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#food #travel #sports #news #april #monday

嗨嗨,歡迎來到迷因派對第二集! 上次跟大家先介紹了三個,這次一樣會介紹三個,總共會推薦 #九個 2024 最火的迷因幣給各位參考服用。 建議大家可以等迷因派對系列結束後,再決定自己要將資金撥到哪個幣中,多看總是不吃虧呀~~ ✦由於幣種比較多,會分成三篇文章來做介紹! (小編絕對沒有偷懶哦) 首先,先讓我們來看看它們的基本信息: 有些幣很新,有些資訊還沒補齊,因此會有部分缺失哦。 ✧DogeChain「DC」 . 市值:$24,079,443 . 完全稀釋估值:$149,096,616 . 最大供應:169,576,386,115 . 今日幣價:$0.0008797 . 歷史最高價:$0.004628 狗狗幣,應該是就算沒碰加密貨幣的朋友都聽過的流行幣。 從2013年發跡,在2017因為Musk大大的曝光,市值翻了好幾倍。 (馬斯克你說不會花太多時間研究加密貨幣係金A嗎??) 狗狗幣作為全球第一大的迷因幣,相當值得花點嫌錢投入。 反正馬斯克還說會帶狗狗幣上月球,不說會不會實現,光是挑起的話題性就很誘人。 畢竟迷因幣最終還是得回歸流量,沒有熱度的迷因幣比衛生紙還沒用:)。 ✧Crazy Frog 「Crazy Frog」 . 市值:$572,129.42 . 完全稀釋估值:$565,266.56 . 最大供應:10,000,000,000 . 今日幣價:$0.0005652 . 歷史最高價:$0.0007261 再來,要介紹的是「Crazy Frogs」瘋狂青蛙。 這組瘋狂青蛙當初會紅是起源於YT,大概是.....14年前的影片.....。 小編是沒有聽過,不過那個歌詞大概是這樣的啊(清喉嚨): 「叮叮!登登登登登登!便便!叮叮叮~~」 希望大家聽得懂小編在唱什麼,雖然這首歌有點年代感,但總之就是那隻藍色大嘴小青蛙。 以外型來說,小編個人沒有很喜歡,就是一隻地痞青蛙XD。 不過娛樂效果還是有的,也難怪會有人把它做成迷因幣。(熱度還不小) pepe「pepe」 . 市值:$19.95K . 完全稀釋估值:$19.95K . 最大供應:-- . 今日幣價:$0.00001948 . 歷史最高價:$0.00001948 最後,今天要介紹的就是「pepe」佩佩蛙,Z世代小朋友可能沒聽過(汗顏) 但你!一定看過那隻北爛的綠色青蛙!(看著無字天書,或是抽煙之類的樣子。) 佩佩蛙(或悲傷蛙)算是很早期的經典迷因,當初會創立這個幣,目的就是要打擊狗狗幣,奪下迷因幣寶座。 你是不是想說:「怎麼可能?打得過狗狗幣?」 欸!還真的打過了!上週不到一週時間,佩佩蛙「pepe」直接飆升23323%,把狗狗幣推落神壇,重回迷因界難波萬。 以上就是這次第二回合的迷因派對,過幾天就會生出最終回,大家要記得追蹤開啟小鈴鐺,才不會錯過最新消息(眨眼)。 當然以上不是我的投資建議哦。 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #比特幣 #股票 #twitter #推特 #Web3 #NFT #以太坊 #區塊鏈 #元宇宙 #DeFi #投資 #金融 #去中心化 #平台 #cryptocurrency #crypto #NFTmarketplace #decentralized #uniswap #memecoin #decaprio #crazyfrog #bonk #wojak #dogechian #pepe

4/22/2024, 3:28:47 AM

What I’m bringing every time. 😂 Happy 4/20 everyone! #cannamomclub #meme #decaprio #420 #happy420

