chhaupadi images

Discover Best chhaupadi Images of World

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🩸 不知道大家都怎麼稱呼月經呢? 是大姨媽、那個來、小紅、小月、還是蘋果麵包呢? 或許我們曾經都把這些代稱看得很稀鬆平常,仔細想想才會發現細思極恐!作為現代女性我們還是會羞恥於討論月經,還常常把它與骯髒和壓力綁一起,還會遇到一些習俗上的壓力 (比如說月經來不能去廟裡面拜拜),因為社會給我們的既定印象,使得我們習慣以俗稱來稱呼生理期,且會覺得在生理期時說 『那個來』比『月經來』還禮貌,但月經何嘗不是我們生理正常的一部份呢? 不知道大家有沒有聽過Chhaupadi(月經小屋),Chhaupadi是一項古老的印度教習俗,盛行在尼泊爾西部,當時相信處於經期的女生會帶來厄運和病菌,所以在生理期時女性會被迫與隔離到偏遠的小棚子裡,那裡沒有床鋪、沒有乾淨的水源、家裡的人可能還不會給他們飯吃。Chhaupadi習俗在2005年已被尼泊爾政府宣布廢除,但一些偏遠地區的民眾因為相信習俗,所以仍普遍仍遵守這個傳統(不管是男性或是女性)直到現在,但大家不要氣餒,之後的貼文會跟大家介紹來自台灣的林念慈是如何把生理衛生觀念帶給尼泊爾的女性們! 📄更多資訊 🔖 Credits ❣️題外話大家知道爲什麼月經叫大姨媽嗎? #female #femalerights #menstrualhealth #period #chhaupadi #hygiene #女性 #女權 #生理期 #月經 #月經小屋 #衛生 #去污名化 #月經去污名化

5/1/2024, 4:29:45 PM

Reportage de @livia.saavedra sur le rituel de la Chhaupadi, district d’Accham, Népal. Voir le reportage 👉🏻 Ce rituel ancestral consiste à exiler les femmes pendant leurs menstruations et suite à leurs accouchements dans des cabanes précaires, car elles sont considérées comme impures. Aujourd'hui, des associations aident les femmes à s'organiser pour mettre fin à cette pratique dangereuse. . . . . . . . #photojournalism #documentaryphotography #visualstories #photojournalist #photoreportage #agencecarolineberton #chhaupadi #Accham

4/29/2024, 12:02:29 PM

Tomorrow’s pop-up is still happening, but we did have to adjust the timing. We’ll be at @fortressfwtx from 10a - 12p. Hope to see you there! #fortworth #communitycollaborative #fwcc #everyoneshopsforfreewithfwcc #connectingcommunitieswithclothing #nonprofit #nonprofithub #communitypartners #parentshield #fortress #chhaupadi

4/26/2024, 8:57:54 PM

We’re expecting a full house at this weekend’s event! Our friends @chhaupadi will be distributing menstrual and hygiene products, while our friends from @parentshield_fortworth and @fortressfwtx will be providing literacy support and other family resources. Come see us on Saturday! #fortworth #communitycollaborative #fwcc #connectingcommunitieswithclothing #everyoneshopsforfreewithfwcc #community #clothing #popup #popupevent #fortressfw #parentshieldfortworth #chhaupadi #communityresource #nonprofits #collaboration

4/22/2024, 3:20:23 PM

World Health Day serves as an important reminder that the fundamental right to health includes factors that can enable us to live a healthy life, such as adequate sanitation, nutrition and housing, and is closely related to other human rights including the right to participation and the right to freedom from discrimination. Menstrual restrictions such as Chhaupadi negatively impact adolescent girls’ menstrual experiences and threaten these rights. They act as a barrier to gender equality and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and therefore warrant investment in research to better understand their impacts. The MeJARa project is contributing towards addressing this knowledge gap and creating lasting solutions in partnership with adolescent girls, their families and wider communities. It is divided into five interconnected subcomponents. One component involves the development of an inclusive framework of menstrual justice that addresses the various disadvantages faced by menstruators. This includes acknowledging how health disadvantages differ across contexts and prioritising the perspectives and needs of adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). By focusing on the lived experiences of girls in Nepal and Guatemala, we hope to further our understanding of menstrual health knowledge gaps; approaches to pain management; access to and availability of menstrual products; and the impacts of menstrual taboos and stigma. We will also explore risks to security and personal safety associated with menstruation which may impact health. The development and validation of tools to measure menstrual justice consistently across different contexts will help prioritise menstruation in achieving global goals such as the SDGs. Through this, we hope to transform the menstrual experiences of adolescent girls, including those in Nepal, supporting them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.  #worldhealthday 2024 #menstruation #Nepal #Adolescentgirls #Chhaupadi

