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🕒 How Long Should Your Podcast Be? The ideal podcast length? It's one of the age-old debates in the podcasting world! According to a study by Pacific Content, the average podcast episode in 2019 was around 43 minutes. But here's the scoop: 🚀 The most crucial factor isn't time; it's VALUE! If your content is engaging, whether it's 15 minutes or 2 hours, listeners will stay tuned. 💡 A key takeaway: It's essential to consider your target audience's preferences and daily routine. A busy commuter might prefer a 20-minute episode, while a long-haul traveler might love a 2-hour deep dive. Still puzzled about your podcast duration? Need guidance on creating impactful content? I'm here to help! 🌟 As your Podcast Manager, I'll guide you through every step, ensuring your podcast is both engaging and perfectly timed. Reach out today and let's create some podcast magic together! 🎉✨ #PodcastBFF #podcast #podcaster #podcasteditor #StartYourPodcast #podcasting #PodcastLife #podcastersofinstagram #PodcastMovement #PodcastManager

4/27/2024, 11:00:24 AM

🕒 How Long Should Your Podcast Be? The ideal podcast length? It's one of the age-old debates in the podcasting world! According to a study by Pacific Content, the average podcast episode in 2019 was around 43 minutes. But here's the scoop: 🚀 The most crucial factor isn't time; it's VALUE! If your content is engaging, whether it's 15 minutes or 2 hours, listeners will stay tuned. 💡 A key takeaway: It's essential to consider your target audience's preferences and daily routine. A busy commuter might prefer a 20-minute episode, while a long-haul traveler might love a 2-hour deep dive. Still puzzled about your podcast duration? Need guidance on creating impactful content? I'm here to help! 🌟 As your Podcast Manager, I'll guide you through every step, ensuring your podcast is both engaging and perfectly timed. Reach out today and let's create some podcast magic together! 🎉✨ #PodcastBFF #podcast #podcaster #podcasteditor #StartYourPodcast #podcasting #PodcastLife #podcastersofinstagram #PodcastMovement #PodcastManager

4/27/2024, 11:00:18 AM

Luglio 1989. Un’escursione. Una richiesta di aiuto. Una musicassetta ma nessuno che la ascolta. Il caso del SOS sul Monte Asahi. Ascoltalo su Spotify. Link in bio. #truecrime #trucrimepodcast #podcast #truecrimeita #trucrimeitalia #spotifypodcast #misteri #irrisolti #gialli #cronacanera #podcastersofinstagram #podcaster #podcastitaliani #podcastita #truecrimecommunity #aqualcunopiacefreddo

4/27/2024, 11:00:00 AM

Bits and pieces from the Day 1 of @southsouthmediaweek It was an amazing time speaking and moderating on “Brand storytelling and PR management… #vibrantlady #talkingforareason #ladymc #speaker #podcaster #lifecoach

4/27/2024, 10:36:57 AM

Z Juretom sva imela zadnjič en incident. Po desetih letih prijateljstva me je prvič spravil do tega, da sem se zdrla nanj in mu povedala vse, česar mu prej nisem upala. Guess what? 🎙️ Posnela sva podkast o tem, kako dogajanje v odnosih vpliva na naše soustvarjanje. 🧙 Link do epizode “Vpliv odnosov na kreativo” najdeš v BIO. Pod: Zapisi iz dnevnika.

4/27/2024, 10:34:39 AM

The penultimate episode of the latest season of @justthethingpod is about my favourite franchise of all time, with a focus on Fast 7 as it's the one where Kurt Russell's character is introduced. We also enlist the expert opinion of filmmaker @rossboyask to help unravel what makes these ridiculous films so appealing, and of course, to imagine what would they would be like if the creature from The Thing was added to the mix. Link in bio.

