resilience images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #sunday

Strength does not emerge from victories, but by overcoming the challenges that life throws at us. The decision to face adversity head-on instead of avoiding it shows strength, courage and determination. All of which makes you stronger. Strength isn’t found in the absence of struggle, but rather in the determination to persevere despite the odds. Strength builds on the unwavering belief in oneself, the ability to rise after each fall and the relentless pursuit of growth and self-improvement. Do you agree? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. #strength #mentalstrength #strengthquotes #resilience #resiliencyprogram #motivationalquotes #resiliencyforchange #resiliencytraining #burnoutrecovery #mentalwellbeing #wellbeing

4/28/2024, 10:35:48 AM

Who doesn't want to be an astronaut? *** Diving is not just fun, it is much more than that. Sicherheit in komplexen Situationen Business Expert #resilienz #resilience #projektmanagement #projectmanagement #safety #failure #risk #awareness #partnership #hochzuverlässigkeit #highreliability Diver #technicaldiving #techdiving #scuba #cavediving

4/28/2024, 10:33:11 AM

“Looking back, I see the road I’ve traveled—a journey marked by growth and resilience. Every step has been a testament to my determination. 🌟 I’m not the finished article, but that’s okay—I’m a work in progress, and I’m committed to keeping going. Some days are tough, but each challenge only fuels my drive to push forward. 💪 #JourneyOfGrowth #WorkInProgress #KeepGoing #Resilience #ProgressNotPerfection #ChallengesMakeYouStronger

4/28/2024, 10:28:58 AM

The only plan today is no plan. #Sunday #wellbeing #wholeperson #coaching #resilience

4/28/2024, 10:28:12 AM

जीवन नहीं सिर्फ रंगीन तस्वीरें, कालापन, जो संघर्षों की गहराइयों का प्रतीक है, अंधेरे रातों में खुद को तलाशते हुए, जहाँ हम निखरते हैं, साहस करते हैं। वहीं सफेदी, उजालों की ओर ले जाती, खुशियों की चमक, सफलता के चरम की पहचान। लेकिन सच्ची समझ तो इस बात में है कि, जीवन की खूबसूरती तब ही पूरी तरह समझ आती है, जब हम काले और सफेद के बीच के संतुलन को अपनाते हैं। यहीं पर जीवन अपने पूरे रंग दिखाता है। तो आइए, न अंधेरे से डरें, न ही उजाले को ज्यादा तरसें, बल्कि जीवन के हर रंग को अपनाएँ। काले और सफेद को समझने से हमें जीवन की जटिलताओं को समझने की ताकत मिलती है, और हर पल से कुछ नया सिखने की प्रेरणा। आओ, काले और सफेद के इस खेल में, हम जीवन के सभी पहलुओं को समझें, और उसकी हर छाया और उजाले का मान रखें। यहाँ हम उन सभी कहानियों को याद करते हैं, जो अंधेरे और उजाले के समय में बुनी गईं, और वह ज्ञान जो हमें दोनों को समझने से मिला। #history #past #mission #life #goals #LifeLessons #BlackAndWhite #Philosophy #Resilience #Joy #PersonalGrowth #LifeBalance #EmbraceLife #Contrast #LifeChallenges #Triumph #Wisdom #Poetry #HindiPoetry #SocialMediaPost

4/28/2024, 10:26:12 AM

Noga Weiss, an 18-year-old Israeli, shares a chilling tale of survival after being held captive for 50 days by Hamas militants. Kidnapped from her home and subjected to psychological torment, Noga's story is a stark reminder of the human cost in conflict zones. Despite the harrowing ordeal and a disturbing marriage proposal from her captor, Noga and her mother's resilience shines through. Their release marks not just their freedom but a call to the world to protect civilians and ensure their safety in the face of geopolitical struggles. Noga's courage is a beacon of hope, highlighting the strength found in the darkest of times. #NogaWeiss #SurvivalStory #HumanCostOfConflict #Resilience #Hope #ProtectCivilians

4/28/2024, 10:23:50 AM

💫 Accepter les défis comme des opportunités de renforcement plutôt que des obstacles transformera ta manière d’aborder les difficultés. Trouver la paix dans l’inconfort demande un certain niveau de résilience et de conscience. Une fois que tu comprends cela, tu changeras ta manière d’appréhender les hauts et les bas de la vie, car la vie est faite de bouleversements, d’intempéries, de déceptions, de joies et de victoires. ❤️Et c’est ce qui la rend aussi fantastique. Toi dois persévérer, et avoir confiance en toi. Tu es le seul maître de ton destin. #destin #avenir #confianceensoi #resilience #perseverance

4/28/2024, 10:23:03 AM

✨️DIMANCHE . 💥 QUE FAITES VOUS DE BEAU EN CE DIMANCHE ? Toujours en vac ou pas ? Ici on va attaquer la 2eme semaine de vac... mais maman Nina bosse 😉😀. . ✨️Bienvenue à celles qui ne me connaissent pas et re Welcome pour celles qui me connaissent déjà les coquines 😉😉. . 💫 Éducatrice Sportive, Praticienne en massage indien , Coach Trainer, Praticienne en Reiki, Athlète depuis de nombreuses et malgré tout ayant traversé un cancer du Sein .. Mon hygiène de vie a soutenu ma forme et ma Résilience en est la preuve face à cette épreuve. . ❣️Je suis une femme qui transforme tout. J'ai été victime ( blessure de l'enfance) mais jamais j'ai renoncé à VIVRE 🙏. PELLICULE 📷 1️⃣COACH et Soin auprès des autres a toujours été ma vocation 2️⃣Je vis ma 3eme vie et j'ai bien l'intention d'en profiter encore plus que je ne le fais déjà 3️⃣ J'ai été végétarienne une grande partie de ma vie et Ceto également. Depuis peu j'ai repris de la viande, uniquement blanche. L alimentation est ma gourmandise 4️⃣ Je vis en Bretahen depuis 2 ans . Jamais sans ma fille que j'élève depuis presque 12 ans. Une enfant ADORABLE 5️⃣ Ma fille Krysta n a jamais vu sa maman malade et cette épreuve nous a davantage rapproché qu'elle ne l'a déjà été. Je suis bénie d'avoir eu un traitement doux et j'ai rayonné... 6️⃣ Le pôle dance a été un de mes sports favoris où j'en ai fais qqs années. 7️⃣ Je me supplémente en vitamine d ( avant je vivais au soleil donc moins besoin.. mais ici le soleil est bien timide lol), curcumine, nettoyage foie, renforcement des os, ail des ours, et ma tisane depuis plusieurs années de Moringa 8️⃣ J accompagne en presentiel et en visio les Femmes qui ont perdu le goût du sport, qui ont envie de retrouver leur tonicité, besoin d'aide sur comment adopter une alimentation simple et douce pour leur corps, désire de garder leur forme au quotidien malgré la routine de la vie ... 9️⃣ DANSE MA VIE MON AMOUR 💘 🔟 J'ai perdu mon squat pistol.... mais tout est ok #mouvance #yinmobility #routinedouce #femmeactive #cancersein #resilience

