echo images

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#food #travel #sports #news #april #tuesday

❱ Lego ARC Corporal Echo MOC ❱ Available on Rebrickable: #lego #legostarwars #starwars #starwarsfan #clonewars #501st #clone #corporal #corporalecho #echo #phase2 #helmet

4/30/2024, 7:03:39 PM

"Personally, I like that it's so quiet out here. I can catch up on the reg manuals." ~ Echo ✔️ Echo by CloneArmyCustoms ✔️ Echo Head Piece by Omv_minifigs ✔️ Original Lego Star Wars Clonetrooper with Custom Arms by Firestartoys !!!!!Unpaid advertising!!!!! #starwars #starwarsthebadbatch #thebadbatch #badbatch #echobadbatch #echo #starwarstheclonewars #theclonewars #clonewars #clonetrooper #clone #501stlegion #cloneforce99 #clonearmycustoms #kamino #order66 #lego #legostarwars #legostarwarscustom #legostarwarscustomminifigures #legominifigures #legostarwarsclones #minifigures #customminifigure #cloneminifigures #omvminifigs #firestartoys #grandarmyoftherepublic #coruscant #jedi

4/30/2024, 7:02:08 PM

“I can’t wear this. It’s a captains uniform. I was a vice admiral!” - Rampart “Well you’ve been demoted.” - Echo #TheBadBatch #BadBatch #StarWars #Lego #LegoStarWars #TheCloneWars #CloneWars #Moc #LegoMoc #StarWarsMoc #Hunter #Echo #Wrecker #Crosshair #Tech #Omega #Rampart #TheEmpire #TheRepublic #CaptainRex #CommanderCody #MayThe4th #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay

4/30/2024, 7:01:17 PM

To honour the end of construction month, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on what propels us forward at Innovior Construction: our guiding principle, “Interior Construction at Speed.” Digital component construction is not just a modern method; it’s the embodiment of our expertise and innovative spirit. It’s the cornerstone of the Falkbuilt by Innovior Construction philosophy, enabling us to offer a streamlined and accelerated construction experience without compromising precision or quality. “Interior Construction at Speed” is more than just fast construction; it’s about expert and true collaboration, responsive innovation, and the desire to design spaces that are functional and timeless at the same time. We construct the future at Innovior Construction at a speed that keeps us and our clients ahead of the curve. This is Falkbuilt by Innovior Construction. #falkbuiltvancouverbyinnovior #falkbuilt #innoviorconstruction #interiorconstructionatspeed #construction #interiorconstruction #technology #team #innovation #sustainability #falkbuiltbyInnovior #echo #echotechnology

4/30/2024, 7:01:04 PM

• منتج يرطب البشرة الجافة والباهتة • يساعد في تحقيق التوازن بين مستويات رطوبة البشرة • يسرع تجدد خلايا الجلد ويحافظ على بشرة جديدة وصحية • يساعد على تقليل ظهور الخطوط السطحية والتجاعيد • يشد البشرة المترهلة ويقويها بطريقة طبيعية • السر في الحصول على بشرةٍ صحية وسعيدة ومُرطبة: لا تدعي البشرة الجافة والمتضررة تدمر ثقتك بنفسك! سيروم حمض الهيالورونيك للوجه من أو زد ناتشورالز يساعد على تحسين مستويات الترطيب ويغذي بشرتك للحصول على مظهرٍ أكثر إشراقاً. ‎‏ #guess #perfume #calvinklein #برفيوم #برفيوم_اورجينال #si #goachepainting #hugs #hugoboss #echo #black_oud #splash #hugobossman #bathandbody #skin #skincareroutine #skincaretips #skincarenatural #bashandbodyworks #fyp#fy #victoriassecret

4/30/2024, 6:59:54 PM

- Pose d'une terrasse sur pilotis en lamellé collé et pin classe 4 d'une surface de 35 m2. - Tronçonnage et Assemblage de la structure pergola en acacia à fixer dans la structure pilotis de la terrasse. #woods #pilotis #projet #architecture #exterior #france🇫🇷 #structure #carpentry #echo #acacia #terrace #terrassepilotis #paysagiste #bois #extension #construction #pergola #garden #assemblage #artisanat

4/30/2024, 6:53:58 PM

Tomorrow we ride. 📸 @mark_edwards_photographer Hunter: @alphaignition Crosshair: @sithing.aint.easy Echo: @rchanadet Wrecker: @stevie.kickz Tech: @tech.badbatch Omega: @deathwatchgirls #desirablemutations #echo #thebadbatch #thebadbatchseries #crosshair #wrecker #omega #hunter #tech #cloneforce99 #99 #starwars #theclonewars #501stlegion #clonetrooperdetachment #imperialsandsgarrison #rebellegion #clonesoftherepublic #sunriderbase #guardiansquadclones #hottoys #sideshow #heroesvillainsanddads Sometimes Heroes. Sometimes Villains. Always dads.

