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Last weekend was a milestone moment for me! 🌟
ゲストスピーカーとしてこんまり流養成講座で登壇しました✨ I was on an expert panel at a KonMari consultant seminar, sharing my experience and wisdom from being a KonMari consultant for the past 7 years. A former Clutter Queen, I took the stage to talk about tidying and sparking joy. 💜 I’ve tried to be tidy all my life and failed until I discovered the KonMari method. The method was truly magical for me, and it has been for many of my clients who have struggled all their lives. As I was getting ready, it hit me that I was on the other side, speaking about tidying on a big stage! If you had told me that 10 years ago, I would have laughed and not believed you❣️ I am very grateful for this opportunity to share the magic at the most beautiful seminar✨ I’m still processing the whole seminar and my encounter with Marie.
I’ll post more soon! And if you’re like me in the past, struggling with your clutter, DM me. 📩 I can share how I can help. With the KonMari method, it doesn’t have to be hard; the journey itself sparks joy. 🦋 Wishing a spark-joy-filled KonMari journey to all new KonMari consultants in training! ✨ 片づけが苦手だった私がこれからこんまり流の片づけを広める養成講座の生徒さん達に私の経験談を語る日が来るとは❣️ 人生何が起こるかわからないね 本当にこんまりメソッドに感謝です🙏 こんまりさんとお会いしたお話やこんまり流コンサルさんと達とのお話など色々あるのでぼちぼちあげていきます。 📸 Thank you so much @totonoi.hitomi @hiroko_nyc @clementidy @susanabijani @oneeightyjoy #sparkjoy #mariekondo #konmariconsultant #konmariconsultants #organized #homeorganization #decluttering #tydingupwithmariekondo @konmari.co @konmariconsultants

4/13/2024, 2:21:55 AM

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo This book offers a transformative guide to decluttering and organizing, introducing the KonMari Method. Kondo’s philosophy extends beyond mere tidying; it’s a journey towards joy. With practical insights, the book inspires a profound shift in mindset, fostering a clutter-free and fulfilling lifestyle. #bookbites #personalgrowth #growth #bookcommunity #bookclub #bookstagram #successmindset #mindsetmatters #mindfulness #konmari #declutter #tydingupwithmariekondo #joyfull #organizingtips #minimalism

1/25/2024, 11:36:58 AM

Nueva temporada otoñal 2023. Nuevas sorpresas y proyectos pronto. #danasanthome #interiorplanner #organizacion #homeorganization #tydingupwithmariekondo #amorpropio

9/10/2023, 7:30:22 PM

𝗦 𝗘 𝗟 𝗙. 𝗖 𝗔 𝗥 𝗘. 𝗦 𝗨 𝗡 𝗗 𝗔 𝗬 ! 𝘞𝘦𝘳𝘣𝘶𝘯𝘨|𝘢𝘥 𝗜𝗰𝗵 𝗵𝗮𝗯𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝘇𝘂𝗺 𝗔𝗻𝘇𝗶𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻…! Jede Frau kennt es. Wir stehen vor unserem vollen Kleiderschrank und haben trotzdem nichts zum Anziehen… 😂 Für mich war es seit längerem tatsächlich so. Weil sich meine Konfektionsgröße von 34/36 auf 38/40 verändert hat. Am Anfang habe ich damit gehadert. Besonders, weil so viele Red carpet Pieces dabei sind, die ich immer noch richtig toll finde und teilweise noch nicht mal getragen habe… Inzwischen liebe ich jedes dazugewonnene Gramm an meinem Körper, fühle mich total wohl und gebe lieber meine Kleider als meine Kilos her. Deswegen, habe ich meine Kleiderschränke jetzt aussortiert und trenne mich gerade von allem, wofür ich keine Verwendung mehr habe. (Ein Link zu meinem Private sale steht oben in meinen Highlights.) Das gilt nicht nur für meine Kleidung. Alle Schränke und Schubladen müssen gerade dran glauben… 😅 So konsequent im Loslassen war ich schon lange nicht mehr. Aber, nach all den Veränderungen in den letzten 2 Jahren irgendwie auch Teil des Weges. Und so was von erleichternt und befreiend! Außerdem, der perfekte Zeitpunkt. Es steht einiges Neues an und wie könnte ich es besser in meinem Leben willkommen heißen als dafür Platz zu schaffen! Happy Self Care Sunday and don‘t forget to 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳! ♥️ #photocredit @christine_rogge #makeup @oliverhaenisch #blouse @sosue_official #selfcaresunday #selflovesunday #selflovereminder #achtsamkeit #cleanyourspaceclearyourmind #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydingup

7/23/2023, 6:04:55 PM

Minimalizmus ❤️🤗🦚🙌 netreba mať milión vecí doma na to, aby ste si vytvorili krásu a pohodlie a hlavne harmóniu. Stačí málo 🌈🦚👚🗄️ #stacimalo #minimalism #minimalist #minimalstyle #homedecor #homedecoration #homedecorideas #livingroom #livingroomdesign #livongroomspace #livingroomminimalist #thehomeedit #konmari #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydingup #hapiness #peacock

