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1 Iunie cu Zâmbete ZEN 👧🏻🧒🏻 O zi dedicată copiilor, în care ne dorim să le vedem zâmbetele largi și încrezătoare! 🪁 Să nu vă pierdeți niciodată sinceritatea zâmbetelor, dragii noștri! 🥰 Iar pe voi, părinți, vă încurajăm să oferiți celor mici multă atenție și grijă sănătății lor orale, de la cele mai fragede vârste! 🧚🏻‍♀️ #1Iunie #ZâmbeteZen #ZenKids #ZenDental

6/1/2024, 9:00:18 AM

Lucky thrift store score after yoga today!!! Usually, I head straight home or make a stop at the grocery store, but I felt a tug to drop in after many months and veered off my usual route. I was horrible at yoga today. 😖 I felt so disconnected with the sequence and unsteady and even wanted to skip poses. Never ever had a teacher had to put her hands on me so many times. I didn’t want to push today, and I don’t think she realized it, but I respect her wanting to help. I don’t know what it was, but I won’t beat myself up for it either. That’s gone like a little ☁️… #zen #zenpig #zenpigbooks #rainydayyoga #wonder #anxietyreliefforchildren #anxietyrelief #yogalibrary #kidsyogabooks #kidszen #zenkids #zenkidsyoga I need to teach some kids again… 🧘🏽‍♀️✌🏼

5/31/2024, 8:38:44 PM

🧮➗️ Discalculia ➕️🔢 Seguimos con los trastornos del aprendizaje, hoy toca un trastorno relacionado con las matemáticas #discalculia 👩🏻‍🏫 #zenkids #Trastornosdelaprendizaje

5/29/2024, 4:00:32 PM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/29/2024, 9:03:28 AM

Mindfulness para crianças é uma prática que as ajuda a cultivar a atenção plena ao momento presente. Ao aprenderem a se concentrar em suas sensações, emoções e pensamentos, as crianças desenvolvem habilidades essenciais para lidar com o estresse, a ansiedade e os desafios do dia a dia. Além disso, a mindfulness promove uma maior consciência emocional, empatia e resiliência, capacitando as crianças a enfrentarem os altos e baixos da vida com calma e equilíbrio. Investir nessa prática desde cedo não só fortalece a saúde mental das crianças, mas também estabelece bases sólidas para um futuro mais consciente e humanitarista.🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️ . . . #mindfulness #mindfulnessinfantil #criança #zenkids #atividadeeducacaoinfantil #focoinfantil

5/28/2024, 2:06:40 PM

It took me 18 months to get brave about changing the name of my business to Meditation for Misfits. And now I'm thinking of trademarking the name, what do you think?! For ages I sat with it, on it. Meditation for Misfits. Scared to bring it to the world, because I knew this name wouldn't be for everyone. (SUCH a metaphor for the terrible inner struggle I had for so long with letting my inner oddball out the closet, for fear of rejection) I got feedback from more than a couple folk who I respect and who have been in business for years saying the word MISFIT was perhaps a bit too... charged/triggering/negative. And it was hard for me in that moment not to start trying to explain and justify to them why it HAD to be this name. Because these folk aren't and weren't my 'ideal client', as they say in business. My tribe (as I prefer to say) are the folk reading this and feeling seen. Perhaps this is you. And if it is, a hearty welcome my dear! If you want more of this, you'll find us over in my free Facebook community (link in bio) Stay weird my friend! #kidsarethefuture #meaningfulwork #heartcentred #meditationworks #calmkids #vulnerabilityisstrength #zenkids #heartled #littleyogis #kidssleep #innerrevolution #kidsmentalhealth #findyourselfoutside #wildandfreechildren #kidsmentalhealthmatters #mentalhealthemergency #standoutfromtherest #outsider #questioneverything #mindfulplay #belonging #teachingpeace

