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“Os bons reclamam, os melhores se adaptam.”💭💭💭 CAMPEÃO BRASILEIRO DE JIU-JITSU DA CBJJF/IBJJF A vida de qualquer pessoa é estar apto pra resolver problemas!! O lutador, luta!!! É uma busca incessante pela conquista, pela vitória e por superar os seus próprios limites. Agradeço a Deus por me dar saúde e vigor físico pra fazer o que eu mais amo, que é competir em alto nível. O Campeonato Brasileiro, é sim um dos campeonatos mais difíceis do mundo, com vários atletas de alto nível de gladiando pela consagração do título. Agradeço aos meus professores @draculinojj @sergiobeninibjj @claudiocaloquinha @marcelouirapurubjj pelos ensinamentos diários, aos meus amigos de trincheiras da @graciebarrabh , em especial @vinigalmeidabjj que lutou muito e por muito pouco não fechamos a categoria, ao @lucasacoelho13 pela sua dedicação nos treinos, ao @vitorchelonibjj por estar sempre a frente nos nossos treinos de competição, deixando a situação o mais real possível, aos irmãos de camp @alexcpaula @capatazoficialmma @barretofisioterapia e tantos outros da nossa fábrica de campeões da @graciebarrabh . Agradeço a minha família pelo apoio incondicional, â minha namorada @thai_rosemberg pela parceria, a minha filha @lau.carmona_ , mais uma filhota e a todos os amigos e familiares que torcem por mim. Agradeço aos meus patrocinadores que fazem tudo isso acontecer @rawalengenharia @eng.gestao @grupocmd.manipulados @lavitti_instituto @nutrimarcus @alquimiadasaude @allsports_bh @khappykombucha @milquimica.mg @exclusiveseguros_oficial @silvafreireadv e a todos que de alguma maneira, me ajudam e torcem por mim. O trabalho continua!! Seguimos em frente dos próximos desafios!! Cabeça de campeão e Deus no comando!! Oss 🙏🏻👊🏻💪🏻🔥💎👊🏻🥋🔺🇧🇷🏆🥇 #draculinoteam #beniniteam #caloquinhateam #bjj #jiujitsulifestyle #lifestyle #gbbh #faixadegaza #respect #loyalty #gratidao #legacy #blackbelt #blessed #godsplan #nuncapararas #everydayporrada #allsports #alquimiadasaude #atletakhappy #issoesantacosta #nutrimarcus #cosmedmanipulados #gestaoengenharia #milquimica #exclusiveseguros #silva&freire #rawalengenharia