2/26/2023, 10:43:55 PM

This ☝️☝️ is such an amazing quote by Marie Kondo! I think sometimes we forgot that our physical surroundings deeply affect our mentality. I know personally that I always feel more weighed down when my home isn’t clean or I see all that needs to be done in it! It takes a lot from us to have a clean and organized home. But I can promise that taking the time for this can greatly increase your mental health. ❤️ #mariekondoquotes #homeorganization #homeorganizer #professionalorganizer #organizingproducts #organization #organizing #saltlakecityutah #slcutah #westvalleycity #utah #utahmoms #mentalhealthawareness #peaceofmind #freedom #liveorganized #kitchenorganization #organizinginspiration #organizingquotes #sandyutah #bountifulutah #midvaleutah #organizingtips #tydingupwithmariekondo

2/21/2023, 6:59:29 AM

This is a gif from the mother of one of my clients. She made it for me while I was organizing her daughter’s closet. Little things like this always make my day and I am very grateful. #professional organizer #chilliwack #chilliwackbusiness #decluttertips #declutteringmylife #declutter #declutteryourhome #declutteryourlife #clutterfree #clutter #clutterfreewithkids #design #decor #homehealing #homedecor #home #homemade #hausedesign #tidyingtips #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydingup #tydie #thankful #gratitude #blessed

1/26/2023, 7:01:19 PM

[ MARIE KONDO ] #newlife #restart #mariekondo #tydingupwithmariekondo #lifestyle

1/12/2023, 9:40:39 PM

I buoni propositi per l’anno nuovo sono sempre tanti❗ E allora Iniziamo il 2023 con una puntata all’insegna del riordino con Ilaria di @missioneordine 📦 On air da mercoledì 🎧 📷: @carloperazzolofotografo #smartlunchpodcast #smartlunch #podcast #podcastitalia #spotify #applepodcast #decluttering #declutter #organizing #farespazio #organizzazione #tydingupwithmariekondo #eliminare #homeorganized #organizers #satisfaction #organize #esg #recycle # #buoneabitudini #konmarimethod #organizatuvida #instapodcast

1/9/2023, 12:30:04 PM

📖 Découverte du livre audio et du manga "La magie du rangement" 🇯🇵 Autrice : Marie Kondo Lu par Estelle Vincent Manga : Dessinatrice - Yúko Uramoto Traducteur.trice - Fabien Vautrin - Maliko_O C'est via la serie sur Netflix que j'ai découvert Marie Kondo. Curieux j'étais d'écouter son livre audio. La voix douce, entrainante d'Estelle Vincent rend l'écoute agréable. Il y a plusieurs émotions proposées. 😊 Extraits : "L'ordre est intimement dépendant des valeurs tout à fait personnelles liées au mode de vie souhaité." "Si vous suivez scrupuleusement l'ordre de rangement que je préconise à savoir : les vetements, les livres, les papiers, le komono et les objets ayant une valeur sentimentale, le tri s'effectuera facilement." ✔ Dans son livre, Marie Kondo parle de son passé, de sa passion pour le rangement et ses méthodes pour ranger son lieu de vie. C'esr galavanisant et il y a des témoignages de ses client.es. Au début, j'avais peur que ce soit comme un cours auquel je n'accroche pas. Finalement, j'ai fini l'écoute avec les expressions "est-ce que cela me procure de la joie?, l'effet rebond, toucher ses affaires. L'autrice a une conception personnelle de cette méthode qui a fait ces preuves. Ca donne envie d'essayer. C'est un état d'esprit. Ce que je retiens aussi, ce sont les objets accumulés pour plusieurs raisons et qui ne nous rendent pas heureux. Elle préconise le rangement immédiat. Réduire, c'est bien mais attention aussi car se débarasser d'un coup de tout ces objets peut etre délicat (bonjour les sacs poubelles et quid de la revente ou des dons qui ne se sont pas dans l'immédiat). ✔ J'ai préfèré le manga. Il est plus drôle, l'héroïne Chiaki est touchante et on a de l'empathie pour elle. Et c'est pratique car on peut voir les méthodes de pliage, les changements dans l'appart et dans la vie de Chiaki. Le manga est aussi un bon rappel des chapitres du livre. ▶Docs dispo dans les médiathèques de l'@agglopvm

12/8/2022, 11:13:17 AM

22 novembre 2022 #hello , Aujourd'hui les amis, je vous présente de très jolies étiquettes de chez @organisationhome . Avec mon homme, nous avons réorganisé notre intérieur, car je souffre d'un #handicap depuis plusieurs mois. Du jour au lendemain, il s'est retrouvé à gérer le quotidien. Il a fallu faciliter les choses🤦‍♀️ @organisationhome m' a aidé en créant de très très jolies #étiquettes résistantes à l'eau , très #design. Elles ne se déchirent pas non plus. Toute la maison y est passée: des placards de la #cuisine , au réfrigérateur, le cellier, la salle de bain... Un gain de temps considérable au quotidien et lorsqu'il faut faire la liste des courses, car forcément tout est bien plus clair. Allez y de ma part, elle vous accueillera et vous guidera. #organisation #home #homesweethome @rangement #fresh #tydingupwithmariekondo #tyding #frenchie #deco #tendance #étiquettes Page instagram @organisationhome

