Physalisperuviana images

Discover Best Physalisperuviana Images of World

#food #travel #sports #news #may #tuesday

Am 27.04.2024 und am 04.05.2024 auf einem #PflanzenFlohmarkt erworben. Ein #Salomonssiegel eine einheimische Schatten Staude . Jetzt darf er im #NaturGarten aka #BotanischenGartenGroßGerau ( @botanischergartengg ) wachsen. #PflanzenHau Das #EchteSalomonssiegel - #PolygonatumOdoratum, Synonym: #PolygonumOfficinale auch #WohlriechendeWeißwurz oder #DuftendeWeißwurz, ist eine Pflanzenart aus der der Gattung der #Weißwurz ( #Polygonatum) innerhalb der Familie der Spargelgewächse (Asparagaceae). Weitere Sorte im Garten : #PolygonatumBiflorum Solltest du mal eine Raupe an der Pflanze finden handelt es sich nicht um einen Schmettling sondern um eine völlig harmlose Wespe Seit langem schon wünsche ich mir den Dornige Hauhechel im Garten heute konnte ich ihn endlich bei meiner Lieblings Baumschule bei den GriesheimerDüne kaufen. Werde euch bei der Pflanze auf den laufenden halten. ( 04.05.2024 ) Die #DornigeHauhechel - #OnonisSpinosa / #Ononis ist ein #Schmetterlingblütler und ist einheimisch und gut geeignet für Insekten #Hauhechel #HauhechelKrug #PhysalisSchönbrunnerGold - #PhysalisPeruviana ( #Pyhsalis - #Andenbeere / #AndenbeereStrauch ) #Gurke - #CucumisSativus ( #Cucumis )

5/5/2024, 1:20:20 PM

Jazz up a cheeseboard... Also known as cape gooseberries, vitamin-rich mini fruits are a cross between a gooseberry and a tropical fruit and, in their wispy encasings, look just as intriguing as they taste. Buy as plug plants (from £2 each, and pot up outside in a sunny sheltered spot. Stake as they grow and water well, and pluck the fruits come July, to jazz up a cheeseboard or just a bowl of ice cream. #physalisperuviana #capegooseberry #gardenmagazine #planttrends #plantlife #homegrown #growyourfood #garden #gardening #growyourown #gardeninspiration #gardenideas #moderngardens #moderngarden Photo: Shutterstock

5/4/2024, 1:00:25 PM

En yleensä itse esikasvata, mutta kun esikasvatan, käytän kierrätysmatskuja ♻️ Kaupasta löytyi ananaskirsikan siemeniä ja sitä kaveria ei yleensä saa taimena, joten oli kerrankin laitettava vallan esikasvatus pystyyn. Hänen sukulaisensa, lyhtykoiso, aikoinaan pärjäsi kanssani vallan mainiosti, joten olen toiveikas. #esikasvatus #kierrätyskunniaan #physalisperuviana #ruipelo

5/2/2024, 11:52:05 AM

Physalis seedlings are slow to grow but they’ll get there! Here’s how I’m growing mine👇💛⁣ ⠀⠀⠀ 🌱I multi sow in any small container and prick them out when they have a few sets of leaves. You may be able to get away with a sowing now although I find it best earlier in the year. 🌱I’ll be moving them to the greenhouse end of May when there’s less chance of frost. You can grow them perfectly fine outside however they’ll ripen faster under cover. 🌱Ideally they need a LOT of room to grow. They’re quite thuggish and will spread out along the ground. I grow mine in pots and train to grow like a tree to save space! ⠀⠀⠀ 🌱I water as often as I can and give them a general purpose liquid feed once or twice a month. ⠀⠀⠀ 🌱I usually start harvesting fruit September - December, when the husks are turning yellow and crispy, and the berry inside is a nice orange colour! Unripe Physalis can be poisonous. ⠀⠀⠀ I love to eat these raw as a snack or in fruit salads. You can also make pies and jam with them!👌⁣🤤 If you have a question on growing Physalis, let me know in the comments and I’ll try my best to answer ⇣ ☺️ . . . #physalis #physalisperuviana #capegooseberry #goldenberry #homegrownfruit #seedlings #seedsowing #gardeninspiration #gardenblog #gardentherapy #girlsthatgarden #growyourown #growwhatyoueat #vegpatch #harrogate #growingfood #yorkshirelife #gardeningtips #girlswhogarden #vegetablegarden #homegrownfood #beginnergardening #growfood #gardening #gardener #englishgarden #cottagegarden #selfsufficiency #spring2024