4/20/2024, 6:15:43 PM

嗨嗨,各位小夥伴好久不Damnㄚ~~~ 今天,想跟大家分享幾個非常有看頭的迷因幣。 2024=迷因季,這件事小編已經講到爛了。 畢竟流量稱王的時代,變現絕對是有跡可循,就看大家眼睛夠不夠利、下手夠不夠狠而已。(怎麼很像兇殺片??) 小編特地整理了幾個迷因幣,分別是:「DeCaprio」、「success kids」、「BCOQ Inu」、「Dogechain」、「pepe」、「Wojak」、「Crazy Frog」、「Wolf」、「Bonk」等等。 對,是有點多(笑)。 但也這表示可選擇的熱門迷因幣比想像得多,這些都是榜上有名的大迷因幣,不管投哪個,都具有一定規模的潛力哦! ✦由於幣種比較多,會分成三篇來做介紹! 首先,先讓我們來看看它們的基本信息: 有些幣很新很新,有些資訊還沒補齊,因此會有部分缺失哦。 ✧DeCaprio「CAB」 . 市值:-- . 完全稀釋估值:-- . 最大供應:1,000,000,000 . 今日幣價:$0.05341 . 歷史最高價:0.05341 相信大家一定對於李奧納多皮卡丘(欸)不陌生吧?本人超級紅就不說,相關的迷因也是不斷推陳出新。 雖然 「DeCaprio」上市沒有什麼大張旗鼓的宣傳,但還是吸引了一堆投資人眼光,上市沒幾天就創出驚人的佳績。(直線上升咻咻!) 這組迷因就是很常見到的,李奧納多拿著一罐紅酒說些幹話的圖片,簡單卻不失渲染性,小編本人也超愛用! 另外,官網上還有許多不同版本的「Decaprio」插畫圖,感覺得出來官方滿用心經營的,走一個精緻搞怪風。 ✧Success Kids「SCCS」 . 市值:-- . 完全稀釋估值:-- . 最大供應:100,000,000,000 . 今日幣價:$0.0000002143 . 歷史最高價:-- 再來,「Success Kids」算是滿老牌的迷因,一個小嬰兒用力握拳說話的圖片。 起因是來自2017年,小嬰兒的父母上傳了這張圖片,在網路上掀起一股熱潮,後來甚至被白宮團隊買版權拿來推動移民政策。 (其實一開始baby想表示的是:我毀了這座沙堡!) 推出的時間不長,約莫三週左右而已,但老牌魅力不是蓋的,價格已經成長超過60%,近兩天就呈現持平狀態。 ✧BCOQ Inu「BCOQ」 . 市值:-- . 完全稀釋估值:$7,032,887 . 最大供應:100,000,000,000 . 今日幣價: $0.000000682191 . 歷史最高價:-- 「BCOQ Inu」是一組黑色的雞迷因,其實跟 Inu 相關的迷因超級多,像是 Poodl Inu、coq Inu都是相關類型的。 以外型來說,算是很討喜,就是一隻看起來傻呆呆但又帶點小酷(好衝突)的雞仔,官方推特也滿積極更新的,目前熱度還在。 如果看好「BCOQ」的小夥伴,可以考慮長期持有,畢竟流行這種東西就是一個循環,時機到了就大發了! 迷因幣,大家都知道,一般的功能就是沒什麼功能,最多能挖挖礦。 補充一些小重點給大家知道: 「DeCarpio」前兩天才剛低調上市,但皮卡丘的魅力無庸置疑,盤勢很漂亮。 迷因幣能不能追,最大的指標就是「紅不紅」, 找你覺得紅得下去的放就行。 迷因幣的派對季現正熱映中,今年 Q1~Q2 會是很不錯的入場時機。 當然以上不是我的投資建議哦。 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #比特幣 #股票 #twitter #推特 #Web3 #NFT #以太坊 #區塊鏈 #元宇宙 #DeFi #投資 #金融 #去中心化 #平台 #cryptocurrency #crypto #NFTmarketplace #decentralized #uniswap #memecoin #decaprio #crazyfrog #bonk #wojak #dogechian #pepe

