towardthefuture images

Discover Best towardthefuture Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #june #saturday

5/10/2024, 10:10:19 PM

5/10/2024, 10:06:26 PM

5/10/2024, 10:05:19 PM

5/10/2024, 10:04:31 PM

5/10/2024, 9:55:00 PM

5/10/2024, 9:54:08 PM

ATTD 2024: Diabetes Congress OGGI PARLIAMO DI BRAIN AGING (Invecchiamento Cerebrale) Vorrei introdurre questo argomento citando una “celata” ovvietà: tutto nella nostra vita passa attraverso un’elaborazione del cervello. Ovvio... e “celato” nel senso che lo facciamo senza pensarci...Il cervello però controlla i pensieri, la memoria e il linguaggio, i movimenti di braccia e gambe e il funzionamento di tutti gli organi presenti nel corpo. Infine, regolando il respiro e il battito cardiaco, determina le reazioni agli eventi stressanti che possono verificarsi nella vita quotidiana...e tanto altro. Il suo stato di salute quindi dipende da ogni cosa che facciamo, da quanto lo teniamo attivo e come, è inoltre influenzato dagli stimoli ambientali, dalle scelte politiche, dalla situazione economica, sanitaria, inquinamento e qualità dell’aria... A tal proposito possiamo adottare delle strategie per prevenire disordini neurologici e preservare la salute del nostro cervello come ad esempio: buona qualità del sonno, alimentazione corretta, esercizio fisico e attività cognitive e i rapporti sociali. Inoltre possiamo proteggerlo attraverso il controllo del peso, del colesterolo, della glicemia e della pressione sanguigna. Monitorare la salute di occhi e orecchie per mantenere i sensi vigili il più a lungo possibile. Evitare di fumare e bere alcolici in eccesso. Trattare la depressione e adottare meccanismi psicologici adattativi per fronteggiare problemi emotivi ed interpersonali, allo scopo di gestire, ridurre o tollerare lo stress ed il conflitto. #ATTD2024 #aniad #diabeteitalia #diabetes #diabetic #diabeticleader #diabetesawareness #insulin #healthylifestyle #diet #kolesterol #weightloss #fitness #healthy #hipertension #diabeteslife #healthyfood #towardthefuture #diabetetipo2 #T2D #brainaging #dementia #alzheimer #demenzasenile #disturbicognitivi #cognitiveimpairment #fortezzadabasso #firenze

4/21/2024, 9:44:26 PM

My business cards finally came in!!! For any real estate related questions, make sure to DM me or hit the link in bio for your preferred contact method! #realestate #realestateagent #towardthefuture

4/4/2024, 8:52:56 PM

I am never satisfied staying in the present, always looking #towardthefuture Pc: @bytyronewilkens

3/15/2024, 1:48:22 AM

Toward the Future #3 :) #towardthefuture #humanity #consideration #truelove #revival #tulip #flowers

1/31/2024, 10:41:51 PM

「未来へ」    P50号 日本画 昨日、東京都美術館で開催していた、近代日本美術協会展が盛況のうちに終了致しました。今回は近美50周年記念展で、内閣総理大臣賞を頂けて、大変名誉なことでした。ご高覧下さいました皆様、誠に有難うございましたm(_ _)m❗ #未来へ #towardthefuture #p50日本画 #p50japanesestylepainting #近代日本美術協会展 #modernjapanartsocietyexhibition #内閣総理大臣賞 #primeministersaward

11/25/2023, 4:44:44 AM

November Get-together. Work Smart & Play Heart ❤️. Blessed to share the strong mindset & stand side by side along the journey. Enjoy the progress and towards betterment. #exceltogether #towardthefuture #businessmindset #gettogether #togetherness#togetherwetheverybest #worksmartplayhard #bowlingalley #bowlingfun🎳 #bowling🎳 #luminous #glow #24100team @crabwalker61 @cammycmy @24100simplicity

11/15/2023, 4:16:12 PM

Towards the future #towardthefuture

10/21/2023, 7:06:33 PM

No caption #towardthefuture

10/15/2023, 1:03:05 PM

🔴”First Coffee” mm hmm. I knew once this little lady got out in public, she’d be gone. Well, she gone. Went home to a new collector. Thank you for appreciating 🙏🫶 #artcollector #artistsoninstagram #firstcoffee #lookingforward #towardthefuture #peace #abstractrealism #crystalcove

10/15/2023, 4:49:57 AM


8/28/2023, 4:26:00 PM

Look up! Look ahead! #towardthefuture #ongiantsshoulders #spheremirror

7/29/2023, 9:44:09 PM

Alchimia genered by AI Apprend lui à pécher du poisson🐋 @beautifulbizarremagazine #alchimia #onirism #ai #aiart #badai #greenlion #redsun #goldenskin #towardthefuture #sciencefiction #2023 #dystopia #kreustart

7/21/2023, 12:10:44 PM

In the face of challenge Innovation Thrives #pioneersgate #pioneers #technology #innovation #challenge #towardthefuture

