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. Tag 14. post TPLO Zusammenfassung der letzten Tage, Bilder und Videos gibts ja immer in meiner Story und dem Story-Highlight „TPLO“ Am Mittwoch, Tag 12 post OP war ich beim Fäden ziehen. Frauchen war etwas nervös, weil so etwas bei mir noch nie gemacht wurde und sie keine Sedation für mich wollte. Es hat auch ohne funktioniert ! Angeblich sei es einfacher einen 80kg Mann festzuhalten , als mich mit fast 40kg. Vom Tierarzt raus hatte ich Kraft wie ein Ochse, Abends konnte ich nicht so gut laufen. Am Donnerstag, Tag 13 post OP, hat mir Frauchen meine Maniküre gemacht und zum ersten mal auch eine Pediküre. Letzteres war bisher nie nötig, aber ich darf ja nicht viel Gassi gehen. Heute Tag 14 post OP , waren wir bei meiner Physiotherapeutin zur Narbenpflege. Die Narbe ist sehr gut geheilt. Zwei kleine Stellen sind etwas dicker, aber das ist meckern auf höchstem Niveau ! Dafür muss ich nicht wieder kommen, Frauchen wurde eingewiesen was zu tun ist. Lymphe ist keine mehr da. Das haben wir super hinbekommen, Frauchen hat gut gewickelt und ich habe fein hingehalten. Meine Profi-Knuddlerin ist positiv überrascht, wie gut ich mein Knie schon abwinkeln kann. Bewegungstherapie ist nicht nötig. Das Strecken ist noch nicht so gut, aber zeitlich ganz normal. Eine etwas harte Sehne hat sie gefunden und ordentlich bearbeitet. Auch da wurde Frauchen eingewiesen, um selbstständig weiter zu machen. Verspannungen aufgrund von Fehlbelastung wurden keine weiteren gefunden. Wenn’s so bleibt und ich keine Auffälligkeiten zeige, brauche ich vor dem Kontroll-Röntgen nicht mehr kommen. Direkt nach dem Röntgen habe ich einen Termin, dann beginnt der Muskelaufbau. Ach und ab nächster Woche darf ich 10 Minuten am Stück Gassi gehen 😁😁 Habt’s fein #dsh #deutscherschäferhund #tplodogs #tplodog #tplorecovery #tplo #schäferhund #hundeliebe #kreuzbandrisshund #kreuzbandophund

4/19/2024, 7:56:22 PM

So happy to say Copper is back in his best friend's arms after recovering well from the Modified Maquet Procedure for his torn ACL. Learn more about our surgical offerings and how we can help! #mmpsurgery #tplodogs #tplodog #orthopedicsurgeryfordogs #petsurgery #nocoveterinaryclinic #noco #fyp #petbond #unbreakablebonds #dogsbabies #workingforanimals #chocolatelabmix #coloradoveterinarysurgery #p #puppylovers #AnimalWorksVets #affordablepetcarecolorado

4/16/2024, 9:49:47 PM

. 6. Tag nach der TPLO Ja, ich liege schon auf meinem operierten Bein, das geht gut. Gestern war ich zur Lymphdrainage bei meiner Physio. In der Story vom Tag 4 (Highlight) habt ihr vielleicht auch gesehen, dass es es am Sprunggelenk ein bisschen schwappeld. Das ist Lymphe, die hat sich da angesammelt. Der Arzt hat bestimmt die Durchblutung gestoppt, während er meinen Knochen durchgesägt hat. Und zu wenig Bewegung habe ich ja auch. Auf jeden Fall musste die Lymphe weg, die behindert die Heilung und ich will schnell wieder fit werden. Eigentlich bin ich ja schon wieder fit, vor allem nach dem Mittagessen, da spüre ich überhaupt nichts mehr und könnte Bäume ausreißen. Aber ich werde hier wie ein Tier gehalten; nur 5 Minuten darf ich raus, 4 mal am Tag. Ich muss mich immer im gleichen Raum aufhalten wie Frauchen. Und Nachts muss ich einen Helm tragen. Zum Futtern gibt’s deutlich weniger, obwohl ich momentan 3mal täglich etwas bekomme. Die AB‘s seien bald fertig, dann gibt es nur noch 2mal. Meine Wunde sieht übrigens sehr gut aus, die nässt nicht und ist kaum geschwollen. Frauchen wechselt täglich das Pflaster. Am Montag werden die Fäden gezogen, dann endet die Helmpflicht. Aber die Leinenpflicht bleibt noch ein paar Wochen. Habt’s fein und Danke für die vielen Genesungswünsche 😊 #kreuzbandrisshund #kreuzbandriss #kreuzbandrisshunde #tplo #tplodog #tplodogs

