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The lie that I could moderate my drinking kept me stuck in cycle for way to long. Trust me when I say it can not be done. If trying to moderate drinking was an Olympic sport I would take the gold. I tried every way possible to make drinking work. I put every rule you can think of in place while I was awake at 3 am telling myself I would not ever do this to myself again. It was all smoke and mirrors. The hard cold fact is that once you are to the point that you have to start making rules to try to keep you from over doing it your drinking days have come to an end. I want you to know it’s not your fault that you got addicted to an addictive substance. No one starts out drinking thinking they will become dependent . No one thinks that it can happen to them. While it’s not your fault that you got addicted it is your responsibility to do something about it. I know that seems unfair right? Addiction isn’t fair and addiction doesn’t care that you don’t like it. I fought against my addicted brain for three years thinking I could win and still put alcohol in my body. Such a funny concept thinking I was in control all the while I had to have 15 rules in place to maintain that control and even when I was successful I wasn’t really because if I followed all the rules I was never really letting loose the way I wanted to so I was white knuckling it which isn’t the point of drinking. If you’re telling yourself before you start drinking how much you are allowed to have, that you have to have a glass of water between drinks, you have to eat, you can only have certain types of alcohol, that you will only drink on your days off, that you will stop by a certain time of the night or any other convoluted thing it is to late. Let me save you the time a misery of doing this as someone who came before you, come join me over here where we sleep great, wake up rested and without hanxiety, we are fully present for our lives and aren’t swallowed by regret. Life is much sweeter over here. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #soberinstagram #wedorecover

5/31/2024, 5:17:22 PM

The best most important job I have ever had or will ever have is being this boy’s mom. I’m ashamed to say that for three years alcohol stole moments from us that we will never get back. As mothers we have been lied to by big alcohol, we are marketed for SPECIFICALLY as mothers. Telling us from the get go that it can’t be done without a bottle of our own. I can’t count how many times I said “I need a drink” over those three years but I do know that the drink never made anything easier. Sure in the moment it seemed like I was having more fun but you know what I didn’t realize? It’s actually scary for small children to watch their parents personalities completely change. When we go from calm put together people to loud, goofy, unpredictable people. Since getting sober I don’t have to worry that if I lose my cool with my son that’s it’s because I have altered my state of being with booze, I don’t get irritated if I get woke up in the middle of the night by him because I hadn’t slept off the copious amounts of vodka from the night before. Our mornings always start with good morning loves and a cup of hot coco/coffee. We went on our first camping trip of the season which is usually GO TIME for drinking but I enjoyed this one with him so much more totally present and available for it all! If you’re stuck in the cycle of thinking alcohol makes motherhood or parenting in general easier only to wake up hungover to find it does not, you are not alone, many of us have been there too but I encourage you to join us over here where being a parent is fun, enjoyable, rewarding and yes even still hard but not full regret! We are waiting for you! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #soberinstagram #wedorecover

5/29/2024, 5:12:28 PM

One of the hardest parts about getting sober has been the uncomfortable feelings. The fact is that there’s no way around it, you WILL be uncomfortable. The good news is that this season of discomfort is just that, a season. It will pass but we have to go thru it because in the discomfort is where growth lives. I will say that 140 days in that I have far less uncomfortable moments than I did in the first few days and weeks. I don’t feel like I’m crawling out of my own skin anymore, anxiety is all but gone, my sleep is fantastic and the internal battle with myself has stopped. If you’re experiencing any of those things in early early sobriety (I’m still early too) I’m here to give you hope that relief is not far off. Keep going. If you can embrace this feeling of being uncomfortable because it means it’s working. It means you’re doing something you have never done and it means a result you have never gotten is coming. You’re worth it! A better life is waiting just on the other side of uncomfortable! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #wedorecover

5/29/2024, 5:18:34 AM

I can’t say it enough because it is true. The biggest change I made in my life when I started trying to quit drinking this time is I GAVE IT TO GOD. I opened myself up to him and really listened. Hands down best decision I have made. I haven’t had one single morning in almost 5 months that I have woken up and thought shit I wish I would have gotten drunk last night. I have however woke up everyday glad I’m not hungover. It’s hard. I won’t lie for one second about that but it is possible and it is worth it. Not only have I been freed from the chains of drinking daily but I have grown in my relationship with Jesus which is something I have also been longing for for a long time. I don’t know what the future holds but I know it will be better sober! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #walkwithGod

5/20/2024, 6:35:49 PM

It’s Friday and tonight I’m going to beautiful restaurant in Portland with some girlfriends. I love that I know a few things for sure. 1) I’m going to remember the whole evening. 2) I won’t make a fool of myself. 3) I won’t spend the whole night focused on how much I’m drinking. 3)my bill will be way less 4) I’ll wake up hangover free 5) I won’t have any regrets. Learning to navigate social settings without drinking is next level. I’m learning who I am again because for so long I always drank when I was hanging out with people. It’s different on this side of things. Do I like eating in fancy restaurants? I don’t know I guess we will find out after. P.s it is absolutely beautiful here in the PNW #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #sobersummerloading #wedorecover