4/17/2024, 5:11:37 AM

#decaprio #drawing

4/16/2024, 2:31:34 PM

Intervista a Sergio #DeCaprio “Capitano #Ultimo”, candidato alle #Europee con “Libertà” di @catenodeluca 🗣️ «Levare i diritti politici ai familiari dei condannati per mafia». «Jole Santelli era una figlia del popolo calabrese. Aveva le mani pulite e molto coraggio» L'articolo completo di @leporaceb è al link nelle storie ⬆️

4/11/2024, 9:15:25 AM

#memecoins #decaprio

3/27/2024, 8:59:38 PM

Quando venerdì sera, al brindisi dopo la mia conferenza, il fotografo mi chiese di assumere questa posizione, credo pensasse anche lui alla stessa cosa! 😂 Buon prosecchino a tutti ❤️🍸 #demo #ceramicdesign #300storiepop #costenaroassicurazioni #dEcaprio

3/24/2024, 2:06:00 PM

#ZachToTheFuture March 23, 1998 In total, the film Titanic was nominated for 14 Academy Awards, tying the record set by All About Eve in 1950. On this day in 1998, it won 11 of those nominations, tying the record set by Ben-Hur in 1959, which was later matched by Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King in 2003. Had the pictured deleted scene featuring our boy @z_irish_red and Leonardo DiCaprio made the cut, perhaps Titanic would have gone beyond merely tying this record to accomplish the truly titanic feat of actually taking the lead. #todayinhistory #history #toofatdudez #tfdnerdcast #thecomicsthatwelove #podcastlife #podcasting #titanic #academy #academyawards #oscar #oscartrophy #oscarbait #theyloveme #theyreallyloveme #thankyou #heartwillgoon #myheartwillgoon #jamescameron #1998 #1998infilm #ilovethe90s #decaprio #leonardodecaprio #imonaboat #onaboat #needabiggerboat

3/23/2024, 3:00:19 PM

#Killers of the moon 💥 #decaprio

3/20/2024, 6:33:33 AM

Thanks @leonardodicaprio for trying to help protect Tasmania's ancient trees, something the @jeremyrockliff Tasmanian Liberals, sadly, have no interest in doing. #Trees #Tasmania #environment #decaprio

3/20/2024, 1:24:21 AM

In Episode 31, Ricardo and Danny celebrated Mario Day (MAR10) with a delicious Handcrafted Vodka from our friends at Vintage Distilling. The mission at Vintage Distilling is to elevate moments of togetherness- to invite you to drink in our culture and to love on our pollinators and planet through the highest quality vodka made right here in LA. #2guystalkingbooze #vintagedistilling #vodka #handcraftedvodka #marioday #mar10 #oscars #academyawards #mariocart #nintendo #yoshi #waluigi #epicuniverse #donkeykong #america #oppenheimer #imax #decaprio #therevenant #margotrobbie #barbie

3/18/2024, 12:12:21 PM

2 Guys Talking Booze - Video Podcast - Episode 31 Mario Day with Vintage Distilling's Handcrafted Vodka A little late, but on March 10th, Ricardo and Danny celebrated Mario Day (MAR10) with a delicious Handcrafted Vodka from our friends at Vintage Distilling. #2guystalkingbooze #vintagedistilling #vodka #handcraftedvodka #marioday #mar10 #oscars #academyawards #mariocart #nintendo #yoshi #waluigi #epicuniverse #donkeykong #america #oppenheimer #imax #decaprio #therevenant #margotrobbie #barbie

3/17/2024, 9:31:11 PM

Dunno about you but i always found Leonardo a bit of an arsewipe to be frank #leonardo #davinci #decaprio #asswipe #arsewipe #toilettumor #leonardodavinci #leonardodicaprio #leonardodavincimuseum

3/8/2024, 2:17:28 PM

❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💓 #leo #leonardo #cute #love #decaprio #leonardodicaprio

2/28/2024, 8:59:54 AM

Start ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 💫 Available in Amazon prime @amazonprime #amazonprime #blooddiamond #instagram #decaprio Packed with action & emotion, Blood Diamond is entertaining & emotional take on dark truths of Diamond trade in Sierra Lone. Final verdict: No need to think twice just watch this Master piece.

