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The trial of Captain William Kidd raised uncomfortable questions for the state about the pirate’s role in the consolidation of England’s early overseas empire. ⌛ Last chance to read this Archive article for free by following the link in our bio. This is just one of over 12,000 great pieces of writing awaiting you in the History Today Archive. Subscribe now for only £5 and enjoy unlimited access. You can find the offer in our linktree. #pirates #historyofpirates #englishhistory #historyofengland #americanhistory #colonialism #colonialamerica

5/29/2024, 3:10:09 PM

Today we #probe the world’s greatest ever pirate, Black Sam Bellamy. This chap was the most successful pirate ever and it was as if nothing could stop Black Sam. But something did. Was it a case of nature, or witchcraft? Did this untimely passing leave the spirit of Black Sam lingering on, tethered? Let’s find out! #pirate #pirates #paranormal #paranormalpirates #witchcraft #witchescurse #curse #cursed #piratescurse #piratecurse #blacksam #blacksambellamy #sambellamy #worldsbestpirate #savvy #mystery #historyofpirates #realpirates #🏴‍☠️ #witchofwellfleet #witch

5/23/2024, 11:51:44 AM

Under the black flag. With black coffee from.. @ourblackcoffee @blackcoffee.mt ☕️Haven’t tried the instant yet but enjoying some Vinyl blend. 📚Book - Under The Black Flag by David Cordingly. Want to know the true history of pirates? Check it out. . . . . . #coffeebeansandbooks #blackcoffeeroastingco #blackcoffee #undertheblackflag #blackbeard #pirateslife #historyofpirates #blackflag #jollyroger #nonfiction #nonfictionbooks #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #coffeeandreading #readingandcoffee #igrindmyownbeans #coffeebeans #coffeegram #coffeeflatlay #coffeeflatlays #instantcoffee #readinglife #coffee #coffeelovers #readmore #coffeeguy #coffeegirl #bookme #historybooks

5/22/2024, 1:36:04 PM

… Arrrrr me hearties... Splice me barnacles and shiver me giblets…and ‘stand-to’ all you ol’ salty sea-dogs out there… ...for today in our Post we share a tale of Thrills & Spills and Swashbuckling Action & Adventure on the high seas…and what’s more of PIRATE TREASURE too… I am sure that most will think that they know the tales of all the legendary Pirates of days of yore – but in fact there is one man in the shadows of Blackbeard, Captain Kidd and Calico Jack et al and rarely talked of… ...and that man was the most successful of ALL the Pirates…EVER… …a man who captured nearly FIVE HUNDRED vessels during his short ‘career’ – that’s nearly TWENTY TIMES as many as the most notorious of all the ‘Pyrates of the Caribbean’…Edward ‘Blackbeard’ Teach himself, no less… …and the name of this, the most successful ‘Outlaw of the Seas’? British Pyrate Bartholomew ‘Black Bart’ Roberts, who was born on this day…

5/16/2024, 11:04:12 PM

https://society6.com/candddesigns/designs I also have a wide variey of designs on Society6 #society6 #pirateship #pirate #wallartdecor #historyofpirates

5/7/2024, 12:38:25 AM

Stede Bonnet was born into a wealthy family in Barbados in 1688, and when his parents died, they left their 400-acre plantation to him. But Bonnet soon tired of his cushy lifestyle — and, reportedly, his wife — and decided that he would become a pirate instead. Contracting a shipyard to build him a 60-ton single-mast sailing vessel, Bonnet then armed the ship with 10 cannons, named it the "Revenge," and recruited around 70 seasoned buccaneers.⁠ ⁠ Bonnet was far from the typical pirate captain, paying his crew wages rather than a percentage of their plunder and spending much of his time aboard the "Revenge" reading books. Still, the unlikely pirate captain and his crew plundered at least six ships sailing between the Chesapeake Bay and New York City, narrowly escaped a Spanish warship, and eventually headed to the pirate haven of the Bahamas, where he encountered none other than Edward Teach — better known as Blackbeard. Visit the link in our profile to read about Stede Bonnet, the gentleman who one day decided to become a pirate.⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #weirdhistory #stedebonnet #historyofpirates #piracy #interesting

