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#food #travel #sports #news #april #saturday

"Web Development" Web development refers to the process of building and maintaining websites or web applications. It involves various tasks such as web design, content creation, coding, scripting, server configuration, database management, and more, depending on the complexity of the project. Web developers use programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with frameworks and libraries, to create interactive and visually appealing websites that can be accessed through web browsers. #explore #technology #computer #knowledge #trending #course #education #explorepage #viral #kota #rajasthan #india #coaching #learn #skills #digitaleducation #webdeveloper #kotasmartcitizen #reels #instapost #viralcontent #viralvideos #kotarajasthan #graphicdesign #networking #digitalmarketing #financialaccounting #programming #ethicalhackingcourse

4/27/2024, 3:12:48 PM

ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಾಗಿ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್ ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ನಂಬರ್ ಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಿ, ಈ ಉತ್ತಮ ತರಬೇತಿಯನ್ನು CMA IAS ತರಬೇತಿ BELAGAVI ಕೇಂದ್ರದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀಡಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ ಸದುಪಯೋಗ ಪಡೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. #govt #coaching #dharwad #banglore #karnataka #bestcoaching #belagavi

4/27/2024, 3:12:11 PM

• मैं पागल हो जाऊं इतना प्यार दे मुझे, मैं बहुत बिगड़ा हूं थोड़ा संवार दे मुझे तेरी ये दूरियां मुझे अधमरा कर कर देती है, इससे बेहतर है तू नकार दे मुझे। • Inframe: @razebbbb • Follow us for more @the.kotacity #kota #riverfront #chambalriverfront #riverfrontkota #kotarajasthan #cityparkkota #thekotacity #kotacity #kotacityraj #hadoti #rajasthan #kotaphotography #newkota #kota2023 #photography #hangingbridge #cityparkkota #nightphotography #sunset #kstkota #kotasmartcitizen #allen #allenkota #kotastudentslife #coaching #kotakachori

4/27/2024, 3:10:46 PM

@lean.quality 👉⏳Gestão estratégica nada mais é do que uma forma de gerenciar a empresa otimizando todos os seus processos para que se tornem mais eficazes. 📈 📝Portanto, a Gestão Estratégica empresarial envolve definição de objetivos, análise do ambiente competitivo e da organização, avaliação de estratégias, implantação e acompanhamento. #sejaumdiferencial #sejaleanquality #gestaoestrategica #treinamento #coaching #consultoria

4/27/2024, 3:10:42 PM

🌟 Un messaggio speciale per mia figlia e per Te!🌟 Ho dedicato questo post a mia figlia perché vorrei un giorno raccontarle che anche una mamma può avere paura, che non è invincibile. Anche io mi sono sentita sbagliata, mi sono sentita fuori posto, mi sono sentita non abbastanza. 💔 Sono caduta 99 volte ma mi sono rialzata 100! 🤍 Ho cercato per tutta la vita di essere perfetta agli occhi degli altri, ho indossato diverse maschere, ma solo lasciandole andare ho trovato la cosa più preziosa, la libertà di essere veramente mè stessa, pregi e difetti! 💪 Spero che un giorno potrai guardarmi e non vedere la perfezione in me, ma vedere la grinta, la determinazione e il fatto che ho fatto del mio meglio con le risorse che avevo. 🤰 Per nove mesi abbiamo condiviso paure, gioie e abbiamo lottato insieme, abbiamo superato sfide enormi, ma i nostri cuori battono ancora all’unisono, io conosco a memoria il battito del tuo e tu del mio. ❤️ Tu sei stata il mio miracolo quando nessuno credeva in me e in noi, e il regalo più bello che posso fare io a te è lasciarti esprimere, lasciare che tu provi e sbagli, lasciarti libera dal pregiudizio e dalle etichette, preservare la tua autenticità nella speranza che questo mondo ti ami come ti amiamo io e il tuo papà. 🌺 🌱 Oggi vorrei dirvi che qualunque sia la vostra difficoltà, anche se siete spaventate e non vi sentite pronte, se la accogliete come opportunità invece che come un duro colpo, potrebbe diventare una grande spinta a crescere. 💓 Io ho fortemente voluto mia figlia, l'ho desiderata e la amo più di qualsiasi cosa al mondo, ma è anche vero che non si è mai pronti alle sfide della maternità, ai ricoveri, a vedere tua figlia che sta male, alla sala rianimazione, a tutti i farmaci, a trovarsi a pregare perché possa stare bene e crescere in salute, preoccuparsi ogni singolo giorno, serve supporto e un mindset forte e noi donne possiamo farcela ma è anche giusto chiedere aiuto e questo non ci rende meno forti! 👉 Se anche tu stai affrontando una sfida, ricorda che non sei sola. Condividi la tua esperienza qui sotto e facciamoci forza a vicenda! 💬✨ Sono Coach ma sono UMANA! #coaching #CrescitaPersonale #mamma #forza

4/27/2024, 3:10:41 PM

Celui qui pense tout savoir n'apprendra jamais rien de plus, il n'apprendra jamais les subtilités qu'on pourrait lui apprendre. Il se ferme lui même la porte aux changements et à la possibilité d'évoluer. Celui qui reste ouvert, Qui est toujours prêt à apprendre, à voir, à comprendre et entendre la vision des autres évoluera plus vite et plus facilement. Comme un peintre, plus vous apprendrez de nuances, plus aurez de couleurs à votre disposition pour effectuer votre tableau. Vous avez toujours le choix de qui vous voulez être. Katia #therapeute #coach #coaching #inspirationdujour #penseespositives #psychoenergeticienne #psychologiepositive #energeticienne #seremettreenquestion #evolution #apprendre #ecouter