4/29/2024, 2:04:18 AM

🌲🌲🥀🥀🌻🌻🕊我研读圣经二十多年,我可以肯定,圣经以外再没有神的话,神的话都在圣经里!凡是违背、超出圣经的就是异端,就是谬论! 解答:“圣经以外再没有神的话,超出圣经的就是异端”,这种说法究竟符不符合事实呢?了解圣经的人都知道,圣经在编辑成书的过程中,因着当时编辑人员的争执和遗漏,有一部分先知所传达的神的话,并没有全部收录到旧约圣经里。这是公认的事实,怎么能说圣经以外再没有神的作工说话呢?难道那些漏掉的先知的预言不是神的话吗?就是在新约里,主耶稣也不止说过这些话,主耶稣说的话绝大多数都没有记载在圣经里,主耶稣作工三年半,期间不知要说多少话,讲多少道,但把新约四福音中所记载的主耶稣的话合在一起,也就相当于主耶稣几个小时所说的话,这跟主耶稣作工传道三年半所说的话相比,那就是海水中的一滴,就如约翰所说:“耶稣所行的事还有许多,若是一一地都写出来,我想,所写的书就是世界也容不下了。”(约21:25)这就证实了主耶稣的说话作工也并没有完全记载在新约圣经里,所以说,“圣经以外再没有神的作工说话”,这不符合事实。我们还应知道,无论是旧约还是新约都是在神作完一步工作之后,由人记载下来才产生的。最初的圣经只是旧约圣经,主耶稣的作工说话,都超出了旧约圣经。如果按超出圣经就是异端的说法,那我们岂不把主耶稣定罪了吗?弟兄姊妹,从以上这些事实中我们可以看到,“圣经以外再没有神的作工说话,离开圣经就是异端”,这种说法是没有根据的。 关于这方面的真理,我们来看看全能神是怎么说的:“在耶稣时代,耶稣按照当时圣灵在他身上所作的工作来带领那些犹太人,带领所有跟随他的那些人,他所作的并不以圣经为根据,而是按着他的工作来说话,他不管圣经如何说,也不在圣经里找路来带领跟随他的人。他刚开始作工就是传悔改的道,而‘悔改’这两个字眼在旧约那么多预言里根本提都没提到,他不仅不是根据圣经作,他又带出了更新的路,作更新的工作。他从不参考圣经来传道,他医病赶鬼的异能在律法时代从未有人能作,他的工作、他的教训、他说话的权柄与能力也是在律法时代无人能达到的,他只是作他更新的工作,尽管有许多人用圣经来定他的罪,以至于用旧约圣经来将他钉在了十字架上,但他的工作却超乎圣经旧约,若不是这样,人又怎么能把他钉在十字架上呢?还不都是因为他的教训、他医病赶鬼的能力在旧约里从未有过记载吗?……在人看他作工没有一点根据,而且有许多不符合圣经的记载,这不都是人的错谬吗?神作工还用套规条吗?神作工还得根据先知的预言吗?到底圣经大还是神大?为什么神作工非得根据圣经呢?难道神自己就没有任何权利来超脱圣经吗?神就不能离开圣经另外作工吗?为什么耶稣与他的门徒不守安息日呢?若说他按照安息日、按照旧约那些诫命实行,他为什么来了不守安息日,但洗脚、蒙头,还掰饼、喝酒呢?这些不都是旧约没有的诫命吗?他要是按照旧约,为什么打破这些规条呢?你该知道,先有神还是先有圣经!他能是安息日的主就不能是圣经的主吗?”(摘自《话在肉身显现·圣经的说法 一》)多年以来,我们都认为离开圣经就是异端。今天,看了全能神的话我们明白了:神作工并不根据圣经,也不参考圣经,更不在圣经里找路来带领跟随他的人,而是超出圣经的范围作更新的工作,给人带出更新的路。弟兄姊妹,神是万物的主宰,他不仅是安息日的主,也是圣经的主,他完全有权利超脱圣经,按照他自己的计划和当时人类的需要作更新的工作。所以,“圣经以外再没有神的作工说话,凡是离开圣经的就是异端”这种说法是不成立的。 圣经是神前两步作工的纪实,旧约圣经记载的是耶和华神在以色列所作的律法时代的工作,就是我们常说的神在律法时代的作工;圣经新约全书记载的就是主耶稣在恩典时代作工的纪实,就是我们常说的神在恩典时代的作工。神作律法时代的工作没有根据圣经,作恩典时代的工作也没有根据圣经,神作一切的工作从来都不根据圣经。人衡量人的作工,衡量人的讲道、事奉,如果根据圣经还说得过去,但也不能完全根据圣经,还要根据有无圣灵的开启光照,而衡量神的作工要根据圣经那就是抵挡神了。就像当初犹太教那些法利赛人,他们作工都符合圣经,但就是没有圣灵作工,那这样的人难道神能称许他们的事奉吗?他们作工再合乎圣经,没有圣灵的作工,神也不称许,他们正是抵挡神作工的人,是被神定罪的人,难道这个事实你都不承认吗? ——摘自电影剧本《圣经揭秘》

4/29/2024, 1:59:59 AM

🙏🏾Won’t He Do It!💃🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾… so proud and happy for you @j4y.myles. #GodsPlan #Jer29:11✝️ #MySonshine☀️ #Babylove❤️🙏🏾🙌🏾

4/29/2024, 1:54:22 AM

Just the beginning. 🌴 If you woke up tomorrow with only the things you prayed and thanked God for… would you wake up with more.. or less ? 🙏🏽🌎🫶🏽 #sundayfunday #family #momlife #explore #godsplan

4/29/2024, 1:47:31 AM

It's been a long week!! Trust HIS timing! It's always PERFECT! #sundayfunday #perfecttimimg #BeachDay #FamilyTime #BeachVibes #GODSPLAN #SelFIESuNDAy

