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[Clés Célestes de la petite Marie🗝] Tirage général de Mardi 30 avril 2024. Si le message vous parle, il vous est destiné. Grâce à notre travail acharné et à la volonté sincère d'aider les autres, nous érigeons des fondations solides pour toutes nos futures entreprises. L'attention patiente que nous mettons à améliorer notre savoir-faire assurera notre prospérité et notre autonomie. Cette carte peut aussi indiquer quelqu’un qui est là pour nous apporter son soutien ainsi qu'une aide pratique. Merci de partager 🔮 Belle journée, Paix dans vos coeurs, je vous embrasse . ♡ N'hésitez pas à laisser un cœur en commentaire afin de créer tous ensemble de belles énergies d'Amour !!! ❤️🙏 ❤️!! Merciiii #guidance #douceurdevivre #spiritualite #sourcedivine #pleineconscience #momentpresent #confianceensoi #holistique #divin #philosophie #motivation #evoluer #gratitude #sorciere #clairsentience #bodypositive #viedefemme #energiepositive #tarot #quinqua #voyance #cartomancie #oracle #medium #divination #witch #feminine #bienveillance #influenceuseuse #goodvibes

4/30/2024, 10:16:13 AM

LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE BED TO MANIFEST WEALTH 💸💸💸 Making money is easy?🤔🤔🤔 If I told you “making money is easy” would you agree? Or would you feel UNEASY? The way you feel about money shapes your reality. If you think you need to work HARD, then blessings will be fleeting. They’ll come and go without reason. Luckily you CAN rewrite your destiny. In fact, your best life starts with this bedtime routine: Listen to THIS Before Bed To Manifest Wealth While You Sleep. Check the link in bio 👉 @lawofattractionvalley ❤ to discover this "switch trick" changes your financial destiny (free thinkers only) . .

4/30/2024, 5:01:09 AM

🔮Horoscopes🔮 —Available for personal readings —More readings are being sent out 🤍 *Take what resonates & leave what doesn’t* Youtube: C3l3stial.Guidanc3 Donations💚 Cashapp: $C3l3stialGuidanc3 Paypal: [email protected] TikTok: c3l3stial.guidanc3 *I Do Not Contact You. You Have to Contact Me* 💌Email for personal readings: [email protected] #vocation #success #romantic #dating #love #claircognizance #clairsentience #clairaudience #clairvoyance #zodiacsigns #sevenchakras #angelnumbers #mediumship #prophecy #retrocognition #precognition #twinflames #soulmates #tarot #healing #guidance #intuitivereader #influencer #experience #constellation #lifestyle #dailyhoroscope #astrologyposts

4/30/2024, 2:42:42 AM

Vos retours.🙏✨ Une cliente suite à mon soin énergétique Reiki 🙏 Une magnifique personne ✨ Beaucoup de fatigue suite à ce soin. 🙏✨ Merci à toi pour ta confiance 💌 #soinenergetique #energy #soin #prendresoindesoi #moment #detente #transmission #chakras #positivethinking #personaldevelopment #connexion #ancrage #fatigue #reiki #reikimaster #lumiere #medium #clairsentience

4/29/2024, 7:28:37 PM

TE SENS-TU PARFOIS COMME UN OISEAU ¨CLOUÉ AU SOL?¨ Quelques retards se présentent sur ma route présentement concernant certains de mes projets. Je viens de prendre une marche de santé et j'ai aperçu, 2 fois plutôt qu'une, un oiseau au sol. Un marchait allègrement dans le stationnement devant une propriété. Je le trouvais bizarre! L'autre picossait sur un terrain. Rien de rare jusqu'à maintenant. On a tous déjà vu des oiseaux au sol qui ¨marchaient¨, n'est-ce pas? Ce qui est spécial pour moi, c'est qu'en apercevant le 1er (stationnement) une pensée m'est apparu INSTANTANÉMENT: ¨Te sens-tu comme lui en ce moment, clouée au sol? As-tu l'impression de ne pouvoir ¨t'envoler?¨ Ma réponse intérieure et spontanée fut: ¨Oui¨ Puis, une seconde pensée: ¨L'oiseau a besoin de se poser au sol afin de mieux cibler sa prochaine destination et de récupérer!¨ Wahou! Je te partage ceci, car le tout m'a vraiment fait vibrer et un bien immense. Sylvianne, amicalement XX #alaubedesoi #alaubedesoi_podcast #relationdaide #counseling #therapieholistique #amour #amourdesoi #mediumnite #médiumnité #clairvoyance #clairvoyant #clairsentience

