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O que você faz quando Deus te da uma direção? #bepatient #godknows

4/29/2024, 11:26:07 PM

Just don't quit‼️ I know it's not easy‼️ I know times are tougher even still‼️ I know it's hard‼️ But that's what makes the accomplishment an accomplishment ‼️ #KeepGoing ‼️ Change your perception ‼️ Even if it hurts right now‼️It all works out for your good‼️💪🏾🙌🏾 #explorepage #ILoveYou #SoMuch #GodKnows #IDo 💕

4/29/2024, 8:52:42 PM

Thankful and grateful! S/O my church 💃🏽🕺🏾💃🏽for walking the talk. Grabbed my phone, first text I notice, COH🥰 It’s not just a Sunday thing. You are locked and loaded for the week with devotionals related to the sermon. It helps you better interpret what was being conveyed, aids in spiritual development and let’s you, IN REAL LIFE, witness and appreciate God’s presence(at least for me). In addition, prayer Mon-Sat on FB at 7a. God is a constant🥰 THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for being present, in good and/or bad times, doing the work and being the crankiness church😊🙌🏾 #Godknew #Godknows #GodGospelGoGo #gospelcrank #gogochurch #praiseandworship #firmfoundation #we18now #wedothework #walkthetalk #itscontagious #Phil4:6-7 Sundays 10a @Suitland We don’t care who you are, what you’ve done, or who you’ve did it with; we don’t care if you did it last night or woke up doing it this morning. When you get here you are at the right place at the right time to become all that God has called you to be. We believe God’s got a blessing with your name SLAM on it😊 To watch, join or receive text Www.Hiphopenation.com Text Hopedecision to 77411 YouTube #youwontbedisappoint @cmtyofhope

4/29/2024, 5:29:21 PM

Champions don’t think twice about their future. They know it’s going to come anyhow and so they prepare for it. Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. SAW = WAS #championmindset #faithoverfear #belief #thinkdifferent #IAM #imready #godknows #phil313 #beardfade #truckerhats

4/29/2024, 4:35:04 PM

Happy Monday! 😀 Battleground.. Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. Romans 8:5(NLT) As believers, right thinking is something that is so important we simply can’t live without it. Just like our heartbeat, it’s vital because many of the problems we deal with in our lives are rooted in wrong thinking patterns, which are not based on the truth. Right thinking is a result of regular, personal fellowship with God through prayer and the Word. It is important for us to come to grips with the fact that our lives will not get straightened out until our thinking gets straightened out. Thoughts bear fruit. When you and I think good thoughts, our lives produce good fruit. When we think bad thoughts, our lives produce bad fruit. The longer I serve God and study His Word, the more I realize how important it is for me to be aware of what’s going on in my mind. Where the mind goes, the man follows. Continually watching over our thoughts is the only way we will ever be able to keep them in line with God’s Word and win our battle against the enemy. Let Go Let God Cherish ❤

4/29/2024, 1:01:56 PM

Δόξα τω Θεώ για το Σταυρό που κουβαλάμε… ο καθένας το δικό του 🙏🏻 Καλή Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα! #easter #agionoros #mountathos #athos #preparation #resurrection #godknows #loveyouall ❣️

4/29/2024, 10:25:10 AM

Trust in HIS plan🙂 God speed Insta family; Blessed Monday ❤️ #restartimbuedwithlife #godknows #trustgod #perfecttime #godplan #godlovesyou #waitforit #lifelessons #newweek #newstart

4/29/2024, 9:57:10 AM

🎤🎶🖤 『#カラオケ行きたい 』 #君が飛び降りるのなら #君が飛び降りるのならば #ライオン #ラピスラズリ #secretbase君がくれたもの #supercell #君の知らない物語 #godknows #ハルヒの憂鬱 #onlymyrailgun アニソンの話してたら盛り上がっちゃった🖤 今度2人でカラオケしたいなぁ (歌上手かったので、お恥ずかしい!!) 🎤🎶🖤

4/29/2024, 5:33:36 AM

Had to cop this Hoodie 🔥🔥🔥 Designed by @beekonwearthebrand Pull up & Shop with him. #blackownedbusinesses #GodKnows