4/28/2024, 10:16:08 AM

Game day here in the UK. @brits_1st_crossfit_dwarf and I go off at 10:45 (5:45 back home), 12:45 (7:45 back home), and 2:45 (9:45 back home). I’ll stream our events on Instagram as YouTube was being dumb. Also. Hit the link every penny raised goes straight to my friends at @adapt_aon to help cover the costs of running this event. I’m up to $485 of the $1,000 I pledged. Again, any little bit helps. If all of my followers and friends donate $1 we’ll reach that goal and then some. You all know what to do #adaptandconquer #adaptivecrossfitter #adaptivecrossfitathlete #adaptivecrossfit #adaptiveathlete #keepgrinding #relentless #determined #blessed #resilience #wildsouth #takewhatsyours #nobodyowesyoushit #podiumroster #duespaid #achievetheimpossible #humbleandhungry #goodvibes #godsplan #goodvibesonly #brolo #321podium #NOYS

4/28/2024, 10:15:45 AM

NEX TWO Certainly! Here's a post addressing the topic of handling rejection when a client says no, while incorporating your business name and relevant keywords: --- 🌟 **Dealing with "No": Turning Rejection into Opportunity!** 🌟 Hey there, Octopodis_AI fam! 💼✨ Let's talk about something we've all faced at some point: rejection. 🙅‍♂️ But here's the thing – a "no" doesn't mean the end, it's just a detour on the road to success! 🛣️ Here's how to turn that rejection into your next big opportunity: AS WE PROMISED 3. **Offer Value:** Show your clients the value you bring to the table and how your services can benefit them. Persistence and passion go a long way! 💼💡 4. **Stay Connected:** Even if the client says no now, stay connected and continue to nurture the relationship. Who knows? They may come back to you in the future! 🤝 At Octopodis_AI, we understand that rejection is part of the journey, but so is resilience! 💫 Keep pushing forward, stay true to your vision, and remember – the best is yet to come. 💼✨ #OctopodisAI #BusinessSuccess #Resilience #OpportunityInRejection 🚀

4/28/2024, 10:14:05 AM

Le syndrome du spaghetti de Marie Vareille, Pocket jeunesse 🏀Entre drames personnels, familiaux et sportifs, l’autrice nous emmène dans un tourbillon d’émotions intenses 💝 🏀Résumé : Léa, 16 ans et Anthony, 17 ans se sont croisés une fois par hasard; ils n’auraient jamais dû se revoir. Léa a un talent immense et un grand rêve à réaliser. Son père est son modèle, son ami et confident et son entraîneur. Elle avance en confiance avec lui vers un avenir tout tracé. Anthony est obligé de faire face a l’absence de son père et aux gardes à vues répétées de son frère. Il ne rêve plus depuis longtemps ! Mais au décès brutal de son père, tout l’avenir de Léa est chamboulé. L’adolescence apprend également, qu’elle aussi, est atteinte du même mal que son père. Son monde bascule ! Léa nous attend pour jouer le match de sa vie, entraînant Anthony dans ce tumulte. 🏀 On vit avec elle, la détresse de Léa, sa colère aussi. On tremble et on retient son souffle. On est témoin de son déni face à ce deuil très percutant. Alors elle s’étourdit de sa rencontre avec Anthony, ce jeune des cités, avec qui elle brave les interdictions. Leurs relations est inattendue mais aussi séductrice. Tout le talent de @marievareille réside dans cette écriture fluide et émouvante, pleine de sensibilité. On referme le livre avec le sentiment d’abandonner ces deux personnages auxquels on s’attache beaucoup. #combativité #resilience #deuil #maladie #amour #famille #basket-ball #amities #adolescence #litteraturejeunesse #maladiegenetique #romance #mort #drame

4/28/2024, 10:09:48 AM

Therapuetic Hercules Knowledge Drop "WHY DO I TRAIN?" - "Empowered by the mantra 'you can't go back,' I embrace the liberating truth that life is a forward journey! I refuse to be held captive by the past, instead choosing to harness the power of the present moment to shape a brighter future. - A pivotal question from my personal trainer @equilibrium_performance ignited a profound realization: "Why do I train?" My answer: to cultivate strength, health, and resilience, fueled by self-love and faith. I train to optimize my mind, body, and heart, empowering me to serve others in the field of mental health, inspire self-love, and advocate for justice, change, and equality. - I train to honor the sacrifices of my ancestors, who gifted me with the privilege to live life freely. I train because it's a blessing to breathe, to be alive, and to have the strength to turn struggles into victories or valuable lessons. Quitting is never an option, for I train from a place of love and gratitude. - Though life may not be what I asked for, I choose to focus on the blessings that exist within it. My response defines my situation, and I remain strong, unbroken, and determined to rise above. - Join me on this journey of purposeful living, where every step forward is a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit! - To live a life of purpose is to live free. Julius Jefferies ADHD-CCSP ASDCS CIST C-GC ELD LPC. - Therapist Life. @cleaneatzlife #wechangelivez #Therapuetichercules - Stay Strong. Stay Faithful.Agape. * * 2 Timothy 4:7 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. * #Agape #Simpletruth #Godfirst #GodStrongAlwaysStrong #fitfam #Bodybuilding #gym #fitness #lifetsyle #workout #instagram #Iam1stPhorm #love #kindness #humanity #celebration #strength #fitness #transformation #therapy #selflove #BodyPositivity #SelfLove #MentalHealthMatters #HealthyHabits #RespectForAllBodies #Empowerment #Resilience #PurposefulLiving