4/27/2024, 10:16:31 AM

We're the peoples podcast 💋⁠ ⁠ #podcaster

4/27/2024, 10:15:14 AM

Die einen sagen, es sei wichtig für die SEO. Die anderen sagen, dass es nicht viel bringt. Ja, was denn nun? Die Beschreibung des Podcasts ist SEO-relevant - für Spotify! Zumindest Stand heute. Das heißt, Spotify schaut sich die Inhalte der allgemeinen Podcastbeschreibung (nicht die der Episoden) an und liefert Podcasts in den Suchergebnissen aus. Allerdings gibt es dieses Feature bisher nur beim schwedischen Streaming-Anbieter. Da Spotify aber kein unwichtiger Player in der Branche ist, sollte man die Beschreibung seines Podcasts entsprechend ernst nehmen. Doch es geht nicht nur um Keywords und Co. Die Beschreibung des Podcasts ist auch für den Menschen wichtig. Wenn du in wenigen Sätzen den Nutzen deiner Sendung aufzeigen kannst, hast du einen Vorteil gegenüber der Konkurrenz. Wie das geht? Beende einfach die folgenden drei Sätze und schon hast du das Wichtigste getan. ✅ In diesem Podcast geht es um [THEMA]. ✅ Dieser Podcast richtet sich an [ZIELGRUPPE]. ✅ [DEIN NAME] ist [Selbstbeschreibung in der 3. Person]. Damit kommst du ganz gut klar. Das ist zumindest meine Erfahrung aus meinem eigenen Podcast und aus einer langen Reihe von Kundinnen und Kunden. Mehr solcher Learnings zeige ich dir in meinem Webinar am 02.05.2024 um 17:00 Uhr. Dort werfe ich einen Blick zurück auf die ersten 10 Jahre Podcast-Helden und zeige, was funktioniert hat, was nicht und wie du diese Learnings in deinen Podcast einbauen kannst. Den Weg dazu findest du hinter dem Link in der Bio @gordon_podcast_helden #podcasthelden #podcasting #podcasts #podcaster #podcasterinnen #podcastdeutsch #podcast #podcaststart #podcasttipps #selbstständig #selbstständigkeit #solopreneur #solopreneurin

4/27/2024, 10:10:03 AM

每個人或多或少都有性別歧視的意見,在環境或社會的影響下養成了某個性別只能是某個樣子的相信,簡單來說就是成見。而帶有錯誤性別假設的成見,所衍伸出來的言語和行為就是性別歧視。 - 🎧在以下收聽平台找到我們🎧 #firstory #applepodcasts #googlepodcasts #spotifypodcast #kkboxpodcast - ⭐️ 訂閱 |分享|五星好評 ⭐️ ❤️ 按讚 |收藏|轉發好友 ❤️ 🌸你們的支持是我們的動力🌸 - #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcaster #tilf老師不正經 #平權 #性別 #女權 #歧視

4/27/2024, 9:52:48 AM

#14 SOH, Spreekuurondersteuner Huisarts – Educated Drugdealer Podcast | EllenSocial Blog Wat doet een spreekuurondersteuner eigenlijk precies en wat leer je tijdens deze opleiding? Ontdek welke klachten je als SOH mag afhandelen. Links in de bio: Nieuw: Luister naar de Educated Drugdealer podcast! Over Ellen, updates of ander socials lees je via de link in de bio #ellensocial @ellensocial #book #read #tbr #boekstagram #bookstragram #booktok #podcast #dutchpodcast #podcaster #podcastnl #nederlandsepodcast #soundcloud #spotify #spotifypodcast #applepodcasts #podcasts #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #newpodcast #nowplaying #huisartsenzorg #educateddrugdealer #educateddrugdealerpodcast #apothekersassistentenblog #blog #doktersassistentenblog #educateddrugdealer #ellensblog #podcast #video

4/27/2024, 9:34:04 AM

Cette semaine le podcast mais en comparaison mes notes VS celles de Goodreads ! Rdv dès maintenant sur votre plate-forme d’écoute Fav 🌷 #book #podcast #podcaster #bookandcoffee

4/27/2024, 9:26:59 AM

...coming soon... unsere neueste Folge des Kiefergelenk Podcast: alles rund um die Kiefergelenk-OP. Was könnt Ihr vor einer OP bereits machen? Was gibt's nach der OP zu beachten? Ganz praktische Fragen und Antworten. #podcaster #kiefergelenkzentrum #operation #chirurgie #kiefergelenk #aarau #zürich #uster #limmatklinik #ksw #hirslanden #spital #narkose #op

4/27/2024, 9:25:36 AM

Arkiva meme template . .Arkiva . Abonohu në PATREON Buchi Podcast për të mbështetur krijimin e shumë episodeve të tjerë. Shiko epsiodet e plota në të gjitha platformat që ofrojnë podkaste. #youtube #spotify #applepodcast #amazonmusic #googlepodcast #pocketcast #spotifypodcast #patreon e shumë të tjera. #podcast #podcasting #buchipodcast #podcastshqip #podcastshqiptar #tavolinal #shqip #bleonhasani #duatevotoj2025 #funny #shkurtimisht #berat #architect #construction #shqiptar #shqip #qeshmelot #tirana #podcaster #architecture #shqipe #tradition