11/22/2022, 11:38:38 AM

🌸¿Cómo pasé de ser una persona con “orden creativo” (desordenada) a una ordenada?🌸 La verdad soy organizada, aunque me costaba ser ordenada (como dije en el post anterior), pero este año me desesperaba no encontrar ropa, lápices, ollas ¡NADA! Así que me propuse comenzar de a poco. En este episodio, que salió hace unas semanas, cuento cuál ha sido mi estrategia para mantener el orden en mis espacios. El link está en la bio, pero también pueden ir a Spotify y buscar Productividad Saludable, recuerda seguirme para poder estar al día con los episodios. #ProductividadSaludable #ProductividadPersonal #Ordenar #tydingupwithmariekondo #mariekondomethod

11/14/2022, 12:43:35 AM

Declutter, Refresh & Reenergize Wellness is about more than smart food choices and exercise. It’s equally important to focus on the places where we spend the most time. At least half of our lives we spend inside our home… Therefore, we invite you to declutter at least one space in your home. And if you want to step it up a notch… add natural greenery and this will contribute in enhancing the overall appearance of a space. We guarantee, this will improve your mood, productivity, creativity and overall well-being. #declutteryourlife #tydingupwithmariekondo #lliliansignaturedesignstudio

11/5/2022, 5:59:27 PM

How we put our daily stuff to avoid misplaced, easy to put and carry. No waste the time in looking for. #tidyingup #konmari #tydingupwithmariekondo #tidyhousetidymind #minimalishome

10/16/2022, 8:12:50 AM

Refurnishing… and cleaning… ❤️😍😍 ich hab mal ein wenig umgeräumt… ja ich weiß man kann den Tisch auch abbauen🤣🤣🤣🤩🤩… Gatto liegt natürlich im Weg😜😜 #refurbished #reorganizing #umräumen #umräumenmachtspaß #malwasanderes #aufräumen #cleaningmotivation #tydingupwithmariekondo #reorganizing #umräumaktion #herbstputz

9/25/2022, 8:22:26 PM

🔝 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢 🔝 Lo spazio in 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 non basta mai. 🤷♂️ Ecco a voi la 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 più 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 ed 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘢 da applicare. 👇 𝘓𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘪 𝘭’𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘶’ https://www.uzanpartners.com/piu-spazio-in-casa-col-metodo-konmari/ 𝐔𝐳𝐚𝐧 & 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘻𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪! 💼 www.uzanpartners.com * * * * * * * * * * #konmari #declutteryourlife #tidyingup #sparkjoy #organizers #organize #organise #konmari_italia #decluttering #konmarifriends #tidying #organizing #organizer #organiser #minimalism #homes #declutter #konmarifolding #tydingupwithmariekondo #tidy #organizeyourlife #organized #organised #mariekondo

5/23/2022, 12:42:03 PM

🔝 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢 🔝 Lo spazio in 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 non basta mai. 🤷♂️ Ecco a voi la 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 più 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 ed 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘢 da applicare. 👇 𝘓𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘪 𝘭’𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘶’ https://www.uzanpartners.com/piu-spazio-in-casa-col-metodo-konmari/ 𝐔𝐳𝐚𝐧 & 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘻𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪! 💼 www.uzanpartners.com * * * * * * * * * * #konmari #declutteryourlife #tidyingup #sparkjoy #organizers #organize #organise #konmari_italia #decluttering #konmarifriends #tidying #organizing #organizer #organiser #minimalism #homes #declutter #konmarifolding #tydingupwithmariekondo #tidy #organizeyourlife #organized #organised #mariekondo

5/23/2022, 12:41:28 PM

🔝 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨 𝐊𝐨𝐧𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢 🔝 Lo spazio in 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 non basta mai. 🤷♂️ Ecco a voi la 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞 più 𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘦 ed 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘢 da applicare. 👇 𝘓𝘦𝘨𝘨𝘪 𝘭’𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘶’ https://www.uzanpartners.com/piu-spazio-in-casa-col-metodo-konmari/ 𝐔𝐳𝐚𝐧 & 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘻𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘪! 💼 www.uzanpartners.com * * * * * * * * * * #konmari #declutteryourlife #tidyingup #sparkjoy #organizers #organize #organise #konmari_italia #decluttering #konmarifriends #tidying #organizing #organizer #organiser #minimalism #homes #declutter #konmarifolding #tydingupwithmariekondo #tidy #organizeyourlife #organized #organised #mariekondo

5/23/2022, 12:40:59 PM

요즘 집 정리중 내가 이걸 3시간만에 할 수 있을까🥲 (넷플릭스 "설레지 않으면 버려라" 강!력!추!천! 👉보고나면 청소하고 싶은 마음 뿜뿜!) #미션임파서블 #청소 #tydingup #sparkofjoy #tydingupwithmariekondo