4/29/2024, 7:22:57 PM

LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE BED TO MANIFEST WEALTH 💸💸💸 Making money is easy?🤔🤔🤔 If I told you “making money is easy” would you agree? Or would you feel UNEASY? The way you feel about money shapes your reality. If you think you need to work HARD, then blessings will be fleeting. They’ll come and go without reason. Luckily you CAN rewrite your destiny. In fact, your best life starts with this bedtime routine: Listen to THIS Before Bed To Manifest Wealth While You Sleep. Check the link in bio 👉 @affirmationmagics ❤ to discover this "switch trick" changes your financial destiny (free thinkers only) . .

4/29/2024, 4:29:28 PM

C'est parti pour LA GUIDANCE DE LA SEMAINE 😁 EN TIRAGE À CHOIX 🔮🧙‍♀️ Choisissez une carte et regardez l'une des 3 vidéos précédentes pour découvrir votre message ✨ Excellente semaine à toutes et à tous 🍀👼 Prenez bien soin de vous et pleins de LOVELOVE 💓💋💋💋 #guidancegénérale #guidancedelasemaine #guidance #tirageachoix #cartomancie #oracle #tarots #mediumnite #voyance #divination #spiritualité #predictions #clairaudiance #clairsentience #clairvoyance #sorcieremoderne #sorcieres #fees #magie #👼 #🕯 #anges #guides #🧙‍♀️ #😸 #cookie #love #❤️❤️❤️ #gratitude🙏 #mariecartomancieetcompagnie

4/29/2024, 11:36:43 AM

Bonjour voici la guidance de la semaine avec l'oracle des usages et savoirs de sorcières. LUNDI : Changement, transformation salutaire dans notre vie on peut vivre un bouleversement ou une destruction de nos habitudes mais c'est pour un renouveau positif. On peut vivre un équilibre entre le matériel et le spirituel et développer nos capacités médiumnique. MARDI : Démarche administrative possible on nous demande de passer à l'action car on peut y arriver , on peut aussi recevoir de l'aide dans nos projets. MERCREDI : jour où la communication sera très importante , la communication sera utile pour résoudre un problème. Certains peuvent se confier sur un secret lourd à garder pour s'en libérer. D'autre vont enseigner leurs connaissances et compétences . Vous pouvez détenir une information importante pour débloquer une situation. JEUDI : des déplacements sont possibles aujourd'hui, possibilité d'un imprévu pour notre plus grand bien être. Pour certains se sera un voyage intérieur pour se ressourcer près de la nature et pour d'autres possibilités de faire des voyages astraux. VENDREDI : on avancera sereinement vers nos objectifs On sera guidé par une personne expérimentée , nos compétences et connaissances seront utiles aux autres , nos guides nous enverrons des messages soyons attentifs. SAMEDI : on a autour de nous des personnes mal intentionnées, on nous met en garde contre les mauvaises habitudes , les mauvaises personnes ou des croyances erronées . DIMANCHE : Des nouvelles arrivent vers nous, des solutions sont trouvées,une aide est apportée attention aux messages que nos guides nous envoient. Voilà pour cette semaine je vous souhaite le meilleur !😉🙏🏼❤️🍀 #voyance #cartomancie #oracle #tiragedelasemaine #guidance #clairsentience #resilience