4/5/2024, 2:55:59 PM

Am Internationalen Frauentag sprechen wir nicht nur, wir handeln für die Frauen und Mädchen in den entlegensten Winkeln Nepals. In Mugu, wo noch immer viele Mädchen und Frauen während ihrer Periode und der Geburt ihrer Kinder das Haus aufgrund einer traditionellen Geisterfurcht (Chhaupadi genannt) verlassen müssen, baut Back to Life Geburtshäuser als sichere Zufluchtsorte für würdevolle und sichere Geburten. Unser Einsatz geht aber über die Bereitstellung von Räumlichkeiten hinaus. Wir bieten professionelle Betreuung vor, während und nach der Geburt, einschließlich Aufklärung zu Themen wie Hygiene, Ernährung und Familienplanung, was hilft, die Mütter- und Kindersterblichkeitsrate in der Region signifikant zu senken. Mit dem Bau von Geburtshäusern, die von den lokalen Gemeinschaften dankbar angenommen werden, haben wir einen Weg gefunden, nicht nur lebensrettende medizinische Hilfe anzubieten, sondern auch tief verwurzelte kulturelle Traditionen zu respektieren und den Mädchen und Frauen im Rahmen ihrer Traditionen zu helfen. Gemeinsam mit den Dorfbewohnern und ihren Schamanen schaffen wir eine kulturell akzeptable Alternative zum gefährlichen Chhaupadi-Ritual. Durch die Ausbildung lokaler Frauen zu professionellen Hebammen stärken wir zudem die Selbstbestimmung und das Gesundheitsbewusstsein innerhalb der Gemeinschaft. Am Internationalen Frauentag setzen wir uns weiterhin für sichere Geburten und die Rechte von Frauen in Nepal ein. Mit unseren Geburtshäusern retten und verändern wir Leben. Ihre Unterstützung hilft, Mütter und Kinder zu stärken. Gemeinsam bauen wir eine bessere Zukunft. #InternationalWomensDay #chhaupadi #backtolife

3/8/2024, 11:38:21 AM

Today we are restocking a few of our current partner schools with a fresh stock of period products. As well as, welcoming an additional six schools to our free period product program! Needed to pick up $700 worth of period products last night!! #nonprofit #period #periodproducts #womenhelpingwomen #womensupportingwomen #pads #tampons #periodpoverty #periodpovertyawarness #texas #tampontax #menstraulcramps #menstraulcycle #menstraulcup #schoolsupply #unhoused #periodpacks #chhaupadi #menstraulhygiene #periodproblems #periodcabinet #periodcramps #periodpain #periodpovertyawareness #menstrualcycle #menstrualcup #menstrualhealth #menstrualhygieneday #community

2/22/2024, 4:30:11 PM

Today we had the incredible opportunity to learn from and exchange knowledge about #Chhaupadi (menstrual seclusion) interventions in #Nepal. There are lots of ongoing initiatives and incredible projects to learn from and we are so glad that we were able to discuss and brainstorm ideas today in our first exchange as a part of our 5 year chhaupadi project. We are excited to share the outcomes of this work in the coming months! #mhm #menstrualhealth #menstruationmatters #menstrualcycle #menstrual #menstrualhealth #menstruationawareness #publichealth #interventions #nih #research #realistsynthesis #development #globalhealth