5/1/2024, 8:11:33 AM

Ieri per rilassarmi un po', ho deciso di seminare una parte della collezione di semi che ho raccolto negli anni. • Mina lobata Cerv. • Clitoria ternatea • Physalis peruviana • Amaranthus paniculatus L. 'Atropurpureus #minalobatacerv #Clitoriaternatea #Physalisperuviana #amaranthuspaniculatusLatropurpureus

4/27/2024, 6:08:28 PM

燈籠果 Physalis peruviana 老爸眼睛的主治醫生,很欣賞老爸的田園生活。去年,有一回陪老爸回診時醫生拿出一顆顆金黃色的果實,除了要我們吃看看,還要老爸帶回來種。我問這是啥?有什麼好處?醫生說:燈籠果,顧眼睛。 想起以前在歐洲吃過,酸酸甜甜的口感很特別,去掉花萼乍看會以為是黃色的小番茄。N年前在台灣超市看過,一盒沒幾顆售價挺貴的!後來老妹發現堂弟也有種不時會去拔,順手剪下一小段給老爸扦插,現已經長出果實,播種的部分也長不小了。 哈,愛炫想Po文,創作外還是需要些消遣的(有益身心),就認真搜尋一下燈籠果的益處有哪些?感覺比桑葚還厲害的水果,而且風化的花萼還真好看。 ____________ 黃金莓(Goldenberry),又稱燈籠果、小果酸漿、秘魯苦蘵或秘魯酸漿,是茄科燈籠果屬的一種多年生草本植物。原產於秘魯和智利,被廣泛引入溫帶和亞熱帶地區,所有番茄可以存活的地方都可以種。一 般用播種或扦插方式進行繁殖,平地可全年播種,在冷涼環境中生長表現較佳。初夏為盛產季,果實包在花萼內,外型像個燈籠,因此俗名為「燈籠果」。可供作鮮食水果、生菜沙拉、烤果餅、做果醬等。 台灣早期常見於鄉間田野的苦蘵(Physalis angulata),俗稱炮仔草或是燈籠草,也有燈籠果之稱,現田野間已不常見。苦蘵為一年生草本,為民間常用的草藥,常將全株熬煮成夏日飲品,為苦茶的部份原料。兩者皆是酸漿,同為茄科燈籠草屬但不同品種。 燈籠果富含抗氧化劑、維他命C、K和類胡蘿蔔素,可改善視力和有益於骨骼健康。具有的抗發炎、抗氧化活性功效極高,對於腫瘤細胞增生具有抑制效果。 一、抗氧化 燈籠果富含抗氧化劑,包括多酚、維他命C和類胡蘿蔔素。抗氧化劑可防止和修復自由基造成的損害。自由基是一種由新陳代謝,或外在因素如輻射、紫外光等引起的不穩定份子,它們會令細胞氧化、引致衰老及炎症。燈籠果中的酚類化合物可以延長細胞壽命,更可抑制乳癌和大腸癌細胞的增殖。維他命C更可增強免疫力,減少細菌感染。 二、改善視力 燈籠果含有多種類胡蘿蔔素,如葉黃素、β-胡蘿蔔素和玉米黃質,可以保護視網膜、黃斑和角膜,更可預防眼部細胞因氧化壓力而衰退。研究顯示,在水果和蔬菜中攝取充足的胡蘿蔔素可減低患上黃斑病變和失明的風險。類胡蘿蔔素也被證明可以防止糖尿病導致的視力喪失。 三、有益於骨骼健康 骨質疏鬆症是一種常見於老人的病症,因為骨骼密度較低而使骨骼變得脆弱易斷,造成痛楚及其他併發症。50歲後,尤其是在更年期時,骨質通常會流失得更快。燈籠果含有維他命K,有助血液凝固。維他命K是構成骨骼和軟骨的必要成分,研究表明,維他命K可促進骨骼建構,降低骨折的風險,有效預防骨質疏鬆症。 四、燈籠果禁忌 未成熟的燈籠果含有茄鹼,一種在茄屬蔬菜如薯仔和茄子等中天然存在的毒素,茄鹼會引起消化不良,導致胃痙攣和腹瀉,因此應避免食用黃綠色未完全成熟的果實。 記錄日期: 2023.05.11-2024.04.15 . #gardening #homegarden #homegardenerslife #physalisperuviana #capegooseberry #goldenberry #peruviangroundcherry #physalis #燈籠果 #黃金莓 #小果酸漿 #秘魯苦蘵 #秘魯酸漿 #茄科燈籠草屬 #燈籠草屬

