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5/4/2024, 1:27:19 AM

Le jour J approche. Si tu es le co-parent, c’est peut-ĂȘtre encore un peu abstrait tout ça. MĂȘme parfois quand c’est le 2Ăšme ! Par contre, si c’est le 2Ăšme, tu te souviens probablement de ce sentiment d’impuissance que tu as ressenti pour le 1er. Pas facile de savoir quoi faire pour aider, soutenir, et pour trouver sa place avec le personnel soignant. Je te propose aujourd’hui 4 outils pour : ‱ Que tu te sentes utile ‱ Que tu le sois vraiment ! ‱ Que ta compagne se sente soutenue et accompagnĂ©e Il en existe d’autres, mais ceux-ci me paraissent les plus importants. Si tu veux pratiquer et en savoir plus, tu peux assister Ă  un de mes ateliers sur la gestion des contractions. J’en fais rĂ©guliĂšrement. Tu veux connaitre la prochaine date ? contacte-moi ! #doula33 #contractions #naissance #accouchement #doulafrance #doula #accompagner #etreacteur #accompagnerlaccouchement #gererlescontractions #ĂȘtreutile

5/3/2024, 6:00:29 PM

Life is a series of contractions and expansions, moments of growth followed by periods of recalibration. It's during these times that we're most vulnerable to self-sabotage. However, by staying grounded in our bodies, and aware as old patterns resurface, we can navigate these changes and keep progressing along our path. #therapy #somatic #somaticexperiencing #somatichealing #somatictherapy #therapist #contractions #expansions #relationships #relationshipgoals❀

5/3/2024, 2:10:27 AM

As labor progresses, the role of patience and surrender becomes increasingly important. It's essential for mothers to trust their bodies and allow the process to unfold naturally. Embracing the idea of surrendering to the waves of contractions and letting go of any tension or resistance can help ease the transition into active labor. ⁣ #trythismom #contractions #pregnancyadvice #patience #laboranddelivery #laborpains #labor #surrender

5/3/2024, 2:00:08 AM

đŸŹđŸ«§đŸ€±đŸ»L’ocytocine est un octopeptide synthĂ©tisĂ© dans l’hypothalamus qui permet de stimuler l’émission de lait ainsi que les contractions utĂ©rines. DĂšs l'instant du premier contact peau Ă  peau avec votre nouveau-nĂ©, votre organisme dĂ©clenche une poussĂ©e d'ocytocine, surnommĂ©e « hormone de l'amour » ou « hormone de l'attachement ». Vous libĂ©rez de l'ocytocine chaque fois que votre bĂ©bĂ© tĂšte votre sein pendant une sĂ©ance d'allaitement. ‱ Moi c'est Elodie, je suis infirmiĂšre et je souhaite me diriger vers l'accompagnement pĂ©rinatal. Si tu veux me soutenir n'hĂ©site pas Ă  t'abonner. 💗 #grossesse #contractions #laitmaternel #allaitement #bebe #nouveaunĂ© #ocytocine #hormone #plaisir #medical #maman #mom #parents

5/2/2024, 9:38:25 PM

As you approach the final stretch of your pregnancy, it’s not uncommon to experience surges that seem to lead nowhere. This is known as prodromal labour. It can persist for days or even weeks, leading to feelings of frustration & confusion. Unlike Braxton Hicks contractions, which are irregular & less intense, prodromal labour involves consistent but irregular contractions. True labour will become apparent as your surges gradually intensify & come closer together, persisting regardless of changes in position or activity. Here’s how to recognise if you’re experiencing prodromal labour: 🌾 You’re in the third trimester: Prodromal labour typically occurs toward the end of pregnancy. 🌾 You’re experiencing intense & uncomfortable contractions: While these contractions may be regular, they don’t follow a consistent pattern & may start & stop. 🌾 You’re not experiencing other signs of ‘true labour’, such as the loss of your mucus plug, soft stool, or nausea, along with regular contractions that become more intense & closer together. If you’ve gone through prodromal labour, how did you cope, & what strategies helped you get through it? Share your experiences with us! 💬 Zaina x . . . . #surges  #waves  #contractions  #doula  #virtualdoula  #doulaindubai #braxtonhicks  #thirdtrimester  #3rdtrimester  #pregnant  #pregnancy  #prodromallabour  #falselabour  #prodromallabor  #falselabor  #firsttimemum  #firsttimemom  #firsttimemummy  #pregnancy  #labour  #earlylabour  #truelabour #pregnancyjourney #labourpreparation