5/28/2024, 6:55:30 AM

🌞 Campamento de Verano Zenkids 🌞 Que tu pequeño pase un momento agradable y al mismo tiempo trabaje sus habilidades socioemocionales🥳 Somos 3 psicólogas las que impartiremos este campamento 👩🏽👩🏻👩🏻‍🦰 Tendremos: 🎨Artesanias 💦Actividades acuáticas 🧪Experimentos Y mucho más!! Del 15 de Julio al 9 de Agosto del 2024 👦👧 Dirigido a niños y niñas de 2 a 7 años ⌚Horario: Lunes a Viernes 9:00am – 1:00 pm 📍Ubicación: Ampliación moderna 💵 Inversión: $3,200 M.N Aparta con $1,000 pesos antes del 15 de junio y recibe un descuento 🥰 ......CUPO LIMITADO....... #zenkids #cursodeverano2024 #ensenadabajacalifornia

5/27/2024, 3:00:51 PM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/27/2024, 1:21:56 PM

Détails offrant la perfection sont chez Zen Baby&Kids outlet ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #modeenfants #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/27/2024, 11:36:55 AM

📝 Disgrafia ✍️🏼 Continuamos con los trastornos del aprendizaje y hoy tenemos, la disgrafia 🤯 #zenkids #trastornodelaprendizaje #disgrafia #escritura

5/26/2024, 8:58:32 PM

Shortly after Brightside was released, I was consumed in a personal journey of existential theology. Breakout got put on the back burner, but recently I've felt an itch to continue this passion project. Thanks for your love and support. ❤️ #childrensbooks #coolkidsbooks #californiabrand #zen #tao #soul #brightside #shark #skeleton #surf #tombstone #mindfulness #zenkids #brightside #silverlining

5/23/2024, 5:32:03 PM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/23/2024, 2:35:16 PM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/22/2024, 3:11:33 PM

Dăm startul unui maraton pentru dinți mai sănătoși de 1 Iunie! #ZenKidsDays 🦷✨ Vom desfășura concursuri și vom împărtăși cu voi informații despre îngrijirea dentară la copii, pe story, în fiecare zi, până pe 1 Iunie ☀️ Ce trebuie să faceți? 😌 Să fiți cu ochii pe povestea noastră în fiecare zi, să alegeți răspunsurile corecte, iar noi vă pregătim surprize! 🐝 #ZenKids #KidsDays #ZENDental #StomatologieZen #ZâmbeteZen #followalong

5/22/2024, 11:06:43 AM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/21/2024, 1:24:20 PM

Seeking a serene night for your starry-eyed dreamers? ✨🌜 Let guided sleep meditation work its magic! Our latest piece reveals mindfulness secrets that not only lull your little ones to dreamland but also sprinkle nightly rituals with calmness 💭🛌. Let's embrace this old-but-gold practice and ensure our children's dreams are as sweet as the bedtime stories we share. Check out our stories to learn how. #KidsMeditation #PeacefulNights #ZenKids #KidadlCalm #SleepMeditationForKids #MindfulSlumber #KidadlZen

5/21/2024, 1:00:28 PM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/20/2024, 4:27:04 PM

Laissez les pièces Zen Baby&Kids accompagner le style cool de votre enfant ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/20/2024, 1:55:05 PM

💜 KIDS YOGA POSE OF THE WEEK 💜 Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana) Step your feet wide apart and turn your right foot out to the side while keeping your left foot slightly turned in. Bend your right knee, stacking it directly over your right ankle, and extend your arms out to the sides at shoulder height. Gaze over your right fingertips. Benefits: Builds strength and stamina in the legs. Opens the hips and chest. Boosts confidence and inner strength. Discover the magic of yoga for your child's growth and happiness! At Zen Kids Yoga, we're dedicated to nurturing not just their bodies, but also their minds and hearts. Through playful movement and mindful practices, our sessions empower kids to embrace their unique strengths, find peace within, and build resilience for life's ups and downs. Join us every Thursday during term time, from 5pm to 6pm, at St. Peter's Crabbs Cross, and let's embark on a journey of joy, connection, and self-discovery together. Reach out today to secure your child's spot and watch them shine brighter with each breath and pose. [email protected] Let's create a world where every child feels grounded, confident, and full of possibility. See you on the mat! ✨🙏✨ #KidsYoga #MindfulKids #YogaForChildren #HealthyKids #ZenKids #ChildWellbeing #YogaClass #StressReliefForKids #EmotionalWellness #ThursdayYogaSession