4/29/2024, 1:39:49 AM

It’s time to embrace the new beginnings and remember to take it easy on yourself. New opportunities are coming so leave behind the echos of the past-step into the dawn of fresh beginnings. Forgive yourself. We’re often quick to extend advice to others, yet slow to heed our own wisdom. Going forward let’s grant ourselves the same compassion we freely offer to friends and strangers. Remember, God’s hand is upon your journey. As a matter of fact, you may stumble many times over, but God will never take His eyes off you. When God tells you to move forward, He won’t give up on you. He will NEVER give up on you or His children. (-Psalm 37:23-24) May your path be illuminated, and may you find strength in surrendering to the beautiful unknown. #NewBeginnings #crossfitjourney #Godisgood #continuetogrow #fitnessmotivation #resetbutton #forward #beginningofthenewweek #freshsundays #sundaylove

4/29/2024, 1:38:23 AM

It is strange to think of Easter as a season of pruning – we would usually associate the times of pruning with the liturgical seasons of Lent or Advent. Yet through the post-Resurrection encounters that Jesus had with His disciples, we see the gentle re-wiring of the branches, the repairing of the vines that had sustained damage from the battering of the events of the Crucifixion, and the pruning off tendrils that were unnecessary – the disciples at Emmaus had a re-encounter which pruned off the doubt they had in their hearts, while Peter had his betrayal of Jesus – causing some part of the vine to be broken, redeemed and mended with his conversation with Jesus. This pruning was necessary to prepare the disciples for the eventual coming of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, and the unprecedented and exponential growth of the Church. Read more … https://stmichael.catholic.sg/ #jesuslovesus #jesuslovesyou #jesuslovesme #God #jesus #jesuschrist #holyspirit #catholic #mothermary #catholicsg #faith #cross #resurrection #jesussaves #godsplan #eternallife

4/29/2024, 1:33:45 AM

It's the knowledge and the truth that liberate us to take action in a productive way. An action that is based on understanding instead of confusion and old trauma-based programs. 💌 📎 📎 📎 #wisdom #enlightenment #spirituality #lawofattraction #chakras #consciousness #lightworker #innerpeace #mindful #innerstrength #highvibration #consciousliving #selfawareness #godsplan #heal #soul #frequency #spiritualawakenings #spiritualjourney #alignment #evolve #selfcare #unconditionallove #abundance #power #energyupdate #highervibes #frequency #intuition #higherconsciousness

4/29/2024, 1:33:08 AM

Just do Great hair.... #tdenise #GodsPlan #JustDoGreatHair #satisfiedclient #supurvsalon

4/29/2024, 1:27:16 AM

We are new creations in Christ Jesus! • • • Follow @strengthinverses @heavenfocused • #biblestudy #JesusisLord #gospel #bible #Heaven #godsplan #blessed #Lord #prayer #Jesuschrist #Jehovah #Hallelujah #verseoftheday #God #Jireh #Jesus #preacher #amen #holybible #faith #Jehovah #Yeshua

4/29/2024, 1:19:13 AM

Glitches in the matrix occur not because your reality is glitching, but because your consciousness is shifting, and you are perceiving more than you could before. Let me explain.. see comments👇🏽

4/29/2024, 1:19:09 AM

God thank you for never leaving our side, help us to always have faith in you. Thank you Father for your goodness and for redeeming us. Thank you for taking us out of the darkness and guiding us into your truth. Amen! 🙏🤍 • • • • • • • • • • • #Devotional #dailydevotional #christian #biblejournaling #bibleverse #bible #dailyverse #worship #church #dailybibleverse #biblequote #godlovesyou #dailybible #faith #choosefaithoverfear #faithoverfear #biblestudy #jesusisking #jesuscalling #godsplan #ayouthforjesus

4/29/2024, 1:17:43 AM

TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED!! I was just talking to you Thursday my friend and found out today that you’re GONE 😭😭! Known you since 14, we didn’t talk everyday but when we did you always left me with such wise counsel. Say I love you TODAY, Forgive TODAY, start that dream TODAY, live out God’s purpose for your life TODAY! I’ll see you on the other side Lady Bug… 😭❤️ #tommowisnotpromised #lovetoday #forgivetoday #doittoday #stopprocrastinating #Godstiming #lifeisnotpromised #Godsplan #Godspurpose #changeyourbehavior #fixit #friendship #relationships #dotherightthing #doitnow #fixitnow

