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Seguimos luchando contra el antigitanismo. Hemos empezado a realizar talleres interculturales, un otro parte de nuestro proyecto Roma Connect. Aqui en un instituto en Badalona. #RomaConnectCampaign #Antigypsyism #RomaConnectNetwork #RomaWomen #InclusiveEducation #Campaña #RomaConnect #Antigypsyism

4/26/2024, 11:06:30 AM

➡ The Czech government adopted a definition of the term ‘antigypsyism’ which embraces both the words and deeds of individuals and the practices and strategies of institutions to exclude Romani people, devalue their culture, and incite violence against them. 📌 The wording states that as a consequence of this discrimination, Romani people are treated as an “allegedly foreign, different group and are associated with many insulting stereotypes and biased ideas which in and of themselves represent a specific form of racism.” Read more in the article by Bernard Rorke. We have link in bio. 📄 #CzechRepublic #antigypsyism #RomaRights #sterilisation #discrimination

4/17/2024, 9:38:37 AM

➡📌Last week we brought a group of activists, volunteers, academics, and representatives of state bodies together in Bratislava. What was the hot topic? "Countering Online Anti-Roma Hate Speech and Safeguarding Democratic Values." While they were there our fabulous Roma Rights Defenders from Albania @pandezohu captured some of the action through a series of 'vox pops' with participants. Huge shoutout to our incredible 'pandas' and also to @romani_godi founder Fatoş Kaytan, for putting this together. Let's spread some positivity and tackle hate speech head-on – together, we're unstoppable! 🤝🌟 #RomaRights #antigypsyism #onlinehatespeech #socialmedia #facebook #instagram #youtube #tiktok #Slovakia #RomaRightsDefenders

4/16/2024, 1:27:58 PM

💙❤️💚 Dňa 8. a 9.4.2024 pri príležitosti Medzinárodného dňa Rómov sme sa zúčastnili dvojdňovej akcie v Bratislave, konferencie Countering Online Anti-Roma Hate Speech and Safeguarding Democratic Values, ktorú organizovalo @errcinsta pod záštitou pani prezidentky Zuzany Čaputovej. 🙌 Srdečná vďaka patrí všetkým zúčastneným aktérom, našim partnerom a úžasným dobrovoľníkom, ochrancom práv Rómov. Vaša obetavá práca nám dodáva chuť „vidieť nádejne“. 💪 Spojením rôznych hlasov a skúseností sa snažíme už vyše dvoch rokov presadiť účinné stratégie založené na ľudských právach v boji proti (nielen) digitálnemu anticiganizmu. 👩‍💼Kolegyňa a právnička Diana diskutovala o našich „ROMAntických” skúsenostiach z Fóra pre ľudské práva. 🌟 Online nenávisť nie je len „hnev za klávesnicou“. Predovšetkým u nás na Slovensku má potenciál prejsť do reálneho násilia. 🚫 Preto nesmieme tolerovať normalizáciu takéhoto správania, ktoré kontaminuje verejný priestor a má priame dopady na kvalitu demokracie. Sme presvedčení, že nestačí nebyť rasistami, ale musíme byť aktívne protirasistickí, aby sme dosiahli zmenu. #RomaRights #antigypsyism #onlinehatespeech #RomaRightsDefenders #svietinasieti

4/11/2024, 6:53:17 PM

🌟We've just wrapped up an amazing two-day event in Bratislava, Slovakia, all about "Countering Online Anti-Roma Hate Speech and Safeguarding Democratic Values." Our heartfelt thanks go out to Ms. Zuzana Čaputová, President of the Slovak Republic, for being the patron of this event, and also to our awesome volunteers, the Roma Rights Defenders, for their help organising and for the outstanding work they do every day. Our goal?🎯 Tackling the ongoing threat posed by online hate speech targeting Romani communities head-on. 💪 By bringing together a mix of voices and experiences, we're on a mission to push for effective strategies and teamwork to counteract digital antigypsyism. 📌But it doesn't stop there! Our Roma Rights Defenders are busy in Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovakia, and Romania fighting against hate speech online. They're building digital communities, reporting hate speech, flipping the script on racist comments, and creating resources to stop the spread of racist disinformation. 🤝Our volunteers are all about real action against hate speech, not just talking about it. But it's still so important for these young Roma and non-Roma to have the opportunity to meet and strategize together at events like this. No matter what it takes, we are committed to making online hate something that is illegal and carries consequences for those who seek to incite discrimination against our communities. #RomaRights #antigypsyism #onlinehatespeech #socialmedia #facebook #instagram #youtube #tiktok #Slovakia #RomaRightsDefenders

4/10/2024, 4:50:46 PM

Posted @withregram • 🔵🔴🟢Bahtalo Romano mashkarthemutno dives! // Happy International Roma Day! 🌟 International Roma Day 2024 marks not only a celebration of Roma culture and heritage—as it will often be seen and carried out by national governments and international institutions — but, most importantly, a critical moment to reflect on the ongoing challenges Roma, Sinti, and Travellers across Europe face. 🗳️ This year, International Day marks the launch of #RomaniWeek2024, which coincides with the upcoming European elections. The voices and rights of marginalised communities, including Roma, are at stake amid the rise of far-right movements and the looming shadow of #antigypsyism. 🎉 Today, on International Roma Day — the day when our voices are probably heard a little louder than usual—let us reaffirm our commitment to combatting antigypsyism and advancing the rights of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers. 🤝 Let us harness the power of collective action to challenge bigotry and dismantle systemic barriers. In the upcoming #EuropeanElections, let us vote with empathy, solidarity, and inclusivity, ensuring that the voices of Roma communities are counted in shaping the future of our continent. #InternationalRomaDay

4/8/2024, 9:30:43 PM

Today, on International Roma Day, let's commit to #inclusive higher education. Let's strive for equal access and support systems that empower #Roma students to succeed and let's fight together all forms of #antigypsyism.

4/8/2024, 5:21:15 PM

Anlässlich des heutigen Internationalen Tags der Rom*nja fordert der Flüchtlingsrat NRW von der nordrhein-westfälischen Landesregierung umfangreiche Unterstützungsmaßnahmen. Rom*nja erfahren nicht nur vor, sondern auch während �und nach ihrer Flucht massive Diskriminierung. Vor allem in den Westbalkanstaaten erleben sie alltägliche Ausgrenzung, Stigmatisierung sowie Anfeindungen bis hin zu gewalttätigen Übergriffen. „Vor allem muss der strukturelle Antiziganismus beseitigt werden! Zu diesem Zweck muss die Landesregierung Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die prekäre Lage der Rom*nja nachhaltig zu verbessern. Hierzu gehören zielgruppenspezifische, niedrigschwellige und auskömmliche Förder- und Unterstützungsangebote, die Finanzierung der Unterstützungsarbeit von (Selbst-)Organisationen wie dem Rom e. V. in Köln und Schritte in Richtung einer voll-�ständigen Ausschöpfung bleiberechtlicher Möglichkeiten“, fordert Birgit Naujoks, Geschäftsführerin des Flüchtlingsrats NRW. Die Presseerklärung findet Ihr hier in voller Länge: #InternationalRomaDay #AntiGypsyism #RomaDay #opraroma #Antiromaismus #Antiziganismus #Diskriminierung #Rassismus #internationalertagderroma

