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Prep work for Peace Prep Workshop! 🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🕊️🤍🕊️🤍 Jag kommer att hålla en skapande fredsworkshop i samband med eventet IMAGINE PEACE med @the.rhythm.danceclub där vi fredsskapar tillsammans. Det kostar inget att vara med och allt material samt fika finns på plats. Alla deltagare blir dessutom inbjudna till kvällens party utan kostnad!😃 Vad: Skapande Fredsworkshop När: 25 maj kl 10-14 Var: @the.bodyandbeyond i Björkhagen Anmälan: via PM direkt till mig (Begränsat antal platser) Varmt välkomna!🕊️🤍/Lisa @konstimperietstudios #preparingforpeace #peacebeginswithyou #creativeworkshop #imaginepeace #peacenow #therhythmdanceclub #peacefest #letsmakepeace #lovepeaceandunderstanding #creativepeace #peacecraft #peace #peacemaker #creativity

5/13/2024, 8:26:19 AM

When you think of peace, what comes to mind? The community of iamHeart has decided the time has come to spend our daily morning meditations energizing ourselves through the thoughts, feelings, and prayers in preparing for peace ✨ Daily morning meditations Monday through Friday at 8am PDT for 40 min. Link in bio to sign up! #meditation #beginnermeditaton #meditationclass #mindfulness #peace #preparingforpeace #iamheart #heartrhythmmeditation #heart #letsmeditate #junemeditation #mentalhealth #selfcare

5/30/2023, 5:45:48 PM

I can’t unsee that. 👆🏼That’s been a phrase running through my head this last week. But not because I watched something I didn’t like or saw it with my physical eyes. It was because I became AWARE of a few different things. And now that I’ve seen it I can’t unsee it. And now that I see it, it’s so obvious that I need to do something about it. This is the hardest space I think….or at least the hard space for me. SEEing the reality of what’s really going on but not quite having the next step yet. So I just keep being aware of it in all its beautiful glory. I get to look at it and say, “Hi. I see you. I know what’s going on and I’m coming back for you baby.” 😆 ( #iykyk) I will patiently, and then sometimes not so patiently, wait and search for the answer of the right next step. I let myself be comfortable being a smidgen uncomfortable as I figure it all out. #peace #feetshod #preparingforpeace #gotmyshoeson #ArmorOfGod #imcomingbackforyoubaby #see

1/6/2023, 7:25:25 PM

PEACE. We are all looking for peace but many times we find it escaping us! What does it look like for us to prepare for peace? What might it be to be ready to experience peace in areas of life? What kind of peace do you need? #ardmorebaptist #prepareyetheway #advent2022 #preparingforpeace

12/3/2022, 4:00:08 PM

Join us this Sunday for Traditional Service at 8:30am, Breakouts Classes at 9:30am, and our Contemporary Service at 10:30am! And if you're looking for a worship jumpstart for your weekend, check out the setlist we'll be using at 10:30am. We can't wait to see you! . #preparingforpeace #unitedmethodist #hunterscreekfl #orlandochurch

5/13/2022, 12:16:29 AM

We are so excited to worship with you this Sunday! Join us for our Traditional Service at 9am, or check out the setlist we'll be using and then join us at our Contemporary Service at 10:30am. #preparingforpeace #orlandochurch #HuntersCreekFlorida

4/23/2022, 4:00:10 PM

We're just days away from celebrating the resurrection, and will be worshipping with some new music! Check out the playlist for the 10:30am service so that Resurrection Sunday is an even greater celebration! Contemporary not your style? We'll have a 6:30am Sunrise Service and a 9am Traditional Service as well. And, like every week, you can join us online too! . #peacechurchorlando #hunterscreek #orlando #orlandochurch #hunterscreekflorida #preparingforpeace #eastersunday #easter #unitedmethodistchurch

4/15/2022, 12:16:49 AM

This Sunday is Palm Sunday AND Confirmation Sunday, so you won't want to miss it! We'll be starting our service with palms, welcoming confirmands into the life of the church, and digging into the Cornerstone of our faith. Check out the setlist for our 10:30 service, and if Traditional is more your style, you can join us at 9am live or online! We can't wait to see you this weekend! . #unitedmethodist #preparingforpeace #peacechurchorlando #hunterscreekchurch #orlandochurch

4/8/2022, 3:40:16 AM

We are looking forward to worshipping with you this weekend! Check out the setlist for the 10:30 service, and then join us at 10:30am Sunday online or in-person as we continue our series, Cornerstone. Prefer Traditional-style worship? Join us at 9am online or in-person for our Traditional service! . #preparingforpeace #peacechurchorlando #orlandochurch #hunterscreek #hunterscreekflorida

4/1/2022, 10:03:57 PM

We are looking forward to worshipping with you this weekend! Check out the setlist for the 10:30 service, and then join us at 10:30am Sunday online or in-person as we continue our series, Cornerstone. Prefer Traditional-style worship? Join us at 9am online or in-person for our Traditional service! . #orlandoflorida #orlandochurch #hunterscreekflorida #preparingforpeace #peacechurchorlando #peaceumcorlando

