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Just finished Day 13 and 197 Just finished Day 13 and 197 miles! Feeling great and wanted to shout out a grateful thank you for all the support for GBFB as we are nearing the $100K goal!!! It is the support of all those following here and others that have made this possible. It is inspiring fellow peregrinos to hear what generosity has come through! Way behind on days for update so some photos from around Day 9 entering Santo Domingo de la Cazada. This is a town with great legend and history. For my Catholic school friends- stayed at a converted convent still run by nuns. You can see photo from check in. Sister gave me a look like I remember I grammar school 😂😂. On to the history about Domingo Garcia from 11th Century. He so wanted to be a monk but was rejected because he was "uneducated". Instead he committed his life to build highways and pathway for peregrinos - and guess what - He was eventually sainted for his efforts! Hence, Santo Domingo de la Cazada - Saint Domingo of the Highways!!! Ongoing evidence that from centuries ago and to today everyone has skills and knowledge to accomplish great things in life. Some of the photos are from the Cathedral Tower in Santo Domingo. #caminofrances #camino2024 #buencamino #greaterbostonfoodbank

4/28/2024, 11:33:00 PM

“Gracias por su Visita” 의도한 바는 아니였지만, 지난 겨울 카미노때 방문했던 곳을 다시 찾아서 감사 인사를 드리고 있다. 추운 날씨에 대부분의 숙소가 문을 닫았고 새해 및 성탄으로 모두가 바쁜 시기에, 알베르게를 활짝 열어 따뜻한 음식과 함께 가족같이 순례자들을 환대해주셨다. 코로나19로 대부분의 숙소가 영업을 2년 간 중지했었고 5년만에 순례자가 다시 방문할 것이라고 누가 예상을 했었을까. 당시의 성탄 만찬 사진을 보여드리며 그 때 너무 감사했다고 말씀드리자. “크리스마스였지?” 기억하시며 표정이 금새 바뀌며 좋아하셨다. 못보던 귀여운 꼬마 아가씨가 Hola!!라고 자꾸 인사하길래 사장님께 여쭤보니, “애는 4살이야, nuevo(새로운)!! 라고 외치시며 아이와 함께 한참을 깔깔 웃으셨다. 다음 5년 뒤 내가 다시 길 위에 서 있을 수 있을지 모르겠지만 그 때는 더 아름다운 만남이길. ** 2024.4.28. / Leon - SAN MARTÍN 이동거리 32.5km (누적 524.9km) 사용금액 41.6euro (누적 749.12euro) 15euro Albergue La Huella 14euro Albergue pilgrim dinner 5euro Croissant Cafe Latte Jam 3.5 Tortilla and bread 2.3 Rioja wine and tapas 1.8 Clara beer and tapas —— Day 20. ⛰️ Camino de Santiago ⛰️ 개인적으로 오늘 공부한거(알게된거)를 정리하면.. 1. ¿Puede darme vino poquito? (와인 좀 더 주실 수 있나요?) 순례자 식을 먹다보면 보통 와인을 주는데 와인값이 물보다(?) 저렴하기 때문에 더 달라고 하면 주는 경우가 많다. Puedo는 1인칭일때(내가!!) Puede는 2인칭일때(너가!!!) 사용한다. 그냥 급하면 간절한 표정과 함께 비노 뽀르빠뽀르 하자. 2. Quiero lo mismo(같은거 주세요) 우리는 언제까지 카페 가서 카페콘레체랑 또르띠아만 먹을 것인가. 앞 사람이 뭘 주문하는지 유심히 지켜본 후, 사장님께 미시모 뽀르빠보르 시전해보자. 앞에 también을 붙여도 좋다. 보다 다양한 보급식이 될 것이다. 3. ¿Tienes ketchup de tomate? (케찹 있나요?) 또르띠아에 케찹을 같이 먹으면 환장의 맛이 되는 걸 알게된 이후로 일회용 케찹을 들고 다녔다. 그러나 대부분의 카페에서 요청하면 그냥 준다는 사실… 부끄러워하지말고 띠네네 케춉…을 외쳐보자!! 🍅 4. Lo visité hace 5 años (5년 전에 방문했어요) 김종욱 찾기도 아니고, 요즘 5년 전 방문한 것을 다시 방문해서 자랑하는 것을 취미로 하고 있다. 코로나 전후로 시설등이 많이 바뀌어서 대부분 되게 반가워하시고 좋아하신다. 세상 참 시간이 빠르다. 5. ТОМА o DEJA (가져가기/두고가기) 숙소 마다 있는 기부함(?)이다. 물건을 짊어지고 가야하다보니 쓸만한 물품인데도 버려야하는 경우들이 있다. 예전에는 스페인어만 써져있었는데 어느새 영어도 같이 써졌다. 나는 보통 빨래할 수 있는 세제를 스틸한다.