4/8/2024, 12:08:06 PM

🔵🔴🟢Bahtalo Romano mashkarthemutno dives! // Happy International Roma Day! 🌟 International Roma Day 2024 marks not only a celebration of Roma culture and heritage—as it will often be seen and carried out by national governments and international institutions — but, most importantly, a critical moment to reflect on the ongoing challenges Roma, Sinti, and Travellers across Europe face. 🗳️ This year, International Day marks the launch of #RomaniWeek2024, which coincides with the upcoming European elections. The voices and rights of marginalised communities, including Roma, are at stake amid the rise of far-right movements and the looming shadow of #antigypsyism. 🎉 Today, on International Roma Day — the day when our voices are probably heard a little louder than usual—let us reaffirm our commitment to combatting antigypsyism and advancing the rights of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers. 🤝 Let us harness the power of collective action to challenge bigotry and dismantle systemic barriers. In the upcoming #EuropeanElections, let us vote with empathy, solidarity, and inclusivity, ensuring that the voices of Roma communities are counted in shaping the future of our continent. #InternationalRomaDay

4/8/2024, 11:47:05 AM

This makes my heart so sad. #antigypsyism or racism directed at Romani people for their existence has plagued the diaspora globally for pretty much all of our existence. Sometimes it's micro aggressions like yesterday being told "your tears are delicious" when I debating about genocide with someone from the perspective of another Holocaust diaspora (yes this was a melon kingdom related discussion with a zi on ist). It was a gross, racist thing to say but most wouldn't even see the harm in the statement if they weren't Romani having heard it a thousand times over.... Then there's these things the kind of racist aggression that kills people. As soon as I said to my husband a Roma man was gathering kindling in the woods alone my husband responded with "that's a bad idea". My heart is just broken for him. I wish this was uncommon but it's not, it being reported is uncommon. My people are so prone to abuse for so long without justice that generally most don't bother seeking it when bad things happen. They just carry on with their lives in pieces as best as they can, generally perpetually starting over. Times are changing and with organizations like @errcinsta the wheels of justice long siezed, as though purposely locked in a bank of clay, are being forced to turn. They are turning slowly as they face great resistance but once they start to roll momentum starts to build. I'm so grateful for the European Roma Rights Center, while my family isn't in Europe I worry about those left in Europe unprotected by a society that is often unreasonably cruel. #romani #racist #hungary #opreroma #opreromani #opresinti #opredomari

3/20/2024, 3:26:02 PM

След вчерашните дискусии и обмяна на знания и умения, свързани с ромската история, днес вече дойде време да се сблъскаме и със сегашното развитие на ромската общност в България. С помощта на Тръст за социална алтернатива научихме повече за движението на младите роми и алтернативите, които се предлага за тяхно личностно развитие, след което и развитие на общностите. After yesterday's discussions and knowledge exchanging about Roma history, today we had to see nowadays Roma development. By the help from Trust for social achievement, we learned more about the integration of Roma youths, their personal and community progression. Обучението е част от дейностите в годишния план за акредитация на сдружение “Възможности без граници” по КД1, сектор “Младеж” на програма “Еразъм +” с №2020-1-BG01-KA150-YOU-095248. Мненията и позициите, изразени в публикацията, изразяват отношението на авторите и не са непременно тези на Европейския съюз или на ЦРЧР. Нито Европейския съюз, нито финансиращата институция носят отговорност за съдържанието на настоящата публикация. #antigypsyism

3/20/2024, 2:58:48 PM

🥳 Дадохме старт на нашето обучение за младежки работници от цяла Европа. През следващите 7️⃣ дни 1️⃣7️⃣ души ще говорят, учат и търсят решения на етническата дискриминация срещу ромите. През първия ден от техния престой в България участниците преминаха през дейности за опознаване и сплотяване. 🥰 Оттук нататък те ще имат отговорната задача да набележат основните проблеми ⚠️ пред ромските общности за тяхната пълноценна интеграция в обществото. 🤪Нетърпеливи сме да видим какви са възможните решения, които участиците ще предложат през следващите дни. #ErasmusPlus #YouthWork #training #Antigypsyism #humanrights #diversityandinclusion #professionaldevelopment #cooperation #networking #changemakers Обучението е част от дейностите в годишния план за акредитация на сдружение “Възможности без граници” по КД1, сектор “Младеж” на програма “Еразъм +” с №2020-1-BG01-KA150-YOU-095248. Мненията и позициите, изразени в публикацията, изразяват отношението на авторите и не са непременно тези на Европейския съюз или на ЦРЧР. Нито Европейския съюз, нито финансиращата институция носят отговорност за съдържанието на настоящата публикация.

3/18/2024, 1:20:20 PM

❗️❗️In recent years, Roma have been victims to racist violence, on the rise of anti-roma rhetoric. These attacks have impacted the communities, already affected from years of oppression , and resulted in displacements, wounds and even deaths. 🕯️Today we think of survivors, their family members, and we pay tribute to the ongoing efforts to prevent violence, but also to determine the root cause of extremism. We take a closer step in joining these efforts, and to think of ways to heal and protect communities. 📌The European Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism was established after the Madrid bombings of 11 March 2004. Each year since 2005, the European Union remembers on this date the victims of terrorist atrocities worldwide. #antigypsyism #ternype #remembrance **later edit to the last slide** Attacks in Hanau, Germany from 2020 recorded 3 victims with Romani background: Vili Viorel Păun (23) Mercedes Kierpaiez (35), and Kaloyan Velkov (33).

3/14/2024, 9:58:30 AM

🔎 Together with our partner organisation in Romania, ROMAJUST, we have urged the investigative body to expedite the investigation into the 2022 case where two Romani children, aged 5 and 8, faced racial discrimination at a playground. What started as a childish conflict escalated into a distressing encounter. The parents of the child who accused the Romani boys of starting the fight resorted to sleeping one of the siblings and using racial slurs. 🔴 The Romani mother discovered her children crying at the playground, prompting her to file a complaint with the police and share the footage with a national television station. The County Police Inspectorate took action when the case gained media attention, initiating an investigation that included interviews with playground employees. ➡ This marks the second case that ROMAJUST has taken on within a year, with the support of the European Roma Rights Centre, concerning discrimination that denies Roma the use of a public space. We take these cases because Roma are entitled to enjoy public facilities, without being harassed or discriminated against, the same as anybody else. The legal proceedings are funded by the European Union. #COORDE #Romania #ERRC #Romarights #minorityrights #antigypsyism #Diversity #children #casesrevisited

3/4/2024, 12:41:10 PM

🟢🔴🔵 Join us for #RomaniWeek2024: The Future of Roma, Sinti, and Travellers in Europe! REGISTER ALREADY TODAY🌍 In the face of rising racism and the surge of far-right trends, the challenges of Roma equality, inclusion, and participation persist. #RomaWeek, an annual event in Brussels, brings together civil society organisations, European institutions, and stakeholders to shed light on the situation of Roma, #Sinti, and #Travellers in Europe. Key Objectives: 🔍 Explore the Roma agenda in the broader European political discourse. 🤝 Provide a platform for representatives and stakeholders to discuss political, economic, and #HumanRights changes. 🌐 Ensure Roma, Sinti, and Travellers are a priority in mainstream political discourse and EU policy. Topics Include: 🚫 Combating increased #antigypsyism and structural discrimination. 🔄 Implementing and monitoring National Roma Strategic Frameworks. 📜 Exploring #RomaHistory, truth, and reconciliation processes. Visit #ERGONetwork website OR Romani Week 2024 dedicated website for a detailed overview, and agenda and to stay updated on this 💙🤝 🟢🔴🔵 RomaWeek.EU #RomaniWeek2024 #RomaRights

2/29/2024, 10:58:49 AM

Have you heard of the successful #Roma #hatecrime conviction reported by our member Fundación Secretariado Gitano @gitanos_org ? This is an important step in protecting the Roma community from #hatecrimes! In 2016, a young Roma man was insulted with anti-Roma hatred and physically attacked. He was taken by ambulance to Sagunto hospital for head trauma. This crime of injury was committed because the young man attacked was Roma. Therefore, the aggravating circumstance of art. 22.4 of the Criminal Code was present, the aggravating circumstance of racism was applied in the conviction. The victim in this case, in which he was accompanied by FSG, acknowledged that "the important thing is that it serves to ensure that no other person suffers an aggression just for being Roma." This conviction is an in important step in recognising a very serious case of #antigypsyism. It also represents #justice for the family, in which the crime of injury is recognised, the aggravating circumstance of racism applied and an adequate reparation for the family ensured. Find our member's press release here: or in our BIO!