2/9/2024, 3:37:21 PM

Fot. Marcin Kruk Chhaupadi jest formą tabu menstruacyjnego, które zabrania kobietom i dziewczętom uczestniczenia w normalnych zajęciach rodzinnych podczas menstruacji, ponieważ są uważane za „nieczyste”. Mówi się, że Chhaupadi jest praktykowane głównie w zachodniej części Nepalu, ale to samo dotyczy również mieszkańców miast. Photo : Marcin Kruk Chhaupadi is a form of menstrual taboo which prohibits women and girls from participating in normal family activities while menstruating, as they are considered „impure”. Chhaupadi is said to be practiced primarily in the western part of Nepal, but the same is true for city dwellers also. It is practiced all over the country with different names and practiced in different ways. #Nepal #Women #chhaupadi #photography

1/10/2024, 9:51:21 PM

❓Quali sono le principali forme di violenza che affrontano le donne nepalesi? 🙎‍♀️Dai racconti delle donne coinvolte nei progetti di Apeiron, le principali forme di violenza che hanno dovuto affrontare nella loro comunità includono la #poligamia, il divorzio forzato, rapporti sessuali forzati coi mariti, l’espulsione dalla casa, il #Chhaupadi durante le mestruazioni, torture mentali e fisiche per punire l’infertilità, un pesante carico di lavoro a casa, abusi fisici da parte dei suoceri, nessun diritto di accesso alla proprietà, e così via. 🧐Per eliminare le varie forme di violenza domestica, ogni membro della famiglia deve essere consapevole dei diritti delle donne. Spesso però sono le donne stesse a commettere abusi verso altre donne della famiglia a causa di ignoranza e credenze ancestrali: per esempio capita che sia una suocera a maltrattare la propria nuora perché non ha avuto figli maschi o perché ha una dote insufficiente, o accusarla di essere una strega se il marito è morto in circostanze non chiare (malattie, incidenti etc). Di conseguenza, non solo gli uomini ma chiunque prenda parte a questi crimini dovrebbe essere riconosciuto come responsabile e si dovrebbe ricorrere ad azioni legali appropriate nei loro confronti. 👩‍🌾Anche a #Jumla, nel distretto dove Apeiron sta conducendo il progetto di #empowerment economico legato alla microimpresa femminile, le donne hanno appreso queste importanti nozioni e hanno accettato con grande entusiasmo di lavorare insieme per contrastare la disparità di genere e rifiutare ogni forma di violenza contro di loro: sono felici di poter finalmente avviare campagne di sensibilizzazione nelle case e nella comunità per ridurre le varie forme di violenza che da generazioni le affliggono!

12/18/2023, 10:35:27 AM

Am 5. Dezember ist der internationale Tag der Menstruationsgesundheit. Der erinnert daran, dass weltweit Millionen von Mädchen und Frauen keine Zugang zu hygienischen Hilfsmitteln haben und viele als unrein ausgegrenzt werden, wenn sie ihre Tage haben. In unserem Projekt in West-Nepal sorgen wir mit unseren Partnerorganisationen dafür, dass sich das ändert. Kannst Du dabei helfen? . . #menstrualhygieneday #menstruationmatters #menstruation #girl #nepal #dignityhealth #girlseducation #chhaupadi #instapeople #dignifiedmenstruation #igtravel #dignitywithoutdanger @bmz_bund @karunatrust @karunausa

12/4/2023, 2:41:28 PM

Poster Release !! Stay tuned for trailer this week into a heart wrenching reality, brave emotional journey, and raw authenticity experience. Brace yourselves for a visual journey that transcends boundaries and speaks to the core of the human experience about Menstrual Stigma .This isn't just a film, it's a testament to resilience, discovery, power of voiceless people. We can change the world. Let's the change start from you. Do Share the people you care. #poster #documentary #chhaupadi #periodhuts #period #periodpoverty #periodawareness #periodstigma #documentaryfilm #nepal

11/20/2023, 10:30:01 AM

It baffles me how the people in the Sudurpaschim region do not understand the risk and the harm that women and girls are facing because of the Chhaupadi pratha. (Link in bio) #Onlinekhabarnews #OKEnglish #OKnews #englishnews #OKenglishnews #OnlinekhabarEnglish #Nepal #onlinekhabar #onlinekhabarNepal #NepalNews #superstition #chhaupadi #chhaupadipractice #mentrualhygiene #menstrualhealth