4/29/2024, 9:36:03 AM

Garde ce post précieusement pour ne pas perdre les secrets du don de ressenti ! 🌟 La clairsentience, ou don de ressenti, est un pouvoir psychique extraordinaire qui te permet de percevoir les énergies et émotions autour de toi. Ce don te donne une profonde empathie et une compréhension intime des situations et des personnes, te rendant incroyablement sensible aux subtilités de l'univers. Dans ce carrousel, je te révèle les 3 principales forces du don de ressenti qui peuvent transformer ta perception de toi-même et du monde : Empathie profonde - Ressentir profondément les émotions des autres peut te transformer en un soutien précieux pour ton entourage. Détecteur d'énergies subtiles - Ta capacité à percevoir les variations énergétiques te guide dans tes interactions et te protège des influences négatives. Intuition pour la guérison - Utilise ton ressenti pour identifier les blocages énergétiques et faciliter des pratiques de guérison, tant pour toi que pour les autres. 🌿 Chaque slide t'offre des conseils pratiques pour développer et affiner ton don de ressenti, te permettant de l'utiliser de manière constructive et harmonieuse dans ta vie quotidienne. Si tu veux aller plus loin et débloquer pleinement ton potentiel de clairsentience, ne manque pas ma masterclass '3 raisons pour lesquelles ta magie est bloquée (et comment la libérer)'. Clique sur le lien dans ma bio pour t'inscrire et commence ton voyage vers une profonde transformation personnelle et spirituelle. Ta sensibilité est un cadeau, apprends à l'utiliser avec sagesse. 🌸 #Clairsentience #DonDeRessenti #ÉnergieSubtile #GuérisonÉnergétique #Spiritualité

4/29/2024, 8:02:51 AM

LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE BED TO MANIFEST WEALTH 💸💸💸 Making money is easy?🤔🤔🤔 If I told you “making money is easy” would you agree? Or would you feel UNEASY? The way you feel about money shapes your reality. If you think you need to work HARD, then blessings will be fleeting. They’ll come and go without reason. Luckily you CAN rewrite your destiny. In fact, your best life starts with this bedtime routine: Listen to THIS Before Bed To Manifest Wealth While You Sleep. Check the link in bio 👉 @affirmationsvalley ❤ to discover this "switch trick" changes your financial destiny (free thinkers only) . .

4/29/2024, 7:39:28 AM

As a Empath and highly sensitive woman, you are a rare breed and very unique. You hold a very special role in the energetic realm. That’s why people are so attracted to you and open up to you so easily but… if you’re not practicing energy hygiene then you’ll feel burnt out a lot and your energy won’t go where it is meant to go. Your intuitive energy is the key to you feeling successful and grounded in this life. You don’t need to keep hiding and playing small I realised that being an Empath is an absolute gift because it lead me to a deeper gift of self acceptance and owning my witch and psychic powers. It’s lead to true freedom within my soul. If you’d like to learn more about this. Please comment MASTERCLASS so you can join my free teaching on the 8th May for sensitive women to alchemise your struggles into a gift 🖤

4/29/2024, 12:33:49 AM

Clair voyance: Faculté qui consiste à percevoir des informations qui se manifestent par une succession d'images dans l'esprit de la personne. Clair audience: Faculté extrasensorielle qui passe par l’ouïe. Capacité de percevoir des sons, des mots, des phrases. Grâce à L’Akasha cristallin, je t’amène à la découverte de tes différents clairs. Nous avons tous ces facultés extrasensorielles dès la naissance mais nous n’avons pas appris. C’est avec de la pratique, des connaissances et de l’expérience, que j’ai marché ce chemin. Si cela à été possible pour moi, crois moi, il l’est aussi pour toi ! L’Akasha Cristallin est un voyage sur mesure de 7 semaines où je t’emmènes à la rencontre de tes sens subtils et de nouvelles perceptions. Je t’en parle de vive voix lors de notre soirée « questions/ réponses » sur le sujet lundi 6 mai: Akasha Cristallin Masterclass gratuite Pour en savoir plus sur la formation à venir: Lien en bio 💎 Avec tout mon Amour, Myrtil #Clairvoyance #clairsentience #medium #lectureakashique #akashicrecords #akashicrecordsreadings #clairaudience #mediumnite #guidancespirituelle #guidancedelame

4/28/2024, 12:15:27 PM I AM A POWERFUL MEDIUM Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, the Galactic Swans, The Galactic Peacocks, Archangel Gamaliel, Archangel Raziel, Archangel Azrael and the Black Dragons of death support, transitioning and transformation and transmutation and there is an Angel of black and violet and purples coming forward to assist as well in connecting with our mental mediumship soul gift to connect with our and the passed on loved ones of other people in a safe and compassionate and helpful way. To be a loving and pure bridge between the living and the dead, between the material and our Angels and Light Guides. First, we are clearing in all directions of time and space where this particular gift led to... #lightlanguage #reiki #asmr #soundhealing #energyhealing #grief #psychic #medium #Clairvoyance #clairsentience #Claircognizance #clairaudience #clairempathy #clairalience #clairgustance #clairtangency #telepathy #dreams #symbols #synchronicities