2/21/2024, 11:16:04 AM

Posted @withregram • ⛓️‍💥 Today, 20 February, marks the day of the Liberation of the Roma from slavery in Romania 🇷🇴 The liberation of the Roma from slavery represents a significant milestone in the history of Romania. Today, we honour the memory of the Roma who endured enslavement and commemorate their emancipation from the Romanian Lands—a transformative process that unfolded over a span of 25 years. 🕊️ The inaugural historical record acknowledging Roma as chattel dates back to October 1385. At that time, Dan I, the ruler of Wallachia, bestowed 40 Roma families upon the Tismana monastery. Similarly, Alexander the Good in medieval Moldova allocated 31 Roma families to the Bistrița monastery. These enslaved Roma, treated as property, played a role in augmenting the wealth of both monasteries and the boyars. After enduring nearly five centuries of slavery, the year 1856 marked the official liberation of all Roma in the Romanian Lands. While intellectuals of the time celebrated this emancipation, the reparative measures predominantly targeted the former masters rather than addressing the needs of the newly freed Roma. The journey toward freedom and equal opportunities for the Roma in Romania was arduous, beset by financial challenges. Yet, emancipation constituted a pivotal moment in the history of the Roma. 🌟 Unfortunately, even today, we can see the consequences of the slavery of Roma in the collective approach towards Roma across Europe, characterised by deep and entrenched #antigypsyism and negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes which have continued to keep Roma at the margins of their societies, often struggling to enjoy basic rights and freedoms in the same way as the non-Roma. 🌍🤝 Existing policy and legislative processes on Roma equality and social inclusion are insufficient if they are not accompanied by clear and comprehensive restorative and reconciliation processes and mechanisms at the national and European levels.

2/20/2024, 5:00:33 PM

⛓️‍💥 Today, 20 February, marks the day of the Liberation of the Roma from slavery in Romania 🇷🇴 The liberation of the Roma from slavery represents a significant milestone in the history of Romania. Today, we honour the memory of the Roma who endured enslavement and commemorate their emancipation from the Romanian Lands—a transformative process that unfolded over a span of 25 years. 🕊️ The inaugural historical record acknowledging Roma as chattel dates back to October 1385. At that time, Dan I, the ruler of Wallachia, bestowed 40 Roma families upon the Tismana monastery. Similarly, Alexander the Good in medieval Moldova allocated 31 Roma families to the Bistrița monastery. These enslaved Roma, treated as property, played a role in augmenting the wealth of both monasteries and the boyars. After enduring nearly five centuries of slavery, the year 1856 marked the official liberation of all Roma in the Romanian Lands. While intellectuals of the time celebrated this emancipation, the reparative measures predominantly targeted the former masters rather than addressing the needs of the newly freed Roma. The journey toward freedom and equal opportunities for the Roma in Romania was arduous, beset by financial challenges. Yet, emancipation constituted a pivotal moment in the history of the Roma. 🌟 Unfortunately, even today, we can see the consequences of the slavery of Roma in the collective approach towards Roma across Europe, characterised by deep and entrenched #antigypsyism and negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes which have continued to keep Roma at the margins of their societies, often struggling to enjoy basic rights and freedoms in the same way as the non-Roma. 🌍🤝 Existing policy and legislative processes on Roma equality and social inclusion are insufficient if they are not accompanied by clear and comprehensive restorative and reconciliation processes and mechanisms at the national and European levels.

2/20/2024, 11:22:11 AM

A report published today demonstrates how antigypsyism is the primary barrier preventing Roma, Sinti, and Travellers from participating in sport and physical activity in Europe. 🚧 The report, Moving On: Access to Sport for Roma, Sinti, & Travellers in Europe, was published by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and a coalition of six other organisations as part of the Moving On project and is based on research conducted in four European countries (Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, and Spain). 🌍 It is the first research to examine access to sport for Romani and Traveller people, as well as the role sport can play as a tool of inclusion and anti-discrimination. 🤝 For marginalised and segregated communities, often without regular access to public water supply or basic infrastructure, accessing sport is a near impossibility and cannot be overcome simply with improved access schemes. 🏞️ LINK IN BIO 🆙 #sports #Romarights #MovingOnEU #JasAnglal #humanrights #antigypsyism @aldaeurope @exchangehouseir @instafagic @farenet @geacooperativasociale @fotbalprorozvoj

2/13/2024, 5:26:40 PM

▶In a firm step against discrimination, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) and ROMAJUST are confronting Romania's National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD) to appeal their decision regarding an incident involving the ethnic profiling of three young Romani men from Bistrița. 🔴The incident unfolded when a young Romani man, accompanied by his brother and a friend, visited a perfume shop in Iulius Mall, Cluj-Napoca. What should have been a routine shopping experience turned into a racist ordeal. Simply because of the colour of their skin, they were singled out by the store's security personnel and asked to empty their pockets on suspicion of theft. 🔎❗In the aftermath, the young Romani man, alongside ROMAJUST, filed a complaint with the National Council for Combating Discrimination (CNCD), seeking justice for the discrimination they were subjected to. Link in bio 🆙 #Romania #ERRC #humanrights #COORDE #activism #minorityrights #equality #Romarights #Diversity #antigypsyism #racialprofiling

2/9/2024, 1:18:11 PM

Posted @withregram • @errcinsta ➡Every mother’s nightmare turned into reality on the 18th of September 2022, when two Romani children, aged 5 and 8, were subjected to hate-motivated, racist verbal and physical attack by non-Romani parents at a playground in Bacău, Romania, leaving both children traumatized and their mother seeking justice. 🔎The incident happened in a paid playground in the Arena Shopping Mall in Bacău, where a Romani mother took her two children to play while she was away shopping. However, the play time took a distressing turn when a non-Romani child falsely accused one of the Romani siblings of hitting him, triggering a chain of racist violence. The mother of the non-Romani child confronted the Romani siblings, slapping the older boy while hurling derogatory racial slurs such as “Dirty Gypsy” and “Crow” (a racist slur for Romani people and other ethnicities in Romania). Her husband joined her, threatened the Romani siblings, and continued the racist name-calling. LINK IN BIO🆙 #minorityrights #antigypsyism #Diversity #Romarights #ERRC #children #COORDE #Romania #humanrights #equality #activism