4/30/2024, 6:52:33 PM

تجديد كامل لمنطقة العينينن [تنشيط المنطقة تركيبة تحتوي على NCEF ، وهو مركب فريد لإعادة التنقية طورته مختبرات فيلورجا مع 50 مكونًا يستخدم للعناية بالعيون لأول مرة بتركيزات تعادل تلك المستخدمة في حقن الميزوثربي [تعزيز التصحيح [التجاعيد - الترهل - الإشعاع - الهالات السوداء - الإنتفاخ تركيبة غنية بكوكتيل مكون من 5 مكونات نشطة [حمض الهيالورونيك + الكولاجين + فيتامين “سي” + إسكين + الكافيين] ، الذي يدخل إلى عمق الجلد بفضل GENIUS-VECTOR TECHNOLOGY ، ليصحح بفعالية جميع علامات الشيخوخة في محيط العين. ‎‏ #guess #perfume #calvinklein #برفيوم #برفيوم_اورجينال #si #goachepainting #hugs #hugoboss #echo #black_oud #splash #hugobossman #bathandbody #skin #skincareroutine #skincaretips #skincarenatural #bashandbodyworks #fyp#fy #victoriassecret

4/30/2024, 6:51:28 PM

مرطب مجدد لبشرة الوجه العادية إلى المختلطة. قوام كريمي خفيف مخفوق لإشباع البشرة. تركيبة خالية من الزيت تنحل مباشرة بشعور عارٍ. معزز بمركب خصائصي من 5 مضادات أكسدة بالإضافة إلى واقي شمسي واسع الطيف. يساعد في مقاومة التلف البيئي اليومي بما في ذلك التلوث. يمنح ترطيب للبشرة يدوم 72 ساعة. تشعر البشرة بالنقاء والليونة والانتعاش بإشراقة شابة. مختبر من قبل أطباء الجلدية ولا يسبب حب الشباب .‎‏ #guess #perfume #calvinklein #برفيوم #برفيوم_اورجينال #si #goachepainting #hugs #hugoboss #echo #black_oud #splash #hugobossman #bathandbody #skin #skincareroutine #skincaretips #skincarenatural #bashandbodyworks #fyp#fy #victoriassecret

4/30/2024, 6:41:00 PM

Let your  #confidence shine. Be a voice, not an #echo. Be yourself. Be #unique and bold...🤗😁😍

4/30/2024, 6:32:23 PM

مستحضر ايفاكلار ديو بلس للعناية بالبشرة الدهنية والمعرضة لحب الشباب من لا روش بوزاي ‎‏ #guess #perfume #calvinklein #برفيوم #برفيوم_اورجينال #si #goachepainting #hugs #hugoboss #echo #black_oud #splash #hugobossman #bathandbody #skin #skincareroutine #skincaretips #skincarenatural #bashandbodyworks #fyp#fy #victoriassecret

4/30/2024, 6:19:28 PM

الأشعة المقطعية بالصبغة علي البطن والحوض رحلة داخل أعماق البطن والحوض 🔍 هل تساءلت يومًا عن العالم الخفي داخل جسم الإنسان؟ الأشعة المقطعية بالصبغة تفتح لنا نافذة لاستكشاف هذا العالم الرائع بدقة ووضوح. 🌟 ما هي الأشعة المقطعية بالصبغة؟ هي تقنية تصوير طبي متقدمة تستخدم الصبغة لتحسين الرؤية وتوضيح الأعضاء والأنسجة داخل البطن والحوض. تساعد هذه التقنية الأطباء على تشخيص الحالات بدقة أكبر. 👩‍⚕ فوائد الأشعة المقطعية بالصبغة: تحديد الأمراض والالتهابات. تقييم الأورام والكتل. متابعة العلاج وتقدم الحالة الصحية. 🛡 كيف تتم الإجراء؟ يتم حقن الصبغة عن طريق الوريد، ثم يتم إجراء الأشعة المقطعية، حيث تقوم الصبغة بتعزيز الصورة لتوفير رؤية واضحة للأطباء. نحن هنا لنقدم لكم أفضل الخدمات الطبية وأحدث التقنيات لرعاية صحتكم. للمزيد من المعلومات أو لحجز موعد، لا تترددوا في التواصل معنا. متوفر بالمركز ايضا👇 ( أشعة مقطعية – الموجات فوق الصوتية والدوبلر-سحب عينة-رسم عصب وعضلات - ايكو علي القلب - رسم القلب -أشعةعادية) 🥰في انتظاركم 🥰 #مركز_د_يسري_عبدالله_للأشعة #الصحة #التشخيص_الطبي #أشعة_مقطعية #CT #X_Ray #US #NCS #Echo #biopsy #ECG 🌼للحجز و الاستفسار👇 العنوان🏫 شارع محمد علي - عمارة القرعلي قبل المسجد العباسى اتصلوا بينا وهنرد عليكم فورا 📲📱🥰 رقم تليفون/واتس الموجات الفوق صوتيه و x-ray 📲 01280965967 رقم تليفون/ واتس الاشعه المقطعية 📲 01554775717