5/6/2024, 10:00:22 PM

Enemies of ALL - The Rise and Fall of the Pirates - #newreleasejuly2024 . The Hollywood stereotype – black flags and peg-legs, cutlasses and cannons, exotic yet sinister pets, buried treasure – is familiar and entrancing, but there is so much more to be told. This new book takes the reader on an international voyage of discovery, investigating who these pirates were, describing their exploits and everyday lives, examining the origins of the many myths about them, and explaining their incredible, but often unrecognised, impact on history. Socially, economically, and politically, pirates and piracy moulded European empires as they rose to global power in the 17th and 18th centuries. Their actions, and ideas about them, shaped our modern world and left troubling legacies. You will never see pirates in the same way again. @thehistorypress . NEW RELEASE July 2024 #australianrelease @peribobooks #australiandistributor Selling in now - order with your local bookseller ISBN: 9781803991733 . #pirates #riseandfallofthepirates #richardblakemore #thehistorypress #enemiesofall #peribobooks #piratetreasure #thepiratelife #history #historyofpirates #skullandcrossbones

5/6/2024, 4:25:02 AM

Life Among The Pirates by David Cordingly, I'm yet to read this one, so I can't say whether it's actually any good. I have, however, read his introduction in a recent edition of A General History of Pyrates by Captain Charles Johnson, and I enjoyed his writing!! #ageneralhistoryofthepyrates #pyrates #pirates #historyofpirates #danieldefoe #defoe #piracy #thegoldenageofpiracy #pirate #piratebooks #nonfiction #seaofthieves #darkacademiaaesthetic #bookblogger #booklover #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #currentread #bookrecommendations #nonfictionbooks #lifeamongthepirates

4/30/2024, 9:19:58 PM

Pirate Mary Read killing an opponent. Mary Read served with Anne Bonny and Calico Jack on the REVENGE. Art work from “Pirates Own Book,” 1842. #historyofpirates #pirates

4/27/2024, 3:54:13 PM

How did the golden age of piracy come to an end? Learn about the pirate hunters in All About History 142. Hit the link in bio to get your copy today. #allabouthistory #historylovers #historygram #piratehunters #pirates #piracy #historyofpirates

4/23/2024, 1:02:10 PM

On this day, 300 years ago in 1724, the pirate John Phillips, captain of the “Revenge” was killed off Nova Scotia by John Fillmore (great-grandfather of later U.S. president Millard Fillmore)! During his eight month career, he captured 34 ships and, like other pirate captains, created his own pirate code! 🏴‍☠️💀 #OnThisDay #PirateHistory #PirateJohnPhillips #NovaScotiaHistory #HistoryOfPirates #JohnPhillips #300YearsAgo #Pirates #Revenge #PirateCode #ArticlesOfAgreement #PirateArticles #JollyRoger #PirateFlag #1724 #GoldenAgeOfPiracy #PresidentFillmore #MillardFillmore #novascotiapirates #piratesofnovascotia

4/18/2024, 2:13:49 PM

Pirate Tattoos! Which one is your favorite? Do you have one? #pirates #tattoos #historyofpirates