4/28/2024, 10:39:24 AM

If you think about it, for most people high-school really is that time where they're surrounded by community Teachers they can turn to Classes as opportunities to make friends and meet new people And as we grow older we have to consciously work for a sense of community So many times, people run away from it just so they can hide away So they don't have to challenge themselves. Idk, what do you think? Xx your fairy Godsister🧚🏻‍♀️  — aligning with your Higher self unlock your brilliance 🌸 Awaken your Sage self with me 🧝🏻‍♀️ Binge my account for all things Higher Alignment and Intuition related! & don't forget to hit that follow button @sagesphere 💕 Intuition • Channeling • Play • Healing • Higher Self • Wisdom • Art #channeling #healing #clairsentience #clairaudience #clairvoyance #intuition #claircognizance #higherself

4/28/2024, 2:51:15 AM

If we go and greet our neighbors every day and it makes us feel like we’re on cloud nine, our morning will usually be really positive after that. ⁠ ⁠ If we go to work and feel out of alignment all day, then chances are we aren’t going to really vibrate at a level of joy, happiness, or even contentment. ⁠ ⁠ Astrology, human design, and other personality-typing tools can help you get a general sense of how you want to be on purpose, but it won’t tell you what. ⁠ ⁠ I like using these devices to help get clear on who we are, but it takes more than just a birth chart to tell us who we are and what we’re meant to be doing. ⁠ ⁠ To find out more, get on my email list for news on my new book "Hungry" coming soon. 💌⁠ ⁠ #spiritualcoach #businessenergetics #energyblocks #boundarywork #healyourself #energeticscoach #relationshipcoach #parasiticenergy #datingadvice #lawofattraction #toxicrelationship #healingenergy #healingmyselffirst #healingpractices #spiritualmentor #businesscoach #entrepreneurcoach #energyworker #teamlightwork #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #intuitiondevelopment #intuitivecoach #clairsentience #clairaudient #clairvoyant #energetichealing #entitywork #limitingbeliefs #healingwork

4/27/2024, 5:55:20 PM

🎧 New episode dropping a little late this week - episode 109 is an Introduction to the Clair Senses. This episode was inspired by a listener of the podcast who did an interview with me on my journey. This episode will drop Monday, so excited to share the honest reflection with you. Cassandra is interviewing me and one of the questions she asked was “what is clairvoyance? And how did this gift unlock for you?” I realized I answered how my gifts unfolded but didn’t really share what clairvoyance is, so I recorded this episode so you can get a better understanding of what the clairvoyance senses are? How they might show up or present themselves to you, and how you can strengthen them. If you have any questions about this topic reach out, and as always if you enjoy this episode let me know. Love creating more content that listeners love. #podcast #spiritual #spiritualpodcast #spiritualpodcasts #clairvoyance #clairvoyant #clairs #clairsentience #clairalience #claircognizance #clair #divinehealth #divinehealthpodcast #intuition

4/27/2024, 3:26:05 PM

C’est ça intégrer l’ombre Ce n’est pas seulement entrer dans ses blessures ou traumas  C’est surtout aller dans ce que tu refoules et les intégrer à ta vie  Alors oui c’est beau sur le papier de pas boire, de pas fumer, de pas roter  Mais si lorsque tu ne le fais pas, ça te crée de la culpabilité, tu « vibres » plus bas que ceux qui le font et prennent du plaisir  Ce n’est pas ce que tu fais qui te fais soi-disant vibrer plus bas ou toute autre connerie comme ça  C’est réellement la culpabilité Forcément si tu bois des bières tous les jours, il y a forcément un truc mais ce n’est pas parce que tu es rond une fois de temps en temps que tu vas aller devant le diable ou je ne sais quelles merdes ils vont encore t’inventer  Soyons soi, kiffons ce qu’on fait et branlons-nous en des règles dogmatiques et culpabilisantes —————- #voyageastral #astraltravel #astraltraveler #astraltraveling #astral #astralworld #magieblanche #magieverte #therapeute #magnetiseur #reiki #energy #energeticien #energeticienne #soinenergetique #soinenergétique #soinénergétique #soinenergetiqueadistance #magnetisme #magnétisme #clairvoyance #clairaudience #clairsentience #magie #magienoire #desenvoutement #exorcisme #exorcism #therapeuteenergetique #mondeinvisible

