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Nouvelle Méditation de 40 jours : Méditation pour la guérison du karma ancestral Rejoignez-nous tous les mardis à 20h00 en ligne et en direct via Zoom pour cette nouvelle Méditation de 40 jours. RDV le 21 mai 2024 à 20H00 pour le début du cycle de méditation. La "guérison ancestrale" est un type de guérison spirituelle qui reconnaît qu'il existe dans le corps des traces de traumatismes que la personne n'a pas vécus directement, mais qui ont été transmis ou hérités (épigénétique). Elle nous aide à nous libérer des traumatismes qui nous affectent encore de diverses manières. La guérison de votre lignée familiale vous aidera à démêler des schémas familiaux négatifs profondément enracinés et vous permettra de faire briller votre lumière dans le monde. Ces traces de traumatisme se manifestent souvent physiquement (par divers types de problèmes de santé) ou émotionnellement de différentes manières, comme la peur innée, l'anxiété, la dépression ou la colère, sans que l'on sache d'où elles viennent. Ils peuvent également se manifester dans des situations spécifiques où plusieurs générations ont connu des situations d'abus, d'abandon, de dépendance, de guerre ou de pauvreté. Grâce à des méditations spécifiques de guérison ancestrale, nous nettoierons et guérirons le karma qui porte les schémas de traumatisme dans la lignée familiale afin que vous, vos enfants et leurs enfants n'aient plus à faire face à ces influences. Il est dit que lorsque nous sommes libérés, nous libérons également 7 générations en arrière et 7 générations en avant. Rejoignez-moi dans cette méditation de 40 jours pour guérir votre lignée du karma ancestral. Visitez mon site internet https://lotusawakenings.com et découvrez tous les outils nécessaires à votre développement personnel et votre transformation. Révélez-vous à votre plus grand potentiel !!! Sat Nam #yogafrance #kundaliniyoga #coursdeyoga #méditation #méditations #yoga #yogaclasses #bienêtre #bienetre #yogavideos #yogavideo #Kundalini #YogiBhajan #kundaliniawakening #techniquesyoga #yogagratuit #meditationguidee #meditationguidance #yoga #kundalini #freeYoga #freeonlineyoga #freeyogaclass #freeyogaclasses #freeyogaonline

4/29/2024, 5:02:08 PM

Sat Nam! Ecco i nostri orari aggiornati: al Centro Yoga Jap inspiriamo, espiriamo e... sorridiamo insieme! Vi aspettiamo 🙂 (le lezioni di prova sono sempre gratuite) . . . #corsoyoga #kundalini #consapevolezza #kriya #meditazioni #benessere #roma #equilibrio #yogajap #jap #yoga #yogaroma #yogakundalini #kundaliniyoga #yogibhajan #centroyoga #corsiyoga #lezioniyoga #yogaitalia #meditazione #benesserecorpoemente #salutebenessere #rilassamento #salutenaturale #benesserepsicofisico #nostress #benesserequotidiano #paceinteriore Sfondo - Img @freepik

4/29/2024, 4:29:05 PM

Each good wish, each prayer, is the power to extend happiness. That is the power of the prayer. There is no power nor worship in this Universe greater than prayer: there is no love other than the prayer. It is the prayer: it is the worship: it is the devotion. Whosoever knows the art and power of worship will himself become God. - Yogi Bhajan #healing #lightwithin #radiance #skyphotography #skiesofinstagram #yogibhajan #kundaliniyoga #spiritual #wisewords #sky_perfection

4/29/2024, 12:45:09 PM

@romartmove ospita lo Stage Teatro e Yoga : “Corpo di Cera e Caldo Respiro – Yoga per la Consapevolezza” tenuto da Claudio Natale, insegnante di Kundalini Yoga, Teatro e Yoga. Due mondi apparentemente distanti. Il caotico caos creativo e la disciplina consapevole… Ma siete davvero sicuri di sapere cosa definisce l’uno e cosa l’altro? E se vi dicessi che le due discipline si sostengono a vicenda? Venite a scoprire l’importanza della consapevolezza sul respiro , sul proprio corpo e sullo spazio, comune agli Attori, quanto agli Yogi. Intrecciamo la bellezza della creatività che parte dalla consapevolezza di sé e di ciò che ci circonda fino all’atto finale che la porterà alla luce! Info e prenotazioni: Mail: [email protected] WhatsApp: 3383683376 #kundaliniyoga #yogaexperience #actingcoach #yogaroma #writing #themind #yogibhajan #yogagarbatella