4/12/2024, 4:37:58 PM

Mary Read è stata una pirata inglese di inizio 1700, viene citata nella Storia generale dei pirati. ☠ La madre iniziò a travestire la figlia da maschio molto presto: sposata con un uomo che l'aveva lasciata poco dopo la nascita del figlio, curca un anno dopo rimase nuovamente incinta, questa volta di una bambina. Trovatasi senza mezzi, pensò di rivolgersi alla madre del marito, la quale acconsentì di provvedere al nipote. Il bambino però morì dopo la nascita di Mary, così la madre per continuare ad avere l'aiuto economico della suocera, decise di camuffare l'aspetto della bambina. ⚔Diventata grande Mary Read servì su diverse navi come cadetto, per poi arruolarsi, sempre sotto mentite spoglie, nell'esercito, dove si distinse per coraggio e destrezza. Qui si innamorò di un ragazzo e per questo iniziò a trascurare i suoi doveri e a mettersi in situazioni di pericolo pur di stare insieme a lui. Presto decise di svelare la sua identità all'uomo, il quale decise di sposarla. 🌊 Purtroppo il giovane morì, così Mary si vide costretta ad andare in Olanda e a imbarcarsi su una nave diretta nelle Indie Occidentali. Durante il viaggio la nave fu catturata da pirati inglesi, che decisero di tenerla prigioniera. Arrivata in Giamaica, Mary decise di indossare nuovamente gli abiti maschili e di entrare a far parte della ciurma del capitano Rackam, nella quale vi era anche Anne Bonny, anch'essa sotto mentite spoglie. Dopo aver rivelato il suo segreto a Anne e al capitano, continuò a navigare con loro per diverso tempo, fino a quando si innamorò di un uomo della ciurma. Celebre rimane il duello a cui partecipò la donna fingendosi l'amato solo per proteggerlo dall'attacco di un pirata più esperto. Mary Read fu catturata e giudicata colpevole di diversi crimini, ma non venne giustiziata subito perché incinta. Morì di febbre in carcere nel 1721. 🏴‍☠️ Conoscevate la storia di Mary Read? • #historyofpirates #storiadeipirati #annebonny #maryread #johnrackam #pirates #pirate #pirata #pirati #captaincharlesjohnson #danieldefoe #piratewoman #womanhistory #storiadelledonne #storiadigenere #aestheticcontent #womenshistorymonth #mesedelledonne #booklover #loveforbooks #amoreperilibri

3/27/2024, 5:13:30 PM

A General History of the Pyrates, also known as: A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates. There's multiple editions of this book available, the original being published in 1724 by a unknown Captain Charles Johnson (later believed to be writer Daniel Defoe, although theres questionable research and evidence supporting this theory). 'Pyrates' is considered one of the first firsthand accounts of piracy and has been used as a reference and point of knowledge since 1724! It's a heavy textbook like read, especially this reprint of the 1726 editions, which include a second edition. Captain Charles Johnson details the lives of: Edward Teach/Blackbeard, Charles Vane, Mary Read, Anne Bonny, and so many other notorious Pyrates of the 1700s. It's such a fascinating read, and the overall history of the book is so appealing to me. #ageneralhistoryofthepyrates #pyrates #pirates #historyofpirates #danieldefoe #defoe #piracy #thegoldenageofpiracy #pirate #piratebooks #nonfiction #seaofthieves #darkacademiaaesthetic #bookblogger #booklover #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #currentread #bookrecommendations #nonfictionbooks

3/21/2024, 11:07:30 AM

Anne Bonny, nota anche come Bonn, è stata una piratessa irlandese dell'inizio del 1700. La sua storia è raccontata nella Storia generale dei pirati, del capitano Charles Johnson (forse Daniel Defoe). ☠ Non si sa molto della sua vita, sposatasi contro il volere del padre con un uomo che puntava principalmente alla sua fortuna, fu ben presto notata dal pirata John Rackam, che decise di seguire a bordo della sua nave indossando abiti maschili. I due ebbero una relazione e un* figliə, che probabilmente venne abbandonatə a Cuba. La storia di Anne si intreccia a doppio filo con quella di Mary Read, un'altra pirata che si unì alla ciurma di Rackam fingendosi un uomo. Anne iniziò a provare qualcosa per Read, così gli/le svelò i suoi sentimenti e la sua identità. Trovandosi in questa posizione Read confessò a sua volta di essere una donna e così le due iniziarono a dormire nello stesso letto, scatenando però le ire del capitano, che era ancora convinto che Mary fosse un uomo. Ben intenzionato a "tagliare la gola all'amante di Bonn", Reckam si calmò solo quando le due decisero di dirgli la verità. ⚔La carriera da pirata di Anne Bonny durò molto poco, appena un anno dopo il suo imbarco fu infatti arrestata insieme al resto della ciurma e condannata a m o rte per impiccagione. La pena fu però rimandata e mai attuata, perché nel momento del processo era incinta, e forse anche perché la sua causa era stata appoggiata da alcuni gentiluomini che avevano grande considerazione di suo padre. Celebre rimane la sua frase rivolta a John Rackam, che poco prima di essere giustiziato desiderò vederla: "Mi dispiace vederti qui" gli disse "ma se avessi combattuto come un uomo, non saresti morto come un cane!". 🏴‍☠️ Conoscevate la storia di Anne Bonny? • #historyofpirates #storiadeipirati #annebonny #maryread #johnrackam #pirates #pirate #pirata #pirati #captaincharlesjohnson #danieldefoe #piratewoman #womanhistory #storiadelledonne #storiadigenere #aestheticcontent #lightacademiaaesthetic #booklover #loveforbooks #amoreperilibri #readinginmarch #womenshistorymonth #mesedelledonne