4/29/2024, 1:15:09 AM

Celebrating 🎉 Our Day #ACoupleOfForevers #anniversary #GodsPlan

4/29/2024, 1:07:35 AM

www.jesussurfedapparel.com Jesus Surfed Apparel Men Heather Performance Tee #JesusSurfedApparelCo #JesusSurfed #FashionForTheFaithful #brokenness #GodsPlan #RestAssured

4/29/2024, 1:00:27 AM

Waymaker!! #waymaker #GodFirst #GodsPlan order here👇 https://classysassycrafts.com/products/new-arrivals/waymaker-53196393

4/29/2024, 1:00:19 AM

Sunday Chill With The Team…Goal setting for the week! Let’s gooooo …Better Together!🏆🙏🏽💪🏽🔥🚀🙌🏽 #3Peat #BigBlessed #GodsPlan

4/29/2024, 12:55:04 AM

Special thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes! One of the best presents that I received was spending quality time with my son before he relocates to Spain!😳😬As much as my thoughts think about the distance, I can’t help but be excited, happy and grateful to see him manifest his dreams. We did well dropping him off today. I can’t wait to see the life he creates for himself! #GodsPlan #blessedandgrateful #proudfamily

4/29/2024, 12:54:03 AM

Had a very pleasant and enjoyable afternoon with my brothers and sisters in Christ. We do Recover and we are Redeemed! #coastalbendfamilyworship #GodsPlan #sobercrew

4/29/2024, 12:49:47 AM

Sometimes life can be heavy but don’t stop running to God when it hurts. Jesus is a burden bearer who knows it all. Sometimes it’s best to take a retreat, process alone in silence, rest to peacefully heal and recover safely in the Lord’s arms. Not all attacks are created equal. The ones a person doesn’t openly speak of usually hurt the most and they take longer to heal from. Take it one day at a time. Healing is a process that comes with something new everyday. Remember that. 🤍🙏🏾 . . #obeyGod #pray #healingtakestime #itsaprocess #presstowardthemark #persevere #overcomer #purposedriven #faithwalker #beunstoppable #resilient #mindsetshift #trusttheprocess #keepgoing #dontgiveup #pushthrough #GiveGodtheglory #kingdombusiness #kingdommindset #Godsplan #KimberlyVonshay #thechosenone #setapart #faithwalker #purposedrivenlife #followJesus #Jesuslover #purposechaser #ambitiouswomanlifestyle #growthmindset #healingjourney

4/29/2024, 12:46:45 AM

This is a small example of how faith and prayer leads God to work in your life. I used to have such bad anxiety, that I could never have fingernails. Fingernails, of all things! As a woman, I know it sounds silly, but it made me feel like less of a woman, to never be able to grow out my nails and stop chewing them!😤 My anxiety robbed me of such a simple thing for the last decade, plus. When you find peace and joy by praying and letting God take control of your life, nothing is impossible! I am living proof that even the small things are changed through Faith! Jeremiah 17:14 - Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise! 🙏🏻💜 #prayerworks #godsplan #godisgreat

4/29/2024, 12:44:39 AM

Lord, if it's not your WILL give me the COURAGE to surrender and the PEACE not to worry about it. #goodmorning #motivation #motivationmonday #godsplan #godswill #courage #peace #photooftheday #trans #transwoman #transgirl #transisbeautiful #instagood #prayer #morningprayer

4/29/2024, 12:43:40 AM

Stuck on Standby? Level Up Your Wait Game! Ever feel like God's on mute while your dreams are on hold? Hold up, People of God! The wait between "promise" and "boom!" is actually a transformation zone. Here's the lowdown: God's got you. He's building your strength and maturity to handle that epic future He has planned. Listen to the right voice. Don't let doubt whisper lies. Trust God's plan, not the fear. You're royalty, remember? Your Kingdom Identity is secure. You're loved, no matter what. Waiting can be a drag, but it doesn't have to be wasted. Let's grow in faith and purpose together! #KingdomIdentity #WaitingWell #Transformation #Godsplan #YouthMinistry #FaithGoals

4/29/2024, 12:42:44 AM

Stuck on Standby? Level Up Your Wait Game! Ever feel like God's on mute while your dreams are on hold? Hold up, People of God! The wait between "promise" and "boom!" is actually a transformation zone. Here's the lowdown: God's got you. He's building your strength and maturity to handle that epic future He has planned. Listen to the right voice. Don't let doubt whisper lies. Trust God's plan, not the fear. You're royalty, remember? Your Kingdom Identity is secure. You're loved, no matter what. Waiting can be a drag, but it doesn't have to be wasted. Let's grow in faith and purpose together! #KingdomIdentity #WaitingWell #Transformation #Godsplan #YouthMinistry #FaithGoals