4/27/2024, 3:10:03 PM

All the courses offered in our institution are on par with medical courses, with respect and offering opportunities to serve people after completion. Our nursing coaching center is one of the best institutions for learning nursing sciences in Coimbatore. We are offering quality and hi-tech Prometric, DHA, HAAD, and MOH EXAM COACHING. Affordable fees and well-qualified staff. ADMISSION OPEN NOW For Enquire Now: 9150684229 Visit us: #nursing #coaching #BestNursingCollege #bestmohcoaching #nursingcollegeincoimbatore #prometricexam #DHA #BestNursingCollege #HAAD #mohexam #exampreparation #Coaching #nurshingcoaching

4/27/2024, 3:10:03 PM

✨Soyez votre propre lumière ✨ Ne laissez personne éteindre votre éclat. La vraie beauté vient de l’intérieur, alors laissez votre essence briller à travers chaque sourire, chaque geste, chaque instant. Vous êtes belle, vous êtes unique, vous êtes vous. 💖 Envie d’explorer votre beauté intérieure et extérieure ? 💌Venez me voir pour un accompagnement personnalisé. 🦋 Ensemble, découvrons votre potentiel et apprenons à vous connaître davantage ! 🦋 #BeautéIntérieure #ConfianceEnSoi #Authenticité #conseilenimage #conseils #coaching #style #colorimetrie #morphologie #apprentissage #estimedesoi #valeurs #beaute #cannes #nice #monaco

4/27/2024, 3:09:40 PM

Change your self-image, transform your life. Self-image is the hub around which our life revolves. Fix your self-image, and many problems fix themselves. Our meditations invite us to build a powerful and healthy self-image while learn to perform at our highest levels. See the link in my profile for a complete list of my books or go to for more information. How to do Mental Practice: Sit in a comfortable, quiet place, where you can close your eyes and fully relax. Take a deep breath and relax your body. Then take another deep breath and relax your mind in the same way. Imagine you’re in a magical place where you can do anything and be anyone you want. Now slowly repeat your power word (words such as "confident" or "flow"). As you do, imagine practicing and competing with exceptional skill. If you’re distracted, gently bring yourself back to repeating your power word. After mentally practicing for 15 minutes, take a few deep breaths, stretch, and give yourself all the time you need to feel refreshed and ready to go on with your day or night. #athlete #athletes #sports #health #Olympics #mentalhealth #jacksonwink #noexcuses #champion #champions #coaches #coaching #wellness #mentalgame #sportspsychology #sportspsychologycoach #flow #inthezone #stress #worldchampionship #pressure #empowerment #change #meditation #selfcare #leadership #WilliamChandon #performance #highperformance #worldchampion

4/27/2024, 3:09:35 PM

🥳Celebrar el proceso sin esperar la perfección es abrazar la esencia misma de la vida: el constante crecimiento y aprendizaje. Es reconocer que el camino hacia nuestros objetivos es tan significativo como el destino mismo.🌱 🔑Al valorar cada paso, encontramos la belleza en la imperfección y la fuerza en la adversidad. Nos permite cultivar una mentalidad 🧠de gratitud y aceptación, hallando alegría en los pequeños logros y aprendiendo de los errores.😅👯‍♀️ 👁️La búsqueda de la perfección puede ser paralizante y limitante, pero al celebrar el proceso, valorando cada paso y aprendizaje, podemos liberarnos de la necesidad de alcanzar estándares poco realistas y encontrar satisfacción y alegría en el viaje mismo.🪞 Más en mi boletín de LinkedIn 🤓 DM SERVICIOS 📟 👉🏿Vive a la altura de tu potencial, despierta el genio que llevas dentro. 👁️💜 Autor: @antonellacarvajals ✍🏽 #antonellacarvajal #magiaescreerenti #desarrollopersonal #coachdevida #coaching #mentalidad #crecimientoespiritual #conciousness #conscienciaplena

4/27/2024, 3:09:35 PM

Når lørdag formiddag starter sådan her, så husker jeg lige mig selv på alt det jeg tit taler med forældre om: At der i trygge relationer er plads til at udtrykke utilfredshed - også med sine forældre 😅 . I det mindste har hun helt styr på det der med at kvittere for en undskyldning (billede to) 🤣 . Modtager i også af og til post? . #familiemakker #blivetagetalvorligt #familiemakker #parterapi #psykologi #familieterapi #pædagogik #relationer #parforhold #familieliv #børnepsykologi #familiepsykologi #morliv #familieliv #børn #forældreskab #coaching #selvudvikling #morogfar #deltmedtilladelse #kærlighed #børn #børneliv #børnogforældre

4/27/2024, 3:09:32 PM

Mein Opa hats zu uns Kindern immer wieder gesagt, wenn wir gemeinsam im Urlaub waren. Wir wollten halt unbedingt schnell ins Schwimmbad, unbedingt gleich in den Stall, unbedingt jetzt in den Garten. Und er hats immer wieder beteuert: „Wir hom kan Stress“. Mit ruhiger, langsamer Stimme. Jetzt versteh ich erst wie wichtig das war. Die Gesellschaft zeigt uns nämlich ganz deutlich, schneller ist besser, da geht mehr, das müsste am besten gestern fertig gewesen sein. Und obwohl ichs schon als Kind gelernt hätte, merk ich wie leicht sich Stressgedanken einschleichen aka „Ich muss… noch schnell fertig machen.“, „Das wär besser, wenns heute noch erledigt ist.“ „Max. 2h, dann muss das fertig sein.“ Aber ich werd nicht müde, mir immer wieder zu antworten und Klient*innen immer wieder diese Sätze mitzugeben: „Es darf langsam sein“, „Es muss nicht jetzt sofort sein“, „Ich will die Zeit genießen, nicht nur das Ziel.“ Als erster Schritt gegen die Leistungsgesellschaft, gegen Stress als Accessoires. Weil Hustlemodus ist nichts erstrebenswertes. Und ich glaub, den müssen wir wieder verlernen. Auf aufkommende Stressgedanken also immer wieder antworten: „ICH hab ja keinen Stress“✨ Klingt nach wenig und einfach, aber einerseits umso besser und anderseits ist es eben EIN erster Schritt. #antistresstraining #gelassenheit #coaching #derwegistdasziel #zeitmanagement #stressmanagement #gedankenkraft