3/10/2024, 5:01:59 PM

• 8 January • On #thisdateinpiratehistory in 1609, King James I of England released his Proclamation Against Pirates. Piracy throughout the seas had increased significantly during the reign of James’ predecessor, Queen Elizabeth I. Her penchant for using her Gentlemen Adventurers against Spanish interests not only increased the ability for England to advance its Empire, but also conveniently increase the value of its coffers. When James I ascended to the throne in 1603, one of his first proclamations acknowledged his predecessor’s penchant for piracy. Shortly thereafter, England made peace with Spain and the Treaty of London (1604) effectively ended hostilities between the two nations. However, this treaty created a wave of unemployment as English seamen found themselves out of jobs and turning to piracy as a means to make a living and avoid poverty. James’ frustration with the growing scourge caused him to decree through proclamation that “all piracy was a capital offence to be punished by hanging.” He stated that pirates were “lewd and ill-disposed persons, accustomed and habituated to spoil and rapine, insensible and desperate of the peril they draw upon themselves.” He further added: “If any person whatsoever shall upon the seas, or in any port or haven, take any ship that doth belong to any of his Majesty’s subjects, friends, or allies; or shall take out of it by force, any goods of what nature or quality soever: he or they so offending shall suffer death, with confiscation of lands and goods, according to the law in that case provided.” . . . . . #thisdateinpiratehistory #tdiph #piratehistory #piratehistorypodcast #pirates #piracy #piratesofthecaribbean #privateer #queenelizabeth #england #kingjames #historyofpirates

1/8/2024, 7:56:08 PM

“Beautiful things are not meant to stay.” There’s something oddly powerful about a bouquet of decaying flowers, held in the hands of someone walking to the gallows… In other words, the Gentleman Pirate’s last act — I wrote a little poem on it too, but that’s way too many words for an Instagram post lol . . . #photography #powerfulphotography #meaningfulphotography #meaningful #history #historyfacts #historicalpirates #historyofpirates #piratehistory #pirates #stedebonnet #thegentlemanpirate #historynerd #historicalrecreation #sadphotography

11/30/2023, 1:53:58 AM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:40 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:33 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:32 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:31 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:30 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:29 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:29 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:28 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:27 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition When you think of a pirate, your mind wanders from the gruff scallywag to the handsome man. Did you know that women also ruled the seas? When quired, BING brought up the same list of ten women who earned piracy and privateering in their own right and frequently more brutal than their male counter parts. * Queen Teuta of Illyria - circa 214 BC - Ruler of Albania and Bosnia * Jeanne de Clisson - The Lioness of Britanny - circa 1300 AD - English Channel * Sayyida al-Hurra - pirate queen of Tétouan - circa 1515 AD - Mediterranean * Lady Mary Killigrew - circa 1600 - Cornish Coast * Grace O'Malley - circa 1500's - Coast of Ireland * Jacquotte Delahaye - circa 1600's - Carribean * Mary Read - circa late 1600's - West Indies * Anne Bonny - circa 1700's - From Carolinas to Carribean * Ching Shih - circa 1800's - Southeast Asia * Rachel Wall - circa 1800's - New England coast While many of these woman pirates inherited their position when their husband/lover died, they earned their own place in pirate history. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/17/2023, 5:00:21 PM