5/10/2024, 10:40:04 PM

Yesterday was 120 Days. Today is 4 calendar months sober. As I sat and did my Bible study this morning I saw my own experience in the reading. In 2 Samuel 8-9 we see King David’s victories in war multiple times. Over and over David takes nations and when all is said and done he gives all the Glory to God. It reminded me that the victory I see over this addiction this last 4 months is because of God. Literally the only thing I did different this time when I wanted to stop was I gave it to God. I prayed and asked for help and then I listened to his guidance on how to do it. I spend time in the word everyday, I spend time with people who don’t drink at all or very little, I read, I exercise and I write to fill my time in times when I would normally drink. I did those things before when I wasn’t drinking with the exception of being in the word everyday and praying. It’s not coincidence that the time that I open myself to Jesus that I’m actually able to do this. So today and everyday I give the Glory to Jesus. I’m grateful for his presence in my life and I’m going to keep the death grip I have on him because I see him moving in my life, I have seen it and I believe it. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #glorytoGod #giveittoGod #hemadeabelieverouttame #wedorecover

5/8/2024, 7:06:20 PM

It never gets old waking up hangover free. It never gets old remembering everything I did the night before. It never gets old being free of the chains of alcohol induced hangxiety. I’m in no way saying that it’s been a walk in the park everyday but what I am saying is it never gets old reaping the benefits of being sober. I know that it’s hard to resist the cravings, I know it’s mentally exhausting battling yourself, i know that you feel like you’re going to crawl right out of your skin in those first few days but I promise you that it does get better and when you get to peaceful Sunday mornings you will be so glad you did! Keep coming back to the truth of alcohol in your life. That truth will bring you to peaceful Sunday mornings. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobersundays #sobermom #wedorecover

5/5/2024, 4:31:46 PM

At first glance what would you think looking at each of these photos? I look happy right? You wouldn’t be completely wrong because I was enjoying myself in the moment of each pictures. I had fun in my drinking days while the party was happening and people were still over everything from the outside looked totally normal. It was after the party was over at 2 am when I was alone with myself and the aftermath that I was not ok. It was the same every time. Waking up with head that felt like I was under water, my heart racing and so mad at myself for drinking so much AGAIN! I would lay in bed beating myself up telling myself I wasn’t going to let this happen again. Only to repeat the cycle later that day. Very few people in my life knew I was struggling to stop and the ones that did were people I drank with so they all thought I was fine and drinking normal. The moral of the story is sometimes people look like they are fine in their relationship with alcohol but really they are living in a tortured prison, if this is you and you’re waiting for someone to tell you it’s bad enough to stop, STOP waiting. Your drinking doesn’t need to be a problem for someone else for it to be a problem for you. If you say it is that’s more than enough. Listen to your inner voice God gave it to you for a reason. I wish I had. On the flip side of that if you have ever had someone tell you they think they should stop drinking don’t EVER tell them no they shouldn’t. They are opening up to you about something that could be very serious. Alcohol is poison that honestly no one should drink but just because some can with little consequence doesn’t make it true for everyone. Support your loved ones path to stopping even if you drink or think their drinking is ok. Listen to them if they voice concern about their drinking habits. You just might save a life. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #nowisthetime #wedorecover

5/3/2024, 2:50:50 PM

God does not call the equipped, but he equips the called. Exodus 4:10. I can not say it enough. If it’s meant for you in will be! I am broken in many many ways but Jesus will put the pieces back together as if they were never broken in the first place. Day 112 AF over here and every bit of the glory is God’s. “He makes a way where there ain’t no way, rises up from an empty grave, ain’t no sinner that he can’t save, let me tell you bout my Jesus. His love is strong and his grace is free, the good news is I know that he, can do for you what he’s done for me. Let me tell ya bout my Jesus and let my Jesus change your life!” #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #Jesus #womanofGod #changedwoman #wedorecover

4/29/2024, 9:23:13 PM

Good morning! I love a sober Sunday! -no hanxiety -no shame spiral -no blackout regret -no making excuses not to go worship -no wasting my whole morning on the couch just to race to the liquor store when it opens to cure the hangover. No instead today I woke up refreshed, had coffee, will love my time at church and spend the afternoon@making memories TRYING to roller blade with my son at my nieces birthday. No today booze doesn’t even get invited to my life. Sundays will ALWAYS be better sober. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #sundayfunday #wedorecover

4/28/2024, 5:56:17 PM

Sobriety is both a solo journey and one that can’t be done without a support system. Two things can be true at once. It’s a solo journey because let’s face it if you are a heavy drinker you have likely surrounded yourself with people who support that lifestyle. No two journeys will look the same so we can’t wait for one of our drinking buddies to decide to get sober with us. We can only hope that our example will help someone else. Personally I had to isolate for a little while. I couldn’t be around drinking at all. It’s been hard on some of my relationships but when we decide to do this…to really do it, our sobriety has to come first over everything. It can seem strange but in that isolation is where I found the support I needed. First and foremost I grabbed hold of Jesus for dear life. That was a pivotal change I made from this attempt and every other one I made. When I hit my knees and asked God to take this from me, it was with open ears and a faithful heart that I would listen for the ways he would be take it from me and follow his lead. Right now I’m living the “Footprints in the sand” poem. Jesus is carrying me thru this storm to other side without him nothing else matters. Second I dove into podcasts and books and I armed myself with knowledge. Once you know the truth behind the poison that is alcohol you can’t unknow it. Third I share without fear. I tell EVERYONE that is important to me what I’m doing. I will not live in isolation with this because that where Satan wants me, it’s where I have been living but no more and you don’t have to either. Reach out, talk to God, get in his word, join an online support group full of people fighting for the same thing as you. Surrounding yourself with likeminded people even on the internet is better than going it alone. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #sobercommunity #Jesushasyou