2/20/2024, 5:30:00 AM

Killers Of the Flower Moon (2023) The Osage Indian murders.. Rating : 8/10 Director : @martinscorsese_ #decaprio #martinscorsese #roberdeniro

2/18/2024, 5:17:00 PM

ஒரு பெண்ணை பார்த்து நிலவை பார்த்தேன் x Titanic #msvmusic #tmsoundarajan #titanic . . . . . #music #hollywoodmovies #70ssong #70stamil #hollywood #tamilcinema #tamilan #cinema #ilayarajasongs🎧 #oldtamilsongs #peaceofmind #aval #she #love #titanicmovie #leonardodicaprio #decaprio #kadhal #peacefullmusic #mood

2/17/2024, 2:30:00 AM

"The Godfather Maestro Unveils Epic 40-Year Passion Project: Get Ready for a Cinematic Masterpiece!" Legendary director Francis Ford Coppola is poised to unveil his long-awaited masterpiece, Megalopolis, a passion project decades in the making. Buckle up for a sci-fi journey as we follow an architect's quest to transform post-disaster New York City into a utopia. To know more Click on the link given in the bio #thebengalbulletin #bilingual #english #bengali #news #kolkata #india  #moreupdates #the_bengal_bulletin #montage #francisfordcoppola #godfather #megapolis #decaprio #robertdeniro #zendaya #adamdriver #masterpiece #cannes

2/12/2024, 10:45:08 AM

“Leo” For daughter Ava who has never liked football but will always like Leonardo. Ink and pencil, February 11. #leonardo #leodecaprio #leonardodecaprio #titanicmovie #linedrawing #moviestars #portraitwork #decaprio

2/11/2024, 9:51:52 PM

ஒரு பெண்ணை பார்த்து நிலவை பார்த்தேன் x Titanic #msvmusic #tmsoundarajan #titanic . . . . . #music #hollywoodmovies #70ssong #70stamil #hollywood #tamilcinema #tamilan #cinema #ilayarajasongs🎧 #oldtamilsongs #peaceofmind #aval #she #love #titanicmovie #leonardodicaprio #decaprio #kadhal #peacefullmusic #mood

2/7/2024, 10:30:00 AM

I made a little pencil sketch for my favorite actor….. #decaprio #instagram #pencil sketch #morningpost☀️

2/4/2024, 7:04:24 AM

My choice for best picture of 2024. #DeNiro #Decaprio #sailormoon #oscars

2/2/2024, 9:06:20 PM

I haven’t done any processing for a long time, do you miss me? 🐱🐱 #gyaru #kogal #decaprio #nya #ギャル #russianギャル

1/22/2024, 8:13:46 PM

Well look what just dropped on Apple this weekend. Would be rude not to revisit Scorsese's latest tonight, one of the best of the year so fingers crossed for a physical release. Delighted for Lily Gladstone's recent Golden Globe win, will be a close race between herself and Emma Stone for the Oscar I'd fantastic as Emma Stone was, I hope Lily nabs it. Expect Ludwig Göransson to win Best Score for 'Oppenheimer' but would like to see Robbie Robertson win, love his score on this.