11/7/2023, 6:41:36 AM

Today we gave out: 2,000 pads and tampons 90 Jimmy John’s subs 100 bars of soap 100 packs of body wipes 60 toothbrushes 100 hairbrushes 100 pairs of socks 2 cases of water We are so happy we have the support of Walmart, senator Drew Springers, and friends for making today an amazing event for the community. #nonprofit #period #periodproducts #womenhelpingwomen #womensupportingwomen #pads #tampons #periodpoverty #periodpovertyawarness #texas #tampontax #menstraulcramps #menstraulcycle #menstraulcup #schoolsupply #unhoused #periodpacks #chhaupadi #menstraulhygiene #periodproblems #periodcabinet #periodcramps #periodpain #periodpovertyawareness #menstrualcycle #menstrualcup #menstrualhealth #menstrualhygieneday #community

10/21/2023, 9:50:42 PM

Photography and Art are 2 things that serve as undercurrent themes to the work we do at be artsy. 📷 🎨 We believe in the power of creative, self-expression. This is why we include photography as part of our workshops. Our trainers go through everything with the students; from how to use the cameras, to how light changes throughout times of the day and how that affects the pictures! 🌞 ☁️ Why is creative self-expression so important you ask? 👉🏽 The communities we visit and serve experience extreme disadvantage, poverty, and a serious case of missing out. Many young girls and people lack many basic amenities and services, and they also lack the space and opportunity to feel seen, heard and respected. By showing their life and experience through photographs, this gives them a profound sense of belonging, identity, and self-esteem. 👸🏽❣️ #RatoBaltinProject #NGObeartsy #WomensHealth #childrenshealth #menstruationmatters #periodeducationforall #perspectivamenstrual #PeriodoPositivo #nepal #chhaupadi #BreakTheSilence #MHM #period #photography #photographyeducation #particpatoryphotography #fotografiaparticipativa

10/20/2023, 12:47:37 AM

Come join the Chhaupadi team, Texas state Senator Drew Springer for a free community event. We will be giving out a free Jimmy John’s sandwich meal and hygiene products. Everyone is welcome. This is a free event. All items are first come first serve. Date/Time: October 21st, 2023 10:15am to 1:00pm. Walmart: 2750 University dr, Denton, TX, 76201 #nonprofit #period #periodproducts #womenhelpingwomen #womensupportingwomen #pads #tampons #periodpoverty #periodpovertyawarness #texas #tampontax #menstraulcramps #menstraulcycle #menstraulcup #schoolsupply #unhoused #periodpacks #chhaupadi #menstraulhygiene #periodproblems #periodcabinet #periodcramps #periodpain #periodpovertyawareness #menstrualcycle #menstrualcup #menstrualhealth #menstrualhygieneday #community

10/14/2023, 11:52:29 PM

☝️You can help make social change: from actions as small as liking our posts, to as big a donation as you want! Be with us as we end period poverty and provide education in Nepal and across the globe. 🌍 📚 Please check out our linktree and website for further information and options! You can also scan the QR code for our paypal. 😊💖 #beartsyNGO #RatoBaltin #periodeducationforall #MenstruationMatters #endperiodpoverty #periodpositive #WomensHealth #WomensRights #MHM #perspectivamenstrual #PeriodoPositivo #Nepal #Chhaupadi #periodeducation

9/20/2023, 1:35:55 PM

Join @fwcommunitycollab for a special community event where those in need can access clothes, feminine hygiene products, and other resources. 🗣️ Spanish speakers, your help is vital! Volunteers are needed to ensure everyone feels welcome and supported. Let's come together to make a difference. Mark your calendars for September 23rd and spread the word! Contact @evanstanna for more information. #fwcc #nica #chhaupadi #cookchildrenshealthplan #community #communityevent #volunteer #volunteeropportunity #spanishspeakingpeakers #spanish #dfwnetworkofficial

9/17/2023, 12:08:12 AM

Our next pop-up shop is just around the corner! Join #FWCC, @nicafortworth, @chhaupadi and @cookchildrens for a truly community focused, collaborative event. Community members will be able to access clothing, shoes, accessories, menstrual and hygiene products, plus additional resources all at NO COST! #fortworth #communitycollaborative #nonprofitorganization #nonprofitresources #nonprofit #nonprofitcommunity #northside #nica #chhaupadi #cookchildrens #solidaritynotcharity #free #freeevent #resourcefair #community #communityclothing #communityclothingassistance