4/28/2024, 11:20:49 PM

Перед тем как приехать и начать путь, я задала себе вопрос. С кем я закончу камино? Я читала как люди приезжая одни, заканчивают его с кем-то, поэтому я не знала как будет у меня. Но уходя с края земли, в моей голове появился ответ. Я пришла сюда, чтобы уйти с собой. И пожалуй это лучшее, что может произойти с каждым человеком. #caminofrances #fisterra #muxia #buencamino #piligrims

4/28/2024, 11:01:55 PM

2일차 St Jean Pied de Port to Orreaga-Roncesvalles 총거리 28km 8시간 전체 구간 모두 오르막 ㅠㅠ 너무나도 깨끗한 론세스바예스 알베르게 보상만큼이나 힘든 로드었습니다. 불타는 발을 안티푸라민으로 마사지하며 달래봅니다. Buen Camono~ #스페인 #산티아고 #배낭 #배낭여행 #BuenCamino #santiagodecompostela #camino #santiago #elcaminopeople #caminonorte #caminodesantiago #travel #europe #spain #pilgrims #elcamino #caminopeople #elcaminodesantiago #pilgrim #순례자 #caminofrances #까미노 #유럽 #산티아고데콤포스텔라 #프랑스길 #caminofrances #산티아고순례길 #알렉산더길 #피레네산맥 #론세스바예스

4/28/2024, 10:31:34 PM

🔮Day19 Castrojeriz to Fromista 25.2km 早上出門發現外面霧濛濛的,走起來多了一分神秘感,蠻喜歡的!走了好久好久才消散呀~今天的路段只有一開始的斜坡要克服,其他都是平坦直行的路段,可以無腦前進。可惜今天沒有人作伴聊天,邊走邊思考腦袋裡暫存的未解問題。時不時也戴上耳機聽聽音樂振奮一下!也計畫接下來的路線,大概要利用公車跳過一小段,才能在週末前抵達Leon。希望能夠在那邊體驗一下大城市週五、週六的氣氛🥰 是說今天走到雙眼無神、兩腿無力時,遇到前幾天認識的日本叔叔。大概是看我走得很慢,還特別停下來關心我一下。聽到他說剩下2公里了!瞬間好開心,結果被下一句話嚇到。 「再走10分鐘就到了!」語畢一臉輕鬆地笑著繼續往前走。呵呵...通常最後2公里,我需要走個40分鐘啊😅 明天又是短程囉~18.7公里而已!還有一份禮物很期待🤗🥰 #caminofrances #buencamino #朝聖之路 #阿華的朝聖之路日記 #阿華的朝聖之路日記_今日體力耗盡 #순례길 #명화의순례길일기_계속되기바랍니다

4/28/2024, 10:16:31 PM

이자 4월 28일의 기록 ‘여행의 꽃은 음식? 아님 인연?’ 오늘은 아스트로가라는 마을까지 24.6km를 걸은 날. 맹하니 걷고 걷다가 오랜만에 세르지를 만나서 같이 걷게 되었다. 간만에 영어를 하려니 쉽지 않았는데 어버버 이여기를 하며 이번엔 내 까미노 퍄밀리와 같이 걸으며 이야기를 나눴다. 세르지는 첫인상이 조용하고 차분한 성격인줄 알았는데 생각보다 장난끼가 많고 배려심이 많았다. 고맙게도 한국어에 관심을 갖어서 세르지가 한국어 공부(?)를 하며 시간을 보냈다. 목표 마을에 도착해서 체크인을 하고 까미노 퍄밀리와 라면을 한사발 때렸다. 역시 라면은 소울푸드.. 다들 코박죽허고 먹었움.ㅋㅋㅋ 그러고 좀 쉬다가 빨래를 했다. 그때 세르지를 다시 만났는데 같이 가우디 건물을 보자고 그래서 약속을 하고 헤어졌다. 낮잠을 자다가 5시 30분에 만나서 다같이 건물을 구경하러 갔다. 가우디의 초반 작품인 건물은 어딘가 디즈니 성같고 내부는 가우디 작품의 느낌이 많이 났다. 생각보다 시간이 없어서 약간은 급하개 보고 나왔다. 세르지는 다른 사람들과 밥을 먹으루 가고 나는 까미노 패밀리와 올만에 외식을 했는데 결과는 대성공! 가리비요리와 오징어(?)요리는 아주 환상적이었다. 다같이 행복한 저녁을 먹고 맥주도 마시고 마지막으로 버스킹까지 보고 자러 왔다. 술기운에 졸린데 이제 얼른 자야겠다. 내일은 좀 등산 코스여서 홧팅해야갰자. #산티아고순례길 #santiagodecompostela #프랑스길 #caminofrances #caminodesantiago #여행 #도보여행 #부엔까미노

4/28/2024, 10:15:03 PM

. Camino Day 9 Navarrete to Azofra 21.94km/ 34558步/ 9天累計194.96km 走上朝聖之路以來,每天都早早入睡,早早自然醒, 來到第9天,今天終於放下要嗯化妝和吹頭髮的執著🤣,回到最簡單的生活。 今天又回歸20公里的路程,走在朝日下挺舒服的,沿路始終大片大片的葡萄園,一路要挺進16.7天公里才能到達城鎮,想到若是在昨天狂風暴雨下走這段,我應該會很想回家。 中間遇上之前已經遇過幾次的一位韓國大叔,一起走上一小段小聊一下,第一眼看到這位大叔就覺得特別有型,感覺不太一樣,聊天之後才發現,應該也是個響叮噹的人物(韓國前4、5大的企業高層),在大企業努力工作40年後,離開工作,拋家棄子來走朝聖之路,找尋自我。每個人都帶著不一樣的故事來走Camino的啊。 雖然比較喜歡一個人走,但有人一起走邊走邊聊感覺時間過得更快,不知不覺就到了 (原本腳痛的大叔還説好像又可以走得更遠了),説了再見,我又繼續前進下一小鎮,這就是Camino, 時而巧遇,而又分道揚鏢,有緣這一路又會再相遇的。 #azofra #朝聖之路 #法國之路 #camino #caminodesatiago #caminofrances #pilgrim #pilgrimage #backpacking #hiking #hikergirl #theway #hikingadventures #adventure #wanderlust #adventures #solotravel #travelfemaletravaller #photography #joscomino2024