5/20/2022, 5:26:36 AM

.. - Memusatkan perhatian hanya pada proses membuang niscaya mendatangkan ketidakbahagiaan. Kenapa? Karena, kita semestinya memilih apa yang hendak kita simpan, bukan apa yang hendak kita singkirkan - Marie Kondo - .. Satu hal yg menarik utk direnungkan. Tapi memang benar sih. Tujuanku membereskan isi rumah adalah spy aku bisa lebih bahagia, yaitu punya rumah yg rapi dan nyaman utk aku tinggali. Jadi walaupun proses menyingkirkan barang² yg ga aku butuhin ttp bikin aku happy, kenapa ga juga dan lebih fokus ke barang² apa saja yang akan aku simpan? Karna barang² yg aku pilih utk aku simpan adalah barang² yg aku suka. Dan sdh pasti barang² yg aku suka bakalan bikin aku happy. Jadi double happy.. yieyyy... .. .. #healingsoul #selflove #learnmylesson #myminimalistjourney #tydingupwithmariekondo

5/7/2022, 3:09:52 PM

Bahar temizliği sadece temizlik yapmak değil aynı zamanda yeni bir düzene merhaba demek, toparlanmak ve sadeleşmek demek🏡 Bu toparlanma sırasında ihtiyacınız olan eşyaları sıfırdan almanıza gerek kalmayabilir✌🏻Evinizde var olan ama artık kullanmadığınız eşyalarınızı farklı amaçlar için kullanabilirsiniz🥳 Marie Kondo, yeni bir kutu almak yerine boş ayakkabı kutularını kullanıyor🤍🐢 Biz de biten Lindos şişelerimize en sevdiğimiz çiçekleri doldurup vazo olarak kullanmaya bayılıyoruz, sana da öneririz🪴 #mariekondo #konmariemethod #tydingupwithmariekondo #springcleaning #surdurulebilirbahartemizligi

4/26/2022, 6:49:12 PM

Spring is here, so you know what time it is….. decluttering! We are running a special to accommodate new and seasoned clients who need some help with spring cleaning. Ez organizing solutions is conducting an obligation free consult(phone or on site) for a limited amount of time. Do not miss out. 😊 ☎️ (443) 961-7705 📧 [email protected] #blackownedbusinesses #declutter #spring #springcleaning #organizing #dmv #womenempowerment #organizingexpert #tydingupwithmariekondo #organizinginspiration #cleanspaces #diningroom#

4/2/2022, 12:54:27 AM

Staff Shop's Book of the Month: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo 📖 This #1 New York Times best-selling guide to decluttering your home from Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes readers step-by-step through her revolutionary KonMari Method for simplifying, organizing, and storing. Japanese cleaning consultant Marie Kondo takes tidying to a whole new level, promising that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you’ll never have to do it again. Most methods advocate a room-by-room or little-by-little approach, which doom you to pick away at your piles of stuff forever. The KonMari Method, with its revolutionary category-by-category system, leads to lasting results. In fact, none of Kondo’s clients have lapsed (and she still has a three-month waiting list). With detailed guidance for determining which items in your house “spark joy” (and which don’t), this international bestseller featuring Tokyo’s newest lifestyle phenomenon will help you clear your clutter and enjoy the unique magic of a tidy home—and the calm, motivated mindset it can inspire. Read along with us and stay tuned for our Book Club at the end of the month!⭐️ #StaffShopInc #StaffShopBookOfTheMonth #BookOfTheMonth #LifeChangingMagicofTidyingUpbyMarieKondo #MarieKondo #Tyding #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydingup #Organization #Decluttering #JapanseseCleaningConsultant #Storing #Simplifying #SparkJoy

4/1/2022, 5:17:16 PM

Spring cleaning is around the corner... . Pictured: French and English copies of Marie Kondo's "The Life-changing magic of tidying up" (translated as "Le pouvoir étonnant du rangement") side by side. I bought the French copy this week for one of my sisters, the English one has been on my shelves for a while. I am due for a reread. . #ownedbooks #nonfictionbooks #mariekondo #tydingupwithmariekondo #booksinfrench #booksinenglish #thriftbooks #usedbooks #secondhandbooks

3/10/2022, 2:18:17 PM

Eccoci qui con un piccolo Tip salva spazio! Molto utile soprattutto per le super appassionate di scarpe di qualsiasi genere… … Dalle sneaker, ai mocassini,alle mules o per delle slingback, o per un paio di boots: bassi, alti, con o senza tacco I portascarpe sono la soluzione ideale per tutte voi Ricordate #safespacesafetime ————— Dove si possono comprare🤔 Nelle storie in evidenza troverete tutto ciò che vi serve🌟 . . . . . . . . . . #organizer #organization #homedecor #homeinspiration #armadio #homesweethome #tidyup #tidyhome #cleaning #clothes #simplify #tydingup #tydingupwithmariekondo #style #fashion #minimalism #minimalist #salvaspazio #salvaspazioincasa #ordine #storeage #spacesolutions #instahome #inspohomes