Bracia Witalijscy – zbrodniarze czy bohaterowie? Piractwo to nie tylko Karaiby! Rozwijało się ono także na Bałtyku, zwłaszcza w średniowieczu. Bracia Witalijscy bez wątpienia mogą być uznani za najsławniejszych bałtyckich piratów. Działali oni przede wszystkim w końcu XIV i na początku XV wieku. Terroryzowali statki bogatych kupców hanzeatyckich oraz te pływające pod banderami takich państw jak Dania czy Szwecja. Napadali także na nadbałtyckie miasta. Ich los szybko się jednak odwrócił. Organizacja okazała się krucha, a jej upadek szybki. Choć działania Braci Witalijskich należy uznać za przestępcze lub nawet zbrodnicze, w powszechnej świadomości zapisali się oni jako ludzie dobrotliwi dla potrzebującego ludu, jako „dzielący po równo” swoje łupy – tak między siebie, jak i między nadbałtycką biedotę. Kultura, a wreszcie i popkultura stworzyła z nich „dobrych piratów” i bohaterów. Dziś więc trudniej rozsądzać czy uważać ich za zbrodniarzy, czy raczej za bohaterów… Źródło: Z. Skrok, Świat dawnych piratów, Warszawa 1998, s. 57 – 58. Ilustracja: domena publiczna Autor: Tymoteusz Lis @tymo555 #piraci #pirates #historia #history #ciekawostkihistoryczne #culture #popculture #piratelife #historyofpirates #histuam #baltic #baltichistory #europeanhistory #johnnydepp #tymek

11/13/2023, 7:02:07 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:02:20 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:02:18 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:02:16 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:02:14 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:02:13 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:01:39 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:01:36 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:01:30 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirate edition One of the most fantasized and Hollywoodized Pirate Legends is Blackbeard. We get our first look at the legend of Edward Teach/Thatch, late 17th century to early 18th century. At the peak of his history, it was claimed he would tie lit fuses into his hair and beard in order to instill that next level of fear. The first sketches of Blackbeard depicted the now iconic look for all pirate captains that came after him. When he began his pirate days, he started out with a smaller sailing vessel called a sloop that could be manned with just a few hearty men. The date isn't exactly known when he captured a French Slaveship with 300 crew onboard and renamed her as Queen Anne's Revenge. It is rumored that many of the slaves that were onboard at that time became a part of his crew after leaving behind the original crew, in the water, somewhere near the Bahamas. The remaining slaves were sold at auction. One of the most infamous looks into Blackbeard's life came to us from "Treasure Island", a serial accounting in a children's magazine. It was written in circa 1881 by Robert Louis Stevenson. "It was first published as a book on 14 November 1883 by Cassell & Co. It has since become one of the most often dramatized and adapted of all novels, in numerous media." Join us on November 18th at Pomarosa RV Park in Bandera, Texas as we launch our newest event "Pirate Puppy Party." We encourage vendors and guests to come as they are or in a pirate outfit of any era, past, present, and future; and any genre of pirate telling. Vendors still have time to sign up at: https://forms.gle/y15wozwnbY5d2Sk26 #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackbeard https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treasure_Island

11/10/2023, 5:01:30 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 4:00:48 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 4:00:46 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 4:00:46 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 4:00:45 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 4:00:44 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 4:00:42 PM

Friday FRI-YEAH! Pirates Edition: Much to the discredit of Hollywood, what pirates wore was functional to the operations of a sailing vessel. An infamous female pirate named Anne Bonny, was indistinguishable from other crew members and was said to be a formidable opponent in trading of blades (sword fights. Captains of a well-established pirate ship tended to be eccentrically opulent when in port while functionally dressed at sea. Eye patches were seldom worn to cover a missing eye, but to aid in being able to go from the bright sunshine to the dimly lit below decks by simply switching the eye patch from one eye to the other. Sailing vessels at sea had their hazards to loss of limb or life that wooden legs were an actual thing and the occasional functional hook in place of a hand. Stay tuned to next FRI-YEAH! when we dive into Famous Pirates Part 1. We look forward to seeing your pirate creation at the Pirate Puppy Party at the Pomarosa RV Park off Polly Peak on Hwy 16 S, Bandera, Texas on November 18th! #PiratePuppyParty #ScholarsGuildofReqeuim #MarketDaysatPomarosa #MerchantsGuildofRequeim #RequiemEventsofTexas #GuildsofRequiemInc #SWDHG #GuardiansGuildofRequeim #pomarosarvpark #banderatx #MembershipEngagement #ServiceAndWorkingDogHandlersGuild #Supportlocal #HistoryofPirates