4/27/2024, 3:09:27 PM

Heute mal den Nachwuchs in aktuelle technische Innovationen geschubst 😉 Danke an das Team von @skillzup_mg für die Führung und Betreuung beim heutigen Tag der offenen Tür 👍 #skillzupmg #innovation #ki #design #coding #socialmedia #bildung #wissen #ausbildung #coaching

4/27/2024, 3:09:03 PM

Change your self-image, transform your life. Self-image is the hub around which our life revolves. Fix your self-image, and many problems fix themselves. Our meditations invite us to build a powerful and healthy self-image while learn to perform at our highest levels. See the link in my profile for a complete list of my books or go to for more information. How to do Mental Practice: Sit in a comfortable, quiet place, where you can close your eyes and fully relax. Take a deep breath and relax your body. Then take another deep breath and relax your mind in the same way. Imagine you’re in a magical place where you can do anything and be anyone you want. Now slowly repeat your power word (words such as "confident" or "flow"). As you do, imagine practicing and competing with exceptional skill. If you’re distracted, gently bring yourself back to repeating your power word. After mentally practicing for 15 minutes, take a few deep breaths, stretch, and give yourself all the time you need to feel refreshed and ready to go on with your day or night. #athlete #athletes #sports #health #Olympics #mentalhealth #jacksonwink #noexcuses #champion #champions #coaches #coaching #wellness #mentalgame #sportspsychology #sportspsychologycoach #flow #inthezone #stress #worldchampionship #pressure #empowerment #change #meditation #selfcare #leadership #WilliamChandon #performance #highperformance #worldchampion

4/27/2024, 3:08:31 PM

Are you noticing that more and more clients are bringing emotionally charged content and it sometimes makes you feel overwhelmed or flooded and unsure of how to navigate it? ⁠ ⁠ Find out how we can equip you with the tools to go there and truly be with the deeper workings of your clients. ⁠ ⁠ Don't miss out on our Next Level Program Information and Q&A Webinar next week! This is your chance to learn more and get your questions answered!⁠ ⁠ ➡️Wednesday 1st May 2024, 12.00 – 1.00 pm EST.⁠ ➡️To join, click 'UPCOMING WEBINARS' in the Linktree/Bio⁠ ⁠ #advancedcoaching #emotions #leadershipcoaching #coaching

4/27/2024, 3:08:27 PM

Je vous offre pour le 1er mai une séance d'harmonisation énergétique à distance ou à Bordeaux ou Merignac 💫💫🌈🌈 Si vous souhaitez participer, c'est super simple: 👉déposer un commentaire sous ce post et je ferai un tirage au sort à 19h le 1er mai. Bon week-end et prenez soin de vous, Véro ❣ #developpementpersonnel #energiesduprintemps #energetique #magnetisme #seanceenergetique #harmonisationenergetique #coaching #cercledefemmes #corpscoeuresprit #therapeute #therapie #hypniseericksonienne #hypnose #happiness #justme #hypnosemerignac #hypnosetherapie

4/27/2024, 3:08:19 PM

Mind Master Formula Gold S'épanouir au travail, être présent pour sa famille, faire du sport en même temps et ne pas négliger ses amis ? La vie quotidienne peut parfois être très exigeante. LR LIFETAKT Mind Master Formula Gold est un allié idéal dans le tourbillon de la vie quotidienne. Pour l'énergie, la performance2 et l'équilibre mental3 ─ peu importe ce que le quotidien réserve. 1 La vitamine E contribue à la protection des cellules contre le stress oxydatif. 2 La vitamine B12 contribue à un métabolisme énergétique normal, au fonctionnement normal du système nerveux et à la réduction de la fatigue et de l'épuisement. Le fer contribue à une fonction cognitive normale et au transport normal de l'oxygène dans l'organisme. La vitamine D contribue au maintien d'une ossature normale et d'une fonction musculaire normale. 3 La vitamine B12 contribue à une fonction psychique normale et à une fonction normale du système nerveux. Le fer contribue à une fonction cognitive normale. #energie #energy #t #bienetre #nergie #spiritualit #motivation #meditation #coaching #developpementpersonnel #mindset #nature #liebe #love #fitness #r #sport #gl #inspiration #m #spiritualite #amour #selbstliebe #coach #yoga #gesundheit #bewusstsein #reiki #power #k

4/27/2024, 3:07:03 PM

Laatste 2 spots voor onze Small Group Training💪🏼💪🏼 #personaltraining #knokke #fitness #coaching #smallgrouptraining

4/27/2024, 3:07:00 PM

Running form tip of the weekend: Push Them Hips forward! Avoid 'sitting in the saddle' when you run. If you drop your bottom and hinge from your hips, you won't be able to make a full stride. When you start your run, roll your shoulders back, hinge forward from your ankles and push your hips forward. Running coaching and personal training. Certified running technique coach. [email protected] 07784935838 #mindsetmatters #coaching #running #fitness #bennisonfitness #focus #consistency #runningtechnique #strength