4/28/2024, 9:54:55 PM

🌿 ¡Bienvenidos a Arumes do Mar e Montaña! 🌊 Descubre nuestro encantador refugio en la costa de Lugo, donde la serenidad y la naturaleza te esperan. 🌄✨ ¿Estás listo para una escapada inolvidable? ¡Ven y descubre la magia de la Mariña Lucense! ¡Escríbenos a nuestro WhatsApp en el +34 660 57 02 70 para más información y reserva tu estancia! También puedes visitar nuestra web para más detalles o consultar la información en nuestra biografía. ¡Te esperamos con los brazos abiertos! 🌟🏡 #ArumesDoMarEMontaña #TurismoRural #Viveiro #Lugo #CostaGallega #Galicia #MariñaLucense #Playa #Montaña #Relax #Vacaciones #Descanso #Aventura #Explorar #Naturealeza #Mar #TurismoGalicia #Viaje #EscapadaPerfecta #Tranquilidad #AlojamientoRural #ExperienciaÚnica #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #caminodelnorte #resurrectionfest

4/28/2024, 9:54:25 PM

Day 10 Navarrete to Nájera - 17k had a glorious sunny cool day for our hike today! The path was slightly uphill for the first half of the day and slightly downhill for the second half. We passed mostly through vineyards and saw a few small villages in the distance along with some snow capped mountains. Right after reaching the highest elevation for the day, there was a man, sitting in the shade of a tree playing music so we stayed and listened to a song. We reached our destination around 12:30 and found a place by the river for some lunch. We both ended up taking a long nap before heading out for dinner. It was a good day. (Photos mostly credited to Jerry today.) #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #najera

4/28/2024, 9:49:11 PM

More sun and no rain Still sick but beautiful start to the day. Off from our Hostel and thru the countryside until we finally found brunch at Viana. This town was once defended and ruled over by Cesar Borgia. He was a supreme dick and died here, defending the city. He was the patron of Leonardo da Vinci, but also of Machiavelli (another dick). After that, more climbs and finally made it to our final destination at Logroño. The cathedral here is spectacular. Walking around in shorts in a European country makes me stand out as a tourist, sometimes that isn’t so bad. As I was walking through the church, a priest was going into the back to get ready for benedictions. He invited a few of us back into the back room and told us us a little history of the church while he was getting ready. Crazy luck. More climbs tomorrow. Fak. 5 hours 1400 ft 21 km Still... There’s no place like home. #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #camino2024 #unboundmerino

4/28/2024, 9:33:55 PM

Vandredag 9. Viana - Navarrette Blev til 24,8 km i sol sol og mere sol 🥵☀️🤗 Dejlig dag igen idag - dog meget asfalt - og langt til og fra den storby jeg sku igennem idag, Logroño og en slags parkområde hvor mange af de lokale er. Men også flotte passager af natur og vinmarker 🤗 Gik de første par timer solo, efter 10 km kom jeg til Logroño spiste morgenmad, og mødte så Raye som også sku spise morgenmad, så jeg tog en kop kaffe mere 🙂 Og ja vi slentrede lidt rundt og ud af byen (en stor by) i 1,5 time. Vi fulgtes ad det meste af dagen og snakkede lidt om livet, og vi mødte Steffan fra Horsens som jeg mødte for nogle dage siden - hyggeligt! Efter dagens hike blev det til en dejlig kold øl i godt selskab med Steffan, Raye og Lindsey som er ny for mig. Fedt Albergue, og en skøn dag! 🥰 Idag har jeg også forladt Navarra regionen og gået ind i La Rioja regionen. Masser af vinmarker her 😄 ……………………………. #caminoen #caminofrances #caminodesantiago #thewayofsaintjames #caminofrancés #pilgrimsway #pilgrim #pilgrimsvandring #pilgrimage #buencamino #adventure #påopdagelse #theway #hiking #hike #vandring #womenwhohike #lovewalking #solohiker #peregrina #hikingadventures #fjällrävenabisko35 #fjällrävenrucksack

4/28/2024, 9:33:03 PM

Beyond my Wildest Dreams - Day 27 on the Camino Frances - León to Villar de Mazarife - 21 km. Turns out to be another involuntary rest day for this girl. Dealing with yucky blisters that need some extra care. Leaving the city I was serenaded by a local marching band 🙂. Certainly cheered me up. #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #villardelmazarife