4/29/2024, 11:22:29 AM

Токму денес можеме да влијаеме на судбината. Нумеролошки имаме 2+8=10 КОМПЛЕТНОСТ ,4 КРСТОПАТ/ОДЛУКА , 2+0+2+4= 8 ПРОСПЕРИТЕТ. 28.04.2024 Како сакам да се чувствувам? КОМПЛЕТНА Во кој правец сакам да се движам? Во ИСПОЛНУВАЊЕ Како сакам да живеам? Во ПРОСПЕРИТЕТ Кога сум КОМПЛЕТНА? Во будно единство со животот. Кога сум ИСПОЛНЕТА? Додека будно доживувам единство. Кога живеам во ПРОСПЕРИТЕТ? Доживувајќи го единството живеам и уживам просперитет. Да почнеме со првиот чекор. Еден лесен, тивок, мил, полетен чекор. Да почнеме со еден миг. Миг на препознавање, миг на будност. И нека протече. Од овој миг на будност сиот живот е манифестиран. Јас сум миг, миг на животот. Ја содржам сета ширина на животот. Зашто јас сум живот. Токму сега. Токму тука. Сат Нам 🤲 Праксата што ја споделувам со тебе е начин како можеме да го разбудиме, активираме и живееме МИГОТ на будност. Животна шанса 🌱 Доколку денес одбереш МИГ на БУДНОСТ да знаеш дека си засадил семе полно ЖИВОТ кој допрва ќе раѓа во твојата животна градина. Да се најдеме во ливадата на животот, тука секогаш е ПЛОДНО. Во овој медитативен круг, преку видео линкот, ја правиме медитацијата директно. Доколку ти се потребни инструкциите за медитацијата, пиши ми . Линк во био. Да го земеме животот во предвид. Денес одбирам живот. Твоја во радост со Хари ✨🤲🌼 #живот #природа #единство #будност #еконгкар #сатнам #кундалини #медитација #longekongkaar #kundalini #satnam #waheguru #oneness #number10 #numerology #beyond #spirit #soul #awekening #number4 #number10 #number8 #yogibhajan

4/28/2024, 12:34:14 PM

«𝑬̀ 𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐 𝒊𝒍 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒊 𝒅𝒊 𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊, 𝒊𝒍 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒅𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒂 𝒏𝒐𝒊 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊 𝒖𝒏𝒂 𝒅𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒛𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒊𝒍 𝒕𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒑𝒂𝒅𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝒏𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂 𝒗𝒊𝒕𝒂... 𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒍𝒍’𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒐𝒍𝒐 𝒅𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒐 𝒉𝒂 𝒊𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒐 𝒅𝒊 𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒓𝒆» [Yogi Bhajan] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 👉🏼 E tu, cosa ne pensi? 💬 La tua opinione è molto importante per noi! Scrivici qui sotto nei commenti 👇 . . . . . #YogiBhajan #citazionedelgiorno #YogaPlanet #yoga #kundalini #kundaliniyoga #citazioni #quotes #yogalife #yogaitalia #yogainspiration #crescitapersonale #yogaquotes

4/27/2024, 12:00:11 PM

Calma, eu não virei Astróloga 😆 (apesar de admirar muito!!). Kundalini Yoga nos apresenta ferramentas para lidar com tanta informação acelerada e com a tal da ansiedade tão falada nesses últimos tempos. Vem meditar, é sempre tempo 🤍 Às 7h pelo Instagram. #satnam #waheguru #eradeaquario #meditação #kundaliniyoga #yogibhajan

4/27/2024, 3:02:37 AM

“Não tente mudar ninguém, limite-se a iluminar, porque é a sua luz que convida o próximo a mudar. Que nestes tempos estranhos quando você escolheu voltar, sua lição de casa, parceiro, não é outra senão “SER”. E se ele passar ao seu lado e estiver dormindo, respeite seu desenvolvimento e seu aparente atraso. Veja com ternura e aceite como é, e deixe continuar marchando de pé. Nao esqueça que ele está seguindo o seu “plano de vida”, aquele que armou sua alma ao preparar sua vinda. E você não pode conseguir que eleve suas vibrações, nem com pressões abertas nem com empurrões sutis, porque existem ciclos na vida que não podem ser forçados, já seu coração um dia vai abrir e você vai entender completamente de forma clara e precisa, que esta vida é apenas uma ilusão passageira ... Você entra no seu próprio silêncio, e de uma maneira suave e silenciosa, deixe sua luz interior. Sua impressão suave e serena produz sua própria ação e espalha sobre as coisas uma inspiração silenciosa. Você não tenta mudar ninguém. Mas sua luz os muda!” (Yogi Bhajan ✨🙏🏼) #kundaliniyoga #yogibhajan #ilumina #satnam #waheguru

4/26/2024, 12:43:29 PM

Meditare e’ connettersi a Tutto. Meditare eleva il se creativo. Pranam Mudra, o Prayer Pose, è uno dei mudra più usati nel Kundalini Yoga. Ogni lezione di Yoga Kundalini inizia con le mani in posa di preghiera, cantando l’Adi Mantra, e si chiude con la canzone “Long Time Sun”, le mani in Pranam. Pranam Mudra bilancia e neutralizza il lato positivo del corpo (destra, sole, maschile) con il lato negativo (sinistra, luna, femminile). È un modo perfetto per portare il sistema umano in armonia e prepararsi a ricevere i benefici del Kundalini Yoga. È un grazioso e umile mudra di supplica, riconoscendo e aprendo il cuore all’Uno. #meditazione #connessionekundaliniyoga #yogibhajan #essereconnessi #universo #tuttouno #pranammudra #preghiera #hardarshanart

4/26/2024, 11:46:51 AM

All functions of the mind are necessary, however, returning to neutral is key to minimal burnout. #meditation #neutral #neutralmind #yogibhajan #mindfulness #yogaforlife #yoga #burnout #mindcontrol #mentalhealth