9/12/2023, 4:56:03 PM

Only three weeks until our next community pop-up shop - and we’re expecting a full house! We’re partnering with @nicafortworth, @chhaupadi, and @cookchildrens to provide clothing, menstrual and hygiene products, and additional resources to community members. Remember to bring a bag and bring a friend, because everyone shops for free with #FWCC! #fortworth #communitycollaborative #fwcc #everyoneshopsforfreewithfwcc #nica #northsideintercommunityagency #chhaupadi #cookchildrenshealthplan #community #communitypartners #nonprofitresources #nonprofit #nonprofitalliance #nonprofitsofinstagram #communityagents #fortworthnonprofits #mutualaid #solidaritynotcharity

9/2/2023, 7:43:49 PM

बस्नु छ कटेराभित्र छँदाछँदै घर   छाउपडी भएका बेला बनाका छन् पर छाउपडी छोएर यहाँ, को मर्या छन् धामी कटेरा भत्किए मात्रै, छाउगोठमै छौं हामी पञ्चपुरीकी १९ वर्षीया किशोरी रोशनी बयकले देउडा गीतमार्फत पोखेको पीडा हो यो। महिनावारी हुँदा अझै पनि आफूहरूलाई घरदेखि टाढाको गोठमा राख्ने गरिएको भन्दै उनले दुखेको मात्रै पोखिनन्, ‘महिनावारी भएका किशोरी तथा महिलालाई छुँदा आजसम्म कसको मृत्यु भएको छ ?’ Via @nagariknews #PeriodKaaKura #nepalipodcasters #nepalipodcast #menstruationmatters #periodtalk #podcast #Menstruators #periodpodcast #periodpower #women #chhaupadi

8/26/2023, 11:45:10 AM

🌟 While our Rato Baltin trainers are off spreading menstrual health and education, the ladies at our Happy Women Training Centre continue to learn and work on projects! 🌟 In March (2023), we organised 5 days of soap production training in our Happy Women Training Center in Achham. It was awesome! 🌼 The goal of this training was to help improve women’s economic independence as well as empowering their self-confidence. The training included how to use natural herbs and the production, cutting, and storage of soap. 🍃🧼 The trainees and the broader local community were very supportive and enthusiastic about this program. The women have also recently started on some new bag designs and sewing; tell us what you think of them! 🔗 To learn more about this program and others facilitated by be artsy, check out our page and linktree in our bio! #happywomenproject #Nepal #BreakTheSilence #PeriodPositive #beartsyNGO #MenstruationMatters #EndPeriodPoverty #Chhaupadi #SmashShame #PeriodTalk #PeriodPower #EndPeriodStigma #PeriodEducationForAll #PeriodFriendlyToiletsForAll #MHM #WomensHealth #WomensRights #OurVoice #Period

8/23/2023, 5:40:05 PM

Chhaupadi, a deeply rooted menstrual taboo, persists in Nepal's far-western and Himalayan regions. It casts menstruating women and girls as impure and untouchable, even bearing ill omens. Every object they handle during this time is considered contaminated, whether it's livestock, water sources, or plants. Consequently, in areas where Chhaupadi is practiced, women are expelled from their homes during their menstrual cycle. They are often consigned to a "chhau" shed, originally designed for livestock, where they must spend about four days. For girls experiencing their first menstruation, this seclusion can extend agonizingly to up to 14 days. Tragically, any health complications or issues faced by these women and girls during menstruation have to be endured in silence until their cycle concludes. This delay in seeking medical care can exacerbate potential health problems and worsen symptoms, highlighting the urgent need to address and eradicate this harmful practice that affects the well-being and dignity of women and girls in these regions. This photograph was published by The Guardian along with an article about deaths due to this illegal practice. Laxmi Tamatta, aged 20, has been using the shed in the photograph ever since getting her first period, after marrying at 12. Source: Hence EFG Foundation continues to educate men, women, boys, and girls about menstruation and how to manage it in a safe, sustainable, and dignified way. We encourage you to reach out to us in case you need any help understanding and managing your menstruation. Discover more at To Support or volunteer: Call 9745330707 #Chhaupadi #nepal #PeriodTalk #EmbraceWomanhood #NormalisePeriods #OpenConversations #EFGFoundation #educationforgood #menstrualhealth #sustainablemenstruation #empowerwomen #myperiodmypride #womensupportingwomen #menstrualcups #sustainablemenstruation #menstruationproducts #menstruation #equality #womensrights #theguardian