4/28/2024, 9:31:06 PM

"Só por hoje" Portugués Solo por hoy Algo que le agradezco al camino de Santiago es el aprender a estar presente, durante kilómetros y kilómetros de andar, solamente te tienes a ti, con todos tus pensamientos, emociones, sensaciones... Es una meditación activa, la naturaleza te acompaña, te abraza, te reta, pero sobre todo la vives. Caminé mi etapa con un matrimonio inglés que conocí la noche anterior en el Albergue, platicamos de nuestras creencias, de lo que nos trajo hasta acá. Y en medio de un frío camino apareció un pequeño oasis, el jardín del alma, que hermoso lugar, te ofrece café, té, comida, pero también te ofrece descanso, sonrisa, impulso, compañía y esto siempre se agradece durante el camino. Así que no dejen de visitarlo (San Justo de la Vega Astorga) aproximadamente a 3km de Astorga (se pasa sí o sí por aquí) Y concluí mi etapa en Astorga, visitando El Palacio de Gaudí y La Catedral, bonito bonito bonito... Mientras iba caminando mis últimos 3km comenzó a llover, y pensé en mi papá y en qué voy a hacer con su ausencia, con este gran vacío que dejó en mi vida. Solo por hoy... Llegué al albergue en dónde Patricia la dueña compartió su historia durante la cena, ella realizó el camino para sanar la muerte de su padre, y su forma de agradecerle al camino por todo lo que pudo sanar abrió éste divino espacio en Astorga. Compartimos una cena divina, de risas, experiencias, lágrimas, propósitos... Y es muy bonito vivir así el camino ❤️ Salida Villares de Órbigo Destino Astorga #rumboasantiagodecompostela #caminodesantiago #imparable #peregrina #santiagodecompostela #caminofrances #reflexiones #frasesinspiradoras #frasesmotivadoras

4/28/2024, 9:19:05 PM

Camino de Santiago, Camino Francés Etapa 25, Ponferrada - Vilafranca del Bierzo Hoy 26 Km. bonita la salida de Ponferrada, parada para desayuno en Fuentesnuevas y Cacabelos un precioso pueblo🚶‍♂️caminos entre mucho viñedo con vistas de las montañas del Bierzo 😍 En Vilafranca nos quedamos en albergue municipal, compramos todo el grupito en tienda y hacemos una buena olla de lentejas con todo tipo de verduras y chorizo picante 😅 Disfrutando del interesante momento 😋😋 Vilafranca es un pueblo para disfrutarlo con mas tiempo, aún así podemos por la tarde pasear un ratito por sus calles y visitar sus históricos edificios #zapatillaerrante #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #pilgrim #peregrino #buencamino #buencaminoperegrino #alberguesdelcaminofrances #alberguesdelcamino #vilafrancadelbierzo #ponferradavilafrancadelbierzo

4/28/2024, 9:12:10 PM

115 km zusammen bis Santiago de Compostela ❤️☀️ #jakobsweg #caminofrances #wirsinddannmalweg

4/28/2024, 9:06:23 PM

Es war ein besonderer Tag in meinem Leben. Das Ende der Welt ist gar kein so ferner Ort. Er liegt nur knapp 2000 km von dem Ort entfernt, wo du gerade deine Füße auf den Boden setzt in Europa. Ein Pappenstiel! ;-) Für die Videoserie gilt: Bald bin ich da. Aber in echt: ich war schon da und es war ganz gut. Ich kann 5 Sterne bei Booking geben. Als Genius-Level-3 Member muss das doch was wert sein, oder? ;-P PS: Die Fisterra Folge ist aktuell im Schnitt. #travel #Reisen #Jakobsweg #Camino #caminofrances #Fisterra

4/28/2024, 9:06:10 PM

Walking the el Camino (or part of it as in my case) starts long before you reach the Camino! #caminofrances #pilgrim #walk #justdoit

4/28/2024, 8:56:09 PM

De Pamplona a Logroño 2023 #sola #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #buencamino #buencaminoperegrino #ultreia #suseia #xacobeo #fever_caminosantiago

4/28/2024, 8:53:15 PM

De Pamplona a Logroño 2023 #sola #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #buencamino #buencaminoperegrino #ultreia #suseia #xacobeo #fever_caminosantiago

4/28/2024, 8:50:15 PM

"Gamanzuyoi" (Japonés) Perseverancia y fortaleza a la hora de seguir adelante a pesar de  las adversidades "No importa el número de veces que falles. Si perseveras, habrá un momento en el que lo lograrás." Un gran aprendizaje el parar a reposar mis pies después de una tendinitis muy dolorosa, pues bajar el ritmo muchas veces no me es sencillo, soy perseverante en aprender a amarme, a escucharme, a sentirme... Mi camino me llevó a Villares de Órbigo, con una divina mujer llamada Martha y su albergue el encanto, fue hermoso su manera de recibirme, abrazarme y acojerme de esa forma, después de algunos días se sentirme sumamente vulnerable, simplemente fue maravilloso y eternamente le voy a estar agredecida. Y quiero mencionar que tiene un espacio que además de ser muy hermoso, tiene una magia especial. Muchas gracias @albergueelencanto Definitivamente he fallado, me he equivocado muchas veces en la vida, eso me ha ayudado a aprender, a perseverar y a ser una mujer resiliente. Gracias vida ❤️ Nota especial: a partir de este momento no me voy a quedar en los pueblos principales de finales de etapa, simplemente porque quiero conocer otros lugares "no tan famosos" del Camino pero con más magia, incluso en sus albergues. Es bonito hacer las cosas diferentes Salida León Destino Villares de Órbigo #santiagodecompostela #caminofrances #imparable #rumboasantiagodecompostela #peregrina #santiagodecompostela #caminofrances #reflexiones #frasesinspiradoras #frasesmotivadoras #motivacion #actitudpositiva