4/26/2024, 9:23:21 AM

@grow_religion530 @lemontree_hemp @lemontreeorganics @lemontree.farms @storz.bickel @thisisbillgates I'm do not use q tips in your ears? @fda use this then dabs just @ooze.resolution @ooze out of your ears you can easily dab @freezepipe__ @freezepipe.winner don't give up on the future . Mini rig og and @klein_tools @ashley__klein mini coils are nice I used extra from nectar collector it can be used with the ash catcher pro as extra frozen ash catcher. Maybe it's not going to work some may get stuck on the side and for flower or kief?! But I have #Hanuman ice bong you can put the Klein coil in the mouth to cool it off and with double frozen ash catcher I used it to quit tabaco it cooled it to 0 and it doesn't produce resin but it can't really be vaped. Tabaco is on subsidy from the government is free technically and is new age of smokeless and or spitless tabaco shops can get for free like vape juice but you pay for the battery and or service and nicorette inhaler in the future @excision no battery no cloud is crystal 15 mg vape really help you with brain washing and enjoying a clear #CentralChannel it really helps @nimsdai ( #Tulsj #HolyBasil is expectorant not listed on many labels ! ) like not taurine for #ayahuasca definitely not with out @onnit haha @c4energy #onnitalphabrain #OnnitNewmood help make seratonin and dopamine helps mmj work properly with tolerance and dreaming and not be depressed and digestive enzymes help free amino acids for use in medicine and help with pain and regularity and help pro and college sports athletes is a vortex fans need at organic stores.600 mg 5htp a day helps migraines #YogiBhajan says tumeric is for ladies 27 and older it gives me headaches male 34. Thank you May all beings benefit #GarchenRinpoche says when you dedicate the merit from what you do to all beings it multiplies it billions of times rather than limiting it is secret mantra yoga of blessings #SecretMantra #secretmantrayoga is not that you can't say but it is hidden and tested and good to see Empowerments playlist Garchen Buddhist Institute @youtube Omhttps://garchen.net/library-gbi-prayerbooks/

4/26/2024, 8:55:54 AM

🌷🌷𝚓𝚊𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚛𝚒 𝚛𝚊𝚖 🌷🌷 🌸!! ༺ जय श्री राम ༻ !!🌸fhf 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ . . 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ 🚩|| राम हनुमान ||🚩 🚩|| राम हनुमान ||🚩 🚩|| राम हनुमान ||🚩 🚩|| राम हनुमान ||🚩 🚩|| राम हनुमान ||🚩 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ . . . 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ ॐ_____🔱⚜‼ जय श्री राम ‼⚜🔱 _____🙏🏻🙏🏻 ❤️ हनुमान ❤️ 🙏🏻🙏🏻 🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️🕉️ . . ❣️❣️ 𝐒𝐚𝐛 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐡 𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐮𝐦𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚 😇 ❣️❣️ 𝐭𝐮𝐦 𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤 𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐮 𝐤𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚 💪🏻 . . 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔 ~~~~~~🛕 🛕🛕🛕🛕 🛕~~~~~~ ~~~~~🛕 ॐ हं हनुमते नमः 🛕~~~~~~ ~~~~~~🛕 🛕🛕🛕🛕 🛕~~~~~~ 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔 . . 😇😇 𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘➫ @jay_shri_ram_0.1._ 👈🏽. . . . . . . . . . . . . #marutinandan #sankatmochanmahabalihanuman #hanumangarh #hanumanbhakt #ram #jaihanuman #jaishriram . #hanumanvideos #hanumanji #hanumanchalisa #balaji . #sanatandharma #hanumanjanmotsav #hanumanstatus #sanatani #ramayana #bhajan #ayodhyarammandir #hanumandada #bhajansandhya #mahabalihanuman #shriram #jayshreeram . #sankatmochan #shriram #shrikrishna #siyaram #bageshwardhamsarkar #reels #yogibhajan #hanumanbh

4/25/2024, 7:08:29 PM

#victima #maestro #timismo #yogibhajan

4/24/2024, 1:12:44 PM

#KundaliniAwakening #YogiBhajan

4/24/2024, 12:13:13 PM

¡Nos vamos al Solsticio de Verano! ✈️ Con mucho amor y alegría te invitamos a esta experiencia transformadora junto a la Sangath Latina 💗✨ 🤝 Fomentaremos la creación de una hermandad poderosa para exaltar en este viaje de transformación la Luz del Alma 💫 Viajaremos a la cuna Occidental de esta increíble herramienta de transformación llamada Kundalini Yoga & Meditación legada por el SSS Yogi Bhajan 🙏 Conoceremos de cerca la historia de 3HO @3hointernational y nos dispondremos a vivenciar los beneficios de esta práctica junto a la Sangath mundial que se reunirá en las tierras sagradas de Ram Das Puri en Española, Nuevo México 🌅 🫂 Espacios de reflexión grupal: Se realizarán diariamente encuentros grupales para compartir el proceso sanador y liberador de los participantes y la construcción y evaluación de las metas individuales y grupales para la transformación personal ♾️ 🧘 Además: Si te sumas al viaje podrás tomar clases regulares de Kundalini Yoga online o presencial en preparación para ir sintiendo la energía de la consciencia que esta tecnología despierta 🦋 👉 Si sos practicante de Kundalini Yoga, profesor/a o simplemente amante del yoga y la meditación... 👉 Si buscas realizar un viaje transformador... 👉 Si queres conocer la esencia de 3HO, la importancia de las enseñanzas del Sikh Dharma desde sus comienzos en Occidente... ✨ ¡No te pierdas esta oportunidad! ✨ Te esperamos 💕 ~ Har Tirath Kaur Khalsa & Har Prakash Kaur Khalsa ~ @hartirathkaur @harprakashkaurkhalsa 🙌 ¡Reserva tu lugar! 🙌 Solicita toda la info por mail: 💖 [email protected] __________ Fotos del Solsticio de Verano - @3hointernational __________ #kundaliniyoga #yogakundalini #kundalini #yogibhajan #yatra #solsticio #retirodeyoga #retiros