4/27/2024, 3:06:40 PM

There are many techniques and practices that can help individuals process stored emotions effectively. Here are a few: 1. **Mindfulness and Meditation**: Mindfulness practices help individuals become aware of their emotions without judgment. Meditation can provide a space for observing emotions as they arise and letting them go without attachment. 2. **Journaling**: Writing down thoughts and feelings can be a powerful way to process emotions. Journaling allows individuals to explore their emotions, gain insights into their underlying causes, and release them onto the page. 3. **Therapy**: Working with a therapist or counselor provides a safe and supportive environment to explore and process emotions. Different therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), or somatic experiencing, can help individuals process and release stored emotions. 4. **Movement and Body-Based Practices**: Engaging in physical activities like yoga, tai chi, or dance can help release stored emotions through movement. These practices can help individuals connect with their bodies and release tension that may be holding onto emotions. 5. **Breathwork**: Techniques like deep breathing exercises or breath-focused meditation can help individuals regulate their emotions and release tension stored in the body. 6. **Energy Healing**: Practices like Reiki, acupuncture, or other forms of energy healing can help individuals release blocked emotions and restore energetic balance in the body. 7. **Creative Expression**: Engaging in creative activities such as art, music, or dance allows individuals to express and process emotions in non-verbal ways. It’s important to find the techniques that resonate best with you and incorporate them into your regular self-care routine. emotional regulation #self awareness #reflect #coaching #nlp #therapy #trauma #life #childhood #joy #peace #abundance #support #family

4/27/2024, 3:06:29 PM

Always leave this place feeling better than when I walk in. First time trying the JJK1000 and won't be the last. Love seeing everyone go for it. Must have been at least 60 of us. Wouldn't be doing this without you @liftandlengthen Thank you for the session and the pic @craigmanley_ @jjkfitnesshq ° ° ° ° ° #challengeyourbody #getfunctional #functionalfitness #hyroxcommunity #hyrox #hyroxtraining #gym #gymlover #fitness #strength #cardio #couplegoals #fitnesschallenge #wellbeing

4/27/2024, 3:06:07 PM

Voglio aprire questa pagina così, dicendovi di non vivere di sogni appesi, ma di sognare in grande, di non accontentarvi, di non alzarvi ogni mattina insoddisfatti pensando a ciò che non avete avuto il coraggio di fare. Permettetevi di sognare, di scoprirvi, di conoscervi, di crescere ogni giorno, perché la crescita interiore è un viaggio che dura tutta la vita, di cambiare idea quando volete e di scoprire che non siete più quelli che eravate ieri. Permettetevi di brillare, di fiorire, di realizzare il vostro potenziale (sì, c'è in ognuno di noi anche se magari ora non lo riuscite a vedere), di scoprire i vostri talenti e di fare ogni giorno qualcosa in cui credete davvero. Fidatevi del vostro istinto, non fatevi fermare da chi dice che siete folli, inadeguati, incapaci... Siate tutto ciò che volete essere, datevi il tempo di esplorare questa splendida possibilità 🌸 Con questa pagina anch'io oggi mi permetto di sognare in grande ✨️ A presto, Anna #coaching #careercoach #carriera #crescitapersonale #potenzialità #crescitaprofessionale #lavoro #obiettivi

4/27/2024, 3:05:58 PM

Dominar el arte de "No compararse" es mucho más que solo dejar de hacerlo. Es descubrir que tu camino es propio. Que eres tú y tus circunstancias. Que todo lo que te pasa es tu responsabilidad. Que eres único, única. Que la opinión de los demás no rige tus pasos. Que debes ser prioridad, tanto como los demás. Que tú eres tu primer amor. Que con tu gracia te basta. Que admirar es sano y envidiar tóxico. Que tú tienes tus tiempos. Feliz Sábado! ------------- 🚀 COMPARTE. Compartir es vivir. ♥️ Sígueme en @carlosgalmonacid para más contenido en Inteligencia Emocional.

4/27/2024, 3:05:07 PM

قد يكون اتصال النفس بجمال الطبيعة في حديقتنا المنزلية هو أفضل طريق لاستعادة الشعور بالسكينة #RECONNECT #CLARITY #Coaching #SAFIYAALYARABI #CoachSafiya #ingnitetheSPARK #Oman #Muscat #coach #safiya

4/27/2024, 3:04:52 PM

Making the most of the sun today ☀️ Out for a walk with family and friends Taking some downtime to rest, recharge and reflect on the next steps When was the last time you took time out? When did you last have quality time with your family and friends? Does your time management allow space for you to take time to reflect on the direction of your business? How do you manage your time? Do you have a structured day? If you are being constantly interrupted or find yourself taking on things that your team can’t or aren’t doing. Ask yourself a question. Are you doing it for their benefit or yours? Going into ‘rescuer’ mode maybe OK in the short term but it disempowers your team, gives you a mountain of work and can cause resentment. Taking the time to teach and mentor them will save you time in the long term This valuable time can help you to move your business forward, increase income and give you that much needed downtime That’s a win for all ✅ No Limits Coaching can help you to achieve this success ✨ #coaching #wellness #downtime

4/27/2024, 3:04:40 PM

Every 2 hours... STOP... REFLECT... MEDITATE... And, DO what you LOVE 🌈💎☀️🦄🧚‍♀️💖🧞‍♀️

