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Die letzten drei Tage fand im Zoo Heidelberg die VdZ-Jahrestagung statt. Auf der Tagung sind Vertreter von 70 Mitglied-Zoos sowie Partnerverbänden wie Citizen Conservation, @zgap_e.v, Stiftung Artenschutz, @Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde..., Deutsche Tierpark-Gesellschaft e.V. Deutscher Wildgehege Verband e. V. oder der Bundesverband für fachgerechten Natur-, Tier- und... vertreten. Wie immer ging es um unsere zukünftigen Aufgaben und aktuelle Herausforderungen. Besondere Highlights dieses Jahr waren die Diskussion zum Thema „Sachkundige Wildtierhaltung für eine gute Mensch-Tier-Beziehung“ oder der Vortrag „Planetare Grenzen - Aus der Vergangenheit lernen und zusammen eine lebenswerte Zukunft gestalten“ von Prof. Dr. Josef Settele, Leiter der Abteilung Naturschutzforschung am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung in Halle. #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #protectingspecies

5/31/2024, 7:55:34 PM

Einen tollen Beitrag über die Kita Bergstraße in Aachen, die für CC Titicaca-Frösche hält und züchtet, gab es im WDR! Wir freuen uns, dass schon die Allerkleinsten so mit den seltenen Tieren und dem Thema Artenschutz in Berührung kommen 🧒🐸👧 Den Link zum Eintrag in der Mediathek findet ihr in unserer Story. * There was a great report on WDR about the Bergstraße daycare center in Aachen, which keeps and breeds Titicaca Water frogs for CC! We are delighted that even the very youngest children come into contact with these rare animals and the topic of species conservation in this way 🧒🐸👧 You can find the link to the entry in the media library in our story. #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #terraristik #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung #kindergarten #biologiedidaktik

5/24/2024, 6:26:46 PM

Heute ist der internationale Tag der Artenvielfalt. Wir feiern mit – indem wir die aktuellen Bestandszahlen aller in Citizen Conservation gehaltenen Tiere veröffentlichen 🧮 Mit dabei: neue Reptilien und ein weiterer Frosch, die im letzten halben Jahr in unser Programm eingezogen sind, und erste Zuchterfolge bei mehreren Fischen und Amphibien. Insgesamt springen, schwimmen und kriechen jetzt über 5.000 Tiere aus 29 Taxa in insgesamt 281 CC-Haltungen herum und helfen mit, den Bestand ihrer Arten zu sichern. 🐸🐢🐟 Das ist Biodiversität live! Mehr Infos gibt es im Link in der Story. * Today is the International Day for Biological Diversity. We are joining in the celebrations - by publishing the current population figures for all the animals kept in Citizen Conservation 🧮 Included: new reptiles and another frog that have moved into our program in the last six months, and the first breeding successes with several fish and amphibians. In total, over 5,000 animals from 29 taxa are now jumping, swimming and crawling around in a total of 281 CC enclosures and helping to secure the population of their species. 🐸🐢🐟 This is biodiversity live! Find more information in our story. #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung

5/22/2024, 4:57:31 PM

Embark on a journey into the triumphs of migratory species. From birds spanning continents to marine creatures crossing oceans, explore their resilience and adaptability. Join us as we celebrate their remarkable feats and the importance of conservation efforts in safeguarding their habitats. Follow @ecohorizonsinitiative for more positive news! #news #journalist #inform #explorepage #youth #foryou #youthactivism #newsupdates #media #takeaction #collaboration #migratoryspecies #protectingspecies #biodiversity #conservationefforts

4/30/2024, 4:27:26 PM

Tanzania’s wildlife will forever take our breath away. 🐆 . . . #dorobofund #wildlife #protectinghabitat #protectingspecies

4/27/2024, 9:39:23 AM

Letzte Woche fand das Feuersalamander-Symposium im Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover statt, bei dem das Netzwerk Feuersalamander.NET gegründet wurde. Dazu haben wir heute eine Pressemitteilung verschickt, die man auch auf der Seite feuersalamander.NET nachlesen kann. * Last week, the Fire Salamander Symposium took place at Hannover Adventure Zoo, where the network Feuersalamander.NET was founded. We sent out a press release about the occasion today, which you can read on the homepage. #firesalamander #feuersalamander #salamander #ProtectingSpecies #artenvielfalt #artenschutz #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #insitu #exsitu

4/22/2024, 5:04:42 PM

Tag 2 des Feuersalamander-Symposiums im @erlebniszoohannover 🔥 Neben Vorträgen und einer Diskussion zum Thema "Haltung von Feuersalamandern", wurde am Nachmittag auch ein Blick auf den nahe verwandten Alpensalamander geworfen 🏔 Die Gründung einer Task Force für 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘢 𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘢 war hier eine der Überlegungen. * Day 2 of the Fire Salamander Symposium at @erlebniszoohannover 🔥 In addition to lectures and a discussion on the topic of "keeping fire salamanders", we also took a look at the closely related Alpine salamander in the afternoon 🏔 The aim here was to think about establishing a task force for 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘢 𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘢. #alpensalamander #feuersalamander #salamander #ProtectingSpecies #artenvielfalt #artenschutz #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding

4/18/2024, 6:52:50 PM

Diesen Freitag hält CC-Mitbegründer Heiko Werning eine Lesung aus dem Buch "Von Okapi, Scharnierschildkröte und Schnilch – ein prekäres Bestiarium" im Allwetterzoo Münster 📖 Mehr Infos zur Veranstaltung gibt es auf der Artenschutzseite des 🐢🐟🦜 #bestiarium #schnilch #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #artenvielfalt #artenschutz #ProtectingSpecies

4/16/2024, 3:59:21 PM

Im Schatten der Externsteine ⛰: CC-Mitbegründer Heiko Werning war am Freitagabend zu Gast bei der DGHT-Regionalgruppe Ostwestfalen/Lippe in Detmold und hat dort vor über 20 Interessierten über unsere Erhaltungszuchtinitiative berichtet. 🐸 Ein toller Abend: nicht nur, dass sich sogleich neue Halterinnen und Halter gemeldet haben, die zukünftig bei uns mitmachen wollen, besonders hat uns auch gefreut, einige schon Aktive mal persönlich kennenzulernen. Ein gutes Gefühl, mit einer so engagierten Community an einem großen Ziel zu arbeiten! 🤝 * In the shadow of the Externsteine ⛰: CC co-founder Heiko Werning was a guest at the DGHT regional group Ostwestfalen/Lippe in Detmold on Friday evening, where he reported on our conservation breeding initiative to over 20 interested people. 🐸 It was a great evening: not only did we immediately hear from new keepers who want to join us in the future, but we were also particularly pleased to meet some of those already active in person. It's a great feeling to be working towards a big goal with such a committed community! 🤝 #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #terraristik #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung

4/15/2024, 3:49:15 PM

Werft mal einen Blick auf diese wunderschönen Mangarahara-Buntbarsche, Ptychochromis insolitus, die bei @naturagart zu sehen sind. * Look at these beautiful Mangarahara cichlids, Ptychochromis insolitus, displayed at @naturagart #cichlidsofmadagascar #cichlids #madagascarcichlids #mangaraharacichlid #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #artenschutz #artenvielfalt

4/11/2024, 11:05:53 AM

*IMPORTANT NOTICE* Sea turtle hunting season is NOW closed - from April 1st 2024 until August 31st 2024. If you are caught with a sea turtle of any species in your possession during this time you can face 2 years imprisonment &/or EC$5000 fine. You have been warned. If you see a turtle during these dates in someones possession call the police immediately and you can also call our hotline for our support 534-4324 🙂 #oceanspirits #conservation #nomotehunting #puregrenada #bluegrowth #protectingspecies #saveourturtles #endangeredspecies #turtlesfriendnotfood

