette” at NEVVEN BOLOGNA. The exhibition will run through this Sunday, March 24. NEVVEN BOLOGNA is open this week from Wednesday to Friday 13:00–19:00, Saturday and Sunday 11:00–19:00, and by appointment. Don’t miss the last chance to visit in person. Installation view by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

3/20/2024, 5:24:13 PM

Mikael Lo Presti, “Still Life With Orange # 49”, 2023 (Oil on canvas, 18 x 19 cm) from his current exhibition “Home as a Silhouette” at NEVVEN BOLOGNA. “Home as a Silhouette”, a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti, is currently on view at NEVVEN BOLOGNA and will be extended by one week through March 24. The gallery is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays between 13:00–19:00, Saturdays and Sundays between 11:00–19:00, and by appointment. Photography by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

3/13/2024, 2:32:54 PM

Greenhouse after a loooooong pause...we somehow did not get there for a whole one year. I will be posting more videos on my other account @charles.marku #greenhouse #tropicalplants #tropicalfruit #cacti #cactus #cactuslover #citruses #plants #plantsofinstagram #botany #botanylovers #warmplace

3/9/2024, 2:33:33 PM

Currently at NEVVEN BOLOGNA: Mikael Lo Presti’s solo show “Home as a Silhouette,” on view through March 24. “Still lifes, even when inserted in a portrait, have a crucial conceptual role for Lo Presti and have an important narrative aspect. Peeled oranges are memories of Lo Presti’s father complexly folding orange peels after meals, sardines and stray dogs inhabit the Sicily of the artist’s childhood. In the same way the houses recurring through the paintings on show, seen only as far away silhouettes, embody the image of Italy which Lo Presti is trying to negotiate and understand. […] The result are these silent, still and elegant paintings, postcards from a memory that stands suspended between belonging and extraneity.“ Installation view by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

3/7/2024, 1:41:07 PM

Unleash your inner champion with Davidoff Champion! 🏆 Experience the invigorating blend of natural citruses in the top notes, followed by herbaceous mid notes with a hint of pepper. Finish strong with woodsy base notes, including mild oak-moss. Find us at 📍Village Market, Old Wing, Opposite Miniso. To order call : +254 705 226 624 #DavidoffChampion #FragranceForMen #Citruses #HerbalScents #PepperyNotes #WoodsyFragrance #OakMoss #MensGrooming #TrendingScents #PerfumeLovers #ScentJourney #fragrancecommunity

3/5/2024, 11:55:18 AM

Feel like a champion with Davidoff Champion! 🏆 Experience the invigorating scent of natural citruses in the top notes, followed by herbaceous mid notes with a hint of pepper. The woodsy base notes, featuring mild oak-moss, exude strength and confidence. Find us at 📍Village Market, Old Wing, Opposite Miniso. To order call : +254 705 226 624 #DavidoffChampion #FragranceForMen #Citruses #HerbalScents #PepperyNotes #WoodsyFragrance #OakMoss #ScentedStrength #TrendingScents #PerfumeLovers #FragranceCommunity #scentjourney

3/3/2024, 4:35:39 PM

Mikael Lo Presti, “Silhouette II”, 2023 (Oil on canvas, 175 x 160 cm) from his current exhibition “Home as a Silhouette” at NEVVEN BOLOGNA. “Home as a Silhouette”, a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti, is on view at NEVVEN BOLOGNA through March 24. The full recap of this exhibition is now also available online and can be accessed digitally on our website (link in bio). Photography by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

3/3/2024, 1:22:36 PM

عطر فيضة عطر مركز وأنيق من زهور الياسمين والحمضيات والتوابل والنباتات الخضراء الطبيعية --- استمتعي بخدمة الطلب و التوصيل لدى #طيب#الفارس عن طريق الواتساب على الأرقام التالية 🌷: الكويت :. 00965 97370139 00965 97580541 و سيصل طلبك في اقرب وقت ♥️ #alfaresfragrance #Kuwait  #by #طيب_الفارس #طيب#الفارس #عطور #بخور #مرشات #دهن_عود #perfume #fragrance #fyd'h #elegant #smell #combinations #of #jasmine #flowers #citruses #spices #natural #green #botanical #beautiful #gift #all #moments #avenuesmall #alfaresjewellery