4/28/2024, 10:09:44 AM

Type ‘YES’ to affirm 🧡 - Want more positivity in your life? Follow Follow Follow

4/28/2024, 10:09:22 AM

Daily pain diary- 6/10. Photo: "Łûċķÿ" Diary notes below: I moved into my apartment a few days before covid lockdowns happened. I had a mattress on the floor of the bedroom and was able to buy a cheap seat with stool that became my couch for the following few Months. As time went on and the shops opened i gradually bought some furniture but also made a few things as well, but didn't have space for a table. And without a table, I had no space to feed guests. I really enjoy feeling and entertaining people as even though i often forget my train of thought mid sentence and easily distracted by anything shiny, i was unable to do so as i hadnt the space. Last night i got to invite some amazing friends over to have a pre-opening dinner and i had so much fun. My partner by my side and delicious food all served on my self made one legged table. And it is still standing! I'm so happy, a feeling that is pure and deep, that feeling of pride when you do something and it works and all the effort and pain is overwhelmed with joy and satisfaction. I've worked so bloody hard on this and I'm feeling it though trying my best not to let it bring me down. I've achieved something in that way where there was no chance to fail, just to adjust. With free trains and buses here and the spring sun finally starting to show, i can rest again and stop feeding my pain so many reasons to amplify. I can sit and talk now. If i stop for a moment the pain drags me into hell and kicking hard to stay here, it's not easy but it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be anything, I'm just trying my best anyway. Its a wild ride #nailpatellasyndrome #art #photography #raredisease #myart #life #disability #mindfullness #diary #ruok #mystory #watassnormal #npspain #galleryofsurvival #resilience #omsystem #MoMAPhotoclub #artist #picoftheday #inspire #learn #time #yolo #ability #goals #project117 #p117

4/28/2024, 10:07:35 AM

This past week has been a whirlwind of activities at work, where some moments unfolded seamlessly, while others presented unexpected challenges. Throughout this dynamic journey, I am grateful for my ability to embrace calmness in the midst of unpredictability. Over the years, my stillness practice has been my anchor in unforeseen situations. It has taught me to welcome discomfort with a sense of peace, enhancing my mental flexibility to adapt and grow. By allowing myself to embrace uncomfortable emotions without judgment, I've learned to let them naturally fade away. Another significant outcome of this practice is my increased ability to discern situations that do not align with my core values. I now find myself more empowered to decline engagements rooted in emotional manipulation and power struggles that do not serve my growth. Reflecting on this journey fills my heart with gratitude for the strides I've made. This journey has not only led me to a deeper understanding of myself but has also empowered me to make choices that align with my authentic self. It is my earnest wish that my story serves as an inspiration for you to move forward in your unique path of self-awareness and growth. As a life coach and counselor, I find immense joy in supporting individuals committed to their personal growth and healing. If you're ready to take the next step in your evolution, don't hesitate to reach out and explore if we're a good fit to work together. Let's embrace growth, say "no" to what doesn't serve us, and step boldly into a future filled with empowerment and possibilities. #Reflection #EmbraceCalmness #StillnessJourney #Empowerment #SelfDiscovery #SelfAwareness #AuthenticChoices #PersonalGrowth #Transformation #MindfulLiving #Resilience #lifecoach

4/28/2024, 10:06:57 AM

A Convite da Resilience keep Moving, tive o prazer de participar da exposição de QHSE (Qualidade, Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente)! Um evento de grande importância na área de QHSE para as empresas do setor Petrolífero, que teve lugar no #Hotel_Epic_Sana em Luanda no Sábado (27.04.2024) É uma honra compartilhar o compromisso com a excelência nessas áreas vitais. #QHSE #CompromissoComExcelência #ResponsabilidadeCorporativa #Resilience #Cadohscenter #QHSE #Luanda #Angola

4/28/2024, 10:03:56 AM

Ready to bloom? 🌸 Let's gear up for the week ahead with a dose of positivity and motivation! Remember, just like flowers push through soil to bloom, our growth often comes from overcoming challenges. Embrace resilience, patience, and trust in the process of transformation. Let's kickstart the new week with a mindset of strength and determination! 💪✨ #newweeknewgoals #positivity #resilience #believeinyourself #staystrong #motivationalmonday

4/28/2024, 10:03:47 AM

Confie sempre no seu processo de mudança. O que você acha? Quais são as suas fontes de motivação e inspiração? #motivação #inspiração #metas #sonhos #autoestima #foco #superação #resiliência #motivation #inspiration #goals #dreams #selfesteem #focus #overcoming #resilience 👉 Compartilhe! 💗 ------------------------------ 👉 Clique 2X 💖 ------------------------------ 👉 Deixe seu Comentário ✌ ------------------------------ 👉 Ative a Notificação de Post 📣 ------------------------------ 👉 Curtiu o Conteúdo? 🧾 ------------------------------ 👉 Clique em SEGUIR 💓

4/28/2024, 10:00:32 AM

Today on #NationalSuperheroesDay remember, superheroes have problems too. #ChildlineGib is safe, free, online, on the phone, every day 5-9pm: 📞 8️⃣0️⃣0️⃣8️⃣ (freephone) 💬 (Web Chat) 📱 58008288 (WhatsApp) 📧 [email protected] (email) #Gibraltar #Children #YoungPeople #Families #ChildrensMentalHealth #Safeguarding #Helpline #AppropriateAdult #Resilience #DART #Charity #Fundraising #Support #Wellbeing

4/28/2024, 10:00:22 AM

Join us for an Old School Adventure! #Adventure #Oldschool #40th #Optoutside #Climbing #Canyoning #Hiking #BlueMountains #ClimbingSchool #Family #Growth #Resilience