4/11/2024, 5:53:08 PM

Igår var vi på vårt första rehab besök med knät. Det gick bra🙏🩷. Wilda går bra i skritt. Men klarar inte trav än. Så vi ska fortsätta skritta. Vi kommer till helgen att få öka promenaderna med 5 min per vecka. Alltså från 10 till 15 minuter. Så skönt👍. Hon tyckte att allt verkar ha gått bra för Wilda❤️. Så det ser ut som det ska, såhär 2 veckor efter operation. Hon trodde Wilda skulle vara ok efter 8 veckor, eftersom hon var i god form innan och är van att tränas på olika sätt. Även om det tar minst 6 månader innan allt är ok och musklerna tillbaka helt. Wilda har svårare för att stå, än att gå. Hon "hjälper gärna sig själv" och avlastar gärna på sitt högra ben, när hon står. Så jag måste fortsätta "massera ner benet" i marken / golvet många ggr varje dag. Och putta lite på höger sida. Träningplan framöver består av; •Vi ska fortsätta med att böja och sträcka benet. •Massera. Speciellt rygg och bakbenen. •Fortsätta stå träna med puff och knuff. •Samt lyfta höger framben många men korta stunder varje dag. Och även de andra benen. •Vi får även börja gå lite "terräng". Stigar, ängar osv. •Sen får vi börja vattentraska om vi vill och hittar något bra här i närheten. •Och så får vi börja med lite "freestyle" träning i form av stora 8or och lite cirklar i motsols. •Fortsätta med smärtstillande och inflammationshämmande 1-2 veckor till. •Gå ner lite till i vikt. Målvikt 16 kg. Så kommer vi att jobba nu och i 2 veckor framöver💪🐕🐾❤️. Min älskling ska bli bra igen 🐕❤️. #wildabuhund #wildabushund #korsbandsskada #rehab #träning #sjukgymnastik #hundfysioterapeut #skada #korsband #operation #tplo #tplosurgeryindogs #tplorecovery #tplodog #recovery #norskbuhund #norwegianbuhund #buhund #loveyou #ilovemydog #bff

4/10/2024, 7:35:27 PM

8 weeks post op!! 🤍 4 weeks to go 🥳 I had my first groom at the weekend feeling so much better 🐩 #tplo #tplorecovery #tplodog #lhasaapso #lhasaapsolovers #lhasaapsosofinstagram #lhasaapsolife #lhasaapsolover

4/9/2024, 12:19:29 PM

First let’s start with a previous happy photo of me at my fave place in the world… @thedogcompany_sby. Because who doesn’t need a happy photo?! Second, I’m happy to report my incision continues to improve and there is very little “stuff” coming out. However, the swelling in my knee continues to be very prominent. I think it gives me character, but my pawrents disagree. 🙄 oh well. Just means more good pain meds and rest. (And the dreaded #coneofshame) #tploexplant #tplorecovery #tplosurgery #tplodog #americanbully #rescuedog #dogsofinstagram #instagramdogs #doglove #puppiesofinstagram #doglife #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogsoftheeasternshore #marylanddogs #spoileddog #dogadventuresofig #dontbullymybreed #bullylove #bullybreeds #bullybreedsofinstagram #ilovemydog #puppylove #dogsofinsta #doglife #dogfamous #pitbullsofinstagram #pibble

4/8/2024, 3:12:21 PM

#TPLO 手術から30日がたちました!ケージ生活もあと10日! お部屋の中では走ったりジャンプしないようにリードで移動範囲制限して少しだけ自由にしてあげてます エリカラもとってあげたいんですがすぐ足をなめるのでもう少しガマンね というとで🧸ちゃんにおつきあいしてもらいました💕 1日5分のお散歩は喜んでスタスタスタスタ大興奮です•*¨*•.¸¸♬︎ 様子を見てるともう走れるし溝も飛べそうな勢いですが やはり10日後の診察日まで先生の指示に従って無理なことはさせないでおこうと思います😊 いつもご心配いただき心あたたまるコメント 本当にありがとうございます🙏🏻💕 #マルプー #前十字靭帯断裂 #半月板損傷 #TPLO #脛骨高平部水平化骨切術 #術後良好 #ケージレスト #もう歩けるよ #tplorecovery #tplodog #maltipoo

4/7/2024, 9:01:44 AM

WARNING! MORE GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INCISION AND STAPLES. Don’t scroll through if squeamish. Mom had a pretty big #parentingfail yesterday. She left me alone in my crate with a cone… but didn’t know I was a Canine Houdini. I still managed to get to my staples and ripped 10 out of 11 staples out of my leg. I didn’t need no dogtor to help me. (Even if it was more than a week early) So back to the dogtor we went. We couldn’t put new staples in, so now mom keeps bandaging up my leg. I told her I don’t like the sticky bandage… it hurts my delicate skin when she rips it off like a crazy woman. I’m like a little butterfly and need to be handled like one… gently! We’re still waiting on the official pathology of the original infection in my leg… so until then, I’ll just keep being difficult, requiring lots of fun meds and showing mom who is boss in this house. #tploexplant #tplorecovery #tplosurgery #tplodog #americanbully #rescuedog #dogsofinstagram #instagramdogs #doglove #puppiesofinstagram #doglife #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogsoftheeasternshore #marylanddogs #spoileddog #dogadventuresofig #dontbullymybreed #bullylove #bullybreeds #bullybreedsofinstagram #ilovemydog #puppylove #dogsofinsta #doglife #dogfamous #pitbullsofinstagram #pibble

4/5/2024, 8:57:53 PM

WARNING! SOME GRAPHIC IMAGES OF INCISION AND STAPLES. Don’t scroll through if squeamish. My leg has been “weeping” all day. Both our surgeon and local vet both feel it’s OK as long as it doesn’t get worse or more bloody. This is our first time dealing with this and it was little startling. Has anyone else had something like this following a surgery, TPLO or explant? Did it resolve quickly? #tploexplant #tplorecovery #tplosurgery #tplodog #americanbully #rescuedog #dogsofinstagram #instagramdogs #doglove #puppiesofinstagram #doglife #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogsoftheeasternshore #marylanddogs #spoileddog #dogadventuresofig #dontbullymybreed #bullylove #bullybreeds #bullybreedsofinstagram #ilovemydog #puppylove #dogsofinsta #doglife #dogfamous #pitbullsofinstagram #pibble