4/27/2024, 3:20:33 PM

Samedi 27 avril 2024 #penseeinspirante N'hésitez pas à laisser un cœur en commentaire afin de créer ensemble de belles énergies d'Amour !!! 🙏 !! Merciiiiiiiiii #citationinspirante #spiritualite #sourcedivine #pleineconscience #momentpresent #confianceensoi #mardi #motivation #philosophie #estimedesoi #witch #witchlife #gratitude #medium #clairsentience #penseedujour #viedefemme #sorciere #foryou #renaissance #StayAtHomeGF #bienveillance #crochet #carpediem #magie #housewives #penséesetréflexions @chez_la_petite_marie

4/27/2024, 11:01:01 AM

For Full Video: Hey there, mystical souls! 👁️‍🗨️ Ever wondered what it means to be psychic or clairsentient? Let's dive into the enchanting world of psychic abilities and why awakening them can be transformative. 🌟 🌟 What is Psychic? Being psychic isn't about crystal balls and fortune-telling. It's about tapping into the profound power of your intuition, energy, and extrasensory perception. It's the art of tuning into the unseen, the unheard, and the unfelt. It's like having a sixth sense, allowing you to explore the hidden dimensions of existence. 🔮✨ 🌟 What is Clairsentient? Clairsentience is one facet of psychic ability. It's the ability to feel and perceive the energy and emotions of people, places, and things around you. It's like having a heightened sense of empathy, where you can intuitively sense the vibrations and vibes of the world. It's about reading the universe's unspoken words and the silent whispers. 🌌💫 🌟 Why Awaken Psychic Abilities? 1. Self-Discovery: Embracing your psychic side helps you understand yourself more deeply. It's like unlocking a treasure chest of self-awareness, revealing hidden talents and potential. 2. Intuition Boost: Trusting your intuition becomes second nature when you awaken your psychic abilities. It guides you through life's twists and turns, helping you make better decisions. 3. Connection: Psychic abilities foster a profound connection with the world around you. You'll sense the interconnectedness of all living beings, promoting empathy and compassion. 4. Healing: Clairsentience, in particular, can be a powerful emotional and spiritual healing tool. It allows you to release negative energy and embrace positivity. 5. Spiritual Growth: Awakening your psychic gifts often leads to spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of the universe. It's a journey towards enlightenment. #jothiramesh #psychicawakening #clairsentient #intuitionunleashed #psychic #webinar #spiritual #growth #healing #connection #PsychicAbilities #IntuitionDevelopment #Clairsentience #Clairvoyance #Mediumship #MediumshipDevelopment #PsychicSkills #EnhanceIntuition #IntuitiveGuidance #PsychicJourney #

4/27/2024, 9:50:45 AM

Learning to access our inner wisdom is one of the most beneficial things we can do for ourselves. It empowers us to look within rather than looking to others for validation, acceptance and guidance. This doesn't mean that we never need ask the opinion or help of another; it's great to get the support and input from those around us, but be discerning and always tune in to the energy and feel what feels right for you. Learning to access our intuition is natural and available to each and every one of us. It's not some mystical talent but rather, our natural state of being. The more you trust it, the stronger and more accurate your connection to it becomes. If you would like to learn how to Awaken your Inner Mystic I have an Online Self paced Course available Now! This is a perfect starting point for all your spiritual practices and to start implementing them daily in order to open up to more of your Psychic Abilities ✨💓🌹💎💫🪷 Visit Website for more details! Link in bio! . . . . . . . #earthstartransmissions #innerwisdom #innerguidance #intuition #clairsenses #learnaboutpsychicabilities #healingjourney #clairvoyance #clairsentience #intuitiveguidance #spiritualpractices #psychicabilities #awakenyourinnermysticcourse