5/2/2024, 6:44:01 PM

Comment gĂ©rer l'intensitĂ© des contractions ? Que l'on souhaite un accouchement physiologique, ou avec pĂ©ridurale il est important de mettre des moyens en Ɠuvre. C'est ce que je te propose lors des sĂ©ances de sophrologie pour les futures mamans. AprĂšs avoir deconstruit tes peurs et tes croyances limitantes, nous pratiquons la technique de la vague respiratoire... L'objectif est d'accompagner les contractions comme une vague, qui va et vient... Ne pas lutter, ne pas aller Ă  son encontre mais l'imaginer comme une amie. Et pour cela, il faut que ton corps soit parfaitement dĂ©tendu, relĂąchĂ©... Ainsi, entre les contractions, tu peux vĂ©rifier si tu es parfaitement dĂ©tendue, en vĂ©rifiant tes 4 points clĂ©s : - tes mĂąchoires - tes Ă©paules - tes mains - tes cuisses Enregistre pour plus tard! -------- Je suis Marion Arnaud sophrologue spĂ©cialisĂ©e en pĂ©rinatalitĂ© et je t'accompagne dans ton parcours maternitĂ© pour que tu sois toujours confiante, sereine et positive ! 📍Rdv Ă  la maison des praticiens Ă  AmbarĂšs-et-Lagrave ou par visio Plus d'infos dans le lien en bio #grossesse #maternitĂ© #accouchement #contractions #respiration #bĂ©bĂ© #enceinte #futuremaman #bien-ĂȘtre #sophro #positive

5/2/2024, 5:57:51 PM

RĂ©cit d'accouchement ♡ ESTEBAN 06/02/2021 ♡ 3Ăšme partie J'entre dans cette salle d'accouchement, qui me semble immense. Une table d accouchement s'y trouve et la sage femme m'invite Ă  m'y asseoir. L'anesthĂ©siste n'est pas encore prĂ©sent. Elle commence Ă  installer le materiel de la pĂ©ridurale, mes contractions continues, je ne peux rester assise, je ressent le besoin de me lever pour gĂ©rer au mieux cette douleure. L'anesthĂ©siste entre, je ne me souviens plus s'il Ă  prit le temps de me dire bonjour mais je retiens qu'il avait l'air trĂšs pressĂ©. Pendant qu'il se met en tenue, j'essaie de me rasseoir sur cette table entre 2 contractions. La sage femme me rappelle la bonne position Ă  tenir: dos rond, Ă©paules abaissĂ©s, tĂȘte vers le bas. Mais les contractions toujours aussi violentes et nombreuses je ne reste pas plus de 20 secondes assise. L'anesthĂ©siste semble agacĂ© et me dit de m'asseoir car "plus vite il la pose, plus vite je serais soulagĂ©e". Je ne peux mĂȘme pas lui rĂ©pondre mais la sage femme prends le relais et me dis de m'installer dĂšs que la contraction redescend. Ce que je fis. 10h15: l'anesthĂ©siste pose la pĂ©ridurale, pas de douleure Ă  l'insertion mais trĂšs dĂ©sagrĂ©able Ă  l'injection du produit. Cela ne dure qu'un instant et trĂšs vite, l'apaisement et le soulagement fait place, jusqu'Ă  ne plus avoir AUCUNES douleures. De longues heures s'en suivirent, le travail avance lentement. Je n'ai pas le droit de manger ni de boire. Mon mari est Ă  cotĂ© de moi, je n'ai pas mal. Le monitoring semble montrer que tout va bien. La sage femme me rends visite toutes les 2h pour controler mon col. 19h: changement d'Ă©quipe. Je retrouve la sage femme qui m'Ă  accueillie le matin, elle m'ausculte. On y est presque mais cela ne suffit pas pour entrer en phase d'accouchement. Avec mon accord elle me pose l'ocytocine pour aider Ă  faire descendre bĂ©bĂ© et Ă  atteindre la dilatation complĂšte. 20h45: Je suis enfin Ă  dilatation complĂšte, je ressents toujours aucunes contractions. La sage femme me dit que nous allons nous installer pour faire 2-3 poussĂ©es afin de faire descendre bĂ©bĂ©. DĂšs ma premiĂšre poussĂ©e, elle me dit que cela Ă  Ă©tĂ© trĂšs efficace et qu'il est temps d'accoucher.

