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Went to a used book sale today! I found 2 throwbacks: Are You Afraid of the Dark? and a Sweet Valley High book. The book I was most excited to find was The Freedom Writers Diary. I've seen the countless times so finding the book was shocking. #thefreedomwriters #sweetvalleyhigh #areyouafraidofthedark #bookstagram

5/5/2024, 3:09:40 AM

Je viens de voir ce film, il était dans ma liste Netflix depuis un moment et puis il sort du catalogue demain à minuit. Alors cet après midi, j'ai pris 2h pour le voir et mon Dieu ! Cette claque ! Ce film c'est une histoire vraie d'une jeune enseignante désemparée devant la violence à laquelle sont confrontés ses élèves, et qui décide de tout faire pour leur montrer qu'ils sont plus que ça, et qu'ils peuvent changer leurs vies et leurs destins. Ce film est incroyable. J'ai pleuré des litres de flotte, il m'a fait le même effet que Esprits Rebelles ou le cercle des poètes disparus. Ces films je les ai vu adolescente et ils m'ont fait comprendre que sa vie on la prend en main, qu'on ne va pas a l'école que parce que c'est obligatoire ou parce que nos parents attendent quelque chose de nous. A l'école on peut découvrir des choses auxquelles on n'a pas accès dans notre cercle privé, et ces choses peuvent changer notre destinée et ce que l'on veut faire de notre avenir. Bref, vous avez encore ce soir et demain pour voir cette merveille si ce n'est pas fait ! #ecrirepourexister #eringruwell #eringruwellfoundation #thefreedomwriters #hilaryswank #netflix #filmavoirabsolument

3/29/2024, 5:16:26 PM

How have I missed this? It is a must see movie! #movie #netflix #thefreedomwriters #hilaryswank @hilaryswank

3/9/2024, 10:58:17 PM

Ieri sera è stato un onore partecipare insieme al Dott. Giuseppe Nicolò, Direttore del Dipartimento Salute Mentale ASL 5 Roma, alla terza serata di ‘Storie di ordinario cervello: la stra-ordinaria rassegna cinematografica sulla salute mentale a Roma’. Abbiamo affrontato il tema del malessere giovanile, riconoscendo l’importanza di comprendere e prevenire comportamenti pericolosi. La progettualità e l’attenzione sono fondamentali per evitare che questo disagio si trasformi in problemi psicopatologici, a livello individuale e sociale. Il film, basato su una storia vera, ci ha ispirato attraverso la straordinaria esperienza di Erin Gruwell, un’insegnante che ha trasformato una classe considerata irrecuperabile, guidandoli verso la passione per lo studio e allontanandoli da una vita criminale, dimostrando che un approccio educativo empatico può fare la differenza. #SaluteMentale #StoriediCervello #PrevenzioneDisagioGiovanile #thefreedomwriters #lundbeckitalia

11/22/2023, 8:12:36 AM

“I always say that the young people are the future of the world, and if we start with them first, if we educate and develop a sense of tolerance among them, our future, the future of this world, will be in good hands for generations to come.“ #thefreedomwriters #thefreedomwritersdiary #read #book

11/12/2023, 10:32:57 AM

#stand #poem #thefreedomwriters Have pride, have dignity, stand! Stand proud, talk proud, act proud, be proud! 오늘도 나에게 더 당당한 하루가 되길, 있는 그대로의 내 모습으로 땅에 두 발 딛고 우뚝 서보기. #happysundayeveryone

11/12/2023, 3:43:32 AM

TONIGHT at 7pm!! Rhythm & Rhyme 2023 season finale at the Cloverdale Playhouse!! You don't want to miss it! This event is in partnership with #CloverdalePlayhouse, and we’re going to make this one special! We're celebrating both our Military vets and birthday boy, your host JP da Poet! Check out this fire poet lineup! 🔥🎤 • #PoetKerryB#CrownVic#TheFREEDOMWriters And providing the rhythm to the rhyme, we have the musician talents of #TrewTheStar!! 🎶 — Hosted by #JPDaPoet! 🎙️ Limited seating, so get there early! Plus you can grab your ticket today online for only $10 at — or visit link in Bio! SPREAD THE WORD!! 💙💛 #21DreamsMGM #RhythmNRhyme #MontgomeryAlabama #OurMGM

