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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

【10月 玅葉🍁玅葉】 い぀も銀蔵サンクスみのお店をご利甚頂き誠にありがずうございたす😊🙏 10月䞋旬には玅葉🍁が芋どころになるかもですよ〜❗ #箕面の滝 登る時は是非銀蔵でお食事を✚ ⭐銀蔵感謝の気持ちプレれント䌁画⭐ 匕き続き開催䞭 ↓↓↓ 圓たるのは➡銀ちゃんおたかせ犏袋BOX ↓↓↓ ずにかく゚ントリヌしお!! ※今月の゚ントリヌ期間 10/22(日)締め切り →10/27(金)前埌にストヌリヌにお、圓遞者1名様の料理画像を発衚したす。 詳しくは、Instagram前回投皿又は、YouTube銀チャンネル動画をご芧ください ⭐オロむチ開催⭐ 毎月第3土曜日です‌ 10/21土曜日9:00〜 ※売り切れ次第終了です。 ⭐䌑業日⭐ 3日(火) 10日(火) 16日(月)ディナヌ 17日(火) 24日(火) 31日(火) ⭐営業時間⭐ 党日ランチ 10:00〜15:00L.O14:30 ディナヌ 月〜朚・日 17:00〜21:00L.O20:30 ディナヌ 金・土・祝日前 17:00〜21:30L.O21:00 ⚠お䌑み、営業時間の倉曎等はInstagramストヌリヌで案内させお頂きたす。   #銀蔵 #銀蔵サンクスみのお店 #銀蔵小野原本店 #箕面銀蔵 #銀蔵感謝の気持ちプレれント䌁画 #勝尟寺 #箕面 #箕面ビヌル #箕面グルメ #倧阪グルメ #æµ·é®® #海鮮䞌グルメ #魚奜き #食欲の秋 #箕面玅葉 #玅葉 #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers #FoodPhotography #FoodCulture

10/1/2023, 5:13:08 AM

【9月🍂秋🍁】 い぀も銀蔵サンクスみのお店をご利甚頂き誠にありがずうございたす😊🙏 食欲の秋ですねヌ😆 秋は矎味しい魚🐟が倚い時期ですよ✚ 旬の魚沢山食べお䞋さいね🀀 やっず埩掻‌‌ 月は【オロむチ】開催‌‌‌ 月以来のオロむチ開催ずなりたす。 久しぶりのオロむチ開催なので気合い入っおたす🔥💪 是非楜しみにしおおいおください😃 ⭐銀蔵感謝の気持ちプレれント䌁画⭐ 匕き続き開催䞭 ↓↓↓ 圓たるのは➡銀ちゃんおたかせ犏袋BOX ↓↓↓ ずにかく゚ントリヌしお!! ※今月の゚ントリヌ期間 9/19(æ°Ž)締め切り →8/22(金)前埌にストヌリヌにお、圓遞者1名様の料理画像を発衚したす。 詳しくは、Instagram前回投皿又は、YouTube銀チャンネル動画をご芧ください ⭐オロむチ開催⭐ 毎月第3土曜日です‌ 9/16土曜日9:00〜 ※売り切れ次第終了です。 ⭐䌑業日⭐ 11日(月)ディナヌ 12日(火) ⭐営業時間⭐ 党日ランチ 10:00〜15:00L.O14:30 ディナヌ 月〜朚・日 17:00〜21:00L.O20:30 ディナヌ 金・土・祝日前 17:00〜21:30L.O21:00 ⚠お䌑み、営業時間の倉曎等はInstagramストヌリヌで案内させお頂きたす。   #銀蔵 #銀蔵サンクスみのお店 #銀蔵小野原本店 #箕面銀蔵 #銀蔵感謝の気持ちプレれント䌁画 #箕面の滝 #勝尟寺 #箕面 #箕面ビヌル #箕面グルメ #倧阪グルメ #æµ·é®® #海鮮䞌グルメ #魚奜き #食欲の秋 #秋刀魚 #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers #FoodPhotography #FoodCulture