4/3/2024, 12:51:14 AM

Wilda blev opererad i onsdags. Fick komma hem på torsdag em ❤️🐶. Då mådde hon riktigt dåligt💔😢. Var mest hög på metadon. Så hon var inte sig själv alls... Hon hade svårt att både kissa, bajsa & äta 😢. Sov mest. Och det är ju bra🙏. Men framförallt hade hon jättesvårt att gå med sitt nya ben 😢. Hon nuddade knappt marken med det. Men på kvällen fick jag iaf i henne lite mat & hon kunde kissa oxå. Under gårdagen (fredagen,) blev det bättre & stabilare 🙏❤️. Så det går åt rätt håll. En dag i taget. Vi kämpar på❤️🐶🐾. Min absolut bästa vän & jag. #wildabuhund #korsbandsskada #norskbuhund #norwegianbuhund #buhund #knäskada #operation #tplo #tplorecovery #tplodogs #tplodog #tplosurgeryindogs #sjuk #sjukskriven #återhämtning #rehab #rehabilitering #läkning #postop

3/30/2024, 2:37:06 PM

So, Mom dropped me off at @vetsportsmedicine this morning. There was an infection in my leg which required them to remove my metal #TPLO plate. Fortunately everything went smoothly and they caught it before the infection spread. The VOSM team is taking super good care of me tonight… and I get to go home tomorrow evening! ❤️ #tplorecovery #tplosurgery #tplodog #americanbully #rescuedog #dogsofinstagram #instagramdogs #doglove #puppiesofinstagram #doglife #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogsoftheeasternshore #marylanddogs #spoileddog #dogadventuresofig #dontbullymybreed #bullylove #bullybreeds #bullybreedsofinstagram #ilovemydog #puppylove #dogsofinsta #doglife #dogfamous #pitbullsofinstagram #pibble

3/29/2024, 3:48:02 AM

TPLO-OP gut überstanden 🥳 jetzt viel ruhe und liebe 🥰 #tplo #tplodog #boxerdogs #boxerofinstagram #boyeelovee

3/28/2024, 7:19:24 PM

Mom asked me if I wanted to go in the car. Uh, YES PLEASE. But did we go anywhere fun like the park or daycare? NO! Back to the dogtor. Turns out they think they need to remove the metal plate in my leg from my first #TPLO #surgery. Something about infection and bacteria? Beats me. All I know is I have to go BACK to the dogtor on Thursday likely for surgery. Can’t a girl catch a break? #tplorecovery #tplosurgery #tplodog #americanbully #rescuedog #dogsofinstagram #instagramdogs #doglove #puppiesofinstagram #doglife #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #dogsoftheeasternshore #marylanddogs #spoileddog #dogadventuresofig #dontbullymybreed #bullylove #bullybreeds #bullybreedsofinstagram #ilovemydog #puppylove #dogsofinsta #doglife #dogfamous #pitbullsofinstagram #pibble

3/26/2024, 12:24:00 PM

🐾🍀🐾3,5 ročný Leo po stabilizácii kolenného väzu metódou👉 TPLO si pomaly začína užívať opäť aktívny život 😍športového psa. #ortopédia #vetorthopedy #ortopedia #navratkpohybu #staforshirebullterrier #staford #stafordsirskybulterier #stafordshirebullterrier #sibracentrum #sibra #sibra_centrum #vetvbratislave #tplo #tplodog #tplodogs

3/26/2024, 10:00:26 AM

Word of the day; gentle. Are you #gentle with yourself? 🌸Do you rush? 🌸Not prep for self care? 🌸Beat yourself up for mistakes? 🌸Push through when tired? 🌸Say yes when you want to say no? How you treat yourself can be: Parts of you that got developed when you were younger as a way to cope with stress or trauma and/or Can be a recreation of how you were treated in your own family. It’s familiar. The good news is you can shift this first by noticing then by digging in and doing your healing work. This weekend and upcoming 6 weeks for me is all about being gentle. My dog had surgery for a partially torn #acl last week and this process has been emotional as I experienced some strong capable parts of me and worried and tearful parts. Love can take you all over the map! I need to be gentle with him, me and maybe my husband too as his nursing tactics are different than mine🫢. Can you bring some awareness to how you’re treating yourself today? Open to gentleness and you shift your inner world. PS Special thanks for the gorgeous orchid @lrempelart #hallwaywisdom @daniellelaporte #truthbomb #partswork #dogaclsurgery @atlantaanimalrehab #ilovemydog #internalfamilysystemsmodel #ifstherapistatlanta #healing # #tplodog

3/23/2024, 10:16:54 PM

Sad baby is back from her TPLO surgery and overnight vet stay. Right now, she is tolerating the “inflatable donut of shame” much better than my wallet is tolerating the cost 😂😂 #donutofshame🐶 #tplodog #expensivefurbaby

3/15/2024, 5:44:26 PM

Addie is home from the hospital from her knee surgery and is doing great ❤️‍🩹👍🏻 definitely loving her new big bed. Tomorrow she gets the cone of shame 😫 thanks for all the well wishes! #tplorecovery #tplodog #doggieacltear

3/13/2024, 3:55:14 PM

#Spring started early in #Texas! ☀️🌱🐶👧🏻 “Chloe is my best friend!” - Mila 🥰❤️ #dogsofinstagram #sunbathing #adoptdontshop #sisters #pitbullgreatdanemix #greatdanebull #pitbullsofinstagram #tplodog #bionicdog

3/12/2024, 2:43:58 AM

TPLO #tplo #tplodog #tplorecovery

3/11/2024, 3:17:49 PM

Hi!! What a day. First dad forgot to feed me breakfast. I’m like what the heck, don’t you see I’m right here feeling hunger pains? Den, mom takes me for a ride. When we stop she talks to me but I didn’t fully understand what she was telling me. Something about my knee pain will be gone. I gotta spend the night away from home. Blah blah and ended it by her telling me to be brave. Then we went inside and was so scared. I was shaking and mom was telling me again to be brave. Or maybe she was telling herself to be brave. Not sure but there were lots of tears and anxiety. Next thing I know she’s gone and then everything feels weird. I know I heard the nice man, Dr Hall tell mom on the phone I will be okay. He said I had a 25% torn knee and that this procedure will allow me to play all summer without limping or pain. I look forward going home tomorrow morning and let the recovery process begin. #tplodogs #tplodog #postsurgeryrecovery #recovery #springerspanielsofinstagram #springerspaniels #springerdinger