3/3/2022, 12:15:20 PM

@jiangyeluxury ←← Recommended top replica watch shop, with ultra-low price, comparable to the official quality, the shop has more than 7 years of watch service experience, before delivery to provide the confirmation of the watch picture and video,add whatsapp +85292073817 #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott #tydingup #tydolla #tyde #tydliggörandepedagogik #tydie #tydzienmetamorfozyzchodakowska #tydmg #tydal #tydzienartystyczny #tyburrell #tyborden #tyb #tybellophotography #tyblackthorn #tybeanieboos #tybee #tybg #tybello @jmouderkerken @eatwildercom @ericaboon @sdaldrich73 @been_sic @thecosmicgrind @sims4732 kilto24 @_justrich_

2/23/2022, 6:45:47 PM

@jiangye_shoes ←← Recommended sneaker super seller. No matter what style of shoes you want, they have it, with free shipping from manufacturers worldwide via DHL, If you need to buy please add her whatsapp +852 92073817 or her Instagram (here is the best quality, cheapest price) #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott #tydingup #tydolla #tyde #tydliggörandepedagogik #tydie #tydzienmetamorfozyzchodakowska #tydmg @hayatboyle43 @thebearded379 @hughjanos__88 @cecildrivehalf @prettyboyjayy_ @theartofresell @perezjacobocristobal @justinzwick @kishor.patni.3333

2/19/2022, 5:58:22 PM

@jiangyetrade ←← Recommended sneaker super seller. No matter what style of shoes you want, they have it, with free shipping from manufacturers worldwide via DHL, If you need to buy please add her whatsapp +852 92073817 or her Instagram (here is the best quality, cheapest price) #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott #tydingup #tydolla #tyde #tydliggörandepedagogik #tydie #tydzienmetamorfozyzchodakowska #tydmg #tydal #tydzienartystyczny #tyburrell #tyborden #tyb #tybellophotography #tyblackthorn #tybeanieboos #tybee #tybg #tybello #tybeeisland #tybollinger #tybeaniebabies #tybeanie #tybeanieboo mirasaft_ @richie_tree @robbos_piccs @qmg_gbuddy @iiion_falco @gttakipci_gt @boxxtheexperience @ellamaehines @ave_frm_bk

2/16/2022, 4:40:21 PM

In opruimmodus met het Februariboek 'Opgeruimd! De manier om orde en rust in je leven te brengen' van Marie Kondo, de Japanse opruimgoeroe. Dit boek lag al een paar jaar op mijn boekenplank. Ik heb het wel eens gelezen, maar heb het eigenlijk nog niet in de praktijk omgezet. Tijd dus om daar verandering in te brengen. Enkele basisregels van de KonMari-methode: • Werk per categorie, niet per ruimte • Eerst weggooien, dan opbergen • Houd enkel de spullen waar je blij van wordt #opruimen #tydingupwithmariekondo #mariekondo #sparkjoy

2/15/2022, 5:26:36 PM

@repseller25 ←← Recommend sneaker seller. they only sell the best version in the market free shipping through DHL worldwide, if you need to buy, please add my whatsapp + 86 13141273004 or her Instagram (here are the best quality, and the cheapest price) #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott #tydingup #tydolla #tyde #tydliggörandepedagogik #tydie #tydzienmetamorfozyzchodakowska #tydmg #tydal #tydzienartystyczny #tyburrell @rhizoryan @calebpewman @nah_jit_12456 @regexalex @moyer.dave81 @karacomeaux @jdoboe @kodie.laughlin @k2ijk

2/10/2022, 11:30:17 AM

@repseller25 ←← Recommend sneaker seller. they only sell the best version in the market free shipping through DHL worldwide, if you need to buy, please add my whatsapp + 86 13141273004 or her Instagram (here are the best quality, and the cheapest price) #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @klwalsh12 @g_bone5042 @7370_hd @princedas2708 @rajkumarpawale1 @kmamtakumari48renu @csbtj_ @sr.iram6928 @9705.lea

2/9/2022, 2:00:44 PM

@repseller25 ←← Recommend sneaker seller. they only sell the best version in the market free shipping through DHL worldwide, if you need to buy, please add my whatsapp + 86 13141273004 or her Instagram (here are the best quality, and the cheapest price) #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott c_daddy489 @antonette_espinfoza @baten4992 @n_marshalee @_fire_fox_9 @josefa_waldsron @klara_yasina_2 @scorpio.lang @ptambarshukla

1/12/2022, 8:31:52 PM

▶Watch video on Youtube. Link in Bio! I hope this short clean with me helps you to find motivation to tidy and clean after these festive days:) Much love 💛 Anordinaryday #️⃣ #livinginswitzerland #lifeinswitzerland #weeklyvlog #youtubechannel #youtube #lifeofanintrovert #introvert #thesimplelife #everydaylife #cleanwithme #cleaning #tydingupwithmariekondo #mariekondo #cleanflat #cleanapartment #cleanhouse #housework #cleanup #tidy #tidyingup #tidyhometidymind