4/28/2024, 8:46:26 PM

Etapa 5 - Puente de la reina a Estella a Estella Engraçado como parece que o corpo já começa a se adaptar a nova rotina, acordar, arrumar a casa (que é uma mochila neste caso), chegar do ponto A ao ponto B, tomar banho, lavar roupa, comer, descansar. É tão simples que as vezes até me espanta. Seguimos com a rotina de sair muito cedo, hoje o caminho era tranquilo, sem grandes surpresas em relação a desafios físicos (talvez por que o corpo já esteja mais acostumado) Enquanto caminhava, conversei um pouco com a minha mãe sobre o quanto é importante apreciar o caminho. Para cada lado que olhávamos tinha papoulas vermelhas espalhadas, campos e campos de plantação de canola que não imaginava que era tão linda , é uma mistura de cores, de cheiros e texturas, é tudo tão lindo que percebia que não importa exatamente aonde irei chegar naquele dia, desde que pudesse curtir o caminho. Enquanto caminhávamos e observávamos a beleza de tudo que estava ao nosso redor, percebemos que se você olhasse bem para as flores e plantações , era possível observar que tinham caramujos espalhados em uma quantidade absurda, em todas as plantas. Com um olhar superficial, não era possível ver, mas ao olhar atentamente eles estavam lá. Eles talvez sejam uma praga, mas também fazem parte da paisagem e pensava, quantas pessoas passam por ali sem reparar que os caramujos fazem parte disso tudo? Km planejado: 22 Km realizado: 22 Tempo total: 5h30m Desnível positivo: 519m Desnível negativo: 444m #santiagodecompostela #caminofrances

4/28/2024, 8:44:56 PM

Day 23 - 🥾 Camino Frances 🇫🇷 🇪🇸 ℹ️ - Sunday 28 April 2024 Weather: Sunny, cool, rain intermittent Route: Melide ➡️ O Pedrouzo Accommodation: Peregrina Pension 5 - private room 🥾Total distance: 22.35 miles / 35.97 km 🆙 Total Ascent: 2293 feet / 699 m ⏬ Total Descent: 2940 feet / 896 m 🌟Highlights: The penultimate day on the Camino Frances!!! It should have been one of joy and soaking it all in…instead I spend most of the day disappointed in myself for a simple mistake and playing “catch up”. Still the scenery was amazing and everyone was in good spirits since the weather was a dramatic improvement from yesterday. ⛰️Challenges: About one mile (1.6 km) from last night’s hostel, I remembered that I forgot my towel in the room. I was bummed and immediately turned around to retrieve it. Sure enough to was in the room right where I put it so that I wouldn’t forget it. It’s no big deal the extra 2 miles and 35 minutes are pretty petty in the grand scheme but it put me in a down mood and trying to catch up all day. Not sure what I was catching up too…I basically checked in at 4:30 PM instead 3:45 PM. And…I’m would have been more distracted if I had completely forgotten the towel so I’m glad it all worked out. 💭 Thoughts: Funny how something so small like a 2 mile reset can cause the day to spiral in my head a bit. It reminds me a vacation that gets off on a bad foot and the family doesn’t really recover to enjoy themselves or in my previous life—a slow start / bad start to a presentation would send the whole day or week off course. Ultimately, I got the darn $30 towel back and I’m happy. I made it to next stop and I’m happy. I just wish I hadn’t put an extra 4000 steps on these old tired dogs. Fingers crossed 🤞- it’s Santiago or bust manana!!! Buen Camino! Link 🔗 in bio to support an awesome cause! #lovetotravel #lovetowalk #hikingadventures #camino #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #pilgrim #walktheway #warriorexpeditions #colorcurate @warriorexpeditions @colorcurate

4/28/2024, 8:38:50 PM

Foggy morning near the convent of San Anton set tge stage for the rest of the day. I met 14 subscribers and a channel member. Tomorrow, I say goodbye to La Meseta as I reach Burgos. #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #pilgrim #camino #theway #europe #spain #slowtravel #hiking #trekking #backpackingeurope #saintjames #santiagotorome #meseta #castrojeriz #hontanas #foggymorning #hornillosdelcamino

4/28/2024, 8:07:15 PM

Iglesia de San Nicolao en Portomarin al amanecer. #fever_caminosantiago #portomarin #amanecer #igrexadesannicolao #espaciofotográfico_eu #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #espaciofotográfico_eu