1/13/2024, 8:19:16 PM

Dead……. #dicapriomeme #Django #decaprio #funny

1/13/2024, 4:47:15 PM

25 & 🔝 🍰 😌 #Area907 #Decaprio #YoucantTouchthis #😎

1/11/2024, 3:40:49 AM

Подпишись 🩹. #топ #новый #пост #new #repost #friends #love #insta #instagood #withyou #vibe #decaprio #titanic

1/10/2024, 4:16:54 AM

HOLLYWOOD (FAKE) NEWS 😆 🎬🎥 BARBIE, KEN, De CAPRIO… It’s all make-believe, anyway! 😂😎🤡 So, let’s have some fun with it, shall we? 👻 #hollywood #moviestar #movies #oscars #academyawards #boxoffıce #barbie #kennie #decaprio #seauel #barbiemovie #barbiesequel #margotrobbie #ryangosling #gretagerwig

1/8/2024, 7:52:57 PM

سلام به شما عزیزان😍 امروزم با شمایم با یک کاور جدید از نوع دیکاپریویی 😍🤩 امیدوارم از این کار خوشتون بیاد #photoshop #فتوشاپ #طراح #کاور #کاور_پست #کاور_استوری #پست #استوری #فتوشاپکار #فتوشاپ_کار #تامنیل #کارت_ویزیت #دیکاپریو #decaprio

1/6/2024, 10:33:23 AM

🦌 Channel woodland enchantment with the Handmade Antler Headband in Brown! 🌿 ✨ This adjustable reindeer horns crown with ears is the perfect accessory for Renaissance fairs, Christmas cosplay, prom, fae balls, and costume photo props. Handcrafted for a magical touch, embrace the whimsy with this unique headpiece. 🌟 👑 Check the link in Bio... #antlerheadband #cosplayaccessory #handmademagic #crazygiftideas #giftideas #usa #amazondeal #japan #japanearthquake #tsunami #selenagomez #decaprio #titanic #bitcoin #etsy #ethereum

1/1/2024, 5:07:19 PM

Живые фотографии!!! #тайланд, #тай, #пхукет, #decaprio, #leonardodicaprio,

12/30/2023, 1:31:48 PM

‘I want you to back yourself into a corner. Give yourself no choice but to succeed‘ #wolfofwallstreet #released10yearsago #film #studioedition #sannib #succeed #decaprio #scorsese

12/30/2023, 9:54:42 AM

“AWAKENING by the Pipe” by Celik Kayalar Mixed-Media on Canvas (10x8 inches)🎨 We can all learn from the WISDOM of the INDIGENOUS PEOPLE. AWAKENING is possible. Let’s all open our eyes… ~ Celik More Artwork & Articles at #art #artist #kayalart #artgallery #painter #modernart #studio #artexhibit #kayalarinventslayerism #artwithmeaning #artmuseum #indigenouspeople #indiginouswisdom #awakening #letsopenouretyes #nativeamericans #conquestofamerica #oscars #indiginouspeople #scorsese #decaprio #deniro #movies #pipe

12/28/2023, 5:39:54 PM

The Wolf of Wall Street - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #decaprio #leonardodicaprio #thewolfofwallstreet

12/27/2023, 6:22:42 PM

#killersoftheflowermoon 🌸 🌙

12/20/2023, 10:38:59 PM

A Quick AUDITION in HOLLYWOOD 😃 🎬🎥 You don’t have to study Acting at FABA to become a Star in Hollywood ⭐️ BTW: FABA ( was recently chosen by the LUXlife as the BEST Film Acting School in all of California 🥇 “A very well deserved honor! 👏” ~ VICTOR CONNALLY Los Angeles Film Critic #hollywood #filmactingclasses #filmactingworkshops #filmactingschools # #filmactors #bestactingcoach #bestactingteacher #bestfilmactingschool #fababestfilmactingschool #studyactingwheremoviesaremade #filmfestivals #oscars #margotrobbie #scorsesi #decaprio #auditions #filmauditions

12/16/2023, 2:27:58 PM

History #decaprio #canada

12/9/2023, 3:38:43 PM

IMDBفیلم های برتر مارتین اسکورسیزی در #فیلم#سریال #movie #movies #cinema #film #فیلم_سینمایی #imdb #decaprio #دیکاپریو #اسکورسیزی #اسکار#اینستاگرام#اینستاگرامم #اکسپلور #اکسپلور_اینستاگرام #اکسپلورراینستاگرام #اکسپلورر