3/5/2024, 4:42:52 AM

Well the day of final x-rays were yesterday. Ruben went in to the vets with a huge smile on his face and I do believe that he realises he is much better than he was. It’s been a long four months, getting him well. Ive watched him recover and get stronger each day. The next steps for a Ruben are hydrotherapy. All his x-rays came back just fine. Everything is in the right place and healing well. He’s got physiotherapy next week and then will start with a six week course of Hydro. I’m so excited for this beautiful boy, my bestest friend. Yet again, thank you to all of my wonderful friends that helped me support Ruben through his surgeries. He really is a superstar The Cat , daddy !!! Xxx #dogsofinstagram #catrescue #tplodog #pawpurrs #pawpurrshalfwayhouse

3/1/2024, 10:38:19 AM

15|12|2023-27|02|2024 Die Kreuzband-OP beim Hund „TPLO“ ist eine Variante, den Kreuzbandriss zu stabilisieren. Dabei wird der Winkel des Tibiaplateaus (Gelenkfläche des Schienbeins) von ca. 25° (individuell verschieden) auf etwa 5° gedreht. Um die genauen Werte zu ermitteln, werden vor der Operation spezielle Röntgenbilder gemacht, auf denen der Plateauwinkel gemessen werden kann. Für die Operation wird der Hund in Vollnarkose gelegt. In dem Eingriff trennt der Operateur mit einer Knochensäge den Schienbeinkopf ab und verändert seine Ausrichtung, sodass die Gelenkfläche nahezu waagerecht wird. In der neuen Position wird das Knochenstück mittels Schrauben und Platten neu befestigt. Das hat zur Folge, dass die Kräfteverteilung im Gelenk nun eine andere ist und es auch ohne Kreuzband stabil funktioniert, der Oberschenkel kann nicht mehr abgleiten. Die Implantate der neueren Generation bleiben in der Regel an Ort und Stelle und werden nicht wieder entfernt. #kreuzbandriss #kreuzbandrisshund #tplo #tplodog #physio #operation #tierklinikposthausen #frenchbulldog #französischebulldogge #frenchiemix #terriermix #jackrussell

2/28/2024, 10:33:18 AM

Ostatnio udało nam się wrócić do ortopedii 😊 Pierwszy pacjent z zerwanym więzadłem krzyżowym przednim, który zdecydował się na zabieg TPLO u nas był naprawdę dużym, około 50 kg psem, więc zabieg też był czasochłonny 😉. Na szczęście wszystko się udało i Brock szybko zaczął wracać do siebie po operacji. W przypadku tak ciężkiego psa nie było mowy o innej technice niż TPLO, bo obciążenia są wtedy tak duże, że żaden z innych zabiegów jakie u nas wykonujemy, nie dałby długotrwałego, skutecznego efektu 🤗 #ortopedia #ortopediaweterynaryjna #tplo #tplosurgery #tplodog #operacja #chirurgia #kulawizna #kulawiznaupsa #zerwanewięzadłoupsa #więzadłokrzyżoweprzednie #więzadło #tychy #tychydobremiejsce #tychymojemiasto #weterynarz #weterynarztychy #przychodniaweterynaryjna #przychodniaweterynaryjnafaunatychy

2/22/2024, 10:33:07 AM

Welcome Rider & Jerry! 💙🤍 Great first morning adventure with these two brothers! Rider is recovering from a TPLO surgery and he’s killing it on is left leg at 9 weeks post op! His second surgery (right leg) is scheduled at the end of the month .. and how sweet his pawrents made him a ramp.. 🫶🏽 Jerry was very excited to explore his neighbourhood with me and show me around while practicing his recall .. Both very sweet boys, looking forward to get to know the both of you more on more adventures together! 🐶 💜🤘🏽 #WednesdayAdventure #TundrasK9Adventure #DogWalking #MalakwaDogs . . . . 📸🎥 February 14, 2024 Swipe left for more . . . #TundraApproved #DogWalking #PrivateWalk #TploDog #PackLeaders #DogWalkers #DogWalkersOfInstagram #TundraK9Dogs #DogsOfTundraK9 #IntoTheWoods #DreamJob #LivingOurBestLife #PackWalk #SicamousDogs #Sicamous #Malakwa #HikingLife #HikingDogs #DogsThatHike #TrailLife #TrailDog #MountainLife #MountainDogs #AdventureDogs #HappyDogs #BeautifulBC #ExploreBC @mtn_babes_ @mountaingirls @hikingdogsofinsta @dogsthathike @hikingwithdogs_ @hike.vibes @bully_girls_love @dogsofinstagram @dogsonhikes @dogsonthetrails @dogsonadventures @hellobc @dosicamous @exploresicamous @shuswap.tourism @shuswapadventures

2/14/2024, 10:05:22 PM

完治、全治3ヶ月ちょっと しっかり切った骨もくっついた 年明けからはまったくケンケンもなくなり元気に走り回って蹴り足にも力が入るように #前十字靭帯断裂 #前十字靭帯断裂手術 #前十字靭帯断裂犬 #前十字靭帯損傷 #前十字靭帯再建術 #tplo #tplo手術 #tplorecovery #tplodogs #tplodog #高度医療センターjarmec #高度医療センター #日本動物高度医療センター #日本動物高度医療センター川崎本院 #日本動物高度医療センター川崎 #わんこ #わんこのいる生活 #わんこのいる暮らし #わんこは家族 #おやばかいぬ部 #トイプードル #トイプードル女の子 #トイプードルおんなのこ #トイプードルレッド #トイプードル4歳 #toypoodle #dogstagram #nodognolife