3/2/2024, 6:48:39 AM

Mikael Lo Presti, Still Life With Sardines II, 2023 (Oil on canvas, 18 x 20 cm) from his current exhibition “Home as a Silhouette” at NEVVEN BOLOGNA. “Home as a Silhouette”, a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti, is on view at NEVVEN BOLOGNA through March 24. The galley is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 13:00–19:00, Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00–19:00, and by appointment. Welcome! Photography by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

2/24/2024, 2:00:59 PM

Relaxation... preservation of citruses in the process. Middle eastern preserved lemons, cleaning liquid, grapefruit liqueur, 1st type of candied orange peel... more to come... #allyoupreserveislove #citruses #visokiC

2/24/2024, 1:31:22 PM

[ Sol’ution] is a word used in perfumery to describe the process of dissolving. ☀️From DISTILLATION series with @malin_westermann I adore Zen ritual of «finding sun in you». Sometimes it is not easy to find the light. But when it’s present you can feel nourishment of your soul growing, expanding in inspiration. Its a force that diminishes all fear and doubt. Things are as they are in the daylight. Energy that draws forces of life into completely sustainable and productive circle of energy. Enlightment and renewal is nature’s DNA Solar NATURALES formulas are: 1. SACRA perfume 2. DUGG perfume 3. IBIZA perfume 4. IKEBANA candle 5. Jardin royal candle 6. VALKYRIE candle ( build around fire accord) Essential oils: Orange, Bergamot, Grapefruit, Petit grain, Neroli, May Chang. Enjøy and charge today within the most sustaineble energy of our lives ☀️🔥

2/17/2024, 9:57:01 AM

Une belle journée pour la récolte des agrumes de nos jardins 🍋🍊 • A beautiful day to collect the citruses from our gardens 🍊🍋 #chevredor #chevredorjadore #agrumes #citron #jardins #ezevillagefrance #gardenslovers #lemontree #ezetourisme #explorecotedazur #frenchriviera #southoffrance #citruses #bluesky #betweenseaandsky #fivestarhotel #sunnyday #winterontheriviera #lemonlovers

2/16/2024, 10:57:00 AM

Cooking class with lady chef Annamaria Mastrantuono Recipes from #Campania using citruses - #Mozzarella di bufala, red #shrimp, #bisque, #citruses - #Spaghettoni with #anchovies collate, candied #lemon - #Baccalà, #fennel, #olives - Decomposed #pastiera #annamariamastrantuonochef #cookingclass #comodelicious February 2024

2/15/2024, 5:01:48 PM

“Savvily composed, in their use of different picture planes which often results in an interplay between an inside and an outside, these very large and sometimes extremely small canvases are infused both literally and metaphorically of this duplicity, of this feeling of being able to appreciate only the surface of something that one should instead deeply know.” Mikael Lo Presti’s solo show “Home as a Silhouette” is currently on view at NEVVEN BOLOGNA through March 17. The gallery is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 13:00–19:00, on Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00–19:00, and by appointment. On pictures: Mikael Lo Presti, “Home as a Silhouette” installation view. Photography by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

2/14/2024, 2:12:19 PM

Xerjoff's Erba Gold is like sunshine in a bottle with its blend of fruits and citruses. Built upon the DNA of Erba Pura, addition fruits, added spices, and Woody Notes make the difference here! Find it at Parfumerie Nasreen now! #scentsationaljourney #perfume #ErbaGold #Xerjoff #Yellow #sunshine #fruits #citruses

2/10/2024, 12:17:21 AM

Tout rose 🩷🧸🌷 Divin pomelo chinois / je dormais déjà pas quand j'étais petite / deux livres d'utilité publique, et géniaux / le ciel le matin / doudou liquide / vivre Amazing Grace à la New Temple Missionary Baptist Church par Aretha / gâteaux d'hiver / Jesse & Jane, forever / le ciel le matin (encore). - #everythingpink #rose #lhiver #douceurs #arles #onsennuie #oranges #amour #citruses #lavie #rosedump #books #photodump #orangejuice #calme #tropcalme #breakingbad #jesseandjane #aretha #amazinggrace #reads #arethafranklin