5/19/2024, 7:33:11 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/17/2024, 12:18:30 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/17/2024, 9:30:59 AM

Laat jij je kind weer stralen?⁠ ⁠ 🌟✨ Geef ze dan de kans om deel te nemen aan onze Zen Kids lessen! 🧘‍♂️🌈 In deze inspirerende en speelse lessen leren kinderen op een leuke manier omgaan met emoties, stress verminderen en innerlijke rust vinden. Door middel van yoga, meditatie, ademhalingsoefeningen en creatieve activiteiten helpen we kinderen om in contact te komen met zichzelf en hun eigen kracht te ontdekken. ⁠ ⁠ 🌿🌺 Zie hoe ze groeien in zelfvertrouwen, veerkracht ontwikkelen en stralen van geluk! Als ouder is er niets mooiers dan je kind te zien bloeien en zichzelf te zien zijn⁠ ⁠ . 🌟🌷Meld je kind vandaag nog aan voor onze Zen Kids lessen en geef ze de kans om te schitteren als nooit tevoren! 🌈🌸⁠ ⁠ https://zenranch.nl/evenementen/⁠ ⁠ #ZenKids #InnerlijkeKracht #StralendeKinderen#dankbaarheid #coaching #kindcoaching #mediumschap #kindercoach #coachingkind #zelfvertrouwen #mindfulness #yoga #yogavoorkinderen #alohilessen #nieuwveen #nieuwkoop #liefde #love #fulness #massage #ontspanning #mindfulness #meditatie

5/15/2024, 8:15:14 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/15/2024, 2:24:27 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/14/2024, 2:09:11 PM

Moi, ça me fait RÊVER!! Voilà encore de belles créations!! Une profusion d’imagination et de créativité 🤩 au service du bien-être 🌈 . . #artschoollife #artschools #drawingart #penartwork #happyschool #creativity #colorsart #calmart #meditativeart #drawingday #artactivity #artactivitiesforkids #zenkids #imagination #escuelaarte #felicidadyarte #meditacionyarte

5/13/2024, 5:59:04 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/13/2024, 1:50:35 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/13/2024, 9:58:13 AM

💜 KIDS YOGA POSE OF THE WEEK 💜 Tree Pose (Vrksasana) Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart. Shift your weight onto one foot and lift the other foot off the ground. Place the sole of your lifted foot against the inner thigh or calf of the standing leg. Bring your palms together at your chest or extend your arms overhead. Benefits: Improves balance and coordination. Strengthens the ankles and legs. Enhances focus and concentration. Discover the magic of yoga for your child's growth and happiness! At Zen Kids Yoga, we're dedicated to nurturing not just their bodies, but also their minds and hearts. Through playful movement and mindful practices, our sessions empower kids to embrace their unique strengths, find peace within, and build resilience for life's ups and downs. Join us every Thursday during term time, from 5pm to 6pm, at St. Peter's Crabbs Cross, and let's embark on a journey of joy, connection, and self-discovery together. Reach out today to secure your child's spot and watch them shine brighter with each breath and pose. [email protected] Let's create a world where every child feels grounded, confident, and full of possibility. See you on the mat! ✨🙏✨ #KidsYoga #MindfulKids #YogaForChildren #HealthyKids #ZenKids #ChildWellbeing #YogaClass #StressReliefForKids #EmotionalWellness #ThursdayYogaSession

5/12/2024, 6:58:14 PM

🌟✨ Un témoignage qui me touche en plein cœur 💖✨ Cette maman partage son avis après que j’aie accompagné sa fille de 6 ans en sophrologie. 🧘‍♀️👧 Laissez-vous inspirer par ses mots ; je suis heureuse d’avoir guidé cette enfant vers la sérénité et le bien-être ! 🌈💕 #SophrologieEnfants #TémoignageClient #SérénitéFamiliale #bienêtreenfants #SophroKids #EnfantsHeureux #Sophrologue #MamanHeureuse #ÉquilibreFamilial #BonheurEnfance #ConfianceEnSoiEnfant #SantéMentaleEnfants #JoieDeVivreEnfants #CalmKids #ZenKids #HarmonieFamiliale #ÉnergiePositive #EnfantsSereins #ÉpanouissementEnfants #TémoignagePositif #SoutienParental #RelationMèreFille #BienDansLeCorps #MindfulnessKids #PeacefulKids #JeunesSereins #RespirationEnfant #VisualisationPositive #EnfantsZens #BienDansLeurPeau