4/29/2024, 12:42:11 AM

Stuck on Standby? Level Up Your Wait Game! Ever feel like God's on mute while your dreams are on hold? Hold up, People of God! The wait between "promise" and "boom!" is actually a transformation zone. Here's the lowdown: God's got you. He's building your strength and maturity to handle that epic future He has planned. Listen to the right voice. Don't let doubt whisper lies. Trust God's plan, not the fear. You're royalty, remember? Your Kingdom Identity is secure. You're loved, no matter what. Waiting can be a drag, but it doesn't have to be wasted. Let's grow in faith and purpose together! #KingdomIdentity #WaitingWell #Transformation #Godsplan #YouthMinistry #FaithGoals

4/29/2024, 12:41:09 AM

God’s timing, not ours 🙏🏼

4/29/2024, 12:36:11 AM

Rookie season wrap up ❤️🏴‍☠️ Unforgettable memories made with the best team. Thank you TBBC for making Tampa feel like home, I’m going to miss being on the sidelines with y’all🫶🏼 That being said, after weeks of feeling confused and lost, I prayed God would give me clarity in what I should do next, and He did just that. It may not have been the answer I was hoping for, or the way I wanted to close this chapter of my life, but He has never failed me and I truly believe rejection is redirection. As hard as this is, ultimately I am at peace knowing that this is fully in His plans for me and I am excited to see what He has in store for my future. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11 #rookieseason #retired #tbbc #nflcheerleader #endofanera #godsplan

4/29/2024, 12:36:05 AM

Riding with the squad 1 last time let’s go finish the unfinished🙏🏾💯 #GodsPlan #Divine9ine

4/29/2024, 12:33:25 AM

Psalm 62:8 encourages us, “Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge” • • • Follow It_Sonly_God for more Inspiring Christian content to help you on your daily walk with God. 💙 • #biblestudy #JesusisLord #gospel #bible #Heaven #godsplan #blessed #Lord #prayer #Jesuschrist #Jehovah #grace #verseoftheday #God #Hallelujah #Jesus #glorytoGod #amen #pray #holybible #faith #Jehovah #Yahweh

4/29/2024, 12:30:45 AM

I know you see the “wins” without knowing how many times I’ve questioned the “when”. Having a dream in your heart so big, but wondering when/if it will ever come to pass. . Faith in a vision that God only shows YOU takes a level of resilience and perseverance that we rarely talk about while we’re in the trenches of the journey. For most It’s difficult and many times frustrating to keep striving for something that you can’t quite see, but FEEL it’s just beyond the horizon if you don’t lose heart. . Trust as you navigate this social media universe that there’s a story behind every “win” you see. So, no matter where you are in your journey of life use this time to learn from every lesson, gain knowledge from every challenge, and develop wisdom from every encounter. YOUR when/win is on the way! . “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬ . 📸: naylormediagroup_ (unedited… sorry🫠.. but go to his page to see the edited ones😍) Styled by: Me🥰 . #MentalHealthAwareness #Trust #Believe #TakeHeart #StayTheCourse #Life #YourJourney #GodsPlan #EvolutionOfKay #Grateful #Blessed

4/29/2024, 12:28:51 AM

Sr Night 💯🙌🏾 8-1 Congrats To khameronathy On Breaking NFL Star Central Alumni Rb Trung Candidates Single Season TD Record With 28Td On The Season. #GodsPlan #Pioneer #WassupFellas #OhYeah #CentralHs #Bobcats #PhxAz

4/29/2024, 12:27:08 AM

This installation included a new driveway and parking pad, with the addition of an automatic gate from @ghostcontrolsopeners . 👷🏿‍♂️🚧🌳 #BarnesLandscaping #letusdothedirtywork #hardscaping #landscaping #blackownedbusiness #minoritycontractors #stlouis #familyownwedbusiness #treeremoval #treeremoval #stlouis #missouri #patio #concrete #walkway #restoration #retainingwall #hardscaping #fencing #GodsPlan #honeysuckle #sod

4/29/2024, 12:26:24 AM

”I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.“ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭15‬:‭13‬ ‭NLT‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/116/rom.15.13.NLT #GodsPlan #GODHASAPLANFORYOURLIFE #evangelism #CalledToShare