11/11/2023, 11:13:37 PM

🍂 Estate di San Martino 🍁 poesia di Cesare Pavese inclusa nella raccolta "Lavorare stanca" (Einaudi) di Cesare Pavese 🔥🔥🔥 Le colline e le rive del Po sono un giallo bruciato e noi siamo quassù a maturarci nel sole. Mi racconta costei - come fossi un amico. «Da domani abbandono Torino e non torno mai più. Sono stanca di vivere tutta la vita in prigione». Si respira un sentore di terra e, di là dalle piante, a Torino, a quest’ora lavorano tutti in prigione. Il quartiere, il paese, la città, la strada «Torno a casa dei miei dove almeno potrò stare sola senza piangere e senza pensare alla gente che vive. Là mi caccio un grembiale e mi sfogo in cattive risposte ai parenti e per tutto l'inverno non esco mai più». Nei paesi novembre è un bel mese dell’anno: c’è le foglie colore di terra e le nebbie al mattino, poi c'è il sole che rompe le nebbie. Lo dico tra me e respiro l’odore di freddo che ha il sole al mattino. «Me ne vado perché è troppo bella Torino a quest’ora: a me piace girarci e vedere la gente e mi tocca star chiusa finch’è tutto buio e la sera soffrire da sola»! Mi vuole vicino come fossi un amico: quest’oggi ha saltato l’ufficio per trovare un amico. «Ma posso star sola cosi? Giorno e notte – l’ufficio - le scale - la stanza da letto se alla sera esco a fare due passi non so dove andare e ritorno cattiva e al mattino non voglio più alzarmi. Tanto bella sarebbe Torino - poterla godere solamente poter respirare». Le piazze e le strade han lo stesso profumo di tiepido sole che c’è qui tra le piante. Ritorni al paese. Ma Torino è il più bello di tutti i paesi. «Se trovassi un amico quest'oggi, starei sempre qui». ✨✨✨ #estatedisanmartino #cesarepavese #einaudi #lavorarestanca #poesie #poeti #poet #poetry #writer #famouswriters #thefreedomwriters #author #poem #prose #novel #writersbook #publishers #selfpublisher #publisherlife #consiglidilettura #libridaleggere #libri #libriinrete

11/11/2023, 1:03:18 PM

This Saturday, Nov. 11th at 7pm!! Rhythm & Rhyme 2023 season finale at the Cloverdale Playhouse!! You don't want to miss it! This event is in partnership with #CloverdalePlayhouse, and we’re going to make this one special! We're celebrating both our Military vets and birthday boy, your host JP da Poet! Check out this fire poet lineup! 🔥🎤 • #PoetKerryB#CrownVic#TheFREEDOMWriters And providing the rhythm to the rhyme, we have the musician talents of #TrewTheStar!! 🎶 — Hosted by #JPDaPoet! 🎙️ Limited seating, so get there early! Plus you can grab your ticket today online for only $10 at — or visit link in Bio! SPREAD THE WORD!! 💙💛 #21DreamsMGM #RhythmNRhyme #MontgomeryAlabama #OurMGM

11/8/2023, 5:45:36 PM

"Lento sarà il passato, quasi fermo, e ne conserverò la bellezza. A piccoli morsi avrò urgenza di mangiare la paura, e bere lunghi sorsi di coraggio." #writer #scriptwriter #bookwriter #thefreedomwriters #travelwriter #words #author #writersgottawrite #bookpublisher #selfpublisher #writersbook #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #bythebook #dailyreading #readingtime #readinginbed #afterbook #quotes #quoteslife #words #everydayquotes #quotesforyou #quotesfortheday #quotestoliveby #_mirrormind_