4/27/2024, 3:04:31 PM

Wie wäre es, wenn wie durch Zauberhand alles in Deinem Leben an den richtigen Platz fallen würde? Wie wäre es, wenn die schönsten, herzoffensten Menschen plötzlich in Dein Leben purzeln ... die, bei denen Du spürst, sie schon ewig zu kennen? Und wie wäre es, wenn diese Menschen noch dazu ein Beitrag dazu wären, dass Dein Business - so, wie Du es Dir wünschst erblüht? Wie wäre es das Paradies nicht mehr zu ersehnen sondern es Tag für Tag in Deinem Leben Wirklichkeit werden zu sehen? Wie wäre es, wenn Dir Flügeln wachsen, die so riesig sind, dass Du damit locker zu all Deinen Sternen fliegst und wieder zurück? Wie wäre es zu tanzen, zu empfangen, zu lieben, geliebt zu werden, zu spielen ohne Ende und sooooo viel Glitzerstaub über die Erde zu streuen, dass selbst das glitzerhafteste Einhorn seine Freunde ruft, weil es sowas noch nicht gesehen hat? WIE WÄRE ES; NICHT LÄNGER VOM PARADIES ZU TRÄUMEN? UND ES EINFACH WAHR ZU MACHEN, GEMEINSAM MIT MENSCHEN, DIE GENAU TICKEN, WIE DU? Ich sag nur.... DREAMS COME TRUE ! Wenn Du mehr darüber wissen willst, komm gerne in meine FB-Gruppe: ⬇️⬇️⬇️❤️🌟❤️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Link siehe in der Bio! DU BIST SO WILLKOMMEN! Love, Deine Catalina #Starseeds #Magie #Manifestation #Herzenbsbusiness #Coaching #1:1 #Love #HighVibrations #Seelenplan #Transformation #Umsetzung #Gamechanger #Lebenstraum #Universum #Achtsamkeit #HigherSelf #Energiefelder #Love

4/27/2024, 3:04:09 PM

Week 3. 560 moved super fast and felt great. No knee pain or anything. Very pleased. Right wrist is still giving me some issues on bench. Using wraps seems to help a lot though. Week 4 bout to pop off. 🚨This week's program last slide🚨 . . . . . . . . . . . . #squat #benchpress #deadlift #sbd #powerlifting #coaching #traininglog #dohardthings

4/27/2024, 3:03:36 PM

“Die Freiheit des Menschen liegt nicht darin, das er tun kann, was er will, sondern dass er nicht tun muss, was er nicht will.” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau) SyCo4You - Coaching für Aussteiger @theilengeorg #see #sea #leben #life #lifestyle #awareness #selbstbewusstsein #coaching #coachinglife #lifecoaching #followers #followforfollowback #hamburg

4/27/2024, 3:03:13 PM

1/5: Evergreen funnels in your coaching business can provide a steady stream of clients year-round, reducing the feast-or-famine cycle that many coaches experience. By automating parts of your marketing and sales process, you can focus more on serving your clients and growing your business. #Coaching #EvergreenFunnel 2/5: Creating an evergreen funnel allows you to leverage your time more effectively. Instead of constantly hustling for new clients, you can set up systems that attract and nurture leads while you focus on delivering high-quality coaching services. #TimeManagement #Efficiency 3/5: An evergreen funnel provides consistency in your business, giving you predictable revenue and allowing you to plan for the future with more confidence. This stability can alleviate stress and enable you to invest in further growth opportunities. #Stability #BusinessGrowth 4/5: With an evergreen funnel, you can reach a wider audience and scale your coaching business more effectively. By offering valuable content and resources through your funnel, you can attract clients from different parts of the world and expand your impact. #Scalability #GlobalReach 5/5: Ultimately, creating an evergreen funnel in your coaching business empowers you to create more freedom in your life. By automating key aspects of your business, you can enjoy more flexibility, time for self-care, and opportunities to pursue your passions outside of work. #Freedom

4/27/2024, 3:03:00 PM

ABOUT LAST NIGHT! It was incredible to see the youth of our future in action at last night’s @tedxyouthmci The theme was ‘the power of human connections’. In a world so driven by technology, it could not have been more relevant. I was honoured to be the keynote speaker with a roster of incredible speakers who shared their stories of authenticity, vulnerability, success and failures - and most of all, the importance of how human connections changed their lives and the lives of others. Thank you TEDx Youth MCI for hosting such an empowering, inspiring and enlightening evening! #TEDx #Youth #FutureLeaders #HumanConnections #KeynoteSpeaker #CaesarEmpire #Speaking #Coaching

4/27/2024, 3:02:55 PM

🌟 Entdecke deine Einzigartigkeit 🌟 Erfahre, wie du mit Hilfe deiner einzigartigen Positionierung, deinem persönlichen Alleinstellungsmerkmal, einen unverwechselbaren Platz im großen Ozean des Gesundheitsmarktes bekommst. 🚀 1️⃣ Dein Alleinstellungsmerkmal (USP) – Was macht dich besonders?: Nachdem du deine Kernwerte und -stärken identifiziert hast, konkretisiere, wie diese in deinem Fachgebiet ein Alleinstellungsmerkmal bilden. Dein USP könnte eine innovative Behandlungsmethode, eine spezielle Patientenbetreuung oder ein einzigartiges Praxiskonzept sein. Dein Ziel ist es, dass Patienten und Kollegen sofort an dich denken, wenn es um dieses spezielle Merkmal geht. 2️⃣ Kommuniziere deine Positionierung – Sei sichtbar und verständlich: Sobald du weißt, was dich auszeichnet, integriere diese Erkenntnisse in alle deine Kommunikationswege. Ob auf deiner Website, Landingpage, in Videos und Posts auf Social Media Kanälen oder in direkten Gesprächen, stelle sicher, dass deine Botschaft klar, konsistent und authentisch ist. Das hilft dir, deine Zielgruppe anzuziehen. 3️⃣ Lebe deine Marke – Authentizität zieht an: Die beste Strategie, um deine Positionierung und dein Alleinstellungsmerkmal zu stärken, ist, dieses täglich zu leben. Deine Authentizität macht deine Marke greifbar, glaubhaft und vertrauenswürdig. Patienten und Kollegen werden dies erkennen und sich eher mit dir und deiner Praxis identifizieren. 🚀 Werde Teil der DocLeader® Community 🚀: Ein Netzwerk, das dich unterstützt, während du deine einzigartige Marke in der Medizin entwickelst und pflegst. Tausche dich aus, erhalte Feedback und finde Inspiration, um deine Praxis und dein privates Leben erfolgreich zu meistern. #BeruflicheErfüllung #MedizinischeBerufung #DocLeader #SelbstfindungInDerMedizin #NetzwerkImGesundheitswesen #MentoringFürÄrzte #ärztecoaching #coaching #Zielsetzung #UnsicherheitÜberwinden #MedizinischeCommunity #DocLeaderCommunity