2/5/2024, 12:44:31 AM

En las sesiones de rehabilitación me porto super bien🥰🥰🥰 • • #cockerdream #cockerspanielsofinstagram #dailydog #cockerworld #americancocerspaniel #cockerspanielworld #cockerlovers #dogstagram #pet #dogsofinstagram #fyp #cute #dogoftheday #dogg #狗狗 #狗狗日常 #美国可卡犬 #귀요미 #강아지 #강아지그램 #코커스파니엘 #코커 #인스타도그 #instaperros #tplorecovery #tplodogs #tplodog #ligamentocruzado

1/30/2024, 2:33:50 PM

I am the leader of the stuffed animals. 🐶🧸 #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsofinstagram #pitbullgreatdanemix #greatdanebull #tplodog #bionicdog

1/27/2024, 1:51:06 AM

Cone head. #valakpup #tplodog #coneofshame

1/21/2024, 11:56:45 PM

This sweet little lady is Ellie! Ellie is a 7-year-old Jack Russell Terrier who was referred to Dr. Trevor in Surgery for sudden lameness in her left hind leg. Dr. Trevor performed an orthopedic exam and found that Ellie had torn her Cranial Cruciate Ligament (CCL). A year ago Ellie had TPLO surgery to address a torn CCL on her right leg that was successful and the decision was made to pursue surgery on the left leg. Dr. Trevor performed a TPLO and found that Ellie's CCL was completely torn. He placed an implant to stabilize her stifle joint. Ellie's surgery went well, she recovered in our ICU, and was able to go home! Ellie will have to be on strict crate rest for the next 8-12 weeks while she heals. We wish this girl all the best in her recovery! . . . #tplo #tplodog #rvadogs #rvapets #jackrussell #goochlandpets #goochlanddogs #rva #veterinarysurgery #veterinarysurgeon #ccltear

1/10/2024, 11:59:08 PM

2nd day post operative TPLO update: (2nd TPLO experience) Appetite is good, bruising on the surgical leg is showing up and swelling a lot. The vet said it’s normal and will eventually go away after a few days. We put him in a basement room where he could sleep for a week or so. We live in a house full of stairs. He is under strict orders, no jumping and no stairs for 12 weeks. George is a 100 pound dog so we can’t just lift him up and down the stairs easily. He is allowed to only go out 3-5minutes each time (3-4 times a day) just to do his business. He seems to be having a lot of trouble pooping and peeing at the moment. I can tell he is in pain. When he goes outside he just use his 3 legs and sometimes he hops just to avoid putting weight on the surgical leg. Which is understandable given the situation. Other than that he is still a good boy. Taking care of him after surgery has been always tough but always a pleasure😊 We will document his day to day post operative progress. Thanks for your warm words and support. Always appreciate it. #chocolatelabrador #tplo #tplosurgery #tplorecovery #tplosurgeryrecovery #tplodogs #tplodog #100lbdog #englishlabs #englishlabrador #2yearoldlabradorretriever

11/25/2023, 9:26:50 PM

I’ve had a few lovely messages about cub & his surgery! Sooooo leg one was successfully operated on 2nd October! (TPLO).🥰. He’s been sooo good during his recovery period & taken to crate rest/home arrest so well. We’ve been doing some games at home but cub is most definitely all fluff & no brain so is more than happy with lots of cuddles instead! Cub also adores his crate & take himself back to it all the time 🫶🏼. Leg 2 was attempted on 30th October, however during X-rays cub ended up with profuse melina diarrhoea so it was stopped immediately as it wasn’t safe to have a GA and rescheduled to November 20th. During X-rays on the 20th our incredible vet noted more bone growth on cub’s fibula, meaning there is some micro instability in the bone. This meaning cub’s already operated leg needs more time to heal & be ‘bullet proof’. If we pressed on with the surgery the fibula could snap & there would be absolutely no helping cub 😢. So anyway, here we are. Cub is booked in in 3 weeks for X-rays & if all is well 🤞🏼 leg 2 will be operated on early January. That way cub can have a glorious Christmas with less restrictions 🥰. Thank you for all asking after cub & I’m sorry I’ve not been too proactive on documenting his progress. Ultimately he’s a saint & we’re all sad for him that he’s not well into recovery of leg two yet. But Patrick at Ridge Refferals is incredible & loves cub like we do & we are totally in awe of his knowledge. He’s really looked after cub & us & for that we’re eternally grateful! Oh & the bald leg, as you can see, is growing back! No more slipper! 😂

11/22/2023, 9:26:02 PM

We're back in TPLO Recovery Land. A place none of us want to reside in. The operation was performed on November 17. Arlo managed to give us a repeat performance and walk out of his surgery for a second time! He was speed walking around the backyard the very next day. It's going to be a real struggle keeping him on rest. . . . . . #mondaydregs #photofail #worstmodel #outtakes #outtake #bloopers #blooper #awkwarddog #awkward #arloisthebest #tplo. #tplodog #surgeryrecovery #tplosurgery #tploday4 #dogsofdurham #dogsofdurhamregion #dogsofontario #gtadogs #dogsincanada #canadiandogs #boxer #boxersofinstagram #boxerdog #boxerdogs #bullybreed #gingerdog #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #dogoftheday