4/30/2024, 6:00:57 PM

Register by May 5th to save $100! Gain hands-on experience with transesophageal echocardiography ( #TEE) image acquisition using TEE simulators during this expert-led course. ☝️Link in Bio. #ECHO #MedEd #CriticalCare #criticalcaremedicine #CritCare #Physicians #CHESTTrainees #ACCPCHEST

4/30/2024, 6:00:09 PM

Κάτι όμορφο! Σύμφωνα με νέες επιστημονικές μελέτες ένα κοραλλιογενές σύστημα μπορεί να σωθεί με τη μουσική ενός άλλου! Το θαυμάσιο είναι ότι τώρα μπορούμε να βοηθήσουμε κι εμείς μέσω ενός προγράμματος της επιστήμης των πολιτών που ονομάζεται Καλώντας τα κοράλλια μας! 🐠🦐🦞🦀🦑🐙🦈🎶 Διαβάστε περισσότερα στο ενεργό biolink #sharethis #echo #eco #doctvgr

4/30/2024, 5:54:01 PM

* ここどうすんのさ どうせScorchと戦うのを最終回の目玉にするんでしょ途中OmegaがZilloで乱入して止めてくれるといいけど 元に戻ったらいいけど元に戻らないまま…なんてやめてよ Scorchの魅力を知ってもらうことなく終わるのか ゲームといったってゲームはやらない人は居るし、動画をポストしても動画やゲームの動画は観ない人も多い どうしてScorchだけ登場させてこんな役回りにしたの?一番人間らしくて愛されるキャラクターなのに、どうしてScorchが嫌いとか好きだったけど嫌いになってきたって聞かされなきゃならない Scorchが一体何をしたというの ふざけんなよ #starwars #スターウォーズ #deltasquad #デルタスクワッド #republiccommando #リパブリックコマンド #リパブリックコマンドー #thebadbatch #バッドバッチ #rc1262 #rc1262scorch #scorch #スコーチ #omega #omegabadbatch #オメガ #CT1409 #ct1409echo #echo #echobadbatch #エコー #starwarstoyphotography #blackseriesphotography

4/30/2024, 5:49:34 PM

Așa mai fac eu, o zi da, o zi mai ho 🍺 — @instasatana — @insta.echo - - - #codrinbradea #codrinbradeasatana #codrinelz #mileavlad #mileavladecho #echo #codrinsiecho #echosicodrin #bazookarecords #asamaifaceu

4/30/2024, 5:41:03 PM

RS Pat Pat #echo #ncp10 #ncp13rs #vitz

4/30/2024, 5:33:52 PM

* #starwars #スターウォーズ #cloneforce99 #クローンフォース99 #thebadbatch #バッドバッチ #omega #omegabadbatch #オメガ #CT1409 #ct1409echo #echo #echobadbatch #エコー #hunter #hunterbadbatch #ハンター #wrecker #wreckerbadbatch #レッカー #tech #techbadbatch #テク #ct9904 #ct9904crosshair #crosshair #crosshairbadbatch #クロスヘアー #starwarstoyphotography #blackseriesphotography

4/30/2024, 5:29:46 PM

Een lief geboortekaartje voor de kleine Amy 🤎 Naar idee van de trotse ouders en passend bij het geboortekaartje van haar grote broer. #geboortekaartje #geboortekaartjes #zwanger #zwangerschap #pregnant #20wekenecho #echo #baby #babykaartje #babygirl #babyboy #babynamen #babyshower #babyborrel #geboortekaartjesontwerp #geboortekaartjesopmaat #geboorteposter #studiosproet

4/30/2024, 5:11:48 PM

𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐬 𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨 Deze serie brengt de ruwe, ongepolijste uitstraling van industriële materialen zoals beton en metaal in verfijnde keramische tegels. De naam ‘Echo’ weerspiegelt de manier waarop deze tegels de industriële esthetiek echoën. Verkrijgbaar in 4 kleuren en 3 formaten, welke door onderling gebruik mooie en verrassende combinaties kunnen opleveren. Deze keramische tegels zijn geschikt voor zowel wand als vloer in elke denkbare ruimte. Bekijk onze series ook op de Vanhuus website via de link in bio! #Vanhuus #tegels #tegelinspiratie #badkamertegels #woonkamertegels #keramischetegels #badkamerinspiratie #woonkamerinspiratie #keukeninspiratie #interieur #interieurdesign #interior #wooninspiratie #interieurinspiratie #echo #industrielelook #gratismonsters

4/30/2024, 5:03:27 PM

With the Bad Batch finale upon us, it's final prediction time. I felt before this season we might get a backstory to what happened to lead Rex, Gregor and Wolfe to be on the ATTE we find them on in Rebels. Possibly due to failing their mission to save the Clones and the fall of Clone Force 99. Going by the last few epsidoes, I think we're going to see crosshair make a sacrifice. Omega control the Zilo beast and possibly Cody introduced as the assassin. Tech is gone and I'd be disappointed if they brought him back. A crosshair clone would be interesting, but I feel it's Cody. The ending of the Bad Batch I feel will be the start of a "Rebels Prequel" of a Clone Rebellion lead by Rex and Co that inevitably fails. Maybe we get some Republic Commando game sequel "Imperial Commado" ... who knows. There's a lot to tie up but it feels this isn't the end of the Clones Story. Not to mention Ventress possibly training Omega. Animated Star Wars in my view anyways is the most broadly liked Star Wars. It's not going away. What do you all think? #thebadbatch #starwars #darthvader #jedi #starwarsfan #starwarsnerd #clonewars #starwarsart #theclonewars #starwarsrebels #revengeofthesith #starwarsdaily #ahsoka #prequels #order66 #captainrex #fennecshand #badbatch #clonetroopers #davefiloni #ahsokatano #crosshair #clonetrooper #wrecker #echo #clone #ventress #starwarsfanart #starwarsfans #lucasfilm