12/8/2023, 1:04:14 PM

😂 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #بکاپ #بکاپ_گیری #بکاپ_سرور #backup #restorefrombackup #backupserver #backup_server #backup_services #شاترآیلند #شاترایسلند #جزیره_شاتر #دیکاپریو #شاتر_آیلند #shutterisland #shutter_island #decaprio #horror #psychological_horror #networkingmemes #مجازی_سازی #شبکه #کامپیوتر #سرور #Virtualization #vmware #network #networkengineer #networkingmemes #datacenter #server #hp

12/7/2023, 12:16:43 PM

Luís De Caprio, do Grupo De Caprio, e Eliel Fernandes, da Buonny, falam sobre: Principais desafios no gerenciamento de risco; Redução de sinistros e o uso de estratégias de gestão e novas tecnologias; Soluções que estão sendo desenvolvidas para superar esses desafios. Vamos juntos começar 2024 com menos sinistros e mais segurança nas vias, não fique de fora, inscreva-se para receber o link da transmissão ➔ #decaprio #grupodecaprio #buonny #segurotransporte #transportedecarga #seguro #desafios2024 #2024 #live

12/4/2023, 7:57:15 PM

Chala rojulu nunchi wait chestunna , trailer chusinappati nunchi aa bgm haunt chesindi 💥 theater lo chuddam ante kudarledu 😢 ipudu hd vachesindi chuseyali Mana telegram channel lo upload chesa link in bio Naku telisi streaming apple tv lo vachi untundi #coy_movies #martinscorsese #decaprio

12/4/2023, 5:12:28 PM

Memorable and Special Screening for Martin Scorsese film KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON last night. at the Pickford Center for Motion Picture Study  Q&A with Leonardo Decaprio, legendary DP, Rodrigo Prieto, And  Costume designer Jacqueline West, four-time Academy Award nominee reflect on the complex methods and fascinating inspirations behind the making of Killers of the Flower Moon. Martin Scorsese researched for 9 months and Leonardo DeCaprio Robert Deniro and Rodrigo Prieto and the team worked together closely and tirelessly for many months to bring this story to the screen. Scorsese said he felt it in his bones that this story needed to be told. An incredible film about a horrendous true story a historical tragedy against the Osage people. Must see movie. Much thanks to the Producers Guild for hosting the event. #killersoftheflowermoon # #martinscorsese #martinscorcese #martinscorsesefilms #martinscorsesemovies #martinscorseseedit #martinscorsesemovie #leonardodecaprio #decaprio #leonardodicaprioedits #marypickford #hollywood #hollywoodscreening #robertdeniro #robertdeniroofficial #robertdeniroedit #robertdenirofan

12/4/2023, 4:53:24 AM

Can you tell a big UHaul was blocking my unobstructed view of the new mural by @jm47art Jermzzz at Bubble's Market & Spirits 135 Washington Street #hillcrest #hillcrestart #hillcrestmurals #63impala #63cruising #63rollin #impalamuralscenes #decaprio #leonardodicaprio #wine #spirits #beer I may have to go back and do a reshoot for a better shot

12/1/2023, 2:30:21 PM

Human Portrait 3, De-caprio. 3rl, 5rl, 15mse. #dynamicink #reelskin #cheyenesolnova #leicestertattoo #cheyenneneedles #decaprio

11/27/2023, 2:20:05 PM

Runnn baby😂 Your baby time🤣 . . . . #decaprio #hehe #k #mood #nyc #barranquilla #sigma #amazing #staysafe