4/27/2024, 9:25:20 AM

S JAK SOBOTA / SPOTKANIA / SPOWOLNIENIE Spowolnienie by się przydało. Narzucam sobie, zadaje zadanie - ZWOLNIJ. 👉Za mną w kwietniu mnóstwo spotkań, rozmów, dyskusji o projektach. Kilka nagranych 🎤📖odcinków. 🎧Dużo dobrej pracy przy ostatnim odcinku - sprawozdaniu z tego co działo się na festiwalu EUROPEJSKI POETA WOLNOŚCI 2024. 🙌Zrobicie mi dużą przyjemność - jeśli zdecydujecie się, choćby w ☀️weekend - posłuchać 📖opowieści i rozmów z tego wydarzenia. 👉Warto usiąść obok Moniki Herceg (Europejska Poetka Wolności 2024) i Aleksandry Wojtaszek (tłumaczka nagrodzonego tomu „Okres ochronny.”). @aleksandra_wojtaszek @moherceg 🎧📚Podcast daje taką możliwość, że siedzimy jakby tuż tuż, blisko. Z drogi znów 👋pozdrawiam. 📍Może na majówkę - po prostu jedna książka? Może po prostu wieści z wioski. Co kwitnie, czy trzeba 🍀kosić, co u pszczół?🐝 Może tak. Spowolnienie ✍🏻wpisałem w kajet. Dobrego wam! - - - ➡️Wszystkie #odciny Alfabetu znajdziecie tu: 🎧Spotify 🎧Audioteka 🎧Google Podcast 🎧Apple Podcast 🎧YouTube 🎧Patronite Audio - - - #alfabetwojtusika #podcast #podcaster #podcastliteracki #podroz #nagranie #praca #droga #rozmowyoksiazkach #book #bookpodcast #dworzecpkp #czytam #majowka #EuropejskiPoetaWolnosci #MonikaHerceg #AleksandraWojtaszek #odcin162

4/27/2024, 9:10:44 AM

Heute geht die letzte Folge des vom FKU produzierten Podacst Berlin Reloaded „on air“. Zeit zurückzuschauen auf ein Projekt, bei dem wir in den letzten sechs Monaten viel gelernt haben und neue Eindrücke sammeln konnten. Vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten für die konstruktive Zusammenarbeit! Wir sind dankbar, dass wir so viele spannenden Gäste begrüßen durften - Bezirksbürgermeister*innen, Wirtschaftsfördernde und weitere Akteure aus der lokalen Wirtschaft. Eine Mischung so vielfältig wie Berlin. Deutlich wurde uns, dass besonders die lokale Vernetzung und die Zusammenarbeit der Wirtschaftsförderungen vor Ort mit ihren Partnern entscheidend für einen nachhaltigen Tourismus und die Sicherung von Fachkräften sind. Die Leidenschaft für diese Themen und das unermüdliches Engagement können viel dazu beitragen, den Herausforderungen der Zeit etwas entgegenzusetzen. Ein Link zum Podcast ist in der Bio. Ob Berlin Reloaded eine Fortsetzung findet und ob auch zukünftig über die Arbeit der Wirtschaftsförderungen in dem Podcast berichtet wird, steht noch in den Sternen. Doch eines ist sicher: Auch weiterhin werden Plattformen benötigt, um die Angebote der Akteure zu präsentieren und sie der lokalen Wirtschaft zugänglich zu machen. Berlin Reloaded ist eine bezirksübergreifende, gemeinsame Initiative der Bezirke Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Lichtenberg, Mitte, Neukölln, Pankow, Reinickendorf, Tempelhof-Schöneberg und Treptow-Köpenick. Der Podcast wurde durch den Friedrichshain-Kreuzberger Unternehmerverein (FKU) produziert und gefördert durch das Land Berlin sowie visit Berlin. #fkuberlin #berlin #wirtschaftsförderung #selbstständig #unternehmer #unternehmerin #unternehmensnetzwerk #berlinreloaded #fachkräftesicherung #visitberlin #podcast #podcaster #podcastshow

4/27/2024, 9:10:25 AM

Streaming now on the Directed By Dean Podcast our brand new interview with @realmaxdarwin I hope you enjoy listening as we did recording it. Huge thank you to Max for a great interview. #maxdarwin #girlsonthebus #acting #actorinterview #podcastinterview #podcaster #podcastinterview #nowstreaming

4/27/2024, 9:05:00 AM

KEY TAKEAWAYS FROM THIS WEEK'S EPISODE OF THE GOODE HEALTH PODCAST: Caroline’s personal journey with chronic fatigue and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) How Caroline used her experience to help other people with similar struggles Why movement is absolutely crucial for long-term mobility and overall health The benefits of incorporating pilates into your weekly schedule LISTEN AT THE LINK IN THE BIO #pilates #cfs #cfsme #chronicfatigue #healthpodcast #podcaster #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcasting #podcastinglife #healthandwellness #newepisode #newpodcastepisode #healthpodcasts #healthpodcaster

4/27/2024, 9:01:22 AM

Podcasting in comfy style. #recordingday #podcastlife #podcaster #iveseenthings #randomrambles

4/27/2024, 9:00:53 AM

The DOJ is taking on Google in what some are calling a “once-in-a-generation antitrust trial’. . #foryou #reels #igreels #instagram #popular #trending #law #lawyer #podcast #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #lawyersofinstagram #doj #google #lawsuit