4/29/2024, 2:30:03 AM

Kate was addicted to alcohol as well as dependent on a cocktail of strong antidepressants, tranquilizers, beta-blockers, and sleeping pills. Over time, trying to cope with the high-octane demands of being a corporate highflier as well as the strain of maintaining her success and image had driven her to look for relief from all these sources. To the rest of the world, Kate appeared to have it all together. But in reality, her despair over her inability to cope without those substances only plunged her into a vicious cycle of defeat. Kate tried everything to beat the bottle and her depression: She made appointments with psychiatrists and psychologists and even faithfully attended support groups for alcoholics. Through these endless appointments and meetings, she experienced what she calls “a few bouts of recovery” that lasted several days at best. In the end, Kate found herself on the verge of giving up. But God had other plans for her. He led her to one of the leaders in my church who encouraged her to keep hearing the preached Word and praying in the Spirit. And as she kept listening to my messages on God’s grace, God began uprooting the wrong beliefs that had taken hold in Kate’s mind and replacing them with right beliefs about herself and her future. The more she heard, the more she was able to keep her eyes on Jesus, instead of trying to overcome the symptoms. The more she heard, the more she was able to be at rest, to see God’s blessings in the little things, and to supernaturally not even experience withdrawal symptoms. And in a short time, four long and treacherous years of addiction to alcohol disappeared for Kate. The same can happen for you. In a supernatural instant, you too can experience liberation from destructive habits, fears, and bondages. You may not be able to understand how grace can set you free from a long-term addiction, but you can experience it in your heart and experience His liberty in your area of challenge! By Pastor Joseph Prince. #devotional #brokenhearted #Godknows #Godisgoodallthetime #gratefulnams

4/28/2024, 11:56:30 PM

I learn from my past but don’t persecute for the lessons I had to learn the hard way by the grace of God I’m able to still find and if not make a way…I truly am sorry and hope I can be forgiven for what it cost the ones that it affected all the way up to now… #GodKnows #ChangeingMindBodyandPerception

4/28/2024, 6:42:14 PM

No need to prove yourself… . #godknows

4/28/2024, 6:15:42 PM

Sunday Thoughts 💭 It’s Okay… “And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of me, but in the power of God.” - 1 Corinthians 2:3-5 Would you say your faith is unshakable? Let me rephrase that. When life gets a little unsteady, feels upside down, and shakes you up a bit…where do you stand? Is it on the firm foundation of your faith, or does life take you on detours that lead you to those bumpy roads that trip you up? It’s okay to admit your faith is a little unsteady, maybe even wavering right now. If I am being honest, mine is too. The truth is, I want to have this incredible connection to the Father, where I completely trust and obey Him with every aspect of my life, all while illuminating light that radiates my love for Jesus!  But… Truth be told I struggle sometimes.. Instead of leaning into God, I tend to give in to the ways of my flesh and allow bitterness and worry to fester. Ugh. My unshakable faith shattered! May be God is tenderly calling for you to “recharge” your faith. If so, then snag your Bible and flip to 1 Corinthians 2:3-5. Friend, did you catch that? Unshakable faith isn’t about having the “perfect” faith that never rattles us, but rather it comes with moments that may shake us, sometimes to the core of our being, and cause us to come before God in our weakness. It’s in those moments we must humble ourselves and seek a recharge of our faith by our good and “perfect” Savior, Jesus! Let Go Let God Cherish ❤️