5/2/2024, 5:13:39 PM

Bharatpur jcb contractor @bharatpur_jcb_contracor_4049 @girish_barakhur_4049 #contractions #jcb #tatatipper #nightwork #trending #4049 #mafia #jcbworks #explore #instagram #tatatruck #3dx

5/2/2024, 3:02:43 PM

In the Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) class, we use the sensations of holding ice to mimic working with intensifying degrees physical discomforts in the body. Both pregnant participants and partners are invited to use various mindfulness practices while navigating the often uncomfortable sensations of holding ice in their hands. Ice practice is often a revelation to participants – discovering techniques that work best with their unique bodily sensations. Oftentimes, participants find that ice practice can foster a deep sense of confidence and self-efficacy that they carry into their birthing experiences! Our next 9-week MBCP series begins 18 May 2024. (link in bio) #mindfulbirthing #mbcp #mindfulparenting #childbirtheducation #antenataleducation #mindfulbirth #childbirthclass #birthclass #birthprep #childbirthprep #pregnancy #prenatal #perinatal #maternalmentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth #maternity #labor #birthing #contractions #birthpain #icepractice

5/2/2024, 3:00:16 PM

Chocolates!! đŸ«đŸ«đŸ« 😋 yum yummy!! Ok girls it's time to have some Dark chocolates đŸ« . . Double tap ❀ if you like & follow for more ✅ . . #instagood #girls #pain #periods #menstrualcramps #hello #chocolate #high #magnesium #uterine #contractions #follow #@grandmasbeautyscience

5/2/2024, 2:28:13 PM

@bharatpur_jcb_contracor_4049 @mahi_machinery @jcbmachines@girish_barakhur_4049 #contractions #jcblovers

5/2/2024, 11:08:26 AM

Les fausses contractions, aussi connues sous le nom de contractions de Braxton Hicks, sont des contractions utĂ©rines parfois irrĂ©guliĂšres et sans douleur qui surviennent pendant la grossesse. Elles ne sont pas liĂ©es au dĂ©but du travail et ne conduisent pas Ă  l'accouchement. Pour toute question ou doute, consultez votre professionnel de la santĂ© : gynĂ©cologue, sage-femme ou mĂ©decin. En attendant, p #grossesse2024 #grossesse #femmeenceinte #femmeenceinte2024 #futuremaman #futuremaman2024 #maman #bientotmaman #bientĂŽtmaman #bientotmamans #projetbebe #projetbĂ©bĂ© #hypnomaternelle #naissantielle #contractions #braxtonhicks renez soin de vous et de votre bĂ©bĂ© ! đŸ’•đŸ€° #Grossesse #SantĂ©Maternelle #ContractionsBraxtonHicks