4/28/2024, 8:03:34 PM

Chemin de Compostelle, étape 42 de Fonfria à Morgade (42 pour 800 D+). Il avait neigé hier, un 27 avril ! Il a aussi neigé ce matin, un 28 avril mais heureusement ça n’a pas duré ! Il faut dire que j’ai démarré à 1300 mètres d’altitude. Le temps de faire quelques photos et de répondre à plusieurs messages, et je ne sentais plus ma main tellement le froid 🥶 me transperçait, un froid très … humide venu de l’Atlantique, tout proche ! Puis, en perdant de l’altitude, j’ai laissé les nuages sur les sommets pour entrevoir enfin la Galice, une Bretagne espagnole, tant au niveau du climat que des habitants. Ici, les galiciens sont des celtes ! Autant vous le dire, j’adore la Bretagne et les bretons. Alors, je vais adorer la Galice pour ses paysages campagnards avec des vaches et du bocage. Les chemins sont charmants, tout vert et c’est un bonheur d’y marcher … D’ailleurs le matin, j’ai parlé à Jean, un breton bien costaud de Dinan. Il a 77 ans et il peut encore marcher des heures à 6km/h. Je veux bien le croire. Il fait 15 ans de moins . « Mais là, je suis obligé ralentir le pas. Je dois attendre ma fille »!!!😂 De mon côté, j’ai décidé de ne pas mollir par … obligation. Je dois récupérer mon petit Robinson vendredi soir après l’école et il me faut terminer ce chemin pour mercredi soir sous peine de rater l’avion du retour ! Et ça, impossible. Je veux serrer dans mes bras mon petit garçon! 👦 🥰 Ce soir , je suis à 102 km de Santiago et ça va le faire 💪👌 J’ai hâte maintenant de finir cette belle parenthèse et de revoir tous les miens , mes enfants, ma famille et … Camille !❤️👩 @chemins_de_compostelle @cheminscompostelle @chemins_de_saint_jacques @radiocamino #zinzinmaispasfou #saintjacquesdecompostelle #compostelle #chemindecompostelle #caminofrances #caminodesantiago

4/28/2024, 8:02:09 PM

Camino Day 46 Ponferrada - Cacabelos Looky looky who just cracked go Downward out of Ponferrada over shiny cobblestones and out along the River Sil. After a small (wow) brekky to fuel the 18km stretch we wandered through vineyards sprouting new growth. Boom! another milestone 200km to go, such a good feeling to drop under a double century. Cacabelos and more eye opening murals from the first street art residency program in El Bierzo. #camino #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #theway #buencamino #europe #spain #cacabelos #ponferrada #slowtravel #travelexpat #slowmad #homeiswhereverweare #travel #traveltheworld #nomad #tourist #fulltimetravel #budgettravel #travelling #travels #traveldiary #traveladventures #adventures #traveltogether #travelpic #travelwhileyoucan #nomad

4/28/2024, 7:48:12 PM

Unser erster Tag auf dem Caminho Portugues. 🤩 … und ich habe ganz vergessen, wie anstrengend das Kopfsteinpflaster für die Füße ist. 😬 Mal sehen, wie es morgen so läuft. Jakob ist auf jeden Fall gut drauf und liebt den Queridoo! 🥰 Bis morgen! 🥾 André, Jessi und Jakob. 🧑‍🧑‍🧒 #caminhoportugues #caminodesantiago #jakobswegmitkindern #jakobsweh #jakobsweg #jakobsweginportugal #pilgern #pilgernmitbaby #pilgernmitkindern #pilgernmitfamilie #wandernmitfamilie #wandernmitkindern #wandernmitkindern #caminodesantiago #caminoportugues #caminofrances #jakobsweg #jakobswegmitkindern #jakobswegmitbaby #podigee_de #buenbambino

4/28/2024, 7:46:19 PM

Kroppen er begyndt at vænne sig til at gå langt hver dag. Det kropslige fylder derfor ikke så meget mere og der bliver plads til tanker og overvejelser om fortid, nutid og fremtid. Det siges, at Caminoens tre hjørnesten er Accept forandring og fornyelse. Når jeg møder mennesker på vejen og falder i snak med dem så er det også en gennemgående ting vi deler - ønsket om netop en eller flere af disse ting. Når det er sagt så er her plads til alle. Man behøver hverken være særlig religiøs, spirituel eller i sorg og krise man kan også være her som en personlig udfordring, et frirum eller en natur og kultur oplevelse ud over det sædvanlige. Noget af det jeg oplever her, i takt med at jeg går er at der bliver større og større balance imellem krop og sind. Derhjemme har jeg nogle gange så travlt at mit hovede og bevidsthed ankommer en halv time efter kroppen og mens jeg er igang med en aktivitet så er det allerede ved at planlægge det næste jeg skal. Her er langsomheden en faktor og jeg må se mig for så jeg ikke snubler. Der bliver derfor helt naturligt en større tilstedeværelse i nuet og dermed mindre stress og ubalance. Jeg er nu ankommet til Burgos som er en storby med 175.000 indbyggere og en kæmpe katedral. Jeg bor på kirkens Albergue ved siden af og skal igen i dag sove i køjeseng i et rum med mange andre pilgrimme. Godt jeg har husket mine ørepropper for der er altid en eller flere der snorker 🙀 #pilgrim #caminofrances #caminofamilie #snorketræ #jegharfirevabler

4/28/2024, 7:39:33 PM

Dai un'occhiata! . . . #3caminos #cammino #camminodisantiagodecompostela #caminodesantiago #buencamino #caminofrances #ultreya #peregrinos #weg #path #pilgrims #ultreia