4/28/2024, 5:40:42 PM

119/366 Sei Dankbar 🙏🙌 #godknows #dankbar #pray #healthylifestyle

4/28/2024, 1:46:57 PM

《God Knows?》🎙️ 💎【第十一集 – 普通的日子 】 ✨ 出返一個一年多前嘅廣播劇嘅語錄先。係呢~~ 因為一年前嘅尋日,《God Knows?》 呢個中篇劇場就正式大結局啦。 記得當時其實已經即刻打咗兩篇後感,但嗰陣仍然有種接受唔到故事完結嘅感覺,所以一直拖延。當然唔係用咗一年去消化啦。因為呢套劇,我開始入坑Oscar嘅廣播劇世界,又咁啱有契機聽返之前其他嘅廣播劇,我就慢慢覺得,其實God Knows? 嘅大家一早已經係MCU嘅某處或某個時空好好生活緊,我都無需要咁依依不捨啦。 一年後先update亦都有另一返體會。睇返嗰陣成個人好似入咗解謎mode咁,每個情節都抽絲剝繭,有時太著重整理,反而冇意會說故事者嘅心意,「思辯展開‧友情降誕」既係講緊科學同宗教嘅思辯,亦係陳學彤高泳行嘅友情拉扯,但最後一集「普通的日子」可能想講嘅係再純粹啲,人生更重要,或者更需要好好去認知嘅事 – 例如無答案令經歷變得更有意義 / 真正可以肯定嘅係而家呢個現在。我突然發覺,其實好match林生最近嘅兩首歌。 ✨ 簡單recap吓先﹗第九集高同學嘅身世之謎已經解開,第十集大家就協議唔會同其他人再提起高同學嘅事,呢個將會成為佢哋六個人嘅秘密,而高同學亦決定唔會再用佢嘅「超能力」,慢慢學習過普通人嘅日子。所以畫面一轉,第十一集大結局一嚟就係大台式BBQ,莊幾何同葉信言亦都冰釋前嫌,仲被陳學彤取笑有路,似足大台啲歡喜冤家戲碼,而我睇返自己寫嘅第一集後感,竟然嗰陣已經有呢個預感,有啲恐怖;而另一邊箱,高泳行唔覺意用咗超能力好快咁燒咗啲嘢食,搞到陳學彤又要剪走啲片段。後來彤行做專訪,最深刻係當問到高泳行鍾唔鍾意呢度時,佢已經即刻答鍾意 (一開始插班時唔係咁答㗎),仲話好多嘢都未有答案,但佢開始明白唔識、唔明、唔知點都唔緊要,此時陳學彤話係咪因為有大家嘅陪伴同扶持呢﹖高泳行又扭扭擰擰到最後先勉強承認,呢一點想像到可能喺實體林生上都會出現。 第十集陳同學又唔覺意錄到兩位老師嘅對話,Miss Ip提到佢覺得宗教同科學已經超出咗人類可以理解嘅範圍,好多事情其實都唔重要,最重要嘅係人要有信念去支撐住,好好活喺而家先係重點。 而陳同學經歷完呢三個月奇形怪狀嘅事後,亦令佢諗到其實人嘅緣份同感情究竟係點樣存在。宗教同科學解釋唔到,冇得計算,眼前嘅未來都無答案,更可況以後或者更遠,但無答案反而令經歷來得有意義。 ✨ 聽到呢度,我突然覺得又會咁橋嘅﹖林家謙分享《無答案》呢隻歌時亦有提到好多問題唔一定有解決方案,嘗試喺無答案嘅人生中生存自處,可能有日事情就會迎刃而解 (或者不解啦)。 📿夜長夢多 不必過度注視 未來日子 不必過度探知 《#無答案》同《#喃嘸師感官漫遊》兩個唔同vibe嘅歌喺呢度connected咗。不執著答案,不意圖抓緊,美事同傻事都全然慾試,可能此時就可以嘗盡真正自由,無答案嘅人生經歷先更有意義。 好像是過渡了心空感覺後,豁然開朗,行有餘力之時不如就繼續奔跑啦。 📿現時就 於熾熱時 於冷冽時 沾些詩意 寫好故事 美事傻事 全然慾試 別談未知 自由行事 而後來其實都幾善良嘅陳學彤都有提到︰ 「真係可以肯定嘅,就只有呢一刻。你係超能力者又好,你係最普通嘅人都好,我哋都過緊最平凡、最普通嘅生活。喺呢啲平凡、普通嘅現在,我好多謝有你哋,做咗我朋友」 陳學彤意識到未來大家未必會友誼永固,但最緊要係呢一刻大家都在。呢個對當下嘅自覺又令我connect返去《喃嘸師》 - 今は今。 仲消化緊歌詞,但最打動我嘅都係一系列對活在當下嘅提醒︰ 📿活著就得當下這人方可等於我 (成日講嘅做返自己其實乜嘢/幾時嘅自己﹖慢慢領略到每一刻嘅起心動念都在創造實相) 📿人們常冀盼日後開心才難以快樂 人們太過悼念着舊時極沮喪 📿現時亦 只有現時 去到呢度唔覺意將三個應該係唔同時候創作嘅文本輕輕互文參照咗,但恰巧佢哋所流露嘅價值觀其實都相似,或者可能係因為家謙同Oscar都係會將自己嘅想法信念好坦誠咁放喺自己作品上面嘅人,所以我哋先能夠一直喺佢哋唔同時期嘅作品,搵到佢哋思想嘅進化或延展,呢個係我覺得創作最珍貴嘅地方,呢種文化生產喺而家呢個context下嘅香港亦十分重要。 (有少少跳嘅想法~我覺得啦) ✨ 最後想補充嘅係十一集嘅《God Knows?》好引人入勝,因為好多舖墊,唔單止係舖《God Knows?》 仲有整個MCU,有種打通了其他廣播劇嘅世界之感 (《last seen!》、《萬物醫》、《大氣以上 話語以下》)。而且如《歡迎光臨失眠鎮》以暴走情節包裝哲學探討嘅劇般,《God Knows?》講宗教同科學嘅思辨一啲都唔容易,冇感覺太硬tag,反而我覺得後來完得有啲急,可以再延長少少。 而一年後嘅今日,林家謙錄廣播劇嘅功力應該大增了吧,畢竟已經係綜藝感超強嘅林魚毛啦~ 至於高泳行,後來六度圈與歌講到佢去咗文學院學寫詩,亦都有講到佢爸爸高向維嘅故事,大家可以重溫返~ @terencelam0903 @oscarlee @903_philosomnia #GodKnows #失眠藥 #廣播劇 #失眠藥深夜中篇劇場#林家謙 #TerenceLam #oscarlee