5/12/2024, 9:30:00 AM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/11/2024, 5:27:29 PM

Les pièces préférées de l’été sont chez zen baby&kids #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #confortablechic #DécouvrezZenKids #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/9/2024, 11:42:22 AM

👶🏾👧 Cisa’s Zen Kids is a pioneering holistic child care program committed to providing comprehensive and nurturing care for children in our community. Our program is founded on the principles of holistic development, emphasizing the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well-being of each child. With a focus on mindfulness, creativity, and environmental awareness, we aim to cultivate a supportive and enriching environment where children can thrive and reach their full potential. Our primary goal is to foster holistic development in every child, promoting a sense of balance, resilience, and interconnectedness with the world around them. Through a combination of age-appropriate activities, play-based learning experiences, and individualized attention, we strive to nurture the whole child and empower them to become confident, compassionate, and engaged learners. 🧒🏾👦 #lasvegasdaycare #holisticchildcare #cisaszenkids #cisaskids #zenkids

5/9/2024, 5:13:58 AM

Le pain retrouve. Αυτός ο φούρνος θα μου λείψει πολύ. Ειναι στον δρομο για την Μονμάρτη. Δοκιμάστε την πίτσα κολοκύθι με Γαλλικό τυρι. Η πίτσα μαργαριτα δεν μου άρεσε. Όλοι τρώγανε μία πίτσα με ελιές. Μετάνιωσα που δεν την πήρα. Η ζύμη θυμίζει έναν φούρνο για πίτσες στην Ιταλία. A Paris! Be happy, be Zen. Love by Eve. @mrmimis @casablanca_by_pastaflora @zenfoodbyeve #zenstories #zenkids #zenfoodbyeve #zenfriends #zenpizza #foodisallaroundyou #easter

5/7/2024, 2:43:20 AM

Détails offrant la perfection sont chez Zen Baby&Kids outlet ! #ZenKids #nouvellecollection #modeenfants #kids #zenbaby #zenbabykids #Outletenfant #outlet #outletbaby #outletfrance #bébé #outletfrance

5/6/2024, 1:34:15 PM

💜 KIDS YOGA POSE OF THE WEEK 💜 Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) Lie on your belly with your palms under your shoulders. Press into your hands and lift your chest off the ground, keeping your elbows close to your body. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and lengthen through the crown of your head. Benefits: Strengthens the back muscles. Stretches the chest and abdomen. Improves posture and reduces stiffness in the spine. Discover the magic of yoga for your child's growth and happiness! At Zen Kids Yoga, we're dedicated to nurturing not just their bodies, but also their minds and hearts. Through playful movement and mindful practices, our sessions empower kids to embrace their unique strengths, find peace within, and build resilience for life's ups and downs. Join us every Thursday during term time, from 5pm to 6pm, at St. Peter's Crabbs Cross, and let's embark on a journey of joy, connection, and self-discovery together. Reach out today to secure your child's spot and watch them shine brighter with each breath and pose. [email protected] Let's create a world where every child feels grounded, confident, and full of possibility. See you on the mat! ✨🙏✨ #KidsYoga #MindfulKids #YogaForChildren #HealthyKids #ZenKids #ChildWellbeing #YogaClass #StressReliefForKids #EmotionalWellness #ThursdayYogaSession