11/20/2023, 5:18:37 PM

Revolutionize your pet's well-being with TPLO at Castro Valley Animal Hospital! 🐾 Our skilled orthopedic specialists offer advanced solutions for canine CCL injuries. 👨‍⚕️Why Choose TPLO with Us: Skilled Surgeons: Trust our experienced orthopedic surgeons for a successful TPLO procedure. Advanced Technology: Equipped with cutting-edge surgical tech for the highest level of care. Customized Plans: Personalized treatment plans for your pet's unique needs ensure optimal outcomes. Compassionate Care: Your pet is family; we prioritize their well-being and comfort. Rehabilitation Support: Guiding you through post-surgery care to optimize your pet's recovery. 🏥Our TPLO Process: Comprehensive Evaluation: Thorough examination and imaging to determine the best solution. Personalized Treatment: Customized plans based on age, size, and overall health. Surgery: Careful tibia bone adjustments stabilize the knee joint without a functional CCL. Rehabilitation: Detailed post-operative care and rehabilitation guidance. Ongoing Support: Follow-up appointments to monitor progress for a successful recovery. Choose Castro Valley Animal Hospital for revolutionary TPLO care! 🛡️🦴 Address- 2837 Castro Valley Blvd, Castro Valley, CA 94546 Contact Us- 510-582-8387 #veteran #pethealth #animalwellness #petcare #pethospital #PetLovers #petcarecalifornia #healthypets #pet #petcare #petlover #PetLovers #petlovers #petsagram #petstagram #petfriendly #vet #vetmed #veteran #vetlife #veterinarian #veterinarylife #tplodog #tplodogs #tplo #petorthopedicsurgery #petorthopedics

11/20/2023, 10:12:14 AM

Jack was ever the regal gentleman during his underwater treadmill session. Jack is recovering from TPLO surgery, and the sessions in the treadmill are greatly improving his healing and mobility. #underwatertreadmill #underwatertreadmillfordogs #underwatertreadmilldog #underwatertreadmills #underwatertreadmillfordog #underwatertreadmillfordogs #PhysicalRehab #physicalrehab #PhysicalRehabilitation #physicalrehabilitation #tplo #tplodog #tplodogs #tplosurgery #TPLOrecovery #tplorecovery #vetmed #vetmedicine #veterinary #veterinarymedicine #veterinarymedicine

11/14/2023, 7:00:05 PM

The sweetest little face belongs to Gypsie! This little lady was SO BRAVE for her recent TPLO surgery at the clinic. We were lucky enough to get to know her quite well as she stayed with us for some of her recovery days while mum went to work. Always wiggling her tail :) #happydog #puppysitting #poodlepersonality #tplodog #eastfremantlevet

11/9/2023, 6:59:41 AM

Happy 7th birthday to our favorite gentle giant, Chloe! 🐶🎂🎉🎊 We love you very much! Chloe had a field trip to our local Russell Feed Store and saw some animals and picked out a toy. She loved the truck ride to and from the store. 🥰 #birthdaygirl #birthdaydog #dogsofinstagram #pitbullgreatdanemix #greatdanebull #pitbullsofinstagram #tplodog #bionicdog #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsofinstagram

11/2/2023, 1:12:21 AM

🐾👉🐾Ďakujeme za pozdrav a 😍Arinke prajeme veľa zdravia! #veterinar #navratkpohybu #slaskoukzvieratam #dog #vetortho #vetorthopedy #ortopedia #ortopédia #dakujem #tplodog #tplodogs #tplo #sibracentrum #sibra #sibra_centrum #vetvbratislave #veterinary

11/1/2023, 7:00:59 PM

Eindelijk, de TPLO operatie is achter de rug. Lange weg van herstel. Dexter blijft Dexter, druk, nu ook nog. Gewoon in de benche proberen op beide achterpoten ons begroeten. Ik snap dat echt niet. Hoe dan? Hij heeft pijn en toch...Maar we houden ons strikt aan het advies vd dierenarts. 10 dagen niet uit deze bench, behalve plassen en poepen. Op naar maandag, dan gaan de hechtingen eruit. Ben benieuwd hoe dat zal verlopen. #tplosurgery #tplodog #tplodog #voorstekruisbandoperatie #voorstekruisbandachterpootoperatie #kruisbandreconstrustiehond #gescheurdekruisbandhond

10/31/2023, 8:34:49 AM

Elway came in bright and ready for her close up and post-op x-rays following TPLO surgery. She treated us to many loves and kisses to ensure we had a golden morning! We are pleased she is overall doing well and can start to gradually return to normal activity. We love Elway! #sunstonevets #sunstoneveterinaryspecialists #sunstonesurgeryteam #vetmedsurgery #exceptionalpersonalcareandattention #workislovemademanifest #weloveourpatients #weloveourclients #tplo #tplodog #TPLOrecovery

10/21/2023, 4:00:45 AM

Happy 5th annKNEEversary to me and my bionic knees!! Five year ago today i had bilateral TPLO surgery to reconstruct both my knees!!! From my pawrents: This surgery was a MASSIVE undertaking and it was 100% worth moving cross country for the right surgeon, rehabilitation team + lack of stairs at home. every minute of rehab and every penny we spent on getting those new knees was worth it to see our girl now growing old comfortably doing the things she loves! Looking at her now you wouldn’t even know her knees are made of metal! #tplodog

10/17/2023, 6:20:15 AM

“Mila, how can we get outta here? Can you open the gate?” - Chloe 🐶💕 #sisters #Texas #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #rescuedogsofinstagram #greatdanebull #greatdanepitbullmix #pitbullsofinstagram #tplodog #bionicdog