4/23/2024, 2:56:26 PM

5htp @lemontree_hemp @lemontreeorganics @lemontree.farms @grow_religion530 it should be illegal to medicate without the supply for seratonin and dopamine #onnitnewmood #onnitalphabrain #onnittotalguthealth helping be comfortable in general and on hash and edibles or caffeine and breaking down food with enzymes helps with pains in digestion a pro dportstand fans vortex of regularly elimination properly with earths nutrition not sold at some grocery stores but super asprin Tech and makes more amino acids ready and in the age of free form aminos we will use to transform out dna like never before maps__org #PopLockAndDropit to prevent war in the galaxy! #SideFX #BodhiChitta #DreamYoga #SleepingBuddha don't go back to sleep after you wake up to pee #GarchenRinpoche says and #YogiBhajan says allow 3 hours for soup 90 minutes for tea before class ( don't miss important information leaving large class to pee @onnit @aubreymarcus ) tumeric is for ladies 27 and older Yogi Bhajan says it gives me headaches I thought was a migraine but 5htp 600 mg a day 3x helps cure and helps visions #HallowEarth may all beings be reborn in #Dewachen pure land of bliss #WishGrantingChakra may we prevent war peacefully, Tantricy, with #Prostration to/with saints of all religions ( who are all beings been our parents in s past and are ultimately buddhas Garchen Rinpoche says 😭 ) we bow #DreamaaYoga #Clairvoyance hollow earth and Clairvoyance mentioned in Clearing Smoke Offering, who has these visions makes this news? May all beings benefit!

4/23/2024, 1:35:38 AM

"En la Era de Acuario según Yogi Bhajan: Conecta con la Tierra, cultiva la conciencia y vive en armonía." Descubre la sabiduría ancestral para nutrir el alma y proteger nuestro hogar planetario. #YogiBhajan #EraDeAcuario #ConcienciaGlobal 🌍✨

4/22/2024, 8:22:39 PM

Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light. Happy Earth Day! 🥥🌴 #yogibhajan #eatmovemeditatela #earthday

4/22/2024, 6:33:23 PM

5htp @lemontree_hemp @lemontreeorganics @lemontree.farms @grow_religion530 it should be illegal to medicate without the supply for seratonin and dopamine #onnitnewmood #onnitalphabrain #onnittotalguthealth helping be comfortable in general and on hash and edibles or caffeine and breaking down food with enzymes helps with pains in digestion a pro dportstand fans vortex of regularly elimination properly with earths nutrition not sold at some grocery stores but super asprin Tech and makes more amino acids ready and in the age of free form aminos we will use to transform out dna like never before @maps__org #PopLockAndDropit to prevent war in the galaxy! #SideFX #BodhiChitta #DreamYoga #SleepingBuddha don't go back to sleep after you wake up to pee #GarchenRinpoche says and #YogiBhajan says allow 3 hours for soup 90 minutes for tea before class ( don't miss important information leaving large class to pee @onnit @aubreymarcus ) tumeric is for ladies 27 and older Yogi Bhajan says it gives me headaches I thought was a migraine but 5htp 600 mg a day 3x helps cure and helps visions #HallowEarth may all beings be reborn in #Dewachen pure land of bliss #WishGrantingChakra may we prevent war peacefully, Tantricy, with #Prostration to/with saints of all religions ( who are all beings been our parents in s past and are ultimately buddhas Garchen Rinpoche says 😭 ) we bow #DreamaaYoga #Clairvoyance hollow earth and Clairvoyance mentioned in Clearing Smoke Offering, who has these visions makes this news? May all beings benefit!

4/22/2024, 5:21:18 PM

Im energetisch-körperbetonten Yoga spielt das Konzept der Kuṇḍalinī-Energie eine große Rolle. Im Kuṇḍalinīyoga dreht sich alles um die Erweckung dieser mystischen, schöpferischen Energie. Dieses Erwachen wird von einer Erweiterung des Bewusstsein, der Entfaltung neuer Fähigkeiten und übersinnlicher Wahrnehmungen begleitet. Um dieses Erwachen zu fördern wird im Kuṇḍalinīyoga hauptsächlich mit dem Astralkörper gearbeitet. Die feinstofflichen Energie-Kanäle, die Nadis, sollen gereinigt und die Chakren balanciert und geöffnet werden, so dass die Lebensenergien frei fließen kann. Dies fördert einen gesunden, starken, energetisierten und harmonischen Körper und Geist, was wiederum die Voraussetzung ist, um mit der starken Kuṇḍalinī-Energie umzugehen. Das Resultat ist eine Verschmelzung unseres energetischen Pols (Shakti, Kuṇḍalinī) mit unserem Bewusstseins-Pol (Shiva). Jay Ma ॐ namah shivaya Hari ॐ ॐ shanti Dein Tobias #saccidanandayoga #saccidanandayogaausbildung #yogaberlin #berlinyoga #yogainberlin #yogafriedrichshain #yogainfriedrichshain #yogaphilosophie #yogalernen #yogaausbildung #yogalehrerausbildung #kundaliniyoga #kundalini #yogibhajan #kraft #lebensenergie #pranayama #prana #yogaderenergie #vereinigung #spiritualität #spirituell