5/5/2024, 6:57:08 PM

Η καλύτερη ζεστή σοκολάτα στο Παρίσι! Le Grand Colbert! Την σερβίρουν με γάλα και σαντιγί ξεχωριστά. Λέω κρατήστε την σαντιγί, και ο φίλος στην φωτογραφία δεν μπορούσε να το πιστέψει και αρχισε να γελάει. Ηταν τόσο γλυκούλης σαν την σοκολάτα μου. Πραγματικά ούτε γάλα δεν χρειαζόταν. Ηταν υπέροχη. Μην δοκιμάσετε άλλο γλυκό. Μόνο σοκολάτα ρόφημα. Αυτό μου είπαν, αλλά έκανα το λάθος και δοκιμάσα και κρεμ μπρουλέ. Αχρείαστη! Κάντε ένα break από το περπάτημα, αφού χαζέψτε τα μαγαζάκια στην στοά και απολαύστε την! Be happy, be Zen. Love by Eve! #zenfoodbyeve #aparis #foodisallaroundyou #zenkids #zenfriends #happyeaster #spring #behappybezen #chocolate #legrandcolbert

5/5/2024, 2:15:18 AM

#zenfoodbyeve #aparis #foodisallaroundyou #chefkatia #pastatartarprawns #easter #spring #zenkids #zenfriends #dinner From Brasil to London, from London to Paris our friend "Zen Chef" Katia! @mrmimis @zenfoodbyeve @casablanca_by_pastaflora

5/4/2024, 2:00:33 AM

Never underestimate the power of play. It's important for kids to have time to just be and play both by themselves and with others. It's easy to over schedule in an effort to "keep up" with others. Pay attention to what your kids need and allow them time and space to practice what they are learning. ❤️ . . . #powerofplay #raisingcapablekids #playtherapy #zenkids #taketimetoplay #parentwisdom #wisdomforparents #kindkids

5/2/2024, 6:10:02 PM

Teaching young warriors the power of emotional control and inner strength at Double Dragon Kids Gym. 🧘‍♂️💫 #MindfulMartialArts Experience the power of martial arts! Start your child's journey with a trial class today. 🌟 #TryMartialArts #MindBodyBalance #InnerStrength #ZenKids #EmotionalControl #StrengthInStillness #ConfidenceTraining #doubledragongym #sydney #sutherland #sutherlandshire #doubledragonkids

5/2/2024, 9:00:29 AM

Hebben jullie al kennisgemaakt met onze Zen Kids lessen?⁠ ⁠ 🌟🧘‍♂️ Deze bijzondere lessen zijn speciaal ontworpen om kinderen te helpen bij het vinden van innerlijke rust, balans en zelfvertrouwen. ⁠ ⁠ Tijdens de Zen Kids lessen leren kinderen op een speelse manier om te gaan met emoties, stress te verminderen en te vertrouwen op hun eigen kracht. Door middel van yoga, meditatie, creatieve activiteiten en mindfulness oefeningen, creëren we een veilige en inspirerende omgeving waar kinderen kunnen groeien en bloeien. ⁠ ⁠ Gun je kind de ervaring van Zen Kids en zie hoe ze stralen van binnenuit! 🌟🌿💖 ⁠ ⁠ https://zenranch.nl/evenementen/⁠ ⁠ #ZenKids #InnerlijkeRust #Zelfvertrouwen #GroeiEnBloei 🌟🌿💖⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #dankbaarheid #coaching #kindcoaching #mediumschap #kindercoach #coachingkind #zelfvertrouwen #mindfulness #yoga #yogavoorkinderen #alohilessen #nieuwveen #nieuwkoop #liefde #love #fulness #massage #ontspanning #mindfulness #meditatie

5/2/2024, 9:00:19 AM

Krit and his dog, Mu, love their beautiful home in Thailand—full of golden temples, colorful mountainsides, and endless adventures. ✨⁠ ⁠ Everything seems perfect—until Krit’s mother announces they will be moving to the frigid city of Chicago!⁠ ⁠ Krit Dreams of Dragon Fruit is a beautifully illustrated, Zen-inspired picture book with a heartfelt message for kids 4–8 about adjusting to a new home, making friends, and finding beauty wherever you are.⁠ ⁠ Cowritten by author duo Natalie Becher and @emily_france_books and illustrated by @wooskers.⁠ ⁠ #balakids #shambhalapublications #kritdreamsofdragonfruit #nataliebecher #emilyfrance #samanthawoo #connection #familytime #readingtogether #mindfulkids #zenkids #zenbooksforkids #zenparenting #forkids #kidsbookstagram #kidsbook #illustrationsforkids #illustrationsforchildren #childrensbooks #childrensbookstagram #parenting #storytime #readingtime📖 #kidsbookswelove #aapibooks #aapibooksforkids #aapiheritagemonth #heritagemonth