10/27/2023, 8:30:19 PM

The Freedom Writers Diary R 📝 E 📝 V 📝 I 📝 E 📝 W Author: #TheFreedomWriters Published by: #CrownBooks 📚📖📚📖📚📖📚📖📚📖📚 #TheFreedomWritersDiary (1999) Quick Synopsis (GR): In 1994, an idealistic first-year teacher in Long Beach, California, named Erin Gruwell confronted a room of "unteachable, at-risk" students. She had intercepted a note with an ugly racial caricature and angrily declared that this was precisely the sort of thing that led to the Holocaust. She was met by uncomprehending looks-none of her students had heard of one of the defining moments of the twentieth century. So she rebooted her entire curriculum, using treasured books such as Anne Frank's diary as her guide to combat intolerance and misunderstanding. 💭📖💭📖💭📖💭📖💭📖💭 My Thoughts: I read this book to bloom some inspiration for the school year. I always found the movie to be one of those “feel good movies of the year.” It’s a good book. I’m not sure readers who aren’t teachers or teenagers will appreciate it as much as those who are. New teachers usually have rosy colored glasses their first year of teaching and unfortunately the reality that there’s a ridiculous amount of boundaries that keep you from changing the world through the confines of your classroom hit you pretty hard. This book does remind you it’s possible. If you have a ton of savings, wealthy parents willing to support you, and connections that will grant you liberties most don’t have. 😂 I still really enjoy this idea. This book’s most poignant message just might be that students have a lot more going on in their lives than worrying about whether or not they get your homework done! Goodreads Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ❔❓❔❓❔❓❔❓❔❓❔ Who was one of your favorite teachers? ❔❓❔❓❔❓❔❓❔❓❔

10/10/2023, 1:21:40 AM

Mi piego, mica mi spezzo? Mi piego quando ti saluto da lontano, mi piego perché per un bacio ho bisogno dei tuoi occhi, mi piego quando la mia guancia cerca la tua spalla, mi piego quando insieme dopo aver fatto l'Amore rimettiamo apposto le coperte, mi piego quando dal ridere ci fa male la pancia, mi piego perché anche se sono alto mi va di prenderti anche le cose nel cassetto basso, mi piego se il sole mi batte forte sulla testa, e mi piego anche quando i tuoi occhi puntano dritti nel mio cuore, e no come vedi non mi spezzo mai, potrei spezzarmi se ti vedessi andare via, ma per adesso sei tu che hai fatto sì che quella metà diventasse una Vita Intera! #writer #scriptwriter #bookwriter #thefreedomwriters #travelwriter #words #author #writersgottawrite #bookpublisher #selfpublisher #writersbook #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #bythebook #dailyreading #readingtime #readinginbed #afterbook #quotes #quoteslife #words #everydayquotes #quotesforyou #quotesfortheday #quotestoliveby #_mirrormind_

10/7/2023, 9:17:06 PM

Persa e tra le mani un fazzoletto, impolverato ma non sciupato, l'ho conservato e recita parole che mi hanno chiamata Tua. Lei mi disse che ero il peggior guaio mai incrociato ed io ci credetti, il peggior partner che questa vita potesse donarmi, il peggior alleato che i miei casini potessero avere, il peggior pensiero che non mi faceva andare a dormire la notte, il peggior appuntamento con il destino che i miei giorni ricordano, il peggior regalo che la vita potesse darmi e poi togliermi, la peggior persona che ha fatto delle mie lacrime un sorriso che nemmeno con il tramonto andava a dormire, il peggior paio di mani che le mie potessero stringere, il peggior sorriso che i miei occhi potevano incontrare, la peggior compagnia con la quale osservare le stelle diventare il Nostro desiderio. La peggiore Donna che nel tempo e senza molte parole mi ha raccontato Amore! #writer #scriptwriter #bookwriter #thefreedomwriters #travelwriter #words #author #writersgottawrite #bookpublisher #selfpublisher #writersbook #dontjudgeabookbyitscover #bythebook #dailyreading #readingtime #readinginbed #afterbook #quotes #quoteslife #words #everydayquotes #quotesforyou #quotesfortheday #quotestoliveby #_mirrormind_