4/28/2024, 7:31:46 PM

Dai un'occhiata! . . . #3caminos #cammino #camminodisantiagodecompostela #caminodesantiago #buencamino #caminofrances #ultreya #peregrinos #weg #path #pilgrims #ultreia

4/28/2024, 7:31:20 PM

Dai un'occhiata! . . . #3caminos #cammino #camminodisantiagodecompostela #caminodesantiago #buencamino #caminofrances #ultreya #peregrinos #weg #path #pilgrims #ultreia

4/28/2024, 7:30:48 PM

스페인 최고의 수도원 중 하나인 사모스 수도원에 왔다. 여긴 알베르게도 있는데 잠과 샤워만 가능하다. 근데 난방이 1도 안되어 몹시 춥다. 오늘 밤 잠들 수 있을까? #samos #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #peregrino #camino #viajero #spain

4/28/2024, 7:24:16 PM

4/28 Frances: Portomarin - Palas de Rei ⏰ 06:50~13:45 👣 24.8km, sum 47.1km 🌡️ 4-12°C 天氣陰 🏠 Pensión Plaza (€72/ triple room) [Google Maps]( ☕️ Bar taberna do camiño @11.7km (tortilla de patatas) [Google Maps]( 起床在庇護所簡單吃了水煮蛋、baguette 抹花生醬、昨晚剩下的海綿蛋糕、即溶咖啡。出發時天氣偏涼,我們穿了底層、alpha、外加皮膚衣,並且戴上手套。可喜的是沒有下雨了,氣象預測今天上午是陰天,走起來舒服。 昨天一晚的休息,左膝後側好轉一些,但還是吞了一顆止痛藥,也使用登山杖輔助,減緩不適。一跛一跛的走了將近7公里,藥頭Celine看我走得辛苦,診斷我可能是大腿後側筋拉傷,拿了肌肉鬆弛劑給我服用。然後繼續一跛一跛的撐到吃早茶的咖啡廳。今天終於讓為敏哥嚐到tortillas馬鈴薯烘蛋,而且今天的一份大得誇張😆 走路一跛一跛速度很慢,因著不同地形尋找最不痛的姿勢走路,下坡倒著走… 眼看著被越來越多人超越,心裡其實有點急,擔心太晚抵達目的地ㄅㄅㄅ。Celine說「慢即是快」叫我不用急。 接近中午遇到下雨,氣象預報很準!一手拿雨傘、一手拿登山杖,想走快一點往遠方藍天去。為敏哥說,我掰咖還走得比他快。終於在下午兩點前抵達下榻民宿了。西班牙週日很多店家都沒營業,民宿旁剛好有一家評價很高的餐廳有營業,沒想到下午兩點還得候位呢!點了為敏哥沒吃過的章魚、烤青椒,還有我們首次嘗試的烤花枝,非常好吃!尤其是那蒜味美乃滋,好吃的令人允指回味。 Joy Wu #caminodesantiago #caminofrances

4/28/2024, 7:15:11 PM

Portomarin.. while I was hiking on the Camino Frances a while ago I slept in Portomarin for a night. Small but nice town to do explore for the late afternoon and evening. The first time I hiked on the Camino Frances (2016) I walked on to stay in a small village just a couple of miles down the road. This time I enjoyed the weather, the surroundings and the company I was hiking with. Did you know I took 7 pilgrims with me to hike the last 200km of this wonderful pilgrimage. This pilgrimage changed my life and I wanted to share that experience 🥰 #camino #pilgrimage #hiking #spain #portomarin #mindfulness #explore #caminofrances

4/28/2024, 7:04:42 PM

(𝘌𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸) Los nuevos pequeños anfitriones de Casa do Cuco🐰 Muchas gracias a @granxadosouto ✨ New little hosts of Casa do Cuco 🐇 Thanks a lot to @granxadosouto 🙏 #rurallife #animallovers #rabbits #ruralhouse #farmlife #farmhouse #ruraltourism #pilgrims #caminodesantiago #caminoprimitivo #caminodelnorte #caminofrances

4/28/2024, 7:04:17 PM

#caminofrances #caminodesantiago

4/28/2024, 7:03:04 PM

Kleiner Einblick vom 28 Tag auf dem Jakobsweg. Mehr zu sehen gib’s bei YouTube Link In der Bio ✌🏻 #Jakobsweg #Pilgerreise #camino #Reisen #Abenteuer #Leidenschaft #caminofrances #Dankbarkeit #selbstliebe #buencamino #caminodesantiago #rückblick #wandern #spain

4/28/2024, 6:57:55 PM

FRESNO DEL CAMINO - VILLAFRANCA DEL BIERZO Conclusa anche la 7^ giornata e dunque l’intera settimana di cammino!!! Panorami stupendi e forti emozioni 🤞🏻 UTREIA E SUSEIA 🚴 Link in Bio per sostenere la mia impresa per Casa Sollievo Bimbi 🩵 @nelricordodi_nicolas @davideildrago #iostocoldrago #santiago #lourdes #camminodisantiago #francia #spagna #santiagodecompostela #cammino #viaggio #peace #instadaily #instalike #love #caminofrances #pellegrino #biker #gravel #gravel #gravelbike #sky #trip #beatifulday #paella #mountain #lanscape #lifestyle #mesetas