5/2/2024, 11:00:04 AM

By visiting a chiropractor or other trained professional who specializes in pelvic alignment, a mother can ensure that her pelvis is in the optimal position for labor and delivery. This can help the contractions to do their work faster and with less pain, leading to a smoother and more efficient birthing experience.⁣ #trythismom #childbirth #laboranddelivery #pelvicalignment #contractions #lesspain

5/2/2024, 2:00:09 AM

The third stage of labour marks the final stage, where the uterus contracts to expel the placenta. There are two approaches to managing this stage: 1. Active Management: This involves receiving an injection of oxytocin into the thigh to stimulate contractions & facilitate the birth of the placenta. In some cases, gentle traction may be applied to the umbilical cord to aid in delivery. 2. Physiological Management: With this approach, no medical intervention is administered, & the body naturally produces oxytocin to prompt contractions, assisting in the expulsion of the placenta. The choice between active & physiological management is entirely yours & can be documented in your birth plan. What approach did you choose for the birth of your placenta, & what influenced your decision? Share your experience with us! 💬 Zaina x . . . . #placenta  #placentadelivery  #thirdstageoflabour #3rdstage  #birth  #birthing  #naturalbirth  #activemanagement  #phyisologicalbirth  #vaginalbirth  #positivebirth  #mumtobe  #mumtobeuk  #womb  #oxytocin  #contractions  #afterbirth  #doula  #birthplan  #baby  #newborn  #labour  #birtheducation  #motherhood  #knowledgeispower  #informedcare  #informedbirth  #maternity #birthchoices #empoweredbirth

5/1/2024, 7:37:27 PM

Today, we honor the resilience and dedication of workers worldwide, whose tireless efforts shape our world. đŸ’Ș🌍 Happy Labour Day to the heartbeat of every industry, the unsung heroes who drive progress with passion and perseverance! Services: Construction | Estimate | Plan Approval | Contract | Elevation Works | Site Supervising | Interior & Exterior Works Contact Us: +91 8220807297 +91 8248809310 Inquiry: [email protected] Reach Us: No3 Rayar-Complex , Near Annai Theresa Foundation ,Thanjavur 5. Follow Us for More Updates!!! #construction #constructionlife #constructionindustry #estimate #estimates #planapproval #contract #contractors #contractions #elevation #interiör #interiĂžr #interiordesign #InteriorDecor #interiorstyling #interiordesigner #exterior #exteriordesign #civilengineer #civilengineering #trichy #trichylife #tamilnadu #india #indiaconstruction

5/1/2024, 3:30:13 AM

I have always been a sucker for birth stories. Even before having kids of my own. And especially when I became pregnant. I saw it as a way to prepare for birth: absorbing stories from all mothers who were willing to share. It gave me an idea of different experiences and outcomes. Full story in the link in the bio! #birthstory #firstborn #epidural #labor #delivery #laboranddelivery #hospitalbirth #waterbreaking #waterbreak #contractions

4/30/2024, 5:03:18 PM

By @prof_prep . . . #contractions #spokenenglish #learn

4/30/2024, 4:48:40 AM

CONTRACTIONS/WAVES/SENSATIONS Here’s just a few things to remind yourself of when you think of or are going through contractions. Also good to remember if the word contraction snrings negative feelings to mind how about not using the word and asking your healthcare provider to say something else instead
 #contractions #childbirthpreparation #positivebirth #hypnobirthing