4/28/2024, 10:00:16 AM

🧠In the fast-paced world of career growth, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and overlook the importance of mental health. But as we climb the ladder of success, it's crucial to remember that our well-being plays a significant role in our professional journey. 🌱Whether it's setting boundaries, practicing mindfulness, or seeking support when needed, prioritizing mental health empowers us to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. 💪Let's break the stigma surrounding mental health in the workplace and create a culture where self-care is celebrated as a vital component of career growth. Together, we can foster environments that promote holistic well-being and empower individuals to thrive both personally and professionally. 🔄 Grab your copies today: . #YesYouCan #CEOofYourLife #GoalSetting #PersonalDevelopment #Empowerment #LifeTransformation #MindsetMatters #Resilience #SuccessMindset #LeadershipJourney #AchieveYourDreams #MotivationMonday #InspireChange #MindfulLiving #SelfGrowth #PositiveVibesOnly #OvercomeObstacles #DreamBig #GoalDigger #BookClubReads #Book #Motivation #CEO #Business #Quote

4/28/2024, 10:00:09 AM

Many of us limit our lives (potential and opportunities) by worrying about what others may think; this is one of the most common distorted thinking patterns. It is often referred to as 'mindreading', i.e. believing that we know what others think about us without evidence. While we spend valuable time and energy worrying about others' thoughts and opinions, we potentially miss great opportunities. It's also important to note that we are the centre of our own universe, and while we're busy worrying about others, they likely haven't even given us a second thought. Most people are busy getting on with their own lives and being the centre of their universe! Whenever you attempt something new or different, someone will judge you for it; that’s just how people are. However, if the judgement is harsh, it says far more about them than it does about you. They may be suffering from insecurity, jealousy, or low self-esteem, which your drive and positivity have brought out in them. Do a reframe, and use that knowledge to move you into action. To get my FREE 30-page guide on How to Hack Your Happy Hormones', and other freebies, click Link in Bio. . . . . . . . #stressfree #stressrelief #anxiety #stressmanagement #resilience #mentaltoughness #dailyinspiration #wellbeing #positivity #positivequotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes

4/28/2024, 10:00:05 AM

“Being a female in a male-dominated sport just means you have to work harder, be stronger, and never give up on your dreams.” - Danica Patrick #herautosport #trailblazers #womeninmotorsport #racing #motorsport #femaleathlete #dreambig #nevergiveup #determination #resilience #girlpower #inspiration #drive #speed #power #equality #breakingbarriers #pushinglimits #passion #strength #fearless #chasingdreams

4/28/2024, 9:59:55 AM

La PMA solo n’est pas seulement une série de procédures médicales, c’est une quête de l’âme, un voyage vers l’amour et la parentalité. C’est une histoire de force, de courage et de foi en l’avenir. Et lorsque enfin ce rêve devient réalité, lorsque ce bébé tant désiré arrive dans leurs bras, chaque larme versée, chaque lutte endurée en valent la peine, car ils savent que cet amour est né de la plus grande détermination et du plus profond des désirs. #PMA #Solo #Force #Espoir #Fierté #Maternité #Resilience #Communauté #desir #mapmaetmoi  #lille  #PMA  #association  #FIV  #pmasolo #pmapourtoustes

4/28/2024, 9:57:35 AM

📌 Voici des exemples d'activités traitées pour le mois d'avril: HYPNOSE & COACHING 🌌 😵‍💫 Lâcher des situations toxiques 🪦 Endeuiller des événements 😎 Accepter l'image de soi auprès du regard des autres Lorsqu'un temps de pause, s'impose ! 💤🍹🤿😎🧘‍♀️🧘 Profitez des séances sur #Youtube via : 🎧📻📱 #resilience #capitalpositif #burnout #confiance #maintenirnotrecap #savoirsepréserverestunart #comprendrelesmécanismespourmieuxsepiloter #partagesdexperiences #risquespsychosociaux #autohypnose #QVT #hypnose #preparationmentale #réussir #méditation #astuces #proteger #coaching #coachdevie #coachingdevie #coach #coachinglife #etrezencasapprend #mulhouse

4/28/2024, 9:48:56 AM

Estamos orgulhosos de participar da exposição de QHSE (Qualidade, Saúde, Segurança e Meio Ambiente)! É uma honra compartilhar nosso compromisso com a excelência nessas áreas vitais. #QHSE #CompromissoComExcelência #ResponsabilidadeCorporativa #Resilience #QHSE #Luanda #angola

4/28/2024, 9:48:54 AM

Back to the cutting board for the second round ✂️🌈 #resilience #newbook #colour #design #bookcover #textile #waste #fabric #upcycling #cuttingboard

4/28/2024, 9:46:54 AM

La vita è difficile, lo so, ma per poterlo confermare voglio almeno arrivare al mio ultimo giorno. E, ne sono convinta, anche in quel momento dirò "Sinceramente? Mi aspettavo di peggio, ho fatto bene a non dare ascolto". Ah, no, no guardate bene: anche se sorrido non è stato per niente un cammino semplice, il mio, proprio per niente. Eppure, fino a qualche anno fa, avrei detto: finché sono in piedi, va tutto bene. Oggi mi sento di dire: finché sono viva, va tutto bene. Perché ho capito che legare la propria esistenza ad un obiettivo "materiale" è dare il via libera alla frustrazione, all'insoddisfazione e all'apatia: i soldi, il successo, lo status... È l'inganno di una società che vuole che tu produca, che tu non esista in quanto Persona, ma solo come ingranaggio di un meccanismo che non deve e non può fermarsi. Ma io chi sono, quando smetto di produrre? Provate ad ammalarvi, anche di una semplice influenza: sarete l'ingranaggio rotto. E io non voglio legare il senso della mia vita, del frutto dell'impegno di due esseri umani, di intere generazioni, al mero "Quanto vali?" Ho avuto moltissimo nella vita, così come ho avuto poco e ancora vorrò di meno, perché io mi basto. L'unico senso della vita è la vita stessa e nel momento in cui capiamo che il nostro unico compito è vivere (scusate il gioco di parole) e accogliere l'incredibile flusso di eventi, situazioni, persone non ci sarà bisogno di giudicare se è bella o se è brutta: è vita. Oggi splende il sole e mi sembra che tutto vada bene? Bene, gioiamo! Domani farà pioggia e mi sembrerà che tutto vada male? Bene, gioiamo! Che importa, se sono viva? Perché quegli eventi, quelle situazioni, quelle persone vanno e vengono, perché così è e noi non possiamo darci un valore solo se le cose vanno bene o vanno male, noi esistiamo a prescindere da tutto questo. Ecco perché gioire. Come direbbe Sheryl Crow, "tutto quello che voglio fare è divertirmi un po' prima di morire". W Tuttə 🌈 #inspire #changemaker #inspirepeople #lifeisgreat #survivor #survivoroflife #positivepeople #positiveiskey #inspiration #alessandrapontispsicologa #psicologiapositiva #resilience #pulmonaryembolism #stillalive #happinessproject