8/23/2023, 11:13:35 AM

🚨New Episode 📢 The recent death of a 16-year-old girl in the Baitadi district of Nepal during menstruation is a disturbing example of Chhaupadi risk. This practice of isolating menstruating individuals has endangered the lives of countless girls and women in western Nepal. Despite the government's criminalization of this practice and the dismantling of the 'chhau goths' or huts the question remains: Why does this practice still exist? Why have we failed to stop it? In this episode, we discuss the tragedy and current initiatives. Let's look at where we failed to put an end to this unlawful practice. Link in bio 🔗 #chhaupadi #PeriodKaaKura #Podcast #periodtalk #nepalipodcast #nepalipodcasters #endmenstrualstigma #periodshaming #period #menstruationmatters #menstruation #periodpower #prriodpoverty #periodpodcast

8/23/2023, 3:41:58 AM

Nie do wiary, ale to wciąż się dzieje‼️Jak donosi The Guardian, 16-letnia dziewczyna z Nepalu zmarła w wyniku nielegalnej praktyki chhaupadi, polegającej na tym, że miesiączkujące kobiety są wypędzane z domów i zmuszane do przebywania w szopach lub oborach, z dala od swoich rodzin. Chhaupadi opiera się na wielowiekowym przekonaniu, że kobiety i dziewczęta są nieczyste i nietykalne podczas menstruacji🩸 Anita Chand z dystryktu Baitadi na zachodzie kraju, graniczącego z Indiami, zmarła w środę w wyniku ukąszenia węża podczas snu. To pierwsza odnotowana od 2019 r. śmiertelna ofiara tego barbarzyńskiego zwyczaju. Mimo, że chhaupadi jest od 2005 r. zakazane i podlega karze do trzech miesięcy więzienia i grzywnie w wysokości 3000 rupii nepalskich (20 funtów), to - jak widać -przesądy okazują się silniejsze nawet od strachu przed karą. Łączę się w bólu ze wszystkimi nepalskimi dziewczynami i kobietami poddawanymi tym praktykom. Temat jest mi szczególnie bliski, poświęciłam mu jeden ze swych filmów dokumentalnych, w nadziei, że to wstrząśnie światową opinią publiczną.🌏Dokument „Chhaupadi” został nagrodzony w 2021 r. na World Media Festivals w Hamburgu, Best Shorts Competition w San Diego oraz Prague International Film Awards. Międzynarodowa presja na władze Nepalu jest ważna, bo może je skłonić do bardziej zdecydowanego przeciwdziałania barbarzyństwu. Wprawdzie po kilku śmiertelnych przypadkach w 2019 r. udało się zniszczyć tysiące rytualnych chat, do których wyganiano menstruujące kobiety, jednak lokalni aktywiści podkreślają, że władze wciąż robią za mało. My w Kulczyk Foundation stawiamy na edukację - bo tylko szerząc wiedzę można wykorzenić przesądy. Wsparliśmy lokalną organizację prowadzącą szkolenia z zakresu zdrowia reprodukcyjnego dla nepalskich kobiet. Wierzę, że dzięki takim inicjatywom będzie mniej niepotrzebnych śmierci w Nepalu🇳🇵💪 #Chhaupadi #Nepal #barbarzynstwo #ubostwomenstruacyjne #zdrowiereprodukcyjne #DaysforGirls #menstrualhealth