10/7/2023, 2:31:44 AM

🐾That "phew!" moment when surgery gets postponed...😅 Squad Foster Scrappy has his TPLO surgery on hold for at least another month. We're still short of the $3,000 needed for the procedure.😔 Times are tough and our rescue funds are low, but your support has always been our strength. Remember, as a 501(c)3 nonprofit, Dog Squad doesn't get any funding from government agencies, making your generous donations invaluable. Every single penny counts and is tax deductible. Here's how you can help: 🔸 Venmo: @dogsquad88 🔸 PayPal: @dogsquad88 🔸 Credit card: #tplo #americanbully #americanstaffordshireterrier #amstaff #staffy #standupforpits #yeahthatgreenville #adoptdontshop #fosteringsaveslives #fosterdog #adoptme #donate #nonprofit #dontbullymybreed #endbsl #stopanimalcruelty #stopanimalabuse #showmeyourpitties #thedodo #standupforpits #tplodog #ccld #pitbullawarenessmonth

10/5/2023, 3:56:05 AM

🥳🥳🥳1,000 followers 🥳🥳🥳 A big THANK YOU to all of you for following along on our first foster journey! Cheech sends slobbery kisses to each & every one of you! 🙏👅💋🙏 @english.bulldog.rescue.ontario #bullysquad🐶✊ #fosteringsaveslives #fosterdog #fosterdogsofinstagram #fosterdogsofig #fosterbulldogs #bulldogsofinstagram #bulldogsofig #englishbulldogs #oldenglishbulldogs #cheechourfosterpup #cheechtheoeb #tplo #tplosurgery #tplorecovery #tplosurgeryrecovery #tplodog

9/27/2023, 5:54:02 PM

Milly was mis-diagonised for 4 months when she had a broken leg. It was a torn crucial ligament but that’s what the vet who diagnosed it said. Our previous vets were so focused on her pancreatitis, and kept saying there’s nothing wrong with her. But every night she turned into a Hyde and could not settle. She was literally wanting to climb the walls to get away from the pain! I wished I’d trusted my instinct and gotten a second option before we got to the stage when we just wanted to switch vets. #PawsitivePaws #TPLODog #RescueDogUK #DogOwnersUK #DogLoversUK #TPLOSurgeryInDogs #PancreatitisDogsUK #PancDog #AdoptDontShop

9/20/2023, 8:00:15 PM

Two intense orthopedic course days behind me. The topic was TPLO next level, so about stifle (knee) surgery. We had lectures, dry and wet labs. So we got to practice on plastic and real bones. Our “surgeries” were also radiographed and evaluated in the whole group which was great. A fantastic course, good teachers and it’s always so nice to meet colleagues, national and international and make new acquaintances. But you also get overwhelmed about all new stuff to learn. Pari intensiivistä ortopedistä kurssipäivää takana. Aiheena oli polvileikkaukset TPLO menetelmällä seuraavalla tasolla. Meillä oli luentoja ja sitten käytännön harjoituksia, niin muovi kun oikeilla luilla. Se mikä oli parasta oli että meidän ”työt” arvioitiin röntgenkuvilla koko ryhmän voimin. Mahtava kurssi, hyvät luennoitsijat ja parasta kun sai tavata kollegoita. Niin vanhoja kun uusia sekä suomalaisia että ulkomaalaisia. Aina tulee kurssien jälkeen että voisi vaan oppia enemmän ja enemmän. . . . #tplo #tplosurgery #tplodogs #tplodog #tplocourse #mathemedix #veterinaryortopedia #vetorthopedics #vetorthopedist #correctiveosteotomies #coolveterinarystuff #stiflesurgery #eläinlääkäri #eläinortopedia #eläinortopedi #polvileikkaus #koira #koirat #ristisideleikkaus

9/10/2023, 10:07:21 PM

Tough day here….Kellan’s infusion, which is always stressful, and this guy’s discharge from the hospital after TPLO surgery for a torn CCL. He had a not so great reaction to the medication to help keep him calm and less anxious…..made him more anxious, confused, almost paranoid, and irritable 👍🏻👍🏻 awesome 🙄 Gotta wash that out of his system and toss that bottle in the trash 🗑️ #tplosurgery #tplorecovery #tplodog @tplodogs

8/27/2023, 3:23:38 AM

Jax is niet gekrompen, maar deze foto's zijn exact 2 jaar geleden genomen tijdens ons weekend in Center Parcs. Het was een minder fijn weekend dan we afgelopen weekend in Vlodrop hadden, want Jax was de week voordien beginnen manken nadat hij zich verstapte in een kuiltje in het gras. Aan het einde van het weekend was het manken zo goed als voorbij, maar vlak voor we uit het huisje naar huis vertrokken sprong hij uit de zetel en gleed uit over de mat die daar lag 😔 Hij begon meteen opnieuw te manken en we denken dus dat dit het moment was waarop zijn kruisband effectief scheurde (en voor hem en ons een lang en vermoeiend traject van operaties, revalidaties en complicaties volgde). Het goede nieuws: het gaat al een hele tijd heel goed met hem 🤩 (al blijven wij bij momenten nog altijd bang) Wist je dat ik 3 blogs heb geschreven over dit traject? Hier kan je de eerste blog lezen (en doorklikken naar de volgende blogs): Tip dus voor wie nog op zoek is naar avondlectuur! #centerparcs #zee #vakantie #holiday #blog #bloggen #blogger #kruisband #kruisbandscheur #operatie #revalidatie #complicaties #tplo #tplodog #revalidation #operation #complications #pechhond #avondlectuur #hond #honden #dogsofinstagram #stafford #amstaff #leesplezier #cruciateligament #manken

8/22/2023, 7:34:37 PM

Chunk is in better spirits this afternoon (thanks to pain meds and snuggles). After he woke himself up by his cone hitting the floor (he was sleeping and his head dropped to the floor) he was perky enough to get dressed and go do our laps around the backyard. Reward for doing a great job is sunbathing.