4/28/2024, 9:44:16 AM

"Excellence is not about being the best but being your best self without comparison with others but your past self" Jim Rohn. Life is constantly evolving so are we to evolve. Have a pleasant Sunday. #excellence #evolution #zeamaysfood #resilience #determination #dexterity #growth #results

4/28/2024, 9:44:08 AM

We are pleased to share again this episode from our podcast featuring Vasily Grogol. His story exemplifies courage and resilience, serving as an inspiration for others to confront challenges and maintain a hotel's operations amidst wartime conditions. hashtag #hospitality hashtag #VasilyGrogol hashtag #BursaHotel hashtag #Kyiv hashtag #Ukraine hashtag #hospitalityUkraine hashtag #hospitalityKyiv hashtag #hospitalityresilience hashtag #Resilience hashtag #hospitalityCourage hashtag #hospitalityinspiration hashtag #hospitalitymotivation hashtag #Glion hashtag #GlionAlumni hashtag #GIHE hashtag #GlionInstituteHigherEducation hashtag #hospitalitypodcast hashtag #50ShadesOfHospitality hashtag #SwissHospitalityGuild hashtag #UkraineWar hashtag #UkraineConflict

4/28/2024, 9:42:17 AM

📊 Studies indicate that female leaders demonstrate higher resilience levels, scoring at the 54.7 percentile, compared to men, who score at the 49.3. This resilience is a testament to the strength and tenacity that women bring to leadership roles. It highlights their ability to navigate challenges and bounce back from setbacks with determination and grace. 🌟 Source: GoRemotely #BravingChange #Leadership #WomenInLeadership #LeadershipCoaching #Resilience #ResilientLeader

4/28/2024, 9:36:07 AM

#presse INDOMPTABLES de Bruno Doucey est dans @bulles_de_culture ! « Bruno Doucey, poète, éditeur des versificateurs, s’avère être également un excellent romancier. Avec Indomptables aux éditions Emmanuelle Collas, il met en scène ceux et celles qui se battent toujours ne s’avouant jamais vaincus. (…) Une volonté farouche de vivre ou de survivre. Bruno Doucey, à la plume empreinte de poésie, déroule l’histoire poignante de ces trois combattants qui ont un seul mot chevillé au corps, celui de liberté, et qui sont animés par une volonté farouche de vivre ou de survivre. Qu’ils luttent pour leur pays ou pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie faites aux femmes, contre la barbarie ou contre des traditions séculaires rétrogrades, chacun le fait avec ses armes ; le sport, l’écriture, la parole, mais tous avec une implication totale, totalement désintéressés. Un roman solide, Indomptables, porté par un homme engagé qui met en relief, par touches, le dépassement de soi de certains individus. Un livre qui ne s’oublie pas, qui par sa construction fait surgir de nombreux rebondissements. Une belle incursion dans les affres de la création littéraire, et dans les coulisses des bienfaits du sport. Nous ne gagnons pas lorsque nous dominons les autres. Nous gagnons lorsque nous apprivoisons nos limites et nos craintes, lorsque nous obtenons de petites victoires sur nous-mêmes, lorsque nous dépassons notre condition et transformons nos rêves en réalité. » À relire autant de fois que vous le souhaitez : Merci à @bulles_de_culture et au chroniqueur Chris L. ! @brunodoucey @justine_collas @angeliquefrancogirard @laetitiabartoletti #roman #éditionsEmmanuelleCollas #litterature #actualités #litteraturefrançaise #bookstagram #bookstagramfrance #livrestagram #instabook #Livre #book #resilience #boxe #combat #courseapied #effort #dépassementdesoi #solidarité #libération #résistance #ukraine #nepal #grece #sport #jeuxolympiques

4/28/2024, 9:35:45 AM

Enigmatic Elegance: "She wore her scars as her best attire. A stunning dress made of hellfire." - Daniel Saint, She Wore Her Scars Like Wings 🌌🔥 . SamMelk's creation, have fun with me ☺️. . Please like, comment and follow 😁. . #art #aiart #aiartists #digitalart #aiartwork #aigenerated #SamMelk_art #aimasterpiece #aiartcommunity #elegance #mystery #beauty #strength #grace #resilience

4/28/2024, 9:34:22 AM

Tap into Your Inner Strength: Discover Resilience and Self-Mastery 💪✨ Resilience isn't just a trait; it's a superpower that helps us thrive in the face of life's curveballs. The strength card in tarot embodies this resilience, urging us to navigate challenges with poise and self-control. True strength comes from mastering our emotions that are a result of our many circumstances. The card is a reminder that true strength isn't about overpowering force but cultivating the ability to get past and untangle adversity. Ready to unlock your inner strength? Reach out to learn how tarot can illuminate your path to resilience and self-empowerment! 💫 #innerstrength   #resilience #SelfMastery  #TarotReadings  #mentalhealth  #TeaandTarot  #tarot  #psychology  #therapy

4/28/2024, 9:33:53 AM

CRIMSON RESILIENCE LAST STAND... @koko_reels_studio #Ai #artcraft #digesing #crimson #resilience #last #stand

4/28/2024, 9:28:11 AM

By this time next week my website should be all up and running and my coaching programmes and workshops bookable 😊 The website not only includes the above and opportunities to purchase my Craft Your Calm mindful craft kits, but also lots of free, downloadable resources to support you on your way to a healthier mind and overall wellness, and a free monthly online support group. There is also a section for other local wellness and mental health resources and support. 🧠🕊 This has been quite some time in the making for me, and my motivation is very deep rooted in my own life experiences and mental and emotional survival. I am driven to help others in any way I can, to assist and support, from one human being to another. 😊 I have trained and studied over time in coaching and various other mental health modalities so that you can feel safe in trusted hands, however, there is no substitute for actual life experiences in supporting others on their journey. It's all very well having a qualification but do you actually have a deep, personal understanding of the nuts and bolts? Empathy? I do, and this is exactly why I have created Craft Your Calm 💙 You will of course be the first to know when the webiste is ready. Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday, and a positive, enriching and productive week ahead 🌿 Rebecca, MCMA Craft Your Calm X #mindfulness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #mentalhealthworkshops #mensmentalhealth #adolescentmentalhealth #womensmentalhealth #wellness #crafting #craftworkshops #southendonsea #community #createtogether #growtogether #nomoresurviving #anxietyawareness #bereavement #copingstratagies #resilience