2/8/2024, 5:20:17 PM

➡Every mother's nightmare turned into reality on the 18th of September 2022, when two Romani children, aged 5 and 8, were subjected to hate-motivated, racist verbal and physical attack by non-Romani parents at a playground in Bacău, Romania, leaving both children traumatized and their mother seeking justice. 🔎The incident happened in a paid playground in the Arena Shopping Mall in Bacău, where a Romani mother took her two children to play while she was away shopping. However, the play time took a distressing turn when a non-Romani child falsely accused one of the Romani siblings of hitting him, triggering a chain of racist violence. The mother of the non-Romani child confronted the Romani siblings, slapping the older boy while hurling derogatory racial slurs such as "Dirty Gypsy" and "Crow" (a racist slur for Romani people and other ethnicities in Romania). Her husband joined her, threatened the Romani siblings, and continued the racist name-calling. LINK IN BIO🆙 #minorityrights #antigypsyism #Diversity #Romarights #ERRC #children #COORDE #Romania #humanrights #equality #activism

2/8/2024, 2:39:29 PM

🌐 Sharing #ERGONetwork article on our most recent work with Ukrainian Roma: "Inclusion or Exclusion? The Reality for #RomaRefugees in Poland" Read more about the challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma refugees in Poland 🇵🇱 in this report by our member Jaw Dikh Poland and the urgent need for support. Despite legal efforts, there's a lack of assistance due to discrimination. 📰 Head to our website to read the full report. 🔑 Key Points: 🔵1.56M refugees from Ukraine in Poland. 🟡Ukrainian Roma face discrimination in housing, employment, and services. 🔵 #Antigypsyism makes the challenges even worse. 🟡Roma activists need financial support for their crucial role. Advocacy is essential to address these issues, and we are grateful to our partners in the European Programme for Integration and Migration ( #EPIM) for their support of our work. Let's raise awareness and share this information. #warinukraine

2/6/2024, 9:41:16 AM

I've seen these cups floating around on websites, museums and selling places such as etsy. They are being passed off asauthentic fortune-telling cups when they have sweet eff all to do with Dukkering. They were manufactured by pottery companies back in the day for entertainment purposes, with zero connection to Romany and Traveller culture. Swipe to learn more. . . . #fortuneteller #fortunetelling #fortunetelling #folkmagic #tasseomancy #romanyculture #gypsyromatraveller #gypsytraveller #gypsytraveler #grtculturematters #romanygypsies #dukkering #grtcommunity #romaniculture #scottishgypsytraveller #romanytraveller #antigypsyism #travellerlivesmatter #travellergypsys #romanichal #dikhlocollective

2/4/2024, 12:40:29 AM

Posted @withregram • @errcinsta ➡North Macedonia’s Equality Body, the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, has issued an opinion against a primary school in Prilep for the “indirect, continued discrimination leading to segregation” of Romani pupils. The opinion, issued on 18th January, was the result of a complaint filed by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) on behalf of Romani parents in September 2023 against Dobri Jovanovski primary school. It is the third such decision against a North Macedonian school in recent years after schools in Štip and Bitola were condemned for segregation of Romani children in February and August 2022. 🔴“Romani children have a right to learn in an integrated environment. They have a right to attend their local school without being told that they must go to the “Roma school” down the road” said the ERRC’s President, Ðorđe Jovanović. “It is the responsibility of local authorities to ensure that de facto segregation does not develop in their schools. That’s not just the ERRC saying so, the European Court of Human Rights says this and now also the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination too.” LINK IN BIO 🆙 #sicljovipe #ERRC #activism #humanrights #antigypsyism #equality #minorityrights #Romarights #goodnews #northmacedonia

2/1/2024, 5:54:12 PM

➡North Macedonia’s Equality Body, the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, has issued an opinion against a primary school in Prilep for the “indirect, continued discrimination leading to segregation” of Romani pupils. The opinion, issued on 18th January, was the result of a complaint filed by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) on behalf of Romani parents in September 2023 against Dobri Jovanovski primary school. It is the third such decision against a North Macedonian school in recent years after schools in Štip and Bitola were condemned for segregation of Romani children in February and August 2022. 🔴“Romani children have a right to learn in an integrated environment. They have a right to attend their local school without being told that they must go to the “Roma school” down the road” said the ERRC’s President, Ðorđe Jovanović. “It is the responsibility of local authorities to ensure that de facto segregation does not develop in their schools. That’s not just the ERRC saying so, the European Court of Human Rights says this and now also the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination too.” LINK IN BIO 🆙 #sicljovipe #ERRC #activism #humanrights #antigypsyism #equality #minorityrights #Romarights #goodnews #northmacedonia

2/1/2024, 11:00:42 AM

📌On November 1, 2005, the #ungeneralassembly adopted resolution 60/7 to officialize January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day (IHRD). The date marks the liberation of Auschwitz Birkenau and is meant to honor the victims. As it is adopted, the resolution comes in the development of 📚educational programs to remember the Holocaust and to prevent further genocides, but also it rejects any form of Holocaust denial. 🕯️On January 27, 2024, for the “International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust,” we all gather to commemorate and reflect upon the sufferings of the ones who suffered and who only bore the same names as we are today. 🪔On this ceremonious occasion, we serve to remember the millions of lives, destinies, and generations taken away during the #Holocaust, among them many #roma and #sinti , whose families, children, and identitieshave also been taken away.    🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️       ➡️Remembering the Roma Genocide with DIKH HE NABISTER for more than a decade.⬅️ ❗️The Roma Genocide was largely omitted and neglected, with emphasis on the tragic events from “Gypsy Family Camp” at Auschwitz-Birkenau, when the tragedy on 2nd August 1944 happened. 2️⃣August had been chosen by Sinti and Roma organizations as the day to commemorate all Sinti and Roma victims of the Holocaust. On 2 August 1944, the last remaining 4,200 – 4,300 Sinti and Roma in what the SS called the “gypsy family camp” in Auschwitz-Birkenau were killed. The recognition by the 🇪🇺European Parliament 🇪🇺constituted an important symbolic step in the fight against #antigypsyism and contributed to general knowledge of Roma history in Europe. 🌏We are still in the frame where manifestations of extremism and right-wing violence have shown how prejudice and intolerance can lead to systematic harassment, discrimination, and ultimately mass killings. 🕯️This is the time to reflect on the rise of antigypsyism and antisemitism, and how to overcome them jointly with consciousness and efforts among the population, but with a strong political agenda, leading to condemnation.   #weremember #romagenocide #27january

1/27/2024, 11:54:16 PM

Thinking of all of the innocent lives lost and affected by the Porajmos (the Roma and Sinti Holocaust) on this Holocaust Memorial Day. Please take a moment to read this piece that I wrote for @travellers_times about the Porajmos, the Auschwitz Gypsy Family Camp and Josef Mengele's horrific medical experimentation on Roma and Sinti children and his subsequent escape to South America. We need to keep talking and learning about the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis during WWII so that nothing as horrendous is ever perpetrated against our children ever again. Link in Linktree in bio. @holocaustmemorialdaytrust #ttvision #traveller #grt #gypsy #roma #romany #romanygypsy #gypsytraveller #gypsytravellers #journalism #journalismmatters #representationmatters #gypsyrepresentation #journalist #journalists #proudgypsy #proudromany #proudromanygypsy #gemandchris #theleeses #antigypsyism #porajmos #romaandsintihistory #romaandsintiholocaust #holocaust #holocaustmemorialday #josefmengele #peron #juanperon #argentina🇦🇷