10/7/2023, 8:44:50 PM

Septiembre Amarillo 💛 mes de la prevención del suicidio. No están solos✨ 👍Like 💬comment 😁follow me . . . . . . . . . #saludmental #tupuedes #yoestoycontigo #noterindasnunca #jesústeama #frases #frasesdeldia #frases #escritosypoemas #frase #escritos #escritosdedesamor #writer #scriptwriter #contentwriter #bookwriter #famouswriters #thefreedomwriters #love

9/12/2023, 1:19:23 AM

In India, Teacher's Day is celebrated on September 5th every year to honor the contributions and hard work of teachers. This date was chosen to mark the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a prominent philosopher, scholar, and India's second President. Dr. Radhakrishnan believed in the importance of education and was a dedicated teacher himself before entering politics. 𝗦𝗼 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝟱 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴. 1) "The Water Is Wide" by Pat Conroy: This memoir is about Pat Conroy's experiences as a teacher on an isolated South Carolina island. It highlights the challenges and transformational power of education. 2) "To Sir, With Love" by E.R. Braithwaite: This autobiographical novel follows a young Guyanese engineer who becomes a teacher in a tough London school. It reflects his journey of overcoming cultural differences and making a positive impact on his students. 3) "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom is a beautiful and touching memoir that revolves around the relationship between a former student and his dying college professor. The heart of the book lies in the conversation between Mitch and Morrie on topics including love, family, death, etc. 4) "The Freedom Writers Diary" by Erin Gruwell: This book documents the experiences of Erin Gruwell and her students, who were labeled as "unteachable." Through creative teaching methods, Gruwell inspires her students to express themselves and break free from the cycle of violence and poverty. 5) "Teacher Man" by Frank McCourt: This book delves into Frank's experiences as a teacher in New York City public schools. It offers a blend of humor, insight, and reflections on the challenges and rewards of education. _______ All the above books remind us that despite the challenges we face, there are educators out there who continue to uphold the true spirit of teaching, nurturing young minds without prejudice and working towards a brighter, more harmonious future. Qotd- Who were your favorite teachers and what did you like about them? #bookstagram #Nonfiction #teacherlife #thefreedomwriters #tuesdaywithmorrie #thewateriswide

9/4/2023, 4:23:45 PM

#writer #scriptwriter #contentwriter #famouswriters #thefreedomwriters #writerlife #travelwriter #spilledink #author #typewriter #poetryisnotdead #عبرة #writersbook #writersgottawrite #publishers #نصائح #musicpublisher #عبارات #خواطر #اقوال #اقتباسات #مقالات #احكام #الحكمة #اقتباسات_أدبية #التفلسف #شعر #اقتباس #الغزل#اكسبلور

8/28/2023, 7:18:12 PM

The Freedom Writers Diary by Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writers Read April 23rd - May 13th, 2023 🦋 #bookrecommendations #book #bookreview #thefreedomwriters #thefreedomwritersdiary

8/20/2023, 5:40:31 AM

Often book banners like to claim that the books they are trying to censor have no literary merit. These types of statements about award-winning books and authors, like The Freedom Writer’s Diary by Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writers are very telling. Relying on book banners, most of whom have not read any of these books, to determine what should be in a school library or English curriculum, is highly problematic. Of course, if any parent does not want their student to read any book, they can always opt out of school library use and/or ask for an alternative assignment. They do not have to resort to removing access to award-winning literature from every student. ***Note: The Freedom Writers Diary is on the list of 97 books challenged by two local complainants. This book has been reviewed and returned to library circulation for grades 6-12.*** * * * #freepeoplereadfreely #uniteagainstbookbans #stopthehate #stoptheignorance #optout #censorship #banbookbans #bookbansarefascist #antisemitism #bookbanning #thefreedomwriters #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #booklover #reading #readbannedbooks

8/15/2023, 1:59:37 PM