4/27/2024, 3:02:48 PM

Você já reparou como a mente funciona como um paraquedas? Assim como um paraquedas só funciona quando aberto, nossa mente só alcança seu potencial máximo quando está aberta a novas ideias, experiências e perspectivas. Quando fechamos a mente, ficamos presos em padrões de pensamento limitantes que nos impedem de crescer e evoluir. Mas, quando abrimos a mente, nos abrimos para um mundo de possibilidades infinitas. O Coaching pode te ajudar a: - Abrir sua mente para novas possibilidades. - Questionar crenças limitantes. - Desenvolver novas perspectivas. - Expandir sua zona de conforto. - Alcançar seus objetivos mais ambiciosos. Não deixe que sua mente te limite! Agende uma sessão de Coaching gratuita comigo e dê o primeiro passo para uma vida mais plena e abundante! #coaching #ceciliasmaneoto #menteaberta #potencial #possibilidades #crescimento #evolução #crençaslimitantes #zonaconforto #objetivos #sucesso #realização #felicidade #gratidao

4/27/2024, 3:02:38 PM

🌟 Unlock Your Executive Potential with Coaching Corner! 🌟 🎬 Are you ready to elevate your career with expert insights? Tune in to today’s episode of Coaching Corner, where we’re thrilled to feature two remarkable executive coaches, Lynn and Joerg, who are here to answer the questions that matter most to you! 🔍 Meet Your Coaches: Lynn: A master in maintaining and enhancing executive performance, Lynn provides invaluable strategies for navigating high-stakes environments. Her insights will help you not only reach but sustain peak performance in your career. Joerg: Specializing in managing transitions between executive roles, Joerg offers guidance through the intricacies of change, helping you to tackle new challenges and seize opportunities with confidence and strategic foresight. 👥 Why Watch? Gain actionable insights tailored to your professional growth. Learn from seasoned experts how to sustain excellence and navigate career transitions effectively. Get answers to the burning questions that can transform your executive journey. 📺 Join Us on Coaching Corner: Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from Lynn and Joerg as they provide a dynamic blend of coaching wisdom. Whether you’re looking to maintain your competitive edge or are preparing for a significant career shift, this episode is for you! 💬 We Want to Hear From You! After watching, don’t hesitate to ask more questions or reach out for personalized advice. Your next big career leap could start with a conversation! 🔗 Contact Us: [email protected] 📥 Ask Your Questions Here: Let’s dive into your executive potential together—watch now and let us guide you to your best professional self! #coaching #executivecoaching #lynndonaldsonconnecta #Transformatiocoaching #mindsetcoaching

4/27/2024, 3:02:32 PM

سرزمین باران برگزار میکند : . دوره تربیت مربی هنر کودکان ( پیشرفته 1 ) ◀️ ترم بهار و تابستان 1403 💻 129 ساعت آموزشی 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓 طی 33 جلسه آموزشی و کارگاهی 📅 دو جلسه در هفته روزهای یکشنبه و سه شنبه / ساعت 16 الی 20 👍 همگام با 9 استاد برجسته حوزه آموزش و هنر کودکان 📌...تکمیل کنندگان دوره گواهی شرکت در دوره را دریافت می‌نمایند. 🔷تاريخ شروع ترم : 1خرداد ماه 1403 🔸خاتمه ترم : 15مهر ماه 1403 . . لطفا جهت اطلاع از شهریه دوره و نحوه پرداخت با شماره ثابت آموزشگاه و یا در تلگرام با ما در ارتباط باشيد 🌻🙏🌻 آدرس : خیابان انقلاب ، ابتدای پل کالج ( از سمت غرب ) ، روبروی خیابان خارک ، پلاک ۷۷۷ ، طبقه اول . 👈شماره های تماس : ☎️ 66414036 ☎️ 66414037 📲09396414036 مشتاق تماس و دیدار شما هستیم ✋ . . ‎#آموزش_مربی_کودک #آموزشگاه #آموزش#هنرمند #هنر_خلاقیت #کودک #نوجوانان #کودک_خلاق #کودک_و_نوجوان #آموزش_هنر #آموزش_آنلاین #آموزش_هنر_کودک #مربی #مربیگری #تربیت_مربی_هنر_کودک#سرزمین_باران #sarzaminebaran #kids #art #children #child #arteducation #creativity #creative #tehran #teacher #coaching #coach #learning #teach

4/27/2024, 3:02:02 PM

Gut sein, wenn es drauf ankommt. Die letzte Minute des Spiels läuft, du entscheidest mit deiner letzten Aktion den Ausgang. Aber was ist, wenn du scheiterst? Was ist, wenn dir der Ball abgenommen wird? Was ist, wenn du deine Mitspieler übersiehst? Gedanken, die den Sportlern in solchen Situationen kommen, sind oft nicht förderlich. Konzentration, Fokus und Kraft sind am Ende. Was kannst du tun, um auch noch zum Schluss die richtigen Entscheidungenzu treffen? Stichwort: Mentale Stärke Visualisierung -> Stelle dir eine Spielsituation so genau wie möglich vor. Wie fühlt sich der Ball am Fuß/in deiner Hand an? Was siehst du? Was wird dein Gegenspieler machen und wie reagierst du darauf? Gehe solche Szenen in einer ruhigen Minute (vor dem Spiel oder zuhause) gedanklich durch. Das Ziel: Automatisch richtig reagieren ohne Nachzudenken. Fokus -> In einer stressigen Situation die Ruhe bewahren. Das schaffst du z.B. über deine Atmung. Beispiel: 4sek Einatmen, 4sek Halten, 4sek Ausatmen, 4sek Halten. Die Atmung beruhigt das Nervensystem und hilft dir dabei, dich auf das wesentliche zu konzentrieren. Ideal für Regenerationstage! Das Ziel: Ruhig bleiben, wenn andere durchdrehen. Teile diesen Beitrag! #mentalestraining #fokus #atmung #visualisierung #regeneration #erfolg #coaching #gewinnen