4/28/2024, 12:22:25 PM

Those who got close to me KNOWS the story behind the lens; or, sees it behind a smile. Only a smile can cover up so much when you walk around with scars. My past does not define me, at all. I’m still walking……even if I do feel alone in a room full of ppl. #mentalhealth #godknows #Self

4/28/2024, 6:54:05 AM

People love playing in the dark until God shines the light and exposes all the hidden dirt. It amazes me how some individuals in this day and time still don’t believe or realize the power of God and prayer. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. He is the revealer of all things. There is no gaslighting or throwing up smoke screens with Him. Always trust your gut instincts. Sometimes it’s God’s way of protecting you from people who come to do you harm. Try not to take it personal. It’s spiritual. Those who are evil and scandalous have a special place waiting for them in hell. Don’t worry yourself. Let God fight your battles. He will fight them better anyway. Remember that. It’s a nightcap and revelation. 🙏🏾 . . #prayaboutit #trustGod #Godgotit #Godsees #Godknows . #waitforit #Godsplan #timingiseverything #kingdombusiness #walkbyfaith #nofears #dependonGod #TrustGod #pray #saylessless #KimberlyVonshay #faithwalker #prayerchangesthings #trusttheprocess #letgoandletGod #notoxicpeople #mentalhealthmatters #knowyourworth #valueyourself #keepGodfirst #trustGod #Godsplans #KimberlyVonshay #healingjourney #workonyou #gohigh #letGodlead

4/28/2024, 5:27:21 AM

Accept no like you would accept yes. God knows what’s best for you. Trust in Him. #lifeatcreston #bibleverse #jesusknows #godknows #godistheanswer #trusthim #godfirst

4/28/2024, 1:45:00 AM

I aint tryna hold hands 🤝🏾 im tryna hold hunnits 💵 😒 🤑🗣️ #GODKNOWS #Z3OUTSIDE #THEUGLY

4/28/2024, 1:09:34 AM

Peace! #happysaturday #godisgood #godknows #peace #thankgod

4/27/2024, 10:08:06 PM

WHAT ARE YOU SO SCARED OF? GET OUT FROM BEHIND THE MASK! Spent this week at an amazing conference for women in real estate. Three words…EMPOWERING…ENLIGHTENING…INVIGORATING!! I will not be afraid any longer…of WHAT?Judgement? Failure? Kids cover your ears…EFF THAT! If I fail, I will fail forward. If I’m judged, that’s on you not me. I WILL leverage my gifts and my resources to do great things in this world…to love like I want to be loved…to serve the way I want to be served and to support the way I want to be supported. God knows…I’m a Rockstar Real Estate Agent, in Raleigh, NC. If you didn’t know that…you’ve been missing out. #girlswithgrit #releighrealtor #raleighrealestateagent #godknows

4/27/2024, 5:21:54 PM

If you have a prayer request, you can place it in the comments section or send a private message. Always willing and ready to keep you in prayer. Also remember to keep other prayer requests you see in the comments section in your prayers as well. There is power in prayer! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🙏 #doyouhaveaprayerrequest #pray #prayer #thywillbedone #Godhearsourprayers #powerinprayer #prayalways #praywithoutceasing #GodAnswersPrayer #Godhears #Godsees #Godknows #trustGod #spendtimeinprayer #praydaily #spendtimewithGod #prayeveryday #InvestTimetInGodsWord #keeppraying #keepasking #keepseeking #keepknocking #Godlovesyou #PrayToGod #praytheword #prayingforyou #prayfortheunreached #prayforeveryone #prayforyourfamily