4/27/2024, 9:30:22 AM

Comment your thoughts!💖 - 📸 Via 📷Unknown, tag to credit! • (Dm for credit or removal / All rights® are reserved & belong to their respective owners) • 💥𝐆𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐛 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐢𝐨 𝐭𝐨 ▶️𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭! • • • • #temple #zen #mindfulness #mind #growth #crystals #universe #spirituality #mandala #bliss #spirit #yogainspiration #hope #energetics #spirtualawakening #thehigherself #clairsentience #sevenchakras #buddhaart #budhisttemple #intution #buddhistlife #dambullacavetemple #budhatattoo #spiritualscience #healingyourself

4/27/2024, 8:00:27 AM #metaphysical #paranormal #wiccan #witch #spells #ouija #clairvoyant #clairsentience #clairaudience #claircognizance #truecrime #fyp #pagan #tarot #psychic

4/27/2024, 12:47:37 AM

Our intuition, or that gut feeling, is linked to psychic abilities. It’s all about tapping into and interpreting the information that our conscious mind might overlook, but our subconscious mind picks up on. Psychic abilities, or extrasensory perception, refer to our ability to perceive or understand information not gained through our known senses. This could be in the form of clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), or claircognizance (clear knowing). The enteric nervous system (ENS) is our body’s second brain. It’s believed that this system plays a significant role in psychic abilities. The ENS picks up on subtle cues from our environment and bodies, which our conscious mind might miss. When we talk about psychic abilities, we’re essentially talking about heightened intuition. It’s about being more in tune with these subtle cues and being able to interpret them accurately. It’s about trusting that gut feeling and using it to guide our actions and decisions. When we practice tuning into our intuition, we’re also honing our psychic abilities. It’s like flexing a muscle - the more you use it, the stronger it gets. And just like any other skill, it can be developed and refined over time. So, are you ready to flex your psychic muscles and tap into your intuitive powers? Do you trust that gut feeling all the time? Let me know in the chat.

4/26/2024, 11:27:44 PM

I choose to make peace with my path 🕊. just got out of a rough season where I was seeing my abilities as burdens rather than gifts 🎁. I hear, see, feel and know things that are unexplainable. What one would call the “sixth sense” or “Extra Sensory Perception” (ESP). I AM aware that it was conditioning to fear these supernatural powers and the spirit realm in general outside of the church building. I was lowkey resisting hard yo 😵‍💫. I was honestly stuck in a victim mentality like, “ughhh why me? Why do I feel and see these things?” 😩 blah blah blah. cuz it felt heavy fr. But armor is heavy too and it can be seen as an honor to carry ⚔️. Just depends on how I choose to perceive it 🤷🏽‍♀️. Nevertheless, having expanded awareness can benefit myself and others when accepted and practiced 👐🏽✨👁🙇🏽‍♀️. There’s a reason why we can tap into higher levels of consciousness. Sooo this is me awkwardly embracing all of it. This hug with my siSTAR says it all lmaooo 🥴😂🤗❤️ #embrace #tapintoyourpotential #esp #sixthsense #psychic #prophetic #mediumship #clairvoyant #clairaudient #claircognizance #clairsentience

4/26/2024, 9:44:19 PM

Weekend Horoscopes 🔮 -Available for personal readings 💚 *Take what resonates & leave what doesn’t* Youtube: C3l3stial.Guidanc3 Donations💚 Cashapp: $C3l3stialGuidanc3 Paypal: [email protected] TikTok: c3l3stial.guidanc3 *I Do Not Contact You. You Have to Contact Me* 💌Email for personal readings: [email protected] #vocation #success #romantic #dating #love #claircognizance #clairsentience #clairaudience #clairvoyance #zodiacsigns #sevenchakras #angelnumbers #mediumship #prophecy #retrocognition #precognition #twinflames #soulmates #tarot #healing #guidance #intuitivereader #influencer #experience #constellation #lifestyle #dailyhoroscope #astrologyposts