4/27/2024, 3:01:54 PM

Unisci la flessibilità al controllo❗️ - - #flexibility #getfit #mobility #biomotus #coaching #firenze

4/27/2024, 3:01:32 PM

Laatste 2 spots voor onze Small Group Training💪🏼💪🏼 #personaltraining #knokke #coaching #fitness #smallgrouptraining

4/27/2024, 3:01:22 PM

💥 Ready to take your fitness and self-defense skills to new heights? Look no further than our elite martial arts training academy in Alton Riverbend! Our dedicated instructors are committed to helping you reach your full potential and become the best version of yourself. Join us today and embark on a journey of growth, empowerment, and success! 🥊🔥 📞 618-251-5425 #MartialArts #Health #Fitness #Discipline #Goals #GoalSetting #Coaching #Exercise #Wellness #Stretching #SelfDefense #Bullyproof #mma #karate #kickboxing #bjj #boxing #muaythai #jiujitsu #training #kungfu #taekwondo #ufc #fight #sport #workout #martialartist #mixedmartialarts

4/27/2024, 3:01:02 PM

Today’s leaders must embrace and capitalise on the uniqueness and strengths of each of their team members in order to ensure that they not only succeed wildly at work but also succeed as leaders for the rest of their lives. Be the leader of today with Think Be Do Leadership. How? Contact info in bio. #ThinkBeDo #ThinkBeDoLeadership #motivation #success #business #inspiration #mindset #leader #coaching

4/27/2024, 3:00:52 PM

We cannot grow in isolation. Two years ago, I had the pleasure of talking to Janice for the first time. I set a meeting with her to explore the possibility of becoming accountability partners. I contacted her to specifically ask if she would be interested in partnering with me to enhance my writing practice. I met Janice through LinkedIn and admired how she stayed true to her writing craft. However, our conversation went far beyond this initial purpose. I discovered she is a leader, whether she labels herself as one or not. She teaches, authors, and at the time, was shaping a deeply personal memoir centered around her grandmother. Janice generously shared insights with me, ranging from how she built her network across the country to how she replenishes herself by walking in nature. We even reflected on aging and how this has expanded our perspectives. Although our meeting was only scheduled for 15-minutes, we ended up talking for almost an hour before we reluctantly had to end to attend to our other commitments. I left the conversation feeling incredibly grateful. The impact of our dialogue continues to linger with me. I firmly believe that as leaders we must create opportunities for others to thrive and grow. One powerful way to achieve this is by sharing our experiences through storytelling. 💡 We are multi-layered and our stories matter. So, I’m curious: What leadership story or experience has inspired you recently? Please share your thoughts in the comment below. ⬇️ #leadershipdevelopment #employeeengagement #training #coaching #thoughtfortheday #AccountabilityPartner #LeadershipJourney #PersonalGrowth #WritingCommunity #InspiringConversations #NetworkingTips #SelfCare #Storytelling #Empowerment #ReflectAndGrow #ConnectionMatters #LeadershipInspiration #ProfessionalDevelopment #Gratitude

4/27/2024, 3:00:45 PM

We specialize in helping women build their strength 💪 An important reminder: it’s never too late to start 👍 It all starts with scheduling your free consultation. Using this link, schedule your free No Sweat Intro today and let’s talk about your health and fitness goals ❤️ *Don’t see a day/time that works for you, just message and we will check for additional availability! #achievewellnessandfitness #wellness #fitness #nutrition #coaching #strengthtraining Posted @withregram • @drjocelynwallace The yo-yo diets aren't working, y'all.⁠ ⁠ We have come so far in the last few decades. We know what works.⁠ ⁠ 1. Progressive resistance training.⁠ 2. Frequent, moderate intensity aerobic activity.⁠ 3. Eating enough to maintain muscle + bone but not so much that we carry excess visceral fat or have significant fatty infiltration of our muscle.⁠ 4. Treating hormone issues as soon as they show up.⁠ 5. A small weekly dose of higher intensity/impact activity.⁠ ⁠ The best physicians are the loudest advocates for this message.

4/27/2024, 3:00:40 PM

Ready for Wealth? It’s a new world. The Rules of Money we were taught in school no longer apply. Jobs are vanishing, benefits nearly extinct and AI is the new threat. Join our RichBy21 workshop on Thursday, May 23rd and learn how to navigate this new world! #financialcoaching #FinancialSuccess #investingforbeginners #entrepreneurcommunity #investing #financialfreedom #successquotes #inspiringquotes #coaching #InvestingWisdom #investingtips #investing101 #taxseason #wealthmanagement #wealthbuilding #wealthmindset

4/27/2024, 3:00:39 PM

Uma reflexão rápida para o seu dia… Sempre venho reforçando para vocês a importância de trabalhar as nossas fortalezas, mas sabia que isso só é possível quando abraçamos e respeitamos nossas imperfeições? Somos humanos, cheios de defeitos, mas isso é o que nos torna reais. É preciso entender que nossas falhas não anulam o que temos de melhor e que isso também faz parte dessa longa jornada de autoconhecimento. Olhe para si e foque naquilo que realmente importa. 💕 #paulasimoescoach #coaching #DesenvolvimentoPessoal #Crescimento #InteligênciaEmocional #equilibrio #reflexoes #FocoNoQueImporta

4/27/2024, 3:00:37 PM

A kind reminder to all that no matter what place you’re in, this is a safe space. Being mindful of our words, our language, requires us to recognize that not all may understand it. Simplicity is what we are striving for in the complex world of mental health. #GetLouderOnMentalHealth #CPTSD #PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #Trauma #TraumaRecovery #Psychotherapy #Coaching #EMDRCertified

4/27/2024, 3:00:36 PM

Wieviel Zeit nimmst du dir für deine tatsächliche Entspannung? Oder gibt es Gründe, warum sie bei dir zu kurz kommt? Schreibe mir gern!