2/9/2024, 7:40:04 PM

Mikael Lo Presti, “Silhouette III”, 2023 (Oil on canvas, 200 x 166,5 cm) from our current exhibition “Home as a Silhouette” at NEVVEN BOLOGNA. “Home as a Silhouette”, a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti, is on view at NEVVEN BOLOGNA through March 17. The galley is open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 13:00–19:00, Saturdays and Sundays from 11:00–19:00, and by appointment. Welcome! Photography by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

2/9/2024, 12:27:18 PM

Currently at NEVVEN BOLOGNA: Mikael Lo Presti’s solo show “Home as a Silhouette,” on view through March 17. As part of ART CITY Bologna @artcitybologna , NEVVEN BOLOGNA is open this week on Thursday and Friday from 13:00–19:00, on Saturday with extended opening hours from 11:00–23:00, and on Sunday from 11:00–19:00. Welcome! Installation view by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

2/1/2024, 1:13:54 PM

We’re inaugurating today (18–21) NEVVEN BOLOGNA, our new gallery space in Italy, with the openings of two exhibitions, respectively a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti and a group show featuring works by Lula Broglio, Sigve Knutson, Olof Marsja, Minh Ngọc Nguyễn, Mattia Pajè, and Oda Iselin Sønderland. The opening reception is today, Thursday, January 25, 18:00–21:00 on Strada Maggiore 28/A in Bologna, and part of the artists on show will be present. We are looking forward to finally opening our new space to the public and to having you all join us for this celebratory evening! Don’t hesitate to contact the gallery for more information or receiving the Preview Web Catalogue of the shows. On picture: Mikael Lo Presti, “Home as a Silhouette” installation view. Photography by Carlo Favero @carlo_favero @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/25/2024, 11:44:32 AM

Mikael Lo Presti is at the gallery installing his upcoming solo show “Home as a Silhouette”, opening at NEVVEN BOLOGNA this Thursday, January 25, 18:00–21:00. This show is one of the two exhibitions that will inaugurate NEVVEN’s second gallery space on Strada Maggiore 28/A in Bologna, Italy. The artist will be present for the opening reception and we are looking forward to welcoming you to our new space. Don’t hesitate to contact the gallery for more information or receiving the Preview Web Catalogue of the show. This show is organised in collaboration with STANDARD (OSLO) @standard_oslo @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/22/2024, 7:27:40 PM

The best room spray for enhancing your room! 👃citruses•herbs•flowers SHOP IT NOW IN OUR ESHOP👇🏻 #roomspray #spray #linenspray #homefragrance #home #homecollection #homefragrances #room #sprays #smelly #smellsamazing #fragrance #atmosphere #atmosphera #aroma #fragranze #casa #aromatherapy #thegreekperfumer #greekperfumer #greekbrand #floralfragrances #citruses #herbal #herbs

1/22/2024, 3:11:10 PM

Citruses are coming into bloom in the Med House, be prepared for some riviera vibes! 🍋🍊🌸 We have been battling some stubborn mealybugs on these poor plants, kudos to staff and volunteers for many an hour of painstakingly scrubbing it away! Far from being rid of it, but the improvement is considerable 🙌🏼 . . . . . . . #birmingham #birminghambotanicalgardens #bbg #birminghamuk #horticulture #plantscience #gardening #garden #gardens #plant #plants #nature #botany #naturephotography #natureperfection #naturelovers #ig_garden #glasshouse #tropicalplants #tropicalflowers #tropicals #tropical #tropicalgardening #citrus #citruses #lemon #lemonblossom #mediterranean #rivieravibes