4/26/2024, 6:04:07 PM

The choice is always yours. Choose your hard. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #soberlife #wedorecover

4/26/2024, 5:37:23 AM

Remember when I said sobriety has its good days and its bad days? It’s not a straight path, there are days when the sun comes out and the first thing I think about is drinking. Then there are days when the sun comes out and I get to feel its warmth on my skin and just enjoy that moment without the thought of alcohol creeping in at all. It’s inevitable that we will continue to experience both on this journey. What I’m realizing is it’s ok to have the thought that I want to have drinks and still not have any. It’s ok that I still glamorize it in my mind and think about “the good times” I had while drinking and still not drink. I personally spent 3+ years drinking basically daily. Think about how long your drinking career was. We should not expect our brains to be fixed overnight or even any faster then it took us to drown it in booze. So if you’re sitting in the sun consumed by thoughts of drinking just know it doesn’t mean that you’re a lost cause it means alcohol did what alcohol does and rewired your brain. Recognize that it’s making the connection between happiness and alcohol because that’s the information it’s been given but you get to do the rewrite. Keep sitting in the sun without alcohol and I promise your brain will rewire and make the connection between the warmth on your skin and happiness eventually. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #sobersummerloading #wedorevover

4/23/2024, 4:59:38 PM

It’s rare to meet someone who hasn’t been affected in one way or another by addiction in their life. We are an addicted society. If you are the one over coming active addiction you already know the above to be true. As hard as it is to fight for your life against addiction in my experience it’s still easier than loving someone still in it. I have been on both sides of this. While on this page I’ll never talk about the specifics of another person journey, I will say that loving someone in active addiction is one of the hardest things I have ever done and I love multiple people still in the prison of addiction. It’s taken many years to come to terms with the fact that I can’t save them, change them, or convince them. I can love them and have boundaries that I can control. This is my second trip down the recovery road in my life and just like the first time I got tired of my own shit and had to make the change. Whether anyone wanted to do it with me, at the risk of losing relationships with people that were/are rooted in addiction, even tho it’s scary. No one either time could say or do anything to convince me until I WAS READY. It’s not your fault or responsibility to get another person sober. I know it hurts and we always wish we could take it from our loved ones but the only one that can is Jesus, so don’t be afraid to ask. When we cover a person in prayer they have a better chance at beating anything. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #wedorecover💜

4/19/2024, 4:56:52 PM

Today marks 100 days. I’m feeling both the weight and the freedom of those 100 days. On one hand it’s the love of not feeling like shit everyday, It’s the mental clarity, it’s knowing I’m fully showing up in my life, it’s not participating in the mental gymnastics that is moderation, it’s not waking up with hanxiety, it’s not losing hours of my night. It’s freedom. On the other hand it’s the work. It’s having to accept my part in the misery I experienced while drinking. It’s accepting that I contributed to the chaos and that drinking made everything worse. When we are in active addiction we victimize ourself over everything. Nothing is ever our fault it’s everyone else around us because “how dare they” fill in the blank of whatever wrongdoing was done to us. Accepting that we couldn’t possibly show up fully in our lives while drinking, how could we when all we could think about is if we could drink, when we could get our next drink or if we had enough to drink. I was always beating myself up the day after drinking so coming to terms with this stuff was both easy and hard. It’s never fun to admit when you mess up. There’s no growth in being wasted all the time. When everything you do revolves around the drink the world becomes very small. Addiction is like living in black and white, sobriety is the hi-def version of life. Bright and beautiful. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #100days

4/18/2024, 1:37:57 AM

I got 99 problems but being hungover ain’t one. 🎵 🎵 I had to I couldn’t resist. Life is hard there is no doubt about it but why we as a society make it harder with alcohol remains a mystery. Normalize not being wasted to deal with life’s stressors. Normalize teaching our children coping skills so they don’t fall victim to society telling them the need alcohol to handle life. Model confidence in social situations so that our kids know they are enough that they don’t need to drink to fit in. Big alcohol and main stream media has done a spectacular job of convincing multiple generations of people that life in large is not livable without drinking. Let’s be the generation that breaks that cycle/stigma. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #normalizesobriety #sober #sobermom #ontotrippledigits #wedorecover

4/16/2024, 9:11:38 PM

Where are you in the process? Right now I’m somewhere between the grind and life. Still trying to figure it all out. Some days are a great success others are a data collecting day. The more distance I put between me and alcohol the less it feels like a sacrifice or something i can’t do but instead a choice. In the beginning I had to stay completely away from other people drinking, now I can honestly say that it’s the best reminder of why I choose this. To see how I used to be and know I don’t want to be that anymore pushes me forward. I recently found myself missing the escape. The change in my mind that drinking would bring but thanks to all the time I have spent researching the subject of alcohol addiction and the information I can’t ignore I was able to quickly redirect my thoughts. What I was missing was the feeling of the first TWO shots….i don’t stop at two. I told myself there’s nothing for me back there in that life and that woman doesn’t exist anymore. The craving or whatever I was experiencing was over as quickly as it came. I think there will likely always be a part of me that wishes I could go back to being a “normal drinker” but that part of me is shrinking by the day. There’s power in the knowledge that I choose this for myself. No matter where you are in the journey think about this….how is your future self going to feel about the choice you make today? #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #wecandohardthings #wedorecover