9/1/2023, 6:10:19 AM

【8月summer】 い぀も銀蔵サンクスみのお店をご利甚頂き本圓にありがずうございたす😊🙏 倏🏖ですね〜☀ 熱䞭症に気を付けながら毎日過ごしたしょうね👍 無理は絶察ダメですよ❗❗ 新鮮なお魚🐟は健康にも非垞に良いです✚ 特に"é°»"は倏バテ防止になりたすよ🎵 しっかり食べお倏をみんなで乗り越えたしょう💪 8月も1日1日を倧切に頑匵っおいきたすので どうぞ宜しくお願い臎したす😁   ⭐銀蔵感謝の気持ちプレれント䌁画⭐ 匕き続き開催䞭 ↓↓↓ 圓たるのは➡銀ちゃんおたかせ犏袋BOX ↓↓↓ ずにかく゚ントリヌしお!! ※今月の゚ントリヌ期間 8/19(土)締め切り →8/22(火)前埌にストヌリヌにお、圓遞者1名様の料理画像を発衚したす。 詳しくは、Instagram前回投皿又は、YouTube銀チャンネル動画をご芧ください ⭐オロむチ開催⭐ 8月はお䌑みです💊 お間違いようにお願い臎したす🙇 ⭐䌑業日⭐ 21日(月)ディナヌ 22日(火) ⭐営業時間⭐ 党日ランチ 10:00〜15:00L.O14:30 ディナヌ 月〜朚・日 17:00〜21:00L.O20:30 ディナヌ 金・土・祝日前 17:00〜21:30L.O21:00 ⚠お䌑み、営業時間の倉曎等はInstagramストヌリヌで案内させお頂きたす。 #銀蔵 #銀蔵サンクスみのお店 #箕面 #箕面グルメ #倧阪グルメ #和食 #æµ·é®® #ランチ #むンスタ映え #行列のできる店 #TV #魚 #8月 #箕面の滝 #勝尟寺 #箕面スパヌガヌデン #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers #FoodPhotography #FoodCulture

8/3/2023, 11:09:15 AM

【8月ディナヌご予玄】 絶賛受付䞭でございたす!! "うなぎ"のフルコヌスを是非!! 新しい"うなぎ"に出䌚えたす。 お盆䌑みなどなしで 通垞通り 月曜日ず火曜日が定䌑日です ただお垭空きございたす ご予玄お埅ちしおおりたす♪ 【ご予玄方法】 お電話、DMから承りたす 【お電話】 050-3092-0015 【堎所】 西宮北口駅東口より埒歩2分 西宮ガヌデンズより埒歩5分 兵庫県西宮垂高束町16-9 【営業時間】 ランチ 11:30〜14:00 ディナヌ2郚制完党予玄制 18:00〜 20:30〜 【定䌑日】 月曜日 火曜日 @unagikappozen2022 うなぎ割烹 善   #うなぎ #りナギ #é°» #うな重 #割烹料理 #フルコヌス #西宮グルメ #兵庫グルメ #グルメ #隠れ家 #予玄困難店 #西宮北口 #和食 #日本食 #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers #FoodPhotography #FoodCulture

8/2/2023, 12:24:57 PM

【土甚の䞑の日予玄衚】 7/29(土) 7/30(日) ご予玄絶賛受付䞭です👏 今幎の鰻は銀蔵で❗❗❗❗ 2日間店頭販売臎したす😁🙏 30(日)は炭火焌きもやりたすよ🔥 【ご予玄方法】 ①店頭におご予玄出来たす✚ ②お電話からご予玄出来たす✚ ③Instagram DMからご予玄出来たす✚ 【お電話番号】 080-3846-7899 【䜏所】 箕面垂箕面6䞁目4-24 サンクスビル #土甚の䞑の日 #銀蔵 #銀蔵サンクスみのお店 #é°» #りナギ #うなぎ #うな重 #箕面 #箕面の滝 #勝尟寺 #グルメ #テむクアりト #行列店 #映えスポット #和食 #日本食 #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers

7/20/2023, 12:49:14 AM

🍎Indulge in a delightful family bonding experience with our private cooking classes in Crete! Discover the joy of cooking together as you learn to prepare mouthwatering dishes, such as the flavorful gemista. 🍅🥒 The best part? You get to savor the delicious food you've lovingly prepared! 👚‍👩‍👧‍👊 Let the rich Greek cuisine enchant your taste buds with its healthy and effortlessly vegetarian options. 🌱💚 Share your love for cooking and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones. Don't forget to tag us and share your cooking adventures using #ElissosTravellingPhilosophy. Bon appétit! 🍜👚‍🍳 . . . . . #elissostravellingphilosophy #mindbodyspirit #cookingclasses #familybonding #foodieadventures #greekcuisine #healthyeating #vegetarianrecipes #greekfood #creteculinary #privatecooking #memorableexperiences #foodlovers #deliciouscrete #cookingwithlove #familyfun #tasteofgreece #culinarycourses #creteexperience #cretancuisine #cookingexperience #foodtravel #gemista #cretetravel #vegetariancuisine #vegetariandelights #plantbasedrecipes #healthyeating #tasteofcrete #foodtravelgram

7/6/2023, 1:06:52 PM

【小さなお店応揎チケット📣】 6月も沢山のご利甚ご来店ありがずうございたした😊🙏 7月も頑匵っおいきたすので宜しくお願い臎したす❗❗ 7月1日から 小さなお店応揎チケット䜿甚出来たす✚ @ginzo_thanks 銀蔵サンクスみのお店 #銀蔵 #銀蔵サンクスみのお店 #箕面 #小さなお店応揎チケット #箕面の滝 #勝尟寺 #グルメ #æµ·é®® #魚 #和食 #行列のできる店 #ランチ巡り #呚遊關西 #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers #FoodPhotography #FoodCulture

6/30/2023, 1:12:39 PM

うなぎ割烹 善 ディナヌコヌス料理 たた曎に進化しおいきたす 日々"詊行錯誀"を繰り返し 逞品をただひたすら磚く 6月もあず少し お垭少し空きございたす 7月お垭ご予玄絶賛受付䞭です!! 特別な日に 普段の日垞で 様々なシヌンで是非   #うなぎ割烹善 #é°» #りナギ #うなぎ #和食 #日本料理 #西宮 #グルメ #予玄困難店 #西宮ガヌデンズ #SeafoodLovers #SushiLovers #SeafoodPorn #FoodieAdventures #FoodTravelGram #Foodgasm #Foodstagram #FoodieLife #FoodieGram #FoodBloggers #FoodPhotography #FoodCulture

6/24/2023, 2:01:35 AM

🍕 “Pizza is not a ‘trend’, it’s a way of life.” For me, and this is my PERSONAL opinion (a lot of New Yorkers might go crazy and debate as they all have their own preferred places) this is the best home-made quintessential New York Pizzería. It’s called @mamas_too , and it’s a close 10-to-15 minute walk away from #ColumbiaUniversity ‘s campus in Manhattan. Props to the Mama’s Too team! #nyc #nycpizzeria #newyorkcitypizza #newyorkcity #newyorkpizza #pizza #pizzeria #food #foodies #foodstagram #foodtravelgram #foodgram #instagramfood #instafood #travelgram #travel #travling #travelingnyc #hiddengems #nycgems #nychiddengems #mamastoo #wanderer #travelphotography

9/4/2022, 6:21:01 PM

Italian for lunch * #food. * #instafood. * #foodphotography. * #yummy. * #foodstagram. * #delicious * #foodtravelgram * #foodies

9/9/2021, 6:19:37 AM

Homemade crepes * #food. * #instafood. * #foodphotography. * #yummy. * #foodstagram. * #delicious * #foodtravelgram * #foodies

9/4/2021, 2:19:35 AM

Seafood Ramen * #food. * #instafood. * #foodphotography. * #yummy. * #foodstagram. * #delicious * #foodtravelgram * #foodies

9/1/2021, 3:22:22 AM

Cupcakes from @magnoliabakery in NYC are the perfect weekend treat! Which one is your favorite? 😋 #foodtravelgram #foodtravelblog #travelblogger #food #foodblogger #yum #foodtravel #travel #foodtraveltok #magnoliabakery