5/1/2024, 11:00:31 PM

💜 KIDS YOGA POSE OF THE WEEK 💜 Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana) Sit on the floor with the soles of your feet together, knees bent out to the sides. Hold onto your feet or ankles with your hands. Gently flap your knees up and down like butterfly wings. Benefits: Stretches the inner thighs and groin muscles. Helps improve flexibility in the hips. Promotes relaxation and calmness. Discover the magic of yoga for your child's growth and happiness! At Zen Kids Yoga, we're dedicated to nurturing not just their bodies, but also their minds and hearts. Through playful movement and mindful practices, our sessions empower kids to embrace their unique strengths, find peace within, and build resilience for life's ups and downs. Join us every Thursday during term time, from 5pm to 6pm, at St. Peter's Crabbs Cross, and let's embark on a journey of joy, connection, and self-discovery together. Reach out today to secure your child's spot and watch them shine brighter with each breath and pose. [email protected] Let's create a world where every child feels grounded, confident, and full of possibility. See you on the mat! ✨🙏✨ #KidsYoga #MindfulKids #YogaForChildren #HealthyKids #ZenKids #ChildWellbeing #YogaClass #StressReliefForKids #EmotionalWellness #ThursdayYogaSession

4/28/2024, 6:47:09 PM

👶🏾👧 Cisa’s Zen Kids is a pioneering holistic child care program committed to providing comprehensive and nurturing care for children in our community. Our program is founded on the principles of holistic development, emphasizing the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional well-being of each child. With a focus on mindfulness, creativity, and environmental awareness, we aim to cultivate a supportive and enriching environment where children can thrive and reach their full potential. Our primary goal is to foster holistic development in every child, promoting a sense of balance, resilience, and interconnectedness with the world around them. Through a combination of age-appropriate activities, play-based learning experiences, and individualized attention, we strive to nurture the whole child and empower them to become confident, compassionate, and engaged learners. 🧒🏾👦 #lasvegasdaycare #holisticchildcare #cisaszenkids #cisaskids #zenkids

4/27/2024, 12:57:41 AM

Τα Λαζαράκια μας! #zenfoodbyeve #zenkids #zenfriends #happyeaster #behappybezen #spring #vegan "Μαμά τα λατρεύω τα Λαζαράκια" Βάλτε πολλή αγάπη, για να τιμήσουμε την Ανάσταση του Λαζάρου. "Λάζαρε δεύρο έξω" Τα λαζαράκια είναι κουλουράκια που ζύμωναν οι γυναίκες για την ψυχή του Λάζαρου. Έχουν σχήμα ανθρώπου σπαργανωμένου, όπως ακριβώς παρουσιάζεται ο Λάζαρος στις εικόνες. Αφού τα έπλαθαν, έβαζαν στη θέση των ματιών δυο γαρύφαλλα, ενώ συνήθιζαν να φτιάχνουν τόσα λαζαράκια, όσα ήταν και τα παιδιά της κάθε οικογένειας. Σύμφωνα με το έθιμο, όποιος δεν φτιάξει λαζαράκια, δεν θα χορτάσει ψωμί. Μπείτε με τα παιδιά σας στη κουζίνα και φτιάξτε τα δικά σας Zen Λαζαράκια. Η συνταγή στο www.zenfood.gr στην ενότητα "Πάσχα" Love by Eve!

4/25/2024, 9:52:08 PM

No Curso do Crescendo Zen você tem acesso detalhado à metodologia de trabalho do Projeto, dezenas de atividades e extras com planejamento para o ano todo. Um curso completo, um mergulho no Zen, que levaremos para a vida. Vem Crescer Zen também! #mudamente #mudagente #mudamundo #ozenindoalém #zenkids #zenmind #zenlife #plenaatenção #meditação

4/21/2024, 3:14:31 PM