4/16/2024, 4:43:18 PM

Fitness and nutrition have always been very important to me. I have been a proud “gym rat” for the better part of 15 years. My health being a major priority I rarely if ever missed a workout and food was fuel so I paid close attention to macros and what my body needed. This was a lifestyle I loved to live and I was happy. My drinking was at this point in the “ normal” category, very little thought given to it at all. Over the last few years all of that changed drastically. As my drinking escalated concern for my health started to go down. Yes I still worked out but not consistently and on days I was drinking I didn’t care about what I ate or if I even did. Morning workouts were replaced with hangovers and hours on the couch recovering or if by chance I wasn’t having a physical hangover the hangxiety would get me. In the last 3 months my workouts have returned to full consistent 5-6 days a week and even tho I am battling some sugar cravings (research says it’s common in early sobriety) I can feel myself rounding a corner there as well. I’m starting to catch glimpses of the woman I was before alcohol took over. Rediscovering my love for health. It’s funny what can happen when you’re not actively poisoning your body. What are some things you have been missing doing? Did alcohol take up so much of your time and energy you didn’t have space for hobbies or a consistent health routine? What can you gain by giving up this one thing? #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #fitness #nutrition #wedorecover

4/12/2024, 12:45:32 AM

3 months sober. This song just fits so I’ll use it at every milestone because I am feeling so grateful. This is the longest stretch of time I have gone without alcohol in I don’t know how long! I think I’m to the point that I am not counting days anymore, months are my focus now. That’s a huge leap because for a very long time making it 5 days was an accomplishment for me. I don’t find myself counting down the minutes until bed time so I can have another day under my belt. I’m not dreading the weekend because I don’t know how I’ll do it without drinks and I even had my first social event this last weekend and I didn’t think about drinking at all except to notice that I was in a room full of people having so much fun and none of us were drinking. It was refreshing to be in a setting where many of us have children but we didn’t decided to get wasted while we had time away. I’m learning that there is a whole world of people out there that do life and don’t drink at all just because they don’t want to. It’s crazy to me that I used to be a “normal” drinker I didn’t count days, I didn’t reason with myself about why I should or shouldn’t drink, there were no rules about how much or how often. Until there were. Im so grateful that the mental gymnastics of trying and failing to moderate my drinking is over. I’m so grateful that I’m finally rounding to corner in my sobriety that alcohol doesn’t consume my thoughts all day anymore. I’m here to tell you this is possible. Start again until it sticks. It’s worth it. It’s worth the hard parts because there is light at the end of the tunnel. I’m living proof of that! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #90days #soberinstagram #wedorecover #feelinggrateful🙏 #bythegraceofgod🙏

4/8/2024, 5:06:00 PM

The thing that stands out to me the most in this graphic is that alcohol affects more people then any other substance or mental health disorder. We know this to be true yet it’s still legal AND normalized in society. There’s not any other addictive substance so widely commercialized and accepted. The alcohol industry is making money hand over fist while it customers are suffering from diseases that affect every area of the body, mental health decline and the destruction of family life. April is #alcoholawarenessmonth I encourage you to find a way to further educate yourself on the detrimental affects that drinking has on us. Knowledge is power and we literally have a wealth of it in our hands most moments of the day. Once you know you can’t un-know it and if you’re like me it might just change everything for you! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #themoreyouknow #letsquitquitting #jesuslovesyou

4/5/2024, 4:13:54 PM

It’s April 1st! Alcohol won’t be making a fool of me, who’s with me?! Sitting here this morning with my warm cup of coffee and clear head I can’t help but be grateful for another day of sobriety. I’m finding myself making future plans that will require me to be at my best early in the morning and throughout the day. The weather is going to start toying with the idea of being a little warmer here in the PNW but today I’m not anxious about it. Today I’m thinking about hiking, camping and beach trip adventures that won’t center around drinking. I can enjoy those experiences without thinking about where we are going to stop for drinks. Letting myself future trip in this way feels good. Imagining the positives that I know will come from being sober feels good. Sobriety has proven to be quite the roller coaster ride of emotions. One day I’m feeling just like I am right now, hopeful and happy for the future and the next I can’t wait to go to bed so it will be over. What I’m learning is it’s all apart of the process and to really appreciate days like today. To thank God for the reprieve and to ride the damn roller coaster like a carnival ride. If you’re starting today off opposite of me just know this too shall pass. Not everyday is going to be bad or hard but staying sober guarantees that it won’t be made worse by booze. Emotion is part of the human experience you were literally built for it. My DM’s are always open if you need to talk! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #sobermom #soberlife #soberwomann #jesuslovesyou #wedorecover

4/1/2024, 5:02:29 PM

My post will almost always be reflective of my day while trying to navigate sobriety. I’m still learning. Everyday I am relearning how to handle life without the crutch of alcohol. There’s an eb and flow to the process for sure. Some days it feels like a breeze. Like I’m getting my life together and this sober thing is the best decision I have ever made and I look forward to the coming days. Some days are so hard. Daily life tasks can feel overwhelming and dealing with living sober feels pointless and escaping into the bottle seems like the answer. Fighting against where my mind goes looking for relief because I KNOW beyond all doubt that it will not help anything in the long run is exhausting. It’s hard choosing sobriety on days like today but recognizing that the escape would only add to the problem and choosing to do something different is growth. I have to give credit where credit is due. So if this is you. If you’re stressed out or overwhelmed and filled with anxiety today, just know you’re not alone. I’m right there with you. In a couple hours it will be bedtime and this day will be done and because you chose to deal with your feelings without alcohol today your morning won’t be ruined tomorrow. Now I’m going to take my son to Tball then make grilled cheese for dinner and not feel one bit bad about sneaking away to take a bath in the dark. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #sober #wedorecover #anxiety #sobermom