4/3/2024, 8:08:34 PM

Im ZDF sprach Prof. Michael Lierz über die Haltung von Wildtieren in Menschenobhut und erwähnte dabei auch Citizen Conservation als positives Beispiel. In unserer Story gibt's den Link zum ZDF-Beitrag. * On ZDF, Prof. Michael Lierz spoke about the keeping of wild animals in captivity and mentioned Citizen Conservation as a positive example. Find the link in our bio. #Tierhaltung #wildtierhaltung #terraristik #feuersalamander #artenvielfalt #artenschutz #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies

3/29/2024, 6:00:50 PM

It's one of our favorite days of the year: International Day of the Seal! How does the ASLC and the seals here support ice seal science? Experts from the ASLC, the University of California Santa Cruz (@pinnipedlab), and other partner institutions collaborate on the "PHOCAS" project. PHOCAS stands for the Physiology and Health of Cooperating Arctic Seals! This project contributes data and research from trained individuals to supplement information gathered from free-ranging seals. The PHOCAS team hopes to utilize their findings to understand how ice-dependent seals will respond to projected environmental changes in the coming century. #internationaldayoftheseal @pinniped #science #marinescience #wildlife #protectingspecies #savingspecies

3/22/2024, 11:01:24 PM

Seit der CC-Beiratstagung im Januar 2022 ist Volker Ennenbach Teil unseres Wissenschaftlichen Beirats. 🐸🐢Wir sind froh, dass uns der Geschäftsführer von @das_tropenparadies mit seinem Know-How unterstützt. * Volker Ennenbach has been part of our Scientific Advisory Board since the CC Advisory Board meeting in January 2022. 🐸🐢 We are delighted that the Managing Director of Das Tropenparadies is supporting us with his expertise. #haltungrettetarten #Tierhaltung #wildtierhaltung #terraristik #artenvielfalt #artenschutz #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies

3/20/2024, 3:21:21 PM

Am Samstag hielt Tina Nagorzanski, CC-Artmanagerin für Fische, einen Vortrag auf dem Treffen des VDA - Arbeitskreises Lebendgebärende Aquarienfische in Fulda. 🐠 🐟 Erfreulicherweise waren viele interessierte Aquarianer vor Ort und einige nutzten anschließend die Zeit, um Fragen zu stellen und sich über die Erhaltungszuchtprogramme von CC auszutauschen. 🫧 Wir bedanken uns bei dem Arbeitskreis nicht nur für die Einladung, sondern auch für die Unterstützung auf der Suche nach Foundertieren für unsere neue CC-Art, dem Tigerkärpfling, Limia islai. * Last Saturday, Tina Nagorzanski, CC species manager for fish, gave a presentation at the meeting of the VDA - Arbeitskreis Lebendgebärende Aquarienfische in Fulda. 🐟🐠 Fortunately, many interested aquarists were present and some used the time afterwards to ask questions and discuss CC's conservation breeding programs. 🫧 We would like to thank the working group not only for the invitation, but also for their support in the search for founder animals for our new CC species, the tiger limia, Limia islai. 📸 Kay Urban #haltungrettetarten #aquarianer #artenschutz #aquaristik #aquarium #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung

3/18/2024, 3:28:14 PM

🐟 Im neuen Magazin der Zeitschrift “aquaristik” gibt es einen Artikel über Citizen Conservation. Darin berichtet Tina Nagorzanski, Artmanagerin für Fische bei CC, über den derzeitigen Stand. Denk Link zum Beitrag gibt es in unserer Story. 🐠 Diesen Samstag hält Tina übrigens einen Vortrag beim Treffen des VDA-Arbeitskreises Lebendgebärende Aquarienfische in Fulda mit Fokus auf die Fische bei CC. * 🐟 In the new issue of the magazine "aquaristik" there is an article about Citizen Conservation. In it, Tina Nagorzanski, species manager for fish at CC, reports on the current status. You can find the link to the article in our story. 🐠 This Saturday, Tina is also giving a presentation at the meeting of the VDA working group on livebearing aquarium fish in Fulda, focusing on the fish at CC. #aquaristik #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies

3/15/2024, 2:24:06 PM

Diplom-Biologie Joachim Nerz ist Teil unserer Fachbeirats für Amphibien. Auf seinen vielen Reisen fotografiert er auch gerne und zeigt seine Funde auf * Biology graduate Joachim Nerz is part of our advisory board for amphibians. He also enjoys taking photos on his many travels and shows his findings on 📸 Tillman Konrad #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies

3/13/2024, 3:59:13 PM

Unsere Mallorca-Geburtshelferkröten sind ein beliebtes Fotomotiv. Hier sind einige Bilder, die wir im Zuge der Bestandsmeldungen bis jetzt von unseren Halterinnen und Haltern bekommen haben. * Our Mallorcan Midwife Toads are a popular subject for photos. Here are some pictures that we have received from our keepers in the course of the population reports so far. 📸 1) Florian Bonenkamp 2) Maike Wilstermann-Hildebrand 3) Arne Schulze 4) Sigrun Peil #alytesmuletensis #alytes #geburtshelferkröte #amphibiansofmallorca #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #protectingspecies #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung #terraristik

3/11/2024, 7:32:39 PM

Fachtierarzt Tobias Eisenberg ist seit der Gründung bei Citizen Conservation dabei. Nun unterstützt er uns speziell im Fachbeirat für Amphibien. * Specialist vet Tobias Eisenberg has been with Citizen Conservation since it was founded. He now supports us specifically on the advisory board for amphibians. 📸 Portrait: Tillmann Konrad #laubfrosch #lemurlaubfrosch #agalychnislemur #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #terraristik #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung

3/6/2024, 1:18:02 PM

Wir gratulieren dem @koelnerzoo zur erfolgreichen Aufzucht der F2, also der Enkelkinder-Generation, von Zieglers Krokodilmolch! 👶 * We congratulate Cologne Zoo on the successful rearing of F2, the grandchildren generation, of Ziegler's crocodile newt! 👶 #krokodilmolch #tylototriton #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #biodiversität #artenvielfalt #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung #terraristik

3/5/2024, 3:07:07 PM

Ordentlich Kröten für die Frösche! 💸 Die DGHT-Stadtgruppe Mönchengladbach/Krefeld hat ein ausgesprochen charmantes Kinder-Bastel-und-Action-Buch über die Lebensgeschichte von Rüdiger herausgebracht, einem Vertreter des in der Terraristik äußerst beliebten Baumsteigerfroschs der Art Epipedobates anthonyi. 📖 Der Überschuss aus dem Verkauf der Bücher sollte Citizen Conservation zukommen, weil wir mit dem Dreistreifen-Baumsteiger Epipedobates tricolor sozusagen den großen, aber stark gefährdeten Bruder von Rüdiger in unserem Erhaltungszuchtprogramm betreuen. Die 1000-Euro-Spende wurde am Freitag von Stefanie Leber (rechts) und Kristina Maciejek an unseren Heiko Werning übergeben, der zum Vortrag über unser Projekt ins Rheinland gekommen war. Eine tolle Aktion! Rüdigers Bande und CC trällern begeistert: danke! * Plenty of bucks for the frogs! The DGHT Mönchengladbach/Krefeld city group has published an exceptionally charming children's craft-and-action book about the life story of Rüdiger, a representative of Anthony's poison arrow frog, Epipedobates anthonyi, which is extremely popular in terraristics. The surplus from the sale of the books was donated to Citizen Conservation because we are looking after Rüdiger's bigger yet highly endangered brother, the three-striped treecreeper Epipedobates tricolor, in our conservation breeding program. The 1000 euro donation was handed over on Friday by Stefanie Leber (right) and Kristina Maciejek to our Heiko Werning, who had come to the Rheinland to give a talk about our project. A great campaign! Rüdiger's gang and CC sing enthusiastically: thank you! 📸 Stefan Leber #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #biodiversität #artenvielfalt #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #dght @dght_official #epipedobates #ngo #spendeneingang