1/21/2024, 2:05:02 PM

Don’t miss the opening of Mikael Lo Presti’s solo show “Home as a Silhouette” at NEVVEN BOLOGNA next Thursday, January 25, 18:00–21:00. This show is one of the two exhibitions that will inaugurate our second gallery space in Italy. Feel free to contact the gallery for more information or receiving the Preview Web Catalogue of the show. On picture: Mikael Lo Presti, “Cave Canem” (detail), 2023 (Oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm). The exhibition is organised in collaboration with STANDARD (OSLO) @standard_oslo . @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/18/2024, 6:01:52 PM

Juicing all the citruses in the winter!🍊🍋🍊🍋 Citruses can help with keeping up your vitamin D levels, therefore helping fight sadness during the cold and dark winter months. SAD, seasonal affective disorder is something that people living in cold climates do experience a lot, but it doesn't have to be that way😄 Citrus jucing is critical to help with SAD. Mixing in other immune strengthening foods helps to boost their strength. This can make a huge difference when you're battling with any chronic illnesses and living in cold climates. Taking the extra steps and precautions helps to keep us feeling good!! A great combo I recently tried was oranges, mandarins, lemons, ginger, carrot, and coconut water!🥥🍊🍋🥕 Coconut water helps with adding in extra electrolytes and hydration! Get your fresh dose of sunshine in a cup+🌞 For 1:1 health coaching sessions DM #health #healthcoaching #juicing #citruses #ginger #carrot #coconutwater #winter

1/18/2024, 4:08:09 AM

عطر فيضة عطر مركز وأنيق من زهور الياسمين والحمضيات والتوابل والنباتات الخضراء الطبيعية --- استمتعي بخدمة الطلب و التوصيل لدى #طيب#الفارس عن طريق الواتساب على الأرقام التالية 🌷: الكويت :. 00965 97370139 00965 97580541 و سيصل طلبك في اقرب وقت ♥️ #alfaresfragrance #Kuwait  #by #طيب_الفارس #طيب#الفارس #عطور #بخور #مرشات #دهن_عود #perfume #fragrance #fyd'h #elegant smell #combinations #of #jasmine #flowers #citruses #spices #natural #green #botanical #beautiful #gift #all #moments #l4l #avenuesmall #alfaresjewellery

1/16/2024, 7:18:04 AM

Citruses Tart à la Chef Rory #summer #winter #citruses #bloodorange #grapefruit #orange you were delicious and a perfect wintry dessert

1/16/2024, 2:36:17 AM

The design is still rough but I’m excited about my new stuff! #webcomic #roughdesign #citruses #lemon #lime #rhyme #humour #singingshow

1/15/2024, 12:17:27 PM

NEVVEN BOLOGNA is proud to present “Home as a Silhouette,” the first exhibition in Italy by Swedish artist Mikael Lo Presti. Represented by and in some of the most important Scandinavian institutions, collections and galleries, such as Astrup Fearnley Museet and STANDARD (OSLO) among others, Lo Presti presents a selection of new works which brings forward two of the series that has made him such a unique voice in North Europe: his portraiture and still life. Both these series are part of a visual language that uses objects and quasi-metaphysical portraits as symbols for personal narratives, like the oranges appearing often in his still lives, a childhood memory of his father, an Italian immigrant in Sweden. These two series intertwine in “Home as a Silhouette” and are even more linked to his relation to Italy, a country he knows both very well, yet only from afar, like the silhouettes of houses which are a recurring symbol in his new paintings on show, and an invite for reflections on migration, origins and returns. Don’t hesitate to contact the gallery for more information or receiving the Preview Web Catalogue of the show. The exhibition is opening in two weeks on Thursday, January 25, 18:00–21:00, in the gallery’s new space on Strada Maggiore 28/A in Bologna, Italy. We are looking forward to seeing you there! On picture: Mikael Lo Presti, “Still Life with Orange #48”, 2023 (Oil on canvas, 18 x 27 cm). The exhibition is organised in collaboration with STANDARD (OSLO) @standard_oslo . @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/14/2024, 6:07:12 PM

Vitamin boost to survive cold and tricky January, yes please! 🍊🍋🫚🍯 #vitamins #citrusseason #citruses #citrusflatlay #vitaminboost #januaryhealthkick #healthboosters