1/8/2022, 1:49:44 PM

@repseller25 ←← Recommend sneaker seller. they only sell the best version in the market free shipping through DHL worldwide, if you need to buy, please add my whatsapp + 86 13141273004 or her Instagram (here are the best quality, and the cheapest price) #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @kokosik_628 @slfpwwwww @sorokinn_m @zalina_bet_777 @babyblooooood @pivno1_larek @zxc_txnboy @paba_sokol @eredemka

1/3/2022, 5:25:15 PM

@repseller25 ←← Recommend sneaker seller.  they only sell the best version in the market free shipping through DHL worldwide, if you need to buy, please add my whatsapp + 86 13141273004 or her Instagram (here are the best quality, and the cheapest price) #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @bounce3065 @armeec_ @reece.5310 @martini_kh @kevmag26 @anna_s10_ @mgty.7 @_kykyryz_ @arinro2021

1/2/2022, 3:47:18 PM

@repseller25 ←← Recommend sneaker seller.  they only sell the best version in the market free shipping through DHL worldwide, if you need to buy, please add my whatsapp + 86 13141273004 or her Instagram (here are the best quality, and the cheapest price) #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @roshrigter @skipvg @nieuwaccountisis.plug @wisse02 @emma.imk @marcelfauth @heleneooink @loisboers_fotografie @jwbjonkers

1/2/2022, 2:55:42 AM

@wi.llis3389 ←← alicerests TON Bitcoin quantitative intelligent trading system, registered to send 100USDT, 3 days profit 3.37%. WhatsApp;+79688334898 #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @joelagaf @emac_83 @myurdaer @angelorock7 @gucci_.tozz1 @natalikotsuba @tanman97.nft @mariuximurillozapata @muhammad__safari

12/30/2021, 9:32:41 PM

@nancynancy4033 ←← alicerests TON Bitcoin quantitative intelligent trading system, registered to send 100USDT, 3 days profit 3.37%. WhatsApp;+855965127181 #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @joelagaf @emac_83 @myurdaer @angelorock7 @gucci_.tozz1 @natalikotsuba @tanman97.nft @mariuximurillozapata @muhammad__safari

12/30/2021, 9:32:41 PM

@funko_pop_asia ←←100% Authentic Rare collection and published in China only. All boxes are in Mint Conditions and packed with extra Protector Case. #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @theuzin_067_mpccg @pwa_tattoos_pt2 @lahhollis @pedroparodias5 @yashhh_dh @nevin._.nko @_pretinho_de_sp @_padraigmovement @sergiotorresss_

12/28/2021, 5:14:29 PM

→→ @ayzblt1903 ←← Follow him "ayzblt1903". Maybe you can become good friends. [Instagram recommendation] #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @martve82 @aryampie @draagas96 @robandlarry @hoseinhedayat @juanluis.aguilarceciliano34 @maxmaxko_ @mr_whoaaaa @huy_gia_doan

12/20/2021, 1:11:23 PM

→→ @gregory54888 ←← Follow him "gregory54888". Maybe you can become good friends. [Instagram recommendation] #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @warmmy64 @jasonjuicemralex @daddy_to_be_family_first @crissteffens70 @n0ttodays4tan @thepodology @subramanian7983 @barahonacamila_ @jacccck676

12/18/2021, 2:13:18 PM

Whatsapp: +13476257621 Heavy news: Participate in liquidity mining and get 88USDT, and there is a chance to win 880,000 USDT! #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott ivomartinn @raja_ganapathi143 @reach5cell @atk_mickelson @dirceu_rocha84 @james_thompson1123 @satoricuts @hevelyncinttia @oremenicucci @nene_bcl

12/14/2021, 9:03:28 PM

Whatsapp: +19167385183 Heavy news: Participate in liquidity mining and get 88USDT, and there is a chance to win 880,000 USDT! #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @king.tad.796 @sdrenna.22 @phamsonlove700 @_javierc98 @ali_nrgh @virgilio.moreira1 @shaho_y_s @nanda.mga @javier_marchioni @narendrakammasaini

12/14/2021, 9:03:28 PM

Whatsapp: +15803443129 Heavy news: Participate in liquidity mining and get 88USDT, and there is a chance to win 880,000 USDT! #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @alireza_eslami2 @killerpogi1992 @schvvun @midou_lakab20 @hashimbekajr @stevendemata dowche9 @ian.st1 @emiliodaniel.m @tomasbrescia

12/13/2021, 6:39:56 PM

Whatsapp: +14754418815 Heavy news: Participate in liquidity mining and get 88USDT, and there is a chance to win 880,000 USDT! #tyctwd #tyceno #tychydobremiejsce #tyciaphototips #tycinka #tycinky #txweddingvenue #txwelder #txwinery #txwildflowers #txwines #txwg #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott @gtr.leonansv @gidejesspo1 @saad.rca1 @istanbulive1234 gabrielvanga_ @brincy_anu_raj @najem_shettan @izugenesis @nftbrowser @wamique_rahman