3/4/2024, 5:17:05 PM

Heute ist der Tag des Artenschutzes. Wenn auch du uns unterstützen möchtest, schließe eine Patenschaft ab und erhalte eine von vielen wunderschönen Illustrationen. Such dir gleich das passende Motiv auf unserer Homepage aus. * Today is World Wildlife Day. If you would also like to support us, take out a sponsorship and receive one of many beautiful illustrations. Choose the motif that suits you on our homepage. 🖌 Jonas Lieberknecht #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #biodiversität #conservation #artenvielfalt #ProtectingSpecies #breeding #wordlwildlifeday #artenschutztag

3/3/2024, 3:00:12 PM

Sie sind groß, giftig, schnell, klein, verspielt, gefährlich, neugierig, tödlich, furchteinflößend, farbenfroh, anmutig und vieles mehr, aber vor allem sind sie einzigartig und leider häufig bedroht – Tiere. 💚 Heute, am internationalen Tag des Artenschutzes, soll einmal mehr die Aufmerksamkeit auf die faszinierende Welt der Fauna gelenkt werden und auf den Verlust der Biodiversität, den viele Forscher ähnlich bedrohlich wie den Klimawandel einschätzen. 🌏 Der Tierpark und das Tropen-Aquarium setzen sich seit vielen Jahren dafür ein, die natürliche Vielfalt zu erhalten und bedrohte Tierarten zu schützen. Daher liegt die Hoffnung von Hagenbeck in der Nachzucht seltener Tierarten, der Sicherung von Lebensräumen aber eben auch auf der Sensibilisierung für unsere belebte Welt. „Als zoologische Einrichtung ist es unsere Aufgabe, uns für den Schutz von Tierarten einzusetzen, indem wir bedrohte Arten züchten, sie erforschen und uns für deren Lebensräume einsetzen, aber auch indem wir Tiere den Besuchern im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes näherbringen. Denn nur was man kennt, wird man schützen: und vis-à-vis erzeugt man am meisten Empathie“, so Dr. Guido Westhoff, Zoologischer Direktor bei Hagenbeck. Durch die Teilnahme an meist internationalen Zuchtprogrammen trägt Hagenbeck dazu bei, die Artenvielfalt für die nächsten Generationen zu erhalten. Aktuell beteiligt sich der Tierpark und das Tropen-Aquarium mit vielen Tierarten an Europäischen Erhaltungszuchtprogrammen (EEP). Zudem verantwortet Hagenbeck die EEP-Koordination für den Nordchinesischen Leoparden sowie die Onager und koordiniert das Monitoring-Programm (Mon-T) für die Pazifischen Walrosse. Unsere größten Zuchterfolge der letzten Jahre sind u.a. Jungtiere bei den Eisbären, Pazifischen Walrossen, Sumatra Orang-Utans, Sibirischen Tigern, Nordchinesischen Leoparden und vielen mehr. Mehr Infos zum Artenschutz findet ihr unter: Fotos: Götz Berlik, Lutz Schnier und Hagenbeck #hagenbeck #artenschutz #safeourplanet #arterhaltung #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #ProtectingSpecies #bedrohtetierarten #kommtzuhagenbeck #zookeeper

3/3/2024, 10:00:44 AM

Heute ist der 1. März und das bedeutet: Stichtag für unsere halbjährliche Bestandsmeldung. 🧮 Dass unsere Teilnehmer uns ihren Bestand an CC-Tieren zweimal jährlich melden, hilft uns, über den Tierbestand am Laufenden zu bleiben. Nur so können wir sinnvolle Managementpläne entwickeln, den Erfolg unserer Maßnahmen ablesen und wissen, wo wir eigentlich stehen. 🐸 Die Bestandsmeldung ist auch eine gute Möglichkeit, Beobachtungen, Probleme und Erfolge bei der Haltung der Tiere an uns mitzuteilen, damit unser Wissen über die Arten weiter wächst. Und schließlich ist es für uns wichtig zu wissen, wann möglicherweise Nachzuchten an neue Halter*innen vermittelt werden sollen. 📈 Die Ergebnisse dieser Zählung werden im Mai auf unserer Homepage veröffentlicht. * Today is March 1st and that means: time for our semi-annual stock report. 🧮 The fact that our participants report their stock of CC animals to us twice a year helps us to keep up to date with the animal population. This is the only way we can develop meaningful management plans, measure the success of our actions and know where we actually stand. 🐸 The population report is also a good way of sharing observations, problems and successes in animal husbandry with us so that our knowledge of the species continues to grow. And finally, it is important for us to know when any offspring are to be passed on to new keepers. 📈 The results of this census will be published on our website in May. #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #wildtierhaltung #tierbestand #bestandszählung #inventur #tierinventur

3/1/2024, 4:55:54 PM

Seit kurzer Zeit gibt es ein neues Mitglied im Aufsichtsrat von CC und zwar Olivier Pagan, Direktor des @zoobasel. Der Zoo Basel ist 2023 als finanzieller und inhaltlicher Partner bei CC eingestiegen und unterstützt uns mit 25.000 Euro jährlich. * A new member has recently joined the CC Supervisory Board: Olivier Pagan, Director of Basel Zoo. Basel Zoo joined CC as a financial and content partner in 2023 and supports us with 25,000 euros a year. #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #Tierhaltung #wildtierhaltung #conservation #protectingspecies #vetmed

2/29/2024, 3:56:12 PM

🔥 Dass der Feuersalamander an vielen Orten bedroht ist, hat man eventuell schon mitbekommen. Neben den Herausforderungen durch Veränderungen geeigneter Habitate, die viele Arten betreffen, setzt ihm vor allem in vielen Gegenden auch ein Pilz zu, der auch als Salamanderfresser bezeichnet wird. Dieser Pilz, wissenschaftlich abgekürzt als Bsal, breitet sich kontinuierlich immer weiter aus. Höchste Zeit daher etwas pro-aktiv für den Schutz des Feuersalamanders zu tun bevor es zu spät ist und den Alpensalamander dabei gleich mitzudenken! ➡️ Gemeinsam mit weiteren Partner*innen laden wir daher zahlreiche Expert*innen zu einem Symposium und zur Schaffung eines bundesweiten Netzwerks Mitte April in den Erlebnis-Zoo nach Hannover ein. 🏁 Ziel ist es sich über aktuelle Themen zu beiden Arten auszutauschen, aber auch schon zu schauen, welche Kapazitäten es zum langfristigen Schutz gibt und wie die zahlreichen bereits bestehenden Bestrebungen unter dem Schirm von „Feuersalamander.NET“ koordiniert werden können. * You may already be aware that the fire salamander is endangered in many places. In addition to the challenges posed by changes to suitable habitats, which affect many species, a fungus, also known as the salamander eater, is also affecting it, particularly in many areas. It is therefore high time to do something proactive to protect the fire salamander before it is too late and to think about the Alpine salamander at the same time! Together with other partners, we are therefore inviting numerous experts to a symposium and the creation of a nationwide network in mid-April at the Adventure Zoo in Hanover. The aim is to discuss current issues relating to both species, but also to look at what capacities exist for long-term protection and how the numerous existing efforts can be coordinated under the umbrella of "Feuersalamander.NET". 📸 Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH, Shutterstock 📸 rtbilder, Shutterstock #feuersalamander #alpensalamander #salamander #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #ProtectingSpecies #biodiversität #conservation #protectingspecies #firesalamander #salamandrasalamandra #salamandraatra #alpinesalamander