4/28/2024, 9:26:40 AM

Dear La Casa Colorada community, We have two recent updates to share with you. Two weeks ago, we faced a challenge when the old transformer installed by Matthias Kutsch in the sixties collapsed, leaving us without electricity. However, we turned this challenge into an opportunity by transitioning to renewable energy. As of last week, La Casa Colorada is now autonomous and powered exclusively by solar panels! Additionally, we recently experienced a crisis with our facebook page being compromised. We’ve resolved this by creating a new page and inviting the contacts we could save to continue being part of the La Casa Colorada community. If you notice anyone missing, please invite them to join us. Thank you to all the friends of La Casa Colorada for your ongoing support. ——————————————————— Querida comunidad de La Casa Colorada, Queremos compartir dos noticias. Hace dos semanas, enfrentamos un desafío cuando el antiguo transformador instalado por Matthias Kutsch en los años sesenta colapsó, dejándonos sin electricidad. Sin embargo, convertimos este desafío en una oportunidad al cambiar a energía renovable. ¡Desde la semana pasada, La Casa Colorada es autónoma y se alimenta exclusivamente con paneles solares! Además, recientemente experimentamos una crisis con el hackeo de nuestra página en facebook. Lo hemos resuelto creando una nueva página (ver bio) e invitando a los contactos que pudimos salvar a continuar siendo parte de la comunidad de La Casa Colorada. Si notas que falta alguien, por favor invítalo a unirse a nosotros. Gracias a todos los amigos de La Casa Colorada por vuestro continuo apoyo. #LaCasaColorada #EnergíaRenovable #EnergíaSolar #Comunidad #Resiliencia #LaCasaColorada #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #Community #Resilience

4/28/2024, 9:25:09 AM

Peaceful Sunday. Jag är sämst på att ta mikropauser i vardagen. Då försöker jag kompensera med makropaus. 😳 #pause #tamarinbay #beautifuldestinations #downwind #resilience

4/28/2024, 9:24:57 AM

Don't mind these doll heads. I've been running lab tests to make an earthenware clay body recipe with a caveat. Thanks for the guidance and knowledge, @ceramicmaterialsworkshop ! #ceramics #claybodies #crumble #rawclay #resilience #earthenware

4/28/2024, 9:22:22 AM

Life got you feeling lost? Hold on to hope! As the Quran says, "And He found you lost and guided you" (Surah Ad-Duha, 93:7)🥀✨ #resilience #guidence #sprituallity #quran #faith #motivation #positivevibes #uplightingquotes

4/28/2024, 9:13:38 AM

Morning folks, happy Sunday to you all! I changed my planned post when I saw this on power of positivity this morning. I had a conversation about kindness in my panel interview last week. I feel kindness is one of my superpowers. What’s your superpower? I also said resilience & I believe they go hand in hand. Despite having your own challenges in life you can still be kind & support others. Kindness is infectious. You can literally flip someone’s low mood by doing something to help them. Never underestimate how important & the impact you have on others. I still remember the things that people have said or actions they have taken to help through life. They’ll be etched in my memory forever & I’ll always be truly grateful for them. Our wee family mantra is “Be Happy, Be Healthy, Be Kind” I’m away for a walk with my beautiful Tasha then a visit to see my great niece. Wishing you all a magical Sunday filled with joy, kindness & rest. Love, Claire 💜 #behappy #behealthy #bekind #mrsmacwellbeing #mrsmacswalkandtalk #dailypost #sundayvibes #gratitude #kindness #resilience #beyourself #always

4/28/2024, 9:06:53 AM

In our journeys of faith, we often encounter various trials, but as James 1:2-4 tells us, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” - James 1:2-4 NIV As a knight in armour faces battles, we too face challenges in life that test and strengthen us. What recent trials have helped to refine and strengthen your faith? Share your experiences with us and let’s encourage one another in our walk with Christ. ✨🛡️🙏 For upcoming events & links, visit: #AllAreLoved #AllAreWelcome #AnglicanChurchInSofia #Bulgaria #ChristianUnity #ChurchSofia #CommunitySupport #CourageInFaith #DiversityInFaith #Ecumenical #Encouragement #EnglishChurch #FaithJourney #Friendly #GrowthInChrist #Inclusive #InThisTogether #James1_2_4 #OvercomingAdversity #Perseverance #ReflectiveFaith #Resilience #Sofia #SpiritualEndurance #SpiritualMaturity #StrengthInFaith #TrialsAndTribulations #TrustinGod #UnitedInPrayer #църква

4/28/2024, 9:00:28 AM

"Embrace the journey, knowing that every twist and turn is leading you closer to your destination. Trust in the process, for it's molding you into who you're meant to become." #TrustTheProcess #SetbacksAreSetups #Resilience #KeepGoing

4/28/2024, 9:00:15 AM

The Blokehood Project is our signature leadership camp. It provides empowering, transformative, challenging, and safe environments for young men aged 14-17 to develop a deeper sense of self and their place in the world as future leaders. Check out more on our website in our bio & join our camp today! 🤙🏼 #growth #resilience #emotionalintelligence #youth #camp #empowering #tgi