4/27/2024, 4:00:14 PM

Happy Saturday ☺️ Is it a Test?! When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. Job 23:10 Satan likes to test the saints. Listen to the warning Jesus gives to Peter: “Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to test all of you as a farmer sifts his wheat. I have prayed that you will not lose your faith! Help your brothers be stronger when you come back to me” (Luke 22:31–32 NCV). Satan may like to test the saints, but notice who is in control. Even though Satan had a plan, he had to get permission. “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me,” Jesus explained (Matthew 28:18 NIV), and this is proof. The wolf cannot get to the sheep without the permission of the Shepherd, and the Shepherd will only permit the attack if, in the long term, the pain is worth the gain. Jesus was allowing Peter to experience a trial so he could encourage his brothers. Perhaps God is doing the same with you. Your difficulty, your disease, your conflict are preparing you to be a voice of encouragement to your brothers. All you need to remember is: No test or temptation that comes your way is beyond the course of what others have had to face. All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it (1 Corinthians 10:13 MSG). Turn to him. Let Go Let God Cherish ❤

4/27/2024, 1:08:59 PM

"You cannot deceive God; He already knows. He always knows. Concentrate on being honest with yourself." #GODknows #alwaysknow #alreadyknows #beYourself 🙏🙏🙏💕

4/27/2024, 9:53:46 AM

When you and your childhood friend hit the streets of Edinburgh together and talk and talk and talk and laugh and reminisce about stories that only make sense to you two❤️ This gem of a person is truly a gift from God and as preteens going to church CYO dances together… did we ever think we would ever be where we are now? We both lost our mothers this year less than 24 hours apart and we both have walked paths we didn’t think we could….BUT, God is good and his promises are true and he is faithful even when we can’t see it. Love you @sherstory and grateful for our years of friendship birthed through God our saviour all those years ago. #friendship #bestie #godknows #heisgood #everythingworksout #godneverfails

4/27/2024, 8:51:59 AM

✝️We all have fears and worries. Your worries may be different than mine, but we all stress about going through life with unmet needs. The only way to take away the worries of this life is to entrust them to a God who knows your needs. How many of you have worried about your circumstances and asked God, are you sure? Matthew 6:8, “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” But in the next verses he tells us to pray for our needs. Prayer: Lord, I thank you that you are a loving God who knows my needs and will give me more than what I need.

4/27/2024, 4:03:36 AM

This zainbhikhaofficial song that we used to listen to as kids, just hits differently now as adults. All the feels ❤️ P.S. my therapist would be so impressed by this incident 🤓 #motherhood #parenthood #neveralone #Godknows #sitwithit #wegotthis💪

4/27/2024, 12:40:47 AM

My dear sisters and brothers, let me speak to your hearts today. 💖 In the journey of life, no one truly knows the battles you’ve fought, the tears you’ve shed, and the strength it took to rise again. But let me remind you, sweet souls, that there is One who knows it all. Our Heavenly Father sees every struggle, every triumph, and every step of faith you’ve taken. He knows the depths of your heart and the strength of your spirit. So, when life feels heavy and the path seems uncertain, lean on Him. Trust in His unfailing love, for He knows you like no other. 🙏✨ As it is written in Isaiah 41:10: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. #leanongod #TrustInHisPlan #godknows

4/26/2024, 10:46:53 PM

Why do we rely on our own understanding instead of trust God? Maybe it’s because our thoughts are familiar to us and the reality of not truly knowing everything threatens our sense of control. Maybe we think we know better than God. Could it possibly be that we really just don’t trust God at all? If you have trust issues, I get it. But God is different. He actually is the only One who is trustworthy 💯 of the time. The truth is, we are not really in control, we don’t know all that God knows, and His thoughts are higher than ours (as are His ways). Yet this should bring us comfort because God’s character (being constant & unchanging) determines how He executes His sovereignty. ❤️ Trust, like faith, can actually grow over time and through circumstances…I would argue it was designed this way. I have definitely seen my faith and trust grow more and more over the years I have walked with Jesus, been in His Word, and had my faith tested through storms of life and everyday circumstances. This current season I am in God has told me to TRUST HIM with ALL MY HEART and to not lean on my own understanding. He tells me to acknowledge HIM in all my ways, because it really is all about HIM. As I choose to obey these words of God, I have actually experienced a greater TRUST IN HIM and a renewed JOY OF MY SALVATION! There really is no other way… “Trust and obey For there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus Than to trust and obey.” 🎶 #TrustGod #trustinthelord #TrustInGod #TrustHim #trustgodsword #godswordistruth #Godknows #Godisincontrol #trustworthy #Godisgood #SovereignGod #joyful #JesusIsLord #GodIsAble #faithinJesus #FaithInGod #walkbyfaith #faithandtrust https://www.gotquestions.org/trust-in-the-Lord-with-all-your-heart.html https://www.gotquestions.org/in-all-your-ways-acknowledge-Him.html