4/30/2024, 5:01:58 PM

EDWARD ONSLOW FORD (1852-1901) Echo (1895) Onslow Ford specialized in ideal figures of thin and graceful adolescent girls, often possessing a delicate and melancholy charm. Here Echo personifies the reflected sound, and is supposed to have a life as transitory and hollow as the echo itself. As the sound fades away, so she will die, giving up her merely borrowed life. The poetry is conveyed by the fragile, insecure pose and gestures, by the insubstantial, wavering body and by the distant, distracted gaze of the dying figure. The sculptor is not concerned with the facts of the story of Echo and Narcissus, but rather with the beauty of death. (Info taken from signs in the gallery) #echo #nymph #echoandnarcissus #narcissus #myths #mythology #greekmythology #greekmyths #myth #greek #ancientgreece #ancientgreek #greece #classicalstudies #classicalcivilisation #classics #arthistory #classical #art #sculpture #statue #artgallery #gallery #ancienthistory #history #classicalart #ancient #ladyleverartgallery #liverpool #museum

4/30/2024, 4:38:19 PM

Shoe of the Week Select Crocs 🩵❤️🖤 @hibbettakron #clog #croc #sotw #tuesday #echo #330 #akron

4/30/2024, 4:34:17 PM

$75 obo shipped Newsstand 1st Echo . . . . . . . . . . . #daredevil #echo

4/30/2024, 4:27:12 PM

Crosshair - The Bad Batch (2/5) - - The finale releases tomorrow night here in Australia and best believe I am watching it as soon as I can! Although the show started off slow in Season 1 and earlier parts of season 2, the show really picked up in that later half of season 2 in terms of the story and characters developing. However, Crosshair really was interest the whole way through and was one of my favourite parts of the whole show. I love how we see his struggle between being a loyal soldier and being a loyal brother over the course of the 3 seasons. I fear that tomorrow, we may see Crosshair's story come to an end, along with Echo, as I see those two as being the most likely to kick the bucket in the finale. I again am happy with how this new style of shading I am trying has turned out and I how I was able to capture Crosshair's likeness. I am quite proud of his helmet also, especially since I had no offical helmet to go off of. This is my second time posting this because I forgot the shoe prints 😂. I hope you all like him as much as I do and as always, any thoughts or suggestions are appreciated and thank you all for the support! - - - #lego #legominifigures #customlego #customlegominifigure #customlegostarwars #legostarwars #legostarwarsminifigures #legoclone #legobadbatch #badbatch #thebadbatch #hunter #hunterbadbatch #crosshair #crosshairbadbatch #wrecker #wreckerbadbatch #echo #echobadbatch #omega #omegabadbatch #starwarsbadbatch #digitalart #adobe #adobeillustrator #adobephotoshop #legoleaks #clonewars #clonetrooper #captainrex

4/30/2024, 4:22:59 PM

Sweet Little Pete is followed by cardiology since his heart surgery (AVSD repair)back in April. At first we saw them very frequently, but his appointments are getting more spaced out. He’s doing really well! He doesn’t need any medication at this time and continues to not have any pulmonary hypertension. He does have some valve leakage that is monitored by echocardiogram. This is one of the most common ongoing issues after an AVSD repair. Even this is mild and looks really great. Cardiology did notice that Pete has some fluid around his heart (pericardial effusion) that is likely from the COVID infection he had earlier this month, so we will follow up and have another echo in a month. Pete did great today during his appointment and even managed a nap in the office while we waited to speak with the cardiologist. The echo was rather exciting. #chdawareness #downsyndromeawareness #downsyndrome #echo #theluckyfew #avsd #heartwarrior

4/30/2024, 4:05:44 PM

Ready to go on to my next lawn care adventure. Just remember to give me a call or a text and I’ll be right over to give you a free quote. #spring #summer #lawncare #lawnmower #weeding #edging #trimming #raking #echo #cubcadet #shrubs #leafblowing

4/30/2024, 4:02:14 PM

Trimming a little off the top never seemed so simple! With the SHC-2620 Shafted Hedge Trimmer, you’ll deliver unmatched performances! The 51-inch shaft with a 7-degree angle provides greater reach and visibility, allowing you to tackle those hard-to-reach hedges and shape them into works of art AND the offset gear case design ensures ideal spacing between you and the cutting surface, giving you full control and precision.⚡️🔥 #echooutdoors #canada #powerequipment #echo #EchoPowerCanada #motivation