4/22/2024, 2:28:53 PM

Om @roriongracie I had a vision of #GarchenRinpoche on ten years of cave retreat in #LapChi #Nepal #YeshseTsogyal cave she found building #KhamTibet from visions. He was only eating yogurt like your diet calls for alone, he needs dream yoga medicine @onnit @iceman_hof for fasting and intermittent fasting helps mmj work properly and regularly and helps not be depression all relations need it!like half the earth may need face mask 😷 in sun for cold sores herpes is confused with common cold and not helping you need 15,000 mg free form lysine a day is now vegan available @naturalgrocers some every dish and valtrex western medicine for outbreak and maintenance dose ask your doctor it helps your body do it's job and not have colds all the time like in church @officialviolentfemmes @taoshanumanji Photo #LamaTenzin from Garchen.net and #YogisOfTibet @youtube. Tumeric maybe cause of your headache #YogiBhajan says its for ladies 27 and older I am male 35 and next day it similar to migraines that 600 mg 5htp has been helping with and the Gracie Diet and digestive enzymes many pro sports stars ina health food store voretex that fans need and enjoy. Thankyou may all beings benefit when you dedicate the merit from what you do to all beings it multiplies it billions of times rather than limiting it is secret mantra yoga of blessings not that you can't say but it is hidden and tested and good to see Empowerments playlist on @YouTube Garchen.net and pick up your jacket Scene 2010 karate kid and Pop Lock and Drop it and how to pop lock and drop it video searches how to Preform Full body Prostrations 150before meals every day rest when traveling a hand mantra counter found online or 54 bead mala or rosary wrapped around hand to count. You do all things to prevent war in the galaxy and it makes wonderful exercise for yoga and #CryoTherapy who named it it does help you feel your emotions and bliss like bodhichitta prayers like karate teachers do 100000 of each section and prostrations and 3 and a half year solo retreat or school with no time for retreat! #Khenpo #Kempo #kattaoffer Kata offering represent giving bodhichitta and your guru giving it back. Khempo Karate remains

4/21/2024, 5:39:38 AM

ДЕНЬ ЗЕМЛИ 🌏🌱 ПРАЗДНИЧНАЯ САДХАНА 22 АПРЕЛЯ Дорогие друзья, мы приглашаем вас на праздничную Садхану 22 апреля в Международный День Земли - ОЧНО и ОНЛАЙН ⠀ Каждый осознанный человек знает, что лично он может делать и чего не делать каждый день, чтобы здоровье и благополучие нашей Планеты могло стать хоть чуточку лучше. ⠀ 🌿И есть, по крайней мере, один день в году, когда мы все можем сделать еще немного больше для исцеления Земли и всех живущих на ней. ⠀ 💚В традиции Кундалини Йоги мы направляем энергию исцеления и любви при помощи мантры Ра Ма Да Са Са Сэй Со Ханг. Для усиления проекции и увеличения силы исцеляющего потока мы создадим общий круг и выполним медитацию с этой мантрой. ⠀ ДжапДЖи / крийя /киртан - Александр Михелев, президент Федерации Кундалини Йоги @nam_bhagat ⠀ Практика начинается на рассвете. Рассвет самое мощное время для практики, поскольку обладает естественной энергией Сатвы. Это самое чистое время. Нет ничего лучше для любого йога, чем практика в час амриты - в самые ранние часы. ⠀ Под аккомпанемент живой музыки: гитар, перкуссии, клавиш и ханга, целительная Ра Ма Да Са продлится час. Полностью Садхана идёт 2,5 часа. ⠀ 🌅ОЧНО: 22 апреля 5:00 утра, Москва, м. Китай-Город или Чистые Пруды, ул. Покровка д. 6, клуб "Сат Нам" ⠀ Регистрироваться на очную Садхану не нужно, на просто приходите. ⠀ 🌅Онлайн - РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ, текст мантры и подробности в шапке профиля @kundalini_federation ⠀ 💚Садхана всегда без оплаты, но вы можете по желанию оставить донейшн. ⠀ Создадим общий целительный круг и будем вместе!

4/20/2024, 12:11:39 PM

Kundalini Yoga– Bypass Yoga. The tragedy is that this person doesn't know how idiotic what she is saying is. As a longtime devotee of yogi bhajan, this is how your brain gets programmed when you stop thinking critically. To say that you only want awareness of good things is to set yourself up for disaster. Examples would be 1) Awareness that your so-called spiritual teacher is about to rape you. 2) Awareness that your so-called spiritual teacher's regular emotional and psychological abuse of his students is not healthy. 3) Awareness that when victims of his crimes are telling you that something is wrong, your intuitively know that they are telling the truth. None of these things happened in 3HO because they believe bullshit like this teacher is saying here. Use your Brain. Think Critically. Get Free. #yogibhajan #3HO #3HOEurope #yogateachers #yogateachertraining #meditate #chanting #bypass #cultindoctrination #kundaliniyoga #kundalini #yogafestival #EuropeanYogaFestival #igotout #cult #yogitea