7/11/2023, 4:58:03 PM

“Looking Toward the Future” Prints will be sold at BotCon 2023 at Garry Chalk’s table. Mediums: White charcoal, colored pencils Reference: Beast Machines, Mercenary Pursuits Inspired by the artwork of hassan_k.99 on Instagram #optimusprimal #beastmachines #beastwars #transformers #garrychalk #whitecharcoal #coloredpencil #contrast #sketch #profile #maximal #leader #bossmonkey #fearlessleader #bigbot #gorilla #blueeyes #iamtransformed #theseedsofthefuturelieburiedinthepast #future #towardthefuture #destiny #drawing #art #myart #supportartists #starvingartist #artistsofinstagram #artistsoninstagram #botcon

5/18/2023, 2:35:19 AM

TOWARD THE FUTURE (brown) Cronies "Toward the Future" is out now. #TowardtheFuture #CRNSCLTHNG

4/28/2023, 5:13:54 AM

TOWARD THE FUTURE (beige) Cronies "Toward the Future" is out now. #TowardtheFuture #CRNSCLTHNG

4/28/2023, 5:11:12 AM

Selamat ulang tahun ke 82 Bank OCBC NISP #ONMoveTogether #TowardtheFuture I am a TAYTB warrior, and I am Moving Together Toward The Future, karena Tidak Ada Yang Tidak Bisa @john_tangka @windyagitha @candrapanambunan @ristynathalia @yurikemakisurat @stellayosephin @deviradarenoh @deddy.wurangian @peopleatocbcnisp @ocbc_nisp

4/4/2023, 3:04:53 AM

〈ダイバーシティ〉 近ごろ良く耳にする「ダイバーシティ」とは多様性という意味。周囲の人と同じ状態でいる事に安心感を覚えがちな日本人には、少しこの考え方は苦手な人も多いかもしれません。 例えばアメリカのカリフォルニアなどは、正に、ダイバーシティのお手本の様な都市で、何らかの理由で世界各地から移住してきた人達が自分たちの街をつくっています。 常識も習慣もバラバラで「絶対に自分が正しい」と思い込んでいる人も少なくない中で、その様な人すらも受け入れられる寛容性も彼らは持ち合わせているのです。 何故なら。 自分とは違う服装や容姿を「美しい」と考え、口にした事のない食材や味に「おいしい」と感じる機会が身近にあり、子供の頃から多様性についての教育をその土地でしっかり受けているからです。 何が言いたいかというと、 我々の居る漁業界も、正にダイバーシティの様にもっともっと考え方をグローバルに、多様性の文化を持ち、外国人船員を外国人扱いしない様な、そんな未来に向かっていくべきなのではないかという事が言いたいのです。 むしろ現場では既に多様性が成されつつある事に皆んな気づいていますしね。 後は、ルールです。間違いなく。 日本の船員さんの為にある船舶法などのルールで、外国人とのしがらみがもっと緩和されれば、もっともっと多様性を持つ事が可能になると思いますから。。 このままでは、、、。。 誰かが真剣にどうにかしなければ、、、。 日本からマグロ船の“機関長”、本当に居なくなっちゃいます💦💦 (↑事実です。。。) 不二機材株式会社 #ダイバーシティ #多様性 #カリフォルニア #外国人船員 #アメリカ #常識 #世界 #移住 #漁業界 #グローバル #船 #未来に向かう #マグロ船 #機関長 #機関長不足 #diversity #California #foreignseafarers #US #commonsense #world #immigration #fishingindustry #global #ship #future #towardthefuture #tunaboat #chiefengineer #chiefengineershortage

1/16/2023, 7:50:26 AM

COUNTDOWN 2023🍾🥂 Un ringraziamento a tutti i nostri clienti e collaboratori che hanno vissuto con noi le fiere e gli eventi del 2022! Il 2023 sarà un anno speciale e abbiamo in serbo molte novità che siamo impazienti di condividere con tutti Voi 😉 Cheers & Happy New Year 🎇 • • • #whenrentingmeetsinnovation #iottifrigoriferiecucine #iottifrigoriferi #foodequipment #rental #refrigeration #exhibition #food #towardthefuture #countdown #2023 #food #happynewyear #future

12/30/2022, 10:40:42 AM

Our Annual General Meeting takes place on Friday Nov. 11th. As always, the club would love to welcome in new members and new voices so if interested, or know someone who is, please make contact with any club officer or join us at our AGM! #camogie #towardthefuture #feaklekillanena

10/16/2022, 11:36:01 AM

Discover #Lokhen water tanks, different size for different necessity. Choose the perfect shape. Never without #wateronboard. Lokhen always by your side. #borntoinnovate #towardthefuture

9/9/2022, 6:30:08 PM

Remember that we will be at the IAA Transportation in Hannover from September 20th to 25th. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝟑𝟎 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝟐𝟔 Visit us to discover the Lokhen Innovation. #towardthefuture #iaatransportation22 #borntoinnovate #lokhenatiaa2022 #StandB30 #Hall26

9/8/2022, 9:00:45 PM

We are a leading manufacturer of innovative plastic solutions for trucks and trailers: wheel chocks, water tanks, document holders, PVC profiles, hose tube holder. Thanks to our know-how, Lokhen is now able to provide innovative solutions for manufacturers and fitters of vans and LCVs: footboard, tube holders and ladder clamps. Our products are innovative, certified, safe, high-performance and easy to use which is why we have obtained 14 patents over the years. #borntoinnovate #Lokhen #towardthefuture

8/30/2022, 6:09:43 PM