11/3/2023, 1:00:05 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:02:08 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:01:59 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:01:59 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:01:57 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:01:37 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:01:31 PM

It is Friday FRI-YEAH! As we near th' Pirate Puppy Party, we be goin' t' focus on PIRATES! Yaaarrrrr! fer th' next few weeks. First up, be th' history o' pirates. Did you know, the first record of pirate activity goes back to the 14th century B.C. The Mediterranean region referred to them as "Sea People". Pirates still exist today with the same mission, to steal from other sea fairing vessels and the loot to the highest paying customer or keep for themselves to further their personal agendas. The "Golden Era" of piracy was during the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of the most famous pirates are found during this era that has been romanticized and dramatized by Hollywood. #GuildsofRequiemInc #MembershipEngagement #FridayFRIYEAH #PiratePuppyParty #HistoryofPirates

10/27/2023, 5:01:31 PM

Free Book Giveaway to celebrate the release of my forthcoming debut, Pirates of the Slave Trade, on October 17. Win one of two signed first edition hardcover copies. Please like, share, and get ready to enter! Must have a Goodreads account to win. Link in the comments. #freebooks #freebookfridays #bookgiveaway #goodreadsgiveaway #nonfictionhistory #historyofpirates #slavetrade #slavetradehistory #ushistory #historybooks #historyreader #freebook #freebookalert #goodreadsgiveaways #ourflagmeanshistory

10/15/2023, 6:46:32 PM

Free Book Giveaway to celebrate the release of my forthcoming debut, Pirates of the Slave Trade, on October 17. Starting tomorrow, you'll have a chance to win one of two signed first edition hardcover copies. Please like, share, and get ready to enter! Must have a Goodreads account to win. #freebooks #freebookfridays #bookgiveaway #goodreadsgiveaway #nonfictionhistory #historyofpirates #slavetrade #slavetradehistory #ushistory #historybooks #historyreader #freebook #freebookalert #goodreadsgiveaways #ourflagmeanshistory

10/13/2023, 6:00:03 PM

Ever wonder about the spyglass? Hi, I'm a #pirate historian obsessed with #OFMD and cannot wait any longer. Let's see how much #piracy I can cram onto the gram before #OFMDSeason2 comes out. Though one could, in theory, use a spyglass to watch their crush and an old friend while obsessively asking "Do you think he's better looking than me?" that wasn't generally the most common use. A spyglass is a type of optical (you use your eye/eyes to perceive focused light) refracting (using a lens rather than a mirror or lens/mirror combination) telescope (tele = at a distance, scope = see). The invention of the first optical refracting telescope with a glass lens is attributed to a Dutch optician in 1608, though of course ancient societies all over the world had figured out the principles of refraction and reflection to see at greater distances, and many early scientists were using these principles in their work: Ptolemy, Ibh Sahl, John Dee, Leonardo da Vinci, etc. Generally, we like to talk about who was the first to do X, or to invent Y, but no knowledge occurs in a vacuum- people are always building on the ideas of others and societies collectively figure things out all the time. The telescope was initially used in astronomy, and as earliest navigation depended on the stars, it became a tool in nautical navigation. Isaac Newton (the gravity guy), improved on that design and is credited with being the first to create a reflection telescope fifty or so years before #StedeBonnet and #Blackbeard sailed. Pretty soon after, others reverse engineered these items and figured out how to manufacture them relatively cheaply, as well as how to create the collapsible spyglasses we associate with pirates. If you're into the history of science and want to know more, get your hands on Richard Dunn's The Telescope, A Short History (Bloomsbury, 2011). #historyofscience #historyofpirates #ourflagmeanshistory #ofmdhistory #spyglass #historyoftechnology #navigation #maritimehistory