4/30/2024, 4:00:25 PM

Stone's Home Centers in Moultrie, Georgia should be your one-stop shop for ECHO outdoor power equipment and TORO mowers in Colquitt County. We carry a variety of commercial and residential essentials for your landscaping needs. . . . #stoneshomecenters #moultriega #echo #toro #mower #outdoorpowerequipment #WhereBusinessGrows #TeamChamber #moultriechamber

4/30/2024, 4:00:24 PM

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Moody!!! 🤍🤍🤍 - - - - - - - - - - - - #echophotography #echophotoandvideo #echo #danclay #danclayfarms #photographer #photography #wedding #love #photobooth

4/30/2024, 3:53:54 PM

Some impressions from our tours this Saturday & Sunday during #galleryweekend on Potsdamer Strasse. Saturday we visited @isabellabortolozzi with Scottish artist Morag Keil’s “Artificial Intelligence” Mark Grotjahn at @galeriemaxhetzler Ann Veronica Janssens and Julius von Bismarck @estherschippergallery @tanyaleighton with Elizabeth McIntosh and Nicole Ondre Sunday we caught the #lastday of A Home for Something Unknown @hausamluetzowplatz with works by Yalda Afsah, Taslima Ahmed, Rosanna Graf, Armin Lorenz Gerold, José Montealegre, Marcela Moraga, Mohammad Shawky Hassan, Line Skywalker Karlström, Mazen Kerbaj, Paola Yacoub, Bassem Yousri, Sati Zech; Les Enchantés - STILL UP THROUGH MAY 11 - at @frontviews_ with works by Ellen Akimoto, Roger Ballen, Daniel Correa Mejía, Cian Dayrit, Saïdou Dicko, Jonathan Drews, Simone Haack, Olaf Hajek, Marianna Ignataki, Oda Jaune, Aline Schwörer, Geng Xue and ECHOING DIMENSIONS at Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße with works by Özcan Ertek, Jung Hsu, Nerya Shohat Silberberg, Ivana Papić, Aliaksandra Yakubouskaya, Aron Petau, Joel Tenenberg, Bill Hartenstein, Fang Tsai, Marcel Heise, Lukas Esser and Juan Pablo Gaviria STILL TO SEE MAY 2nd & 3rd 16:00-21:30 and MAY 4th 14:00 - 22:00 We had a very special introduction to their works on Sunday by Jonathan Drews @jonathan_drews and Nerya Shohat Silberberg @neryashohat - for that we are very grateful 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you ALL for coming! <3 #artificialintelligence #nbk #home #LosAngeles #americanartist #americanpainting #painter #MarkGrotjahn #belgianartist #glasssculpture #sculpture #interactivesculpture #interactiveinstallation #AnnVeronicaJanssens #juliusvonbismarck #wolves #newpainting #ElizabethMcIntosh #NicoleOndre #soundsculpture #echo #echoingdimensions

4/30/2024, 3:25:46 PM

Tonight is the last ever Bad Batch eve.... So enjoy this picture of Tech and Rex being super duper serious soldiers . . . . . . . Rex: @obi_jan_cosplay Tech: @seku_teska_cosplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #badbatch #thebadbatch #starwarsbadbatch #starwars #cosplay #starwarscosplay #tech #techcosplay #rexcosplay #captainrex #captainrexcosplay #theclonewars #clones #clonecosplay #hunter #omega #techbadbatch #wrecker #echo #clonecosplayer #diy #3dprint

4/30/2024, 3:15:24 PM

Fun Fact: I’m a #RegisteredVascularTechnologist and I make enamel pins for the #echo and #vascular lovers. You can order your probe pin on my website or on Etsy 🔊 #sonographer #cardiovascularsonography #cardiovascularsonographer #echotech #echocardiography #vascularultrasound #vascularsonography #interventionalradiology #radiology

4/30/2024, 3:05:52 PM

We protect this city, we fight in its streets, we are New York. - - Slide 1: Street Level Heroes Slide 2: Luke Cage, Jewel, Daredevil, Iron Fist Slide 3: Hell Cat, Spider-Man, White Tiger, Shang Chi Slide 4: Misty Knight, Echo, The Punisher, Elektra - - #lego #toyphotography #marvel #superhero #legomarvel #minfigs #defenders #lukecage #ironfist #jewel #daredevil #spiderman #thepunisher #echo #whitetiger #elektra #hellcat #shangchi #mistyknight #newyork #marvelstreetlevel #legopurist #marvelcomics #afol #legoinstagram #legocollection #legofan #legocreator #legomarvelsuperheroes