3/25/2022, 4:45:13 PM

We are looking forward to worshipping with you this weekend! Check out the setlist for the 10:30 service, and then join us at 10:30am Sunday online or in-person as we continue our new series, Cornerstone. Prefer Traditional-style worship? Join us at 9am online or in-person for our Traditional service! . #cornerstone #unitedmethodistchurch #unitedmethodist #peacechurchorlando #preparingforpeace #orlandochurch #hunterscreekflorida

3/12/2022, 2:34:23 AM

Museum 30 - Day 5 - Display:- I thought today I would share an exhibition which I helped research. Displays are not always held behind glass cases with interpretation. At Hillsborough Castle, there is limited interpretation as the house is still a working residence. . This exhibition or picture hang is called ‘preparing for peace’. The amazing curator and my former boss 😭 and the fabulous head of public engagement came up with the idea of using preparatory sketches for portraits to illustrate some of the key players in the peace process in Northern Ireland. Along with the portraits are maquettes, busts and casts including one of Mo Mowlam’s hand. . These sketches and studies reflect the room where they hang. ‘Lady Greys Study’ is quite a feminine room which was named after Lady Grey the final governor of Northern Ireland Lord Grey of Naunton’s wife. . This room was also used as an office by Sinn Fein during the Peace Process discussions. During this time Mo Mowlam lived at Hillsborough Castle when she was secretary for state. . So much work went into this display. The research, hanging and orientation was immense. It is a sensitive subject which touches the lives of all in Northern Ireland. . #hillsboroughcastle #preparingforpeace #goodfridayagreement #historyofni #tourismni #disoverni #exploringheritageni #ladygrey #sketches #art #northernirishartists #modernart #irishart #picturehang #museum30 #day5 #display

11/5/2020, 11:25:39 PM

كتاب #الاعداد_للسلام يعتبر واحد من اهم الكتب في مجال بناء السلام حول العالم. عملت الاستاذ الجامعية #نور_غازي على ترجمته الى اللغة العربية مع جمعية الامل وبالتعاون مع ال UNDP السنة الماضية مع انطلاقة ثورة تشرين العظيمة في العراق. وهي ترى الشباب تقتل وتقمع في الشوارع، كان عملها على ترجمة هذا الكتاب يصبرها ويعطيها امل ان في يوم من الايام سنستطيع ان نبني السلام في العراق. . الكتاب اهداء لكل ارواح شهدائنا الذين سقطوا حول العراق مطالبين بحقوقنا التي سُلبت.. شكر من القلب ل #منظمة_الامل على جهودهم الجبارة في مشاريع دراسات بناء السلام في العراق، وشكر خاص الى الاستاذ جمال الجواهري ولجهوده العظيمة في هذا المجال. شكرا نور لتواصلك الدائم ومحاولاتك لاضافة كل ما يخدم المجتمع العراقي.. الكتاب يوزع مجاناً في العراق. لقراءة الكتاب بالعربي: اضغط على الرابط Noors first translated book into Arabic. “Preparing for Peace” is one of the most important books in the peace building field. She had worked with Al-amal Association in collaboration with the UNDP Iraq last year to complete the project. Special thanks to Mr. Jamal Al Jawahiri. #preparingforpeace #Tamara_Amir #Iraqi_Women_Rights

10/11/2020, 12:27:10 PM

We want the peace. Are we willing to take the actions to get there? #PreparingForPeace #JoinTheHM “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:4-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ - - - - - - - - - #dailybible #truth #bible #God #Jesus #grow #Growthmindset #strength #purpose #biblestudy #BibleThoughts #love #GoodNews #thoughts #thoughtprovoking #questions #challenge #challengingthoughts #change #RealLove #GetMoving #NextStep #NextSteps #WhateverItTakes #Hope

9/5/2020, 3:54:14 PM

For the fourteenth day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: Today, we asked you to go through your possessions to find at least five things to give away for #PreparingForPeace. Were you able to? Share your experience with us. #FirstChurchAdvent

12/15/2018, 5:28:38 PM

For the thirteenth day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: Today we challenge: / pen a Haiku poem for / preparing for peace! If you feel so inclined, please share yours with us! #FirstChurchAdvent #PreparingForPeace

12/14/2018, 5:16:35 PM

For the twelfth day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: For #Advent today, we're finding someone to apologize to--whether big or small. #PreparingForPeace #FirstChurchAdvent

12/13/2018, 5:32:09 PM

For the eleventh day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: Were you able to find time today to contemplate the light that was born into the world that darkness could not overcome? Where have you found to display your #AdventBox star as a reminder this season? #FirstChurchAdvent #PreparingForPeace

12/12/2018, 5:32:29 PM

For the tenth day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: Did you pray for your assigned country today? What did you learn about that part of the world? #PreparingForPeace #FirstChurchAdvent