9/26/2023, 3:37:25 PM

Praise for Pirates of the Slave Trade "Pirate history really needed a view through an explicitly, unapologetically "anti-racist lens" when it comes to the intersection of pirates, slavery, and the various African Companies, and Pirates of the Slave Trade delivers." -Matt McLaine, author of "A Merry Life, and a Short One: Unhelpful Self-Help and Terrible Advice from the Golden Age of Piracy," and "Piracy Papers: Primary Source Documents from the Golden Age of Piracy." #piratehistory #historyofslavery #AtlanticHistory #USHistory #Caribbeanhistory #AfricanHistory #WestAfrica #Europeanhistory #historyofpirates #piracy #antiracist

9/24/2023, 7:51:25 PM

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S FINALLY HERE! My debut book, in my hands, and it's beautifully produced. This high-quality gorgeous hardcover with matte dust jacket, bespoke map, and images... just a dream. @rowmanandlittlefield have outdone themselves. Pirates of the Slave Trade comes out October 17, and is available for preorder everywhere you buy books. #historyofpirates #slavetrade #piracy #ourflagmeanshistory

9/19/2023, 1:10:23 AM

📖 • Context: During the Golden Age of Piracy, pirates often employed various tactics to intimidate their targets and achieve their objectives. Flying a fake national flag allowed them to get close without raising suspicion, and then switching to the iconic black flag (Jolly Roger) signaled their intent to loot but spare the crew if they surrendered. If the targeted ship resisted, pirates might resort to firing warning shots to further intimidate them. In more dire situations, they would raise the red flag, indicating that no quarter would be given, and prisoners would be killed. These tactics were designed to create fear and compel compliance among their victims. 🔎 • Sources: Little, Benerson (2016). The Golden Age of Piracy: the Truth Behind Pirate Myths. Skyhorse Publishing. Rediker, Marcus (2004). Villains of all Nations: Atlantic Pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press. 🔖 #historymemes #memes #piracy #americas #colonialism #piratehistory #goldenage #americanhistory #columbus #ageofdiscovery #sea #piracy #ships #explore #historical #historyofpirates #viral

8/29/2023, 2:56:22 PM

• 28 August • On #thisdateinpiratehistory in 1661, Anne Dieu-le-Veut, French pirate and wife of buccaneer Laurens deGraaf, was born in Bretagne, France. While distinguishing fact from fiction with regard to Anne Dieu-le-Veut’s life can be challenging at times, we know that she was born in France in 1661 and was deported to Tortuga as a criminal sometime between 1665-1675. Once settled in Tortuga, she married twice before meeting deGraaf; in 1684, she married a buccaneer named Pierre Lelong, with whom she had a daughter, Marie Marguerite Yvonne Lelong. Pierre was killed in 1690, and she remarried one Joseph Cherel in 1691. The marriage was short-lived, as Cherel died in 1693. Anne met deGraaf in 1693, when she allegedly challenged him to a duel to avenge the death of her late spouse. When deGraaf drew his sword, Anne drew a pistol, at which point deGraaf declared he would not fight a lady. According to the legend, he was so taken by her bravery that he proposed marriage and she accepted; they married on 28 July 1693. Anne Dieu-Le-Veut is known as a pirate, accompanying her infamous buccaneer husband on his voyages throughout the Caribbean. However, history casts a shadow of doubt on many of the legends surrounding Anne and her buccaneering ways, as Laurens deGraaf’s infamous raids were behind him by the time he met Anne. Nonetheless, she made an indelible mark on history and although not much is known about the latter part of the lives of both deGraaf and Dieu-Le-Veut, we know that she was by his side until his death in 1704. Anne Dieu-Le-Veut deGraaf passed away in January 1710 on the island of Santo Domingo. . . . . . #thisdateinpiratehistory #tdiph #piratehistory #piratehistorypodcast #pirates #buccaneers #piratesofthecaribbean #historyofpirates #piratelife #pirateraid #buccaneer #piratewife