4/20/2024, 4:40:09 AM

🪽 Sadhana nedir.? Bu kararlı bir duadır.. Sadhana kendini zenginleştirmedir. Birini memnun etmek veya bir şey kazanmak için yapılan bir şey değildir. Sadhana, elinizden gelenin en iyisini ortaya çıkarttığınız kişisel bir süreçtir. 🙏🤍🪽 #yogibhajan • What is sadhana? It’s a committed prayer. Sadhana is self-enrichment. It is not something which is done to please somebody or to gain something. Sadhana is a personal process in which you bring out your best. . . #sadhana #kundaliniawakening #kundalinishakti #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniyogaturkiye #yogaeveryday #kundalinirising

4/19/2024, 7:54:33 PM

💜♾️💫KUNDALINI YOGA & MEDITATION TO RECONNECT WITH YOUR INNER WISDOM 🌸♾️🌱 with certified Kundalini yoga teacher and USUI Reiki & Karuna Reiki Master Irina Ananda 🤍🕊🙏🏼 ” We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Yes, We Are! The technology of Kundalini Yoga provide one of the fastest and straightforward paths to reconnect with the Source energy and reignite our passion for life. Through Kundalini Yoga, we can tap into our limitless potential and open ourselves to the infinite experiences life has to offer. This unleashed energy empowers us, fueling our creativity, bravery, and determination to pursue our dreams and lead joyful, healthy lives. Kundalini Yoga facilitates an intimate connection with our infinite self, allowing us to truly understand and trust in our inner guiding light. ✨REIKI SOUND BATH Reiki Sound bath will guide you towards a path of Self-discovery, inner exploration and deep healing all levels of your being. This full-body experience will expand Consciousness, deepen relaxation and restore feelings of peacefulness to nurture the mind ,body and soul. The Alchemy of the Sound Current and invocations of the Universal Energy Compassion -Karuna Reiki will assist us in individual and collective deep processes of integration and realizations. Sat Nam, Irina Ananda 🤍🙏🏼 ☘️via ZOOM - suggested donation -30-40$ ✅ April 19 ✅ Friday ✅ 10:30 am- 12:15 PST ~ RSVP #kundaliniyoga #meditations #yogibhajan #kriya #breathwork #soundbath #karunareiki #soundcurrent #allignment #expansion #letgo #compassion #selflove #realizations #innerguidance #innerwisdom

4/19/2024, 5:28:32 PM

Regardez mon nouveau tutoriel vidéo sur You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-MG3uQd20Y Je vous propose de découvrir ou d'améliorer vos postures assises pour la pratique du yoga ou de la méditation. Dans cette vidéo, nous allons nous intéressé aux deux postures assises les plus utilisées en yoga et en méditation : la position assise en tailleur et la position assise sur les genoux et les talons (position de roche). Grâce à ce tutoriel, vous allez pouvoir découvrir les techniques et des ajustements pour vous asseoir correctement dans ces deux positions, de manière confortable et en forçant le moins possible. Vous pourrez ainsi rester plus de temps assis et pratiquer vos méditations et vos exercices de yoga confortablement sans forcer et vous bénéficierez au maximum des bienfaits des kryas ou des méditations. Ces postures lorsqu'elle sont bien exécutées, avec un bon alignement de la colonne vertébrale du sacrum jusqu'au sommet de la tête, favorisent la concentration et l’apaisement mental. A consommer sans modération. Sat Nam COUSSINS DE YOGA ET MÉDITATION Vous pouvez commander directement en ligne nos cousins réalisés entièrement main, 100% coton, robuste avec housse amovible, lavable à 30°C, remplissage en cosses de sarrasin. Différents modèles et couleurs sont disponibles : coussins de yoga / méditation, coussins pour les genoux ou chevilles, coussins pour les yeux avec huile essentielle. N'hésitez pas à me contacter directement pour plus d'informations et pour passer commandes. https://www.lotusawakenings.com/assoc... Visitez mon site internet https://lotusawakenings.com et découvrez tous les outils nécessaires à votre développement personnel et votre transformation. Révélez-vous à votre plus grand potentiel !!! Merci par avance #yogafrance #kundaliniyoga #coursdeyoga #méditation #méditations #yoga #yogaclasses #bienêtre #bienetre #yogavideos #yogavideo #Kundalini #YogiBhajan #kundaliniawakening #accessoiresyoga #techniquesyoga #yogagratuit