2/28/2024, 3:45:16 PM

Those who call London's rivers home, need your help ❤ London’s rivers are home to an amazing array of wildlife, including the endangered water vole and critically endangered European eel. But rivers in the UK are currently suffering from intense pressures from various sources of pollution - and need our help to recover. We are looking for eager citizen scientists to join the 2024 outfall safari programme, to help combat the water pollution crisis in our rivers. A lesser known yet widespread source of this type of pollution is caused by cross connections, misconnections, poorly designed assets and blockages, which cause sewage to be discharged into rivers via surface water outfalls. The Outfall Safari Citizen Science programme is used to identify and score outfalls along rivers, so that they can be fed to Thames Water for remediation. Can you spare a few hours of your time to help us? Find out more at #OutfallSafari #LondonsRivers #StopPollution #ProtectingSpecies #NativeWildlife #JoeLycettVsSewage #StopSewagePollution #StopPollution #VolunteerInLondon We have multiple opportunities for you to get involved, so please follow the links for more details on the Outfall Safari near you.

2/24/2024, 5:39:06 PM

The birds in your garden need your help ❗ Birds in your back garden are up against the threat of harmful disease. Our Garden Wildlife Health experts, with partners - are working tirelessly to protect them, but they need your support. There are two huge things you can do to help these incredible creatures in need: 🐦 Clean your bird feeders regularly - this simple action will help prevent the spread of trichomonosis and other diseases between the feathered friends in your back garden. 🐦 Be vigilant and report any signs of illness or dead birds to our Garden Wildlife Health experts. You can read more about what to look out for here and report any sick or dead wildlife at When we join together, everything is possible. By working together we can help prevent the spread of avian disease. Please share to help us spread the word! #ProtectingSpecies #InspiringChange #GardenWildlife #Trichomonosis #BirdFeeders #BirdersOfIG #ConservationScience

2/23/2024, 2:52:25 PM

Im heutigen Post stellen wir unsere Aufsichtsrätin Saskia Kress vor und erzählen, wie sie als Geschäftsführerin von @filmtankproductions und der @interactivemediafoundation auf den Frosch und dadurch zu Citizen Conservation gekommen ist. * In today's post, we introduce our Supervisory Board member Saskia Kress and tell you how she, as Managing Director of Filmtank and the Interactive Media Foundation, came across the frog and thus to Citizen Conservation. Portraitfoto: Frank Eidel #artenschutz #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenvielfalt #conservation #protectingspecies

2/14/2024, 4:36:36 PM

Gregor Geisler hilft uns mit seiner Expertise im Fachbeirat für Reptilien. Besonders bei veterinärmedizinischen Fragen, die die Kriechtiere betreffen, steht er uns als Tierarzt zur Seite. Auch privat beschäftigt er sich schon lange mit Terrarientieren. * Gregor Geisler helps us with his expertise on the advisory board for reptiles. As a vet, he supports us in particular with veterinary issues relating to reptiles. He has also been involved with terrarium animals in his private life for a long time. #artenschutz #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenvielfalt #conservation #protectingspecies #exsitubreedingprogram #terraristik #wildtierhaltung #exsitubreeding

2/1/2024, 12:56:37 PM

Und es ist ... ein Gecko! Das “@ZootierdesJahres” wurde heute im Kölner Zoo bekanntgegeben. Die Wahl der Aktion unserer Partner vom Verband der Zoologischen Gärten (VdZ), der Zoologische Gesellschaft für Arten- und Populationsschutz e.V. - ZGAP, der Deutsche Tierpark-Gesellschaft e.V. (DTG) sowie der Gemeinschaft der Zooförderer fiel in diesem Jahr auf die Echsengruppe der Geckos. Von ihren mehr als tausend Arten sind viele gefährdet. Im besonderen Fokus der Kampagne stehen die vietnamesischen Tigergeckos der Gattung Goniurosaurus. Einer von ihnen ist der Huu-Lien-Tigergecko, der sogar vom “Aussterben bedroht” ist. Deshalb baut Citizen Conservation in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kölner Zoo nun ein Erhaltungszuchtprogramm für diese Art auf. Die ersten Tiere werden schon in den kommenden Wochen in die Terrarien von CC-Teilnehmenden wandern und dort hoffentlich den Grundstock für eine gesunde Ex-situ-Population bilden. Und mit dem Mauritius-Taggecko (Phelsuma guimbeaui) haben wir sogar noch eine zweite Gecko-Art neu in unser Programm aufgenommen, die ebenfalls vom Aussterben bedroht ist. #zootierdesjahres #zootierdesjahres2024 #gecko #geckosofvietnamn #geckosofmauritius #tigergecko #geckolovers #geckohaltung #wildtierhaltung #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #terraristik #artenvielfalt #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies

1/31/2024, 4:48:43 PM

This week I’m sitting down with Ian Redmond for a new episode of My Views Are My Own podcast. Ian Redmond is an internationally renowned conservationist with more than 45 years’ experience, ranging from field research to anti-poaching policy development with the United Nations. Ian is the Head of Conservation at Ecoflix, Ambassador for the UN’s Convention on Migratory Species, Chairman at Ape Alliance, Chairman at The Gorilla Organization, and co-founder of Rebalance Earth. #nashvillepodcast #conservation #apealliance #apes #gorillas #rebalanceearth #evironmentallyfriendly #environmentalist #protectingspecies #planetearth #environmentalscience #ecosystems #antipoaching

1/23/2024, 2:59:47 PM

Tune into The One Show tonight at 7pm to discover more about sharks and the marine environment in #Wales through the use of Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems (BRUVS). @projectsiarc deploy these with fishers in the Pen Llŷn A'r Sarnau Special Area of Conservation to better understand the amazing species we have here in Wales. You can find out more and get involved by using the InstantWild platform to identify species that have been recorded during the BRUVS deployments. Head over to to see what you can spot: Gwrandewch ar The One Show heddiw i ddarganfod mwy am siarcod ac amgylchedd morol Cymru trwy ddefnyddio systemau Fideo Tanddwr o Bell abwyd (BRUVS) a ddefnyddir trwy weithio gyda physgotwyr o fewn Ardal Cadwraeth Arbennig Pen Llŷn a'r Sarnau. Gallwch ddarganfod mwy a chymryd rhan trwy ddefnyddio platfform InstantWild i nodi rhywogaethau sydd wedi'u cofnodi yn ystod y defnydd o BRUVS. Ewch draw i'r ddolen isod i weld beth allwch chi ei weld: #NatureNetworks #RhwydweithiauNatur #TheOneShow #ProtectingSpecies #ukconservation @NatResWales, @heritagefunduk, @WelshGovernment, @Llywodraeth, @northwaleswildlifetrust, @thesharktrust, @bangor_university, @swanseauni, @suscieng, @countingfishes, @MISS_Elasmo, @angelsharkproject