4/27/2024, 8:56:58 AM

The Jordan Is My Lawyer podcast is a nonpartisan source of news. You never have to hear my opinions. I just tell you the facts so you can form your OWN opinions. Available on all podcast platforms. Link in bio🔗 . #foryou #reels #igreels #instagram #popular #trending #law #lawyer #podcast #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #lawyersofinstagram

4/27/2024, 8:56:47 AM

My new podcast is live right now! Check this out! https://www.podbean.com/ea/pb-xi52h-15f7f0c #podcast #podcastlife #podcaster #podcastshow

4/27/2024, 8:48:33 AM

What was it like to be a contestant on the original Masterchef with Loyd Grossman? Listen to VANILLA BLACK RADIO because @lynesandrew was one of those early contestants. He won as well. 👨‍🍳 👩‍🍳 👩‍🍳 #podcasting #podcast #podcaster #foodpodcast #restaurantpodcast #awardwinningpodcast #foodtalk #funpodcast #spotifypodcast #radio #foodtalk #entertainment #radioshow #newpodcast #foodies #food #restaurantreview #smallproducers #podcasts #spotify #spotifypodcasts #foodwriter #radioshow #foodanddrink #cooking #applepodcast #motivation #comedy #funnypodcast #lightentertainment

4/27/2024, 8:38:52 AM

Discussing relationships and narcissism! NOW LIVE 🎙️🎙️🎙️ LINK IN BIO 🎙️❤️‍🩹 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #podcast #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #podcasts #spotify #podcastlife #podcaster #music #youtube #life #applepodcasts #love #podcasters #podcastshow #itunes #spotifypodcast #newpodcast #interview #entrepreneur #motivation #applepodcast #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness

4/27/2024, 8:38:19 AM

What was it like to be a contestant on the original Masterchef with Loyd Grossman? Listen to VANILLA BLACK RADIO because @lynesandrew was one of those early contestants. He won as well. 👨‍🍳 👩‍🍳 👩‍🍳 #podcasting #podcast #podcaster #foodpodcast #restaurantpodcast #awardwinningpodcast #foodtalk #funpodcast #spotifypodcast #radio #foodtalk #entertainment #radioshow #newpodcast #foodies #food #restaurantreview #smallproducers #podcasts #spotify #spotifypodcasts #foodwriter #radioshow #foodanddrink #cooking #applepodcast #motivation #comedy #funnypodcast #lightentertainment

4/27/2024, 8:37:26 AM

The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!! #podcaster #podcastlife #podcasthost #ugccreator

4/27/2024, 8:35:15 AM

⚽IKVÄLL 18.00 - SERIE A, ALLIANZ STADIUM, TURIN 🇮🇹: ⚪⚫Juventus - Milan 🔴⚫ Ladda upp inför kvällens match med veckans avsnitt Podcast Juventus Club Svezia med Milad Kazeroni från Milan-redaktionen på SvenskaFans.com då tabell-🥉 gästas av tabell-🥈 för att säkra poäng för Champions League-kvalificering och hålla undan Bologna och Roma med fem omgångar kvar! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/28lDg4uovR2wAxdZbAK9zU?si=3fe9fc305f724ae6 Acast: https://play.acast.com/s/podcast-juventus-club-svezia/216-gast-gast-milad-kazeroni-milan-redaktionen-svenskafans Podcaster: https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/216-g%C3%A4st-milad-kazeroni-milan-redaktionen-svenskafans/id1566915396?i=1000653352257 #PodcastJuventusClubSvezia #JuventusClubSvezia #Juventus #JuventusMilan #JuveMilan #ACMilan #AllianzStadium #SerieA #calcio #ChampionsLeague #Scudetto #Scudetti #InterMilan #BolognaFC #ASRoma #Bianconeri #Rossoneri #Zebrette #Diavola #podd #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #podcaster #podcasters

4/27/2024, 8:29:58 AM

🎙️Épisode 15: l’embarras du choix L’incertitude, avoir trop de choix, se lasser très vite, peur de la routine, son estime de soi, peur de signer un CDI... et si tout était lié au stress post études ? Quels sont les bons choix à faire ? Je vous partage quelques petites réflexions à ce sujet cette semaine ! #podcast #podcastdivertissant #podcaster #podcastmotivation #podcastrunning #podcastweekly #podcastshow #podcastlife #podcasts #podcastfrancais #podcastetudiant #podcaststorytelling #podcastcommunity #podcastlove #podcastnetwork #podcastepisode #podcaststudios #podcast🎧 #podcastinterview