4/26/2024, 9:19:28 PM

I’m blessed to see my 64th birthday… #grateful #Godknows

4/26/2024, 4:54:17 PM

… Seek God with all your heart, And God you will find, Serve Him wholeheartedly, With a willing mind. Acknowledge Him, Give Him control, And He will direct and help You achieve your goal. Trust Him to show you The right way to go, Because if anyone will, God will know! #willing_quill Jeremiah 29:13 ESV You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Proverbs 3:5-6 ESV Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. 1 Chronicles 28:9 ESV …serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan… #seekgodwithallyourheart #servethelord #trustgod #godknows

4/26/2024, 2:44:13 PM

Happy Friday ☺️ You are Heard.. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. - 1 JOHN 5:14 There is power in keeping God first in your life. Giving God your first words can impact the course and direction of your day. Over time, keeping God first positively shapes your life. God wants to hear from you. God desires to hear your voice. Whatever you are hoping for in this season, pray about it. Prayer is one-on-one time spent with God talking about the things you are hoping for, afraid of, or concerned about. When you pray, God listens and He cares. Let Go Let God Cherish ❤️

4/26/2024, 1:35:26 PM

Trust in God and his plan above all circumstances. There are so many variables that we don't see, so many conversations we are are unaware of, and all you need to do is genuinely believe that God will always look for your best interests and lead the way into a better life. No matter how hard it may seem now, trust that God will work everything out for the best. #Jummah #JummahMubarak #godsplan #godstiming #godisgood #godfirst #godknows #faith #believeingod #godisthegreatest #trustgod #trustgodsplan #divineguidance #spiritualjourney #keepthefaith #grateful #gratitudeattitude #gratitude

4/26/2024, 11:07:29 AM

When you’re not feeling good enough or like your doing the best you can do God has a way of bringing you things to show you your enough and doing your best. Today while explaining treatment and going over a plan with one of my patients they told me”I don’t know if your a dentist in training but you’re very good and thorough with explaining things and are very knowledgeable of your job.” I thanked them but pushed it off as having 20 years of experience in my field. To which they looked back and said “you’re young and have aged gracefully “….this made me think of things I do everyday no matter what other may think of me I’m still making a difference in someone’s day/life. Having a caring heart that shows when treating my patients is something only God gives. I needed that today as well as having furry friends to come home to this weekend. God knows just what we need when we need it no matter what kind of day/week/month we’ve had, he cares about the small stuff! #Godknows #thankful #furkidsmakelifebetter

4/26/2024, 4:20:50 AM

God knws everything...🗯 * #truelove #godknows #onesidedlove #onlyyou #mohabbat #reels

4/25/2024, 8:45:13 PM

God didn't cease being omniscient when Jesus died on the cross. He doesn't lack knowledge of your sin and the blood of Jesus doesn't blind Him to it! Repent and live holy! #liveholy #lovegod #itsachoice #forsakesin #trulyrepent #godknows #godsees #dontbedeceived

4/25/2024, 6:57:16 PM

In this crazy upside down world we live in now, good is evil and evil is good. Truth is lies and lies are truth. Is it a coincidence that things are this bad? Where is God? Why is He allowing this to happen? With the awareness of all the evil running rampant, is it just a coincidence that God’s Feasts have been kept hidden from the followers of Jesus? Let’s find out the answers in today’s mini-blog for this Passover Week. May God bless you and keep you. https://chosencrowned.one/passover-week-coincidences-de-bunked/ #Passover #Passover2024 #GodsFeasts #chosenandcrowned #believe #truth #Godsgiftstofollowers #lifechanging #share #Feastsforall #OnlyJesus #allaboutJesus #hiddennowrevealed #revelation #forfollowersofJesus #coincidence #nocoincidence #nocoincidencewithGod #GodsPlan #Godknows #lifechanging