4/26/2024, 6:52:00 PM

For those interested in intuitive energy, please join: Free Spirit ~ Ask Ashley 💫 If you are interested in one on one intuitive sessions and or intuitive healing, please message on messenger.. I only answer messages there when I feel a connection is in someone's highest and greatest good.. and our energy is aligned for your best..🤍🙏💫 #readings #energyhealing #psychic #psychicmedium #psychicreading #psychicreadings #counsellingtherapist #therapist #clairsentient #clairsentience #clairaudient #claircognizance #clairvoyant #clairvoyance #fbmessenger #askashley

4/26/2024, 6:26:37 PM

Week Three for our Intermediate Mediumship students in the books! I’m so proud of this group of students for letting their inhibitions go and truly creating and openness for Spirit to move through them. We’ve been exploring the Clairs, and wanted to share a bit more about them with you all. So let’s dive into the fascinating world of the Clairs – those extra-sensory psychic abilities! The Clairs are like heightened versions of our regular senses but tuned into the unseen energy around us; our subtle senses. Let’s explore them together- 🤍Clairsentience (clear feeling / sensing): Experiencing the emotions or feelings of others, places, or even objects. This can be emotional or physical sensations.Emotions are the language of the Soul. ❤️Clairvoyance (clear seeing) : seeing visions, symbols or Spirits with your inner eye. Clairvoyance is the ability to see with the subtle senses, what cannot be seen or sensed in an ordinary way. 🧡Claircognizance (clear knowing): Having a deep inner knowing or sudden understanding of a situation without any logical understanding of how. 💛Clairaudience (clear hearing): Hearing sounds that aren't physically produced around you, like voices of spirits, intuitive hunches, or sounds from faraway places. These can be internal or on rare occasions, external. 💚Clairsalience (clear smelling): Smelling odors that aren't physically present, which can hold symbolic meaning or can be part of the clairsentient experience from Spirt. 💙Clairgustance (clear tasting): Tasting flavors without having anything in your mouth, similar to clairsalience but with taste. This is a less common clair sense. 💜Clairtangency (clear touching): Feeling the physical sensations or textures of objects or people that aren't physically there. What Clair do you most resonate with? Drop a heart below!! 🤍❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #clairs #clairsentience #claircognizance #clairaudience #clairsalience #clairfustancce #clairangency

4/26/2024, 2:26:56 PM

Studies show that most beings, including animals, dream when they sleep. While many people have difficulty recalling their dreams, our bodies fall….. Read More: ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #IntuitiveGuidance #TarotCards #PsychicAbilities #SpiritualInsights #Clairvoyance #Clairsentience #Clairaudience #PsychicDevelopment #UnleashYourPotential #IntuitiveAwakening #SpiritualJourney #InnerExploration #PsychicAbilities #DivineGuidance #SelfEmpowerment #SpiritualAwakening #michellebeltran #psychic #psychicmedium #intuitivelifecoach

4/26/2024, 5:34:08 AM

Who can relate?💗 - 📸 Via 📷Unknown, tag to credit! • (Dm for credit or removal / All rights® are reserved & belong to their respective owners) • 💥𝐆𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐛 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐢𝐨 𝐭𝐨 ▶️𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐭! • • • • #stillness #poetryofig #enlightened #dalailama #dharma #bestill #awakened #chakrahealing #peaceonearth #buddah #yinyoga #yin #budismo #spirtualawakening #thehigherself #clairsentience #sevenchakras #buddhaart #budhisttemple #intution #buddhistlife #dambullacavetemple #budhatattoo #spiritualscience #healingyourself