4/27/2024, 8:25:16 AM

🚨Episode Announcement 🚨 Next week’s episode is going to be a bit of a special one, because there’s no guest! Just me! What can the girl who hasn’t had Breast Cancer, tell us about Breast Cancer, I hear you ask…. ⭐️ I’m talking about the benefit of taking a pause ⭐️ I’m talking about how we check and why ⭐️ I’m talking about fundraising and ways of fundraising to support research ⭐️ I’m talking about what we’ve got coming up I’m actually looking forward to sharing this one with you, because it’s an honest reflection of taking a pause, and reflecting on how far the podcast has come in just 5 episodes, as well as how it’s growing over the next few months. So, who’s excited? Give me a 🙋‍♀️ . . #podcast #ukpodcast #breastcancerawareness #breastcancer #breastcancernow #coppafeel #podcastersofinstagram #podcaster #runnersofinstagram #runnersworld #runnerscommunity

4/27/2024, 8:19:37 AM

How to use Life Insurance to get Rich? 🤑 therealjasonduncan Tune in to the Networkingstar Podcast and let our industry experts guide you towards success! 🎯 LINK IN BIO or simply go to Spotify or YouTube! 🤩🎙️ Hit that follow button on 👉🏻 jefferyboyle for a daily dose of insightful content and mind-expanding conversations! 🚀 #insurance #investment #debt #moneytips #podcast #podcaster #bizpodcast #podcasting #mindsetmatters #mindsetshift #coach #mentor #entrepreneurs #smallbusiness #businessman #entrepreneurlifestyle #investment #hedgefund #consistency #consistencyiskey #habits #successtips #foryou #fyp #explore #exploremore #leaders #trendingreels #winners #america #usa

4/27/2024, 8:14:58 AM

#寧夏璐66號茶坊 #最新上架 0427 S7EP.34 回應聽友:高需求與高敏感、選校、長照資源 本集節目合作:【zZsleeper 忘憂枕】,寧夏璐聽友享52折專屬優惠喔! -三歲半男童的專注力夠不夠怎麼評斷?小孩喜歡看書,但是沒有耐心看完一個頁面的內容就想翻頁,是專注力不夠嗎? -孩子將升小一,該選公校還是私校? -照護中風家人的長照資源有那些 ?如何面對善終? 各大平台皆可訂閱收聽>>https://portaly.cc/ninghsialu66 👉社團、抖內、好物分享、許願池、五星讚都在這→https://portaly.cc/ninghsialu66 #podcast #podcaster

4/27/2024, 8:14:51 AM

We're so pleased to have a special guest for Episode 5! Ellen M Clarke @ellenismagic is an art therapist, somatic experiencing practitioner and writer who has always had trouble distinguishing fantasy from reality. She wishes the world was as weird as it is in her head, so she writes stories where it is - and you can find those on her podcast, Can I Tell You A Story? Listen to our latest episode, and then head over to @canitellyouastorypodcast to hear more of Ellen. #podcast #podcaster #inwhatworldpod #canitellyouastory

4/27/2024, 8:02:49 AM

Here’s what you can expect following the House vote today. . #foryou #reels #igreels #instagram #popular #trending #law #lawyer #podcast #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #lawyersofinstagram

4/27/2024, 8:01:23 AM

More about Speaker Mike Johnson is today’s podcast episode (10/27/23). Link in bio🔗 . #foryou #reels #igreels #instagram #popular #trending #law #lawyer #podcast #podcaster #podcastersofinstagram #lawyersofinstagram

4/27/2024, 8:01:06 AM

This young man (@whatsunderthebedwithdax ) is so freakin’ fantastic and an inspiration to all people with a dream! At his young age he has accomplished so much and is really damn good at it too! Make sure to give him and his YouTube channel a follow and keep an eye out for him in the future! He is definitely going places! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #daysofthedead #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity #horrorpodcast #whatsunderthebedwithdax #thedollsofhorror #podcaster

4/27/2024, 7:55:17 AM

Latest episode @5acresandamoose on @youtube! #youtuber #podcaster #homesteader

4/27/2024, 7:00:19 AM

Incase you’ve missed it, Ep. 8 is love languages & enneagrams! ☺️🎙️ . . . . . #podcast #podcaster #podcastclips #lifestylepodcast #popculturepodcast #newpodcast #nzpodcast #podcastshow

4/27/2024, 6:53:18 AM

Bird’s condominium..! Blue tailed bee eaters migrate from South India to Gangetic flood plains in north and breed by making hole nests like this in the muddy flanks of alluvial highlands. They migrate from peninsular India to Khola-Khadar of river Ganges during this season. #quotes #telugucinema #telugucinema #telugumovies #telugusongs #songs #upscmotivation #UPSC #upscaspirants #books #podcaster #bjpindia #janasena #tdp #chandrababunaidu #pawankalyan #music #teluguherioes #newsupdate #technologynews #ysjagan #prabhas #jrntr #ramcharan #chiranjeevi #hanuman #nani #mrunalthakur #herioen❤️ #love #premalu #