4/27/2024, 2:58:46 PM

Elegante ma devastante e' il silenzio di chi ha carattere.(cit) ************************* #nablota #lepiumedisilvy #piuma #feather #feder #details #dettagli #silvysphysalis #physalisperuviana

4/25/2024, 7:45:09 AM

Chris Manders @wandinyallockfarms, Victoria, Australia, is the only Victorian farmer commercially growing this spectacular heirloom fruit—the Cape Gooseberry. His farm is a 15 minute drive from where we live. These luminous Cape Gooseberries are the size of a Blueberry. The golden coloured fruit is enclosed in a papery husk called a calyx that enlarges and covers the maturing fruit. The papery covering resembles a lantern. The Cape Gooseberry, Physallis peruvian, is native to Peru and Chile where it is not a commercially grown crop but is found in many small lots and in local market places. It is also known as Popati, the Incan Berry, the Golden Berry, Husk Cherry, Ground Cherry, Poha, or Poha Berry. This berry found its way to South Africa and was particularly grown by early settlers at the Cape of Good Hope in the early 1800s where it came by its common name Cape Gooseberry. Travellers on sailing ships headed to Australia must have liked their flavour as they carried the fruit and seed with them. The Cape Gooseberry became a popular fruit with the early Australian settlers as it was quick to grow and produce fruit. Natura Morta - Cape Gooseberries and Italian Marinoni Pewter and Glass Tankard #naturamorta #stilllife #naturemorte #stilleben #light #naturallight #luminosity #wandinyallockfarms #capegooseberries #physalisperuviana #goldenberry #heirloomfruit #exoticfruit #berries #marinoni #pewterandglass #tankard #patina #lustre #sheen #dutchstilllife #flemishpainting #dutchgoldenage #17thcenturydutchpainting #contemporarystilllife #stilllifephotography #photography #mariagravias

4/23/2024, 9:13:11 AM

Do you grow Cape Gooseberry? These were picked off the ground (Ground Cherry) in September and some are still edible and sweet. They are so easy to grow; just sow a few seeds each spring or keep the shrub frost free over the winter for a second season. #physalisperuviana #topotopo #capegooseberry #groundcherries

4/22/2024, 9:12:29 AM

4/17/2024, 5:34:29 PM

GOLDEN BERRY Physalis peruviana #goldenberry #physalisperuviana #uchuvas #ViveroTierraVerdeAgua

4/9/2024, 10:09:40 PM

Some time ago I had the pleasure of meeting agriculturalist Chris Manders @wandinyallockfarms, Victoria, Australia, who is the only Victorian farmer commercially growing this spectacular heirloom fruit—the Cape Gooseberry. His farm is a 15 minute drive from where we live. These luminous Cape Gooseberries are the size of a Blueberry. I’ve ordered some Cape Gooseberries from Chris to undertake some still lifes with this exquisite fruit. I purchased two small punnets yesterday at our local greengrocer to make a start. The Cape Gooseberry (Physallis peruvian) is native to Peru and Chile where it is not a commercially grown crop but is found in many small lots and in local market places. It is also known as Popati, the Incan Berry, the Golden Berry, Husk Cherry, Ground Cherry, Poha, or Poha Berry. This berry found its way to South Africa and was grown by early settlers at the Cape of Good Hope in the early 1800s where it came by its common name Cape Gooseberry. Travellers on sailing ships headed to Australia must have liked their flavour as they carried the fruit and seed with them. The Cape Gooseberry became a popular fruit with the early Australian settlers as it was quick to grow and produce fruit and appeared to grow well in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Northern Tasmania. Natura Morta - Cape Gooseberries in Celadon Vessel #naturamorta #stilllife #naturemorte #stilleben #chiaroscuro #naturallight #luminosity #wandinyallockfarms #capegooseberries #physalisperuviana #goldenberry #heirloomfruit #exoticfruit #berries #celadon #celadonvessel #patina #lustre #sheen #dutchstilllife #flemishpainting #dutchgoldenage #17thcenturydutchpainting #contemporarystilllife #stilllifephotography #photography #mariagravias