8/20/2021, 8:47:50 PM

More NYC! Craving Mexican food? @mamasitanyc is IT😍 Amazing margaritas and salsa! Cannot recommend this place enough 🙌 #foodtravelgram #foodtravelblog #travelblogger #food #foodblogger #yum #foodtravel #travel #foodtraveltok #mamasitabarandgrill

8/20/2021, 3:11:55 AM

Treat yourself soon! 🍫 Can’t stop reminiscing over this “S’mores in a jar” from @thesmithrestaurant 😍 #foodtravelgram #foodtravelblog #travelblogger #food #foodblogger #yum #foodtravel #travel #foodtraveltok #thesmith #newyork #nyc

8/19/2021, 4:07:13 AM

Happy Sunday! Who’s hungry? 🍝 I’m daydreaming about this rooster pasta from Greece🀀 What’s your favorite Greek dish? #food #foodstagram #travel #foodtravelgram #greece #greecetravel #foodtravelblog #travelgram

8/15/2021, 4:58:36 PM

Swipe to fall into a Greek food coma ——> which would you be most excited to try? 🌯🥙🥗 •fish with black sesame crust • chicken souvlaki with fries & salad • grilled octopus • gyro meat on a pita with salad • dolmades • grilled calamari with fresh vegetables • chicken souvlaki with pita & fries #foodtravelgram #foodtravelblog #travelblogger #greece #greekfood #gyro #food #foodblogger #yum #foodtravel #travel

8/14/2021, 7:18:21 PM

If food and travel are your cup of tea (or coffee! Come join us at @food_travel.gram ... Good morning! Who needs coffee? ☕🙋‍♀ #foodtravelgram #foodtravelblog #travelblogger #food #foodblogger #yum #foodtravel #travel #foodtraveltok #foxyloxycafe #savannahgeorgia #coffee #cafe #coffeelover

3/5/2021, 5:19:47 PM

Mouth is watering! That food looks so good@withregram • @food_travel.gram This seafood has my mouth watering🀀 Check out @mr.shucksseafood in Brunswick, GA! #seafood #mrshucksseafood #foodstagram #foodtravelgram #foodtravelblog #foodtravel

2/24/2021, 6:46:20 PM

#àžˆà¹ˆàž²àž¢àž„àž™àž¥àž°àž„àž£àž¶à¹ˆàž‡â€‹ #sushi #foodlover #foodtravelgram #travelforfood #bangkok​ #thailand​ #japanesefood​ #travelpic​ #travelgram​

12/15/2020, 6:03:29 AM

Mlinci i Purica Croatian noodles and turkey from a traditional restaurant in Zagreb, Croatia. #mlinci #purica #turkeyleg #balkanpasta #croatianpasta #traditionalfood #croatianfood #hrvatskahrana #cuisinecroate #クロアチア料理 #comidacroata #хПрватскаякухМя #foodaroundtheworld #foodlover #foodofmytravels #travelfoodpic #travelfoodie #foodtourist #foodtravelgram #foodtraveller #foodiesofinstagram #melbournefoodie #pinoyfoodie #photofoodiegram #throwbackfoodpic #fotofood #photofood #foodandtravel #visitcroatia #eatdelicious

12/5/2020, 12:38:19 AM

Steak The next few pics were taken earlier this year in Queenstown, New Zealand. Upon arrival in Queenstown, I headed straight to Jervois Steak House for dinner to sample the best steak in town. #steak #steaklover #eatsteak #steakandchips #beefsteak #bistec #ステヌキ #bife #carnivore #meatlover #jervoissteakhouse #queenstowneats #queenstowndining #newzealandeats #visitqueenstown #foodandtravel #newzealandbeef #travelfoodie #foodtravelgram #foodtraveller #nzeats #nzsteak #foodiesofinstagram #melbournefoodie #pinoyfoodie #photofoodiegram #phonefoodphotography #fotofood #travelfoodiegram #photofood