4/29/2024, 9:30:49 PM

Pros: 1. Helps track progress: Timing contractions can help you and your healthcare provider track the progress of labor and determine when it may be time to go to the hospital or birthing center. 2. Provides valuable information: It can provide valuable information about the frequency, duration, and intensity of contractions, which can help in assessing the stage of labor. 3. Aids in decision-making: Timing contractions can help you make informed decisions about when to seek medical assistance or interventions during labor. 4. Offers a sense of control: Keeping track of contractions can help you feel more in control and empowered during the labor process. Cons: 1. Can be stressful: Constantly timing contractions can add stress and anxiety to the labor process, especially if the timing does not follow a predictable pattern. 2. Distraction from relaxation: Focusing too much on timing contractions may distract you from relaxation techniques and coping strategies that can help manage pain during labor. 3. Variability in labor: Not all labor progresses in a linear fashion, and the timing of contractions may not always be a reliable indicator of progress. 4. False alarms: Timing contractions too early in labor can lead to false alarms and unnecessary trips to the hospital or birthing center. It’s important to remember that every labor experience is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Labor isn’t always linear. It’s important to trust your intuition. #midwife #midwifery #utahmidwife #callthemidwife #saltlakecountymidwife #daviscountymidwife #webercountymidwife #boxeldercountymidwife #labortips #labor #pregnancy #birth #homebirth #contractions #birthprep #laborprep #birtheducation #birthwork #birthsupport

4/29/2024, 7:59:35 PM

Am I going in to labour? Here are some signs that you might be: 🌾Mucous Plug- the release of a gelatinous mucous plug from the cervix. 🌾Back pain- persistent discomfort in your low back. 🌾Non-progressing or very intermittent contractions- these are not in a timetable pattern and may feel like period cramps. 🌾Nesting- a surge in energy which is a natural response to your baby approaching their arrival to this world. 🌾Bowel movements/diarrhea- your body might be clearing out your system for labour to begin, a natural response in the hormone shift when going into labour. 🌾Nausea- some people feel nauseous or the on-set of flu-like symptoms before going in to labour. Every sign brings you closer and closer to meeting your baby. Take it slow, try to rest, and know that you’ve got this! đŸ’•đŸ‘¶ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #doulasofinstagram #doula #doulalife #doulasupport #bcdoulas #momsofinstagram #victoriabcmoms #victoriabc #victoriabclife #pregnancy #pregnant #birth #birthworker #38weeks #38weekspregnant #39weeks #39weekspregnant #labour #postpartumjourney #health #healthy #firsttimemom #healing #nurture #yogateacher #doulaservices #labour #labor #contractions

4/29/2024, 7:43:56 PM

A F F I R M I T I loved this one and had it stuck to the wall as I birthed my girls 😍 and it helped me remember dancing upright would be a great position for birth. UFO (upright forward and open) positions are great 😊 You get to choose the perfect affirmations for your labour and birth. When they resonate they are so encouraging during your birth. Whispered, said aloud or listened to
. Our subconscious loves repetition so if this resonates, save it and repeat it daily. đŸ€ Please know that if you are pregnant reading this, and thinking of birth doesn’t feel good right now you’re not alone. And I can help you. Send me a message. Mama Tree x #affirmationoftheday #waterbirth #leedshospitals #summerbaby #thirdtrimester #birth #contractions #pregnantinleeds #christmastree #Leeds #hypnobirthingleeds #leedshypnobirthing #positivebirthaffirmations #babybusinessowner

4/29/2024, 10:09:12 AM

Remember to breathe through the contractions, keep a close eye on patterns, and trust your instincts. As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your little one, stay informed, stay calm, and know that you are ready for whatever comes your way.⁣ #trythismom #contractions #labor #laborpains #staycalm #breathe

4/29/2024, 2:00:10 AM

Braxton Hicks? False labour? Prodromal labour? Whatever label is given... Each niggle, each surge, each sensation is serving a purpose. There's nothing "false" about uterus tightenings. Whilst your body may not be dilating, there are so many other important steps leading up to active labour to ensure your baby and body are ready. ⭐Your cervix needs to move, soften and thin out. This can take weeks of prep-work, or happen in the moment. ⭐Baby may be rotating, or shifting their head into a better alignment, for more effective contractions once active labour begins. ⭐Toning the muscles of your uterus. Consider these like your warm up before the gym. ⭐Giving you mental preparation and the chance to practice breathing through contractions. ⭐You may even be dilating the first few centimeters (this can happen days or weeks before labour begins, but is not necessary.) Every sensation is real. Every sensation matters. Every sensation serves a purpose. đŸ„° #falselabour #braxtonhicks #prodromallabour #labour #contractions #practicelabour #stopstartlabour #birtheducation #doula #birthed