8/22/2023, 2:35:31 PM

Unbelievable, but it's still happening‼️ As The Guardian reports, a 16-year-old girl from Nepal has died as a result of the illegal practice of chhaupadi, which involves menstruating women being driven from their homes and forced to stay in sheds or barns, away from their families. Chhaupadi is based on the centuries-old belief that women and girls are impure and untouchable during menstruation🩸 Anita Chand from Baitadi district in the west of the country, bordering India, died on Wednesday of a snakebite while sleeping. This is the first recorded fatality due to this barbaric custom since 2019. Although chhaupadi has been outlawed since 2005 and it is punishable by up to three months in prison and a fine of 3,000 Nepalese rupees (£20), as you can see, the custom is proving stronger even than the fear of punishment. I join in the pain with all Nepali girls and women subjected to these practices. The subject is particularly close to my heart, and I dedicated one of my documentaries to it, in the hope that it will shake up world public opinion.🌏 The documentary ‘Chhaupadi’ was awarded at the 2021 World Media Festivals in Hamburg, the Best Shorts Competition in San Diego and the Prague International Film Awards. International pressure on the Nepalese authorities is important, as it may prompt them to act more forcefully against barbarism. Admittedly, after several fatalities in 2019, they managed to destroy thousands of ritual huts into which menstruating. However, local activists stress that the authorities are still not doing enough. We at the Kulczyk Foundation focus on education – because only by spreading knowledge can prejudices be eradicated. We have supported a local organisation that conducts reproductive health training for Nepalese women. I believe that through such initiatives there will be fewer unnecessary deaths in Nepal🇳🇵💪 #Chhaupadi #Nepal #barbarzynstwo #ubostwomenstruacyjne #zdrowiereprodukcyjne #DaysforGirls #menstrualhealth

8/22/2023, 2:34:02 PM

Nie do wiary, ale to wciąż się dzieje‼️Jak donosi The Guardian, 16-letnia dziewczyna z Nepalu zmarła w wyniku nielegalnej praktyki chhaupadi, polegającej na tym, że miesiączkujące kobiety są wypędzane z domów i zmuszane do przebywania w szopach lub oborach, z dala od swoich rodzin. Chhaupadi opiera się na wielowiekowym przekonaniu, że kobiety i dziewczęta są nieczyste i nietykalne podczas menstruacji🩸 Anita Chand z dystryktu Baitadi na zachodzie kraju, graniczącego z Indiami, zmarła w środę w wyniku ukąszenia węża podczas snu. To pierwsza odnotowana od 2019 r. śmiertelna ofiara tego barbarzyńskiego zwyczaju. Mimo, że chhaupadi jest od 2005 r. zakazane i podlega karze do trzech miesięcy więzienia i grzywnie w wysokości 3000 rupii nepalskich (20 funtów), to - jak widać -przesądy okazują się silniejsze nawet od strachu przed karą. Łączę się w bólu ze wszystkimi nepalskimi dziewczynami i kobietami poddawanymi tym praktykom. Temat jest mi szczególnie bliski, poświęciłam mu jeden ze swych filmów dokumentalnych, w nadziei, że to wstrząśnie światową opinią publiczną.🌏Dokument „Chhaupadi” został nagrodzony w 2021 r. na World Media Festivals w Hamburgu, Best Shorts Competition w San Diego oraz Prague International Film Awards. Międzynarodowa presja na władze Nepalu jest ważna, bo może je skłonić do bardziej zdecydowanego przeciwdziałania barbarzyństwu. Wprawdzie po kilku śmiertelnych przypadkach w 2019 r. udało się zniszczyć tysiące rytualnych chat, do których wyganiano menstruujące kobiety, jednak lokalni aktywiści podkreślają, że władze wciąż robią za mało. My w Kulczyk Foundation stawiamy na edukację - bo tylko szerząc wiedzę można wykorzenić przesądy. Wsparliśmy lokalną organizację prowadzącą szkolenia z zakresu zdrowia reprodukcyjnego dla nepalskich kobiet. Wierzę, że dzięki takim inicjatywom będzie mniej niepotrzebnych śmierci w Nepalu🇳🇵💪 #Chhaupadi #Nepal #barbarzynstwo #ubostwomenstruacyjne #zdrowiereprodukcyjne #DaysforGirls #menstrualhealth