12/12/2021, 6:03:20 PM

Whatsapp: +18433432716 Participate in liquidity mining and give 88USDT as a gift, and have a chance to win 880,000 USDT! #txweddingphotographer #txwoodworkers #txweddingvendors #txweddingplanner #txphoto #txpromo #txproud #txpride #txpods #txplanner #txz #tydollasign #tyd #tydollar #tydus #tydollarsign #tydingupwithmariekondo #tydustalbott #tydingup #tydolla #tyde #tydliggörandepedagogik #tydie #tydzienmetamorfozyzchodakowska #tydmg #tydal #tydzienartystyczny #tyburrell #tyborden #tyb @literarysuicide @gustavo_fregonez @ayala_alejo99 @szejon @jannikkath @educator__lindafx @hoormalik22 @silvio_ciavela @oudaccountfabian7777777

12/11/2021, 2:26:38 AM

Okay, so the first part of the process; gathering All of My~Clothes through~out the home(I’m sure there is more tucked away some~where). 🤦🏼 It is feeling daunting, but I am going to need to lay down somewhere tonight. 😄 Who wants to, would like to “HELP!?” J/K It is a process th@ must be done by & for myself. I’ve been asking for help for years and no~body has stepped up to help yet. So, I am on my own, once again. 😔 Cleared my closet & clothes baskets(one has been out on the dryer for months). Then, I realized th@ I still had clothes packed away in a couple of my suitcases from my trip to TX back in 2019. 😄 Here is to Hope’n I can minimize my wardrobe and only keep those things th@, “Spark Joy.” #Clean #Cleaning #CleaningClutter #Clear #Clearing #ClearingClothing #Closet #ClosetSpace #Clothes #Clothing #Clutter #DresserDrawers #Garments #Happy #Happiness #Joy #KonMari #KonMariMethod #MarieKondo #Method #MethodToTheMadness #MyHappyPlace #Netflix #OCD #SparkJoy #SparkingJoy #TidyingUp #TydingUpWithMarieKondo #Wardrobe #WardrobeManagement @mariekondo

10/8/2021, 1:19:17 AM

Getting ready to start the KonMari~Method and had to start~fresh w/ a nice, clean bed. For the longest time, I never used to make my bed; I was Always jumping right back in it any~ways. I’ve spent a majority of my adult~life, in my bed; probably twice as much as a normal~person. I LOVE TO SLEEP! 🦁🥱🛌😴💤 But, you know what else I Love to do, fold clothes. So, I’ve got the folding down~pat. I got th@ from my Momma, as well as my sleeping habits; we both had OCD badly. So, if you ever wanted to know how to fold a fitted~sheet, I’m your girl. I’ll take it from the time~lapse and slow it down for ya; and then you can Cash~App me for my services. 😆🤑 Okay, wish~me~well!! #Fold #Folding #FoldingFittedSheets #FoldingFittedSheetsLessons #FoldingFittedSheetsLikeAPro #FoldingFittedSheetsLikeABoss #FoldingSheets #FittedSheets #FittedSheetsSuck #Happy #Happiness #HowTo #HowToFold #HowToFoldFittedSheets #Joy #KonMari #KonMariMethod #MarieKondo #Method #MethodToTheMadness #MyHappyPlace #Netflix #OCD #SparkJoy #SparkingJoy #TidyingUp #TydingUpWithMarieKondo #TriFold #TriFolder @mariekondo

10/7/2021, 9:36:44 PM

Düzenlemek istediğiniz her alan için çözüm sunmaya geliyoruz. #homestyling #homeorganizer #tydingupwithmariekondo

10/4/2021, 4:23:22 PM

. 最後の最後 引越し当日まで 置き去りにされていた時計 . 高校で貰った卒業記念品 . 声を録音して アラームにできるんです . 担任の先生に入れて貰った 「〇〇(名前)起きなさい!」は いつ聴いてもにやにやしてしまいます . 思い出を胸に 「ありがとう」 . #journeytobemyself #tydingupwithmariekondo #livewithless #letitgowithgratitude#思い出#いい先生だったな#今の自分より全然歳下#引越し当日#片付け記録

10/4/2021, 3:36:45 AM

. 学生時代 辛い実習を支えてくれたパソコンと 社会人になってから買って 留学生活を支えてくれたパソコン . ガジェット系に疎くて ほとんどこだわりもなく買った 重量級 . データ整理をしてなくて 捨てられずにいたけれど パソコン廃棄.comさんの お力を借りることにしました . 着払いで送って データもしっかり消して 無料で処分してくれる ありがたや🙏🏻 . パソコン 今まで「ありがとう」 . #journeytobemyself #tydingupwithmariekondo #konmaring #minimalism #livewithless#より少ない生き方#シンプルな暮らし#片付け記録