4/19/2024, 10:46:03 AM

Watch my new video tutorial on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPu_MeORpvI I will show you how to improve your sitting postures for the practice of yoga or meditation. In this video, we'll look at the two most commonly used sitting postures in yoga and meditation: the cross-legged sitting position and the rock pose (sitting on knees and heels). Thanks to this tutorial, you'll be able to discover the techniques and adjustments needed to sit correctly in these two positions, comfortably and with as little effort as possible, so you can spend more time sitting and practicing your meditations and yoga exercises comfortably without straining, and get the maximum benefit from your kryas or meditations. When properly executed, with the spine aligned from the sacrum to the top of the head, these postures promote concentration and mental calm. YOGA AND MEDITATION CUSHIONS You can order our entirely handmade, 100% cotton, sturdy cushions with removable covers, washable at 30°C, filled with buckwheat hulls. Various models and colors are available: yoga/meditation cushions, knee or ankle cushions, eye cushions with essential oils. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly for further information or to place an order. https://www.lotusawakenings.com/assoc... Visit my website https://lotusawakenings.com and discover all the tools you need for personal development and transformation. Reveal your greatest potential !!! You can follow me on Instagram and also on Facebook Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lynn_thiry_/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... TO SUPPORT ME: Subscribe, Like my videos, Leave me a comment, Share on social networks Sat Nam #yogafrance #yogapratice #online #onlineclasses #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniyogaforbeginners #kundaliniyogaastaughtbyyogibhajan #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogalifestyles #méditationguidée #meditationpractice #meditationpractice #yogacourse #yogacourses #yogaclass #yogaclasses #meditationguidee #meditationguidance #yoga #yogainspiration #yogainspirations #YogiBhajan #kundalini #FreeYoga #freeonlineyoga #freeyogaclass #freeyogaclasses #freeyogaonline #yogaaccessories

4/19/2024, 10:39:05 AM

LA FELICITÀ È UN DIRITTO DI NASCITA , VIVILO! Happyness is your birthright, live it! Yogi Bhajan #felicità #diritto #nascita #happyness #birthright #yoga #meditazione #yogibhajan #heidi #hardarshanart

4/19/2024, 8:54:37 AM

JAI SHREE RAM🙏🧡❤️💫 @mysterion_ramayn_07 . . . #siyaram #hanumanstatus #marutinandan #sankatmochan #hanumandada #weuttarakhand #yogibhajan #shivshambhu #4

4/18/2024, 5:20:50 PM

Ė attraverso un cuore calmo e aperto, una mente chiara, meditativa e propositiva, che possiamo connettere i Cieli alla Terra e vivere con grazia e nobiltà. Lezioni di kundalini yoga Solo Online su piattaforma Zoom Prima lezione di prova gratuita #kundaliniyogaonline #kundaliniyoga #yoga #ikytaitalia #kundalini #yogalife #yogakundaliniteacher #yogalove #yogibhajan #yogateacher #kundaliniyogalife

4/18/2024, 1:28:03 PM

Official music video (with lots of archival footage) is now up on YouTube. Sometimes a song can be a conversation you haven’t had yet… or never will. When I found out some disturbing truths about the man known as Yogi Bhajan #yogibhajan, I had already been making a quiet departure from my spiritual community. Yet, it wasn’t any less tragic to discover the horrors he had committed in the name of “yoga” and “spirituality”… and to feel some pretty intense guilt for unknowingly spreading this lineage through my music. A lot of internal resolution came to pass, and a lot of healing—most of which having nothing to do with yoga or 3HO at all! Suffice it to say, this whole chapter in my life brought a lot up the surface to be reconned. To paraphrase what I told @gurunischan when she interviewed me on her #uncomfortableconversations podcast, I would make all the same choices again and again, simply because if I hadn’t been part of 3HO, my children wouldn’t be here today. #movingforward #healingwork #newmusic #singersongwriter #musicvideo #lifeisbeautifulanyway

4/18/2024, 2:12:32 AM

Cultivar una mentalidad positiva puede tener un impacto profundo y positivo en todos los aspectos de la vida, desde la salud emocional hasta las relaciones personales y la capacidad para superar desafíos. El Yoga y la meditación es una herramienta poderosa para mejorar el bienestar y encontrar la felicidad en la vida cotidiana. #kundaliniyoga #SandyGururattan #satnamyogaestudio #hathayoga #gong #amoloquehago #pilates #saludybienestar #posturadeyoga #bañodegong #yogibhajan

4/16/2024, 6:00:28 PM

МОДУЛЬ: ПУТЕШЕСТВИЕ В ЖИЗНЬ: КРИЙЯ И САМОИСЦЕЛЕНИЕ 12 - 18 мая 2024 года ⠀ Международный Тренинг Кундалини Йоги: Уровень 2. «Мы готовы выйти за горизонты своей личности и создать жизнь другого уровня». ⠀ 💫Приглашаем всех, кто хочет исследовать новый опыт внутренней свободы и глубины практики. ⠀ Ведущие – Сатьяврати Карта (Франция), Цивилева Светлана, Перевозчикова Наталья, Морозов Иван, Макаров Олег. ⠀ ЧТО БУДЕТ НА МОДУЛЕ: ⠀ 🪐Концепция повышения уровня энергии, расширения, удовлетворенности и завершенности, применяемая в крийях. ⠀ 🪐Динамика 5 таттв в физиологии и метаболизме. ⠀ 🪐Симптомы нарушений энергетических структур и крийи, применяемые для коррекции органов и систем тела (против старения, для мозга, похудения и набора веса и.т.д.). ⠀ 🪐Наад, прана и пранаяма в Кундалини Йоге. ⠀ 🪐Преподавание интенсивных классов и специфических курсов (для зависимых, очищение и пр.). ⠀ 🪐Пища как лекарство. Различие и влияние пищи по цвету, форме и таттвам. ⠀ 🪐Физиология крийи. ⠀ 🪐Практики Исцеления ⠀ ⚡Регистрация www.level-2.amritnam.ru