4/25/2024, 5:00:37 PM

In this crazy upside down world we live in now, good is evil and evil is good. Truth is lies and lies are truth. Is it a coincidence that things are this bad? Where is God? Why is He allowing this to happen? With the awareness of all the evil running rampant, is it just a coincidence that God’s Feasts have been kept hidden from the followers of Jesus? Let’s find out the answers in today’s mini-blog for this Passover Week. May God bless you and keep you. https://chosencrowned.one/passover-week-coincidences-de-bunked/ #Passover #Passover2024 #GodsFeasts #chosenandcrowned #believe #truth #Godsgiftstofollowers #lifechanging #share #Feastsforall #OnlyJesus #allaboutJesus #hiddennowrevealed #revelation #forfollowersofJesus #coincidence #nocoincidence #nocoincidencewithGod #GodsPlan #Godknows #lifechanging

4/25/2024, 5:00:22 PM


4/25/2024, 4:53:47 PM

Yes, Yes you can! Happy day. 04/24/24 Among family and friends! Thank you @benzman_ken I’m finally in my first Benz! Took me 25 years, bam 💥 you’re the man! Best day ever!! Shop with @benzman_ken for all things Mercedes! At Mercedes Benz Sugar Land - The best place on earth. #blessed #hardworkpaysoffs #mercedesbenz #glc300 #2024 #042424 #herestothefuture #me #yesyoucan #icallherkarma #whiteout #beautifulthings #life #god #godknows Slow Success builds CHARACTER- Fast Success build ego! 🐢

4/25/2024, 4:46:48 PM

Be assured dear ones that God knows all your needs today and every day! ❤️ “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”—Matthew 6:26 #godlovesyou #godknows #trustgod #faith #faithjourney #askgod #christianmom #christianmum #christianauthor #christianblogger #prayingmom #peace

4/25/2024, 3:53:35 PM

It’s okay to let go of things you can’t control. It’s okay to trust God in the unknown. It’s okay to be a beginner. It’s okay to fail after trying a new thing. Free yourself from trying to take a hold of every single thing that is not meant to stay forever. It’s okay to not know everything, as long as you know God, who knows everything. #BreakThrough #breakers #Godknows

4/25/2024, 1:00:19 PM

Happy Thursday ☺️ Focal Point Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. —HEBREWS 12:2 Make Jesus your focal point as you move through this day. Just as a spinning ballerina must keep returning her eyes to a given point to maintain her balance, so you must keep returning your focus to Him. Circumstances are in flux, and the world seems to be whirling around you. The only way to keep your balance is to fix your eyes on Him, the One who never changes. If you gaze too long at your circumstances, you will become dizzy and confused. Look to Jesus, refreshing yourself in His Presence, and your steps will be steady and sure. Let Go Let God Cherish ❤️

4/25/2024, 12:48:45 PM

Jer 4:30 I found it interesting that God talked about how the children of Israel were HIGHLIGHTING THEIR EYES. That is some MUA talk. As I read this part of the bible it was a good reminder that God pays attention to detail. The things we do daily and we think noone is interested; let alone cares, God is present and he cares… #biblereading #SendtheRain #Jesus #devotion #Godcares #Godknows

4/25/2024, 9:19:54 AM

❤️🙏🏼🤩 🎉 My most wonderful buyers are now UNDER CONTRACT on 107 Barlow Street in Marvin! I am so, so happy for them….and very blessed to have seen God’s work through it all! Are you thinking about a move, or curious about your home’s value…please give me a call at (704) 995-9838! 📞 #elizabethdavisrealestate #kwunified #kwluxury #kwluxuryinternational #marvinnc #familycomesfirst #Godknows

4/25/2024, 2:11:48 AM

No words can fully encompass God’s marvelous creation, The All Capable and The All Knowing.. #Godisgreat #god #Allah #allahisthegreatest #belief #creation #godcreation #Godknows #godsees #godhears #believe #godisgood #godislove #poems #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrysociety #poemoftheday #poemsaboutlife #world #earth #masterpiece @glassgatespublishing @poetry.community

4/25/2024, 1:58:45 AM

This is what Parker has been learning in chapel this week and today I walked to my desk at home to do schoolwork and this was stuck to my desk. He knows I have been struggling lately and have been super discouraged but he also knew this is exactly what I needed to hear. We are all counting down the days until I am done but this is apparently what I needed to hear this week and God delivered that message through Parker. #suchagreatkid #Godknows

4/25/2024, 1:14:14 AM

The Faith Basket! . Personally Made For You! . #godfirst #godknows #godsplan #trusthistiming #thefaithbasket #austin