10/3/2021, 4:35:29 PM

. 大のテレビっ子だった私 . 共働きの両親と歳の離れた姉 ひとりでお留守番ができたのは 他でもないテレビがあったから . 小学生の頃から好きな番組を詰め込んだ お気に入りVHSを作って 何度も何度も飽きずに観てました . その名残りか 未だに録画は溜まってしまう . 当時画期的だった DVDとVHSが両方観れるビデオデッキと 社会人になって初めて自分で買った レコーダー . 中にはたくさんの 何度でも観たい録画のデータが詰まってます でも 埃かぶってるな データ整理しなきゃ 早くしないと壊れて電源付かなくなるかも いつも頭の隅っこにこの子達がいるんです . ここは思い切って 「ありがとう」 です . #journeytobemyself #tydingupwithmariekondo #konmaring #livewithless#より少ない生き方#ミニマルライフ#ミニマリストに憧れる#片付け記録

10/3/2021, 4:25:22 PM

. 明日の引越しに備えてお参り . これからここで 新しい生活の始まり . 倉庫代わりになっていた実家には 何も残さないで出る! . そう豪語してたのは つい一か月前のこと . NETFLIXこんまりシリーズを見直して 新しいシリーズも見て 休日は全て片付けに費やす 服、本、書類、小物 そして ありがとうの手がパタリと止まった 思い出品 . 勢いが止まると一気にペースダウン . 卒アルは実家に保管しておこうかな 手放すのは.. 厳しいなあ.. . #journeytobemyself #tydingupwithmariekondo #minimalism #shintoshrine #autumn #birthday2021#手放したいのに手放せない#シンプルな暮らし#持たない暮らし#引越し準備#片付け記録

10/3/2021, 9:07:10 AM

. 高校3年生の秋 母が買ってくれた初めての腕時計 . 電池は切れてるし 画面にヒビもある けど 何となく捨てられず 実家の引き出しに眠っていた時計 . 時計ひとつくらい.. でも、 モノを手放しても 思い出は消えません . 思い切って 「ありがとう」 . . #journeytobemyself #livewithless #tydingupwithmariekondo #simplify#ミニマリストになりたい#シンプルな暮らし#持たない暮らし#片付け記録

10/3/2021, 8:48:22 AM

🇧🇷 A Magia do Dia a Dia com Marie Kondo . 🗒️SINOPSE: Neste reality, Marie Kondo apresenta ótimas dicas de organização para pessoas que têm dificuldade em equilibrar a casa e o trabalho, além de mostrar a própria vida. . 🎬CRIADORA: Rachelle Mendez. . 📝RESENHA: Este é mais um Realiy para se sentir bem! Marie usa suas técnicas de arrumação para organizar outros ambientes importantes para os participantes de cada episódio. Dando um novo começo para seus pequenos negócios/projeto comunitário. . Acho que 3 episódios para esse formato é muito pouco! Gostaria de ver bem mais. Os episódios também são bem longos e menos dinâmicos se comparados ao "Tyding Up", outro reality estrelado por Marie (resenha aqui ➡️ #euresenhomariekondo). . Gostei de ver mais da casa e da família da própria Marie! . É um ótimo entretenimento. Consegue ser leve e profundo, conta as histórias dos participantes de forma sensível. E os antes e depois das arrumações são muito satisfatórios. . 🌟NOTA: 9,8 ❤️RECOMENDO? Sim! 📺PRETENDO CONTINUAR? A princípio se trata de uma minissérie e já está finalizada. Mas, se houver novas temporadas, quero acompanhar. 💬 Você já viu ou pretende ver esse Reality? Comenta aqui embaixo o que achou!

9/28/2021, 10:58:52 PM

Nachdem ich die Netflix Serien #tydingupwithmariekondo & #sparkingjoy geschaut habe, war ich inspiriert das gleiche zu machen. Das größte Projekt ist dabei mein Kleiderschrank. Pardon _war_ mein Kleiderschrank 😁. Boxen und Kategorien waren der Schlüssel dafür, dass ich mehr organisieren im Schrank einführen konnte. Wenn ihr nun ebenfalls etwas inspiert seid ihr eine kleine Abfolge wie ihr zum Nacher kommt😉 ( am besten könnt ihr die Tipps und Abfolge allerdings in der Netflix Serie #tydingupwithmariekondo anschauen ^^) Tyding up your clothes: 1) Sammelt *alle* eure Kleidungsstücke an einem Ort. Dadurch macht ihr euch bewusst, wieviel ihr tatsächlich habt. (man war ich geschockt😅) 2) schaut euch jedes einzelne Teil an. Entscheidet,ob es euch Freude bereitet ( "does it spark joy for you?" @mariekondo). Und ob ihr dieses in euren weiteren Lebensweg weiterbringt/hilft. 3) Wenn ja, behaltet es mit Selbstbewusstsein und einem guten Gefühl 4) Die Kleidungsstücke, die Punkt 2 nicht passieren könnten, werden aussortiert. Ganz wichtig nach der Technik von Maria Kondo ist es sich dankbar bei den Dingen zu zeigen, indem ihr danke sagt, sobald ihr es zum Spendenstapel legt. Schließlich haben diese Gegenstände uns bis dahin gute Dienste geleistet 😁 5) Kleidung falten/aufhängen und in durchdachten Kategorien in Boxen in den Kleiderschrank einsortieren And keep in mind: let the item #sparkjoy for you

9/28/2021, 4:01:36 PM