4/9/2024, 9:52:45 AM

#25 💚 Zukunftspflanze Andenbeere 💚 Man kennt sie ja vom feinen Dessert aus dem Restaurant. Aber auch der Anbau im Garten oder in Töpfen auf dem Balkon ist keine große Sache! Eine gute, aromatische Sorte ist ´Schönbrunner Gold`. Die Früchte sind im September reif, sobald der Lampion eintrocknet. Nicht verwechseln mit der knallorangen Zierphysalis! Mehr über klimastarke Gemüse erzähle ich auf der @gartenmesse Blühendes Österreich. Hier kannst du auch eine Zukunftspflanze gewinnen! #vortragnurdiehartenimgarten #5x5klimagewinner #gartenmesse #blühendesösterreich #zukunftspflanzen #klimagewinnerpflanzen #andenbeere #physalisperuviana 📸 Wolfgang Palme/ HBLFA Gartenbau Schönbrunn (Andenbeere/Physalis peruviana)

4/4/2024, 6:53:28 AM

Les physalis en pousse. . #physalis #physalisperuviana

3/27/2024, 2:45:53 PM

Min övervintrade physalis/kapkrusbär har blivit enorm. Jag har tagit en del sticklingar som jag har rotat och planterat i krukor och fler ska det bli🌱 #kapkrusbär #övervintraphysalis #physalis #physalisperuviana

3/25/2024, 4:59:25 PM

It is very pleasing to see chubby little plants growing from seed. #capegooseberry #physalisperuviana #solanaceae #horticulturaltherapy

3/23/2024, 9:52:23 AM

"Ei se ananaskirsikka nyt enää idä, minäpä hyödynnän sen mullan värinokkosten kylvöön." 🤦‍♀️ "I think that gape gooseberry is a lost case. I will use that soil for coleus seeds." 🤦‍♀️ #ananaskirsikka #gapegooseberry #physalisperuviana #gardeningfail #noniin #sillälailla #kierrätyskunniaan

3/22/2024, 12:48:09 PM

春天的果實 #黑番茄 #白草莓 #燈籠果 #tomato #strawberry #physalisperuviana

3/20/2024, 4:06:07 AM

#capegooseberry #capegooseberries #incaberries #incaberry #goldenberry #goldenberries #bhavaanivanga #physalisperuviana #rasbhari #pohaberry #summerdrinks #summerdrink #sharbat #summerbeverage #beverages #beverage REFERENCES: Recipe credits: Image and Recipe for Prawns & Veggie Saute:

3/18/2024, 11:55:34 PM

Peruanska jagoda, predivna i osvežavajuća poslastica u vidu malih bobica 💛 (Physalis Peruviana). Lako se uzgaja iz semena, a plodovi su preukusni, sa različitim notama voća, poput kivija, jagode, nekog citrusa itd.. ❣️ Do avgusta možete poručiti seme po ovoj ceni, nakon toga se cenovnik menja❣️ ❣️ U pakovanju je 30 semenki, cena 150 din. ❣️ Minimalna porudžbina: dva pakovanja semena (bilo koja). #capegooseberry #physalisperuviana #physalis #incaberry #preuanskajagoda #prodajasemena #retkesorte #starasemena #andskajagoda

3/12/2024, 8:40:00 AM

💜Este 8 de marzo en conmemoración del día internacional de la mujer ven a Plant Center y lleva tu plantita con un 15% de dcto. Oferta válida solo por hoy en compras presenciales. 💜Te esperamos ⏰ Horario de atención: Martes a sábado de 10:30 a 20hrs. Domingo de 10:30 a 17hrs. Lunes cerrado 🌱Avisa tu llegada en la entrada 🌱 Te esperamos 📍Estamos ubicados en sector pata de gallina (a 700mts de la escuela hacia la derecha) . 📱 Si necesitas la ubicación puedes pinchar el link en nuestro perfil o escríbenos al WhatsApp +56 9 4412 6735. #vivero #viverochile #viverolosangeles #plantaschile #plantas #plantaslosangeles #viveroboutique #viveroboutiquechile #tiendadeplantas #tiendadeplantaschile #losangeleschile #chile #panoramaslosangeles #puertasecreta #viveroplantcenter #jardinlosangeles #crespon #cresponlosangeles #acerjaponico #flordelapluma #liquidambar #olivosevillano #olivo #goldenberry #Physalisperuviana #limoneureka #limoneroeureka #8marzo #diadelamujer #8m