4/27/2024, 6:13:45 AM

DONT MISS THIS FREE INTERNATIONAL LIFE CHANGING EVENT!!! Vishal Morjaria my publisher, mentor and coach is leading this exciting event. His mentorship has altered my life!!! COME JOIN US! Date: Saturday, May 4th Time: 1pm until 4pm EST 6pm BST (UK) 7PM CET (Euro), 1pm AST (French Caribbean) Inbox me for link to register. For the many of you that registered Congratulations!! #writers #authors #speakers #Podcaster 📚📚📚📚📚

4/27/2024, 6:10:42 AM

🎬 Season 1 Episode 2 “The Italian Job” Dropping soon on youtube ▶️ 🔥‼️ This one is HOT TEA 🎬🔥‼️ Stay Tuned 📸: @ryanhenney_

4/27/2024, 6:02:07 AM

“Bro, let’s talk “ Season 2 is soon to launch & we are now on @patreon 🥺🎉 What does this mean? It means that you can get in on behind the scenes content, exclusive videos, daily motivational posts, group discussions, and most importantly… community! A community of a bunch of different individuals with one thing in common, the desire to heal. Click the link in the bio and join the community today! ⬇️⬇️⬇️ #newmonth #brotalk #transparency #podcasting #podcaster #selfawareness #brotherhood #brotherlove #honesty #letstalk #letsbereal #cleveland #manhood #fatherhood #prayer #jesus

4/27/2024, 5:59:28 AM

The Man behind the Audio Craft. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 #yopolyrobwhatup #localastronauts #musicproducer #audioengineer #songwriter #podcaster #father

4/27/2024, 5:43:30 AM

🎙 New Episode Alert! Tune in to Uncommon Sense for our latest episode: “Taylor Swift Hates God | My TTPD Reaction.” Join us as we navigate through the headlines with a Christian conservative lens. Let’s delve into the intersection of faith and culture. 🎧 #podcast #podcasting #podcastersofinstagram #podcasts #spotify #podcastlife #podcaster #music #youtube #radio #comedy #applepodcasts #love #podcasters #podcastshow #itunes #spotifypodcast #newpodcast #interview #motivation #applepodcast #s #radioshow #art #newepisode #instagram #googlepodcasts #news #christianity #currentevents

4/27/2024, 5:37:07 AM

Der großartige Manuel Andrack ist nächsten Donnerstag zu Gast in unserem Podcast Schmetterlinge im Kopf! @joletschert https://youtube.com/@Schmetterlingspodcast?si=qE-Lj7j91zreUD4W #podcast #podcaster #spass #fun #lol #spotify #youtube #ard #sat1 #andrack #manuelandrack #haraldschmidt #latenight #latenightshow #zeitung #faz #bier #bierchen #kunst #kultur #sidekick #youtube #spotify

4/27/2024, 5:20:46 AM

New Series Starting May 1st ✨🫶🏻 #tipsfromkryptik #podcaster #musician #juggalo #positivevibes #healingjourney

4/27/2024, 5:20:02 AM

Movie Punch TV the Podcast EPISODE 34 NOW PLAYING! https://moviepunchtvpodcast.libsyn.com/website A deep dive into the world of a Movie and TV nerd! Where all things entertainment, will be talked about and explored. #filmpodcast #podcast #moviepodcast #film #movies #podcastersofinstagram #movie #cinema #podcasts #moviereview #filmreview #podcasting #podcastlife #filmmaking #moviereviews #horror #filmhistory #films #podcaster #podcasters #s #comedypodcast #cinephile #horrormovies #spotify #cinematography #horrorpodcast

4/27/2024, 5:09:49 AM

Movie Punch TV the Podcast EPISODE 34 NOW PLAYING! https://moviepunchtvpodcast.libsyn.com/website A deep dive into the world of a Movie and TV nerd! Where all things entertainment, will be talked about and explored. #filmpodcast #podcast #moviepodcast #film #movies #podcastersofinstagram #movie #cinema #podcasts #moviereview #filmreview #podcasting #podcastlife #filmmaking #moviereviews #horror #filmhistory #films #podcaster #podcasters #s #comedypodcast #cinephile #horrormovies #spotify #cinematography #horrorpodcast

4/27/2024, 5:09:25 AM

In our episode with Dr Jonny of Athelite we discuss his journey and determination to make a profound difference in the lives of the athletes he serves. Listen everywhere you get your podcasts! ⁠ ⁠ #interview #podcasting #podcaster #phoenix #arizonapodcast