1/12/2024, 7:15:11 PM

Paperwork saves wildlife in Peru Recently, our partners in Peru submitted the paperwork to register the two new community protected areas with the government. Registration is a major step forward for these communities to protect their forests and wildlife. It gives them the rights to manage their land and resources sustainably. But the process of registering is complex and time-consuming. It requires an inventory of the natural resources in the area, a socio-economic survey, and a financial plan. The communities can't do this without support. #communityconservation #primates #protecting species #protectingspecies #biodiversityconservation #conservationmatters

12/30/2023, 7:46:43 PM

On this date in 1973, the Endangered Species Act became law, only 4 months after the EROS Center opened! But more connects the ESA and EROS than just a 50-year anniversary: Wildlife managers can use the Landsat data in our archive to help ID the best habitat for endangered species. To learn more, follow the link in our bio. __ #ESA50 #EROS_50th #GoldenAnniversary #ProtectingSpecies #ThreatenedSpecies

12/28/2023, 11:00:51 PM

We shared how necessary actions to protect long-tailed macaques align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 15 which promotes protection of wildlife, in our most recent publication. To us, coexistence is critical in the development of a sustainable future. Please comment with some examples of successful wildlife protection! Here is our publication: Photo: Amos Chau Yi Ping @macacatales #longtailedmacaque #macacafascicularis #theltmproject #primate #primates #monkeyslife #crabeatingmacaque #primateconservation #protectwildlife #primatology #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #coexistence #sustainability #primateawareness #primateconservation #supportconservation #animalprotection #primateprotection #protectingspecies #protectprimates #standbywildlife #supportwildlife #supportprimates

12/24/2023, 6:00:41 AM

Im November ist hier eine neue CC-Art eingezogen! Welche das ist, verraten wir im neuen Jahr. Bis dahin sind wir auf eure Vermutungen gespannt. 😁 * A new CC species moved in here in November! We'll reveal what kind it is in the new year. Until then, we look forward to your guesses.😄 📸 Michael Tischmeyer #haltungrettetarten #wildtierhaltung #terraristik #ProtectingSpecies #artenvielfalt #artenschutz #biodiversität #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #amphibianconservation

12/15/2023, 4:12:09 PM

Meet the species whose fate has today been reversed 👏 The scimitar horned oryx, also called the Sahara oryx, was once widespread across North Africa, but in the 1980’s the population began to plummet - largely due to the antelopes being hunted for their horns and meat. In 2000, the species was declared Extinct in the Wild by the IUCN Red List. Today, thanks to a conservation partnership coordinated by @environmentabudhabi which we support, its fate has been reversed – making these the first species from our Extinct in the Wild global initiative to be downlisted. The @redlist.iucn downlisting recognises the successful establishment of the self-sustaining population which now thrives within Chad’s Ouadi Rimé, at the Ouadi Achim Faunal Reserve – with animals from leading conservation zoos - including @zslwhipsnadezoo - contributing to the founding herd. Read more at #ConservationSuccess #ProtectingSpecies #ZSL #News #ConservationOptimism #ConservationZoos #Whipsnade #SpeciesReintroduction

12/11/2023, 6:03:55 PM

𝐿𝒶 𝒫𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒽è𝓇𝑒 𝒩𝑜𝒾𝓇𝑒 24x24 cm acrylique sur toile 🇫🇷 Symbole de courage, d´honneur, de grâce, de challenge, de puissance féminine, de rites de passages. 🇬🇧 The black panther represents courage, valor, beauty, grace, challenge, feminine power, and rites of passage. #blackpanther #blackleopard #pantherenoire #pantherart #blackpantherart #blackpantherpainting #painting #peinture #animaltotem #animauxtotems #totemanimal #sacré #amourdelanature #amourdesanimaux #scadalumni #consciousart #animalspirit #regarddelame #spiritanimal #ProtectEndangeredSpecies #wildlifeartist #ProtectingSpecies #wildlifeArt #wildlifePainting #animalArt #animalpainting #conservation #artofconservation #animalartistry #acrylicpainting

12/7/2023, 4:00:52 PM

🌎The World Wildlife Conservation Day🐠 🌊Ponds serve as crucial nurseries for wildlife, playing a fundamental role in the early stages of life for many species, such as: 🐣Breeding and Reproduction 🐣Protection from Predators 🐣Abundant Food 🐣Temperature Regulation 🐣Learning and Adaptation 🐣Genetic Diversity 🐣Conservation of Rare Species 🦆🌱Ponds' significance extends beyond the individual organisms that rely on them, as they contribute to ecosystems' overall health and diversity.🪷🐠 #WorldWildlifeConservationDay #PondsLife #HealthyEcosystem #WildLife #ProtectingSpecies #NaturesPondCare

12/4/2023, 9:00:32 PM

🇬🇧 Most of my art is created on commission with the intent of conveying the empowering energy of the person’s totem animal. I create the portraits in the desired format with either acrylic paint on canvas or woodburning tools on wood with a touch of acrylic paint for color. Discover your totem animal : For a personalized experience I offer guidance to future purchasers wishing to discover their own Totem Animal. Pet portraits : I also create pet portraits based on photos. #petportrait #petcommission #paintingcommission #artcommission #petartist #painting #peinture #animaltotem #animauxtotems #totemanimal #sacré #amourdelanature #amourdesanimaux #scadalumni #consciousness #consciousart #animalspirit #regarddelame #spiritanimal #ProtectEndangeredSpecies #wildlifeartist #ProtectingSpecies #wildlifeArt #wildlifePainting #animalArt #animalpainting #conservation #artofconservation #woodburning #woodburningart

12/1/2023, 11:41:10 PM

Du hast den Vortrag von Tina Nagorzanski letzte Woche im Cichliden-Forum verpasst? Auch in der Aufzeichnung des Vortrags zur “Tagung zur Arterhaltung in der Aquaristik” in Thannhausen erlangst du einen Überblick über die bei CC gemanagten Fisch-Programme und die Online-Plattform zum Tierbestandsmanagement “Wild at Home”. Den Link dazu gibt es in der Story. * Did you miss Tina Nagorzanski's presentation last week in the Cichlid Forum? In the recording of the lecture on the "Conference on Species Conservation in Aquaristics" in Thannhausen you will also get an overview of the fish programs managed by CC and the online platform for animal stock management "Wild at Home". 📸 Kathrin Glaw @deutschecichlidengesellschaft @aquarienfreunde_krumbach #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #conservation #aquaristik #breeding #protectingspecies #aquarium #fischhaltung #fischzüchter

12/1/2023, 12:05:46 PM

Remember that time? ⏰ BEI has installed kms of 🐢 fence in ecologically sensitive areas to mitigate risks to creature mortality rates on roadways. #turtlefence #wildlifefence #protectingspecies #renfrewcounty #ottawavalley #constructionlife #tradesrock #thebigblue

11/30/2023, 12:05:00 PM

🚨 Dangerous levels of banned chemicals in UK-stranded marine mammals 🚨 Data collected over 30 years from one of the world’s largest marine mammal toxicology datasets shows alarming concentrations of banned chemicals in orcas, bottlenose dolphins, and white-beaked dolphins – jeopardising their health 🐬 Levels of banned chemicals in orcas are 30 times over the toxic threshold! Urgent action is needed now to protect our ocean 🐋 We're still cleaning up the mess of historic pollutants - we need to act now, learn from our past mistakes, and employ stronger, science-backed measures to curb pollution Together we can tackle the profound impact that chemical pollution continues to have on marine life 🌍 The data was collected by our Cetacean Stranding Investigation Programme – which investigates strandings of marine mammals, marine turtles and sharks around the English and Welsh coast to understand the threats they face 📞 You can help our scientists by reporting any strandings to 0800 652 0333 #Wildlife #ProtectingSpecies #UKWildlife #Conservation #OceanWildlife #MarineLife