4/28/2024, 9:00:14 AM

A Devon Legend; Bamfylde Moore Carew: The King of the Beggars Step into the world of 18th-century England and meet the enigmatic figure known as Bamfylde Moore Carew, a fascinating historical figure related to Bickleigh Castle. Born into a wealthy family in Devonshire in 1693, Carew, hailing from Bickleigh, seemingly had the world at his feet. However, he chose a different path, one that led him to become a legend among beggars and a folk hero in his own right. Renouncing his privileged upbringing, Carew embarked on a life of adventure, roaming the countryside as a trickster, impostor, and self-proclaimed King of the Beggars. With his quick wit, charming demeanor, and ability to spin tales that captivated audiences, he became a master of deception, surviving by his wit and cunning. His exploits were the stuff of legend. From posing as a shipwrecked sailor to feigning madness and even disguising himself as a Native American, Carew's escapades knew no bounds. He roamed the highways and byways of England, captivating all who crossed his path with his larger-than-life persona and his knack for storytelling. But Carew was more than just a trickster; he was also a symbol of defiance against the rigid social hierarchy of his time. In an era marked by strict class divisions, he transcended societal norms, challenging the status quo and living life on his own terms. Despite his dubious reputation, Carew was also known for his acts of kindness, often sharing his ill-gotten gains with those less fortunate than himself. His generosity, coupled with his irrepressible spirit, endeared him to many, earning him a place in the hearts and minds of countless admirers. Even today, the legacy of Bamfylde Moore Carew endures, his story serving as a reminder of the power of resilience, resourcefulness, and the indomitable human spirit. So, the next time you wander through the pages of history, remember the beggar king from Bickleigh Castle who defied convention and carved his own path through life's rich tapestry. #BamfyldeMooreCarew #KingOfTheBeggars #BickleighCastle #FolkHero #History #Legends #Adventure #Resilience

4/28/2024, 9:00:14 AM

In life, we all face challenges, setbacks, and unexpected circumstances. Embrace life’s challenges as opportunities for growth, and watch how you turn every setback into a stepping stone towards your greatest triumphs. Shot on -Iphone 15 Plus @apple #resilience #strength #keepgoing #overcomingadversity #perseverance #triumph #growthmindset #challengeaccepted #riseabove #innerstrength #courage #inspiration #bounceback #lifejourney #motivation

4/28/2024, 8:56:17 AM

🎤 What an inspiring evening on 25th April at TEDxKULeuvenBrussels ! I had the pleasure of attending a captivating series of talks centered around personal growth and resilience. I have had the opportunity to watch live talks of last three speakers @loikmaelnys, @domimonami and @jeenaearthiva as I arrived late there after my work. ➡️Loik’s discussion on the “circle of influence” left me with a profound understanding of how converting concern into trust is essential in navigating change, especially in agile environments. ➡️Dominique’s journey as a tennis player resonated me deeply. Breaking out of our comfort zones, reflecting on feedback, and prioritizing mental resilience and rest are invaluable lessons for personal growth. ➡️Lastly, Jeena’s insights on how music shapes our mindset and behavior patterns left a lasting impression on me. Understanding the impact of music on our well-being is truly an amazing lesson for me! As an Indian classical dancer, I can truly relate to it’s importance. Thank you to the speakers for sharing their stories and wisdom to help us embracing change, resilience, and growth in our own journeys! 🌟🎾🎵 #Tedx #Resilience #PersonalGrowth #inspiration #learning #afterwork

4/28/2024, 8:54:20 AM

Success in life is about embracing challenges, staying focused on your goals, and never ceasing to learn and adapt. #success #successtips #successmindset #selfimprovement #focusongoals #challengeyourself #growthmindset #lifesuccess #continouslearning #personalgrowth #adaptability #persistence #resilience #achievegoals #nevergiveup #lifegoals

4/28/2024, 8:53:35 AM

"Healing is not linear; it's a journey of progress, setbacks, and self-discovery. Embrace every step." #HealingJourney #EmbracingProgress #SelfDiscovery #MentalHealthMatters #Resilience #YouAreEnough

4/28/2024, 8:53:04 AM

Switzerland next - Geneva, Montreux and Brig! #worktravels

4/28/2024, 8:50:53 AM

Das Leben im Moment (wirkt) Als ich jünger war, hatte ich nicht wirklich verstanden, was Achtsamkeit & Leben im Hier & Jetzt bedeutet. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Mittlerweile genieße ich mein Ankommen & Verweilen im Moment. Besonders intensiv spüre ich diese Losgelöstheit von Raum & Zeit, wenn ich in der Natur bin. 🌳 Umgehend beruhigen sich meine physiologischen Stressparameter & alles fühlt sich frei, gelöst & leicht an. 🌱 Mein Herz öffnet sich. 🌱 Meine Gedanken weiten sich. 🌱 Der Druck fällt ab. Wie in einer Art Schwebezustand empfängt & umarmt mich die Natur. Eingehüllt über alle Sinne entsteht dieser eine Moment: #meingoldenerichmoment Und jedes Mal wenn ich aufgefüllt & im inneren Frieden nach Hause komme & mein Blick auf meine graue Samtkarte mit den goldenen Worten "Einfach machen" fällt, dann lächle ich glücklich in die Welt. Nachdem ich in den letzten Wochen & Monaten mich sehr ausgiebig mit dem Thema #minimalismus beschäftigt habe, erkenne ich die Doppeldeutigkeit dieses Claims. 🌿 Einfach MACHEN ☞ Hier & Jetzt ins Tun kommen 🌿 EINFACH machen ☞ Etwas einfacher & leichter machen Wundervoll. 🙏🏻 Denn wenn wir etwas tun, geben wir dem Leben die Chance, schön, einfach & leicht zu werden. 🕊️ Probier es gerne aus. „Nimm dir Zeit zum Glücklichsein, es ist die Quelle der Kraft. Nimm dir Zeit zum Spielen, es ist das Geheimnis der Jugend. Nimm dir Zeit zum Lesen, es ist der Ursprung der Weisheit.“ (Achim von Arnim) Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Sonntag voller spontaner Einfachheit. Von Herzen alles Liebe Janin ❤️ © Janin Kronhardt #kronhardtskolumne

4/28/2024, 8:49:04 AM

Day 24 of 28 StoryAthlete GRIT Round 55 - 1536 Days of GRIT - COMPLETED StoryAthlete Principle: “I Am The Stabilizing Force” Chaos and Order. This is the other dynamic that lives within all of us, right next to Pain and Pleasure. Indeed, most of us believe we are only Chaos, no Order. That is, until we realize that our lives, as chaotic as it is, still manages to keep on going! Whether the Chaos is inside us, in our lives, or out in the world, it exists. There’s no denying it. What matters now, is what actions and bahaviours you’re going to set for yourself, in relation to Chaos. And for most people, it’s Order. The idea that you can be Order amongst the Chaos. Or as I like to remind myself and others: Be the Eye of the Storm. It’s in the Eye of a storm, where everything is calm and serene, even as everything around it, is storms and Chaos and the tornado or hurricane itself. But once you get to Level 1 of being the Eye of the Storm, the next Level, is be the Stabilizing Force for the Chaos around you. How are you going to bring your calm, your serenity, your peace, to that which is not? How you going to bring Order, to Chaos? The answer is entirely up to you. For me, it’s to always be that Presence of Order, of being Calm, Cool, and Collected. Of Peace and Serenity within one’s self and heart. That no matter what Chaos exists or is present around me, I can continue to determine what it is for myself. Learning to be as comfortable as possible, no matter the setting, is also another good exercise and practice to be the Stabilizing Force of Order. No matter who is around you, be more comfortable than they are. Relaxed and Happy. Breathing nice and smooth. No matter what environment you inevitably find yourself, being the Stabilizing Force will benefit not just you, but all others around you. Then just imagine, expanding that stabilizing field of yours. That’s Level 3! Ha!