4/27/2024, 5:00:23 AM

Siempre es un gusto platicar con el gran actor @mariozaragoza Este es el último fin de semana que presenta la obra “FINITUD”, compartiendo escenario con Paty Blanco y Gastón Yanes. Alguna vez te has cuestionado sobre el sentido de la muerte y del amor, de la culpa y del temor. Esa trémula necesidad universal de conocer a un ser supernatural que nos regale la esperanza infinita y eterna de trascender la vida breve y finita. Tienes que ver FINITUD Boletos en Ticketmaster y en la taquilla del Teatro Sergio Magaña, ubicado en Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 114, Col. Santa María la Ribera, Ciudad de México. Últimas funciones: sábado 27 de abril a las 19:00h y domingo 28 de abril a las 18:00h. #finitud #mariozaragoza #patyblanco #gastonyanes #victorweinstock #obradeteatro #teatro #capitalmusical #capitalmusicalmx #iamsergiorojas #redman #teatrosergiomagaña #tvhost #radiohost #periodistamusical #periodistadeentretenimiento #podcaster

4/27/2024, 4:55:55 AM

Siempre es un gusto platicar con el gran actor @mariozaragoza Este es el último fin de semana que presenta la obra “FINITUD”, compartiendo escenario con Paty Blanco y Gastón Yanes. Alguna vez te has cuestionado sobre el sentido de la muerte y del amor, de la culpa y del temor. Esa trémula necesidad universal de conocer a un ser supernatural que nos regale la esperanza infinita y eterna de trascender la vida breve y finita. Tienes que ver FINITUD Boletos en Ticketmaster y en la taquilla del Teatro Sergio Magaña, ubicado en Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz 114, Col. Santa María la Ribera, Ciudad de México. Últimas funciones: sábado 27 de abril a las 19:00h y domingo 28 de abril a las 18:00h. #finitud #mariozaragoza #patyblanco #gastonyanes #victorweinstock #obradeteatro #teatro #capitalmusical #capitalmusicalmx #iamsergiorojas #redman #teatrosergiomagaña #tvhost #radiohost #periodistamusical #periodistadeentretenimiento #podcaster

4/27/2024, 4:55:49 AM

【Mr. DJ】 以前 常常有人问我 DJ的工作 包括哪些 我的回答是 每个电台 都不一样 在前东家 我是DJ 也是制作人 上司安排了时段以后 我就必须构思节目内容 邀请嘉宾 为时段单元取名 制作节目预告开收场 如果要增设游戏环节 也要自己找赞助商 主持节目之前 还要编排歌单 开麦时 必须按照广告表 播放广告 若是忘了播 不小心额外播了 分分钟必须赔钱啊 据我所知 别台DJ 有其他部门的同事 协助完成这些工作 感谢这些额外工作 让我学会了 不少技能 比如制作广播剧 不过啊 现在的DJ 必须具备 十八般武艺 开麦的同时 还要在各大社交平台 live直播 化身体操教练 陪大家锻炼 不但要化身guru 录制一分钟视频 传授心得 还要在节目中 大展歌喉🫣 你说 现在当DJ 真不简单啊~ 其实… 大家对于DJ 有什么要求吗 🌈 27/4/2024 星期六 🌈 8pm #八度空间华语新闻 ——跟进川旅行—— 7天6夜 张家界🇨🇳母亲节温馨之旅(已满团) 9/5/2024 出发 10天7夜 法国🇫🇷南部深度之旅(开放报名) 19/6/2024出发 9天7夜 中国🇨🇳东北之旅(开放报名) 13/7/2024 出发 #八度空间华语新闻主播 #8tvnewscaster #NewsCaster #新闻主播 #TVhost #电视主持人 #eventemcee #活动司仪 #voiceovertalent #voiceover #voiceacting #配音员 #voiceactor #podcaster #播客 #radioannouncer #电台DJ #活力加油站主持人 #livingdelighthost #商海名人访主持人

4/27/2024, 4:28:43 AM

Lexi James walks on stage armed with a fierce command of the converging genres of country and pop music. She has amassed a large fan following, and has several major performances under her belt including performing with Jordan Davis, Phil Vassar, Brad Paisley, and the incomparable late Charlie Daniels. She performs with soulful vocals, captivating lyricism, and an alluring stage presence. What distinguishes her from the rest of the pack is her undeniable charisma on and off the stage - she sure knows how to leave an impression. Stay tune and hit that Subscribe and Follow She Blurbs Podcast #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #podcaster #sheblurbspodcast #podcastlife #podcastersofinstagram #podcasters #podcastshow #applepodcasts #newpodcast #podcastlove #blackpodcast #podcastaddict #applepodcast #podcastinglife #podcasthost #comedypodcast #podcastmovement #blackpodcasts #spotifypodcast #googlepodcasts #itunespodcast #podcastnetwork #podcastjunkie #podcastsofinstagram #instapodcast #podcastseries #podcastcommunity