4/28/2024, 6:56:11 PM

Peregrino, el camino frances

4/28/2024, 6:29:46 PM

Day 5 on the Camino de Santiago started at 0810 hours and it was clear and cool out. I knew I was giving myself an “easier” day today so I was in no hurry to leave this morning. I walk about 12 miles today through a few little towns. @heidissuite text me of a woman who I “might” run k to from SLO and within the next hour I did (see photo) crazy!!There were many trails that seemed as if there was no end to the ascend only to start the descend down rocky trails. Beautiful landscape and parts of the walk (especially first hour) was much more crowded since o stayed in a bigger city last night. The city of Puente La Reina is considered “on stage” since it’s a stop written in all the guidebooks, so many people stay “on stage”. I will try to stay off stage as much as possible to avoid the crowds. I made it to my Albergue and was so happy to see it was a private room in a house and I have my own bathroom too!! 🙏🏻🙌🏻😮‍💨 #notyouraveragesavta #caminodesantiago #caminofrances

4/28/2024, 6:14:07 PM

Camino de Santiago - Day 23 🟢 - Santiago de Compostela 🔴 - Lombao 🥾 - 11.3km Wanna read how is it to walk in the rain?? Check out @babywalkstosantiago #spain #caminodesantiagowithchildren #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #travel #family #baby #hiking #santiagodecompostela #lombao #travelingwithkids #hikingwithkids

4/28/2024, 6:11:03 PM

1. Etape af Camino Santiago - Camino Frances. Fantastik start med med mange højdemeter 😅. Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port til Roncesvalles 24,45 km #caminodesantiago #caminofrances

4/28/2024, 5:53:30 PM

Na medida que a Catedral de Santiago de Compostela se aproximava a imagem deles foi ficando cada vez mais forte. Foi difícil controlar as lágrimas, por mais que eu tentasse. . A dedicação na minha criação, amor, cuidado, sacrifício, limites, melhor educação possível. Eles fizeram tudo mesmo. Papai e mamãe, a presença de vocês continua muito forte em mim. Valores e princípios aprendidos jamais serão esquecidos. . Passou um filme na minha cabeça enquanto eu me aproximava. Momentos de muita felicidade, momentos de tristeza e preocupação também, momentos divertidos, enfim tudo. . Além dos meus pais lembrei do meu amado Tio Ivo que foi morar conosco quando eu tinha 6 meses, um segundo pai, e do meu irmão Nilo. Muitas histórias do nosso pequeno núcleo familiar vieram. . Obrigado papai e mamãe, muito obrigado. 🙏❤️❤️ . #caminhodesantiago #caminhodesantiagodecompostela #santiagodecompostela #peregrino #caminhando #caminhofrances #determinaçao #foco #foconofoco #espanha #espanha🇪🇸 #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #caminosantiago #caminos #caminosantiago #peregrine #camminodisantiago #santiagodecompostela #naestrada #caminhando #viajantes #caminante #caminantes #caminando #catedraldesantiagodecompostela #saudadeseternas #familia

4/28/2024, 5:41:04 PM

So many of these yellow fields of Rapeseed oil plants on the Camino. I’ve read it’s one of the oldest and healthiest forms of vegetable oil. The plant surely makes a beautiful contrast with the lush spring green. . . . #caminodesantiago #caminofrances #buencamino #travellingbywalk #peregrinos

4/28/2024, 5:34:26 PM

A fantastic 30km hike from Las Herrerias to Triacastela over O Cebreiro. A big climb and the first section to La Faba was pretty hard going. The views at the top were amazing 🤩⛰️ #caminofrances #caminodesantiago #caminofrancés #buencaminodesantiago #theway #wayofstjames #hike #walks

4/28/2024, 5:33:14 PM

Beautiful easy walk today once the frost had melted, very lovely pilgrims going past or I’m passing them 🙌🏽 getting to know a lot of people as they come & go, it’s a simple lovely world on the Camino xx🐸💚 #caminofrances #caminodesantiago #grateful

4/28/2024, 5:31:57 PM

Le difficoltà spesso preparano le persone normali ad un destino straordinario. (C.S. Lewis) DAY 8 Belorado Tosantos Villambistia Espinosa del Camino Villafranca Montes de Oca San Juan de Ortega Agés Atapuerca Cardañuela Riopico #castilla #spain #camino #santiago #compostela #ultreia #buencamino #pilgrim #peregrino #camminodisantiago #caminodesantiago #santiagodecompostela #caminofrances #camminofrancese #stjamesway #theway #travel #trekking #globetrotter #walking #feelfree #nature #greatmoments #beautifulplaces #magicpeople #worldwide #instatravel #travelstyle #placestovisit

4/28/2024, 5:30:24 PM

Viaggiare rende modesti. Ci mostra quanto è piccolo il posto che occupiamo nel mondo. (Gustave Flaubert) About yesterday…. Special thanks to my friend the Photographer📸 #castilla #spain #camino #santiago #compostela #ultreia #buencamino #pilgrim #peregrino #camminodisantiago #caminodesantiago #santiagodecompostela #caminofrances #camminofrancese #stjamesway #theway #travel #trekking #globetrotter #walking #feelfree #nature #greatmoments #beautifulplaces #magicpeople #worldwide #instatravel #travelstyle #placestovisit

4/28/2024, 5:24:40 PM