3/8/2024, 6:34:39 PM

AGOTADO 🍋El limonero Eureka o limon 4 estaciones es una variedad de limonero que produce frutos de tamaño medio a grande, con cáscara media y rugosa y pulpa jugosa y ácida. Es conocido por su alto rendimiento y su capacidad para producir limones durante todo el año. Sus hojas son de color verde brillante y tiene un hábito de crecimiento vigoroso. Es una opción popular para jardines y huertos debido a su facilidad de cultivo y su resistencia a enfermedades. 🍋Disponible en tamaño de 70cm a 1 mt #vivero #viverochile #viverolosangeles #plantaschile #plantas #plantaslosangeles #viveroboutique #viveroboutiquechile #tiendadeplantas #tiendadeplantaschile #losangeleschile #chile #panoramaslosangeles #puertasecreta #secretdoor #viveroplantcenter #jardinlosangeles #crespon #cresponlosangeles #acerjaponico #flordelapluma #arboldejudea #tulipero #liquidambar #olivosevillano #olivo #goldenberry #Physalisperuviana #limoneureka #limoneroeureka

3/7/2024, 9:45:58 PM

🌱 El golden berry proviene de arbusto perenne llamado Physalis peruviana. Esta planta produce pequeñas bayas que crecen dentro de cálices en forma de vejiga. Aunque se le llama “berry” (baya en inglés), en realidad es una fruta envuelta en una cáscara. La planta de golden berry alcanza un tamaño de 1 a 1,6 metros de alto con ramas extendidas, aunque si se estaca, poda y se le da un buen cuidado puede llegar a los 2 metros de altura. 🌱Disponible en tamaño de 30cm aprox #vivero #viverochile #viverolosangeles #plantaschile #plantas #plantaslosangeles #viveroboutique #viveroboutiquechile #tiendadeplantas #tiendadeplantaschile #losangeleschile #chile #panoramaslosangeles #puertasecreta #secretdoor #viveroplantcenter #jardinlosangeles #jardinsecreto #crespon #cresponlosangeles #acerjaponico #flordelapluma #paulowniatomentosa #arboldejudea #tulipero #liquidambar #olivosevillano #olivo #goldenberry #Physalisperuviana

3/7/2024, 7:39:31 PM

As the golden rises embrace your soul Time, a delicate capsule, inscribes reminiscents and songs Love, a beacon that guides, paints constellations compassing secrets shores May life's grand tapestry weave boundless sea of possibilities In the midst of a quiet epiphany chasing reveries from the heart / Mientras el dorado ascenso abraza tu alma El tiempo, una delicada cápsula, inscribe recuerdos y canciones El amor, un faro que guía, pinta constelaciones bordeando costas secretas Que el gran tapiz de la vida teja un mar ilimitado de posibilidades En medio de una silenciosa epifanía persiguiendo ensueños desde el corazón [ #physalis peruviana] Tamron SP 90mm 2.5 / Bellows. Hand held. #sonyalpha #sonya6000 #physalisperuviana #solanaceae #groundcherries #groundcherry #solanaceas #flowers #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #whiteflower #charming_nature_ #flowers_moody #thehub_macro #Flowers_Super_Pics #flowersandmacro #macroplants #excellent_macros #excellent_bestmacro #macrophotography #macro #macro_secrets #passion_in_macro #fleur_noblesse #macroworld #macromood #macrophoto #macro_delight #macro_brilliance

3/3/2024, 6:04:35 PM

Physalis Peruviana Nam-ı diğer #altınçilek By : @selimpsart ——— #flowersphotography #altınçilek #physalisperuviana #colorfull #depth #amazingflower #sonya7iii #focus

2/28/2024, 3:16:35 PM

Physalis peruviana is thriving now!🌞

2/28/2024, 2:21:30 PM

🧡 Letzte Seite meiner November-Sketches: Da habe ich der Laternenblume noch ihre enge Verwandte aus Südamerika gegenübergestellt. Die #kapstachelbeere, bei uns als #physalis bekannt, ist äußerst schmackhaft und sehr vitaminreich. 🟡🌱 Mein Versuch einer Balkonzucht brachte erst im zweiten Jahr lediglich zwei Früchte, war also nicht sehr ergiebig. Zum Schluss zeige ich euch noch mein Journal-Cover, eine Collage aus Ecoprints. 🍁📙 Nun klappe ich mein Novemberheft zu... ein neues Nature-Journal ist schon in Arbeit! #physalisperuviana #andenbeere #frucht #fruit #naturejournaling #naturimzkizzenbuch #naturesketching #naturstudien #naturestudies #naturzeichnung #botanicalillustration #botanicalart #botanicalsketch #pflanzeninaquarell #pflanzenaquarell #ecoprint #ecoprintaufpapier

2/22/2024, 12:32:07 PM

Ideal para aquellos que desean una alimentación baja en #calorías y rica en sabor. #frutadelamor #uchuva #mermeladadeuchuva #physalisperuviana