4/27/2024, 3:00:34 PM

Nada é mais valioso do que descobrir o que nos sabota! Liberte-se dos medos, ressignifique crenças negativas e corrija comportamentos inadequados. Como a lagarta que se transforma em borboleta, descubra que você tem asas para voar. Para receber seu e-book de presente, deixe nos comentários a palavra: SABOTADOR e embarque nessa jornada de autoconhecimento! #psicologia #autoconhecimento #saudemental #amorproprio #coaching #psicologa #desenvolvimentopessoal #terapia #mulheresqueinspiram #transformacaodevida #mudançadehabito

4/27/2024, 3:00:29 PM

================================================================================================================————————— ‍ 👔 Connect with Coach Lisle online ———————— ‍ To learn more about me visit: ‍ To learn more about my hitting website: ‍ -=-=-=-=- ‍ 👔 Connect with Coach Lisle on social media ———————— ‍ follow me at these places below and say hi! ‍ 👨🏼‍💻 Personal site: 👍Facebook: 📸 Instagram: 🐦 Twitter: 🕴️Linkedin: htttp:// ‍ #motivation #goals #coaching #parenting #youthsports #coachinglife #dadlife #parentinglife #baseball #softball #coachlisle #parenthood #advice #family #life #process #youthsoccer #youthfootball #ballislife #coach #team #athlete #hardwork #kids #training #sports #football #sport #fitness #training

4/27/2024, 3:00:27 PM

Ready for Wealth? It’s a new world. The Rules of Money we were taught in school no longer apply. Jobs are vanishing, benefits nearly extinct and AI is the new threat. Join our RichBy21 workshop on Thursday, May 23rd and learn how to navigate this new world! #financialcoaching #FinancialSuccess #investingforbeginners #entrepreneurcommunity #investing #financialfreedom #successquotes #inspiringquotes #coaching #InvestingWisdom #investingtips #investing101 #taxseason #wealthmanagement #wealthbuilding #wealthmindset

4/27/2024, 3:00:22 PM

I'll say it LOUDER for the people in the back... You need a separate bank account for your business. FULL STOP 🖐️ There are truly no exceptions to this rule! If you're running a business, you shouldn't put those expenses on your personal card. While it DOES make my job as your bookkeeper a lot easier, that's not the only reason it's a best practice! Keeping your business accounts separate from your personal accounts can also help protect your personal assets depending on your business structure. #bookkeepingservices #bookkeepingcoaching #bookkeepingcoach #bookkeeping #smallbusinessbookkeeping #bookkeepingdiy #DIYBookkeeping #businesstips #smallbusiness #enterpreneur #freelancer #aspiringbusinesswoman #aspiringbusinessowner #businessadvice #coaching #smallbusinesseducator #smallbusinesseducation #estimatedtaxes #solopreneur #bookkeepingforcreatives #bookkeepingforsmallbusiness #bookkeepingforcreativeentrepreneurs #bookkeepingforcreativebusinesses #photographers #copywriters #bookkeepinghelp #photographerbookkeeper #creativesbookkeeper #Writeoffs #QuickBooksOnline

4/27/2024, 3:00:20 PM

O agora é o tempo do poder, de transformar, de agir e fazer acontecer ! Agende agora mesmo sua consulta em nosso espaço ! #terapiaonline #terapia #mindset #psicologia #desenvolvimentopessoal #bemestar #saúdemental #terapiasalternativas #softskills #psicologiapositiva #coaching #espiritualidade

4/27/2024, 3:00:17 PM

✨Lean Not On Your Own Understanding✨ It's so easy to get caught up in the woes of life, but I challenge you to focus FIRST on His word. 7 Matthew 6:33 tells us, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." That verse alone empowers to me to know that I don't need to have all of the solutions figured out. Sometimes--actually oftentimes, it's a lot less complicated when we present the desires of our heart to Him first. When we are trusting His direction and leaning on His understanding, BEFORE our own, this gives us peace to know what steps to take next before doing things that may hurt us in the long run. What are you working on surrendering to God's will over your own? #believe #coaching #WellBeing #Empowerment #FaithJourney #MindsetTransformation #CoachingSession #timeheals #GoalOriented #AchieveMore #Affirmation #InnerStrength #LettingGo #nwarkansas #CertifiedCoach

4/27/2024, 3:00:17 PM

🌈Guérir demande du temps. 😇Le pardon prend du temps. 🎈Libérer la douleur et tirer des leçons demande du temps. 💗Ouvrir à nouveau son cœur et ses yeux à l'amour demande du temps. ⛓️‍💥Rassembler les morceaux de soi-même et de ses enfants demande du temps. 🧑‍🧒‍🧒Co-parenter avec un pardon authentique et un cœur ouvert demande du temps. ✨Je pense qu'il est important de réaliser que, oui, beaucoup de douleur et de chagrin accompagnent le divorce, mais il y a aussi de la force, de la compassion et de la beauté à redécouvrir en chacun de nous une fois la tempête terminée ☔️🌈 #coaching #lifecoach #motivation #mindset #coach #amorpropio #entrepreneur #inspiration #selfhelp #espiritual #pensamientospositivos #angeles #fluir #terapiaalternativa #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #selflove #success #love #motivationalquotes #selfdevelopment #executivecoach #life #powersofknowledge #thinkbig #selfcare #successresourcesuk #mindfulness #spiritualawakening #positivity

4/24/2024, 10:42:06 PM