4/29/2024, 12:34:15 AM

Manual muscle testing is the most common way to test muscle strength. Muscle strength is measured on a five-point scale: 0/5: You are unable to create any noticeable contraction in a specific muscle. This can occur when a muscle is paralyzed, such as after a stroke, spinal cord injury, or cervical or lumbar radiculopathy. Sometimes, pain can prevent a muscle from contracting. 1/5: Muscle contraction is noted but no movement occurs. In this case, the muscle is not strong enough to lift the particular body part against gravity or move it when in a gravity-reduced position. A small contraction may be detected with palpation but not enough to affect movement. 2/5: A muscle can contract, but it cannot move the body part fully against gravity. However, when gravity is reduced or eliminated with a change in body position, the body part will be able to move through its full range of motion. 3/5: You are able to fully contract a muscle and move a body part through its full range of motion against the force of gravity. But when resistance is applied, the muscle is unable to maintain the contraction. 4/5: The muscle is able to contract and provide resistance. But when maximum resistance is exerted, the muscle is unable to maintain the contraction. 5/5: The muscle is functioning normally and is able to maintain its position even when maximum resistance is applied. #medicine #motivation #musclestrength #contractions #spinalcordinjury #nursing #university #education #clinical #headtotoeassessments🔩 #resislence #grit #hardwork #success #passion #accomplishment

4/28/2024, 8:33:18 PM

RĂ©cit d'accouchement ♡ ESTEBAN 06/02/2021 ♡ 2Ăšme partie. 9h15: mes douleurs me mettent Ă  terre. Je pleure, je craque. Je ne trouve aucune position antalgique, je suis Ă  bout et je dĂ©cide de rappeler la sage femme. Elle m'ausculte de nouveau, je suis Ă  3 cm, elle regarde la feuille du monito et me dit qu'on va enfin pouvoir poser la peridurale. SoulagĂ© de savoir que ma douleur allait enfin s arrĂȘter, je me remotive Ă  gĂ©rer ses derniers instants et essaye de reprendre les exercices de respiration, afin de garder un meilleur souvenir de mon dĂ©but de travail. 9h20: La sage femme revient, le visage fermĂ©, elle m'explique que l'anesthĂ©siste est actuellement sur une urgence et qu'il ne pourra pas ĂȘtre lĂ  avant 30 minutes. C'est la douche froide. Je n'arrive pas Ă  m'imaginer Ă  rester lĂ  encore une demie heure, avec cette douleure qui ne s'arrĂȘte plus, qui ne me laisse aucun rĂ©pis. Et je sais, infirmiĂšre de mĂ©tier, que cette trentaine de minutes peuvent s'allonger, qu'il difficile de prĂ©voir combien de temps il va mettre Ă  gĂ©rer l'urgence. Dans ma tĂȘte mille sĂ©narios se passent, mais je sais que je ne peux rien y faire, je dois patienter. 9h30: Je fixe l'horloge sur le mur, j'aimerais pouvoir faire avancer ses aiguilles plus rapidement mais je ne peux que patienter et subir ces contractions qui n'en finissent plus. 9h50 : les 30 mins sont passĂ©s et toujours pas d'anesthĂ©siste en vu. Nous sommes 2 dans la chambre, mon mari impuissant et moi essayant de nouveau toutes les techniques du monde pour ressentir ne serait ce qu'un lĂ©gĂ© mieux mĂȘme pour 2 minutes. 10h05: On frappe Ă  la porte, la sage femme entre et m'annonce directement qu'on va passer en salle de travail afin de pouvoir me poser la pĂ©ridurale. Je ne me souviens plus comment je me suis rendu lĂ  bas. Je n'ai pas de souvenir de ce trajet, si j y suis allĂ©e Ă  pieds ou en fauteuil, ni mĂȘme qui Ă©tait avec moi. Je me rappel juste d'ĂȘtre devant cette porte bleue et j'entends que la sage femme dit Ă  mon mari qu'il ne pourra pas entrer pendant le soin. Seul la pose de la peri m'importait. La suite Mercredi.