4/24/2024, 11:00:08 PM

God knows EXACTLY what YOU need. God knows I love a good view, nature, and a lil solitude. And when He gave us this house (everything I have is from God) He provided just that. Although, it was a long time coming. Like, a word from God in a dream, almost a decade and then the viewing of more homes than I have fingers and toes combined. Grappling with my own human limitations, these last couple of days on this back deck, swaying in my egg chair, with books, deep breaths, and the sun has been a needed respite for me. Finding gratitude in all the things is one way I harness peace and keep a firm hold on my joy. And in case you’re wondering why on earth does she have a can of Raid outside: Well, whenever wasps and bees come too close I kind of spray it…because it just wouldn’t be right unless I was most comfortable, and have the space I occupy serve me the way I want it to instead of I it, which is the very thing I’m reading leaders should guard themselves against. 🥴 #faith #hope #love #peace #joy #Godknows #encouragement #leadership #trustGod

4/24/2024, 9:02:54 PM

The truth hurts but it helps you grow. Do not expect anything back from anyone 🤎 . #hardtruths #yougivelovenottorecieveback #lovedoesnotexpect #msandréaaquotes #msandréaa #Godknows 🤎

4/24/2024, 8:00:00 PM

💁🏽‍♀️ #Godknows

4/24/2024, 5:19:27 PM

⏱️ Come creature siamo abituati ad attenderci reazioni causa > conseguenza univoche ed immediate. Ma il Creatore non "lavora" (quasi mai) in questo modo. I Suoi obbiettivi divergono dalle nostre aspettative quanto una retta tangente che interseca la nostra in un sol punto. I Suoi tempi sono di 40 anni, più spesso che di 4 ore, minuti, secondi. I Suoi effetti sono, insieme, onda e particella. ⌛ Così, forse, l'ennesima cosa andata storta nei miei piani non è (solo) un fastidioso contrattempo, oppure una pena immotivata di cui lamentarmi e vendicarmi. Potrebbe essere un modo per Dio di educarmi, e - non si può escludere - modellare anche la vita di chi mi ha creato dispiacere e disagio. 🌩️☁️🌤️ L'azzurro sovrasta le nuvole, ma noi troppo spesso lo diamo per assente perché vediamo soltanto queste ultime. A volte non ci è chiesto di interpretare, giudicare, intervenire; ma di aspettare. Sostare. Fare silenzio, soprattutto dentro. Lasciare che sia. Lasciare la palla agli altri. A ognuno la propria responsabilità. ☝️ #affidarsi #trustgod #allahknowsbest #allahknows #responsabilità #responsibility #silenzio #silence #aspettative #expectations #piani #plans #attesa #wait #ondaeparticella #godknowsbest #godknows #educazione #education #causaeffetto #azzurro #fede #fiducia #faith #surrender #surrendertogod #☝️#🌤️ #🙇🏻‍♀️ #40anni

4/24/2024, 4:53:34 PM

Oh how grateful we are to be in relationship with You, God. Thank You for allowing us to freely share our hearts with You while being corrected so our hearts align with Your word and our purpose. We are grateful for the awareness of our need for You. We boldly declare that we are unable to thrive here on the earth without Your guidance. Our lives are evident that we need Your guidance, wisdom and leadership daily. This week we will be intentional to examine ourselves and boldly ask for the help we need. We aren’t ashamed to ask for help. As we surrender before You, please reveal specific areas where we think we are winning but need correcting or a release. Prepare us to receive Your help, especially if it’s not how we expect it. You are the Lord, God Almighty, our Creator and loving Father, no one knows us nor what we need better than You. Where You lead, we will follow. With teachable and grateful hearts we pray this prayer of love and faith in Jesus name, Amen. Psalm 139:24 🎵 Song Suggestions Help Me I Have Decided 📖 Today’s Scripture Psalm 143:10 Contemporary English Version You are my God. Show me what You want me to do, and let Your gentle Spirit lead me in the right path. New King James Version Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness. New Living Translation Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.

4/24/2024, 4:35:58 PM

Ever have someone confuse you with someone else? Remember God never mistakes who we are. He knows His own! I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep (John 10:14-15). All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. And I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one (John 17:10-11) #WarriorsforChrist #Godknows #ReadySetGrow #GodsWord #HeIsTheLight #Godsglory #ChristianDiscipleship #TodaysVerse #Bibleverse #savedbygrace #AuthorOfLife #redemptioninChrist

4/24/2024, 4:12:12 PM

Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare (Proverbs 22:24-25) #Godlywisdom #proverboftheday #WisdomWednesday #HeIsTheLight #Godsglory #chosewisely #Godknows #ChristianDiscipleship #WarriorsforChrist #ReadySetGrow #GodsWord

4/24/2024, 2:18:37 PM