4/29/2024, 12:25:36 AM

Chest Chest’n 😮‍💨 🧬 #craftwork #projectundeniable _____________________________________________ #undeniable #npc #symmetrykillers #bodybuilding #fitness #ifbb #gym #aesthetic #motivation #fit #fitnessmotivation #mensphysique #procardhungry #godsplan

4/29/2024, 12:23:21 AM

WARNING… grab some tissue..Episode 2 is live on YouTube. Tap the link in my bio. 🫶🏾 Episode 2 is all about Freedom from the War Within: On Worthiness… Last week we broke down the war within on feelings: between what He has said, and how we feel about it… This week the Lord told me to speak about our worth and value… I believe what you’ll hear WILL change the way you see our Father and the way He sees you… He’s wanting to give you IDENTITY in exchange for your descriptions. I’ve never even heard it this way… He said to me, “I became the thing that you think separates us…so why are you holding off, scared to come, and don’t think you’re worthy?” When we read in the Bible about how “He who knew NO sin, became sin for us…” We begin to experience a life changing breakthrough. This wisdom lays the foundation of relationship with Him. If you’re not sure where to begin… this is a great place to become curious. 🤎 Join me on YouTube… together let’s learn of our worth in His eyes… 🤎 #messageoftheday #messageforyou #jesusislove #rebellion #holyspirit #godislove #name #namesofgod #heiswithyou #heisfaithful #biblestudy #controversial #yaweh #ourprovider #emmanuel #godwithus #godsplan #godschild #childoflight #saltofthaearth #womensempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenofig #unityindiversity #unityconsciousness #identity #womenspeakers

4/29/2024, 12:20:30 AM

New podcast on “Confidence to Listen in Silence” 🎙️ exclusively inside The Undoing Community. Link in bio. Introspective Reflection Questions for your quiet time with Abba 🫶🏾 Am I talking over You? Is there something you’re saying and I can’t hear it because I’m talking? Talking too much about the future and I’m missing what you’re saying about the present? Talking too much about the present and missing what you’re showing me about the future? Talking too much about my fears when you’re talking to me about how powerful I am? Talking too much about what I don’t like about myself when you’re telling me how lovely I am? Talking too much about my shame when you’re telling me how I am free of condemnation? Talking too much about offense when you’re talking about how I’ve taken those offenses on as my identity? Where in my life am I speaking louder than you? Where am I speaking over you? Is my voice… are my thoughts drowning out your words? Is this a time in my life when instead of speaking to you, I just need to listen to you? #messageoftheday #messageforyou #jesusislove #holyspirit #godislove #name #namesofgod #heiswithyou #heisfaithful #biblestudy #yaweh #ourprovider #emmanuel #godwithus #godsplan #godschild #childoflight #saltofthaearth #womensupportingwomen #unityindiversity #identity #womenspeakers #relationshipgoals #relationshipadvice #talkswithgod #godsaid #dahter #christiansofinstagram #christians

4/29/2024, 12:20:20 AM

“Hustling with faith as my sidekick! 💼🙏 #FaithDrivenHustle #GodsPlan #EntrepreneurGoals Say ‘I believe’ if you’re ready to conquer! 💪

4/29/2024, 12:20:10 AM

I Am BIG DAWG because God choose me! Send this video to a Big Dawg who might need some encouragement today. Leave a comment if you a Big Dawg. Being Big Dawg is not an easy task and sometimes even the Big Dawg gets wounded and needs a little healing ❤️‍🩹 #bigdawg #godchoseme #godfirst #godisgood #godsplan #godschild #motivation #ambition #choosen #spirituality #spiritual #happysunday #explore #explorepage #reel #reels #reelsinstagram #trending

4/29/2024, 12:17:01 AM

I started the day off nicely but didn’t end how I should have. .5 behind first. This one hurts. But I had fun! That’s why I do this. 🧱 🧱 🧱 Coach: @clint_darden Gym: @junglegym2014 #toGodbetheglory #Godsplan #butGod #trustGod #phil413strong #blessed #uspc #uspa #wrpf #75hard #fit #fitness #motivation #gym #workout #bodybuilding #strong #crossfit #power #strength #garagegym #powerlifting #powerlifter #strongman #elitefts #homegym #farmlife #farmer #140kg #🐓