3/28/2024, 12:42:52 AM

One of my favorite things about being sober is the way I can show up for my son. In the last 77 days there are three times that come to mind that I am so glad I was sober for. The first time he was at his first ever cousin sleepover away from home. Normally I would have gone home and had drinks until bed time then passed out. Obviously on this night I was just binge watching tv. around 10:30 when I drifted off sleep. At 10:45 my phone rang, it was my son’s voice “mommy can you get me now?” The second time same story he was at his aunts and did great but at 3 am he woke up and just wouldn’t go back to sleep. My best friend finally called me at 4 am to pick him up. When we got home both times he said to me “thank you for getting me mommy” and drifted peacefully to sleep. Then today he woke up at 5 am sobbing crying that his ear hurt. Nothing I did helped in over 2 hours so we ended up at the ER. He has an ear infection. All three of those times could have turned out very different. Had I been drinking I either wouldn’t have been able to pick him up or worse I would have still driven to get him while I was clearly still under the influence or maybe I would have been passed out and never heard the phone ring. When he woke up at 5 am today I could have been disoriented and likely grumpy because I hadn’t gotten to sleep off the drunk from the night before. Instead picking him up when he just wanted to be home, no matter the time, was not a problem. I was able to meet his needs this morning with zero issue. Yes I’m tired but I showed up, I was the mom that I was ant to be not some empty shell of a mother. Showing my 5 year old that he can depend on me in this life is such a powerful feeling. I’m proud to know that I won’t let him down. Alcohol will not get in the way of my ability to be a good mom. Not for one more minute! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #not_another_reset #wedorecover #sober #sobermom #soberwomenofinstagram

3/26/2024, 2:22:03 AM

PSA: Moderating alcohol 🥃 is not possible. The cold hard truth is if you are thinking that you need to moderate your drinking it’s already too late. Your brain has already been rewired and we can’t go back. People who do not have a problem with drinking don’t think about how much they drink. They just either have drinks or don’t. I started living in the moderation cycle of doom back in 2021. I realized that my drinking had changed and I needed to do something about it. I started making rules. No drinks during the week. Only a certain amount. Only seltzer beers, only vodka shots only wine, only mixed vodka drinks, only with certain people, only for special occasions. The list goes on. When the rules didn’t work I would do dry challenges. Sober September and dry January were my months. I would tell myself I was good to go alcoholics couldn’t just stop for 30 days like I could. Clearly I didn’t have a problem. Spoiler alert I did and always will. If I chose to go back to drinking what I know for a fact is I would 💯 be standing in my kitchen taking shots on a Tuesday night alone in no time. I might have “control” for a few days or a weeks worth of drinking nights but will power takes energy and energy over time fades. Eventually you will return to the way of drinking that led you to think about moderation to begin with. Going into another sober weekend feels so good knowing I don’t have to participate in the mental gymnastics that is moderation. I just won’t drink booze. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone not_another_reset #moderationsucks #sober #soberwomenofinstagram #sobermom #soberlovingjesus

3/23/2024, 7:09:46 PM

Early sobriety means a rush of all of our emotions. Things that you either pushed down with booze or simply were incapable of feeling at all. I was 9 days sober when I started journaling. There was so much I needed to get off my chest I just started to write. Everything I was feeling from goals for the future, how good or bad I did with cravings that day, memories of things I did while I was drunk that came flooding back that day. It is a place that I don’t have to be careful about my words or worry about how anyone else feels, this is a place just for me! Journaling is something I have never done before in my various attempts to get sober I highly recommend it! #soberlife #sobermom #journaling #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #wedorecover

3/15/2024, 4:37:05 PM

D I Y - FLAT PACK Oh wow I'm excited's my first time ever assembling falt pack furniture. I honestly wanted to cry when I opened the box and saw the instruction booklet with all the nails and tools, just looking at it......😩😅 I decided I wasn't willing to pay for someone else to get it done, I may as well start somewhere and learn to do it myself. It took all afternoon for a small file cabinet but I did tho 🙌💃🥳👏👏 I found out half the day in, I had been using the wrong tools imagine cos some of those nails just wouldnt screw on😂 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Next, tomorrow will be the office book case cabinet which is bigger and quite heavy wish me luck familiar. It's actually not as bad as I'm making out, wait till you see the instructions tho😁 To be honest sometimes the feeling of accomplishing something difficult is sooooooo worth it....🤞💃😊🙌 Anyone enjoy assembling flat pack furniture?👍👎 Ps.... ladies hope y'all appreciate the handymen in your life more 😉😉 #flatpack #DIY #tools #drill #powertools #assembly #worthit #fun #theraputic #different #strecthmybrains #learnmore #try #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #new #2024 #newchallenge #🙌🙌

1/21/2024, 2:46:37 AM

If you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done! Every positive thought propels you in the right direction! You create your own reality! Remember, what you allow will continue.... YOU are in control! Have a beautiful and blessed day! #youmatter #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #positivethinking #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #blessings #commitment