8/22/2023, 2:32:26 PM

Ένα 16χρονο κορίτσι από το Νεπάλ πέθανε ως αποτέλεσμα της παράνομης πρακτικής του Τσαουπάντι, όπου οι γυναίκες με εμμηνόρροια αναγκάζονται να μένουν σε καλύβες έξω από τα σπίτια τους. Η Anita Chand, από την περιοχή Baitadi, στα δυτικά της χώρας, στα σύνορα με την Ινδία, φέρεται να πέθανε την Τετάρτη 9/8 από δάγκωμα φιδιού ενώ κοιμόταν. Ο θάνατός της είναι ο πρώτος αναφερόμενος θάνατος από το Τσαουπάντι από το 2019 και οι ακτιβιστές φοβούνται ότι η πρόοδος για την εξάλειψη της πρακτικής υπονομεύεται. Το Τσαουπάντι βασίζεται στην αιωνόβια πεποίθηση ότι οι γυναίκες και τα κορίτσια είναι ακάθαρτα κατά την έμμηνο ρύση. Δεν τους επιτρέπεται να κάνουν μια σειρά από δραστηριότητες και σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις εξορίζονται σε «καλύβες περιόδου» για όλη τη διάρκεια της περιόδου. Η πρακτική, η οποία έχει δεσμούς με τον Ινδουισμό, είναι βαθιά ριζωμένη στο δυτικό Νεπάλ. Πηγές: , , , #chhaupadi #humanrights #period #έμμηνοςρύση #περίοδος Απο:@g.thoughts

8/19/2023, 10:05:31 AM

Get ready for this week's #NepalGovernanceWeekly, where we dive deep into pressing issues that matter. The highlights are Nepal's #Cybersecurity journey, justice for #loanshark victims, minimum #wage increase, Grade 12 results concerns 📚, delayed evacuations in Humla, lingering #Chhaupadi challenges, and institutional delays. Stay informed, stay engaged 📰– your source for essential insights.

8/18/2023, 12:32:57 PM

We are happy to announce that we are officially members of Alliance for Period Supplies! The Alliance for Period Supplies is comprised of Allied Programs that collect, warehouse, and distribute menstrual and period supplies in local communities. Allied Programs are independently operated nonprofit organizations. Each serves as a trusted community resource and advocate for individuals, children, and families who struggle to afford basic material needs. U by Kotex® is the founding sponsor of the Alliance for Period Supplies, a program of the National Diaper Bank Network. #nonprofit #period #periodproducts #womenhelpingwomen #womensupportingwomen #pads #tampons #periodpoverty #periodpovertyawarness #texas #tampontax #menstraulcramps #menstraulcycle #menstraulcup #schoolsupply #unhoused #periodpacks #chhaupadi #menstraulhygiene #periodproblems #periodcabinet #periodcramps #periodpain #periodpovertyawareness #menstrualcycle #menstrualcup #menstrualhealth #menstrualhygieneday #community #ubykotex

8/17/2023, 3:46:40 AM

Ein uralter Aberglaube forderte erneut ein junges Leben in Nepal. Ein Mädchen (16) wurde wegen ihrer Menstruation von ihrer Familie in eine abgelegene Hütte verbannt, was tragisch endete. Ein Schlangenbiss wurde ihr zum Verhängnis. Diese schockierende Praxis, genannt "Chhaupadi", ist trotz Verbots immer noch Realität. Die schockierende Praxis "Chhaupadi" basiert auf einem jahrhundertealten Aberglauben, der besagt, dass Frauen während ihrer Periode unrein und unberührbar seien. Diese Tradition verbietet es Mädchen und Frauen, an normalen Familienaktivitäten teilzunehmen oder andere Menschen und Gegenstände zu berühren. In einigen Fällen werden sie in "Periodenhütten" verbannt, was, wie in diesem Fall oft fatale Konsequenzen hat. Diese Hütten, meist aus Lehm oder Stroh, sind gefährlich und setzen Frauen Gesundheitsrisiken aus, darunter extreme Temperaturen, Schlangenbisse und schlechte Belüftung. Das Mädchen wurde im Schlaf von einer giftigen Schlange gebissen und starb Stunden später. In den letzten 13 Jahren wurden mindestens 15 Todesfälle von Frauen gemeldet, die in solchen Hütten schliefen. Ihr Tod ist der erste seit 2019. #nepal #periodenhütte #periode #chhaupadi #oe24 Foto: Getty

8/16/2023, 3:00:06 PM