11/28/2023, 4:09:20 PM

Greater flamingos eat themselves pink. The colour of their feathers is a side effect of their diet. ⁠ ⁠ They stand on one leg to keep the other one from getting chilly. If you see them on a hot day both pins will be out. ⁠ ⁠ Shot with #SonyA1 @SonyAlphaFemale #SonyAlphaFemale #SonyAlpha #AlphaUniverse during a visit to @zslwhipsnadezoo ⁠; information sourced from ZSL⁠ ⁠ September, 2023⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #WildlifePortraits #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #wildlifeconservation #Wildlife #ProtectingSpecies #Conservation #StateofNatureReport #StateOfNature #LondonZoo #InspiringChange #ConservationScience #ConservationOptimism #HelpUsHelpThem⁠ ⁠

11/26/2023, 7:55:15 AM

If a chimp is tearing a leaf with its teeth, it's probably flirting. ⁠ ⁠ Chimpanzees are genetically closer to humans than they are to gorillas - this naturally means they love hierarchy and politics. ⁠ ⁠ Males will patrol the borders of their territory and often beat up or even kill outsiders. But there's a little democracy in there too... ish. The leading male chimp actually needs popular support - without the votes, he's outta there. ⁠ ⁠ Just like us chimps also love to relax, play, and eat! ⁠ ⁠ And they actually have better memory than we do, outperforming humans in short-term recall tests. ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ Shot with #SonyA1 @SonyAlphaFemale #SonyAlphaFemale #SonyAlpha #AlphaUniverse during a visit to @zslwhipsnadezoo ⁠; information sourced from ZSL ⁠ ⁠ September, 2023⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #WildlifePortraits #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #wildlifeconservation #Wildlife #ProtectingSpecies #Conservation #StateofNatureReport #StateOfNature #LondonZoo #InspiringChange #ConservationScience #ConservationOptimism #HelpUsHelpThem⁠ ⁠

11/25/2023, 4:55:29 AM

Extra, dramatic, loud, staccato and just a little mad, Asian short-clawed otters are SO much fun to watch and try to catch on camera. ⁠ ⁠ Mum Carol, Dad Ernie, and pups Peanut and Pistachio enjoy Otter Island at @zslwhipsnadezoo ⁠ ⁠ Asian short-clawed otters are under threat from deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, and hunting. They are officially vulnerable. ⁠ ⁠ Shot with #SonyA1 @SonyAlphaFemale #SonyAlphaFemale #SonyAlpha #AlphaUniverse during a visit to @zslwhipsnadezoo ⁠; information sourced from ZSL⁠ ⁠ September, 2023⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ ⁠ #WildlifePortraits #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #wildlifeconservation #Wildlife #ProtectingSpecies #Conservation #StateofNatureReport #StateOfNature #LondonZoo #InspiringChange #ConservationScience #ConservationOptimism #HelpUsHelpThem⁠ ⁠

11/24/2023, 4:55:14 AM

THE HERD ARE OUT AND ABOUT! 🐘🐘  ‘Walking with Elephants’, Julia Cassels @juliacasselsart solo exhibition, is now previewing and today we’d like to show you two beautiful original pieces in her collection (close-ups of both paintings in the extra photos 😊).  The paintings are from her sketches drawn whilst out in Zambia visiting @game_rangers_international (GRI), who Julia is kindly supporting with her artwork.  ‘At the Water’s Edge’ Original Watercolour 34 x 38cms £650 ‘Batoka’ Original Walnut Ink 32 x 42cms £425 A little about Batoka.....Found alone and emaciated on an island in Zambia’s Zambezi River at roughly 1 ½  years old, Batoka was rescued through collaboration between GRI and Zambia's Department of National Parks and Wildlife, before being taken to the rescue facility, which at that time was in Kafue National Park. Possibly suffering with post-traumatic stress, Batoka found it difficult to integrate with the herd. Eventually however, after several years of care, feeling safe in his environment and gaining social skills, he befriended elephants including Tafika and Chamilandu.  Batoka's bond with Chamilandu grew strong enough for them to venture out at night together independently, but in 2020 he left the facility of his own accord, with the confidence and social ability to live in the wild as elephants should do. Despite his traumatic start in life, Batoka’s story is a true testament to the power of rehabilitation and positive impact that dedicated individuals and organizations like GRI can have on the lives of this vulnerable species. The whole exhibition can be seen on our website (direct link in our bio) and Julia’s Hampshire based, UK studio can be visited to see these very pieces and the other herd members she has painted.  Please message Julia directly for information and details. The exhibition is previewing until Thursday, 23rd Nov 6pm GMT, when the site will open for sales and is on until Sunday, 3rd Dec. Please do come and meet the herd with us! ❤️

11/20/2023, 5:10:28 PM

#DYK the northern cardinal is the state bird of 7 states? That's a lot of cardinal cred! 🐦 A common sight across North America, identified by their bright red plumage, check out these fun facts about these unique North American songbirds: 🐦They mate for life & work together to raise their young. 🐦Their song sounds like “birdie, birdie, birdie” or “cheer, cheer, cheer.” 🐦Cardinals molt at least once a year to replenish damaged feathers. During this process, they lose some or all of their feathers for a couple of weeks. 🐦They're highly intelligent - known for their problem-solving skills & ability to learn new things. . . . #NorthAmericanSongbirdSAFE @safesongbirds #cardinal #northerncardinal #songbird #birds #birdstgram #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #protectingspecies #rwpzoo

11/7/2023, 5:30:13 PM

Don’t miss Planet Earth III this week - Sunday at 6.15pm on @bbc One! 🌍 Our vital conservation work with Tsaobis baboons is included in this spectacular episode ✨ David Attenborough explores deserts and grasslands, where extraordinary life survives in unexpected ways, and nature puts on its most dramatic show. In the baked Namib desert, a pair of ostriches raise their family in the searing heat to keep them safe from predators – but time is ticking as the chicks begin to hatch. Outside the egg, the new-borns won’t survive long in these temperatures, but not all of the clutch hatch at once; tragically, the parents are forced to leave behind an unhatched egg. As the family departs, a new-born emerges and the lone chick wanders the vast Namib desert calling for its family. In the desert, life exists in a world with almost no water, which drives one troop of desert baboons on a continual quest to find it. A young mother who is low in the pecking order must battle for her right to drink, as without water her milk will run dry and her new-born will not survive. Where rain falls regularly, it can transform a desert into grassland. Grasslands support the biggest concentrations of terrestrial large animals on the planet, and this wealth of life in turn attracts predators. #PlanetEarth3 #ZSL #ZSLScience #ProtectingSpecies #SirDavidAttenborough #BBCOne #IPlayer #conservation

11/3/2023, 8:13:12 PM

Checking for this white rhino (_Ceratotherium simum_) vitals using my phone during a chemical immobilization process for a rhino dehorning operation even though I look like texting in the middle of it all. Incredible work done by @selatigamereserve #conservationmedicine #biodiversity #protectingspecies #onehealth

11/2/2023, 4:53:01 PM

Meet the Tufted Titmouse 🐦These little feathered friends are commonly seen throughout the year in eastern forests. You may even recognize it’s familiar “peter-peter-peter” song. This common backyard songbird can be seen hoarding food in fall and winter. Have you seen any at your feeders? #SongbirdSAFE TIP: As the sun sets earlier, songbirds are flying overhead. They need our help. Artificial lights disorient them. Turn off unnecessary lights at night and reduce light pollution. Your RWPZoo is proud to be a part of the AZA Saving Animals From Extinction North American Songbirds program which aims to reduce the threats to songbirds and secure sustainable wild populations of these species throughout their ranges. . . . #tuftedtitmouse #songbird #birds #birdstgram #birdsofnorthamerica #birdwatching #protectingspecies #rwpzoo

10/27/2023, 12:30:06 AM

Need pumpkin carving ideas? 🎃 Check out these templates of SAFE animals from @zoos_aquariums Link in bio ⬆️ Step 1: Print your favorite SAFE Species template. Step 2: Cut the top off your pumpkin and remove the insides. Step 3: Place the template on your pumpkin. Step 4: Carve out the design safely. Step 5: Share your spooky species pumpkin on social media using #MyAZA and tag @floridaaquarium to be featured!