5/21/2023, 1:25:50 PM

I am so humbled and thankful for this opportunity! I am ready to learn, grow, change and be challenged. #dontstophere #detective #workharder #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #challengeyourself #soexcited #letsgo 🕵🏻🔥🗣️🫶🏼💯

3/13/2023, 9:51:05 PM

THIS WEEKEND give yourself some extra love. Focus this weekend on self-care. Do something that may be overdue! 📘Read a book 🚵Go on a bike ride 🏊Go for a swim 🙋See an Old Friend 🖋Write in a journal Try to do something that you have been putting off that will be good for you! #TreatYourselfWell this weekend💛 # #selfcare #selfcareweekend #selfcarelove #treatyourself #treatyourselfright #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #trysomethingnew #findanewhobby #takecareofyourself #rememberwhatisimportant #careforyourskin #careforyourself #careforothers #stittleburgrhc #stittleburgfam

6/9/2022, 3:00:05 PM

🔥𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘🔥 Sometimes in order for us to get what we really want in life or for us to achieve a goal that seems impossible, we NEED to do something that we have never done before. Surely this is difficult to do but it will definitely help us grow and become a better version of ourselves. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝!😍💕 #MotivationalMonday #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #reachyourgoals #getoutofyourcomfortzone

6/6/2022, 11:12:04 AM

I am sure Resolutions are being made left, right and Centre. I want to remind you... With those resolutions, make a committment to yourself to simply do your best in 2022. This means don't expect to be perfect... Focus instead on progress! Stay consistent and give yourself grace! There is no better time than right now to start on a new journey. #newyear #newgoals #focus #gaols #achivemmet #progress #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone

1/7/2022, 8:21:10 AM

Touring Cali for the last week has been phenomenal and still have another week left! So far, learned that almost everyone drives a Tesla, so many beaches all different vibes, fish tacos everywhere (only kind I eat!) and that my business (you!) is a blessing! I could not afford many things if it were not for my business. I am forever grateful for all of you who have supported me and believed in me the past 5 years, it truly means the world to me. I know there are many other people you could support but you choose me and for that I am forever grateful. I love my business and want to share it with you, in return it has blessed me beyond belief. Thank you! Can’t wait to see the next 5 years and beyond! . . . #youonlyliveonce #liveyourlife #loveyourlife #liveyourbestlife #youonlygetonelife #loveyourbody #ittookmeyearstolovemybody #dontwasteyears #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #chooseyou #choosetodosomethingdifferent #loveyourself #loveyourbody #lovewhatyoudo

8/21/2021, 4:52:51 AM

Be open to doing things you have never done. Be open to learning something new. Be open to being of service and you are bound to open the door when opportunity knocks. Einstein, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result" #KeepLearning #TrialAndError #DoSomethingYouHaveNeverDone #GetOutOfYourComfortZone #JustSayYes #ChristianEntrepreneurship #MindsetShift #StopTheInsanity #EmbraceOpportunity

4/9/2021, 5:03:36 PM

☘If you want something you've never had do something you've never done! ☘Facing obstacles, nay-sayers, negativity?? It is up to you to shut it out, dust yourself off, get up and do the work and redeem yourself! ☘Make your mark, not through words, but through your actions! Let those who don't believe, start having faith, once they realise how much you've accomplished. Stay silent, stay humble... ☘Chin up! Head down! #gogetthosegoals #actionsspeaklouder #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #chinupheaddown

3/25/2021, 4:53:33 PM

Just in case anyone cares (😆 I know, no one is as invested as me) I’m ending my streak and taking 3 days off. I’ll start fresh on Monday. I’m proud of myself, I like that number, and my legs and feet are really really tired. #110 #onehundredandtenconsecutivedays #tiredfeethappyheart #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #thisis45 #typicalmiddleagedmom #middleage #aginggracefully #mom #momlife #typical #wifemotherfriend #momofone #fitmom #stayathomemom #momduties #momthings #methings #mylife #myloves #thisisme #runmom #runrunrun #icanandiwill #mememe

3/18/2021, 6:26:51 PM

What If ... We didn't say YES!!✌️ 3 years ago ... we both liked a picture on each others online profiles ... we both said YES to meeting in person and here we are today!!💕 What If? We both choose to keep hiding behind our fears, both stayed in our quiet, calm, comfort zones, we both were afraid to take a chance. If you don't take the chance, you will never know what could have been and how absolutely perfect something could turn out!!💕 Happy Tuesday 🌞

3/10/2021, 3:25:57 AM

Calling all runners or people that would like to get into running!!! Here is the chance to have a professional training with an awesome group of women doing it with you! At the end we'll all be getting together to run a 5k 🙌🏼 I don't run but I'm kinda excited to give this a shot! #runningcanbefun #tryit #cardiowontkillyou #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #wegotthis #igotgoals #teammakeshithappen #athleticenducedasthma #buildingupmylungcapacity

9/14/2020, 4:20:26 PM

Habt Mut etwas Neues zu probieren. Das Leben wird langweilig, verweilt man nur in schon Bekanntem. Dieser erste Post hat mir einiges an Überwindung gekostet. Ich habe viel zu lange nachgedacht, anstatt einfach mal den ersten Schritt zu wagen. Es fühlt sich gut an nicht mehr nur zu denken, sondern zu handeln. Seit mutig, greift zur Schere, probiert etwas Neues und vielleicht kommt ja etwas Gutes dabei raus. #newstart #proud #selfmade #haircut #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #firstpost