2/20/2024, 4:07:05 AM

A causa della sua poca produttività degli ultimi anni dovuta probabilmente alla siccità ed ai caldi estremi, l'anno scorso ho evitato di piantare l'alkekengi peruviano. Qualche pianta è però nata spontaneamente e qualche giorno fa mi ha fatto trovare ai suoi piedi qualcuno dei suoi deliziosi frutti. Cosa ne pensate? Lascio perdere o ci riprovo? #alkekengi #physalisperuviana #alchechengiperuviano

2/11/2024, 3:44:05 PM

Wintergarden (and Villa Ansela) is slowly waking up with fresh shoots of Agapanthus that was given by a friend – although some plants didn't get the consept of winter rest, like the Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana). * * * Talvipuutarha (ja Villa Ansela) alkaa vähitellen heräillä ystävältä saadun sinisarjan (Agapanthus) myötä, tosin kaikki kasvit eivät edes vaivautuneet talvilepoon, kuten tämä ananaskirsikka (Physalis peruviana). * * * #agapanthus #sinisarja #capegooseberry #ananaskirsikka #physalisperuviana #wintergarden #talviouutaraha #buildingahome #countrylife #garden #countryhome #kotimaalla #kodinrakennus #puutarha #maalaiselämää #cottage #villaansela

2/11/2024, 1:25:18 PM

The cape gooseberrys going off in the back yard #physalisperuviana #groundberries #banneton of #berries

2/10/2024, 4:54:56 AM

Luulin syksyllä ananaskirsikan olevan jo tuhoon tuomittu, kun pakkanen pääsi puraisemaan juurakkoa. Niin se vaan kasvatti muutaman uuden verson! 🙌 Ihanat, samettiset lehdet kutsuu koskettelemaan 💚 Ananaskirsikka on siis monivuotinen, tämä yksilö on jo 4-vuotias. Talvetus onnistuu lisävalon avulla sisätiloissa, kun juurakon typistää syksyllä ruukkuun sopivaksi ja versot leikkaa alas. ... #puutarha #keittiöpuutarha #siemenestäkasvatettu #ananaskirsikka #physalis #physalisperuviana #hyötykasvit #kasvihuone #gardening #ediblegarden #kitchengarden #vegetablegarden #mygarden #greenhouse #grownfromseed #growwhatyoueat #containergardening #growyourown

2/9/2024, 12:34:52 PM


2/5/2024, 9:46:26 PM

Altın çilek, physalis peruviana # #altınçilek #physalisperuviana #hergünbirçiçek #floweraday #çiçekler #çiçek

2/3/2024, 9:54:38 PM

UPDATE❗️ Diese Physalis habe ich im Frühjahr 2021 im Gartencenter gekauft. Aktuell überwintert sie in einem relativ kühlem Raum unter Pflanzenlicht. Es ist das erste Mal, dass sie jetzt in dieser Zeit Früchte ausbildet! 🤩 Vielleicht gibt es bald schon die erste Ernte? 🤤 🔅 Sie ist in einem Teichkorb mit mineralischem Substrat eingepflanzt. Ab Juni wird sie mit Topf in den Garten ein- und im Herbst wieder ausgegraben. Die aus dem Teichkorb herausgewachsenen Wurzeln werden topfnah komplett entfernt und die Pflanze selbst wird stark zurückgeschnitten. Diese Methode hat sich über die Jahre bei mir bewährt. 💪🏻 🔅 Wie sind eure Erfahrungen? Schreibt sie mir gerne in die Kommentare! 💡 🔅 #physalis #kapstachelbeere #andenbeere #physalisperuviana #Gestaltung #Kunst #Fotografie @vulcatec #photography #art #nature #plant #february #winter #pictureoftheday #openmyworld  #garden #nature  #snapseed

2/3/2024, 12:51:19 PM

La uchuva, uno de los nombres comunes de la especie frutal Physalis peruviana, es autóctona de América del Sur. Se encuentra a todo lo largo de la cordillera de los Andes, desde Venezuela hasta Chile. La estructura interna de esta fruta es semejante a la de un tomate en miniatura o tomate cherry. Su pulpa carnosa, también de color amarillo naranja, es dulce y ácida, con un agradable pero peculiar sabor que algunos describen como una mezcla de tomate y mandarina. ☑ Te invito a conocer más de ella, en mi página web, link en mi biografía. #LoAfirmativoVenezolano #Uchuva #PhysalisPeruviana #FrutoVenezolano #Frutas #Fruto #Flora #FloraVenezolana