4/28/2024, 8:47:46 AM

ALL of the LOVE & ENCOURAGEMENT I received in response to my last post inspired me to change my IG account name AGAIN 🤭 from unfulfilled_dream_griever… • INTRODUCING rising_phoenix_20 🥳 • THANK YOU Everyone for all of your kind words!!!! 🥹🫶🏾❤️

4/28/2024, 8:44:57 AM

Every setback is a setup for a comeback. Rise stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever before. Your resilience knows no bounds. Drop a “💯” in the comments if you agree follow @soul.shifts_ for more ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Double tap if you agree 🖤 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like our content? Hit that follow button! ⬇️👇 @soul.shifts_ @soul.shifts_ @soul.shifts_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . #motivationalquotesdaily #motivationalthoughts #motivationalsayings #motivationalspeech #motivationalposts #motivationalpost #motivationalvideo #motivationalpage #motivationalpic #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivationdaily #entrepreneurshiplifestyle #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurshipquotes #blackentrepreneurship #hustle #hustlehard #hustlequotes #hustleharder #hustlers #hustlergang #hustlelife #hustleandgrind #hustledaily #hustleeveryday #Resilience #Comeback #Determination #Strength

4/28/2024, 8:38:39 AM

power of Indian army "Ignite Your Inner Fire 🔥 - Motivational Shots to Fuel Your Passion" Description: Welcome to our channel @mr_nani_6454 where we provide ion to ignite your inner fire and propel you towards your goals! Our carefully curated motivational shots are designed to kickstart your day with positivity, inspiration, and unwavering determination. Whether you're chasing your dreams, overcoming obstacles, or simply seeking a boost of encouragement, we've got you covered. Each video encapsulates powerful messages, captivating visuals, and uplifting music to empower you to seize the day and unleash your full potential. From insightful quotes to success stories, from overcoming failures to celebrating victories, our content is tailored to fuel your passion and drive. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and success. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Let's conquer challenges together and turn our aspirations into achievements! #Motivation #Inspiration #Success #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #Positivity #Goals #Dreams #Ambition #Resilience #Determination #SelfImprovement #Believe #Achieve #NeverGiveUp #Passion #IgniteYourFire #Daily Motivation IMPORTANT NOTICE: These All Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published To Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only. All Right to above Music Label & No Copyrights Infringement intended. All rights reserved to the respective Owners ✔✔✔ DISCLAIMER:- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. IMPORTANT NOTICE: These All Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published To Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only. All Right to above Music Label & No Copyrights Infringement intended. All rights reserved to the respective Owners

10/24/2021, 10:46:51 AM

"Ignite Your Inner Fire 🔥 - Motivational Shots to Fuel Your Passion" Description: Welcome to our channel @mr_nani_6454 where we provide ion to ignite your inner fire and propel you towards your goals! Our carefully curated motivational shots are designed to kickstart your day with positivity, inspiration, and unwavering determination. Whether you're chasing your dreams, overcoming obstacles, or simply seeking a boost of encouragement, we've got you covered. Each video encapsulates powerful messages, captivating visuals, and uplifting music to empower you to seize the day and unleash your full potential. From insightful quotes to success stories, from overcoming failures to celebrating victories, our content is tailored to fuel your passion and drive. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and success. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Let's conquer challenges together and turn our aspirations into achievements! #Motivation #Inspiration #Success #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #Positivity #Goals #Dreams #Ambition #Resilience #Determination #SelfImprovement #Believe #Achieve #NeverGiveUp #Passion #IgniteYourFire #Daily Motivation IMPORTANT NOTICE: These All Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published To Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only. All Right to above Music Label & No Copyrights Infringement intended. All rights reserved to the respective Owners ✔✔✔ DISCLAIMER:- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. IMPORTANT NOTICE: These All Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published To Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only. All Right to above Music Label & No Copyrights Infringement intended. All rights reserved to the respective Owners

10/15/2021, 6:33:03 AM

"Ignite Your Inner Fire 🔥 - Motivational Shots to Fuel Your Passion" Description: Welcome to our channel @mr_nani_6454 where we provide ion to ignite your inner fire and propel you towards your goals! Our carefully curated motivational shots are designed to kickstart your day with positivity, inspiration, and unwavering determination. Whether you're chasing your dreams, overcoming obstacles, or simply seeking a boost of encouragement, we've got you covered. Each video encapsulates powerful messages, captivating visuals, and uplifting music to empower you to seize the day and unleash your full potential. From insightful quotes to success stories, from overcoming failures to celebrating victories, our content is tailored to fuel your passion and drive. Join our community of like-minded individuals committed to personal growth and success. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Let's conquer challenges together and turn our aspirations into achievements! #Motivation #Inspiration #Success #PersonalGrowth #Empowerment #Positivity #Goals #Dreams #Ambition #Resilience #Determination #SelfImprovement #Believe #Achieve #NeverGiveUp #Passion #IgniteYourFire #Daily Motivation IMPORTANT NOTICE: These All Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published To Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only. All Right to above Music Label & No Copyrights Infringement intended. All rights reserved to the respective Owners ✔✔✔ DISCLAIMER:- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. IMPORTANT NOTICE: These All Things Are Copyrighted. We Just Edited And Published To Audience For Entertainment Purpose Only. All Right to above Music Label & No Copyrights Infringement intended. All rights reserved to the respective Owners

10/15/2021, 5:44:27 AM