1/14/2024, 4:18:30 PM

Flora by Gucci Eau de Parfum (2010) Peony Citruses Mandarin Orange Osmanthus Rose Sandalwood Pink pepper Patchouli The best ! #gucci #gucciperfumes #gucciflora #florabygucci #flora #fragrance #fragrancelover #fragranceaddict #fragrancecollector #womenperfume #womenperfumes #citruses #rose #peony #pinkpepper #sandalwood

1/13/2024, 8:57:09 AM

Mikael Lo Presti’s solo show “Home as a Silhouette” is opening at NEVVEN BOLOGNA on Thursday, January 25, inaugurating on this occasion our second gallery space in Italy. Feel free to contact the gallery for more information or to receive the Preview Web Catalogue of the show. On picture: still from Mikael Lo Presti’s short documentary video made by STANDARD (OSLO). The exhibition is organised in collaboration with STANDARD(OSLO) @standard_oslo . @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/11/2024, 5:25:48 PM

Winter isn't just about cozy sweaters and warm drinks; it's also the season for incredibly nutritious fruits. Let's dive into my top 5 winter fruits and discover why they should be a part of your diet: Oranges: Bursting with Vitamin C, these citrus gems are perfect for boosting your immune system during the cold months. Plus, they're a great source of fiber and antioxidants. Pomegranates: These beautiful, ruby-red fruits contain antioxidants and nutrients that can help reduce inflammation and protect your heart—a delightful addition to any winter salad. Grapefruits: A fantastic source of vitamins A and C, grapefruits are great for your immune system and can aid in weight management. Persimmons: Loaded with vitamins A and C, these sweet fruits boost your immune system and maintain healthy vision. Their unique flavor is a bonus. Cranberries: These tart berries are full of antioxidants and vitamin C. They’re great for urinary tract health and can add a zing to sweet and savory winter dishes. Grab some of these winter fruits next time you're at the grocery store. Not only will they add a burst of freshness to your meals, but they'll also provide essential nutrients to keep you healthy during the winter months. Besides eating them out of hand, what would you make with these winter fruits? #balaboostassecret #HealthyEating #SeasonalProduce #fruits #winterfruit #FreshProduce #fruitinseason #mandarin #fruitseason #mandarines #tangerines #seasonalfruit #seasonfruit #mandarinseason #healthyfruits #tangerineseason #satsuma #satsumas #clementines #clementine #orange #oranges #citrus #citruses #seasonaleating #citrusseason #orangeseason #winterfruit #winterfruits #winterseason

1/11/2024, 2:34:52 PM

Winter garden Oslo 🌬️🍃 Alocasya and Citruses are dying. Lack of Sun. Agapanthus and Jasmine flowered generously. Of desperation. Cymbidium came in bloom before Christmas first time in ca 14 years. Fascinating radiance. Facets: nectar, cacao powder, ylang ylang with traces of Linden blossom and touch of animalic. #interior #naturalperfume #plants #naturligduft #naturalness #relaxation #home #hjemme #hage #gardening #perfumegarden #orchids #monsteras #citruses #hageinspirasjon #perfumersgarden #perfumery #aromatheraphy #naturlig #organic #noplastic

1/10/2024, 8:56:05 AM

We are proud to announce “Home as a Silhouette”, a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti, inaugurating on January 25 at NEVVEN BOLOGNA, our second gallery space in Italy which will be also inaugurated on this occasion. Do not hesitate to contact the gallery for more information or receiving the Preview Web Catalogue of the exhibition. On picture: Mikael Lo Presti, “Silhouette”, 2023 (Oil on canvas, 200 x 167 cm). The exhibition is organised in collaboration with STANDARD(OSLO) @standard_oslo @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/7/2024, 11:28:17 AM

We are proud to announce “Home as a Silhouette”, a solo show by Mikael Lo Presti, inaugurating NEVVEN BOLOGNA on January 25. Do not hesitate to contact the gallery for more information or receiving the Preview Web Catalogue of the exhibition. @turbomigge #mikaellopresti #homeasasilhouette #milealloprestihomeasasilhouette #nevvengallery #contemporaryart #art #artcollector #artlovers #openingday #soloshow #painting #canvas #portraiture #stilllife #home #heritage #citruses #sweden #scandinavia #italian #oranges #origines #historical #contemporary #artsy #konst #bologna #italy