1/27/2024, 8:19:44 PM

Idag hedrar vi minnet av dem romer och judar som drabbades av förintelsens fasor. Låt oss tillsammans reflektera över historien och förena oss för att säkerställa att sådana grymheter aldrig får inträffa igen. Må vi lära av det förflutna och verka för en värld där tolerans och respekt för varje individ råder. Today we honor the memory of those roma and jews who suffered during the horrors of the Holocaust. Let us collectively reflect on history and unite to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. May we learn from the past and strive for a world where tolerance and respect for every individual prevail. #Förintelsensminnesdag #NeverForget #neveragain #romarights #holocaustmemorialday #WWII #Antigypsyism #antisemitism #equality #HolocaustRemembranceDay

1/27/2024, 8:03:47 PM

Posted @withregram • @errcinsta 🕊️✨ January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day. 🌍 Today, we specifically remember the Roma and Sinti communities who suffered immeasurable losses at the hands of Nazi Germany and its allies. 💔 Over half a million Roma and Sinti lost their lives – victims of forced labor, death squads, and the unspeakable horrors of extermination camps, with around 20,000 Roma dying in Auschwitz-Birkenau alone.🕊️ The true extent of the genocide against our people may never be fully known, as many of the atrocities went unrecorded or were deliberately covered up. However, we have the power to preserve and share our own stories. 📖 #holocaustmemorialday #WWII #romaholocauststories #holocaust #stopracisms #Romarights #equality #minorityrights #antigypsyism #Roma #humanrights

1/27/2024, 7:49:06 PM

🕯️On January 27, 2024, for the “International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust,” we all gather to commemorate and reflect upon the sufferings of the ones who suffered. 🕯️On this ceremonious occasion, we serve to remember the millions of lives, destinies, and generations taken away during the Holocaust, among them many Roma and Sinti, whose families, children, and identities have also been taken away. 🌏We are still in the frame where manifestations of extremism and right-wing violence have shown how prejudice and intolerance can lead to systematic harassment, discrimination, and ultimately mass killings. 🕯️This is the time to reflect on the rise of #antigypsyism and #antisemitism, and how to overcome them jointly with consciousness and efforts among the population, but with a strong political agenda, leading to condemnation. #holocaustcommemoration #samudaripen #dikhhenabister

1/27/2024, 6:50:43 PM

🕊️ Honouring Holocaust Remembrance Day 🌍 On this solemn day, ERGO Network commemorates Holocaust Remembrance Day, remembering the millions who suffered, including the Roma community, victims of the "Forgotten Holocaust." #Antigypsyism persists today, echoing the past. To honour this day and to continue our work on remembrance, truth and reconciliation, we present our #Jekhipe project. Alongside partners from various countries, we launch this comprehensive initiative to tackle historical injustices and current obstacles facing the Roma community. Head to our website to read more. #HolocaustMemorialDay #HolocaustRemembranceDay

1/27/2024, 5:00:44 PM

🕊️✨ January 27th is Holocaust Memorial Day. 🌍 Today, we specifically remember the Roma and Sinti communities who suffered immeasurable losses at the hands of Nazi Germany and its allies. 💔 Over half a million Roma and Sinti lost their lives – victims of forced labor, death squads, and the unspeakable horrors of extermination camps, with around 20,000 Roma dying in Auschwitz-Birkenau alone.🕊️ The true extent of the genocide against our people may never be fully known, as many of the atrocities went unrecorded or were deliberately covered up. However, we have the power to preserve and share our own stories. 📖 #holocaustmemorialday #WWII #romaholocauststories #holocaust #stopracisms #Romarights #equality #minorityrights #antigypsyism #Roma #humanrights

1/27/2024, 12:00:31 PM

🎉 GOOD NEWS! 🎉 On January 10th, 2024, North Macedonia’s Equality Body, the Commission for Prevention and Protection against Discrimination, took a stand and published an Opinion determining that the President of the City of Skopje Council, Trajko Slaveski, made public remarks which amounted to “invoking, inciting and instructing discrimination on the basis of skin colour, social origin, or membership to a marginalized group.” In their decision, they recommended his offensive statement be removed from public discourse within 30 days and that he should refrain from using such rhetoric in future. 🚫 🗣️ “The proliferation of hate speech from the political class has wide repercussions for Romani people. When politicians use racist language, it gets picked up by media outlets, it gets repeated by employers, by municipality workers, by teachers, and by schoolchildren. It ultimately can, and frequently does, lead to violent hate crimes against Roma. That’s why we must hold politicians accountable for their actions and words and demand appropriate repercussions when they engage in hate speech” said the ERRC’s Advocacy & Communications Director, Jonathan Lee. 🌐✊ WE HAVE LINK IN BIO FOR MORE DETAILS 🆙 #northmacedonia #hatespeech #equality #errc #goodnews #Romarights #antigypsyism #Roma #activism #minorityrights

1/25/2024, 7:00:40 PM

Posted @withregram • @errcinsta ➡ Young Romani activists, part of a volunteer-led project to record and litigate against online hate speech in the Czech Republic, have today released a publication exposing the state of online hate against Roma in the country as well as a policy guide detailing what the government must do if it wants to effectively challenge it. The publications are the culmination of an innovative, volunteer-led process which has successfully demonstrated how Roma can effectively take charge of their rights by recording hate speech and filing criminal complaints against those who seek to incite racial hatred with impunity. The project was organised by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC),, and the Forum for Human Rights as part of the ERRC’s Challenging Digital Antigypsyism initiative. ➡ The report Challenging Digital Antigypsyism in the Czech Republic describes how Romani volunteers reported and recorded 245 separate incidents of online racist language against Roma of varying degrees of severeness between the spring of 2022 and the summer of 2023. Many of the comments circulated anti-Romani stereotypes, while a significant number focussed on refugees and Romani people (including attacks on Romani Ukrainian refugees). Much of the most disturbing hate speech targeted Roma in the context of the Second World War and included comments calling for the annihilation of Roma, Holocaust denial, and expressing sympathy with Nazi ideology. 🔴 LINK IN BIO 🆙 #humanrights #Romarights #antigypsyism #equality #ERRC #onlinehate #digital #Report #czechrepublic #volunteers

1/24/2024, 6:37:10 PM

➡ Young Romani activists, part of a volunteer-led project to record and litigate against online hate speech in the Czech Republic, have today released a publication exposing the state of online hate against Roma in the country as well as a policy guide detailing what the government must do if it wants to effectively challenge it. The publications are the culmination of an innovative, volunteer-led process which has successfully demonstrated how Roma can effectively take charge of their rights by recording hate speech and filing criminal complaints against those who seek to incite racial hatred with impunity. The project was organised by the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC),, and the Forum for Human Rights as part of the ERRC’s Challenging Digital Antigypsyism initiative. ➡ The report Challenging Digital Antigypsyism in the Czech Republic describes how Romani volunteers reported and recorded 245 separate incidents of online racist language against Roma of varying degrees of severeness between the spring of 2022 and the summer of 2023. Many of the comments circulated anti-Romani stereotypes, while a significant number focussed on refugees and Romani people (including attacks on Romani Ukrainian refugees). Much of the most disturbing hate speech targeted Roma in the context of the Second World War and included comments calling for the annihilation of Roma, Holocaust denial, and expressing sympathy with Nazi ideology. 🔴 LINK IN BIO 🆙 #humanrights #Romarights #antigypsyism #equality #ERRC #onlinehate #digital #Report #czechrepublic #volunteers