4/30/2024, 3:04:37 PM

Nowości @echo_poland 🤩🤩🤩 #echo #melikeyou #plock @galeriawisla

4/30/2024, 3:03:31 PM

#HigherDimension 這次第一次舉辦海爾派對的時候🥳 也是難得有機會可以在夜店展現不一樣的音樂,很感謝老天爺那時候賞賜了這個機會! 讓我們這群一直為了音樂奮戰的人 能有一個展現自己的機會! 其實像我們這樣子的人非常多, 只是需要被聽見、也被看見👀 海爾的這群人在地下奮鬥很久! 既帶著對著音樂的愛與和平、 同時也帶著對於無腦主流市場的阿雜! 那時候的我們就是這麽的叛逆, 但卻也是在這個年代還彌之珍貴的文化! 我們有獨立的思想,不被其他事情束縛 我們對音樂有獨立的見解! 也討厭他人或市場為我們制定的規則! 重點就是好音樂、好音樂、 好音樂、除了好音樂沒有別的了, 音樂的傳遞對於我們來說就是最重要的! #也謝謝舞客們從一開始就很支持我們海爾 #讓我們知道其實我們也是不孤單的! #trance #trancefamily #higherdimension #djwade #djdevoo #ona #noise #echo #henry #macro #menphis #orion #sonic #vansan #trancedj

4/30/2024, 2:52:48 PM

#HigherDimension 這次第一次舉辦海爾派對的時候🥳 也是難得有機會可以在夜店展現不一樣的音樂,很感謝老天爺那時候賞賜了這個機會! 讓我們這群一直為了音樂奮戰的人 能有一個展現自己的機會! 其實像我們這樣子的人非常多, 只是需要被聽見、也被看見👀 海爾的這群人在地下奮鬥很久! 既帶著對著音樂的愛與和平、 同時也帶著對於無腦主流市場的阿雜! 那時候的我們就是這麽的叛逆, 但卻也是在這個年代還彌之珍貴的文化! 我們有獨立的思想,不被其他事情束縛 我們對音樂有獨立的見解! 也討厭他人或市場為我們制定的規則! 重點就是好音樂、好音樂、 好音樂、除了好音樂沒有別的了, 音樂的傳遞對於我們來說就是最重要的! #也謝謝舞客們從一開始就很支持我們海爾 #讓我們知道其實我們也是不孤單的! #trance #trancefamily #higherdimension #djwade #djdevoo #ona #noise #echo #henry #macro #menphis #orion #sonic #vansan #trancedj

4/30/2024, 2:49:14 PM

op asked juyeon if there is something he repeats to himself when he loses confidence 🐱 winners win op asked juyeon why he had lost confidence, but he said he didn’t know, so op told him to be confident before moving to the next member. juyeon then returned op's words and encouraged them 🥺 🐱 just don’t think about it! 👤 be confident~ 🐱 be confident~ All credits to owner🫶💕 © k_98_will, dailyljy (tl) #주연 #JUYEON #THEBOYZ #더보이즈 #PHANTASY #Love_Letter #Nectar #juyolovers #kpop #watchit #lipgloss #roar #thestealer #kingdom #maverick #whisper #boy #giddyup #noair #blomblom #ddd #reveal #checkmate #sweet #echo #timeless #shestheboss #breakingdawn #delicious

4/30/2024, 2:42:11 PM

LINTERNA PARA GORRAS RADIANT NITE IZE 170 LUMENS RECARGABLE USB 170 Lumenes Modo Led blanco alto y bajo y Led rojo alto y bajo Se recarga en 2 horas y 40 minutos inclinacion de 180° Corrrea ajustable Cable micro USB no incluido Resistente al clima y caidas 1 m. Duracion a 20 Lumenes 11 horas, a 170 2 horas y a 5 18 hrs. ENVIOS A TODO EL PAIS POR CORREO ARGENTINO Servicio de moto en Capital Federal. Entrega en el día. El pago puede ser por transferencia bancaria o link de mercado pago. -------------------------------------- StrikeFly - Flyshop Rivera Indarte 575 - Flores (C.P. 1406) C.A.B.A. - Argentina Horario de atención, lunes a viernes de 10:30 hs. a 18:30 hs. Sábados de 10:30 hs a 14:00 hs. email: [email protected] WhatsApp 11 4045 7915 Walter 11 3141 8080 Guillermo . . . #pescaconmosca #drfly #atadodemoscas #airelibre #bewolk #niteize #greygull #drslick #linterna #echoreels #echoflyrods #hareline #coleman #gofishing #doradosconmosca #strikefly #kunnan #airflo #greygull #morsaspicun #ntk #reptilius #atado #echo #moscas #flyshop #morsavercellini #camping #dorado #caddisco

4/30/2024, 2:09:08 PM

What if your space echo could eat japanese 8-track tape cassettes? 🌝🎎🍜🎏🍣 This Guyatone EM-606 tape delay is like a mini space echo that uses 8-track tapes for the delay/reverb effect. The built-in preamp adds to the sound of the instrument. It’s a cute little not-so-well-known echo machine from the seventies. It uses 8-track tapes for its effect, which were ideal back then as they were cheap and looped so you didn’t have to rewind them when the tape ran out. The »downside« (for me pure joy tho!) is that these tapes and their machines tend to fluctuate in speed, so there’s a lot of unpredictable modulation and wah-and-flutter 👉🏻 So now you know why I love this machine and definitely won’t sell it hehehehehe.... 👹👾👹