9/14/2020, 9:52:33 AM

❣Μια υπέροχη μέρα❣ Ό,τι και να πώ είναι λίγο.. Σε ευχαριστώ για το θρόνο που με έχεις βάλει❤ 🍾 💐 ❤ 🔥 #blessed🙏 #anniversary #10years #love #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone

7/13/2020, 1:27:33 PM

F.I.T.N.E.S.S. Tip: “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” -Thomas Jefferson People often want change, but don't change what they do. People want a great life, but give mediocre effort. People want something different, but they keep doing the same thing. Remember, more of the same = more of the same. If you want a better life, for yourself and for the ones you love, you have to take risks, make many mistakes, and be ready to fail multiple times. That's all part of the process, and sometimes that means you MUST do something you haven't done before. Are you willing to do what's never been done? #KaiZenFITNESS #KaizenESS #FITNESSTip #FitnessFridays #IfYouWantSomethingYouHaveNeverHad #DoSomethingYouHaveNeverDone #ThomasJefferson #Change #Life #EasyRoute #ComfortZone #TakeRisks #MakeMistakes #Failure #AllPartOfTheProcess #UnderArmour #ProjectRock #USDNA #LifelineUSA #AbWheel #HaloNeuroscience

5/30/2020, 8:03:11 PM

F.I.T.N.E.S.S. Tip: “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” -Thomas Jefferson People often want change, but don't change what they do. People want a great life, but give mediocre effort. People want something different, but they keep doing the same thing. Remember, more of the same = more of the same. If you want a better life, for yourself and for the ones you love, you have to take risks, make many mistakes, and be ready to fail multiple times. That's all part of the process, and sometimes that means you MUST do something you haven't done before. Are you willing to do what's never been done? #KaiZenFITNESS #KaizenESS #FITNESSTip #FitnessFridays #IfYouWantSomethingYouHaveNeverHad #DoSomethingYouHaveNeverDone #ThomasJefferson #Change #Life #EasyRoute #ComfortZone #TakeRisks #MakeMistakes #Failure #AllPartOfTheProcess #UnderArmour #ProjectRock #USDNA #LifelineUSA #AbWheel #HaloNeuroscience

5/30/2020, 8:00:05 PM

Limoncello night. #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #lemons #life #friends #lemonade #boston

9/22/2019, 1:43:33 PM

Never be afraid to do something outside of your comfort zone. #ventureout #exploresomethingnew #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #gosomewhereyou'venevergone #lifeiswaiting #newnessoflife #destined4greatness #LifeIsVeryValuable #L.I.V.V.

8/11/2019, 6:49:30 AM


7/11/2019, 1:45:42 PM

Yoga has changed everything in my life. Just to go down a FEW. • It has taught me to be more gentle not only with my body but with my mind and my words. Speak truth more lovingly❤️ • It has taught me to be more aware of my body & breath and the connection it has to the world around me. To be patient and respect everyone’s own healing journey. 💚 • It has taught me deep lessons of life, and myself that I think can only be found through the actual practice and mediation experience from yoga. 💜 • It has taught me to be okay with being uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in yoga asanas but mostly in life situations.🖤 • It has taught me joy and happiness and the difference I can create between the two. 💛 • It has taught me control. In a lot of ways. Of my body and my mind and emotion. And that I have no control over anything in this world except my own human system. 🧡 • I hope you too care about your physical and mental well being and the connectedness around us. 💙 #bestrongenoughtobegentle { Happy international yoga day & summer solstice } #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #balance #life #joy #danceofshiva #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #courage #bravery #love #thankyou #internationalyogaday

6/22/2019, 12:15:48 AM

Yoga has changed everything in my life. Just to go down a FEW. • It has taught me to be more gentle not only with my body but with my mind and my words. Speak truth more lovingly❤️ • It has taught me to be more aware of my body & breath and the connection it has to the world around me. To be patient and respect everyone’s own healing journey. 💚 • It has taught me deep lessons of life, and myself that I think can only be found through the actual practice and mediation experience from yoga. 💜 • It has taught me to be okay with being uncomfortable. Uncomfortable in yoga asanas but mostly in life situations.🖤 • It has taught me joy and happiness and the difference I can create between the two. 💛 • It has taught me control. In a lot of ways. Of my body and my mind and emotion. And that I have no control over anything in this world except my own human system. 🧡 • I hope you too care about your physical and mental well being and the connectedness around us. 💙 #bestrongenoughtobegentle { Happy international yoga day & summer solstice } #mentalhealth #physicalhealth #balance #life #joy #danceofshiva #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #courage #bravery #love #thankyou

6/22/2019, 12:15:44 AM

"Lets keep walking till we reach an other place." . 30min before we cross the border to france . . . #dunes #belgium #belgie #beach #travellover #waves #hiking #adventuretime #dosomethingyoulove #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #citytrip #suprise #wandelen #beachwalk #nosun #fog #sandinmyshoes #sand #love #travel #wandering

3/2/2019, 8:50:54 AM

Love these words. Hali has taken them on and decided she wants to become a box head 🤦🏼‍♀️ Hahahaha!! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #livelife #crackup #biggirl #funnygirl #daddysgirl #daddyyouaresilly #boxhead

1/22/2019, 10:48:53 PM

💫💫💫💫💫 New Age Lifestyle 999 A unique business opportunity combines: MIND BODY & FINANCE The key to a holistic, healthy and joyful life! Would you like to join a business family of like-minded and successful oriented people who will support you so that you can achieve your personal greatness and peace of mind. Comment below “LIFESTYLE” to save your spot in our free webinar today to find out more.