4/27/2024, 4:20:38 AM

Recipient of the Most Empowering Confidence Coach in North America in 2023 and 2021 Canadian Presenter of the Year, Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas is a Confidence Expert. She is international Bestselling Author of eighteen books, including 12 no.1 bestsellers and a book co-written with Kevin Harrington from the Shark Tank, endorsed by Tony Robbins. She is the Founder and CEO of the THINK Yourself® ACADEMY, offering keynotes and trainings, leading-edge online courses, laser-focus business strategy and one-on-one transformation coaching. Along the past 30 years, she has inspired over 100,000 audience members and empowered thousands of clients internationally to get rid of their negative self-talk. She combines over 10 years of experience in human resources, 25 years of experience in sales and over 30 years of distinguished service in the fitness industry. She is on the national board of directors of the Canadian Association of Professional Speakers and recently received the 2022 President’s Award.. Stay tune and hit that Subscribe and Follow She Blurbs Podcast #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #podcaster #sheblurbspodcast #podcastlife #podcastersofinstagram #podcasters #podcastshow #applepodcasts #newpodcast #podcastlove #blackpodcast #podcastaddict #applepodcast #podcastinglife #podcasthost #comedypodcast #podcastmovement #blackpodcasts #spotifypodcast #googlepodcasts #itunespodcast #podcastnetwork #podcastjunkie #podcastsofinstagram #instapodcast #podcastseries #podcastcommunity

4/27/2024, 4:19:29 AM

Susan Ball, founder of R.E.A.L. Recovery after Abuse, author, speaker, and self-worth activist and I’m on a mission to free women from their abusive relationships. My message is simple and begins once a woman escapes her abusive, toxic or ugly relationship. I want women to aim higher, learn to recognize just how much they are worth, believe in themselves and establish healthy boundaries, as they begin to dream again and love themselves unconditionally. I am a passionate, fierce cheerleader who encourages women to rekindle their joy and embrace their big, bold, blissful life! I want you to laugh more. Smile more. Love more. Attract into your life goodness, love, vitality, curiosity, passion, and adventure. Because you’re worth it! Stay tune and hit that Subscribe and Follow She Blurbs Podcast #podcast #podcasts #podcasting #podcaster #sheblurbspodcast #podcastlife #podcastersofinstagram #podcasters #podcastshow #applepodcasts #newpodcast #podcastlove #blackpodcast #podcastaddict #applepodcast #podcastinglife #podcasthost #comedypodcast #podcastmovement #blackpodcasts #spotifypodcast #googlepodcasts #itunespodcast #podcastnetwork #podcastjunkie #podcastsofinstagram #instapodcast #podcastseries #podcastcommunity

4/27/2024, 4:18:35 AM

The 2024/25 Singapore Premier League season preview with Tanjong Pagar Utd FC. Head Coach, Hasrin Jailani and Team Captain, Akram Azman, joins me as we continue our preview of the season. They summarise the club’s poor outing in 2023, feeling the pulse of the locker room as we uncover the trials that tested the Jaguars, from the lack of contribution from foreign players to anemic goal tallies.  We navigate the strategic pivot poised to elevate the team, infusing the roster with foreign flair and fostering youth development.  With the departure of seasoned pros, the stage is set for young blood to seize their moment under the spotlight.  Lets Go! Click on link or catch it here: Spotify: https://spotify.link/M2HW05aP7Ib Website: https://thesilverfoxhustlepodcast.buzzsprout.com/886255/14960771 #silverfoxhustlepodcast 
 #thehivestudios  #tanjongpagarutdfc #hasrinjailani #akramazman

4/27/2024, 4:11:19 AM

The 2024/25 Singapore Premier League season preview with Tanjong Pagar Utd FC. Head Coach, Hasrin Jailani and Team Captain, Akram Azman, joins me as we continue our preview of the season. They summarise the club’s poor outing in 2023, feeling the pulse of the locker room as we uncover the trials that tested the Jaguars, from the lack of contribution from foreign players to anemic goal tallies.  We navigate the strategic pivot poised to elevate the team, infusing the roster with foreign flair and fostering youth development.  With the departure of seasoned pros, the stage is set for young blood to seize their moment under the spotlight.  Lets Go! Click on link or catch it here: Spotify: https://spotify.link/M2HW05aP7Ib Website: https://thesilverfoxhustlepodcast.buzzsprout.com/886255/14960771 #silverfoxhustlepodcast 
 #thehivestudios  #tanjongpagarutdfc #hasrinjailani #akramazman

4/27/2024, 4:11:16 AM

Collect every single piece of your story take pictures of the broken pieces, bitter moments and struggles and get ready to tell it one day! Today It might look like there isn’t any exit from the current situation (You know what I’m talking about) but in reality you’re just growing cause there’s no grow without pain or without some source of sacrifice. Also is okay if you have to adjust the plan as long as you keep the vision! Just don’t Quit your dream. ✨ • • • #entrepreneurmind #positiveenergy #positivethoughts #entrepreneurship #selfesteem #selfawareness #influencing #podcaster #tvhost #selfgrowthjourney #solopreneur

4/27/2024, 4:09:13 AM