4/30/2024, 2:05:19 PM

[rough 'juyolovers' translation] THE BOYZ will decide! Taste VS taste ✨ THE BOYZ who conquered Jeju Island's representative food 🤤 THE B, please enjoy your meal with BOYZ who are back as meal friends. 🍽 ️ 240430 ist_theboyz twitter update All credits to owner🫶💕 #주연 #JUYEON #THEBOYZ #더보이즈 #PHANTASY #Love_Letter #Nectar #juyolovers #kpop #watchit #lipgloss #roar #thestealer #kingdom #maverick #whisper #boy #giddyup #noair #blomblom #ddd #reveal #checkmate #sweet #echo #timeless #shestheboss #breakingdawn #delicious

4/30/2024, 2:03:09 PM

Dare Project - Toyota x TeckWrap Toyota Echo TeckWrap Full Wrap 📲立即𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗔𝗽𝗽查詢 : ✅ 專業安裝 ----------------------------------------------------- 如有任何查詢 📱 Tel: 95083502 樂 📱 Whatsapp : 🇭🇰地址:火炭山尾街35號華樂工業中心2期D座 LG/F D13號鋪 🇭🇰地圖 : 🕒時間:星期一至六 11am - 7pm (請先預約) ➡️Visa / Master / AE / Union Pay ----------------------------------------------------- 服務範圍包括: 專業改裝 - 排氣喉 / 進氣系統 / 剎車系統 / Remap etc. 汽車維修 定期保養 買車上架 / 電腦檢測 各歐洲汽車品牌正廠升級 ---------------------------------------------------- #DareIITune #D2T #Toyota #Echo #TeckWrap #Wrap #Maintenance #Modify #Tuning #Remap #Retrofit #HongKong

4/30/2024, 2:00:17 PM

Moin moin, Ein Gruß von der Schlagernacht gestern in Nürnberg🤘🥳 Wie gefallen euch die beiden neuen Songs ECHO und Fürstenfeld?😊 #voxxclub #burninglederhosn #volksmusik #burninglederhose #voxxclublive #echo #fürstenfeld #nürnberg #schlagerfest #schlagerfestxxl #ontour #backstage #warmup

4/30/2024, 1:59:06 PM

The Echo with Premium Sound has completely knocked me away! 🎶🔊 This device provides an outstanding audio experience, whether you're playing music or using transparent voice commands. Furthermore, with Alexa built in, it is the ideal smart home. Prepare to increase your listening skills! #Echo #PremiumSound Call Now: +233 20 600 7000

4/30/2024, 1:08:12 PM

“If the world appears abundant in smiles or overwhelmed by scowls, you might ask yourself if you're not to blame.” ~Richelle E. Goodrich~ #causeandeffect #boomerang #reactions #echo

4/30/2024, 1:07:02 PM

. Een positivoot zou deze post categoriseren onder groeiend vertrouwen. The mister en ik sjokken echter verre van rooskleurig door alle seizoenen van het leven, dus noemen wij onderstaand verhaal gewoon een toevallige samenloop van omstandigheden. En niet groeiend vertrouwen 😏 Normaliter vegen we voor een controle namelijk altijd de hele dag vrij. Puur omdat we skieterige mietjes zijn en op voorhand de dag al reserveren, zodat we slecht nieuws in alle ruimte kunnen ontvangen. Alleen vandaag ging dude voor en na de baby check nog werken. Heel gek eigenlijk. Durfden we nooit. Maar met al die echo's moet future dad inmiddels een beetje op z'n uren letten...en daarnaast loopt het openbaar vervoer over de ganse breedte van internationaal personentransport natuurlijk piepend en krakend vast als de heroïsche voorman Logistiek niet met wapperende cape op de werkvloer staat. Die pallets vol busdeuren schoppen zichzelf niet uit het magazijn, en dus snoepte dude deze keer slechts een uurtje van zijn week. Een vroegertje deze keer. Om 10:30. Baby boy is vandaag 25 weken en 4 dagen oud, en tolde tijdens het luisteren met de Doppler zo dartel in het rond dat Anna-Gré hem amper kon bijhouden 🤣 Kind heeft er trouwens sowieso een sport van gemaakt om constant in full bodyslam tegen de binnenkant van mijn buik te beuken. Gevolgd door een bezeten sessie riverdance. Michael Flatley on acid. Ook de eerste trap onder de ribben kunnen we afvinken, evenals een zichtbare voet of vermoedelijke reet die super creepy van links naar rechts langs mijn navel migreert. Baby kid liet ook vandaag weer goed van zich horen, en blij tevreden prikten we een nieuwe datum voor over twee weken. Alles op schema. Alles prima. In totaal waren we nog geen 30 minuten weggeweest en dus sprong ik voor de tweede keer op een ochtend met mijn immer aanwezige frenemies Smetvrees en Dwangneurose onder de douche om de buitenwereld van me af te spoelen. Volgt overigens nog een uitgebreide post over. Over dwangneurose als de baby er is. Moet je mij horen. Als de baby er is. Tsja. Nu we het dan toch over groeiend vertrouwen hebben... 😏 #zwanger #baby #babyboy #25weken4dagen #echo #controle