1/24/2024, 4:00:49 PM

Posted @withregram • @errcinsta ❗➡ We will provide legal support to a Romani woman, Ms. Marica Mihajlović, who was the victim of severe obstetric violence in Sremska Mitrovica General Hospital resulting in the death of her baby on 13th January 2024. We will provide a lawyer to accompany Ms. Mihajlović and represent her interests in the ongoing criminal investigation against the doctor who perpetrated the alleged violence against her. The ERRC has written to Serbian authorities urging them to investigate the likely racist motivation for this shocking case of violence against a Romani mother while giving birth. We continue to explore all legal avenues available to ensure justice for Ms. Mihajlović and to protect other women and infants from further obstetric violence. 🔴 LINK IN BIO 🆙 #Romarights #antigypsyism #humanrights #Roma #womensrights #health #sastipe #Serbia

1/23/2024, 10:29:52 PM

Brisel, 23. januar 2024. Evropski centar za prava Roma @errcinsta (ECPR; European Roma Rights Centre - ERRC;) će pružiti pravnu podršku Romkinji, gđi Marici Mihajlović, koja je bila žrtva akušerskog nasilja u Opštoj bolnici Sremska Mitrovica, a koje je rezultiralo smrću njene bebe 13. januara 2024. godine. Organizacija za prava Roma će obezbediti advokata da zastupa gđu Mihajlović i njene interese tokom krivičnog postupka koji je pokrenut protiv doktora koji se sumnjiči da je počinio nasilje nad njom. ECPR se pismeno obratio različitim organima apelujući da se istraži mogući rasni motiv za ovakav šokantan slučaj nasilja tokom porođaja nad majkom Romkinjom. ECPR nastavlja da razmatra sve dostupne pravne mehanizme kako bi gđa Mihajlović dobila pravdu i kako bi se zaštitile druge žene i novorođenčad od daljeg akušerskog nasilja. ECPR je čuo svedočenja i drugih Romkinja da navodno ovo nije prvi takav slučaj da isti doktor zlostavlja trudne Romkinje, niti je prvi slučaj da je navodno rezultirao smrću bebe. „Ovaj poslednji slučaj rasnog zlostavljanja i nasilja prema Romkinji tokom porođaja je daleko od prvog i nažalost neće biti poslednji slučaj,“ izjavio je predsednik ECPR Đorđe Jovanović. „Prema svedočenju majke, smrt bebe Elene Novaković je tragični i traumatični ishod svesnog nesavesnog pružanja lekarske pomoći, nasilnog zastrašivanja i anti-romsko zlostavljanja. Porodilište treba da bude mesto gde se trudnice osećaju sigurno, zaštićeno i poštovano. Umesto toga, Marica Mihajlović se našla u okrutnom spoju rasizma, rodnog i institucionalnog nasilja. Ovo mora da se zaustavi, i počinioci moraju odgovarati za akušersko nasilje.“ #Romarights #antigypsyism #humanrights #Roma #womensrights #health #sastipe #Serbia

1/23/2024, 8:28:33 PM

❗➡ We will provide legal support to a Romani woman, Ms. Marica Mihajlović, who was the victim of severe obstetric violence in Sremska Mitrovica General Hospital resulting in the death of her baby on 13th January 2024. We will provide a lawyer to accompany Ms. Mihajlović and represent her interests in the ongoing criminal investigation against the doctor who perpetrated the alleged violence against her. The ERRC has written to Serbian authorities urging them to investigate the likely racist motivation for this shocking case of violence against a Romani mother while giving birth. We continue to explore all legal avenues available to ensure justice for Ms. Mihajlović and to protect other women and infants from further obstetric violence. 🔴 LINK IN BIO 🆙 #Romarights #antigypsyism #humanrights #Roma #womensrights #health #sastipe #Serbia

1/23/2024, 6:11:21 PM

🔴🔴The ERRC has written to the Sremska Mitrovica General Hospital, the public prosecutor, and the Health Inspectorate within the Ministry of Health, to request that they consider the likely racist motivation for the doctor’s actions in their ongoing investigations. The Regional Medical Chamber of Vojvodina was also contacted in order to request that they initiate a disciplinary procedure to revoke the doctor’s medical license and protect future Romani mothers from violence. LINK IN BIO 🆙❗🔴 #Romarights #antigypsyism #humanrights #Roma #womensrights #health #sastipe #Serbia

1/23/2024, 10:39:49 AM

#AHEADPROJECT: Council of Europe deplores the high level of #antigypsyism in #Romania Find out more about this and other harmful conduct on this link: - #humanrights #policeviolence #hatespeech #EU #antigypsyism #Romaminorities #awareness #noviolence #hostility #AHEAD #AHEADProject #change #equality @asociatiaaresel @bravo.bih @unibaofficial

1/20/2024, 12:13:57 PM

Today at an event organized in Brussels by the Social Platform and the The European Committee of Social Rights (Council of Europe) our Legal Director, Senada Sali, delivered a presentation on the European Social Charter's vital role in safeguarding fundamental rights, particularly for systemically discriminated groups like Roma and Travellers. Her speech emphasized the urgent need for robust mechanisms to address systemic discrimination and highlighted the significance of the collective complaints procedure. This mechanism not only sheds light on systemic violations but also ensures accessibility to justice, crucial for the most vulnerable members of our communities. Let's continue our commitment to upholding human rights for all. #antigypsyism #Romarights #equality #humanrights #diversity

12/14/2023, 5:20:11 PM

🌐 Ðorđe Jovanović, President of the European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), recently shared ERRC's insights at the @osceorg five-yearly report presentation in Vienna, Austria. The report assesses efforts made by OSCE states in ensuring equal opportunities for Roma and Sinti people across all areas of life. 📊 Progress on Roma and Sinti rights is encouraging, marking positive steps towards inclusivity and equality. However, as highlighted by the OSCE human rights office, the journey ahead remains challenging. 🚀 #humanrights #activism #equality #Romarights #antigypsyism #diversity #OSCE #ODIHR

12/13/2023, 4:55:26 PM

Read my latest @travellers_times article about not looking "Gypsy enough" for other people, "You Don't Look Like One". Link in Linktree in bio. #ttvision #traveller #grt #gypsy #roma #romany #romanygypsy #gypsytraveller #gypsytravellers #journalism #journalismmatters #representationmatters #gypsyrepresentation #journalist #journalists #proudgypsy #proudromany #proudromanygypsy #gemandchris #theleeses #antigypsyism #racism #youdontlooklikeone

12/13/2023, 2:47:15 PM

La Navidad ya la tenemos ahí, para gusto y disgusto de muches. Nosotres queremos compartir un cuento navideño contra el #Antigitanismo UN CARAMELO es un cuento corto para una larga historia de rechazo que esperamos os haga reflexionar desde la ternura. el autor del mismo es @demebaxtalo Podéis leerlo en el blog BAXTALO: "UN CARAMELO" Él era gitano, no se correspondía a la imagen que la mayoría tiene en su cabeza, era muy claro y no destacaba por ninguno de los estereotipos que la mayoría maneja, por eso se podía mover libremente por el Corte Inglés sin que el vigilante lo siguiera con mirada acusadora, por eso podía entrar a comprar los regalos a sus nietos sin esperar sinsabores. Una persona educada y trabajadora, como mucha otra que hacía sus compras pre-navideñas y se preparaba para celebrar los próximos días en familia... (si queréis saber como continua podéis entrar al enlace) #ChristmasTales #Antigypsyism #Solidarity #Equality #Kretchuno #RromaParamici