11/26/2018, 12:30:10 PM

tickets are available on and on PayToday and on Airime City vending machines. #comepaintabagforyourself #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone

11/22/2018, 5:07:37 PM

Heute früh war ich zum Wochenstart ersteinmal schön 11 km laufen🏃 und auch wenn sich der Montag jetzt schon so langsam dem Ende entgegen neigt, gibt es am #motivationsmonday natürlich noch eine kleine Motivation für die anstehende Woche☀️💪 Dieses Mal mit folgendem Zitat für euch: "Wenn du etwas erreichen willst, was du noch nie geschafft hast, musst du etwas tun, was du noch nie getan hast." ~ Thomas Jefferson 🇬🇧➡ "If you want something you have never had, you must be willing to do something you have never done." ------------------------------------------------------------------- #motivation #montag #motivationmonday #runningmotivation #runner #running #läufer #laufen #runrunrun #oneway #believeinyourself #instarunners #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #newgoals #neuewege #thomasjefferson #nature #natur #outdoorlife #outdoorlove #bluesky #emotions #notmadeforwalking

10/22/2018, 8:33:51 PM

After my conference we found a brewery and ended up taking a ferry, meeting the mayor, doing a wine tasting and finding another casino . Oh and a navy bean festival! Just because I talked to some stranger lol! #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #perkinsbrewerytour #talktostrangers #rabbithash

10/14/2018, 5:35:38 AM

#GypsyLife has its perks! He pushes me to my limits to be a better & stronger person. “Let’s ride thru the mountains” he says. “That scares me a little” I say. “Do it scared” he says...”I’ll be here to pick you up if you fall.” I made it! Around every curve, thru every tunnel, through all the traffic, all the way to the top and back down. I was scared at first but when I finally made it the view was worth every moment of fear! #DoItAfraid #GetOutsideYourComfortZone #DoSomethingYouHaveNeverDone #Hwy6Colorado #ImGoingtotheTop #FearisanIllusion

10/1/2018, 4:27:18 PM

Stop 🛑. Pause. Think 🤔 about this. Truly. Are you living the life that you TRULY WANT? Are you HAPPY? Are you doing things that you have always wanted to DO, being who you want to BE, going where you want to GO? If so, give yourself a pat on the back and keep on keeping on. If not, if you read this quote and have hesitation, feel sad or sorry for yourself, try not to think about it because you have fear, trying to deny the feeling you have inside, making excuses for yourself or for the ones around you...Ask yourself WHY... Recognize the hesitation and the feeling and the why that is holding you back. Are you afraid? Afraid to fail? Afraid of what others will think? Don’t feel good enough? Don’t have enough money to do what you want to do? If only this...if only that...etc. if these are feelings that you have for heavens sake stop 🛑. Recognize the feeling, take a moment of gratitude for what you DO have, take notice of what it is that you want and then PROPEL yourself forward. YOU are enough. YOU are good enough. YOU can take risks. YOU can be happy. YOU can be successful. Don’t let fear get in your own way. Don’t live life cautiously. LIVE your life FULLY, the way you have always wanted to. #gogetit #livelifefully #lovelife #liveyourbestlife #positiveliving #meditate #takerisks #behappy #dosomethingyouhaveneverdone

9/17/2018, 3:32:01 PM

If you could do one thing to transform your life, I would highly recommend it be to find something you’re passionate about, and do it for a living. Now, this isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it’s well worth the effort. If you dread going to your job, or find yourself constantly lacking motivation, or find what you’re doing dull and repetitive, you need to start looking for a new job. Staying in your current job will not only continue to make you unhappy, but you are not realizing your full potential in life.

8/15/2018, 11:01:00 AM

Saturday Life Lesson Reach! Do something this year you’ve never done before. Final day going over the topic reach. To reach is to stretch ourselves, get out of our comfort zone, and give full effort to accomplish our goals. Partly to achieve and succeed. Mostly because of who you, me and we BECOME in the process of reaching for our dreams, hopes and aspirations. As it has been said, it is better to shoot (REACH) too high and miss. Still hitting great heights. Versus shooting to low and hit. Reach, get better and grow. Becoming better then you, me and we have ever been before. Have a great Saturday! 1 Love, Mad Respect, LIVE IT. Viliami “Coach V” Tuivai Like, Comment, Share and Tag. Thank you!

8/4/2018, 4:49:00 PM

You: I think I’m going to start selling toothpaste with Nicole Meyers! Friend/relative: Seriously, you want to be that person on Facebook that drives everyone crazy? You: Yeah, I guess maybe I will not do it. Friend/Relative: Want to go on a small getaway this weekend or go out? You: Sorry, money is tight so going to have to pass. Guess what? Slinging toothpaste allows you to do the fun things and do the small getaways. Your friends and relatives don’t pay your bills. Jump! #freeopportunity #Dosomethingyouhaveneverdone #getoutofyourownway

6/28/2018, 4:36:34 PM