4/25/2024, 7:52:23 PM

Do you want to master your intuitive, psychic, and angel-channeling skills for guidance in manifesting your dream life? ‍ Book a free welcome discovery call to learn more about Soul Mastery School, the Manifestation Mastermind, and 1:1 Coaching. ‍ ➞ ➞ or click the link in my bio ‍ Claircognizance is the gift of knowing something without knowing how you know it. ‍ Claircognizance encourages us to trust the flashes of insight and understanding that spontaneously arise within our consciousness. ‍ It's a deeper form of knowledge that transcends the confines of rational thinking, inviting us to tap into a wellspring of universal understanding. ‍ In practice, claircognizance is much like tuning in to a higher frequency station on a radio. You find a quiet space, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. ‍ As you center yourself in the present moment, you begin to pay attention to the flashes of insight that spontaneously appear in your mind's eye. ‍ These insights, which seem to come from beyond the boundaries of your personal knowledge, are the whispers of your claircognizant intuition, offering guidance and understanding from a higher source. ‍ Claircognizance is a reminder that we are all connected to a vast reservoir of wisdom. ‍ As you incorporate claircognizance into your daily life, you nurture your ability to trust in your own inner wisdom and develop a deeper sense of self-assuredness. ‍ This form of knowing often arises when you need it most, offering clarity and guidance during moments of uncertainty or decision-making. ‍ #clairaudience #clairaudient #clairvoyance #clairvoyant #clairsentience #clairsentient #clairempath #empath #claircognizant #claircognizance #psychicmedium #intuitivecoach #psychicsofinstagram #intuitioncoach #psychiccoach #metaphysics #mysteryschool #metaphysical #psychicreadingonline #psychicdevelopment #metaphysicalpractitioner #divination #witchofinstagram #witchstagram #divinationcommunity #channeledmessages #witchcommunity #witchytips #witchesofinsta #5dconsciousness

4/25/2024, 6:33:05 PM

When you take inventory of your life right now and your triggers...⁠ ⁠ what happens is we see what life is showing us. 👀⁠ ⁠ And then we start to notice the 👉🏼 PATTERNS⁠ ⁠ ALL we have to do is OBSERVE and look around at what life is showing us and we can see the curriculum and begin to understand life is ALWAYS intuitive with us - it’s always communicating. ⁠ ⁠ 👉🏼 TRUST what you already know. ⁠ ⁠ Working on opening your heart? 🫶🏼⁠ ⁠ Well you may be feeling triggers and conflict with love… working on purpose? ⁠ ⁠ You may be facing places where you’re forced to stay small or where you’re not asking for your needs to be met, not being seen, etc ⁠ ⁠ To find out more, get on my email list for news on my new book "Hungry" coming soon. 💌⁠ ⁠ #spiritualcoach #businessenergetics #energyblocks #boundarywork #healyourself #energeticscoach #relationshipcoach #parasiticenergy #datingadvice #lawofattraction #toxicrelationship #healingenergy #healingmyselffirst #healingpractices #spiritualmentor #businesscoach #entrepreneurcoach #energyworker #teamlightwork #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #intuitiondevelopment #intuitivecoach #clairsentience #clairaudient #clairvoyant #energetichealing #entitywork #limitingbeliefs #healingwork

4/25/2024, 5:55:21 PM

LISTEN TO THIS BEFORE BED TO MANIFEST WEALTH 💸💸💸 Making money is easy?🤔🤔🤔 If I told you “making money is easy” would you agree? Or would you feel UNEASY? The way you feel about money shapes your reality. If you think you need to work HARD, then blessings will be fleeting. They’ll come and go without reason. Luckily you CAN rewrite your destiny. In fact, your best life starts with this bedtime routine: Listen to THIS Before Bed To Manifest Wealth While You Sleep. Check the link in bio 👉 @themanifestationstory ❤ to discover this "switch trick" changes your financial destiny (free thinkers only) . .

4/25/2024, 1:20:39 PM

Hésitez pas à faire profiter vos copains•nes ! 💫 #cartomancie #cartomancy #clairsentience

4/25/2024, 1:18:06 PM

And it's a win-win for me and for all the people I avoid... Because obviously no-one wants unasked observations, And it's overwhelming for me too. So let's keep our distance 😌 #acuriouswixch #clairsentience #rashmimaurya #tellthemthetruth

4/25/2024, 10:30:00 AM

Jeudi 25 avril 2024 #penseeinspirante N'hésitez pas à laisser un cœur en commentaire afin de créer ensemble de belles énergies d'Amour !!! 🙏 !! Merciiiiiiiiii #citationinspirante #spiritualite #sourcedivine #pleineconscience #momentpresent #confianceensoi #mardi #motivation #philosophie #estimedesoi #witch #witchlife #gratitude #medium #clairsentience #penseedujour #viedefemme #sorciere #foryou #renaissance #StayAtHomeGF #bienveillance #crochet #carpediem #magie #housewives #penséesetréflexions @chez_la_petite_marie

4/25/2024, 10:21:22 AM