12/9/2023, 10:15:49 AM

Discover our latest member portrait video from Spain! This time with Javier Sáez from Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) @gitanos_org focusing on the #intersectional approach of the Facing Facts Network and the work of FSG in tackling #antigypsyism. Dive into the world of mutual learning and why FSG decided to be on board to join a network working of different grounds of discrimination. 🤝 🔍 Do you know what FSG is bringing to the Network? With experience on litigation cases and monitoring and reporting hate speech target #Roma people, FSG's expertise further strengthens our goal to ensure a society where fundamental rights are secured for all! Anti-Roma hate speech and antigypsypsism needs to be tackled! Discover also our latest Blog post in our BIO! 📚 It is written by: Celia Gabarri Hernandez, Manager of the Gender Equality and Roma Women Department & Javier Sáez del Álamo, Senior expert of the Department of Equality and Fight against Discrimination Don't forget to check out this video on our YouTube channel (link in BIO). 🎥 Stay tuned for more captivating member portraits coming your way! If you're part of the #FacingFactsNetwork and eager to share your journey, reach out to us on Instagram! 📲 Let's amplify our collective impact! 💪 #MutualLearning #Antigypsyism #FacingFactsNetwork #MemberSpotlight #KnowledgeSharing 🌍🤝

12/1/2023, 11:18:19 AM thank you once again for taking me on board. and for hosting the event. #romani #housing #affordablehousing #qualityhousing #antigypsyism

11/30/2023, 4:42:40 PM

European Platform for Roma inclusion and Joint EURoma and NRCPs meetings 30 Nov -1 Dec 2023 in Madrid. Keskustelussa romanien asuinolosuhteet, eriytetyt asuinalueet, romaninaapurusto, köyhyys, syrjintä, #antigypsyism, EU rahoitus, joilla voidaan mm. kohentaa asuntojen tasoa ja rakentaa asuntoja. #equality #inclusion #participation #EURoma #EURomaNetwork #EUSpain #romaneighborhood #settlements #segregation #housing #EUFunds #EU4Roma #UnionofEquality #nationalromacontactpoint #NRCP #humanrights

11/30/2023, 2:57:06 PM

➡ Today, we submitted a complaint to the equality body of North Macedonia expecting a reaction to this violation of anti-discrimination law. 🚫 ❎‼The President of the City of Skopje Council, Trajko Slaveski of the VMRO-DPMNE party, made racist remarks about the Romani community and foreign workers in the country. He stated on his X (Twitter) profile that there is a so-called 'Macedonian paradox' observable in the capital city, referring to dark skinned young men (presumed to be Roma and migrants) seen on every street corner. Slaveski portrays Roma as lazy and dependent on social assistance; burdening the state budget. Regarding foreign workers, he uses far-right dog whistles to suggest they are silent refugees or migrants that are a looming threat to future society. #humanrights #equality #activism #Romarights #antigypsyism #diversity #NorthMacedonia #Skopje #hatespeech

11/29/2023, 5:36:47 PM

🚫✨ Let's talk about respect and cultural sensitivity! 🚫✨ 🧐➡ If you're not Romani, please avoid Gypsy-themed costumes. 🚫 Don't use the term "Gypsy" casually, thinking it reflects a free spirit. 🌍✌️ These are some of the forms of antigypsyism. 🔍✨ /ˈantidʒɪpsi:sm/ is our word of the day. It's essential to understand and combat the stereotypes an Click the link in bio for a beginner's guide to antigypsyism. 🆙 #Romarights #ERRC #humanrights #Diversity #equality #RomaRightsDictionary #JusticeForRoma #activism #travellers #antigypsyism

11/23/2023, 6:00:59 PM

Since 2011, @cejiorg has coordinated Facing Facts. Make your contribution to an inclusive #Europe by supporting Facing Facts through CEJI 🤝 Your donation will help us to build bridges across communities in Europe, to confront #antisemitism, #antiMuslim #racism, #lgbtphobia, #ableism, #antigypsyism, #xenophobia and bigotry in all its forms, to prevent the escalation of #hatespeech and #hatecrime and to continue developing cutting-edge educational programmes. Find the link in our BIO. By donating to Facing Facts, you support 👇 ◾ Anti-bias trainings with an award-winning pedagogical approach ◾Hate crime monitoring courses for law enforcement and civil society ◾An innovative e-learning platform to monitor and counter-act hate crime & online hate speech ◾Advocacy that promotes positive measures in response to negative forces Thank you for your support 👏

11/17/2023, 3:45:50 PM

Jetzt bestellbar! Antiziganismus Enzyklopädie 2023: Leicht verständliche Erklärungen zu Antiziganismus: Ihr Weg zur Aufklärung - #antiziganismus #antiziganismusbekämpfen #antiziganism #antigypsyism #antiziganismusmelden #antiziganismus2023 #markodknudsen #bildungsvereinderromazuhamburg #romabooks #rassismus #diskriminierung #inklusion #integration #roma #sinti #romaundsinti #sintiundroma #aufklärung

11/11/2023, 7:27:30 PM

Jetzt bestellbar! Antiziganismus Enzyklopädie 2023: Leicht verständliche Erklärungen zu Antiziganismus: Ihr Weg zur Aufklärung - #antiziganismus #antiziganismusbekämpfen #antiziganism #antigypsyism #antiziganismusmelden #antiziganismus2023 #markodknudsen #bildungsvereinderromazuhamburg #romabooks #rassismus #diskriminierung #inklusion #integration #roma #sinti #romaundsinti #sintiundroma #aufklärung @gegen_antiziganismus @antiziganismus @fuer_sinti_und_roma @forumgegenantiziganismus @wir_gegen_antiziganismus @mia_bund @antiziganismus

11/11/2023, 6:18:27 PM

Jetzt bestellbar! Antiziganismus Enzyklopädie 2023: Leicht verständliche Erklärungen zu Antiziganismus: Ihr Weg zur Aufklärung - #antiziganismus #antiziganismusbekämpfen #antiziganism #antigypsyism #antiziganismusmelden #antiziganismus2023 #markodknudsen #bildungsvereinderromazuhamburg #romabooks #rassismus #diskriminierung #inklusion #integration #roma #sinti #romaundsinti #sintiundroma #aufklärung @gegen_antiziganismus @antiziganismus @fuer_sinti_und_roma @forumgegenantiziganismus @wir_gegen_antiziganismus @mia_bund @antiziganismus

11/11/2023, 6:16:34 PM

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 ❓Are you ready to take the spotlight? ❓ Restore project: Provide Social Pathways for Roma People 👉👉👉 🌍 Stay tuned... 🇩🇪 BK CON - Institute for Roma and Minorities Inclusion 🇬🇷 IEK AKMI - ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ - AKMI International - Symplexis 🇦🇹 Vienna Association of Education Volunteers - VAEV 🇭🇺 Romaversitas Alapítvány 🇲🇰 РРЦ - Ромски Ресурсен Центар | RRC - Roma Resource Center #restore #inclusion #antigypsyism #civicengagement #stereotypes #romanipeople #socialinclusion #EuropeanYearOfSkills #RomaversitasHungary #BKCON #evbb #EUprojects #EUfundedprojects #erasmusplus #KA2 #EUVocationalSkills #EUVocationalExcellence #eacea #PactForSkills #upskilling #reskilling #CreativeSector #education #vocationaleducation #lifelonglearning #excellenceineducation #kolkwitz #cottbus #ausbildung BK Consult is available in the Landesportal für Brandenburg /Brandenburg