4/28/2024, 2:39:07 AM

In the journey of pregnancy, the distinction between false labor and true labor can be a guiding light for expectant mothers. By understanding the nuances of each, you can feel empowered and prepared for the final stages of this miraculous process.⁣ #trythismom #falselabor #falsecontractions #expectantmothers #labor #contractions

4/28/2024, 2:00:07 AM

This week I’ll joining the lovely Stephanie at @dancing_for_birth to discuss contractions and how not all of them are geared up for dilation. They do so much more!! So come and listen in as I discuss the revelation I had from watching labouring women and their babies that a 4 year degree never divulged đŸ„° You can watch this awesome discussion or sign up to watch later via the link in my bio: LIVE: Wednesday May 1st 7:30am AEST (Tuesday April 30th 4:30pm Central time (USA)) #birthpodcast #birthstory #birthtips #contractions #labourandbirth #glorribodywork #birthprep #birthpreparation

4/27/2024, 11:09:07 AM

This is a very important affirmation when it comes to birth and breastfeeding! Remember that pain is communication. How? Pain functions as a clue that we need to change something. Maybe your position during labor
 maybe how you’re holding baby at the breast
 Pain is always communicating with you and is not the enemy. Want to understand pain and plan for your birth and breastfeeding journey? DM me and let’s work together 💓 #birth #breastfeeding #labor #lactation #pain #contractions #comfortmeasures #latch #positionandlatch #40weekspregnant #pregnancy #newborn #postpartum

4/27/2024, 3:18:13 AM

When a woman's body is going through labor, it's not just the muscles in her uterus that are working hard. The cervix, the opening to the uterus, also has an important job to do. It needs to open and thin in order to allow the baby to make its journey into the world.⁣ #trythismom #labor #pregnancyjourney #cervix #womansbody #laborsigns #contractions

4/27/2024, 2:00:08 AM

Birth Story - Part One đŸ€° For about a week I was getting niggling pressure and felt the baby was coming soon, didn't have any physical signs I just felt it internally đŸ€” The day before I went into labour we went to this cafe that has goats and birds, which Little Fox Cub loves. When we got back home we saw some cats in the garden and whilst my husband was following them down the side of the house he lost his footing and he looked like an American cars sales balloon thing, I couldn't stop laughing and said "imagine if that just made me go into labour" 😂 On labour day I woke up at 3:20am to a bit of pressure, went for a wee and had a bit more pressure whilst washing my hands. The pressure first built up around my lower back/bum and then moved round to my lower tummy/vagina, so felt they were contractions... Who has been waiting for my birth story? Comment đŸ™‹â€â™€ïž if you have (Photo of Little Fox Cub in the play area of the cafe) #birthstory #contractions #homebirth

4/26/2024, 8:59:22 PM

This is CONTRACTIONS: Demain est annulé (2019). They are an indie punk energy type band. This is their only lp. They have since released a few things but it's really time for another album. Cool band & although an import, the price is tres raisonnable. . #djphillydave #radioclash #radiocures #wggtlp #onlineradio #communityradio #Gtownradiodotcom #contractions #indie #indierock #rocknroll #rockandroll #vinyl #records #albums #coloredvinyl #frenchband #punk #indiepunk

4/26/2024, 4:50:25 PM

Who knew a comb could be more than just a hair tool? đŸ€” ⁠ ⁠ When it comes to labor, this everyday item might just be your new best friend! Gripping a comb during contractions can help distract from the pain—think of it as a handy acupressure device. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #BirthHacks #labortips #contractions

4/26/2024, 3:01:11 PM