4/30/2024, 1:01:02 PM

La vida en la Tierra depende de suelos sanos. Para garantizar un futuro saludable y verde para nuestras generaciones actuales y futuras, debemos proteger y restaurar los suelos. El Manifiesto de la Misión sobre el Suelo pide que se tomen medidas para responder a la urgente necesidad de proteger y mejorar la salud del suelo en Europa y fuera de ella y reunir a los responsables políticos regionales y locales, las partes interesadas y los ciudadanos en una comunidad dinámica que se preocupe por la salud del suelo. Al firmar el Manifiesto de la Misión sobre el Suelo, expresas tu apoyo a la Misión Europea «Un pacto sobre el suelo para Europa» y sus objetivos. #echo #echosoil #cienciaciudadana #unioneuropea #extremadura #uex #caceres #badajoz

4/30/2024, 12:59:55 PM

Echografie bij Gym-Fysio Sinds kort is Jeroen begonnen zich te verdiepen in de wereld van de echografie. Deze techniek kan gebruikt worden om bijvoorbeeld pees problematiek op te sporen in de schouder, de graad van een tenniselleboog te ontdekken en kleine breukjes in de hand of voet op te sporen. Mocht jij twijfels hebben over de diagnose van een klacht en samen met een beginnend professional kijken naar de problematiek, laat dit dan aan ons horen! #echo #ultrasound #echoapeldoorn #schouderechografie #gymfysio #gym

4/30/2024, 12:46:04 PM

𝗚𝗼𝗲𝗱 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗸 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝗳𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗷𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝗱𝗶𝗴! In mijn laatste post schreef ik over het feit dat m’n rest van m’n miskraam helaas toch dmv een hysteroscopie, in juni pas! Ik baalde hier enorm van, maar het was niet anders.. 3 dagen na deze echo leek ik te gaan bloeden, ik wilde niet te snel juichen maar ja er was toch wel degelijk spraken van een menstruatie! YES!! Vorige week het zh gebeld voor een controle echo, wie weet zou de hysteroscopie wel van de baan zijn! Vanmorgen had ik de echo en ik zag het al direct en ook de echoscopist & gyneacoloog bevestigde het; de rest is eruit!! Waar het vorige keer nog een troebel bms van 16mm was was er nu een net dun lijntje te zien van 6mm!! Er was zelfs een follikel te zien van 16mm! Daar doen we nu even niets mee en m’n volgende cyclus ga ik weer verder voor een nieuwe terugplaatsing! 𝐼𝐾 𝐾𝐴𝑁 𝐷𝑈𝑆 𝐷𝑂𝑂𝑅!!! 𝑊𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑘 𝑏𝑙𝑖𝑗 𝑒𝑛 𝑜𝑝𝑔𝑒𝑙𝑢𝑐ℎ𝑡, 𝑒𝑛 𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑡 𝑚𝑖𝑗𝑛 𝑙𝑖𝑗𝑓 𝑚𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑛𝑜𝑔 𝑑𝑖𝑡 𝑙𝑎𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑘𝑗𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑒 𝑔𝑒𝑒𝑓𝑡!! 𝑀𝑜𝑐ℎ𝑡 𝑖𝑘 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑒 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘 𝑛𝑜𝑔 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑒𝑑𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑜𝑒𝑡 𝑖𝑘 𝑤𝑒𝑙 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑎𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑎𝑟 𝑔𝑎 𝑖𝑘 𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑢𝑖𝑡!! 𝑀𝑖𝑗𝑛 3𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑔𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑎𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑗𝑘 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝑧𝑖𝑐ℎ𝑡 𝑛𝑎 𝑟𝑢𝑖𝑚 13 𝑤𝑒𝑘𝑒𝑛!! 🤍❄️ #ivf #ivfjourney #miskraam #echo #wensmama #bammamtobe #bamtobe #single

4/30/2024, 12:44:01 PM

🥺🥺🥺 [The 100] 𝘚𝘦 𝘷𝘰𝘤𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘶𝘥𝘰 𝘦 𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘶𝘢𝘳 𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘱𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢ç𝘰𝘦𝘴 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘵𝘦 ❤️ , 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢 💬 , 𝘊𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘩𝘢 ↪️ 𝘦 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢 𝘦𝘮 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘷𝘢𝘳 ☑️ . . . . . . . . [𝘛𝘢𝘨𝘴]- #the100 #clarkegriffin #bellamy #octaviablake #edits #the100edit #wallpaper #netflix #murphy #raven #lexaedit #lexathe100 #lexakomtrikru #echo #echothe100 #echothe100edit #murphy #murphythe100 #jasper #jasperthe100

4/30/2024, 12:36:39 PM

MUSICAL MONDAYS 🎭 Our musical theatre classes are in full swing & we are excited to bring these performances to the stage ✨✨ MUSICAL MONDAYS DANCEWORLD STUDIOS 5.15-7.15 #musicaltheatre #musicalmondays #mondaynights #class #youngtalents #theatre #echo #echostudios

4/30/2024, 12:25:44 PM