10/24/2023, 5:13:40 PM

A dazzle of Grévy’s zebras, nature’s black-and-white masterpiece! 📸@marcuswestbergphotography #LewaWildlifeConservancy #Conservation #ProtectingSpecies #Wildlife

10/9/2023, 6:43:25 PM

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, nestled north of the Equator, serves as a model and catalyst for wildlife conservation. This is done through species protection, community programmes, and education of neighbouring communities about the value of wildlife. Over the past 30 years, our efforts have rejuvenated the black rhino population and fostered a thriving ecosystem, benefiting various endangered species like elephants and Grevy’s zebras. Our dream is a harmonious future where Kenyan communities and wildlife thrive together. To turn this vision into reality, we passionately invest in education, healthcare, sustainable agriculture, and water access, empowering our neighbours and cultivating a brighter tomorrow! 📸@nuraymadiyevab #LewaWildlifeConservancy #Conservation #ProtectingSpecies #Wildlife #Education #CommunityEmpowerment #SustainableAgriculture #Kenya

10/6/2023, 3:20:50 PM

don't miss this chance! If you want to help animals and like my paintings - this is it! Today a Runners Up show ‘Protection’ is opening. What do we do? We're donating a generous portion of the sales (about half the price) to @kalahariwilddogproject and @wildlife_act. ⁠ Join us in supporting wildlife conservation by purchasing artwork from this exhibition. Your love for animals and my art can make a real difference. Explore the entire exhibition at (link in bio)⁠ ⁠ ‘Nursery’⁠ Oil paints on canvas panel⁠ 30x30 cm⁠ £500⁠ ⁠ Please do check out pieces from seven talented #wildlife artists covering a wide variety of subject matter and styles:⁠ ⁠ Detlef Tibax⁠ @art4conservation⁠ ⁠ Polly Hosp @pollyhosp_works⁠ ⁠ Magali Lapeyre-Mirande @maglm_art⁠ ⁠ Penel Kirk @penelkirk⁠ ⁠ Rachel Toll @watercoloursbyrachel⁠ ⁠ Heather Irvine @irvinearts⁠ ⁠ @artistsforpainteddogs⁠ ⁠ #babyseal #seals #sealpup #sealpups #babyseals #sealpainting #sealart #marineanimals #seaanimals #wildlifeartist #wildlifepainting #wildlifelovers #animalpainting #animalarts #animalartwork #originalpainting #availableart #wallartfoesale #paintingsdaily #painterlyart #oilpainting #saveourwildlife #wildlifeonearth #conservationmatters #makeadifference #passionforart #protectingspecies #onlineartgallery #wildlifeexhibition

10/5/2023, 3:10:11 PM

Previews have opened! ☺️☺️ We are delighted to showcase the wonderful artwork in our Runners-up Exhibition 'Protection' (from last year's main show), which is now open for previews on our website (link in bio). The preview will run until this Thursday, 5th Oct when the exhibition will open for sales at 6pm BST until 15th Oct, with donations being made to both @kalahariwilddogproject and @wildlife_act Please do pop over to have a look at the pieces from seven talented wildlife artists covering a wide variety of subject matter and styles: Detlef Tibax @art4conservation Iryna Khort @khortview Polly Hosp @pollyhosp_works Magali Lapeyre-Mirande @maglm_art Penel Kirk @penelkirk Rachel Toll @watercoloursbyrachel Heather Irvine @irvinearts We look forward to introducing you to the artists and their work, alongside bringing you information on the vital conservation projects from both of our supported charities 😊😊 #wildlifeart #wildlifeexhibition #lovewildlife #galleryofart #animalartists #conservation #endangeredspecies #conservationinaction #paintingsforsalebyartist #donatetocauses #artfordonations #protectnature #naturesbeauty #artsgram #artwithmeaning #groupexhibition #contemporarywildlifeart #wildseekers #passionforart #protectingspecies #onlineartgallery

10/1/2023, 7:59:44 PM

✨ Heute dürfen wir euch im Rahmen der Vorstellung unseres Beirats Matt Goetz präsentieren, der Kurator für #Herpetologie bei Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in Jersey ist und CC als wissenschaftlicher Beirat unterstützt. Und auch, wenn es ihm schwerfiel, sich auf ein einziges Lieblingstier zu beschränken, so konnten wir ihm immerhin zwei Reptilienfamilien entlocken, die er sehr schätzt. 🤩 * ✨ Today, as part of our advisory board introduction, we are pleased to present Matt Goetz, who is Curator of #Herpetology at Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust in Jersey and supports CC as a scientific advisor. And while he had a hard time narrowing it down to just one favorite animal, we were still able to elicit two reptile families that he holds in high regard. 🤩 @durrell_jerseyzoo #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #teamvorstellung #skinke #geckos #breeding #conservation #protectingspecies #durrellwildlife #jerseyzoo

9/28/2023, 8:31:00 PM

Today marks the launch of the State of Nature report 🐝🐦 This report is a gargantuan joint effort that represents the work of a great many experts, volunteers and organisations coming together. It's a critical accountability moment, bringing data together from over 60 research and conservation organisations to create the most comprehensive report of UK nature. It's a 'health check' for UK nature - and the diagnosis is not good: 💥 1 in 6 species in Great Britain are at risk of being lost forever 💥 Among the species at risk, hazel dormice, turtle doves and European eels now face uncertain futures 💥 British wildlife has declined by 19% since monitoring began in the 70's But hope is not lost - although the longer we take to take meaningful action, the harder it will be to reverse the ongoing decline. When we join together, everything is possible - by putting nature at the heart of decision-making, we can build a better world for us now and our children in years to come. This approach is vital to tackle climate change and help create a world where people and wildlife can thrive. Don't miss our Director of Conservation, Dr. Andrew Terry, tonight on Channel 4 News #StateofNatureReport #StateOfNature #ProtectingSpecies #UKWildlife #Wildlife #ProtectingSpecies #HazelDormouse #Hedgehogs #HedgehogsofIG #UKBirds

9/27/2023, 8:00:18 PM

🌟 Starts tonight at 7pm 🌟 Don't miss our prestigious Institute of Zooology's Professor Rosie Woodroffe on the second in the two-part series with @backshall.steve, The Secret Life of Badgers on @channel5_tv, who is appearing in tomorrow night's episode. Exploring this magnificent species, you can catch the first episode over on the Channel 5 website. Tonight, we'll be talking you through the vital work we're doing to protect this species in the wild. Don't miss it! #badgers #badgersofIG #protectingspecies #badgerstheirsecretworld #stevebackshall #athenafilms #channel5 #channel5badgers @athenafilms