11/9/2023, 10:50:03 AM

𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 ❓Are you ready to take the spotlight? ❓ Restore project: Provide Social Pathways for Roma People 👉👉👉 🌍 Stay tuned... 🇩🇪 BK CON - Institute for Roma and Minorities Inclusion 🇬🇷 IEK AKMI - ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ - AKMI International - Symplexis 🇦🇹 Vienna Association of Education Volunteers - VAEV 🇭🇺 Romaversitas Alapítvány 🇲🇰 РРЦ - Ромски Ресурсен Центар | RRC - Roma Resource Center #restore #inclusion #antigypsyism #civicengagement #stereotypes #romanipeople #socialinclusion #EuropeanYearOfSkills #RomaversitasHungary #BKCON #evbb #EUprojects #EUfundedprojects #erasmusplus #KA2 #EUVocationalSkills #EUVocationalExcellence #eacea #PactForSkills #upskilling #reskilling #CreativeSector #education #vocationaleducation #lifelonglearning #excellenceineducation #kolkwitz #cottbus #ausbildung BK Consult is available in the Landesportal für Brandenburg /Brandenburg

11/8/2023, 11:51:10 AM

Last Transnational 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 📆 24-25.10.2023 📌 Budapest, Hungary 📣The Restore project: Provide Social Pathways for Roma People team held their final meeting in Budapest, with the kind hospitality of Romaversitas. 👉 During this two-day gathering, the partners actively engaged in productive sessions aimed at 𝐟𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, and 𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠-𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲. ⭐We invite you to visit our website for registration and to explore our 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬: 🌍 🇩🇪 BK CON - Institute for Roma and Minorities Inclusion 🇬🇷 IEK AKMI - ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ - AKMI International - Symplexis 🇦🇹 Vienna Association of Education Volunteers - VAEV 🇭🇺 Romaversitas Alapítvány 🇲🇰 РРЦ - Ромски Ресурсен Центар | RRC - Roma Resource Center #restore #inclusion #antigypsyism #civicengagement #stereotypes #romanipeople #socialinclusion #EuropeanYearOfSkills #RomaversitasHungary #BKCON #evbb #EUprojects #EUfundedprojects #erasmusplus #KA2 #EUVocationalSkills #EUVocationalExcellence #eacea #PactForSkills #upskilling #reskilling #CreativeSector #education #vocationaleducation #lifelonglearning #excellenceineducation #kolkwitz #cottbus #ausbildung BK Consult is available in the Landesportal für Brandenburg /Brandenburg

10/27/2023, 11:36:22 PM

📢 ERGO Network Takes a Stand Against Racism! 🌍 We're proud to announce our Anti-Racism Manifesto ahead of the 2024 European Parliament Elections. 🗳️ ERGO Network is committed to combating discrimination, #antigypsyism, racism, and the marginalisation of racialised minorities in Europe, particularly the Roma community. Our Manifesto, featuring 10 key demands, is a powerful call to action to address these pressing issues. 🔗 Link to the full Manifesto in bio We're inviting European political parties to endorse our Manifesto, signalling their unwavering commitment to the fight against racism. By doing so, they pledge to make anti-racism a priority in their campaign agendas and post-election activities, working closely with EU institutions and national governments. This initiative is a testament to our dedication to improving the lives of marginalised communities, especially the Roma. As the @europeanparliament elections approach, we're setting a significant precedent for a more inclusive and anti-racist Europe. ERGO Network extends its invitation to all European political parties and has sent the Manifesto to @pes_pse Party of European Socialists, @europeangreens, @epp - European People's Party and @reneweurope. Let's stand together against racism! ✊ #AntiRacism #ERGONetwork #EuropeanElections #euelections2024

10/26/2023, 10:19:23 AM

#AHEAD: Combating discrimination against #Roma through history teaching On International Roma Day, Council of Europe’s Commissioner Dunja Mijatović emphasizes the key role of history education in countering discrimination against the Roma. Roma history - a tapestry of rich culture yet fraught with #inequality and stigmatization - should not only be remembered but understood and shared. Today’s Europe still witnesses deep-seated Roma #discrimination, from social exclusion to increased #hatespeech. Mijatović argues understanding Roma history can help us navigate these issues and secure their rights. Acknowledging Roma’s significant role in European history and culture is vital to dispel ingrained prejudices. Let’s celebrate Roma’s contributions to Europe’s diversity and heritage and pledge to end #antigypsyism. Read more here. #aheadproject #humanrightseducation #nohate #nodiscrimination #romapeople #fightingracism #Romaeducation #Romainclusion #education #nochilddiscrimination #discriminatorymeasures #youth #youngminorities #capacitybuilding #YouthGovernance #YouthAssociations #againsthatespeech #awarenesscampaign #civilrights #humanrights #behuman #researchforinclusion @asociatiaaresel @bravo.bih @unibaofficial

10/25/2023, 11:58:51 AM

🌟 Today at the OSCE Warsaw Human Dimension Conference #ERGONetwork Director Gabriela Hrabanova raised critical topics 🌎 📆 20th Anniversary of the Action Plan: Celebrating two decades since the introduction of the Action Plan for Roma and Sinti, a pioneering document that set the policy agenda for these communities in Europe. It served as a blueprint for #OSCE states to promote a rights-based approach, addressing marginalization, discrimination, and violence. 🌍 Role of @osceorg: The very first mobilisation of Roma and Sinti civil society took place under the OSCE's umbrella, leaving a lasting legacy. For 20 years, Roma and Sinti voices have been heard and understood, not only at the conference table but also at the European level. However, the progress achieved during this time remains moderate. 🌐 Protection of #CivilSociety: International organisations hold a greater responsibility to shield civil society from scrutiny, interference, intimidation, and harassment, ensuring a safe environment for Civil Society Organisations. 🇺🇦 Ukraine: International organisations play a crucial role in protecting the human rights of minorities, like Roma and Sinti, and promoting equality and racial justice. Concerns persist about the lack of consistent involvement of Roma representatives in decision-making processes regarding the Ukraine crisis and the provision of humanitarian aid to Roma communities. Real investment in Roma capacities and their inclusion in Ukraine's future policies is vital. 🚫 Combatting #Antigypsyism: Participating States and political leaders must proactively and reactively address antigypsyism in all its forms and across all areas. 🗳️ #EUElections: Supporting democratic processes is essential, with no room for disinformation or vote-buying. The OSCE's role in monitoring election processes is pivotal. National parties in the EU should actively engage with racialized groups, including Roma, and empower them to run as candidates. Mobilizing minority votes can be a powerful strategy against far-right and fascist parties.

10/12/2023, 8:18:12 AM

👥 Round table in the European Parliament focusing on combating #antigypsyism and stocktaking in the areas of #Roma equality, inclusion, and participation. 🎯 Aim? To pinpoint common goals and priorities for civil society as we work hand-in-hand with European Parliament members until the conclusion of their mandate in 2024. 📅 But that's not all – we're diving into discussions about key milestones like #RomaWeek 2024, the #EURomaPlatform, and the upcoming #EuropeanElections. This Roundtable is organised by ERGO Network, the #AllianceAgainstAntigypsyism, and the European Parliament, #Anti-Racism and #DiversityIntergroup - #ARDI. Roma Active Albania

10/9/2023, 4:39:14 PM