4/16/2024, 4:35:27 PM

Sadhana is a self-victory, and it is a victory over time and space. Getting up is a victory over time, and doing it is a victory over space. Aquarian Sadhana April 18 5:30am #yogibhajan #sadhana #aquariansadhana #kundaliniyogadubai

4/15/2024, 11:52:07 AM

Il Mantraremo ritorna sempre nella giornata del lunedì. Il mantra di oggi è il mantra curativo del Kundalini Yoga. Traduzione: Ra (Sole) Ma (Luna) Da (Terra) Sa (Totalita’) Sa (Totalita’) Se (Spirito, Energia) So (Manifestazione) Hang (Esperienza dell’Assoluto) Sat Nam Jai Mantra Singh #mantraremo #kundaliniyogamantra #studentsofyogibhajan #kundaliniyogaeurope #yogibhajan

4/15/2024, 10:06:45 AM

Why did the 3HO followers of yogi bhajan tolerate his emotional tirades? In retrospect, yogi bhajan had serious impulse control issues, was erratic and prone to emotional outbursts. Incredibly, although many witnessed this, no one objected to their "spiritual" teacher behaving in this way, since he had planted the notion of being a 'saturn teacher' in their heads. Some of his most prominent students have carried on this perverse legacy. Stories of abuse by current kundalini yoga teachers are rampant. use your brain. think critically. get free. #yogibhajan #3HO #yogitea #kundalini #3HOinternational #yoga #sikhdharmainternational #WhiteTantricYoga #kundaliniyoga #kundaliniresearchinstitute #yogateachers #meditate #chanting #kundalinirising #satnamrasayan #3HOEurope #gurmukhkaurkhalsa #harijiwansingh #tejkaur #gurudevsinghkhalsa #ramainstitute #gurujagat #EuropeanYogaFestival #Festivals #3hoEurope #YogaFestivals #namnidhankaur

4/13/2024, 4:35:44 AM

He's dead, people. He's not vibing on your White Tantric Course. Our sympathies to all who follow a dead guy down a rabbit hole. #yogibhajan #whitetantricyoga #yoga #yogaflow #yogateachers #meditate #conman #duped #3HOinternational #3HOEurope #ludicrous

4/13/2024, 3:20:41 AM

“EL CORAZÓN POR ENCIMA DE LA CABEZA”. Cuando tu alma está fuerte, tú vives a través de tu corazón en lugar de tu cabeza, tu creatividad fluye, simple y pura. Vienes desde un lugar de humildad y creatividad. El kriya Cabeza vs Corazón, trabaja sobre el primer cuerpo sutil: EL ALMA. Este primer cuerpo representa el conflicto o la armonía de lo que dice la MENTE con lo que dice el CORAZÓN. El equilibrio, la integración de estos aspectos forma la Consciencia: el ALMA. Realizaremos la meditación *Equilibrio de mente y corazón hasta el infinito* Esta meditación equilibra la frecuencia y la calidad del centro del corazón. El centro del corazón abre el potencial para la compasión y la humildad. Comunicate al 095 888 434 para solicitar más información. #YogiBhajan #kundalini #laenergiadelcambiodeconsciencia #serinfinito #energiacolectiva #chakras #plexosolar #tercerojo #glandulapineal #alma #yogadelaconsciencia. ¿¿ Te gustaría participar??

4/12/2024, 1:00:56 PM

Today I started my Journey at Kashish Yoga with lighting a candle at the evening Opening Ceremony. We all wore White clothes. Yogi Bhajan suggested trying it to feel the effects on the conscious and subconscious mind. White clothing is believed to strengthen one’s identity and serve as a filter for negative influences from the surrounding world. This is the beginning of the beautiful path towards achieving a Great Dream, to consciously work towards becoming the person YOU want to be. Namaste 🙏🏼 #yogibhajan #kashishyoga #goa #yoginilife🧘🏻‍♀️

4/11/2024, 8:05:33 PM

👳 Conquista tu MENTE y conquistarás el MUNDO.��(Guru Nanak) Guru Nanak es el fundador del sikhismo. ☬ Guru Nanak, es el primero de los diez Gurus humanos que han tenido los sikhs. A Guru Nanak le siguieron nueve Gurus más, que hicieron su contribución para dar forma a esta nueva religión. El décimo y el último Guru humano, Gobind Singh, antes de su muerte nombró el libro sagrado “Guru Granth Sahib”, como el último y permanente Guru de los sikhs. 💚💚💚🙏🏽

4/11/2024, 2:00:12 PM

Boys with long hair. 5 photos don’t miss. First is my role model @tightponytaillover 3 Photos of Sikh boys with long hair. I admire their hair. They haven’t taken blade to their hair since birth. It takes a lot of character to have long hair when it goes against the grain and I am glad he has developed that along with having a great head of hair. Kudos to all of you.” Long hair man. I admire them. I respect their courage to flow against the tide. They are different. Long hair is a gift of god. Long hair men are unique and blessed. #sikh #sikhreligion #hairreligion #cabelo #khalsa #raisingasingh #khalsapanth #khalsaraj #manbuns #longhairboys #achuthanbnair #pelo #sikhboys #longhairreligion #raisingasikhboy #oiledhairbun #blondeboy #punjab #canada #canadasikh #sikh5k #faith #religioushair #cheveux #yogibhajan #saintsoldier #gurukimohar #kesh #namdhari #waheguru

4/11/2024, 1:28:31 PM