8/15/2023, 8:15:23 PM

Riley is amped to be on her feet again after her MMP surgery! Read all about the less invasive alternative to TPLO here - #tplodog #affordablevet #affordablevetcare #affordablevetclinic #happydogs #happydogslife #smilingdogs

8/14/2023, 5:00:06 PM

Danes želimo z vami deliti informacije o operativnem posegu TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy), ki je ena izmed metod zdravljenja poškodb križnih vezi pri psih. 🐶💙🐾💙 #veterina #vet #živali #vetlife #veterinar #veterinarskaambulanta #kjutkuza #hišniljubljenčki #pasjilajf #kuza #pes #paws #leonvetsi #leonvet #pesmojprijatelj #paw #tplo #tplodog #tplodogs #ambulanta #vetmed #vetschool #veterinary #kosmatinčki #veterinaria #tacka #kamspsom #dog

8/3/2023, 7:00:21 PM

Chloe graduated from rehab after a double TPLO!! She is doing great and is back to her usual feisty self. Well done Chloe, we will miss you! #tplodog #mixedbreed #happydog #dogrehab #hydrotherapyfordogs

8/2/2023, 5:00:06 PM

Reposted @dogwoodvetsurgery 2 days versus 2 weeks post op TPLO Notice improvements in comfort, mobility and confidence. 🔔MORE IMPORTANTLY 🔔 Note the CONSISTENTCY of keeping a SHORT CONTROLLED leash and a sling to support (not lift) and slow down for CONTROL. This consistency and control is key for pet owners to help TPLO champs through recovery. 🙌🏼 Way to go sweet Kate!

7/18/2023, 6:09:32 PM

It's been 106 days since Whistler Bylaw received a call about an abandoned dog at Lakeside park, and Hunter was brought into WAG's care. Now he is 66 days post TPLO surgery! WAG could NOT have provided the extended care that Hunter requires without two VERY dedicated foster homes. While our hopes were that Hunter would have a family to take care of him, we are so glad to know that he has an amazing team behind him. A BIG thank you to his amazing Vet team at Points East West, Dr. Lane and his entire team always give the best care to our WAG residents. If you can't tell by the photo's Hunter was being his usual cuddle bug self, always trying to sneak in a kiss. Hunter's still on his recovery journey, thank you to our supporters who continue to donate to our Critical Care program, it not only helps pay Hunter's ongoing vet costs, but helps us help those in need. #AdoptHunter #TPLODog #TPLORecovery #WhistlerWAG #WhistlerAnimalsGalore #FirstMateSponsored #FirstMateDogFood #WAGRehab #TPLOSurgery #FosterHomesSaveLives #WAGLovesOurFosters #PositiveReinforcementDogTraining #TrainWithoutPain #rescueadoptloveforever

7/17/2023, 9:33:24 PM

🐾💪🍀Lenči potrebovala operáciu na stabilizáciu kolených väzov - bola operovaná na našom pracovisku metódou 👉TPLO, po absolvovaní👍 pasívnej fyzioterapie (PROM, masáž, mäkké techniky) do 1. ortopedickej kontroly po mesiaci od operácie začala rehabilitovať aj pomocou 👉hydroterapie. #navratkpohybu #pes #vetrehabilitation #veterinar #hydroterapia #goldenretriever #goldenretrievers #zlatyretrivr #zlatyretriever #tplodog #tplodogs #sibracentrum #sibra #sibra_centrum

7/14/2023, 9:00:08 PM

PUPDATE: this little Hazel Princess has a partially torn ACL and meniscus so she will be getting TPLO surgery in 2️⃣weeks. Hopefully this will help her! Her hip isn’t great but they didn’t see an immediate need for surgery at this time and want to fix her knee first.🐾 . #tplosurgery #HazelBoPeep #surgery #miniaussie #aussiesofinstagram #poorbabygirl #TPLOdog #stillsmiling

7/10/2023, 9:40:52 PM

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Helped during TPLO Recovery!!! Our 6 year old 86 pound yellow lab blew out her CCL in her left knee in December. In June her right CCL went. The first time we used a sling from that the vet provided after surgery. It bunched up the handles were much too long making it uncomfortable for Zoey and us as we cared for her. This time around I researched and we purchased the tall female GingerLead and it is a godsend. I highly recommend it. Measure your dog and buy the right size... Zoey does not look like a Great Dane but the tall female fits her perfectly!!!

7/7/2023, 3:44:41 PM

Happy Monday! We’re back in the mountains .. I was pretty stoked this morning being back running free after 8 amazing day on leash in Nova Scotia with the fam .. We made it back safely Sunday morning & dad/Niyah this morning! My sister and I did great for our first flying trip in the plane in our crate .. Mom was the one who was the most anxious & stress.. Lol 🩷🤘🏽✈️ #EastCoastTrip #NovaScotia #TundraApproved . . . 📸🎥 July 3 Swipe left for more and last two is me and Niyah at the airport . . . . . #Tundra_TheSister #Niyah_TheStaffy #DogWalking #SquamishLife #SquamishHike #SquamishDogs #HikingLife #DogsThatHike #HikingWithDog #MountainLife #MountainDogs #ExploringWithDogs #AdventureDogs #AdventureDoggo #Ruffwear #RuffwearDogs #TPLODog #BionicDog @nia_tundra @mountaingirls @loveabullrescuesociety @squamishdogs @eagleviewvet @dogs_of_squamish @dogsofinstagram @dogsthathike @hikingdogsofinsta @dawgventure @explore_squamish @dogsofsquamishbc @dogsonthetrails @dogsonhikes @dogsonadventures @dogsinthewilderness @dogsofcanada

7/4/2023, 12:39:58 AM