12/11/2018, 5:32:24 PM

For the ninth day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: Did you find a sign of peace in the world today? Share an image of your find with us. #PreparingForPeace #FirstChurchAdvent

12/10/2018, 5:32:33 PM

For the eighth day of #Advent! - This Advent, First Church Members are doing "Advent Calendars in a Box!" Each day has a simple activity to help ground this holy season. Follow along with us here, or stop by the church if you'd like an Advent Box of your own to join in the hope, peace, joy, and love! - Image caption reads: When we light both #Advent candles tonight, turn off all other lights. Try to be quiet for 3 whole minutes. Were you able to get quiet, calm, and peaceful in your heart? #PreparingForPeace #FirstChurchAdvent

12/9/2018, 5:14:28 PM

Tune in to the Red Bowl at on MONDAY 10/29 at 1 PM CST Communications #Maven @legacylola joins us on #SacredSpace as we wrap up our series on #PreparingForPeace We often sing, salute and pray for peace on Earth during the holiday season. The current cultural and political context of our world also begs the coming of a season of peace. But do we expect to much of peace and peacemaking? What do we say and how do we listen if we wish to invite those around us into peace? Are there words or phrases that are more prone to create peace than others? How do we understand peaceful communication when potential triggers in our lives seem to be coming faster than we make appointments with our therapists? How do we prepare for peace when our lives and our world are moving faster than the speed of light?

10/29/2018, 5:27:15 AM

I'm back on the Sacred Space Radio Show tomorrow and so excited about it! Make sure to tune in! . . 📌Monday 10/15, 1pm - 3pm CST, . . #Repost @busi_b (@get_repost) ・・・ We continue our #SacredSpace series on #PreparingForPeace Monday 10/15 beginning at 1 PM CST Streaming Live in the Red Bowl on It’ll be an amazing show as @nhallmhr joins us LIVE in the studio hot off an amazing #IntuitiveSisterCircle on Saturday afternoon here in #Dallas @artsmission She will share some of the ways the work of @abcholisticcenter creates peace for us all, while also supporting the work of women to cultivate peace that prepares them for sacred warrior work in their life.

10/15/2018, 2:10:51 AM

We continue our #SacredSpace series on #PreparingForPeace Monday 10/15 beginning at 1 PM CST Streaming Live in the Red Bowl on It’ll be an amazing show as @nhallmhr joins us LIVE in the studio hot off an amazing #IntuitiveSisterCircle on Saturday afternoon here in #Dallas @artsmission She will share some of the ways the work of @abcholisticcenter creates peace for us all, while also supporting the work of women to cultivate peace that prepares them for sacred warrior work in their life.

10/15/2018, 1:15:10 AM

#Repost @busi_b • • • • • Tori Dixon founder of @melanin_therapy is with me on #SacredSpace Monday 10/8 as we continue our #FallFocus on #PreparingForPeace As the days get shorter, sometimes so does our patience. We crave more stillness, a slower #Rhythm and coziness. Sometimes we find that our families and homes are anything but those things! How do we guard our hearts, prepare our minds and let folks know we love them, yet we are putting up with their mess. Join us for the discussion from 1 PM to 3 PM on 10/8 streaming live at in the Red Bowl. #MentalHealthAwareness #BlackMentalHealth #HealthyMindsMatter #BlackHealthyMindsMatter #Depression #Anxiety

10/7/2018, 11:24:07 PM

Tori Dixon founder of @melanin_therapy is with me on #SacredSpace Monday 10/8 as we continue our #FallFocus on #PreparingForPeace As the days get shorter, sometimes so does our patience. We crave more stillness, a slower #Rhythm and coziness. Sometimes we find that our families and homes are anything but those things! How do we guard our hearts, prepare our minds and let folks know we love them, yet we are putting up with their mess. Join us for the discussion from 1 PM to 3 PM on 10/8 streaming live at in the Red Bowl.

10/7/2018, 11:19:54 PM

A large part of #PreparingForPeace is realizing that right where you are is #SacredSpace. There is no where else to go. There is nothing else to do. Right now, just as you are, is more than enough. #MomLife #WorkLife #ThereIsNoBalance #LetGo

10/2/2018, 3:52:21 PM

God hears your impossible prayers. God answers prayers at his appointed time. God calls us to wait expectantly. God does not waste the waiting. God is working in the waiting God is with us in the waiting. Waiting for us often looks like suffering. Suffering produces perseverance. Perseverance produces character. Character points toward hope. Hope is not a vague, abstract notion. Our hope has a name -- Jesus Christ is our hope. How do you have peace in a season of waiting? Only through Jesus Christ. #ThePathOfPeace #PreparingForPeace 📷: @mevalley

11/26/2017, 6:45:10 PM


11/18/2014, 5:58:43 PM

PEACE Plan overview with the Saddleback South Manila core volunteers #preparingforpeace #saddlebacksmla #thelaunchsouthmanila

5/25/2014, 2:22:07 AM