4/29/2024, 12:11:42 AM

#GODSPLAN #PUSH Want to take the time to thank the bro Antonio Pip @t_pip2 for being consistent in saving youth in this area and of course his support system for pushing him to make it happen !!! ❤️❤️❤️it takes a team Pray Until Something Happens Play Until Something Happens

4/29/2024, 12:04:01 AM


4/29/2024, 12:00:34 AM

#evolve #selfgrowth #godsplan

4/29/2024, 12:00:33 AM

Unlock the equine equilibrium with Simply Equine Sugar Balance! 🌿✨ This herbal blend supports sugar metabolism, glandular health, and thyroid function, revolutionizing your horse's wellness. 📱(903) 279-7578 📧 [email protected] 💻 simplyequine.org/product-page/sugar-balance 📍8155 Hwy 110 North Tyler, TX 75704 #ProductReview #SugarBalance #SimplyEquine #SimplyTheBest #SimplyCanine #GodsPlan #HerbalRevolution #HorseHealth #CanineHealth #DogSupplements #ProductSpotlight

4/29/2024, 12:00:09 AM

I came. I saw. And I had so much fun with one of the greatest communities in the world. Still can’t get over winning the “Spirit of The Games” when so many others were deserving as well. I just know my grandpa would be proud. If you haven’t been to an adaptive CrossFit competition. This is your invite to show up to one because you’ll see some of the best athletes throw down and have some of the greatest fun. Thank you @adapt_aon @tom.green.92505 @karl_aon59 @lundy__fitness @amanda_alphafit and everyone else for allowing me to come and take part in this amazing event and being able to show out with my brother @brits_1st_crossfit_dwarf. You all are some great human beings doing some great things for the adaptive community in the UK. Hopefully I can take these back to Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati to help grow our program there. We keep moving. #adaptandconquer #adaptivecrossfitter #adaptivecrossfitathlete #adaptivecrossfit #adaptiveathlete #keepgrinding #relentless #determined #blessed #resilience #wildsouth #takewhatsyours #nobodyowesyoushit #podiumroster #duespaid #achievetheimpossible #humbleandhungry #goodvibes #godsplan #goodvibesonly #brolo #321podium #NOYS

4/28/2024, 11:52:35 PM

🤲🏿💙🙏🏿🗽🕋🌹🏁BREAK THE CYCLE 🔄 WHO GOD BLESS NO WORDS 😶 CAN CURSE YOU WHEN YOUR DESTINED FOR GREATNESS THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX ILLUMINATE BE GREAT #godsplan #allineedisone #mindofsteelheartofstone #breakthecycle #generationalcurses #thinkoutsidethebox #breakthepattern #getoutofyourcomfortzone #illuminate #inspire #redo03🙌🏿💎♿️🏁 #countyofkings #optimistical🔮🪬🧿 #🎱FS🌹🗽 #foreignsidefitnessllc🎱🌹🗽 #noexcusesjustresults #bodybyarllc #fyp #explorepage

4/28/2024, 11:46:16 PM

Some of the amazing Riley Clemmons/Zach Williams concert. #Godsplan #fearisaliar #lovelastsforever # #Godstiming #healingjourney #happy15thbirthday

4/28/2024, 11:44:51 PM

I rather die while trying Money comes first … #Celebrity #GodsPlan

4/28/2024, 11:31:18 PM

I’m Feeling Confident 🤲🏼 I’m Feeling Good 🤩 I’m Feeling my age (51) with dignity Gods Loves me ✨ It’s time to Rise Up and Believe Again in Yourself ✨🩷 #believeinyourself #riseandshine #knowyourworth #GodsPlan

4/28/2024, 11:30:55 PM

"The mountain is you", is what one of the speakers @refilwe.x at the events spoke about... Remember that, THE MOUNTAIN IS YOU... @mrs_south_africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #reddress #ladiestea #mrssa #mrssouthafrica #yourtimeisnow #sheisbonafide #womenempowerment #ladiesevent #influencer #godsplan

4/28/2024, 11:30:51 PM

When someone tells you no or when the person doesn’t see your vision? It is perfectly ok. This means it’s not for them. To give up is to give in and truly when God has something for you, it cannot be stopped. What’s for you isn’t for everyone. #homesbykatykrealtor #relentless #basic

4/27/2024, 9:10:31 PM