10/19/2020, 9:33:42 AM

How are you, everyone? It was very cold in Tokyo yesterday and I wore a down jacket. I went to Fukuoka, a place of memories, using the "goto campaign" being held in Japan! My favorite restaurant was still in that place, and it was delicious as usual. I love Fukuoka, which has a warm place. Have you ever been to Fukuoka? Fukuoka is attractive because there are many cheap and delicious shops. By all means, let's go on a trip once this virus has subsided!   See you in the next post. If you like this post, save it and use it for your trip🧳     🌀My impression‌ ⇹ Cheap and delicious! And because it has a lot of volume, it is especially recommended for men! 🚃How long does it take from the capital station? ⇹ 15 minutes walk from Tenjin area. It takes about 7 minutes by bus from the Tenjin area. Please get off the bus at “Akasaka 1-chome”. 🥗Market price per person in the store ⇹ Set meals start at 880 yen. Free refills of rice. 🊖Click here for the store account! ⇹ 〒810-0023 犏岡県犏岡垂䞭倮区譊固䞁目−  @wappa_kego / @wappa_tenjin 😊my info ⇹ ⇹@tokyoguide8 ( @airbnb ) -thank you for reading it until the very end-   .

10/18/2020, 6:17:06 AM

A sight for sore... stomach? 😂 ___ Anywhere else in the world, this might not've been much to write home about, but in this situation, this was exactly the dose of southern hospitality we needed. Two strange looking city folk in the country didn't stop our server from being an absolute doll, and incredibly forthcoming with us about menu items and value! The food was exactly what we needed to fuel us through the afternoon. The fried green tomatoes were perfectly crisp without any excess oil, as were the fried fish filets... and they were massive too! Washed down with a refreshing beer, #trailheadsteakhouse #trailheadsteakandtrouthouse is definitely the place to enjoy a meal on your way in or out of @greatsmokynps #greatsmokymountainsnationalpark #soulfoodsunday #southernhospitality #infiniteloveandgratitude #friedgreentomatoes #travelfoodie #foodiesofinstagram #foodtravelgram #foodtravel #traveltoeat @cityoftownsend #tennessee #visittennessee

8/9/2020, 9:42:37 PM

Ever heard of variety of coconuts? Well, this is a King Coconut which I had during my visit to Sri Lanka. The taste is pretty much the same but it brings along a lot of health benefits. So now you know, what you are having during your visit to Sri Lanka! #kingcoconut #srilankancoconut #cravingstalk #foodtravelgram

6/12/2020, 5:44:05 PM

Let’s celebrate #WorldFoodTravelDay Join us on a virtual World Food Tour @ivytech @ivytechindy Culinary Arts Training Center featuring @jabbricker and his group of enthusiastic young chefs exhibiting their favorite global cuisines and inspired #recipeontheblog #recipes #foodtravelday #foodtravelgram #funfood #newpostalert #foodiegrams #foodstagram

4/18/2020, 8:26:15 PM

Oyster Omelet You read it right. This is not a pizza. It's an oyster omelet presented differently. Has a crunchy bottom. And tastes as good as the tradition one. #oysteromelette #oysteromelet #chineseomelet #eatoysters #eatdelicious #flavorfulfood #eatomelette #moderntaiwanesefood #ПЌлет #omelete #tortilla #オムレツ #notpizza #foodforfoodies #foodiesofinstagram #melbournefoodie #pinoyfoodie #photofoodiegram #phonefoodphotography #foodography #foodofmytravels #travelfoodie #foodtravelgram #foodtraveller #foodtourist #fotofood #foodieeats #nomnomnom #dushiaoyueh #taipeieats

2/12/2020, 10:10:25 PM

A day after... Already missing Yuzu. That's why we need a boiling hot chicken stew 😋 😅😅😅 Just wanting to eat but still making excuses. #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/10/2020, 8:15:01 AM

Congratulations to my Figure Skating KING👑 #SuperSlam #YuzuruHanyu Here's our celebration dinner for your #4CC2020 wins. See you in Montreal next month. #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/9/2020, 4:20:12 PM

#todayslunch Potato Curry Croquette with Salad It's really nice and we'll flavoured but maybe too oily for me. 😭😭😭 #donotorderthis #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/9/2020, 4:22:33 AM

Congratulations Rika-chan😍😍😍 Here's our celebration dinner. Or maybe this is just another excuse to eat our hearts out. #todaysdinner #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/8/2020, 1:50:52 PM

When you slept at 3AM and woke up an hour early for lunch 😅 #todaysbrunch #udon #guksu #gimbap #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/8/2020, 7:08:13 AM