2/2/2024, 1:00:24 AM

La uchuva colombiana cada vez tiene un mayor impacto económico y social para el país, no solo por su importancia para la seguridad alimentaria, sino por su demanda en los mercados internacionales. Esto nos posiciona como el mayor exportador de uchuva a nivel mundial, y el único país productor y exportador de esta fruta. Aparte de su delicioso sabor, la composición nutricional de la uchuva tiene propiedades altamente antioxidantes, lo que la hacen una fruta deseada para el consumo en diferentes partes del mundo. #Uchuvas #physalisperuviana #colombiaexporta #exportadoresdefrutas #exportfruit

2/2/2024, 12:53:52 AM

Physalis Peruviana is a species of plant in the nightshade family which is commonly called Cape Gooseberry, Golden berry, inca berry and ground berries. In India this fruit is called Rasbhari which is a small orange berry fruit. These berries are known for their antioxidant properties. These fruits grow inside paper-like husks that are easy to peel. #rusticfoodphotography #foodphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #thebiteshot #stilllife_perfection #capegooseberry #fruit #winterfruit #goldenberry #peruviangroundcherry #rasbhari #inkaberry #physalisperuviana #naturelover💚 #macrophotography #macro_mood #macro_mania__ #mobilephotography #instagood #tv_closeup #tv_monotones

1/31/2024, 3:12:42 PM

Conoces el Golden Berries? Nosotros desde hace 7 años que lo cultivamos y trabajamos. Ellos nos llevaron a la final nacional del concurso Desafío Emprendedores el año 2018, por nuestra innovación de este súper alimento. Es nuestra mermelada favorita la cuál nos ha dado identidad, reportajes, entrevistas y muchas satisfacciones 🏅 Coméntanos con que nombre conoces este fruto? #GoldenBerries #Uchuva #physalisperuviana #Aguaymnato

1/31/2024, 2:36:05 AM

physalis peruviana . this project was realised in partnership with @cosmofragrances . the request was to revalue the calyxes of the physalis, which is the envelope around the fruit, in order to create packaging . with the collaboration of @romain_castracane_ . march 2023

1/27/2024, 11:53:09 AM

physalis peruviana . this project was realised in partnership with @cosmofragrances . the request was to revalue the calyxes of the physalis, which is the envelope around the fruit, in order to create packaging . with the collaboration of @romain_castracane_ . march 2023

1/27/2024, 11:52:20 AM

physalis peruviana . this project was realised in partnership with @cosmofragrances . the request was to revalue the calyxes of the physalis, which is the envelope around the fruit, in order to create packaging . with the collaboration of @romain_castracane_ . drawings by @romain_castracane_ . march 2023

1/27/2024, 11:51:36 AM

physalis peruviana . this project was realised in partnership with @cosmofragrances . the request was to revalue the calyxes of the physalis, which is the envelope around the fruit, in order to create packaging . with the collaboration of @romain_castracane_ . march 2023

1/27/2024, 11:50:42 AM

physalis peruviana . this project was realised in partnership with @cosmofragrances . the request was to revalue the calyxes of the physalis, which is the envelope around the fruit, in order to create packaging . with the collaboration of @romain_castracane_ . march 2023

1/27/2024, 11:48:50 AM

physalis peruviana . this project was realised in partnership with @cosmofragrances . the request was to revalue the calyxes of the physalis, which is the envelope around the fruit, in order to create packaging . with the collaboration of @romain_castracane_ . march 2023

1/27/2024, 11:46:43 AM

Physalis peruviana I had a “slightly” different plan for this beauty- you know, all this realism, all veins meticulously drafted with perfectly sharpened pencils… but I let it go and honestly, I think it's even better! Also, reseda gray green by Sennelier is getting my favorite go-to pastel stick! What is yours?🤔 #physalisperuviana #miechunka #miechunkaperuwiańska #groundcherry #pastels #pastele #pasteldrawing #expressionism #expressivepainting #softpastels #canson #miteintes #sennelier1887 #senneliersoftpastels #rembrandtpastels #nupastel #limitedpalette @sennelier1887 @prismacolor @rembrandtartistpaint @cansonpaper

1/24/2024, 5:57:25 AM

Chi ha attraversato il buio sa apprezzare la luce, cosi come chi ha provato il dolore sa riconoscere l'amore.(@ilreinca ) ******************* Physalis peruviana ********************* #nablota #physalisperuviana #silvysphysalis #macro #closeup #details #dettagli #arancione #orange #macro_creative_pictures