9/27/2023, 3:55:13 PM

👻Ocypode cursor conosciuto comunemente come “granchio fantasma”, deve l’appellativo alle sue abitudini prettamente notturne. 🕳️Durante il giorno scava buchi nella sabbia, che abbandona per cacciare non appena cala il tramonto. 🐢Si ciba di pesci, molluschi, insetti, carcasse, piccoli rettili, ma anche di uova e piccole tartarughe appena uscite dal guscio. 🎨Inoltre, questo granchio è in grado di mettere in scena tecniche di camuffamento davvero uniche, cambiando colore durante i diversi momenti della giornata: al mattino appare più chiaro e luminoso mentre alla sera il colore vira sui toni del nero. 📍La specie è presente lungo le coste atlantiche dell'Africa occidentale e nel Mar Mediterraneo, soprattutto nel bacino orientale. Tuttavia, le osservazioni sulla distribuzione della specie in relazione alle segnalazioni degli ultimi decenni, mostrano come il granchio abbia avuto un'espansione da Oriente verso il settore occidentale della Sicilia, diventando stabile lungo le coste del Mediterraneo centrale. 🌡️Una recente pubblicazione scientifica dimostra che l'espanzione verso il settore occidentale della Sicilia è da considerarsi del tutto naturale e probabilmente legata alla tropicalizzazione del Mediterraneo: sulle coste siciliane l’acqua è sempre più calda favorendo l’inserimento di specie alloctone. 🙅🏻‍♀️È innocuo per l’uomo, al quale è vietato ucciderlo. Si tratta infatti di una specie protetta inclusa nella “List of Endangered or Threatened Species” della Convenzione per la Protezione dell’Ambiente Marino e delle Regioni Costiere del Mediterraneo (Barcelona Convention 1995) e nella successiva Convenzione Europea per la Conservazione della Natura e degli Habitat Naturali della Convenzione di Berna (Bern Convention 1996–98). #crab #granchio #ghost #ghostcrab #sicily #mediterranean #globalwarming #temperature #globalchange #thereisnoplanetb #natgeo #nature #sea #mediterranenasea #ocean #alloctonspecies #biodivetsity #marine #matinebiology #study #wildanimals #wildlife #wildnature #predator #speaces #protectingspecies

9/22/2023, 7:39:56 PM

Es ist Donnerstag und somit wieder Zeit, das nächste Mitglied unseres Beirats vorzustellen: Felix Hulbert, seines Zeichens CC-Fachbeirat bei den Reptilien, Zootechniker im Zoo Frankfurt und seit Jahrzehnten Vollblut-Terrarianer. 🐍🦎 * It's Thursday and therefore time again to introduce the next member of our advisory board: Felix Hulbert, member of the advisory board for reptiles, zoo technician at Frankfurt Zoo and passionate terrarium enthusiast for decades. 🐍🦎 📸 Portrait: Tillmann Konrad #zoofrankfurt #haltungrettetarten #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #teamvorstellung #reptilien #reptilienliebe #tarentola #tarentolagigas #breeding #conservation #protectingspecies

9/21/2023, 8:33:15 PM

🐠 Der Nächste in der Reihe der Vorstellung unseres Beirats und Aufsichtsrats ist Bennie Wilden, der uns im CC-Fachbeirat für die Fische unterstützt und Projektleiter beim "The Parosphromenus Project" ist. 🐟 Sein Lieblingstier – abseits von Fischen – wuselt übrigens auch in manchen Badezimmern unseres Redaktionsteams herum. * 🐠 Next in line in introducing our advisory board and supervisory board is Bennie Wilden, who supports us on the CC fish advisory board. He is project manager at "The Parosphromenus Project". 🐟 His favorite animal – aside from fish – is also scurrying around in some of our editorial team's bathrooms, by the way. 📸 Portrait: Tillmann Konrad #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenschutz #protectingspecies #breeding #conservation #artenvielfalt #teamvorstellung #fische #fish #labyrinthfisch #parophromenus

9/14/2023, 1:41:34 PM

🌎 A coming together at international level to protect #biodiversity on our planet: Sanna Hellström, Director of @korkeasaari zoo, welcomed 887 participants from 342 institutions and 70 countries to the annual meeting of the @eaza_official in #Helsinki today – and Frogs & Friends is there. 🐸 The conference continues until the end of this week. We are looking forward to exciting panel discussions and inspiring conversations. * 🌎 Ein Zusammentreffen auf internationaler Ebene zum Schutz der biologischen Vielfalt auf unserem Planeten: Sanna Hellström, Direktorin des Korkeasaari Zoos, begrüßte heute 887 Teilnehmer aus 342 Einrichtungen und 70 Ländern auf der Jahrestagung der europäischen Zoovereinigung in Helsinki – und Frogs & Friends ist dabei. 🐸 Die Tagung geht noch bis zum Ende diese Woche. Wir freuen uns auf spannende Podiumsdiskussionen und inspirierende Gespräche. 📸 Björn Encke #eaza2023 #eaza #zoology #korkeasaarizoo #protectbiodiversity #protectingspecies

9/13/2023, 11:04:53 PM

Wir starten die, von nun an wöchentliche, Vorstellung unserer Beiräte und Aufsichtsräte mit Axel Kwet. Er ist Geschäftsführer der @dght_official (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde) und unterstützt CC seit Beginn an. Axel steht uns mit seiner Expertise im CC-Fachbeirat für Amphibien zur Seite. * We start the, from now on weekly, presentation of our advisory and supervisory board members with Axel Kwet. He is the executive director of the DGHT (German Society for Herpetology and Terrarial Science...) and has supported CC since the beginning. Axel is at our side with his expertise in CC's advisory board for amphibians. Portrait: Tillmann Konrad #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenschutz #protectingspecies #breeding #conservation #artenvielfalt #teamvorstellung #beirat #beiräte #amphibien #dght

9/7/2023, 1:06:53 PM

Vultures in the sky can be a sign that poachers are at work below 🪶 As a result, they are often targeted by illegal hunters in the wild. We are working to reduce this threat and restore this endangered species in the wild. Vultures are also vital to the health of the wider ecosystem. As they devour carcasses, their strong stomachs can break down diseases including anthrax and botulism. This #InternationalVultureAwarenessDay, please join us in celebrating this amazing species! #IVAD2023 #Conservation #ProtectingSpecies #Vultures #BirdsOfIG #Birdstagram

9/2/2023, 4:32:10 PM

Es ist wieder soweit! Die Bestandsmeldungen stehen an. Zweimal jährlich fragen wir unsere CC-Halter nach ihrem aktuellen Tierbestand. Dieser wird derzeit noch per E-Mail abgefragt. Schon bald können die Teilnehmer ihren Gesamtbestand aber über die Online-Plattform “Wild at Home” aktualisieren und uns zum Stichtag melden. Auf unserer Website könnt ihr euch zum aktuellen Stand von „Wild at Home“ informieren, die Plattform befindet sich derzeit in der Beta-Phase. Bei Fragen oder bei Interesse daran, die Plattform zu testen, meldet euch gerne bei uns! * It's that time again! The stock reports are due. Twice a year we ask our CC keepers for their current animal population. This is currently still requested by e-mail. Soon, however, participants will be able to update their total stock via the online platform "Wild at Home" and report it to us by the deadline. You can find out about the current status of "Wild at Home" on our website; the platform is currently in the beta phase. If you have any questions or are interested in testing the platform, feel free to contact us! #erhaltungszuchtprogramm #haltungrettetarten #biodiversität #artenschutz #artenvielfalt #conservation #breeding #protectingspecies #wildtierhaltung #Tierhaltung #terraristik #tierbestand #stockreport

9/1/2023, 4:33:47 PM