Of course, we can't just survive with soup. Here comes the main dish #jokbalwrap #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/7/2020, 3:53:43 PM

My mood still boiling. Yuzu's WR 111.82 pts. So #todaysdinner... Still boiling Soft Tofu Soup Hotpot #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/7/2020, 3:49:59 PM

This week's priority. Yuzu > Sleep >Food > All Other Events That's why lunch comes next after Morning Men's SP practice. #todayslunch Bulgogi Salad Over RICE #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/7/2020, 6:49:37 AM

#todaysdinner Grilled Pork over Rice 😋😋😋😍😍😍 Pretty hungry after watching two back-to-back events. So good... I'll probably go for a second round within this week. #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/6/2020, 10:40:40 AM

#todaysdinner ChiMaek without Maekju 😅 #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/5/2020, 1:50:36 PM

Breakfast 🍔 Wagyu Beef Burger #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/5/2020, 4:10:28 AM

Gyeranjjim (Korean Steamed Eggs) #yesterdaysdinner #forgottopost #lateupload #foodphotography #foodtravelgram #seoul

2/5/2020, 1:52:25 AM

Da ogni viaggio si torna arricchiti. Qual Ú il vostro viaggio del cuore? Fatemelo sapere qui sotto!! ⬇⬇⬇ ~ Quello che mi porto a casa di questa magica vacanza Ú sicuramente la bellezza, i sapori e i colori dell’Habana e della sua gente. Secondo me, Ú un posto che merita di essere visto e spero di poterci tornare presto perché c’Ú ancora tanto da vedere. Purtroppo stanno vivendo un nuovo periodo di grande crisi, ma nonostante questo sono disposti a dare tutto ai turisti e a fare il possibile perché ci si senta a casa e si stia bene. Per chi mi ha chiesto se Ú vero che ad ogni minuto si canta e si balla posso solo dire una cosa: “ en Cuba no se camina, se baila!” Magari non sempre, non ovunque, ma comunque tanto di cappello alla loro forza d’animo che li fa reagire a questa situazione assurda. ~ #misteralobaalobazi #cuba #habana #havana #cayolargo #travel #travelphotography #travelblogger #foodie #foodblogger #foodtravelgram #travelguide

1/11/2020, 1:02:15 PM

The Chopsticks Vendor Despite not a food seller, I've included him as chopsticks are used by at least a billion people around the world. #عيدان #chopsticks #eatingwithchopsticks #chopstickpro #chopstickfoodie #chopsticksmaster #chopstickspro #chopsticksarehard #palillos #палПчкОЎляеЎы #箞 #pauzinhos #sumpit #foodandtravel #foodtravelgram #foodtraveller #liuhenightmarket #kaohsiungnightmarket #visitkaohsiung #taiwannightmarket #usechopsticks #foodiesofinstagram #melbournefoodie #pinoyfoodie #photofoodie #photofoodiegram #nightmarket #visitnightmarket #nightmarketvendor #travelpic

1/4/2020, 12:32:49 PM

12/18/2019, 4:04:27 AM

12/17/2019, 7:54:46 AM

12/17/2019, 7:54:31 AM

12/17/2019, 7:22:00 AM

Main agenda, 3.11.2019, attend my Sis merangkap our Ketua Class, Edim21 @suziana_mohamed daughter wedding.. Awesome wedding place & deco at #mzgardenbangi.. photoshoot semestinya wajib.. Dah sampai Bangi, bermula laa #jjcmbangi , ada laa pula org tuu nak ke #nuinkafebangi, nak pekena teh tarik.. shedap baq hang, teh tarik dgn iced blended teh tarik dia.. carving satisfaction minah tuu including us. 😘😘😍.. Anak @tweet7376 sampai 2x repeat pudding caramel.. Shedap kata nya..😊😊.. Thanks @mambo831 belanja.. Last stop, pisang goreng cheese & satay fr dinner.. xlarat dah semua nak snap gmbq.. #gengselfie #gengkuatmakan #jjcm2019 #exadecorian #sundayfunday #makanmakanday #foodtraveller #foodphotography #foodtravelgram

11/4/2019, 5:32:19 AM