1/6/2024, 8:08:01 PM

Fragrance Fact Energy booster: 78% of survey respondents feel energized by citrus scents #neeeshperfumes #perfume #perfumefacts #citruses #scents #BeNeesh #NeeshLove #NeeshLuxury #neeshfragrances

1/5/2024, 11:17:27 AM

Wintertime we adore eating citruses so like in the early modern age, but what should we do with the scenty peel of fruits if we wouldn't throw them away? Fortunetly in that case we could recall old methods of conserving as well...🍊🍋 Recipe coming soon... #citruses #orange #orangepeel #earlymodernfood #rennaissance #tradition #traditionalmethod #conserving #conserve #candy

12/19/2023, 8:56:32 AM

Zelená je dobrá! olej 15x18 cm

12/10/2023, 9:25:37 AM

orange circles

12/7/2023, 2:15:33 PM

Hazelnut-Citrus Tart and its Tangerine Sorbetto or a trip deom Piemonte to the southern shores of mainland Italy and Socily #citruses #hazelnut #dolce #crostata #flavorsofItaly #pastry #chef #newyork

12/4/2023, 6:15:59 AM

عطر فيضة عطر مركز وأنيق من زهور الياسمين والحمضيات والتوابل والنباتات الخضراء الطبيعية --- استمتعي بخدمة الطلب و التوصيل لدى #طيب#الفارس عن طريق الواتساب على الأرقام التالية 🌷: الكويت :. 00965 97370139 00965 97580541 و سيصل طلبك في اقرب وقت ♥️ #alfaresfragrance #Kuwait  #by #طيب_الفارس #طيب#الفارس #عطور #بخور #مرشات #دهن_عود #perfume #fragrance #fyd'h #elegant smell #combinations #of #jasmine #flowers #citruses #spices #natural #green #botanical #beautiful #gift #all #moments #l4l #avenuesmall #alfaresjewellery

12/2/2023, 6:44:13 AM

Citrus orchard in Jeju, South Korea 🇰🇷 • Located in the middle of a complex of administrative buildings from the fourteenth century, this little garden contains several species of citruses with some guests (check the second picture !). The ensemble is in the heart of Jeju, next to the seafront, which brings special vibes. • #jeju #citrus #citruses #orchards #orchard #citrusorchard #citrusorchards #spider #fauna #flora #korea #southkorea #nature #temple #temples #jejuisland #jejudo #jejuislandkorea

12/1/2023, 6:16:15 AM

Citrus Season 🍋 2023 🍂 La fin d'automne et de ses couleurs flamboyantes signe l'arrivée de l'hiver oui... 💥 Mais aussi l'arrivée des agrumes et de quoi se redonner un coup de Pep's, en couleurs, en parfum et en goût ! 🧺 Première récolte à la maison: . 1x Citron Yuzu . 1x Citron jaune . 1x Lime de Tahiti . 3x Combava . 1x Mandarine Satsuma . 1x Clémentine Sanguine . 2x Kucle . 3x Calamondin Variegata 🥲 Un bonheur simple que de pouvoir récolter sa 'mini' production ! 💭 Une pensée pour tous mes amis des agrumes évidemment: @l_orangerie_jardinerie @lamaisonducitron @laurentdujardin @nerolium_officiel @bambouseraie.en.cevennes Et @romain.orchids ! 🍊 Et vous votre / vos agrumes préférés ❔ #agrumes #citrus #citruspassion #citruses #citrusseason #homegarden #homeharvest #gardener

11/28/2023, 1:41:17 PM

いただきもののデコポンの隣で実った金柑☺︎ 実が大粒でデコポンのようなくぼみがあって、見た目はもうミニデコポン。 皮は肉厚だけど柔らかめで、金柑独特の苦味が少なくジューシー。とっても美味しい✨ #金柑#キンカン#デコポン #citruses