8/28/2023, 3:48:39 PM

Pirate food was a mix of necessity and adventure on the high seas. With limited resources, pirates relied on preserved foods like salted meat, hardtack biscuits, and dried fruits to sustain them during long journeys. Fresh food was scarce, leading to scurvy due to lack of vitamin C. Pirates often caught fish and seabirds to supplement their diet. Rum was a staple among pirates, providing both hydration and a means of escape from their harsh reality. It was used as currency and motivation for the crew. The process of "grog-making" involved diluting rum with water, which helped reduce its potency and stretched the limited supply. Pirates occasionally raided coastal towns for supplies, obtaining fresh produce, meat, and sometimes spices to enhance their meals. Although pirate food lacked variety and nutrition, the swashbuckling lifestyle and the thrill of the open sea made even the simplest meal an integral part of the pirate experience, fostering a sense of camaraderie among the crew as they navigated the challenges of life aboard a pirate ship. #PirateLife #HighSeasAdventure #HistoryOfPirates #PirateMyths #GoldenAgeOfPirates #BuccaneerTales #PirateCode #JollyRoger #SailingLegends #TreasureHunters #PirateCrews #NauticalHistory

8/20/2023, 8:22:35 PM

🏴‍☠️AHOY, ME HEARTIES🏴‍☠️ It’s really quite amazing to be reading about the history of piracy, right here on the shore of the Graveyard Of The Atlantic, and on the very island where Blackbeard was finally captured! Not only does Under The Black Flag cover piracy from the 1500’s on, but also gives us insight on how and why we envision pirates the way we do (think wooden leg, eye patch, parrot on the shoulder). It also takes a good look at the romanticism of piracy and gives a nice dose of reality. Shortly after taking this photo, a rogue wave came in hot while I was reading near the water and soaked both me and this book in my chair. So, it’s now doused in sand and salt….all seems exactly right.😂 #undertheblackflag #davidcordingly #piracy #pirates #historyofpirates #historyofpiracy #graveyardoftheatlantic #atlanticocean #ocracokeisland #beachreading #augustbooks #augustreading #piratebooks #outerbanks

8/19/2023, 9:45:30 PM

Popular as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this destination features thousands of limestone karsts and isles in different shapes and sizes. Guess the place & comment your answers below..! . . #ThrillOfTraveI #RiddleTime #GuessIt #guesstheplace #somewhereinvietnam #giveaway #luckywinner #limestonekarsts #isles #vietnam #vietnamhotels #vietnamtravel #participatenow #HistoryOfPirates #Snorkelling #Scubadiving #ExoticVacation #TravelDestinations #pradeequeen #pradeequeengroups #pradeequeenresort #pradeequeenholidayresort #discoverworld #naturallandscape

8/5/2023, 4:16:09 PM

Hint: This Indian state is featured in the "52 Places to Go in 2023" list by The New York Times.* Comment your answers below..! . . #ThrillOfTraveI #RiddleTime #GuessIt #HistoryOfPirates #Snorkelling #Scubadiving #ExoticVacation #TravelDestinations #pradeequeen #pradeequeengroups #pradeequeenresort #pradeequeenholidayresort #discoverworld #naturallandscape

7/31/2023, 3:50:53 PM

• 12 July • On #thisdateinpiratehistory in 1701, James Gilliam, aka James Kelly, was hanged at Execution Dock after being convicted of piracy. While best known for his brief stint sailing alongside Captain Kidd, James Gilliam had an extensive service record as a privateer and pirate, including as part of buccaneers crews under John Cook and John Eaton. Gilliam served as Quartermaster under George Raynor aboard the Bachelor’s Delight, the ship previously captained by John Cook and eventually captained by Edward Davis. In 1691, Gilliam was captured by Moghul authorities and imprisoned until 1696. He escaped to Bombay and signed up to sail aboard East India Company merchant ship Mocha, where he would participate in a mutiny led by Robert Culliford, and go pirating in the Indian Ocean. At St. Mary’s island in Madagascar, Gilliam would leave Culliford’s crew to sail back to America with Captain Kidd. Gilliam and Kidd parted ways in Delaware in 1699, where he would eventually be arrested. He was transported back to London in 1700 alongside the also-captured William Kidd, where he was tried and found guilty of Piracy at the Old Bailey, where he would remain imprisoned until the day he was led to the gallows to be hanged. . . . . . . #piratehistory #piratehistorypodcast #pirates #piracy #privateer #buccaneers #piratelife #piratedeath #borntobehanged #historyofpirates #oldbailey #london #executiondock

7/12/2023, 5:41:58 PM