11/25/2023, 5:46:52 PM

デカプリンはともかくも、デニーロはタクシードライバーからたいてい見てきましたからね、足を運びましたよなんたらかんたらフラワームーン。 重たい映画は嫌いじゃないですよ、ディアハンターとかショーシャンクとか、今井正さんの稲作地帯や雪国地域のドS映画とかね、重たくないと歴史が刺さってきませんからね。 しかし、石油が湧いた場所の先住民を、治療薬だと騙して殺していくとゆーのは、重たいとゆーには重油のよーに黒くてドロい。 よくこんなテーマにスポンサーする企業がありましたね。 或いは、当時のオイルダラーを、こんな機会に備えて、積み立てていた人がいたのかな。 だってさ、戦時中の日本兵が、アジアの諸国でどんな事をしたか、上官の命令によってどんな事をさせられたか、 そんな映画を作りたいと言ってどこの会社が資金出しますか。 アタシは見たいけどね、戦争から戻って15年経ってた爺ちゃんが笑うとこ、3年も一緒に住まわせてもらったのに、ネバー見たことなかけんですねー。 あ、白犬携帯電話屋さんが、こっそりポケットから出してくれるかもしれませんけどね、アメリカはこーゆー映画を作る事で、悪い事は悪いとちゃんと後世に伝えてると言いたいのかな。 ディアハンターとショーシャンクは何度でも見たいけど、この映画はノーサンキュー。 ビールだけじゃ後味が拭えませんからね、例えそれがスッキリ爽やかなローリングロックでもね。 談志さんはいろいろおせ〜てくださいましたけど、昨日が13回忌でしたしね。 #deniro #decaprio #flowermoon

11/22/2023, 5:28:37 AM

What a night. Happy birthday Leo🎂 one of the most fun, earth loving ppl I've ever met 👏🎂What a party Congrats 🍾🥂👏 #decaprio

11/13/2023, 3:31:17 AM

ஹாலிவுட் நடிகர் டிகாப்ரியோவின் பிறந்தநாள் இன்று..! #polimer #polimernews #polimertv #titanic #decaprio #happybirthdaydecaprio #wolfofthewallstreet

11/11/2023, 8:21:56 AM

Happy place! 🍿 🎥 🍬 #decaprio #killersoftheflowermoon

11/9/2023, 8:27:18 PM

We headed to watch "Killers of the Flower Moon," but what we ended up killing, well, that's a mystery we'll never solve! 😅😂 It was a fantastic evening with my incredible mentors, Uncle Hale (center in the picture) and the ever-entertaining Ernest. 🤣 Huge shoutout to my amazing seniors and my mentors @tittubiz and @ponsureshmano for taking me on this adventure and helping me create unforgettable memories! 🤣🤣🤣 . . . . . #MovieNight #UnforgettableMoments #MentorshipMagic #killersoftheflowermoon #decaprio #leonardodicaprio #hollywood #movies #cinema 🤩✨🙏🏻😉😌

11/6/2023, 3:29:04 PM

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 🌟 The Revenant CBFC: A 2015 ‧ Drama/Western ‧ 2h 36m Available in Amazon prime Hugh Glass, a legendary frontiersman, is severely injured in a bear attack and is abandoned by his hunting crew. He uses his skills to survive and take revenge on his companion, who betrayed him. This movie is very brutal, very bloody, especially the scene with the bear, which by the way is amazing . Oscar winning performances 🎭 and one not easily forgotten. #leo #decaprio #therevenant #thriller #amazonprime .

11/5/2023, 2:02:50 PM

Episode 87 - Killers of the Flower Moon Review . . . . . . . . #killersoftheflowermoon #scorsese #decaprio #gladstone #killers #movies #film #marvel

11/3/2023, 11:55:37 PM

Great job @martinscorsese_ on the film @killersoftheflowermoon2023 ! We know Mr Scorsese is a huge @officialleadbelly fan! Would y’all like to see him do a movie on Lead Belly? Set in 1920s Oklahoma, it focuses on a series of murders of Osage members and relations in the Osage Nation after oil was being produced on tribal land. Tribal members had retained mineral rights on their reservation, and whites sought to gain their wealth. #film #decaprio #oklahoma #movies #osage

11/2/2023, 3:35:25 PM

MOVIE REVIEW KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #killersoftheflowermoon #decaprio #leonardodicaprio #martinscorsese #robertdeniro #lilygladstone #paramountpictures #appletv

10/30/2023, 5:21:53 AM