11/27/2023, 3:48:18 AM

Sapphire Leather💙 A leather panel decorated with a birch wood frame, embracing strong notes of amber, vanilla and cherry, in the middle of which iris roses and a few carefully planted green herbs give a wonderful blend of refreshing notes. Aromatic note: Top notes: Citruses, Juniper Berries, Pink Pepper Heart notes: Herbal, Ginger, Iris Base notes: Birch wood, Tonka bean, Amber, Leather. جوهرة زرقاء نادرة لعشاق العطور الجلدية بروائحها المميزة ومحبي بصمة الأخشاب والعنبر في مزيج لا يتكرر. ‎ملاحظة عطرية: ‎مقدمة العطر: الحمضيات، توت العرعر، الفلفل الوردي ‎قلب العطر: الأعشاب والزنجبيل والسوسن ‎قاعدة العطر: خشب البتولا، فول التونكا، العنبر، الجلد. #saphhire #leather #qurashiperfume #ibrahim #qurashi #scent #blue #herbal #ginger #birchwood #amber #iris #tonkabean #citruses #juniperberries #pinkpepper #luxuryperfumes #luxurybrands #luxurycollection #agaru #saudiarabia🇸🇦 #lebanon

11/24/2023, 3:16:04 PM

Givenchy Ysatis Eau De Toilette Perfume Spray Vintage Original Introduced in 1984, Ysatis by Givenchy epitomizes elegance with its Chypre Floral essence. Crafted by perfumer Dominique Ropion, its top notes blend aldehydes, ylang-ylang, and a symphony of citrus, while the heart unfolds with tuberose, jasmine, and a rich floral medley. The fragrance concludes with a captivating base of civet, oakmoss, and warm vanilla. Ysatis is a timeless olfactory journey, a creation that transcends decades. 📝 Givenchy, the esteemed fashion house behind Ysatis, has a rich heritage of luxury and sophistication. Renowned for its innovative designs and commitment to timeless style, Givenchy seamlessly marries tradition with modernity. With a legacy dating back to the 1950s, Givenchy continues to be a symbol of haute couture and refined craftsmanship, leaving an indelible mark on the world of fashion and fragrance. — @DoollyNoted | Things Worth Noting ✏️ #Givenchy#Starfind #Ysatis #ChypreFloral #DominiqueRopion #Fragrance #YlangYlang #OrangeBlossom #BrazilianRosewood #Coconut #Bergamot #MandarinOrange #Citruses #Tuberose #Jasmine #Narcissus #Iris #Rose #Civet #Honey #Oakmoss #Sandalwood #Amber #Patchouli #Musk #Vetiver #Vanilla #FashionHouse #HauteCouture #Craftsmanship NOT FOR SALE

11/24/2023, 7:49:20 AM

寒い朝の笑顔の素☺︎ 柚子茶の季節がやってきました♪ ひと瓶はジンジャー入り。 味に深みが出るので、グラニュー糖のほかに三温糖もつかいました。 #柚子#ゆず#柚子ジャム#柚子茶#生姜#コンフィチュール #yuzu #yuzutea #citruses #ginger #confiture #homemade

11/24/2023, 1:27:21 AM

Asperfume Moon Sparkle Manis, muda dan gak norak? Moon Sparkle jawabannya. Parfum yang terinspirasi dari indahnya cahaya bulan yang ditemani dengan gemerlap bintang di malam hari. oke oke, kita jelasin wanginya yah... pertama, sparkle ini wanginya manis, karena ada ekstrak dari strawbery, blackcurrant, buah beri merah. kedua, wanginya muda karena ada ekstak floral dari fressia, melati, mawar dan musky! gimana penasaran gak seenak apa wanginya? Cek juga untuk parfum favorit kalian di Tokopedia: Asperfume Bandung Official Shopee: Asperfume Tiktok: Asperfumebandung_tiktok #asperfume #asperfumebandung #parfumeviral #parfumrecommended #parfumedp #escada #moonsparkle #floral #fruity #sweet #strawberry #blackcurrant #citruses #freesia #jasmine #rose #musk #woman #young #youth #elegant #outdoor #indoor

11/21/2023, 6:26:45 AM