1/22/2024, 7:44:22 AM

Avec un peu de retard, voilà la première photo de 2024 prise le 3 janvier ! La délicatesse de l'écrin de dentelle associée au cœur rouge du fruit, voilà l'Alkékenge - Physalis alkekengi. Aussi appelé Amour en Cage, il est plus ornemental que comestible mais pourrait être consommé à maturité. Par contre dans la même famille, vous en trouverez d'autres plus adaptés à la consommation comme le Coqueret du Pérou - Physalis peruviana (2ème photo) aux fruits jaune-orangé .😋 Les vestiges des deux espèces étaient présents au jardin jusqu'en janvier. Le premier s'était invité entre des planches de culture, le deuxième a été introduit par nos soins et a passé l'été et l'automne entouré d'une Courge Longue de Nice, de quelques tomates, des œillets et chayotes. Pour les prochains posts, je pense faire un petit retour vers le passé parce que j'ai accumulé pas mal de photos depuis le début de l'été. Et après avoir pris le temps de s'émerveiller, photographier, identifier, se renseigner... Autant prendre aussi quelques moments pour partager! #physalis #alkekengi #physalisperuviana #physalisalkekengi #jardin #jardinurbain #jardinage #garden #urbangarden #gardening #gardenlovers #gardener #gardenersofinstagram #ediblegarden #jardincomestible #naturephotography #beautyofnature #biodiversity #nature #colorsofnature #picoftheday #lyon #lyon4 #fermedelaxrousse

1/20/2024, 1:14:29 PM

La uchuva, es catalogado de exótica. Es una baya carnosa, jugosa y de agradable sabor, con propiedades nutricionales y medicinales especiales que aportan grandes beneficios para la salud. 🤓Dato curioso: El consumo de uchuva es beneficioso para la salud porque ayuda a mantener sanos los riñones. 👉Ingresa en el link de la bio para saber más de esta interesante fruta. #LoAfirmativoVenezolano #FrutoVenezolano #Fruto #Uchuva #LaUchuva #PhysalisPeruviana

1/18/2024, 4:45:09 PM

Peruanska jagoda (Physalis Peruviana) u pakovanju je oko 30 semenki. Lako se uzgaja iz semena, a plodovi su preukusni, sa različitim notama voća, poput kivija, jagode, nekog citrusa itd.. ❣️ ❣️ Minimalna porudžbina: dva pakovanja semena (bilo koja). #capegooseberry #physalisperuviana #physalis #incaberry #preuanskajagoda #prodajasemena #retkesorte #starasemena #

1/16/2024, 8:20:21 PM

❣️Peruanska jagoda (Physalis Peruviana), proces od sadnica do ploda 🍀 ❣️Uskoro kreće setva semena za ovu sezonu. Pakovanje od min. 30 semenki= 150 din ❣️ Možete je jesti svežu ili praviti džemove i slatko ❣️ ❣️ Minimalna porudžbina: dva pakovanja semena (bilo kojeg). #mojabasta #mladinaselu #povrataknaselo #peruanskajagoda #physalisperuviana #prodajasemena #retkesorte #starasemena

1/12/2024, 4:09:49 PM

Capullo de Uchuva en descomposición con su fruto intacto en el interior (aguaymanto, uvilla, ushun) (Physalis Peruviana) 📸 Fotografía 1 (macrofotografía) 📸 f/8.0 1/400 seg. 35mm. (Lente Fujian) manual ISO 640 📸 Fotografía 2 📸 f/9.0 1/400 seg. 55 mm. ISO 640 #physalis #physalisperuviana #uchuva #ushun #uvilla #capullo #macro_perfectio #macroworld_tr #macro_royals #macro_brilliance #macro_highlight #macromood #macrophotography #macro #macro_captures #macro_top1

1/10/2024, 5:49:37 PM

CÈCÈNÈT Amis? Haseum? Amis, haseum? Teu aya rasaan Warnana orèn cenah Cècènèt lain? Lain ieu mah golden bèrry Wih gaya! Geuwat urang cobaan Ulah! kur aya hiji Mending pelakeun Dina beuteung KBB, 10-01-2024 #sajakmeureun #cecenet #goldenberry #physalisperuviana #ciplukan #buahunik

1/10/2024, 1:10:20 AM

Nombre Común: Uvilla o Uchuva Nombre Científico: Physalis peruviana Inglés: Cape gooseberry Kamëntsa: Shëftá Familia: Solanaceae #capegooseberries #solanaceae #physalisperuviana

1/8/2024, 6:13:24 PM


11/30/2019, 12:50:20 PM